2016.01 English - Santa Ynez Valley Union High School


2016.01 English - Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
“Happy New Year, Mateys!”
SYHS Parent 2 Parent Newsletter—January 2016
M e s s a g e f rom P r i n c i p a l S wa n i tz
Happy New Year Pirate families!
Inside this issue:
Message from the
Winter Formal
Hotline #
ASB Events
Teen Driving Class 5
Guidance Office
Baseball Fundraiser 10
CPR Class
Principal Coffee
Music Dept
Parks & Rec Club
Grades App
SYV Foundation
SYV Transit
Senior Info
Misc Info
Misc Flyers, Maps,
Discounts, info
The return to school after Christmas break signals the beginning of the second semester. After the brief respite of the holidays, teachers will be submitting first semester grades this
week, and they should be arriving in the mail by Friday, January 8. Getting back into a routine after a long time away is difficult for anyone, but returning to school after a break can be
especially difficult for teenagers. You can help your child to get a great start to the semester
by ensuring that he or she returns to regular eating and sleeping habits and by monitoring
school work to be sure your teen doesn’t fall behind academically in the critical first weeks of
the new semester.
On the subject of academics, let me remind you that this spring we will once again be administering the Smarter Balanced Assessment, the new test which replaced the now defunct
Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) tests last year as the primary instrument to assess
student and school performance and progress. The Smarter Balanced Assessment differs in
significant ways from the old STAR test. Four key differences of which you should be aware
are that (1) it is computer-adaptive, meaning that it is administered on a computer and adapts
to student responses to more accurately measure student mastery; (2) it not multiple choice,
including written responses and a variety of other new process-oriented question types made
possible by the fact that it is administered by computer; (3) it only assesses English language
arts and mathematics skills; and (4) it is only administered once during high school, during
the junior year. Last year’s juniors continued the tradition of out-performing the rest of Santa Barbara County’s non-charter public high schools, cementing our position as the best traditional high school in the area. It will be critically important that this year’s juniors rise to the
challenge and raise the bar set by our current seniors to ensure that SYVUHS remains ranked
among the highest-performing schools in the state and nation. You will be hearing more from
me on this in the coming months.
I would like to mention the generosity I observed from our students last month. For as busy
as they are, it never ceases to amaze me that our students take the time to give back so graciously to the community that has given them so much. In December, the Associated Student
Body conducted various drives to make the holiday season happier for under-privileged Valley families. I am inspired by the selflessness of our students and their initiative to reach out
to our community.
Finally, let me share a few additional details about an investigation which occurred before the
break about which many of you are understandably concerned. On December 16, some of
you noticed that there were an unusually high number of Sheriff’s vehicles parked in the circle in front of school. This was because Sheriff’s deputies were investigating the allegation
that several students were planning an act of violence against other students at school at a non
-specific date and time in the future. We first became aware of this at 8:15 AM when a few
courageous students came forward to report their concerns to Vice Principal Haws. Because
he and our School Resource Deputy took the report very seriously and acted promptly, we
were able to quickly and efficiently address the situation with the cooperation of Santa
Barbara County Sheriff's Department. The students allegedly involved were brought to the office within 30 minutes. After
a thorough joint investigation involving both site administration and law enforcement, it was determined that there was not
an imminent threat to campus safety. Santa Ynez High School was never on lockdown, nor was student safety at risk at any
time as the result of the investigation. While the Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney determined that there was no
criminal activity, school rules were certainly broken, and appropriate disciplinary measures are being taken to ensure that
Santa Ynez High School remains a safe, secure learning environment. Because the students are minors and are entitled the
right of privacy, and because disciplinary proceedings are ongoing, I cannot say more at this time; however, I do want to
assure you that I do not take such things lightly and will continue doing everything in my power to keep our students safe
and our campus protected from this or any other threat. So confident am I that this potential threat is averted, if my own
daughter were a high school student, I would have absolutely no hesitation in her being on campus.
In closing, please note that Monday, January 11 is a FLEX Day; students will be dismissed at 12:40. There will also be no
school on Monday, January 18 in recognition of Martin Luther King Junior Day.
I wish you all a pleasant and prosperous 2016. Let’s all hope that the promise of rain is not overstated and that El Niño
brings plenty of storms to quench our thirsty Valley!
Mark Swanitz
Class of 1985
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
CSF is an honors organization for high school students in grades 10 - 12.
Membership is not automatic and application must be made each semester.
Soon, application forms will be available in the student services office or in
Mrs. Slobig’s room, P-6, and will be emailed to PTSA members.
The application, $4.00 dues, and a copy of last semester’s report card must be
turned in to Mrs. Slobig in P-6
no later than Friday, January 29th at 12:00 pm.
If you are a freshman, you are also eligible to join CSF at this time.
Saturday, January 30th
at the Buellton Marriott
Winter Formal Ticket Sales Dates & Prices
Gold Card
No Gold Card
1/25 - 1/26
1/27 - 1/28
*Tickets will NOT be sold at the door*
Dance packets may be picked up in student services, the library,
or room P20. Also, a copy of the packet is at the end of this newsletter
and emailed to PTSA members.
All students must have a completed dance packet with all required
signatures before they may purchase a ticket.
CyberBully Hotline!
In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for
learning, SYVUHS has a CyberBully Hotline.
Students and Parents can text or call this number:
(805) 270-2942
To report information about bullying, harassment, intimidation, drug
and alcohol use, or any other dangerous or illegal activity on campus
through our completely anonymous third-party system
Add this number to your students and your mobile device
ASB Events
Winter Formal, Saturday January 30th
at the Marriott from 8pm-11pm
Raw Talent, Saturday March 12th
at the Solvang Festival Theater.
Show starts at 7pm—ends approx. 10:00pm
(depends on how many acts there are this year)
Jr/Sr Prom, Saturday May 7th
at Hotel Corque, 7:30pm-11:00pm
Themes, ticket prices, etc. will come later.
Openings Available for Start Smart Class
DRVING CLASS for TEENS at the Buellton CHP
The Buellton office of the California Highway Patrol has announced there are openings available for the
next Start Smart classes scheduled for:
Tuesday, February 2, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, March 8, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Anyone who is interested in enrolling their sons or daughters (15-20 years) for this free one time two
hour class can make reservations by calling the Buellton CHP area office at 688-5551.
The classes will be held at the California Highway Patrol office at:
166 Industrial Way, Buellton, CA 93427
Start Smart addresses traffic safety issues that directly affect new drivers in a way no other
program does. Start Smart speaks directly to the newly licensed drivers and their parents/
guardians. Some of the topics of this class include:
· Collision avoidance techniques
· Collision
causing elements
· Driver responsibilities
· Local collision
-Videos emphasizing the necessity to drive responsibly and the consequences
drivers face when they don’t.
For reservations, information or questions please contact the Buellton CHP office at:
(805) 688-5551
GUIDANCE OFFICE—Advance Placement Exams
We hope you have had the opportunity to discuss with your student whether AP exams are the right step in their education. If you would like more information about AP exams, including policies, score reporting, and a student checklist,
please feel free to review the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents— available in the Guidance Office in both English
and Spanish, as well as a PDF version on the webpage listed below. With AP exam registration approaching, we wanted
to give you details about the 2016 AP Exam process on our campus.
Registration begins January 4, 2016
Please register by using our new online registration system by going to:
Here are the important dates for the registration process:
Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 12:00 AM - Registration Begins
Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 11:59 PM - Registrations and payment after this date
will incur a $10 late fee per exam.
Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 12:00 PM - Registration Ends
Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 12:00 PM - Registrations that have not been paid for
will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered.
The dates for AP Exams this year are as follows:
Physics 1
Calculus AB
Physics 2
12:00 pm
Calculus BC
Spanish Lang & Culture
Eng. Language & Comp
Studio Art
Eng. Literature & Comp
U.S. Gov’t & Politics
European History
U.S. History
(Portfolios Due)
*Additional exams are available for courses not offered at SY. See AP Bulletin for dates and times.
# of exams x $106 = your total cost
All exams are $106 each. Students participating in the Free and Reduced Lunch program are eligible for a free reduction and will
be charged $5.00 per exam.
There is no discount for students taking multiple exams, so please plan ahead for that cost.
There is a $15 unused exam fee charged to all students who sign up for a test and then choose not to take it or do not
show up for the exam.
Students electing to take an alternate exam may incur an additional $45 fee. Not all requests can be accommodated; visit
the AP Website for acceptable reasons to take an alternate exam.
Questions: Contact Alisha Holley, Registrar, (805) 688-6487 ext 3208 or aholley@syvuhsd.org
** NEW DATE **
Meetings will be held on a Friday of most
months at 8:30 a.m. in the high school’s
board room.
ptsa—board 2015-2016
President: Anne Christensen
Vice President: Rhoda Johnson
Treasurer: Terry Hannigan
Secretary: Leah Meyer
Historian: Carlene Jones
Membership: Jacque Wagstaffe
Parents are cordially invited to come have
coffee with the Principal, hear his monthly
report, and participate in a
Q & A session.
next meeting date:
january 22, 2016
The next meeting:
Monday, Feb 8, 6:00 PM, Boardroom
Stay Informed ~ Be Involved
The SYHS PTSA is looking for people who would be
interested in being on the board & committees next year!!
Please contact one of the current board members listed above to find out more information .
Welcome to the boneyard, Matey….. aarrrgggh!!
The New Store Building, next to the bleachers, will be completed soon!!!
To make an appointment or any questions, please contact Jacque@impulse.net
Booster Meeting
Wed, Jan 6 at 7pm, Music Room
Questions, Contact Mr. Clarno – cclarno@syvuhsd.org
Feb 5—’Country Night’ & Feb 6—’Rock Night’
Contact John Seaman john.seaman@ehs.ucsb.edu
March 7, Concert Choir to Cal Poly
Mid-year Music Concert, Thursday, Mar 10
Heritage Festival in San Francisco, April 14-17 (Band & Vocal Ensemble)
Spring Concert, Wed, May 4
The SYVUHS Music Boosters Presents Bandemonium Concerts!
Friday, Feb 5, Country Music Night
Cadillac Angels, Dylan Ortega Band, Special Guests
Saturday, Feb 6, Rock Music Night
Ruben Lee Dalton Band, Echo Switch, Stolen Thunder
Doors Open at 6:30pm, Starts at 7:00pm
Santa Ynez High School Little Theater
Tickets: $25 per show or $40 for both shows
Purchase in advance or at the door
Seating First Come
Tickets available from SYHS Music students and Music Booster Parents.
Tickets will be available on 1/14/2016 via Pay Pal at: www.syvmusicboosters.com
Contact John Seaman at john.seaman@ehs.ucsb.edu or jacque@impulse.net
B A N D E M O N I U M I I I — M U S I C F E S T I VA L
The Bandemonium Music Festival will be celebrating its
third anniversary the first weekend in February 2016.
Country Night Friday, February 5th will be featuring the
Cadillac Angels,The Dylan Ortega Band, and Special Guests.
Rock N' Roll Night on Saturday, February 6th will be featuring the
Ruben Lee DaltonBand, EchoSwitch, and Stolen Thunder.
Don't miss this opportunity to see some great live bands while supporting the
High School Music Program.. Tickets are on-sale now.
Tickets will be available on 1/14/2016 via Pay Pal at: www.syvmusicboosters.com
Tickets also available thru the Music Dept and Music Students
Questions? Contact Jacque@impulse.net
Parks & Rec Club
Ski /Snowboard Trip
Saturday, Feb 20
14 years and over
Meet at Buellton Rec Center
Bus trip and lift ticket included.
Come hit the slopes with your skis or snowboard!
Questions Contact Paul Smith: pauls@cityofbuellton.com
or call 688-1086
High School Mountain Bike Riders
We are still recruiting more high school mountain bike riders
for the coming SoCal race season in the spring so
come out and join us on a Saturday ride.
This is a coed sport and we need female riders to be more
competitive with the other schools.
Contact Coach Paul Smith at paul@cityofbuellton.com for more info
about rides and race season.
Winter Athletics will begin in November/early December. Check the website for info. Winter coaches can also be contacted. All athletes need a current physical and participation permit on file. Forms on : www.syvpirates.org / Athletics /Athletic Information
Boys Basketball: Rod Caughell rcaughell@gmail.com
Girls Basketball: Mike Alexander swooshbasketball@gmail.com
Boys Soccer: Rick Joyner surfjoy@comcast.net
Girls Soccer: Rob Cantrell robselect@aol.com
Girls Water Polo: John Connolly jconnolly@syvuhsd.org
Wrestling: Paolo Aglony paoloaglony@yahoo.com
Cheer: Adria Griggs adria44@gmail.com
Ken Fredrickson Athletic Director Santa Ynez HS
805-686-3566 kfredrickson@SYVUHSD.ORG
Susan Gode, Athletic Secretary
805-686-3567 sgode@syvuhsd.org
Jen Croll, Athletic Trainer 805-688-6487 x3381
ON JAN. 4TH AT 2:30PM.
or E-MAIL: popkin@sbceo.org
Pirates Sports and Clubs
Football Banquet
sunday, jan 10
1:30pm old gym
Annual Booster Meeting & Election
Monday, January 11, EP2 at 6:30pm
Seeking volunteers!
Pirate Passes Contact:
Kris Shean:
tshe396@aol.com or 350-2525
Valid until the end July!
Music Department:
Booster Meeting: Wed, Jan 6 at 7pm in
the Music Room. Music Booster Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month
Contact Mr. Clarno
PTSA Meeting
Mon, Feb 8, at 6:00pm, in the Boardroom . Presentation TBA. Contact:
Girls Soccer Boosters:
They are selling Stadium Chairs,
contact Michelle email:
mmglaus@yahoo.com or call 452-0446
Boys Soccer Boosters:
Football Info: www.syvpirates.org /
Activities & Clubs / Football Boosters
anyone interested in being the President
next year, please contact Julie Everett at
Football Boosters:
Pirate Pride!
Pirate Discount Cards for Sale—$50
Contact Kris Shean at 805-350-2525 or
email tshe396@aol.com Over 80 Vendors
New Grades App!
Grades is the best way to check and calculate your grades using the Aeries student information system. No more logging in every time. No more guessing what
happens if you get a certain grade on an assignment. This app answers the question "What do I need to get on that next test?"
Note: You must setup your Pirate Parent/Student Portal before using this app.
--Save Time and Login Once-With Grades, you no longer need to type in your email and password every time
you want to check your grades. Simply enter it once and Grades remembers it and
logs in for you. It'll also never give you that dreaded "You must enable cookies"
--Predict Future Grades-Included is an awesome grade calculator. Instantly see what happens if you get an
85% on that next test. No need to figure out how your grade is calculated or how
the weighting system works -- this app does it for you.
Call for 2016 Nominations
Men, Women & Youth
Nominations are accepted any time up until January 15.
All nominations are anonymous.
This is an opportunity to invite you to nominate a man
or woman whom you believe is worthy of being honored
as an outstanding life-long volunteer.
Additionally, if you feel someone should receive special
recognition for his or her efforts in significantly impacting
programs in the following areas: health and human services, senior citizens, youth, education and cultural activities, we'd like to hear about it!
Since 2013, we have also honored Youth in Service. If
you know a high school student who is doing great volunteer work to improve our community, please nominate
him or her.
Youth Nomination Form: http://www.syvalleyfoundation.org/wp-content/
Man & Woman of the Year Nomination Form: http://
Nomination forms are also at the end of this newsletter or on the website: http://
Safe & Sober Grad Nite May 27, 2016
Check the Daily Bulletin & Guidance
Office often for updated announcements and college and scholarship info:
Treasure Island—Your Future is Golden
Senior email list: contact Jacque to
be added: jacque@impulse.net
Seniors—Dates for Calendar
Jan 20 Grad Nite Meeting, 7pm C-2
Feb 1 - Senior Photos Due to the Yearbook
Senior PDA’s Due to Yearbook
March 2 - FAFSA Due
Jr/Sr Prom - May 7
May - AP Exams
May - Senior Showcase (tentative)
An All Night / All Inclusive Party for all SYHS Seniors the
night after commencement, Friday, May 27. $50 includes
everything!! Scholarships are available! Extra Raffle tickets
for the big prizes if purchase ticket early! All students spin a
wheel and receive a prize! For the big drawings at the end of
the night, they must be present to win; one prize per person.
Lots of entertainment, games, food, prizes, music, black
jack, etc - Held in the transformed Old Gym and surrounding
areas. All arranged and decorated by the Senior Parents &
their friends & family / Sponsored by PTSA
Help of all kinds needed: Parents from ALL grade levels and
people in community are invited to help prepare and also be
there to help that night! Come and see what it is!
It is a memorable evening for the graduates and peace of mind
for the families & our community.
If you would like to learn more, get on the email list to stay
informed or volunteer, You don’t have to be a senior parent
to help! Please contact co-chairs:
Sun, May 15 - Baccalaureate 3:00pm
May - Powder Puff Football
May - Speak Off (tryouts for Grad speech)
Wed, May 18 - Senior Awards
Thu, May 19 - Senior Car Decorating
Shhh, it’s a SURPRISE!! 8am - 9:30am
Kris Shean - tshe396@aol.com
Jacque Wagstaffe - jacque@impulse.net
Next Grad Nite Meeting January 20
Decorating: Peggy Johnson
Thu. May 19 - Senior Night at Magic Mt
Food: Shelly Donahue & Anne Christensen
Fri May 20 - Senior Breakfast in New Gym
Donations: Kathleen Jackson
Tue -Thu May 24, 25 & 26 Final Exams
Prizes: Leah Meyer
Thu May 26 - Mandatory Graduation Practice at 2pm
Fri May 27 - Commencement 4:00pm
Fri May 27 - Safe & Sober Grad Nite
9:30pm— 5:00am
Ticket Sales: Julie Everett & Valerie Fuette
Publicity/Graphics: Sara Loos & Lana Gundry
Entertainment: Kris Shean
Event Volunteer Coordinator: Jennifer Cabrera
Thank you Notes : Helena Avery
Clean up:
SYHS Pirate Revue Yearbook
Buy Now for $85
March 1st the price will go up to $95
Ways to order:
Bring this form and a check to room P17
Send this form and a check by mail to:
syhs yearbook
po box 398
santa ynez ca 93460
Check Instructions:
Make check in the amount of $85 payable to SYHS Yearbook
Make the yearbook check separate from any other school-related checks
Write ‘yearbook’ and student’s first and last name in the memo area of
If you are buying more than one yearbook include all student names
Please Print Clearly
Student’s Last Names
Student’s First Names
Name on Check
Check #
Grade in Sept
Student’s ID #
Senior Portrait Info
Submit a digital photograph (jpg or tiff)
taken in a vertical orientation with the highest
resolution, 300dpi or greater, at the minimum
size of 3" x 5".
Supply an individual image only.
Wear appropriate attire. Refer to school dress
Title your jpg or tiff photo file exactly like
this: lastname_firstname
E-mail photo to yearbook@syvuhsd.org
or deliver on disk to room P17.
Submit ASAP or by February 1st
or we will use your school ID photo.
The page size will be 9 x 12. Ad sizes are 9 x 12 for full page, 9 x 6 for half page,
4.5 x 6 for quarter page, and 4.75 x 3 for eighth of a page. The first number is width and
the second height. The PDAs should be in color unless you really want black and white.
Please email a PDF copy of your ad if you create it yourself.
Email address: yearbook@syvuhsd.org
ALL PDAs (Public Display of Affection advertisements) are
due as Soon as Possible, but, no later than February 1
Page Size
Submitted by you
Made by Yearbook
Full Page
1/2 page
1/4 page
1/8 page
Business Ads in the Yearbook
The page size is 9 x 12. Business ad sizes are 9 x 12 for full page, 9 x 6 for half page,
4.5 x 6 for quarter page, and 2.5 x 3 for eighth page. The first number is width and the
second height. The ad should be in color unless you really want black and white. Please
email a PDF copy of yur ad if you are creating it yourself. Due by Feb 1st. The email
address is: yearbook@syvuhsd.org
Page Size
Submitted by you
Made by Yearbook
Full Page
All Students
Dismissed at
Mon, Jan 11
Mon, Feb 8
Mon, Mar 14
Remember to check
out the Daily Bulletin:
Mon, May 23
January 23
March 5
May 7
June 4
Register at
Free SAT Test Prep! Visit this website for more info:
More Info TBA or contact Guidance Dept
Tue, May 24 - 1,3 & 7
8am—9:55am / 10”20am—12:18pm
7th Tue Only—1:05pm—3:00pm
Jan 18
Wed, May 25—2 & 4
Thu, May 26—5 & 6
Fri, May 27 Graduation 4pm
February 6
Feb 12 & 15
April 9
Mar 28—Apr 1
June 11
May 27
Wed, Jan 13, Junior Parent Meeting, 6pm
Thu, Jan 14, College Financial Aid, 6pm
Register at
Not administered at SYHS
Wed, Jan 20 Grad Nite Parent Mtg, 7pm
Fri, Jan 22, Principal’s Coffee, 8:30am
Tue, Jan 26, Frosh Parent Meeting, 6pm
Thu, Feb 4, Cash for College, 5-8pm
Mon, Feb 8, PTSA Meeting, 6pm
Wed, Feb TBA, Grad Nite Parent Mtg, 7pm
Tue, Feb 23, 8th Gr Parent Mtg, ENG 6pm
Thu, Feb 25 8th Gr Parent Mtg, SPAN 6pm
Tutorial Services
(Guidance Office Tab www.syvpirates.org)
Wednesday Evening, SYHS Library, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m
Daily: check for times and locations
Private Tutoring: list on the website: SYHS Guidance Office. Private tutoring fees will be arranged on an individual basis with
the tutor. A list of adult tutors with subject competency and contact
Wed, Apr 6, Open House
Mon, Apr 11, PTSA Meeting, 6pm
Wed, May 18, Senior Awards
Attendance Phone Number: 688-6487 ext. 3238
Student Service Phone Number: 688-6487 ext. 3225
1 Happy New Year!!
FAFSA Registration opens *
1 Senior Photos & PDA’s due
REMINDER: Senior Portraits and
PDA’s Due to Yearbook by Feb 1st
4 School Starts
2 Smart Start Driving Class 6-8*
3 Music Booster Meeting, 7pm
4 Cash for College, 5-8pm
4 Boys Tennis Begins
4 AP Exams on-line Registration opens
6 Music Booster Meeting, 7pm
6 1st Semester Grades mailed
10 Football Banquet, 1:30pm Old Gym
11 Flex Day—all dismissed at 12:40pm
11 Football Booster Mtg/Election, 6:30pm
13 Junior Parent Meeting,6pm
Little Theater
14 College Financial Aid Meeting,6pm
15 SYV Foundation Nomination Deadline *
18 No School
Library *
5 HER Life Event @ SBCC *
5 Country Music Night
Little Theater
6 Rock Music Night
Little Theater
6 ACT Test *
8 Flex Day-all dismissed at 12:40
8 PTSA Assoc Mtg, 6pm
12-15 No School
20 OLA Rose Sales begin
20 Grad Nite Meeting, 7pm C-2 *
17 Grad Nite Meeting, 7pm C-2
21 Baseball Fundraiser at Terravant
20 Rec Club Ski/Snowboard Trip *
22 Principal’s Coffee, 8:30am Boardroom
24 Teen Court, Solvang *
23 SAT test *
23 CPR Class at Buellton Rec *
Little Theater
27 Teen Court, Solvang *
29 CSF Applications due by 12n
30 Winter Formal, 8-11pm, Marriott
31 SB Scholarship Foundation Applications Due *
* not affiliated with SYHS
25 8th Grade Parent Mtg (Sp)
25-30 SYHS Spirit Week
26 Freshman Parent Mtg,6pm
23 8th Grade Parent Mtg (Eng) New
25 Last to Register AP Exams
without a late fee
TBA Pick up Local Scholarship Packets in Guidance Office
Mar 1 Yearbook Price Increases on
March 1st ($85 to $95)
Tutorial Services
Students have several opportunities to receive tutoring help.
Wednesday Evenings
SYHS Library
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Tutorial information is posted on the high school
website: www.syvpirates.org
click on: Our School / Guidance / Tutoring
Daily Schedule:
See page next of the newsletter. Posted in classrooms. OnWebsite
Private Tutoring:
Private tutoring fees are arranged on an individual basis with the
tutor. A list of adult tutors with subject competency and contact
information is on the website www.syvpiates.org in the guidance
section under tutoring.
Now Open!
T h e P i ra t e G e n i u s B a r i s n o w
open for staff and students.
G e n i u s e s w i l l b e a va i l a b l e
Before school
Break (9:40AM-10:00AM)
Lunch (11:40AM-12:15PM)
After School (2:00PM-3:00PM) and by appointment.
We w i l l b e p r o v i d i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g s e r v i c e s :
Computer / Device Repair and Service
User Training
Technical Advice
Please remember that the students offering these
s e r v i c e s , t h e P i ra t e G e n i u s e s , a r e l e a r n i n g b o t h
computer repair and customer service.
When bringing in your device for service, please
remember to backup your data, and that you understand
t h a t y o u a r e a s s u m i n g t h e r i s k o f a n y d a m a g e t h a t m ay
h a p p e n w h i l e i t ' s u n d e r o u r c a r e . A l s o, p l e a s e b r i n g i n
a n y p o w e r c h a r g e r s a n d h av e y o u r a d m i n i s t ra t o r p a s s w o r d
for your device.
To c o n t a c t t h e P i ra t e G e n i u s B a r f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t o r
t ra i n i n g , p l e a s e e m a i l u s a t :
p i ra t e g e n i u s b a r @ s y v u h s d . o r g
Teen Court Dress Code for Court
As a Teen Court defendant or juror, you are representing yourself
and the program. Being this you must dress appropriately at Court.
Boys must wear a collared shirt (if not you will have to stay and not get credit for the
Girls-Halter tops, spaghetti straps, low cut tops, see-through clothing and bare midriffs
are prohibited
Clothes must conceal undergarments at all times(sagging pants and low rise jeans are
not permitted)
No jeans with rips or holes and no sweatpants or gym shorts are allowed
Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
No slippers or flip flops allowed (open toed shoes or sandals that have a back are permitted)
No Clothing may be worn that bears writing or pictures that are crude, vulgar, profane,
or sexually suggestive
No sports jerseys
No Hoodies to be worn during court.
No visible tattoos showing.
No gang-related clothing (bandanas, gloves, affiliations with area codes, numbers or
No clothing that promotes drug, alcohol, violence or hatred
Hats/beanies should not be brought to Court
You will not be allowed to participate as a Bailiff and earn community service
if you are not dressed appropriately.
Please contact staff if you have any questions about your appearance.
Santa Maria & Lompoc Teen Court
Description of Educational Programs / Counseling Services
All educational classes are one time and two hours in length (4:00-6:00pm) with a cost of $50.
Crime Awareness Class
This educational workshop addresses legal, social, and personal consequences for committing a criminal offense. Participants examine the victim’s perspective pertaining to their actions involved in a crime. They explore how they create a victim of their family, as well as
the victim of the crime. They also receive a visual tour of Santa Barbara and San Luis
Obispo County Juvenile Hall’s and Los Prietos Boys Camp.
Conflict Resolution Class
The Conflict Resolution Class seeks to help students better understand the nature and dynamics of conflict so they can begin to see that violence is not their only option in response to conflict. Learning the skills of active listening, oral expression, critical thinking
can empower students to solve everyday problems with friends, with parents, with teachers and in their communities. The topics of sexual harassment, bullying and school violence are also addressed.
Alcohol and Drug Education Class
The Alcohol and Drug Education Class is a workshop that educates teens about substance
abuse and the long and short term effects of these substances. Participants discuss the
topic of alcohol and drug use in a structured and supportive environment.
Life Choices Class
This class addresses value clarification, goal setting, and decision-making. Through class
discussion and individual assignments, participants explore the topics of self-worth and
identity, individualism and individual responsibility, motivation and moral courage.
Peer Relationship Workshop
Workshop addresses the perception of how you are viewed by the individuals you associate with and how you should choose your friends. The workshop discusses the down side
of gangs and how these gangs impact the individual, family and community.
Traffic Awareness *This does not meet requirement for traffic school or to obtain drivers
Help teens identify dangerous driving situations that put teens at risk of being involved in a
traffic accident. The goal is to teach teens how to make safe and responsible driving decisions as drivers and passengers. The class uses guest speakers, videos, and a presentation
by Santa Maria Police Departments Traffic Division.
All Group Sessions run for Six consecutive weeks with a cost of $150.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Groups (Tuesday’s for boys, Friday’s for girls)
The topics covered are Drug Education, Addiction, Stressors &Triggers, Stages of Intoxication, Refusal Skills and guest speakers talking about their experiences and the criminal and
social effects of drug use. The facilitator shares his or her experience, hope, and knowledge
with the participants and encourages them to share their own experiences. Participants
will be randomly tested.
Young Woman’s Leadership Groups (Wednesday’s 4:00-5:00pm)
The purpose of this group is to provide girls with the opportunity to grow and develop the
skills necessary to become independent leaders, enabling them to make healthier and
more positive choices in their lives. The group is based upon lesson plans and demands
active participation from each and every girl. It is the facilitator’s goal at the completion of
every session that the girls leave with information they can immediately apply to their daily lives.
A sliding fee is available to assist with payment. Payment arrangements must be made
prior to class date. No student is turned away due to inability to pay.
Access Your Student Windows
Desktop From The Cloud
Available from 7:30am—4:00pm
in room L-5 each day.
SYHS now allows students to access their
school Windows desktop from anywhere just
using a web browser*. With the power of
VMware, students can access their Windows
7 desktop running Microsoft Office 2013 all
from the cloud. Students have the ability to
access the same Windows desktop they have
at school where they can create, continue,
complete, and print projects. Access to your
Windows desktop is limited to school work
only. Any abuse will result in suspension of
your account.
The student resource specialist, Hector Garcia.
All students are welcome before school,
after school and during school nutrition and
lunch breaks.
Download The
More Info: www.syvpirates.org >
Technology > Student Desktop
Pirate News on
Watch the student version of Pirate
News—on YouTube! !
www.syvpirates.org / Our School / Pirate News
Board of Education
Jan Clevenger, President (term expires Nov 30, 2018)
Kyle Abello, Clerk (term expires Nov 30, 2018)
Jerry Swanitz (term expires Nov 30, 2018)
Bruce Porter (term expires Nov 30, 2016)
Christine Burtness (term expires Nov 30, 2016)
SYHS District Web Site: http://www.syvpirates.org/Domain/1
The board’s regularly scheduled meetings are usually on the third Tuesday of each month. The regularly
scheduled meetings begin at 3:00 p.m., Board Room, Administration Office, Santa Ynez Valley Union
High School, 2975 East Highway 246 Santa Ynez, CA 93460.
Members of the public may place items of district concern on the Board agenda by contacting the Superintendent in writing at least 10 days prior to the next regular meeting. Members of the public are
encouraged to submit comments in writing to: PO Box 398, Santa Ynez CA 93460
Stay current on info:
* Daily Bulletin and Headlines
View the P2P Newsletter
Check the Guidance Department Section
under Our School
Look up Activities, Clubs and Athletics
Sign up for the Parent Portal to track grades
& attendance.
Look up Faculty pages and contact info
Info for the District: click on the ‘District
Home’ in the upper left
Santa Ynez High School students have
access to OneDrive for Business by Microsoft. Create reports and presentations
with online applications you know and
trust. Includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
and Outlook. Work with your classmates
online and see each other's changes in real-time with OneDrive for Business. No
more e-mailing outdated versions back
and forth. In addition, every student has
an e-mail account within OneDrive for
Student Services/Vice-Principal’s Office
We appreciate all the efforts of students, staff and parents in making this year
a meaningful, memorable and successful time of learning and growing for our
school community.
School Spirit Campaign: We have been actively involved this year with ASB
Director Greg Wolf, ASB students and ASB Accounting Assistant Susan Gode to
provide greater opportunities for SYHS supporters to show school spirit more
outwardly and often. This year the entire freshman class, ASB group, football
team and cheerleader squad has been taught and rehearsed our school’s historic
Alma Mater. We began a new tradition of singing our song with our school supporters following each home football game this year with great success. There is
also a new student section at the football games that was sponsored by ASB.
Students and staff also are encouraged to wear Pirate black and orange dress
each Friday of the school year. More activities will be forthcoming including another Spirit Week January 25-January 30th culminating in the Winter Formal
Dance to be held at the Marriott Hotel Sat. January 30th. It’s a great time to be
a Pirate.
Punctuality Campaign: It’s important for all students to arrive in a timely manner to their classes and activities. The great majority of our students do a remarkable job arriving to school on time. We are intervening with students who
habitually arrive late to class and are conducting tardy sweeps on a regular basis to encourage punctual behavior. We thank everyone for their work and efforts to set an excellent standard of punctuality for our talented students.
School Dress: Almost all of our students dress appropriately for school and we
recognize their significant efforts to show respect for our staff, students and
learning by how they outfit themselves for school activities. We have become increasingly concerned about a small number of students who dress inappropriately for our learning environment. For this reason please refer to the standards listed below related to our school dress code:
Dress Code:
Students reflect how they feel about themselves, others, learning and SYHS by
how they dress and groom themselves. Dress and grooming for students should be
modest, neat, clean and non-disruptive. This reflects the personal dignity and integrity of our students and enhances the learning environment of the school. This
is part of our high expectations for them. Students wearing inappropriate attire
will be asked to make changes immediately. They will call home, if needed, for a
change of clothing. They may have to wear PE shirts/pants for the remainder of
the day if other options are not available. The following standards apply for all
All blouses, shirts, and dresses must have straps (wearing an additional sweater or shirt is appropriate). Spaghetti straps are discouraged, but allowed.
No Short-shorts or super short dresses or skirts. As a rule, all hem lines should
be at least two inches below the fingertips when arms are at the side.
All clothing must completely cover the mid-section and entire bottom. Pants
should fit and be worn around the waist.
Wearing clothing that is unduly revealing is unacceptable, such as see-thru
clothing, clothing in which undergarments are visible, or garments that are backless or mesh. Students may not wear bagging or low-rise pants that allow underwear to be exposed.
No garments that promote or advertise the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, or violence are permitted. Clothing that promotes gang behavior, features
vulgar or sexual words, pictures or drawings, or has derogatory language regarding a person’s ethnic background, national origin, religious belief, gender, sexual
orientation or disability is unacceptable and will not be permitted.
We wish you all a happy new year and are looking forward more high achievement and excellent performances from our students and school community during
our second semester!
All Ways Forward Pirates!
Peter Haws
SY Football Boosters
Pirate Savings Card
Pirate Savings Card are available, only $50
Cards will provide you with discounts at over
80 merchants throughout the valley
(Merchant List on P2P newsletter pages: 39-41)
Savings card is good for one year,
August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016
Purchase Pirate Savings Cards from
SYHS Football Boosters or Contact:
Josh McClurg – 688-6487 x3228
Kris Shean – 350-2525 or tshe396@aol.com
Jacque Wagstaffe– Jacque@impulse.net or 895-8556
Cards can also be purchased at:
Nielsen’s Market, El Rancho Market,
Harrison Hardware & the Home Connection
Pirate Pass Discount Savings Card 2015
$50 Cash or Checks to SYHS Football Boosters
Valid Aug 1, 2015– July 31, 2016
List of Merchants
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
1. A. ART KASLOW, DDS – Free Exam & X-Rays! 10% off treatment. Call 688-2269
2. ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS - 10% off oil change. $49.95 Smog Certificate (models newer than 1996)
3. ALFRESCO PICNIC in Buellton - $1.00 off any Sandwich or Salad, Monday-Wednesday, 225 McMurray Rd, 245-2864
4. ANTONIO'S PIZZA – Small, two topping pizza, plus two dinner salads for $19.99 (Dine in Only!) Not available for take-out or delivery.
5. ASCEND ACUPUNCTURE – 20% off New Patient Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment, (cannot be used with Insurance) 8951164
6. AVANT TAPAS & WINE – 15% off food and wine
7. BACK AT THE RANCH - 10% off purchase, Wednesday only, Excludes furniture & lighting
8. BACON & BRINE – 10% off weekdays
9. BRENT & JEFF'S FLOORING - 5% off new flooring at time of purchase, Cardholder Only
10. BUELLTON GARAGE - $5.00 off any oil change. Cannot be combined with other offers. Call for an appt: 688-3444
11. BUELLTON REC CENTER – 50% off $30-30 day All Access Card, Never Any Contract! Never Membership Fee. Offer valid one
per Pirate Pass. Does not apply to A La Carte classes. buelltonrec.com
12. BY FAITH MASSAGE - $10 off of any therapy. Specializing in Raindrop, Pre-natal, Scrubs & Emotional Release. Call for your appointment 350-1311
13. CALIFORNIA TACOS – 10% off everything (excluding $6 menu and alcohol)
14. CESAR'S AUTO DETAILING - $20 off any full detail; $10 off Wash & Wax on Wednesdays
15. CHRISTINE PHOTOGRAPHY - Free 1 portrait session at our Ballard studio for your child, pet or family. M -TH (one time only) call
for appointment 688-1025
16. COAST AUTO SALES - $100.00 discount on any vehicle in stock (ask for Tom Shean) 688-0755
17. COFFEE CABIN - 10% off all drinks
18. DANIEL GEHRS WINES, Los Olivos – Buy One Full Tasting, Get One Free, 21 and older
19. DELLAVALLE EMBROIDERY – 50% off Custom Logo Setup with first order. 10% off Garment/Embroidery orders. 10% off Custom
Letterman Jacket. 693-9922
20. DESIGN ALTERNATIVES – 10% Off on Tuesday
21. DR. J’s BIKE SHOP – 15% off purchases up to $250. Excludes bicycles and Oakley Sunglasses. Valid Tuesdays only to cardholders, not combined with other discounts.
23. EL RANCHO MARKETPLACE – Weekends Only (Saturday & Sunday). $1 off one coffee drink or half off one brewed coffee, per
Cardholder, per day
24. FIGUEROA MOUNTAIN BREWING CO. - 15% off drinks and merchandise. Buellton and Los Olivos Taprooms
25. FINE WOOD INTERIORS - 10% up to $100 off any new wood floor, re-sand or re-coat. Free estimates.
26. FIRESTONE WALKER BREWING CO. – “10% off Lunch, M-TH. Buellton Taproom. Cardholder and one guest.”
27. FIRST BANK - Free small safe deposit box for 1 year when you open any new First Bank checking account (Solvang branch only)
28. FITZPATRICK’S TAVERN – 10% off food items, exclusive of alcohol. For cardholder only.
29. FONTES AND PHILLIPS WINES – 2 for 1 Wine Tasting, free BBQ sauce or jam with 3 bottle purchase.
30. FRESCO VALLEY CAFÉ - Mon-Tues-Weds 10% off. Does not include beer or wine. One discount per order.
31. GINO'S PIZZA - 10% off order, every day
32. GOOD LIFE CRAFT BEER & WINE CELLAR – 15% discount on all ‘off-premise’ bottle purchases for cardholder only. Must be 21+ in age.
33. HARRISON HARDWARE - 10% off on Mon., Tues., & Wed. 1051 Edison St. location only
34. HOME CONNECTION – 15% discount on one item, Tues. or Wed. (excluding net priced items)
35. ICE IN PARADISE – New Ice Skating Rink in Goleta. 10% off Public Skate Session. Limit 6 people.
36. INGEBORG'S CHOCOLATES - 10% off Every day, 365 Days! Cardholder only
37. J. WOESTE, LOS OLIVOS – 10% off purchases on Wednesdays only
38. JIM’S SERVICE CENTER – 4 cents off per gallon. Gasoline and Diesel fuel only. Cash Only. No credit or debit cards with this offer.
39. JOHNSON’S JEWEL BOX – $5.00 Ear Piercing on Tuesdays
40. KABUKI JAPANESE RESTAURANT – 10% off Thursday nights
41. KATE’S YOGURT, Solvang – 10% off yogurt purchase
42. KNIT FIT – 10% Off Everything in store, every Wednesday
43. LIFE CHIROPRACTIC - $50 New Patient initial services including 2 x-rays. Fee donated back to SYHS Athletic program.
44. LITTLE RAINBOW FOOT SPA – 10% off any Foot, Body or Chair Massage between 6-9pm every day.
Cardholder only, Appt 686-1661
45. LONGHORN COFFEE SHOP - 10% off purchase, Cardholder only
46. LOS OLIVOS GENERAL STORE – 10% off purchases on Wednesdays
47. LOS OLIVOS GROCERY - 10% off purchase every Mon. & Tues. (exclusive of Tobacco & Newspapers Only) – Cardholder Only
48. MIE’S BEADS – 10% off purchase on Mon, Wed-Fri
49. MI PUEBLITO MARKET & RESTAURANT – 10% off on restaurant items (excluding alcohol)
50. MOTHER HUBBARD’S RESTAURANT – 10% off purchase, Must present card before ordering (not valid with any other offer)
51. NEW FRONTIERS NATURAL MARKETPLACE - 10% off purchases between $50.00 & $99.00. $15% off purchases $100 or more.
(Valid on Wednesdays) Cardholder Only
52. NIELSEN'S MARKET - 10% off groceries Wed. only (exclusive of weekly ad items, liquor, tobacco & dairy)
53. OLIVE HILL FARM – 10% off any purchase, one Free Tasting per visit
54. PARTS UNKNOWN – 10% off your purchase of $150.00 or more (valid Tuesdays at Solvang store only)
55. PERFORMANCE FITNESS – 75% off Fitness Membership Enrollment Fee
56. PIZZA SHACK - 10% off any purchase
57. POLKA DOT – 20% off all Catering & Event planning
58. R. GOULD & SON ELECTRIC – 10% off any electrical labor. 688-8849
59. RADIANCE TANNING - 10% off products & services M - F, 15% off on Saturdays
60. SANTA YNEZ BURRITO - Free fountain drink with purchase of burrito at regular price
61. SANTA YNEZ VALLEY CHEESE COMPANY – 10% off any purchase, 1095 Meadowvale Rd, Suite E, Santa Ynez
62. SANTA YNEZ VALLEY FLORIST – 10% discount on $50.00 or more purchase. Local orders only. Purchase does not apply to
FTD or TF purchase and sale items. 688-4231
63. SOLARPONICS - $500 off any system purchase
64. SOLVANG BAKERY - 20% off selected purchases, 10% off special order cakes (except wedding cakes), 438 Alisal Road, Solvang, 688-4939
65. SOLVANG BREWING CO. - 10% off food items, exclusive of Alcohol – Cardholder only
66. SOLVANG COFFEE COMPANY – (adjacent to the Book Loft) – Free 12oz drip coffee with purchase of baked good on Mondays
& Tuesdays
67. SOLVANG RESTAURANT – 10% off Tuesdays, food only, not to-go orders
68. SOLVANG TOYLAND - 10% off $20.00 or more purchases, Wednesdays or Thursdays only. (Excludes sale items)
69. STAR DRUGS – Wednesdays only,15% off on all merchandise (excludes prescriptions and UPS/FedEx Shipping)
70. STEVE'S WHEEL & TIRE - Free Nitrogen Air Fill & Tire Rotation ($50 value) exp. 12/31/15
71. SUCCULENT CAFÉ – 10% off Dinner entrees on Wednesdays and Thursdays (excludes alcohol)
72. THE CLIQUE – 10% off entire purchase on Wednesdays
73. TOWER PIZZA - $2 off large or XL pizza
74. TREATS BOUTIQUE – 20% off Mondays and Tuesdays on $100 or more
75. VALLEY BREWERS – 10% off all homebrew wine and cheese making supplies! Every day!
76. VALLEY GRIND, Santa Ynez – 20% off Iced Blended Mochas, Iced Blended Vanilla Lattes, Iced Blended Caramel Lattes, SunThurs. 12 pm-4pm
77. VALLEY HARDWARE & GARDEN CENTER – Pirate Bag (Mondays only): 10% off regularly priced merchandise that fits in our bag
78. VALLEY HOLISTIC HEALING - 20% off massage services per visit and 20% off products. Call for appt: 478-5868
79. VIKING PRESS PRINTING – 10% off any carbonless business form order; 10% off Invitations or personalized Stationery from
Carlson Craft. 688-5219
80. VINEYARD HOUSE RESTAURANT – Complimentary Appetizer or Dessert, Mondays and Wednesdays – Limit 1 Per Table, $25
Minimum Purchase
81. WANDERING DOG WINE BAR – 25% off any one glass of wine. Valid Sunday – Thursday
82. WEST CHIROPRACTIC - 25% discount per visit (excluding provider insurance)
Save Money with Member Benefits Providers
Whether you're buying school supplies for the kids or renting a car for your next family vacation, PTA members can save
money on everyday purchases thanks to National PTA's Member Benefits Provider Program.
National PTA teams up with businesses committed to supporting PTA’s mission of serving all children by offering our members special discounts, fundraising opportunities and other unique deals.
· AARP · Hertz · MetLife · Schwan's Cares · Staples · Sylvan ·TeenSafeNew!
With the TeenSafe smartphone monitoring service, parents are given a window into their children’s digital
lives, with the goal of creating an open, positive dialogue between parents and their kids.
TeenSafe’s monitoring software enables parents to view their children’s activity on Facebook, Instagram and
most popular social platforms; incoming, outgoing and deleted text messages; web browsing history; contacts; call logs; and location.
Since the company’s inception in 2011, more than 500,000 parents have subscribed to TeenSafe’s web-based service,
which provides them secure access to their children’s social interactions via an online account.
As a Member Benefit of National PTA, TeenSafe will:
Offer all PTA members a 33% lifetime discount on its software
Contribute $10 to each new customer’s selected local PTA
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
Alma Mater
Hail, oh hail to Santa Ynez
Your beauty’s fame rings clear,
To thee we raise our voices
In words of praise and cheer
The Alma Mater we love best
Your victories ranking high
Forever we’ll be loyal
Our Love will never die
True to you oh Santa Ynez
Our hearts will ever be
Hail, oh hail to Santa Ynez
Our Alma Mater dear
To us you are a symbol
To remember through the years.
Music by Robert P. McDonald
Text by Choir of 1941-42
Arranged by Jeffrey A. McConnell