August 2013 - St Neots Parish Church


August 2013 - St Neots Parish Church
Newsletter of St Neots & Eynesbury Parish Churches
Aujgust 2013
Who’s who in St Neots Parish Church
The Rev’d Dr. Paul Andrews
The Vicarage, Church Street
The Rev’d Sarah Gower
56 Stone Hill, Love’s Farm
Associate Priest
The Rev’d Roger Henthorne
45 Berkley Street, Eynesbury
Retired Clergy:
The Rev’d Derek Draper
The Rev’d Bill Taylor
The Rev’d Canon Robert Sibson
Reader in Training Mrs Ann Williams
Authorised Lay
Church Wardens
Mrs Rosemary Darrington, Pastoral Asst. 476334
Mrs Catherina Griffiths, Pastoral Asst.
Mrs Christine Titmus, Worship Leader
Mrs Jane Plumb
30 Arundel Crescent, Eynesbury
Mrs Judith Andrews
Parish Office: Tues—Fri 9:00-1:00, Sat 9:00—11:00
Mr Philip Barrett
24 Barringer Way
Mrs Jacky Isaac
164 Cambridge Street
Mr David Jones
6 Murrell Close
PCC Secretary
Mrs Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
Gift Aid Secretary
Mr Godfrey Wilson
38 Honeydon Avenue
Stewardship Recorder
Mrs Jane Gill
Director of Music
Mr Lloyd Barnett
43 Ridgeway, Eynesbury
Mr Mike Fletcher
11 Dovehouse Close
Mr Geoff Browne
Mrs. Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
St Mary’s Guild
Mrs. Bev Rawlings
Tower Bell Captain
Mr George Bonham
10 Richmond Close, Eynesbury
Hand Bells
Mrs. Catherina Griffiths
7 Parkway
Holy Terrors
Mrs Eileen Raggatt
The Ferns, Berkley St. Eynesbury
Magazine editor
John McLeod
Magazine distribution
Mr & Mrs David Read
3 Axis Way, Eaton Socon
St Mary’s School
Mrs Jenny Overs (Headteacher)
Wintringham Road
Restoration Team
Mr Kevin Minney
Mr Colin Freeman (Treasurer)
Churches Together
Men’s Group
Mother’s Union
Branch Leader
Endings and new beginnings
The summer is here at last, the
holidays are beginning and the
weather is hot! This is an
exciting time of year and if the
incredible heatwave that we are
experiencing as I write this
continues, the holidays will be a
real time of fun and relaxation.
But this is also very much the
time of the year when we think
about beginnings and endings.
For the children of St Mary’s
School the summer term and
the whole school year has
come to an end and for the children in year 6, their time at St Mary’s has
also come to a close as in September they will move on to the secondary
schools which they have already been visiting in this past term for
acclimatisation. It’s always a time of conflicting emotions – excitement
perhaps tempered with apprehension about moving into a new, strange
and much bigger learning environment where they will go from being the
oldest children in school to being the youngest once again – sadness for
many that they will be leaving the school that for some of them has been
the only school they have known – a place where they have felt safe, cared
for and nurtured. There were tears at the Leavers’ Service in church on the
last day of term, as there always are.
We have also recently marked an ending of a different sort. The group of
six adults from this parish and from Eynesbury who have been journeying
together through the Emmaus course, some of whom were confirmed a few
weeks ago by Bishop David, finally came to the end of the course. These
six came together as strangers at the beginning of the course and have
become good friends and fellow travellers with Christ on the journey of faith
as their knowledge and faith has grown and deepened. They have already
made plans to meet up again in September and think about where that
journey might take them as they want and look to explore the unfathomable
mysteries of God and his gifts to us in Jesus Christ together.
And as we all know, our friend and my colleague Sarah’s time of training as
a curate here has also come to an end. We said goodbye, sadly but in
expectation of great things for her as now she moves to take charge of her
own parish in Orton Goldhay and
4 as she and David prepare over the
summer for the upheaval of moving to a new house and look forward, with
excitement and nervousness to the new relationship that they will build with a
new congregation, in a new and growing environment. We are all delighted and
excited ourselves for Sarah, giving thanks to God for all that she has done here
in her time of training, learning, growing in ministry with us. But saying goodbye
to such loved friends as Sarah and David have become is also very hard.
There will always be a place for them in the collective heart of this parish.
Endings and new beginnings – for the children, for our newly confirmed adults,
for Sarah and David – and also perhaps for us.
Jesus said: ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask
the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into the harvest.’
In thinking about endings and beginnings, I want to record my heartfelt thanks,
and thanks on behalf of all of us to all those who put so much time and effort,
so much thought and prayer into the planning and execution of the magnificent
flower festival that was such an enormous success at the end of June. Having
watched as the idea took hold, as enthusiasm spread to so many people, and
as everyone came together cooperating in planning, sponsoring, arranging,
catering, stewarding, singing and playing in the excellent and well-attended
concerts, setting up and staffing stalls and games, I am totally bowled over by
the result. The comments from visitors, some written in our visitors’ book,
others given verbally, were unanimously complimentary. Our festival was
compared favourably not only with the massive Ely Cathedral festival the week
before, but with the one in Exeter Cathedral as well! I can only echo the words
of the visitor who wrote in the visitors’ book: Wow! Wow! Wow! Take a look at
the photos on the church website (
We know that the weekend was an extraordinary financial triumph – over
£5,500 raised. That was important, but even more important I think was the
way in which the project brought so many people together in cooperation and
fellowship to celebrate God’s energies in creation with flowers and greenery,
and in so many other ways, and also how we have perhaps all learned that the
greatest rewards come from thinking big and aiming high – by having faith, and
not being daunted by the scale of the challenge.
Jesus told the parable of the talents, and many talents were given up to God in
our flower festival by everyone, but none more so than by Rosemary
Darrington and Sylvia Masters who masterminded the whole project. I hope
that they are enjoying a quieter time now that it has come and gone, but be
warned: this may have been the first flower festival for twenty years, but we’re
not going to wait that long for the next one! Meanwhile we’d all better be
thinking about how we can follow that success in the future.
However you spend the summer, travel safely and keep safe, and return
refreshed to God’s work in the autumn.
Yours ever in Christ
Fr Paul
We all took part in the Renewal of Stewardship events in February in one way
or another. David Jones, the Treasurer, has produced accounts for the first
six months of the financial year (1st January-30th June) and we can now see
the effects.
The result is very good and we ALL need to say “THANK YOU” to each other
and to all who give money and time via Stewardship.
The number of individuals or families who are part of Stewardship is now 151
and at renewal, there were 7 new pledges and 20 increases. Of course we all
understand that some of us are feeling the pinch because of the difficult
economic situation. Offers of time and talents are being taken up and what
amazing talents and gifts were displayed during the Flower Festival!
The amount pledged in a full year has risen and these pledges are being
achieved. We forecast that total Stewardship income will reach about £77,000
by the end of the year. We can compare this with £73822 in the full year
2012. On top of this, a high rate of Gift Aiding should give us £16,500 in tax
rebates this year.
But we cannot relax. This is not enough, even with loose collections and
unplanned donations, to pay our way fully. So we still depend on Fund
Raising to fill the gap.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good
Garden of Remembrance
As summer is here and the memorial flower garden at the east end of
the church, where the cremated remains of so many friends and family
are laid to rest, is looking so beautiful once again, I would like on
everyone’s behalf to say a huge thank you to Ivan Smith for the love and
care that he gives to tending the garden and making sure that it always
looks at its best, whatever the season. Ivan has such a talent and
enthusiasm for gardening and he offers this gift to God generously and
without remuneration. Thank you Ivan!
I would also like to take the opportunity to remind those whose loved
ones are interred in the garden, that we need always to make sure that
the appearance of this area of the churchyard is in keeping with its
proximity to a sacred building that is also a Grade 1 listed historic
monument. The churchyard regulations issued by the Diocese of Ely are
very clear in setting out what is permitted by way of memorials, so I
would like to remind everyone that the regulations permit the placing of
fresh flowers, but not artificial flowers and that elaborate funerary urns or
vases, or objects such as flags, windmills, toys or models are not
allowed. We are regretfully required to remove all such objects, although
any that are removed will be kept for a time so that they can be
I am sure that we all want to maintain the sanctity and natural beauty of
the garden of remembrance, and let Ivan’s good work with God’s
creation speak for all our thoughts and prayers.
Fr Paul
The next meeting of the Book Club will take place on Friday 27 th
September (please note the change of date from last month) to
consider White Teeth by Zadie Smith; and then on Friday 8th November
to think about Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell. On both of these
occasions they will meet at 12 Bodiam Way at 2.00pm. Do come along
– all are welcome. Thank you also to Sylvia Watson who has kindly
agreed to make sure that everyone knows what is happening in the
Deanery Vacancy – volunteer needed
Peter Hagger, the St Neots Deanery treasurer is giving up that essential
role in September and someone is urgently needed to replace him. It is
a relatively simple job as deanery funds are small and uncomplicated,
and the treasurer’s main role is to coordinate the ministry share that
each parish pays to the Diocese of Ely. Peter Hagger is very willing to
talk to anyone who might be interested, and to work with them for the
first few weeks so if you feel you can help, please speak, without
obligation, to Fr Paul who will put you in touch with Peter.
Family News
Pray for those to be baptised:
Jaidyn Walker
Farrah Davies
Nathan Barnett
Pray for those to be married:
Suzie Ruff and Wayne Stamp
Jenna Jeffs and Ian McVicar
Brilliant news, Emma!
Congratulations to Emma Gill who has been awarded a 2(i) degree in
history by Nottingham Trent University. Is all that hard work now worth
A message for all Noah’s Ark knitters!
Our knitted Noah’s Ark will be dedicated and blessed at
the Harvest Festival service on the 6th. October at the
10.30 service.
Some animals have already arrived for their journey
looking absolutely splendid!
If possible, we would like to have enough sheep,
(we estimate a flock!)
So that a child from every family attending our
Christmas Eve service will be able to take part by
adding a sheep to our knitted nativity scene.
Keeeeeeep knitting!!
We meet next on Tuesday 27th August at Costa Coffee. As usual we will
meet from 10.30am. Everyone welcome! Thank you also to Ann Williams
who has agreed to publish the next meeting every month and to coordinate future dates and venues .
Oscar was able to complete and submit his research project at the end of
May when his academic year finished.
He expects to be deployed to his new ministry in the church in
September. The graduation ceremony will be held at the University of
Uganda in October, and his ordination will follow in December.
His wife, Joy, and their two young sons, Jeremiah and Joash, are keeping
well, though Oscar is just recovering from a bout of illness.
Crosslinks are grateful to us for our support of Oscar over the past three
years, and ask us to continue praying for him as he goes through the last
"formalities" of his time at UCU, and prepares for his future work in full
time ministry in the Church of Uganda.
Readings for August 2013
Sunday 4th August
Hosea 11.1-11
Colossians 3.1-11
Luke 12.13-21
Sunday 11th August
Isaiah 1.1,10-20
Hebrews 11.1-3,8-16
Luke 12.32-40
Sunday 18th August
Sunday 25th August
Isaiah 5.1-7
Hebrews 11.29 - 12.2
Luke 12.49-56
Jeremiah 1.4-10
Hebrews 12.18-29
Luke 13.10-1
Prayer Diary – August 2013
1 Th
4 Su
Trinity 10
8 Th
9 F Mary Sumner Day
10 S
11 Su
Trinity 11
12 M
13 T
14 W
15 Th
16 F
17 S
18 Su
Trinity 12
19 M
20 T
21 W
22 Th
23 F
24 S St. Bartholomew
25 Su
Trinity 13
26 M
27 T
28 W
29 Th
30 F
31 S
Hospital Chaplains
Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Medical Research
Faith in God
International Youth Day
Young Carers
Young People
One Parent Families
The Third World
The Homeless
The Unemployed
The Local Community
Rural Life
Urban Life
Relief Agencies
The Salvation Army
The Red Cross
Children’s Society
Street Children
Asylum Seekers
Children at Risk
Kings Road
Kings Lane
Avenue Road
East Street
Shaftesbury Avenue
Cambridge Gardens
Cressener Terrace
Prospect Row
Dovehouse Close
Almond Road
Huntingdon Road
Murell Close
Barringer Way
Emery Place
Hawkesford Way
Topham Court
Tansur Court
Chamberlain Way
Hatley Close
Morell Court
Park Road
The Crescent
Leys Road
Harland Road
Beech Grove
Lime Grove
Barnes Close
Lammas Way
Hawthorn Road
Diary for August 2013
Fri 2 Aug 2013
08:30 - 09:00 Morning Prayer
09:30 - 10:00 Holy Communion
19:30 - 21:00 Choir practice / Bell ringers practice
Sun 4 Aug 2013
08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion (BCP)
09:30 - 10:45 Sung Eucharist
Mon 5 Aug 2013
16:00 - 17:00 Love's Farm Prayer meeting at 56 Stone Hill
Tue 6 Aug 2013
19:30 - 20:30 Craft group meet in the upper room
Wed 7 Aug 2013
09:00 - 10:00 Church cleaning
12:30 - 13:00 Holy Communion
Fri 9 Aug 2013
09:30 - 10:00 Holy Communion
19:30 - 21:00 Choir practice / Bell ringers practice
Sun 11 Aug 2013
08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion (BCP)
09:30 - 10:45 Sung Eucharist
11:30 - 12:30 Baptism of Jaidyn Walker
Wed 14 Aug 2013
12:30 - 13:00 Holy Communion
Fri 16 Aug 2013
09:30 - 10:00 Holy Communion
10:30 - 11:30 Coffee, cake and chat at St Neots Football
19:30 - 21:00 Choir practice / Bell ringers practice
Sat 17 Aug 2013
14:00 - 15:00 Wedding of Suzie Ruff and Wayne Stamp
Sun 18 Aug 2013
08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion (BCP)
09:30 - 10:45 Sung Eucharist
11:30 - 12:30 Baptism of Farrah Davies
12:30 - 13:30 Baptism of Nathan Barnett
Wed 21 Aug 2013
09:00 - 10:00 Church cleaning
12:30 - 13:00 Holy Communion
Fri 23 Aug 2013
09:30 - 10:00 Holy Communion
19:30 - 21:00 Choir practice / Bell ringers practice
Sun 25 Aug 2013
08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion (BCP)
09:30 - 10:45 Sung Eucharist
13:00 - 14:00 Wedding of Jenna Jeffs and Ian McVicar
Tue 27 Aug 2013
10:30 - 11:30 Coffee Club
Wed 28 Aug 2013
12:30 - 13:00 Holy Communion
Fri 30 Aug 2013
09:30 - 10:00 Holy Communion
19:30 - 21:00 Choir practice / Bell ringers practice
Please note that there will be prayers in church:
Weekday mornings between 8:30 and 9:00
Weekday evenings between 5:30 and 6:00
On Tuesdays and Thursdays these will be at Eynesbury
The Diary is accurate at 22 July 2013—please note that more
up-to-date information can be found in the weekly service sheets,
and the Church website
St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School
Wintringham Road, St. Neots, PE19 1NX
Headteacher: Mrs. J. Overs
01480 398048
Chair of Governors: Ann Williams
01480 394709
As usual it has been a very busy end to the school year at St. Mary’s. We
were blessed with lovely weather for all our end of term activities and it was
fantastic to see the support of so many parents, grandparents and friends
from the wider community. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the
achievements of our children in so many different areas.
Sports day was a glorious
day, followed by a family
picnic, while the sun
shone down on us. All the
children had a member of
their family attend to cheer
them on and then take
time to celebrate their
work during the open
We then held a very
successful concert in St. Mary’s church with our friends from Bushmead. The
remains of the flower festival flowers really made the church look wonderful.
For the second year running, the Rotary Club presented the joint choirs with
an award for musical excellence. The
children were also delighted with the efforts
of the joint staff choirs.
This was followed by two performances of
the Time Lord, by years 4-6. It is always
amazing to see, just how far our children
have come from their first performances in
Nursery and Reception, usually in a
Christmas Nativity. The confidence and
self-assurance of the children, as well as their
undoubted talents was wonderful.
Finally we celebrated the achievement of all our
pupils at an awards assembly. Awards were
given out for all sorts of things including
sportsmanship, musicality, manners, effort and
achievement. We were particularly proud of
Anya Smeathers who was this year awarded
with the Rotary Club’s Young Writers Award,
having won the St. Neots heats in their writing
competition. Here is an excerpt from her writing
on the subject of peace:
“Dear Martin Luther King,
This Letter is about how you changed Africa and other parts of the world.
Before your speech it was full of racism and physical pain. The blacks and
whites had separate schools, separate homes and, the most shocking of
all, separate lives. The blacks were treated like different people from
different planets.
But I’d like to praise you for peace between blacks and whites as you
changed people’s lives for good. Now blacks and whites have mixed
classes, mixed schools, mixed housing and mixed lives. I really admire you
for all the things mentioned above are true.
Your speech ‘I have a dream’ in the 1960s made blacks and whites
become whole. After all, there is no ‘I’ in ‘us’.”
We have now reached the last day of term and will be saying good bye to
all our Year 6 pupils moving on to secondary schools, both in St. Neots
ands elsewhere. We wish them all well as we all be take a well earned rest
until September, when the new school year will give us even more to be
proud of. Thank you to all our friends from the church for their support and
kindness this year. See you in September.
A Message from the Social Committee
This is a final message from me about the Social Committee but not, of
course, the final message from the Social Committee. I am delighted to
report that Carol Way is now chair and she is the one to contact with
regard to any ideas that you may have for future events, if you would like
to join the committee or if you would like to help in any way.
Before I list the events that are planned for the rest of this year, and
beyond, I will first take this opportunity to thank all those I have worked
with on the committee. They will be remaining and they are Carol Way,
Jacky Isaac, Jane Plumb, Roger Henthorne, Derek Young, Margaret Bail,
Angie Robertson, Norma Lambton and Ann Williams, and also Rosemary
Darrington and Sylvia Masters sometimes and in conjunction with the
Flower Festival. Thank you too to David Gower who was on the
committee but who will be leaving with me!
Sunday 8th September – Family Barbecue
The family barbecue is back on and will happen after the patronal festival
celebration in church, starting from about 12.00-12.30. There will be
entertainments for the children whilst everything is being prepared. The
magician will also be returning. Do put the date in your diary.
Tuesday 17th September: Bowling for St Mary’s Group
Meet at Eat ‘n’ Bowl from 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Please speak to
Serena Gilbert if you would like to take part.
Sunday 6th October – Harvest Lunch
This will happen following the service, which is a 10.30am start. There will
be a buffet-style lunch in church.
Sunday 17th November – Lunch and sponsored hymn sing
From 12.30pm there will be a cooked lunch in the Church Rooms followed
by a sponsored hymn sing in the church during the afternoon.
Tuesday 19th November: Bowling for St Mary’s Group
Meet at Eat ‘n’ Bowl from 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Please speak to
Serena Gilbert if you would like to take part.
Saturday 30th November – Old Time Music Hall Christmas Evening
Details to follow.
Possible launch of the Friends of St Mary’s.
Watch this space.
MAY 2014
10th May – Auction with food
A fundraising event with an auction of items, from boxes of chocolates to
antiques (perhaps); of promises to do or to serve in one way or another, or
even maybe an opportunity to book your next holiday. If you would like to be
involved in any way please see Jacky Isaac, Carol Way or one of the other
members of the Social Committee.
The next meeting of the Social Committee is on Monday 19th August at 82
Avenue Road. As ever, if you have any ideas for future events, please let us
know. Also, if you would like to come along and be part of the Social
Committee, please do join them. Carol’s email address is and her phone number is 210339. Thank you and
they look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes, Rev’d Sarah
Reflections from Love’s Farm
As travellers on the trains from St Neots will have seen, work has begun on
creating a bridge and access for all at the station. By Spring 2014, we hear,
the bridge will be in place for those who live on Love’s Farm to gain access
to the station without having to walk the long way round. Progress is in the
air. Travellers will also see that a building is in the process of construction,
which is to house the long awaited shops. There will be a small Tesco shop
there with a number of other units. Hopefully these will be occupied, or some
at least, before the end of the year. At long last!
The Round House School has just broken up and will start next term with
many new staff and as part of an Academy Trust with Winhills School and
Middle Field School. It will occupy a larger site and they will be accustoming
themselves to yet more change. Please do pray for them. Please also
consider being part of a group that could become involved there. Like St
Mary’s they hold a special place in my heart.
On the 17th July a small group of us went to the Synod Office of the United
Reformed Church in Whittlesford to give a presentation seeking funding
for the possibility of a five-year pioneer minister post on Love’s Farm. If
we are successful it is anticipated that the minister, ordained or lay, will
work with St Neots Parish Church, with the United Reformed Church and
with the Methodist Church in particular. Those interviewing us were going
to discuss our application and presentation and will then present their
recommendations to a committee in September. We hope to hear in early
September whether our application has been successful.
Coffee, Cake and Chat mornings happen on the third Friday of each
month. Our next meeting is on Friday 16th August from 10.30am – 12.00
noon in The Reedman Bar of St Neots Football Club. We continue to
hope that these gatherings will provide an opportunity for people to meet
together. Do come along if you would like to. Coffee and tea will be served
together with home-made cakes. If you would like to be involved in the
making of cakes, all offers would be gratefully received. The following
date will be on Friday 20th September.
The next Love’s Farm Café Church will be on Sunday 4th August at
4.00pm at the Round House School with the theme of ‘Everyone
Welcome’. As ever, there will be tea and activities. It is good fun – do
come along.
People will continue to meet for prayer, although the day will be changing.
It is anticipated that they will usually meet on the first Wednesday of each
month. The meeting will be held at the United Reformed Church from
3.30pm. However, the next meeting will be on Wednesday 31st July at
3.30pm at the United Reformed Church. It is anticipated that the
meeting after that will be on Wednesday 4th September at 3.30pm. Again,
do come. All welcome. Thank you to Mary Draper who will continue to let
you know what is happening on Love’s Farm in the future.
Best wishes, Rev’d Sarah
Yesterday, I had a wonderful last Sunday at St Neots Parish Church, a
place that has come to mean a great deal to me over the last four
years; and that will continue to have a very special place in my heart
because you are a wonderful group of people. Thank you so much for
welcoming us and enfolding us within your love and care.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts and cards that you have
so generously given us; for the lovely picture of St Neots with the river
and the church; for the many John Lewis vouchers, which will be very
well used; for the flowers and for the Inchgower whisky, David’s
favourite. Thank you for your messages of love and support; and for the
wonderful send off that you gave us. Thank you too for all the lovely,
individual and special gifts that you have given us. Most of all thank you
for sharing yourselves with us and for allowing us to be a part of you.
Thank you for your support on our final day, for all who came to the
church and who were with us in spirit on Sunday. I had meant to
mention the chasuble that I was wearing. As people have been asking
me, I am delighted to say that I was wearing Bill’s chasuble given to him
by his parents at his ordination. It is beautiful. Thank you, Bill.
I know that life moves on, but we will always be delighted to see any of
you, should you be passing. Please do feel free to be in touch if I said I
would do something and I have not done so. Please also be in touch if
you would like to ask a question or get hold of a template or for any
reason at all. Please do be in touch for a chat. I do always love to chat.
In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you again, soon. We are not
far away and, in addition, I am sure that David will occasionally be
involved with the choir especially on any cathedral visits.
We also look forward to seeing many of you on the 5th September in
Orton Goldhay. Perhaps, I might also take this opportunity to give you
our new address. It is:
Christ Church House
1 Benstead
Orton Goldhay
Continued overleaf
No telephone number as yet and my email address will remain
the same –
In the meantime, thank you so much once again. Most of all thank you
for your friendship and your love. We will continue to think of you and
pray for you, our friends.
With my love, Sarah
Archbishop backs IF Campaign to “end global
hunger in our lifetimes”
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has supported the recent
launch of a campaign to encourage world leaders to tackle world hunger.
The IF campaign is made up of more than 200 charities, faith groups and
organisations. The campaign is urging G8 leaders to take big steps that
will tackle the global injustice of hunger. Referring to “the opportunity we
have to end hunger in our lifetimes”, the Archbishop said: “The only way
that’s going to happen is by mass movements of people, like yourselves,
getting together”.
The Archbishop went on: “In many parts of the world, the churches are
the most effective networks, through which generosity from other people
can be used without actually displacing or diminishing the work of the
people on the ground locally - local people developing their own
In his message the Archbishop reflected on issues of aid, tax and
transparency on the G8 agenda. His prayer would be for worldwide
commitment “to enabling people to be self-sustaining, so that global
hunger can be ended in our lifetimes.” At present, two million children
around the world die each year from hunger, and one in eight people do
not have enough to eat. More details from:
Eynesbury News:
Times of growth and times of rest
Working with the schools in the parish is one of the great joys of ministry in
the UK. In the United States it would be unheard of for a minister to go into
a government-funded school and share stories or songs about Jesus. So it
feels like a great privilege when I am able to do just that at assemblies. I
always leave the schools encouraged by the children’s openness, curiosity
and the depth of their reflections.
How fast they grow up, however! After being here just a year I have noticed
how the Key Stage One children, who seemed so tiny at the beginning of
the year, can now read the words to the prayers. Many of the Year Six
children looked me in the eye when I gave them a blessing at the final
School Eucharist at Eynesbury School. Time moves fast, and those of us
who are parents, grandparents, or work with children know that all to well.
We can’t slow the clock down or turn it back, however, so the challenge for
all of us is to find time to rest, time to spend with the people we love, and
time to spend with God. Perhaps over the summer holidays, we can take
life a little more slowly. Let us pray that these summer holidays are a time
of rest for students and teachers and for the rest of us as well!
-Rev. Debbie
The Eynesbury Congregation at the July 21st All-Age Service and Barbeque
Feast to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of the
Summer Holidays
Cambridgeshire Historic Trust Ride, Stride and Drive- Saturday 14
September, 10:00am-6:00pm. This annual fundraiser is coming up soon
and is a chance to support both your local church and this organization that
helps maintain historic churches in Cambridgeshire. This year they added
the “Drive” option. See the CHT website for forms to participate and for
more information
Biannual Table–Top Sale 14 September-ride, drive or stride to
Eynesbury’s Table Top Sale to find bargains and treasures and enjoy
refreshments. Donations and help on the day are always needed. Please
contact Christine Miles if you can help.
Eynesbury Manor Outreach News- The Family Fun Day co-sponsored
with Berkeley Street Methodist was a great success with many families
coming to participate. Many thanks to everyone who came to help that day
or leant us gazebos to provide shade in the July heat Wave. The next step
is “Sundays at 4” gatherings beginning at the Leisure Center in the Autumn
(September 15th, October 20th and November 17th). Contact Rev. Debbie if
you are interested in being apart of this ongoing outreach.
Communications Secretary needed: We are looking for someone/s to
help with communication and publicity, helping publicize special events,
making fliers, updating the website and helping with the electronic
newsletter. Contact Rev. Debbie if you might be interested in helping with
Church Rooms Available for Hire- Did you know the Eynesbury Church
rooms are available for hire on a one-off or ongoing basis? The room can
accommodate meetings or gatherings of about 20 people, is available
during the day and evenings and rates are very reasonable.
Please, can anyone tell me anything about it? I know it is way in the past
but if you know anything about it I would love to hear.Even if you have no
personal knowledge could you remember anything an older generation has
Our young people tell us that they like feasts. I wonder if this is one ripe for
Dss. Mavis
Eynesbury August Diary Dates
No Cake Stall this month
29th (July)-2nd Aug
Holiday Club at Berkely Street Methodist
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist
Family Eucharist
Baptism of Charlie King
11th The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist
Family Eucharist
14th 11:00am
Poppyfields Eucharist
16th 1:30pm
Wedding of Rachel Campbell and Joseph
18th The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist
Family Eucharist 25th
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist
Family Eucharist
Andrew Church and Hayley Webb Wedding
Dinner is no longer on the table
Eating at our table is becoming increasingly rare – because of our hectic
lifestyles. Most of us fail to sit down at traditional meal times and instead
eat ‘on the go’ or in front of the TV. A poll by found
that fewer that one in five of us eat at a table even twice a week. Almost a
third of us eat at a formal dining table only a few times a year.
Source ‘Parish Pump’
I have to confess that this is a personal hobby horse of mine. When our
children were young, sitting down and having the evening meal together was
essential to finding out what had been going on in their lives each day.
Discussing problems and successes as a family was an a key way to bond
and develop trust.
Eynesbury St. Mary
Contact Information
Rector Rev'd. Deborah Noonan BA, M'Div
14 Chestnut Grove
Eynesbury, PE19 2DW
Judith Andrews
Parish Office
The Vicarage
Church Street
(Mon - closed, Tue-Fri 9am-1pm, Sat 9am-11am)
Tel: 01480 472297
Mavis Hinde
8 Burnt Close, Eynesbury
Sue Ward
7 The White House
St.Neots Road
Eaton Socon
Gordon Depledge
3 Howitts Lane
Tel: 01480 391123
PCC Secretary
Vacant Post
Christine Miles
20 Balmoral Way, Eynesbury
Tower Captain
Mr George Bonham
10 Richmond Close Eynesbury
Articles for June Messenger to the Editor by August 16th please
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