A Freelancer`s Guide to Earning More on Elance.


A Freelancer`s Guide to Earning More on Elance.
A Freelancer’s Guide to Earning More on Elance.
Table of contents
1. Work Differently™: You’re gonna love it................................. 3
5. Your Workroom: Where jobs get tackled.............................. 17
2. Your Profile: Shine like a diamond......................................... 5
6. Your Reputation: Stand out from the rest............................. 19
1. Write your Overview with the “ideal” client in mind...... 5
1. Feedback is important. No, critical............................ 19
2. Include an engaging and professional photo............... 6
2. Making sense of My Stats and Level......................... 20
3. Take multiple Skills Tests............................................. 6
3. Managing your Feedback, Stats and Levels............. 21
4. Use your Portfolio to showcase talents....................... 7
5. Join Elance Groups..................................................... 7
7. Your Reminder: Rules to keep you safe............................... 22
6. Miscellaneous tips, advice and others truths............... 8
3. Your Job Search: Finding great work fast.............................. 9
1. Check your Opportunities daily.................................... 9
2. Use Watch Lists to follow potential clients................. 10
3. Use the Elance search bar to find jobs...................... 10
4. Respond to Job Invites you receive........................... 11
5. Miscellaneous tips, advice and others truths............. 11
4. Your Proposal: The perfect pitch.......................................... 12
1. Stay in your happy zone, selecting jobs carefully...... 12
2. Screen clients as carefully as they’ll screen you....... 13
3. Now write a killer Proposal........................................ 14
4. Set a fair price........................................................... 15
5. Consider submitting a Proposal with no price........... 15
6. Don’t just sit there, follow-up..................................... 16
7. Don’t just sit there, send more Proposals.................. 16
8. Negotiating your price................................................ 16
8. You’re Hired: Go do an awesome job.................................. 23
1. Speaking of which, look-out for follow-up jobs........... 23
Section 1:
Work Differently™: You’re gonna love it
Hello and welcome to Elance.
Ready to land fantastic online freelance jobs? Excited about earning great
money working when you want, on projects you love? We thought so. Well,
you’ve come to the right place: Elance.
Whether you’re new to Elance or looking to brush-up on your expertise, this
Freelancer’s Guide is a great starting point for being more successful.
You’ll learn how to perfect your Profile and Proposals, how to find the best
jobs, how to stay protected and even how to get jobs done and get more work
flowing in.
We assume you’ve already registered on Elance. If not, sign up now (it’s free).
What exactly is Elance?
Elance is where people Work Differently™.
We’re an online workplace where businesses go to find, hire and collaborate
with skilled online freelancers like yourself. Not to brag, but Elance has over
500,000 businesses posting 100,000+ jobs each month.
On Elance you’ll have the opportunity to work with businesses in more than 170
countries – from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses and individual
Corrina S.
United States | IT Project Manager
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 3
Section 1: (continued)
Work Differently™: You’re gonna love it
How Elance works.
To work at Elance, all you need is an internet connection and talent.
You use Elance to find jobs (we help you, making it even easier), then you
complete jobs in a secure Workroom. We also take care of all the paperwork,
plus collect and pass-on your money-due (so you’re sure to get paid).
As a freelancer, working on Elance doesn’t have to cost you a penny. You have
a choice of membership options, including a free plan. We make our money by
adding a small 8.75% service fee above and beyond your price. For example,
when you submit a $500 proposal, we add our fee to your quote and pass it
on (your client would see a quote of $543.75). When the work is delivered, we
deduct our $43.75 and pass the remaining $500 on to you.
Ready to learn more?
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the guidelines in the following
pages. With your talent and the tips provided, you’re sure to earn more money
and be even more awesome on Elance.
Artem K.
Ukraine | IT Programmer
Go for it!
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 4
Section 2:
Your Profile: Shine like a diamond
When you stand out from other freelancers, you improve your chances of
getting hired. That’s why making a great first impression is important. Come to
think of it, it’s critical. Here are some tips on creating an eye-catching Profile:
1. Write your Overview with the “ideal” client in mind.
You can’t be all things to all people. Throwing too wide of a net in your
Overview section will land you nothing.
Stand out with great design!
Write your Overview to be read by one person and one person alone: Your
ideal client. What would he or she want to know? Explain how your SKILLS
allow you to SOLVE PROBLEMS (as much as we hate using all caps, this is
one time they’re called for).
With over 12 years of producing corporate marketing projects for some of the
most innovative companies in world, I’m here to bring your ideas and vision to
life. I’ve personally managed over 150 website designs and hundreds of print
packages that include magazines, 1-pagers, and other collateral for events and
other special promotions.
Also, write in a friendly yet professional tone. Be warm and you’ll instantly stand
out. And no tpyos (oops).
I can and will deliver great results with a process that’s timely, collaborative and
at a great value for my clients.
Minimum hourly rate $15. A 10 year old software development company.
Daniel B.
United States | Videographer/Animator
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 5
Section 2: (continued)
Your Profile: Shine like a diamond
2. Include an engaging and professional photo.
Clients are people too. They love putting a face to a name, and a friendly photo
of you smiling is sure to get them leaning your way. Research shows that
freelancers with an image are twice as likely to get the job. Yes, twice as likely.
3. Take multiple Skills Tests.
Show clients you know your stuff. Most professionals will find relevant Skills
Tests on Elance, assessing your proficiency. Test completion helps separate
you from others. In fact, 76% of clients say they prefer hiring tested
freelancers. Tests are free on Elance, and if you suffer from the test jitters (as
we all sometimes do), don’t worry. You can always re-take the test later.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 6
Section 2: (continued)
Your Profile: Shine like a diamond
4. Use your Portfolio to showcase talents.
Don’t be shy, show-off. Real-world samples bring your skills to life. Again, fill
your Portfolio with work your ideal client would want to see. Be specific in your
descriptions, explaining your role in the project and what was accomplished.
Also name your sample carefully, as potential clients can use our search bar to
find Portfolio pieces of interest (such as, “ecommerce mobile app”).
5. Join Elance Groups.
Your membership in pre-screened professional Groups goes a long way to
reassure a client that you’re top-notch. You’ll find Elance Groups in many
categories, from technical fields to creative categories. Potential clients often
exclusively invite Group members to a job.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 7
Section 2: (continued)
Your Profile: Shine like a diamond
6. Miscellaneous tips, advice and other truths.
Here are other juicy tidbits that we hear often from clients:
▪ In your Service Description section, explain how you solve problems.
Be solutions oriented and give clients a good idea of how you think and
approach jobs.
▪ Pay close attention to the Keywords you enter on your Profile. Again, try
not to be all things to all people. Narrow the list of words that showcase your
talent to those that will attract a very specific client.
▪ Clients want to know for sure who they’ve hired. Complete the Identity
Verification and verify your Credentials. Trust is key to any working
▪ Your Portfolio will be public. Don’t include sensitive files you wouldn’t want
shared. And make sure you have approval to use those files.
▪ No borrowing/pilfering. It’s OK to check-out other Profiles for inspiration,
but don’t plagiarize. Ditto for Portfolio samples. With your talent and
the strategies addressed in this guide, it’s only a matter of time until the
awesome jobs start rolling in.
▪ Make sure your Profile is 100% complete. Clients constantly search for
freelancers (read: you), and the information found in your Profile is what
steers them in your direction. On the right side of your My Elance page, you’ll
see a tracker that marks Your Profile Completeness. Aim for 100% to give
yourself the best chance of attracting clients.
Yoko M.
Japan | Graphic Designer
Next: Your Job Search
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 8
Section 3:
Your Job Search: Finding great work fast
The future looks bright! Now that your Profile is simply dazzling, you’re ready
to explore the 100,000+ jobs posted on Elance each month. You have many
options for getting hired, but here are some quick thoughts to head:
1. Check your Opportunities daily.
The great thing about Elance is, you don’t have to do anything to find jobs. You
can be more proactive (and we whole-heartedly encourage you to be – see
below), but we will do a fair amount of the work for you. This includes your
personalized Opportunities feature. Here’s a quick synopsis:
▪ View Opportunities from My Elance. My Elance is your homepage on Elance,
where you’ll keep an eye on all projects and possibilities. To see more
recommendations we found for you, simply click on the Opportunities tab.
Voila! Jobs galore.
▪ Get email updates with job Opportunities. We use our number-crunching über
computers and well-seasoned job matching expertise to pinpoint jobs that
match your skills and interests. We then email you recommendations. How
easy is that?
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 9
Section 3: (continued)
Your Job Search: Finding great work fast
2. Use Watch Lists to follow potential clients.
Once you get up to speed, you’ll find lots of companies that are doing the work
you love doing. Sounds like a match made in heaven? Simply put the company
on your Watch List and you’ll know when they post jobs. You’ll be among the
first to catch their eye!
3. Use the Elance search bar to find jobs.
To use the Search bar on Elance (be sure you toggle to “jobs”), simply type in
the project you’re looking for or the skills you have and we’ll give you a list of
great job opportunities. Browse the selection for projects you’re perfectly suited
for. Keep checking back too, as new jobs are posted all the time.
Keep in mind you can also Narrow Results when searching. Simply type in a
general skill, such as “writer” and you’ll land on our Search results page. On
the left column, you’ll see options for more-specific job categories for writing,
as well as options for Job Type, Budget, Hourly Rate, Featured jobs and more.
This can be a real time saver, if you’re focusing on specific projects (which you
should be).
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Section 3: (continued)
Your Job Search: Finding great work fast
5. Miscellaneous tips, advice and other truths.
4. Respond to Job Invites you receive.
With your eye-catching Profile and strong skillset, you’re sure to get personally
invited to jobs as well. Especially if you join Elance Groups and follow the other
suggestions from the previous section, Your Profile. Be sure to respond quickly
to invites, letting them know if you’re interested (or not).
Things to consider when you’re finding jobs on Elance:
▪ Use multiple forms of communication when conferring with potential
clients. Your project Workroom has its own private message board, allowing
for email communication. However, sometimes it makes sense to pick up
the phone or Skype. Just be sure to wait until the client responds to your
proposal– not doing so and providing your contact information up front
violates Elance policy. And be sure you and your client always document
any decisions in the project’s Workroom.
▪ When searching for jobs, keep in mind whether you prefer Hourly jobs
or Fixed Price jobs. Each has its advantages, so decide what works
best for you.
Hourly jobs are based on a simple principle: An hour paid for an hour
worked. The option is particularly popular when the project has a good
chance of flexibility, such as the scope may change mid-stream. Freelancers
often choose Hourly work because of features like Work View™ and Tracker
– where your time is automatically tracked and screenshots submitted to your
clients. When work is approved, timesheets are automatically paid.
Fixed Priced jobs are generally posted when the client has a good grasp
of what the project entails, and there aren’t a lot of details left to the
imagination. One benefit is the Elance Escrow feature, where the client
funds your job before work begins. When certain pre-determined milestones
are met and the client approves the work, payments are automatically
released to you.
Dennis H.
Germany | Web Developer
Next: Your Proposal
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 11
Section 4:
Your Proposal: The perfect pitch
Well done. Now that your Profile is a power-packed magnet pointed squarely at
great businesses (if not, see The Profile section), your next step is pinpointing
which businesses are truly great (read: great for you). And then crafting a
proposal they can’t refuse. Here is some sage advice:
1. Stay in your happy zone, selecting jobs carefully.
Just as your Profile Overview can’t position you as all things to all people, nor
should your job selection process span widely across your field. It’s best to
focus, focus, focus on jobs best suited for you. Things to consider:
▪ Find jobs that match your skill and interests. Life is too short to work on
projects that neither interest you nor put your best talent to work.
▪ Find jobs with a hearty description. If the client’s job description is vague
and feeble, chances are the job will be equally woeful. Keep searching for
better opportunities.
▪ Find jobs with the right budget. One good job you can sink your teeth
into is better than four small ones that take time and energy ramping up for.
However, if you’re brand new to Elance or your category you may need to
start small and grow your way to success.
▪ Find jobs that fit your availability. When you’re booked solid and going on
a 2-week trip to the islands, pass on monster projects. There will be more big
projects when your stress level is back to normal.
Ivy F.
China | Translator
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 12
Section 4: (continued)
Your Proposal: The perfect pitch
2. Screen clients as carefully as they’ll screen you.
With so many opportunities on Elance, be selective in the businesses you
choose to work with. If it’s not the right match, you’ll just spin your wheels and
waste precious energy better used for other clients. A few thoughts:
▪ Find businesses with an established Job History. Although great new
businesses come to Elance daily, there is peace-of-mind in finding clients
with a solid track record.
▪ Find businesses who truly want you. Browse the job posting to make sure
you’re what they’re looking for. Check for the Experience and Skills they
desire, as well as any Geographic Preferences. Don’t fit? Move on.
▪ Find businesses with Verified Payment. Although it’s not essential, it makes
sense to first seek clients who have a payment process in place. Look for the
Verified Payment symbol in their job post – a dollar sign among the green icons.
▪ Find businesses with a high Award Ratio. The Award Ratio is a fair indicator
of how serious the company is in hiring you. Your time is valuable, so use it
▪ Find businesses giving regular Feedback. Your status (see Your
Reputation section) is based greatly on the Feedback clients leave. Look for
partners who are quick to spread the word about your skills.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 13
Section 4: (continued)
Your Proposal: The perfect pitch
3. Now write a killer Proposal.
After vetting clients and finding a job that looks sensational, it’s time to pounce.
Act quickly and set those wheels of getting hired in motion. Naturally a great
Proposal is paramount to getting noticed and sealing the deal. There’s a lot to
cover, so let’s jump right in:
▪ Customize (yes, customize) your Proposal. Clients can spot “cut-andpaste” Proposals from a mile away (1.6 kilometers), giving you the axe
instantly. Cookie-cutter responses stand out like a sore thumb and earn you a
quick thumbs down. Ask questions too. As well as showing interest, it’s good
to begin a two-way dialog between you and the client.
▪ Write in a suitable tone. Much like your Profile Overview, your Proposal
should be personable yet professional. Save your 16-letter words for
Scrabble, instead explaining yourself in a warm and friendly manner. Make a
friend and you’ll get the job.
▪ Be succinct. Be a good editor. Brevity is vital, as clients may be browsing
several proposals in a short amount of time. And please, no typos.
Spellchecker is your friend.
Firmo S.
Indonesia | Translator
▪ Show you’re a good listener. Be sure to demonstrate that you’ve read the
job posting. Ask good questions, and show interest and enthusiasm.
▪ Highlight the value you bring. Don’t rely only on your Profile. Be specific
about benefits you bring to this particular job. Spotlight relevant experiences
you’ve had, how you tackled similar jobs and what unique approaches and
skills you bring to the table.
▪ Ask for the job. Think of your Proposal as an interview. What would you say
to make sure you get called back? Show your enthusiasm and let the person
know you want to start the project soon. Oh, thank them for their time too.
▪ Showcase relevant samples. Your Elance Portfolio should be full of aweinspiring pieces demonstrating your talents, but why not pull some of the
more relevant examples and include them directly in your proposal? This
gives clients your best, most relevant work without having to search for it.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 14
Section 4: (continued)
Your Proposal: The perfect pitch
4. Set a fair price.
Clients are inevitably going to get low-priced Proposals from the desperate and
uninspired, as well as outrageously high-priced Proposals from others. Don’t worry
about them. If you’ve proven your worth (see above) you’ll get your fair price. Now,
what exactly is a fair price? Here’s a starting point to determine that:
5. Consider submitting a Proposal with no price.
If you’re not sure of the requirements, don’t make a wild guess. It can come back
to haunt you. Instead, on your Proposal check the “Will submit amount later” box.
In your Proposal be sure to ask specific questions to get further clarification, and
reassure the client that you’ll finalize a price based on that information.
▪ Factor in your time and effort. Carefully guesstimate all that’s involved.
Make sure to take into account the project’s complexity, time-frame (any 16hour days needed?) and total effort required.
▪ Research your market. Do your due diligence, deciding who you’re
competing against. Get an idea for industry pay averages, starting with
Elance’s very own Trends pages where we show you all the top skills being
hired on Elance, along with average pay rates. Factor in if you’re offering a
premium skill that’s difficult to find.
▪ See things from your client’s perspective. Are you just breaking into
the market, or new to Elance and yet to build-up your standing (see Your
Reputation section)? Or just the opposite, are you a proven expert with great
feedback and ratings? It matters. And realistically, so does your potential
client’s past budgets. Look to see what they’ve spent for similar projects.
▪ Decide what you’re worth. Estimate in all honesty what is a fair price for the
job at hand. Don’t sell yourself short, reacting to low-ball pricing. If the client
wants quality work in a timely manner, they’ll pay you what you deserve.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 15
Section 4: (continued)
Your Proposal: The perfect pitch
6. Don’t just sit there, follow-up.
Once your Proposal is submitted, keep your eye on the ball. Check your My
Jobs page or Watch List daily for status updates on your potential project. The
client may be asking for additional information. If you change your mind or earn
another job and can’t fit this project into your schedule, be polite and withdraw
your bid. You may well come across this client again, and they’ll remember your
7. Don’t just sit there, send more Proposals.
Although you want to be selective in the jobs you set your sights on, you also
want to make sure you cover all of your bases. Your first Proposal is just the
beginning. Once that Proposal is submitted, start the process over and find
another job that’s perfect. And another. And another. As you build your online
work reputation at Elance you’ll want to give yourself lots of opportunities.
8. Negotiating your price.
Often a potential client will like what they see, but not see eye-to-eye on
pricing. This may be a straight-up cost issue, or the scope of the project may
have changed. Either way, keep these thoughts in mind:
▪ Always remain professional. No need to take things personally. You’re a
professional and you know what you’re worth. Simply explain why you feel
you’re asking a fair price.
▪ Be willing to withdraw your offer. If there is absolutely no wiggle room,
walk away and thank the client for their time. Simply withdraw your offer and
move on.
▪ If the price changes, update terms and milestones. When fluctuations
happen, update all related items in the project. Be especially sensitive to
shifting end dates and scope.
▪ Do not work without job funding. While the early bird gets the worm, in
some instances he/she gets burned. Don’t be the one who gives away free
work. Wait until funding is secured before you log hours.
Next: Your Workroom
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 16
Section 5:
Your Workroom: Where jobs get tackled
Congratulations! Your Proposal was accepted and you’re now ready to create
some magic. With every project you’ll automatically be assigned a secure
Elance Workroom where you and your client can collaborate. This is also where
you’ll track progress and ensure you get paid (yeah!). While there are many
services and features, here are some highlights of your shared Workroom:
▪ Manage projects. Use your Workroom to keep projects moving smoothly.
You can set and update terms, share status reports and have your
timesheets submitted automatically if you’re working on an hourly job.
▪ Communicate and collaborate. You’ll find tools for staying in touch (from
email to video conferencing), as well as solutions for sharing files and
tracking work.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 17
Section 5: (continued)
Your Workroom: Where jobs get tackled
▪ Get paid quickly. All the tools for getting paid are included in your
Workroom. When objectives are successfully met, your money will be
released and sent to you.
▪ Eliminate paperwork and busy work. Elance has streamlined the
process of getting work done, including taking many of the bureaucratic
steps out of the process. Things happen automatically, intuitively and
greenly. Mother Nature will thank you.
Esteban T.
Argentina | iOS Developer
Next: Your Reputation
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 18
Section 6:
Your Reputation: Stand out from the rest
With all things being equal, clients will obviously accept the Proposal with the
best balance of quality and value. But as we know, not all freelancers are equal
in talent nor affordability. That’s where your online reputation comes into play.
Elance gives you several opportunities to distance yourself from others who
may be interested in the same job. Here’s some information on how to put
yourself in the best light:
1. Feedback is important. No, critical.
For each job you work, a client can (and should) leave Feedback ratings to
share how great it was working with you.
Just as clients can leave comments on why they enjoyed working with you, you
can also respond with your own Feedback to their comments. It goes without
saying that any comments you leave should be professionally worded…as
other clients will be able to see them. Sometimes we see freelancers reacting
poorly to Feedback received. Don’t get caught up in the negativity. If you
disagree with the Feedback left, be sure to remain professional and allow your
response to explain the situation.
If you feel that a client is pressuring you to change the scope of the work by
withholding positive Feedback (example: asking for extra work you didn’t
agree to), give us a call. Coercion is a violation of Elance Policy and you
deserve better.
And remember, Feedback cannot be changed once it’s posted. This is
important to remember when asking for Feedback, and when leaving
Feedback for your clients.
Sarah R.
Puerto Rico | Writer
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 19
Section 6: (continued)
Your Reputation: Stand out from the rest
2. Making sense of My Stats and Level.
To help differentiate yourself beyond a Profile and price, Elance has several
features for determining your online reputation. These include My Stats and
your Level. My Stats includes a snapshot of your history of work on Elance,
while Level is calculated using the numbers from My Stats. Let us explain:
▪ My Stats is your online work history. Some key numbers we include in
My Stats are the number of clients you have (and repeat clients), as well as
the number of jobs, milestones and hours you’ve worked on Elance. It also
includes client Feedback–from recommendations to reviews.
Note: Feedback left by former clients is viewable by potential clients. That’s
why it’s important to make sure clients leave Feedback after every successful
job and you respond professionally to that Feedback. Good Feedback also
elevates your Level.
▪ Your Level is determined by My Stats. By factoring in the data we
accumulate in My Stats, we’re able to assign a numerical number that
assesses your level. When you focus on doing great work and building a
successful online business, your Level will rise accordingly.
Note: Your Level is calculated as a result of a number of factors, from your
service delivery and client relationships to marketing performance. Your Level
will determine where you place in the default search rankings on Elance.
▪ Key drivers of My Stats and Level. Many factors play into your ultimate
numbers, including job Feedback, earnings volume and growth, how you
grow client relationships, whether you bid an appropriate price and even your
Elance policy compliance.
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 20
Section 6: (continued)
Your Reputation: Stand out from the rest
3. Managing your Feedback, Stats and Levels.
Here are some quick pointers for maximizing your online reputation at Elance:
▪ Always request Feedback from clients. We automatically prompt your
clients to provide Feedback once a job is complete, but we can’t force them
to do so. If a few days go by and there’s been no Feedback entered, be sure
to gently nudge them as a reminder. It may even take a second nudge or
more. Be persistent, but not rude. Remember, before accepting a job you can
check a potential client’s tendency for giving Feedback. Keep that in mind
when sending Proposals.
▪ Respond professionally to Feedback. Whether it’s good or bad, remember
that it’s someone’s estimation and respect their opinion. Plus, Feedback can’t
be changed once it has been posted. Also, your response will be displayed
on your Profile. Do you really want potential clients to see a nasty remark
you’ve made to a client?
▪ Use the Elance platform. You’ll complete jobs successfully,
get Feedback and receive payment through Elance.
▪ Build strong relationships. To best raise your online reputation, continue to
add new clients and achieve repeat work and strong earnings from them.
Dayna B.
Canada | Illustrator
▪ Dot your “i”s and cross your “t”s. Be diligent in the details provided in
this guide. Create a strong Profile, submit quality Proposals for relevant jobs,
price your services within customary budget ranges and ensure the work
is awarded and completed on Elance.
Next: Your Reminder
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 21
Section 7:
Your Reminder: Rules to keep you safe
Your security is paramount at Elance. Naturally we want you to take advantage
of all the great features and services we offer to help you Work Differently™. Our guidance is simple: Stay on Elance, Get Paid on Elance.
Using the job’s Workroom and Terms & Milestones areas to document costs,
deliverables and other decisions related to your work is critical. Elance is here
to help, but we can only rely on the information provided in the Workroom.
Using Work View™ and Elance Escrow are great ways to manage your
payments on Elance and will give you and your client the confidence to hit the
ground running.
Keep these rules in mind at all times:
▪ Never take jobs off Elance. If clients ask you to work outside of the Elance
platform, a warning bell should go off in your head. Something is not right. If
you agree, it’s against Elance rules and you’re in danger of getting scammed.
You will lose all protection Elance affords you. Period.
▪ Refuse (and let Elance know) if clients:
- Ask you for financial accounts
Gillian W.
Jamaica | Writer
- Ask you to buy anything to complete their job
- Ask you to work on a job Elance has disallowed
- Are not officially listed on Elance
▪ Never create custom samples. Again, don’t give out your work for free. Use
your Portfolio (and prolific powers of persuasion) to sell yourself. If you make
samples before the job is awarded there’s a good chance you’ll never hear
from them again.
Next: You’re Hired
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 22
Section 8:
You’re Hired: Go do an awesome job
With your incredible skills and the know-how gleaned from this handy
Freelancer’s Guide, you’re sure to be an awesome success on Elance.
Remember, your online reputation is a major driver in growing your business.
So be sure to go the extra mile/kilometer to do a great job. Feedback is an
important tool for attracting new clients. Exceptional work will also help you get
a second and third job from each client too.
Speaking of which, be on the look-out for follow-up jobs.
And as we mentioned previously, long-term client relationships is something
that will only help you be more successful on Elance. When you’re finished with
a project, don’t be shy about suggesting other work you can do. Clients are
sometimes so focused on their to-do list that they don’t realize opportunities
that may be in the peripheral. Enlighten them (in a non-pushy way). In short,
become an invaluable partner.
So go get yourself some online freelance jobs and do an awesome job. We’re
excited to have you on the team!
If you’re looking for additional help on earning more money at Elance, check
out these resources:
Elance Help Center
Elance Official Blog
Hiring Trends
Terms of Service
Elance Webinar Sign Up
Water Cooler Member Forum
Sam B.
Australia | Writer
The Elance Team
Elance: A Freelancer’s Guide | 23