7.18 Mo - Centre INRA de Montpellier
7.18 Mo - Centre INRA de Montpellier
ACAROLOGIA A quarterly journal of acarology, since 1959 Publishing on all aspects of the Acari All information: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/ acarologia@supagro.inra.fr Acarologia is proudly non-profit, with no page charges and free open access Please help us maintain this system by encouraging your institutes to subscribe to the print version of the journal and by sending us your high quality research on the Acari. Subscriptions: Year 2017 (Volume 57): 360 € http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/subscribe.php Previous volumes (2010-2015): 250 € / year (4 issues) Acarologia, CBGP, CS 30016, 34988 MONTFERRIER-sur-LEZ Cedex, France The digitalization of Acarologia papers prior to 2000 was supported by Agropolis Fondation under the reference ID 1500-024 through the « Investissements d’avenir » programme (Labex Agro: ANR-10-LABX-0001-01) Acarologia is under free license and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. REVISION OF THE GENUS MYOTROMBICULA WOMERSLEY AND HEASLIP, 1943 (TROMBICULIDAE : ACARINA) * BY P. H. VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN **. The genus Myotrombicztla was created by Woi\ŒRSLEY and HEASLIP in 1943 for a unique specimen of which the remains of the chelostyles, both broken, consisted of the bifid basal articulation accidentally turned upside down and suggesting to the imagination of any observer, a peculiar modification of the chelostyle for the purpose of hair clasping (similar to that of fur mites like l\!Iyobiidae or Listrophoridae). Later, it vvas demonstrated that the chelostyles of the members of this group were very like that of other trombiculids and that the case of Myotrombicula vespertilionis was a simple artifact. Nevertheless, the genus of WoMERSLEY and HEASLIP proved to be perfectly valid on the basis of several other characters (V.-G., 1963 a) . In a broad sense it is close to Leptotrombidùtm s. str., but the leg setation is rather different and the scutum possesses anterolateral shoulders and, sometimes, a pronounced projection placing the anteromargin far before the AM and AL lines, a projection that never exists in Leptotrombidium. The palpai segments are also peculiar in their bony or contorted outline. Today the genus Myotrombicula unites four subgenera in a new combination, as follows : r) Alexfainia, z) Vergrandia, 3) Perates, and 4) Myotrombicztla. I want to express my gratitude to Dr. D. C. LEE, the Curator of the Acarology Department of the South Australian Museum, ADELAIDE (S. Australia). Thanks to his faithful and trusting generosity, I was able to restudy the precious generotype of .111. vespertilionis. I am also indebted to our esteemed colleague, Dr. J. M. BRENNAN of the Rocky l\!Iountain Laboratory, HAMILTON (Montana, U.S.A.), for allowing me to see sorne specimens in his extensive collection. * This work was supported by Research Grant AI-03793 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service. ** Research Parasitologist to the G. \V. Hooper Foundation, University of California lVIedical Center, HS\V.869, San Francisco, California 94122, U.S.A . Acarologia, t. X, fasc. r, rg68. 5 -66- Genus Myotrombicula Womersley & Heaslip, I943· GT 1 Myotrombicula vespertilionis Womersley & Heaslip, I943· B I 3 0 D : SIF = 7B or 7B.S- - - rrr. ooo N 3 2 I Trombiculini of small to large size, Ip = 450-r26o. Scutum often densely punctate, trapezoïdal, with anterolateral shoulders; posteromargin prominent or straight, or slightly concave. SB line anterior to posteromargin. Sensillae branched on their distal half, or nude on that half with inconspicuous barbs on the proximal half. Eye lenses : 2 pairs, or r small pair, or none (Alexfainia & Perates). Chelostyle with tricuspid cap, one to several hooklike teeth on dorsal edge, or none. Galeala often nude, branched in generotype and sorne members of Myotrombicula s. str. Mastisetae rare. L : Australia, Asia, Middle East, Africa and C. America. H : Chiroptera (Mch). N.B. : This genus is a member of the Leptotrombidùtm complex and an important link between the genus Leptotrombidium in the tribe Trombiculini on one hand, and both the genera Riedlinia and Guntherana in the tribe Schoengastiini on the other hand. 4 subgenera : A B C D A. - - Alexfainia, Vergrandia, Perates, Myotrombicula. Subgenus Alexfainia Yunker & Jones, rg6r. SBT 1 Alexfainia chilonycteris Yunker & Jones, rg6r. D : SIF = 7B.S-N-I-2III.OOOO. Myotrombicula of medium to large size, Ip = goo-rroo. Scutum trapezoïdal with small but dense punctation, telostigmal, two rvunded anterolateral shoulders and rounded posterior projection, PW wider than AW. Sensillae almost nude with inconspicuous basal barbs, as are AL and AM. AM anterior to the AL line, and PL two or three times as long as AM; PL >>AM >AL. No eye lenses visible. Palpus enormous and contrasting with the tiny chelostyles. In chilonycteris the palpofemur is armed wüh a ventro-apical " ham~tlus " (for gripping ?). Single-pronged palpotibial claw, two times as strong as the curved chelostyle (tricuspid cap). Long and nude galeala. All palpai, sternal and coxal setae are nude and slender; as are also the 2 gnathobasal setae (an exceptional case). Galealae nude, Ga = N. L : C. America. H : Chiroptera (Mch). -671) Myotrombicula ( Alexfainia) chilonycteris (Yunker & Jones, 1961), n. comb. = Alexfainia chilonycteris Yunker & Jones, rg6r, Brennan & Yunker, rg66. H : Pteronotus parnellii & Carollia perspicillata. Pt : Nasal passages. L : Paraiso (C. Z.), 18jvm/196o, 4/I/1962, 2jmj1962; Madden Field (C . Z.), 7/vn/1961, 3/X/I96I; and Pacora (Panama), 31/X/ 1960. TM : Holotype in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D SIF = 7B.S-N-I -2III.OOOO fPp = (N)-(N)-(N) .N .N fsp = 7-7-7 fCx = N.N .N fSt = N .N (ST, pST, PT', PT") =N fBT = b/b/b NDV = 8o fV = 6.4 .8.4 116.6 -4-2 = 40 fD= zH + (6 .6) .6.8.4+4 = 40 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP Ai\! AL PL s 7I !30 79 36 48 84 56 I9 I5 47 84 H 7I D 8o p v pp Ip 44 50/ 70 307 294 329 930 pa pm Rem. : Fig. 1 to 9 show, better thau any description, the unusual r:haracters proper toM. chilonycteris, which enable its recognition from the second and following species, lVI. m~tnozi. 2) Myotrombicula ( Alexfainia) m~tnozi (Brennan & Yunker, rg66), n. comb. = Alexjainia munozi Brennan & Yunker, rg66. H : Pteronotus psilotis. Pt : ? L : Penonomé (Coclé, Panama), 8/n & 30/1/1962. TM : Holotype n° 44413 in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D : SIF = 7B.S-N-I-2IIr.oooo fPp = (N)-(N)-(N) .N.N fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = N.N.N fSt = zN.zN fBT = b/b/b fD = zH 6.6.8 .6.6-4- 2. = 40 fV - .. . .. ? = 34 NDV = 74 + AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM 42 84 52 34 40 74 42 8 AL 7 PL 5I S H D P 9·t 54 54 42 42/ 59 346 V pa pm pp Ip 328 346 !020 Rem. : Although the scutum and the gnathosome of munozi are smaller thau those of chilonycteris, the Ip or Index pedibus shows that it is a larger species, Ip = 1020 instead of 930 for the later. No "hamuli ". B. - Subgenus Vergrandia Yunker & Jones, 1961. SGT j Vergrandia galei Yunker & Jones, 1961. D : SIF = 7B.S-N-1-31II.OOOO. Myotrombicula of medium size, Ip = 830. Trapezoïdal scutum, longer thau wide with classical punctations and rounded anterolateral shoulders ; postero- -68margin sinuous, almost straight. Sensillae almost nude, with few inconspicuous and basal barbs, as are also AM and AL. AM anterior to AL and AM >PL >AL. Sensilla bases surrounded by an oval crest. Galeala nu de, Ga = N. Eye lenses, r small pair. Galeala nude and short. Single pronged palpotibial claw, as strong as the chelostyle, strong palps. L : C. America. H : Chiroptera (Mch) . r) Myotrombicula (Vergrandia) galei (Yunker & Jones, rg6r), n. comb. Vergrandia galei Yunker & Jones, rg6r, Brennan & Yunker, rg66. H : Pteronotus parnellii ( = Chilonycteris rubiginosa). Pt : Nasal passages. L : Chilibrillo Caves, Chilibre (Panama), 2jvmjrg6o. TM : Holotype in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D : SIF = 7B.S-N-r-3IIr.oooo fPp = (B)-(N)-(N) .N .N fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B .B .B fSt = 2B.2B fBT = bfb/b fD = 2H + ro.ro.8.6-4-2 = 42 fV = 8+8·4u4+2 = 34 NDV = 76 AW 34 PW 52 SB " ASB 33 PSB 22 SD 55 AP 39 AM 50 AL 24 PL 40 S 8o H D P V pa pm pp Ip 59 47/65 33 41/49 z86 247 294 827 Rem. : Palps almost as strong as those of M. (A.) munozi; palpotarsal setae all nude except for a bifid dorsal one. The humeral and the 4 centra-dorsal setae of first and second rows are provided with long, fine barbs on the basal half, as are the ventrals ; the latero- and postera-dorsal setae are longer and provided with short barbs on their entire length (fig. 7) . C. - Subgenus Perates Brennan & Dalmat, rg6o. SGT f Perates insessus Brennan & Dalmat, rg6o. 2 0 D: SIF = 7B-N- - 3 rn. ooo. 3 2 I Myotrombic~tla of small to medium size, Ip = 540-920. Scutum square to rectangular (wide strip), with more or less pointed shoulders. Sensillae nude, furcate, or branched (distal half). Eyes, r very small pair or none. Ga = N. In insess~ts the posterior process of the tricuspid cap is serrate ; no subterminala (ST) or parasubterminala (pST) on leg-tarsus r ; leg-segmentation can be interpreted as fsp = 6.6.6 (?); palpai formula, fPp = NfNfNNN. L : C. America. H : Chiroptera (Mch). - 6g- r) Myotrombicula (Perates) insessus (Brennan & Dalmat, rg6o), n . comb. = Perates insessus Brennan & Dalmat, rg6o, Brennan & Yunker, rg66. H: Chilonycteris rubiginosa rubigt:nosa (Guatemala), Pteronotus psilotis (Panama). Pt : ? L : Finca San Luis, Escuintla (Guatemala) 6jvnrjrg5r ; Penonomé (Coclé, Panama) 3ojr & 8Jnjrg6z. TM : Holotype n° 34058 in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D : SIF = 7B-N-z-Jrrr.oooo fPp = (N)-(N)-(N).N.N fsp = 6.6.6 (?) (ST, pST) = B (PT', PT") = N fCx = r.r.r fSt = 2.2 fBT fD = AvV 30 PW 35 ... .. .. - 28 SB 17 PSB rs ASB 19 fV SD 34 ....... = AP 29 AM 23 24 AL 27 NDV = PL 40 52 S H so - sol- 28 - /- - D P V pa pm pp Ip Rem. : This species has not been revised by the present author. z) Myotrombicula (Perates) anophthalma (Hoffmann, rg6o), n. comb. Trombic~tla (Trombicula) anophthalma Hoffmann, rg6o, Brennan & Yunker, rg66 (n. syn.). Euschoengastia anops Brennan & Jones, rg6o. H : Desmodus rotundus m~trinus and Pteronatus parnelli. PT: ? L : La Estrella Cave, Tonatico (Mexico), I I & I4/II/I955 ; Santa Lucia, Sinaloa (Mexico), z8jvnjrg63 ; Tamana Hill Cave (Trinidad) rzjvrjrg56; Chilibrillo Caves, Chilibre (Panama), zjvnrjrg6o. TM: Holotype in Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biol6gicas, I.P.N., México, D. F. D SIF = 7B-N-3-2IIr.rooo (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fD = zH + = zo Mean Ex.l+ AW 87 82 gr PW SB ASB PSB ro4 42 24 16 roo 40 2r r4 roS 46 26 17 fPp = (B)-(B)-(N).N.B fsp = 7·7·7 fCx = B.N' .B fSt = zB.zB fBT = 3b/3b/3b. fV = 4.2.2u2.2 = rz NDV = 32. SD AP AM AL PL S 40 25 42 28 6o 78 37 23 40 25 58 76 42 28 43 32 65 Bo H D P 56 50/46 40 50 46/42 38 6o 52/47 45 V pa pm pp Ip 32j5o 34r 290 3r7 948 30/46 324 276 300 904 35 /54 354 300 340 994 Rem. : Wide scutum, striplike. PL much thicker and longer than AM and AL, PL >AM >AL. Palpofemur with lateral angle of go 0 , genu with a sharper lateral angle (fig. r) 1 . One mastitarsala on leg 3· r . Palps with sharp angles on their si des appear to be peculiar to bat parasitism ; this is observed in ether groups of bat chiggers : Tecomatlana, Riedlinia, etc. -70- 3) Myotrombicttla (Perates) discors (Brennan & Jones, 1960), n. comb. Trombicula discors Brennan & Jones, rg6o. Myotrombicula discors, V.-G., 1964. H : M ormoops megalophylla. PT: ? L : Tamana Cave, Mt. Tamana, Trinidad (B.W.I.), 20/XI/1957· TM : Holotype n° 34680 in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D SIF = 7B-B-3-3III.OOOO (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fD = zH + = 92 0 • •• fPp = (N)-(N)-(N) .N.B fsp = 7·7·7 fCx = B .B.B fSt = zB.zB fBT = bfb/b fV= ....... = IOO NDV = 192 • AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL s 56 75 29 25 15 40 zB 44 38 32 64 H 30 D 27 p v pa pm Ip pp 23 18/24 258 244 252 754 Rem. : The scutal margins are obviously submerged by epiostracal pleats 1 . After having seen 3 other specimens in the R.M.L., I must admit that the anteromargin is slightly less prominent, and without the rounded shoulders shown in my drawing of 1964. Nevertheless all the setae are on scutum and not "off scutum ", as stated in the original publication, and the striplike scutum is similar to that of anophthalma in Perates and bidentipalpis in Myotrombicula s. str. As for the microtarsala or famulus 2, its knobbed apex matches perfectly with the similar S 2 in M. olosa. Perhaps discors pertains more to ll!Iyotrombicula than to Perates, as its branched galeala also suggests. However, til more links are found, is it probably wiser to keep it in the latter subgenus. Eye lenses, 2 normal pairs. 4) Myotrombicula (Perates) kerastaspis n. sp. Trombicula monops Brennan & Jones, rg6o (in part.). H : M ormoops megalophylla. PT: ? L : Tamana Cave, Mt. Tamana, Trinidad (B.W.I.) , 20/XI/1957· TM : Holotype n° 34665/c in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D : SIF = 7B-N-3-2rrr.oooo (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fD = zH + 6.8.8 .8.8 .6-4-2 fPp fCx = 52 = = (B)-(N)-(N) .N.N fsp = 7·7·7 B .B.B fSt = zN" .zB fBT = bfb/b fV =·4·4 ·2 = 42 NDV = 94 AW P'vV SB ASB PSB SD AP Ai\I AL PL S 27 47 27 25 16 41 30 22 21 24 70 H D P V pa pm pp 35 28/31 27 22/33 186 r72 rg2 r. lVI. anophthalma, M. l1erastaspis and M. monops present th,e same epiostracal submersion but in a more moderate manner. phenQ~enon lp 550 of -JI- Rem. : Among the three specimens of T. monops sent to me (lVIarch rg65) by our colleague J. lVI. BRENNAN, one pertaining to the type series of monops was recognized as different. In fact it constitutes a valid species which was overlooked by the workers of the R.lVI.L. Figs. r to 8 speak for themselves by comparison with figs. 9 to rg representing T. monops. No eye lenses. Very pointed anterolateral shoulders, justifying the name, kerastaspis (= horned scutum). Leg claws with spatulate or lanceolate apex. 5) Myotrombicula (Perates) macrozota (Brennan & Jones, rg6o), n. comb. Trombiwla macrozota Brennan & Jones, rg6o. H : Mormoops megalophylla and M. tumidiceps. PT: ? L : Tamana Hill Cave, Trinidad (B.W.I.), rzjvrjrg56; Tamana, Trinidad (B.W.I.), I3jvrjrg55, rzjvrjrg56 and zojxrfi957· TM : Holotype n° 33680 in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D SIF = 7B-N-3-3III.OOOO fPp = (B)-(B 2 )-(N) .N .B fsp = 7·7 ·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT = bfb/b fV = 6.8.2 114-4-2 = 26 NDV = 50 fD = 2H + ·2 = 24 AW 63 PW 7I SB 28 ASB 28 PSB 20 SD 48 AP 30 Al\l 32 AL 29 PL 78 S 64 H D P V pa pm pp Ip 64 55 /66 42 33/50 270 229 268 767 Rem. : The scutal aspect correlates this species with anophthalma as concerns : a) pointed shoulders, b) PL much longer and thicker than AM & PL, and c) PL> >AM >AL. Dorsal setae of legs with few but robust barbs ; leg claws with lanceolate apex. One nude mastifemorala (?) on leg r. No eye lenses. 6) Myotrombicula (Perates) monops (Brennan & Jones, rg6o), n. comb. - Trombicula monops Brennan & Jones, rg6o. H : Mormoops megalophylla, Myotis nigricans and Pteronotus psilotis. PT: ? L : Tamana Cave, Mt. Tamana (Trinidad, B.W.I.), zojxrjrg57; Tamana, I3/VI/I955· A cave, Cerro Punta (Chiriqui, Panama), 3/v frg6r ; Penonomé (Codé, Panama), 8fnfrg6z. TM : Holotype no 34665 in Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton (Montana, U.S.A.). D : SIF = 7B-N-3-3IIr.oooo fPp = (B 2 )-(N)-(N).N.N fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B 3 .N".B 3 fSt = 2B 1 .2N" fBT = b/b/b fD = 2H + 6.6.8 .8.8 .8.6-4-2 = 58 fV = 2.8.6 .4.2 = 54 NDV = II2 AW 53 PW 6g SB ;:6 ASB ;3~ PSB 19 SD 5r AP 28 AM 48 AL 33 PL 35 S 76 H D P V pa pm PP 45 32 /40 30 23/36 235 222 233 Ip 6go -72Rem. : Scutal anteromargin far in front of AL line, with rounded shoulders. Sensillae nu de. Eye lens es, I small pair. AM> PL >AL. Palpotarsal setae with only a few barbs, almost nude. Ga = N. Dorsal and ventral body setae with few short barbs, barely seen. Dorsal leg setae with robust but few branches ; leg claws with lanceolate apex ? All famuli and other leg microspurs budlike (figs. 17, r8 & 19) . The two gnathobasal setae with only 2 branches (rare!). D. - Subgenus Myotrombicula Womersley & Heaslip, 1943. SGT/ Myotrombicula vespertilionis Womersley & Heaslip, 1943. B 3 D : SIF = 7B-N-3- 2 III.OOOO. Myotrombicula of small to large size, Ip = 450-1260. Scutum wider than long, trapezoïdal with anterorriargin prominent and rounded shoulders (AM often anterior to the AL line), and with straight posteromargin. Sensillae branched. AM >PL >AL. Eyes, I or 2 pairs, from very small to large diameter. Galeala branched, rarely nude (except in bidentipalpis). Chelostyle strong, with tricuspid cap and sometimes teeth on dorsal edge. Famulus of leg 2 sometimes phalliform (knoblike apex). No mastitarsala on leg 3· L : Australia, Asia, Middle East, Africa. H : Chiroptera (Mch), exceptionally rodents (Mr) . r) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) vespertilionis Womersley & Heaslip, 1943. Myotrombicula vespertilionis Womersley & Heaslip, 1943, Womersley, r952, Wharton & Fuller, rgsz , Baker & Wharton, r952, Vercammen-Grandjean & Fain, rgsS, Vercammen-Grandjean, rg6z, rg63, rg64, Vercammen-Grandjean & Watkins, rg66. H : " Bats " ? PT: ? L : South Australia (?). TM : Holotype and single specimen in the South Australian Museum, Adelaide (S. Australia) ; n° lVI 4443-59, 3576, sor, S.A.MUS.COL. D SIF = 7B-B-3-2 III. I 000 fPp = (B)-(N")-(N).N.B fsp = 7·7 ·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") =N fCx = B .B .B fSt = 2B.2B fBT = bfb/b fD = zH + = so fV = 2.4+6"6+2 = 28 NDV = 78 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL 65 68 24 28 12 40 18 28 20 28 s - H D p 33 24/27 - v 16 j - pa pm pp lp 218 188 210 6r6 Rem. : Huge anteroscutal prominence, poorly punctate, distance between anteromargin and AL line equals AP. Scutal setae rather thin, short and sparsely barbed ; AM = PL >AL. Sensillae missing. Eye lenses, I very small pair. Galeala furcate, Ga = B 1 . Chelostyles broken. Palps with contorted outline. Dorsal leg setae robust, with few branches or barbs ; 2 genualae on leg r ; mastitarsala 3 with few pasal barbs. Famulus 2 normally pointed! not phalliform, -73z) Myotrombictûa (lVIyotrombicula) aselliae V.-G., 1963. Myotrombicula olosa aselliae V.-G., 1963. H : Asellia tridens murraiana (Anderson). PT : ptero-patagium. L : Kouh-Dozd Cave, Dilaram (Afghanistan), 21j1v /1958 . TM : Holotype n° 22261/C/z in Museum of Lund (Sweden). D SIF = 7B-B-3-2rrr.oooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(B).B.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT fD = 2H + (8.8-4) (8.4) (8 .2)!-4-2 = 58 NDV = 14 6. fV = 6.6.6.ro .8.ro.rou8 .ro .8.4 - l 88 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP Ai\[ AL PL S H 66 Sr 25 35 22 57 28 5r 30 38 8o 5o 40/36 25 22/ 33 328 280 320 D P b/b/b V pa pm pp lp 928 Rem. : Scutal shape, leg lengths and ornamentation differ in olosa and its subspecies aselliae. These differences plainly justify the status of full species. Phalliform famulus 2. Chelostyles with 3-4 dorsal teeth. 3) Myotrombicula (Myotrombic~tla) bidentipalpis V.-G. & Fain, rg58. Myotrombicula bidentipalpis V.-G. & Fain, 1958, Audy, Lawrence & V.-G., rg6r, V.-G., rg63. H : Hipposideros sp. PT : ears. L : I.R.S.A.C. Station of Irangi (Kivu Prov., Belgian Congo), 14/vm/1956. TM : Holotype in the Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren (Belgium). D SIF = 7B-N-3-3Irr.rooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(N).N.B fsp = 7-7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT = bfb/b fD = 2H + 6.6.6-4-4.2 = 30 fV = 4.6.6 .6u4.2 = 28 NDV = 58 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL 82 IOO 37 24 20 44 26 40 29 47 S H D P V pa pm pp Ip 47 46/44 33 26/33 265 228 240 733 Rem. : With its striplike scutum, its biangular palpai contour and its nude galeala, this species is an important link with anophthalma, discors and macrozota in the Perates group. However, for the same reason that discors is retained among the Perates, bidentipalpis will remain in the group Nfyotrombicula s. str. Famulus 2 pointed, not phalliform. Chelostyles with tricuspid cap, no teeth. 4) M yotrombic~tla ( M yotrombicula) filamentosa (Radford, 1954). Trombicttla filamentosa Radford, I954· Myotrombicula filamentosa, V.-G. & Watkins, 1966. H : Rhinoloph~fs ctivosus acrotis Heuglin. PT . ? -74L : Ta'izz (Yemen), rgsr. TM : Holotype no 6419 in U.S. National Museum, Washington D.C., U.S.A. D : SIF = 7B-B-3-2IIr.oooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(N).B.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B .B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT fD = 2 (2H) + (4.8) ~·4) (ro.2). = 78 / NDV = r 34 fV = . - s6 1 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL s 75 88 28 39 20 59 31 59 40 52 gr = b/b/b p H D v pa pm pp Ip 62 41/38 25 25/36 364 306 348 ror8 Rem. : Differs from all the other members in several points reported in the preceding data. Phalliform f2 • Chelostyles with 6 to 8 dorsal teeth. 5) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) lindbergei V.-G., rg63. = Myotrombicula lindbergei V.-G., 1963 b, 1963 a. H : Rhinolophus ferrumequinum irani Cheesman. PT : ear lobes. L : Khan Zindan Caves, Beltchirach (Afghanistan), 29/X/1957· TM : Holotype n° 2826r/B/2 in Museum of Lund (Sweden). D : SIF = 7B-B-3-2IIr.r"ooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(B).B.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT = b/b/b fD = 3 (2H) + (4.6.6) (8.4).ro.r2+6.6.2 = 74 NDV = r 6. 4 fV = .8.6 .6.6u6 . = 72 l AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL 6o 72 25 31 20 sr 25 44 30 36 S 70 pp Ip 45 37/34 25 21/32 298 260 304 H D P V pa pm 862 Rem. : Differs from olosa, megolosa, aselliae and filamentosa- which it resembles very much - in having a normally pointed famulus on leg tarsus 2, (not phalliform as in the precited species) and chelostyles without dorsal teeth. 6) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) megolosa V.-G., 1963. Myotrombicula megolosa V.-G., 1963 b, 1963 a, 1964, V.-G. & Watkins, 1966. H : Rhinolophus clivosus boccharicus Kastschenco. PT : ptero-patagium. L : Zarmast Cave, Mainaneh (Afghanistan), r8/X/I957· TM : Holotype n° r8ro57 fr in the Museum of Lund (Sweden). D : SIF = 7B-B-3-2rrr.oooo fPp = (B)-(N)-(B).N .B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B .B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT fD = 3 (2H) + (4+4) (6.4) (8-4) . = 68 NDV = r . 44 fV = 8.8.8 . = 76 l AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP 84 roo 35 46 19 65 32 AM 74 H D P V = bfb/b AL PL S 43 6o uS 64 54/6o 34 30/40 426 382 434 1242 pa pm pp Ip Rem. : The largest species of this group. Phalliform famulus 2. Particularly long genuala 3· Strong chelostyles with 6 hooklike teeth. Nude palpogenuala. -757) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) olosa V.-G., 1963. Myotrombicula olosa V.-G., rg63 b, rg63 a, rg64, V.-G. & Watkins, rg66. H : 1) Rhinolophus ferrumeq~tinum irani Cheesman, 2) R. hipposideros midas Andersen. PT : uropatagium and pteropatagium. L : r) Shelter of Fortress Qal'eh Bost, SW of Gerechk (Afghanistan), 6/XII/1957· 2) Boulan Cave, Qalat (Afghanistan), 9/rv /1958. TM : Holotype n° 30261/B /1 in Museum of Lund (Sweden) . D : SIF = 7B-B-3-2IIr.ooo:::> fPp = (B)-(B)-(B).B.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = zB.zB fBT = bfb/b fD : zH + (6.8) (6.8) (6 . 1~. 6.~. 6 . 4 = 68 1 NDV rso. fV - AW 75 IO. IO.IO.I0 .8.8.8 .8.6.4 - 8_ \ PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL S H 85 30 37 22 59 30 52 39 40 Sr 5I 40/36 27 23 /34 D P V pa pm pp lp 350 313 366 1029 Rem. : The only species of the group showing a solenidion S2 with a bulbous apex (bulbapex). Ch~lostyles with 3-4 dorsal teeth. Phalliform f 2 • 8) Myotrombicula ( Myotrombicula) p!u:lipi (Womersley, 1952), n. comb. Trombicula philipi Womersley, 1952, Radford, r954, Womersley & Audy, 1957. H : H ipposideros cervimts . PT: ? L : Hollandia (Dutch New Guinea), 13/IX/1945· TM : Holotype in the South Australian Museum, Adelaide (S. Australia). D SIF = 7B-B-3-2III.oooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(N).N.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B .B .B fSt = zB .zB fBT = b/b/b fD = zH + ro.8.ro.r2.6+2 = 54 fV = . . .... = 6o NDV = rr4 AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP Al\'I AL PL . S H D P 65 8o 23 25 15 40 24 36 28 32 - 22 /- - 55 Rem. : This species has not been seen by the present reviser. not phalliform. No dorsal teeth on chelostyle. V - /- pa pm pp Ip 270 225 270 765 Famulus 2 pointed, 9) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) vercamrneni Nadchatram & Lakshana, 1965. Myotrombicula vercammeni Nadchatram & Lakshana, 1965. H : Rattus niveiventer ? This host could only be an accidentai one ; according to the authors themselves, the ordinary host is probably a bat. PT: ? L : Pa Dong Larn, Amphur Chumphae, Khon Khaer (Thailand), 22jxrj1g6z. TM : Holotype n° 4614, SMRL n° 2007, in Institute for MediCal Research, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). D SIF = 7B-B-3-2IIr.oooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(N).B.B fsp = 7·7·7 (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = 2B.2B fBT fD = 2H + 14.I0.8 . ro.I2.I6.I4.10.8.4 NDV = 204. fV = 8.IO.IO.I2 .I Oul4.IO.I0.8.4 = g6 l D P = b/b/b AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP Al\[ AL PL S H 60 7I 25 26 20 46 25 46 30 35 54 38 3!/- 22 I7/- 275 220 240 735 Rem.: This species has not been seen by the present reviser. not phalliform. No dorsal teeth on chelostyle. pa pm pp V Famulus 2 Ip pointed, ro) Myotrombicula (Myotrombicula) womersleyi n. sp. H : Hipposideros harrisoni. PT: ? L : Bukit Lagong, Malaysia. TM : Holotype in the George Williams Hooper Foundation, University of Califomia Medical Center, San Francisco, Califomia 94122, U.S.A. D SIF = 7B-B-3-2III.r'ooo fPp = (B)-(B)-(N) .B.B fsp (ST, pST, PT', PT") = N fCx = B.B.B fSt = zB.2B fD = zH + (8.4).8.2.ro.ro.8.6-4-4 = 66 1 NDV 122 . fV = 8.ro.8.8u6.6.6.4 = s6 ~ D = 7·7·7 fBT P = b/b/b AW PW SB ASB PSB SD AP AM AL PL S H pa pm pp Ip 49 59 !8 2I I4 35 I9 35 28 3I 5I 36 26/31 22 r8 /23 204 r68 I92 564 V Rem. : Scutal anteromargin at 6 fL from AM and 7 p. from AL ; marginal zone with rare punctations. Sensillae with 6 to 9 long branches (peduncle = 20 fL, branched distal half = 31 fL, 7 branches) ; scutal setae with thin but conspicuous barbs, AM >PL >AL. Eye lenses, 2 pairs of normal diameter. Galeala furcate. Leg setae with few branches. One long barbed seta on dorsum of tarsus 3 can be taken as a mastitarsala. Dorso-central body setae shorter than the externals or laterals (De>Dc). Famulus 2 pointed. Chelostyles with tricuspid cap, no other teeth. \Vith this last species I want to salute the memory of our colleague H. \VoMERSLEY. ABBREVIA TI ONS For the usual abbreviations, the reader should refer to the following works : VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.), rg65. - Revision of the genera Eltonella Audy, rg56 and Micratrombicula Ewing, 1950, etc ... Acarologia, 7 (Suppl.) : 34-257 (see pp. 47-48) WHARTON (G. W.), }ENKINS (D. W.), BRENNAN (J. M.), FULLER (H. S.) and PHILIP (C.B.), rgsr. -The terminology and classification of trombiculid mites (Acarina : Trombiculidae). ]. Parasitol., 37 : 13-31. -77- REFERENCES BRENNAN (J. M.) & DALMAT (H. C.), r96o. - Chiggers of Guatemala (Acarina : Trombiculidae). - Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer., 53 : r83-I9I. BRENNAN (J. M.) & JoNES (E. K.), r96o. - Chiggers of Trinidad, B. W . I. (Acarina : Trombiculidae). - Acarologia, 2 : 493-540. HoFFMANN (A.), r960. - Contribuciones al conocimiento de los trombiculidos mexicanos (Acarina : Trombicul.), sa parte. - Ciencia (Méx.), 20 : 99-ro5. NADCHATRAM (M.) & LAKSHANA (P.), r965. - Myotrombicula verèammeni, a new species of chigger (Acarina : Trombiculidae) from Thailand. - J. Med. Ent., 2 : 230-232. RADFORD (C. D.), I954· - Sorne mites of Yemen. - Fieldiana (Zool.), 34 : 295-3I3. VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.), r96o. -Introduction à un essai de classification rationnelle des larves de Trombiculinae Ewing, I944 (Acarina-Trombiculidae). - Acarologia, 2 : 469-47L VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H .), r963 a. - Le genre lVJyotrombicula Womersley & Heaslip, I943, est-il un mythe? (Trombiculidae-Acarina).- Acarologia, 5 : 58-6o. VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.), r963 b. -Contribution à l'étude de la faune d'Afghanistan. 77 - Trombiculidae de Chiroptères. - Acarologia, 5 : 582-6r5 . VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.), r964. - Trombicula discors Brennan & Jones, r959, est un véritable Myotrombicula Womersley & Heaslip, I943· (TrombiculidaeAcarina). - Acarologia, 6 : r27-r28. VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.) & FAIN (A.), r958 . - Les Trombiculidae parasites de Chiroptères. Révision du genre Trombigastia. Description d'un ? M yotrombicula. - -Ann. Paras. Hum. & Comp., 33 : 5-35. VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN (P. H.) & WATKINS (S. G.), r966. - Trombicula filamentosa Radford, I954 is a Myotrombic~tla Womersley & Heaslip, 1943, in the Afghan olosa group. - Acarologia, 8 : 7I-73. WoMERSLEY (H.), r952. -The scrub-typhus and scrub-itch mites (Trombiculidae, Acarina) of the Asiatic-Pacific region. - Rec. S. Austr. Mus., 10 (2 parts), 673 p. WOMERSLEY (H.) & HEASLIP, I943 · -The T1'ombic~tlinae (Acarina) or itch-mites of the Austro-Malayan and Oriental regions.- Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 67 : 68-r42. YUNKER (C. E.) & JoNES (E. K.), I96I. - Endoparasitic chiggers : I. Chiroptera, a new host order for intranasal chiggers, with description of two new genera and species. (Acarina : Trombiculidae). - J. Parasitol., 47 : 995-rooo. Myo·trombicu!a ( Afexfainia) chifonycteris 1 -79- Myotrombicula ( Alexfainia) chilonycteris 7 JJ 10 50 8 9 - 8o- Myotrombicula (V ergrandia) galei 4 )J 10 50 - 8r - Myotrombicula (Perates) anophtalma 3 V P D H 10 4 60 Acarologia, t. X, fasc. r, rg68. 6 -82- .- . u 1a ( p er a tes J Myotromb!c keras ta spis monops fviy o t rom bic u 1a ( P er a t es ) ma cr oz o ta Myo t rombicul a ( /VIyo t rom bicula) vespertilionis ( Womers\ey & Heas\ip, 1943) 4 De~ 6 ., H~ ~Dc -, > ~- ~~--1~0--~--~~--~--~· 4V -85- Myotrombicu/a (Myotrombicula) womersleyi 3 H D P V 100 6 30 4