Welcome to this issue of Your Town


Welcome to this issue of Your Town
Your Town
News & Events In & Around St Neots
November 2014 Edition
St Neots Town Council
Welcome to this issue of Your Town,
the Community Newsletter from St Neots Town Council
Turn to page 06 for more details
St Neots Town Council
Scan to link to our website
Priory Lane, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911
Fax: 01480 388915 Email: mail@stneots-tc.gov.uk Web: www.stneots-tc.gov.uk
Follow us on Twitter: @stneotscouncil
Like us on Facebook: St Neots Town Council
Contact us for ….
• Churchyards at St Mary’s Church, Eynesbury,
St Mary’s Church, St Neots and St Mary’s Church,
Eaton Socon
• Play areas at Brickhills, Saxongate, Swift Close,
Chamberlain Way, Beatty Road, Ackerman, St Dukes
Road, Nelson Road, Riversmead and Balmoral Way
• Cemeteries at Eynesbury (Cromwell Road),
St Neots (Cemetery Road) and Eaton Socon
(Little End Road)
• Village Greens at Eynesbury, Eaton Socon
and Eaton Ford
• The Priory Centre and the Eatons Community Centre
• Allotment Sites at Hardwick Road and
Cemetery Road
How to contact us
Ed Reilly: Town Clerk
ed.reilly@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 388913
Karen Pollecutt: Mayor’s Office/Admin Assistant
karen@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 388911
Kevin Matthews: Operations Manager
kevin.matthews@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 407774
Steve Barrett: Community Centres Manager
steve.barrett@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 388944
Donna Cooke: Deputy Clerk
donna.cooke@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 388916
Lisa Prestidge: Assistant Community Centres Manager
lisa.prestidge@stneots-tc.gov.uk / 01480 388922
Forthcoming Meetings
November: 20th. December 4th, 18th.
January: 8th, 22nd. February: 5th, 19th.
April: 2nd, 16th and 30th.
December: 11th. January: 8th.
February: 5th. March: 5th. April: 9th.
December: 9th. January: 6th.
February: 3rd. March: 3rd. April: 7th.
Town Council
November: 25th. January: 13th.
March: 24th.
Development and Growth
November: 18th. December: 16th.
January: 20th. February: 17th.
March: 17th. April: 21st.
Contact Huntingdonshire District Council for …. (01480 388388)
• Council tax and housing benefits
• Weekly refuse collection
• Priory and Riverside Parks
• Grass cutting
Contact Cambridgeshire County Council for …. (0345 045 5200)
• Street lighting (0800 7838 247)
• Social Services (0345 045 5202)
• Highways including road and pavement repairs
(0345 045 5212)
• St Neots Library (0345 045 5225)
• St Neots Recycling Centre (01480 354355)
Tel: 01767 677559 Email: info@blueprawndesign.co.uk
Web: blueprawndesign.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter: @blueprawndesign
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media
St Neots has a new Problem Solving Sergeant
Kevin THORNE took over the role from Ps Kerin POPE in July this year and
is starting to settle in, Kevin has 12 years’ experience with Cambridgeshire
Constabulary and has spent time in Cambridge, Ely and Huntingdon as a
Sergeant and has also spent 2 years in custody.
“My impression of St Neots is that it
is a thriving township with a diverse
population. I see my role as one that
supports the community as a whole
but especially those who are more
vulnerable and less able to look after
their own interests.”
Sgt Thorne is making himself familiar with the local
problems and concerns he has recently dealt with an
unauthorised encampment that set up on Little End
Road; early engagement with the travellers and good
contact with the land owners enabled the situation
to be resolved within 24 hours and the travellers left.
The St Neots policing team, currently consisting of
2 Police Constables (Pc Dawn FULLER and Pc Trudy
PAINE) and 5 PCSOs (Alan NEWMAN, Carol LIST,
Lauren BACHMAN, Rob HANKINSON and Sharon
MARSH) are soon to be bolstered with a further
PCSO who arrives on 29th September. Daniel
GRANT will be joining the team, transferring in from
Peterborough and will be nominally assigned the
town centre beat.
The team are currently engaging with the local
schools around their parking issues at start and finish
times. Sgt Thorne states “I am aware that this can be
quite an emotive issue but the safety of the children
is paramount so I am asking that parents make sure
they park legally to drop their children off and do
not cause congestion in front of the schools”. The
focus is currently on The Crosshall Junior School but
this will extend to others where issues are identified
throughout the school year.
In a recently held panel meeting at the
Priory Centre Sgt Thorne presented the
areas crime figures and trends and took
questions; there was a disappointing
turn out with only two members of
the public attending, “I had put this
meeting out in the local newspapers
and also into social media via our
Facebook page and e-cops alerts”. “I intend to hold
another public meeting before Christmas and I will
endeavour to publicise it better to encourage
more attendees”.
Other good work currently being done by the team
includes dealing with the car cruise gatherings which
seem to be centred around the Colmworth Business
Park. PCSOs have been in regular attendance and by
communicating with the local businesses security
has been improved with some areas having barrier
access installed and others having improved CCTV.
Sergeant 838 Kevin Thorne | Problem Solving Team T: 01480 478620 M: 07850 141148
St Neots Police Station, Dovehouse Close, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DS
Free parking after 3pm in December
Free parking will once again be offered in St Neots
Town Centre in the run-up to Christmas. Fees will
be abolished in Huntingdonshire District Council car
parks (including Waitrose) from December 1 until
Christmas Eve after 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Councillor Barry Chapman, executive councillor for
customer services, said: “Following the continued
success of previous years, we feel that shoppers
Visit us at www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Like us on
and businesses should continue to benefit from this
special offer. “We hope that being able to park free
after 3pm will encourage residents to shop local to
support our shops and services.”
Shoppers will not have to pay and display a ticket
during the offer period. The Market Square
in St Neots is not included as this is an onstreet facility run by the county council.
Follow us @stneotscouncil
St Neots Summer Festival
& Dragon Boat Challenge
The St Neots Dragon Boat Challenge
held on the River Great Ouse last
Saturday was a spectacular success
attracting 20 crews and well over 9500
spectators for a fantastic day’s racing.
The crews representing businesses and organisations
from St Neots battled it out all day in 3 boat races
over a 200m race course at Regatta Meadow.
Eventual winners were in first place; Big Blue
Wrecking Crew from St Neots Rugby Club, second
place was Gym Anchors from Wyboston Health
& Leisure Club and third place were the Blazing
Paddles. There was as little as 0.3 of a second
between first and second place which made for an
incredible final race.
Marketing & Events Manager, Melissa Coe for
St Neots Town Council says: ‘The atmosphere
throughout the day was tremendous and was
described as a ‘large picnic’. It was great to see so
many local people enjoying themselves down at the
Regatta Meadow, watching the racing and taking
“The atmosphere throughout
the day was tremendous
and was described as a
‘large picnic’. ”
part in the riverside activities. The enthusiasm
shown by the crews was superb and we look forward
to continuing the
Dragon Boat
Challenge for
years to come”.
Dragon Boating is the fastest growing water sports in the UK.
Contact us to see what all of the hype is about!
Email us on: ​info@stneotsdbt.co.uk Visit our website: www.stneotsdbt.co.uk Call Dan on: 07730 556788
Facebook: w
​ ww.facebook.com/StNeotsDragonBoatTeam Twitter: twitter.com@StNeotsDragonBT
An update on your St Neots Neighbourhood Plan
The St Neots Neighbourhood Plan took a new step forward over the summer,
with a district wide consultation running between 29th July and 9th September.
Huntingdonshire District Council led this consultation as part of the formal
process for the Plan to become an official planning document.
The St Neots Neighbourhood Plan was compiled
with help from the local community earlier
this year. It focuses on how to protect existing
facilities and assets, improve local infrastructure
and create new employment opportunities and
community activities in the heart of St Neots.
Over 100 supportive comments, observations
and proposed changes were submitted online
during the consultation. Feedback mostly
came from local residents, but the plan also
drew interest and positive contributions from
national organisations such as Natural England,
English Heritage and the Marine Management
Organisation. This feedback will be sent to an
independent examiner, along with a copy of the
Plan itself, for review and potential approval in
December. If the
Plan gets the go
ahead later this
year, St Neots
Town Council will
be calling on the
community to
support the policies
and objectives in
a formal vote…
so watch this space!
In the meantime, the most up to date
information on the St Neots Neighbourhood
Plan can be found online at
St Neots Town Council is thrilled to be in the midst of planning an exciting new initiative – an awards
programme especially for the St Neots community and local businesses. We know that there are
some fabulous individuals, community groups and organisations that are part of the townand we’ll be
recognising them for the first time with a high profile awards ceremony in 2015. Watch out for more
information coming soon…
Want to help others?
Could you volunteer to either support
someone by finding information, or
by helping with small jobs around the
home? Make a difference with a few
hours a month!
Contact 01480 423065 or
Are you providing unpaid support to family members
or friends who could not manage without your help?
Why not come along to Gamlingay Carer Drop-In?
Gamlingay Library, The Ecohub, Stocks Lane,
Gamlingay SG19 3JR 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Monday 20 October Monday 17 November
0345 045 5202 or 01480 377616
Visit us at www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Like us on
Flood Emergency Contacts
In the event of flooding, please contact
the specified as follows:
The Environment Agency (EA)
Contact: Flood line 0845 988 1188 service
and Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60.
Cambridgeshire County Council
(CCC) Highways
Contact: 0345 045 5200
(Option 3) or out of hours
contact the police.
Anglian Water
Contact: 03457 145 145
Follow us @stneotscouncil
St Neots set to sparkle at this years’
Christmas Lights Switch On.
Dazzling new Christmas lights are just one of the changes set to make this
years’ Christmas Lights Switch On in St Neots the biggest and best yet.
Guests will experience a larger Christmas market,
children’s craft area, Santa, live reindeer, fireworks
and a fun fair, as well as performances on stage. The
event takes place in the Market Square St Neots on
Sunday 30th November from 12 noon.
The festive fun includes a Christmas market selling
a variety of gift and food produce, as well as mulled
wine and roasted chestnuts. There will also be
excellent live performances from local bands and
groups, fireworks spectacular and headline bands
before the finale at 7pm.
Guests will also have the chance to create a ‘Star for
a Star’ courtesy of Anglia Cooperative Funeral care
to place on the Christmas tree.
Marketing and Events Coordinator Debbie King said:
“The 2014 Christmas Lights Switch On is going to be
our biggest yet. We have new Christmas lights being
installed and a wide range of attractions from live on
stage entertainment, to real reindeer, a Christmas
Market, children’s craft making, mulled wine tent,
roast chestnuts, funfair
and more! This event
is undoubtedly one of
the biggest highlights in
the annual calendar, so
bring the family along
for an afternoon of
festive family fun.”
For further information or to book a stall contact Debbie King on events@stneots-tc.gov.uk
or visit www.visitstneots.co.uk
Community News
Mr Day’s Column restored to former glory
Every town and village should have its centrepiece to mark the heart of its
community. St. Neots has its ‘Obelisk’ or Day Column to mark the centre of
Huntingdonshire’s largest and most flourishing Market Square.
The edifice has recently been restored and its
attendant seats and monks have been polished to
match the column. It has watched over much of the
history of the town since it was first erected in 1822,
when it was at the forefront of modern technology,
bringing artificial light into the heart of the town.
John Hill Day ran the Priory Brewery and provided
the town with ‘a cast iron pedestal with four
arms to receive lamp brackets, for erection in the
centre of Market Hill.’ He stipulated that the Town
Commissioners (precursors of the present Town
Council) were to supply and light the lamps. Oil was
the first fuel used to be replaced by locally produced
gas. The inscription on its base was provided
by Thomas Ingersole, grocer, corn-dealer, wine
merchant and linseed cake dealer who occupied the
present Fishers Yard and shop area opposite one side
of the column.
The 1824 engraving of the Square
shows an era not long after the
battle of Waterloo when the town,
as today, was looking to improve
its facilities for its inhabitants.
Do take the time to visit St. Neots
Museum to find out more about
the town and itshistory. If you
would like to be a
Museum Friend or a
Volunteer helping
manage its growing
collection of
photographs and
documents contact
curator Liz Davies
(01480 388921).
If you have any Market Square photographs or memories you can
pass them on via pjibbett@aol.com or direct to the museum
Visit us at www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Like us on
Follow us @stneotscouncil
Community News
St Neots Museum Autumn & Winter Programme 2014
Temporary Exhibitions
The Great War 1914 - 18: Until 15th November
Don’t miss our temporary exhibition
commemorating the lives of all those who lived
through the First World War. Including; why war
broke out in 1914, local soldiers stories, letters
home, local newspaper clippings. Also discover
our cardboard trench and our mini-battlefield,
try on replica Great War hats and uniforms
What visitors say about the exhibition:
“Absolutely fantastic, better than the
Imperial War Museum!”
“Love the World War I exhibition,
especially the trench”
Richard Walker’s Great War
Memorial: Until 22nd November
We are privileged to be
able to exhibit local artist,
Richard Walker’s, stunning and
detailed tribute to all those
who experienced the Great War.
Based on the concept of
a medieval alter
panel the work
features images of
objects and stories
from the First
World War in
fascinating detail.
For more details see our website www.stneotsmuseum.org.uk
Call us on 01480 214163 or visit us at 8 New Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1AE
St Neots in Bloom
It was award day for Anglia in Bloom on 9th September 2014, and in case you
missed the press reports St Neots received a Silver-gilt award this time round.
The St Neots in Bloom team would like to thank everyone involved with trying to keep up the
standards in what has been a more challenging year for the environmental campaign. Many
thanks to both Town and District Councils whose floral displays looked great this summer,
attracting many comments of support as usual.
It’s now your chance to put forward ideas for the coming years. St Neots
in Bloom is holding an AGM with cheese and wine refreshments (tea/
coffee also available!) on Wednesday 19th November, 7.15pm for 7.30pm
start, in The Cloisters at The Priory Centre, St Neots. Do come along
and share your environment improvement projects and ideas so we can
build a really good entry for 2016 (we may take a break in 2015). More
committee volunteers are needed too, to help with such things as Twitter
and Facebook, written publicity items, running small projects and taking
photos for publication. Come along and tell us how you can help!
For more information see www.snib.btck.co.uk or call Alison on 01480 374792
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media
The St Neots Sustrans Leisure Cycling Group
The St Neots Sustrans Leisure Cycling Group
partici pates in regular guided bike rides.
The third Sunday of the month venturing a bit
further 20-35 miles with opportunity to stop for
refreshment along the way.
Everyone is welcome for these FREE gentle trips out
into the countryside. Details of the rides and basic
terms and conditions may be found on the Next Ride
page. www.bit.ly/snnext
For more details visit: www.tiny.cc/snbikerides
or email the Group Coordinator, Richard
Cooper: ranger@ridingabike.co.uk
Rides are at an easy pace with no one left behind.
Chance to get some fresh air and leisurely exercise
whilst exploring the local countryside along with
meeting friends old and new.
Family and Carers drop-in
Information drop-in centre for families and carers to ask any questions and receive advice and
support regarding their family and well-being in a friendly environment at the St Neots Library.
Help for new business starters
Outset Huntingdonshire has
announced a series of new, free
workshops for people who want to start their own
business in Huntingdonshire. Come along and get
help with finance, marketing, social media, creating
a web presence, selling, branding and host of other
areas that will get you on the right track to success!
Events Calendar
Tuesday 11
Business Start
Up 1 - Next steps
and business
19 November:
Business Start
Up 2 - Managing
your business
26 November:
Business Start Up
3 - Marketing,
promoting and
All the above workshops are held at: St Ives Free Church,
Market Hill, St Ives, PE27 5AL - 10am to 1pm
Phone 0800 032 7851
Visit us at www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Like us on
Follow us @stneotscouncil
Community News
Services for Christmas 2014
Berkley Street Methodist Church
Sunday 14 December 2014 at 10:30am
Christmas Nativity
Our annual service to celebrate the
coming of Christ . . . led by ‘The Sunday
Sunday 21 December 2014 at 6pm
Christmas Carols
Our annual candlelit service . . .
Come and sing your heart out!
Wednesday 24 December 2014 at 3pm
Christmas Crib
A short Christmas Eve worship for our very
youngest members (and all who are young
at heart!)
Thursday 25 December 2014 10:30am
Christmas Day Service
Be part of our celebration for Christ’s
birth; it will be great fun and finished well
in time for Christmas dinner!
Eaton Ford Methodist Church
Sunday 21 December 2014 at 10:30am
Carol Service
United Reformed Church
Sunday 21st December at 11.00am
Christmas Festival Service
Wednesday 24th December at 11.30pm
Christmas Eve Holy Communion
Thursday 25th December at 10.30am
Christmas Day Service
St Mary’s St Neots Town Centre
30 November - Advent Sunday at 6.30pm
Advent Carol Service by candlelight
14 December at 4.00pm
Christingle Service
Thursday 18 December at 6.00pm
A Blue Christmas - a quiet service for those
who find Christmas difficult
21 December at 6.30pm
Lessons and Carols by candlelight
24 December - Christmas Eve at 5.30pm
Family Carols by Candlelight
24 December at 11.30pm
Midnight Mass of the Nativity
25 December - Christmas Dayat 10.00am
Family Eucharist on Christmas Morning
St. Mary the Virgin, Eynesbury P C
Sunday December 7th at 10.30am
Nativity Play
Thursday December 11th at 12.30pm
Christmas Lunch (entry by ticket only –
contact St Mary’s)
Wednesday December 17th at 2pm
Traditional Carol Service with Bishop Robin
Smith (Retired Bishop of Hertford)
Sunday December 21st at 6pm
Carol Service
Christmas Eve at 3pm & 5pm
Family Carol Services
Christmas Eve at 11.30pm Midnight
Communion Service
Christmas Day at 10am
Christmas Day Family Communion Service
Sunday January 11th at 4pm
Family Christingle Service
Open Door Church
14th December at 6pm
Christmas Carol Service – Priory Centre
21std December at 10.30am
Christmas Family Service – Priory Centre
Wednesday 24th December 2014
Christmas Carols
Carol Singing around the Christmas Tree
Friday 12th December 6-6.30pm.
Eaton Socon Village Green
Christmas Lunch
Thursday 25th December 2014
River Church and Chefs Table Solutions
are hosting a Christmas Day lunch at
The Eaton’s Centre for those who would
otherwise be on their own or are facing
financial hardship. For information please
call Jim Fitzgerald on 07545 175837
or visit www.riverchurch.eu
Meet Father Christmas
Sunday 30th November
for the Christmas Lights Switch On
Market Square Grotto 12 noon
to 5.00pm
Museum Grotto 5.00 – 7.00pm
Every child receives a wrapped gift
and card from Father Christmas.
Price: £3.50 per child.
Christmas Workshops
Sat 20th December & Tuesday
23rd December
Garlands & Tree Decorations
11.00 – 3.00pm
£3.00 per child
Museum Grotto Dates
Saturday 29th November
Saturday 6th, 13th, 20th December
Times: 11.00am – 1.00pm
and 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Every child receives a wrapped gift
and card from Father Christmas.
Price: £3.50 per child.
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events in and around St Neots via our website and social media
St Neots Ward Councillors
Eaton Ford
Bob Farrer
151a Crosshall Road, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7GB
Tel: 01480 404014 / 07710 335848
Email: bob.farrer@huntingdonshire.gov.uk
David Harty
10 Sambar Close, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8QG
Tel: 01480 477202
Email: david@davidharty.co.uk
Bill Hodges
50 Honeydon Avenue, Eaton Socon, St Neots PE19 8PJ
Tel: 01480 394109
Email: bill@reviewid.co.uk
Colin Thompson
28 Cornwall Court, Eaton Socon, St Neots, PE19 8PR
Tel: 01480 477406
Email: 28ckthompson@uwclub.net
Graham Welton
17 Lottings Way, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7QX
Tel: 07732 131563
Email: eatonfordgraham@gmail.com
Eaton Socon
Nick Berry
17B South Street, St Neots, PE19 2BW
Tel: 01480 471194 / 07903 845415
Email: naberry@hotmail.co.uk
Stephen Davison
31 Viceroy Close, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8DG
Tel: 07752 264983
Email: Stephen.davisonintown@hotmail.co.uk
Roger Harrison
55 Bushmead Road, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8GQ
Tel: 07717 666238
Email: harrison.roger@talk21.com
Keith Prentice
2 Ushers Court, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8EL
Tel: 01480 214838 / 07834 391995
Email: keith.prentice@btinternet.com
Priory Park
Brian Allen
21 Childs Pond Road, St Neots, PE19 1TU
Tel: 07902 929754
Email: drbad@hotmail.com
Barry Chapman
6 Kipling Place, Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambs PE19 7RG
Tel: 01480 212540 / 07803 134565
Email: barry.chapman@ntlworld.com
Ian Gardener
5 Haycraft Close, Grafham, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 0GA
Tel: 07970 613498
Email: idg@asc-geomatics.co.uk
Rob Moores
52 Hampden Way, Eynesbury, St Neots PE19 2JH
Tel: 01480 471535 / 07527 165313
Email: robmoores999@yahoo.co.uk
St Neots East
David Wells
14 Dixy Close, St Neots, Cambs PE19 6BA
Tel: 01480 211629
Email: davidjwells@hotmail.co.uk
Andrew Hansard
78 Potton Road, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2NN
Tel: 01480 716615
Email: andrew.hansard37@gmail.com
Catherine Hutton
22 St Mary’s Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2TA
Tel: 01480 219653
Email: catherine.hutton14@gmail.com
Andrea Louie Ruck
1 Barnard Close, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2UP
Tel: 01480 472239
Email: louie.sntc@druck.org.uk
David John Ruck
1 Barnard Close, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2UP
Tel: 01480 472239
Email: david.sntc@druck.org.uk
Paul Keith Ursell
12 Luke Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2TP
Tel: 07770 645046
Email: paulursell@hcmoss.co.uk
Karl Wainwright
8 Berkley Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambs PE19 2ND
Tel: 01480 406373
Email: karl.wainwright@btopenworld.com
Visit us at www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Like us on
Follow us @stneotscouncil
What’s on at the Priory Centre...
Follow us on Twitter @stneotscouncil for the latest event information
LAD Charity Event, Soul,
SKA & RNB All Dayer
St Neots Players Father Christmas Panto
1st November
11th - 13th December
The Vamps presents
13th - 15th November
Open Door Church
Christmas Carol Service
14th December
Roy Orbison
Fantazee Dance Show
28th November
20th December
The Riverside Theatre
Company Christmas
Showcase Featuring
Sleeping Beauty
Open Door Church
Christmas Family Service
21st December
29th November
Southside Wrestling
30th November
St Neots VAMPS
presents ‘Best of Friends’
30th January 1st February 2015
Open Door Church
presents Christmas
6th December
Visit us at www.thepriorycentre.com Email: priory.centre@stneots-tc.gov.uk Call: 01480 388 922