July Mystery Drive - Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Inc.
July Mystery Drive - Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Inc.
THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE NISSAN DATSUN SPORTS OWNERS CLUB FULL CIRCUIT August 2013 July Mystery Drive Max the Datsun Committee Reports Trading Post + More! THE NDSOC - A CLUB CATERING FOR ALL PRINCE, DATSUN AND NISSAN VEHICLES NP2012 0218 The Perfect Fit Nissan Genuine Parts are designed, tested and manufactured to the same exacting standards as the parts on all new Nissan vehicles. So they’re guaranteed to fit and perform to Nissan’s engineering standards. This means less hassles for you. So next time you’re thinking about using a non-genuine part, always remember – just because it fits doesn’t mean it’s perfect. nissan.com.au AUGUST 2013 18th 21st 31st Up Coming MSCA Super Sprint - Winton (AASA) Committee Meeting Ballarat Festival of Motoring Events SEPTEMBER 2013 1st 4th 8th 18th 22nd 26th - 30th Ballarat Festival of Motoring Club General Meeting - Elms Room, Caulfield Racecourse Tabaret DECA - Shepparton Committee Meeting Luke’s Run Bay to Birdwood Classic (Prince Skyline GT Register) OCTOBER 2013 2nd 6th 10th - 13th 12th - 13th 13th 16th 19th - 20th Club General Meeting - Elms Room, Caulfield Racecourse Tabaret Euroa Show & Shine Bathurst Melbourne to Maffra (Prince Skyline GT Register) MSCA Sandown Committee Meeting Marque Sports GT Rallye SEPTEMBER MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, September 4th 2013 The Elms Room Caulfiield Racecourse TAB Cnr Station Street & Smith Street, Caulfield VIC 3162 Arrive 6.30pm onwards Come and learn about upcoming club events, club happenings, and socialise with other likeminded car nuts! TAB also has fantastic meals on offer, so why not have some dinner too? FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Editor’s Note I don’t know about you all.... but I find winter extremely boring! Cold, wet and miserable weekends lead to a lack of motivation to get out and working on the cars, and there are no fun automotive events to attend. Luckily, the weather is starting to pick up and the days are starting to get longer. I’m really looking forward to everyone getting the cars out, giving them a good polish and going to a few decent car shows. Unfortunately due to work commitments and being unwell, I was unable to attend Mike’s Mystery Drive. Judging by the pictures it looked to be a great day out and a great feed at the end! This edition of the Full Circuit is slightly smaller due to the lack of events that happen at this time of the year. Rest assured next month’s edition will be back and thriving again along with the car scene and Melbourne’s weather! Cheers, Michael - Editor. 3 S T N E e e V t E t i G m N I m o M C O 3 C 1 P 2U0 President David Jones Mob: 0417 679 013 Email: president@ndsoc.com.au Vice President Karyn Hamer-Finn Mob: 0403 537 116 Email: vicepresident@ndsoc.com.au Treasurer Mark Stables Mob: 0419 515 256 Email: treasurer@ndsoc.com.au Secretary Mark Biondo Mob: 0410 692 577 Email: secretary@ndsoc.com.au Motorsport Secretary Peter Saunders Mob: 0417 544 716 Email: competition@ndsoc.com.au Editor Michael Hanley Mob: 0413 433 929 Email: editor@ndsoc.com.au Membership Secretary Mike Fortescue Mob: 0457 029 822 Email: membership@ndsoc.com.au Webmaster Karyn Hamer-Finn Mob: 0403 537 116 Email: webmaster@ndsoc.com.au Social Jason Quigg & Julie Mills Jason: 0439 658 779 Julie: 0418 306 940 Email: social@ndsoc.com.au Advertising & Public Relations Jenny Saunders Ph: (03) 9776 8031 Email: publicrelations@ndsoc.com.au Permit Plate Co-ordinators Scrutineer - Don Hill Secretary - Alan Fildes New permit applications and approvals will only be accepted in person at NDSOC monthly general meetings or by special arrangement by contacting the Permit Secretary. Prince Skyline GT Register Jason Quigg Mob: 0439 658 779 Email: info@princegt.com.au Cover Shot: Cars lined up at the Christmas in (almost) July & a perfect swing at Marysville Golf Club www.ndsoc.com.au | How to get articles to the editor By email, post, carrier pigeon, hand delivery, Fed-Ex or at the monthly general meeting (see details of Editor above) by the 15th of the month to get into the next issue! Please Note: The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the N.D.S.O.C. Inc. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy of content and context but these can never be guaranteed. The printing of any advertisement does not imply any endorsement or guarantee from the N.D.S.O.C. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Secretary, N.D.S.O.C., P.O. Box 402, South Yarra, VIC 3141 www.facebook.com/ndsoc The N.D.S.O.C. is affiliated with CAMS LTD and is a member of the Marque Sports Car Association (M.S.C.A) 4 FULLFULL CIRCUIT CIRCUIT | APRIL | AUGUST - MAY 2013 Presidentia l Prattle Greetings all and welcome to this edition of the NDSOC’s monthly magazine, “Full Circuit”. Firstly welcome to all of the new members that have joined the club recently and I hope you join in the various activities that we as a club can offer you. To keep up to date with the goings on in the club, make sure you check the calendar on the club website and Facebook page regularly. You may also care to join the club e-mail list as well. Well the Caribbean Gardens event has been and gone and I would like to thank my fellow Committee members, Julie Mills and Jason Quigg, for organising what turned out to be a great event. The turn-out was excellent and it was pleasing that our friends from Classic Skylines Australia and the Datsun Sports Roadster Club of Victoria accepted our invitation to participate. There was a great cross section of Prince’s, Datsun’s and Nissan’s on display and thankfully the weather was kind to us. Congratulations to the raffle winners and on another note, I’m sure Julie, Jason and I won’t want to see another sausage for a long while!!!! From all accounts, Mike Wedges “Mystery Drive” held on the 7th of July had excellent roads and various conditions to contend with. Unfortunately I couldn’t attend due to work commitments, however from all reports those that attended had a great time! Thanks must go to Mike for organising this annual event on a regular basis. For those members that haven’t experienced participating in a track event before, now’s your chance. One of our fellow Nissan clubs here in Melbourne, the Nissan Cars Club Australia, is running a two day track event, the John Mott Sprint, at Sandown on August 3rd/4th. They have put together this event to appeal to all levels of competitor and welcome first timers who may wish to take full advantage of Saturday’s ‘circuit familiarisation’ sessions. These sessions will comprise a series of circuit familiarisation runs where drivers can use the time to learn the circuit. Track time will be at least one hour for the day, achieved through 15-20 minute sessions. Further to this, arrangements can be made to carry passengers (Sat only) and experienced competitors will be on hand to offer advice throughout the day. For those members who would like to take the next step, the timed supersprints will be run on the Sunday. It’s always a very well-run event and for those interested in attending, please check out the NCCA website at www.nissancarclub.org.au On a personal note, I have finally picked up my 1976 260Z 2+2! It’s been on a long term holiday at the Stables’ ponderosa in the hills and thanks Mark for taking such good care of it. Whilst it hasn’t come home to the man cave in the back yard (yet!), its located 5 minutes away and hopefully I will be able to make some progress towards bringing it up to Permit Plate standard within a reasonable time frame. Don’t forget to check the social teams report on what’s happening in the club over the next few months. Also check the calendar here in the mag, event flyers, club website and Facebook page. Please drive safely, and responsibly, at all times! Regards, David Jones President FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 5 t r o p e R e The Vic G’Day Everyone, Well DECA entries have been open for a few weeks now just to the 2 clubs, so now it’s open to all other clubs. We have had enquiries from several people from other clubs, so make sure you don’t miss out and get your entry in! It’s truly a cracker of a day with tons of fun to be had. You certainly won’t be disappointed! We aim to do 6 or so different skidpan tests (you do all of these twice) plus run the back track. Not as a full lap, but with start and finish ‘garages’ (made with witches hats) and 4 chicanes along the way. The day is more about car control than speed, as you knock one little hat over and add 5 seconds to your time. You only need a helmet, long sleeved and legged clothing , an empty car and a AASA ($50) or CAMS ($100) licence, which you get prior by just filling out a form. Contact Pete or myself for any queries. This Sunday is both the MSCA round at Phillip Island and a round of the Vic Hillclimb Championship. Fingers crossed, I will be fortunate enough to be co-entering in Vin’s GT-R. Ararat was not kind to several entrants, and with the help of eBay and a big shout out to Chris Samuel, the car is just about ready to race again. The car is fantastic, and I’m trying to hypnotise Vin into only ever selling it to one person – me! Pete and Jen won’t make it, Richard Monty has put his back together and a regular entrant and friend of NDSOC Pete Dixon has entered so we lot will still be flying the NDSOC flag. It’s not very nice weather so I think the numbers will be low. I also have the 6 hour relay in a couple weeks’ time at the Island. I’m again running teams from the FPV club. We have two NDSOC’ers in my teams- Von and Stephen Sluga in his 370z. Pete Saunders is jaunting around all over the country with work, so he couldn’t make it this year. And on this it got me thinking NDSOC should run a team next year…… Your social team have loads planned for the rest of the year, not to mention other events on. There’s the Bay to Birdwood I was trying to get to but can’t get there, the Geelong Revival on Saturday November 30, and then Sunday Dec 1st I believe is the Japanese Classic Car Show. So, I will aim for the last two. I also miss out on the Marque Sports Rallye – this is on October 19/20 and is the best social event we have. Think great roads you didn’t know about, a few stops along the way whilst being guided by detailed notes, all gathering together for dinner and downtime before staying overnight and getting up Sunday and doing it all again, finishing about an out from Melbourne Sunday afternoon. See the flyer in the mag or contact Dave Eeles deeles57@hotmail.com That’s about it from me, but hope to see you at an event soon…. 6 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Secretary’s Report Howdy all, Winter is definitely with us, but it’s still been great to get the Zed out on a nice cold day, for a spirited drive on some twisty roads. The turbo’s just love that cold air! Hopefully you guys have been able to get your beloved toys out on the road in these colder months and enjoy them! I had a fantastic time at the Christmas in July social event at Caribbean Gardens. It was a nice relaxing day to be enjoyed with both family and other car enthusiasts. Lots of great cars on display and I think the turnout was excellent. Let’s not forget to mention how fantastic the weather was as well! A big thanks to the social team (Jason and Julie) for getting the event organised! I must also thank our President, Mr Dave Jones, for not only helping out at the BBQ, but also transporting the BBQ and a whole heap of supplies to the event! How much BBQ meat were you carrying Dave? He didn’t get to have his own car on display as he had to bring the trailer to transport all the supplies, so a big resounding thank you to Dave. It was a great day and one that I hope makes it onto our yearly social calendar. Only a week after Caribbean Gardens, it was time for the July Mystery Drive! What a fun day it was. A bit cold and damp on some of the roads, but a fantastic drive nonetheless. At one point I seemed to be a leading a pack of about 6 cars, as I was the only one in that group with a navigator giving me instructions (my wife Judith). This worked pretty well except for that impromptu u-turn on quite a narrow road. Sorry guys, missed the turn off! We finished the day at Kyneton for some great pub lunch, before heading back home at a more leisurely pace, and with more mud and grime on the car than when we started. Top day and look forward to the next Mystery drive! Big thanks once again to the social team, and also to Mike for coming up with another fantastic drive. Next on the horizon is DECA and Lukes Run. Both will be awesome days, as they always are. Until then, be safe on the roads and happy Zedding (or whatever beastly Nissan / Datsun vehicle that you drive)! Mark Biondo Club Secretary FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST APRIL - MAY 20132013 4 7 The 2013 Marque Sports GT Rallye THE ORIGINAL IS BACK Join us for a fun filled weekend of the best driving roads in Victoria CELEBRATING 22 YEARS OF THIS EVENT ‘ Reviving the Original format ’ A mixture of navigation, witty questions and some general knowledge to test the grey matter. To be held over the weekend of th th 19 / 20 OCTOBER 2013 Secure your place now Limited to 40 vehicles $35.00 per vehicle entry All vehicles welcome *YOU WILL LOVE IT* Accom and Sat night dinner will be organised at entrant’s expense This year will encopmass the Alpine Region and North Gippsland… Lets say the overnight stay will be in the Alpine area. Trophies and prizes awarded for winners, grinners and others at our discretion Further details: David Eeles 0 419 845 001 deeles57@hotmail.com Scott Renfree 0 418 149 518 srenfree@bigpond.net.au Maps, questions and information will be supplied at the commencement of the event. 8 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Money Ma tters NISSAN DATSUN SPORTS OWNERS CLUB Inc. ABN: 59 671 582 592 STATEMENT OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE for the month of June 2013 Add Opening Balance Cash Receipts Membership Fees Merchandise Sales Advertising Refunds of Deposits 40th Anniversary Event Proceeds Sundries Interest Less Cash Payments Magazine $ New Renewals Corporate $ $ $ 240.00 220.00 635.00 Magazine Web $ $ 20.00 - - Printing - Postage Merchandise Events Trophies/Prizes Internet Site - Hosting - Other Fees Other Postage Costs Stationary Sundries Nationals Expenses Bank fees $ $ 800.00 259.85 $ $ - $ $ 1,095.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 1.30 $ $ $ $ 1,059.85 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 76.35 1.35 Closing Balance - Surplus OLD CBA Chq A/C balance - 30/06/13 CBA Business Cheque Account - 30/06/13 CBA Savings Account - 30/06/13 Add Deposits not yet cleared Less Cheques not yet presented TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE Reconciliation + - $ 39,780.68 Cr 1,116.30 $ $ 1,137.55 39,759.43 Cr $ $ $ $ $ $ 71.98 2,542.45 37,000.00 39,614.43 145.00 - $ 39,759.43 Prepared by Mark Stables 28-Jul-13 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 9 t r o p e R n o i Competit I’m writing this on a plane on the way to Perth (for work, not another holiday) and once again I’m missing out on Motorsport. The MSCA is having a rare 95db day at the island and the hill climb championship is back at Rob Roy for the 7th round of the state series. The last round at Ararat didn’t end too badly point wise to keep the end of year result on the up, Karyn took home the gold for fastest lady and Richard even bagged a cassette radio in the raffle (I didn’t realise they still made them), but it left 3 club cars in a very sorry state after two hit the Armco and one hit the side of the mountain. I haven’t rushed to get our car back together as we won’t compete again until the middle of August, but it was good to see both Vin’s and Richard’s cars looking fresh and ready to go in the pits at Christmas Hills. The weather looked superb as I flew out of Melbourne with clear blue skys and no rain for a change so hopefully when I check Natsoft tonight I will see some good times from all the club members competing at the two events this weekend The MSCA has been preparing a questionnaire to be sent to every competitor past and present on their list and I hope by the time you are reading this you have received it and filled it in. It really is important that all our members take a few minutes to do this, and if you aren’t a competitor yet but are thinking about it please let me know and I will send you the link so you can fill it in and let the committee know what you would like to see in future events and years. One event that is coming up that I always make a point of going to and will definitely endeavour to be at again this year is our annual DECA day. We have a great day on the skid pan and back track at the Shepparton driver training centre hanging out with fellow club members and competing against a great bunch of boys and girls from the FPV Owners club, if you have ever thought about having a bit of a “go” but didn’t want the full on experience of the track then this is perfect. We have even had a couple of learner drivers compete and I really think it helped them with their understanding of car control, so don’t think you can’t do it because you haven’t had years of motorsport experience. Don’t forget I still have a great collection of assorted trophies from past years to be collected so drop me a line and come to a meeting or an event and get your dust collector from me. See you at the track…………. Peter. 10 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Competitio n Report A 1- 2 1 M 6- 3 -1 ay 3 -1 n Ju 6- 1 2 1 Vin Stenta 4.40 Skyline R32 2 Karyn Hamer-Finn 4.40 Skyline R32 3 Jamie Graham 4 Sinisha Banjac Skyline GTSTR33 4.40 Datsun 240ZT 3 -1 l Ju 1- 2 A 8- 3 -1 ug 2 -1 ct O 3- 1 1 SANDOWN T O T A L Points Best Lap WINTON Points Best Lap P ISLAND Points Best Lap SANDOWN Points Best Lap HAUNTED HILLS Points Best Lap P ISLAND Best Lap 10 SANDOWN 1.37.84 MODEL Points CAP Points DNF - 1 Pt Best Lap 6 - 7 Pts 7 - 6 Pts 8 - 5 Pts 9 - 4 Pts 10 - 3 Pts WINTON 1 - 15 PTS 2 - 12 PTS 3 - 10 PTS 4 - 9 PTS 5 - 8 PTS OVER 4.0L 0 M 0- 3 -1 pr POINTS Note For 1 car only in class, top awards =10 Pts For 2 cars only in class, top awards = 12Pts. For 3 cars and over, full points awarded. NO 3- 3 -1 ar Points SPRINTS / DRAGS/ MOTORKHANAS 3 -1 b Fe Best Lap ## Competitors CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 2013 1.25.97 12 1.47.72 15 37 1.28.56 9 1.51.24 12 21 1.28.31 10 1.51.92 10 20 1.20.36 15 15 0 NO OVER 3.0L CAP MODEL 1 Stephen Sluga 3.70 Nissan 370Z 1.42.91 12 2 Daniel Trembath 3.39 Nissan 200SX 1.48.56 10 3 Michael Flanagan 4 1.55.92 10 148.38 10 1.29.52 9 51 2.00.86 9 135.93 15 1.31.19 8 42 3.70 Nissan 370Z 1.50.46 15 1.25.70 15 30 Keith Flanagan 3.70 Nissan 370Z 1.50.51 12 1.26.85 12 24 5 James Cawes 3.39 Nissan 180SX 2.03.75 8 148.14 12 6 Kate Vanderlugt 3.39 Nissan 180SX 2.06.94 7 151.24 9 7 Vin Stenta 3.70 Nissan 370Z 1.29.13 10 10 8 John Belfield 3.39 Nissan GTI-R 1.39.44 7 7 9 Joe Di Santo 3.39 Nissan GTI-R 1.30.63 10 2.10.73 20 16 6 6 0 NO OVER 2.0L - 3.0L CAP MODEL 1 Gordon Lovegrove 2.90 Datsun 240Z 1.49.32 15 15 2 Gareth Johnson 2.80 Datsun 240Z 1.54.45 12 12 3 John Auton 2.35 Datsun 1600 4 Michael Geist 2.80 Datsun 240Z 1.58.43 10 10 5 John Geist 2.80 Datsun 240Z 1.58.77 9 9 6 Graham Verbunt 2.80 Datsun 240Z 2.00.25 8 8 7 Rod Thompson 2.00 Datsun 2000 Sports 2.11.48 7 7 1.31.98 10 10 0 NO UNDER 2.0L CAP MODEL 1 Mathew Benson 1.99 Datsun Stanza 1.46.55 12 2 Luke Benson 1.99 Datsun Stanza 1.47.58 10 3 Don Pether Nissan Pulsar 12 10 1.40.28 10 10 0 NO NON NISSAN DATSUN CAP MODEL 1 Ross Hughes Renault Megane RS250 1.43.51 10 1.30.13 10 2 Mark Pether Mitsubishi Evo 8 1.39.90 12 1.26.87 15 4 Jason Dunstan Honda Civic 1.31.31 9 5 Joe Di Santo BMW M3 3 Paul Freeman Holden Commodore 1.56.29 1.30.05 10 1.28.75 12 40 27 1.52.61 1.26.93 10 12 12 21 12 12 0 0 NO REGULARITY 1 Rod Thompson CAP MODEL Datsun Sports 20 pts 18 pts NOTE: No competition trophy will be allocated with less than 2 cars each group and less than 3 attendances each person per season. FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 11 e n e c S l a i c So Welcome to the beautiful winter Social season. It started off with a great success with our June 30 mid year Christmas party at Carribean Gardens. Great day with over 50 cars attending from NDSOC, CSA, Prince Skyline GT Register and Datsun Sports Roadster Club. Wonderful day was had by all that attended and the standard was certainly set for a yearly event for years to come. We would like to thank all of you that attended this event that made it the success it was, and also all our helpers, Mark Biondo, Ian Cockburn, and most of all Dave Jones. Dave was our pack horse for the day with his Falcon wagon and a boot and trailer full of supplies/goodies for the day. We had a great feed and more importantly it was great to socialise with like-minded enthusiasts and be out there on show. Exposure was great with many on-lookers and admirers around the market precinct coming to have a look at our cars. Feedback from the event has been fantastic, so you can all expect this to be in the calendar every year. Thanks again to all. Then we moved onto another yearly event which was Mike’s mystery drive around the Macedon Ranges area. Once again this proved to be another popular event with 10 cars joining us and approx 20 members coming along and joining us for a lovely lunch at the Piper street, Hotel in Kyneton. We commenced our day at the meet point at Calder outbound and commenced through Gisborne, over Mount Macedon – with optional stage which some of our brave members ventured on up to the top of Mount Macedon, then proceeding onto the Lancefield Bakery for morning tea. After morning tea a run over to Kyneton with another optional loop stage through the Township of Trentham to the wonderful town of Kyneton for lunch, made it just in time before the famous Kyneton rain came falling. A HUGE thank you to Mike Wedge for putting this drive together for another year, once again he has excelled with his navigational notes and no divorces came out at the end of it all, so therefore a Win-Win day for all. Moving into the later months there is many of our social events still to come. Such as a possible August drive put together by our Club member Greg Brown, Luke’s Run, Concourse, Geelong Revival, Shannons Christmas Dinner for the Clubs and the NDSOC Christmas party. Attendance at social events this year has been fantastic – we appreciate any feedback and are always open to suggestions. We look forward to seeing all of you at the up and coming events. Julie Mills & Jason Quigg Social Secretaries 12 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 NEED HELP LOCATING NISSAN - DATSUN CARS AND PARTS? With our US partners, All Classic Imports can search America for items you need. $ave thousands on restoration costs! Why go to the big expense of repairing a rusted out local Nissan - Datsun when you can have a solid car from the dry USA states of California, Arizona and Nevada? Two LHD 1600 Roadsters in Australia now. New shipment of quality used Roadster parts just arrived! * Body panels * Bumpers * Interior items * Electrics * Engines – alloy head R16 * Gearboxes – 5-speed * Hardtops – high and low screen * Brakes – front calipers * Soft top frame * And a whole lot more! All parts used are sold ‘as is’. Condition varies. Email or call for prices. Cars and parts sourced to order in USA – any make and model. ALL CLASSIC IMPORTS FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Peter Sheridan & Darren House peter@allclassicimports.com Phone: 0434 554 450 13 July 14 3 1 ‘ e v i r D Mystery FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 July Myste ry Drive ‘13 NBN, NBN Co, Powered by the NBN, Retail Service Provider of NBN Co, and other NBN Brands are trademarks of NBN Co Limited and used under licence. Grab the $99 bundle this Christmas and * have money left ove for a few presents! r • ADSL2+ with 250Gb anytime downloads • Home Phone Line Rental • Unlimited Local Ca lls • Unlimited Nationa l Calls • Unlimited Mobile Ca lls (within Australia) *Excludes any connection costs or hardware and excludes special numbers such as 13/1300, call forwarding & International calls. See montimedia.com.au for details. Montimedia Internet www.montimedia.com.au 214 Mair Street Ballarat VIC 3350 Ph 1300 794 969 Internet & Home Ph for only $99 per moone nth! NBN, NBN Co, Powered by the NBN, Retail Service Provider of NBN Co, and other NBN Brands are trademarks of NBN Co Limited and used under licence. NEW from Montime dia Internet the Better Choice Bu ndle includes: • ADSL2+ with 250G b anytime downloads • Home Phone Line Rental • Unlimited Local Ca lls • Unlimited Nationa l Calls • Unlimited Mobile Ca lls (within Australia) *Excludes any connection costs or hardware and excludes special numbers such as 13/1300, call forwarding & International calls. See montimedia.com.au for details. Montimedia Internet www.montimedia.com.au 214 Mair Street Ballarat VIC 3350 Ph 1300 794 969 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST APRIL - MAY 20132013 15 4 S T N E n V u E s t aG N D I e M h O T C x a P U M Prequel 1. Greetings from Beijing. Arrived safe and settled into our hotel. Rally briefing today. Pick up Max tomorrow. Weather is warm and smoggy. Traffic is mental. Road rules are a bit hard to follow as nobody seems to worry about them. It’s going to be interesting driving with all these crazy drivers! First navigation test will be finding our way back to the hotel from the car pickup. 2. First official briefing today. We had the Beijing Police explaining the traffic rules to us so we could all be granted a Chinese driving licence. A translator was required. Some was lost in translation. Main rules explained were (I think): is r a P o t g n i k Pe Day 1 - Beijing to Daihai It was an early start for our first day. We were up at 4:30am and left our Beijing hotel by 5:45am to avoid the traffic. Drove 60 kms to the Great Wall for the start ceremony. There was a band, dragon ceremony and heaps of people. We were flagged away at 8:24am and our adventure started. Our route took us north west into some of the real back blocks of rural China. For a while the roads were ok, but after a few 100 kms things changed. Heaps of big trucks and muddy stony potholed roads meant we had to crawl along for quite a while. Lots of cars had dramas but Max went really well. Arrived in Daihai about 400 kms later. Pretty tired but happy to get the first day under our belt. Green means go Green makes you feel good Red means stop Yellow means caution Don’t do U-turns on freeways Don’t stop on freeways Don’t reverse on freeways Otherwise you can do just about anything else as the taxi drivers are only too pleased to demonstrate. Pics are from the briefing including our intrepid Beijing Policemen. Pick up Max tomorrow (Sunday). 3. Hi everyone. Well Max is all packed and we head off tomorrow morning at 5.30am to avoid the Beijing traffic. The official starting ceremony is at the great wall of China which is about 60 ks out of Beijing. Just finished a Chinese banquet with all the competitors. We have met some really great people and we are all a bit apprehensive and just want to get started. Next stop is Daihai. Off to bed now. 4 16 Day 2 - Daihai to Erenhot Another early start today. Nice to see after the smog of Beijing. Headed off before 9 with over 500 kms to travel. Roads were much better today, but trucks and crazy Chinese drivers were a constant battle. Biggest problems on the road are finding food and toilets. The toilets are pretty disgusting, just a hole in the ground, won’t say any more. we’ve taken to pinching food from the breakfast bar if possible for our lunch and have also found some peanut butter and bickies. Today we got in about 2 hours before our scheduled time which means we did really well. Marie’s navigating is going well and I’ve settled in to the long drives. Tomorrow we head to the Mongolian border and everyone is nervous as this is where the terrain gets really hard. Tomorrow night we have our first night of camping. FULLFULL CIRCUIT CIRCUIT | APRIL | AUGUST - MAY 2013 Part 1 Max The D atsun Day 3 - Erenhot to Altanshiree Day 5 - Rest Day Ulaan Baatar We had a pretty big day today. Crossed the China Mongolian border. Took about 3 hours to get through. Then on into the Gobi Desert. No roads, just tracks, very rough in places. We had two timed sections today. The first we did well. Today is the first rest day of the rally and a welcome chance for everyone to work on their cars. Max still has some front end issues so we have lined up the mechanics to help sort it. We’ve also got a few other minor issues to tackle as well. These include a sticking throttle and replacing a rear shock absorber rubber. Many cars have more serious repairs and are being taken to local garages to use their facilities. Day 4 - Altanshiree to Ulaan Baatar Our second day of the Gobi desert. Last night was really windy. Our pop up tent kept collapsing on us at about 2 in the morning due to the wind. Fine dust got into everything! Today was another 400 ks, about 250 on tracks and then a 150 k run into Ulaanbaatar. In the morning we had an 80k timed stage. Pretty long and tough but good fun. After yesterday’s mishap I’d decided to take it a little easier. We had a good run and set a pretty good time. Then the afternoon timed stage was cancelled as there were lots of roadworks along the route which had churned up the tracks and also meant there were lots of trucks around. When we got onto the Tarmac the steering was not quite right so it would need looking at again. Lots of cars are having problems. A few notable ones, Matt and Andrew from Perth in the 1927 Vauxhall have had engine problems from the start and unfortunately have had to retire. They have since bought a 2nd hand Landcruiser to share with another crew who also had to pull out and will carry on to Paris in that. The Killingsworth’s EH Holden did a clutch and had had to be trucked to Ulaanbaatar for repairs. They were also pretty gutted. Several other cars have also had to be trucked in for repairs. Shock absorbers, split radiators, damaged exhausts, broken springs, dropped valves, you name it, it’s happened. Anyway, at the end of day 4 we are pretty happy, we are lying 10th overall and looking to try and stay consistent. Tomorrow is a rest day where everyone gets to repair or service their cars and maybe do a bit of sightseeing. FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST APRIL - MAY 20132013 In Beijing before the start. The Killingswoth’s EH is back on the road so they looked happy. We are heading to the Ulaanbaatar city square tomorrow for a send-off by the mayor. Should be fun! Tomorrow we have 3 timed stages so its going to be a full on day. The next 6 days as we are camping out in Mongolia until we get to Russia. 17 4 Annual DECA Day When: Sunday September 8th Where: DECA, Wanganui Road Shepparton Time: 8am Cost: $90 The annual DECA day is back ! You need a AASA or CAMS licence. No passengers allowed. We will run the skidpan and back track. You need to wear long sleeved and legged clothing of non flammable material. Helmet is required. Most of all, a fantastic day is guaranteed! Contact Peter competition@ndsoc.com.au FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 19 CALLING ALL NDSOC MEMBERS! How would you like to have your pride and joy featured in Full Circuit? We are giving all NDSOC members the opportunity to have a photoshoot on their Nissan / Datsun / Prince / Infiniti and have them featured in our mag along with an in-depth story that we are sure comes with every NDSOC member’s car! Interested? Simply send an email to editor@ndsoc.com.au with a couple of pictures of your vehicle and why you believe it should be featured. We look forward to seeing some fantastic cars being printed in the Full Circuit! V8 Superca Practice Zero for Nissan Motorsport Rick Kelly’s Engineer Erik Pender described next week’s test days at Winton Raceway as Practice Part Zero, ahead of the V8 Supercars event there. Nissan Motorsport will run its first test days of the season with all four cars present – and a few additions to the team, with co-drivers and international drivers also set to jump behind the wheel. The two-day test session at Winton on Monday and Tuesday will allow the team to run Nismo Global Driver Exchange international drivers Lucas Ordonez, who will drive James Moffat’s #360 Norton Hornet, and Michael Krumm, taking Rick Kelly’s #15 Jack Daniel’s Racing Nissan. Co-drivers will pilot the other two cars, giving them valuable running time before the PIRTEK Enduro Cup (click here to see the co-drivers list for 2013, or here to read about Ordonez and Krumm). The following day will be for the team’s four regular drivers. Todd Kelly recently told v8supercars.com.au once the engines were “sorted out” the team would be good enough to win championships, making a point that he – as well as his brother – had a few years left in him as a driver. Pender agreed Nissan Motorsport could get to the pointy end – the team knows the weaknesses of the cars and will focus on the finer details, narrow in on what the cars like, and where the boundaries are during the test. “The cars aren’t too bad – we know the areas where we are weak,” Pender told v8supercars.com. au. “We’re not going to throw an encyclopedia at them, but there are a few things to work to. We will confirm trends at our home track. The key is to go into the Winton 360 all guns blazing. “If we can be strong out of the box, it sets us up for the whole weekend, and that’s important for us. We’re looking for a strong result.” FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST APRIL - MAY 20132013 rs Update The two-day testing structure means the international and co-drivers are able to get plenty of laps without impacting the plan for the following day, though Pender said the team was looking forward to running the internationals and felt they had something to offer the team. “The Gold Coast has opened our eyes to how experienced they (international drivers) are and how methodical their work practices are,” Pender said. “Both have come through a lot of categories, so we’re looking forward to those guys coming out and sitting in the cars without preconceived ideas.” While running new drivers doesn’t often unearth new information, it can confirm the team’s direction. “When you’re working with guys who have driven the cars a long time … I think there’s still a bit of ‘how it felt last year’ directing the engineering. This is a chance for us to be fresh.” While Rick’s best result was recorded back in May at the Austin 400, Pender doesn’t believe there’s been a decline in form. Rather, the Circuit of the Americas really suited the car. Rick qualified well and stayed out of trouble. “We raced at the front with the guys you can race with,” Pender said. “Some of the tracks since then we’ve been hurting because of straight line issues.” And once again, qualifying was the key to success. “Not qualifying so well, in the mid-pack, you lose so much momentum. You can’t get a clean lap, you get dive bombed and shoved and end up fighting. “I don’t think, on (car) 15, there’s been a reversal in form. We’ve been working really well, really working out what the car likes and applying it. “We’ve got a heap of confidence going forward. Winton’s a track that should suit us better – there’s no big, long straight and there’s plenty of corners.” Sourced from www.v8supercars.com.au 21 4 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 23 t s o P g n i d a Tr For Sale - 1980 Datsun Stanza - $10,500ono Datsun Stanza 1.6L GL, unregistered 4 cyl, 3 speed Automatic 235,000km Blue with Beige Interior Reg Plate: ATR734 Reg Expiry: Unregistered Contact: Mathew Email: mathew.zauner@gmail.com Please e-mail for further enquiries. Very neat, original condition, straight body with minor superficial rust spots and original number plates. Averages 350km - 400km with a 50L unleaded petrol tank. Kept in the family, my Grandmother bought the car brand new; I’m the second owner, inherited in 2006. Selling because I don’t have the time to be able to devote to properly look after it in it’s twilight years. For Sale - Datsun 260Z Coupe - Not a 2+2! - $5,000ono Contact: Peter Phone: 03 9754 1779 or Mobile: 0488 551 079 Location: Upwey, Victoria Includes Workshop Manual The car is completely original. Body needs restoration and is in very good condition for that. Engine has not been run for some years but was very good when switched off for the last time. All up a very good project & I can recommend a chap for the Body Restoration if needed.He did my previous 260Z and it was stunning. 24 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 SKYLINE R32 GTR This Car is prepared and maintained by “Advan Performance Centre” Sydney. The car has won numerous circuit races also: • • • 1st outright “Muscle Car Masters” Tarmac Rally 1st class AWD “Clipsal V8” Tarmac Rally 2nd Super car GTR Cup – Clipsal V8 Tarmac Rally CAMS log booked “3-‐E”, I-‐Race log booked “Production Racing Cars”, CAMS approved welded roll cage ENGINE N1 crank; Group A sump; Tomei Cams; OS Geikin Twin plate clutch; trust N1 oil pump; N1 water pump; N1 HKS turbos; Forged pistons; HKS intercooler; KOYO Aluminium radiator; 5Lt alloy surge tank; twin 044 Bosch motor sport fuel pumps; 700cc Sard injectors; GReedy boost controller; remote oil filter; 3.5in exhaust; “Advan” cool air box; HKS fuel rail and pressure regulator; oil coolers; spit fire coils; trust BOV SUSPENSION Adjustable camber arms; adjustable castor & tie rod arms; double adjustable “BC Coilover” shocks; adjustable front & rear sway bars; adjustable wishbone suspension arms ; adjustable front & rear roll centre kit; 6 pot & 4 pot “Nashin” competition race brakes; 9.5in x 18in wheels; BRAND NEW SET OF YOKOHAMA AO48 TYRES ready for testing and next season GEAR BOX OS Geiken close ratio gear box; remote 4WD controller unit; shift light; Contact Colin Ward 0477 177 122 $37,000 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 25 t s o P g n i d a Tr 1969 Datsun 1600 - $22,500 (includes 10 months registration) This 1969 Datsun 1600 is one of the best stock standard 1600 in Victoria, if not Australia. The car has frequented NDSOC concourse/show & shine events and has been involved in three weddings. The perfect car for a collector or Datsun enthusiast. For the past 5 years it has been garaged and only gets out on special occasions. It has a full service history. I'm the second owner of this rare beauty and during my time the only changes that I have completed are the paint work and the interior. The exterior: A full repaint with the original factory Diamond Blue colour scheme painted by ‘Bubsy’, (ex Holden Racing Team paint shop manager) All guards rubbed back to bare metal, all rust removed and one of the rear quarter panel has been replaced. All wheel arches, the boot, insides of doors, under the bonnet have all been redone except for the engine bay which has been cleaned up. The interior: I have removed the slightly cracked / sun faded upholstery and replaced it with the closest blue that I could find in Australia. (Okay then added some non-factory Pearl colour for a little styling) All seats, full roof lining, parcel shelf and sun visors have been redone. Reproduction Door trims to match the new blue vinyl. A new carpet has been laid. Venetian blinds/Auto shade installed. Retractable front seat belts to replace the un-road worthy original belts. Seat brackets and other internals have been chromed. Other valuable additions are the white wall tyres and a CD player hidden in the glove box. (Original factory radio and single speaker still works though) Something else to remember, that 1600’s before the 70’s had their own unique styling like the windscreen wipers and the dash and parts made from metal and not plastic like the rear vents etc.. Also selling with the car are a brand new set of front and rear King Springs, 30mm lowered. And front and rear KYB Gas shock absorbers. These were a present that never made it on to the car as I had the word ‘Original’ in my head from day one. For more information and photos visit Carsales.com or please call Lucas Docking. 0448 888 388 26 FULL CIRCUIT | AUGUST 2013 Pickr a C e e Fr up! Cash Fo r Cars! NISSAN & DATSUN SPECIALISTS Biggest source of Datsun and Nissan parts in South Australia since opening in 1995! Nissan Pulsar, Tiida, Bluebird, Skyline, Pintara, Silvia, Micra, Maxima Datsun 1000 1200 120Y Sunny 1600 180B 200B 240K Bluebird and Stanza models in all body types (08) 8382 6066 www.grandauto.com.au 27 HOME INSURANCE FOR THE MOTORING ENTHUSIAST For almost 30 years Shannons have been committed to providing tailored insurance products for the motoring enthusiast. We understand what motoring enthusiasts want from their insurance. Shannons have designed a Home & Contents insurance policy specifically for the motoring enthusiast including $10,000 worth of enthusiast cover for those things unique to an enthusiast. Plus extra features like a 10% Multi policy discount you add home and/or contents to passion There are car enthusiastswhen and then there are a CAMS Members! Only Shannonspolicy shares the withyour CAMS Members,Shannons because onlycar Shannons know what it You means to live and breathe motor sport. existing or bike policy. can even pay your That’s why we offer insurance policies for your cost. cars, bikes and even home and contents – all with premium monthly at no additional We share your passion for motor sport. special features just for motoring enthusiasts. Call Shannons for a quote today and ask about our So mates call Shannons for a quote on 13 46 46. CAMS rates! Insurance for Motoring Enthusiasts. Call 13 46 46 for a quote. This insurance product is issued by Australian Alliance Insurance Company Limited ABN 11 006 471 709. AFS Licence No 235011. You can get a Product Disclosure Statement by phoning 13 46 46 or from any of our branches. 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