NEW 2015 - St Neots Town Council
NEW 2015 - St Neots Town Council
Your Town News & Events In & Around St Neots February 2015 Edition St Neots Town Council Welcome to this issue of Your Town, the community newsletter from St Neots Town Council NEW 2015 If you know of a worthy individual, community group or business that deserves to be recognised for their activity and achievements, nominate them for a 2015 St Neots Community & Business Award! Visit for more information. Recognising and celebrating the impact and success of St Neots Town Council Scan to link to our website Priory Lane, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911 Fax: 01480 388915 Email: Web: Follow us on Twitter: @stneotscouncil Like us on Facebook: St Neots Town Council Contact us for …. • Churchyards at St Mary’s Church, Eynesbury, St Mary’s Church, St Neots and St Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon • Play areas at Brickhills, Saxongate, Swift Close, Chamberlain Way, Beatty Road, Ackerman, St Dukes Road, Nelson Road, Riversmead and Balmoral Way • Cemeteries at Eynesbury (Cromwell Road), St Neots (Cemetery Road) and Eaton Socon (Little End Road) • Village Greens at Eynesbury, Eaton Socon and Eaton Ford • The Priory Centre and the Eatons Community Centre • Allotment Sites at Hardwick Road and Cemetery Road How to contact us Town Council Office / / 01480 388911 Ed Reilly: Town Clerk / 01480 388913 Donna Cooke: Deputy Town Clerk / 01480 388916 Kevin Matthews: Operations Manager / 01480 407774 Kate Conroy: Finance Manager / 01480 388914 Council Meetings Planning February: 5th, 19th. March: 5th, 19th. April: 2nd, 16th and 30th. May: 14th, 28th. Finance February: 5th. March: 5th. April: 9th. May: 21st. Forthcoming Meetings Debbie King: Events Coordinator / 01480 388912 Karen Pollecutt: Mayor’s Office/Admin Assistant / 01480 388911 Sue Ritchie: Finance Assistant / 01480 388914 The Priory Centre & Eatons Community Centre 01480 388922 / Steve Barrett: Community Centres Manager / 01480 388944 Lisa Prestidge: Assistant Community Centres Manager / 01480 388922 Operations February: 3rd. March: 3rd. April: 7th. May: 5th. Town Council March: 24th. April: 23rd. May: 14th. Development and Growth February: 17th. March: 17th. April: 21st. May: 19th. Contact Huntingdonshire District Council for …. (01480 388388) • Council tax and housing benefits • Weekly refuse collection • Priory and Riverside Parks • Grass cutting Contact Cambridgeshire County Council for …. (0345 045 5200) • Street lighting (0800 7838 247) • Social Services (0345 045 5202) • Highways including road and pavement repairs (0345 045 5212) • St Neots Library (0345 045 5225) • St Neots Recycling Centre (01480 354355) Tel: 01767 677559 Email: Web: Follow us on Twitter: @blueprawndesign Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media 02 Message from the Mayor 2014 saw many good things taking place in and around St Neots. From the very successful community events such as the Flower Festival at St Mary’s St Neots to the wonderful Dragon Boat Racing in August, there are so many wonderful things being done by all the community groups, the Council and residents are grateful to all of them for their efforts. Their unstinting hard work, year upon year was the driving force behind the introduction of the St Neots Awards in the coming year. Please look at the awards website and help celebrate the work being done by so many people. The cinema is now a feature of the town and it and the restaurants surrounding it seem to be thriving. Shady Walk will shortly see the reappearance of some play equipment after a long absence and further equipment will be added to Riversmead before it is designated a Town Green. In addition all the other play areas owned by the Town Council will have the surfaces improved. The future for St Neots is very exciting, with the proposed Neighbourhood Plan now in the last stages; this is likely to be one of the most exciting and beneficial - changes for the town. Cllr Andrew Hansard The Town Council has worked with many groups to put on events throughout the year; the Dragon Boating, Armed Forces Day, Christmas Market and light switch on were all very successful. Of particular note was the Freedom of the Town which was granted to the USAF Alconbury and the Royal Anglican Regiment at the Armed Forces Day celebrations in July. So many people turned out to enjoy the day which was wonderful. An update on your St Neots Neighbourhood Plan The St Neots Neighbourhood Plan underwent independent examination at the beginning of the year (from 12th January 2015), to assess the objectives and policies outlined in the community led plan. The St Neots Neighbourhood Plan was formed last year, enabling the town to have a unique say in the development of the community for the first time. If the plan is approved by the independent examiner, it will be subject to a referendum in the town – in which residents will be asked to vote on it. If the plan is accepted by the local voters, it will immediately form part of the local planning policy for St Neots. Watch this space – we’ll be working hard to make sure all residents know about the referendum if it does proceed. In the meantime, the most up to date information on the St Neots Neighbourhood Plan can be found online at Visit us at Like us on Follow us @stneotscouncil 03 Saturday 28 February 2015 Mayor’s Community Coffee Group The Priory Centre Friday 20 March 2015 Civic Charity Ball The Priory Centre Thursday 23 April 2015 Annual Town Meeting The Priory Centre Sunday 14 June 2015 Civic Sunday Service St Neots Parish Church Thursday 20 August 2015 Mayor’s Charity Golf Day Wyboston Lakes Golf Club Saturday 10 October 2015 Mayor’s Community Coffee Group The Priory Centre Sunday 8 November 2015 Polish Remembrance Service St Neots Cemetery Saturday 5 December 2015 Mayor’s Carol Concert St Neots Parish Church For f u rth e r d eta ils p le a s e conta ct Karen Pollecutt on 01480 388911/karen@stneots -tc. gov. uk 04 Visit the Mayor’s Blog Contact Karen Pollecutt at the Mayor’s Office on 01480 388911 or Community News Rotary Club of St Neots St Marys Children of Courage Awards 2015 The Rotary Club invite you to their awards dinner to recognise the personal achievements of local young people in overcoming disabilities and/or adversities. St Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon, 26th March 2015 - 12.00 for 12.30 pm Tickets @ £15 each and available from Ian Taylor Tel: 01480 861504 e-mail: Sustrans are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the National Cycle Network (NCN) this year and will be out on their bikes every third Sunday exploring the local NCN and other tracks and quieter roads. Everyone is welcome for these FREE gentle trips out into the countryside. For further information visit or email Richard Cooper on Passion returns to the streets of St Neots! Easter Sunday 5th April sees the 2nd performance of the ‘St Neots Passion Play’ at 2.30pm on the streets of our town. This free to attend performance follows the events of the first Easter at different sites in the town centre. Starting with the Palm Sunday entrance over the town bridge into Market Square, viewers can follow the actors past the Priory Centre into St Anselm’s place to watch Jesus being arrested, before they return to the Market Square to witness his trial and crucifixion. The play finishes in Riverside Park by recreating the events of the first Easter Sunday when Jesus is resurrected. The play is performed by St Neots Christian Performing Arts group and supported by Vamps and St Neots Players. There will be a cast of about 60 actors, singers and dancers all of whom will be involved in dramatically portraying the Easter story. If you would like further information please visit or call 01480 471123. St Neots TimeBank now has almost 100 members and are looking for more! Do you need extra support during a power cut? They hold a coffee morning on the first Saturday each month at the Church Walk Day Centre 11am - 1pm. With a range of different themes with of course a cuppa, biscuits and plenty to chat about, Check out our website for full details or phone 07590 909 057. If you or someone else you know needs extra support during a power cut, you may be entitled to free extra support from UK Power Networks. Call 0800 31 63 105 or 0333 32 32 105 from a mobile to find out more. Visit us at Like us on Follow us @stneotscouncil 05 Finance Committee Chairman of the Finance Committee is a responsible role, and one which I take very seriously. Our main function as a committee is to review all payments, receive and approve grant aid applications from local community groups and charities, and to oversee the Town Council’s financial policies and governance. We are pleased that for the upcoming financial year 15/16 we can actually give St Neots residents a reduction in their Council Tax of 2.4%. We hope to be able to repeat this year on year for the next 5 years, again without reducing any of the services we deliver. We believe this is great news for all the residents of St Neots. Cllr Roger Harrison with Town Clerk Ed Reilly Over 2 thirds of next year’s total budget is to be spent on direct services such as Operations, Community Support and Promotion of the Town. Our other big task of the year is of course to set and recommend to the Full Council the annual budget. This is of interest to all residents as it is the process by which we set the Town Council’s portion of you Council Tax bill. Over the past 4 years the current Council have managed the finances excellently, resulting in the Council Tax being frozen year on year. We haven’t had to cut any services to do this either which is great news to all of us who live in St Neots. We have made savings and efficiencies along the way ensuring we get value for money for every penny of yours that we spend, making sure we only tax people the amount needed. Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media 06 Operations Committee Your Operations Committee looks after the maintenance and up keep of our Cemeteries and Play Areas such as Riversmead, Nelson Road, Balmoral Way, Duck Lane and Ackerman Street. The Village Greens and Sydney Bank Field along with Floral Arrangements in the town are also our responsibility, along with the organisation of the Christmas Lights and associated Market and Banner Competition. This year the committee organised the Christmas Lights, which included altering the Switch On date from a Friday night to a Sunday afternoon to make the event even more family friendly. We also purchased the new lights for the High Street, Market Square and River Bridge and the baubles in the Market Square trees. The change of dates and the new lights proved extremely popular as shown by the eight thousand plus people who attended. The committee also oversaw the repair and restoration of the Day Column on the Market Square, so that it is once again providing the focal point of our historical Market Square. Cllr Ian Gardener Development & Growth Committee The D&G Committee is one of the 2 delivery committees of St Neots Town Council. We are responsible for delivering many of the strategic projects across the town, including the much publicised Neighbourhood Plan and running the many major town events such as the hugely successful Dragon Boat Festival. In the coming year, the committee will also be taking on responsibility for managing the Council run Community Centres. Our changes hope to include new line ups and facilities. We will also be taking the Neighbourhood Plan to referendum to secure a bright future fit for St Neots. The committee comprises of 8 members who meet monthly to drive these projects forward, continually striving to develop and create new opportunities within the Town. Cllr Louie Ruck Visit us at Like us on Follow us @stneotscouncil 07 Community News Looking to start your own business? Outset Huntingdonshire offer FREE workshops designed to help you develop the right skills and build your confidence. Ramsey Library, 25 The Great Whyte PE26 1HA from 10am-3pm Tues 3rd March: Next steps and business planning Tues 10th March: Managing your business finance Tues 17th March: Marketing, promoting and selling The Maple Centre, 6 Oak Drive, Huntingdon, Cambridge PE29 7HN from 10am-3pm Thurs 16th April: Next steps and business planning Thurs 23rd April: Managing your business finance Thurs 30th April: Marketing, promoting and selling For further information and to book visit or call 0800 032 7851 ‘Drop-in’ sessions for carers and adults needing long-term support People living with long-term illness or disability , an age-related condition or providing unpaid support to adult family members or friends are invited to drop in for a cup of tea and a chat to find out information, advice and support which may be available. The early Spring dates and locations are: • Huntingdon Library on 4th February and 4th March (10.00am to 1.00pm) • Ramsey Library on 24th February and 24th March (10.00am to 12.00 noon) For more information tel: Gemma Whitehouse on 01480 377616 or Leigh Hornsby on 01480 373220 Email: Visit: and search “Adult Support Drop-in” St. Neots & District Gardening Club Meetings are on a Thursday at St.Mary’s Church Hall, Brook St St.Neots at 8pm. Members £2.00,Non-Members £2.50 which includes refreshments and a raffle ticket. February 26th Isles of Scilly Peter Walker Competition... Snowdrops March 26th Clematis, Queen Of Climbers Carole Adams Competition... A vase of Spring Flowers April 23rd Roses! Who Dares Prune? Simon White of Beales Roses Competition... A decorated egg Eatons History Exhibition Focusing this year on past and present public houses in Eaton Socon Parish. St Marys Church, Eaton Socon Saturday May 2nd and Monday May 4th 10am – 4pm. May Day Celebrations Monday May 4th Midday – 4pm An annual traditional event on Eaton Socon Village Green – a great event with stalls, BBQ, local entertainment, May Pole Dancing, the crowning of the May Queen and lots more. For details on both events contact ESCA 01480 216065, or Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media 08 St. Neots Museum Needs Your Support! YOUR local museum is attracting more visitors than ever, with new exhibitions including the Iron Age Kimbolton Hoard and interactive displays such as the 1st WW trench seeing visitors filling up the comments book with praise for its work. Curator Liz Davies and Education Officer Lesley Sainsbury plan to maintain these high standards in 2015 including a Regency Festival in July and a themed series of walks and talks, for both local people and visitors to historic St Neots, Cambridgeshire’s largest town. St Neots museum not only provides historical information but puts on a range of temporary exhibitions featuring local work as well as a full programme of holiday activities for youngsters, and it is FREE for local residents although donations are always welcome. in keeping the museum running smoothly and we need YOUR support to ensure we continue to provide an excellent service. If you are interested in supporting St Neots Museum the Trustees are always looking for additional members, particularly with 21st century skills who can contribute to developing the museum’s ‘footprint’. For more information call 01480 214163 or visit Our first temporary exhibition will be More Stuff by local artist Jerry Rowlands, opening on Wednesday 4th February 2015. Volunteers, Friends of the Museum as well as Trustees and the Town Council provide vital support Get Involved! Contact Liz Davies at the Museum on 01480 214163 or The Old Court, 8 New Street, St Neots 01480 214163 Open: Tuesday to Saturday 11.00am - 4.00pm Admission Free to Local Residents. Other visitors: Adults £2.00, Children and Seniors £1.00 Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media 10 St Neots Ward Councillors Eaton Ford Bob Farrer 151a Crosshall Road, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7GB Tel: 01480 404014 / 07710 335848 Email: David Harty 10 Sambar Close, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8QG Tel: 01480 477202 Email: Bill Hodges 50 Honeydon Avenue, Eaton Socon, St Neots PE19 8PJ Tel: 01480 394109 Email: Colin Thompson 28 Cornwall Court, Eaton Socon, St Neots, PE19 8PR Tel: 01480 477406 Email: Graham Welton 17 Lottings Way, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7QX Tel: 07732 131563 Email: Eaton Socon Nick Berry 17B South Street, St Neots, PE19 2BW Tel: 01480 471194 / 07903 845415 Email: Stephen Davison 31 Viceroy Close, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8DG Tel: 07752 264983 Email: Roger Harrison 55 Bushmead Road, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8GQ Tel: 07717 666238 Email: Keith Prentice 2 Ushers Court, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8EL Tel: 01480 214838 / 07834 391995 Email: Priory Park Brian Allen 21 Childs Pond Road, St Neots, PE19 1TU Tel: 07902 929754 Email: Barry Chapman 6 Kipling Place, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7RG Tel: 01480 212540 / 07803 134565 Email: Ian Gardener 5 Haycraft Close, Grafham, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 0GA Tel: 07970 613498 Email: Rob Moores 52 Hampden Way, Eynesbury, St Neots PE19 2JH Tel: 01480 471535 / 07527 165313 Email: St Neots East David Wells 14 Dixy Close, St Neots, Cambs PE19 6BA Tel: 01480 211629 Email: Eynesbury Andrew Hansard 78 Potton Road, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2NN Tel: 01480 716615 Email: Catherine Hutton 22 St Mary’s Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2TA Tel: 01480 219653 Email: Andrea Louie Ruck 1 Barnard Close, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2UP Tel: 01480 472239 Email: David John Ruck 1 Barnard Close, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2UP Tel: 01480 472239 Email: Paul Keith Ursell 12 Luke Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2TP Tel: 07770 645046 Email: Karl Wainwright 8 Berkley Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2ND Tel: 01480 406373 Email: Visit us at Like us on Follow us @stneotscouncil 11 What’s on at the Priory Centre... Follow us on Twitter @stneotscouncil for the latest event information St Neots VAMPS 30th January - 1st February St Neots Vamps Eurobeat 15th - 18th April Comedy & Curry Night 14th February St Neots Players A Murder Is Announced 21st - 23rd May Southside Wrestling 1st March St Neots Beer & Cider Festival 12th - 14th March Riverside Theatre Company - Annie Jnr 29th – 30th May The Vienna Festival Ballet 35th Anniversary Gala 25th March Crafty Cat Market Southside Wrestling 31st May St Neots Folk Weekend 12th – 13th June 11th April Saturday Fever Disco’s 11th April The Elvis Years 26th July Visit us at Email: Call: 01480 388 922 N 2
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