Villaggio Voice


Villaggio Voice
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May - June 2011
MOUSEKETEERS – Among the Mickey Mouse
marchers when the Gold Coast Chorus saluted Walt
Disney were (from left to right): Ronnie Kolber, Anita
Geffon, Libby Nemota, Gloria Cooper and Dolores
Donahue. See pages 8 & 9 for more about the Gold
Coast Chorus production of “Curtain Call.”
DO-SI-DO – Square dance caller Jack Lewis calls
out the steps at the Villaggio Snowbirds “Happy
Trails” Square Dance. See page 7 for more.
FOUR GENERATIONS – Audrey Goldberg, third
from left, and her mother, Vivian Halpern, light the
candle for our matriarchs at the NCJW Women’s
Seder. Proudly looking on are Audrey’s daughter,
Amy Bush, second from left, and granddaughter,
Shana Elkin. Amy lit a candle for women of today
and Shana lit a candle for future generations of
women. See page 13 for more about the NCJW
Women’s Seder.
CRUISERS – Barbara Escowitz drives Bob Failla to
the Villaggio Bandstand and did not hit any Crosstown
Traffic along the way. See page 12 for more.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Summer Time!
NeW liSTiNg!!!!!!
Beautifully landscaped
Novara. Upgraded and
a short walk to both
Highly upgraded Modena,
pristine, on lake.
Novara on oversized lot.
Riviera on lake, lots of
Villaggio offers a full social and sports lifestyle for all.
Whether you play tennis, racquetball, workout in our
latest state-of-the-art gym, attend a variety of shows,
or just relax and enjoy breakfast/lunch by our pool,
NeW liSTiNg!!!!!!
Maiano on water. Beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful!
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Wiley Archer
Almost half the year is gone; the seasonal residents
have left for cooler climates mostly in the northeast and
the year round residents are making their summer travel
plans. Time does go faster as we get older. The Board of
Directors continues to be busy and mid-year is a good time
to review what has happened and what may be happening.
Organization and Staffing – The General Manager,
Michael Shegota, has been working with the Board
members to implement the team concept of Board and
staff with the Board setting the priorities and providing
oversight and the staff implementing the Board’s priorities. The Board members have each taken on specific
functional responsibilities and developed support
groups to provide input from the community for the
development of priorities.
Financial Status – The finances of the community are
in excellent condition. Through April, the latest information available, the community has a significant operating
surplus and the Board, with the review of the Finance
Committee, anticipates that we can complete our priorities and maintain the community within the income
expectations. In addition, we will be receiving a “door fee”
from Comcast as a result of our new contract and we continue to pursue our insurance claim for water damage at
the Fitness Center. Our insurance broker has advised that
we should receive a reasonable settlement.
Ongoing and Completed Projects – The Café situation
has consumed a great deal of time and energy of each of
the Board members. Mr. B’s contract was terminated
early by mutual consent and a Board search committee
is actively involved in searching for a new Café operator.
We have learned much from our previous Café contracts
and the committee is keeping all options open for a new
operator. The search committee’s goal is to provide a recommendation to the Board in July.
- The house painting project continues and should
be completed this summer.
- The acoustics project in the Social Hall continues
and should be completed in June.
- A new Comcast contract is in place with substantial savings to the community.
A Newsletter that covers life in the Villaggio Community.
The Staff
Bob Schwadron, Coordinator/Editor . . . . .432-5356
Judy Frank, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .649-7711
Judy Hogan, Feature Writer/Editor . . . . . .966-0041
Fran Landman, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .642-0527
Lacy Kreamer, Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . .967-6814
Lani Steinberg, ADministrator . . . . . . . . . . .965-9172
- Chairs and tables have been delivered and set up in
the poker room and the two card rooms. The excess
chairs, upon approval by the Board, have been
donated for the benefit of the victims of the tornados in the southeast US.
- Re-establishment of the appropriate and county
approved littoral areas in the lakes is being pursued.
- Work on one of the five drainage problem areas has
been completed and proposals are being reviewed
for the remaining four areas.
- The shows for 2012 have been scheduled and significant community activities continue.
- Daily maintenance and operations continues.
Pending Operations and Projects – Through a combination of the Board, the staff and the advisory groups and
committees, a variety of initiatives are underway:
- The project to install aeration in the lake
between Bellini and Dante (Lake 5) and the lake on
the northwest side of Milani (Lake 11) is proceeding;
proposals have been received for implementation.
- The project to install easy operating access for
the Clubhouse entry and restrooms is proceeding;
proposals have been received for implementation.
- Proposals are being received to power wash and
chemically treat sidewalks and concrete gutters.
- The Board, Buildings Group and the GM are working on the modifications to administrative and storage spaces to improve the efficiency of the staff.
- The Security/Safety Group is developing plans
for improved fencing, signage and road restriping.
- The Grounds Group is reviewing all of the common
area landscaping and developing short and long
range improvement plans.
Special Situations – The land to the east of the
Hypoluxo Road gate has long been a concern since it contains an access road for the Lake Worth Drainage District
that has been used by a variety of people to gain access for
the purpose of dumping refuse, partying and who knows
what other activities. We have been advised to call the
Palm Beach County Sherriff whenever there were problems but that does not seem to stop the activities.
Recently, the Board learned that Palm Beach County
had an error in their property records and it appears
that the land may actually be owned by Villaggio. The
Board and the GM are following up on the ownership
issue and also developing plans to clean up and secure
the area from trespassers. This will require working
with the county and the Lake Worth Drainage District
which generally means that time will be required. Stay
tuned for updates.
Villaggio is an active community and the Board
members, staff and homeowner volunteers are involved
in all of the activities for the benefit of the community.
Enjoy your summer, wherever travels take you and be
assured that the Board, the staff and the volunteers will
continue to work on your behalf.
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your expressions of sympathy for the passing of my
husband, Joe. The support I received from my
Villaggio family has helped me to get through a very
difficult time. Sincerely, Toby Lopresti.
The Padurano family would like to extend a most
sincere and heartfelt thank you to all who showed
their support to our family during the last few
months of Sue Padurano's life. She passed away on
April 23. We would also like to thank those, who are too
lengthy to list in this space, for their outstanding
show of support after her death. You all can be
assured that you will be in our thoughts forever. May
Sue rest in peace always.
Your neighbor and friend,
Matthew Padurano and family
By Rita Archer
Congratulations to Harriette and Jack Fertig on
the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Ashley
McKnight, on May 14, in Boca Raton.
Marian and Larry Graber joyously announce the
birth of their grandson, Connor Max Slavin, on April 25.
His weight was 6lbs.1oz. Ecstatic parents are Tara and
Scott Slavin of Miami.
We wish Shelli Cooper a rapid recovery after suffering a broken leg.
We wish Mark Dolgenas a speedy return to good
health after back surgery.
With deepest regrets, we are saddened by the loss
of our friend and neighbor, Jeffrey Wallerstein, husband of Linda Wallerstein, on April 11. The funeral was
held on April 14 at the Star of David Chapel, Tamarac,
FL. Shiva was held at the Wallerstein residence, 6670
Via Dante.
The community is saddened and sends condolences to Amedeo Misci on the passing of his mother.
The community sends its condolences to Ron Rich
on the passing of his brother.
Thank you to all my Villaggio friends and neighbors and please accept my heartfelt thanks for all of
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New Villaggio Golf Club bag tags have been received.
By Gary Gellman
We are offering them for sale to members at $2.50 each.
By David Cohen
The Villaggio Golf Club held its Spring
Tournament at Atlantis Country Club on April 7. We
employed a modified scramble format in which four
player teams compete against each other using the
Callaway Scoring system. The weather was fabulous,
the course was in excellent condition and the luncheon that followed was delicious. As usual, Atlantis provided excellent service and a great time was had by all.
Trophies were awarded to the following:
1st Place Team: Dennis Avon, Len Bassen, Marty
Goldstein, Brian Usilaner
2nd Place Team: Marty Braunstein, Marty Grauer,
Rob Ulan, Don Walis
Longest Drive: Dennis Avon
Closest to the Pin: Al Golden, Marty Goldstein, Len
Bassen, Larry Dinetz
Fewest Putts: Tied with 30: Stephanie Ferrandino
and Brian Usilaner
A Mid County tournament was held May 23 at The
Fountains Golf Club. See the next issue of the Villaggio
Voice for results. Tournaments are a lot of fun as we get
to interact with players from other developments in the
area. They are run as two man teams, best ball scrambles and are followed by a nice barbecue luncheon.
Hold the Date
We are targeting November 18 for the Fall Outing.
This will accommodate late arriving snowbirds and
not interfere with Thanksgiving travel. The venue is
to be determined.
Club Championship
We would like to start running a series of flighted
tournaments to establish club champions. We are
thinking of having three flights: A – Low Handicap (8 –
16); B – Mid Handicap (17 – 25), and C - High Handicap (26
– 30+). In this way, everyone has a fair chance of competing for the club championship in their flight. We
would order a plaque to display the yearly champions
in the Clubhouse. In order to do this, we need everyone to start keeping their handicaps on a regular
basis. There are several websites for this purpose. I
use, which is free.
Hole in One Club: A plaque hangs in the Clubhouse
to honor present and future members of the club.
Do you know the benefits of playing bridge?
Besides being an enjoyable and stimulating game,
bridge offers you many health benefits. Research has
shown that people who regularly play bridge improve
both their memory and analytical abilities.
If you visit the Clubhouse on any Monday afternoon you will discover Villaggio residents participating in our bridge education program. Although many
of our snowbirds have recently left for northern locations, our Monday bridge class continues at full blast.
Alan Chesler and Daniel Rosenkrantz instruct
Villaggio residents using boards (hands) played in the
duplicate game from the previous Tuesday. The
Monday players enjoy this learning strategy as they
become more proficient at the game of bridge.
During the month of May our duplicate game has
moved to the Fitness Center while the Social Hall
undergoes reconstruction. The Villaggio Bridge Club
would like to thank our Board of Directors for accommodating our club so that our duplicate game continues without interruption!
When the snowbirds return, we plan to host a
bridge tournament and luncheon. Details will follow
in a future Villaggio Voice article.
FIRST – Villaggio Golf Club first place team winners are (left to
right) Len Bassen, Marty Goldstein, Brian Usilaner and Dennis Avon.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
• Give your house sitter or a neighbor a key to
your house and have your house checked regularBy Al Katz
ly while you are away
• Leave the name and telephone number of
The Palm Beach County Library offers easy to folyour contact with the office
low directions to borrow e-books downloaded to your
If you are leaving for sometime, do the following:
computer, e-reader or your smartphone. There are no
• Set A/C Humidistat at 70 degrees and the temcharges or fees for borrowing or for late returns and it
perature between 78-80 degrees
can all be done from the comfort of your home or
• Raise the refrigerator’s temperature slightly,
All you need is a valid Palm Beach County Library
empty its contents, clean it, turn off and leave the
card and a pin number. Since it is downloaded to your
door ajar. If it is left on, turn the icemaker off and
computer or device, you can be anywhere (even out of
empty the ice bin
state) and borrow books as well as audio or video titles.
• Empty the dishwasher before leaving and
Even if you are new to downloadable media, using
leave the door slightly open
this service is easy. To help you get started and fill
• Turn off the water heater, unplug it, move the
your e-book cart, take a guided tour of the site at:
switch or circuit breaker to off and close the shut valve on top of the hot water tank
• Unplug all electronics (i.e., television sets, comIn just a few minutes, you can learn how to
puter, etc.) to prevent power surges during storms
browse, check out and download the titles available at
• Close the valve on the water filter, which is
the Palm Beach County Library site.
usually located under the sink
Find the Quick Start Guide at:
• Turn off all toilet tank valves• Turn off the main supply valve
the water heater and the ice maker
Have your e-book borrowing questions answered
must be turned off or extensive damage may occur!
by going to FAQ at: your Manager, my bottom line is to improve the
B702-42A6-BA34-019B24992404/10/485/en/Help-Policiesappearance of your property. If we all make an effort
by trying a little harder, we should have a clean and
Most devices, e.g. Apple, Android, Windows, Nook,
attractive community.
etc., are supported. Only Kindle is the notable product
not currently supported. However, Amazon recently
announced that Kindle owners will be able to borrow
e-books from 11,000 libraries and make electronic
annotations in the books but did not give the exact
timing of the service's launch.
By Michael A. Shegota
I trust you will appreciate the following helpful
hints provided to you to make your residency in
Villaggio happy and enjoyable.
As your Manager, I am very concerned about the
houses which are empty for a long time when no one
is responsible for checking them.
Before leaving, we suggest you make necessary
arrangements with someone to check your house
periodically. Please let us know who to contact in an
Be prepared before you go away and before an
emergency happens.
• Know the location of your main shut off valve
• Know the location of your circuit breakers and
main disconnect.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
30, we are off to Kykuit in Phillipsburg Manor, NY, for
lunch at a café and then an interesting tour of the
Rockefeller Mansion, its grounds and its magnificent
collection of artwork. Call Dianne Steinberg for reservations (845) 406-4802. We also have other activities
planned for the rest of the summer so watch for our flyers and e-mails.
Over the summer we will publish our schedule of
upcoming events for the 2011-2012 season. These will
once again prove to be full of fun, interesting and
We wish that everyone should have a healthy,
happy and safe summer!!! See you all again in the fall!
By Rose Moskowitz
Well, the season finally ended and most of the
Snowbirds have flown north to various regions. It was
a wonderful point in time where we enjoyed so many
fabulous and interesting events and activities with our
friends and neighbors here at Villaggio. We already miss
our Florida home and are looking forward to the fall
when we once again return to our favorite place.
At “Happy Trails,” our seasonal farewell, we had a
“Ya’all! Yee Haw!” good time! Over 100 attendees enjoyed
the fabulous BBQ, Western Theme and entertainment.
All attendees received a neckerchief and some even
came in Western garb. Everyone got involved with our
square dance caller and his high stepping square
dancers. They did a marvelous job of dancing and then
teaching the participants how easily it is done. It was
wonderful to see how everyone joined in the fun and
learned the various dance techniques for good old-fashioned square dancing. The best part was schmoozing
with our neighbors and friends. This is a wonderful
Now just because we are not in Florida, we are still
offering some great planned events. On Thursday, June
DANCE – Villaggio Snowbirds do-si-do as they square dance the
night away.
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By Dianne Steinberg
were Rosemarie Davino, Dolores Donahue, Mike Levy,
Norman Rothman and Nadine Sigman. And it’s always a
surprise when petite Ina Karpoff belts out a song like “I
Can’t Give You Anything But Love.” Our version of “That’s
Amore” was humorously crooned by Irwin Scharf in the
guise of... an Italian Pizza-maker! Just a few songs later
Steve Askinazi led us exuberantly through “Day-O” and
“Matilda.” Shades of Belafonte! Closing the first act was a
parody written by Nadine Sigman: “Villaggio,” using the
title tune of “Camelot.” Doing the honors were Rosemarie
Davino, Ina Karpoff, Sally Kozinn, Arlene Pomarlen,
Nadine Sigman and Dianne Steinberg.
We opened the second act with the eternally popular "Alexander's Ragtime Band," sung by Steve Askinazi,
Rosalie Bitman, Ronnie Kolber, Sally Kozinn, Arlene
Pomarlen and Dianne Steinberg. Rosemarie Davino
graced us with a memorable “Memory,” from “Cats.” An
unexpected short skit was a take-off on Carol Burnett’s
“Went with the Wind.” It was played by Libby Nemota as
Starlet, Al Pecker as Rhett Butler and Dianne Steinberg as
Butterfly McQueen (Sissy). The Chorus also honored "The
Beatles” with a medley of their most popular tunes.
The concert wasn’t over, of course, until we performed “God Bless America,” with Rosalie Bitman as our
color guard. Did you know that the expression “It isn’t
over ‘til the fat lady sings” was coined for Kate Smith, who
closed every show or ball game with that same “God Bless
Well, I suppose it’s time to begin work on next year’s
performance. What it will be called and what songs will
be chosen to delight you? I guess you’ll just have to wait
to next season to find out! Care to join us? Can you carry
a tune? If so, we’d love you to climb aboard. Call Gloria
Cooper at 304-4464 or Sally Kozinn at 967-1033.
Have a great summer, everyone. See you next year!
Well, we did it again, and 2011’s “Curtain Call” is now
just a wonderful memory. We hope you had as much fun
as we did with our selection of songs and surprises. As
long as we’re at it, we really must thank you, our audience. You are all so supportive that you make us rise to
our absolute finest so as not to disappoint you. You’re the
Our choral conductor, Arthur Fishman, also encouraged us to do more, more, more. And Villaggio’s own
Marty Sigman made the sound system sound better
than it really is. Several “associates” acted as ushers and
helped with a million little things needed to put on a
show. It was Linda Kalish, our pianist and musical director divine (and in many ways the Wizard of Oz), and Mike
Levy and Nadine Sigman who were responsible for the
program's orchestration!
We got off to an unexpected start in Act One with a
salute to Walt Disney and the Mickey Mouse Club, a true
“blast from the past” of our childhood. Mickey
Mouseketeers were Gloria Cooper, Dolores Donahue,
Anita Geffon, Ronnie Kolber and Libby Nemota.
Rosemarie Davino, Yael Diamant, Judy Farber, Sally
Kozinn and Libby Nemota were beautiful Disney
princesses singing “When You Wish Upon A Star” and
“Someday My Prince Will Come.” Our sprightly elves –
Steve Askinazi, Arlene Pomarlen, Irwin Scharf, Lita
Scharf and Dianne Steinberg – sang “Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho”
and “Zippity-do-Dah.” Our “Small World” ensemble included Rosalie Bitman, Gloria Cooper, Ina Karpoff, Deanna
Schanker and Nadine Sigman.
We gave “La Cage” a run for its money with Gold Coast
Chorus’ own Al Pecker recreating “I Am What I Am.”
Norman Rothman and Mike Levy joined him with “We
Are What We Are” – all of them in drag! Speaking of our
guys, all five (Steve Askinazi, Mike Levy, Al Pecker, Norman
Rothman, and Irwin Scharf) really entertained the
troops whenever they came up to the mike together,
treating us to “O Sole Mio” and “Love is a Many Splendored
This year we also tried a few numbers using early
Rock & Roll’s harmony and Doo-Wop sound. It wasn’t
hard to discover Mike Levy’s inspirational touch in those
numbers! Nadine Sigman did a fine job of “Glory of Love,”
backed up by Dolores Donahue, Anita Geffon, Mike Levy
and Al Pecker. “Sweet Caroline” was another success, sung
by Gloria Cooper, Judy Farber, Anita Geffon, Sally Kozinn
and Lita Scharf. "Close to You" was another rock number
performed by Ina Karpoff and Nadine Sigman along
with the Echoes: Dolores Donahue, Anita Geffon and
Mike Levy.
The “Phantom” number was a medley of melodies
from the Broadway show, but has it ever been performed quite our way before? Singing their hearts out
DRAG – Mike Levy, left, Al Pecker and Norman Rothman, right,
perform “We Are What We Are” when the Gold Coast Chorus presented its show, “Curtain Call.”
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STARS – Members of the Gold Coast Chorus are (front row, left
to right): Rosemarie Davino, Arlene Pomarlen, Dianne Steinberg, Judy
Farber, Linda Kalish, Arthur Fishman, Ronnie Kolber, Sally Kozinn,
Deanna Schanker and Rosalie Bitman. In the back row, are (from left):
Nadine Sigman, Marty Sigman, Libby Nemota, Al Pecker, Lita Scharf,
Irwin Scharf, Ina Karpoff, Yael Diamant, Gloria Cooper, Anita Geffon,
Norman Rothman, Steve Askinazi, Mike Levy and Dolores Donahue.
SMALL WORLD – Performing “It’s A Small World” were clockwise from left foreground: Gloria Cooper, Rosalie Bitman, Deanna
Schanker, Nadine Sigman and Ina Karpoff.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS – Some of the Gold Coast Chorus’
Associate Members gather for a photo. Pictured here are, front row,
left to right: Marcia Levy, Audrey Goldberg, Helene Askinazi and Enid
Pecker. In the back row from left are: Marty Sigman, Lou Kozinn,
Susan Schwartz, Judy Root, Leonard Cooper and Mel Farber. Missing
are Helen Rothman, Rita Archer, Susan Cohen, David Cohen, and
Howard Kolber
WISH – Singing “When You Wish Upon A Star” were (front row)
Yael Diamant, left, and Rosemarie Davino and (back row) Judy Farber,
left, and Sally Kozinn.
DRAPED – Libby Nemota wears a drape costume as Starlet
O’Hara as she “Went With The Wind.”
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By Phyllis Lederman
look forward to you joining us at our future meetings
and exciting events.
Once again when tragedy befell another nation,
Israel was the first to respond with medical assistance.
After Japan's recent tsunami earthquake and radioactive fallout, Israelis responded with orthopedic, surgical and intensive care units as well as a delivery unit and
pharmacy. In addition, Israel provided Japanese survivors with hundreds of coats, gloves and portable toilets.
Helen Keller said, "Many persons have the wrong idea
of what constitutes true happiness. It is not obtained
through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." Villaggio members are dedicated to the
support of Hadassah's many projects both here in the
United States and in Israel.
This year the Villaggio Hadassah ladies were very
busy playing mah-jongg, canasta, bridge and trivia as
well as enjoying bus trips to the Hard Rock Casino and
the Florida West Coast. They also danced the Charleston
at the Roaring 20’s party and viewed the latest fashion
trends as they raised funds for Hadassah. On April 5,
Villaggio Hadassah members and their guests enjoyed
their biannual fabulous fashion show at the Atlantis
Country Club. The afternoon was highlighted by elegant
dining, delightful music and shopping at the boutiques
as members viewed fantastic fashions modeled by some
of our own. Finally, on April 8, members enjoyed a
docent-led tour of the Boca Museum, where we viewed
an exhibit entitled “Cut! Costume and the Cinema.”
Our very successful year ended on a high note with
the Donor Dinner at Andros Restaurant and the installation of new officers at a luncheon at Ben's Kosher Deli.
Because the chapter exceeded their national quota, they
are being honored with a brick inscribed in Miriam’s
Garden outside the new Tower Building of the Hadassah
Hospital in Jerusalem.
On behalf of the officers and members of Villaggio
Hadassah, we wish you all a happy, healthy summer and
BOARD – The 2011-2012 Executive Board of Villaggio Hadassah
gathers for a group photo.
INSTALLATION – Leading the installation of Villaggio Hadassah’s
officers were (left to right): Executive Vice President Carol Waldman,
President Vicki Cobey and Mentor Adele Greenblatt.
TRIP – Villaggio Hadassah Vice President Anna Tepper, left, and
President Vicki Cobey, right, led the chapter trip to the Boca Museum
to see the exhibition "Cut! Costume and the Cinema."
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By Roger and Nancy Allen
Our dance lessons are still in full swing, no pun
intended. We all look forward to Friday mornings in the
Aerobics Room. Everyone in the class is having a lot of
fun and our dancing is getting better with every lesson.
It is a small class with a few regular couples but the
advantage is that we get a good deal of instruction from
just one hour.
We have had many opportunities to practice our
dance steps and we are always looking for more ways to
do so. The Dance Club was well represented at recent
community dance events such as the ORT/Hadassah
Roaring 20’s Night and the HOA Bandstand Dance Night.
The club has also gone out dancing at some of the area’s
ballrooms. We went to the Plaza Ballroom in North Palm
Beach, the Gold Coast Ballroom in Coconut Creek and the
Grand Ballroom in Delray Beach.
Kristen Owsley, our dance instructor, just let us
know of a new ballroom in West Palm Beach that we are
going to try and we hope to organize a dance night out
soon. We are considering another dance outing at
Carmine’s at the Bridge Hotel in Boca Raton, where there
is dinner and dancing on several nights. Some of us have
gone to the Friday afternoon dances at the Boynton
Beach Civic Center where a great orchestra provided the
music, although this has recently ended for the season.
Check Channel 63 or the Villaggio website for more
Dancing is a wonderful way to socialize with friends
plus get some exercise and have a whole lot of fun. You do
not have to belong to the Dance Club to share in some of
the fun. Just let Candace Harelik know if you are interested in going out dancing and we will let you know
when the club is making any plans.
The dance lessons at Villaggio are for all levels.
Whether you are a beginner or a more seasoned pro, our
instructor Kristen, can bring your skills up a level and
add some new steps to your repertoire. Kristen, an experienced dance instructor from Cooks Professional Dance
Academy, has been providing our lessons here for the
past three years. She is also available for some of us to
take private lessons at a very reasonable cost.
If there is enough interest, dance classes in the
evening can be arranged. Regardless of your skill level, if
you want to have fun, socialize with other couples in the
community, have a great workout and feel more comfortable on the dance floor, come join us on Friday mornings at 11am in the Fitness Center’s Aerobics Room. To
reserve a spot in the class, express an interest in evening
classes, find out about a private lesson or to go out dancing with our group, contact Candace Harelik at 561- 9663941 (home), 561 927-7566 (cell) or at
DANCE LESSON – Members of the Villaggio Dance Club receive a
dance lesson from instructor Kristen Owsley, center. Practicing their
dance steps are (clockwise, left to right): Freyda and Mel Komito,
Nancy Allen and Herb and Barbara Gruenstein.
Helen and I thank you for the magnitude of
phone calls and donations on behalf of our
granddaughter, “Alie,” who has been afflicted
with multiple sclerosis the past seven years. The
monetary response was the largest we ever
received from you, our supporters. Here in
Villaggio we also wish to thank all of you who
joined us in the MS Walk For The Cure that
Sunday morning in March. Bless you all. We look
forward to have you, your friends and additional
residents join us next year.
With sincere gratitude,
Helen and Norman Rothman
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By Bob Schwadron
Too Weak To Fight after dinner, the partygoers were All
Shook Up over ice cream sundaes -- How Sweet It Is.
When it was time to Hit the Road Jack, partygoers
were Glad All Over and agreed Let’s Do It Again with another Villaggio Bandstand.
Villaggians caught Saturday Night Fever as they
Twisted The Night Away with their Night Moves by celebrating that Rock & Roll Is Here To Stay at Villaggio Bandstand.
With a party theme of It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll, Villaggians
had plenty of Satisfaction traveling down memory lane.
There was A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Going On, as the crowd hit
the floor to Dance to the Music with DJ Derrick.
The partygoers were immediately Hooked on a Feeling
of a good time as they streamed into the Social Hall.
Everyone was transfixed by (take your pick) Little Deuce
Coupe, Little Red Corvette, Pink Cadillac, 409, and/or G.T.O.
party backdrop designed and built by Sidney Escowitz,
with expert help from Bob Failla and Chuck Kaber.
Social Coordinator Lacy Kreamer and the
Entertainment Committee transformed the Social Hall
into a Twist and Shout bandstand party palace. The
Promises, Promises of fun on the dance floor meant no
Sounds of Silence and no one would be (Sittin’ On) The Dock
of the Bay.
Dance contest winners were Richard and Rosemary
Fiore/Wood and Fran Prezioso and Jon Nickowal.
When it was time to feed their Hungry Hearts, there
was no need for Searchin’ for salad and pizza. For those
By Carolyn Sterman
Hope you are joining us for organized mayhem on
Sunday, June 12. “Murder at the Movies – Shooting for the
Stars” will be a fantastic treat at Ellie’s Ballroom in Delray.
Mystery, murder merriment and, of course, m-m-m-mfood!
Looking ahead, on Sunday evening, August 14, we will
have a very special night of great food, entertainment
and surprises right here at Villaggio. Watch for details.
Hold the date and invite your friends. Be prepared for a
very special experience you will enjoy and remember.
Al Matos and his Klezmer band will entertain us on
October 19 with comedy and amazing music. Those of
you who have heard of them know you are in for a special treat. Those who haven’t are in for a great treat! Of
course, the food will be fabulous!
We are delighted to announce that our Holiday
Event on December 18 is being co-sponsored with the
Italian Club. In honor of the occasion, the entire community is invited to an Italian-Jewish Wedding (a la Tony &
Tina) A spectacular wedding is planned…Great venue,
great food, great ceremony and loads of fun for all. You
won’t want to miss this one!
Watch for further information, check the rounders,
the Website and Channel 63. Save the dates. Our events
are open to all members of the community. We look forward to enjoying fun times with our friends and neighbors. See you soon!
CROONERS – Getting ready to sing along at Villaggio Bandstand
are (left to right): Judy Koretz, Arlene Scire, Joann Lipsky, Judy Axman,
Shirley Drutman and Barbara Escowitz.
GET DOWN – Shirley Drutman gets down at Villaggio Bandstand
with help from Limbo pole holders Ken Cohen, left, and John
Ferrandino, right.
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By Carol Waldman
The Villaggio Bowling Club completed its fifth
season on April 7. The luncheon, which was held at
Benvenuto's, was a wonderful completion to a
record 25 week season. We gave out a record $6,900
in prize money.
We had five members who bowled a 200+ game
-- Bill Bruce (who bowled many), Harvey Rubenstein,
Morty Schaeffer, Marty Kimmelblatt and Denise
Torriello. Bill Bruce had high male high average with
CHAMPS – The come from behind Teenagers captured first place
a 182.03 and Sarajane Feinsilver was female high
Villaggio Bowling Club. The team consisted of (left to right): Neil
average winner with a 137.89 average. Jeffrey
Waldman, Larry Perrin, Annette Lambek and Ray Eidelson.
Krumper was most improved male bowler and
Carol Waldman was the most improved female
Joyce Kantrowitz and Gail Siegel
The first place team was the Teenagers -- Neil
On March 16, many of our members attended a
and tasty, Literary Luncheon at Ibis Golf and
Waldman, Annette Lambek, Ray Eidelson and Larry
Country Club. We were entertained by Words Alive, a trio
Perrin. They started out in 15th place at the beginof actresses who presented an adaptation of the novel
ning of the season and were firmly planted in first
"Loving Frank".
place since the 21st week. In the last week, they could
NCJW held its fifth annual Women's Seder on April 6.
have dropped into second place by the Drifters -It was our biggest and best one ever, with 192 attendees.
Jeff Krumper, Stan Kaufman and Allen Appel. All the
The event was led by Helene Askinazi; 40 husbands
Teenagers needed was to take the first game and
served as waiters; music and songs provided by Cindy
they did by a handsome margin.
Reiser, Nadine Sigman and Rosemarie Davino as well as
Marilyn Krug in Hebrew; and there were six individual
At the luncheon, the officers for the 2011-2012
Readers. Everyone danced and sang along to Miriam's
were selected. They are: Carol Waldman, President;
Song plus each table participated by reading aloud a secSarajane Feinsilver and Morty Schaeffer, Vicetion of the Haggadah.
Presidents; Secretary, Galia Busch and Treasurer,
The highlight of the evening occurred when Audrey
Bryan Moskowitz. Members at Large are: Barbara
Goldberg came up to light a candle along with her mothKimmelblatt, Ray Eidelson, Barbara Shriberg and
er, daughter and granddaughter: Four generations of
Arlene Pomarlen.
women was truly a first at Villaggio.
The sixth season of bowling will begin on
April 13 found us at the Norton Museum getting a
detailed docent-led tour of the Kenneth Jay Lane and
October 13. Dues are $10 a year. All are welcome to
Egyptian exhibits. A high tea followed at Serenity Garden
join. Please contact Carol Waldman at granniTea House with delicious finger sandwiches, scones and
On April 29, Joyce Kantrowitz was honored at the
One Child at a Time Awards Luncheon sponsored by the
Children's Coalition of Palm Beach County. NCJW chose
Joyce for this award because of her tireless work on projects that affect the lives of children.
Joyce worked on our Guatemalan Maya Center
Project for two years, not only recruiting volunteers to
tutor and provide training but also personally collecting
books, food, household articles, clothing and furniture
when needed. She began the Caridad Homework Help
Program following that project. This is an after school
volunteer effort to help youngsters in reading and math.
In addition to these projects and others, she will be
taking on a new NCJW project called Kids' Community
200+ -- Four of the five 200+ bowlers are (left to right): Harvey
Rubenstein, Bill Bruce, Marty Kimmelblatt and Denise Torrielo. Morty
Schaeffer also bowled a 200+ game.
Continued on page 14
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Continued from page 13
Closet which involves working with schools and AJFCS to
provide, on an emergency basis during the school day, a
change of clothing, personal items or school supplies
should the children need them. For all of this and more,
it was an honor for 40 of Joyce's friends to witness her
receive this most deserving award.
We already have in place our Card and Game Party at
Wycliffe Golf and Country Club on November 10. Please
mark your calendars, too, with Thursday, November 17,
the date of our opening meeting of the 2011-2012 season.
As the last of our snowbird members head up North,
we would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy
summer season.
LEADS – Helene Askinazi leads the Seder.
QUESTIONS – Morgan Goldstein, left, and sister Sydnie, granddaughters of Trudy and Larry Skolnick, ask four questions focusing on
women at the NCJW Women’s Seder.
HONORED – Susan Schwartz, left, reads the award inscription to
the audience before presenting it to Joyce Kantrowitz, right, at the One
Child at a Time Awards Luncheon. The award was given to Joyce for
her work on programs that affect the lives of children.
DANCE – Judy Axman, left, Barbara Escowitz, center, and Shirley
Drutman, right, are in the swing of things as they dance with their timbrels at the Seder.
SERVES – Bobby Feinsilver was one of the 40 husband-waiters
who served with a smile.
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By Jeri Weber
(where all the chapters meet monthly) Pap presented a
check to the Director of Sylvester, Dr. Joseph Rosenblatt,
the previous director, Dr. Jerry Goodwin and the Dean of
the Miller School of Medicine, Dr. Pascal Goldschmidt, in
the amount of $3.4 MILLION. It was disclosed that donations to non-profits are down 40% nationally. However,
last year we donated $3.2 million. Obviously, Pap has been
very fortunate that we have such generous donors.
On May 16, our new officers were installed. I’d like to
thank all of the outgoing officers for all the hard work
they did for Pap in the past. I hope in the future they will
still be a part of what we do. Thanks to Brenda Gropper,
Helene Rosenkrantz and Harriet Epstein for working on
Membership; Eileen Mondschein for her work on
Communications; Karen Shapiro for Programming and
Sarajane Feinsilver for recording the minutes so thoroughly.
Our new slate of officers are: Jeri Weber and
Sarajane Feinsilver, Co-Presidents; Toby Lopresti,
Executive Vice President; Judy Cohen, Bobbie Lazarus
and Rochelle Sadek, Fund Raising Vice Presidents; Arlene
Orth, Cynthia Rutter and Robin Sherman, Membership
Vice Presidents; Linda Horrow, Recording Secretary; Judy
Boltax, Corresponding Secretary; Barbara Spiegel,
Communications; Nancy Schlosser, Programming; and
Noreen Dolgenas, Donor Chair. We congratulate everyone and hope for a good year for Pap.
One note of sorrow, in March, our Executive Vice
President, Toby Lopresti lost her devoted husband, Joe.
We all lost a wonderful friend who will be sorely missed.
We send sympathy to Toby and her daughter and son-inlaw, Lisa and David.
Watch for flyers of upcoming events. We are in the
planning stages now and hope to bring some new and
exciting events to you in the fall. Our annual Card & Mah
Jongg Party at Broken Sound is scheduled for Friday,
October 28. Be prepared for delicious food, great games,
and even better prizes than ever!
If for any reason a referral is needed, please call Jeri
Weber at 434-6008 or Judy Cohen at 434-1004. It is one of
the benefits of membership, but not the reason to join
“Hot time in the summertime” (lyrics to an old song
from our generation) and it seems to be happening here
in Paradise a little early. All the signs are visible: restaurant lines are shorter, traffic has eased, plants need more
frequent watering and we can feel the sweat pouring off
our bodies just from walking from Publix to our cars. The
blue, cloudless sky is beautiful and the days at our pool
catching up with friends and neighbors is both enjoyable
and hot!
Due to an oversight on my part, the Pap article was
absent from the last Villaggio Voice. I apologize to everyone looking for information and our thanks for all their
help at that time. I hope this will make up for all that
was lost.
In January, we hosted a fabulous “Greek Night” with
Anna from Salon Villaggio. She and her extraordinary
friends provided all who attended with delicious food,
great entertainment and just a wonderful night.
Everyone had so much fun!
In February, we had our traditional “Valentine’s Day
Roses Sale.” We sold more bouquets than ever before and
had some very happy ladies. On February 13, we held our
first of what we hope will be many “Celebration of Life”
days. Adrienne Gian and Claire Spielman went way
above and beyond in making this a premier event. The
decorations in our Social Hall were spectacular! Two
hundred thirty people attended and we had a waiting
list a mile long. It truly was the place to be.
Judy Cohen and Arlene Orth were the coordinators
of the “Hugs & Kisses” booklet that was just incredible.
People were overly generous with giving back to Pap
when they won a door prize of cash. It was a very special
day and we hope we can make it as exciting in the future.
I don’t even know how to say “Thank You” enough to all
these people to express my gratitude.
In March, we played Bingo again. We had a great
evening that Sarajane Feinsilver and Judy Cohen worked
very hard to make happen. Lots of people won cash
prizes. Our deli sandwiches were a big hit and we look
forward to another night of Bingo, just like the last one.
We also had our annual mah jongg tournament in
March. It was organized by Sarajane and Judy. First Prize
went to Barbara Hersh, second to Gail Weinstein and
third to Vivian Davis. It was a challenging day.
In April, we had a tour of the labs and facilities at
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami. It was
a fascinating trip to see where our money is actually
going. We heard from doctors who are doing the
research and learned about the new Children’s Cancer
Center that is being built. It was very rewarding to learn
about so many of the studies that Pap has funded. It is a
trip worth taking whenever it is offered.
On May 12, at the President’s Meeting at Boca West,
IMAGINE – Attendees of Pap’s first “Celebration of Life” on
February 13 saw this IMAGINE stage decoration as they entered the
Social Hall.
Continued on page 20
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Pap. Remember, 93% of all donated money is going
directly to cancer research. We thank you for all your
kindness and generosity in the past and hope that we
can count on you in the future. Our prayers and the
prayers of all the doctors doing the research is that we
can eliminate cancer in our lifetime. Our wish is that the
next dollar collected is the last dollar we need because
we found the cure.
JAFCO invites you to keep the date open for its
next super luncheon/fashion show on Wednesday,
December 14. It’s not just around the corner, but who’s
counting? Remember our past Winter Shindigs and
how much JAFCO’s kids are counting on JAFCO/VILLAGGIO for your support. Every function has been a
sellout so watch for the next issue of the Villaggio Voice
for details.
v v v v v v v
VISITOR – This peacock took an unguided tour of Milani Street
before high tailing it to other communities. Cari Jurow took the photo
of the colorfully feathered visitor.
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This law is enforced in 43 states. New York just
recently passed it. To find out the states, go to
The summer is coming and our seasonal residents
are leaving. When leaving your home for any reason,
make sure you lock all the doors and set the burglar
alarm. Most burglaries occur when the alarm is not
set. If you leave your auto outside at night, make sure
it is locked and the alarm is set.
Please remember to close your garage door.
Entrance to your house is much easier when the
garage door is open. There are several garage doors
that the Citizen Observer Patrol observed on their
patrols that are open all night because of an oversight.
Have a safe and happy summer, whether you are
here or away.
By Lacy Kreamer, Social Coordinator
Check out the NEW ACOUSTICS in the Social Hall
with the 2011 Summer Show Series! You won’t be disappointed!
Mr. Broadway
Friday, June 17, 8pm
Don’t miss Mr. Broadway, Michael Walters' oneman journey through the world of Musical Comedy.
Hear classic Broadway tunes from Michael's favorite
shows, as he re-enacts some of his favorite roles. These
classic tunes are intertwined with stories of celebrity
encounters, on and offstage mishaps and hilarious
tales about his family (who never were quite sure
what to do with a show-biz kid).
Tickets are $25 pp
Whitestone- Back by Popular Demand!
Saturday, July 23, 8pm
Whitestone has performed on stage and in the
studio with many popular recording artists of the
past five decades. Whitestone actually began as the
Beltones in the mid 1980’s. With the addition of Tony
Marchese, the band became known as Whitestone.
They have performed throughout Florida and the
Bahamas, but concentrate their appearances to South
Florida audiences. In 2009 the band was “Best Florida
Band” by Florida Monthly.
Cabaret Style Seating: Tickets are $15 pp
BEST VALUE: Package Option Available for both
Summer Shows for $38 pp
Lecture on The Art of Bonsai
Wednesday, June 15, 10am
Hear Vladimir Foursa, curator of the Bonsai collection at the Morikami Museum & Japanese Garden. He
teaches the art of bonsai
Cost: $5 pp includes coffee and snack
4th of July Poolside Party
Monday, July 4, 11am-2pm
Join us poolside and enjoy the music of DJ Edie.
Lunch will be available. Please stay tuned for more
2012 Winter Show Series
Package Tickets still available! Individual show
tickets go on sale August 1.
COPS – Capt. Alan Taub, left, and Lt. Jim Fischer preside at the
monthly meeting of the Villaggio Citizen Observer Patrol.
By Alan Taub
Florida, in 2002, enacted The Move Over Law. That
means when sighting an emergency vehicle (police,
fire rescue, ambulance or even a tow truck) you must
move over one lane away from the emergency. You
will then be in the second lane over. Your other option
is to slow down to 20 miles per hour below the posted
speed limit.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Judy Farber
to Bramson ORT in the afternoon where they join students from around the world to take business-and-computer -oriented classes and earn associate's degrees and
then transfer to four-year schools mostly in the CUNY
system. The Bramson ORT program plays a part in ORT's
increased outreach to the Orthodox community.
As ORT continues its tradition of bringing you innovative fundraising events, we wish you all a fun-filled
summer and we look forward to another season of
friendship and good times.
Spring has sprung, snowbirds depart and as the languid summer approaches, Villaggio ORT looks back on its
April events as it prepares for its upcoming summer and
fall activities. ORT's sold-out annual April Card party was
a huge success. Co-chaired by Ina Karpoff and Denise
Rubenstein, this party featured a number of vendors as
well as raffles and 32 donated gifts. Many thanks to Ina
and Denny for their hard work in planning this event, to
Dianne Gorbaty for her excellent calligraphy and to all
who pitched in to make this day a success.
Kicking off the summer season, ORT will host its
annual summer card and mah jongg party on July 19.
Plans are now under way to make this easy, breezy, summer get-together the highlight of the season. Mark your
calendars and plan to join us.
Our fall season begins with our first general meeting
on November 14. We are planning a Mind/Body Expo for
this session and hope that you will all plan to attend.
This year, our Annual Progressive Dinner will be held on
December 3. Mark your calendars, and don't miss this
fun-filled evening. On December 12, ORT offers a very special treat: a trip to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in West Palm
Beach for its fall/winter card and mah jongg party. This
event will feature a sumptuous buffet luncheon and
opportunities for shopping at City Place in addition to
an afternoon of fun and games. Seating is limited to 100.
Call Marian Graber, Susan Greenberg or Bess Leventhal
for reservations.
Plan now to attend our January 10 Paid-Up
Membership Brunch. Once again, Judith Levy will be our
guest speaker/entertainer extraordinaire. Those of you
who attended this year's brunch know how much audiences love her stories and songs. We are hoping to offer
brunch along with a handbag/jewelry auction on
February 13 and on March 6, we are hoping to have a
Canasta tournament. Look for further details on these
Following on the heels of this year's successful trip to
the Kravis Center to see the Broadway revival of West Side
Story, ORT is planning a series of Kravis Theater events:
Hair on January 11; La Cage aux Folles on February 15 and
Les Miserables on May 23. Let Ellen Cohen or Trudy
Skolnick know which shows you wish to attend.
Remember, your ORT dollars continue to enrich the
lives of others. Just recently an article appeared in The
Jewish Week about a Lubavitch-Bramson connection.
ORT, with its world-wide network of schools, has had a
longtime presence in Bensonhurst. This article discusses
how Bramson ORT College in Brooklyn has had great success in helping students who drop out of the Chasidic
educational system and find themselves unable to support their families. Many students can now choose to go
GREETINGS – Welcoming members and guests at ORT’s April
Card/Mah Jongg Party are (left to right): Lil Gross, Denny Rubenstein
and Nancy Susser.
PLAYERS – Ina Karpoff, left, and Helen Rothman are engrossed in
their mah jongg game.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Bob Schwadron
In the humor category, Sandy Goodman received the
“Quickest Emergency Room Visit Award” for getting himself ER treatment and returning to the game one
Saturday. John Ferrandino received the “Most Colorful
Language Award” for his word selection choices in berating himself.
Stan Adelson received the Good “Sole” Award for tearing and taping his cleats and continuing to play. Barry
Kantrowitz took the Most Talkative Pinch Runner Award.
The Hot Stuff Award went to Bob Schwadron for
drowning his grits and eggs in Tabasco sauce during
breakfast at Pete’s Place and Harv Tasch received the Mr.
Cream Cheese Award for eating the most cream cheese
at breakfast.
Working behind the scenes to make the dinner a
smashing success were Alan Taub for managing the 5050 raffle, Leon Ashkenas for decorations and room set up
and Harry Lebedun for cocktail hour management.
Circle March 17, 2012 (St. Patrick’s Day), the tentative
Clubhouse date for next year’s VSA Awards Dinner Dance.
The Villaggio Softball Association played its sixth
annual night game on April 2 at VSA’s all star award winning Sixth Annual Dinner Dance.
Following a grand slam cocktail hour, members and
guests filed into the Social Hall for the presentation of
awards, dancing, a delicious dinner, video highlights of
the players on the field, a video montage of the players’
grandchildren and a video tribute to the Brooklyn
Dodgers, New York Giants, New York Yankees and Dodger
centerfielder Edwin “Duke” Snider.
The video master and Master of Ceremonies was
John Bernath. He praised VSA President Sandy Goodman
for his hard work and dedication to the continued success of the organization.
“For six years Sandy has been the backbone of the
organization, who, for 52 weeks a year, has organized
teams, sent out countless e-mails and has guided us with
one important credo – play ball, have fun and feel the
camaraderie,” he said. “Sandy, I think I speak for the
entire membership, a group of grateful men who each
Saturday morning relive their youth through softball.”
Then it was on to the awards presented by David
Levine. The awards, compiled by Levine and his committee of Jack Fields, Bruce Hanson and Barry Kantrowitz,
were based on statistical on field achievements and
humorous on and off the field achievements.
John Bernath won statistical awards for the most
doubles, most triples, most homeruns and most runs batted in. Louie Torrellas captured the batting title. Mike
Levine received the most improved player award. Paul
Natkowitz was rookie of the year and Leon Ashkenas was
saluted for his work as the Sunday team manager.
Joe Ciriello won the Gold Glove Infield Award and
Alan Rosen won the Gold Glove Outfield Award. Stan
Schwartz took the Mr. Versatility Award for his ability to
play many different fielding positions and Bob
Schwadron won the Iron Man Award for playing the
most games during the season.
VSA’s umpires received certificates of appreciation for
their dedication to the game. The umpire crew consisted
of Chief Umpire Rich Susser, Monte Berkoff, Arnie Cohen,
Donald Cohen, Saul Krug, Alan Landman, Mel Morris, Paul
Tendler and Brian Usilaner.
Irwin Kandel received an award for organizing trips
to batting cages to help players improve their hitting
skills. David Pincus was named Most Valuable
Scorekeeper and Ed Kessler received the Good Guy Award.
There was a photo finish for the Most Valuable
Photographer Award which was shared by Phyllis
Hanson and Marilyn Rosen.
The “It’s High, It’s Far Award” went to Bob Maiale for
his long distance homeruns. Louie Torrellas captured
the Long Distance Award for driving nearly three hours
each way each week to play softball with VSA on
Saturday and Sunday.
GOLD GLOVES – Joe Ciriello, Left, and Alan Rosen, right, were
Gold Glove Award winners.
ROOKIE – Paul Natkowitz
holds his Rookie of the Year
IMPROVED – Mike Levine
received the Most Improved
HITTER – John Bernath holds two of his four batting awards as
David Levine looks on.
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Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Tommy & Tina Tooltime
In this month’s column Tommy will discuss the new energy efficient CFL light bulbs.
A Federal law passed in 2007 requires light bulb
manufacturers to start to discontinue manufacturing the older incandescent type bulbs starting in
January 2012 for 100 watt bulbs. In 2013, 75 watt bulbs
will be gone and then in 2014, 60 watt and 40 watt
bulbs will be discontinued. You will still be able to
buy incandescent bulbs for versions of decorative,
appliance and “specialty” bulbs.
The CFL bulbs cost slightly more than the traditional incandescent bulbs but should last much
longer. Tests show the CFL bulbs should last up to 10
times longer. In the time you would replace one CFL,
you would have 10 traditional incandescent bulbs in
the trash. Also, you have an energy savings. A CFL
uses 75 percent less energy than an incandescent.
According to some experts, each CFL bulb can save
you about $40 over its lifetime. Another side benefit
is that these CFLs burn cooler. So, in the summer, you
will potentially use a little less air conditioning.
But, as in life, there are some draw backs. The
CFLs still do not work well with dimmer switches.
Even if you can find one that does work, they generally are very expensive and while you’ll get most of
the light right away, it might take a minute or so to
achieve full brightness. They also have mixed effectiveness with outdoor fixtures, especially in cold
weather. CFLs have a small trace of mercury in
them. It is recommended that when the CFLs burn
out you should recycle them at most home improvement stores.
A newer technology is LED bulbs. LED bulbs do
not suffer the same drawbacks as CFLs. They are
fully dimmerable and use even less energy than
CFLs. Tests show they should last up to 25 years, but
they are very expensive. They cost in the area of $4
to $5 per bulb. LEDs do not contain mercury.
Incandescent Bulb
CFL Bulb
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By The Villaggio Website Administrators
where specific event registration forms will be found.
Another important form that is not in the Other
Forms section is the Show Series Order form. This form
is used to buy show tickets to the shows in our Villaggio
Show Series. This form is located in the Shows & Events
section on the Main Menu.
Having easy to use and accessible forms on the website makes it convenient for everyone, especially for our
seasonal and part-time residents when they are not in
Look at all the information we covered in only one
small section of the website. There is a lot more ‘Good
Stuff’ on the site. If you have not been on the site for a
while, come check it out. Stay tuned for the next issue
and our next tip where we will be discussing the Lost &
Found and Classified Ad sections.
Are you aware that of all the homes in Villaggio,
there are only 16 households without computers or email addresses? This does not include the three unsold
Ansca homes. Of all the remaining homes in our community with computers, only two households are not
registered on the Villaggio website. That’s pretty amazing and so is the Villaggio website. It is a tremendous tool
and source of information for our residents. To help you
better utilize this great tool, we will provide a tip in every
Villaggio Voice issue.
The tip for this issue is about forms. To inform the
office staff of a problem, to make a Tennis Reservation,
to submit a Channel 63 request or a club page notification, or to make a modification to your home, as examples, you have to submit a form. Where do you get the
form you need? Do you have to go to the Clubhouse?
Maybe you need to call someone, but whom do you call?
No worries, if you need a form, it’s on the website.
On the home page of the website on the left hand
side, you will find all the important forms you need. In
the section titled FORMS, here is what you will find:
• The first item in the section is the Channel 63 &
Website form. If you are a member of a club in Villaggio
and you want to add or change information concerning
your club on Channel 63 or the website, this is the form
you would use.
• The next item in the section is our newest form
and a real time saver. It’s the Work Order form. If you
need to have the property manager deal with an issue
concerning your property or an issue in the community,
this is the form to make it happen. No calls or e-mails,
just submit this form electronically from the website
and a work order is created and you receive verification
that your issue was submitted and received. It also
makes it easier for the staff to organize and prioritize
their work.
• The next item in this section is the ARC Review
Committee forms. In this section are the instructions
and forms to apply for approval from the ARC
Committee to make changes to your property.
• The last item is called Other Forms. In this section you have a grouping of several important forms:
• The Year End Report Request form
• The Landscaping ‘OPT OUT’ form
• The Café Card forms
• The Villaggio Voice Ad form
• The Homeowners & Guest Registration form
If you are a tennis player, you most likely know about
the Tennis Reservation form. It is not in the Other Forms
section. It is located where all the tennis items are located in the TENNIS section on the Main Menu. Here is
% #
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CACO 32383 - CFC57183 - EC0001122
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
VILLAGGIO VOICE- Please Support Our Advertisers
Villaggio Voice
A newsletter covering life in Villaggio
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Inside Back Cover – Full Page
SOLD Inside Front Cover – Full Page
Full Page – 7 ¼ x 9 ¾
Half Page – 7 ¼ x 4 ½
Quarter Page – 3 ¼ x 4 ½
Business Card
10% discount
1 issue
4 issues
5 issues
6 issues
All prices require camera-ready art from advertiser and ads are due by the 15th of each month prior to the
issue (i.e.: the February issue due date is January 15, the April issue due date is March 15, etc.).
The Villaggio Voice will publish your advertisement in the 2011 issues as contracted at the above rate and will provide
a copy for your records. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to update the advertisement with expiration dates,
etc., as necessary. Any costs incurred as a result of changes made to the advertisement during the term of contract
shall be paid by the advertiser. The Villaggio Voice reserves the right to refuse and/or terminate any advertisement
for any reason whatsoever, at its sole discretion.
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CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________________________________________________________________________
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I would like my ad placed in the following issues in 2011:
Feb. (Issue 1) ____April (Issue 2) ____ June (Issue 3) ____ Aug. (Issue 4) ____ Oct. (Issue 5) ____ Dec. (Issue 6) ____
Issues of the Villaggio Voice will be distributed between the 7th and 14th of February, April, June, August,
October and December.
_______ Please use the same ad you have on file
_______ I have enclosed a new camera-ready ad.
PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “Villaggio” and mail to:
Ava Shanfield c/o Newsletter Advertising, 6935 Via Bernardi, Lake Worth, FL 33467
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Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
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