Internship - TU Delft Studentenportal
Internship - TU Delft Studentenportal
id557x - 2013-2014 Internship Industrieel Ontwerpen Course manual Printing instructions For easy reading please follow the instructions below: • print this course manual double sided and without scaling and rotating etc. and include the appendices A1-A3. A4 is for international students from outside the EU only. • cut away the bottom half of the main manual including appendix 1 and 2 and staple them together. • keep appendix 3 safe for evaluation purposes, your company mentor will fill it out during an evaluation meeting at the end of your internship. You now have a handy course manual which you can keep with you during your internship. Content Introduction 1 Objectives 1 Education method 1 Duration and Credits 1 Grading 2 Enrollment 2 Deliverables 3 Organise your internship: Steps to take 3 Internship report 6 Information for international students 7 Insurance8 Appendices: •Links A1 • Articles 8.1 and 10.2 of the OER concerning internship A2 • Review forms A3 • Immigration procedures for students from outside the EU A4 • Flyer: ‘Going abroad? Let us know!’ A5 Introduction Internship is an elective course of the Master programme of Industrial Design Engineering. Its purpose is to provide an introduction into the professional practice of industrial design. You will have to perform full time professional activities relevant to your Master programme in cooperation with a company or design studio. This course manual will try to answer most of the questions you might have about this elective. Objectives At the end of the internship you will have: • seen how product development or related research takes place within a company or design studio • gained insight into future career possibilities and personal preferences. Education method The internship elective is self study. There is no guidance available but when you have questions you can contact the internship coordinator ( or walk by his office (B-3-080). You don’t have to make an appointment when you have only a few questions. Duration and Credits An internship in the Netherlands (ID5572) lasts at least 6 weeks (30 days) and is rewarded with 9 ECTS. An internship abroad (ID5573) lasts at least 8 weeks (40 days) and is rewarded with 12 ECTS. This elective can 1 be done on a part-time basis however you need approval of the internship coordinator and you will have to work for at least 3 consecutive days a week. Grading The internship is not graded, you will get a ‘V’ in Osiris meaning that you passed the course. Futhermore it will not interfere with your grade average. Enrollment Before the start of the internship you have to enroll by filling out the application form which you can find on the internship website ( or use this direct link: Important: • The internship must be approved of by the internship coordinator at least 5 work days before the start of the internship. You will not receive credits when you do not comply! • When the internship takes place abroad you need to register your contact details in the Osiris Stay abroad module! (see flyer attached to this manual). 2 Deliverables A brief internship report (10-15 pages) describing: When your internship took place abroad add a • your goals chapter about: • experiences and insight gained during the • cultural differences internship • housing • the tasks you performed • traveling • the company • etcetera. • etcetera. A filled out and signed review form (appendix A4) by your company mentor. Organise your internship: Steps to take The following steps should be taken to organize your internship: 3 In more detail 1. Gather information a. When, where and with what kinds of companies do you want to do your internship with? b. When you want to go abroad check sites of Wilweg, TU Delft Buitenland and the Ministery of Foreign Affairs, etcetera (see links appendix 1). c. Talk with fellow students, teachers and/or the internship coordinator. 2. Contact companies a. Make a portfolio, write your résumé and motivation letter. Find more about writing a résumé and motivation letter on the websites of the Qompas Student Career Service and Intermediair. On the internship website you can find more information about writing a portfolio. Especially the document by Charles Ingrey-Senn is very informative, with a lot of tips from an employers point of view. b. Make a selection of companies, design studios, etc. you want to work with. Check the internship website or check the bulletin board at the entrance of the faculty. You can make use of a search engine to locate businesses as well. c. Start approaching companies. Send them your personalised motivation letter with your résumé and portfolio. Explain why you want to do an internship with their company and what you would like to learn. E-mail is almost always an acceptable and even preferred way to apply for an internship. When you apply for an internship abroad be sure to include information about the faculty and your Master program. 3. Make arrangements a. Inform the internship coordinator that you have a positive response. b. Arrange for: 4 −− period, start and end dates, assignments and compensation (€) with the company −− legal rights (internship contract) −− insurance (health, liability), see Insurance on page 8 −− grants c. When you go abroad think of: −− checking for travel advise with the Ministery of Foreign Affairs. Important: When the country you want to visit is considered unsafe your are not allowed to do this internship, it will not be approved and you will not receive credits. −− visa, insurance (health, liability, travel), vaccination (via internship coordinator), working permit (via company). −− informing people around you that you will be gone, for how long and where to reach you. −− subletting your room, renting a room (company might be able to help you). −− contacting IB-Groep and filling out the relevant forms. −− following a language course and the course ‘Intercultural Communication’. −− adding your contact information to Orisis Stay abroad module. It is obligatory since Jan. 1, 2011. d. Enroll via the form on the internship website (, Aanmelden/Enroll in menu) or use this direct link: at least 5 work days before the start of the internship (important when you want to receive credits). 4. Go! a. Inform the internship coordinator that you have started your internship at the company and keep him up to date on contact information. b. Learn as much as you can during your internship. Schedule an evaluation meeting with the company mentor after a few weeks. Ask your colleagues whenever you want to know more. Be assertive 5 and ask is you want to do/see things they are not offering. For instance if you would like to join a colleague who is visiting clients or other companies, certain tasks you would like to help with, etc. c. Make a short log of every work day or start writing your internship report during your time at the company. Take pictures to include in the report. d. Give your company mentor the review form (appendix A3) near the end of your internship and schedule a final evaluation meeting. 5. Finish a. Inform the internship coordinator that you are back. b. Finish your internship report and send it to the company mentor for approval. After approval hand in the report with the internship coordinator so he can schedule a meeting with you to evaluate your internship. This meeting will take about 25 minutes and usually takes place in his office: 32 B-3-080. Internship report The internship report should be brief, about 10-15 pages, describing: your goals, experiences and insight gained during the internship, a description of the tasks you performed, pictures/examples of your work, a description of the company, and so on. Add a chapter about cultural differences, housing, traveling, etc. when the internship took place abroad. The report can be in Dutch unless the internship took place abroad, then the preferred language is English. Mail a digital copy of your report to the internship coordinator ( and put a paper version with the filled out review form in his mailbox (next to the secretary office of the department Design Engineering, 32 B-3-090). The report will be the basis of the evaluation meeting. 6 Information for international students International student are entitled to do an internship as well but please check with your study advisor and the international office first. Also check the Nuffic website (appendix A1), download the contract, read it well and follow the instructions. Also print appendix A4 in this document to inform your company mentor why they need to keep the contract and a copy of your passport at the company during your internship. Some companies require a ‘Burger Service Nummer’ (BSN), a special 9 digit registration code you received when you applied for your visa. This code is needed when dealing with the Dutch Government. If you didn’t receive the code with your visa application please visit City Hall and ask for it before the start of you internship. Exchange students from outside the EU are not allowed to do an internship on their visa. The internship company will have to apply for a work permit which takes about 10 weeks (5 weeks for publication of the internship and 5 weeks for the application of the work permit) prior to the start of the internship. The following link opens a document in Dutch with more information for the company: pucs/groups/public/documents/document/wdo_009631.doc. It contains information, a checklist, rules and regulations and the application form to apply for a work permit. If you are an international student and want to do an internship abroad but within the EU please inform the company so they can make necessary arrangements with their government when applicable. The Dutch rules do not always apply to other countries. For internships in Germany there is a special page on the website. 7 Insurance It is very important to check with your insurance companies if your insurances cover internships. Sometimes they don’t cover because you get an allowance, sometimes the insurance doesn’t cover because you go abroad, etc. Important insurances to check are: health insurance, liability insurance and when you go abroad you need to check your travel insurance as well. IPS Lippmann provides a good and cheap insurance. When you still have a question… …mail your internship coordinator or walk by his office and he will try to help you. 8 Appendices Appendix A1, Links For more information about internships here a short list of websites. There is a more complete list available on the IO internship website. • IO internship website • Qompas Student Career Service, information about writing a résumé, a motivation letter and much more • Intermediair magazine, information about writing a résumé and much more • Wilweg, more information about internships abroad • TU Delft abroad website with more information about internships abroad and grants • Ministery of Foreign Affairs, travel advise and a lot of tips Important: when the ministery has a negative travel advise the internship will not be approved. • Nuffic, a website for Dutch students about internships and study abroad and for international students about study, internship and working in the Netherlands • IPS-Lippmann, website of a good and cheap insurance • Sublet your room? A1 Appendix A2, Articles 8.1 and 10.2 of the OER concerning internships In the past there has been some trouble with students taking an internship via other faculties. The OER (Teaching and Examination Regulations) now contains a few articles specifically about the internship elective which clearly state that this elective must be done at IDE in order to receive credits. Here a preliminary version of the text as proposed by the Board of Examiners for the OER of 2009-2010: Article 8 – Electives and admission requirements 1. Electives, within the meaning of sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Implementing Regulations, can be offered by the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (refer to the list of electives that is published in the (digital) Masters’ Guide) or by another faculty within or outside The Netherlands of an equivalent level. An exception to this regulation applies to an internship, see article 10.2. Article 10 – Electives and internships outside the faculty 2. Students who take an internship outside the faculty as their elective shall receive not more than 9 ECTS for the elective. A maximum of 12 ECTS shall be awarded for an internship outside The Netherlands. An internship taken in the framework of an IDE master program is to be offered exclusively by the IDE Faculty and will be registered as an IDE elective. A2 Appendix A3, Review forms A3 EvaSys ID557x - Internship bedrijfevaluatie 2013-2014 (NL) Technische Universiteit Delft Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen Stagecoördinator: Marco Bolleboom Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft Mark as shown: Gelieve in te vullen met een ball-pen. Dit formulier wordt automatisch verwerkt. Correction: Gelieve correcties aan te brengen volgens het voorbeeld links om de scanresultaten te optimaliseren. 1. Beoordelingsadvies stage Op papier in te vullen door de stagebegeleider van het bedrijf en op papier te retourneren aan de stagecoördinator. De stagecoördinator heeft een afrondend gesprek met de student. 2. Studentgegevens 2.1 Naam student 2.2 Studienummer 2.3 2.4 Opleiding Specialisatie (indien van toepassing) DfI Medisign IPD Automotive SPD Retail 3. Bedrijfsgegevens 3.1 Naam organisatie en afdeling 3.2 Naam stagebegeleider binnen bedrijf 3.3 E-mail 4. Stage 4.1 Onderwerp van de stage 4.2 Stageperiode gestart per 4.3 Stageperiode beëindigd per F3911U0P1PL0V0 06.12.2012, Page 1/2 EvaSys ID557x - Internship bedrijfevaluatie 2013-2014 (NL) 5. Algemeen functioneren e ze rg d ed oe go de 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 en de ig at en m do 5.3 do l vo l vo on 5.1 5.2 Hoe gaat de student om met de verantwoordelijkheden? Hoe heeft u de motivatie, interesse en het enthousiasme van de student ervaren? Hoe beoordeelt u de achtergrondkennis (theoretisch en praktisch) van de student? Is de student initiatiefrijk? Pikt de student nieuwe vaardigheden en kennis snel op? Toont de student zelfstandigheid? Is de student productief? 6. Praktische vaardigheden 6.1 6.2 6.3 Is de student praktisch vaardig? Toont de student een kritische houding? Heeft de student een logische en gestructureerde manier van werken? 7. Verslaglegging ze er t. ed v. n. go e ed nd go oe ig at 7.2 m e nd oe ld ld vo vo on 7.1 Heeft de student het schrijven van een wetenschappelijk rapport onder de knie? Is de student in staat relevante van irrelevante informatie te scheiden? 8. Algemene opmerkingen ed Handtekening stagebegeleider van het bedrijf go 8.6 ed Algehele prestatie van de student; kunt u een classificatie geven: Plaats en datum go 8.4 8.5 e Ziet u de student als een toekomstige collega? nd oe ig at m 8.3 er ld ze vo e nd oe ld vo on Voldeed de student aan de verwachtingen? Heeft u adviezen voor de student wat betreft zijn/haar professionele en/of persoonlijke ontwikkeling? t oe ld vo 8.1 8.2 et ni er ze ed go ed go is .e in m e nd oe ld vo ig at m n aa F3911U0P2PL0V0 06.12.2012, Page 2/2 EvaSys ID557x - Internship 2013-2014 - Company Evaluation form (EN) University of Technology Delft Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Internship coordinator: Marco Bolleboom Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft Mark as shown: Please use a ball-point pen or thin felt tip. This form will be processed automatically. Correction: Please follow the examples shown on the left hand side to help optimize the reading results. 1. Review form internship To be completed on paper by the company supervisor and to be sent on paper to the internship coordinator so he can schedule a meeting with the student to finalise the internship. 2. Student personal details 2.1 Student name 2.2 Student number 2.3 2.4 Programme Specialisation (if applicable) DfI Medisign IPD Automotive SPD Retail 3. Organisation details 3.1 Name organisation and department 3.2 Name company supervisor 3.3 E-mail 4. Internship 4.1 Subject of the internship 4.2 Internship started on 4.3 Internship finished on F3910U0P1PL0V0 06.12.2012, Page 1/2 EvaSys ID557x - Internship 2013-2014 - Company Evaluation form (EN) 5. General skills 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 od go ry ve od go t en ci ffi su e at er od t m en ci ffi su in 5.1 Is the student able to deal with the responsibilities associated with the work? What is the level of the student's motivation, interest and enthousiasm? What is the level of the student's knowledge (theoretical and practical)? Does the student show initiative? Is the student able to implement new skills and knowledge quickly? Is the student capable of working independently? What is the level of the student's productivity? 6. Practical skills 6.1 6.2 6.3 Does the student show practical skills? Does the student show a critical attitude? Does the student show a logical and structured way of working? 7. Reporting ta no lic ab le m od od in go t e at en ci go ffi ry pp ve su t en 7.2 er od ci ffi su m in 7.1 Is the student competent in writing a (scientific) report? Is the student able to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information? 8. General remarks ve od go nt e od go ie ffc ry su at er od t en ci ffi su Did the student meet the expectations? Do you have recommendations for the student concerning his/her personal and professional development? 8.3 Can you imagine the student as a future colleague? 8.4 8.5 Overall performance of the student; please indicate the category: Place and date 8.6 Signature of company supervisor es do 8.1 8.2 no ve od go t od go en e at er eq .r ci ffi ry su od m in lm fil ul tf F3910U0P2PL0V0 06.12.2012, Page 2/2 Appendix A4, Immigration procedures for international students doing an internship A4 Immigration procedures for international students doing an internship If you are an international student who would like to do an internship in the Netherlands, then it is quite likely that you will have to deal with certain immigration procedures. This factsheet explains more about these procedures. Can I work as an intern in the Netherlands? If you are enrolled as a student in the Netherlands or in another country, you may work as an intern. An internship is any work placement or practical training arrangement that aims to give you experience of the world of work while you are studying. If you have already graduated, you will in general not be able to work as an intern in the Netherlands. There are however other ways to gain work experience. You can find more information about this on the Nuffic website: Do I need a work permit if I work as an intern? The internship provider might need a work permit for you. Whether a work permit is needed, depends mostly on your nationality and the country in which you study. In some cases a work permit is not needed; in those cases the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidsinspectie) may require your internship provider (the company where you do your internship) to have an ‘internship agreement’1. What is needed in which situations, is listed below. Category intern Work permit required? Internship agreement required? No Category A You are a national of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or the United Kingdom. No Category B You are a student doing an internship under an action programme of the European Union which is published in the Official Journal of the EU (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci or Erasmus internship). No No 1 The agreement is a formal internship agreement between the intern, the internship provider and the Dutch higher education institution. You can download it from Nuffic’s website. Category C You are a national of Bulgaria or Romania and you are studying at a Dutch higher education institution. No Yes Category D You do not fall under category A, B or C and you are studying in the Netherlands and you are in the possession of a Dutch residence permit with the aim to study. No Yes Category E You do not fall under category A, B, C or D. Yes (apart from exceptions) No Where can I find the internship agreement? There is a special standardized agreement that replaces the work permit in the situations mentioned above. You can find the agreement on the Nuffic website at: traineeships/internship-related-to-a-dutch-study-programme. It is important that the three parties mentioned in the agreement, the student, the institution where the student studies and the internship provider, all sign the agreement. The internship provider must be able to present this agreement to the Labour Inspectorate if asked to do so. Use of this internship agreement is therefore NOT optional: it is compulsory. Where and how do I need to apply for a work permit? Applications for work permits must be submitted by the internship provider. Applications should be sent to the UWV WERKbedrijf in Zoetermeer. The internship provider can download the application form for a work permit from the website of the UWV WERKbedrijf. Although a work permit is merely a formality in this situation, as the UWV WERKbedrijf applies simplified rules (e.g. the employer does not need to show that there are others who are free on the labour market capable of doing the job), it is still required. If the internship provider does not get one, he faces a penalty of up to € 8,000. It might even have consequences for your residency rights in the Netherlands. The application form states which documents have to be included. With regard to interns some additional supporting documents have to be included such as a declaration from your education institution stating that the internship is a necessary part of your programme. Detailed information about what work you will do during the internship must also be included. The UWV WERKbedrijf can provide further information about additional documents that have to be included. Applications are normally processed in about five weeks. Therefore it is important to start the application procedure in time. Do I need to arrange a visa? If you fall under category A, B, C or D, you most probably do not need a visa or you are already in the possession of a visa or a residence permit. If you fall under category E and you are not in the Netherlands yet, you might need a visa to enter the Netherlands. Whether you need a visa to enter the Netherlands depends on your nationality and the length of your stay in the Netherlands. There are two types of visa for the Netherlands: the ‘short stay visa’ (Visum Kort Verblijf or VKV) and ‘the provisional residence permit’ (Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf or MVV). If your stay will be for a period of up to three months, it is likely that you will need a short stay visa (VKV). If your stay will be for a period longer than three months, you will probably need a provisional residence permit (MVV). Once you arrive in the Netherlands you will need to apply for a residence permit, as the MVV is only a visa to enter Holland and is not valid as a visa to stay here for a longer period of time. Take a look at our visa wizard on the Nuffic website to see what rules apply to your situation. If you need a short stay visa, you need to arrange it yourself at the Dutch embassy in your home country or the country where you legally reside. If you need a provisional residence permit, your internship provider can apply for this on your behalf. The application form can be found at the website of the IND. Where can I get more information? If you have questions about work permits, you can contact the UWV WERKbedrijf. Their telephone number is: +31 79 750 29 03. For questions about applying for a visa or a residence permit, you can contact the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) on the following number: + 31 20 889 30 45. If you are already in the Netherlands you can dial the following number: 0900 123 45 61. If you have any other questions, you can also contact the Mobstacles-team at Nuffic: You can also ask this team questions about the internship agreement. The information contained in this publication has been compiled with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, we are unable to guarantee its accuracy or completeness at the time of reading. The information may have been changed or updated. Nuffic cannot accept any liability for these changes. We recommend that you verify the accuracy of the information yourself where appropriate. All intellectual property rights for this publication belong to Nuffic. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in an automated retrieval system or published in any form, without the prior written permission of the author. © Nuffic, July 2011 Nuffic is the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education. Our motto is Linking Knowledge Worldwide. This means linking people, because it’s knowledge that makes us unique as people. Nuffic works in line with Dutch government policy to serve students and higher education institutions in three key areas: Programme Management Administrating international mobility programmes (scholarships) and institutional cooperation programmes. Information Services Providing information about higher education systems in the Netherlands and in other countries; providing credential evaluation services; providing information in the Netherlands about studying abroad, and in other countries about studying in Holland; promoting Dutch higher education in other countries; encouraging international mobility. Expertise Conducting studies into international cooperation in higher education; providing information to expert groups and consultation forums; transferring our knowledge of international cooperation in higher education through courses and seminars. Nuffic Kortenaerkade 11 P.O. Box 29777 2502 LT The Hague The Netherlands t +31 (0)70 42 60 260 f +31 (0)70 42 60 399 A5 Going abroad? Let us know! Ga je in het kader van je studie aan de TU Delft naar het buitenland, dan ben je vanaf 1 januari 2011 verplicht om je contactgegevens in OSIRIS te registreren. From January 1, 2011 you are obliged to register your contact details in OSIRIS, if you are going on a study-related trip abroad. Bij eventuele calamiteiten zal vooral je verzekering - en indien nodig de Nederlandse ambassade - zich voor je inzetten. Maar ook de TU Delft voelt zich verantwoordelijk voor haar studenten. In geval van nood kan de TU Delft ook assisteren door bv. contact op te nemen met je familie of met de instelling waar je verblijft. Daarom willen we graag weten waar onze studenten zijn. Waarom wil de TU Delft weten waar ik ben? Wat moet je doen? Voor bepaalde verblijven in het buitenland moet je vooraf toestemming hebben van je faculteit of bv. een coördinator. De regels verschillen per faculteit. Surf daarom voor specifieke informatie naar, klik op Stap 2 Regelwerk en klik dan door naar Goedkeuring buitenlandverblijf en naar de buitenlandsite van je faculteit. Log vervolgens via Blackboard in in OSIRIS en klik op de nieuwe knop Stay abroad. Maak een New Request aan, vul de gevraagde gegevens in en verstuur (submit) je request. Je krijgt dan via de e-mail een automatisch bericht dat je Request is goedgekeurd. Vul vervolgens je Contact Information in op het scherm Stay abroad. Als je contactgegevens tijdens je verblijf in het buitenland veranderen, vergeet dan niet om deze aan te passen in OSIRIS. En mocht je verblijf in het buitenland niet doorgaan, stuur dan een e-mail met daarin je naam, studienummer en de reden van annulering naar Why does TU Delft have to know where I am? In case of an emergency your insurance company - and sometimes even your embassy - will try to assist you. TU Delft however, also feels responsible towards its students. TU Delft may also be able to assist you, for instance by contacting your family or the institute where you are staying. That is why we want to know where our students are. What to do? For certain trips abroad you need the permission of your faculty or exchange coordinator. Procedures differ between faculties. So for specific information and procedures go to, click on Step 2 Preparations and follow the link to Approval stay abroad and from there to the international page of your faculty. Then login into OSIRIS through Blackboard and press the new Stay abroad button. Make a New Request, fill in the requested details and submit your request. You will receive an automated response that your Request has been approved. Then fill in your Contact Information on the screen Stay abroad. If your contact details change during your stay abroad, do not forget to update them in OSIRIS. And if your trip abroad is cancelled, please send an email stating your name, student number and the reason for the cancelation to TU Delft Faculteit IO Marco Bolleboom Landbergstraat 15 2628 CE Delft kamer 32 B-3-080 +31-15-2782864