Size matters? New aspects of size in body image and bodybuilding
Size matters? New aspects of size in body image and bodybuilding
Size matters? New aspects of size in body image and bodybuilding Bernadett Babusa Semmelweis University Institute of Behavioural Sciences Budapest Hungary Paper read at the Jubilee Congress on Eating Disorders 2010, The 18th International Conference, October 21-23, 2010, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria Eating and body image disorders • Typical disorders of women. Males and body image disorders • Changing male body ideals. ¾ Definite male body ideals ¾ The male-body appearance market is growing. • Body dissatisfaction and body image disorders are more common in males (Leit et al, 2001; Pope et al, 2000). • Body dissatisfaction in males: results of a longitudinal study (Cash, 1997). Body dissatisfaction 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% Muscle mass Upper torso 10% 5% 0% 1972 • 1985 1996 91% of males would like to be more muscular (Jacobi and Cash, 1994). • Relationship between bodybuilding and body image. Muscle Dysmorphia Preoccupation with the perceived lack of muscle size al, 1993). – – – – believe that they look „small” compulsive bodybuilding common steroid abuse impaired social and intimate relationships Comorbid disorders: ¾ Eating disorders (Olivardia et al, 2000) ¾ Mood and anxiety disorders (Pope et al, 1997; Olivardia et al, 2000) ¾ Obsessive-compulsive disorders (Chung, 2001) Aim: to overcome natural limitations. (Pope et I. Anabolic-androgenic steroids „Bigger-Stronger-Faster!” ¾ „Body image drugs” ¾ Increase in muscle mass and strength. The physical side effects of anabolic-androgeic steroids • • • • • • • • • • gynecomastia (growth of female breast) testicle atrophy liver disease coronary artery disease hair loss acne headache high blood pressure risk of prostate cancer infections The psychiatric side effects of anabolicandrogeic steroids • mood changes (Choi és mtsai, 1990) – depression to hypomania – aggressiveness ‘steroid rage‘ • • • • impaired judgement (Pope és Katz, 1994) grandiose belief (Pope és mtsai, 2000) sexual dysfunctions dependence on steroids •Muscle dysmorphic men are at-risk population for steroid abuse (Kanayama, 2006). II. Synthol/Pump N’ Pose • Site enhancement oil • Injected directly into the muscle, work by filling the muscle up with an oil substance. • BUT no increase in muscular performance. II. Synthol/Pump N’ Pose Dangers of Synthol: • deformation of the muscle • infection • embolism • heart attack • stroke • pulmonary embolism • (brain damage) III. Plastic surgery 1. Gynecomastia • Gynecomastia is the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement – irreversible. Gynecomastia surgery (breast reduction in men) 1992 2002 4.997 14.343 Sarwer és Crerand, 2004 • Reason: side effect of anabolic-androgenic steroids. • Can cause psychic promblems for males. • Unique challenges for the plastic surgeon. III. Plastic surgery 2. Implants The most common implants for bodybuilders: • Pectoral implants • Calf implants • Gluteal implants Body dissatisfaction + BDD (MD) dissatisfaction with the postoperative results (Sarwer and Crerand, 2004) Conclusions • Today there are several possibilities for body dissatisfied men. • The body image disturbances may lead to negative physical and psychological consequences – MD. • The investigation between MD and BDD is in it’s infancy. • Although, muscle dysmorphic men are more likely to fool mother nature’s limits. Thank you for your attetnion!