May - June 2013


May - June 2013
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE
May - June 2013
Concordia is a Dutch - Australian Social Club - established in 1957
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 2
President: Antonia Somerville
Phone: 4958 1552
Vice-President: Joop de Wit
Phone: 4954 5227 - Mobile: 0412 671 848 email: concordianewcastle@bigpond. com
Treasurer: Lucia Reynders
Phone: 4958 3562 - email:
Secretary & Editor: Joop de Wit
Phone: 4954 5227 - Mobile: 0412 671 848 email:
Jan Mees
9787 1984
Mary King
4955 6451
Theresia Garner
4982 6650
Nel de Groot
4961 5270
Anja de Hoop
4982 6730
Anne Pelzer
4975 4062
Ann Beckers
4951 3971
Mieke Gerritsen
4967 5579
Anne Stevens
4947 2471
Emmy Wolthers
4954 8418
Every Thursday - commencing at 10-00am
Address: 16 High Street, Marmong Point
Organisers: Foppe and Alice Brouwer - Phone: 4953 0607
Treasurer: Lucia Reynders - Phone: 4958 3562
Central Coast Instuif meets every last Thursday of the Month.
Further information Christina van Arendonk - Ph: 4325 5734
Editor: Mr Joop de Wit, 24 Gertrude Street, Cardiff South NSW 2285
Phone / Fax: (02) 4954 5227 Mobile 0412 671848
A.C.T. - Ambassador:
Mrs Annemieke Ruigrok
Empire Circuit - Yarralumla ACT 2600 - Canberra.
(02) 6220 9400 - Fax (02) 6273 3206
Email: - Website:
SYDNEY N.S.W. Consul-General:
Mr J. R. Th. (Jaap) Frederiks
Consul: Mr W.J. (Willem)
de Bruin
Netherlands Consulate-General in Sydney - Level 23, Tower 2,
Westfield Bondi Junction - 101 Grafton Street
(corner Grosvenor Street) Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Postal address: PO Box 261 - Bondi Junction NSW 1355.
Tel: (02) 9387 6644 Fax: (02) 9387 3962 - email:
Any of the above information, wrong or out of date, please contact the editor at your earliest convenience,
we will be able to change or make an alteratallion immediately in the interest of our members.
DISCLAIMER: This Concordia news is produced as an information service only without assuming responsibility.
It is intended for information sharing and general purposes only. Views expressed in articles and letters printed are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Dutch Society. Any advice offered or given
should not be relied on as a substitute for professional advice. Concordia is completely neutral, does not belong to any
religious or political organisation and only acts in the general and neutral interests of all our current members.
Concordia geeft onpartijdig nieuws, zonder gebonden te zijn aan enige staatkundige partij, kerkelijke richting of belangen en
gemeenschap, wij werken uitsluitend in dienst van Concordia’s eigen social belang.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 3
Joop de Wit
ear members & readers, “Waar blijft de tijd?” It has been a very fast
moving period in the life of your editor. I have been trying my hardest to
have this issue in your mailbox in the beginning of May. Unfortunately
due to my absence in April and with the big celebrations of the abdication
of Queen Beatrix and the investiture of Prince Willem-Alexander in Holland on the
30th April. I wanted to wait until after 30th April so I could use some of the info from
this very important day in this latest issue. A hectic time organising myself to finalise
this Concordia News was therefore my main priority after my return from holiday’s.
On the 4th May we remember all those that gave their lives during the many wars
& conflicts in our life time. In the second world war alone the losses were 55 million
people. It was a horrible time, many of you have some very vivid memories of that
dark period. May all those that gave their lives rest in Peace and may those that have
lived through this senseless period be aware of all the sacrifices so many made
during this time in order to create a better world for ourselves and our offspring.
The Eurovision Song Festival is also on the list this month, I must say that the
winners in years gone by were not always my personal favourites. I am more and
more of the opinion that this Festival needs a very big overhaul if it wants to continue
with it’s success it once had. It is more and more a political contest between the
contestants and the country they represent. What happened to the singing in the
language of your own country? Everyone seem to have started to sing in English and
I am sorry that wasn’t the purpose when the Eurovision Song Festival started in the
1960s. It supposed to be a reflection on the culture and the background of each
nation. Let’s hear it from those who are on my side, or why you believe it to be better
today? Could cause some interesting discussions perhaps.
There’s another important issue we need to think about that contributes to poor
health, it's called sitting. Too much sitting is a health hazard, and the resolution is to
move more. Look for opportunities to walk, stand and be active. We all need a better
balance in our lives. A weekly routine of healthy eating, regular exercise and social
contact will enhance your health, energy levels and enjoyment of life. Start a daily
walk with a friend, join a healthy cooking class or challenge an acquaintance to give
up smoking or cut back on alcohol. (I’m the worst offender sitting daily behind this computer)
Finally, let's be positive about ourselves and who we are…. because, in reality, we
are very well off. It's a truism that it’s much easier to complain than to applaud. I am
also trying to finalise the details for the next festive afternoon. In this issue we’ve all
the information you need to lure you to another splendid afternoon. Please Book Now!
May I at the end of my editorial wish you health and happiness, till we meet again,
be aware and kind to each other, life is too short to have it any other way, Joop
Behind every great man is a woman rol ling her eyes
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 4
From the Presidents Desk -
Toni Somerville
ear readers, Our first function of the year was certainly another very successful
day. Members and guests caught up with each other amongst much chatting and
laughter. It was great to see such a large happy crowd.
Welcome to a number of new members who joined Concordia on the function day.
Hope you will enjoy our future “gezelligheid” including our Concordia newsletter.
Everyone was appreciative of the entertainment provided by Joop. Most interesting
was the documentary “The way we lived in Holland during the 50s” To see a ship being
launched sideways into a canal was nostalgic for me. Ship building in the North of
Groningen was an important industry for many decades during the 20th century. We
lived in the municipality of Hoogezand-Sappemeer. Though, I can’t remember how
many shipyards were situated along the Winschoterdiep when I was a school girl in the
1950s, there were quite a few. Not many shipyards from Hoogezand-Sappemeer area
remain today. A “tewaterlating van een schip” was usually advertised and a large
crowd always gathered to watch, however they were always kept at a safe distance.
My great grandfather & his 4 sons, my opa the eldest, owned and operated an
engineering business alongside “Het Diep”. They manufactured & serviced
components for diesel engines, power transmissions and marine screw propeller
units. These were then fitted & machines installed in all types of sea and canal ships.
After 40 years the engineering firm was sold during the 1960s, if I remember right.
I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter break amongst family and friends. Our next
function on May the 18th promises to be another special day. More information from
Joop in this issue. Please wear something ORANGE. All mothers present will receive
a small Mothers day gift.
The committee wishes all our Mothers a very special & most enjoyable Mothers day.
Until next time, keep well & stay safe. Toni
Kranslegging op 4 mei bij het nationaal monument in Amsterdam 2012
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 5
Wat is het hoogtepunt van een sinaasappelfeest?
Een persconferentie!
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 6
Levensloop van Beatrix
eboren op 31 januari 1938 als eerste kind van Juliana en Bernhard. In Mei 1940
reizen Beatrix en Irene met Koningin Juliana vanuit Engeland verder door naar
Canada en Beatrix komt als 7-jarige in 1945 weer terug naar Nederland. In de Jaren
vijftig zijn er problemen aan het hof en dreigt Juliana met aftreden waarbij Beatrix
haar dan zou moeten gaan opvolgen. Het loopt goed af en ze bezoekt in 1958
Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen. Ze gaat uiteindelijk op Kasteel Drakensteyn
wonen. Ze ontmoet Prins Claus, haar grote liefde, maar ook een Duitser. Op 28 juni
1965 verloven ze zich en op 10 maart 1966 trouwen ze in Amsterdam. Ze krijgen drie
kinderen, namelijk Willem-Alexander (1967) Friso (1968) en Constantijn (1969). Op
30 april 1980 geeft Juliana het stokje over aan haar dochter en wordt Beatrix de
nieuwe Koningin. Het eerste wat ze besluit is dat 30 April Koninginnedag moet
blijven, want haar eigen verjaardag is midden in de winter namelijk 31 januari.
Soestdijk Defilé - Ook het defilé op Soestdijk vervangt ze door samen met de
bevolking van 2 steden Koninginnedag te gaan vieren. Het bleek een gouden greep,
nooit eerder was Koninginnedag zo populair in ons land tot aan de dag van vandaag.
Prins Claus: Haar grote liefde Prins Claus werd echter in 1982 ernstig ziek. Hij
bleek later de ziekte van Parkinson te hebben en ernstige depressies. Toch ging
Beatrix onvermoeibaar door met haar Staatsbezoeken en andere taken. Prinses
Margriet was daarbij haar grote steun.
Oma: Beatrix krijgt in 1987 hersenvliesontsteking maar ze hersteld weer volledig.
Terwijl ze haar werk als Staatshoofd uitstekend doet wordt ze door velen als "koel"
en "koud" omschreven. Maar bij het krijgen van kleinkinderen verandert ze helemaal
en wordt ze een echte Oma.
Moeilijke jaren: Veel geluk maar ook veel droefenis zijn haar deel in haar laatste 13
jaar als Staatshoofd. Op 2 februari 2002 trouwt haar oudste zoon met Máxima, maar
op 6 oktober overlijdt haar grote liefde Prins Claus. Ook haar zoon Friso trouwt, maar
er is ook veel gedoe rondom zijn huwelijk met Mabel. Ondanks alle persoonlijke
problemen en pijnlijke zaken gaat Beatrix stug door en krijgt steeds meer
bewondering van de Nederlanders. Ze blijkt een keiharde werker te zijn in het belang
van de bevolking van Nederland.
Aanslag: Tijdens de viering van Koninginnedag in Apeldoorn in 2009 gebeurde het
ergste wat ze ooit heeft meegemaakt. Een dwaas probeert met zijn auto de open
(Continued on page 7)
Quotes of the Month:
Sometimes the person you want the most, is the person you’re best without.
Everybody deserves somebody who makes them look forward to tomorrow.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 7
(Continued from page 6)
Koninklijke Bus te rammen en hij nam 7 kijkers mee de dood in. Ze raakte er zeer
zwaar aangeslagen door.
Tenslotte nog dit: Beatrix had een leven vol met ups en downs. Ze kreeg grote
bewondering van het Nederlandse Volk, omdat ze ondanks haar soms grote verdriet,
toch haar plicht nooit verzaakte en haar functie als Staatshoofd steeds professioneel
deed. Alle hulde voor haar. Van onze Nederlandse correspondent Jan van der Lugt
Take everything in moderation, including moderation.
BLAME - BLAME - BLAME - How the world works lately...
If a man cuts his finger off while slicing salami at work, He blames his employer.
If someone smokes three packs a day for 40 years and dies of lung cancer,
His family blames the Tobacco company.
If your neighbour crashes into a tree while driving home drunk,
he blames the bartender.
If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.
If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.
And if a crazed person breaks into the cockpit and tries to kill the pilot at
35,000 feet, and the passengers kill him instead,
The mother of the crazed deceased blames the airline.
I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is today.
So, if I die while my OLD WRINKLED FACE is parked in front of this computer,
I want all of you to blame Bill Gates.
Money isn't everything but it sure keeps the kids in touch.
Our 2nd Concordia afternoon in the Cardiff RSL for 2013
The entertainment for our second Concordia function (Saturday 18th May)
promises to be another Royal blockbuster. Please make an effort to be in attendance.
We also shall commemorate those that gave their lives so we can live in PEACE.
We certainly celebrate the induction of our new King Willem-Alexander and Queen
Maxima. We are currently busy programming the day including putting all our
mothers in the spotlight. We promise everyone a great day out in the Cardiff RSL.
All this and more woven into a great afternoon of togetherness.
Come and taste our famous Dutch ‘Gezelligheid.’ Your Concordia committee.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 8
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CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 9
n April 30, the whole of Holland usually colours orange when the Dutch
celebrate Queen’s Day. During this national holiday events and celebrations
are held throughout the country and Amsterdam transforms into the capital of
festivals. You’ll find unregulated street markets, music and bars on every street
corner. That was up till now of course…..
The Royal Family and Queen’s Day. Queen’s Day is the birthday of former Queen
Juliana (1909-2004). The current queen, Queen Beatrix, was actually born on January
31, but the tradition of celebrating her mother’s birthday has been upheld till now.
On Queen’s Day the Royal Family normally visits one or two towns, that proudly
display their cultural highlights and traditions. Members of the Royal Family enjoy
and sometimes even participate in the numerous activities. The whole event is
broadcasted live on television, but from next year….things will be different.
The new Dutch Event, KING’s Day will be the national holiday on the 27th April,
when Holland turns orange and celebrates - regardless of the weather. You should
definitely visit the unregulated street market in the Vondelpark and the concerts at
Museumplein. On the eve before KING’s Day, you can celebrate ‘King’s Night’ in the
streets of The Hague. The first King’s day will be held on 27th April 2014.
To err is human - but it feels divine!
"4 Worms in Church" Four worms and a lesson to be learned!!!!
A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his
Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
The first worm was put into a container of….alcohol.
The second worm was put into a container of ….cigarette smoke.
The third worm was put into a container of….chocolate ice cream.
The fourth worm was put into a container of….good clean soil.
At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:
The first worm in alcohol……Dead.
The second worm in cigarette smoke…...Dead.
Third worm in chocolate ice cream…...Dead.
Fourth worm in good clean soil…...Alive….
So the Minister asked the congregation, "What did you learn from this
demonstration?" Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said….
"As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate ice cream, you won't have worms!"
That pretty much ended the service!
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 10
To all our Mums - Why do women cry?
little boy asked his mother. “Why are you crying?” “Because I'm a
woman”, she told him. “I don't understand” he said. His Mum just hugged
him and said “and you never will".
Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does mum seem to cry for no
reason?” “All women cry for no reason” was all his dad could say. The little
boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a
call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked “God, why do women cry so
easily?” God said: “When I made the woman she had to be special. I make
her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of her work, yet gentle
enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth
and the rejection that many times come from her children. I gave her
hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and
take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under all circumstances, even
when her child has hurt her very badly. I have given her strength to carry
her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his
heart. I have given her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his
wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him
unfalteringly. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively
to use whenever it is needed” - “You see my son“, said God
“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she
carries, or the way she combs her hair, The beauty of a woman must be
seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart .
Anyone celebrating a special
event like an Anniversary,
Birthday or some special day
in the next 2 months.
We wish you a very good time
with all your family and friends.
Our sincere Congratulations
to you all.
‘Zij leve lang hoera, hoera’
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 11
Congratulations to all our Australian readers who were born
during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s
irst, we survived being born to mothers who maybe smoked and/or drank sherry
while they carried us and lived in houses made of asbestos….
They took aspirin, ate blue cheeses, bread and dripping, raw egg products, loads of
bacon and processed meat, tuna from a can and didn’t get tested for diabetes,
cervical or breast cancer.
Then after that trauma, our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead based
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode
our bikes, we had no helmets or shoes, not to mention the risk we took hitchhiking.
As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. We drank water
from the garden hose and NOT from a plastic bottle.
Even though all the shops closed at 6pm and didn’t open on a Sunday, somehow we
didn’t starve to death!
We shared one soft drink with four friends from one bottle and NO ONE actually
died from this.
We could collect old drink bottles and cash them in at the corner store and buy
toffees, gobstoppers and bubble gum.
We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter, milk from the cow, and drank soft
drinks with sugar in it, but we weren’t overweight because…..WE WERE
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back
when the streetlights came on.
No one was able to reach us all day, and we were O.K.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of old prams and then ride down the
hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. We built tree houses, played in the river or
were busy with our matchbox cars.
We did not have play stations, Nintendo Wii, X-boxes, no video games at all, no
TV’s with around 99 channels, no video’s or DVDs, no mobile phones, no personal
computers, no internet or chat rooms…...but we had friends and we went outside and
found them!
We fell out of trees, got cuts and bruises, broke bones and teeth and there were no
lawsuits from these accidents.
Only girls had pierced ears!
(Continued on page 12)
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 12
(Continued from page 11)
We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt and the worms did not live in us forever.
You could only buy Easter eggs and Hot Cross buns at Easter time….
We were given air guns, catapults or a pair of hand knitted socks for our 10th
We rode bikes or walked to a friends house and knocked on the door, rang the bell,
or just called out for them.
We wore hand-me-downs clothing including school uniforms. We didn’t need to keep
up with the Jones’s!
Our teachers used to hit us with the cane or threw the blackboard brush at us if they
thought we weren’t concentrating.
We could string sentences together and spell and have proper conversations because
of a good solid three R’s in our education.
Our parents would tell us to ask a stranger to help us cross the road.
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually
sided with the law!
Our parents didn’t invent stupid names for their kids like ‘Kiora’ and ‘Blade’ and
‘Ridge’ and ‘Vanilla’
Not everyone made the Rugby/football/cricket/netball team. Those who didn’t had to
learn to deal with disappointments. Imagine that! Getting into the team was based on
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HOW TO
And YOU are one of them! CONGRATULATIONS!
PS: You might want to share this with your children so they will know how
brave their parents were. Editor
Quotes of the Month
Politicians and nappies have one thing in common. They
should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a
laxative on the same night.
Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 13
De oorspronkelijke aard van onze geest wordt vaak
vergeleken met de heldere hemel.
De hemel is er altijd, ook al wordt hij
op sommige dagen door wolken verduisterd.
It proves a point……
one cannot win all the time.
A lawyer’s dog was running around town unleashed, heads for the butchers shop
and steals a roast. The butcher goes to the lawyer’s office and asks;
“If a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my shop,
do I have a right to demand payment from the dogs owner?”
The lawyer says “Absolutely” The butcher then says “then you owe me $18.50.
Your dog was loose and stole a piece of roast meat from my shop today.”
The lawyer, without a word, writes out a cheque for $18.50. The butcher having a
feeling of satisfaction leaves without a further word.
Three days later, the butcher receives a bill from the lawyer for $100-00 for a
consultation fee on a debt recovery.
It’s not what you do for your children (or grandchildren),
but what you have taught them to do for themselves
that will make them successful human beings.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 14
Dutch TV News from BVN
Monday to Saturday 8.05am
Sunday 1:00pm - all on SBS 2
Good old belated St. Patricks Day -
Sunday March 17
Paddy & Mick find three grenades, so they take them to a police station. Mick:
"What if one explodes before we get there?" Paddy: "We'll lie and say we only found two."
Paddy's in the bathroom and Murphy shouts to him. "Did you find the shampoo?"
Paddy says, "yes but it's for dry hair and I've just wet mine."
Paddy shouts frantically into the phone "My wife is in labour and her contractions are
only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor. "No", shouts Paddy,
"this is her husband!"
Paddy says to Mick - “I'm ready for a holiday, only this year I'm going to do it a bit
different. 3 years ago I went to Spain and Mary got pregnant. 2 years ago I went to Italy
and Mary got pregnant. Last year I went to Majorca and Mary got pregnant.“ Mick asks “So what are you going to do this year?” Paddy replies, - “I'll take her with me!”
Paddy says to Mick, "Christmas is on a Friday this year"....Mick says "Let's hope it's
not the 13th."
Support our Advertisers they support our Concordia
If you are in need of the services offered by our advertisers,
please consult them first.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 15
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 16
The Dutch Society ‘Concordia’
invites you to another dose
of pure Dutch
Cardiff RSL - Home of the
‘Eastern Tiger’
Saturday 18th May 2013 - Cardiff RSL Club
the afternoon includes the famous ‘Eastern Tiger’- all you can eat
variety meal - unlimited coffee and tea till ± 2-00pm - all entertainment included.
Doors open at 11am - Lunch to start around 11.45am
As usual our well known Raffle
a large variety of prizes to be won - Afternoon finishes at 4pm sharp
All inclusive cost: $ 18.50 pp - for current up to date Memberships - 2012-2013
$ 22-00 pp - Non-Members - All prices quoted inclusive of GST - Bookings essential.
Contact Toni, Lucia or Joop - 4958 1552 - 4958 3562 - 4954 5227
Kom gezellig onze eerste feestmiddag van 2013 bijwonen op zaterdag 18 mei.
Graag even reserveren!! U weet het, er zijn maar 100 plaatsen beschikbaar.
De gezelligste Concordia bijeenkomsten zijn en blijven in de Cardiff RSL .
Who needs a drivers licence at age 99
y neighbour was working in his yard when he was startled by a late
model car that came crashing through his fence and ended up in his front
lawn. He rushed to help an elderly lady driver out of the car and sat her
down on a lawn chair. "My goodness," he said with excitement, "you appear quite
elderly to be driving." "Well, yes, I am," she replied proudly. "I'll be 99 next month, and
I am now old enough that I don't even need a driver's license anymore. The last time I went
to my doctor, he examined me and asked if I had a driver's license. I told him YES and
handed it to him. He took a pair of scissors out of the drawer, cut the license into pieces,
and threw them in the wastebasket, saying, 'You won't be needing this anymore,’ so I
thanked him and left!"
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 17
General Health and Wellbeing
s we get older it’s sometimes good to take stock of our wellbeing, reflecting on
the past and making resolutions for the years ahead. lf your health is your main
concern, you may be thinking it’s a good time to see your doctor for a check-up.
However, your health is largely in your own hands, and the only person who can put
healthy habits into practice is you. Taking control of your health has many benefits.
One of the main contributors to stress is feeling out of control. If you blame your
partner, your income, your job or your family for your poor health then your stress
levels will soar. Taking control will reduce your stress and, in turn, increase your
sense of wellbeing.
There’s plenty of information about Day Clubs in your local area, where to find
interesting physical and social activities, a wealth of mental health resources and
much more. Finally, let's be positive about ourselves and who we are because, in
reality, we are very well off. It's a truism that it’s much easier to complain than to
applaud. Editor
Age is a question of mind over matter….
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
exhausted looking blonde dragged herself in to the doctor's office.
"Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighbourhood. They bark all day and all
night, and I can't get a wink of sleep." "I have good news for you," the doctor answered,
rummaging through a drawer full of sample medications. "Here are some new sleeping
pills that work like a dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over." "Great," the
blonde answered, "I'll try anything. Let's give it a shot." A few weeks later the blonde
returned, looking worse than ever. "Doc, your plan is no good. I'm more tired than
before!" "I don't understand how that could be", said the doctor, shaking his head.
"Those are the strongest pills on the market!" "That may be true," answered the blonde
wearily, "but I'm still up all night chasing those dogs and when I finally catch one it's
hard getting him to swallow those pills!"
Eindelijk gerechtigheid
Een vrouw moet voor de rechter verschijnen, omdat zij haar man heeft aangezet
tot verschillende strafbare feiten, zoals diefstallen, inbraken en overvallen.
‘Hebt u daar iets op te zeggen?’ vraagt de rechter haar. De vrouw antwoordt:
‘Ik geef het allemaal toe, maar als verzachtende omstandigheid mag ik misschien
aanvoeren, dat mijn man maar met een netto salaris van f 201-80 thuiskomt. En in de
gevangenis, waar hij al een paar keer in heeft gezeten, krijgt hij 275 gulden schoon van
sociale zaken. Dus, edelachtbare, heb ik mijn man niet aangezet tot slechte daden, maar heb
ik ons inkomen slechts vergroot. Bovendien heeft hij nu zijn rust en heb ik mijn vrijheid.’
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 18
Technology at its very best...or is it?
After having dug to a depth of 5 meters last year, British scientists found traces of
copper wire dating back over 200 years and came to the conclusion that their
ancestors already had a working telephone network around that time.
Not to be outdone by the British, in the months that followed, an American
Archaeologist dug to depth of 7 meters and shortly after, a story published in the New
York Times: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper
wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech
communications network around 50 years earlier than the British".
One week later, Australia’s Northern Territory Times reported the following:
"After digging as deep as 10 meters in his backyard in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory,
Knacker Johnson, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing.
Johnson has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Australia had already gone wireless."
Makes ya feel flaming PROUD to be AUSTRALIAN! Have a GREAT DAY.
Congratulations to
the new Dutch King
and Queen Maxima
King's Day to be celebrated
on 27 April from 2014
From 2014 onwards, King's Day
will be celebrated on 27 April,
the official birthday of the
Prince of Orange and
King Willem-Alexander.
In 2014 it will be celebrated by the
Royal Family in Amstelveen and
De Rijp.
These municipalities will be able to
use the programme that has already
been developed for the celebration
of Queen's Day on 30 April this
year, which will assume a different
character because of the abdication
and investiture.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 19
Maak je geen zorgen over verleidingen, die verdwijnen bij het ouder worden vanzelf.
No Laughing Matter...or may we smile a while!
A man gets a telephone call from a doctor. The doctor says: "About this medical test
I did on you, I have some good news and some bad news." The man asks for the good
news first: "The good news is that you have 24 hours to live," says the doctor. The man,
incredulously: "If that is the good news, then what is the bad news??" "I couldn't reach
you on the phone yesterday."
Three guys are convicted of a very serious crime, and they're all sentenced to
twenty years in solitary confinement. They're each allowed one thing to bring into the
cell with them. The first guy asks for a big stack of books. The second guy asks for
his wife. And the third guy asks for two hundred cartons of cigarettes. At the end of
the twenty years, they open up the first guy's cell. He comes out and says, "I studied
so hard. I'm so bright now, I could be a lawyer. It was terrific." They open up the second
guy's door. He comes out with his wife, and they've got five new kids. He says.
"It was the greatest thing of my life. My wife and I have never been so close. I have a
beautiful new family. I love it." They open up the third guy's door, and he's slapping at
his pockets, going "Anybody got a match?"
Het heeft 100 tanden en maar twee ogen? - Een krokodil
Het heeft 100 ogen en maar twee tanden? - Een bus bejaarden
Het toppunt van zelfvertrouwen? - Een windje laten als je diarree hebt.
Er zijn 6 doden bij een auto-ongeluk in België:
3 bij het ongeluk, en 3 bij de reconstructie.
Waarom krijgen we over 20 jaar oorlog met België?
Dan begrijpen ze onze moppen pas!
Grandpa Jones was celebrating his 100th birthday and everybody complimented
him on how athletic and well-preserved he appeared. "Gentlemen, I will tell you the
secret of my success," he cackled. "I have been in the open air, day after day, for some 75
years now." The visitors were impressed and asked how he managed to keep up his
rigorous fitness regime. "Well, you see my wife and I were married 75 years ago.
On our wedding night, we made a solemn pledge. Whenever we had a fight,
the one who was proved wrong would go outside and take a walk."
Hoe kan je weten of je te dik bent?
Als je na het zwemmen op een naaktstrand gaat liggen en een
Greenpeace-activist je terug in zee probeert te rollen.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 20
The editor received an email from Foppe Brouwer that he no longer wishes to write
the Marmong Instuif news in the Concordia news. We regret his decision but we like to
thank Foppe of informing the Dutch Community about the welfare and happenings
of the by now famous Marmong Instuif including its many visitors. Not forgetting
the just claim that they serve the best coffee this side of Newcastle.
Foppe has decided that he wants to write his own Instuif and meditation news for
those that visit the ‘Instuif’ only. We really hope that this situation can be reversed
for the benefit of all the Dutch members and not only for those that visit the Instuif.
This Concordia news is designed for all of the Concordia members but also for
many other readers. On behalf of the committee we like to ask you to encourage
Foppe to reverse his decision for the benefit of all the Dutch people in this area. This
development will be on our agenda at the next Committee meeting in May. Editor
People always say that they want a new life or
the chance to start all over.
Well the truth is, you get that chance everyday
but you choose not to change it.
St. Mary’s Dutch Festival - Best event in the West
On Saturday the 30th of March four ladies from Newcastle caught an early train to
Strathfield, than another train to St Marys where we were collected by a volunteer
driver Johan and driven to the Rembrandt Dutch Club in St. Mary’s. Entry to the
festival was free. Those that attended from Newcastle were Mary King, Ann Beckers,
Maria Richardson and my self, Lucia. The four of us enjoyed a wonderful day. We
also noticed other members from Concordia as well. Ann Beckers met her daughter at
the festival and I had a daughter and grand-daughter visiting the Dutch festival.
There was plenty of Dutch Food available such as poffertjes, Kroketten, boerenkool
met rookworst etc. etc. We enjoyed a variety of Dutch music and all those people that
brought some kids were certainly not forgotten. There was also a clog-making
demonstration and some men with beautiful turned wood products on show etc.
All in all, there were lots of people and there was a very pleasant atmosphere. We
had a great day in de Rembrandt club in St. Mary’s on Saturday 30th March. We
certainly expect a larger contingent next year. Lucia Reynders
Vrede brengen is vrede ontvangen
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 21
p 5 mei 2013 viert Nederland voor de 68e keer het einde van de Tweede
Wereldoorlog in Nederland en het voormalig Nederlands-Indië. Sinds 1990 is
5 mei tot jaarlijkse Nationale Feestdag in Nederland uitgeroepen, De dag waarop we
de 'verjaardag van de herwonnen vrijheid' feestelijk vieren.
Naast feest is 5 mei ook een dag met inhoud. Een dag om te beseffen dat vrijheid en
democratie niet vanzelfsprekend zijn. Dat het in stand houden en delen van vrijheid
de verantwoordelijkheid is van iedereen. Het is een dag om mensen te motiveren hun
steentje bij te dragen aan het beschermen en verstevigen van de vrijheid in het
algemeen en solidair te zijn met alle slachtoffers van onvrijheid elders in de wereld.
Het kunnen samenleven in vrijheid en zonder angst voor rechteloosheid gaat
iedereen aan. Iedereen, ongeacht verschillen in religie, politieke overtuiging, sekse,
leeftijd of culturele herkomst. 5 mei is daarom bij uitstek een Nationale Feestdag die
mensen bindt in een samenleving die door een steeds grotere diversiteit wordt
gekenmerkt. Een feestdag die daarom ook in de komende eeuw actueel en relevant
blijft voor álle Nederlanders. Zolang de idealen van vrijheid en vrede niet overal
gerealiseerd zijn, is 5 mei ook de dag om ons in te zetten voor de vrijheid van
anderen, elders in de wereld. Met deze invulling wordt 5 mei steeds meer van
Bevrijdingsdag uit de 20e eeuw tot ‘dag van de vrijheid’ in de 21e eeuw.
We sloten op 31 December 1999 een zeer gewelddadige eeuw af. Als het gaat over
negatieve ervaringen, toont de twintigste eeuw nietsontziend aan dat mensen in staat
zijn elkaar op grote schaal en met behulp van de nieuwste technieken uit te moorden
en elkaar het leven onmogelijk te maken. De afgelopen eeuw met zijn twee
wereldoorlogen en talloze andere bloedige conflicten, leert ons dat mensen tot alle
gruwelijkheden in staat zijn, overal en iedereen. Oorlog is tenslotte mensenwerk. De
menselijke beschaving blijkt makkelijk te kunnen scheuren en plaats te maken voor
nietsontziende wreedheid en geweld. Ook zien we in de laatste eeuw dat politieke
idealen die werden gegoten in strakke ideologieën, miljoenen mensen de dood in
hebben gejaagd. Het was de eeuw van (burger) oorlogen waarbij mensen
systematisch werden vervolgd en vermoord in naam van een ideologie.
Als de afgelopen eeuw ons iets leert, is het wel om wantrouwend te zijn jegens elk
ideaal waarbij niet ieder individueel mens, zonder onderscheid, in zijn waardigheid
wordt gerespecteerd. Voor de Nederlandse samenleving is het met name de Tweede
Wereldoorlog geweest die op ingrijpende wijze duidelijk maakt hoe onmenselijk een
leven zonder vrede en vrijheid is. Het is van groot belang om de ervaringen uit (deze)
(Continued on page 22)
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 22
(Continued from page 21)
oorlog door te geven aan nieuwe generaties. Hen over te dragen dat oorlog iets is
van alle tijden, en overal kan plaatsvinden, ook hier in Australië. En om iedereen
ervan te doordringen dat oorlog mensenlevens kapot maakt, tot in volgende
generaties. Naast het levend houden van deze negatieve herinnering, is het van even
groot belang om ook stil te staan bij de vele positieve initiatieven die mensen kunnen
nemen om oorlog en onderdrukking te voorkomen. Na het besef dat oorlog
mensenwerk is, komt het inzicht dat ook vrede en vrijheid het werk van mensen is.
Het is stimulerend om de positieve inzichten te benoemen die wij in de loop der
eeuwen hebben ontdekt als fundamenten voor een samenleving in vrijheid en die in de
afgelopen eeuw in vele initiatieven zijn geconcretiseerd: het besef dat ieder mens
recht heeft op een mens- waardig bestaan en gelijke rechten kent; de grote waarde
van democratie als systeem om een samenleving zo in te richten dat iedereen een
stem en verantwoordelijkheid heeft.
Op 4 en 5 mei beseffen we als samenleving hoe belangrijk vrijheid is. Met elkaar
staan we stil bij de grote waarde van vrijheid en tonen we eer aan de slachtoffers die
daarvoor zijn gevallen. Het is het moment om tegen elkaar te zeggen welke goede
dingen de vrijheid ons biedt en wat de eisen zijn die het leven in vrijheid aan ons
stelt. Om het concreet te maken: vrijheid is dat je kunt zeggen, denken, doen en laten
wat je wilt. Het is de voorwaarde om je als mens te kunnen ontplooien. Vrijheid
bestaat alleen bij gratie van anderen die je de ruimte geven en je niet beletten.
Daarmee stelt vrijheid tegelijkertijd de voorwaarde dat jij ervoor zorgt dat jouw
vrijheid niet ten koste van die van anderen gaat en dat niemand buiten de boot valt.
Vrijheid betekent dat je verantwoordelijkheid draagt voor jouw handelen en de
consequenties daarvan voor anderen. In vrijheid met elkaar leven betekent altijd
geven en nemen, om er samen van te kunnen profiteren. Nadat wij de terroristische
ervaring in Amerika zo doelbewust hebben meegemaakt zullen wij de 11de
September en de gevolgen van deze daden zeer zeker nooit meer vergeten. Zo is het
ook met de conflicten in het Midden Oosten, Iran en Noord Korea. Gelijk zitten wij
allemaal weer met ons handen in het haar omdat de gevolgen van deze oorlog niet te
overzien zijn. Het Midden Oosten is een Kruidvat dat op springen staat. Wij voelen
het zeker in onze portemonnee met de olie prijzen die iedere dag zachtjes omhoog
gaan. Zullen wij ooit leren van de geschiedenis in deze wereld? Heeft U een
antwoord op al deze problemen? Ik zeer zeker niet meer. Ik zal alleen rustig blijven
doorgaan met vrede te zaaien in ons kleine kringetje, als U mij dat toelaat natuurlijk!
The real and lasting victories are those of peace,
and not of war.
Never has there been a good war or a bad peace.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 23
3x Daags een Mop -
Max Tailleur
ax Tailleur was een scheel kijkende Joodse moppentapper, die zijn successen
vooral in de jaren vijftig boekte. Daar wordt tegenwoordig nogal op neergekeken,
want Tailleur ging vaak voor de platte lach, hoewel zijn joodse moppen vaak ook wel
enige diepgang en verborgen melancholie hadden.
Een discussie tussen een rabbijn en een pastoor: "De narigheid als je rabbijn bent", zei
de pastoor, "is dat je nooit hogerop kunt". "En een pastoor dan?" "Die kan bisschop
worden" "En dan?" "Dan kardinaal" "En dan?" "Dan kun je zelfs paus worden" "En
dan?" "Goeie genade", zei de pastoor, "Wat dacht je dat een man kan worden? God?"
Waarop de rabbijn lachend antwoordde: "Waarom niet? Eén van onze jongens is het
De zesjarige Maurits kwam bij zijn grootvader de kamer binnen met een nieuwe
mondharmonica. "Mag ik wat voor u spelen, opa?" "Natuurlijk jongen", zei opa
vertederd. "Je grootvader houdt heel veel van muziek. De muziek heeft eens zelfs mijn leven
gered." "O ja?", vroeg de kleine met grote ogen van verbazing. "Vertel er eens wat
van!" "Het was tijdens de watersnood van 1953," begon opa, "we woonden op Walcheren
en ons huis werd overstroomd. Je oma dreef eruit op de eettafel en ik begeleidde haar op de
Aan de grote Albert Einstein werd gevraagd uit te leggen wat het verschil is tussen
tijd en eeuwigheid. Waarop de geleerde de vrager aandachtig aankeek en heel
bedachtzaam antwoordde: "Als ik de tijd zou nemen om u dat uit te leggen zou het een
eeuwigheid duren".
Sam en Moos wonen in hetzelfde huis. Sam beneden en Moos en zijn vrouw boven.
Moos kan niet slapen. "Wat is er, Moos," vraagt Saar. "Ik kan niet slapen, want ik ben
Sam geld schuldig en morgen moet ik het hem terugbetalen," antwoordt Sam, "maar ik
heb het niet!" "Dat regel ik wel," zegt Saar. Ze loopt de slaapkamer uit en roept naar
beneden: "SAM! Moos is je nog geld schuldig en moet het je morgen terugbetalen, maar
hij heeft het niet!" Ze gaat weer terug de slaapkamer in en zegt tegen Moos: "Zo, en nu
kan hij ook niet meer slapen."
You s hould do some s oul -se arc hing. You might just find one!
Some people are never satisfied...
A customer was continually bothering the waiter in a restaurant. First, he asked that
the air conditioning be turned up because he was too cold, then he asked that it be
turned down because he was too hot, and so it went for about a half an hour.
Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient. He walked back and forth and never once
got angry. Finally, a second customer asked the waiter why he didn't throw out the
pest. "Oh, I don't care," said the waiter with a smile.
"We don't even have an air conditioner."
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 24
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 25
Ons ziekenhoekje
We all know someone facing up to this dreaded disease called cancer,
some of us want a new house…A new car… a new mobile phone…
lose weight…but someone battling cancer wants only one thing,
to win the biggest battle of their lives.
“There’s Mothers Day, Father’s Day, Secretary’s day….Where the heck is Dog’s Day?”
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 26
De leukste moppen staan in uw Concordia Blad
rots vertelt Karel aan zijn vriend: ”Moet je horen, ik ben vader geworden!” Zegt de
vriend enthousiast: “Gefeliciteerd! En gaat het goed met je vrouw?” Zegt Karel: “Nu
gaat het nog wel, ik heb het haar echter nog niet verteld.”
Een man gaat naar de dokter en zegt: ”Ik kan ‘s avonds niet goed slapen. Ik heb steeds
van die vreemde dromen.” “Wat droomt u dan allemaal?” vraagt de dokter. “Ik zie een
hoop schapen die aan het voetballen zijn.” “Oké”, zegt de dokter, “ik geef u pillen en die
moet u vanaf vandaag slikken.” “Kan ik die pillen ook niet vanaf morgen gebruiken?”
vraagt de man. “Waarom?” reageert de dokter verbaasd. “Het zit namelijk zo”
antwoordt de man, “vanavond spelen ze de finale.”
Er zitten twee zwervers op een bank in het park. De ene legt een dollar op de bank.
Waarop de andere vraagt: “Waarom doe je dat?” Waarop de eerste antwoordt: “Ik wil
eens voelen hoe het is om geld op de bank te hebben.”
Een gek is ontslagen uit het gekkenhuis en gaat bij zijn broer op bezoek. De gek is
nog geen kwartier bij zijn broer of hij staat al op de tafel te roepen: “Ik ben een lamp!
Ik ben een lamp!” Zijn broer belt naar het gekkenhuis en klaagt: “Mooi is dat! Mijn
broer is nog geen kwartier binnen en hij staat al op de tafel te roepen dat hij een lamp is.”
“Stuur hem maar weer terug”, zegt de telefoniste van het gekkenhuis. Waarop de broer
reageert: “Geen denken aan ! Dan heb ik geen licht meer!”
Een man komt een politiekantoor binnen en zegt tegen de dienstdoende agent: “Ik
heb begrepen dat de inbreker die in ons huis heeft ingebroken gearresteerd is. Ik wil graag
even een woordje met hem spreken.” De agent: “Ik begrijp dat u kwaad bent meneer, maar
dit kan ik natuurlijk niet toestaan.” “Nee, u begrijpt me verkeerd”, zegt de man, “ik wil
alleen maar van hem weten hoe hij binnen is gekomen, zonder mijn vrouw wakker te
On the front page ziet u de officiële staatsfoto van Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid
Koning Willem Alexander en Koningin Maxima.
Nu ons nieuwe Koningspaar sinds 30 April 2013.
Kijk om je heen en je zult zien,
dat de mooiste dingen gratis zijn.
We have enough gun control,
what we need is idiot control.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 27
CONCORDIA’s Social Calendar for 2013
Saturday 18th May - 2013
A very special occasion day - Prince Willem-Alexander enthroned as
the first King in the Netherlands in 123 years. We also reflect on
4th May commemoration - 5th May Liberation day & Mothers Day.
A special commemoration & celebration woven into one.
Saturday 20th July - 2013
Midwinter celebration - Nederlandse gezelligheid op zijn best !
We like you to join us for the second part of ‘living in the 50s’ & much more.
Saturday 21st September - 2013
Concordia celebrates her 56th Birthday - Kom eens heerlijk genieten
Saturday 26th October - 2013
Concordia’s 56th Annual General Meeting - Place to be advised.
Saturday 7th December - 2013
Concordia celebrates the arrival of St. Nicholas at Marmong Park
Saturday 21st December - 2013
A very special Dutch traditional Christmas afternoon.
Not to be missed - One of the busiest functions of the year
Book early to avoid disappointment.
D E A D L I N E next issue - 15th JUNE 2013
Copy for the next issue must be in the Editors hands by the above mentioned date.
Copy received after that date will be included in the September - October 2013 issue.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 28
2013 the last Queens Birthday - 2014 we Celebrate Kings Day
0th April we celebrate Queens Birthday wherever we reside, a tradition
going back many years and continued by Queen Beatrix as a mark of respect to
her mother.
H.R.H. Princess Juliana was called Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina of the
Netherlands, Princess of Oranje-Nassau, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,
Princess of Lippe-Biesterfeld. Princes Juliana was born on April 30, 1909, at the
Noordeinde Palace in The Hague as the only child of Queen Wilhelmina of the
Netherlands and Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
In the month’s of May on the 4th and 5th to be precise, The Netherlands has its
own way of commemorating the Second World War and celebrating the country's
liberation from five years of occupation. Unlike most countries, the Netherlands sets
aside two days to mark these events. The first is a day of solemn commemoration;
the second a day of public rejoicing with the young at the centre of attention. After a
day of looking back at the past, the nation turns its hopes to the future.
Since the end of the Second World War, Dutch people have observed 4th May as a
day of reflection wherever they live, it is a National day to honour all victims of war.
At eight o'clock in the evening the country unites in commemorating the civilians and
members of the armed forces who lost their lives in all the wars - to give us peace.
In marking the country's liberation from oppression more than half a century ago,
we celebrate the freedoms we enjoy today. Unlike other countries, the Netherlands
draws inspiration from this dark period in history to focus on the present and the
future. That's what makes these two days so important. Unlike most countries, the
Netherlands does not mark the occasion with large military parades. People all over
the country gather at war memorials in their own communities, and at the stroke of
eight the entire country observes a two-minute silence. We hope you remember this.
On Saturday 18th May we are planning a special afternoon at the Cardiff RSL and
the “Eastern Tiger restaurant” The afternoon is in dedication to the Crowing of His
Royal Highness The King of Orange and Queen Máxima. We hope to see as many
people as possible. We hope, when our deadline for booking approaches, to have
sufficient room as we’ve only 100 seats available. We also need to know the total
numbers for the restaurant as to order sufficient food and for the RSL to set-up the
tables & chairs for all who like to attend. It, in turn, helps your committee to plan
and organise this event and of course it’s a courtesy to the various people involved.
See you on Saturday 18th May, 2013 for a very special Royal Saturday afternoon.
Get dressed in some orange, if not, bring a big smile, Joop
Some cause happiness wherever they go.
Others whenever they go!
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 29
Eulogy & Celebration of Jonny Vanson
From his loving Daughter Wendy
e want to begin by thanking all of you for coming here today to honour a
brother, our father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Jonny Vanson.
Our father, Jonny Vanson, known to many as Jon, was born on 20th December 1920 in
Nijmegen which is a city in the middle eastern side of Holland otherwise known as
The Netherlands. He was born to Johannes Cornelis van Son and Johannna Jacoba van
Son - (nee Bontes). His sister Kitty wasn’t born for almost another 10 years on 25
April 1931.
So being an only child for such a long time, he learned to keep himself occupied. He
loved playing with his meccano sets, building things, creating, learned the piano,
piano accordion and organ. He also played in a band called “The 21 club” during the
When World War 2 broke out, Holland became occupied. One particular event of
that time, that he told us, stuck in my mind. One evening, Dad and his family were
sitting down to dinner. All was well, then someone felt the need to go down to the
basement. (I’m no longer sure whether it was Dad or another family member). Anyway,
they all moved out of the room and headed towards the basement. It was very soon
after that, that a bombshell hit the room and exploded at the very table where they
had just been sitting. How fortunate for the family and for us they were all okay.
Another event of course was how Dad met Mum. In those days of the war you
were not allowed to congregate in large groups. Dad was part of a walking group. On
this particular day, the walking group, I guess, was too big and he was arrested along
with other members. It was in the holding cell where he met Thea van der Drift (our
mum). They seemed to hit it off and they eventually became engaged in 1944 and
married on Remembrance Day, 11 November 1948.
Dad had studied to be a commercial artist but with work being difficult to find at
that time, they decided to migrate – a time for adventure. They had a choice of
America, Canada, or Australia. They chose sunny Australia and so they arrived in
Sydney aboard the Norwegian ship ‘Skaubryn’ in the summer of 1952.
One of their first jobs was on a farm at Merriwa owned by John Fairfax. Within a
week Dad came down with the flu. But he enjoyed the experience on the farm and
learned to ride a horse. From there Dad had other jobs, one of which was at the BHP
in Newcastle/Mayfield (as a lot of migrants did). It was not his cup of tea though, so
again he tried work elsewhere. For example working at Davis and Cannington in
Newcastle as a commercial artist.
Around the late ‘50s/early ‘60s, Mum and Dad settled in Toronto. Their first
(Continued on page 31)
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 30
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CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 31
(Continued from page 29)
child Belinda was stillborn. Then came Paul born in 1959. He was very much loved
and doted on as many of the early photos show. Rodderick unfortunately lived only a
number of hours. Then finally Wendy came along in 1963.
Dad continued to try his hand at other work like piano tuning and teaching piano
(first at people’s homes then from his studio). Finally dad got a full-time job at The
University of Newcastle as a General Library Assistant. Here he worked happily till
he retired in 1986.
For many years, Dad played the piano and then organ and piano accordion in a
number of bands: including The Flying Dutchmen, also The Stantones - generally on
Saturday nights at various functions. I will always remember with great fondness of
the Dutch Dance nights that Dad played at when I was a child. Everyone having a
great time singing, dancing, and then I would fall asleep upon a pillow that Mum had
brought and propped up along a sidewall.
It was hard for Dad to lose Mum in 2003 but with his music and art and the garden
to work in, there was always something to occupy him and find enjoyment from. In
recent years he was collecting the weather photos out of the newspaper. He said it
was always a wonder for him – the colour, the landscapes, nature and cloud
formations – it would be great to paint he said. So when I looked up at the sky last
Saturday afternoon I could just imagine him out there somewhere painting that sky.
Dad also had a great gift of writing and what an achievement. Like most kids, Jon
wasn’t really interested in school in the beginning; he had more important things to
do. Apparently his handwriting was not very good, so his father would often sit down
with him after dinner and they would practice writing.
For most of his life our father had very beautiful printed writing and was precise just
as his father had taught him. A lot of the catalogue numbers on the spines of books at
the University of Newcastle still bear this print.
Like most things he would take great care and be precise in whatever project he
undertook, whether it may be, art, music, the garden, making something, Jon would
take time and patience to ensure a job well done.
A very loving man he was, who believed strongly in respect and tolerance for all
human beings and animals and nature. Even though he was busy with his projects
(and he could be on it for many hours), if you had a problem, most often, he would stop
and take time to listen and help you fix something.
He was a man with a very warm heart, always ready with a sense of humour (even
when he was sick in hospital) and would go out of his way to help you if he could. A
happy soul, always trying to see the positives in life. Always liked to see people smile
and laugh. That’s why he enjoyed playing music for people – he loved to see people
happy, dancing and having a good time – this in turn brought him enjoyment.
(Continued on page 32)
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(Continued from page 31)
He grew up in a loving family, where you work hard and you focus on doing it well.
Sometimes it was hard for Thea (our mum) because there were times he would not
come in for dinner till a couple of hours later till he had completed, up to a point,
whatever it was. But we loved him just the same, came to understand and accepted
him – dad the achiever.
Dad was very creative. As a commercial artist by trade, he loved art. At every
opportunity he liked to draw characters. I remember Dad carefully drawing a face in
a new tub of margarine. Or he would see something in our mashed potato or his own
and develop it with his knife into an animal or a face. He loved things like that and to
make us smile. Even the garden in the front and backyards over the years became
‘Living Pictures’ as mum called it.
Later on Jon undertook painting as a hobby. He tried different mediums: oils,
acrylic, gouache, pen and ink etc, until he finally settled for watercolours as his main
choice. Always trying to improve his techniques and then passing on what he learned
in classes that he taught.
Many of our birthday cards and Mother’s Day cards would be made extra special
by his lovely writing and a character drawing relating to something that had
happened recently or during the year.
As most of you who knew Jon, Dad loved his music and loved playing music. His
taste in music had quite a variety. Usually it was something that was happy and
uplifting or something meaningful. This he usually found in swing or jazz, and easy
listening. However, my brother Paul did say that there was a song or two that Dad did
not mind from Deep Purple and Black Sabbath which Paul himself was into. But,
Dad’s absolute favourite were the 6/8 marches such as the song 76 Trombones – they
were the toe-tappers we called them.
This past year Dad and I were into watching Gene Kelly movies from the 40s.
Dad would often say could we put another one on, even though we’ve seen them
many times. Looking back on it, I see that a lot of himself and the music he liked was
in those movies – so I’ll always have something to share with him.
I guess to sum our father up, he wanted everyone to be kind to each other, to spend
time with one another, and to really look at life and behold and appreciate its beauty.
To lift one’s spirit through the joy of music and song and dance – for Life is a
Thank you Dad, Pa and Opa, for a caring and wonderful life. We will miss you
greatly, but we will remember your love and find strength in our memories.
We shall love you and mum always. Tot Ziens! Till we meet again!
Niet de dood staat centraal, maar het leven.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 33
Alleen maar jezelf willen zijn
in een wereld die dag en nacht
probeert om je als alle andere te laten zijn, betekent dat je het
hardste gevecht moet leveren waartoe een menselijk wezen in
staat is,
en nooit stoppen met vechten.
Een nieuwe trend in Nederland is de klompfiets.
Stevig gemaakt van fiberglas met genoeg ruimte om heel
patriottisch 2 kinderen of al de boodschappen te vervoeren.
De top 4 tradities die men jaarlijks blijft handhaven in het buitenland:
Sinterklaas - in groepsverband of met het gezellige pakjesavond.
Kerstmis met zijn oude vertrouwde Hollandse tradities
Oudejaarsavond met oliebollen - appelflappen enz.
De verjaardag van de Koningin op Koninginnedag, dit jaar voor de laatste
keer op 30 April in Nederland en Concordia op 18 Mei in de Cardiff RSL.
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 34
First prize comments from our 2012 Christmas Raffle
Het regent, het zegent, de pannetjes worden nat! We are on our way to ‘Lake
Haven Castle’ to enjoy four days away from it all. We won this as the first prize in
the 2012 Concordia Christmas raffle. Thanks to our GPS we easily found ‘The
Castle’ not far from Lake Haven Shopping Centre. We were welcomed by Pieter
Hofman who showed us the cottage next to the Castle. Nice cottage, which has
plenty of room and beds for a large family, with everything in it one needs for a
comfortable stay. We were glad it was all there because outside the rain kept on
falling in buckets. So we settled in, relaxed, read books, watched T.V. yes BVN as
well, ate too much perhaps and slept like babies.
On the last day we braved the rain to see Pieter and Glenda, who was laid up by a
broken ankle, to thank them for their generosity to donate the prize. You cannot
order the weather but a "weertje blijf binnen" is sometimes "gezellig" too. We enjoyed
this brief stay and we whole heartily recommend Lake Haven Castle to anyone.
Much appreciated and thanks to all. Therese & John van Lier.
I n n ie t s g a a t z o v e e l t ij d z i t t e n a l s in n a d e n k e n
Jesus, Lord of Divine Mercy, I trust in you.
Celebrating the life of
Wilma Viset
Wilma passed away on 15th April 2013.
Wilma will be greatly missed by her children Tony, Maureen and Warren
Her grandchildren Alyce, Jarryd, Timothy and Thomas
and all her family and friends.
Wilma loved socialising and being part of the Dutch community.
She especially loved her Instuif group and the Klaverjassers.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Antonia and Lucia for
attending the celebration of my mum's life and speaking so fondly of her at the
service, THANK YOU!!
My mum enjoyed socialising within the Dutch community and especially playing
cards. She loved her Klaverjassen and the Instuif group.
Thank you for always making her feel welcome.
Thank you for being a big part of my mum's life. I know she will be missed by
you guys just as much as we will be missing her.
Thank you again and wish you all happiness and good health, Maureen McDonnell
CONCORDIA May - June 2013 edition - PAGE 35
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