EXPO REAL Exhibitor Directories
EXPO REAL Exhibitor Directories
EXPO REAL Exhibitor Directories Internet · Catalogue · Quick Guide · Visitor Information System 12th International Commercial Property Exposition 5-7 October 2009, Monday-Wednesday New Munich Trade Fair Centre www.exporeal.net Contents All deadlines at a glance. Deadlines and Offers 30 June 2009 Deadline of registration for exhibitors and participants in the main catalogue Page 4 22 July 2009 Mandatory entry for all exhibitors in Catalogue, Online Exhibitor Database, Visitor Information System and Quick Guide Company profile in catalogue Basic profile package (catalogue and online) Top profile package (catalogue and online) Two-page catalogue entry package Page 4 Page 7 Page 2 Page 2 Page 7 395 EUR 355 EUR 510 EUR 930 EUR 4,400 EUR Page 8 Page 8 look at price list look at price list Page 5 395 EUR Page 6 Page 6 340 EUR 220 EUR Page 8 2,300 EUR 6 August 2009 Catalogue advertisements Ads in Quick Guide 14 August 2009 Entry in catalogue supplement 7 September 2009 Company profile in online exhibitor database Photo gallery in online exhibitor database 2 October 2009 Banner on www.exporeal.net Package Offers Upgrade your mandatory entry and benefit from the lower prices of our package deals. Basic profile package 2-page catalogue entry package Company profile in online exhibitor database and exhibition catalogue (you save some 25% compared to ordering separately) You will receive a two-page spread in company profile directory consisting of a full-page company profile and an image advertisement 510 EUR Top profile package 2-ad package offer Company profile in online exhibitor database and exhibition catalogue, photo gallery in exhibitor database, logo in visitor information system (you save approx. 15%) If you book equal-value advertisements in the exhibition catalogue and the Quick Guide, you will receive a 15% discount on the ad in the Quick Guide. 930 EUR 4,400 EUR 15% discount Overview Exhibitor directories: Catalogue, Quick Guide, Internet, Visitor Information System Profit the entire year from your exhibit at EXPO REAL by presenting your company or region in reference materials that are used throughout the real-estate industry: Before the fair www.exporeal.net A source of information that is available 365 days a year. Constantly growing traffic at our Internet platform generated an average of near than 2,800,000 page impressions in 2008. During the fair Electronic Visitor Information System Visitors use this system extensively during the three days of the fair to search for exhibitors and for orientation. They made some tenthousands search queries in just three days during EXPO REAL 2008. Quick Guide With a circulation of 30,000 copies, this pocket-sized directory is convenient to have anywhere at the fair. If features an alphabetical list of exhibitors and hall diagrams, making it a handy tool that can help visitors find any exhibition stand quickly and easily. After the fair Catalogue A directory of exhibitors and participants in book form and CD-Rom. The 30,000 copies of the catalogue and the supplement and 5,000 copies of CD-Rom are highly coveted references for an entire year after EXPO REAL. Your contact Catalogue Project Manager: Hardy Kettlitz, phone (+49 30) 8871818-11 Assistent: Alexander Schepke, phone (+49 30) 8871818-12 Fax: (+49 30) 8871818-15 E-mail: exporeal@immobilienmanager.de Immobilien Manager Verlag IMV GmbH & Co. KG Wilmersdorfer Str. 94, 10629 Berlin, Germany Advertising Sales Manager: Thomas Ceppok, phone (+49 221) 5497-135 Fax: (+49 221) 5497-6135 E-mail: t.ceppok@immobilienmanager.de Immobilien Manager Verlag IMV GmbH & Co. KG Stolberger Str. 84, 50933 Köln, Germany Messe München GmbH does not examine the advertisements of exhibitors and other advertisers in the trade fair catalogue and is not liable under any aspect of the law—particularly the law on competition—for the content of any advertisements published in the trade fair catalogue. The same applies to any entries listed under the names of the respective exhibitors; these entries are arranged by the respective exhibitors on their own authority. All prices are subject to VAT. Mandatory Entry Be present everywhere for 395 Euro. The mandatory entry in the exhibitor directories is obligatory for all exhibitors, co-exhibitors and additionally represented companies at EXPO REAL 2009. The price is 395 EUR. Once you have registered for the fair, Munich International Trade Fairs will send you your access information for the Exhibitor Center www.exporeal.net/exhibitorcenter. From there you can call up the form service for exhibitor directories, check the information in your exhibitor profile, make any necessary changes and place additional advertisements online. Co-exhibitors will receive their own access information. Your mandatory entry will appear in the following four media: Homepage www.exporeal.net Particularly important before the exhibition: The exhibitor database on the Internet. It includes your company‘s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and Internet addresses as well as stand number. You can book an additional company profile with logo! (look at page 6) 3 Messekatalog Country DireCtory AlphAbeticAl Directory Stadt Datteln Wirtschaftsförderung Stand B1.330/430 Stand B2.444 DAVE - Deutscher Deutsche Post Aareal Bank AG wirtschaft, Leiter Filiale Hamburg Aareal Estate AG Anlage-Immobilien-Verbund Real Estate Germany GmbH Stand C2.410 Paulinenstr. 15 Hermann J. Merkens, Member of thed. MaPaulinenstr. vertr. W. Johannes Wentzel 15, DE-65189 Wiesbaden Deutsche PPP Holding GmbH Stand C2.112 DE-65189 Wiesbaden nagement Board Telefon: +49 (0)611 48-0 Dr. Nfl. Consulting GmbH Stand C2.512 Magnus M. Merkle, Director Germany East Telefon: +49 (0)611 480 Telefax: +49 (0)611 48-587 Deutsche Real Estate AG Stand C3.310 DB Services Stand B2.120 Helmut Mühlhofer, Managing Director Real E-Mail: estate@aareal-bank.com Telefax: +49 (0)611 482548 Deutscher Industrie- und E-Mail: aareal@aareal-bank.com Estate Structured Finance Internet: www.aareal-estate.com DB Services Immobilien GmbH Stand B2.120 Handelskammertag und Internet: www.aareal-bank.com Christian Nickels-Teske, Director Real Estate Rolf Buchholz, Member of the Management DB Services Immobilien Industrie- und Torsten Althaus, Director Credit Treasury Structured Finance – Logistics Finance BoardGmbH Stuttgart 21Günther Feldmayer, Stand B1.120 zu Kiel Stand C2.110 – Structuring Thomas Ortmanns, Member of Projekt the ManageMember ofHandelskammer the B2.120 Deutscher Verband DB Station&ServiceManagement AG Stand Per Andersen, Senior Manager Denmark ment Board Board der Projektmanager in der BauIsabel Baptista, Senior Manager Credit Manfred Over, Senior Manager DCM WohnungsJürgen R. Schroeder, Deputy Member Deutsche Capital und Immobilienwirtschaft Treasury – Syndication wirtschaft Management AG of the Management StandBoard C1.222 e. V. (DVP) Stand B1.342 Reinhold Bausewein, Director Munich Clemens Pett, Senior Manager WohnungsKai-Uwe Schuchmann, Aareal Estate AG DDIV Dachverband Deutscher Branch wirtschaft Stand # B2.230 Deutsche Wohnungsbau B2.220 Immobilienverwalter e.V. Stand Dr. René Beckert, Director Germany South Andreas Pfaff, Director Germany North mbH & Co KG Stand B1.330/430 Andreas Beckmann, Director Integrated Dionisio Pileggi, Vice President Real Aareal Valuation GmbH DEFOEstate - Deutsche Fonds DEVELLO Immobilien AG Stand B2.141 Payment Solutions Structured Finance – Sales Management Paulinenstr. 15, DE-65189 B2.142Wiesbaden für Immobilienvermögen GmbHStand Ottmar Blaurock, Director Rhine-Main-Ruhr Bill Redmond, Director London Branch Telefon: +49 (0)611 48-2059 DEVELOPMENT B2.420 DEGEWO AG Branch Andreas Roth, Director Credit Treasury Telefax: +49 Stand (0)61148-2640 PARTNER AG Stand B1.210 Manfred Burkelc, Managing Director Credit – Syndication DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft E-Mail: info@aareal-valuation.com Projektentwicklung Kranhaus Management Nicolas Rousse-Lacordaire, Directeur Généfür Immobilienfonds mbH www.aareal-valuation.com Stand C2.422 Internet: im Rheinhafen Köln GmbH Brigitte Butz, Senior Manager Human ral Aareal Bank France S.A. Norbert Grund, Geschäftsführer Aareal DekaBank c/o DEVELOPMENT Ressources Dr. Peter Schaffner, Managing Director Valuation GmbH Deutsche Girozentrale PARTNER AG Stand B2.440 Matthias Butze, General Manager WohWohnungswirtschaft B3.130 Fachberaterin Real Estate FinanceIngrid Schleicher StandWinderl, nungswirtschaft – Sales Priscille Schlosser, Vice President Real Estate DG HYP Aareal Valuation GmbH Deka Immobilien GmbH Stand B3.130 Stand Edovige Catitti, General Manager Italy Structured Finance – Logistics Finance Deutsche Genossenschafts# B2.230 Axel Cesian, Director Real Estate Structured Joachim Schöneck, Senior Manager Hypothekenbank AG Stand B2.142 DEKRACredit Real Estate Finance – Retail Property Finance Management Germany Expertise GmbH Aareon AG Stand C2.020 DIA - Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie Maurice Douven, Vice President Real Estate Peter Schott Ghyssaert, Managing Director Im Münchfeld 1-5, DE-55122 Mainz an der Universität Freiburg Deloitte Stand B2.101 Structured Finance – Sales Management Credit Treasury Telefon: +49 (0)611 01-0 GmbH Stand B2.220 Hakan Elman, Director Credit Management Severin Schöttmer, Director Real Estate C2.512 Delta Domizil GmbH Telefax: +49 Stand (0)611 01-419 DIC Asset AG Stand C1.232 South/East Structured Finance – Retail Property Finance E-Mail: info@aareon.com Der Facility Manager Christian Feldbrügge, Director Public Affairs Christine Schulze Forsthövel, Managing Internet: DIC Deutsche Immobilien Forum Verlag Herkert GmbHwww.aareon.com Stand B3.235 Uli Gilbert, Director Credit Management Director Real Estate Structured Finance Peter Freudenthal, Direktor Vertrieb Chancen AG & Co. KGaA Stand C1.232 Germany Dr. Wolf Schumacher, ChairmanDeTeImmobilien of the Roland Hildebrandt, Regionaldirektor DIC ONSITE GmbH Stand B2.430 Giuseppe Gotti, Senior Manager Credit Management Board Deutsche TelekomVertrieb Immobilien Treasury – Syndication Torsten Schuster, Senior Manager undIntegrated Service GmbHGereon Neuhaus, Stand B3.341 DIC ONSITE GmbH Stand C1.232 Vorstand Kai Heinonen, General Manager Finland Payment Solutions Deutsche Bank AGPappert, Michael, Vertrieb Magistrat Jos Hendriks, DirectorSara Business Development Alef, Jaroslav EstateBanking StrucPeter Sedivka, Manager RealAltenberg, Willi/ Jürgen Pfeiffer, Vorstand Al-Awar, Amine, Stéphane Global der Stadt Dieburg Stand C1.440 Amsterdam Senior BranchBroker tured Finance – Czech RepublicProjektmanager Alf Tomalla, Geschäftsführer Regionalgutachter Chairman B1.330/430 Asset Finance & Leasing Stand DIGH#Deutsche Katja Hennig, Wohnungswirtschaft Johann Seidl, Director Munich WFMG BranchImmobilienbewertung CLPManager Structured Finance INOVALIS Stand B2.230 Immobilien Deutsche BauJames Henry, SeniorW1U Managing Director Michael Siegl, “Cooking Communicator” of und SiedlungsDeutsche Postbank AG Wirtschaftsförderung London 4JT, INOVALIS REAL Grundvermögen ESTATE GMBH Holding AG B1.134 Gesellschaft mbH GmbH E Stand Aareal Financial Services USA Bank AG E United Kingdom INOVALIS PB Aareal Firmenkunden Mönchengladbach ABB Grundbesitz GmbHASSETImmobilienunternehmen mit Fokus auf den türkischen undEdeutschen Phone: +44 20 704500 MANAGEMET Ronald Hoffmann, Managing Director Real Alemdag, Pär Sjöstrand, B2.212 GMBH Deutsche BörseRichard AGWallstadter Str. Stand Bülent Manager Credit Management Altersberger, 59 V Mobile: +44 789 9980904 Stand C2.012 Estate Structured Finance Germany North Director, Associate heinz rossig Amler, Petra Immobilienmarkt DE-68526 Ladenburg B2.214 Deutsche Fonds Holding GmbH Stand Michael Hofmann, Director Credit Manage- Industrial&Logistics André R. Spathelf, General Manager Alber, Harald Services essen,SwitGermany Telefon: +49 (0)620716612 Sekretariat DIH Deutsche Wohnwerte ment West/South Europe E Leiter Immobilienzentrum Phone: +49 201 879220 BAUER DTZzerland Deutsche Telefax: +49 (0)620716610 GmbH & Co. KG Stand B2.214 Stuttgart Corporate Communica- Alex, V Stand E Mobile: +49 0162 79100 Spezialtiefbau Isabel Ihm, Manager Michael Sternicki, Director, Aareal Financial Grundstücksauktionen AGstefanie.wonner@de.abb.com C2.510 GmbH Werner E-Mail: DIP Deutsche Immobilien-Partner DG HYP tions – Marketing Communications Service Polska Regionalgutachter Althaus, Ammann, Lars Internet: www.abb.de/crem-consult DeutscheGuido Hypothekenbank c/o Bankhaus GenossenschaftsJosef Ismair,Deutsche Senior Manager Credit Manage- Immobilienbewertung Paul Stone, General Manager United KingSenior Manager Syndikus-Anwalt Dr. Stefan Beretitsch, Geschäftsführung (Actien-Gesellschaft) Stand C3.110 Ellwanger & Geiger KG Stand B1.410 E Hypothekenbank AG ment Germany dom Postbank AG Deutsche E S-Finanzdienstleistungs-GmbH Ernst & Young AG Barbara Böhler, Corporate Real Estate Deutsche Immobilien AG Jürgen Junginger, Director Inve- PB Elke Tabet, Manager – SynE Treasury Albers,Managing Frank Mülheim an derDIS Ruhr Firmenkunden AG Credit Institut für Management Althaus, Torsten B2.430Leitung Niederlassung Hamburg Stand Director Immobilien-Service stor Relations dication Alois ServiceImmobilien Stand B2.031 Algermissen, Director Credit Treasury Betty- StrucGalster-Nagengast, Bauma- E GmbH ErnstSenior & Young Thomas Keller, Manager Hamburg Jörg Torbohm, Senior Managerturing Berlin Immobilien Leiter Geschäftsstelle Hannover Amthor, JürgenDIW Instandhaltung Ltd. & Co. KG nagement/Projektentwicklung Deutsche AG E Real Estate GmbH Branch BranchHypothekenbank Deutsche E Stand Makler Aareal Bank AGKölnRalph Heublein, Corporate Estate B2.440 RealGeschäftsführung Niederlassung Bettina Kenn, Manager Douglas Traynor, Managing Aareal E Director Albert, IngoCorporate Commu- (Actien-Gesellschaft) Angermann Management Altmannsperger, Klaus Central North Stand B2.430 B2.141 Deutsche Immobilien AG Stand Immobilienfinanzierung FrankGlobal Property Real Estate nications – Marketing Communications Services USA Dr. Gerhard Hoecker, Corporate Dr.Financial Algermissen, Rainer Prokurist furt Member of the ManageE Norbert Kickum, Pieter van de Kimmenade, General ManaDeutsche Immobilien-Akademie Rechtanwalt Deutsche Post Management Alliance GmbH dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Stand B3.422 ment Board IKB Deutsche ger Netherlands Latham & Watkins LLP Real Estate Andarakis, an der Universität Klaus Hook, Corporate RealAlex Estate ManageE Industriebank AG Director Credit Dagmar Knopek, Managing Martin Germany Vest, Managing DirectorGermany Real Estate Hamburg, E Stand Executive Director GmbH ment B2.030 Freiburg GmbH Dobler Consult Management Structured V Development Albert, Ingo Marketing & Sales Phone: +49 40Finance 41400 - Business Günter Laßmann, Leitung Asset ManageAltmeppen, Dennis J. Dobler GmbH & Co. Stand B2.042 Deutsche Immobilien Geschäftsstellenleiter E Emaar Properties PJSC Sven H. Korndörffer, Managing Zentrale Director Wilson, General Manager Central Europe Ali,Karl Sadrudin Vertrieb Leasing GmbH ment Stand B1.330/430 DOCby.net GmbH Stand C3.120 Hypothekenbank Corporate Communications and Russia Managing Director Berendes & PartnerLina Müller, Corporate Anders,Real Collin Estate Managein EssenAssociate AG Sotirios Kotinakis, Real Estate E Elke International Wolf, Vice President Real Estate StructuDeutsche Immobilien Trident E Real estate agentDomino Planungsgesellschaft Consulting GmbH ment Structured Finance – Retail Property red Finance – Logistics Finance Holding Aktiengesellschaft Stand B2.214 E Albertmelcher, Erich Finance Holdings E DTZ Corporate Architekten Christopher Peters, Real Estate und Altmeppen, Hermann Peter Kretzer, Senior Manager Credit MaWöllmann, Senior Manager Rhine-Industriebau Ressortleitung Stand B1.120 Management Ali,Nicole Shazad Dipl.-Ing. Anders, Ralf Ingenieure mbH B3.344 Deutsche GmbH Stand Immobilienkunden national nagement Germany Main-Ruhr Branch Senior Vice President - Business E Manager Altmeppen & Partner Carsten Plettenberg, CorporateDOMUS Real Estate Software AG LRP Landesbank Deutsche Lagerhaus Johannes Kupers, Associate Real Estate Martina Zierke, General Manager Denmark Development Management Ernst & Young Software für die Altwies, Charles Rheinland-Pfalz Estate B2.110GmbH GmbHB2.230 u. Co KG Stand Structured Finance – Logistics Finance E Stand Trident International E Real Bernd Pollack, Kaufmännische Leitung Manager Immobilienverwaltung Stand B3.521 Birgitta Leijon, General Manager Sweden E Albrecht, Andreas Holdings Deutsche PostbankSusann AG Schröder, Leitung FinanzFIDEOS Andersen, Andersund Investmentmakler COMFORT Jonas Lindholm, General Manager Northern Allen, David PB Firmenkunden Rechnungswesen AG Stand C2.410Analyst Luxembourg Investment Berlin-Leipzig GmbH Europe Managing Partner Property Group A/S Phone: +52 2677256 Stefanie Wonner, Corporate Real Estate COMFORT Holding GmbH Stefanie Luckow, Corporate CommunicatiChayton Capital LLP V Kopenhagen V, Denmark Mobile: +52 621 176704 Management E Mobile: 0175/721785 ons - Marketing Communications London W1B AL, Phone: +45 702720 Stand # C1.132V Alves, Evaristo Wolfgang Lütz, SeniorCarsten Manager Wohnungs- United Kingdom Albrecht, Ibergrund, Lda Andersen, Lars Industry directory You indicated your branch of industry on the registration form. The industry directory lists your company under a maximum of two branches. Entries include company name and stand number. COUNTRY DIRECTORY Country directory The country directory is sorted alphabetically by country and includes your company’s name and stand number. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Alphabetical exhibitor directory The exhibitor directory lists companies in alphabetical order. It contains your company’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and Internet addresses and stand number. By listing the names and positions of your company’s employees at the stand in the participant directory they can be included in the catalogue. Directory of ParticiPants Fonds- und Assetmanager Wölbern Fondsmanagement GmbH 5 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS Participant directory You can have your employees listed in the participant directory in the catalogue and Internet. All you have to do is personalise your exhibitor passes at the Exhibitor Center (EC) at www.exporeal.net/exhibitorcenter before the 22 July 2009 deadline. Co-exhibitors must order their exhibitor passes themselves to ensure that each participant is listed with the right company. Participants then appear in the online participant database, in the alphabetical directory in the exhibition catalogue and in the participants directory in the exhibition catalogue sorted alphabetically. 2 Deutsche Post Real Estate Germany GmbH Phone: +44 207 07988 Mobile: +44 780 071181 V Paco de Arcos, Portugal Partner DoReal Immobilie Consulting e.K. Stichwort Stadt Do Witschaftsförderun Dorsten GmbH (WINDOR) Dräger Immobilien Drees & Sommer A Drees & Sommer Projektmanageme bautechnische Beratung GmbH Drees & Sommer Projektmanageme bautechnische Beratung GmbH Dreier Immobilien Landeshauptstadt Amt für Wirtschaft DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresde Drivers Jonas Gmb Dr. Klein & Co. AG Dr. Lang & Dr. Klee Finanz- und Wirtsc Premium Immobil Dr. Lübke GmbH Dr. Ochel Gruppe Dr. Schrammen Architekten BDA G Stadtplaner, Gene DS-Bauconcept Gm DSK Deutsche Stad Grundstücksentwi mbH DTZ DU Diederichs Projektmanageme AG & Co. KG Kreis Düren rheincity düsseldo Wirtschaftsförderu Duisburg plus c/o Gesellschaft fü Wirtschaftsförderu Duisburg mbH Ebert-Ingenieure Dr. Ebertz & Partne EBZ - Europäisches der Wohnungs- un Immobilienwirtsch ECE Projektmanag GmbH & Co. KG ecg - Engineer Corporation Group EC Harris GmbH ecopark Zweckverband EDEKA Minden Ha Immobilien Servic Quick Guide The Quick Guide is a special pocket-sized directory with a circulation of 30,000 copies that will be available everywhere at the fair. It contains an alphabetical directory of exhibitors including company names and stand numbers. Book an advertisement in the Quick Guide! The price list you find on page 8. Visitor Information System The Visitor Information System is a terminal system at the fair. Entries include company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and Internet addresses, stand number and industry. Extra: If you order the Top Profile Package, your logo will be incorporated into the Visitor Information System as soon as your information appears on screen. Deadline in the Exhibitor Center www.exporeal.net/ec: 22 July 2009 (for all exhibitors registered until 30 June 2009) 395 EUR (mandatory for all exhibitors, co-exhibitors and additionally represented companies) Catalogue supplement Only exhibitors who have registered for the fair by 30 June 2009 will appear in the main catalogue. Companies that register by 14 August 2009 will appear in the catalogue supplement (loose sheets) as well as on the Internet and in the Visitor Information System. Deadline in the Exhibitor Center www.exporeal.net/exhibitorcenter: 14 August 2009 SUPPLEMENT TO THE ALPH ABET ICAL EXHI NAC HTR AG ZUM BITOR DIRE CTOR ALPHABETISCH Y EN AUSS TELL ERVE RZEI CHN IS Adimmo AG Immobilien Port folio Managem ARCHIMAR Engelgasse 1, ent CH-4 Architekturb Telefon: +41 (0)61 002 Basel üro, Bau und 378 Imm Bahceli Evler mah 77 11 Telefax: +41 (0)61 . 140 sk. Tezcan obilien B Apt. No 16/ E-Mail: georg.me 378 77 10 7100 Antalya, Internet: www ier@adimmo.ch Turk .adim Telefon: +90 242 ey Sectors: Real estat mo.ch e Telefax: +90 242 2438602 companies, Pens agents, agency; Insurance ion funds E-Mail: fatma@a 2438317 Stand C2.320 rchim ar.com Internet: www Adimmo AG .arch Sectors: Constructi imar.com Beratung & Verk on Contractors; Arch companies, Engelgasse 12, auf itecture CH-4002 Base Stand B3.333 Telefon: +41 (0)61 l 378 Arch 77 11 itekt Dieter Düs Telefax: +41 (0)61 ter dd projektplanu E-Mail: peter.voe 378 77 10 ng gmbh Stresemannst Internet: www geli@adimmo.ch r. .adim DE-47051 Duis 37 Sectors: Real estat mo.ch burg e Telefon: +49 (0)20 companies, Pens agents, agency; Insurance ion funds Telefax: +49 (0)20 3 7680001 Stand C2.320 E-Mail: d.dueste 3 7680010 Akademie der Internet: www r@dd-projekt.de (ADI) GmbH Immobilienwirtschaft .dd-projekt.de Sect ors: Developers, Postfach 7201 71, Architecture Telefon: +49 (0)71DE-70577 Stuttgar t Stand B1.330/43 Telefax: +49 (0)71 1 3000 506 0 ARGE Frankfur E-Mail: ulmer@ad 1 28 49 223 c/o Kilian Proj ter Straße 294 GbR Internet: www i-stuttgart.de ektmanageme .adi-stuttgart.de GmbH nt Berlin Sectors: Training and Fasanenstraße the real estate businsecondary education in 69 ess Personnel DE-10719 Berli Recruitment n Telefon: +49 (0)30 Stand B1.222 Telefax: +49 (0)30 8872520 APITSIAR E-Mail: kilian@k 88725251 Verband der Rumänischen Internet: www ilian-gruppe.de Industrie - und .kilian-gruppe.de Technoparks Sectors: Developer Str. Zizinului nr.11 s; companies, Cont Construction Telefon: +40 268- 9, RO-500407 Brasov ractors Stand C3.120 Telefax: +40 268- 333674 Bank Austria E-Mail: dragos.d 333674 Cred itanstalt AG avid @apitsiar.ro Real Estate Internet: www .apitsiar.ro Vord ere Zollamtsstr. Sectors: Infrastruc 13 ture real estate; AT-1 030 Wien Associations of the Telefon: +43 (0)50 real estate indus commercial try Telefax: +43 (0)50 505 54819 Stand B3.112 E-Mail: reinhard.m505 57949 arccus partners adlencnik@ba-ca Internet: www Tax and Lega .com .ba-ca.com l Reinhard Mad 23 rue Balzac, lencnik, Head FR-7 of Real Estate UniCredit Grou Telefon: +33 (0)15 5008 Paris p Enrico Minniti, Telefax: +33 (0)15 3530280 Head of CEE Spec 3530 Lend 281 ialized ing E-Mail: silke.nad Sectors: Commerc Internet: www olni@arccuspartners.com ial banks .arccuspartne Stand B1.310 Jacques-Henry rs.com Bauindustrie Yann François, de Bourmont, Partner verband Nordrhein-W Silke Nadolni, Partner estf alen e.V. Partner Uhlandstraße Guillaume Rub 56 echi, Partner DE-4023 S 395 EUR (mandatory for all exhibitors, co-exhibitors and additionally represented companies) Company Profile: online Including gallery and priority placement. Your company profile in the exhibitor database Your mandatory entry includes your address and contact information as well as your stand number. A company profile (including coloured logo) allows you to convey even more information about your company and your expertise or projects at EXPO REAL. The exhibitor database is used frequently all year by visitors and exhibitors alike. To order and submit information for your company profile, your photo gallery or priority placement in the database search, please use the online form that is available under “Exhibitor Directories“ in the Exhibitor Center. For the company profile, the catalogue publisher needs the following information in addition to your address: 1. Year founded (optional), 2. Management (optional), 3. Annual sales in 2008 (optional), 4. Brief company profile in English (mandatory), 5. Brief company profile in German (optional), 6. Contact at EXPO REAL (optional), 7. Your company logo as TIF or JPG file (optional) Your brief company profile must be written in complete sentences. The total length of all the above mentioned entries may not exceed 1,700 characters including spaces. Submit your text the quick and easy way, i.e. using the online form on www.exporeal.net/exhibitorcenter. If you experience difficulties, please contact the catalogue publisher directly. Deadline 7 September 2009 340 EUR The photo gallery Use photographs to present your products and solutions! You can add up to three photos to your company profile. Please submit your photos in *.jpg format. For file submission please contact the catalogue publisher directly. Deadline 7 September 2009 220 EUR Company Profile: Catalogue Present your competence. Your company profile in the catalogue C A company profile in the catalogue is an effective way to call attention to your areas of activity, special offers or your exhibits at EXPO REAL. For the company profile, the catalogue publisher needs the following information in addition to your address: 1. Year founded (optional) 2. Management (optional) 3. Annual sales in 2008 (optional) 4. Brief company profile in English (mandatory) 5. Brief company profile in german (optional) 6. Contact at EXPO REAL (optional) 7. Your company logo as a TIF or JPG file (optional; printed size: 55 mm wide or 20 mm high; resolution 300 dpi, colour: 4c Euro scale) Compa ny port raits / CIMA Beratun Glashü g + Managem ttenweg ent Gm 23568 bH 34 Lüb Telefon: eck, Germany Telefax: +49 (0)451 389 E-Mail: +49 (0)451 389 680 fur Internet: kert@cima.d 6828 e www.c ima.de Year of fou Gründun ndation / Head of gsjahr: 1988 Geschäftorganization / Mario S. sführung: Mensing, Roland Wölfel Company consultan ‘s activity: CIM cy com pany in A is a leading Germany and Untern ehmen sport räts Austria. With bra Lübeck nches in , supply Cologne, Leipzi Munich, Stu ttgart, the developm full range of g and Austria Das An we gebot rich research. ent, urban plaservice in pro öffentli jec che Auftra tet sich an pri ties as we Our customers nning and ma t Immobi vate und ggeber rke lie rienced ll as private comare public aut t tung und bzw. die Ent rund um die teams me hor wicklung, panies. Reaktiv through et all Expe- i- Flächen. ieru Ver Da s Leistu ng gewerblich markzation of evaluation andtasks from init Phasen ngs er iati tained datprojects. We relymarketing to on täts- undvon der Projek profil umfasst rea alle tide limarkets abase, excelle on well ma bis zur Wirtschaftlichke e über Rentab inAkquisitio ilibelieve and a highly mont knowledge Betreib n von Invitsberechnung in ern. en estoren tions to individual and tivated staff. of Da s Nu und We the ben tzu efit of oursustainable sol sischen ngsspektrum Ind ureic cus ust ht von tomer. Unterneh rieansiedl und tou der rist Dienstleis menskurzpro Entwicklu isch-orientier ung über freizeiklasmen für tungs- und Ber fil: Die CIMA Dienstleis ng von Einzel te Projekte bis tist handel zur tungsstan Stando Stadtentwicklun atungsuntern ein dorten. s-, Büro- und rta lung mit nalysen sow g, Markt- und ehContact ie Lübeck Standorten in Projektentwi Kontakt at EXPO REA ck, L reich. 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A Company portraits / Unternehmensporträts aurelis Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG Mergenthalerallee 15-21 65760 Eschborn, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6196 5232-0 Telefax: +49 (0)6196 5232-199 E-Mail: info@aurelis-real-estate.de Internet: www.aurelis-real-estate.de Year of foundation / Gründungsjahr: 2003 Managing directors / Geschäftsführer: Dr. Joachim Wieland Company profile: aurelis has a portfolio of approximately 24 million m² in near-city properties. Most of these assets are located in German metropolis and metropolis-regions. Package offers: see Page 2. Please note the differing order deadlines for package offers. One focus of our activities is urban development. In close cooperation with all market participants, we develop marketoriented, pace-setting usage concepts for our real estate sites. We accompany the projects through to the creation of planning law right up to the point where construction can begin. We thus provide investors and communities the opportunity of using what in many cases are the last remaining areas available for urban development projects. Our second focus is leasing/renting for commercial use. The range of portfolio properties is quite wide in this area as well: undeveloped areas from 1000 to 100,000 m², halls of various sizes and furnishings as well as buildings. The spectrum of uses ranges from storage and parking lot areas, gastronomy and repair shops, offices, logistics or merchandising. Our clients are large and medium-sized companies as well as individual persons. The company has regional representative offices in Eschborn near Frankfurt, in Hamburg, Cologne and Munich as well as offices for major projects in Berlin and Nuremberg. The head office is in Eschborn near Frankfurt am Main. COMPANY PORTRAITS aurelis shares are held by a consortium consisting of HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung GmbH and Redwood Grove International (50 percent each). Unternehmensprofil: aurelis verfügt deutschlandweit über ein Portfolio von rund 24 Millionen m² citynaher Flächen. Mit dem überwiegenden Anteil sind wir in den Metropolen und Metropolregionen vertreten. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Tätigkeit ist die Flächenentwicklung. In enger Abstimmung mit allen Marktteilnehmern entwickeln wir für unsere Areale marktorientierte, städtebaulich wegweisende Nutzungskonzepte. Wir betreuen die Projekte bis zur Schaffung des Planungsrechts und Baureife und veräußern sie im Anschluss. Damit bieten wir Investoren und Kommunen die Chance, die oftmals letzten städtebaulichen Freiräume für urbane Entwicklungsprojekte zu nutzen. Zweiter Schwerpunkt ist die Vermietung für gewerbliche Nutzungen. Die Auswahl an Bestandsobjekten ist auch hier vielfältig: Freiflächen von 1.000 bis 100.000 m², Hallen in verschiedenen Größen und Ausstattungen sowie Gebäude. Das Nutzungsspektrum reicht von Lager- und Parkplatzflächen über Gastronomie bis zu Werkstätten, Büros, Logistik oder Handel. Unsere Mieter sind Großkonzerne, mittelständische Unternehmen oder Einzelpersonen. aurelis ist mit Regionalbüros in Eschborn bei Frankfurt, in Hamburg, Köln und München sowie mit Großprojektbüros in Berlin und Nürnberg vertreten. Die Zentrale ist in Eschborn bei Frankfurt am Main. Die Gesellschaftsanteile von aurelis werden von einem Konsortium aus HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung GmbH und Redwood Grove International (jeweils 50 Prozent) gehalten. aurelis at EXPO REAL 2008 / aurelis auf der EXPO REAL 2008: Zentraler Stand von aurelis Stand C1.224 Geschäftsführung: Dr. Joachim Wieland, Ivo Iven Presse: Susanne Heck At these stands we will present our regional projects / Auf diesen Ständen stellen wir unsere regionalen Projekte vor: aurelis am Partnerstand Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Stand B2.430 Harald Hempen, Heike Brandhorst aurelis am Partnerstand metropoleruhr Stand B1.330/530 Olaf Geist, Wolfgang Johnen aurelis am Partnerstand Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt Stand C1.230 Alice Bühren, Rolf Lange aurelis am Partnerstand Stadt Karlsruhe Wirtschaftsförderung Stand B1.130 David Maechler, Christian Tieber aurelis am Partnerstand Baden-Württemberg International Stand B1.222 Thomas Graf, Ruth Zieger aurelis am Partnerstand Landeshauptstadt München Stand A1.320 Stefan Wiegand, Boris Marten aurelis am Partnerstand Metropolregion Nürnberg Stand C2.230 Petra Mühling, Jochen Pfefferle Stand C1.224 352 Deadline for ordering/submitting copy information: 22 July 2009 EXPO REAL · 11th International Commercial Property Exposition, Munich 2008 4,400 EUR AdVERTISEMENTS Transport your image. Catalogue advertisements Advertisements are a particularly effective way to transport your company’s image. The catalogue has several high-profile placements available that are certain to get you the attention you deserve. Please remember that ordering early secures you the best placement! Preferred placements Inside front cover 1/1 page 4c 7,500 EUR Inside front cover flap 2/1 page 4c 6,000 EUR Inside back cover 1/1 page 4c 6,500 EUR Inside back cover flap 2/1 page 4c 5,600 EUR Outside back cover 1/1 page 4c 11,000 EUR Next to hall diagram 1/1 page 4c 4,350 EUR Next to table of contents 1/1 page 4c 4,200 EUR Colour section at beginning of catalogue and company-profile section 1/1 page 4c 4,550 EUR 1/2 page 4c 3,200 EUR Within directories in catalogue 1/1 page b/w 2,250 EUR 1/2 page b/w 1,700 EUR Bookmark (attached to catalogue or loose) Placement only, does not include production costs 7,150 EUR Formats: book format: 210 x 297 mm (A4), type area: 170 x 252 mm Please remember that text elements in bleed ads must be at least 10 mm from the edge of the page to ensure that they are legible. Exhibition catalogue circulation: 30,000 copies and 5,000 CD-Roms aurelis_Az_Expo Real#D609B.FH10 26.08.2008 12:41 Uhr Seite 1 C Probedruck Order deadline: 6 August 2009 | Deadline for submitting copy information: 13 August 2009 Quick Guide advertisements The pocket-sized Quick Guide is convenient to have anywhere at the fair. It features an alphabetical list of exhibitors and hall diagrams, making it a handy tool that can help visitors find any exhibition stand. Preferred placements Inside front cover 1/1 page 4c 4,350 EUR Outside back cover 1/1 page 4c 6,800 EUR Inside back cover 1/1 page 4c 4,100 EUR Within Guide 1/1 page 4c 2,750 EUR 2-ad package offer: If you book equal-value advertisements in the exhibition catalogue and the Quick guide, you will receive a 15% discount on the ad in the Quick guide. Quick Guide format: 98 x 202 mm, Quick Guide circulation: 30,000 copies Order deadline: 6 August 2009 | Deadline for submitting copy information: 13 August 2009 BanneR Once you place your order, your banner will appear at the site within one week and will remain there until at least four weeks after the fair (November 2009). It is a rotating banner, i.e. one of a maximum of 15 banners will be selected at random and displayed on screen each time the page is called up. Bannersize: 183 x 96 Pixel JPG or GIF file Banner Homepage: 2,300 EUR M Y CM MY CY CMY K