estudio de arquitectura Academic degrees


estudio de arquitectura Academic degrees
Leon Benacerraf Botbol Academic degrees Graduate Licence Achitect School Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM). Year 1991 M.Arch Degree of Master of Architecture. School The Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI‐ARC). Year 1993 Architecture Theoretical studies and practical applications in Architecture projects. Title Áreas de indecisión: la figura transparente (entorno a la paradoja arquitectónica del espacio/ No espacio hebraico) estudio de arquitectura
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Teaching experience
1991‐1993 Project Studio Instructor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture SCI‐ARC, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Other teaching experience 2006 Workshop Instructor at the workshop entitled “Clash of the Titans”, featuring professors Thom Mayne and Peter Cook. European University of Madrid. February 2006. Research activity 2000 Director of the International Architecture Seminar entitled “City Production”, organized by the Spanish Ministry of Development, Directorate‐General for Housing, Architecture and Urban Planning. July 2000. Publications (Books) 2009
"Palimpsesto", catalogue for the exhibition “Seven Labyrinths from Madrid”. Published by Aedes, Berlin 2009, pages 9‐15. ISBN: 978‐3‐937093‐03‐1. 1999
"Horizontalidad: la Paradoja de lo informe en Morphosis"
Morphosis Complete Works 1998‐1999 Exhibition. Catalogue for the exhibition “Works and Projects”. Published by the Publications Office of the General Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Ministry of Development, pages 61‐71. ISBN: 84‐498‐
0392‐6. 1994
"Des‐plazamientos Em‐plazamientos", Thyssen Architecture Award 1994. Published by Thyssen, Thyssen Industrie Group in cooperation with BBV Foundation. estudio de arquitectura
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Publications (articles)
"Trabajamos con plazos inflexibles" Morphosis Exhibition “Evocation of a Landscape”. Diseño Interior, no. 86, Madrid 1999, page 74. ISSN: 1130‐9458. 2011
Other published work "141 Viviendas públicas" MADRID 100% ARQUITECTURA II. Published by ea! ediciones de arquitectura. COAM Foundation. Madrid. April 2011. Pages 200‐201. ISBN: 978‐84‐
96656‐73‐4. 2011
"La intermodal de Vigo tendrá un tercio de superficie comercial", Xornal de Galicia, 16 February 2011, pages 1 and
14. 2011
"El diseño de la estación del Ave ya está listo tras años de espera", La Voz de Galicia, Vigo, 16 February 2011, pages 1‐3.
"En verano empezará la construcción de la nueva estación del AVE de Vigo", La Voz de Galicia, 16 February 2011, page 6.
"Thom Mayne garantiza que la estación del AVE 'va a transformar la ciudad”, Faro de Vigo, 16 February 2011, pages 1‐3. 2011
"La estación del AVE de Vigo se presenta como hito y revolución", El País Galicia, 16 February 2011, page 4. 2011
"La estación del Ave de Vigo arranca en verano", El Correo Gallego, 16 February 2011, page 10. 2011
"El arquitecto Thom Mayne, premio Pritzker, presentó el proyecto", Atlántico Diario Vigo, 16 February 2011, pages 1‐4.
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"Thom Mayne. Arquitecto de la estación del AVE. 'La estación estará coronada por una plaza infinita y diáfana que se funde sobre la ría”, Faro de Vigo, 15 February 2011, pages
1‐2. 2010
"La promoción Carabanchel 11 participa en el Festival de Arquitectura de Parma", Globomedia, 22 November 2010. 2010
"Rehabilitación Palacio de Santoña", Panorama. Architecture newspaper. Number 5. Special edition on Construtec COAM. October 2010. Page 11. 2010
"Thom Mayne. Arquitecto de la estación del AVE. 'La estación del AVE es más que un edificio: prolonga el paisaje y abre un balcón de 500 metros a la bahía’", Faro de Vigo, 14 February 2010, page 2. 2009
"Housing Sociale a Madrid, Spagna", L’industria delle costruzioni. Published by Edilstampa S.r.l. Rome. May‐June 2009. Pages 34‐41. 2009
"Honor Award for Architecture: Madrid Public Housing, Madrid, Spain", arcCA 09.3. Published in 2009. Page 27. 2009
"Viviendas en Carabanchel". ARQUITECTURA. Published by MADRID ea! 100% ediciones de arquitectura. COAM Foundation. Madrid. April 2009. Pages 214‐215. ISBN: 978‐84‐96656‐64‐2. 2008
“We Zien Meer grijs dan zwart en wit”, De Architect Interieur, November 2008, pages 42‐49. 2008
"Collective Housing IV", International Review of Architecture. Domes. No. 69. Published by Provoli. Athens. May 2008. Pages 96‐104. 2008
“Lecture 4 by Thom Mayne”, Casa. Number 102. September 2008. Pages 54‐59. estudio de arquitectura
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"Capital Living, Morphosis", Mark. Number 11. Published by Mark Publishers. December – January 2008, pages 138‐141. 2008
"MADRID PUBLIC HOUSING. Madrid, Spain". MORPHOSIS BUILDINGS & PROJECTS. 1999‐2008. Published by Rizzoli, New York, 2008. Pages 405‐437. ISBN: 978‐0‐8478‐3072‐5. 2008
"141 Viviendas en el PAU de Carabanchel, Madrid".
Infodomus. Construcción sostenible y eficiencia energética. Number 24. Published by Informanews Iberia, S.A. Madrid, November‐December 2008. Pages 41‐48. ISSN: 1886‐8762. 2008
Paper entitled "Construyendo la ciudad del futuro". 2nd
International Conference on Architecture by CONSTRUTEC, Madrid, 8 and 9 October 2008. Published by ea! ediciones de arquitectura. COAM Foundation. Madrid, October 2008. Pages 19‐45. ISBN: 978‐84‐692‐8470‐4. 2008
"Tras la huella de los Pritzker", Faro de Vigo, 12 October 2008, pages 6‐7. 2008
"Mayne, el sexto 'Nobel' que quiere dejar huella en Vigo",
Qué! Vigo, 10 October 2008, page 4. 2008
"O arquitecto Thom Mayne visita Vigo", LV Galicia, 10 October 2008, page 5. 2008
"La estación del Ave de Vigo no se parecerá a ningún proyecto", La Voz de Galicia, 10 October 2008, page 8. 2008
"Vigo seduce al Pritzker rebelde", El Faro de Vigo, 10 October 2008, pages 1, 6‐7. 2008
"Otro premio Pritzker proyectará la nueva estación de Vigo",
El País Galicia, 10 October 2008, page 3. 2008
"El arquitecto Thom Mayne asegura que la nueva estación 'cambiará la ciudad'", Atlántico Diario Vigo, 10 October 2008, page 10. 2008
"Mayne se plantea 'cambiar' Vigo con su proyecto", ADN
Vigo, 10 October 2008, page 4. estudio de arquitectura
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"¿El futuro de las ciudades? Estamos fuera de control", El
Mundo, 9 October 2008, page 48. 2008
"Los arquitectos españoles presentan en Australia su mejor arquitectura bioclimática y sostenible", CSCAE, 17 September
2008. 2008
"141 SOCIAL HOUSING Carabanchel, Madrid", 16 contemporary projects Spain. Green Architecture. 2008
Sustainable Building Conference. Spain in Melbourne. Pages 17‐18. September 2008. 2008
Green Architectural. 16 Contemporary Projects Spain.
Melbourne Architecture and Sustainability Conference 2008. Published by ICEX and the Spanish Council of Architects.
August 2008. 2008
"CARABANCHEL 11, MADRID in progress. Developing Social Housing. A special exhibition for Torino and the 23rd World Congress of Architects”. Published by EMVS, Madrid, June
2008, pages 7‐12. ISBN: 978‐88‐422‐1669‐8. 2008
"Madrid Social Housing", GA DOCUMENT. No. 102. Carabanchel, Madrid, Spain. May. Pages 66‐75. ISBN: 978‐4‐
87‐140‐262‐0 C1352. "Viviendas sociales y ecológicas en Carabanchel", Directivos Construcción, no. 211. Published by Wolters Kluwer, Madrid, May 2008. Pages 14‐18. ISSN: 1133‐7990. 2008
SU VIVIENDA supplement, 11 April 2008, page 48. "Una gala para reconocer el trabajo bien hecho", El Mundo, 2008
"Apostar por lo simple", ABC Madrid, AD supplement, 2 February 2008, pages 48‐49. 2008
"Cubist Casbah. Social Housing on the Edge of Madrid is transformed into a modern eco casbah", The Architectural Review. Architecture and Ecology. Number 1332. London,
February 2008. Pages 38‐43. ISSN: 0003‐861X. estudio de arquitectura
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"VPO de vanguardia en el Ensanche de Carabanchel", ABC Madrid, INMO supplement on housing and urban planning, 1 February 2008, page 6. 2008
"Vivienda protegida de diseño en Carabanchel", El País Madrid, 30 January 2008. 2008
"141 nuevas viviendas protegidas en Carabanchel", ES POR MADRID, 30 January 2008. 2007
"Viviendas en Carabanchel, Madrid (España)", Vivienda en común. AV Monografías. Number 126. Published by Arquitectura Viva S.L. Madrid, July‐August 2007. Pages 66‐71. ISSN: 0213‐487X. 2007
"El ayuntamiento traspasará la Peineta al Atlético, que dejará el Calderón en 2011", ABC Madrid, 20 July 2007, page 44. 2007
"Residenza Pubblica a Madrid: Tradizione e contemporaneità", Edilizia sociale in Romagna e nell´Europa del XX sec. L Quartieri e le Case. Published by the University of Bologna, September 2007. Pages 212‐2015. ISBN: 978‐88‐491‐
2928‐9. 2007
"Is this a second coming of modernist social housing?",
Madrid Circuit City. ICON. Number 054. UK, December 2007.
Pages 70‐75. ISSN: 1479‐9456. 2007
"141 viviendas en Carabanchel. Madrid", La nueva sensibilidad ambiental en la arquitectura española 2000‐2006. Published by Clipmèdia, Barcelona, 2007. Pages 160‐165. ISBN: 978‐84‐611‐7520‐8. 2007
Horizons. EMVS Madrid Social Housing 1981‐2006. Published by Aedes, Madrid, 2009. Page 57. ISBN: 978‐3‐9370‐93‐80‐2. estudio de arquitectura
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Horizons. EMVS Madrid Social Housing 1981‐2006. Published by Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo S.A. (Publicly‐
Owned Local Housing Company of Madrid). Pages 70‐71. ISBN: 84‐935142‐0‐9. 2007
"Thom Mayne", IBERIA EXCELENCE, Number 27, February 2007. Pages 106‐109. 2006
"146 Viviendas en la calle Pinar de San José, 44 A 70. Carabanchel", “PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING AWARDS, 21st Edition (2006)”, All‐new residential buildings. Published by the Department for
Housing and Urban Planning of the Madrid City Council. 2006.
Pages 62‐99. ISBN: 84‐7812‐681‐1. 2006
Catalogue of the exhibition entitled INTERFERENCIAS
arquitectura‐arte. Published by Galería Astarté, Madrid, November 2006. Pages 7‐12. 2006
EMVS Projects 2. Foreign architects’ projects for the EMVS. Published by Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo
(Publicly‐Owned Local Housing Company of Madrid), Department for Housing and Urban Planning of the Madrid
City Council. Pages 11‐21. ISBN: 84‐935142‐1‐7. 2006
"La tecnología es un modo de pensar", El País, 29 November
2006, page 57. 2006
"Spain Reigns" The Architectural Review. Economy. Number 1311. London, May 2006. Page 30. ISSN: 0003‐861X. 2006
"El 'Nobel' de la Arquitectura proyecta 60 viviendas protegidas en Vallecas", ABC Madrid, 12 April 2006, page 43. 2006
"Las 'viviendas árbol' de Thom Mayne en Carabanchel se entregarán en marzo de 2007. Las obras del proyecto firmado por el premio Pritzker y Begoña Díaz‐Urgorri concluirán en noviembre", ABC Madrid, 19 February 2006, pages 38‐39. estudio de arquitectura
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"Algunas promociones de prestigio en el PAU. Carabanchel un ensanche de Autor", ABC, Madrid, 10 February 2006, pages 4‐5. 2006
"Fresh Morphosis 1998‐2004", MORPHOSIS BUILDINGS & PROJECTS. Published by Rizzoli, New York, February 2006. ISBN‐13: 9780847828036 2006
ON SITE Arquitectura en España, hoy. Published by MOMA, Region of Madrid and Promomadrid, Desarrollo Internacional de Madrid. Pages 270‐275. ISBN: 84‐611‐2601‐7. 2006
ON SITE New Architecture in Spain. Published by The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). Pages 262‐267. ISBN: 0‐
87070‐499‐0. 2006
"Arquitectos números uno, en USA", El Diario Vasco, 30 January 2006. 2005
"Las VPO españolas conquistan el MOMA", El Mundo, SU VIVIENDA supplement, 16 December 2005. 2005
"La Comunidad de Madrid, a la cabeza en vivienda protegida", ABC Madrid, Real Estate Supplement, 18 November 2005. Pages 4‐5. 2005
"Doce arquitectos de prestigio han 'fichado' por el Ayuntamiento", ABC Madrid, 23 July 2005, pages 32‐33. 2005
"Thom Mayne, arquitecto premio Pritzker 2005", El Mundo, SU VIVIENDA supplement, 13 May 2005, page 21. 2005
"Viviendas sociales de autor. Once arquitectos internacionales de prestigio han 'fichado' por el Ayuntamiento para proyectar promociones de pisos protegidos en los nuevos desarrollos de la periferia", ABC Madrid, 24 March 2005, pages 36‐37. estudio de arquitectura
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"El 'indomable' de California gana el Pritzker. Thom Mayne, heredero espiritual de Frank Gehry, recibe el premio más importante de su profesión/ Su estudio, Morphosis, construye en Madrid 165 viviendas de protección oficial", El Mundo, 21 March 2005, page 37. 2005
"Thom Mayne, el 'chico malo' de la arquitectura, gana el premio Pritzker", Expansión, 21 March 2005, page 39. 2005
"Thom Mayne, un Pritzker al talento y la provocación. El arquitecto ha diseñado la Villa Olímpica de Nueva York y construirá viviendas sociales en el Ensanche de Carabanchel", La Razón, 21 March 2005, page 28. 2005
"Thom Mayne gana el prestigioso Pritzker por llevar su actitud rebelde a su trabajo como arquitecto", ABC Madrid, 21 March 2005, pages 45‐46. 2005
"Esperando a Corelli", El País, Babelia, Madrid, 12 March
2005, page 20. 2004
"AIA/LA 2003 Awards", LA ARCHITECT. January‐February 2004. Pages 39‐42. 2004
"Una casa a la Carta", Casa Nueva. Obra Nueva, 23 April 2004, pages 18‐19. 2003
"36+2 proyectos. Madrid en obras. Proyectos metropolitanos y propuestas olímpicas”. Arquitectura Viva. Number 89‐90. Published by Arquitectura Viva S.L., Madrid, March‐June 2003. Page 86. ISSN: 0214‐1256. 2003
"A Commitment to Good Architecture", Ronda Magazine.
May 2003, page 17. 2003
"La EMV 'ficha' a tres grandes arquitectos para proyectos sociales en Carabanchel y Vallecas", ABC Madrid, 10 March
2003, pages 32‐33. estudio de arquitectura
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MHM Metropolitan Housing: Madrid. Housing Projects, 15 proyectos de vivienda. Published by Rueda S.L. Madrid 2003. Pages 140‐151. ISBN: 84‐7207‐138‐3. 2003
"Un siglo de vivienda social (1903/2003)", Catalogue for the Exhibition organized by the Spanish Ministry of Development, the Madrid City Council – EMV and the Economic‐Social Council at Las Arquerías, Ministry of Development. Published by Nerea, Madrid, 2003. Volume II. Pages 366‐371. ISBN: 84‐
89569‐92‐4. 2001
"The Docks. Innovative design workshop under way for Liben complex", The Prague Post Online, 21‐17 November
2001. 1999
"Exposición Morphosis. Evocación de un paisaje", Diseño Interior, number 86. Madrid, 1999. Pages 70‐81. ISSN: 1130‐
9458. 1998 "XIII Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Pública 1998 del Ayuntamiento de Madrid". Published by the Department of Studies and Communication. Urban Planning Management Office of the Madrid City Council. Madrid, 1999. Pages 130‐135. ISBN: 84‐7812‐475‐6. 1995 Catalogue for the Exhibition held at the Prado Museum,
Madrid, Spain. Proposals submitted to The Prado Museum’s
International Architecture Competition. Spanish Ministry of Culture and Education. Madrid 1996. Page 22. ISBN: 84‐8181‐
147‐5. 1995 Europan III España Catalogue. European competition for young architects. Page 54. ISBN: 84‐87138‐20‐9. estudio de arquitectura
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Publicly‐funded research projects 2010
"Developement of an Integral and Sustainable Constructive System for Modular Prefabricated Homes". Research and development project based on a collaboration between several Spanish companies, for the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI). Awards 2011 Design Competition for the entrances to the future Donostialdea Metro in San Sebastián. June 2011. Second prize. Collaboration with Thom Mayne Morphosis España. 2009 AIA CALIFORNIA COUNCIL HONOR AWARD.
2008 Highly Commended Housing. World Architecture Festival WAF. Barcelona. October 2008. 2008 Design Competition for the Refurbishment or Redesign of Palacio de Santoña, owned by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry. January 2008. First prize. 2008 “22nd MADRID CITY COUNCIL PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING AWARDS (2007)”, Category C: All‐
new Residential Buildings. First prize. 2008 2008 Asprima‐Sima Award for the best residential real estate project for newly‐constructed public initiative social housing.
new Residential Buildings. Special mention. 2003 AIA.LA HONOR AWARD. SOCIAL HOUSING, Madrid, Spain. American Institute of Architects. estudio de arquitectura
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1998 “13th MADRID CITY COUNCIL PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING AWARDS (1998)”, Temporary Structures Category. December 1998. 1994 Design competition for residential properties on the M‐30 motorway. Europan III. January 1994. Finalist. Corporate Experience 2008 Founding partner and principal of Morphosis España S.A
together with Thom Mayne and Leon Benacerraf Botbol. 1999 Founding partner and principal of Rafaela Bonilla 11 together with Leon Benacerraf Botbol and Gerardo Mingo Pinacho. 1998 Founding partner and principal of Fold Construcciones y Obras S.L together with Leon Benacerraf Botbol. 1994 Founding partner and principal of BDU Estudio de Arquitectura together with Leon Benacerraf Botbol Architectural Projects: Collective Housing 2012 Building with 32 housing units on plot RC 10B, Tres Cantos, Madrid. 2011 Building with 53 housing units on plot RU‐28A, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 53 housing units, business premises, parking spaces and storage rooms, including landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and a swimming pool. estudio de arquitectura
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2011 Building with 11 housing units on plot RU‐21 A, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Design of 11 single‐family row houses with private gardens. 2011 Building with 33 housing units on plot RU‐7, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Design of 33 single‐family row houses with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and a swimming pool. 2011 Building with 77 housing units, business premises and parking area on plot RC A2, in Sector AR Nuevo, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Draft design of building with 77 housing units, business premises and parking area, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. 2011 30 single‐family row houses on Plot RU 14, Sector AR Nuevo, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Design of 30 single‐family row houses in a residential complex, with parking area, landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. 2009 Building with 75 housing units on Avenida El Pinar, Navalcarnero, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 75 housing units, 8 offices spaces, 8 business premises, 201 parking spaces and 75 storage rooms, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. 2009 Building with 157 housing units on Calle Ibiza, Ávila, Castilla y Leon. Design and construction management of building with 157 housing units, 8 business premises, 233 parking spaces and 163 storage rooms, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. estudio de arquitectura
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2008 Building with 202 social housing units on plot R‐12, SUP‐T8, Malaga. Draft design of building with 202 social housing units for the Malaga Local Housing Corporation. In collaboration with Thom Mayne, Morphosis España. 2008 25 single‐family row houses on plot 32 of the Zurra 1 Urban Plan, Ávila, Castilla y Leon. Draft design for 25 single‐family row houses. 2007 Building with 141 social housing units, storage rooms, parking, and landscaped areas on Calle Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Carabanchel, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 141 social housing units, 141 parking spaces, 141 storage rooms and landscaped areas. In collaboration with Thom Mayne, Morphosis Architects 2006 Building with 90 housing units on Calle Castillo de Arévalo, Las Rozas, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 90 housing units, 16 business premises, 164 parking spaces, and 90 storage rooms, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. In collaboration with Darío Gazapo. 2006 Building with 146 housing units on Calle Pinar de San José, Carabanchel, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 146 housing units, 168 parking spaces, and 146 storage rooms, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. estudio de arquitectura
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2005 Building with 138 housing units on Calle Ariel, Méndez Álvaro, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 138 housing units, 168 parking spaces, and 146 storage rooms, with landscaped areas, paddle tennis court and swimming pool. 2005 101 private homes and 53 social housing units in Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia. Draft design of 101 private row houses and collective housing buildings with 53 social housing units and landscaped areas, as part of the El Valle Urban Plan. 2004 Building with 58 housing units on Calle Melchor Fernández Almagro, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 58 housing units, 91 parking spaces, and 58 storage rooms with landscaped areas, gym and swimming pool. In collaboration with Julio Touza. 2004 Residential building on Calle Condes de Val, Madrid. Preliminary work for design of building with 12 housing units, with car park and storage rooms. 2003 Building with 60 housing units on Calle Euskalduna, Villaverde, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 60 housing units, parking spaces and 60 storage rooms, as well as business premises, landscaped areas and swimming pool. 2002 Building with 14 housing units on Calle Irlandeses, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 14 housing units and 14 storage rooms. estudio de arquitectura
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2002 Building with 8 housing units on Calle Buenavista, Majadahonda, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 8 housing units, 8 parking spaces and 2 business premises. 2000 Building with 6 housing units, business premises and privately built car park on Calle San Joaquin, Majadahonda, Madrid. Draft design of building with 6 housing units, business premises and parking area. 2001 Building with 31 housing units on Calle Azafrán, Majadahonda, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 31 housing units, parking spaces and 31 storage rooms, landscaped areas, swimming pool and paddle tennis court. 1997 Building with 32 housing units on Calle Virgen del Rosario, Majadahonda. Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 32 housing units, parking spaces and 31 storage rooms, landscaped areas, swimming pool and paddle tennis court. 1994 Building with 30 housing units on Calle Luis Pernas, Dehesa de la Villa, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 30 housing units and parking spaces. 1994 Building with 16 housing units and parking area on Calle Nuncio, Alcorcón, Madrid. Design and construction management of building with 16 housing units, parking spaces and storage rooms. 1994 Building with 48 housing units and car park on Calle Valdesangil, Madrid. Draft design of building with 48 housing units and parking area. estudio de arquitectura
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Architectural Projects: Single‐Family Detached Homes 2007 Single‐family detached home on Calle Fin del Mundo, Punta de la Mona, Granada. Design and construction management of single‐family home with garden and swimming pool. Interior furniture design. 2003 Single‐family detached home on Calle Rincón de Galicia, Manzanares el Real, Madrid. Design and construction management of single‐family home with garden 2002 Single‐family detached home in residential complex Urbanización Montiboli, Villajoyosa, Alicante. Design of single‐family home with garden and swimming pool 2001 Single‐family detached home on Calle Camino Ancho in residential complex Urbanización La Moraleja, Alcobendas, Madrid. Draft and final design of home with exhibition room, auditorium, gym, swimming pool and sculptures garden for an art collector. 2000 Single‐family detached home on Calle Vitoria, Las Rozas, Madrid. Design and construction management of single‐family home with garden and swimming pool. Interior furniture design. 1997 Single‐family detached home on Calle Puerto De Navacerrada in residential complex Urbanización Cerro de Alarcón, Valdemorillo, Madrid. Design and construction management of single‐family home with garden. 1997 Residential palace in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Design and construction management of residential palace and garden. In collaboration with Antonio Marqueríe. estudio de arquitectura
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Architectural Projects: Public Services and Facilities 2009 Design of Vialia Train Station on Rúa Norte, Vigo, Galicia. Design and construction management of high‐speed train station in Vigo, shopping centre and parking area. In collaboration with Thom Mayne, Morphosis España. 2009 Refurbishment of Palacio de Santoña for the Madrid Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry located on Calle Huertas, 13, with a view onto Calle Príncipe, Madrid. Design of refurbishment project and construction management of Palacio de Santoña, to house the headquarters of the Madrid Official Chamber of Commerce 2009 Special Refurbishment Plan for Palacio de Santoña, located on Calle Huertas 13, with a view onto Calle Príncipe, Madrid.
Drafting of Special Refurbishment Plan for a publicly protected building. 2004 San José Convent of the Carmelite Order, Toledo, Castilla La Mancha. Urgent refurbishment of the Palacio de Don Fernando de la Cerda, a Carmelite convent belonging to St Joseph’s Monastery. 2002 David Varsavsky Sports Complex at the Estrella Toledano School on Paseo de Alcobendas, Urbanización La Moraleja, Alcobendas, Madrid. Design and construction management of sports complex, swimming pool and outdoor areas and facilities. 1998 Refurbishment of the Fernando de Castro Foundation, located on Calle San Mateo 15, Madrid. Refurbishment and adaptation of the Fernando de Castro Foundation building to be used for teaching and cultural activities. estudio de arquitectura
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1997 “T‐5” industrial premises and offices as part of the Casablanca Urban Plan, Alcobendas, Madrid. Design and construction management. In collaboration with Federico Sotomayor. 1994 Extension of the Lycee Moliere in Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid. Draft design of school extension works. Architectural Projects Urban Planning Projects 2007 Urban Planning and Development Project for residential complex Urbanización El Valle, Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia. Urban Planning Project. Surface area: 12.66 Ha. In collaboration with Federico Coullaut‐Valera. 2007 Urban Planning and Development Project for Palazuelos Sur, Segovia. Urban Planning Project. Surface area: 60.55 Ha. In collaboration with Federico Coullaut‐Valera. 2007 Urban Planning and Development Project for the Granary
Island in Gdansk, Poland Urban Planning Project. Surface area affected: 5.79 hectares. 2007 Planning project for the areas around the Mahou Factory and the Vicente Calderón Stadium. Madrid – Manzanares River. Urban Planning Project. Surface area affected: 92,297 m2. In collaboration with Thom Mayne, Morphosis Architects. estudio de arquitectura
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Architectural Projects Interior Design 2011 Torre Europa Building on Paseo de la Castellana 95, Madrid. Reconditioning of communal areas in the Torre Europa Building. 2011 Private home on Calle Padilla, Madrid. Interior furniture design. 2010 Home extension on Paseo de la Habana, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project and home extension, construction management and furniture design. 2009 Office premises for Andria Inversiones Inmobiliarias, on Calle Andorra, Madrid. Office interior refurbishment project. 2008 Private home on Avenida de San Luis, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project and construction management.
2007 Pavilion and landscaping in residential complex Urbanización Calas de Guisando, Cebreros, Ávila. Design and construction management of garden pavilion and landscaping. 2007 Building on Calle Claudio Coello, 78, Madrid. Draft project for the interior refurbishment of 4 maisonette‐
houses and the communal areas of the building. 2004 Private home on Melchor Fernández Almagro, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design for two penthouses. 2004 Offices and photographic studio for Goldwell, on Calle Doctor Severo Ochoa, Alcobendas, Madrid. Refurbishment and reconditioning project and construction management for industrial premises to be used as company offices and photographic studio. Furniture design. estudio de arquitectura
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2003 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Ausias March, Alaqüas, Valencia. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 2003 Private home in residential complex Urbanización Calas de Guisando, Cebreros, Ávila. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 2003 Private home on Paseo de la Habana, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 2002 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Rocío, Tres Cantos, Madrid. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 2001 Business premises for Afina, on Avenida La Aigüera, Benidorm, Alicante. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 2001 Business premises for Afina, on Plaza de San Juan de Dios, Cádiz, Andalucía. Home to office conversion and refurbishment project and construction management. 2001 Office premises for Lapec SA, on Calle Juan Ramón Jimenez, Madrid. Office interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 2001 Extension and refurbishment of single‐family home on Calle Los Arfe, Madrid. Refurbishment and extension project and construction management for single‐family home in a protected estate. estudio de arquitectura
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2001 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Iglesia, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 2000 Design of business premises for the Arabicas franchise and design of trade fair stand. Draft project for implementation of the Arabicas franchise. 2000 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Elias Tormo, Albaida, Valencia. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 2000 Private home on Calle Academia, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 2000 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Real, Valdemoro, Madrid. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 1999 Office premises for Inglaben, on Calle Bendición de Campos, 8. Madrid. Extension of existing home and design of office premises, construction management and furniture design. 1999 Business premises for Afina, on Calle Santa Ana, Majadahonda, Madrid. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 1999 Private home on Plaza de la República del Ecuador, Madrid. Penthouse refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. estudio de arquitectura
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1999 Private home on Calle Triana, Madrid. Draft project for refurbishment of detached single‐family home. 1998 Office premises for Glencore España, S.A. on Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid. Office interior refurbishment and reconditioning project and construction management. 1998 Asador Aguinaga Restaurant on Calle Velázquez, Madrid. Refurbishment project for restaurant conversion, construction management and furniture design. 1998 Private home on Calle Goya, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 1998 Private home on Avenida de San Luis, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project and construction management.
1997 Offices premises for Molinare S.A., a film production company, on Parque de las Avenidas, Madrid. Office interior refurbishment and reconditioning project and construction management. 1997 Business premises for Marcos, on Avenida de Tolosa, San Sebastián. Refurbishment project and construction management for business premises. 1996 Office premises for Polaroid España S.A, on Calle Orense, Madrid. Office refurbishment and reconditioning project and construction management. 1996 Office premises for Atlantic Cooper S.A. in the Torre Europa Building, on Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid. Office refurbishment and reconditioning project and construction management. estudio de arquitectura
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1995 Office premises for architect studio on Calle Bendición de Campos, Madrid Home extension and refurbishment to include professional office, construction management and furniture design. 1994 Residential building on Calle Clara del Rey, Madrid. Refurbishment and reconditioning of communal areas and construction management. 1994 Private home for a contemporary art collector on Parque de Conde Orgaz, Madrid. Interior refurbishment project, construction management and furniture design. 1994 Single‐family home on Calle Lopez de Hoyos, Madrid. Extension and interior refurbishment project and construction management. 1994 Alejo´s Restaurant in Marbella Marina, Malaga. Refurbishment project for restaurant conversion and construction management. Architectural Projects : Exhibitions 2011 “Madrid 100% Architecture II”. King Juan Carlos University.
Madrid, Spain. September 2011. 2011 “Madrid 100% Architecture II”. Centre Méridional d’Architecture de la Ville de Toulouse, France. June 2011. 2011 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme d’Argel, Algeria. April 2011. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Cusco Municipal Exhibition Centre, Cusco, Peru. November 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Professional Association of
Architects of Peru, Arequipa Region, Arequipa, Peru. October 2010. estudio de arquitectura
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2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Professional Association of Architects of Peru, Lima Region, Lima, Peru. October 2010. 2010 “Futuro. En pausa” (“Future. On hold”). 3rd Conference on Architecture organized by CONTRUTEC/COAM. IFEMA, Madrid, Spain. October 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Instituto Cervantes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Casa de Arquitectura, Rome, Italy. August 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Instituto Cervantes and Santander Cultura, Porto Alegre, Brazil. July 2010. 2010 Shanghai 2010 World Expo. 141 social housing units in Carabanchel, Stand for the Region of Madrid. June 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Tongi University, Shanghai, June 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Museum of the Caribbean, Barranquilla, Colombia. May 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. European University of Madrid, Spain. May 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Pontifical University of Salamanca, Madrid, Spain. May 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. MARQ Museum of Architecture, Buenos Aires, Argentina. April 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Casa do Baile de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. April 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Technical University of Oran, USTO, Algeria. April 2010. 2010 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Istanbul Chamber of Architects, Istanbul, Turkey. March 2010. estudio de arquitectura
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2009 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Colombian Society of Architects of Bogota D.C and Cundinamarca, Bogota, Colombia. October 2009. 2009 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. COAM Architecture Foundation, Madrid, Spain. October 2009. 2009 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Professional Association of Architects of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. August 2009. 2009 “Seven Labyrinths from Madrid”. Aedes am Pfefferberg, Berlin, Germany. April to June 2009. Exhibition curating, design and installation. 2009 “Madrid 100% Architecture”. Professional Association of Architects of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile. April 2009. 2008 Highly Commended World Architecture Festival. Barcelona.
October 2008. 2008 Congress “Sustainable Building 2008”. Melbourne, Australia. September 2008. 2008 “Madrid in Progress Developing Social Housing”. 12th International Union of Architects Congress, Turin, Italy. June 2008. 2008 “Crudo 100%” (“100% Raw”). Working model exhibition where the project design process is shown in its “rawest” form. Vitoria, Spain. June 2008. 2008 “Crudo 100%” (“100% Raw”). Working model exhibition where the project design process is shown in its “rawest” form. COAM Architecture Foundation, Madrid, Spain. January 2008 2007 “Horizons. Madrid Social Housing 1981‐2006”. Exhibition marking the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (publicly‐owned local housing company). Aedes am Pfefferberg, Berlin (Germany). 3 May to
21 June 2007. estudio de arquitectura
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2007 “Horizons. Madrid Social Housing 1981‐2006”. Exhibition marking the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (publicly‐owned local housing company). Royal Institute of British Architects, London (United Kingdom). 27 February to 10 April 2007. 2006 “Horizons. Madrid Social Housing 1981‐2006”. Exhibition marking the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (publicly‐owned local housing company). Plaza de Colon, Madrid. November 2008. 2006 “Architecture‐art INTERFERENCE”. Astarté Gallery, Madrid. November 2006. 2006 “ON SITE”. Botanical Gardens. Madrid. September 2006. 2006 “Morphosis”. Pompidou Centre, Paris (France). March 2006. 2006 “ON SITE New Architecture in Spain”. MOMA, New York (United States). February 2006. 2003 “Madrid 2012 Architecture, Reality and Projects”. Madrid Palacio de Congresos. March 2003. 2003 Exhibition “A century of social housing (1903/2003)”. Las Arquerías, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Madrid.
January 2003. 1998 Exhibition “Morphosis. Complete works”. Las Arquerías,
Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Madrid. December 1998 to January 1999. Organization, design and setting up of the exhibition. estudio de arquitectura
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Other educational merits or of investigation 2011 Jury member ¨Proyecto parcela 13, Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles ,13” Host Organization :EMVS (Madrid´s Municipal Housing Development Agency).Marzo 2011 2010 Jury member ¨20º Concurso Ibérico de Soluciones Constructivas Pladur.”Oporto, Turismo para la historia. April 2010 2006 Jury member “Concurso Viva “Host Organization SEPES. 2006 Jury member “Concurso Internacional de Ideas para el Desarrollo arquitectónico de 7 actuaciones residenciales para la ejecución de 5.688 viviendas protegidas en España“ Host Organization: Ministerio de Vivienda de España ‐ SEPES. November 2006 Investigation in terms of competitions 2011 Tender for station entrances of the future San Sebastian‐
Donostia Underground. June 2011. Collaboration Thom Mayne, Morphosis España. Second. 2011 Competition for Rehabilitation of the Old Building of the Bank of Spain in Soria. January 2011. Shortlisted. 2008 Competition Plan of Urban Quality Plaza Mayor of Madrid. October 2008. Collaboration Idom Ingeniería. 2008 International Competition Olímpic Villa, Manzana RZ1 for Candidacy of Madrid 2016. June 2008. 2008 Competition D.D.P.P. de la T.G.S.S. e I.N.S.S. parcela 15 del APE 25‐1 Ariza, Valladolid. January 2008. Shortlisted. estudio de arquitectura
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2007 Santoña Palace Refurbishment Competition . Madrid Chamber of Commerce Building on Calle Huertas c/v a C/ Príncipe. Madrid. December 2007. First prize. 2005 Competition 110 housing VPPA for young people, TR27‐D1 PAU II‐4. Sanchinarro. Madrid. September 2005. 2002 International Competition “Docks Prague Liben, Urban planning and architectural design workshop”, Prague. Czech Republic. August 2001 .February 2002. Collaboration Darío Gazapo, Ove Arup &Partners. Shortlisted. 2002 Refurbishment Competition de las Estancias del Eurobuilding . Madrid. March 2002. Shortlisted. 2001 Hotel Competition. Madrid. September 2001. Shortlisted. 2001 Competition Parque Cristina Enea. San Sebastián. August 2001. 2000 Hotel Competition Ciudad de la Imagen. Madrid. March 2000. 2000 Competition 231 housing. Parcela 1.2 del PAU de Carabanchel Premier‐Procam, Carabanchel. Madrid. March 2000. 1997 International Competition Kansai‐Kan library. Japón . Collaboration Darío Gazapo. Shortlisted. 1995 Competition Thyssen ’96 “Nuevo Espacio Museológico” Lisboa .(Portugal). June 1995 1995 Museo del Prado Competition. Madrid. March 1995. Collaboration Thom Mayne, Morphosis Architects. 1994 Competition Thyssen’94 Bilbao. Collaboration Darío Gazapo. 1994 Housing Competition M‐30. Europan III. Madrid. January 1994. Shortlisted. 1994 Housing Competition VPO en Vallecas. Madrid. Shortlisted. estudio de arquitectura
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Other merits 2012 Fórum Europa with the Ministry of public works Mrs. Ana Pastor Julián Hosted Nueva Economía Forum.20 March 2012. 2012 Member Mesa Técnica de la Revisión del Plan General de Madrid sobre Vivienda y Uso Residencial, Área de Gobierno de Urbanismo y Vivienda de la Gerencia de Madrid. City of Madrid. 2012 Member Consejo del Departamento de Proyectos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ETSAM. 2008 Member Comisión del Área de Cultura de la Fundación Cultural COAM. 1996 Member Comisión del Área de Cultura de la Fundación Cultural COAM. Media 2007 Presentation Telemadrid Viviendas Carabanchel EMV. 2011 Presentation New Project for the building VIALIA High Speed Train Station in Vigo. Ministerio de Fomento. estudio de arquitectura
paseo de la habana 74 28036 madrid
t.+ 34 607 619 454