July and August 2014 - St Neots Parish Church


July and August 2014 - St Neots Parish Church
Newsletter of St Neots & Eynesbury Parish Churches
July/August 2014
Who’s who in St Neots Parish Church
Website http://www.stneots.org
The Rev’d Dr. Paul Andrews
The Vicarage, Church Street
370312 /471297
Associate Priest
The Rev’d Roger Henthorne
45 Berkley Street, Eynesbury
Retired Clergy:
The Rev’d Derek Draper
The Rev’d Bill Taylor
The Rev’d Canon Robert Sibson
Reader in Training Mrs Ann Williams
Authorised Lay
Church Wardens
Mrs Rosemary Darrington, Pastoral Asst. 476334
Mrs Catherina Griffiths, Pastoral Asst.
Mrs Christine Green, Worship Leader
Mrs Jane Plumb
30 Arundel Crescent, Eynesbury
Mrs Judith Andrews
Parish Office: Tues—Fri 9:00-1:00, Sat 9:00—11:00
Mr Philip Barrett
24 Barringer Way
Mrs Jacky Isaac
164 Cambridge Street
Mr David Jones
6 Murrell Close
PCC Secretary
Mrs Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
Gift Aid Secretary
Mr Godfrey Wilson
38 Honeydon Avenue
Stewardship Recorder
Mrs Jane Gill
Director of Music
Mr Lloyd Barnett
43 Ridgeway, Eynesbury
Mr Mike Fletcher
11 Dovehouse Close
Mr Geoff Browne
Mrs. Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
St Mary’s Guild
Mrs. Bev Rawlings
Tower Bell Captain
David Griffiths
5 Rycroft Avenue
St Neots
07818 685502
Hand Bells
Mrs. Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
Holy Terrors
Mrs Eileen Raggatt
The Ferns, Berkley St. Eynesbury
Magazine editor
John McLeod
Magazine distribution
Mr & Mrs David Read
3 Axis Way, Eaton Socon
St Mary’s School
Mrs Jenny Overs (Headteacher)
Wintringham Road
Restoration Team
Mr Kevin Minney
Mr Colin Freeman (Treasurer)
Churches Together
Men’s Group
Mother’s Union
Branch Leader
Making time for God
Summer is here! I’m writing this article in my
study and the sun is shining outside. The
garden is buzzing with insect life and the
scents of the flowers and plants are
permeating even into the depths of my bookinfested space in the vicarage (and playing
slight havoc with my hay fever allergies). If it’s
still as nice when you read this as it is as I am
writing it, we will be having a good summer.
Actually, I’ll settle for it being nice into next week, as I am preparing to go away
for the inside of a week to make my annual retreat at a monastery in Sussex.
I’ve written and spoken about retreat and quiet space before. We were talking
about this as our Pilgrim course sessions came to an end, and we break for the
summer. We’ve been looking at the Lord’s Prayer, clause by clause over six
sessions and thinking about how so much of what we say and do in worship is
bound up with the imperative of the call to worship that lies at the heart of our
calling as Christians.
Many will say that the call to be a Christian is a call to action, a call to be of
service to others and that is certainly important. Others might point out that
being a Christian is bound up with living a good life and personal morality, and
that’s important too. Still more will want to say that the important thing is
coming to the realisation and acceptance that the grace of God played out in
the life death and resurrection of Jesus is primarily for the personal salvation of
individual believers and that is also important (though not as important as some
people think it is).
But important as all these aspects of our life of faith are, the invitation of God to
come to him in prayer and praise and worship is the primary call of the
Christian, it is what we are called first and foremost to do, and we are called to
do it, not just as individuals, but together, corporately as the body of Christ.
The Lord’s prayer emphasises this priority. It begins in worship (Our Father in
heaven, hallowed be your name) and ends in worship (for the kingdom, the
power and the glory are yours). But being joined together in worship is not all
about words – spoken words, sung words. Much of it will be of course, but the
way of silent reflection, of sacred space is also essential to my way of thinking.
I hope that everyone over the summer will be able to find some time to reflect
on the presence of the Holy Spirit in all things and all people, all the time –
‘everywhere present, filling all things’ as a lovely prayer from the orthodox tradition
puts it, and perhaps focus more directly on the interrelation of everything in God, to
be thankful and to praise Him.
Summer is a time for being a little more relaxed than we are at other times of the
year, for doing less, or doing differently, for refreshment and enjoyment of one
another’s company, of holidays and outings. Here at The Messenger, we’re being
so relaxed, that we’ve decided to run the July and August issues together (and
we’ll be doing the same in December/January). This makes life a little bit easier for
the editor and the contributors (well, the vicar anyway) at peak holiday times. It
also reflects the fact that not very much happens in the parish during August. This
will mean that the number of issues produced each year will be ten rather than
twelve, but those who pay an annual subscription will have their subs suitably
adjusted for 2015. So the next issue after this will appear at the beginning of
Last month, I wrote about the imminent interviews for the new post of Pioneer
Minister on Love’s Farm and asked for your prayers. I know that many did pray for
me and for my ministerial colleagues from other churches, and we felt that we were
held in prayer as we considered the five shortlisted candidates. All were blessed
with different gifts and abilities that were relevant to the task of ministry in new
housing developments and it was an exhausting day not just for them, but for us as
we were acutely aware of the responsibility of making the right choice. But the Holy
Spirit was with us, and there was a clear first choice – someone who will bring so
much to the role, that the ministry will indeed be blessed. Our decision was
unanimous. As I write this, I am eager to tell you who the person we appointed is.
But I’d better not, as the necessary identity and safeguarding checks have to be
made before the appointment can be confirmed. But I hope that the name will be
public by the time you read this anyway and we will be printing a lot more about the
person who has been appointed in the next issue of the Messenger.
With my warmest best wishes to everyone over the summer. I hope that holidays
will be everything that you hope for and more and even if you are not going away
this summer, that there will have been some warm sunshine to enjoy.
Yours ever in Christ
Fr Paul
An update on our finances
As we approach the end of the first six months of the current financial year it
has become clear that we will need to take decisive action in order to meet
all of our parish’s financial commitments by the end of the current year.
Balancing our income and expenditure has always been a challenge but
ever increasing costs and lower levels of giving, each year, are widening the
gap that has to be met.
We have some reserves and legacies that we can call on but these will be
insufficient to meet any gap in the future. We have estimated that without
judicial financial planning now all of our available funds will be exhausted
within three years. This assumes that there are no unforeseen or exceptional
costs that have to be met over this period.
The PCC will be considering the financial way forward when it meets on 24 th
June 14 with time spent developing a plan for the next three years but as
Church Wardens we wanted to update you on the current position and
forecast to the year end
So what is our current position?
Our income:
Our forecasted income this year through stewardship giving, loose
collections, special efforts, donations, fees, event income and interest will be
Our forecast for our income is £3,300 lower than we anticipated.
Our expenditure
As with any expenditure there are commitments that we need to meet
including heating and insurance and normal running cost. As a parish within
the Diocese of Ely our share of ministry costs is based on the costs of the
ministry in our parish, stipend, (the stipend and training costs of a curate are
met by the diocese). The Ministry Share also includes a small percentage to
the Diocese and the National Church. We receive no contribution from the
Diocese or the National Church towards our costs, in fact without ongoing
financial commitment from parishes, Diocesan and National Church activities
would be reduced.
Our expenditure is made up of clergy expenses, choir expenses, insurances,
repairs and maintenance, services, Love’s farm out-reach and office
These items in total cost
The cost of heat light and power is forecast at
Our charitable giving, special efforts is forecast at
The Ministry Share commitment in 2014
Our forecasted expenditure is
This means that our expenditure exceeds our income by
In the last financial year by fundraising and the generosity of members of the
church community we were able to meet all of our commitments.
When it meets the PCC will consider
Cost control
reducing administration costs
reducing the sums spent on heat, light and power by reducing
the time that heating is operating in the church building
taking some money from general reserves and legacies, which
are not restricted, to meet the deficit.
a moratorium on all spending other than essential costs
throughout the remainder of the financial year
Fund raising
fund raising activities to be devoted to raising money towards
the general fund
What do we need to do to balance the budget?
Together with limited sums from reserves we estimate the actions detailed
above would generate circa £8,000.
If everyone in our church family increased their giving by the cost of a daily
newspaper each week for the remainder of the financial year we would also
raise nearly £8,000.
We understand that financial pressures are not limited to the church
alone and are a reflection of the wider situation and we would not only
welcome increases in financial commitments but also ideas and
comments on other actions we might take. In particular we would
welcome any fund raising ideas that you may have that would raise
money for our general funds that we could take forward as a church
We will provide on update on the actions that have been agreed and the
forecast for the year end in the September edition of the Messenger.
As always please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you
may have.
Jacky Isaac and Phil Barrett
Our guest speaker in June was Sue Claydon, who has been doing
voluntary work recently in South Sudan. Sue gave us a very informative
talk and slide show about the people she has been working with and the
integrity of lives being lived for God and for others amidst the harshest of
circumstances. Her talk gave us all food for thought and focus for
On Thursday July 3rd the Reverend Jesse Zink will bring us an
evening of stories and pictures based on his new book, Backpacking
through the Anglican Communion. Rev. Zink will take us on a tour of the
world church as he visits, worships, and prays with Christians in
countries across the globe. Please do join us for his presentation,
Praying in many tongues: an arm-chair tour of the world church,
starting at 7.30pm in the Church Rooms.
All welcome.
Prayers for those who are ill or in any kind of
Please remember in your prayers all who are ill and who have asked for our
prayers, including: Eddie Edwards, Terry Underwood, Keith Stokes, Scarlet
Bail, Mike Mitcham, Martin Atkins, Margaret Sibson, Sheila Green,
Christopher, William Brown, Gerry Saunders, Mollie Walker, Jack Moate,
Stuart Crabtree, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Anthony Brewer, Richard Bunyan,
Chris Gates, Margaret Bilson, Brenda Royce, Les Brand, Julie Thomas,
Sheila Rawlings, Claire Kay, Ann Rudd, Sarah Lewis
Prayers for all the sick are offered regularly at the daily services of morning
and evening prayer in both St Neots and Eynesbury Churches. Those whose
problems are more recent, or short-term are names in our weekly pew sheet,
and remembered at Sunday services.
Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
The word pilgrimage means a journey or search for moral or spiritual
significance, often to a shrine or location related to one’s faith. Santiago de
Compostela in Northern Spain has been the destination of many pilgrims
along The Way of St James since the 9th century. According to legend, St
James is reputed to have preached in the area before returning to the Holy
Land where he was beheaded and his remains were brought to Galicia (in a
stone ship) for burial. These remains were discovered by a shepherd and
verified by a bishop to be those of the apostle. Numerous miracles occurred
there and so a cathedral was built on the site and the city named Santiago
(Saint James). There are many pilgrimage routes across Europe and whilst in
Germany and Poland last summer I saw two separate signs to Santiago.
Many pilgrims walk or cycle the route but we saw three men on horseback
and one man leading a donkey along The Way.
Jenny and I joined with nine other pilgrims to walk part of “The Way” from
Sarria to Compostela in June. We were blessed on our way by Fr Paul at the
8.00am service in St Neots and set off by plane to Santiago and car to Sarria
to begin our journey. The Way is very clearly marked by a yellow shell sign or
a yellow arrow. The weather on the first few days was kind to us – dry but not
too hot and we settled into
a pattern for the next nine
days beginning with a good
breakfast at our hotel,
walking for several miles
before meeting up for
coffee, walking again until
we found a suitable lunch
stop and then walking on to
our hotel for the night. Each
Furlong, our spiritual leader
gave us a thought to
ponder – which sometimes
we did as we walked but
often it was not until our reflection time at the hotel that we had time to sit
and think. We met thousands of fellow pilgrims from many different countries
and it was so easy to strike up a conversation as we walked. As we passed
small hamlets, villages and towns along the way the locals called out “Buon
Camino” (good pilgrimage). In Santiago this greeting suddenly stopped and
only fellow travellers greeted us – such is the way of a busy tourist city. We
had a pilgrim passport which was stamped everywhere en route and this
was the proof of our journey for which we all received a certificate at our
destination. In the past pilgrims were given a scallop shell on completion
which entitled them to five night’s free accommodation in the city. Now most
pilgrims carry a scallop shell to indicate that they are pilgrims on a journey.
We were concerned that
destination might prove to
be an anti-climax. This was
far from the case. We
attended the Pilgrim Mass
in Santiago Cathedral at
midday on Tuesday 10
June with many of our
fellow travellers all with a
achievement. However the
icing on this cake was to
witness the swinging of the huge incense container. Words cannot describe
it as it is swung by 8 men pulling ropes and the whole thing “flies around” the
north/south transepts. This is rarely done these days but we were fortunate
enough to see this the next day too! (Worth watching on YouTube!) In a side
chapel in the cathedral English speaking services take place daily and
Jenny and I attended the Taize service on our first evening. We were made
very welcome by two Irish nuns and Fr Damien. The next morning more of
us attended the Mass and then in the evening even more took part in the
Taize service. During this short time in Santiago many prayers were
Our last day was spent at the
coast. We drove to Finisterre
(End of the World) but many
pilgrims walk to the coast and
either burn their boots or throw
them into the sea. We saw
both. Catharine led a lovely
communion service on the
rocks overlooking the sea as a
thanksgiving for our safe return.
Another sacred site is at Muxia,
just north of Finisterre where
Mary is reputed to have arrived
in a stone boat and there are
some very large stones on the
So many people have shown
interest in our Camino and we
would like to thank you all for
your prayers as we walked The
Catherina Griffiths and Jenny McLeod
Grant from the Cambridge Historic Churches Trust
St Mary the Virgin Parish Church of St Neots recently with the aid of a grant
of £1000 provided by Cambridge Historic Churches Trust (CHCT) installed a
monitored alarm system to prevent future items and lead thefts from the
The trust helps congregations with the repair and enhancements of their
historic places of worship by offering grants and loans. Its main source of
funding is the CHCT annual “Ride, Drive or Stride. Each September cyclists,
motorists and pedestrians of all ages throughout Cambridgeshire find to
sponsor them for number of churches, chapels and colleges which they visit
on the day. Half the money is returned to the participants’ nominated church
or chapel, the other half goes to help churches with the cost of repairs.
Details of the Trust’s work can be found at
Holy Terrors Change of Dates
For your information:
We have a CHANGE OF DATE for the Holy Terrors
Monday the 7th July will be an ordinary meeting, starting at 5.30 as
The end of year barbeque will be on the 14th July - ie a week later
than is on the diary dates, with Holy Terrors arriving at 5.00 to
prepare, and their guests coming at 6.00.
July 28th to August 1st
9.30 – 12.00
At New Street Baptist Church
Please speak to Jane Gill for more details
or if you are able to offer help or would like
your children to go.
ACTIOS is also looking for volunteers to help
with Prayer Spaces, an activity aimed at helping
children to transition to secondary school. It is
being run in all the primary schools in town and a
session will be held at St Mary’s school on the
morning of 24th June.
Please speak to Jane Gill if you feel you may like
to help with this.
Calendar for July and August 2014
Tuesday 1st July 2014
11:00 Tuesday Fellowship Group
14:00 Service at Aisling Lodge
Wednesday 2nd July 2014
12:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Wednesday Fellowship Group
Thursday 3rd July 2014
19:30 MU meet in the church rooms
Friday 4th July 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 5th July 2014
13:00 wedding of Luke Rankin and Megan Bishop
Sunday 6th July 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 All Age Eucharist followed by church BBQ
16:00 Cafe Church at Round House School
Monday 7th July 2014
17:30 Holy Terrors meet at The Ferns
Tuesday 8th July 2014
10:30 funeral of Molly Atkinson in church
12:30 Prayer lunch at the URC
Wednesday 9th July 2014
09:00 Church cleaning
10:00 Tots' Praise
12:30 Holy Communion
Thursday 10th July 2014
09:00 Schools concert rehearsal
18:00 Eynes/Bramp schools concert
Friday 11th July 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 12th July 2014
19:30 Male Voice Choir Concert Huntingdon Male Voice Choir
with the Loveny Choir from St Neot in Cornwall
Sunday 13th July 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Little Saints during Eucharist service
09:30 Sung Eucharist with Ministry of Healing
18:30 Taize
Monday 14th July 2014
17:00 Holy Terrors prepare for BBQ
18:00 Holy Terrors BBQ guests arrive
Tuesday 15th July 2014
11:00 Tuesday Fellowship Group
19:00 Bowling evening
19:30 Churches Together meeting in SNPC
Wednesday 16th July 2014
12:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Wednesday Fellowship Group
Friday 18th July 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 19th July 2014
11:00 Teddy Bear Parachute Jumps A family fun day
Sunday 20th July 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Godly Play
09:30 Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 23rd July 2014
09:00 Church cleaning
12:30 Holy Communion
Friday 25th July 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 26th July 2014
09:30 Children's Leaders meeting Upper Room
Sunday 27th July 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Little Saints
09:30 Sung Eucharist
13:00 Baptism of Harvey Hutchings
18:30 Evensong
Tuesday 29th July 2014
14:15 Service at Bethany Francis
Wednesday 30th July 2014
12:30 Holy Communion
Friday 1st August 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 2nd August 2014
14:00 Wedding of Edward Patman and Jade Chapman
Sunday 3rd August 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 All Age Eucharist
11:30 Baptism of Harley Yates
16:00 Cafe Church at Round House School
Tuesday 5th August 2014
11:00 Tuesday Fellowship Group
14:00 Service at Aisling Lodge
Wednesday 6th August 2014
09:00 Church cleaning
12:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Wednesday Fellowship Group
Friday 8th August 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Sunday 10th August 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Little Saints during Eucharist service
09:30 Sung Eucharist with Ministry of Healing
Tuesday 12th August 2014
12:30 Prayer lunch at the URC
Wednesday 13th August 2014
12:30 Holy Communion
Friday 15th August 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Sunday 17th August 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Godly Play
09:30 Sung Eucharist
Tuesday 19th August 2014 08:30
11:00 Tuesday Fellowship Group
Wednesday 20th August 2014
09:00 Church cleaning
12:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Wednesday Fellowship Group
Friday 22nd August 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Sunday 24th August 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Little Saints
09:30 Sung Eucharist
11:30 Baptism of Callum and Andrea Normanton
Tuesday 26th August 2014
14:15 Service at Bethany Francis
Wednesday 27th August 2014
12:30 Holy Communion
Friday 29th August 2014
09:30 Holy Communion
13:00 photographic exhibition set up
19:30 Choir and bell ringers practice in church
Saturday 30th August 2014
10:00 Photographic exhibition in church
19:30 Concert
Sunday 31st August 2014
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Sung Eucharist
09:30 Baptism of Albert James Peart
11:30 Photographic exhibition in church
Please note that there will be prayers in church:
Weekday mornings between 8:30 and 9:00
Weekday evenings between 5:30 and 6:00
On Tuesdays and Thursdays these will be at Eynesbury
The Diary is accurate at 1st July 2014—please note that more
up-to-date information can be found in the weekly service sheets, and
the Church website www.stneots.org
Prayer Diary July 2014
1 Tues
2 Wed
3 Thur
4 Fri
5 Sat
6 Sun
7 Mon
8 Tues
9 Wed
10 Thur
11 Fri
12 Sat
13 Sun
14 Mon
15 Tues
16 Wed
17 Thur
18 Fri
19 Sat
20 Sun
21 Mon
22 Tues
23 Wed
24 Thur
25 Fri
26 Sat
27 Sun
28 Mon
29 Tues
30 Wed
31 Thur
Thomas the
Trinity 3
Trinity 4
John Keble
Gregory of
Trinity 5
James the
Anne & Joachim
Trinity 6
Mary, Martha
and Lazarus
Igatius of Loyola
The media
Christian broadcasters
All who doubt
Ferrars Ave
Wildbur Cl
Harvey St
Narcotics anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
Loves Farm
St Mary’s School
School Governors
School caretakers and cleaners
Monastic communities
Lifeboat crews
Christian poets
Good weather
School sports days
The influence of the early
Fathers of the church
The Orthodox Churches
Persecuted Christians
Victims of crime
Probation service
Lansbury Cl
Linley Rd
Hardwick Rd
Caldecote Rd
Burnt Cl
Humberley Cl
The Broadwalk
Barford rd
Mountfort Cl
Waterloo Dr
Hall Rd
Cromwell Rd
Levellers Ln
Bishops rd
Edwards Rd
George Pl
Increase in discipleship
Andrew Rd
James Ct
Philip Gdns
William Dr
Caernavon Rd
Parents of gifted children
Parents of children with special
Allotment holders
The Society of Mary and Martha
Tenby Way
Lindisfarne Cl
Richmond Cl
All who work to end slavery
Barnard Cl
The Ignatian spiritual method
Blair Way
Prayer Diary August 2014
1 Fri
2 Sat
3 Sun
4 Mon
5 Tue
Trinity 7
6 Wed
Oswald of
7 Thu
J M Neale
8 Fri
9 Sat
10 Sun
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri
Mary Sumner
Trinity 8
Clare of Assisi
16 Sat
17 Sun
18 Mon
19 Tue
20 Wed
21 Thu
22 Fri
23 Sat
24 Sun
25 Mon
26 Tue
27 Wed
28 Thu
29 Fri
30 Sat
31 Sun
Jeremy Taylor
M. Kolbe
Blessed Virgin
Trinity 9
Bernard of
the Apostle
Augustine of
Beheading of
John the Baptist
John Bunyan
Trinity 11
Hospital porters
Hospital administrators
Those in authority
Arundel Cres
Pembroke Ave
Dunster Way
Balmoral Ave
Churches dedicated to the
Christian translators and
The Dominican order
The Mothers’ Union
MedicaL research
Women religious
Youth workers
Anglican theologians
Modern martyrs
Thanksgiving for the
One parent families
Providers of holidays for
single parent families
Church musicians
The Cistercian order
Cawdor Pl
Ream Cl
Maule Cl
Ibbett Way
Chapman Way
Salvation Army
The red Cross
Parents of difficult children
Doctors of the Church
Burr Cl
Bevington Way
Banks Ct
Cook Dr
Those martyred for the faith
St John Ambulance
Pearson Cl
Shepherd Cl
Flint Wa
Compton Cl
Conway Pl
Corfe Pl
Glamis Ct
Tintagel Ct
Alnwick Ct
Barford Rd
Criccieth Way
Penrwyn Ct
Potton Rd
Parker Cl
Jennings Ave
Stocker Way
Social Activities in July and August
Sunday 6th July
Church BBQ at 12.30
Tickets £5 available from Angie Robertson
Saturday 19th July
Teddy Bear Parachute Jump
11am until 3pm
Pay £2 to have your teddy bear jump from the tower
Refreshments, stalls games face painting and more
Tuesday 5th August
Journey Together Picnic
Riverside Park 11.30.
At the end of August, 30th and 31st
We will have a marvellous Exhibition of Inspirational Images in church and a
summer evening concert.
Family News
Pray for those to be baptised:
Harvey Hutchings
Harley Yates
Callum and Andrea Normanton
Albert James Peart
Pray for those to be married:
Luke Rankin and Megan Bishop
Edward Patman and Jade Chapman
Pray for those who have died:
Molly Atkinson
St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School
Wintringham Road, St. Neots, PE19 1NX
Headteacher: Mrs. J. Overs
01480 398048
Chair of Governors: Ann Williams
01480 394709
www.stmaryscofe.co.uk office@stmarys.cambs.sch.uk
Towards the end of the summer
term, our Year 6 pupils had many
activities to help celebrate their
time at St. Mary’s and prepare for
transition to secondary school,
securely. One of these special
events was Prayer Spaces, a
morning with Actios engaging them
in a range of activities to get them
thinking about their time at St.
Mary’s and what lies ahead. These are some of their thoughts on the
“We had a plasma ball. We were thinking that inside it was God and the
people were on the outside. When you touched the ball the plasma joined
to your finger showing the relationship between God and people. Half of
the ball was black to represent the sins, but the light still came to that part.
Every one has done at least one wrong thing, but the light shows
There was also a peace tent, where we were still and relaxed, washing
our minds out of all the worries and bad things. Candles gave us
peacefulness and reminded us of God the Holy Spirit.
In another activity, we wrote things we were sorry for and people we had
hurt or upset on a whiteboard. Then we rubbed it off as a way of clearing it
and felt that God had forgiven us. It made us feel better because we knew
that God had forgiven us for what we had done wrong. It will help us to
think more carefully about our actions and how they affect other people in
the future.
For the fizzy forgiveness you had to think of something that someone else
had done to you. You had a tablet that you held and thought about
something that had upset or angered you that you had not had an apology
for. It was to help us let go to the things that other people had done to us. It
gave relief so you could forget it and move on.
We were able to put all our different worries about going to secondary school
on a worry tower, for example getting lost, bullies, things like that. We read
them out and all thought of ways to help. Afterwards we felt more confident
about the future. We answered most of our questions.
There was a prayer box for us all to write our prayers on. They were read
out. They were about worries, thankfulness or asking help. Praying to God
for help took a little bit of worry off our minds.
We had an MP3 player to listen to through headphones. It gave us
instructions and we used sand to follow these. It made us feel loved and
cared for because we thought about the people we love and care about and
felt their love coming back to us.
A plan of our new school gave us a chance to think about all the good things
ahead. The plan was joined with string to post-it notes we could write on.
This gave us the opportunity to think about what we are looking forward to.
We feel happy to think we will meet new people and try out different things in
science and sport.
We will miss everything about St. Mary’s, especially the people. We will miss
our assemblies and trips to church. We have grown up with six years
listening to the Bible and thinking about our values. We made a graffiti wall
which we put our names on and drew pictures of things we really like so that
the school will remember us when we’ve gone. Though we’re sure they will
remember us anyway.”
Kieran, Cyprian, Abbygale and Tommy
We will miss our leavers, but are sure that they are ready for new challenges
and will do well wherever they go. Their thoughts from the Prayer Spaces
have many useful reflections for all of us. We wish them well and most
definitely won’t forget them. We look forward to their visits and news of them
in the future.
Readings July and August 2014
Sunday July 6th
Sunday August 3rd
Genesis 24.34-38,42-49, 58-67
Canticle: Song of
Solomon 2.8-13
Romans 7.15-25a
Matthew 11.16-19,25-30
Genesis 32.22-31
Romans 9.1-5
Matthew 14.13-21
Sunday July 13th
Genesis 37.1-4,12-28
Romans 10.5-15
Matthew 14.22-33
Genesis 25.19-34
Romans 8.1-11
Matthew 13.1-9,18-23
Sunday July 20th
Genesis 28.10-19a
Romans 8.12-25
Matthew 13.24-30,36-43
Sunday July 27th
Genesis 29.15-28
Romans 8.26-39
Matthew 13.31-33,44-52
Sunday August 10th
Sunday August 17th
Genesis 45.1-15
Romans 11.1-2a, 29-32
Matthew 15.[10-20]21-28
Sunday August 24th
Exodus 1.8 - 2.10
Romans 12.1-8
Matthew 16.13-20
Sunday August 31st
Exodus 3.1-15
Romans 12.9-21
Matthew 16.21-28
A Message from Reverend Debbie
The months ahead….
I plan to be on maternity leave from the 21st of July until mid-January and
plans are coming together for providing support for the congregation during
that time. The PCC spent a retreat day with Archdeacon Hugh McCurdy
on the 7th of May, to celebrate our progress on our Mission Action Plan and
reflect on our focus for the year ahead. I think we all realized how much
we had accomplished this year, something the whole congregation can be
proud of. It was a very fruitful day and gave the PCC a time to talk over
plans for the maternity leave as well.
We are forming a special Communications Team for the maternity leave
made up of the wardens, Gordon Depledge and Tony Hopwood, Rev. Paul
Andrews from St. Neots, the Rural Dean, Rev. Annette Reed, Deaconess
Mavis Hinde, Tara Skey and Steve Heath.
This team will support
communication within the congregation and help coordinate regular
Sunday worship and special services. The assisting clergy from St. Neots:
Reverends Roger Henthorne, Robert Sibson, Derek Draper and William
Taylor will be covering most of the 9:30 services. Rev. Paul Andrews will
be covering many of the 11:15 services along with Rev. Roger Henthorne
and others. Many of you will know Roger, Robert, Derek, Bill and Paul
from times they have taken services at Eynesbury in the past. If not,
please introduce yourself and help welcome them to Eynesbury.
I am thankful for all the people who have come forward to take on some
new roles while I am away. I have listed contact information below for
those you may wish to contact about specific things, though are many
others who are also helping behind the scenes. If you have any general
questions or concerns during this time, please talk with one of the wardens
Gordon Deplege or Tony Hopwood.
I pray that these six months will be a time for the congregation to grow
together and I look forward to being back among you in January with a new
member of our church community.
-Rev. Debbie
Who to contact about:
Weddings, Banns of Marriage, Funerals and Baptisms: The St. Neot’s Parish Office 01480 370 312, office@stneots.org)
Church Room: For church activities please coordinate with the wardens, for
external hires contact St. Neot’s Parish Office (01480 370
312 office@stneots.org)
Sunday Notices, 9:30 Service Rota, Publicity and Eynesbury Section of the
Messenger, Fundraising: Tony Hopwood ((01480
382834, tonyhopwood@sky.com)
Home Communions, Pastoral Visits, Prayer List: Deaconess Mavis (01480
218 219, mavishinde@virginmedia.com)
11:15 Service Rota: Tara Skey (tara.skey@talktalk.net)
Little Giants: Ali Hiliard (07403 274260) and Julie Playford (07776 146 329)
Website and E-Newsletter: Sonia Wilson (wilsonia29@aol.com)
Poppyfields Service: Rev. Roger Henthorne or Getrude Watkins
Book Club
Belonging to St. Mary's Book Club has given us opportunities to read books that we
might not have chosen ourselves. We have been introduced to new authors and
a variety of genre and styles.
If you would like to share your enthusiasm for a particular author or book or are
looking for something new to inspire you please join us a 12 Bodiam Way at 2pm on
the dates below.
11 July “Boy A” - Jonathan Trigell
5 September “Jamaica Inn” Daphne du Maurier (Editor’s note: Following the
recent TV production, we thought it would be useful to read the dialogue that we
couldn’t hear!)
Looking forward to seeing you
Sylvia Watson
Eynesbury Notices:
Here –Comes-The-Band !!
Sunday July 6 – 7:30pm
St.Neots Concert Band will
b e
playing a selection of lively
swing music.
Tickets £10.00 on the door or £8.00 in advance (concessions available).
Includes glass of wine or soft drink.
Contact Tony Hopwood (01480 382834 – tonyhopwood@sky.com) or any
member of the PCC.
Eynesbury Family Fun Day, Sunday 13 July, 3:00-6:00pm
On the Sidney Banks Memorial Field (behind One Leisure). Games, a
bouncy castle, craft and fun for the whole family. Help needed setting up,
running games and craft stall and cleaning up. Organised together with
Berkeley St. Methodist Church. Let Ann Garner or Rev. Debbie know if you
can help.
Combined All-Age Summer Service and BBQ- Sunday 20 July,
A Eucharist to celebrate the end of the school year and beginning of summer holidays. There will be special prayers and gifts for school leavers and
we will enjoy a BBQ and bring and share lunch afterwards.
Little Giants – Fridays at 9:30am, July 4th and 11th. Little Giants will
conclude for the summer with a party on the 11th.
We are looking for people to help with little Giants in the Autumn, setting up
the church room and welcoming participants once or twice a month. Talk
to Rev. Debbie if you can help
Eynesbury Diary Dates for July
Sun 6th
Journey Together in Church Room, 9:30am
Little Giants in Church Room, 9:30am (Also the 11th)
Meeting for Youth, 5:30pm St. Neots Upper Room
Cake Stall, 10:00am
The Third Sunday after Trinity
9:30am- Sung Eucharist
11:15am- Family Eucharist
1:00pm- Baptism of Daisy-Mai and Tilly-Rose Norris
Bible Study in Church Room, 2:15 (Also 14th, 21st and 28th)
Prayer Stations in Church, Middlefield School, 8:45am
Poppyfields Eucharist, 11:00am
Eynesbury School Eucharist, 9:30am in the school hall
Youth trip to Rave in the Nave, Ely Cathedral
Wedding of Lee Back and Anna-Marie Barnes, 2:30pm
Sun 13th
The Fourth Sunday after Trinity
9:30am- Sung Eucharist
11:15am- Family Eucharist
3:00pm-Eynesbury Family Fun Day, Simon Banks
Memorial Field
Eynesbury School Leavers Service, 9:30am
Sun 20th
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity
10:30am- Combined All-Age Service and BBQ
PCC Meeting, 7:30pm
Sun 27th
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity
9:30am- Sung Eucharist
11:15am- Family Eucharist
Eynesbury St. Mary
Contact Information
Rector Rev'd. Deborah Noonan BA, M'Div
14 Chestnut Grove
Eynesbury, PE19 2DW
Judith Andrews
Parish Office
The Vicarage
Church Street
(Mon - closed, Tue-Fri 9am-1pm, Sat 9am-11am)
Tel: 01480 472297
Email: office@stneots.org
Mavis Hinde
8 Burnt Close, Eynesbury
Tony Hopwood
2 Constable Avenue, Eaton Ford
Tel: 01480 382834
Gordon Depledge
3 Howitts Lane
Tel: 01480 391123
PCC Secretary
Mrs. Catherine Weaver
Christine Miles
20 Balmoral Way, Eynesbury
Tower Captain
Mr George Bonham
Eynesbury Church of England Primary School
Mrs. Helen Rouse, Headteacher,
07894 122938
01480 398028
Articles for September Messenger28to the Editor by August 22nd please
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