Newsletter Template - the Villaggio Community Website


Newsletter Template - the Villaggio Community Website
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
September - October 2010
BRAVEST – John Columbia, left, Gary Siegel, center and Bob Feinsilver, right, Villaggio’s bravest,
attended the Palm Beach Gardens’ 9.11.01 Memorial Plaza Dedication. The three retired members
of The Fire Department City of New York attended the dedication of the Memorial on Sept. 11,
2010. The 36 foot tall steel column from the south tower of the World Trade Center is encircled
by eight glass panels engraved with the names of the 3,000 victims.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
It’s Summertime!
The only Maiano for sale on water, professionally landscaped, extended patio, & accordion
shutters. Inside is quite customized with beautiful kitchen cabinets (not bldr's grade), island, 6
glass doors, pot/pans drawers, pull-out shelves,
granite backsplash; wall unit in family room
matches kitchen cabinets; custom unit in den;
Italian porcelain tile set on diagonal with marble accents. This is just a sampling of the
upgrades. Don't miss seeing your next dream
This Riviera is built on one of the best lots.
Water/golf views, professionally landscaped &
on a cul-de-sac! You won't want to leave the
pool area. It's paradise! Heated pool, auto clean,
built-in bbq, phantom screen...relax & enjoy. So
m any, m any elegant upgrades: leaded glass
doors, marble f loors, granite custom pecan
cabinetry, go urmet kitchen with expensive
exhaust hood, Thermodor s/s appliances & butler pantry. Swarovski chandelier. How can you
pass this up??
Breathtaking Pisa model with upgrades
galore! Neutral tile on diagonal. Beautiful
gourmet kitchen, 2 wall ovens, warming
tray, pots/pans drawer, pull-out shelves,
upgraded granite & backsplash, s/s underm oun t sink , 2 glass do ors, plus crown
molding, high tower & spindles adorn the
cabinets. Butler area with tumbled-marble backsplash & wine rack. Powder room
with old world cabinetry. This is only a
fraction of the upgrades.
Only 10 Resales Available in Villag g io!
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
The roof cleaning of the Milani and Pisano area
By Wiley Archer
homes will be completed and the painting of all of the
homes and the common buildings will be underway.
Summer is on the wane and we will soon be welInformation on color selection for the Milani and
coming back our seasonal residents as well as our year
Pisano homes will be provided for all to choose.
round residents who travel frequently during the
At an evening meeting on November 30, the
Florida summer. The level of activity will increase and
Finance Committee will present the proposed 2011
both pedestrian and vehicle traffic will be more evibudget to the Board and the community. The process
dent and the Clubhouse will become busier with room
of developing the proposed budget is ongoing and the
space at a premium. It is also not too soon to begin
Finance Committee has been collecting information
thinking of the election for a new Board of Directors
for the next year.
in January. It seems therefore to be a good time for a
Our campaign season is shorter and later than the
short review and a look forward.
s; however, we will have a candidate’s night in
What Has Been Done
December and the annual meeting and Board election
The community approved substantial changes to
will take place on January 5, 2011.
the governing documents and the Board approved
Challenges For The Future
changes to the By-Laws. All are designed to provide
As the community and its common facilities age,
the community with the tools necessary for effective
we are experiencing increased maintenance needs
future operations.
and the beginnings of equipment failures requiring
The Board has redesigned the staff to provide
replacement. There will also be a continuing need to
improved customer service to homeowners and will
refurbish our Clubhouse and maintain and improve
continue to look to the staff for effective day-to-day
the exterior landscaping. The availability of room
operations and maintenance of our common spaces.
space for functions and the insufficient storage and
Numerous major maintenance projects have been
administrative space in the Clubhouse continues to be
completed including outdoor pool equipment; cleana problem. The Board’s challenge is to work through
ing of drainage swales and paved areas, sidewalk and
these problems and continue to maintain high stanperimeter wall repairs and the major building beautidards and property values so that Villaggio will
fication project of cleaning all of the individual roofs
remain a premier community.
and painting the individual homes.
A Final Note
A major disappointment for the community was
The weather in south Florida is beginning to cool.
the failure of the vote to authorize the purchase of
have days where the temperature is less
chairs and tables for the poker room and the card
than 90, and the parade of storms from the African
coast seems to be sparing the southeast US so we can
Financially, Villaggio has a small cash surplus of
concentrate on our health and our happiness. I recent2.3% ($30,852) compared to our collected maintenance
ly saw an article indicating that the happiest people
assessments. Some additional income is collected for a
focused on the positive aspects of their lives so I urge
total cash surplus of 3.1% ($56,904) through August.
you all to focus on the positive aspects of residing in
Financial details are available on the Villaggio website.
Villaggio and be happy.
What Is Upcoming
Our Social Coordinator along with our entertainment support group has lined up an active show
series for our winter season.
A Newsletter that covers life in the Villaggio Community.
The Staff
Bob Schwadron, Coordinator/Editor . . . . .432-5356
Judy Frank, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .649-7711
Judy Hogan, Feature Writer/Editor . . . . . .966-0041
Fran Landman, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .642-0527
Lacy Kreamer, Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . .967-6814
Lani Steinberg, ADministrator . . . . . . . . . . .965-9172
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
activities as we raise money for ORT and contribute
By Rita Archer
to changing lives through the most powerful gift
that can be given to an individual, an education.
Dianne and Marty Gorbaty are very happy to
ORT aims to be a valuable, reliable resource for
announce their daughter, Dr. Lisa Gorbaty, was marall
our students and graduates, whether they are
ried to Christopher Myers on Sunday, August 22, at
immigrants seeking an education as they grapple
the Maplewood Country Club in New Jersey.
with the challenge of being new in a country or
Brothers Major Matthew Gorbaty and Mark
Americans hoping to earn a GED, an associate
Gorbaty were the groomsmen and niece Alexandra
degree or a new skill set. ORT’s U.S. schools and instiRose Gorbaty was a flower girl.
tutes provide a caring, supportive environment as
Rita and Wiley Archer are pleased to announce
well as a great education.
the upcoming wedding of their son, William Archer,
Our past successes and future plans inspire us
to Maria Accardo. They will be married in Glen Cove,
to go forward and continue our efforts to support
NY, on November 13, 2010.
ORT programs in every way.
On August 14, at a small family wedding in
You won’t want to miss our November 8 meetRehoboth, MA, Saundy and Harvey Stein's daughter,
ing. Our invited guest speaker is Liza Glucksman,
Debbi, married Te Barata.
whose grandparents left Russia in 1914 and took the
Judy and Mike Frank are thrilled to announce
Siberian Railroad to China and remained there until
the long-waited arrival of their granddaughter,
1954. Liza will recount their experiences and share a
Molly Lynn. Molly came home from Korea, to proud
brief history of the Jews in China. Mark this as a
parents Jessica and Andrew Frank and big brother,
“must attend.” Details will follow.
Connor, on Friday, Sept. 3. At 11 months old, she’s
filled our hearts with love and joy.
Important Dates:
Helen and Norman Rothman are proud to
October 16……… Scavenger Hunt
announce their granddaughter, Samantha Weber,
November 13…… Progressive Dinner
graduated from the University of Florida in
December 12……. ORT 130 Year Anniversary
Gainesville with a Master’s Degree in International
Celebration at
Business. They are also proud to announce their
Woodfield Country Club
granddaughter, Lecia Rothman, graduated from
January 10…….. Art Deco Docent-led Tour of
UCLA with a B.A. in English.
four famous Miami hotels.
The community is saddened by the passing of
Bus transportation provided.
Mickey Wasserburger and sends condolences to
February 3…….. Palm Beach Society of the
Four Arts. Lunch in
The community sends condolences to Linda and
Palm Beach.
Jeff Wallerstein on the loss of their grandson,
ORT - Hadassah Dance
Samuel Bish.
March 7………… Luncheon and Tour of
Our deepest condolences go to Bobbi Lazarus on
Villaggio Homes
the loss of her husband, Howard. All donations will
March 9………... West Side Story at the Kravis
be made to PAP.
Center (evening performance)
Helen and Norman Rothman want to offer their
Luncheon at Polo
appreciation to their friends and neighbors in
Club. Jenna Blum, author of
Villaggio for the donations and condolences on the
“Those Who Save Us”
passing of Helen’s mother, Jennie Kaplan. Helen is
and “The Storm Chasers”
overwhelmed by the compassion she has received
April 12 ……….. Card and Mah Jongg Party
from everyone.
Watch Channel 63 for details and new events.
By Bette Schroeder
As we head back from our summer hiatus and
resume our “normal “ lives, we look forward to many
At this time, we wish all of our members and
friends a happy and healthy New Year.
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probe the trauma of her mother’s suicide and her husVILLAGGIO READS – BOOK CLUB NEWS
By Judith Ann Hogan
band’s social climbing demands. Along with other
experimental treatments, Dr. Seth encourages Lucy to
Our August discussion focused on Kathryn
explore a lifestyle that provides her with emotional
Stockett’s memorable novel, The Help, which explores
and sexual satisfaction. She becomes quite the liberthe relationships between upper middle class white
ated woman and ultimately “an inconvenient wife” for
families and the African-American women who
her husband. He has no choice but to have her comworked for them as nannies and housekeepers. The
mitted to an institution where heavy medication and
setting is Mississippi in the 1960’s. Ms. Stockett based
cold baths force Lucy into submission. The novel
this novel on the loving care she received from her
explores the unhappiness and frustrations women
nanny, Demetrie, who worked for her family for three
were subjected to through family, marriage and sociegenerations. The nannies were considered one of the
ty. Megan Chance’s novel brings readers back to “a
family yet they were of a separate class. The novel is
time and place where women are expected to be simtold through the voice of Eugenia (Skeeter) Phelan
ple and subservient.” Our provocative discussion was
who returns home after graduating from Ole Miss.
led by Andrea Schoen.
She finds the routine of luncheon at the club, bridge
games and socializing with her married friends to be
frustrating and purposeless. Skeeter and two AfricanAmerican nannies form a bond because “they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and
their times.” The nannies, Abilene and Minnie, agree to
meet secretly with Skeeter. The bond these three
women create places them in danger. From their conversations, Skeeter begins to understand more
intensely the sacrifices these women made and the
risks they took to care for their own children and the
children of their employers. The novel accurately and
sensitively details life in segregated Mississippi.
During the writing of this novel, Ms. Stockett said, “I
was scared…that I was crossing a terrible line writing
in the voice of a black person. I was afraid I would fail
to describe a relationship that was so intensely influential in my life, so loving, so grossly stereotyped in
American history.” She continues, “there is no trickier
subject for a writer from the South than that of affection between a black person and a white one in the
unequal world of segregation.” Carol Renner led this
insightful discussion.
The novel, An Inconvenient Wife, by Megan Chance
was the focus of our September meeting. The novel
explores the upper class mores of New York City socief/\PSKHGHPD0DQDJHPHQW
ty during the 1880’s. Told through first person narraf6SLQH5HKDELOLWDWLRQ
tor, Lucy Carleton, the plot explores the relationship
she has with her husband and her doctor. Married for
one year, Lucy is suffering from severe anxiety and is
unable to handle the rigid social requirements her
place in society demands. Her husband, William, has
taken her to doctor after doctor and the diagnosis of
hysteria is difficult to treat. At the end of the nineteenth century, neurology and psychology were new
areas for medical exploration and application. Lucy is
taken to Dr. Victor Seth who uses hypnosis to help her
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
variety of activities that we can share with our
By Rose Moskowitz
friends and neighbors – watch for our flyers and
join us this fun-filled season.
I can’t believe the summer is coming to a close
and, as expected, the Florida Snowbirds will be
returning, not to Capistrano, but to Villaggio. We
had a very busy summer but look forward to partaking once again in the many activities planned by
our community and most importantly seeing our
friends and neighbors at Villaggio.
June started our northern adventures with a
visit to Sunset Cove on the Hudson River for a
delightful lunch with 42 of our friends and neighbors and then onto the Lyndhurst Castle for an
interesting tour. Thanks to Dianne Steinberg for
planning this successful event. Next, we had an
evening under the stars for a picnic and concert at
Jenkinson Beach at Point Pleasant, NJ. The evening
BOARDING – Villaggio Snowbirds get ready to board the Moon
was delightful and the music superb.
Chaser during the club’s Fire Island adventure. Pictured here are (left to
right): Ari Seditsky, Tony & Kathy Tigno, Jerry Lipschitz, Arlene
We walked the boardwalk, picnicked on the
Pomarlen, Mike Pomarlen (hidden behind Arlene), Shelly and Rich
sandy beach next to the stage and listened to wonCedarbaum and Adrienne Lipschitz.
derful music under the stars. Everyone had an
enjoyable time. Thanks to Rosemarie Davino and
Lita Scharf for taking the time to plan and execute
such a wonderful event.
By Rosemarie Davino
As a closing activity in August, Diane Wilner
On August 11 the Villaggio Snowbird Club enjoyed
planned an evening of dinner, dancing and boating at
a free evening of music on Jenkinson Beach at Point
Fire Island. Forty of us gathered at Flynn's Fire Island
Pleasant, NJ. It all began when Lita Scharf and I
for dinner. First, we cruised on the Moon Chaser at
Captree State Park. We kicked back and enjoyed the
planned this event many months ago – kudos to Rose
summer breezes and magnificent sunset on our way
Moskowitz who e-mailed information to everyone.
to this famous Fire Island landmark. We dined on the
The day began at 4pm when we arrived at the
water at Fire Island’s most famous restaurant. We
beach and placed our beach chairs just a few feet from
swayed to the music and enjoyed the party atmosthe stage. We all chatted, walked on the boardwalk,
phere as we feasted at their all you can eat buffet
bought sandwiches and had a wonderful old-fashioned
table featuring steak and seafood. After dinner, we
picnic. With the sun setting, everyone on the beach quished our shoes and took a walk on the beach.
eted down and anticipated an exciting evening. The
For our upcoming fall and winter season we
weather was even pleasant with a cool breeze.
have many wonderful activities planned. We will
The orchestra was on a platform higher than
start our major program off with our annual
the boardwalk with a backdrop of white fabric that
Welcome Back luncheon at Benvenuto’s on
hung from the rafters to the bottom of the stage.
December 15. All of Villaggio is invited – watch for
An assortment of colored lights shimmered off the
our flyer announcing this event. It is followed by the
fabric creating an illusion of magic. We were lucky
Spanish River Concert Series; a “Name that Tune” fun
that night as five musicians and the conductor
evening January 22; the Clydesdale Show in March; a
from the Lion King left Broadway to join the orchestra to perform for approximately 3,000 guests on
trip to the Flagler Museum for a docent tour and
beach chairs.
high tea March 30; a special event to be announced
The production was entitled “Music of
in February; a special ladies event in March; and our
Broadway.” An assortment of songs and composiannual Farewell Dinner April 13.
tions were performed that included solos and duets
We are a busy fun-seeking group who enjoy a
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
from a very fine soprano, an alto and tenor. Songs
were from Carousel, Les Miserable, The Wiz, Phantom,
South Pacific, Little Mermaid, Chicago and many more.
The performance on that wonderful night in
August was outstanding but what made it more
enjoyable was spending it with our friends from
By Sandy Goodman
The Villaggio Softball Association (VSA) re-elected five incumbents to its Board of Directors.
Returning to the Board for 2010-2012 are John
Bernath, Bob Feinsilver, Sandy Goodman, Harry
Lebedun, and Larry Perrin.
They join Leon Ashkenas, Dan Goldsmith, David
Levine, Ron Penn, Bob Schwadron, and Alan Taub on
the VSA Board of Directors. The six were elected in
2009 for a two year term.
The VSA Elections Committee was chaired by
Shelly Geffon. Some statistical information regarding this election: There were 88 members eligible to
cast their votes. The entire election was conducted
via email. A quorum was attained when 22 members cast their votes. A total of 73 members voted
equating to 83% of those eligible. A total of 356 votes
were cast. No ballots were declared invalid. There
were five clear winners, filling out the next 11 member Board. There are no losers, but many truly valued VSA members willing to serve.
PAUSE – Villaggio Softball Association players pause to pay tribute
to the victims of 9.11.01.
By Sandy Goodman
Villaggio Softball Association recorded its first
triple play on the hot last Saturday of July.
A sharp ground ball off the bat of Norman
Rothman was gobbled up by shortstop Alan Egenthal,
who pursued crossing runner Stan Schwartz
between second and third and tagged him out.
Egenthal kept on running to second base, where
he recorded a second force out. Egenthal then rocketed the ball to first baseman Larry Skolnick to nip
Rothman at first and make VSA history.
By Gary Gellman
I’m inviting everyone in Villaggio to our Fall Golf
Tournament and Dinner Dance. It will be held at the
Sherbrooke Country Club on October 23. For the
first time, we are having a DJ at our dinner, so in
addition to our regular activities including door
prizes and awards, we will have dancing, as well. We
hope all Villaggio golfers will invite their spouses,
significant others and friends for a great time.
Golf begins at 1pm with a shotgun start.
Cocktails and dinner start at 5pm. Prizes and trophies will be awarded, and there will be a free drink
at dinner to all attendees.
The fees for golf and/or dinner are as follows:
Members, golf & dinner - $60
Members golf only - $40
Member & spouse dinner - $32
Resident nonmember golf & dinner - $85
($25 amount can be used for 2011 dues)
Non-resident (guests) golf & dinner - $ 100
Non-residents (guests) golf only - $50
RE-ELECTED -- Three of the five re-elected Villaggio Softball
Association directors gather in front of VSA’s “wall of fame” in the
Clubhouse. They are (left to right): Harry Lebedun, Sandy Goodman and
Larry Perrin. Missing from the photo are John Bernath and Bob
Checks, made payable to the Villaggio Golf Club,
may be given to any board member -- Gary Gellman,
Len Bassen, Mort Gropper, Larry Dinetz, Mike Frank,
Fred Mcgaw or Mike Lightman.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
CHEERS – Some of the attendees at the August 27 fish fry celebrate
the new open until 10pm evening pool hours and toast the beautiful
Friday evening weather.
Randy Jay Sachs, D.M.D.
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FISH LINE – The August 27 All You Can Eat Fish Fry feed line moved
quickly as Villaggians lined up at Mr. B & Me Too to chow down.
Any Wednesday
Oct.1 - 17, 2010
Who Killed Santa Claus?
Dec. 3 - 19, 2010
Always, Patsy Cline
Jan. 28 - Feb. 13, 2011
March 25 - April 10, 2011
May 20 - June 5, 2011
hosted by Randolph DelLago
Come Rain or Come Shine
Hello David!
Side by Side
Bigger Isn’t Better
Oct. 11-13, 18-20, 2010
Dec. 13 - 15, 20 - 22, 2010
Feb. 7 - 9, 14 - 16, 2011
April 4 - 6, 11 - 13, 2011
The “Other” Gershwin May 30, 31 & June 1, 6 - 8, 2011
all individual tickets $30/person
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
can pay as you go.
By Linda Kalish
This is an excellent opportunity to have fun,
exercise, energize yourself and, best of all, to meet
Summer has come to a sweet end. The Gold
your neighbors. Don’t just think about it, just do it!
Coast Chorus snowbirds will soon begin their
Learning to dance can be done in three easy
migration back to Villaggio. Rehearsals have been
in progress throughout the summer months.
Step 1: make the commitment to begin taking
Auditions and weekly rehearsals are now underway
lessons with the Villaggio Dance Club.
as we prepare for our Saturday, April 9, 2011 show,
Step 2: continue with the lessons. You don’t have
Curtain Call.
there every week, but if you come consistently,
Tickets will go on sale in early December. Tune
you will see steady progress. You’ll learn the steps,
in to Channel 63 for the ticket sale date and check
techniques and gain confidence.
the flyers. This is one spectacular show you don't
Step 3: put yourself in the picture below and you
want to miss. For information call Gloria Cooper at
will be doing this in no time. All you have to do is
304-4464 or Sally Kozinn at 967-1033.
learn to dance with the Villaggio Dance Club. Make
the commitment to stick with it. Make the commitVILLAGGIO BRIDGE CLUB UPDATE
By David Cohen
ment to have fun, exercise, energize and meet your
During these summer months Villaggio bridge
For more information, contact: Candace Harelik,
players continue to sharpen their intellectual skills
(home); 561-927-7566 (cell) or email at
on Tuesday evenings at the duplicate bridge game
and on Thursday and Monday afternoons at party
bridge. Alan Chesler continues to teach Villaggio
residents beginning and intermediate bridge.
Daniel Rosenkrantz is currently assisting Alan so
that the bridge students receive more individual
This summer several bridge players have moved
into our community. They recently joined our club
bringing our membership close to 100 members.
When the Snowbirds begin to return our club will
work together with our new Social Coordinator to
arrange space to facilitate our duplicate and party
bridge games.
Please save the following dates: Our annual general meeting will take place on Wednesday, January
12, at 10am in the Social Hall; refreshments will be
served. Our annual luncheon and bridge tournament will take place on Wednesday, March 9, from
noon to 4pm.
By Joel Harelik
The Villaggio Dance Club begins its third year of
dance lessons on Friday, Oct. 22, and on every Friday
thereafter. Lessons will be held in the Fitness
Center’s Aerobics Room between 11am and noon.
Lessons are conducted by dance professionals
and are only $20 per couple. A good feature is you
ROUTINE – Candace Harelik gracefully dances her routine at a
recent dance competition.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Dan Beldowicz, treasurer of the Italian Club. Dan
has cleared his calendar to receive all the excited
By Lois Wions
Villaggio community members who will be lining
up at his door to attend our next two events. To give
It was the day after Benevento’s and all through
you a hint of more exciting events to come, the
the Beldowicz house, not a creature was stirring,
Villaggio Italian Club will he hosting a Pre-holiday
not even a .............Knock knock. “Who's there?”
event the evening of December 10 in the Clubhouse.
“It's a member of the Villaggio Italian Club.”
In addition, we will all be attending the fabulous
“Oh, hi there,” said Dan. “What can I do for you?”
Christmas pageant in Broward, followed by a group
"I wanted to drop my check off for The Lady
dinner in a restaurant on December 12. Mark your
Atlantic cruise on October 15. We had such a sensacalendars so you won’t miss out!
tional time at Benvenuto’s last night that we wanted to get you this check now, even though the trip is
in October. We don't want to miss it. Benvenuto’s
had delicious food and the Broadway revue was
super! Besides, the Italian Club always holds the
best events.”
“Oh, great!” said Dan. “I'll sign you up. Sorry, I can't
talk right now. I'm trying to finish a project for
work. See you soon.”
Dan returned to his den and a pile of work when
he heard his daughter come home.
“Where are you, Dad?”
“I'm in the den. What's up, honey?” asked Dan.
David and Lois Wions and Rita Schoen
“Someone stopped me in the driveway, Dad. She
said she couldn't miss the next event that the Italian
Club is having on The Lady Atlantic on October 15. She
made me promise to give you this check as soon as I
walked in the house. What's up with these intense
Villaggio Italian Club members, Dad?”
“Well, we had a wonderful dinner and show with
all the wine you could drink; so, everyone is psyched
for the next event. They want to get their checks in
right away, I guess.”
“Whatever, Dad!”
Dan sat down to his work once again when the
doorbell rang again!! This continued all afternoon.
Eugene and Andrea Yaver
The moral of the story is don’t miss out on events
hosted by the Villaggio Italian Club. There are only a
very few seats left on The Lady Atlantic cruise on
October 15.
On November 5, the fabulous group, We-2 is providing a show with dance music at the Clubhouse.
Refreshments for this evening include: Italian pastries, coffee, and soft drinks. Bring your own wine
or liquor and set-ups will be provided. The cost of
the evening is $17 for members and $20 for nonmembers. The cruise on The Lady Atlantic and the
Performance by We-2 will be fun and entertaining
evenings, so don’t hesitate to get your checks into
Dan and Donna Beldowicz
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Jeri Weber
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer.
For us here in Villaggio the rainy season has begun
and we've seen some evidence of flooding in and
around the community. We've had some named
storms, but thankfully, none that have hit South
Florida. We've been very lucky!
Some of our friends and neighbors have not
been that fortunate. We've seen several deaths and
we at PAP have had to make numerous referrals to
Sylvester for cancer patients. Our goal is to elimiJim and Carol Fisher
nate the "scourge" that cancer is, so those calls
become totally unnecessary in the future. To that
end, we are always trying to come up with fundraising efforts to enable us to send money to
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center/University
of Miami Health System to further the much needed research.
With our help, Sylvester has opened a new
women's center in Deerfield Beach headed by Dr.
Charles Vogel. To quote the PAP Newsletter, "For more
than four decades, Dr. Vogel has worked on the front
lines in the war against cancer and to advancing
Bob and Julie Failla
research and treatment of breast cancer. Dr. Vogel
collaborated with breast cancer researchers
throughout the nation, giving his patients access to
clinical trials unavailable anywhere else in the
region.” I have heard firsthand from a Villaggio resident and patient of Dr. Vogel's what a "wonderful,
compassionate, impressive" doctor he is! So, women,
be aware that routine mammograms are now available in Deerfield Beach.
In addition, in the new wing at Sylvester,
Alvin and Robin Schwartz
CONCENTRATE – Concentrating on their Mah Jongg game at PAP’s
annual summer Card & Mah Jongg party and luncheon are (left to right):
Linda Blank, (back to camera), Adrienne Gian, Susan Haas, Jeri Weber
and Barbara Hersh.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Deerfield, there is also a new radiation department
Mona Dinaburg
where the following advanced imaging technologies will be available to diagnose other medical conThe Art Film Club has made some changes in its
ditions: 64-slice CT, bone density screening, comschedule for November and December. We will be
bined PET-CT Scan, digital mammography, digital
showing Troubled Water in November and Kabei Our
radiography and fluoroscopy, MRI, and ultrasound,
Mother will be scheduled for sometime early next
just to name a few. So if you are in need of a routine
test, think about the Women's Center at
Troubled Water is a multi-layered story told from
different perspectives. The same scenes go back and
We have some exciting up-coming events. On
forth in time and a profound drama emerges. It tells
October 18 at 7pm, we kick off our season with our
an engrossing story that deals with important
first PAP meeting. All are welcome to hear a guest
human themes of love, hate, forgiveness and good
speaker discuss nutrition and wellness. We are lookand evil. A spellbinding plot keeps your attention
ing forward to having more meetings this year with
from start to finish.
guest speakers. So watch for notices!! We have our
As It Is In Heaven will be our December feature.
annual Card & Mah Jongg party at Broken Sound on
This is a deeply moving film that tells the story of
November 5. There are still some spots left, so make
Daniel Dareus, a successful and renowned internayour reservations now. On December 3, we have
tional music conductor whose life’s aspirations are
"The Hot Rod Show." A Rod Stewart impersonator
to create music that will “open people’s hearts.” After
will be performing. Get your tables together and
a tragic mishap, he decides to return to his boyhood
prepare to be entertained! Our "Celebration of Life"
home in Sweden where he endured terrible bullying
will be held on Sunday, February 13. Join us for a very
as a child. He eventually ends up directing the local
special brunch celebrating Life, Love & Valentine's
church choir and becomes very involved in the lives
Day. In March we will have a wine & cheese evening
of the people who live there. This Oscar nominated
with our very own author-in-residence, John
film tells a tale of love and community and the tranColumbia, joined by Gibby Palmaccio, author of "The
scendent power of music.
Cosa Nostra." Watch for the flyers and information
in the Clubhouse.
Remember, every time you support a PAP function, we are able to send money to the dedicated
doctors who very much need our donations for
1st Capital Insurance
research. We are dedicated to wiping out cancer for
Guy Vardi
our children and grandchildren. We pray the next
President/ Principal Agent
dollar collected is the last dollar needed because a
954-623-6164 Ext 101
cure for cancer has been found.
954-623-6181 Fax
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Florida’s Home Owners Insurance Specialist
BINGO – Stepping away from PAP’s Bingo Night activities are (left
to right): Jeri Weber, President; Judy Cohen, Fund Raising Vice
President; Toby Lopresti, Executive Vice President; and Sarajane
Feinsilver, Recording Secretary.
South Florida 2515 N State RD 7 #213 Margate FL 33063
Central Florida 3619 W. Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33609
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
and Jeff Taub, an extremely funny comedian. You
By Carol Waldman
can choose to sit at a particular table if you wish.
Our December 5 breakfast will be different than
The Villaggio Bowling Club 2009/2010 season
anything we have previously done. We will be havofficially ended in April. However, many of the
ing an expert host and a variety of fun contests.
league members came together for pickup games
There will be trivia, a “Name that Tune” segment and
on Thursday afternoons. We played most of the
an “identify your Villaggio friends and neighbors
remainder of the spring and summer. On most
from their wedding pictures” segment. There will
Thursdays we had as many as 25 people bowling.
also be prizes for the winning tables. It should be a
This included many new members of the league
lot of fun. (NOTE: Get your wedding photos to
who will be joining us for the 2010/2011 season.
Richard Greenberg ASAP.)
We had many outstanding games during the
Since January 2 is just after the New Year’s holisummer. Harvey Rubenstein bowled a 211 and Lil
we will not hold a meeting that month.
Gross bowled a 208. Paula Reiss had a 184 and Carol
We also have many other exciting events
Waldman had a 181. We all had a great time.
planned for the future, so if you haven’t joined yet,
We will continue to come together as a group of
join now. All dues will be good through December
friends until the start of the new bowling season on
2011. Look on the Clubhouse lobby spinners for furOctober 14. We bowl at Greenacres Bowl on
ther information or on channel 63. Get your checks
Thursdays at 2:30pm. The cost of bowling is $10 to
in now. Remember: “A penny saved is not worth a
join the club and $12 each week. This goes towards
damned thing anymore.”
the price of bowling, cash prizes and the bowling
luncheon. Last year's first place team each won $150.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact
Barbara Wexler
Carol at
The Villaggio Players are gearing up for our
November 20 performance. It will be our second
By Richard Greenberg
book-in-hand (experimental) show, featuring two
short plays. Last year's show was very well received
A new season will be upon us beginning in
and we have chosen new, interesting pieces, to be
October. This year we have drastically changed the
followed by an ice cream sweet treat. We invite you
format. We will be having a full breakfast for almost
to join us - $5 will bring you an evening's entertainall of our meetings and, instead of the usual array of
ment. Tickets are available by calling Barbara
speakers, we will be importing talent from all over
Wexler (969-2270) or Rita Archer (433-4384).
We are also in the process of having cast calls for
We begin with Sandy Warren, a wonderful
our March show (shh - it's a mystery...) If you are not
singer who will fill your morning with an array of
available for the dates/times posted on Channel 63,
show tunes and other songs. This will be on Sunday,
but wish to try out, please call Jerry Konsker (432October 3, at 9:30am.
6652) or Barbara Wexler (969-2270) and we will find a
On October 19 we have arranged for a bus trip to
time to suit you.
the Hard Rock. Although the first bus has already
Come join us.
been sold out, we have a waiting list for bus #2. Don’t
gamble; get your reservation in as soon as possible.
The November 7 breakfast will feature the
entertainer, Matt Stanley. He’s a good looking
crooner whom the ladies will love (the men will,
November 19 is our annual celebration. This year
our anniversary party will be held at the Boca
Dunes Country Club. It will be a party to rival anything that Villaggio has thrown in the past. There
will be an open bar, a complete dinner, a D.J., dancing
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Phyllis Lederman
Oh my gosh am I surprised
These words I hardly recognize
'Hi' was what we use to say
But now we greet with a hearty 'hey'
'Hip-hop' was what the bunny rabbits do
But now it's about Eminem and his crew
'Drop-by' meant stopping by to say hello
And not shoot them dead and go
And when did text become 'texted'
This certainly has me quite perplexed-ed
And whoever heard of a 'face book'
Boy oh boy do I feel like a schnook
They twitter and tweet and blog all the day
And the more things change I wish they'd stay
A new language they now do speak
And it makes me just want to shriek
Over the rainbow I did go
And often wonder if my brain is just slow
So I'll just pretend I know what they say
And to the heavens I shall pray
Help me understand this talk
So I too can walk the walk.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
sion shows. This is a show you won’t want to miss
By Mirilynn Zager
and it will no doubt sell out quickly. The traditional
dinner and the entertainment tickets are $30PP for
On July 18 the Villaggio Jewish Cultural Club had
members and $35PP for non-members. Call Anita
a fabulous dinner at Mykonos Greek Restaurant in
Geffon, 965-1314, or Gene Zager, 966-2504, and reserve
Boca Raton. We sold out the allotted space and apolyour space.
ogize to those who were on the wait list and could
A belated L’Shana Tova from the Villaggio Jewish
not attend. Everyone enjoyed the dinner which
Club to all our friends and neighbors.
began with heaping plates of hummus and pita, salads, a variety of entrees and ended with delicious,
authentic Greek pastries.
The incredible dinner, combined with the entertainment of a beautiful, talented and very sexy belly
dancer, whom some of us even ventured to dance
with, made for a truly wonderful evening. John Fusco
wins the award for the best belly dancer in Villaggio.
The club’s future plans for 2010 include an
evening with John Tanasychuk, Restaurant Critic
for the Sun Sentinel newspaper, on Sunday October
10 at 7pm. He will share the experiences of being a
restaurant critic as well as give us great insight into
your favorite Palm Beach County eateries. It is followed by coffee, fruit and pastry by our very own
Mr. B and Me Too for only $10PP for members or
$15PP for non-members. Call Marie Schaeffer, 4399404, now while space is still available.
GREAT MOVES – John Fusco works off his delicious meal at
Mykonos Greek Restaurant and demonstrates his belly dancing moves
with the Mykonos dancer.
FULL TABLE – Jewish Cultural Club members and guests enjoyed a
fabulous dinner at Mykonos Greek Restaurant in Boca Raton.
In addition, on Sunday, December 12, at 6pm, we
will be having our signature event of the year. This
year’s Hanukkah Party will feature a fabulous dairy
dinner with traditional potato latkes and so much
more. The entertainment for the evening will feature first, the talented singing of “Diane King”, followed by the incredible “Amazing Bottle Dancers”,
who were featured in the movie Fiddler On The Roof
as well on Oprah Winfrey and Bonnie Hunt televi15
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
23. Does the Little Mermaid wear algebra?
1. Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the
sweaty things.
24. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults
enjoy adultery?
2. One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor....
25. How is it possible to have a civil war?
3. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
26. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the
rest drown too?
4. If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why
do we still have monkeys? and apes?
27. If you ate both pasta and antipasto, would
you still be hungry?
5. The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he
knows where all the bad girls live.
28. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you
6. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said
if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
29. Whose cruel idea was it for the word "Lisp" to
have "S" in it?
30. Why is it called tourist season if we can't
shoot at them?
7. What if there were no hypothetical questions?
8. If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash
his hands with soap?
31. Why is there an expiration date on sour
9. If someone with multiple personalities
threatens to kill himself, is it considered a
hostage situation?
32. If you spin an oriental man in a circle three
times does he become disoriented?
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's
within walking distance.
10. Is there another word for synonym?
11. Where do forest rangers go to "get away from
it all?"
12. What do you do when you see an endangered
animal eating an endangered plant?
13. If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish
his wages?
14. Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
15 Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are
they afraid someone will clean them?
16. If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless
or naked?
17. Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
18. If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he
has the right to remain silent?
19. Why do they put Braille on the drive-through
bank machines?
20. How do they get deer to cross the road only
at those yellow road signs?
21. What was the best thing before sliced bread?
22. One nice thing about egotists: They don’t talk
about other people.
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Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
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Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are
alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of
the car and you know how you just-get-sooostressed and life-stuff seems to get funny?
Well, I could not believe it . . . He was a dwarf! He
storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I AM
So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one
are you then?"
And that's when the fight started.
PLANT – A crane lifts a Canary Island Palm into place at the
Hypoluxo Road entrance. The new tree replaces one that died.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
having fun and raising funds for Hadassah’s Medical
By Phyllis Lederman
Organization. On July 15, with much enthusiasm,
the members of Villaggio Hadassah along with
their spouses and friends boarded the sold-out bus
headed for the Hard Rock Casino. All enjoyed a relaxing day as they ate, gambled and shopped. Thanks
to Marilyn Funes for planning this fabulous outing.
Villaggio Hadassah had an exciting opportunity
to attend Hadassah’s 95th National Convention at
the Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa in Hollywood,
FL, July 25-28. Delegates to the convention were
President Vicki Cobey, Vice-Presidents Carol
Waldman and Lorraine Ross and immediate past
President Barbara Slepian. They participated in
VOLUNTEERS -- President Vicki Cobey and Associate Paul Cobey
symposiums where they heard from doctors workdonated their time as volunteers at Hadassah’s 95th National Convention
as they helped greet and assist conventioneers from all over the world.
ing at the Hadassah Hospital in Israel about their
current research and from Hadassah College
Jerusalem students who have been helped with
For the very first time, Hadassah will join with
their education by participating in Hadassah’s
Susan G. Komen for the Cure the week of October 25
Youth Aliyah program.
– 29 for breast cancer themed events in Israel,
Attendees had an opportunity to learn about
including a Race for the Cure around the walls of
Hadassah as they met other Hadassah members
Old Jerusalem on October 28. At that time, Israel will
from around-the-world. The following Villaggio
launch their Breast Cancer Collaborative, seeking to
Hadassah members served as volunteers in whatenhance advocacy, awareness, screening and treatever capacity was needed to help the convention go
ment of breast cancer. This venture brings togethsmoothly: Associate Paul Cobey, Marilyn Funes,
er two formidable partners in order to fight breast
Susan Kaufman, Marcia Levy, Laura Savitz, Barbara
cancer on all fronts. Hadassah's team is appropriShotlander and Lani Steinberg.
ately named the 'Hadassah Heelers', and they're runOn September 21 Villaggio Hadassah held its
ning for their lives! Ashkenazi Jews are ten-times
Game Day. The participants enjoyed a
more likely than non-Jews to carry the BRCA gene, a
delicious lunch catered by our own Mr. B & Me Too
factor for developing breast cancer at some point in
while also shopping at our beautiful boutiques.
their lives. Hadassah's medical organization continThey played mah-jongg, bridge, canasta and pan or
ues its ground breaking research into prevention
any game of their choosing. The afternoon ended
and treatment of breast cancer. Hadassah builds
with the awarding of some fabulous raffle prizes.
bridges to peace by providing medical care for all at
Our thanks go to Sarajane Feinsilver, Laura Savitz,
their state-of-the-art hospital.
Lorraine Ross and their committee for their hard
In keeping with that theme, Villaggio Hadassah
work to make this another successful event.
members, residents and their guests are invited to
On November 9-11, Villaggio Hadassah will again
join us on October 12 in the Social Hall at 9:30am. At
to Florida's west coast to explore Sarasota,
that time, there will be a presentation by our eduVenice, Port Charlotte and their surrounding areas.
cation committee members who will discuss
The price of $350 per person includes door-to-door
women’s health, especially as it relates to breast
bus transportation, a two-night stay at Springhill
cancer. We will also be pleased to present a speaker
Suites by Marriott, all meals at terrific restaurants,
from the Susan G. Komen speaker’s bureau of South
two shows, admission to the Mote Aquarium and
Florida, who will be ready to answer all questions.
the Ringling Museum and many, many extras. The
For further information, please contact our
trip is limited to 50 persons, so don't delay making
Education Vice-Presidents: Cynthia Appel at 963your reservations. For further information please
3386 or Roberta Rein at 439-6003.
call Marilyn Funes at 491-8722.
The ladies of Hadassah had a very busy summer
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Save the date for Villaggio Hadassah's “Great
Trivia Challenge” Game Night on December 11. Come
show off your smarts at this exciting contest to see
who is pure genius or who has let retirement go to
their brain. You'll enjoy lots of laughs as you nosh on
delicious treats, make your own ice cream sundaes
and play the game. To add to this fun night, you can
BYOB…that always helps to get people relaxed! For
only $10 per person, you and your guests will have
hours of fun. For further information, please contact Bobbie Krumper at 357-3390, Robin Sherman at
963-5217, or Anna Tepper at 969-9940 by December 1.
In order for Hadassah to continue its life-saving
work, Villaggio Hadassah continues to sell bricks for
the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower presently
under construction in Israel. When complete, the 19
story structure, with five floors below ground, will
provide a therapeutic and healing environment for
patients and their families. For a donation of $18,
both in honor of or in memory of a loved one, you
will obtain a beautiful certificate and a brick will be
symbolically placed on the Tower. For further information, please contact Lorraine Ross at 649-3246.
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Tuesday, Nov. 16: New and prospective member
By Gail Siegel
breakfast at home of Debbie Klapper
Thursday, Nov. 18: First Villaggio NCJW meeting
Our 2010-2011 season is a busy one. We will have
in Social Hall (10am)
volunteers working for Matters of Choice (Teen
Wednesday, Dec. 8: Paid-up membership brunch
Dating Abuse), tutors at Caridad, helpers for Helping
at Villaggio
HAND (our storage unit service that provides lugSunday, Dec. 19: Movie Night at Villaggio – The
gage and household items for women and families
Forgotten Jews of South America
in crisis), volunteers for KOLOT (a program for
Saturday, Jan. 8: Military Bridge at Villaggio
abused partners) with AJFCS, our troop support
Feb. 10: Lunch and tour of Equestrian
program, and we are pursuing a partnership with
Center in Wellington
Child and Family Connections to work with youth
Friday, March 11: 10 day cruise aboard the
aging out of foster care.
Celebrity Equinox
The Palm Beach Section of NCJW has recently
Wednesday March 16: Literary Luncheon at Ibis
received an "Issue Awareness Grant" from the Jewish
Country Club
Women's Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches.
Wednesday, April 6: Women’s Seder at Villaggio
This grant was part of a larger grant which will
Friday, May 6: Norton Museum Tour
allow all of the participating organizations to work
toward a common goal in presenting a two-day
symposium on the “Changing Landscape of
Relationships Across the Generations.” This is the
first time that NCJW Palm Beach Section has
received a grant. This year, National Council of
Jewish Women is focused on the issue of domestic
violence in our communities. By presenting informational sessions on Teen Dating Abuse, Domestic
Abuse in the Over 55 Household, the power of relationships within multi-generational homes and
risk issues facing older women, we plan to bring the
issue of domestic violence to the forefront of community discussions.
NCJW meetings at Villaggio are the third
Thursday of the month at 10am. Our first meeting
will be on Nov. 18. Breakfast will be hosted by Helene
Askinazi in honor of the marriage of her daughter
INSIDE OUT – Lorraine and Mel Danziger (top photo) enjoy their
at Mr. B & Me Too’s patio and protection from the elements thanks
and Susan Schwartz in honor of the marriage of her
to the newly-installed Café roll downs. HOA Board President Wiley
son. A breakfast for new and prospective members
Archer and Vice President Harriet Epstein (below photo) inspect the new
will take place on Nov. 16 at 10am at the home of
Café roll downs.
Debbie Klapper. Our December meeting will feature
Delmarie Butler from Bethesda Women’s Health
Center. Her topic will be "10 greatest myths about
breast cancer".
For membership information please contact
Marji Bessen, 6505 Pisano or 967-2404.
Please make a note of important dates on our
calendar. Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
Wednesday, Oct. 20: Opening Section General
Meeting at Tradition
Friday, Nov. 12: Card and Game Day at Wycliffe
Country Club
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
VILLAGGIO C.O.P.S UNIT LOOKING or Sergeant Larry Moskowitz,
By Alan Taub & Jim Fischer
At our last monthly meeting a deputy assigned
to this area discussed recent increases in thefts he
Palm Beach Sheriff Office (PBSO), Volunteer Unit
labeled “crimes of opportunity”. He indicated that
90, the “eyes and ears” of the sheriff’s department in
many of the stolen items were taken from open
safeguarding our community, is looking for volungarages or unlocked vehicles. Another area of conteers to join Villaggio’s Citizens Observer Patrols
cern was the increase in telephone and e-mail
(COP) unit.
scams which target the elderly. Most cases involved
Our focus is on your safety and the security of
a request to send money to expedite payment of
your home. This job is non-confrontational in that
contest winnings, help a young (out of state) relative
we do not enforce laws or HOA regulations. We are
who does not have adequate funds to post bail or be
not a club or committee. Please join our select
admitted to a hospital.
group of men and women and experience the camaUnit statistics as of July 31 indicate we have
raderie and satisfaction knowing the service you
more than 1,800 patrol hours, attended 561
provide has a very positive impact on crime and
hours of training, performed 479 house/infirm
property values.
checks in Villaggio and put 9,943 miles on the vehiSheriff’s department statistics have shown that
cle. Our patrol area covers Villaggio, Town
communities with active PBSO volunteer units
Commons Shopping Center and bordering sub-divi(often referred to as Citizens Observer Patrols) have
sions of Sherbrooke.
significantly lower crime levels than communities
without patrols. The high visibility offered by our
patrols act as a deterrent to crime and increases
the safety of residents while jogging/walking
throughout the community.
The county provides formal training, uniforms,
medical coverage (while on duty) and an air-conditioned vehicle to conduct patrols. All expenses are
paid by the county. We are looking for additional
volunteers to expand our coverage and improve
staffing levels especially over the summer months
MEETING – Major Dave Rapoza, left, of the Palm Beach County
since statistics show a rise in thefts when schools
Office, discussed crimes of opportunity at the July meeting of
are not in session. Unfortunately, this is also the
the Villaggio COPS unit. Joining him at the head table from the Villaggio
time many of our members go north for the season
unit are (from second left): Field Training Officer Herb Gross, Capt. Alan
Taub, Lt. Jim Fischer and Field Training Officer Lou Kozinn.
and our year round members take vacations.
Individuals who no longer drive or cannot pass
the driving test can still be valuable members of our
team as certified “Observers”. If we are to expand
patrol hours, conduct more frequent house checks
and improve the safety and security of our community, we need your help. As a trained observer, you
will be teamed with a driver and handle communications, perform house/infirm checks and report
observed incidents.
Join us at our next monthly meeting, held the
first Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm in the
Clubhouse, to find out more about your Citizen
Observer Patrols unit. For more information, contact Captain Alan Taub, 868-5737, or by e-mail at; Lieutenant Jim Fischer, 965-8870,
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
ID Act of May 2008 has mandated a change in driBy John Schultz, Villaggio’s COWBRA Representative
ver’s licenses with new, more secure licenses being
issued as of Jan. 1, 2010 in Florida. These new licensAmendments on the voting ballot scheduled for
es will have a GOLD STAR in the upper right hand
November have been the topic of discussion for
corner and will signify that these licenses meet the
COWBRA delegates this month. Below is my synnew federal and state standard for a secure ID. Also,
opses (with as little bias as possible) of the discusissuing such licenses is now in the hands of Anne
sions. Please keep in mind most of these items will
Gannon. Palm Beach County Tax Collector. Her webnecessitate more investigation for a fair and imparsite is: if you have any
tial verdict.
further questions. Note: after 2014, Federal agencies
Amendments 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 are on the ballot in
will no longer accept a driver’s license or ID card
November and are summarized briefly below.
unless it is REAL ID compliant.
Amendments 3, 7 and 9 were removed by the Florida
Supreme Court.
Amendment 1 is a repeal amendment which is
on the ballot because many believe it is outdated
and does not get the use as originally intended. It
has to do with public financing of individual campaigns and although it seemed well intentioned at
the beginning, it basically needs to be re-written to
be more favorable to minority candidates.
COWBRA’s position on this amendment was unclear.
Amendment 2 provides tax exemption to regular military and Florida National Guard members
stationed overseas. This amendment has universal
Amendment 4 is the ‘hot button’ issue. It
requires a referendum vote if a comprehensive land
use plan is to be changed. The politicians do not
want this passed nor does COWBRA because it puts
decisions in the hands of the people and generally
diminishes the power of civic groups in general. In
other words, if you do not like the idea of schools
across Hypoluxo Road for instance, this would give
you a direct say in the matter as opposed to the way
it is now. A “yes” vote puts the say in the hands of the
Amendments 5 & 6 establish fairness standards
for use in creating Congressional and Legislative
districts. Politicians generally like to gerrymander
or shape districts to their benefit. This puts a stop
to that. This amendment has wide-spread support.
Amendment 8 changes the way class sizes are
determined. This has a broad reaching financial
effect when you factor in requirements for the
number of teachers needed and the economic
impact which could follow. COWBRA’s recommendation on this amendment was unclear.
Lastly on another topic; be advised the Federal
REAL ID Act of 2005 and now the Florida state REAL
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Bob Schwadron
Outlined against an overcast and gray Labor
Villaggians headed for the pool to play.
They came to munch on Mr. B & Me Too’s BBQ,
But a roll of thunder regretfully made them bid
And the pool area was cleared at 1:52.
(With apologies to Grantland Rice and his October 18,
1924 classic article in the New York Herald Tribune
describing Notre Dame’s 13-7 football victory over Army.)
The above attempt at poetry sums up Villaggio’s
pool deck Labor Day party when lightning and
thunder caused a mass exodus from the pool. Some
Villaggians headed home while other party goers
remained and continued to enjoy the calypso music
of Ellis Island. Artistic Labor Day party decorations
were designed by Sid Escowitz and placed poolside
by Bob Failla and Chuck Kaber. Our very own Social
Coordinator, Lacy Kreamer, busily distributed maracas and water to the Labor Day celebrants in her
specially decorated Labor Day party wagon.
DOLLS – A stuffed couple takes a break at the Labor Day party.
WELL DONE – The BBQ was smokin’ as party goers line up for food
at Mr. B & Me Too’s grill.
JUMP IN – Mel Farber, center, invites Villaggians to take the plunge
and jump into the pool.
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
By Judith Ann Hogan
and his wife Fran lived in
Bayside Queens before movJOYCE KANTROWITZ –
ing to Villaggio. They both
Volunteering her experience
enjoy the warmth and tropand skills with so many projical climate of Florida and
ects is a major focus for
retiring here was one of
After teaching
their goals. John served
Spanish, French, and bilinwith the US Army in
gual elementary classes for
Vietnam. A cum laude grad34 years in New York City and
uate of Queens College with a degree in philosophy,
Westchester and Rockland
John says his greatest challenge was “getting
Counties in New York, she
through college while working full time”. Studying
was instrumental in establishing the tutoring pronights, weekends and summers, he completed the
gram for the Guatemalan Maya Center in Lake
requirements in four years. His career as a Project
Worth. Through her efforts, 23 men and women
Manager/Project Engineer in the commercial confrom NCJW volunteered their time and expertise
struction field for Johnson Controls and as
once a week to teach some of the 120 children
Engineering Manager for Trane NY offered him the
enrolled. When necessary, clothing and toiletries
opportunity to work in many of the high rise buildwere collected as well as food and important houseings and major hospitals in the New York area. For
hold necessities. Joyce is currently Co-Vice
two years prior to the 9/11 tragedy, he worked in the
President of Community Service for the Palm Beach
World Trade Center. He is chairman of the Villaggio
Section of NCJW. Among its programs are a teen
Architectural Review Committee. He says the comdating abuse program, a troop support program,
mittee consists of a “wonderful group of people who
KOLOT – “Voices” for Jewish victims of domestic
are unique in their opinions and always seem to
abuse (through Alpert Jewish Family and Children’s
come together to give the community a standard
Service), Helping HAND –Household Articles for a
that represents the diversity of our homeowners.”
New Direction – for women and families in crisis,
John also coordinates the Villaggio Traveling Golf
and the after school homework help program from
group and plays tennis several times a week. In his
Caridad. Working with the PBC Literacy Coalition,
spare time, John paints with oils and has sold many
Joyce taught adults to read. In 2008, she was the
paintings. He also has a deep love for music and has
NCJW Volunteer of the Year and, together with
played the piano and organ since he was a teenager.
many other dedicated women, lobbied on Capitol
John and Fran have traveled throughout the world
Hill on its behalf last March. Here in Villaggio, Joyce
and Venice, Italy is one of their favorite destinations.
is a “program assistant” for NCJW functions. During
Recently, they visited Yellowstone and the Pacific
tax season, she helps her husband Don as an AARP
Northwest. They also love to take cruises. John is
tax aide site facilitator. Don is the district coordinaproud of Fran’s volunteer work helping people
tor, site coordinator of two tax sites, and a tax aide.
adopt puppies and kittens at A Second Chance aniHe is also a “patient glass fusion instructor” for the
mal shelter.
Art Club. Joyce has served on the Villaggio Facilities
Committee and is the secretary of Villaggio’s
Spanish Club as well as its substitute teacher. Her
greatest challenge was “recovering from spinal
fusion surgery in 1987 and two recent automobile
accidents”. Joyce is a member of the Villaggio Reads
Book Club, PAP (for whom she helps sell tribute
cards), and with her husband participates in a gourmet cooking club where he is one of the “chefs”.
Together they have one daughter who lives in NYC
very close to Macy’s, Joyce’s “favorite department
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Editor’s note: Jerry Konsker is a veteran of the
Korean Conflict. This poem is in honor of
November 11, Veterans’ Day.
JAFCO/VILLAGGIO annual luncheon will be
held at the Clubhouse on Tuesday, December 7, at
By Jerry Konsker
11am. Please join us for a day of delicious food, fabulous fashions, exciting boutiques and amazing
They still march slowly in my mind’s eye.
raffles. The cost is only $27 per person. Please call
I watch, knowing not to question why
Ingrid at 561-304-2968 for reservations and seatA half century hasn’t slowed their pace,
ing preferences. Watch for the official invitation
Or frame, forever, each forlorn face/
and reservation in this issue of The Villaggio Voice.
They’re simply here, memory not dead.
Nor, should they ever depart my head.
Their legacy is the time they gave
For us to hold the dream, this earth save.
Dare we allow their lives spent in vain?
Yet, we look about, we see the pain
Of continuing wars
Ecological sores.
Will we awaken, end the nightmare
Haunting my mind? What can make us care
Enough to take up this sea of work,
With the sense of urgency, ne’er to shirk.
Can a silent force make us create,
Choose the clay, then to mold our fate
Worthy of the dreams we have all shared?
That their long dead voices will be heard.
Josh 7/10
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procedure. Propane can be very explosive if not hanBy Tommy Tooltime
dled correctly.
The best suggestion I recommend is to give the
tank to a friend or neighbor to use when you are
In this column Tommy will try to answer some
gone. Let them use it on their grill and return it to you
questions that he has received over the past few
when you return. Do not empty the gas into the air.
Besides, the fumes are more dangerous than the gas.
Dear Tommy…
Dear Tommy…
What type of preventive maintenance do I have
My front door lock “sticks” when I place the key
to do on my refrigerator for us to have trouble free
into it. What is the best remedy?
Signed… Mrs. Sticks
Signed… Mrs. Cool
Dear Mrs. Sticks…
The best lubricant for door locks is powered
graphite, which comes in a tube. Place the end of the
tube into the lock and squeeze. Insert the key and
turn the key several times to penetrate the lock.
Remove the key and wipe it off. Liquid lubricants are
not as effective as powered graphite.
Dear Mrs. Cool…
Besides vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner the
bottom and the back of the refrigerator and replacing the water filter semi-annually, I strongly suggest
lubricating the 2 interior door gaskets with petroleum jelly. Lightly wipe with your finger some petroleum jelly in and around the sides and back of the
door gasket. This should prevent the gasket from
drying out and becoming useless. Replacing these
gaskets can be expensive. A little maintenance
annually can prevent an expensive repair.
Dear Tommy…
I have a small water drip behind my washing
machine. What do you think it is?
Signed… Mr. Ounce of Prevention
Dear Tommy…
How do I get rid of small ants in my kitchen?
Signed… All Bugged Out.
Dear Mr. Prevention…
Check the water hoses connected to the back of
the machine -- the leak is most likely coming from a
small crack in the rubber hose. If so, you'll need to
replace the faulty hose immediately, before a major
break occurs. Turn off the water supply (so you
won't come home to a flood) and buy a new hose at
a hardware store. To install it, with the water turned
off, unscrew and remove the old hose, then screw
the new one in and tighten it by hand. Do not over
tighten it.
Dear All Bugged Out…
The small ants that you are referring to are
known as “sugar ants”. Usually they travel in a
straight line and like water. The easiest method to
get rid of them is to purchase a product called
“Terro®” at any home improvement store for less
than $5. Place a business card on the floor or counter top and place a couple of drops of Terro® on the
card. Re-apply in a few of days. This product works
magnificently. When leaving on vacation for a week
or two, I suggest applying this product to prevent an
Tommy’s Tip: Buy steel braided hoses -- they're
more expensive but also more durable and should
last a much longer time.
Dear Tommy…
I am a “snowbird” and I am concerned about leaving my propane barbeque tank in the garage for the
summer. Any suggestions?
Signed… All Fired Up
Dear All Fired Up…
Although there is no Florida building code
which prevents you from storing the propane tank
in the garage, I strongly recommend AGAINST this
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Mr. Greenblatt was a professor of classical guitar
at Montclair State College for over 13 years. Learn
By Lacy Kreamer, Social Coordinator
about the history, technique and its influence on
gypsy culture. This lecture will give you a sense of
Tuesday, October 19, at 10am
what flamenco music is all about.
LB Mayer- The Studio System and the Stars
$ 5 pp includes coffee and dessert
Presented by Sondra Steinhauer
The Golden Age of movies gave us great films and
Friday, December 17 at 10am
great stars. These stars were idolized and adored by
Art Deco in the Palm Beaches
their fans, but paid a price. Find out what the ‘Studio
Presented by Sharon Koskoff
System’ was about and how LB Mayer controlled MGM
Ms. Koskoff is the founder and president of the Art
with an iron hand.
Deco Society of the Palm Beaches. Discover the beau$ 5 pp includes coffee and a snack
tiful Art Deco artistic and architectural treasures of
the Palm Beaches.
Saturday, October 30, 8pm-11pm
FREE event! Coffee will be served.
Halloween in the Big Easy
Swing on over to the Clubhouse to celebrate
Friday, December 31, 8pm-1am
Halloween in the Big Easy! Enjoy a happening evening
Celebrate New Year’s Eve with the Stars
of dancing, music, and friends. You won’t want to miss
at Villaggio
the music of LeNard Rutledge accompanied by his
Plated Dinner, Music by Whitestone, Dancing, and
band and Grammy award winning saxophonist Felipe
Champagne Toast
Step back into the old days of Hollywood when
$23 pp includes coffee and dessert
Fred and Ginger were dancing up a storm, when Lucy
and Ricky were sleeping in separate beds and Greta
Wednesday, November 17 at 7pm
was vanting to be alone.
Classical and Flamenco Guitar
$100 pp. See Ava or Lacy for your exclusive invitation!
Presented by Howard Greenblatt
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Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
Villaggio Voice - Please Support our advertisers
To My Villaggio Neighbors
Our neighborhood is looking really great with the clean roofs. It will be interesting to see
our homes when the painting begins.
I have several customers who would love to live in our neighborhood, or rent for the season.
Because we have so few homes for sale at the present time, it is hard to find them exactly
what they want.
We have a very desirable neighborhood and the season for Real Estate is coming. If you
have been thinking of selling your home, or have a friend that would like to live in our
neighborhood, please give me a call.
Your Resident Realtor
Candace Harelik

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