Groundbreaking Events at Foster`s Home 2014 Children`s Day
Groundbreaking Events at Foster`s Home 2014 Children`s Day
October 2014 CHATTER Sherwood & Myrtie Foster’s Home for Children 2014 Children’s Day A day for celebrating and recognizing the children Foster’s Home serves. See page 5 for more! Groundbreaking Events at Foster’s Home To learn more about the groundbreaking for a new home in the Neighborhood, see page 7. Healing the Wounds of Troubled Children & Families FROM THE Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will PRESIDENT Glenn Newberry President/CEO Our Kids AreYour Kids We enjoyed a wonderful Children’s Day a few weeks ago. Groundbreaking took place for a new group home. We honored several individuals and groups for sacrificial service to our kids. We laughed and cried at video of children in care speaking from the heart about their attachment to Foster’s Home. I hope you will make it a priority to attend this annual event each second Saturday of September. As I glance around the walls of my office, I see numerous pictures of my family. There is a picture of me as an infant, with my twin brother and three older siblings. There are pictures of my wife and three kids. There are pictures of our three grandkids. You could easily conclude that family is central to my life, and you would be correct. Outside the walls of my office is a neighborhood of homes that serve as family to anywhere from 40-55 children at any given time. The only healthy family many of our children will ever know is the one they have at Foster’s Home. Our kids at Foster’s Home have also become your kids. You are vested in their lives by your love, your prayers, and your gifts to support their life here. Years ago we became committed to the practice of sending a picture of a child in care with each receipt letter that goes out. We feature a different child each month. Many of you have commented about how much those faces mean to you. I have seen them on your refrigerators and mirrors. Some of you have memorized the stories of each child. Fall is a special time around the Home. Our kids enjoy playing outside in the cooler weather. We relish watching several of our boys play high school football. Our kids silently look forward to the holiday season when they enjoy the generosity of friends they’ve never met. But it is also a very solemn time for them as they experience life AWAY from family. This, while most of us look forward to time WITH family. Please pray for them during this bittersweet time of year. Page 2 Foster’s Home Staff 2014 Metro Tournament Pictured to the left are Clint Wallace, Ky Martin, and Ryan Jamison from the Covington congregation. They placed first at our 2014 Metro Golf Tournament, held at the Harbor Lakes Golf Club in Granbury. Thank you to all who participated this year and be ready to play again next year! And Board of Directors Professional Staff: Glenn Newberry, M.Ed., LPC-S President/CEO David Asbill, M.Ed., LPC-S Chief Operating Officer Bill Cranfill, M. Bus. Ed. Vice President of Physical Plant Lacy Barton, BA Vice President of Development Derrick Bam, M.MFT Vice President of Children’s Services Barbara Hughes, MS Educational Liaison Jerree Herrington, LMSW, M.Ed. Case Management Leann Hook, LBSW - IPR Case Management Jessica McKamy, LMSW Thank You, Walnut Springs Class of 2019! Case Management Arenda Phillips, LMSW Case Management Board of Directors: Mike Blevins Energy Industry Consultant — Granbury, TX James “Bo” Cox President/Owner of BCD Ventures, Inc. — Baytown, TX Darla Doty, VICE CHAIRPERSON Assistant Vice President of Student Life Tarleton State University — Stephenville, TX Tim Eby Retired Pilot — Hico, TX Steven R. Herod, CHAIRMAN District Judge — Eastland, TX Jeff Jeffries j/p Installations — Granbury, TX Earl Krieg, Jr., SECRETARY Sr. VP of Engineering, Keystone Petroleum — Whitney, TX Bob McAlister Retired — Hico, TX Just as they did last year, the Walnut Springs Class of 2019 held a fundraiser for Foster’s Home and almost doubled their gift from 2013, giving a total of $1,042.00. Thank you for considering Foster’s Home for the past two years. What an awesome way to see children helping other children! Clinton Nix Attorney/Rancher — Abilene, TX Steve Parker Farmer/Rancher — Knott, TX Larry Pratt Rancher — Eliasville, TX Carl Smith Stephenville High School Teacher — Stephenville, TX Steve Smith District Judge — Bryan-College Station, TX Privacy Policy John E. Terrill It is the policy of Foster’s Home for Children to guard the confidentiality of our donors. We do not sell, rent, or disclose names, physical or email addresses, or phone numbers. Donor’s names are disclosed only in our memorial gifts listing in Chatter, or in specific cases where the donor has given consent for their name to be disclosed. Phil Uhrhan Page 3 Retired Erath County District Attorney — Stephenville, TX Retired — Houston, TX Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will Myrtie Foster Award Spirit of Sacrifice Colby and Kara Pack Colby and Kara have been involved in many different ways over the past few years. Not only do they help acquire animals for our show program, they support and help fund a yearly hunting trip, Hunt for the Future, that takes several of our children to Kara’s father’s ranch in Fredericksburg for a once in a lifetime hunting experience. We thank them for their service to our neighborhood. J.J. Barton J.J. is no stranger to working hard, especially for Foster’s Home. J.J. was actually employed by the home several years ago. Even though he no longer works at Foster’s Home, he is a constant fixture behind the scenes. He frequently gets tapped on his shoulder to do various projects around our neighborhood. He also works tirelessly to make sure our annual auction goes off without a hitch. Thank you, J.J. for all you do for the children and the home! Tommie Tate Tommie has been a tutor in our Achiever’s program for over 34 years. Prior to coming to Foster’s Home, she was a teacher and basketball coach for 13 years. Tommie has helped more than 200 children achieve their educational goals. She exemplifies the meaning of the Myrtie Foster award, a true Spirit of Sacrifice. We are thankful for the time she continues to dedicate to our children. Thank you, Tommie for being a fixture at Foster’s Home. Page 4 Myrtie Foster Award Spirit of Sacrifice Lynne Lovett TSU Interior Design Lynne and two of her Interior Design classes spent countless hours at Foster’s Home over the past two years. They redesigned and decorated our Counseling Room and our Achiever’s Library. They spent time with the children in order to meet their needs with the new designs. Each project has brightened our neighborhood! Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta Rho For several years, Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta Rho have happily volunteered their time helping Foster’s Home. They hold an Easter Egg hunt yearly and an annual Thanksgiving dinner. Kappa Delta Rho also spends numerous hours and Saturdays helping us prepare for our auction. We couldn’t do it without their help! Children’s Day 2014 This year’s Children’s Day was a great success! We welcomed several former residents, including Kyle Biddlecombe (pictured to the far left) who spoke about the lessons he learned while at Foster’s Home. Guests were also treated to videos from each child in the Neighborhood, describing what they like most about Foster’s Home. Page 5 Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will Welcome to Foster’s Home Please join us in welcoming Jessica McKamy as our new Case Manager. She comes to us straight from earning her Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Arlington. She grew up in Granbury, Texas, and earned her Bachelor’s Degree at Tarleton State University. While at Tarleton, Jessica completed her social work internship at Foster’s Home. Once she was done with her internship, she stayed on and worked in the office while she was in school for her Master’s Degree. She will be working as the Case Manager for two boys’ homes and work on the training that the staff receives throughout the year. We are looking forward to many years of working with Jessica! A Healthy Goodbye In 2006, Glenn picked up a young man at the DFW Airport who was flying in to interview for a position with Foster’s Home. He was fresh out of York College, and had grown up as a missionary’s son in Italy. That young man was Titus Robison. We knew a good man when we saw one, and hired Titus to work in development for Foster’s Home, primarily among churches. Aside from a brief stint where he moved back to Italy, Titus has been with us since 2006. We are very proud to announce that Titus has just been named the new Executive Director for Hope Harbor. Hope Harbor is a children’s home in Claremore, Oklahoma. Titus will begin work there on October 13. We are so happy to have had the eight year relationship with Titus, and are proud of what he accomplished. Our church support and church relations are better now than at any time in our 54 year history. Titus has traveled countless miles to build relationships between churches and our children. We pray God’s blessings on his new work, and on our search for another “Titus” to carry on what he so successfully did for our children. Titus and Angie moved here as just a young married couple. They leave with three daughters, a wealth of experience in development, and all the support and love we can send with him to another great work involving children. Thanks, Titus, for a job well done! Page 6 Future at Foster’s Home Future can look like many different things to many different people. It can be in seen in the progress and growth at Foster’s Home, as in the picture to the right. The Gullo Family attended a ceremonial groundbreaking for the newest group home here at Foster’s Home. This home will replace one of our older homes that currently houses boys. The home is being built in the memory of a daughter and grandson in the Gullo Family. To the left is T.J. while visiting the campus of Abilene Christian University this summer. T.J. will be a senior next year, but is already looking at making plans for his future away from Foster’s Home. We are hopeful for T.J.’s future and are looking forward to watching him continue to grow! To the right, you will see Bethany and Austin surveying the new crop of animals we are raising for the new show season. Opportunities to Help Change Lives There are always new and different ways to help change lives at Foster’s Home. Below are just a few of the new things you can help with: ♥Senior Class Rings: 6 at $225.00 each: We have 6 juniors who will be purchasing senior rings soon. ♥Animal Feed: It is that time again! Our Animal Program has already started off strong; we have more animals this year and more children participating in the stock show than last year. ♥Driver’s Education $325.00: We will soon have one new student driver. If you want to help with these or other needs, please contact Lacy, 254-968-2143 x. 245 or at Page 7 Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will End of the Summer Fun Back to School Getting almost 50 children ready to go back to school is no small task. With the help of people like Pam Tatum, who bought backpacks for each child in the neighborhood, and churches helping with school supplies, it makes it a much smoother transition. We are grateful that there are so many who helped our children this year! Thank you to Lilly Bachhofer, pictured below, for her help this year, too! She was working on a community service project and decided that Foster’s Home needed her help. She came and rearranged and organized the playroom in our gym. Thank you so much, Lilly! Page 8 DR. ROBERT BERRIDGE Sue Ford John & Sue Harrington Ann Mallard Fred & Joyce Pike Mr. & Mrs. Earl Van Reenan John & Linda Rodriguez Don Seaman MOZELLE BLACKWELL MEMORIAL AND HONOR Bill & Martha Slawson GIFTS RECEIVED FROM ROBERT BLACKWELL’S JULY 1 TO OCTOBER 3, 2014 FATHER Clinton Nix TOMMY ABEREGG LUCILLE BLANKENSHIP Dee & Janie Aberegg Donald R. Shuttlesworth Larry & Quay Roberts RANDLE & LUCILLE BESSIE FAYE ALLISON BLANKENSHIP Gayland & Julie Stephens Vivian Eller HAZEL ANDERSON BOB BODEN JT & Pat Molder John & Margie Bennett LINDA ANDERSON BRENDA BOWMAN Virgie Hopson Dave & Sandy Davis MARGARET ANDERSON TAYLOR BOWMAN Perry & Meldeene Elliott Kevin & Crista Fender ROBERT ANTHONY RONNIE BOX Clinton Nix Sam & Emma Nix JACQUETTA ARBUCKLE KELLY BRIGHT Virgie Hopson Bill & Glenda Stovall JOAN ARTHUR NELL BRNOVAK Jim & Carol Hudson Clinton Nix THELMA AYERS JAKE & OLA MAE BROCK Dorris Priest Eddie & Suzan Garner WILLIAM TIPTON BROOKS DAVID BARHAM Doug & Bobbie Johnson Mike & Susan Blevins GERALDINE BROWN Jack & Judy Little Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Storm Ike & Margaret Sawyer IRMADINE BROWN BRONSON BEARDMORE Pat Wight Decatur Church of Christ DALE BRUMLEY VIVIAN BECK Juan & Jane Garcia R.F. Krueger OPAL BRUMMETT VERA BELDEN Rachel Beckner Jerry & Loyce Gazaway S.R. & Eloise Bills MICKEY BELEW Dennis & Karen Eads Bradberry’s Best Family Ron & Genie Feike JANE BENNETT Milton & Sharon Fenner John & Margie Bennett Jean Gaines PEARLINE BENNETT Vonetta Gaines Lonnie & Patsy Stephens Jerry & Loyce Gazaway Page 9 Terry & Mary Gibson Larry & Jerree Herrington Conley & Myrna Jenkins Johnny & Shirley Jennings Carroll& Bobbie Leavell Luke Lucas Newt & Bobbie Pederson Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls John & Marjorie Rabon Debra G. Roach ORIS SIM BRYANT, JR. Pat & Ollie Shelbourne EDDIE BUMPASS Clinton Nix BERNICE BURRIS Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Storm SHIRLEY BUSCH Glenn & Cheryl Newberry CHARLES “BUSTER” BYNUM Larry & Rhonda Davis George & Sharon Warlick GENE CAMPBELL Tanglewood Pharmacy ANNIE CANTWELL Bob & Donna Self GORDON CARGILL Lawrence & Modena Purefoy FRED H. “DICK” CARLISLE Owen & Charla Bean Jerald & Mickie Jones MRS. CARR Clinton Nix JOYCE CARRELL W.L. McFarland BECKY CARROLL Gene & Jackie Denman Marcia Lyle Norma McFarland MARY JO CARTER Carla Clark Sidney Church of Christ BOBBY CASHON Vicki & Kevin Alford Pat Ashcraft Glenna Williams Bodeker Janis Helm Cartwright Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will Perry & Meldeene Elliott Fraser, Wilson, & Bryan, P.C. Eddie & Suzan Garner Ben Gilbert Paul & Nancy Golightly Dorothy Greenhaw Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. Cody Pack Linda Spindor Sam E. Taylor II Sue Webb DR. JOHN HENDRICK CHIDLOW Wileta Kretzschmar RUTH ANN CHOATE Clinton Nix CLARK CHRISTLIEB Melissa Brown ED CLARK Bill & Glenda Stovall LIDA CLARK Lawrence & Modena Purefoy Gerald & Linda Smith ROOSEVELT CLARK Joy Buchanan Granbury Church of Christ Jack & Judy Little KATHLEEN CLIFTON Judy & Steve Wells GAYLAN COBB Genell Lockett GLENDA COFFMAN Roy & Dorthy Bloyd Brian & Paula Thomas Josh Thomas LARRY CONDRA Jerry & Judy Gibson WARREN DALE CORBELL Jon K. Corbell JIM COX Jerry & Judy Gibson SARA LOU COX Bill & Ann Lane Sidney Church of Christ JIMMY R. COZY James & Karla Young PAT CUMMINGS Perry & Meldeene Elliott JULIA CUNNINGHAM Jeanetta Green NITA CURRIE Cody & Dondra Bedwell, Kinely & Karsyn Branda Fanning & Shelby Jones Todd & Robin Fanning Eloise Fuller Quincy & B.J. Hough Martha Shelton Tommy & Vicky Shelton & Bruce Sue Webb MAGGIE CURTIS The H.L. Brinkley Family PATRICIA DAVIS Willard & Betty Bennett TREVA DAVIS Bill & Ann Lane PAUL DAYTON Lake & Laddie Davis LETHA DENSMORE Kenneth & Betty Lesley and Family CHARLES DICKEY Dorothy Dickey JOYCE DITTO Steve & Amy Parker JOE DIXON Clinton Nix LINDON DODGE Gene & Jackie Denman KEVIN DOW Joe & Darlene Finely BOB DUDLEY Willie Fern & Jack Pettit MRS. LEE DUNCAN Pleasant & Helen Mitchell BARBARA DUNNAM Jerry & Ann Brown Freddie & Kay Rodgers BETTY DUNSON David & Linda Fair COURTNEY EAKINS Joe Carlisle Stephenville City Electric, Inc. Page 10 Tanglewood Pharmacy DENA EDISON Jim & Tracie Walkup JOANN EDWARDS Sidney Church of Christ MELVIN EILERS Carolyn Horton Willie Fern & Jack Pettit Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls HOWARD ELLIOTT Happy & Faye Hurley JIM EVANS Larry & Jerree Herrington LOU DICKEY FARR Marcia Lyle Norma McFarland JESSE FELAN Laguna Park Church of Christ KAY STEWART FENTER JT & Pat Molder Tate Family MRS. HELEN FERGUSON Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bennett BETTY FILES Clinton Nix Royce & Janace Scott JODEE FLIPPIN Bill & Donna Cranfill Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls BURTON W. FRENCH Mr. & Mrs. Jack Evans, Jr. J.A. GAINES Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls TONY GAITHER Happy & Faye Hurley Lorand & Lucille Hurley Wayne & Ann Hurley DOROTHY GAMBEL Joanna Lay Brad Thompson JOHN GIST Gene & Jackie Denman JACK GLAZE Lonnie & Pat Taylor LUTHER RAY GOHLKE Dee & Janie Aberegg Dr. Bob Alexander Teresa Basham Salata Brown Broyles & Gilmartin Family Harold G. & Carolyn S. Chapman Bruce Clark Doug & Christy Dallas Daugherty Street Church of Christ Bill & Patti Dolen Daniel & Debbie Dunson LaVenia Echols David & Carole Ervin Kirk Ervin Trey & Joy Felan Bob & Betty Johnson Chuck & Dorothy Johnston Sam & Joella Jones B.H. & June King Libby & Bill Kyle Wayne & Clara Mathews Jim & Diana McCullough Glenn & Cheryl Newberry Rackspace Hosting A.J. Ratliff Dorothy Reid & Rhonda Butler Larry & Quay Roberts Freddie & Kay Rodgers Kris & Kristin Scitcrn Don & Margaret Scott Steve & Laura Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Smith Pat & Joann Sublett Johnny & Jean Teaff Roy & Luda Thomas Tommy & Janet Thomas Turner, Seaberry, & Warfor Stacy Vann Lou Walker Johnny & Mary Wells The Families of Alvin & John Whaley ROBERT GOODMAN’S MOTHER Clinton Nix CHARLES GRAHAM Clinton Nix Sam & Emma Nix Gary & Fannie Vaughn FLOELLA DEAN GRAHAM James & Jo Anna Byars OLA GRAHAM Peggy & Lonnie Milstead BOB GRAY Larry & Jerree Herrington LORENE GREEN Steve & Amy Parker KEN GRONEWALD John & Jenell McKinney GEORGE GRUVER Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bennett JT & Pat Molder Red & Betty White EUNA VAY GUINN Don & Shirley McClure GYPSY, THE CAT Bill & Patti Dolen MIKE HAGAR Pleasant, Helen, Megan, & Mitch Mitchell OLENE HAMILTON Ken & Debra Eubanks CAROLYN HARKNESS Ken & Mary Fletcher JEANETTE HARREL Rodger & Jo Ann Elston Gayland & Julie Stephens JOSEPH BRINT HARRIS JR. James & Jo Anna Byars MRS. JUANITA HATFIELD Pleasant, Helen, Megan, & Mitch Mitchell JIM HAZLEWOOD Genell Lockett VELMA HEARNE Georgia Voiles EVELYN ROBERTSON HERNDON Judy & Steve Wells NORMA HILL Pam & Fred Allen BILL HILTON Bob & Betty Hale Page 11 JEFFIE HILLMAN David & Sandy Davis SIDNEY HIRT Steve & Amy Parker GARY HOGUE Lynn Brantley E.D. “WIMP” HOLCOMB Steve & Amy Parker LINDA HOLCOMB W.L. McFarland NICOLE “NIKKI” HOOPES Bonnie & James Rucker CHARLES HOPKINS David Bragg Marchelle Lee Construction Stephenville City Electric ROY HUCKABEE Bob & Donna Self RICK HUGHES Patsy & Larry Forrest FAYE HUMPHUS Dorris Priest ROBERT R. “BOB” HUNT Mark & Debbie Hardgrave Steve & Amy Parker HAPPY HURLEY Cedar Point Music Club Jeanetta Green Lorand & Lucilla Hurley Rita Hurley & Family Wayne & Ann Hurley Johnnie & Jere Huston Wes & Lisa Ives Doug & Bobbie Johnson Sid & Dorothy Landrum Glenn & Cheryl Newberry Doug & Blynda Sims Bobbie & Charlotte Swenson Jan Williams Loyd & Janice Wright ELVA JOY HUSKINS John & Ann Nail LINDA ANN HUSTON Calvin & Joe Hughes ROSE MARIE HUSTON Happy & Faye Hurley WARREN HUTCHERSON Aunt Billie, Marilyn, Jimmy, Kellye, & Steve Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will MR. MAC HUTTO Pleasant & Helen Mitchell CECIL ISBELL Wesley & Estalene Dillard Joe George Pat & Joann Sublett PHIL IVES The Faye Hurley Family Doug & Bobbie Johnson DOROTHY JOHNSON John & Margie Bennett Laguna Park Church of Christ DORRIS JOINER Elsa & Keith Boyd Larry Womack MIRIAM JORDAN Weldon Smith PAUL JUSTICE Frances Jackson CLAUDINE KALE Gary & Mary Walker MRS. ANNE KEEVER Pleasant & Helen Mitchell RANDY KELDER Bill & Martha Slawson STELLA KERNS Bill & Donna Cranfill SUE KRIBBS Dorothy Christian Bob & Darla Doty Roy & Vivian Eller Eddie & Suzan Garner Larry & Jerree Herrington Merle Jo Parks Charles & Sue Williams GUY LACKEY David & Pam Jones MRS. LOUISE LANG Pleasant, Helen, Megan, & Mitch Mitchell MR. ROBERT LAVENDER Pleasant & Helen Mitchell GLEN LAWSON Judy & Steve Wells DOROTHY LEDBETTER Larry & Lynda McDonald DENA LEISURE Martha Griffith ZANDRA LEWALLEN Sue Foster Eddie & Suzan Garner LACI LEE LIGON Pleasant, Helen, Megan, & Mitch Mitchell LISA LITTLE Mr. & Mrs. Jack Evans Jr. FAYE VINING LINDLEY Bob & Donna Self MIKE LIVELY’S MOTHER Bob & Darla Doty Merle Jo Parks GLENN LONG Don & Nancy Davis Billy & Patsy Glover RON MAIN The Pat Sublett Family JOAN MANN Clinton Nix BILL MARCOM Willard & Betty Bennett EDNA EARL MARCOM Willard & Betty Bennett JAMES MARSHALL Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bennett STEPHEN MARTIN Martha Griffith JOHNNY MASON Tim & Pat Mason Gary & Jacque Rogers TOM MATHEWS Joan Mathews JACQUETTA MEFFORD Steve & Karen Cobb DORIS MELTON Mr. & Mrs. Don Melton BYRON MERRITT Gene & Jackie Denman Pat Tompkins INEZ MICKEY Mozelle Akins Gayland & Maidalyn Roberts Cheri Smith Page 12 BETTY LOU MILLER Steve & Amy Parker EL DAMAVIS MILLER Faye Shepherd JEAN MONTGOMERY Sue & Wilburn Dodd CLAY MORRIS Dee & Janie Aberegg ZUELA MORRIS Margaret, Larry, & Pat Harrington MOSA LEE MORRISON Royce, Sharon, Michael, & Deborah Delane & Jane Atchley Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cody Mr. & Mrs. Joe Griffin Dee & Megan Howard Milosoft Utility Solutions, Inc. Larry & Stephanie Smith Robert E. Taylor Family William E. Taylor Family William T. Taylor Family Harry & Sarah Whitt LOIS MOSER James & Gerry Beaver Mr. & Mrs. S.R. Bills, Jr. Sherry Boardman Dorothy Christian Bob & Darla Doty Roy & Vivian Eller Perry & Meldeene Elliott Vonetta Gaines Eddie & Suzan Garner Larry & Jerree Herrington Interbank Martha Jones Mary Jones Joanna Lay Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lee, Jr. June, Joe, Joyce McMillin Merle Jo Parks Newt & Bobbie Pederson Johnnie Porter J. Lee Roberts Bob & Donna Self Michael & Lyndie Sheppard Jeanne & L.C. Shuffield David Stem Brad Thompson The Weibles Charles & Sue Williams VIRGIE LEE MOSER Ron & Barbara Chitwood BENNY MOTLEY Jolena McDonald NORMA MUSAR Kevin & Crista Fender JOHN McCABE Glenda & Bill Stovall DON McCarty Nellie I. Brown DORIS McGILL Barbara Dean BOBBIE McKILLIP Desdemona Church of Christ Dorothy Greenhaw Grant and Vada Lewis Joy Rogers BILL NELSON Chuck & Dorothy Johnston ERNESTINE NEWBERRY Pearl & Irwin Tessler KERMIT NEWTON Clinton Nix RICKY NUTT Pat & Joann Sublett CHUCK O’CONNELL Barbara Dean ESPERONZA OWENS Randy & Carol Whitworth NITA OWEN Dave & Sandy Davis REX OWENS Pam Fear CHARLES PARKER Larry & Jerree Herrington Merle Jo Parks WANDA PARSONS Jack & Judy Little LOIS PATTERSON Freda Haak ROBERT PEDIGO Gene & Jackie Denman Randy & Carol Whitworth N.W. PENDLEY Freda Haak VERN PHAGAN Dewey & Irene Johnston BILLY PIERCE Kenneth & Betty Lesley DON PILGRIM Ron & Genie Feike JOHN E. PITTS Ms. John Pitts MARGARET POWERS Dee & Janie Aberegg Daugherty Street Church of Christ LaVenia Echols Sam & Joella Jones B.H. & June King Larry & Quay Roberts Freddie & Kay Rodgers Larry & Cathy Vernon LEONARD PRATT Kelly & Georgia Cunningham Bennah Pratt ROZELLA PRATT Kelly & Georgia Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Jack Evans, Jr. Jerry & Judy Gibson Bennah Pratt GARTH PRIDDY Larry Womack EVALYN PROCTOR Gayland & Julie Stephens ALMARENE “RENE” PURVIS Elva “Ruth” Bailey Helen Cleveland Jane Cole The Jerry & Linda Land Family KAY RAGLE Wayne & Monica Baker Don & Shirley McClure L.W. & Modena Purefoy DOUG RANSOM John & Ann Nail RUSS REED Rodney & Joye Covington DOLLIE REEVES Herbery & Sherry Brown Page 13 Danny Decker Ricky Moon Sandy Moon Bill & Brenda Parsons Larry Bays & Dannah Procter Lee & Sara Tannahill Arlis & Shirley Sims Barbara Vaden Nell Walls MAC REID Jerry & Ann Brown DR. RUSSELL REYNOLDS Regina Bragg Bill & Ann Lane CORA MAE RILEY Lonnie & Patsy Stephens MARIE ROACH Nick & Linda Godkin ALICE ROBY Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls JERRY ROGERS Doug & Bobbie Johnson David & Ann Stobaugh Bobbie & Charlotte Swenson DANNY ROLLINS Max & Jeannette Calk VICKIE ROSENBUSCH David Bragg MILTON RUCKER A.C. & Linda Gilbert L.W. & Modena Purefoy SHIRLEY SANDERS Ovilla Church of Christ RON SAVAGE Larry & Jerree Herrington Glenn & Cheryl Newberry CAROL SCALLORN Michael & Shari Purselley ADAM SCOTT Ron & Barbara Chitwood VERLON SCHWARTZ Sam & Emma Nix ANN SEAMAN Joy Buchanan Nevin & Kathy Foster Jack & Glenda Fry Paula Hogan Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will Jack & Judy Little Glenn & Cheryl Newberry Bill & Glenda Stovall David & Sandra Wims TERRI SHEARER Mary Jane Starnes BOBBY SHEWMAKE Rodney & Carole Hudson HAROLD SHIPMAN Pat Wight JOHN SIMMANG Bill & Donna Cranfill Larry & Jerree Herrington Glenn & Cheryl Newberry Merle Jo Parks Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls BEVERLY SMITH Johnny & Jimmi Byler SCOTT SMITH Clinton Nix CHERYL SPELLMEIER Shannon & Kandice Prescott & Girls JAMES ROBERTS SPIVEY Jack & Mary Ann Barnett FRANCES STALCUP Merle Jo Parks Val & Susan Trainham LARRY STEWARD Carolyn Horton Tanglewood Pharmacy BILL STEWART Ken & Mary Fletcher LARRY STOGSDILL Bill & Donna Cranfill Larry & Jerree Herrington Alan & Peggy Lindner McBee Homes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McClelen David & Randi McPhate Glenn & Cheryl Newberry J.R. STONE Dan & Bev Pratt WILLIAM AARON STOWE David & Linda Fair Buddy & Judy Johnson Lois Upchurch Rick & Paula Willis BILL SUGGS, JR. Dee & Janie Aberegg Don & Margaret Scott BOB SUGGS Billie Jean Suggs BRANDI SUTHERLAND Shirley Welch, Laura & Leigh JO ANN SUTTON Grace Sunday School Class LYDIA SYKES Jim & Carol Hudson H.O. WALKER Clinton Nix JOHNNY WALKER Sam & Emma Nix ROBBYE GRIMES WALKER Jerry & Ann Brown STORMY WALKER Bill & Glenda Stovall GLENDA McCOY WALSH Freda Haak DAVID WARFFORD JOE TARVER Jack & Glenda Fry Jerry & Loyce Gazaway Joe & Judy Hallmark LINDA S. TATE NORRIS G. WATKINS Tommie Tate John & Terry Webb NEIL TATOM’S MOTHER ERNESTINE WATSON Clinton Nix Happy & Faye Hurley BUSTER TETER SHANE WEATHERBEE David & Sandy Davis Jerry & Ann Brown DOROTHY TIPTON Don & Shirley McClure Florene Parks Frank & Faye Morgan EVELYN TOMPKINS Greg & Darla Pharis Carrie Janette Moulder Dorothy Reid & Rhonda Dorene & John Pigg Family Sam & Jo Ann Whittenburg Dorris Priest JAMES A. WEBB Mary Jane Starnes Larry & Patsy Forrest MONA TREADWAY RUBY WEEMS Gary & Mary Walker Mary Jean Boston CYNTHIA CALLAHAN TRICE Dennis & Linda Drake Jeanetta Green Ann B. Faber NEWANA TROVERO Bill & Judy Hazzard Family of Carlton & Velma Jones Eddy & Donna Helbert GENEVA TUBBS Linda Johnson Jim & Sheron Kenton Bill & Cathy Kniep Marian Rogers Linzy & Thigpen, SHIRLEY TULENSON Attorneys at Law Sid & Dorothy Landrum Janice Wright Means MELINDA TURNAGE Gary & Lucreta Ray Martha Griffith Woodlands Park Church of Wayne & Mary Vincent Christ Mickey & Detra Whiddon Woody & Barbra York NITA TURNER HERBERT WILLIAMS Ken & Nancy Johnson Joyce Browning PAM WILLIAMS DON USERY Kevin & Crista Fender Randy & Carol Whitworth LARRY WILLIAMSON Larry & Quay Roberts Page 14 DEE WILSON Sue Davidson WILLIE MAE WINDER Happy & Faye Hurley DELBERT & FRANCES WISE G.K. & Nita Lewallen FRANCES WISE Nell Ives Brown LAVERNE WITT Bill & Sharon Gressett Wayne & Beverly Williams JERRY WOOD Pat & Joann Sublett DEBBE WOODARD Florene Parks UELEN WOOLEY Mrs. L.W. Vineyard NETA WORLEY Bill & Sharon Gressett NANCY WORSHAM Ben & Dot Blitch Hawkins & Bonham Families JACK WYATT Ken & Mary Fletcher Nick & Linda Godkin MARY FRANCES WYLIE Janie Wylie Gibson & Family D’ANNE MELTON Janice Conway RICHARD MELTON Clinton Nix “RUSTY” & CONNIE MOSLEY LEE YATES Eugene & Doris Hall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McClelen Thorp Spring Church of Christ MRS. JOSE NAJAR Pleasant & Helen Mitchell MELVIN YOUNG LARRY ROBERTS Bueaton McKinzey RUTH YOUNG Pat Gohlke Jeanetta Green KENT ROBINSON Dewey & Irene Johnston OLLIE ZSCHIESCHE JARET SINGLETON Mary & Jeff Pettit Steve & Laura Singleton Willie Fern & Jack Pettit MICHAEL SINGLETON Steve & Laura Singleton -HONORBILL & JOYCE SMITH GLENN “SPEEDY” CLARK Robert, Leila, and Cyrus Larry & Quay Roberts Lauderdale MALCOLM & JUDY COCO MARGIE STEPHENSON Bob & Betty Hale Pam Allen ALVAH JEAN HILTON R.C. & MARYLYN SWAIM Bob & Betty Hale Bob & Betty Hale IMA HUGHES DIANE SWEETON Donna Brooks Neil & Joy Jones LARRY & KAREN LAWSON Willadean Smeltzer -HAPPY BIRTHDAYTOMMY & FLEURETTE Memorials & Honors CONNALLY Carla Clark Living Gifts Program BUDDY GLENN Terrence, Marc, Foster’s Home Living Gif ts Program is one way to honor those who have made a diff erence in our lives. Honor gifts provide a great opportunity for you to invest in the lives of Shonie, & Jim many hurting children. If you would like to honor someone special to you with a living gift, BETTY WHITE simply fill out the inf ormation below, detach and return the f orm to us (P. O. Box 978, Red White Stephenville, TX 76401) In Honor of: Larry & Jerree Herrington Marcella Lowe Kenneth & Evelyn Wylie In Memory of : Send Acknowl edgem ent to: Given by: ________________________________ Name _________________________________ Name ________________________________ Address _________________________________ Address ________________________________ City State Zip _________________________________ City State Zip Page 15 You can also give a Living Gift by scanning the QR Code with your phone! Chatter Please remember Foster’s Home in Your Will Helping Texas Children & Families Since 1960 October 2014 Sherwood & Myrtie Foster’s Home CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED for Children P.O. Box 978 Stephenville, TX 76401 (254) 968-2143 Fax: (254) 968-8672 website: e-mail: Chatter is a newsletter published In January, April, July, and October by the Sherwood & Myrtie Foster’s Home for Children NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID FORT WORTH, TX PERMIT #1114 Editor: Randi McPhate The Beauty and the Beast of the IRA Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) have been a lifesaver for many Americans who try to take control of their retirement income. Many have invested years of savings into them, and depend on them for income in their retirement years. The tax advantages of the IRA make them almost unbeatable for such use. However, the beauty of the IRA becomes a beast at your passing. Every dollar of the IRA becomes taxable to your heirs. Thus, all the things you worked to avoid during your working life become realized at your death. If your goal is to provide your heirs with regular income after you are gone, there is a way to avoid the taxation on your IRA and still provide for your heirs for years to come. The creation of a testamentary (after death) Charitable Remainder Unitrust allows you to fund the trust with your IRA, thus avoiding the normal shrinkage due to taxation. The trust is set up to make regular payments to your spouse and/or heirs for life, a term of years, or both. The amount remaining in the trust at its termination then goes to the charity of your choosing. If this interests you, consult with your professional tax advisor about this useful tool to accomplish your goals for your family, as well as your charitable intent. Or you can call Glenn to discuss how this planning tool might meet your needs. His number is 254 968-2143, x. 235. Or you can email him at Many such valuable planning tools are available for you to review at We are here to help you! Page 16