February 2012
~ A Waxhaw Community Newsletter ~ The Village News www.waxhaw.com Town Hall 704-843-2195 ~ Mayor Daune Gardner ~ Commissioners Joyce Blythe Brett Diller Erin Kirkpatrick Sean Poccia Michael Stewart Town Manager Michael McLaurin ~ Town Clerk Bonnie McManus ~ Human Resources Website Administrator Wendy Davenport ~ Director of Planning & Community Development Greg Mahar ~ Planning & Zoning Administrator Lori Oakley ~ Chief Inspector William Whaley ~ Public Services Director Todd Matthews ~ Chief of Police Michael Eiss ~ Chief of Volunteer Fire/Rescue Matt Westover ~ Event Coordinator Lisa Hoffman ~ Tax Collections Ann Sutton Paula Kee VOLUME 17,NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 2012 Friday, April 27, 2012 7 p.m. Race Start Historic Downtown Waxhaw 5K Run 1/2 Mile Fun Run Fitness Walk Register Today! www.waxhawrun.com CMC-Waxhaw Title Sponsor Race Proceeds to Benefit and Rotary Philanthropies CALLING ALL EXHIBITORS Historic Downtown Waxhaw May 12, 2012 10am-6pm May 13, 2012 12pm-6pm Applications www.waxhaw.com Application Deadline April 16, 2012 Contact Waxhaw Events 704-843-2195 ext. 226 events@waxhaw.com 1 2 A Message from the Town Manager It seems that society tends to pick up its pace starting every January 2. One example is that gyms suddenly become full of people embarking on new fitness goals and resolutions. The challenge is to stay the course and not drop off. This month, I want to share some of the goals that we have been working on for some time and assure you that we are trying to stay the course. At its January 10 Board meeting, the Waxhaw Board of Commissioners approved accepting a Deed of Trust for the old Waxhaw water tank. Since its construction in the 1940’s through the 1980’s, the water tank has served the Town in the storing and providing of water. In the 1980’s, the Town agreed to merge its system with Union County and the tank and sliver of land transferred to Union County. At some point, lightning struck the tank and it has been without water and disconnected from the County’s system. In addition to providing water, the water tank has served as a type of lighthouse for the Town. Many people knew that they were almost home when they saw the water tank. It is as much of our downtown as the overhead bridge and our wonderful buildings. Many local photos feature the water tank. Plans are underway to protect and preserve it so that current and future generations will enjoy this symbol of downtown. Another important step was taken on January 10 when the Board of Commissioners agreed to support the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee’s request that $30,000 be appropriated from the David G. Barnes Park Capital Fund to complete the renovation of the old police department. This structure has served the town for many years. Constructed in the 1920s, the building has been used for many things including a health department, hot dog stand, t-shirt shop, and once at the same time a town hall and police department. Several years ago the police department moved out and the building was used as storage. A building not being used will deteriorate quickly, and this was the likely future of this building if a proactive approach had not been taken. For the last two years, we have worked to address drainage and landscaping issues that impact the building’s condition. A historically correct color for the exterior was chosen and done along with other enhancements to protect the exterior of the building. We are now at the final step of interior renovation. Our plans are to completely gut the interior and create a unisex restroom along with a kitchenette. The floor space will be reconfigured to allow for a more open area. We plan to make this space a community space which could be rented for various small gatherings. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is being asked to develop policies and propose rental rates for the facility once it is completed. I am excited and know you will be also. I hope you are having a good year so far. As always, my door is open and you may reach me at 704-843-2195 or mmclaurin@waxhaw.com. Mike McLaurin - Waxhaw Town Manager 3 4 From the Clerk’s Desk Get Involved with Your Town The Town of Waxhaw is still seeking volunteers to serve on the Comprehensive Plan Committee and the Historic Preservation Commission. If you would like to be considered as a committee member, please complete the volunteer application found on the Town website at www.waxhaw.com or stop by Town Clerk Bonnie McManus’ office at Town Hall. For additional information please contact the Clerk’ s Office at 704-843-2195 Ext. 222 or email address: bmcmanus@waxhaw.com. Deadline March 5, 2012 by 5 p.m. Urban Archery Season January 14 - February 18, 2012 The Urban Archery Season extension for the Town of Waxhaw has been approved. Please refer to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission website http://www.ncwildlife.org/ for rules and regulations for hunting or call 919-707-0053 for additional information. Please note that the Town of Waxhaw does not grant permission to hunt on anyone's property and does not list property owners. You may search property owners by the Town's GIS program at http://waxhaw.connectgis.com. Small Town Main Street Meetings The Small Town Main Street Program is committed to downtown revitalization. Come out and join us for our monthly meeting. It is a great way to get involved and learn more about the great things that are happening downtown. Upcoming Meeting Dates: 2/16/2012 3/15/2012 4/19/2012 5/17/2012 6/21/2012 Waxhaw is on the web at www.waxhaw.com www.facebook.com/TownWaxhaw @TownofWaxhaw 5 6 Main Street Grill Grand Reopening Lisa Vigil and Jeff Peters are best friends. Best friends that are now business partners as the new owners of The Main Street Grill in historic downtown Waxhaw. Lisa and Jeff purchased the business the day before Thanksgiving and got to work right away on a plan to expand the restaurant, extend its hours of operation, and add some new menu items. They expanded the restaurant into the former nail salon next to Fuzion Hair Salon. The space includes additional seating, renewed décor, five television screens, and The Ice House Saloon, named after the ice house that used to be located where the restaurant’s outdoor patio seating now sits. Waxhaw residents used to hang out at the ice house so the name has some nostalgia for Josh Gaskey who remains as head chef at the Grill. Lisa and Jeff take that nostalgia to heart because they want The Main Street Grill to be inviting, to be a family hangout just like the ice house was before. As part of its expanded menu, The Main Street Grill will offer its traditional menu items as before, but also daily food specials and menu pairings with good craft beers and wines from The Ice House Saloon. As an example of a pairing, for instance, a BBQ sauce on wings with one of the beers on tap that night would be featured. Jeff plans on featuring many North Carolina wines and beers at the saloon. Jeff and Lisa are no strangers to the restaurant business. Lisa has been involved in customer service and catering, while Jeff’s family owned and operated restaurants while he was growing up. Most recently, Jeff managed operations for a national plastic distribution company. The business partners had been searching for two years to find just the right restaurant to invest in. They never found the right place until now. Being in the right place at the right time brings things together sometimes, and this was one of those instances. Jeff worked with Kevin Wagner at the plastic distribution company. Kevin’s wife is Ann Wagner who is co-owner of Fuzion Hair Salon. They started talking about the possibilities and the rest as they say is now history in the making at The Main Street Grill. Customers who patronized The Main Street Grill before the remodel will be amazed at the transformation of the restaurant’s interior. Head chef Josh Gaskey’s father-in-law, Bobby Cox, did the construction work following plans mainly designed by Jeff with a little décor input from Lisa and fellow customers. The extended hours for The Main Street Grill are: Monday closed Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. serving breakfast until noon The official grand opening and ribbon cutting for the grill will be on Tuesday, February 7 at 2 p.m. Stop in and give Jeff and Lisa and The Main Street Grill crew a big Waxhaw welcome. 7 Spring Baseball, Softball & Soccer Registration is OPEN Baseball 2012 Spring Registration for T-Ball through Majors is open. Waxhaw baseball participates with Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth Baseball and offers programs for players from age 4 to 16. www.waxhawbaseball.org Softball Waxhaw softball focuses on teaching ladies the great game of softball and having fun doing it. Waxhaw softball participates with Babe Ruth Softball and offers programs for players from the age of 7 to 14. T-ball is available for girls ages 5 - 6 years old. www.waxhawsoftball.org Soccer Registration is currently open for Micro, Early Development and Recreational Soccer Programs. www.waxhawsoccer.org Online sign-ups will close on February 29th. The studio is located at 3901 Providence Rd, Waxhaw, NC (beside Dominos Pizza). For more detailed information log onto www.waxhawathletics.org. 8 9 Teaspoons Coffee Shoppe opens on Main Need a cup of coffee? How about an ice cream cone? Or some chocolates? Then come on down to Teaspoons Coffee Shoppe on Main Street in downtown Waxhaw. Coffee, ice cream and chocolates are just a few of the items you’ll find on hand there. Andrea Knowles, owner of Teaspoons, wants to create a social environment where people can just come and hang out, bring their kids in for an ice cream cone, or just sit and chat. Andrea opened Teaspoons on January 21st. “I decided to open here in Waxhaw because of the location on Main Street and the walk-in traffic,” said Andrea, “People still walk the streets in downtown Waxhaw and there are more events here that promote the downtown.” Andrea owned Teaspoons Coffee Shoppe on Franklin Street in Monroe for many years but closed the shop back in 2007. She’s lived in Waxhaw for 17 years. Teaspoons features S&D gourmet coffee. S&D coffee has been roasted right here in North Carolina since 1927 and is found in hotels, restaurants, universities and businesses across the country. Not a coffee fan? There are several tea options as well, like cranberry apple, orange and spice, and chamomile and mint for those needing a little bit of relaxation in a cup. And for the children, there’s FREE gourmet hot chocolate everyday. Try the double fudge or the chocolate graham, or perhaps the artic white. Of course, what’s a hot drink without a scoop of ice cream to coat your insides? Or perhaps a milk shake or blended coffee drink? Teaspoons carries Deluxe brand ice cream made in Mooresville, North Carolina since 1924. Over 24 different flavors are offered including the all-time children’s favorite - birthday cake, as well as others like banana pudding, fudge ripple, cherry vanilla, key lime pie, and for the real coffee lover - deluxe expresso ice cream. There are also sugar free varieties sweetened with Splenda for those watching their weight including almond amaretto and chocolate caramel pecan flavors. Don’t forget the chocolates, please. Remember Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Teaspoons also carries Ms. Chocolates luscious flavors made from the best ingredients and handpicked fruits, nuts, coffee beans and premium quality chocolate. For those good in the kitchen, you’ll find quality baking mixes from The New England Cupboard to bring home including several pancake and muffin mixes, and the Whoopie Pie mix. Now who doesn’t remember a Whoopie Pie from their youth? Anyone? If you don’t, you have to come and buy a package and try them out. Haven’t heard enough about the goodies inside this shop yet? Then take yourself home a variety of canned goodness from jams and salsas to pickles and apple, peach, or pumpkin butter. You’ll even find canned sweet baby beets and sweet baby corn. Oh and one last thing. Looking for a quick lunch? Teaspoons also offers deli sandwiches including BLTs, chicken or tuna salad, club sandwiches and a veggie pita, among others. Salads and soups are also on the menu. With so much to offer, you’ve got to give Teaspoons Coffee Shoppe a try. For a complete menu, and shoppe hours log onto www.teaspoonswaxhaw.com. 10 11 12 CNT Fitness Opens on Providence Road South Serious training for serious athletes. That’s what CNT Fitness and its certified fitness trainers guarantee. One look at these guys and you know they are serious about athletic training. Then add their credentials with over 40 years of fitness experience among them and you can erase any doubt you might have. These guys have designed specific training techniques that help develop athletes to excel in the sport they strive to master. They train athletes on a case-by-case basis beginning with middle school students on up, working with each participant individually to show them how to do each exercise, and why training with a variety of styles or methods will strengthen and improve their overall performance. “We take what athletes go through on the field and apply those same type of movements in a controlled environment,” said Chad Richer. CNT Fitness Team (L-R): Tim Dailey, Chad Richer, Trey McNeil, Nick Richer and Bob VanScoy Chad is one of four involved in this business venture. The venture is a partnership between Tim Dailey, Chad Richer, Nick Richer, and Bob VanScoy. Tim, Chad and Nick are owners and CNT’s personal fitness trainers. Trey McNeil is also on board as a trainer. You’ll notice right away who Bob is. He’s the guy sitting behind the computer or walking around with his tablet in hand. Bob is also president of the Charlotte Lacrosse Foundation (www.charlottelacrosse.org). The Foundation’s goal is to encourage and promote the sport of lacrosse in the Carolinas by removing any obstacles that prevent players from learning and participating in the sport. The Foundation also annually awards the Mike VanScoy Memorial Sportsmanship Award to a youth lacrosse The CNT Prowler Challenge player in the Charlotte area. Training with CNT Fitness includes small group training with no more than four athletes per instructor. The programs are designed to develop strength, power, conditioning, linear and lateral speed, mobility and flexibility, core stability, injury reduction and proper nutrition. In addition, adult group training and boot camps, including CNT Fitness for Moms, are offered. For more information on CNT Fitness log onto www.cntfitness.com. Town Commissioner Brett Diller officially welcomes the CNT Fitness Team to Waxhaw 13 Join us at our next meeting Thursday, February 16 5:30 p.m. CMC Waxhaw Community Room EVERYONE IS WELCOME www.waxhawbusinessassociation.com Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/waxhawbusinessassociation Loyd Pennington, President: loyd@toptenllc.com Diane Grainger 704-243-0186 14 HISTORIC WAXHAW’S OLDEST PUB 113 East No. Main St. ACROSS FROM THE military wall of honor WE’RE KNOWN FOR OUR GREAT SANDWICHES, PANINIS, WRAPS & HOT DOGS BUT YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET! SOUTHSIDERS IS NOW PROUD TO SERVE Entrees & appetizers GREAT BURGERS ♦ GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST SEA FOOD SPECIALS ♦ FRESH CUT FRIES READ WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT OUR EXPANDED MENU. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK SOUTHSIDERS PUBLIC HOUSE 704-243-1325 PLUMBING 704-843-4783 All Your Plumbing Needs Featuring New Construction Remodeling Water Heaters Over 20 Years Experience NC & SC Licensed & Insured Full Line of Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Purifiers Water Softeners Neutralizers Ultra Violet Lights Call Us Today! Harvey and Delia Waddell Master Plumbers 15 16 Summerfield Auto Repair & Service Waxhaw Firestone/Bridgestone “ Your Waxhaw wheel alignment specialist “ 529 N. Broome Street (NC 16) in Waxhaw 704-843-1288 Monday-Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm and Saturdays 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Your Waxhaw area shop for tires, auto repairs, brakes, tune-ups, oil and filter change, AC service, and 30-60-90K services in a clean environment by ASE Certified Technicians Other area Summerfield locations: 234 E. Cama Street Charlotte 704-525-3095 2507 Park Road Charlotte 704-332-6977 2003 Advertisement Rates for The Waxhaw Village News Newsletter MONTHLY AD RATES AND COST Full Page Half Page Large Small Business Card Size 7.5 w x 10.0 h inches 7.5 w x 5.0 h inches 3.75 w x 5.0 h inches 3.5 w x 3.25 h inches 3.5 w x 2.0 h inches $100.00 $ 60.00 $ 35.00 $ 25.00 $ 17.00 DEADLINE Deadline for advertisements is by close of business on the 15th of the prior month. Late submissions may be worked in at the discretion of the editor based on time and space constraints. The editor reserves the right to edit or omit materials. OTHER INFORMATION The Village News is a non-profit Waxhaw community newsletter with a distribution of approximately 1,200 copies. The newsletter is sustained by advertising donations and Town of Waxhaw funding. Advertisements are in black and white in printed copy but shown in color on the www.waxhaw.com website. To inquire about availability of layout services or ad submissions, call Catherine Murphy Mailing Address: Waxhaw Village News Phone: Town Hall: 704-843-2195 x 226 P.O. Box 6 Fax: 704-843-2196 Waxhaw, NC 28173 Email: events@waxhaw.com Lisa Hoffman, Editor Daune Gardner, Mayor Michael McLaurin, Town Manager 17 Town Calendar Monthly Meetings and Special Events Town Board/Public Hearings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Museum of the Waxhaws. Planning Board meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Museum of the Waxhaws. ABC Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month in the small meeting room at Waxhaw Town Hall at 6:00 pm. American Legion Post 208 meets the 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 pm. Info: 704-243-0600 Sons of American Legion meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 8:00 pm American Legion Post 208 Women’s Auxiliary meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 6-7:30 pm. American Legion Post #208 Hall. American Legion Rider’s Club meets 3rd Monday of the Cub Scout Pack 53 meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm (during school year) at Waxhaw United Methodist Church on McDonald Street. Info: Cub Master Bob Denson 704-843-7936 bdenson@windstream.net waxhawpack53@gmail.com Waxhaw Fire Department holds their business meeting at 7:00 pm the 2nd Thursday of each month at the firehouse. Carolina Regional Mustang Club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Captain’s Galley restaurant on Independence Blvd. Info: 704-572-0006 or www.ponytales.org Masonic Lodge 562 meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Masonic Hall on N. Main Street. Info: 704-843-5537 Waxhaw Woodturners meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Info: 704-843-4907 or www.waxhawwoodturners.com/information/ month at 7:00 pm. Community Works of Waxhaw meets the 1st Monday of Waxhaw Police Explorers meet every Wednesday beginning each month at 6:30 pm at Waxhaw Town Hall. January 7th from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Waxhaw Police Info: communitywow@waxhaw.com Department. For more Information, please contact WPD at 704-843-0353. Garden Club of Waxhaw meets the 4th Thursday of each month at different locations. Info: 704-843-5931 Waxhaw-Weddington Sunrise Rotary Club meets Thursdays at 7:30 am at Rippington’s Restaurant. Beautification Committee meets on the first Monday of each Info: 704-618-8087 month at 4:00pm at Town Hall. Waxhaw Women’s Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at The Belk Building on Southeast Main Street. Info: Gayle Eyre 704-975-2144 Autism Society of NC-Union County Chapter meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at Shining Light Baptist Church, 2541 Old Charlotte Hwy, Monroe. www.unioncounty-autism.com or Waxhaw Business Association meets monthly. Location and unioncountyautismsociety@yahoo.com times at www.waxhawbusinessassociation.com. 704-243-7247 Waxhaw Lions Club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Captain’s Galley restaurant. Info: 704-843-5537 or 704-634-1761 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets each Monday at Waxhaw Small Town Main Street meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 6pm-Museum of the Waxhaws. Waxhaw Historic Preservation Commission meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month 6:30pm at the Museum of the Waxhaws. 6:30 Weigh-in, 7 pm Meeting at Bonds Grove Methodist Church Info: 704-843-2735 18 Waxhaw Business Directory *Member of Waxhaw Business Association Accountants Robin C. Bass, MBA Patricia P. Belcourt CPA Porter & Associates CPA, PA Antiques *AAA Appraisal Co. Antiques on Main *The Antique Clock Shop *Waxhaw Antique Mart Art Galleries/ Museums *Eight Legs Gallery *Museum of the Waxhaw's Stewart's Village Gallery Attorneys *Fitzgerald Dwyer Law Firm, P.C. J. Erik Groves Troy A. Smith Auto Repair, Parts, Tires. Gas Advance Auto Parts Aleksandrs’ Automotive Autohaus of Union Autovation Auto Zone Fill Good *Goodyear-Hook Tire & Service *Henn Automotive Kangaroo NAPA Auto Parts Precision Engine S & K Garage and Wrecker Service *S&S Trailer Sales & Repair Shell *Southern Collision Center *Summerfield Auto Repair Banks/Financial Services American Direct Merchant Systems, Inc. American Wealth Management *BB&T Bank Berkeley Wealth Professionals, PLLC Bookkeeping Solutions Unlimited Inc. *Carolina Premier Wealth Management CitiFinancial *Citizens South Bank Edward Jones Fifth Third Bank Hunter Ventures LLC JPH Consulting Group Inc. Jack Gaymon Accounting LPL Financials *Merrill Lynch *Patricia B Belcourt CPA, PA Primerica Financial Services State Employees Credit Union *Stonebridge Financial Group *SunTrust Bank *Terry Haines Financial Services XBS Global Electronic Payment Services Building/Construction/Development *Barbee Concrete, Inc. Brentwood Homes Carolina Group/Cureton Town Center *Cox Schepp Construction Craig Miller Custom Homes *Equity Builders GS Carolina Home Rejuvenation Construction *Hrivnak Construction *Hutchison Home Repair, LLC Johnson Roofing *Kinterra Group LLC *Live Well Homes Overcash-Demmitt Architects *Re3 Properties LLC *Sage Custom Homes, LLC Business Support *Advicoach Apex Management *Bookkeeping Solutions Unlimited *Business Partner of NC SLD Unlimited Carolina Money Saver Cartridge World-Aiello Enterprises *Chronotek *Clearly Carolina Water & Coffee *Client Linker *Creative Plus Even More Storage Fast Signs *James Baker Design Look Charlotte Media Solutions *Red House Media Signature Services Sparq Solutions Spectrum Group Associates Superior Graphics Symbolic Media Services *The Biz Well Corporation *Top Ten Promotions Trabek Print Services *Town of Waxhaw *Union County Chamber of Commerce Waxhaw Shipping & Business Services Child Care/Preschool/Education Academic Coaching and Tutoring Services Bonds Grove United Methodist Church and Preschool Ducklings Child Care Elite Educational Services (All Grade Levels) Hudson’s Childcare 1 and 2 Loving Angels Day Care My Little Angels Sunnyside Up Childcare Waxhaw Child Development Center *Waxhaw United Methodist Church and Children’s Ministry Community Service Organizations *American Legion *Autism Society of NC-UC *CygnetUSA Hospice Services of Western Union Co. *JAARS *Waxhaw Community Vol. Fire Dept. *Waxhaw Woman’s Club *White Oak Manor of Waxhaw Computer Services Blurfacter New Media Symbolic Media Services Counseling Services Dr. Carol Walser, Ph.D. Waxhaw Family Counseling Discount Stores Family Dollar Dollar General Drug Stores CVS Harris Teeter Pharmacy Walgreens Grocery Stores Food Lion Harris Teeter Waxhaw Farmer’s Market Hardware Stores Ace Hardware Lowe’s Home Improvement Health/Fitness/Sports Martial Therapeutic Massage *Massage at the Cabin.com and Kangen Water Massage Envy Reeds Karate Studio *The Orchard Group *Snap Fitness *Waxhaw Athletic Association Waxhaw Yoga-Vicky Smith Winning Awards, LLC WOW Taekwondo Home Services *AAA Appraisal ADT Security Services Biz E. Bee Cabinet Works Elite Enterprise Going Green Home Cleaning Home Rejuvenation Con. Hutchinson Electric & Home Repair Jan-Pro of Charlotte Kelly’s Heating and Air Kim’s Curtains Interiors & Blinds 704-843-7995 www.discoverwaxhaw.com Kleaner Air Technologies, LLC Michelle’s Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance *Mills Cleaners *Outdoor Vinyl Quality Cleaning of Waxhaw Sealing Agents Waterproofing Sherwin Williams Solar Scientific Solutions Southern Outdoor Solutions Inc. T-Dale Lawn & Landscaping The Clutter Consultant The Project Guy Turf Tamer Waxhaw Ceramic Tile and Remodeling Waxhaw Cleaners Waxhaw Window and Gutter Cleaning McDonald’s Ming Fu Moe’s Maxwell’s Tavern Papa John’s Rendini's Pizza & Pasta *Rippington's Rock Store BBQ Southsider’s Public House Stacks Kitchen Subway The Stuffed Olive Wysacky Trading Post Salons Beach Tanning Broome Barbershop Insurance Services Fuzion Hair Design *Aflac GiGi’s Hair Gallery Allstate Insurance Great Clips American Investor Services Hair Play *Greg Kemp Insurance Agency K&E Nails Joe Rogers Agency Insurance & Financial Svcs NoMa Hair and Skin Studio *Medallion Insurance Services Sephora Nails *MetLife Auto & Home, Stuart Rimmer Agency Sun-Stations Tanning Salon & Spa *Waxhaw Insurance Agency Specialty Shops and Businesses Medical/Dental/Vision Acker Coin Shop Brinkley Learning Solution Center *Asia American Corp. CMC-Waxhaw *Bella Dimora Furnishings Carol Beebe Walser, PhD Blue Strada Tours (motorcycle touring & rental) Carolina Dental Center *Bike Depot Carolinas Healthcare System Burch Studios & Furniture Gallery *Carolinas Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab *Charlotte Steeplechase Association Collins Clinic of Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Claudios Watch Repair Hospice Services of Western Union Co. Couick’s Marine *Medical Group of Waxhaw-Carolina Healthcare Creekside Golf New Town Dentistry Custom Ice Skating Apparel Ruocco Family Dentistry Designer Consigner The Center for Weight Management *Divine Custom Frame Company *Waxhaw Family Physicians & Sports Medicine *Gary Forte Woodworking Waxhaw Family Vision Care *Gigi’s Fashions Waxhaw Foot Care *Hometown Hero LLC Young & Polite Children’s Dentistry Library Association of Waxhaw Used Book Store Mortgage Companies *Mind, Body, Spirit NC Advantage Nationwide Mortgage *The Orchard Group-Mona Vie Dover Mortgage Company Rebecca’s Pottery Piedmont Mutual Mortgage Reigning Cats and Dogs Web Mortgage Group Sarvey’s Music Workshop Sassy and Classy Photography/ Printing *Second Chance Boutique by Turning Point *Creative Plus Soundbiz DJ Services Photo Edge Southport Gifts Total Graphic & Signs Stewart’s Village Gallery Studio Forma Flower and Gift Ordering Real Estate Sure Shot Sports *Blue Ribbon Realtors & Business Brokers Sylvia’s Closet Carolina Group/Cureton Town Ctr. *Sweet Repeats Consignment Compass Properties Tangles on Main Farms & Estates Realty The Bead Merchants Mar-Lou LLC Rental Property The Groomery Prestige Properties of the Carolinas The Quilting Nook Remax-Steeplechase Properties *The Storefront Theatre *Wilkinson & Associates Real Estate Treasures Refinished *Wm. Reule & Associates *Union County Music Together Video Works Religious Organizations Walartistry Amazing Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Waxhaw Paint and Supply Bonds Grove United Methodist Church Waxhaw Styling Barber Shop Faith Community Church Waxhaw Tack Exchange Faith Soldiers Word Ministries Winning Awards Five Stones Church Hermon Baptist Church Veterinarians/Animals/Pet Grooming Rehobeth Presbyterian Church A Dog for All Seasons *The Seed Company Bible Translation Brown Dog Enterprises Waxhaw Baptist Church Dedicated to Animals Pet Sitting Waxhaw Bible Church Emory Saddlery Waxhaw Presbyterian Church Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab Waxhaw United Methodist Church The Furry Godmother The Groomery Restaurants/Coffee Shops *McNeely Farms Equestrian Center *Bojangles *Mikulsky’s Pet Bed & Breakfast *Burger King Reigning Cats and Dogs Captain’s Galley Spa 4 Paws Crossroads Coffee House The Country Vet Mobile Veterinary Services Dominos Waxhaw Animal Hospital El Vallarta *Fox's Pizza Den Ice Cream and Pizza Works *Main Street Grill *Mama Lena's 19 20
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