integrity Digital Update


integrity Digital Update
Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Volume 19::01
New Integrity Artist
Carlos Whittaker
Worship Leader
Kari Jobe
Free Download
Page 17
Click to read
Her Calling
Page 6
Click to read
Diagnosis: Platform-itis
by Paul Baloche
Page 12
Click to read
Guitar Tutorial from
Lincoln Brewster
Page 8
Click to read
Pray For
Our Mission
“Helping people worldwide experience the manifest presence of God”
We are dedicated and committed to our
mission statement and these Core Values:
Offering excellence to God in all we do
Personal and corporate integrity
Showing respect for the individual
Customer satisfaction
Serving the whole Church worldwide
The stewardship of our resources
Encouraging an innovative culture
Integrity Media is a privately held media communications
company that produces, publishes and distributes Christian
music and related materials that are sold throughout the United
States and in over 160 other countries.
Michael Coleman is the co-founder, president
and CEO of Integrity Media, Inc., a privately
held media/communications company and
the world’s largest independent Christian
music label.
Its corporate offices are located in Mobile, Alabama, with
subsidiary offices in Tennessee and three foreign offices located
in Singapore, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Originally founded as a direct-to-consumer music club in
1987, the company grew into one of Christian music’s biggest
success stories and in the process helped ignite the widespread
popularity of contemporary praise and worship music. Today,
Integrity owns the Integrity Music and INO Records labels, representing artists such as MercyMe, Sara Groves, Kari Jobe, The
Afters, Paul Baloche, Vicky Beeching, Skillet, the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and the GRAMMY Award-winning Israel Houghton.
Together, Integrity Music and INO Records are the top inde-
Please support your local ministry centered on relief for Haiti or
these organizations. Haiti needs your help.
pendent labels in the Christian music marketplace. Their strong
retail presence is due to distribution in both the Christian market
through Provident-Integrity Distribution and the mainstream
market through Columbia/Sony Music Entertainment.
Integrity is committed to providing Christ-centered products
and resources to individuals, families and the Church world-
Red Cross
2 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 3
Paul Baloche…
a Glorious Journey
Paul Baloche:
A Glorious Journey
Kari Jobe:
Her Calling
Lincoln Brewster:
Today Is The Day
Tabernacle Choir
New in 2010
From Integrity
4 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Integrity Music is proud
to bring you our new Integrity Digital Update.
Have fun with it. Flip
through and turn the
pages like a real magazine. This will be a great
way for you to find out
what is happening with
Integrity and for our
team to share stories
with you on where and how we see God moving across the globe.
very believer has signposts for the journey of faith - -
is a testament to his faithfulness and commitment to commu-
uncover our deep need for Him, the moments we expe-
In celebration of Paul’s landmark journey in music and
the day we encounter our Savior, the challenges that
rience God’s faithfulness.
For Paul Baloche, this spiritual journey is marked by songs,
music that has moved from personal touchstones to collective
signposts for millions of believers. Intimate prayers that have
become global anthems.
“Songwriting is a big part of my spiri-
nity – local and global.
ministry, Integrity Music is honored to present Glorious, an all-
new collection of songs that reflect his heart, and his passion
for the Church. As with all of his recordings, Glorious encour-
aged Paul to examine the road so far.
“It’s an excuse and a reason to force my heart to go deeper,
to reach down and say, ‘What do I believe
tual life,” Paul shares. “It helps me go
now? What’s going on in my heart for
deeper with God. It helps me fix my mind
real?’ I don’t want to just say words and
on Jesus, to set my mind on things above.
phrases. So when I sing it, I believe it.”
It keeps my own heart fresh and alive, for
The result is Paul’s trademark blend of
myself, my family, and the Church.”
Your feedback will be a great part of this digital update so please email me
here, or put a short video feedback together and post it on Youtube. Email
me the link and we’ll try to work it in next month’s digital update. Feedback
can be on our worship leaders, songs you sing, products, or even this digital
music, ministry, and message, all interwo-
“When I’m writing songs,” Paul says,
ven with a unifying passion to draw peo-
ship God? Will this help people connect
“Glorious is about the adventure of be-
“I think, ‘Will this help the Church wor-
ple closer to the Savior.
with Him?’ I want to make music that they
ing led by a living, active God,” Paul says.
And the Church has responded. Paul
look behind the mystery, to see the risen
can believe in.”
“It’s about looking beyond the cross, to
is one of the most acclaimed worship art-
Savior. For us to live in the new covenant
ists and songwriters of our time. Winner
idea that Jesus Christ is alive in us. Instead
of two Dove Awards, he has penned ra-
of only looking back 2,000 years, we see the
dio hits such as “Because of Your Love,”
risen Christ now. Learning to be led by His
“Hosanna (Praise Is Rising),” “All The
Earth Will Sing Your Praises,” and “Our
Matt Peterson
the language of His Spirit.”
God Saves,” and written top-ranking CCLI
The songs highlight Paul’s ability to
songs and modern-day classics including
Next month, look for:
• Haiti in healing
versal truths that resonate with every believer. The record’s
worldwide with translations of his songs in Spanish, Korean,
looks back to one of Paul’s most memorable musical signposts,
French, Portuguese and more. It’s a calling he doesn’t take
• Inside look at our new artist Carlos Whittaker
• Integrity Live Events 2009 review and upcoming 2010 events
Nowhere is Paul’s love for the Church more apparent than
To see Integrity music, artists, and projects visit
To shop for ntegrity Music products go to
his own local congregation where he celebrates 20 years as
worship pastor of Community Fellowship in Lindale, Texas. It
Also follow us on Twitter and YouTube.
News Director
Shannon Walker
Managing Editor
Jeff Roberts
Marketing Director
Chris Estes
Art Director
Dan Wilson
Special Designs
Chad Powell, Jamie Rowe
title track suggests another anthem for the church, a song that
“Open the Eyes of My Heart.”
Paul recalls, “My pastor told me that ‘Glorious’ feels like an
answer to ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart.’ That original cry of my
own heart. ‘Glorious’ paints a picture of seeing Jesus for who
He is, as the risen Christ and the living God.”
Listen to tracks from Glorious
(Mouse over song titles to play)
INTEGRITY Digital Update
Matthew Peterson
transform personal revelations into uni-
“Above All,” “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” “Offering” and
“Your Name.” In short, Paul writes songs that the Church sings
• Update from our international offices
Spirit, guided by His Spirit, and to discern
Click to view
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
You Have Saved Us
Just To Be With You
Wonderful God
How Great Is The Love
To The Cross
7. Today Is The Day
8. Shaken
9. We Will Hold On
10. Almighty
11. A New Hallelujah
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 5
Healer video
oung girls dream about becoming lawyers,
her calling
fashion designers, nurses or mothers.
Kari Jobe knew at 10 that she would be a
worship leader.
Raised in a Christian home with a father who
was a traveling minister, Kari
opportunity that caught her off guard. “I thought, ‘Are
you sure? Me be a pastor?’ But once again God was
right on. I saw how God networked my life through
ORU, Christ For The Nations and Dallas Baptist, giving
began singing in church when
A featured worship leader
she was only 3. She remembers
on Gateway Worship projects,
her mother playing worship
Living for You and Wake Up the
World, Kari Jobe recently released
constant tug inside her toward
Gateway Create/Integrity Music.
growing up and even recalls the
her self-titled debut through
worship. “I remember hearing
Kari Jobe features new versions of
a worship song that applied
the popular “Revelation Song,”
perfectly to a family that I knew
“No Sweeter Name” and “My
and I knew then that I wanted to
Beloved” in addition to new
write songs like that for hurting
songs of worship birthed from
people… songs that someone
her life and journals.
could speak to the Lord when
“This album is about hope
they can’t find the words.”
and life; it’s about lifting the
Through high school and
broken off the floor and singing
college, Kari watched God set
love over them,” says Kari. “The
began leading worship
and outward shouting, and it’s
the path before her as she
songs create intimate moments
in various places. She
my hope that these songs find
spent time studying
at Oral Roberts University, Christ For The
Nations and Dallas Baptist University, where
she finished her psychology and Pastoral
Ministries degree. After graduation, she was
hired by the Southlake, Texas-based Gateway
Church (Dallas), her home church of six years. It was an
the broken and lift them to a
place of praise to God for what He’s done.”
“I am moved by people’s lives and stories, and I am
amazed by who God is and who He says that we are.
Music becomes a way to minister to people in times of
trouble, to lead them to the feet of Jesus who can bring
peace, life, hope and healing.”
Listen to tracks from Kari Jobe
6 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
6 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
I’m Singing
Everyone Needs A Little
My Beloved
7. Singing Over Me
8. No Sweeter Name
9. Be Still
10. Sweep Me Away
11. Revelation Song
12. You Are For Me
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
Joseph Vasquez Jan 8
One day walking in the streets of new york
Janette Stafford Jan 24
please pray for a 3month old baby boy who doctors say
he has aggressive cancer tumours all over his tiny body...
please pray for Gods will to be done and complete healing! Thank you so much!
Facebook User Jan 22
Hello..your music just escorts us into the Lords presence...
thank you for the blessing. I am asking for prayer for my
daughter Megan. She loves the happily married
and pregnant now with our first grandchild. She suffers
with all kinds of intolerancies, acne and
just all over malaise. I just ask that the hem of the Lords
garment flow over her...that she be able to reach out in her
spirit to touch it..and be blessed and healed to Jesus’ mighty name...thank you so much for
praying for her...
as a member of a gang as a kid how rebelled against authority and parents. I Told
God I belive In you and i believe there’s
something there But i don’t believe in
religion So In the end of The year Of 08
in the month of November I Gave my life
to Christ.As My sister Took me to a church
where we dont believe in religion But
a relationship with Him.God healed my
heart Took me out of my Drugs and Gangs.I
use to get panic attacks and Only God healed
That phycologist made It worse.God changed my perspective Gave Me Hope.After we encounter his love we are
never the same.Now am growing In him And ama preach
his gospel!And were gonna shake this city for his Glory!!!
Web page added
Facebook User Jan 22
Prayer for the healing of my family which is broken after
my dad’s affair. I call for God’s victory and the devil to take
his hands off my family. Pray that God works to bring conviction to my father and ministering angels. Let there be a
full repentance from my father and complete restoration
of our family. A special prayer for my mom; let her find a
new faith for Jesus each day. Proclaim a miracle in Jesus’
name. Amen.
Dawn Adams Massimini Jan 22
praying for My 12 year old son Joshua who has high functioning Autism.He needs to be healed and set free from
anger, violence and self injury. I am believing that God
can heal and deliver him from these things that torment
him. He has an amazing heart filled with compassion and
I know God has a mighty plan for his life. Please pray for
this area of torment so that he can be free to be all God
called him to be.
(mouse over titles to play)
Click to view
Do you have a prayer request or testimony of healing?
me the tools to not only be a worship leader but a
Jan/Feb 2010
Lauryn Mulliner Dec 8, 2009
When I was a sophomore in high school, I had a lot of
problems with severe migraines behind my right eye & the
pressure from them would make my eye completely swell
shut. I also suffered from severe involuntary movements
that can lead to seizures. The doctors could never tell me
what was wrong. Well, my junior year I went to my first
college weekend @ Oral Roberts University & one
night I was “twitching” pretty bad and a girl that lived
down the hall came in & prayed with me. She
asked if it would be ok if she prayed
with me & it was one of the first
times that anyone had ever asked
to pray with me about this problem.
Since that night, I went 2 years without
involuntary movements. Today, they come
& go, but aren’t nearly as bad as they
used to be. God truly is my healer & I
know that He is yours.
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 7
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 7
Lincoln Brewster
Today Is The Day
incoln Brewster began playing music at a
young age and attained a level of success
The young family flourished in the Bayside community,
chech can be heard on “The Power of Your Name,” a heart-felt
before he was 22 that many musicians never
and he was blessed to be able to fulfill his duties as Worship
plea for the Church to help bring healing to a broken world.
he wanted more than success in this world. Lincoln
In 2000, he released Live to Worship followed by Amazed in
Zschech had recorded her vocals. “She called me from Austra-
reach. But he realized very early in his career that
wanted to play his guitar and
Arts Pastor while also touring and recording with Integrity. 2002, All to You – Live in 2005 and Let The Praises Ring – The
sing songs that would help
Best of Lincoln Brewster in 2006. he wanted his music “to
radio hit when the song “Everlasting God” from Let the Prais-
Born in Fairbanks, Alaska, Lincoln first showed
the same time, his song “Love The Lord” climbed to #3, giving
bring souls closer to Christ...
make a difference.”
Then, in early 2007, Lincoln attained his first #1 Christian
es Ring hit the top of the chart and stayed there for 4 weeks. At
his musical ability at age one and a half, keeping re-
him two songs in the top 20 at the same time. during his mother Cheryl’s band practice. ect that has been hailed by critics as his best effort to date.
markably good time with a pair of broken drumsticks
At the age of 12, he had formed his first band,
His latest album, Today is the Day, is a 10-track studio proj-
The project offers new songs ranging from meditative worship
Lincoln recalls the first time he heard the powerful song after
lia and played it for me over the phone, and by the time it was
done, I was in tears.” While still serving as the Worship Arts Pastor, the Bayside
Church staff support Lincoln as he tours and makes guest ap-
pearances at churches, festivals and events around across the
country. His love for what he does is obvious. When he steps
in front of a room of full of people, he involves the audience
in his music, teaching the songs to them, inviting them to sing
along. He shares his heart like an open book and teaches as
he plays, talking about his personal journey with God and the
ballads to rocking praise such as the title song, which Lincoln
faithfulness he’s found. As one woman put it, “Lincoln’s mu-
positions. He did a few radio commercials and start-
writers include Glenn Packiam of New Life Worship and Mia
bring Christ into a life, one song, just one time and it changes
attending church with his high school sweetheart and
2008, the album has already produced two more radio hits –
Lincoln knows he is blessed. “I’m truly grateful to be able
at a friend’s apartment, Lincoln accepted Jesus Christ
is now spinning off another, “Salvation Is Here.”
“Lincoln and the Missing Links” and by the time he
was 14, he was writing and recording his own com-
co-wrote with Dove Award winner Paul Baloche. Other guest
ed making demos. During this time, Lincoln began
Fieldes of Sydney’s Hillsong Church. Released in the fall of
future wife, Laura. Soon after, while in LA and alone
the title song and the powerful anthem, “God You Reign” and
to do what I do.
In addition to guest songwriters, Lincoln is joined vocally
deserve it, but I
into his heart.
In 1999, Bayside Church near Sacramento hired
Lincoln to head up their music ministry and it was
on Today is the Day by two of Christian music’s top talents –
Grammy Award winner Israel Houghton and renowned Hill-
a perfect fit. Shortly after, Lincoln and Laura started
song worship leader Darlene Zschech. and Liam in 2004.
Brewster,” on the gospel rocker, “Give Him Praise” while Zs-
a family of their own – welcoming sons Levi in 2001
Houghton teams with Lincoln, whom he refers to as “Funky
sic is life-changing. It’s so amazing to see how his music can
I know I don’t
to doing my best
with what God
has put before
Click Lincoln’s amp to buy
Today Is The Day Deluxe Edition
8 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 9
he six-time Grammy Award winning Brooklyn Taber-
nacle Choir had a busy weekend. The ensemble that
recently performed music from their new CD De-
clare Your Name (Integrity Music) on
ABC TV’s “Good Morning America”
marched across the Brooklyn Bridge
into Manhattan this past Saturday in
support of Haitian relief efforts. Aside
from the 300 member choir, over
1,200 other people walked with them
over 1,000 people and raised $80,000 for two daily feeding
programs that the church has supported in Port-au-Prince
and Jacmel for several years. Since the earthquake, one of the
We want to present a
symbol of hope to a
hopeless world.
church’s missionary locations has
been feeding nearly 300 children
daily using leftover supplies and
a propane tank. Last week, the
church sent a ministry team that
included medical and engineering volunteers to survey damages
as they waved purple flags (signifying royalty in the Bible),
and begin repairs on both locations. All of the money raised
benefit concert on Sunday, January 24 to raise money for Hai-
shared the Gospel, sang songs and distributed tickets for a
tian relief efforts.
The following day, the choir held a 3 p.m. concert at
Brooklyn Tabernacle’s Smith Street headquarters that drew
during Sunday’s concert will be used to rebuild these vital
“We want to present a symbol of hope to a hopeless
world,” says Carol Cymbala, director of the Brooklyn Taber-
nacle Choir and wife of the church’s pastor, Jim Cymbala.
Listen to Declare Your Name
(mouse over titles to play)
Order Now at
Click to view
10 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
I’ll Sing Of Your Love
It All Belongs To You
I Was Made To Live For You
Oh The Cross
I Love You
Where Can I Go
In Everything We Give Thanks
8. I Surrender
9. New Jerusalem
10. Helpless
11. Coming Back
12. Wonderful To Me
13. Declare Your Name
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 11
“Our role is to help others worship. Period.
The people that attend my fellowship don’t
want or need a performance. They need
connection—with God and with one
another. ”
Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
Digital Update
Update || 13
your outward, public ministry.
past year I have had the opportunity to
participate in and observe several national
and citywide worship events.
Looking back, I’ve noticed that many of us who share in these
amazing moments are greatly inspired by the nights of worship,
concerts, and performances. We experience high times in the
intense spiritual hunger from the participants, and the skillful
leadership of many of the presenters.
try to impose a concert experience on my 8:30 am service, it falls
time and talents in service to God and His
But when I go back to my local fellowship and inadvertently,
flat. They look at me like “what are you doing?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come back from a
conference pumped and instead of letting
How often do we minister to God in
private? Ideally, worship leading is
publicly modeling what we have been
doing privately.
presence of God with believers from very diverse backgrounds
and traditions, and a powerful sense of community occurs in
such a short time because of several factors. God’s presence,
God Of Wonders (2001)
sincere as you can. We don’t have to be overly sanguine. People
saying goes. But those who will give their
respond best when they sense someone being
themselves. In fact I used to always pray
something like this under my breathe before
people are rare. Jesus asked Peter, “do you
I walked on the platform. “Lord, at the risk of
love me?” Peter replied, “Yes Lord”. Jesus’
being boring, please give me the courage to
reply back, “feed my sheep.”
be ‘who I am in You’– nothing more, nothing
The Lord to give you HIS
experience. But, I’ve come to realize that
that you serve. Before
ways but practicing our ministry to The Lord
to most of our churches on a Sunday
them come to the front of the stage and look
us a long way in distinguishing between
an “un-concert”.
the people who will be sitting there this
that encounter pace itself over time from
the inside out, I end up trying to copy the
the concert experience doesn’t translate
heart for the community
We all battle our insecurities in different
you dismiss your team from rehearsal, have
and praying for the people we serve will take
over the empty seats. Ask them to imagine
performance and effective ministry.
Our role is to help others worship. Period.
coming week and encourage your team to
facilitate a lifelong conversation and sense of
don’t want or need a performance. They
will be showing up in those seats. This is
to facilitate that as best as we can. Let’s break down the invisible
team cultivate God’s heart and love for the
morning. Sunday mornings are more of
The people that attend my fellowship
pray for the individuals and families who
need connection - - with God and with one another. So, our job is
a powerful exercise to help you and your
barrier between “the people on stage” and “the audience”. This is
people you serve.
to their Father, their Savior, and to The Holy Spirit.
toward more of a conversational tone
Sunday mornings but rather calling us to be more authentic and
service. People don’t like being yelled
There are many things that we can do to help us from being
up. Whether you lead fifty people, three
not “American Idol.” This is God’s people singing their prayers
At the end of the day, God is not calling us to perform on
Open The Eyes Of My Heart (2000)
The other aspect of our ministry is Pastoral. Guitar players
and singers are “a dime a dozen’ as the
hundred, or more than a thousand, aim for being as authentic and
more transparent in our times of worship.
in your leading style as you begin your
at, manipulated, or artificially hyped
Let’s determine to finish well by helping
Our role is to help
other people worship. Period.... This
is not “American
community between God and the people He
has called us to serve.
Paul Baloche is regarded as one of the preeminent
worship writers of the contemporary Church, hav-
ing written some of this generation’s most compelling
worship songs, including “Open The Eyes of My
Heart,” “Hosanna,” “Your Name,” “Above All,”
“Offering,” “Our God Saves” and “Because of Your
Love.” His songs are literally sung by millions of
people each week in churches around the world.
infected by our performance culture and as always we find
timeless wisdom in the ancient text of scripture.
There is a priestly model described in 1 Chronicles….as “ministry
Offering Of Worship (2003)
to the Lord”. The Levites didn’t “lead people” in worship but
instead were charged with the task of ‘singing praise to God both
day and night… the temple. They sang to the Invisible God.
A Greater Song (2006)
An audience of One.
How often do we minister to God in private? Ideally, worship
leading is publicly modeling what we have been doing privately.
Our God Saves (2008)
“Practice” worship throughout the week by creating some
alone time with God and by singing songs and prayers to Him.
Often I will go into my church sanctuary by myself or with a
The Writer’s Collection (2008)
few core members of my team and we’ll read scripture out loud,
especially psalms, which is the vocabulary of worship. We’ll
begin to play guitar or keyboard simply to create a worshipful
atmosphere while speaking and singing out psalms and heart felt
Glorious (2009)
prayers. It may feel slightly forced at first, perhaps mechanical,
but if you persist in “showing up” to bless the Lord in private,
you will begin to sense more of His presence and authority in
14 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 15
New in 2010
Integrity Music
Carlos Whittaker
It’s an ironic twist to the usual story, where a worship leader creates a record and then builds an audience. In
Carlos Whittaker’s case, the audience he built from his blog, Ragamuffin Soul (http://www.ragamuffinsoul.
com), is already here, without a single record, tour or interview. As acclaimed producer Jason Ingram put it,
“You have this fan base without any songs. You have fans without any music.”
Now the music has arrived. Music that moves beyond general statements, into specific insights and truths
Whittaker’s own
Dowload Carlos’ full EP on
iTunes here. You can download Carlos Whittaker’s RAIN
IT DOWN free the week of
1/25-30/2010 only.
Download Now
spiritual journey.
British native Vicky Beeching has been involved in
of this mission
early teens, Vicky knew that she wanted to spend
worship ministry since she was a small child. By her
her life helping people connect with God through
Whittaker ’s
Torn between going to University or hitting the
road to start a full-time worship ministry, Vicky de-
with arena-sized
degree. Her studies became the training ground for
cided to attend Oxford where she earned a Theology
sonics. Produced
Vicky Beeching
her songwriting, shaping her mind and taking her
by Ingram, Whittaker’s self-titled EP features
deep into God’s Word. “It’s often said that songwriters are the theologians of our
today’s church. It’s an intriguing hint of things to
are the soundtrack of our lives – so getting good theology into songs is vital.”
April 2010.
Matt Redman, Tim Hughes and Brenton Brown. She also collaborated with JUNO
for God’s quenching presence, and “Jesus Saves,”
nal Hungry, Holy, Surrender and Best of Vineyard projects. She also released two
uplifting songs destined to become anthems for
day as people remember songs far more than sermons,” she says. “Songs literally
come, as Whittaker preps his full-length debut for
During and after Oxford, she continued to lead worship, ministering alongside
Standouts include “Rain It Down,” an epic plea
featuring a soaring chorus, ringing guitars, and a
simple, yet profound, message.
“I’m very comfortable communicating the truth
Award-winning artist Brian Doerksen, writing and performing songs for the semisolo albums, Yesterday, Today & Forever and Painting the Invisible.
Beeching is currently in the studio in her U.S. hometown of San Diego, finishing
up three songs for the EP, which is being produced by upcoming new producer
of Jesus in a way where people are comfortable to
Jonathan MacIntosh (a former guitarist for Tim Hughes, Brenton Brown, Kevin
a microphone in front of me, or I’m meeting with
MacIntosh, the former lead singer for Chasing Furies. The two have written several
receive it,” he says. “Whether I have a guitar, or
Max and more). Beeching also has been collaborating with MacIntosh’s wife, Sarah
of the new songs expected to be on Beeching’s full-length CD debut for Integrity.
“Pastoring and worshipping are the same thing
to me,” he enthuses. “Leading worship is just a piece
John Mark McMillan
of my life. In every area, I think God’s wired me as a
Integrity Music is honored to come alongside this wor-
ship leader, songwriter, and great artist. You may already
Besides, he adds, “People don’t know me as a
be singing some of his songs in your church, like “How
worship leader.”
He Loves” and “Skeleton Bones”. Are you? . In the com-
That’s about to change.
ing months we will unfold the story of John Mark to you.
For now, you can hear it directly from him by visiting his
Pre-Order Carlos’ Full-Length
Album Releasing 4/26/10.
16 | INTEGRITY Digital Update
Jan/Feb 2010
Jan/Feb 2010
blog called The Promenade.
INTEGRITY Digital Update | 17
Integrity’s iWORSHIP Connect
iWorship Connect is a continuation of our very
popular iWorship series. This is a collection of
the top worship songs sung in churches today.
Create a worship experience anytime, anywhere.
CD 2-pack List Price: $13.99
Your Price: $9.97
Brian Doerksen
It’s Time
The Juno award winning artist and
songwriter is back. Bold and fresh, the
sound of this CD is a distinct rock feel.
CD/DVD List Price: $11.99
CD-ROM Digital Songbook also available.
Your Price: $9.97
Israel Houghton
The Power of One
Worship Leader Edition
Israel Houghton’s powerful best selling and Grammy award
nominated album has now been enhanced to include 3
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30 Songs!
desperation band
light up the world
fter four critically-acclaimed albums, the Colorado Springs-
something to touch other lives... what I saw that night was young
a new CD inspired by a student-driven outreach that is
students give all that they had, I started to realize that the best way to
based Desperation Band returns with Light Up The World,
changing the lives of orphans around the world.
Desperation frontman Jon Egan says it all began when a local phi-
lanthropist with a heart for orphans challenged the youth at New Life
people truly worshiping for the first time ever. And, as I watched the
reach a young person in Colorado Springs was to help them reach a
young person in Uganda.”
“It is a story of sacrifice, a story of worship and a story of Jesus at
Church to give $60,000, promising to match their amount. The total
work in a generation,” Egan adds. “This project is prayer and inti-
nors with indigenous churches that build and operate orphan homes.
ers are waiting on a move of God when God is waiting on a move of
would be used by WorldOrphans, an organization that connects do-
The students caught the vision and immediately began work. But
they went far beyond gathering allowance money, with many of the
students taking on odd jobs or second jobs to meet their goal.
Egan recalls the students’ reactions on the night that they present-
ed their donation, which would be used to build four orphan homes
in Uganda and Kenya.
“In the middle of worship, the kids came forward, bringing
macy colliding with compassion and purpose. I think so often believman. We are realizing now more then ever that God’s love and power
is inside us. We have what we need to turn this planet upside down. We just need to act!”
Egan, who is also an associate pastor at New Life, shares the stu-
dents’ story through original art and album liner notes he created for
Light Up The World. Additional information is available at http://
Thanks for reading the first issue of Integrity Digital Update