Nov 09 - Temple Reyim
Nov 09 - Temple Reyim
"Together" Temple Reyim USY Volume IX, Number 4 B’YACHAD |||||||||||||||||| November2009/ Chesvan 5770 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| IN THIS ISSUE: NERUSY Leadership convention NERUSY Turkey Dance Sr. USY’s Shear Madness USY International Convention Sr. & Jr. USY Shabbat Games Nativ info session Lounge & candle fundraiser And so much more!!! Temple Reyim USY Contact Information Messages from YOUr TRUSY Board Senior USY President Josh R (617) 512-9420 / Religion/Education VP Daniel M (617) 365-7399 Hi TRUSY! Israel Affairs VP’s Gabe S (617) 969-9728 / Welcome back! This is your president speaking, and I'd like to apologize for the slow start to the year that we have had. Nonetheless, we are really excited to introduce you to our new adviser, Michelle Kuchinsky! I can assure you that after winning NERUSY's award of Most Improved Chapter of the Year award, we will only improve. Along with Michelle, we have a fantastic board that I can promise you is full of great ideas and determination. Shoshie B (617) 512-9420 / Social Action/Tikun Olam VP Ariane M (617) 630-9069 / Membership/Kadima VP Hannah H (617) 924-9034 / Communications VP Stevie K (617) 969-3446/ Our first event this year is going to be trip to Shear Madness. For those of you who haven't seen it before, it is kind of like a play, a comedy, a mystery and an improv show all mixed together. I think over the years I have seen it three times, and it just seems to get better each time. I strongly recommend coming, and if you are new to USY, this makes a great first or second event, because we are going to be having dinner in the youth lounge first, so you will get to know everybody. In order for TRUSY to keep growing, we need your help. Make sure you talk to as many of your friends as possible, and encourage them to come to an event or two. We always want new members, and I think just about everybody knows how much people who don't do USY are missing out. Spread the word, talk to everybody you know that is Jewish and convince them how awesome USY is. Anyways, I apologize for the lack of creativity in this article. Busy times in the life of a senior at high school, but I promise you something next time that may be more likely to make you chuckle or perhaps provide inspiration to your daily lives. In the meantime, you will have to make do, I am truly sorry. Your President, Josh Richards Junior USY President Abbie R. (617) 332-3199 / USY Staff Sr. Advisor Michelle Kuchinsky (732) 476-4990 / Jr. USY Advisor Jeremy Fineberg (847) 814-3053 / Kadimah Advisor Rebecca Blumenfeld Youth Committee Chairs Kim Gilbert (617)244-6615 / Tracy Schneider (617)969-9728 / Reminder: Turn in your membership forms! They are Howdy TRUSY, I am called Daniel Ross Mascoop and am your new Rel/Ed VP. YAY! I am a sophomore at Boston Latin School. I enjoy learning some things there, but I find English to be interminable. I am very excited for this year in USY. As Rel/Ed VP I will work on religiously educating everyone in TRUSY. This should be very exciting. In fact, I will start now: As you know, we have just finished the part of the year where we have a bunch of holidays. I enjoy them a lot, because there are so many different things that we do, but then the first few finished and I was sad. Being sad was fixed by the occurrence of Simchat Torah. I like singing and dancing with the Torahs a lot. So, now we’re into the new Jewish year, starting the Torah over again for the almost more than two-thousandth time. This past Shabbat, Noah was read. A lot happens. God is sad with the people that God made and so he kills them all, except for Noah and his family, in a big flood that lasted over a hundred days (it only rained for forty days and forty nights, though). The waters dry up and there is land! Many people live again in relative happiness. They decide to build a tower that is very tall. God doesn’t like this and makes them speak different languages so they won’t understand each other. This is fine with me because who doesn’t like learning a new language? These events teach us that it is important to be good people and know our place compared to God. We should not do more than we are capable of doing, unlike the people with the tower. So for this part of the year we quickly rush through all the fun stories to get to the boring stuff, but we will have to wait a little longer. So, I hope you have learned something about our history according to the Torah, if not, it’s always pleasant to read something. I want to say that I will stay true to my campaign promises of religious events being free and most likely containing food that is also free and, of course, delicious. These events will be much more fun and as great as you can make them. You should definitely go. In fact, there is a USY Shabbat on Friday night December 4, 2009. Shoshana Bloom will be there. In addition to Shoshie, I hope to see you readers there. I hope to see everyone there. If you want to help lead, do something for any religious event, or be educated, please let me know. My email is It would be great if you could. I am sure that this will be a great year. Until we see each other next time, Daniel TRUSY CALENDAR-November Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nativ Info session Reyim Lounge Candle-wrapping Dinner & Movie 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 Havdalah, dinner & Shear Madness 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 5 Thanksgiving 29 30 December 1st 2 3 USY Shabbat 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 1st 2 Kadima Splash and Supper NERUSY’s Kadima Splash & Supper Sunday, November 23rd 2:00-7:00 at the Coco Key Indoor Water Resort at the Sheraton Ferncroft Hotel, Danvers MA Price: $32 (includes transportation, entrance to park & dinner) Drop off & Pick up at Temple Emmanuel, Newton Please bring: bathing suit & towel RSVP to Ben Ginsburg 781-201-9228/ Space is Limited! For more information, contact Marci Siegel, Regional Kadima Advisor at 617-964-8210/ All Kadimaniks must be chapter members! Drop off & Pick up at Dance locations RSVP to Sr. USY: Joie Schwartz, ex. 21 Jr. USY: Ben Ginsburg, RESERVATIONS AND ADMITTANCE ARE BY CHAPTER ONLY. USYERS CANNOT REGISTER AND ATTEND THE DANCE ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. AS PER REGIONAL POLICY - NO REFUNDS! All Senior USY officers and Jr. USY president are welcome Sign up now! Send your application to NERUSY Regional Office 1320 Centre St. Suite 304 Newton, MA 02459 Price: $180 + $45 optional bus fee Bus will depart Reyim at 1:50 PM on the 13th and return at 2:45 PM on the 15th Leadership Retreat will take place at Camp Ramah, Palmar, MA USYers will be staying in heated Sr. and Jr. USY invite you to Boston’s uproarious whodunit where the audience gets to solve the crime Join us Saturday night November 21st at 6PM for Havdalah and dinner at Reyim provided by Milk Street Café followed by Shear Madness! After dinner we will take the T to Shear Madness, Charles Playhouse, 74 Warrenton St., Boston RSVP to (Sr. USY) To (Jr. USY) By Nov 16th Price: $45—members+ money for the T $50—nonmembers + money for the T (send checks to Reyim, made out to Temple Reyim USY) Note: if any parents would like to volunteer as a chaperone, please email ery v ’m nna I . Ps is go V r gai r s s y ea n i f f sh A thi a l e W ra ause A f th e o s t c I i ion Publ rom el t our ts bec a y eg aeli ks f Isra l b e v en e l l a d n Isr bloc orts idwi ing e n I o rica nly upp e M br n d co m o a d me e (o ca s in th e lo e z p i o u ! h r A enc ri ion l b sues P e l ys hos our e i u h r h m it by t nfe A tens or w g is w y G ear, S all of w o e ng run he c t ho uch rozd aisin H is y or i ce o n t u e P r f g e m h t c o r T ited t! be eren ). A g ab f so from ill be fe e f l i l c s d ’ o f a l lik ex a bla ek, I con IPAC arnin idst ents e w e k a r fee con be xt we for a ee (A be le the m e stud and w m lly s eve your a Ne D.C. mitt we’ll en in ce, th l Hill nt. e r y f u o m o a n , o t v t n g o t ) e r o e i e t C use rld er Cap mpo unity you o on . s f r i o n o fa ite h s w e co on are i port l. If ter t eard t ’ wh oday At th Frank feel is op Israe e a le be h in t East. rney at we out th oward , writ nitely i dle ng Ba ael th ed ab tion t rence ll def byi ut Isr excit gisla diffe on wi e abo very can l ake a opini i I’m mer t to m your in A wan and n you ssma VP gre be S. fairs G a el A f Isra Nahum Binder, the Central USY Shaliach will be coming to Boston to hold an informational session for anyone interested in going on Nativ (USY’s post high school year in Israel). Interested USYers in the 11th and 12th grade and their parents are encouraged to attend. RSVP by Friday, December 5th to Ben Ginsburg 781-201-9228/ Temple Reyim USY 1860 Washington St. Newton, Ma 02466 Hey TRUSY, My name is Shoshie Bloom and I am one of your Israel Affairs VPs for 2009-2010. I am a sophomore at Newton South High School. I have been part of TRUSY since I was in Kadima but I didn’t go to many events. This past June, I decided that I wanted to be more active in USY and be on the board. I chose Israel Affairs because I have been to Israel twice and loved being there both times. After returning home, I felt as if more people should know about what is happening in Israel and how it affects people living there. Throughout the year I will be giving you updates on what is happening in Israel and how it affects people. Shoshie USY Shabbat Friday December 4th , 6pm USYers will be leading Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday night services. Contact Daniel, Rel/Ed VP, if interested in leading Services will begin at 6pm and will be followed by dinner from Rami’s. (allergies can be accommodated) Sr. USYers, Jr. USYers and Kadimahnicks are all encouraged to attend RSVP by Friday, November 27th to USY Shabbats are filled with fun, friends, ruach and delicious food! Come & see what we’re all about! ma a I as . P h c V u d s m/ka y sports so e m new ve to pla nds. I al r u o m y and I lo frie his year a h I t i d t w make t an ol u o h ques o h a Y r c n g S o S n n o U s a a h ig sh TR ur sH ng t tion HEY y name i tertown H , as well a ally hopi y sugges iends to o M t Wa nd track ! I am re have an e your fr wesome a e r mo vit ll a too you an a sopho , basketba u should alone. If l free to in rward to o t r o e socce SY, and y not do tha . Also, fe r! I look f e e U n love l and I ca talk to m the merri ! y o a e speci feel free t The mor ntastic da a , s. tions me event . Have a f o ll awes ith you a w year ah n Hey -Han T and I RUSY! I a 2009 am the C m Stevie o Sout 2010. I a mmunica Kreimend h excit High Sc m a senio tions VP ahl h in f r Pilgr g summ ool. Afte at Newt or im o e r on, I age, wh r on USY spending n i c Som ant wait ch everyb Poland Is an e to r to ke goals I h get the ody shou ael ld e y a keep p the we ve as th ear start go e e b abou everyone site upda Comm V d. t to a upcomin in TRUSY ted and to P is fa g to co ntastic y events. well info r e m I cann municat ar in USY look forw med e o (he is t wait to . Most im and can ard t s even on regio ee Micha portantly wait nal b I ts ! oard el Zissma ) at a ll our n peac e stevi out and e keep t he J ewis h roll ing, Josh, Daniel, Gabe, Shoshie, Hannah, Ariane, Stevie, Abbie, Rebecca, Jeremy and Michelle! ChICago ‘09 And All That Jazz! International Convention 2009 9 AMAZING DAYS IN THE CHICAGO AREA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23 – FRIDAY JANUARY 1 PRE-CONVENTION INCLUDES: (12/23 - 12/27) 4 DAYS & NIGHTS AT THE HOLIDAY INN ROLLING MEADOWS SCHAUMBURG • GREAT SIGHTSEEING IN CHICAGO AREA • TRADITIONAL RUACH FILLED SHABBAT WITH NERUSY • SATURDAY NIGHT PROGRAM WITH ALL REGIONS • KOSHER MEALS, ADMISSIONS & TRANSPORTATION INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION INCLUDES: (12/27- 12/31) • DELUXE ACCOMMODATIONS & KOSHER CATERED MEALS AT THE CHICAGO MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN • HUNDREDS OF USYers FROM THE USA & CANADA • EXCITING STUDY AND ELECTIVE SESSIONS • SOCIAL ACTION PROJECTS • DYNAMIC EVENING PROGRAMS • REUNIONS FOR USY SUMMER PROGRAMS & RAMAH ONE NIGHT POST-CONVENTION INCLUDES: (12/31 – 1/1) • NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH NERUSY AT THE CHICAGO MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN ****************************************************************** COST: $ 1380.00*( *DEPOSIT: $900) DUE BY MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 2009 – WITH INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION *FINAL PAYMENT: $480 DUE MONDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2009 ALL MEALS, ADMISSIONS & TRANSPORTATION ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRATION FORM – SPACES & FLIGHTS ARE LIMITED PRICE & ITINERARY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CANCELLATION PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED TO REGISTER, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL YOUTH DIRECTOR/ADVISOR FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL THE NERUSY OFFICE (617) 964-8210 Lu Yehi by Naomi Shemer (to the tune of “Let it Be” by the Beatles Od yesh mifras lavan ba'ofek mul anan shachor kaved Kol shenevakesh - Lu Yehi. There is still a white sail on the horizon Opposite a heavy black cloud All that we ask for - let it be Ve'im bacholonot ha'erev Or nerot hachag ro'ed Kol shenevakesh - Lu Yehi. And if in the evening windows The light of the holiday candles flickers All that we seek - let it be Lu Yehi, Lu Yehi, Ana, Lu Yehi Kol shenevakesh - Lu Yehi. Let it be, Let it be - Please - Let it be All that we seek - let it be. Ma kol anot ani shomei'a Kol shofar vekol tupim Kol shenevakesh lu yehi What is the sound that I hear The cry of the shofar and the sound of drums All that we ask for - let it be Lu tishama betoch kol eileh Gam tefila achat mipi Kol shenevakesh lu yehi If only there can be heard within all this One prayer from my lips also All that we seek - let it be Lu yehi... let it be... Betoch sh'chuna ktana mutzelet Bait kat im gag adom Kol shenevakesh lu yehi Zeh sof hakayitz, sof haderech Ten lahem lashuv halom Kol shenevakesh lu yehi Lu yehi... Ve'im pit'om yizrach mei'ofel Al rosheinu or kochav Kol shenevakesh lu yehi Az ten shalva veten gam ko'ach Lechol eileh shenohav Kol shenevakesh - lu yehi Lu yehi......... Within a small, shaded neighborhood Is a small house with a red roof All that we ask for, let it be This is the end of summer, the end of the path Allow them to return safely here All that we seek, let it be let it be... And if suddenly, rising from the darkness Over our heads, the light of a star shines All that we ask for, let it be Then grant tranquility and also grant strength To all those we love All that we seek, let it be Let it be... Candle Fundraiser Thursday, November 12th, 7PM-10PM Join USY for it’s annual Hannukkah candle fundraiser! Thursday night we will be wrapping candles to send out while watching a movie and enjoying dinner provided by Reyim All are welcome! The first few will get to decide what movie we watch. Don’t let your friends pick for you! year. I l o o h c s to the t r a t t were s u d b , o , Y l o S u g f s U a e stres b Hey TR yone is having n a c l o c ho onth! s ver e m o t e s i p k h o c t t t he h a s a b t I s n g e g n v i n i e m n g r at co y excitin ods Sunday mo e not to l l a e know th r e e som e s ur ed g o v b k a a h o b S a g . n y n n t i l i go ar sel first h r e c u b r o o o f t t a y g e e in n Were go hool to raise mo pe to see everyon se were gonna sc ts! I ho s becau a d e n r Hebrew t e i s r f u r o delici ng you i r B . s s e miss the r Madn a e h S , t even time! t a e r g a have ere! h t l l a u o S ee y /TO, A S r u o Y elson h c i M e Arian Temple Reyim United Synagogue Youth 2008-2009 / 5769 MEMBERSHIP FORM NAME:____________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS:________________________________ CITY:_____________ZIP:__________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________ PHONE:-----------------______________________ GRADE:_____ BIRTHDAY: _____/_____/______ BAR/BAT MITZVAH PARSHAH:__________ SCHOOL:__________________________________ CAMP _________________________________ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ISRAEL? YES NO FAMILY INFORMATION: Must be completed by a parent/guardian MOTHER______________________ PHONE: (W) __________________(H) __________________ FATHER ______________________ PHONE: (W) __________________(H) __________________ Are you willing to help as a driver or chaperone for events? YES *EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: NO NAME: _________________________________ RELATIONSHIP: ___________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION: DOCTOR’S NAME: __________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANY: ____________________ POLICY #:____________________ ALLERGIES/MEDICATION: __________________________________________________________ Are there any special conditions / dietary needs / restrictions on activity / special circumstances about which the advisors/ director should be aware? (please explain) ____________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION: I_______________________ give permission for my child to participate in the activities of the Temple Reyim Chapter of United Synagogue Youth. My child is permitted to use any transportation selected by the Advisor and/or Youth Commission. I give permission to Temple Reyim and its agents to secure proper medical treatment in the event of an emergency. Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________ MEMBERSHIP DUES: Temple Reyim Member: $35 Non-Member: $45 (Checks should be made payable to Temple Reyim USY) Return this completed form to Temple Reyim USY 1860 Washington Street Newton, MA 02466
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FAMILY INFORMATION: Must be completed by a parent/guardian
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