Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke broj: o4-3s-4-1346
Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke broj: o4-3s-4-1346
BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA I HERCEGOVINE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FEDERACI]A BOSNE FEDERATION OF BOSNTA A'{D HERZEGOVTNA TUZLANSKI (ANTON MINISTARSTVO OBRAZOVANJA,/ NAOBRAZBE, TUZLA KAt{TON MII{ISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE, NAUKE/ZNAI{OSTI, KULTURE I SPORTA/SPORTA Broj: l0/l -38-8268- l6 2016. godine Visokolkolskim ustanovama na podruiju Tuzlanskog kantona Predmet: Ljetna Skora papinskog univerziteta Urbaniana za 20r6.godinu dostavlja se - informacija, Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke, kurture i sporta Tuzranskog kantona zaprimilo je akt od Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke broj: o4-3s-4-1346-i/rc i.&.1,i1J.!oair" u kojem su nas obavijestili da Papinski univerzitet urbaniana o.ganizira Ljetnu skolu ksianstva za grupu od 15 srudenara iz razriiitih zemarja svijera, pripadnika d-gih ."lieij;",- koli u.ei znanje o krSiansrvu i krsiansko.i kulturi. .i ilr. Ljetna skola ie se odr,ati u periodu od 01. do 31.07. 2016. godine Univerziteta u Rimu, a rok za prijave je i I .05.201 6.godi; u Kampusu U prilogu vise informacija za Ljetnu skolu papinskog univerziteta Urbaniana za 2016. godinu. S po5tovanjem! Prilog: Akt Federarnog ministarsfva obrazovanja 22.03.20I6.godine. DOSTAVLJENO: I x Naslovu I x Evidenciji I x Arhivi MYMI i nauke broj: 04-3g-4-1346-r/16 od BOSNA] HERCEGOVINA FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCECOVINE HERZECOVINA BOSMA AI\D FEDERATION OF BOSNIA Ff,DERALNO MINISTARSTVO OBRAZOVANJA I NAUKE FEDf,RALNO MINISTARSTVO OBMZOVANJA I ZNANOSTI Jt:il*.ffi 6oCHA u XEPUEToBHHA ANDHERZEGOVINA OE,EPAIIIIJA f ]:L[fu sr' ! 1':- r"v''ro . 6OCHE H )GPUETOBHHE Broj: 04-384-1 346-1/16 Mostar, 22.03.2016. godine BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Unsko-Sanski kanton Ministarswo obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Posavski kanton Ministarstvo prosvjete, znanosti, kulture i Sporta Tuzlanski kanton Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, nauku, kulturu i sport Zenidko-dobojski kanton Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, nauku, kulturu i sport Bosansko-podrinjski kanton Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, nauku, kulturu i sport Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Hercegovadko-neretvanski kanton Min istarstvo prosvjete, znanosti, kulture i Sporta Zapadnohercegovaiki kanton Min istarsWo prosvjete, znanosti, kulture i Sporta l(anton Sarajevo Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kanton 10 Ministarstvo znanosti, prosvjete, kulture i Sporta PREDMET: Ljetna Skora papinskog univeziteta Urbaniana za 2016. god. dostayra se - informacua, PoStovani, Mt"irlqr:ryq civirnih posrova Bosne i Hercegovine dostaviro je dopis pod br. 09-33-3-513-BA/16 od 15 03.2016. godine s informacijom oa cipins[r Urbaniana organizira Ljetnu skoru kr56anstua za grupu od'15 srudenata i. rr.iieitir' r"rlrj. oi:rliili5iUil., *";i -' -"- iru"t",-prip"i.iix Zele stedi znanje o krSeanstvu ikrscanskoj t<uttuii ;;r;;i"i -- Ljetna Skora 6e se odrzati u oeriodu od 01 . do 31.0r.2016. godine u Kampusu Univeziteta Rimu, a rok za prijave je 3l.OS.2O16. godine. u U prirogu vam dostavriamo nevedni dopis Mcp BiH zaiedno s materijarima koje sadrze detarjne informacije o Ljetnoj Skoti i stipendijami. L"ol oOi".r"l-" prUrw Hlu""":; ovu informacuu udinite dostupnom svim visokoSkorskim ustanovama iz vase S postovanjem, Fol /l r L CA MINISTRICE l"tl I.1"- Petrovie Prilog: kao u tekstu. Mostar, Dr ,T-r,.F, l*I-*rr"srn" 06, rer., i 3ri i;i; e-mail: info@fmon.pov.ba; kabinet:O0no+ s ;;b. gov.ba ;;-;i:A; h,irr;; fi.ti - EOCHA II XEP4ETOBTIHA M uu ucmapc mao qua uJ,tH tl.'y n ocJto 6 a BOSNA I HERCEGOWNA Minislarstvo civilnih poslova ?,il^ Broj : 09-33-3-5 I 3-BA/l 6 Sarajevo, 14.03. 2016. godine bt,x-\ - tb\alc BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA RJPUBLIKA SRPSKA MINISTARSTVO PROSVJETE I KULTURE REPUBLIKE SRPSKE Trg Republike br. l, 78 000 Banja Luka BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO OBRAZOVANJA I NAUKE Dr. Ante Stardevi6a bb, 88 000 Mostar BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA BRdKO DISTRIKT BiH ODJELJENJE ZA OBRAZOVANJE U VLADI BR.KO DISTRIKTA BiH Bulevar mira br. 1,76100 Brdko Distrih BiH PR-EDMET: Ljetna Skola Papinskog univerziteta Urbaniana za 2016. god. - informacija, dostavlja se PoStovani, Ovim putem Vas obavjeStavamo da Papinski univerzitet Urbiniana organizuje Ljetnu Skolu hriSianstva za gnrpu od r5 studenata iz razrii,itih zemalja svijeta, pripadnika drigih ."tigiju, to.li z.l" ste6i manje o hriSianstvu i hri56anskoj kulturi. Ljetna Skola 6e se odrzati u periodu od l. do 31. jula 2016. god., u Kampusu Univerziteta u Rimu, a predavadi ie biti docenti sa papinskog univerziteta. Predavanja 6e se odrZati na engleskom jeziku, u trajanju od ukupno 150 sati (10 ECTS). Univerzitet nudi stipendije koje ukrjuduju besplatna predavanja&urseve, ,.;"s,u; ,;"an"krevetnim sobama i dva obroka dnevno, dok sve ostale tro8kove *ose sami polaznici. ze-lriiave. ie 31. mai o.g.,^a u prilogu dostavljamo Pk Ljetnoj Skoli i stipendijama, lntitr*t Pontificia materijali sa detaljnim informacijama o kao i formuiar za prijavu. -r.cherubini@urbaniana.edu se vrSi slanjem faxa ili e-maila na: Universita Urbaniana), fax: +39 06 69gg9537.- (don Roberto Cherubini, ustanovama skladu kako informaciju udinili dostupnom visoko5kolskim ustanovama i S poitovanjem, - Kao u tekstu (6 strana) / C;prtniipzEii ,V"fu . vevo. ftg Eosne r Hercegovma bt. t. I euTet . .367 33 221 073. 4e2 566 rartO"*r. t 387 sa Jj 22j 074 iz VaSe svojom bi oni Pontificia UniversitA U rbaniana Summer School on Christion Sciences for students from other Religious Traditions Academic Year 20i,6 The maln lnstltutionEl atm of the pontlflcla Unlversltl Urblniana ls programr designed for pastoral care operators who serve (wrth to pfovtde hlgher edueatlon differsnt mrnrstries and eccresial responslbllltles) in areas where the Church is a mlnorlty and other religlons and cultures are dominant. The PUU bolon8s to the Educaflohal Systern ofth" Holy See (Vatlcsn Ctty Statel that is process rntegrated rn the Borognr 60r the guarantee of the European standards of Educatron, rt rs for thrs reason that the puu statutes underrrne the rmportance of promoflng an academrc focus on non-christren curtural and rerlgious contexts, ln oia., that ,rtr,e presence or chrletton thought be public, constont ond u.nlve.tsol the effon of prono ng htgher educatlonq ond .through lostel the knowredge of "non-christran htstoi, cukui ontt retrgtons os we| os the rcrdtion between the doctrtne ol the Chufth ond thei, trialtirrot itrii__ . ls ln thls perspectlve that the PUU is commltted to encourage a higher level of understandlng of present tbe reality of the Church and Christianity ln non-Chrlstlan contexts at,larB€ as part of pUU mlssion. The PUU was establlshad ln 1627, currently it is an lntematlonal str.rdy and research center for people from ov6r 1zo dlfferent countrl0s, representlng the wldest variety of cultures and soclal and religious contexts. rn thrs cultural rearrty, students not onry prepare for the pastoral care commltments that awalt them aher thilr studles, but also have the opportunity to experlence multicultural envlronment. such experrence facflitates a mature attitude op€n to new encounters i and exchanges. Through everyday student [fe, sludents drscover new curtures and apprecrate the gifts that each one enloys. our lectures offer ]personar exchanges amon6 speakers, students and recturers, promoting a frultful dlalogue betiyeen the elements of their own culture and tradl on, I l ln the fight of the Ebove, the purpo5e of tho Summer schoor rs to afiow students of unrverslfies and rns tutrons of HrSher Educatibn from non.chrrsflan ,.ioriiv corntrres to have a study-abroad perlod at the PUU Our proposal Is a program of study assurin8 e flrst hand knowledge of the Cathollc and eccleslal context and an overa[ presentaflol of rts human and rerrgrous varues and concerns for a peacefur cohabitation emong communltl.r'from dlfferent cuttures rctigtons. "na we wlsh to provide an actual unde.ta.nding of the contemporary cathorre worrd in order to form experts from non-chrrstran conte*ts who may overcome posslbre mrsrepresentrtrons and provrde themselves soncrete lnformaflon,bout Chrlsfian i cultu* rrJr.f,r".. ) Moda litles of lmplementatlon The 20LE 1ufimet schoor on chrrstran icrances wrfl be herd durrng the month of Jury (from 1 to 31) at thp PUU and lt rs addressed to a of about 15 students religioui tradlUons, 6roup of different countries from other The courses will be herd rn Engrrsh wrth a totar duraron of 1so hours includrng crasses, semrnar5, gulded tours and meetlngs wlth euthorltstlve representatlves frgm the cultural cathollc world and ecclesiastlcal lostltutions. The PUU offers a "icsrcentrer schQrarshrc to 8 flmited number of forertner stud_ents comrng for abroad whtch includes from July 1n to 31r: ' . Ffee accommodsron rn Sidgre room with servrces rnd board. (food served twrce-a-day in a publlc nrucure), lecturet use ofthe sructures ofthe Universlty (classos, library wl-fl zones, etc..,), Every further expense (vlsa, lnternational trsvel fares, pocket money, local transports, etc...) wlll be at personal charge ofthe Students. The PUU offers arso a lnon-resrdential schorarshro,, to a lrmrted number of forergner itudents ,".r*r.*hich tncluAes from July 1, to 31n: qheady resldent ln Rome, for study or rno.k . lectures, use of the strurtures ofthe Unfuerslty (classes, llbrary wi.fi rones, ete..). Program Courses CSSt001. Outllnes of Theology 2 croditsl [34 hours of frontal lecture] CSS1002, Holy Scriptures (Now Tensment / Old Testamsnt) ? ffedits cSS1003. Anthropolo8l, and Ethtcs 1,75 CSS1004, Chrisuen Art Hlstory (wlth guided vtstrd l credits [34 hoursl [20 hoursl credit [14 hours] CSS1005. church History 2 credlts [30 hours] css1006' Structure and or,anizatron ofthe catho,c church 0,5 credit [g hoursl css1007' rnterre'grous relatrons ofthe cathorrc church (hrstory theotoEy, spirituarrty) 0,75 Total credtt [10 hours] r0 credits [1SO hours of fronta, lecture] lectures wu offer the chrhtrsn point of vrew sccording to the catholrc doctrlnar perspectrve, 'he Durlng the lectures tlm€ wlll be provlded for the lnvesiigation end the confrontatlon for a comparatlve approach with the other rellgion,s perspectlves. Schedule The lectures wlll be glven fiom luly 2nd to gorh according to the followinB tlmetable; Day , _ momtng (A,SO- IZ,JO) afiomoon Monday l€cture lesture Tuesday 16cfurB Isctur€ Wedneaday lcsturo lccture I Cr_edlts_ar! snds (il.OO- 1A.JO) sdcuhted.a.ordinS to the EgnS c/hetla (Eumpeon Crcdlt Transfi ond anunqlolroa Jy$err). one crcdit r.ro*lns'il;:ililra tor about 20 h".;ihdil;il;;ffi;;'ffi,'"tcr Thursday lsctu16 Friday free tlne Salurday guidsd visits freo tlma 6unday lree time free tima IacturB - lndlviduel study lecture - lndivldusl sludy Upon successful completion ofthe summer school a Dlploma will be awarded to each participant lncluding a record of the courses attended, thelr contents and methodology. The aforementloned certtftcatlon ls an official document of the vaflcan state system of Hlgher Educatlon and allows students to transfer credlts to their unlverslty of origln, where permltted. The following Apptication form ror participation ro the 2016 summer sohoor at PUU must be sent (by mair or fax) furflried in ail its paft wirh a copy of the Passport or ldentity Card to the following address witntn Mav 3i.r, zOie: don Roberto Cherublni Pontlficia UniversitA Urbaniana r.cherubini@urbaniana.edu tel, +39 06 69889536 fax +39 06 69889537 ,19r, . H *toi: ,n,r'r,,,,ar4 UNt\',[RSIT,\ URllANh\Ni\ Application form for 2016 Summer School at Pontiflcia Universltir Urbaniana FIrst name Last (famlly) name 0ate of blrth sex: oM Place of birth trF lask for: tr "reslden Nationallty al scholarship,, tr "non-resldential scholarshlp,, Prevlous studles (completed degreu) Actuat acsd€mtcat contacts I declare ' acttrity-f stuOyiillf (".rall, tet./."iilaaa[sr] - to be awsre that: the Ponaficia unlversitr urbanrana Is free to accept or refuse my applcation: rwlr recerve or acceptance or rerusar;iil;; i.* .r,"i ,h; p;.;;;;;;;y ilJfi[i?ffi:r . ln casB of acceptance of,my appllcation for a ,resldenflal ii iri . r pontlflcls scholarship, the UniversttA Urbanlana wlll offe, me irpc fom tutv ,n , ,".ommodetibn In single room wrth servrces and board (food. served='ir..-r-irvl. pruric structure), lectures, use r of the structures ofthe Univeruity (ctassss, ttbrary, wifl'zone{ i1c..,1. ln case of acceptancs of rny appliGtlon ful. "norrestd.ntlal scholarshlp,, the pontiflcla unlversiti urbanlana wtll offer mo frse troi tuly i;; ,i'- iil": lectures, use.of the structures of the Universlty (clases, . -" ltbrary wi-fl z-.^"r, .i.l.l-. Eveo funher expense (vrsi,. rntErnatronrt ir.rui'rur.r, pocket money, rocar transports, etc..,l wlll be at fiy personal charge Signature Date (H.r€wlth attached: copy ofthe passport or tden{ty crrd)