April - the Villaggio Community Website
April - the Villaggio Community Website
VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers April 2009 Villaggio Voice SPORTS – Members of the Jewish Cultural Club hear about the “Jews in Sports” exhibit at the Jewish Museum. See page 10 for more. GIGOLETTES – The Gold Coast Chorus Gigolettes are not only cooking, they are cleaning up as well. See page 37 for more about the performance, A Musical Journey In Time. THANKS – Receiving plaques of appreciation on behalf of the HOA are (left to right): Michael Frank, Marvin Silverman and Garry Bergman. HOA President Arnie Cohen, right, presented the plaques to the three former HOA Board members in appreciation of their service to the community. SONG – Members of the Villaggio Players Theater Group cast break into a closing song. See page 8 for more. VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers JOAN PIZZI YOUR VILLAGGIO RESIDENT BROKER-REALTOR LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? LOOKING FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS? WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, PLEASE CALL ME. • COMPETITIVE COMMISSION • NO TRANSACTION OR PROCESSING FEES • VILLAGGIO RESIDENT DISCOUNT (561) 965-7220 - Office • (954) 557-9005 - Cell www.branhamrealty.com/villaggio.htm • jpizzire@aol.com SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1977 HAPPY AND HOLY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! Beautifully landscaped Novara model conveniently located within a very short walking distance to the social club and the fitness center. All cabinets have been upgraded with stunning granite. Crown molding, chair rail, and tile throughout, except in the bedrooms. Tile to the ceiling in showers with listello in master bath. Accordion shutters, tinted windows throughout and a generator. Very well maintained and waiting for you to move in. Asking $335,000. Exquisite Maiano home on premium lot. There are so many upgrades, such as, magnificent lake view, extensive crown molding, 5 1/2” baseboards, chair railing, decorative colors (neutral), Italian porcelain tile throughout set on a diagonal, accordion shutters, extended patio and so much more. You have got to see this house to believe it! Asking $475,000. This Stresa Model has numerous upgrades: neutral tile, decorative fixtures, crown molding, pedestal sink with matching commode in powder room, beautiful tile in both master & guest bathroom showers to ceiling w/listellos, no tub in guest bathroom, s/s appliance package, accordion shutters, fantastic lake view, and more. Asking $475,000. Riviera Model, asking $499,900 unfurnished, $515,000 furnished tastefully and like new. Snowflakes are rarely here and the house shows like a model. Numerous upgrades, such as, double wall ovens, pots/pans drawers, tile on diagonal, listellos in showers, and on and on. 2 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO VOICE A Newsletter that covers life in the Villaggio Community. The Staff Bob Schwadron, Coordinator/Editor . . . . .432-5356 Judy Frank, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .649-7711 Judy Hogan, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .966-0041 Fran Landman, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .642-0527 Lani Steinberg, ADministrator . . . . . . . . . . .965-9172 All articles and club reports, etc. should be typed in Microsoft Word, 12 pt, Times New Roman and emailed to bobwho4@bellsouth.net. All articles must be received by the 15th of each month preceding the issue in which it will appear. Issues will be printed every other month beginning with the February issue. The contents and opinions expressed in articles in the Villaggio Voice are solely those of the writers of those articles. The Villaggio Voice and/or the residents who contribute time and effort to this publication assume NO RESPONSIBILITY for any claims made by our advertisers or contributors. We are also NOT RESPONSIBLE for the quality of workmanship or services offered by our advertisers. We do not change the theme of submitted articles. As part of the editorial process, we check for grammar, spelling, news style, available space and appropriate content. Randy Jay Sachs, D.M.D. Emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry Woods Walk Dental Center 9835-8 Lake Wo rth Road Wellington, Florida 33467 Tel: (561) 434-3055 Fax: (561) 434-7037 E-mail: sachsdental@hotmail.com ATTENTION VILLAGGIO HOMEOWNERS Please patronize the businesses advertised in our newsletter and remember to tell them you saw their ads in the Villaggio Voice. Keep in mind that anyone who provides a service to you is a potential advertiser so be sure to offer them the opportunity to get the most for their money by advertising in the Villaggio Voice. A copy of the 2009 advertising contract is included in this issue of the Villaggio Voice. IF YO U FIND AN Y ERROR S IN T HE V ILL AGGI O VOICE, PLE A SE NOT E T HAT T HE Y ARE T HERE FOR A P URPOSE . W E P U BLISH SOME T HING FOR E V ERYONE , A N D S O M E P E O P L E A R E A LWAYS LO OK ING FOR MIST E AK S! 3 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT of adding shades is also being considered to further reduce the effects of the western exposure in the By Arnie Cohen rotunda area. The time is rapidly approaching when many of 5. A new committee is being formed to review you will be leaving to head north. It’s hard to believe all of the rules and regulations currently in place that the winter season is over and spring has with an eye to consolidating everything into one arrived. But before that happens, it is time to bring booklet for all to have. The answer “I didn’t know everybody up to date as to what is happening that” needs to end and this is your Board’s attempt around the community. Your Board and to put everybody on the same page. Committees continue to do the work of the com6. Contracts have been signed for the new munity. canopy shade area that is being erected on the back The following list will attempt to bring you all of the pool deck. It is expected the construction for up to date: the new 15’ by 25’ gazebo will be completed by the 1. The updating of our Documents and Bybeginning of June in time for the summer heat. We Laws has been completed by the Documents expect some minor disruption while the construcCommittee. It is being sent to our attorney for legal tion goes on but we do not believe it will severely review and to be put into proper legal terminology. inhibit the use of the pool. When this is completed it will be reviewed by the 7. Negotiations are ongoing with the Café Board and then sent to every homeowner for a vote operator for the extension of his contract. New of approval by the community. A two-thirds upgrades are being planned to improve service, approval of those voting will be required to adopt quality and delivery. A new traffic flow for the Café our new version. There will be some items that will is also being considered. The Café Committee has have a separate yes or no vote; however, most of the been very active dealing with the issues that pop up changes will deal with the removal of those items from time to time to help improve the overall operrelating to the developer. ation. 2. The three new defibrillators have arrived 8. The Hypoluxo Road project is nearing comand have been installed. One is placed in the pletion. Traffic flows are scheduled to be revised Clubhouse at the rear of the rotunda leading out on sometime around the end of March; however, the to the pool deck. The other two are at the Fitness county has been known to not always meet their Center. One is in the equipment room and the other own projections. The actual road expansion over near the tennis office. We hope that they will never the turnpike may also be completed by the end of have to be used. For use, operational instructions this year. We’ll see about that. Street lighting is in are clearly explained on the machine. the final planning stages for Hypoluxo Road and we 3. A new operator, Anastasia, has taken over have been advised that FP&L will be removing the the ownership of the Salon and is offering a wide large utility box near the Publix entry as part of array of services. A barber has been hired to cut their project. The Lyons Road street lighting project men’s hair and is offering other grooming services is scheduled to begin the end of April. The plan especially focused on male needs. New hours of shows that there will be ample lighting along the operation have been established with the Salon road. Unfortunately, the county will be installing being open on a more regular basis. Jeff Kilar, our above ground wiring along the entire road from physical fitness contractor, will be offering masHypoluxo to Lantana. The main entrance to the sages in the Salon on a scheduled basis as an addicommunity along Hypoluxo will have underground tional amenity for the community. For all those wiring along our property line while the rest of the who have not had an opportunity to visit the new areas will probably be above ground wiring. Salon, we urge you to stop by and say hello. 9. The Board, working in conjunction with our 4. Our Facilities Committee has been very Finance Committee, has made arrangements with active working on improving conditions in the our banking institution to secure our funds. We Clubhouse. Film is going to be placed on many of the now have all of our money placed in areas to give us windows to help reduce our energy bill and create better working conditions for the staff. The option Continued on page 5 4 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers C.O.P.’S LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS By Gene Zager MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT-CONTINUED maximum return without putting any of the principal in jeopardy. All of our reserves are in a separate account so that we conform with Florida Statutes relating to HOA reserves. Although we may have a few homes in default we can be proud in knowing that we are financially sound. We want to remind you that if you are leaving for the season to make arrangements for your hurricane shutters to be put up and taken down if there is a hurricane. Our rules require no sooner than 72 hours before a named storm and 72 hours after the event has passed. Also, your personal landscaping needs to be maintained. Plants and trees that die will need to be replaced within a reasonable period of time. Finally, the 2010 show schedule has been announced to the community. We would like to suggest that you place your reservations now to have an opportunity to get the best seats at the best price. Early reservations allow us to plan better for the future. The Board thanks you for your continued support. Villaggio C.O.P. (Citizens Observation Patrol) is looking for additional volunteers to help safeguard our community. There are many patrol time slots that need volunteers. The C.O.P.'s program is a service of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and we are under their guidance and supervision. Training, uniforms, patrol car (with radios and scanner) are furnished and there are no membership dues or fees. We are a group of men and women who volunteer to patrol our community and we just strictly observe. We are never confrontational. We provide a visual deterrent to crime by simply driving through our community in a patrol car. Come join us for the camaraderie and satisfaction of knowing you are helping the community we all love. For more information, contact Captain Bob Feinsilver, 304-0034, feinsilver@aol.com or Sergeant Paul Reiss, 433-0094, pgreiss@comcast.net. 5 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers LETTER TO VILLAGGIO THURSDAY CURRENT EVENTS By Richard Greenberg I very much enjoy the community I live in but I am disturbed by what seems to be a lack of considBaffling times need reasonable options and our eration by some towards our fellow homeowners group seems to have no problem coming up with and neighbors on a daily basis. plenty of them. If you hadn’t noticed, a number of We live in a private, gated community but courlast week’s problems have been solved. tesy and laws should not be left at the guardhouses. Each week we have a preponderance of knowlRules of the road – stop signs, directional signals, edgeable people in our group and many who just parking on one side of the street, speed limits – are like to listen and learn. We have women and men in place for a reason. Our streets are not wide. If you and most of them walk out discussing the topics meet a friend and want to chat while in your car, after the session is over. please pull over to the side of the road. There are Our topics range from A-Rod to Zambia, from others who may want to drive on the road. the homeless to Bernie Madoff, from heroes like The Clubhouse and Fitness Center are like “Sully” Sullenberger to the evil in this world like extensions of our homes. We are responsible for Ahmadinejad, from those who said they love chiltheir upkeep and should share in the pride of a dren, like the Octuplet Mom to those who said that beautiful community and its facilities. Some people they love children, like pedophiles and everything in don’t clean up after themselves (or their guests), between. leave lights on, bring food into the card rooms and don’t respect the rules of the Fitness Center or the pools, as if a sense of entitlement prevails. Of course, these bad manners and unthinking behaviors are not exhibited by the majority. I find it sad that a small number of people refuse to understand what a community is meant to be. Barbara Wexler PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 6 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS By Judith Ann Hogan Irwin, lived for forty years in Chestnut Ridge, NY. Dianne spent 26 years teaching Literature and Fine Arts at Gompers Voc/Tech High School in the South Bronx. She was honored twice as Bronx High School Teacher of the Year and is so proud that so many of her students developed the skills they needed to go to college. In addition to her career as an educator, Dianne sat on the Chestnut Ridge Planning Board for nine years. She and Irwin are the parents of a son and a daughter. They have six grandchildren and one of their three year old identical twin granddaughters is multiply handicapped; the whole family pitches in to help her become the most that she can be. Dianne and Irwin have traveled extensively throughout the world and have visited just about every state in the United States. Dianne enjoys writing poetry and stories and is a member of both the Gold Coast Chorus and the Villaggio Players. JUDY COHEN – PAP CORPS – Judy and her husband Michael met as undergraduates at CCNY. Judy earned a Master’s Degree from Stony Brook University and taught elementary school for 29 years. They raised their three children in Port Jefferson, NY. They have a son living in Miami and two daughters – one in New York City and one in Providence, RI and three grandchildren. She is extremely proud of her family and the caring, responsible adults they are. Judy decided to start the Pap Corps here in Villaggio after her dad and a close friend both died of cancer. All the money raised goes directly to the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center research programs. There are over 270 members of Pap Corps in Villaggio and men and women are invited to become members of this worthy cause. In the past six years, more than $18 million has been raised through chapters in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. Judy’s term as President of Pap Corps ends in May but she says she will continue to be active in the organization. ARTHUR GOLDBERG – TENNIS – Arthur and Audrey raised their three children in West Nyack, NY. They also lived in Harmon Cove in Secaucus, NJ for almost 20 years before moving to Villaggio. In addition to their three children, Arthur and Audrey are proud of their seven grandchildren who range in age from 5 weeks to 20 years. Their children live in Los Angeles, Lake George, NY and Orlando. Arthur’s professional life was in the trade book publishing industry. He was Vice President of Operations for Crown Publishing. He has many hobbies and interests ranging from boating, tent camping and travel. They recently returned from a trip to China. Arthur began playing tennis at age 35 and found the game to be invigorating as well as relaxing. The focus required enabled him to acquire a mind set that made for renewed energy. He says he spends about four hours a day several times a week on the courts. Arthur is one of six members of the tennis support group. He works with Mark Dolgenas, Lynne Eysman, Roy Lander, Howard Levy and Mel Morris. Together with Phil Flanagan, the tennis pro, they plan league play and matches. DIANNE STEINBERG – SNOWBIRD CLUB and WRITER’S WORKSHOP -- Dianne and her husband, NEIGHBORS - Meet Your Neighbors, from left to right: Judy Cohen, Arthur Goldberg and Dianne Steinberg 7 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers …AND THE WINNER IS...“THE PLAYERS Marty Eisman, Bernie Kessler; Microphones, Paul THEATER GROUP” Reiss; Production Staff, Barbara Wexler, Rita Archer, By Carol Cohen Susan Cohen; and Tickets and Program Design, Rita and Wiley Archer. A special thank you goes out to The Players Theater Group was back again in Cathy Fucci, Jose Garcia, Ava Shanfield, Christine the Villaggio Clubhouse on Friday, March 13 and Spaulding and Marty Sigman for their pleasant Saturday, March 14 celebrating its return with an cooperation. Let us not forget the spouses who evening of music and comedy. The fun-filled, upbeat probably knew the lines better than the actors. It production brought our neighbors to their feet. The was an evening of theater that will long be rememcast, along with Josh Konsker, the Director, and bered and made even sweeter by the coffee and Shelly Steinberg, Assistant Director, delivered a cake provided by Chris of Villaggio Café. delightful show to the rousing applause of audience members and critics alike. There was a richly rewarding mix of vignettes that ranged from the outrageous to the even more outrageous. The audience recognized the performers the minute they walked on stage because they saw them taking out the trash right before the show. The eclectic series of scenes opened with a “grabber” with Barbara and Lenny Bassen, Judy Goldstein and Cindy Reiser portraying grandparents and grandchildren trying to reconnect after having become separated. The show delivered such truly outstanding works as Nick and Wendy by Joe Bologna and Renee Taylor with a cast of Mike Wexler and Rita Archer; Prisoner of Second Avenue by Neil Simon with a cast of Herb Gross, Carol Brightman, Sandy Tumarkin, Susan Cohen, Phyllis Becker and Marty Grauer; A Defenseless Woman by Anton Chekhov and Neil Simon with a cast of Rosemarie Davino, Joel Tumarkin and Shellie Bergman; One Tennis Shoe by Shel Silverstein with a cast of Carol Cohen, Al Pecker and Dave Cohen and Poet’s Corner by Josh Konsker with a cast of Rosemarie Davino, Allan Golden, Barbara Wexler, Rita Archer, Carol Cohen, Judy Goldstein, Al Pecker, Shelly Steinberg, Enid Pecker, Dave Cohen, Diane Steinberg, Shellie Bergman, Mike Wexler, Barry Becker and Dave Jurow. Cindy Reiser’s outstanding accompaniment and musical direction brought something very special to this season’s repertoire. The cast of performers, all of whom are perfectionists, gave more than 100% in each and every effort. They were ecstatic that the cast did not outnumber the audience. A technical staff that brought years of real-life work experience to the task surrounded those on stage: Stage Manager and Carpenter, Dave Jurow; Sound Technicians, Marty Grauer, 8 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers ODE TO THE VILLAGGIO PLAYERS THE HUSTLER By David Cohen By Phyllis Lederman There was a Villaggio playwright, Who always had something to say. He would gather his actors together To set up the cast for his play. Betrayal and fraud was his game And Bernie Madoff is his name His actions were so cruel And savvy people he did fool Years and years he stole from all Fat and thin, short and tall Ironically for months and months he was out on bail And we all wondered when he would go to jail He sat in his penthouse high in the sky And perpetually continued to lie A conscience he does surely lack As his soul is truly black Bernie, Bernie shame on you For all the people you did really screw Even from charities you did steal Boy of boy are you a heel A sociopath dressed like a sheep I often wonder how you sleep So Bernie, Bernie, I'd really like to know Where oh where is all that dough? To David Jurow, he gave out instruction, “Make us new props! Complete this construction. He directed our sound crew, to work in the black, “Assemble those mike sets” to wear on our back. On opening night the actors were merry As words of wisdom were spoken by Jerry. The audience entered and sat in their seats, The actors performed, without skipping a beat! To close our production we all got to sing Onto the stage, our voices we’d bring! Cindy played music and coached us along, To end our performance with joy and a song! 9 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers THE JEWISH CULTURAL CLUB Please hold the date for our next event on Friday By Carolyn & Irwin Sterman evening April 17. Be on the lookout for more information! As always, all members of the community The Jewish Cultural Club enjoyed a fabulous day are welcome to join us! in Miami Beach exploring the Holocaust Memorial and the Jewish Museum on March 15. The bus left Villaggio at 9 am and we picked up our tour guide, Milt Heller, in Delray. During the hour long trip to Miami Beach he enchanted us with a fascinating discussion of the history of the Jewish community in South Florida as well as an overview of the development and settlement of Florida. Our first official stop was at the Holocaust Memorial, which was designed by the famous architect and sculptor, Philip Triester. As one walks TOUR – The Jewish Cultural Club recently toured the through the Memorial the history of the Holocaust Holocaust Memorial in Miami Beach. They also visited the is engraved on a series of marble tablets. As you proJewish Museum of Florida. ceed further, additional panels memorialize the names of those who perished at the hands of the PRESERVE THE CONES Nazis. The centerpiece of the memorial is a powerThe adorable, cuddly and lovable traffic cones at ful bronze sculpture depicting the hand of G-d in Villaggio’s two entrances are fast becoming drive-by the midst of suffering people desperate to escape victims and must be preserved. the onslaught. It should be noted that Holocaust “We are embarking on a cone preservation camstudies are required in the sixth and eleventh paign,” a Villaggio Citizen Observer Patrol grades in Florida schools and the Memorial has spokesman explained. “We fear they may become become the focal point of this education with many extinct. That’s why we’ve placed them on the endanclasses visiting the site during the school year. The gered species list.” experience is poignant, moving and uplifting. It is The spokesman, who asked for anonymity, said incomprehensible that anyone could ever say that cones come in two sizes and shapes – tall skinny this did not happen! and chubby squat. They also come in two easily recThe Jewish Museum of Florida is housed in a ognizable colors – white and orange. Regardless of beautiful art deco style building that was the first color or size they perform valuable functions by Jewish house of worship in Miami Beach. The directing motorists to the correct traffic lane.” restored building features 80 stained glass winCones also warn motorists if there is someone dows, a copper dome, a marble bimah and beautiful working on or near the road or working on one of chandeliers and sconces. The permanent exhibit the gates. Cones also warn of conditions that could consists of a time-line wall depicting Jewish life in be potentially hazardous to both car and driver. Florida from 1763 through the present. “Jews in “The cones stand silently in the heat and in the Sports” is the theme of the current changing exhibrain without a complaint,” the COP’s spokesman it. Even to those of us who are not fans, the exhibit noted. “They are at their posts during the day and was fascinating. Conspicuous in their absence were during the darkest hours of night. the magnificent Villaggio sports teams! “Unfortunately, some motorists have taken Between the two highlights of the trip we were advantage of these silent sentinels and have treated to an authentic Cuban luncheon at Puerto rammed and crushed them with their vehicles. We Sagua on South Beach. On the return ride to are asking all motorists to be on the alert for the Villaggio our knowledgeable and witty tour guide cones and to carefully avoid them. regaled us with additional history, stories and “If you see a cone in your vehicle’s path, gently insights into Jewish life in South Florida. All of us on move to the right or left to avoid striking our silent the trip agreed that we were treated to a fabulous sentinels. They suffer great pain, not to mention day…well exceeding any of our expectations. crushed feelings.” 10 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIANS EXPLORE CHINA humor in many of the things we heard and By Steve Askinazi observed. We will never forget: Twelve very excited, but somewhat nervous, Photographing each other dressed in Tang Villaggio residents landed in Beijing, China on Oct. dynasty Emperor and Empress costumes. 20, 2008. After an entire year of planning, doing Hearing that the Pandas are shown “porn flicks” research and observing numerous videos about the to encourage them to mate as a means of increascountry, we finally arrived with much anticipation ing their population. for our 21 day excursion to a very foreign land. Watching our fellow travelers bargain with the With the exception of a few friends who visited local vendors to get them to charge less than a dolHong Kong many years ago, this first visit to “the lar for their goods. unknown” turned out to surpass our wildest imagiEating off a “lazy susan” with rice bowls, jasmine nations and greatest expectations. Even though we tea and “mystery meat” for three weeks. (Many of us spoke less than five words of Mandarin, we immedihave not eaten rice since our return.) ately warmed up to the people, our very friendly Risking our lives by going down some secluded tour guide and the magnificent Chinese culture. alley just to buy our “knock off” designer pocketDuring our weeks away, we toured many diverse books. cities including Shanghai, Xian, Guilin and Hong Rating the toilets from “A-F” depending on how Kong. We cruised the Yangtze River and witnessed low to the ground you had to crouch. the construction of the incredible Three Gorges All in all, the experience was “without equal.” Dam. We climbed The Great Wall, visited The With so many stories to tell, souvenirs to display in Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Terra our homes and ten thousand photos with which to Cotta Warriors. Overall, the history of the many bore our neighbors, we hope to extend the excitedynasties kept us mystified and awestruck as we ment for many years to come. We highly recommarveled at the brilliant temples and palaces, mend a trip to China. unique architecture, impeccable artwork and maniP.S. In China, the Emperors would hang a red cured landscapes of the country. Of course, traveling lantern outside of the home of the concubine that as a group and being so compatible was the highhe planned to visit for the night. So if you see a red light of our trip. We left as a family and returned as lantern hanging from a Villaggio resident’s mailbox, a family after hanging out 24/7 without getting on you may assume that neighbor is in for a special each other’s nerves. Months later we still find evening EXPLORERS – Pictured here are some of the Villaggians who explored China. The adventurers in the back row, left to right, are Marilyn Krug, Saul Krug, Barry Freedman, Mirilynn Zager and Ron Schwartz. In the front row left to right, are Michele Misci, two women from Valencia Shores, Judi Freedman, Helene Askinazi, Carol Bernstein, Susan Schwartz, Steve Askinazi and Gene Zager. 11 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers PAP WELCOMES NEW AND OLD MEMBERS NCJW NEWS By Sharon Fox By Gail Siegel "Today's research brings tomorrow's cure," was the important message conveyed by Judy Cohen, outgoing president of Villaggio's Papanicolaou Corps, to the more than 160 participants (including over 20 men) at the March 2 membership meeting. “In the two and a half years since we started, we are proud to have raised over $61,000 and we hope to continue growing," said Judy proudly. In June, the new board, elected that night by a show of hands, will continue its efforts under the presidential leadership of Jeri Weber. Next, special guest speaker Sharon Lee Parker, author of Look out Cancer Here I Come! spoke of her personal journey from the discovery of her disease to its cure. She took us from her misdiagnosis of "allergies" through her grueling year spent at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, under treatment for multiple cancers. Her story was peppered with anecdotes from her years spent "schmoozing" with guests in the 3,000 person dining room of the Concord Hotel after having married George Parker, an heir to this legendary institution. Her humor, her perseverance, her courage and her energy -- she now volunteers to coach other cancer patients through her non-profit organization, Life Lovers -- have carried her through the lowest days to her "after" days where she considers herself a winner. Although "cancer" and "uplifting" are not usually companions, just ask anyone who heard her speak. Ms. Parker made the duo work! Join us in raising money for cancer research; attend events, buy tribute cards and make donations. Save the date: June 10: mah jongg & card party luncheon. Call Judy Cohen or Rochelle Sadek December 6: annual Pap cruise, Royal Caribbean's Independence of the Seas. Call Marty Goldstein. Join now: renew your yearly membership, join for the first time or become a lifetime member. Call Helene Rosenkrantz or Harriet Epstein. NCJW continues to get involved in our community. As always, our luggage program is continuing and we seek donations of gently used luggage, toiletries and linens. Call Gail Siegel (968-1395) to make a donation. Our Teen Dating Abuse Program coordinators had a meeting with young women in GAP (Girls Advocacy Project). The plan is to have our volunteers visit the detention center, show our video and stimulate group discussion. For information, call Susan Schwartz (966-2436). The Guatemalan Maya Center continues to benefit from our tutoring program. In addition to the tutoring, Joyce Kantrowitz has been collecting clothing (in excellent condition) for the children and their parents. Call Joyce (965-2803) for information on tutoring or clothing donation. The last day to donate clothing is April 26. Since the last newsletter we have had a successful Military Bridge, tour of the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, symposium on human trafficking and Tag Luncheon (thanks to Bobby Cohen, Roberta Rein and Lenore Blinkoff). We are looking forward to our sensational Women’s Seder on March 23 and our Scholarship Breakfast on April 29. We will be awarding two scholarships from NCJW Villaggio to young men or women in need. For information on becoming a member of this wonderful organization, call Lenore Blinkoff (3578085). 12 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers No Bones About It! Eat Fish Live Longer Our Dinner for Two Makes Cents! With Wine, Appetizer, Soup or Salad, Dinner Entree with Two Sides, Dessert and Coffee Sunset Dinner Daily Until 5 PM Stone Crabs & Live Maine Lobsters Served Daily From $ 95 12 to FRESH $ 1695 Our Sports Room Is Now Open!!! 11 AM - 12 AM Watch all sports on 25 HD TVs! Open For Lunch & Dinner Till Midnight SE Corner of Military & Atlantic Delray Beach Tuesday - Friday 4:30 PM Saturday - Sunday 4:00 PM 1816289 14820 Military Trail 561-638-8338 13 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO GOLF CLUB NEWS level, competitive for the top prizes. Golf will be folBy Michael Lightman lowed by a dinner party. All non-playing spouses are encouraged to attend. The cost for golf and dinner is The Villaggio Golf Club is comprised of 74 mem$65 and dinner only for spouses is $25. Again, this bers at all levels of experience and abilities. We pride event is subsidized from annual dues. Golf guests ourselves at finding an opportunity for members to can attend at a cost of $80. This annual event is lots participate in either a competitive or a non-comof fun. It also gives us the opportunity to party with petitive experience. Annual dues are $25. During the many of our snowbird friends who will be leaving year many golf activities are scheduled. Golf tee shortly. times are organized twice per week. We currently In conclusion, we encourage all Villaggio golfers, play on Monday at Palm Beach National and on independent of their skill level, to join our club and Thursday at Winston Trails Golf Club. The Villaggio participate in the many enjoyable activities availGolf Club is able to negotiate club discounts at able throughout the year. approximately 25% off the published rates. The ability of the club to negotiate group rates is also a very attractive benefit of golf club membership. In addition to the weekly activities, Villaggio Golf Club members also are eligible to participate in numerous tournaments throughout the year. These include annual Member/Guest tournaments as well as participation in bimonthly events sponsored by the Mid-County Golf League. Annual dues are used to subsidize these events to ensure that the Villaggio Golf Club members are not overburdened by the cost of these outings. Golf shirts and hats are also available at nominal costs. The golf club just completed The Mid-County Golf Tournament at Madison Green on March 11. Six communities participated. In addition to Villaggio, TROPHY – Larry Perrin covets his straightest drive there were Avalon, Tuscany Bay, Tivoli Lakes, trophy. Valencia Palms and Valencia Pointe. The tournament was a shotgun event, followed by dinner. Two person teams played against other golf member communities in a scramble format. We had a great time and we made new friends as a result of this tournament. While Villaggio did not win the all around, we did have some significant individual successes. Libby Usilaner won a trophy for the closest to the pin contest and Larry Perrin won the contest for straightest drive. Many close friendships have been made as a result of golf activities. Weekly golf outings followed by lunch as well as tournaments followed by dinner are a great way of socializing with friends and neighbors. Our next event is our third annual The Villaggio Golf Club Member/Guest Tournament scheduled for April 20 at the Atlantis Country Club. This will be a WINNER – Libby Usilaner won the closest to the pin shotgun event and will start at 1 pm. The format trophy at the Mid-County Golf Tournament and scoring makes all of our golfers, at every ability 14 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers Feeling Like You Need a SAFETY NET for your Investment Portfolio? ry nta t s e m en pli Com e s h m fr Re FACT: The Economy is having a Meltdown right now and financial institutions are going out of business. Are YOU concerned and looking for answers? Is the risk & cost of your Portfolio alarming you? An Exclusive Financial Planning Educational Workshop will Introduce you to a Range of Options. Attendees will learn Strategies on the following topics: Understanding the Risk of Mutual Funds, Variable Annuities & Stocks... Find out how their performance justifies their cost. Calculate the true risks and costs. Defining your level of Principal Protection and Market Participation. Learn how to determine the value of your Portfolio in a good or bad market condition. Monthly Income Needs... The five keys to income investing Learn how to double your investment in 8 years for income purposes. Get the Inside Secrets of guaranteed income without stock market volatility. Tips on receiving income with principal protection. Annuities... New, innovative fixed Annuity Benefits and Riders will be unveiled Learn the difference between FIXED and VARIABLE Annuities. Discover the Annuity Language - Caps, Spreads, Margins, Participation Rates & Surrender Charges. Explore Strategies to Leave your Tax Deferred Annuities Tax FREE to your beneficiaries. MOVIE TICKET Free Admission for 2 adults Latest Blockbuster Movie Release @ Oriole Shopping Plaza (Hagen Ranch & Atlantic Avenue) Includes popcorn & soda Doors open at 11:30am & Doors close at 12:20pm Presentation will be from 12:30-1:00pm Movie Starts at 1:10pm Door Prizes as well. CALL TOLL FREE: (866) 796-8180 for reservations, 24 hours, 7 days a week We’re expecting a capacity audience and seating will be limited! This material is intended to provide accurate and current general information for educational purposes. It is not intended to give specific legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice. No unauthorized reproduction in any form. This is being presented by GFA Wealth Design. 15 ADMIT TWO ADMIT TWO VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO DANCE CLUB that we choose to learn. If you want to check it out, By Joel Harelik you are welcome to watch. Candace Harelik (the founder of the Dance Club) “Dancing With The Stars” is e-mailing anyone who is interested in knowing has begun a new season and about our dance activities. We attend regularly so has the Villaggio Dance scheduled dances at the Palms West Ballroom. We Club. get as many people together as are interested in We’re starting our dance enjoying the dancing and social environment. lessons again and our past WHY DON’T YOU COME AND JOIN THE FUN? season has proven that Want to be informed? E-mail Candace at charedance lessons are great fun. lik@aol.com and ask to be put on the e-mail list. Kristen (who is an excellent Don’t have a computer? You can call Candace at 561instructor) had taken a leave 966-3941. to have her second child (Congratulations, Kristen). Kristen, pictured left, is returning to give lessons HELP WANTED again in our Fitness Center’s Aerobics Room. Lessons are Villaggio Voice readers are urged to every Friday at 11 am. The help out by seeking advertisements for cost is $20 per couple and you their newsletter. It’s simple; just ask can take lessons whenever vendors and service people to place you like. We’re learning the Hustle, Cha Cha, Rumba, an ad. See the contract in this issue. Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot and any other dances Affordable Living Trusts Now there’s no excuse for you and your family not to benefit from the advantages of a Revocable Living Trust especially if you own a home or condo 295 395 495 $ Single Person. . . . . . . . . no asset requirements $ Married Couple. . . . . . . w/assets under 1,500,000 $ Married Couple. . . . . . . $ w/assets exceeding $1,500,000 Plus additional incidental cost Mr. Schwartz also handles Real Estate Closings Robert D. Schwartz, Attorney At Law • Certified Public Accountant 1-866-34TRUST • 1-866-348-7878 Toll Free 4700 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd., Suite B-201 Boca Raton, FL 33431 2240 Woolbright Rd. #411 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 6000 Okeechobee Blvd. STE 2100 • West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Mr. Schwartz’s qualifications include: Graduate of Univ. of Florida College of Law w/honors Graduated Cum Laude from Florida State University National Speaker on Estate & Tax Planning 16 1562023 “The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisement. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about my qualifications and experience.” VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO STICKBALL TEAM CELEBRATES the best dressed, in its striking orange shirts and SEASON’S END new white caps. By Sandy Goodman As we left the field, we said, “Wait till next year!” And what are we going to do about it? Practice, practice, practice. Effective the first week of June, the team will take to the field at Albertsons, (if such is still available) and practice hitting and fielding. Strategies for winning will be stressed, but practice and playing are still social events. If you are interested enough in coming out for practice or just to see whether our version of the game is something you would enjoy, contact Sandy Goodman. BOYS OF ORANGE – The best dressed orange men of Team Villaggio gather for a team photo. FLOWER POWER By Judi Konsker Drought alert! We are entering a very dry season. We will probably be getting new water restrictions from the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department. We advise everyone to make sure their gardens contain plenty of mulch. Mulch will help shrubs and flowers retain moisture to prevent damage and loss. It is especially important for snowbirds to mulch their gardens before heading north. The Landscaping Committee has started to mulch and fertilize all the common areas. There has been a burst of colors around the Clubhouse as a result of the blooming of the recently-planted annuals that are designed to spruce up the entrance way. Soon Bougainvillea bushes will be seen around the façade on the corner of Via Bernardi and Furini Way. There will also be changes in the flower beds, giving that area a new look. The Landscaping Committee is reviewing bids and designs from three landscapers for the beautification of the four corners inside the gates at Hypoluxo Road. We intend to make our community a beautiful place to live in. Snowbirds, don’t forget to mulch your gardens before you go back north this summer. Yes, Stickball is not what it used to be. That’s for sure! A group of dedicated Villaggians showed up for the final game of the 2008-09 Season on March 14; at Wellington Village Park; and was soundly trounced by Buena Vida. Now we’re not talking about ringers, or semi pro players; we were competing against regular Joes and Bobs. Although this season ended with a loss, it was not on a sour note. The day began with a traditional lunch of hot dogs and egg creams, served up by the League. Team Villaggio, in their colorful uniforms and carrying their big bat, made it a close game, actually taking the lead 1-0 and then 2-1. But Buena Vida had the secret weapon, hitting homerun after homerun in the late innings of the game; final score 10-2. Despite a losing season, all was not bad for Team Villaggio. We did have fun and seem to have improved in the last few games of the season. The Palm Beach County Senior Stickball League is made up of seven community teams that play in season on Friday afternoons. League President, Marty Friedman and Captain of one of the Bellaggio teams, does his best to keep things moving while retaining the tradition of stickball, which began in the Bronx, or was it Brooklyn? We are still debating that one. But there is no debate that Villaggio is still 17 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VSA CELEBRATES HOA, the plaque will be prominently mounted in the By Sandy Goodman Clubhouse. Norman Rothman presented a special plaque to It was a HOME RUN!!! VSA President and founder Sandy Goodman with Yes, the 4th annual Villaggio Softball the inscription that reads: “For Your Tireless Association (VSA) Awards Dinner was a huge hit. Dedication and Contribution to the Villaggio With more than 100 in attendance, the Villaggio Softball Association and For Your Help and Softball Association presented another successful Continuous Support.” Sandy gave an emotional social event. VSA, which is open to all Villaggio resiacceptance, unsuccessfully fighting back tears and dents, has grown to 74 members, including seven thanked all the members and the VSA Board of associate members. Associate membership allows Directors. a resident to participate in all activities other than Certificate Awards were presented to recreactually playing ball. ational team players: Good Guy Award to Marty Sponsored in part by grants from Mamma Mia’s Grauer; Fickle Finger of Fate to Jerry Tepper; Return Trattoria and Clean & Green Associates, Inc., VSA from Shoulder Surgery went to both Harry Lebedun members enjoy weekly access to PBC softball fields and Wiley Archer; Return from Knee Surgery to Mel to play recreational softball. Games are scheduled Spinner; Umpire awards went to Chief Umpire Rich 52 weeks a year on Saturdays, and recently practice Susser and umpires Monte Berkoff, Saul Krug and session are organized on Wednesday afternoons. Leon Ashkenas; Left Handed 1st Baseman Award to Unlike the games that we played as children and Pail Malin; Most Improved Runner was Larry teenagers, these games focus on having fun and Skolnick; Golden Glove awards were issued to Joe avoiding injury. Most of the competitiveness is left Ciriello (infield) and Dan Goldsmith (outfield); Last for the Sunday players who demonstrate their skills to the Dance Award to David Jurow and George in games against other PBC senior communities. Rutter received a certificate for Rookie of the Year. The cocktail hour and buffet style dinner on March 21 was catered by our own Platinum Caterers, and supervised personally by Chris. From the hors d'oeuvres to the Prime Ribs, Tilapia and Chicken Marsala and ample sides, the food was a major league home run. DJ Jeff Bryer was successful in spiriting our guests onto the floor to dance and celebrate. Harold Coren and Mike Gertman teamed up to present an abbreviated Villaggio version of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello’s “Who’s on First,” with a Villaggio twist. They even managed a plug for Pete’s Place, our favorite spot for team breakfast. As the house lights were dimmed, John Bernath THANKS – Sandy Goodman, president of the Villaggio Softball Association presents a certificate of apprecialowered the screen and showed a picture slide show tion to Kathy Armatas for making sure the VSA players that brought down the house with cheers and are well fed every Saturday morning at Pete’s Place. applause of recognition as more than 100 photos, both action and still, were flashed on the screen to Trophies were presented to recreational team the background song – What A Feeling by Donna members: Alan Diskin for most Home Runs, Mike Summer. Gertman for Batting Average, Bobby Feinsilver RBIs The VSA Board of Directors presented a plaque and Mike Brody was honored as Most Improved. commemorating the formation of VSA in 2004, honThe Competitive Team, A.K.A. the Travel or oring the Founding Fathers. The plaque will be Sunday team, is sponsored in part by a gift from VSA updated yearly with the names of winners for member Ron Penn and a set of AFLAC caps were Batting Average, Home Runs, RBIs, and Most Continued on page 19 Improved titles. Thanks to the cooperation of the 18 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO READS: BOOK CLUB NEWS Continued from page 18 By Judith Ann Hogan supplied by member Alan Diskin. Mike Gertman managed the Villaggio team to an 8 and 4 won-loss Marilyn Forman led our discussion of The record and a second place playoff slot; with the Memory Keeper’s Daughter at the February meeting. results not known as of press time. The novelist, Kim Edwards, used as the major focus Mike Gertman presented VSA Trophies to the decision a father made to give his newborn away Competitive Team members for their accomplishbecause the infant was born with Down Syndrome. ments as follows: Bob Gianquitti for both Batting Ms. Edwards wrote that as a part of her research Average and RBIs; Dennis Avon for Rookie of the she spoke to many parents of children with disabiliYear; John Puppo for Most Extra Base Hits and ties. The novel begins in 1964 and although the “deciHarold Coren for Spirit on and off the field. sion to abandon an infant seems outrageous now, For the third consecutive year, our Grand there was a time when this idea was widely held.” Master of Ceremonies, John Bernath, chaired the The attitudes have changed because parents of Awards Dinner Committee. Other committee memchildren with Down Syndrome refuse to accept bers were: David Levine, Norman Rothman, Jim imposed limitations for their children. Ms. Edwards Fischer, Jack Fields, Shelly Geffon, Alan Taub, Alan writes “I was impressed with the expansive generosRosen, Mike Gertman, Harold Coren and Sandy ity of people with Down Syndrome…who shared Goodman. Scripted and seamless the night was their life journeys and their joys and struggles and enjoyed by all. were eager to help me learn.” The novel offers hope VSA encourages all Villaggio residents to visit us even though it explores the “dark side of the human during a game and see what we do. For information, experience.” please contact Sandy Goodman. Our March selection turned to the magical and romantic novel Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. Set in Mexico at the turn of the 20th century, the novel focuses on the lives of four women and their conflicts with one another. Each chapter begins with a recipe and the preparation of the ingredients is woven into the plot. The main character is Tita, the third and last daughter born to the controlling Mama Elena. Tradition requires that Tita never marry in order to care for her mama. The kitchen becomes the center of Tita’s world and it is through her cooking that she expresses her love for Pedro. Tita’s sister Rosaura marries Pedro and Tita DANCE – Everyone was on the dance floor. spends two decades caring for them. It is only after Rosaura dies that Tita and Pedro are free to fulfill their love for one another. In this novel “the kitchen is a nurturing and creative place…and a site for repression…and a site for rebellion against traditional boundaries.” The discussion moderator was Judith Ann Hogan. Our April 14 meeting will be hosted by Sally Halperin. Our selection is Paula Cohen’s novel Jane Austen in Boca. Our May 12 meeting will be hosted by Hannah Pincus. We will be discussing The Street of a Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama. The selection for our June 9 meeting is The Between by Tananarive Due. The discussion will be SLIDE – Sliding is prohibited in VSA softball hosted by Joyce Kantrowitz. but the Electric Slide is a definite yes. 19 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 20 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 24 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 21 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 22 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 23 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 25 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 26 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO BRIDGE CLUB UPDATE By David Cohen The Villaggio Bridge Club continues to grow and to offer exciting new activities to promote the game of bridge. On March 11, club members and their guests gathered together in the Social Hall to participate in Villaggio’s second annual Bridge Club luncheon and duplicate bridge tournament. Attending the luncheon were many of Villaggio’s newest bridge club members as well as seasoned veteran bridge players. Following the luncheon, 32 members participated in our second annual duplicate bridge tournament. Marilyn Kroll, a certified ACLB director, directed the tournament. Tournament players used a Mitchell movement consisting of eight EastWest and eight North-South teams. After the tournament Gail Weinstein distributed prizes to the winning teams. North-South winners were: First place-Lenore and Harvey Shapiro; Second place-Ina and Mel Karpoff; Third place-Barry Fox and Gary Gelman. East-West winners were: First place-Stan and Debbie Klapper; Second place-Mitch and Helen Title; Third place-Andy HoSang and Mel Davis. The tournament and luncheon were very successful. The club would like to thank Ina Karpoff, our vice president, for arranging our bridge luncheon and insuring that everyone had an enjoyable meal; Gail Weinstein for obtaining and distributing the tournament prizes and Susan Cohen for organizing the tournament teams. I would also like to thank our treasurer, Barry Fox, and our secretary, Carol Chesler, for their hard work which has contributed to the success of this club. While the bridge tournament was in progress, some of our less experienced bridge club members played party bridge. Many of these players have completed the beginner’s bridge class sponsored by the Bridge Club. Other players are attending our supervised bridge class. Supervised bridge is being taught by Alan Chesler on Monday afternoons in the Clubhouse and is free to members of the Bridge Club. His students are enjoying the class while improving their bridge skills. We are currently taking names for a new beginner’s bridge class. Also, if you are a bridge player who would like to learn more about the Villaggio Bridge Club, contact David Cohen (davesue42@comcast.net or 964-0064). NEWLY ELECTED – Officers of the Villaggio Bridge Club are (from left to right): David Cohen, president; Carol Chesler, secretary; Ina Karpoff, vice president; and Barry Fox, treasurer. THANKS VILLAGGIO - Helen and Norman Rothman thank their Villaggio friends and neighbors who donated to Multiple Sclerosis research on behalf of their granddaughter, Alie. Alie was afflicted with MS three years ago when she was 14. Pictured here are Helen Rothman,left, and Alie at the March 1 walk to raise funds for MS research. “We appreciate your dollars, thoughts and prayers,” Helen and Norman said. “You have once again made this year’s walk for research and a cure a huge success.” 27 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers NCJW WOMEN’S SEDER By Gail Siegel NCJW held its third annual Women’s Seder on March 23. This event brought women together to celebrate the Exodus in story, song and symbolism from a woman’s perspective. It was a magical evening. Each table was decorated beautifully and included a Seder plate, Miriam’s cup, matzo and wine. NCJW member Helene Askinazi led the Seder using a special Haggadah that was written by a group of Villaggio women. As always, the Haggadah was embraced by the participants. They read, sang and danced through the Seder. This year our Haggadah was translated into Braille and was used by member Phyllis Lederman. As in past years, NJCW husbands served as waiters. They were friendly, attentive and of course handsome. We couldn’t have asked for better service. A touching addition this year was the lighting of three candles, one representing our matriarchs, one for the women we are today and one for the future generations of women who will carry on our traditions. The candles were lit by member Brenda Golden, her daughter and granddaughter. The beautiful voices of member Cindy Reiser and her daughter Jacqui Karpel filled the Social Hall as they sang our Seder songs. Some of the songs evoked joy, while others brought us to tears. This amazing mother-daughter duo led us in the singing of Hatikvah to conclude our Seder. We are reminded of how lucky we are to be able to celebrate Passover in our homes, while there are so many women throughout the world who have not yet experienced the freedoms that we enjoy. NCJW embraces and champions the needs of these women by coming together and taking stands on issues that impact women in our community, nation and Israel. DANCE – Paula Bernath, left, and Carol Chodos dance with their timbrels at the NCJW’s Women’s Seder. SERVE – Waiters Steve Askinazi, left, and Ron Schwartz serve Phyllis Lederman, left, Lenore Blinkoff and Carol Gross. The waiters continued the tradition of husbands serving as waiters at NCJW’s Women’s Seder. 28 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers GOOD & WELFARE Gail and Marshall Glatt celebrate the-birth of grandson Samuel Devon on January 25. Parents are Gail and Marshall’s son, Jason, and daughter-in-law Amy. Samuel joins Emily 6 and Zachary 4. They live in Pittsburgh, Pa. Rita and Wiley Archer are delighted to welcome the arrival of twin grandchildren, Jack Christofer and Sarah Anne on Feb. 6 at Duke University Hospital. Parents Carolyn and David Roberts welcome the twins to join the family with son Wesley. Donna and Manny Solomon thank all who sent best wishes on the birth of their granddaughter, Sydney Anne. “What a wonderful and caring community we live in,” they said. Lorraine Danziger thanks “all my friends and neighbors who sent me their sympathy on the loss of my father. Your thoughts and wishes did help in my time of need.” PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE SOCIAL SCENE By Cathy Fucci, Social Director Wow, what a great season we had in 2009. The shows and the performers were outstanding. We are looking forward to an even better series of shows at the Villaggio Social Hall in 2010. Listed on pages 30 and 31 is the entertainment schedule with a brief description of the fabulous acts that will be performing for you. Ticket forms will be available March 26 at the Clubhouse. All completed forms will be entered into our lottery program. The cost of the seven show series is $161 per person (your best deal at $23 per person, per show). Individual show tickets are $30 per person, per show. Please keep an eye out for all upcoming events and shows on Channel 63 and on the Villaggio Website. See you at the shows.. See Show Flyers on pages 30 and 31. LOMAR PET SITTERS WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR PET WHILE AWAY, WORK, OR ON VACATION. WE AS PET OWNERS KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. DAILY WALK - EXERCISE TENDER LOVING CARE PET TAXI SERVICE DOGS, CATS, BIRDS, FISH, RABBITS & ETC. CALL LOIS - A PET LOVER 732-9013 29 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO 20 1 0 WINTER SHOW SERIES Gary Puckett: Saturday. January 9, 2010 8:00pm Gary Puckett was one of the most successful musicians of the sixties. Gar y ' s unmistakable signature voice garnered six consecutive gold records and top ten Billboard hits with the following titles: " Y OU N G G I RL" "W OM A N W OM A N" "LAD Y W ILL P OW E R" " OV E R Y OU" "TH I S G I RL I S A W OM A N N OW" Gary continues to tour nationally and internationally. He has a new album out now “Gary Puckett Live”. Dick Capri: Friday, January 22, 2010 8:00pm Dick Capri is one comedy’s true treasures. With a style firmly based in the Borsht Belt, Capri used his Italian heritage and his unique delivery to mix comedy and mime-setting him distinctly apart from the traditional stand-up comic. He has been a guest on The Tonight Show, The Merv Griffin Show, Toast of the Town and The Mike Douglas Show and most recently, on Comedy Central’s Friars Club roast of Drew Carey. Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr.: Sunday, February 14, 2010 8:00pm Marilyn Mc Coo and Billy Davi s Jr . achieved international fame with The Fifth Dimension, one of the biggest pop/rock groups of the late '60s. The group’s blend of pop, rock and “champagne sole” spilled into the 1970’s with additional memorable songs that have earned them a star on the Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Joe Bologna & Renee Taylor: Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:00pm Renee Taylor & Joe Bologna ignite their audiences as their amazing chemistry explodes on stage. After 30 years of partnership in marriage and in business, the couple has achieved tremendous success together on countless projects in the entertainment industry. Taylor and Bologna will astound you with their humor and love for life, show business and especially each other. 30 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers The Diamonds: Saturday, March 6, 2010 8:00pm It has been almost 50 years since The Diamonds released an instant million dollar selling hit called “Little Darlin”. The song continues to sell world wide and has sold over 20 million copies. The durability of 1950’s music is as much about the future as it is about the past. They continue to expand their audiences to this day by performing in a variety of venues and surroundings around the world. The Diamonds are four distinctive individuals with one strong group personality. They have a special chemistry and it is that chemistry that gives them their unique identity. The Three Florida Tenors: Friday, March 19, 2010 8:00pm GREG Greg landed the title role in Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Other shows on Broadway have been PhantomOf the Opera, Les Miserables, Aspects of Love, West Side Story, The Unsinkable Molly Brown and Camelot. Greg also performed for Presidents Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush on several White House appearances. E D UA R DO Right from Havana, Cuba. Eduardo also completed Master Classes with Giovanni Toscano, in Italy.Eduardo has participated in National and International Voice Competitions, earning him an award in Austria. Among his many operatic roles, he has performed as Alfredo Germont, "La Traviata", by G. Verdi, and the role of El Timonel from "El Buque Fantasma" by R. Wagner. GUILLE R MO Guillermo has been performing throughout the country and internationally. He has coached with Nico Castel and Ronald Naldi of the Metropolitan Opera House in NY and Vincent La Selva at Juilliard. He has performed with the Cleveland Opera Company in Ohio, Regina Opera and Thalia Opera Co. in New York and the New Jersey Opera Co. John Charles & Tim Walkoe: Friday, April 9, 2010 8:00pm John Charles has delighted audiences world wide with his unique blend of music and comedy. He relates to any audience regardless of age, gender or background. He leaves the audience with the feeling that the entire show was created especially for them. John’s incredible singing voice is enough to bring any audience to their feet!! “Non stop laughter from start to finish” is what the Chicago Tribune has to say about Tim Walkoe. His rapid fire delivery and shoot from the hip style leaves audiences laughing. He is a veteran headliner in comedy clubs nationwide and has appeared in concert with Kenny Loggins, Whitney Houston and Elvis Costello. 31 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO SNOWBIRD CLUB Even with the winter season not quite over yet, By Rose Moskowitz we have been actively planning our summer season. There will be an interesting Conservatory Tea Tour As this season begins to draw to a close, we can of Gracie Mansion in New York City on Monday, June reflect on all that has happened during such a 29, 2009, starting at 1 pm. Thanks to Marcy Adelson, “brief” sunny Florida time. The Villaggio Snowbirds we will meet there and have high tea for lunch and have been busy partaking in all the fun-filled prothen an hour long private tour of this historical grams and events. Not only did we join our Villaggio location. friends and neighbors in the wonderful activities At this time, the Villaggio Snowbirds wish to that were planned by our HOA and the various clubs thank all its friends and neighbors at Villaggio for and organizations, but we also offered a number of another wonderful, successful year jam-packed exciting, interesting, and successful events that with fun-filled activities, interesting events and were enjoyed by all. lasting memories. See you all next season!!! In February, we visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens where we were treated to a wonderful lunch surrounded by beautiful gardens in a cultural atmosphere that was then followed by an interesting tour given by knowledgeable docents. The day was a huge success. March proved also to be a cultural month as we attended the Norton Museum’s presentation of the works of Georgia O’Keeke and Ansel Adams. The docent’s tour was informative and the lunch offered in their café was delicious. Our own Dianne Steinberg, who is extremely knowledgeable in the field of art, also led us on a side tour of the museum’s other works. Also in March, we were exposed to another side of Florida that many of us have not had the opportunity to experience until Sara Jane VISITORS – Villaggio Snowbirds toured the Morikami Neidle arranged for us to visit the Polo Museum and Museum and Japanese Gardens. to attend a polo match. Those in attendance were treated to an exciting event. Throughout the season, we attended the Spanish River Concert Series and were thrilled with the talent and programs presented. For next year’s series, thanks to Arlene Pomarlen’s request, we were given a larger block of tickets to make available to all our friends and neighbors in Villaggio. We are pleased to announce that we are sold out and are looking forward to another cultural series filled with talented artists from around the world. And as our final tribute to this wonderful season, on April 1 we are planning a farewell event entitled “Spring Fever” for all our members, friends and neighbors here at Villaggio. We will have tasty food catered by Lucille’s Bad to the Bone BBQ, a fabulous DJ and a few surprises. We encourage all to come and bid a fond seasonal farewell to the Villaggio Snowbirds until next year. For more information, see our flyer in this issue of the Villaggio Voice. 32 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers TOUR & JOIN THE VILLAGGIO WEBSITE the administrators of the website (there are three By Roger W. Allen of us) will be glad to help you. Chairperson, Villaggio HOME PAGE Communications Committee The home page of the Villaggio Website (the screen that appears when the website “opens” on your PC) has recently been re-organized for a better look and feel. At the top of the home page is a slide show of community photos showing off our community to our residents and visitors. Next down the page is the ‘Important Community News’ bulletin board. Important HOA issues and news are posted here for easy reference. On the left hand side of the home page is the ‘Main Menu’ area which lists all the sections (links) of our Villaggio Website. I will discuss some of these sections in the next paragraph. Below the ‘Main Menu’ area is our ‘Info’ area. Here you will find the contact information for all the members of our HOA board, important numbers for our community and area, contact informaWhat a great community we live in and we are tion for the various committees in our community fortunate that our residents are so technologically and a listing of our Comcast Cable Channels. ‘in the know’. Approximately 97% of all available Under the ‘Info’ area is the Calendar of all Villaggio households are on our Villaggio e-mail disupcoming HOA events in the Clubhouse. Finally, tribution list. That is an impressive statistic. We are under the Calendar, is the current and extended almost at the same percentage of residents regisweather forecast for the Lake Worth area. There is a tered on our community website (www.myvillagwhole bunch of great information just on the Home giohoa.com), but not quite. Page, but that’s just the beginning. The Villaggio Communications Committee has MAIN MENU a goal to have every household on the Villaggio eIn the Main Menu area there is a list of all the mail distribution list registered on the Villaggio other sections of the website. There is so much Website. Our community website is the most cost information in these sections that it cannot be coveffective way to distribute important HOA informaered in this article. I will discuss some of the major tion to the community. The more residents that use sections, but the best teacher is for you to go on the the website to access HOA information, the more website and explore for all the great information money the community can save in the future in that is available. material distribution costs. However, the most The first three sections under the Main Menu I important aspect of the website is the speed and efficiency in which information can easily be delivwould like to discuss are: Home Owners Assoc., Executive Committee and Monthly Financials. To ered Besides distributing HOA information, the webkeep current with what is going on with the HOA Board and the financials of our community; these site offers so much more. In order to have full access are the three sections you need to review. In these to the information contained on the website, you three sections you will find the minutes of all HOA must first login. The login process is simple and Board meetings, the minutes of all Executive straight forward. (If you are currently not registered just click on the ‘Not Registered?’ option on the top Committee meetings, and the monthly financial reports of our community respectively. of the home page and follow the instructions.) If you The next section is ‘Clubs/Activities’. We have 31 are a registered user, simply login by using your active clubs in Villaggio and if you want to know username and password. If you have any questions what’s going on with any of our clubs, this is the or problems about logging in, please use the ‘Contact Us’ option on the top of the home page and Continued on page 34 33 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers Continued from page 33 Please be advised that this information is for the use of Villaggio residents only. Under no circumplace to go. This section provides access to all the stances should this information be shared with a club web pages as well as letting you know the last business, organization, or individuals outside our time the information on the club page was updatcommunity. ed. This way you can determine if there is any new If you would like to learn more about our webinformation from the last time you reviewed the site, the Villaggio Communications Committee is page. Also, all the club pages were recently reconsidering offering classes again to residents on designed for easier access and readability. how to navigate the site and use it to their advanAnother very useful section in the Main Menu tage. We offered Villaggio website classes last year area that many of our residents are already using is that were received very favorably. If you would like the ‘Classified Ads’ section. In this section you have us to offer these classes again, please let us know by two features: posting a classified ad for the commuusing the ‘Contact Us’ feature on the website, sendnity and entering a Lost & Found item. The classiing an e-mail to allen_roger@bellsouth.net, (that’s fied ad feature allows you to offer items and servicallen followed by an underscore, not a space) or by es for sale to Villaggio residents. This section is in a calling me at (561) 968-6528. variety of categories. There is one stipulation for the However, if at any time you encounter a specific use of this feature dictated by our bylaws. Only ads website question or problem, use the ‘Contact Us’ for services offered to Villaggio residents and not feature providing details and one of the Villaggio ‘commercial’ or businesses that serve customers website administrators will be glad to help you. The outside the community are acceptable (Declaration Communications Committee encourages all resiof Covenants, Article IX, Section 4). dents to use the Villaggio website. It’s one of the The other feature is Lost & Found. If you lose many great features of living in Villaggio. something in the community you have the ability to • NOTE: If your e-mail is not linked to your web browsnotify the entire community concerning your lost er, i.e., a new e-mail message form does not open, call me item by posting it in the Lost & Found feature. Since or send an e-mail to the address above. we added this feature to the website, we have reunited quite a few lost items with their owners. There is one important piece of information you must remember when using either of these features. When you submit your item it will not immediately appear on the website. It must be reviewed by one of the website administrators. The review happens very quickly and should never take more than 24 hours. A review and approval process is critical to ensure that no inappropriate material gets posted to our website. If you do not see a classified ad posted immediately after you submit it, DO NOT submit it again. Your submission will appear after a short (up to 24 hours) delay. The last section in this article is the ‘Resident Directory’ section. The ‘Resident Directory’ section allows residents in the community to communicate easily with one another. The directory has the contact information for all residents in the community. The website administrators try to keep this information as current as possible. We encourage all residents to notify the website administrators if their contact information changes by using the ‘Contact Us’ feature discussed earlier. ABRACADABRA - The Amazing Tomaso had the audience asking “how’d he do that?” when he performed his feats of magic at the Villaggio Children’s Corner show on February 16. The magic show was part of the President’s Week festivities at Villaggio 34 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO’S COMPETITIVE SOFTBALL TEAM "hot spell" pitcher Harold Coren and the outstanding MAKES THE PLAYOFFS defense behind him held Cascades to only 2 runs in By Michael Gertman a "mercy rule" 18-2 victory. The 2 runs were the least amount of runs given up in a game by any team all season--a testimony to the pitching prowess and defensive skills of this team. Not to be outdone, the offense showed its power and might the very next game. Villaggio scored the most runs in a game of any team all season when they put up 34 runs and blew away Valencia Shores 34-22. The only loss was a heartbreaking 9th inning come from behind defeat at the hands of first place Valencia Falls. Villaggio entered the last inning with a 6 run lead but couldn't stop the Falls from beating them. While every team member contributed to the COMPETITIVE – Members of Villaggio’s Sunday success of this team, there were some individual Competitive Team gather for a team photo. performances that deserve mention. Dennis Avon They are going to the playoffs. consistently got hits, many in clutch situations and also filled in nicely for Richie Devick at third base For the first time in its history the Palm Beach after his injury, earning Rookie of the Year honors. Senior Community League is having playoff games, John Puppo hits the ball harder then anyone was and your Villaggio Sunday Competitive Team has named #1 Power Hitter, leading the team in extra qualified as the number 2 seed with an 8 and 4 base hits, highlighted by his 3 triples in one game. record. They will play MVP (Meisner Park) the numBob Gianquitti's .700 plus batting average was tops ber 3 seed with a 7 and 5 record in the first round. on the team, in addition to being number 1 in hits, The number 1 seed, Valencia Falls, with an 8 and 3 RBIs, runs scored and home runs. Jack Fields made record, plays the 4th seed, Valencia Palms at 6 and 6. numerous exceptional fielding plays, stopping some The winners will meet for the championship. very hard hit ground balls. Bruce Hanson had an Things didn't start out so rosy this season for outstanding game going 4 for 4 with a triple and 3 Villaggio, as star players Sam Orlando and Manny runs batted in. Solomon did not return to the team from last year Alan Rosen had a 3 for 4 game with a clutch due to injury. However, newcomers Dennis Avon, bases loaded triple and 4 RBIs and started a key douAlan Rosen, Richie Devick and Larry Perrin were ble play from the outfield. He accomplished this added to bolster the team. while nursing a pulled groin. Alan Egenthal Villaggio opened the season strong with a 23-7 returned to the team at about mid season and "mercy rule" drubbing of Valencia Palms. The game proved to be an invaluable asset with his fielding featured out of the park home runs by Richie Devick versatility playing infield and outfield while conand Alan Diskin. However, the following three tributing mightily with his bat. Bob Feinsilver had games resulted in losses for Villaggio, which includone of the top batting averages on the team aided ed a ninth inning loss to MVP and a disappointing by his blazing speed on the base paths. Alan Diskin "mercy rule" defeat by Valencia Falls. The team realwas again a powerhouse home run hitter. John ized that the level of competition was tough and if Bernath was also a powerful dangerous hitter from it didn't step up its game it would find itself at the the left side. Bob Hersh was a consistently strong bottom looking up. hitter. Larry Perrin was no doubt the most Many of the opposing players play ball several improved player on the team as his hitting and days a week in several leagues, while the Villaggio fielding progressed throughout the season. John players only play once or twice a week. Despite the Ferrandino hit the ball hard, did some great coachteam's 1-3 record, they still believed they were much ing and kept the team pumped up. Even the players better then that. The next 8 games proved they Continued on page 36 were right as Villaggio won 7 of them. During this 35 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers then insert the brush into the wall vent to clean out Continued from page 35 any excess lint as far the brush will reach. You can who only played a few games were greatly apprecialso attach the vacuum cleaner tool accessory supated for their contributions to the team. plied with the kit to vacuum out the lint (Photo 2). Special thanks go to Ron Penn for his $200 conBe gentle. When finished, re-connect the dryer tribution to the team. Thanks also to Alan Diskin for vent at the wall and at the rear of the dryer. Push contributing the good looking Aflac caps. The the dryer back into place and insert the electric Villaggio Softball Association Board of Directors plug. Replace the dryer lint filter to its proper posialso deserves thanks for voting to fund all the tion. remaining fees so the players did not have to incur any "out of pocket" expenses this year. Manager Michael Gertman and Coaches Harold Coren and John Bernath are confident that the talent and focus of these dedicated players will get them to the finals and take the championship. Whatever the result, it’s been an exciting, challenging and fun filled experience. Photo 1 HOMEOWNER TIPS By Tommy Tooltime In this month’s article, I will discuss the need for cleaning the clothes dryer vent and how to do it. Each time the dryer is used, before turning it on, any excess lint from the lint filter must be removed. Failure to remove this lint will cause the dryer to work harder, more time will be required to complete the dryer cycle and, lastly, the excess lint is highly combustible. Even though you remove the excess lint each time, some lint will somehow get past the filter and end up in the vent. At least once a year the homeowner should clean this lint out from the vent. There are several commercial products sold that make this cleaning almost effortless. Prices for these kits are about $20 and can be purchased at any home goods store, including but not limited to, Bed, Bath & Beyond. (See photo 3.) First, unplug the electric cord from the dryer. Next, remove the lint filter from the dryer and insert the brush from the kit into the vent and move in a sweeping motion (photo 1). This action should remove any excess lint remaining in the dryer. Now, move the dryer out from against the wall and disconnect the vent tube at both the dryer and at the wall. This will require a pair of pliers. Take the brush from the kit and clean out the tube and Photo 2 DRYER VENT CLEANING TOOL KIT 36 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers GOLD COAST CHORUS! daunting task of dreaming up and then developing By D. Steinberg this program, playing the piano as well as leading. We could not have performed this show without Wow! Another sensational performance! everyone's expertise and help. Called A Musical Journey In Time, our third musical Thanks, finally, to all of you in the Villaggio event was a smash hit, from the first to the last Community who came out in force to see us “bring note of a magical evening. As usual, there were wondown the house.” You really showed us That’s What derful solos and duets from our very talented Friends Are For! See you all next year. singers. But the big difference this year was the variety and number of skits and novelty numbers, as one surprise quickly followed another. The Downtowners are One terrific number was Wilkommen from the heading Downtown. show Cabaret. Cleverly playing the Joel Grey role, Steve Askinazi led a bevy of chorus girls through their bumps and grinds. The other very large production was Just a Gigolo, performed in tandem with Big Spender. Other costumed group presentations included Anything Goes, Downtown and Sh Boom. Then there were the barkers for If My Friends Could See Me Now, and our marching song for this season, One of Those The Songs. associate Highlighting almost every other number were members wonderful spots dominated by Rosemarie Davino, of the Norman Rothman, Nadine Sigman, Irwin Scharf, Gold Coast Chorus. Barry Becker, Mike Levy, Ina Karpoff, Murray Levine, Anita Geffon, Judy Goldberg, Judy Farber, Joanne Bass and Cindy Reiser. Also outstanding in the program were our group performers: Phyllis Becker, Rosalie Bitman, Gloria Cooper, Yael Diamant, Dolores Donahue, Rhoda Edmond, Shelly Feuerstein, Toni Fusco, Ronnie Kolber, Sally Kozinn, Ginny McGaw, Michele Misci, Libby Nemota, Al Pecker, Arlene Pomarlen, Judy Root, Rosanne Rosenberg, Laura Savitz, Lita Scharf, Deanna Schanker, Bette Schroeder, Dianne Steinberg, Manny Steinbock and Lois Wions. A special thanks goes to narrator Joel Tumarkin and to our “behind the scenes” people. Judy Root and The members of the Gold Coast Chorus. Marcia Levy designed the costumes. John Fusco designed and developed the stage lighting and scenery. Marty Sigman, our mike man, took care of our sound system and made us sound great. Ushers seated you and distributed playbills; wardrobe people helped dress our star performers and Toni The Gold Coast Fusco, our staging director, taught us how to move Chorus Gigolos in unison. joined the Gigolettes But the most important person of all was Linda for Big Spender. Kalish, our musical director, who had the doubly 37 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO HADASSAH ON THE GO By Phyllis Lederman The ladies of Villaggio Hadassah have been busy as bees with many projects. On March 18, they held their very successful 'Spring Fling' at Benvenuto's. All enjoyed a wonderful day viewing exciting fashions, dining on delicious food and winning fabulous raffle prizes. In addition, the ladies of Villaggio Hadassah have been involved in several outreach projects. They are collecting canned goods and other nonperishable food items for the Food Pantry in Lake Worth. In light of the present economy, food pantries are being visited by persons who were not in need of assistance before. They are also collecting used prescription and non-prescription eye glasses. There are over a million children throughout the world who are in need of eye glasses and cannot afford to purchase them. Villaggio Hadassah is working hard to help those in need. For further information concerning these projects, please contact either Barbara Slepian (561) 641-9167 or Phyllis Lederman (561) 968-0725. Villaggio Hadassah has had many exciting events and is planning fun events in the future. On March 24, they met in the Social Hall, and on March 30 a Donor Luncheon was held at the Sherbrooke Golf & Country Club. There will also be meetings on April 28 and May 19 in the Social Hall. On May 1, there will be an exciting trip to the Mount Botanical Gardens and on June 9, Villaggio Hadassah will install new officers. For further information about any of these exciting events, please contact Elaine Lewis 432-0353 Program Vice President or Fund Raising Vice Presidents, Deanna Schanker (561) 963-8860, or Marilyn Funes (561) 491-8722. BOOK & AUTHOR LUNCH – Several members of the Villaggio Chapter of Hadassah attended the Florida Atlantic Region’s Annual Book and Author Luncheon. They heard Rabbi Boteach of the cable television show, “Shalom in the Home,” speak about his newest book, The Kosher Sutra. After the lunch, Roberta Fernandez spoke about Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth. Pictured here are seated (left to right): Phyllis Lederman, Judy Levine and Sandy Tumarkin. Standing (left to right) are: Lani Steinberg, Dianne Steinberg, Marcia Levy and Marilyn Funes. 3FDFTTJPO4QFDJBMT /BJM8BYJOH4FSWJDFT "WBJMBCMF 0'' )"*3&95&/4*0/4 #3";*-*"/ 453"*()5&/*/( &YUFOTJPOTSFRVJSFBDPOTVMUBUJPO 8JUIDPVQPO&YQJSFT Please Heed The Speed and Keep It Under 25 mph #SB[JMJBO,FSBUJO 4USBJHIUFOJOH )BJS&YUFOTJPOT &6301&"/'"$*"- 1&3. )3 8JUIDPVQPO&YQJSFT 8)"*3 $65 -POH)BJS0UIFS4FSWJDFT&YUSB 8JUIDPVQPO&YQJSFT 4&/*03%":4 5VFT8FE0OMZ -BOUBOB3Er4VJUF" $PSOFSPG-ZPOT-BOUBOB3Er/FBS$74 XXXHJHJTBMPOBOEEBZTQBDPN 38 tt .FOT$VU -BEJFT$VU :FBSTBOE6Q &YQJSFT $BTI0OMZ 0QFO5VFTEBZUISV4BUVSEBZr8BML*OT8FMDPNFPS$BMM'PS"O"QQPJOUNFOU ITALIAN CLUB By Don Friedland VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers LET’S EAT OUT By Richard Greenberg Buon giorno! On February 24, the Italian Club made some changes in the bylaws and held its annual election. Bylaws changes include provisions for proxy ballots enabling snowbirds more say in the direction of the club. We would like to thank the outgoing officers of the club, John Fusco, Carol Mastronardi and Michele Misci, for their hard work and dedication. The club would not be where it is today without them. The new officers of the club are: Carol Jena Fisher, President; Vincent Scire, Vice President; Matt Padurano, Treasurer; Lois Wions, Secretary and Donald Friedland, Communications Director. Julie Failla is chairperson of the Social Committee. We are looking for three or four additional members to join the committee. The Italian Club had a Caribbean cruise from March 19 – March 23 on the Celebrity Century. The cruise stopped in Key West and Cozumel. We are looking into a different trip for the coming year. On April 22, we are going to Benvenuto’s in Boynton Beach for a candlelight dinner concert with music from Opera and Broadway. It should be a lot of fun. We are considering a number of exciting events for the coming year. Due to the great success of our Sock Hop last year, we are considering Sock Hop 2 in June. Other ideas being considered include a block party/ Fiesta Italiano with a sports car display and a dinner/gambling cruise out of Palm Beach. Bocce (free lessons included) for all residents is scheduled every Monday and Thursday evening at 7:30 pm and on Saturday mornings at 10 am. For details, see the website, We would like to remind members and potential members that we meet every fourth Tuesday of the month in the arts and crafts room. Initial one-time membership fee is $20. Membership renewal of $5 was due February 1. We extended the renewal date and are still accepting dues. Checks are payable to: Villaggio Italian Club. We are all enthusiastic about the new season of events with our new and existing members. Ciao! POSITANO 4400 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton, 391-2120 Excellent food, good service but it is a bit noisy. They had a summer menu which offered a four course dinner for $24.95. Since everyone enjoyed what they ate, I’d say it was well worth the money. Price range $$$ SHANES FOR RIBS 11051 Southern Bl., Royal Palm Beach, In the Costco Shopping Center, 333-7427 This is basically a fast food restaurant with good food. The service can be excellent because you basically serve yourself. You place your order at the counter, find a table and wait until they bring your order. Nothing fancy, but the ribs and chicken were good. Price range $$ TONY WU 4811 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, 498-8307 Tony Wu receives a mixed review. Everything I ordered was, at best, fair while the others had meals that they said were very good. I ordered seafood bisque which seemed burnt and had no taste. The others ordered salads. I ordered fried shrimp which were small and overly breaded. The other dishes included grilled shrimp (large shrimp and very tasty), shrimp and mushrooms (very good), pork chop (very good) and duck l’orange (excellent). The dinners also came with dessert and coffee. The complete dinners averaged $50 per couple including tax and tip. All in all, I would recommend this restaurant highly; just don’t order the fried shrimp! Price Range $$ 39 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers VILLAGGIO ORT HAPPENINGS MEN’S CLUB By Bette Schroeder By Richard Greenberg Donation dollars to ORT provide the gift of learning and the opportunity for a better life for students in the United States, Israel, India, Argentina and other parts of the world. ORT America’s Students at Risk program supports economically disadvantaged students in ORT Schools or programs. The Mitchell Komito Memorial Fund earmarked donations to the Students at Risk Program and will support four students in Israel this year. Our caring Villaggio community will make a difference in the lives of four students. Installation of officers was held on March 17 at a Paid Up Membership brunch. New officers are: Co Presidents . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shellie Bergman & Freyda Komito Vice Presidents: Fund Raising . . . . .Ellen Cohen & Trudy Skolnick Donor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Noreen Dolgenas Programming . . . . . . ..Judy Morris & Rita Archer Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Susan Greenberg Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ida Puppo Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bess Leventhal Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . .Bette Schroeder Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Farber Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marian Graber This year the Men’s Club is doing things slightly differently than in the previous years. Instead of having speakers who are trying to sell a service, we are getting speakers whose only agenda is to enlighten, inform and entertain the members. In that regard we have had Myrna Goldberger who spoke on “Myths, Legends, Truths and Lies in American History” and most recently we had our own Marcy Adelson, who held us captive with her knowledge of the Holocaust. Along with an excellent breakfast catered by Toojays, we had some terrific meetings. In addition, we had a bus trip to the Hard Rock Casino. It was great. Fortunately, for some of our members the bus was prepaid. Aside from the personal wins or losses, it was a beautiful day which allowed for lunch by the pool or in one of the many restaurants and shopping (an advantage not lost on my wife). Many of our members are also going to see the Mets/Marlins game at beautiful Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter. In the future we will be offering unique trips, enjoyable speakers and an extra special anniversary outing. If you aren’t a member, it’s not too late to pay the $20 dues and join the Villaggio Men’s Club. Coming Events April 26…….. Trivia Night. Call Diane Wilner for details (641-3016) May 5 . . . . . . . . .Theater Party…Caldwell Theater May 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Last ORT General Meeting May 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scavenger Hunt July 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Card Party August 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pot Luck Dinner November 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Progressive Dinner We are accepting volunteers for our Progressive Dinner. Cocktails, dinner and dessert homes are needed. Call Trudy (968-2695) As our year winds down and the spring holiday nears, we wish our members and neighbors a happy holiday. To our seasonal members and friends, we say so long until you return. Travel safely, stay healthy and enjoy your holiday. ALL ABOARD – The Men’s Club gets ready to board the bus for the trip to the Hard Rock Casino. SPEAKER – Marcy Adelson spoke about the Holocaust at a recent Men’s Club meeting. 40 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 41 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers MURDER ON THE BEACH VILLAGGIO RED HATTERS SEE THE FOLLIES By Judy Farber By Judy Morris On a beautiful afternoon in February, twentyOn March 15, six Villaggio Red Hatters had a woneight of Villaggio’s very own Red Hatters set out for the derful treat. They went to see The Original Florida charming section of Delray Beach known as Pineapple Follies at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. Judi Grove. Dressed in full Red Hat regalia, these ladies Smith, Stephanie Altschul, Barbara Slepian, Nancy assembled at the Dolce Amore Café for the first phase Allen, Lani Steinberg and Judy Morris were enterof a literary luncheon. The attentive wait staff took tained and amazed by the wonderful performance by our beverage orders and brought us crusty French the cast of The Original Florida Follies. The musical bread and delicious garlic spread. Our luncheon platnumbers and the dancing sequences were every bit as ters, which consisted of either chicken Caesar salad or good as what you see on Broadway. This is a group of turkey wraps with side salads, arrived promptly and individuals who range in age from 60 to 93 years were followed by a dessert of either fresh fruit or young. They danced, kicked up their heels and sang chocolate cake. their hearts out. All were thoroughly entertained. Following lunch, we took a short stroll to our next The Original Florida Follies is a non-profit charitadestination, the Murder on the Beach Mystery ble organization dedicated to helping children at-risk Bookstore. There we were greeted by John, a staff and in need in south Florida. Under the direction of member who has been at the shop for more than ten Cathy Dooley, a noted New York and Florida years. John distributed copies of featured author Producer/Director, this company presents brand new Karen Kendall’s book Take Me If You Can. Once seated, Broadway-style stage extravaganzas every winter seawe were introduced to Joanne Sinchuk, owner and son to raise money for selected children’s charities. founder of this unique bookstore, who informed us The Original Florida Follies consists of former New that Ms. Kendall had taken ill and was unable to speak York and Las Vegas dancers, showgirls, choreograwith us. Joanne was most apologetic and gave us an phers, dance teachers and others who put on a perinformative overview of the book publishing industry formance that the six of us will not forget too soon. in lieu of Ms. Kendall’s talk. We all were in awe of the energy that each individual Joanne informed us that, unlike years ago when had and how wonderful they danced and sang. The there were over fifty publishing houses, today only six costumes were magnificent. I am sure that I speak for major publishing houses exist, four of which are all of us when I say that we all had a great afternoon. German-owned. Unlike budding authors of the past, We look forward to going again next year to see today’s new authors get little help in promoting their the 10th anniversary of The Original Florida Follies. books. Although there are many vanity presses, readThis great group of volunteers will put on a show a ers must be wary of these titles which vary in quality. good as this or even better. The group deserves our Today, eighty per cent of books are sold in warehouse support. Some 250 RED HATTERS from south Florida stores such as Costco. Since only the top best sellers attended this performance. It was great fun to see so are offered at these locations, readers must seek out many red hats and purple outfits. I do hope that more new authors and their books at other venues. Will of you will join us next year. small, independent bookstores go the way of the dinosaurs? She hopes not, citing a demand for these stores which are selling the past, the way things used to be, where informed staff offers help and suggestions. Joanne and John suggested some of their favorite titles which include The Lace Reader, Sarah’s Key, The Help, Murder on Aston Place, and Lethal Legacy. Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore holds many book signings and discussion groups which are open to the public. You can check them out at murderonthebeach.com Although we were disappointed that we did not FOLLIES – Villaggio Red Hatters saw The Original Florida get to meet Karen Kendall, we certainly had a funFollies and had a great time. Taking in the performance filled afternoon and look forward to reading Take Me If were (left to right): Judy Morris, Nancy Allen, Lani Steinberg, You Can. Stephanie Altschul, Judi Smith and Barbara Slepian. 42 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 43 VILLAGGIO VOICE - Please Support Our Advertisers 44
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