Fish surveys


Fish surveys
Project Information
Title: Fish Community Survey Data
Geographic Description: Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, USA
Bounding Coordinates (please specify the coordinate system): GCS_WGS_1984
West Bounding Coordinate:
East Bounding Coordinate:
North Bounding Coordinate:
South Bounding Coordinate:
5.872533, -162.001753
5.880634, -162.169548
5.899598, -162.068780
5.865379, -162.076748
Temporal Coverage
Begin Date: 6/1/2013
End Date: 9/1/2014
Abstract: (no character limit, extra space will be provided as needed)
This metadata record documents data for subtidal fish community surveys in Palmyra as conducted by the UCSB
herbivory team using belt transect protocols. Fish surveys were done in the summer of 2013 and 2014 at 7 sites.
Each site contained 9 transects. Fish surveys were also done at the Long Line wreck to obtain baseline data for the
removal of the wreck in November of 2013. Long Line fish surveys were run to the North, South, East, and West of
the wreck, with 4 transects in each direction, for a total of 16 transects.
People and Organizations
Primary Contact / Dataset Curator
Organization Name:
Position Held:
Administrative Area:
Postal Code:
Electronic Mail Address
Online Url:
Dr. Jennifer Caselle
University of California, Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute
Research Biologist
UCSB, Marine Science Institute
Marine Science Institute
Dataset Creator & Owner
Organization Name:
Position Held:
Administrative Area:
Postal Code:
Electronic Mail Address
Online Url:
Katie Davis
University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Masters Student
UCSB, Marine Science Institute
Marine Science Institute
Associated Party/Parties
Organization Name:
Position Held:
Administrative Area:
Postal Code:
Electronic Mail Address
Online Url:
Peter Carlson
University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Masters Student
UCSB, Marine Science Institute
Marine Science Institute
Methods and Sampling:
Protocols and/or Procedures: (no character limit, extra space will be provided as needed)
Fish communities were characterized using scuba surveys on belt transects. All fish were identified to species level
and were sized to the nearest centimeter. Fish greater than 20cm in length were counted on a 25 x 4 meter swath and
fish less than 20cm were counted on a 25 x 2 meter swath. Species codes are derived from the first three letters of
the genius name and first three of the species name.
Keyword Thesaurus: (Global Change Master Directory, click HERE for list of keywords)
Coral Reefs
Marine Biology
Keyword Thesaurus: (Palmyra Categories, e.g. self defined)
Fish Survey
Long Liner
Belt Transect
Data Access
Usage Rights: Some derived products are freely available below. For all other inquiries please contact the
dataset curator directly for access to datasets. We ask that you contact the data set owner(s) prior to using
this information for any purpose. We make this request to minimize possibilities for misinterpretation of data
and to reduce redundancy since we may be currently working on projects that involve this information. Also,
we would like to be informed of and involved in projects developed using this information. Extensive efforts
are made to ensure that online data are accurate and up to date, but the authors do not take responsibility
for errors that may exist in online data. Furthermore, the user assumes all responsibility for errors in analysis
or judgment resulting from use of the data.
Description of available datasets:
Derived Products: (please insert any figures / tables below that you wish to be freely available)