02 - The Unger Memorial Library
02 - The Unger Memorial Library
~ ..... not PAtM ". ,1ft " A I _ VOLUME 62 NO. 3 . Thunday, December 2, 1982 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIESi U.S.P.S. NO. 003·341 Firemen Honored At Annual Wives Banquet Several Abernathy Firemen were honored at the annual Thanksgiving Dinner of the Abernathy Volunteer Fire Department for the wives of the department members . The dinner was held Tuesday _ November 23 in the Community Center. The dinner . catered by Hand H Cecil . 15 year plaque · Lindsey Webb , and 5 year . plaques were presented to Jesse Marez. Tomm)L..Overstree t and Bill Scott. A new award was introd.uced Ihi s year 10 recognize ' Abernathy retired firemen . The " Hon orary fireman " award for the Catering of Abernathy. was followed by an awards program. The "'Fireman :Of The Year" plaque was presented to Jack Wat1s . Two firemen were selected as "Rookie Fireman Of The Year". They were Bill Elliott and Jerry Howard . . Presented a 20 year plaque was Oris many years he served as a local fireman . The Blu eg ra ss Band "Chico's Raider ". made up of musicians from South Plains 'college . provided musical entertainmen t following the awards, Donations Being Made To Depot Fund A total of 5125 has been donated .to the Abernathy Chamber of Cammerces' Depot Fund. which has been set up at the Abernathy First State Bank . Three people have donated to thi~ fund thu s far . The fund is open to all who wish to donate money to have the Santa Fe Depot moved to Chamber of Commerce Park when it is give n to Abernath.y. whirh. h,s been speculated to occur within the nex l two months . The Lion s will donate the S I 02 they made with their Seafood and Steak Sale to the Depot Fund. which :will bring the total donated to the fund to over 5225 . Those wishing to donate to this fund can do so by sending or taking their money to the bank and put1ing it into the Depot Fund. ad "Letters To I.ota" To The Review It is time again for youngsters to write Santa and let him know what they want for Christmas this year. Send your " utters to Santa" to the Review . We will print them in the Review. . Santa has a subscription. and to make double sure he gets it . we will mail it on to the North Pole after printing it in the paper. Send your Santa letters to Abernath y Weekl y Revi e w . Dr a wer D . Abernathy . We will print the m as we gel them . AIIEINA THY fllEMEN WERE HONORED al a Thanksgiving Dinn~ last TueSday nighl al Ihe Community Cent .. r. In the top photo. lindsey Webb was prc" 'III"d " plJljUl' for 15 .-ears se n~ce 10 the departmenl and Oris Cecil a 20 \<.' ar pl,,'!ul' . III Ihe bOll un photo. Bill Elliott and Jerry Howard were se lected R...oki(-, Of The )",' a r " alld received plaques. (Review Photos) WEATHER DATE 11 · 17 11 -18 11 · 19 11-20 11 -21 11 ·22 11 -23 11·24 11 ·25 11·26 11 ·27 11 · 28 11 ·29 11·30 ruGH 56 66 72 73 65 73 74 35 28 36 38 35 57 62 LOW 31 36 42 46 36 36 31 26 33 27 30 28 32 3q . I<l Snow .22 Rain .SO .01 Rainfall for month 1.2 7 Burglars Take '3,482 Worth Tools And Equipment From Shaw Barn press ~ I Center since the Shaw burglary. Other areas bein~ hit hard by burglars are the eastern portion of Lamb County. the northwest part of Lubboclt County. and this area. the western portion of Hale County. welding torch. a five-ton hydraulic jack. two 100·foot extension cords •• transit level. seven cases of all and 5e'Vtral other small items. Hale County Sheriff's Deputy Dayton Marr stated Ihat it was probably the same burglars that have been hitting st'veral other barns in the area . " We ha\'e Sffn the same footprints and tire track s at ot her burglary si tes. " Marr said . Rural burglaries are WI)' up for Hale a nd s urro undin« l'o unti~ s as th~re ha s been a rash of rur ..1 burgl.rie recentl y that ha\·t s purred a r~giohal rural burglary " 'atch . One of the I.test burglaries occurred Nm'e mber II when 53.482 ",orth of farm tools and equipmf'nt " 'IS taken from a barn h)(:ated on Farm Road 54. s i~ miles west of inte rstate 2 and Ihree milt'S south . The tool s and m u hiner~' laken in the burlilar y belo!ll(ed to Freddy Sha .. . The barn was a pparentl~ enlered by Ihe burglar. pulling back 3 sheet of tin near the door and reaching in and opening Ihe door . Takcn in the burglary were numero us hand too ls . an 80 gallon air co mpr es.or. two g r inders . a drill Marr added that rural burglaries can be cut down in numbers if rural people will be on the look-out for vehicles they don ' t normally see in their lirea. " Peopl e who see st rang e ve hicles should take down their license plate number just in case a burglary is -eport·e d. " Marr said. He also ·stated that man v of the barns and homes burglarizc'd are either left unlocked. ope n . or have not been sec ured properly against bur~lars . Rub ol Burglarln Marr al so stated that there has been a rash of barn burglaries recentl y. approxi mat e ly si~ in Hale Count)' alone in No\'ember . Three burg'larles have occurrea at barns between Co"on Center and tfale Tiekets Being Sold To Senior Play "Off The Traek" Til<' "Il"rnulh) High S"hool Senior Oa,s "ill pre·,ent Ihe comedy. " Off Th e Tr n!·"' ." "ritlcn by Fe licia M"l ca lk Thursd3\'. December <l. at p. llI . ill Ih e Hi gh ' S('h",,1 Audit oriuin . Tickt' l' ma y be purcha,ed from any memb{'r for 53 . " '!lim Th,' lau gh> begin "he n fourt,' cn ,Irllng"" arc .trunded in a small i\(,lull'd ruilroad depot. Come sec what .:I,,,, Th ,' llIemb t' rs o f Ih e cas t a re : Darre n Kn ox. Roge r Gragg . Tammy Uoyd . Susan Sto ne . Yolanda Ortiz Ke llyc DuBose. Chri ti Urtiz. Mark Ridde ll . Jimn!\' Salitros. C1NUS Irl· bt'ck . Mendy -rennel. Donn a Burgess " nd Angie Attebury. After evaluating some 48 questionnaires that were returned to the Chamber concerning the 4th of July Celebration . it is evident that most Abernathians c njoy the an nual cele· bration and would like to sec it conti nued . according to Diana Phillips. 4th of July Celebration Ev'aluation Committee Chairman. Phillips read each evaluation and compiled a master list for each of the ten questions. She listed all of the different answers and suggestions for each question . The s uggestions compiled on 'these lists will be read and used when planning the 4th of July cele bration for Jul y 4 . I <l83. Mo st peopl e ",ho a n swe red the questionnaire agreed that the events held during the day needed to be better organized. Many stated that the meal was too expensive and was one the reasons why they left the celebration early. It was suggested that the food should be served by local clubs. ·organizations. or at individual food booths and should not be catered. Many people also suggested that the free meals furni shed to the riding clubs and such. should not be allowed. Most everyone was in favor of .a fireworks display. like the parade, and do not wish to change the location of _a_I_. ___ ._. .... _._._._. ON THE COUNTY LINE _a __I_._ _._.- _._.- _.-. 3\' KEITH TOOLEY . NOTICE IN THIS' EDmON of the H," kll . Ihal e\'erv Abernathy basketh,, 11 1,·.lIn. (1111 10 'of them) . \~'on their li ,.,1 ):;1 111'" of the sea_on . Thi s is ill, ",·d,hl,'. Tl1t' Var~i l v and JV Teams pi,,, "cI 11111 gallic, la,j "'cd and w"n. rh,·..l'f"I"l·. Ah,' rnalh\' wlln all 14 of IllI' i.. ~;l IIIl" 1,,,1 \\ ~d . I guess you """Id ra il Ihi' a ha\kl'lbail town . Herald. WE WOULD UKE TO apologize to the Richard HO"'ard family for making several mistakes in . their story last week. We will try to run the story correctly as soon as possible. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE W85 wri"en by a senior at Cal Farley's Boys Ranch. It seems that this senior is headed in the right direction in life. Here is what he had to say about the aims and goals of life: I RECEIVED A CALL from Imogt'ne Suttle Tuesday morning and she said that the Methodist Church needs children s clothes for the Methodist Clot.hes Closet to go to the "Pride in athletic competition is needy . They need childrens clothes ' great. but having pride ·in the game of immediately. so if you have any that life is even greater. There are four your children don't wear anx more, keys to a successful li~ and they give Imogene a call at 757-2331 or strengthen the pride we have in the bring them by the Methodist Church. Ranch as well as ourselves. " "POSIDVE AT11TVDE starts the minute we get up. As our day gets WHAT'S , A BALE OF COTTON WORTH! Well. if the farmer elln get . underway we can feel either terrible or 50 cents a pound. it's worth about t~rrific .. we are the only ones who can make the choice. . 5250. However. the denim mill at COPfFU)ENCE starts with discipline. Lilllweld~can produce enough denim cloth from a bale of cot@ii to piOduce -If Wf'fCJOing--to be ·.t the top. we 330 pairs of jeans. At S18 per pair, have to think and work for the best. that one bale of cotton can produce ENTHUSIASM fits in ' with .!thude. 55.940 worth of denim jeans. To win in life we need it to keep us Each pait of jeans utilizes approxl' movin, in the ri,ht direction. It'. not mately 1.1 yards of denim material. I &omll to be easy, but with enthuswm, with ea~h bale producin, aPl'roxi. It's much euler. mately 560 yardl of material. At a cost SB1'IVtG DIfDIITI GO~ may ol S2.50 per y. . . . . . bile 01 c:IDttaII ' __ , . oil, but if we .... to adllmt can produce . . . . . . . . .y 11,402,50 the t,nt, we ....,. haft to teaeh worth of denim . Prom the Tuli • . hlah and pursue d11l1endy." ONLY 23 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS Two FF A teams . the Farm Skills Team and Extemporaneous Speaking. won the Area Meet. held November 20, and will compete at the State FF A meet this Saturday. It will be held at Huntsville on the Sam Houston State University campus. I Turkey Shoot Sat. And Sun. Th e Abernathy Countr y Club is sponsoring a Turkey Shoot Saturday and Sunday at the Country Club. Hours for the Shoot are Saturday from 10 a.m . to whenever. and Sunday Those on th e Farm Skills Team are Lane Nel son. Russell Shuey. Allen Lester and Clelus Irlbeck . On the Extemporaneous Speaking team is Melissa Hagstrom. The Farm Skills and Extemporaneous Speakin,ll Teams Qualified for the Area Meet~ by winning first at the District Meet held November 16. Also competing at the Area Meet was the G{eenhand Farm Skills Team . who ' qualified by second in the parado: . Diana Phillips stated that man y of the questionnaires had some really good suggestions for next yea r ' s celebration. She also stated that the same people who made these WI~ tions need to become active in the celebration ne~t year so that their ideas will be put into action . Those who ha·ve tired of the celebration are those who have done all the work each year. according to remarks on the evaluations. Therefore. more people will be needed next year to share in the hard work and responSibilities required to put togeth. er a good celebration. • 'The evaluations are proof that Abernathy has much to gain from the interest and resourcefulness of its citizens. But those same citizens are going to have to show,some action in I)rder that the 41h continues to be successful. The same is true with other community-wide events." according to Phillips. Phillips ended by saying ... It is not . MJIJIJ;t'·~"h;r necessary to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce in order to be involved or help. Abernathy is your town. Call the chamber secretary or contact committee members and vol· unteer. Everyone will benefit includinll yourself." FruIt Sale, Turkey Sale Sueeessfui The FF A Fruit Sale and the Abernathy roung F.rmer's Turkey Sale were both successful. FFA- memben announced that tM_ fruit ordered will be delivered startin, December 13. They aho stated that locals who want aome fruit who did not order earlier, c:aa still order IOIIIe fruit from .ay FFA ~elDber or Q)lltact AI IDIInctDn Gerald Kelley Or Scotty ~, tbe FPA deplrto ..... 0Idered __ fNit diu ...., will IIMCI to ftU tbe early orders aDd will have pIeaty left for tJM.e who waat ~ mE YEAR SERVICE PLAQUES were presented to Bill Scott. Tom",y Overslreet and Jesse Marez, who are Pictured in the top photo. In the bottom photo. Lindsey Webb recognizes visitors, honorary firemen and their wives . (Review Photos) from 12:30 p.m . until whenever. A cash pay-back will be awarded to adult winners and high sch~I ' and younger winners will be given a box of shells. Entry fees are S I and 52. Two FFA Teams Win Area, To Compete A, State Sat. Abernathy Favors 4th Of .July Celebration, Like To See Some Changes funn\' situations these za nv charartcrs C3 n 'gel Ihe mst'lves into. . .~ r------, I I Distric·t. This team is made up of Steve Royal. Jason Harris. Bill DuBose and Jay Oxford . They placed fifth at Area. . fhe Farm Radio Team also qua'iifled for th e Area Meet by placing first in District. This team is made up of Brian Smilh . Mark Bell'. Trey Stone and Jan Rawlings. They placed / fourth at the area Meet. 2,.MI ~~-.='~~~ Thl• .and That .... 3 P. . . TH B,HeI4mW'" ~~~~~~ n~ Mr . and Mn . Floyd Shipman new to Austi n to be with, the children for Th.nksjltvlnlJ· Mr. and Mrs. L.G . Mont· gomery were in Dalhart recently and visited Susie l'OMtnu,,,IC"r By . . . . . . . . Thl. year the Postal Service Is joining force. with the business commu· nity of Abernathy in uraint customers to shop early and inail early for the holidays. The 'iart of the holiday shopping season has been officially declared by asking shoppers to shop early and mail early and · to mate certain that mail is addres· sed correctly, (including zip codes) and packages are wrapped correctly 50 that POWEI:.. 'fI\ese four Abernathy representatives symbolically turned on the electrical current for Abernathy from Southwestern Public Service Company's new coal·fired pOwer plant' November 19. Pictured from left to right is Keith Tooley. Pete Thompson . Arno Struve and Bill Scan . The group then toured Roy Tolk Stalion. which is 1l:~ated near Muleshoe. The p1a:n't can generate ~nough electricity for 225.000 people. An cSlimated7.000 people toured the plant that weekend. the sender. Since mall sartlna depench OD the zip code. as well .. the name of the particular city and state, the use of the correct zip code will aid us in process· ing the mail. Texas Teeh Last year. our customen helped us tremendously. They mailed early in the season and early in the dly. We hope they will choose to cooperate with us again this year 50 we both will have an enjoyable holiday season. Don't forget , we have cards and parcels re aeli attractive Christ,;,a! gifts their destination in plenty of available at the post office. time for the holidays. especiaUy stamps. kits. sets, Normally, we handle about 6,000 pieces of mail a ·etc. for the new collector. IS well as the experienced day - including cards, let· philatelist. te rs and packages. but The post office will close during the holiday season, Salurday, December 25th. volume goes up to about 8.000 pieces. . . Be sun: to mail all ot your mail before 5 p.m. Friday Customers should also the 24th as the mall will not take care to write legible be picked up again until 5 zip coded addresses for both p.m. Monday the 27th. the intended recipient and ABERNATHY "BOMBERS" SOCCEI TEAM placed fint in their division with. record 0.1 8·0· 2. B'ld row, left tn right: Cuachcs: Neal Davi s and Arnolfo Ramos . Middle row, kf't It) righl: .Iustill Prather, S.teve Peeples, Lon Dal e Cannon, Brucc Irlbeck, Ruben Pdl11.: C, ('had Shadden and Todd Cagle. Front n)\\', lefl 10 right : Joe Guadakasar . C hri s Ea:.tl ing. Jud y Myatt . Sammy Salin.s. Abel Barrera. Chris Sims and Jody Green. . JV Lady Lopes Win First Two Games Hands-Down the JV Lady Lopes won their firs l two games of the seaso n over Lockney and Cooper hands down . The J V Lady Lopes defeated Lockney there J6-28 Monday. Novemb<;r 22. The Lady Lopes scored II points in the first quarter and 7 in the seco nd 10 Lockney's 4 in the tirst and b in the second to lead 18·10 at halftime. ( tln .. lnl ..... Scene . " The JV Lady Lopes made their lead even more comfortable by scoring 9 more points in the third to Lockney's J. They led 27 to 13 at the end of the third . The JV Lady Lopes maintained their lead by scoring 9 poinl s in th e fourth quarter to Locknev ' s IS to win 36·28. Leading S('or ers In IQOI . Ihe name wa s of Li g hl~ . ('han~l' d 10 . e :lflll I I)~ hl ~ h3\ l , ho ne bTl ~hl l ~ ... i ll('(' Ih ..' n dc .. pil c I lw l q ~ h \"IH'rl'o! .' \,n ..... \\ hle h l-urlail{' c.l th e hours Thl- mE "FAME" SOCCEI TEAM won seven out of the ten g.mes they played. The teom ..... 'l'\,:om l in ttn'ir di vi, iull . Frum left tu righ !. on the bad n)\\' i ... : l.o ri Milr:i lt'/ . Hi lchl P"II\,'{'. Wallda Garci:l . Blm ni(' Cr u / , M:Hl'i Rya n, Shnnni W.:m · r... . Chari, Au.'r. Erm a ('nllpt' r , I\ ~rt' n 0 .. \"; ... ':Illd hlt,y KC's t(' r . Frutll ro" , left 1\,.1 ri ghl : Dull i(' UOpt~ l" , M ar~ \'\ · \ ' Chil i . J.l flll: Vecchio, E\'.I Aguirre:, Eva Domingutl and Kim Kt"mp, I,. for Ihe JV Lady Lopes were Johnna Harre ll whh 16 poi nts rul· lu\\cd b)' Phoebe Dunn wi lh 1(' . . The JV Lady Lopes put it on Cooper here Tuesday, November 23 by a score of 12 GOOD REASONS WHY I SHOULD TRADE AT HOME 53·J8. The JV Lady Lopes outscored Cooper 9-5 In the first quarler and in Ihe second quarter, Abernathy exploded scoring 24 points to Cooper's 10 to lead 3J-15 at halftime . The JV Lady Lopes pou nded Cooper again in the third quarter scor;ng 12 points to Cooper's 6 to lead 46-21 at the end of the third . Cooper scored 17 points in the fouth to Abernalhy's 8, but 'it was too late to try eliminate the 25 point spread berwee n them and the JV Lad y Lope s. Phoebe Dunn was the leading sco rer with an Reprinted from the Gordon & Ferguson monthly, September 1916 winds . The ca rillon concert, ihe latest addition, was started i ll I q7b _ Mu sic Professor .Jud!!.on Maynard wi ll pt a ~ thl' prelud e l' arillnn concert .'U th i .. \'c Olr' s Ca rol of li ~ hh . Thi s year·... pre parations start ed th e scnmd week of St' pt {; 01bcr . The T e~as Tech Phy ... ica l Plant began placing Ih{' lig ht <; Ol'wber 18. ,It 4 :) 0 p. m . Dec. ) me mb<.'rs o r Alpha Phi Onll' ga, Chi Rh o and WOfHl' n' s Sen 'in: Org nizat ivn "ill bq~in plal.'i n ~ lum · inaria !!. .. ... and · fille d papet Dear Santa" I wold like a bike I want it to look like this, I w.ant a black bike with a padded racing seat . With golden spikes and black tires_ PS I want one Star Wars Person Love Matt Thompson Woodie Coleman SeleetetJ Direetor Of Programs At E.S.C. ei g ht .\ e <lr ... a t Woodie Coleman ~''' ''''!iI~.(join ed the Education Service Center staff in January o r 1969 as coo rdinator o r ~arti ll tllh hodi.· ~ E lcI1lC l1l 1ln 5(.' 11001. Th t., Cu il-m all'" h·l.I \'t' I.:hildrl· n . r he re hilS been a mail ing rro m mas... Aml' ri can fi \ C t=ll1r i da ,1 JIJM, i llill t hi... arc.1. ;\ n '\lrd ing to the BBU in M ia mi , fl u rida .. . Th c U,S. P O~ 131 Se r vin ' La" Departm e nt ha .. j usl advised thc Better Bu sine~~ Bureau of Fl or ida Am· t' r il:an Te s ting InMi tu te ha s oct'n& iltdudl'd i ll th e d \·il co m pla int filed b~ that a)ot~ n('\ 31lu inM Ihl' United "I lI e!!. f es tinto( I\ulhorit~ ch3Tg ing both l' (lft1 p a ni('~ \~ i th t'un ductin g .a lott cry, Tilc U.S. Il(l)tul Service is seeking to MOP all incoming mail (ur violatiun o r to -. -- .-- School buses with plastic windows offer greater safety for the children who ride them , ~~~~fio ~rliti::sfh:r:~~e~ David and Jayne Chrise and Ch iri Eules, and also Jim and Jeane Kent in Amarillo. Mr , a nd Mrs . Dayton Bov d ond children of Ab·e rnathy , s pe nt Thank s · giving Da y in Lubbock with hi s mo ther, Mrs. W , N. Boyd . IIO!\U: SWF.ET HOME·· B:lrttll1 family mC'mb(.'f!rI, ~alhC'r("d 3t the U.. nllll ~. SlIllrla\ . ~' l\'. I<u' ;11' ,lPl' lI 11IHhl' i ltld ':1 prc\'i('w of II paintillK of the Rolrtnll Ho uo"t' . l"omllli ...... io llt.' li h\ !ltc 1'" 1·" It ! \ I. II\,· R ;lItk . Pk wrr J , rrom leff. arc Mr~ . AlIdn' \ Wad eldl 01 Alwrl1:II !1\ . .f:t d .. I' I bl 1.111 , If I ubhl.d,. . C:li, i ll H . iw d Polh TUl'kl'T :lItd Bl' \t \ ·" Ihl·r ... . . 111 uf A lwrnar h,. Ja c k :11 1(1 Iktl\ :m ' l il ililrcil til' rhl' !:t It' .1:Il"k a l~d .J\1 ... (' pl~ ill(, Bart ~ l1 . !\ lHln.·\ ,llId Po lh :.I IV ... i ... rlT' \' , J usephine, who willed the house to the Ranching Heritage Cemer of the MU S(' UOl of Te x.. s Tech Unive rsit y, B. B. Barr ick . artis t. of Cedar Park, g rew up in Abernath y. ITech Photo ) The ·Icr. wal originally thl lrel a yoke of OXI" could plow in a day . where staRe it. and in many families, attending a perfor· mance of " The Nutcracker" is a scrupulously observed holiday ritual . It is a ballet about magic, about happi· ness and about Christmas . Christmas would not be Christmas without it. For more information call 793-Q I0 7. tATI,};NTlONI Good Driven Save Up To zt% Oa Your Auto lnaurane. ClUZ18-4IZ1 Formen luuraace Group ~ MINI BLINDS \ Free In Home Estimates \ and M rs . Aldous of Tahoka. Ralph annou· nce the approaching mar· riage of thdr daught e r . ! ~ SHERRY ELLIOTT y." ..... Tracie. to Grad), Shuey, son of Mr . Ind Mrs. Jimmy Shu", of Abem.th y. Th e weddinlJ date has I BIRTH! I Mr. and Mr s. Mark Grigg. of Lubbock. are the proud parent s of a baby Mac Teakell is home from boy. Jared Allen, born Nov . . 21 in Littlefield Medical th. hospi .. 1. Mrs , R. R. Knox is in Center . He weighed 9 Lubh\Irk G<:nc r al Hos pit a l pounds and 10 ounces and is 21 Yo inches long. Jared in ICU. has an older ' sister. Mist y Kay who is 2 and II I years old. Grandparents are Mr . and Mrs . Jess Grigg of Aber· nathy and Mr. and Mrs. Bilberrv of Plainview . THOS E TO REMEMUER MEMBER 1982 ABE RNA THY FLORAL and GIFTS Weekly Devotional Christians are servants. really bond servln.s. beca· use we have been bought with a price. (I Cor. 6:19·20), As Christians we should be seeking ways that we might serve others . Our Master went about doing good and we commanded to follow in his steps. (Peter 2:21) . This trai.t makes a 'person a joy to be· .around. Besides 66 Butane Fertilizer ..•....,,'. ,. Full-grain leather oil-tanned 10 shed waler Ultralight. cushion-wedge sole Soft, cushion insole thai absorbs moisture and dries outlast Choose from 5 modern styles Wide range of sizes and widths in stock ~CHRISTMAS ~ . OPEN It\. HOUSE \0 1:00 p.m. ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW 4:00 p.m. SUNDAY 1812 A.... D DECEMBER 5. l --J receive helping others it brings great joy into our lives . By bearing one another's burd· ens we are fulfilling the will of God. (Gal. 6:2). Have you noticed the happiest people you know are those who find time 10 help and serve others. Satan has tried to make us believe happine ss is a tlained by getting. but J esus said. " It is m<;re blessed to give than The abundant life is to be found in Jesus: following his philosophy of life. A man 's life consisteth not in the abundance of his possession~. ILuke 12:151. _ I Baptlsl a .....11 Eol III St. Z1I4111 KeY.J.B ......... Asae.....yOfGM 1414 Ave. B zlt-n.. Barry TUley Wolf And 1t.1. • • • • • Phone 298-2337 .L been set for Decenlber II at th e Abernaht y Church of Ouist. Co-op Gin off your feet! \ . Engagement Announced Mr . Farmers I WOVEN WOODS I\ Elliott's Custom DraperieS!\ . Irrlgltlon Llllevlrlr Metllodlll ClaIU'dl 3 ML Nor1II1 MI. 1:. If City alU'dl Of CIuiII IllIt .. A... I:Z"Z1I1 Abernathy Take a 1I i Aldous-Shuey - firm . rorporltlon orlndi.ld ..al which I. u.e ,rolumnl 01 lit. Abernath y W... kt)· Kule .. glldly .111 Iw cornet ... upon being br .... ght to tho a llentioa 01 &he publll h<r . Subacrlpllon Ratel : II." per y.. r In Halo . . . UlbI.ock Cauntiott. IU. per yelt In tnt 01 h ... ... U.M per milled out 01 Te.... t:dltor . "rlth Tool,) . .St-t- rf'.ar~' 1 Typist I~l:.~nr ThornaMm . .Socl.ty 1I''''n Wad< . r '" :v: Tidets for the lubbock Ce nt er Theater on Decem· Civic Ballet's production of . ber J and 4 ot 8:00 p.m. " The Nutcracker" will go a.nd IMcember 5 at 2:30 on sa le Friday , No . . . ember p .m. lubbock Civic Ballet 26 at Hemphill.'Welis South dancers. under the directio n PI.in s Mall Store . Adult of ""'nid Lubarsky . will be tickets Ire 18 and 56 . accompanied· by The lub· Student (including Tech bock Symphony Orchestrl. students). children, Ind Throughout the " 'orld senior citizens tickets are 56 " The Nutcracke r"' has be· and 5-4 . co me as mu ch a part of the "T he Nutcrlcker"' , b)' Christmas tradition as Ihe fillcd stOCk ing, festi\'e din· Pet e r Il yitch Tchaikovsky , ,,-ill be s l aged at lhe ner Qr dec oralt~d lree. Come lubbock Memorial 'Ch'ic rkre mber compan ies every- BBB Warns Locals That A..erlean Testing Institute . Condut!ting Lottery T{' ~lill g In\li lult:. b660 Bi , · l' a~' I1 (, Bu u lt:.' \' a rd . Mi a mi. . ;~ ; ... NEW STATIONARY being used by the Abernathy Public Library. m.l' .""".r rl'\,'urd nf ... ·5 -1-. B':H:k f() \\' . Icn lu ril: ht : Tall a CUA, Kt' nd(' /I Tn., t(' r . Tori(' AdUn1Ii . (; I~ma «_CYl·... , K:lr ':l 1);I ,i .... M il-a h Hi ky. Eli .. (, Prath e r a nd SIWlllll!l1 Pl.·l· p ll"\o Frum TlI'\ . le ft I II tt)lh t. (h l"~ ... I:t1 Pllnn', (hri .. l; «lIh!ll ~O Il . TUIl)" ~hatl , l .. Sh;t" . M nrtdl. Angit, '\I\,'r : Cila\'hl.· .. '\l·rt· Hl' ild:t POl1tT and Kart.· 11 Dtlv... . . ~ :if ~ .''. 1 1. An y f'rronf"OU ~nf'('tkJa upon 1M character of •• Y :\ftCE:Rl~A'riiY GIRlS "STRIDERS" SOCCER TEAM plorrd fifth in th.ir di,·i.">n " 'ilh • '. ~ . Tickets Go On Sale For "The Nutcracker" K FYO rad io. Per\Ons ar!' sc lcrted for the a ....'3rd by theI r neigh · bon, _ Apparent ly, some of Mr . and M~ . Demorest's 1I1.' ighbors ~1'01e KfYO a nd ex plained why th e lkmorests were s uch good neighbor:s . Thus . the)' we~ presented the: award . I .. ,IZM-Zln .- l. -- ~\lntain ing candle s .. Me moria l Circle. Th e tr a di t io nal Saddle Tra mps. l('d torchlights' pro· ("t~ "l o n will start at 7 p . m. Ttlt' Prtk'{'o;sion man; h " ,ill hl' p 1a ~ ,,' d b\ Ih e T ex as Tl'f h T ro m b o ne Ensemble und t'r th e dircTtion ( I f Music Professor Roben Deahl. Or~ a l1 i7a lion.1 1 choirs and E,tablltltod ill No•• mlwr 01 ltlt .. .publllk'" '. _ ril too." a loll~ \~unc'cd un Mr. a nd Mr:. Dt' nh)res1. tlf Ill S A,,·c . H Abernath'i , \~crc prc'i(,.· llted the ,- ~ Nl' iR h~ o r ,'~' lrd " Frida y mo rnin g b ~ radi o ,I3.IIO n KFYO 3nd St31C Fa rm In~ur.ltH..' e , whi c h ar c th e ~punwr ~ of Ihl! a ward . E\' er~' Frid ay morning , 7:55 p.m . " Every Carol of Lights is special in its own way, " Celeste Anselmi, outdoor chai rman of the Carol of li g hts , said , " and I believe thi s yca r will be special. Mr . and Mrs . R.L. Par· ""ns left Abernathy Sunday and s pen t th e night at Blackwe ll with a cous in of R.L. ·s . ~obie and Shorty Ware. They attended the services for Jack Parsons. Visitors in the home of Mr . and Mrs. R. t. Parsons during th e holidays were Mr . and Mrs . Jim Ke nt, from Grand Junction. Colo· rado and G.M. and Doris Kent . from Lubbock. Thank· ... ad., nund.y 01 tach .. ret I. Alwr•• thy. Tn.l . s.<oacI Bismarck OUR TOWN. Lette, To Santa (lou pootl" plid It Alwmatby. T .... 111 tl . I... IM It 'Ii A••. I). I. tho rlt v 01 Abft'ltlthv. P .O. Ilra,.·.. D. the purse has the power. " One For All and All For One. the 1ights were illuminated, This year's lights will be lit from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. Dec. 3·27. Stude nt a nd vis itors, numbering 1,200. came to see Ih e li ghtin g in 19 72 despite ca ncellation of the uliidou r ce re mo ny along wi th an 18·degree tempera· t ure and 20· mile per hour ABERNATHY WEEKLY REV IEW incredible 22 points. The JV Lady Lopes arc now 2·0, Phyllis Jones is their coach, Special Education c.'O mpon · ent. a positio n he held until Sep,embcr of that yea r when he became Uirector of Prog rams , Coleman received 311 undergraduale deg ree in 1949 with a major in vocal church music, a Master of Education in 1959 in ele mentary education , and a Doctor of Education from Texas Tech in 1%8 with .a major in elementary admin · istration . Before co ming to the Service Center, he was a junior hillh teacher at Abernathy and Petersburg . and elemetary teacher in I.IIbbocIt. then principii for Of Lights" Friday residences halls will sing carols and Music Professor Bill Hartwell will perfrom "0 Holy ~ight ." The finale, th e iIIuminalion of the lights. will be heralded by the trombone fanfar e at appro~imalel y Loeal Ceuple Presented "Good Neighbor i\ ward" . the ·· Good ~tighbor Award" recipitnlS are ann : "He who has his thumb on 1 . Because this is the place I make money and this is the place to spend it. 2. Because my interests are here. 3. Because I believe in transacting b,usiness with my friends. 5. Because I want to see the goods. 6. Because I want to get what I pay for. 7. Because every dollar I spend at home stays at home and works for the development of the city. . 8. Because the man I buy from stands back of his goods. " 9. Because I sell what I produce. here at home. 1O. Because the man I buy from pays his part of the city and county taxes. 11. Because the man I buy from helps support my school. my church. my lodge and my home. 12. Here is where I live and here is where I buy. The light .s hining from Texas Tech Universit y duro ing the Ho liday Season's Carol of Lights h as !ierved as an end uring s)'mhol of West Texa ns for ove r two decades . This yea r 's Ca rol o f . light s cerem() nies begin at 7 p.m . Dec . .1 at the Textls TN' h Sc ie nce QIJ:ldra l1)til' Althou g h th o u~alld s - o f Techsans. Lubbockit cs and South Plain s reside nts a re expected to visi l the 21 51 Carol, thc fir sl ~u th{"ring was qu it e s mtlii. In Det'cm bcr IQsa a SOHI II ~roup o f s tu de nt'i , w ilh fo rml'r Tc u~ Tedt Mu ~il' Pnl fcssor Gelle Hc mml e ,Inll flll'nwr Wt llll t · Il' .. H..·... · 1(\ ..: 1\,' (' Ha ll ( \Hl rcl ill :.n Of Do ruth y Garn e r , l'O l1grcg· al cd 31 MCIllllri31 Ci rdt and !!.ang l-arll l!l . ;\ft (' rwa rd t he group wen l rn the Stude nt Uniun Building , n o\~ r: alk'd th e Uni\, e f si lv ( t' lIl c r , t o drink hot (hul~l aH' . The follo\\ ing y«:-a r , Texas Tcd1 Rq~;e nt Haro l Hinn dona1(' d 5. 000 lig ht s In !hl' fl'!!.1 iviti(.'\t , th l'lI called "A ll "C~I Ind Mlk. Breitling. Our daughter and son.ln. law . Mr. and Mrs . Ron Morgan of Dimmitt, spent thanksgiving with us. t.,. TeJt. Aber... 1982 Ply-N-Save One should not be alive and yet dead at the same . zealeous about LIFE .. . SHIPMAN AGENCY a""" III CIIom:b Of Na..reae 1\11 St. Ave. I: St. I ......... s.tIo An. 0 Rev. Maltlle.. D·S-.. z..zaz ~weltB.......... I. . . . Del NaunllO Ave. A'.1dt. St . Looter AMerMa 111041.. C_y LIIIe BaptiR audl RI. I -751·%lU Rev. DaDay Jaa.- Supermarket time . Be rather alive and Rlchlrd , I, ...................... r Ilt-ZIU N. . . . . Bapllll 01-" tllllllL. A"e. E. - 1lt-Z4" ae.. K'-"lhra Rev. 1_""""", DuBose D'AUN stuPMAN Weekly Reylew Joe Thompson Implement Co. Brightbill Heating And Air --- - - ---1 Co-op Grain Company Ineurlnee Ab"nlt~y au-y stuPMAN !lOLA B. COVEY aJDDY stuPMAN ~- ------I c... ~a.oII IJllLE...-...... --I ..... 14 ...1141 ........... ....... I 11IUIiDAY. DECEMIU l. 198f IA..... ~.,. 111·1111 .1....... , AMtIIItIQ, TaM Ie tbtg LeeDey All GENUINE JOHN DEERE .....RTS f The Abernathy Anlelopes B.. ketball Team kicked Lockney and Cooper lasl week to open their season with a cl ea n 2-0 slate. Mond ay. Nove mber 22, was the Lope's first g.me of , " ALL YOUR PAUlING NHDI JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT PHONE 105 Ave 0 Abernalby , Te.a. 79311 Texas FarJfler Says Mink And Duck Farnaers Find Profit In U. S. Soybeans over 2.5 million bushels of containing 10 percent of a soybeans. -U~e of soybean meal in mink ration s s h owe d 3 si milar large increase after Danish 'produced soybean Hogs and chickens are no longer the o~ly livestock enjoying · the be nefit s of diets cont"ining soybean . checkoff investme nt is helping increase soy bean use. meat. Now much of th e world's 21 million mink and duck population is also being introduced to rations containing soy protein. thanks to e xport promotion work of the Texas soybea n checkoff. As a result, mink and duck farmers are producing faster gaining. more revea led tha t the country produced nea rl y 28 million ducks. The majority of duck feeds howeve r. were compo osed of co rn. wheat bran , ri ce hull s a nd fish meal. Use of soybean meal was in sign· ifica nt. In IQ78. · AS A supervi sed healthy animals at profitable rarmcrs and feed formulat ors. The trials showed that incorporating a higher per· cent of soybean meal into duck feeds not only improved feed e fficiency, but also in cre ased eg~ production . As a result of feeding trials and percent from 27,000 metric tons in 1975 to over 61.500 metric ton s of meal Sovbcan Assoc iation con · duet ed feeding t rails on mink a nd fox farms in De nmark to demo ns trate that addition of a soybean protein concentrate or a soy flour would be be nefici al. for fur-bea rin g animals. The trail was quite succe· in 1980·· th e equivalent of ss ful. Mink fed a ralion Ic\'els. Efforts to increase the use of soybean meal- in rations for non-conventional marke ts such as mink and ducks are examples of ex por t promotion activities curren· tly underway by the Amer· ica n Soybean As sociatio n . These export promotion activilies are bei ng fund ed by farmer in vestment in th e soybea n checkoff. . .. In the se times of de pressed commodity prices farmers need 10 give wholehearted s upport to soybean checkoff inveslment in inn ova tiv e expor t pro m o tion pro gra ms s uc h ' as those T exas farm ers co ndu ctcd throu gh the American Soybcan Association," says J ack Win e n. a Kress soy· bean farmer who curren tly serves as chairman of the Texas Soybean Pr od u t.:ers Board ITSPBI . Witte n reo centl v announced that the TSPB had sen t a check for Sh,OOO to the Ameri ca n Soybean Dev elo pm e nt Fo undatio n for use in cont inuing worldwide export promotion activities to incrrease u se of soybeans and products. Witten ciled duck fee ding de monstrations, in Taiwa n as ty pi ca l of the proj ect s where kind of farmer An ASA survey of the duck industry in Taiwan in 1977 duck feeding trials for an ASA fe ed in g frail in De nmark and Finland -- the world's top two producers of mink and fox . Traditionally a nim a l pr.C!tein , not soy protein has been the main so urce of prot ein for nearly 8 million fur· bearing animals in the Nordic Countries. In 1980. th e Am erican prote in concentrate showed n.ormal growth. More . sign~ ificantly. pelt quality show· LUBBOCK, Friday, November 19,1982 ed a " marked impoTvc It's been said. I think, that brilliant solutions come ment '· . Fox fed both defat· ted and full· fat soy flours only in the wake of severe problems. And if that be true, the powers that be in the U.S. showe d slightly faster gTOWth rates than aninlal fed cotton, food and feed grain industries, including only a nimal protein. As a those in government, now have an opportunity to res ult of Ihe se feeding shine as they have never shone before. trail s. the future looks Literature is filled with tales of financial empires bright for increased soybean (.'Onsumption by the mink built from the desperate need of man to feed himself and fox industry in Den- and hi. family . The greatest discoveries of medical mark and Finland. Checkoff science have come iii response to cries for help from fund ed eKport promotion masse. of people crippled or dying from malaria, pro g rams suck as · th ese have helped Te xas soybean smallpox, polio, etc. Abe Lincoln sauntered from farmers sell more soybeans a log cabin to free the slaves. But who will free the farmer? Are there some at higher prices and incre· ase d gross farm income emancipators out there somewhere to deliver them 557.50 for every checkoff from the oppression of massive supplies and d ollar inve s ted in ex port miniscule demand? promotion . One can only hope. And be glad there are those 1983 Beltwide Cotton Prod. who are trying. uctlon-Mecbanizatlon Confe· In October the Board of Directors of Plain. Cotton rence. January S ·6. at the Growers; Inc., Lubbock. met and b egan discussions ~~~~t T~egency In San Ant· of minor actions that ~an be taken to alleviate .short.The conference is spon. term problems and major changes needed to bnghten sored by the National Cot· the future. Ion Council in coo peration A couple of weeks ago the Produ cer Steering Com. wi~ XO~h~~ \routs M MIT. mitteeof the National Cotton Council met in Lubboc k MENTS INCREASE: Ne l and, like similar groups in com. sorghum and wheat. new ex port sa le s of 62.200 intensified exploration of possible ---- o COMPUTER USE TO BE HIGHLIGHTED: A special se min ar on th e use of co mput e rs on farms a nd ranches is scheduled January 6 as a feature of (he 1983 Be ltwide Cotton Conference in San Antonio. Texas. Alabama co tton g ro wer and ginne r Hugh Summerville. Jr .. is chairman of th e se minar and one of th e ICatured sp(' ake rs . Top ics will in cl ude th e roles of land-grant universities in computer app lica· tions for agriculture: future of communications network for farmers; how to select compu te r programs: minimum sysre ms for farm use; and availa bility of programs from land -g rant uni vers ities. South Texas farmer.gin. ncr Mark Morris will discuss how he uses th e small computer system for cotton production, pr-ecessi ng . and n:ta rket ing. WOLFE WILL CHAIR CONFERENCE: Thomas H. Wolfe , Phoenix , president of the o il seed pr ocess ing division of Anderson·Clayton Company. will serve as general c hairman of the running ba les of cotton for escape route s . the wee k ended November ~~n~~s~OedJ.~~~~:~o~~~!: The major buyers were Spain. \3 .900 bales; Korea. 1.3 .400: and Ind one,ia , 8.800. The .... eek ·' export s hip me nts total ed 89.000 balcs. COTTON TODAY TO OBSERVE HOLIDAY: Cot· ton Today will not be is s ued nex t week in observance of Thanksg iving_ Distribut ion 1 will res um e December J . U. S . Agriculture Secretary John Bloc k , after a two-day meeting Nove mber 16 and 17 with farm leaders and economists, recognized the need [or government policy changes and says a suggested These are only ~ few of many ongoing effoit. to pull tanners through the sick world economy, depresaed demand and bulging surpluses that have pushed agriculture , the largest and mOlt important of U.S. industries, to the brink of bankruptcy . Back to the brilliant solutions c oming only in thn wake of severe problems, it can be said as well that lasting solutions to agriculture', problems will come only afte r diligent study and deliberation among reasonable men. There is no room for panic .. Le. jumping at one of those sure-to-come. willy-nilly, quick-fix cures that will be offered for today's headaches without regard for tomorrow'. after-effectB. That's the alternative to finding a solution . It 's called suicide. Petersburg Farmers Conduet YeUow Corn Variety Test Don and M.rk Hegi. who farm west of Peters burg, co nduct e d a ye llow co rn variety test o n redu ce d walc.r.· acco rding to Billv E. Warri ck. Hal e <.:ounly Eltension Agronomi st . The plot was pl a nt e O April 14. 1982 on last.year·s soybean ground . The corn was pre wat e red a nd watered J times solid during the growing season . The plot ~i ved 211 po unds of nitrogen applied by an hy dr o u s a mm onia plus The result demonstratton va rieties in the tcst include: Pioneer 3184 at 7468 pounds/ .cre. Dekalb XL72 AA at 730 1 pound, / .cre. RinR Aro und 1502 .t 6641 Pa y- 320 pou nd , of 19· 19·0 fen · master UC 7251 ili zcr per acre . Weeds were contro ll ed wit h Dual being ba nded in a IJ inch swath al at 2,/, pin I pou nds/ acrc . . All harvest "" e ighu list~d have been adjusttd to 15.5""0 moisture . at 5523 For almost 1.000 older Texa s Gre e n Thumb progra m. th e ··ba ttl e of the budget·· came to a happy conclusion with th e re ce nt Congressional override of the Presi· dent 's veto of a s uppl e men- NASA to Title V of th e American's uf Crosbv ton a nd co mes to Buff.lo Springs. Lake ~-i th mort' thall seven teen ~'ear< in Ih e field of law eniorce· men l ""lth fiftee n "'ean of with 1.000 hour~ of lav-' enfo rCt"Olenl his career IS a at floydada in 1%4. the jobs of more than 54,000 Exclusive CasterlAction MFWD will MFWD Tractor during this December give you a big boost in field or feedlot· and pay cash. finance wherever you work efficiency. And these introductory c hoose. or finance wilh Deere Without cash rebates from John Deere give you waiver. you quaify for the additional a big saving on the model you choose. . cash rebate as listed. Or you can have Besides the MFWD rebale , there·s J ohn Deere finance charges waived to more. If you buy ANY 50 Series 2WD or March 1. 1983.' Model 190-hp 4850 165-tlp 4650 140-hp 4450 12o-hp 4250 lQO,hp 4050 a5-hp 2950 75-hp 2750 65-hp 2550 55-hp 2350 45-hp 2150 4o-he 1250 C. .h R.be'e Dec:. '82 C. .h Rebe'e Maximum Reba.e In Lieu of Welver for CIA MFWD $4.000 4,000 4,000 4 ,000 4,000 nla nla nla n/i! nlli nla $600 550 450 450 400 250 200 200 200 150 150 $4,600 4,550 4,450 4 .450 4,400 250 200 200 200 150 150 AlIllNATHY 298-2541 LUBBOCK 762-1038 . 'On e. more vote against the approprialions bill and the dismal news in yo ur leiters would have been all too true," she said. " And I'm afraid we all know that there aren't enough jobs out there in the provate sector for 54.000 older workers ."' Green Thumbers fr o m H.le County anending the Ryan Named Dlstrlet Sales Manager For DEKALB·pnZER Sales Manager for m.nager. _ DeK.lb· PfIzer Genetics la new seed prodUction and marltetlng firm formed by the recent partaenllip agreement between DeKaib Aa· lI_h; Inc., and PIber .Genetics. Ry.n formerly waS a....district sales manager with DeKilb . Based in DeKalb. III .. DeKalb·Pfizer Genetics is the I.rgesl seed rese.rch and m.rketlng organization in Ihe world. marketin, hybricla of com. _,hum and au~ seeds. .nd var\etIn of proprietary soy· __ and I alfalfa seeda in _ thu 40 CIIIUIItries. quarters. to Abe rn ath y·, 10 and 10 po ints fo'r t h e last two qua n crs . It was all A~rn· .thy as the freshman Lady Lo~~ won easily 40- 15, Mir)' Coo~r scored the e 51 poinlS for the 9th lAdy pes with 18 point •. The frrs hman boys tta m defeated Frio na b)' a 5 poi nt margin J8·3J . 7th And 8th Boys Win FIrst Games The Ih and 8th boys halft ime . Th~ ~·on 7th boys e.:p lodtd in Ih~ third SC'O r· ing 15 points to Friona's J . Thc\' he ld on to th eir lead in th. ·fuurth 10 ,,-in JI·17. ltading score" (or the 71h bo,'s ""ere E,' erett Coach Rodrij uez illted Riddl e~ and Jeue Lue ra v-crc all lough on ddense makin g some key plays. 8th WI .. 32·29 quaner . and scored 7 more poi nl s in Ihe se-rond qUlner to lead 15· 11 at halftime. Friona ('ha r~ed ahead in 'he t hird qu.aner. In the fourth qu.ner. the 8rh Lopes made a dramatic .thy c.me out hlnln, the· b.sket .s Cooper m.de 17 points in the fint qu.rt~r. to the Lope" 25. The Lopes stayed way on top after scoring another 18 points in with IS .-nd Oetus Irlbeck 12. In the Antelopes second g.me. they easily defe.ted Cooper 74·56. This g.me played here I.st Tuesday night. Both Cooper .nd Abern· Larry Perkins wlS th e high point man in the aame with 22 followed by Sammy Galloway with 14 . Ed Teal IJ and Brian Sniith 10. The Antelopes will take on Midland Lee Friday night at 7:30 here. the second quarter to lead JV Lopes Defeat Lockney The Junior Varsily boys team defeated Lockney and in the third quarter and 6 in the fourth to win 44·23. Cooper last week. Leading scorers for the lY Lopes were Lonnie Tea l Monda y, November 22. the JV Lopes bullied th e Lockney JV team 44·23 at Lockney. The JV Lope s charged into the co urt and scored 17 wilh 12 points and Harold Miller with 16. The JV Lopes down ed Coope r by the s · argin of 30·29 1st Tuesday h reo It was not a close arne all th e way, as the Lope s points in the first quaner to Lockney's 3 and 10 in the secon d quarter to Lockney's 6 to lead 27·9 at halftim e. The Lo pe s kept their winning m a rgin wide as scored 11 more points Cooper·s 5 and 7. to lead 21·12 at halftime. Cooper came back in the points to the JV Lope 's 7 and the Lopes held a slim 28-24 winning margin going into the fo urth quarter. The fourth quart er was low-scoring as both teams toss· up as both teams came out and scored 12 points to tie going into the second quarter. In th e second quarter , both teams strived to get the lead , but this quarter ended in a tie too as both teams scored 19 points. At 2 point s while Cooper scor· halftime it was Lockney 3 1. Abern athy 31. The Lady Lopes re·grou· ped at halftime anl came ed only 5 to co me up short out in the third quarter to 30·29. surprise Lockney. The Lady Lopes scored 18 points to played good defense. The JV Lopes were only allowed The LeadinQ scorer for the lopes was Lonnie Teal Lockney's 6 this quarter and with 15. led 47·37 by the end of the third q u. rt~r. The Lady Lope. held on th eir le.d in the fourth quarter scorin 8 20 more points to Lockney's 25 to win 69·62. Stacey Kelley was th e leadi ng scorer ,'}.- -r with 21 points . followed by Vicky McKenzie wit h 13 poi nts and ReGina Powell 13. The Lady Cooper in this time not return It was Lopes ..<-and qu.rter while .110...• in~ the Lady Lopes only 7. Cooper led by 1 point at halftime 28·27 . . Th e Lady Lo~es were down by I going into Ibe third . but they took the challe nge scoring a n incre- dible 22 poin ts to lead 49·39 by the en d of the third quarter. Cooper was down by 10 Lady Lopet Beal Cooper 70-53 and things wo uld get worse for the m as the Lady Lopes met Antelope territory and Cooper may after t his loss. evident that the Lady Lopes wanted to show Cooper who was the better team as they scor ed 20 points in the fir.s t q uarter while hol din g Coo pe r to only 5. Coo per bounced right back scoring 23 in the Go-Fight-Win Antelopes & :1.1 .. ~- J scored 6 in the quarter and 15 in the second quaner . to third quarter to score 12 ys The ,Lady Lopes Ba.ketball Te.m is b.d to its winnin8 ways as they defeated Lockney and Cooper t hi s put week. In thier first game. The . Lady Lopes defeated a tough Lockney tea m 69·62 in a th riller. The first half was a cli nched the victory b y scoring 2 J more points in the fourth to Coopers 14to win 70·53 . Vicky McKenzie was hot Tuesdav as she scored 29 points . Patricia Garcia made II and ReGina Powell \0 to lead the Lady Lopes in the scorin g deparetment. The Lady Lopes will pla y Lubbock Monterey here at 6 p.m. Friday. La~ Lopes f':' :~l Jr. Varsity Boys And Girls Varsity Girls And Boys Opoton.t Site Lockney T H Cooper H. le Center H Lubbock H Midl.nd LteH H Idalou Da&e 11·22 11·2) 11·30 12·J 12·3 12·7 12 ·9· 11 12·9· 1\ 12· 14 12· 17 12·20 12·21 12·29·3 1 1·4 1·6·8 • 1· 11 • 1· 14 .1 · 18 .1 ·21 .1 ·25 .1 ·28 . 2· 1 .2-4 . 2·8 .2· 1\ .2· 15 GIrlo 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 8:00 8:00 8:00 Hale Center T 7:00 7: 00 6:30 Midland T C. prack Caprock Tourney 8:30 8:30 8:00 8:00 6:JO 8:00 Abernathy Tourney Friona T H Dim mitt Tulia Muleshoe Littlefield Friona Dimmitt Tuli. Muleshoe H T H H T T H Littlefield T friona T 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 Da&e 11·22 11·2) 11 ·30 122-4 12·7 \2 ·14 12·1 7 12·20 12·21 1·4 1·1 1 1· 14 1· 18 1·2 1 I 20·22 1·25 1·28 2·1 2·4 2·8 2·11 2· 15 I 7:30 8:00 Good Luck Lady Lopes At Canyon Tourney Canyon Tourney Snyder Tourney Idalou T T Ralls I. GO LOPES!! Good Luck Antelopes At Snyder Tourney Bo,.. Coaching Staff Girls Head Coacb Larry Steele As.1.tant Phyllis J ones Junior Hlab Cheryl Edwards Boys H.ad C-b Carl Irlbeck 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 A s _.. Scooter Cassler Roland Murray J.......r HIab John Rodriquez Ray Ater Opponent Lockney Site T . Cooper H Hale Center H Girl. 4:00 4:30 4:30 Boys 5: 15 4:30 4:)0 Cooper Tourney Idalou H T Idalou T Ralls Hale Center T Midland T Lockney H Friona T Dimmitt H Tulia H Mul eshoe T Springlake Tourney Linlefield H Frio na H Dimmitt T Tuli a T Mulesh oe H Littl efield T Friona T 4:30 4:30 5:30 3:30 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 4:30 4:30 4:00 5:00 6:00 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 6:30 MEET THE LOPES ·DIaIrItt " - rome · blck scorinS 15 points to Fr iona's 5 to ""in 32-29. Le:ading scorers for the 8th Lope, were Pete Garci. . 'ith 12. Rob Givens 8 and Br<:t Parker b~ P.rker also made some key rebounds in Ihis 8ame. The 7th and 8th co.ch.s stated th.t they were happ'y with the pcTformances and thai this WIS a good start (or both teams . De cember 2·4. the 8 th gude boy, and girls will play in th e Mule shoe Tournament . The 8th boy' basketball Itam won a close one over 32 · 29 here las t Monda \' . The 8th Lopes jumped out ahead 8· 2 in the firs t De~mbe r 6. the 7t h .nd 8th grade boys andgirls will pl.y Tuli •. The boys will pl.y there .nd the girl. here. PI.y will begin . t 5 p.m. 7th And 8th Grade Girls Defeat Friona Tho 7th .nd 8th grade II th e lupe Guillen, both of Aber· nathv. ict :a nd fourth Ih at Rowd y Po,,'ell. CON!Y neces- the only hope would have been yet another .appropria. president and national sales JOE THOMPSO,N IMPLEMENT exac tl y training session at Tulia were Eusebio Castellon , Crew Foreman and Guada · DeKalb·Pfizer Genelics . .according to Jerry Conner. vice and 5 points in th e Ihird Harbin 7. sary. Title V workers nation · wide . The workers are all 55 a nd over, low income. and provide services for Hbraries. schools. senior centers, museums, and other public se rvice agencies. " Without the override , Dan L. Ryan of Abernathy, has been n.med Distr- The second hid f V-' IS not as long for Friona as the first half as Friona scored 8 Irl b«k ·wilh 8 points. J.ck September 24 . Ma haffe y majority first Waters 8 points and Kevin Green Thumbers had al· )0 . th e to kad 24·1 7 by the end of cer t ifiCA t e more tha n Ir:lining in and began pa lmlmln ready received Ittters in· forming them that t.heir last day on th e job was to be to in quanor 14 ·0 and 12·2 in the second quarter to lead 26· 2 at halftime. Friona two-t hirds Congr ess ional override "was decisive" in saving The freshman g irls crush· ed Frio na at Friona 46· 15 in a Rame th a I co uld be considered highly one·sided They scored 5 points in the firsl quarter and q in Ihe second to lead 14·-b at ad"an ce bill fund s Ih e prog ram through June )0. 1983. 60 18. 1982. Mahaffey said the la't Monday night . Abernathy jumped ahead in the fir st quarter 12· 1, but Friona came back to score 7 poinl!O in the second quarter to Abernathy·s 7 .nd the Lopes led IQ ·8 at halftime. The freshman Lopes dom· inated th e third quart er scori ng 12 more points to Frionas 6 and led 31 · 14 at the end of the third. It loo ked IS if th e fresh man Lopes could rein a.nd cla im I victory before th e founh quarter started. but Friona was not through and made a dramatic attempt to gain the lead sC'o ring 19 po int s to the Lope · s 7 in the fourth quarter. Time ran out on Fr;ona and Abernatny ,,'On )8·33 . Billy Cooper ~·as the high point sco re fo r the 9th Lopes with 16 points. Offll.·cr Mitche ll hu th(' Act, Thumb workers at a training session in Tulia on October girl s bas ketball teams were \' ictorious against Friona the third quarter scorinl t3 poi nt s to Abernathy', 2 which fund, 'TFU Green - Speaking to 48 Green The 9th grade boys and J 1· 17 hoce I.st Mond.y nigh!. said the letters had to be se nt out beca use " there was no assurance that bot h Thumb a nd other senior houses would o\ferride th e employment program s. according to Green Thumb . veto. What we've seen is a minor miracle ." The over· Di st rict Director , JoAn ride vote in the Senate was Mahaffev. Older 9th Boys And Girls Win Season Openers Iheir first bask.etball gi mes of the sl!'ason over Friona. The th boy. wan handil), lion s bill. " she said. "and there were no real g uarantees that anothc r onc would ha ve been pa ssed an d signed in time to keep the program go ing ." The nev.· tal appropriations bill. The bill provides money for a variety of programs and agencies ranging from the defense depanme nl to It halftime. experience IS City Manhall alld Chid o ( Pt.l li c e It B<w in3 . FaN e !! . Ollon and Oimmill . Telu . Green Thumb Program Survives Budget Battle work ers In th e Farrr:er 's Union The Lope' put 17 more points on the board in the second quarter to lead 37·21 Mitchell Named Ranger . program will be forthcoming within a month . ha~o~;~dn ~~n~~th~=l1Ch~~f Later in th e same week the Texas Association o[ Lake Ranger at Buff.lo Cotton Produ cer Organizations m et in Austin Spri ng s Lake accord ing 10 to begin the task of reach ing agreem ent on its c on · lake ~oneral manager . tribution to the overall process. Ronald D. Warner . Another round of talks on the U. S ..China bila~raJ TIle new Chief is a native textile and apparel agreement are underway in Washingto n, a su ccessful co nclusion to which could substantially improve U.S . cotto n ex port prospects. quarte r a nd allowed the Longhorns on ly 7. The 91 h Lad y Lopes char· was topped by Stauffer 7795 .t IIS40 pounds/ aln. Other and there. The Lopes came out and surprised Lockney by scoring 20 poil;t' in the first ged ahead per UTe rate plus • layby treatment of DUll I I 1 ~ pint per acre rate ap plied sol id after the last cuhivat· ion . No in scc ticid e was needed for insect con trol. pound s / lcrc. the season againsl Lockney The A ntelopes were • wesome in the third qu.rter scorina 26 points .nd shuning Lockney down to only 6. They led 63·27 when the third quarter ended. The Longhorn. did not give up and scored 26 points in the fOUMh quaner, but the Lope, came out and scored their high for the night 28 points in Ihe fourth to win 91 ·53. Ed Teal was the leading shoo ter wi th 28 points. followed by Sammy Gall· oway with 21. Larry Perkins ~ooaer PAGE 5 43·27 .t halftime . The Lclpe. slacked off In the third .nd fou rth quart· ." corl n8 15 In the third and 16 in Ih. fourth to Cooper·. 12 .nd 17 to win 74·56. Get a cash rebate d irect from John Deere, in addition to our good deal on the 40 Series Iractor of your choice 2WD or 4WD. These lrac lors also carry a 1981 slicker price. so we·re offering rebates from prices already competitively low. Boost your savings oven more. During December. t982 , pay cash for cash rebate In lieu ollinance waiver as shown . Or you can elecl to have the John Deere linance charge waived to June 1, 1983, Instead of taking the additional cash rebale.' your new tractor, finance it where you choose. or finance it with John Deere $10.500. Wafver ollln.nce dlerge opllon: Se. ua 800nl too~::10O::~=::~:::~~~b=la. :;:.=':::."!.~h'.::::.:~~:"ftg without walvar' and you 'll collact Ih" 19·17. The 7th girls scored 10 points in the firs t quarter and did not al1 o ~' Friona to c\'en score. They scored 4 more points in the second quarte r 10 lea d 14-2 at halftime. Th e 7th Lopes were oUl ·scored 9-2 in the third q uart er a nd )·6 in the C..h R.ba'e D.c. '82 Ce.h Reba'e on Pun:h..e $4 ,500 37o-hp 8850 290-hp 8650 225-hp 8450 $8,200 6.400 5,700 Ma.lmum In Ueu or W.lver Rebe'e $1,700 1,350 1,200 1.050 850 750 700 $ 6.200 4 .000 3,600 3 .400 2 .800 2.300 2.200 1.800 500 1.300 400 350 300 250 5 .350 4 .800 4.450 3 .650 3,050 2 ,900 2.300 1.700 1.550 1.400 1.150 $2.300 1.900 $10,500 8 ,300 1.200 1.100 900 1.500 7,200 (~~lOlrKtOf""'''bUitr·1 •...,......,. 04 JofwI DMtt rine;nQftI plene -.bjKt 10 lIPPf'OVei of etediI. m.. 0fFtn"... Det«Jvcttd In ..... _.,.,....,. IitM. at.,., JOE THOM~SON IMPLEMENT 291-2541/ LUBBOCk 782-1038' They shut O UI Friona in the fi rst quarter 6·0. but Friona came bact in the second quaner to score 6 poinlS to Abernat hy' s 7. The 8th girls were ahe.d .t h.lftime 13·6. Friona took charge in the VICICY MCKENDE AND 5AUII MIU.!R .re Juniors ibis third quaner to score 12 pl.ys the position of guard. She is the daughter of Daniel and Coleen Miller. IReview Photo) points to Abern.th y·, 6. but the 8th girl Lope, 'till h.d • I point le. d 19· 18 going into the fourth quarter. clinch th e vic.1ory winning lead to win 19· 17. 32·24. Sharmin Toler wa. the le.ding scorer for the 81h Annis with 7 points .nd 8irls- scoring 12 points Donna Stallings with b. The 8th girls te.m won · followed by Mikkl Webb with 10. the}r game 32-24. School Menu Dee. 6- Dee. 10 MONDAY, Pine.pple Juke. enee.. Toast. Milk. TUESDAY, Ban.na. Cere.l. Toast. Milk. WEDNESDAYt Apple Juice. Biscuits with Honey. Milk. 11IVUDAYt Oran,e Juke. Cinnamon Rke, To.sl. Milk. .-.mAY, Applesauce. doughnuts. Milk . LUI'ICB MEI'ftI MONDAYt Com Cop. ., 0 -•. EqI.- ~ ye.r. Vicky is playing QD v.rsity her third ye.r at Ibe position of gu.rd. She is the daughter of Don . nd Janice McKenzie. This is Sarah ' s second year on varsity and she Patton's Parts Place The fin.1 qu.rter. the 8ih girls put It on Frion. 13·6 to fou rth but hung on 10 their l e,adtng sCOrers were T. Model 226-hp 8640 179·hp 8440 18O-hp 4840 155-hp 4640 . 13O-hp 4440 11o-hp 4240 9()-hp 4040 8o-hp 2940 7G-hp 2640 6O-:hp2440 5O-hp 2240 4o-hp 2040 A8£IHATlfl' girls basketball teams defeated IT.riona last Monday nigh I at Frion • . The 71 h g rade team won a c1o~e one ddC'lting Friona ish Peas. Fruit Cup. Milk. TUESDAY I Pinto Bean Casserole. C.bbase slaw. French Fries, Corn Bread. Story BooIt Cake, Milk. WEDNESDAY, ' Me.t Loaf- whh Catsup. Mashed Patote.. <;.rrot.. Hot Rolls. Peanut BlltteLCak._ Milk. 'WVJ$DAYI S....hettI .It M.at Sauce. To ..ed Salad. Green Beans, French Bread • . Cherry Cobbler. Milk. nmAY. Ow 1iIqen. Lett_PIokie-Oaloll.. Plato ............... .NIIt. These Sponsors Behind The Lopes 100 % 298-2534 Abernathy Body Works First State Bank M_ber of F.D.I.C. W_J_ 402 9th St. Abernathy Farmers Co-op Oins Co~op Oraln Co. 714T__ A..: 298-2511 Consumers Fuel Ann. Pay-N-S... 5 & H Welding 298-2511 Hubbard Insurance GO 9110 51. Abernathy 011 Co. "'A... D 1411 A..,D 4189110 St. 298-2556 . PlnsonsPharmKY m . . SI. lIS Mala 51. 415 Ave. D - Joe Thompson Imple. · 115 A..: D 298-2541 ...-- Newton Alldlo .. T.V. ....... -- ..... Impl.ment 298-n15 Steve Miles Insurance .......,. I: Ileal EaIIIIe Plains Grain 701 Tn.. Ave: Richard DuBose Labboei< Hwy. IHlJIIIOA". bt:U:Mlt:1 2. 1M2 PAOli • TIIUftDAY, DlClMIII 2. 1..2 PAGE 1 Grawunder.St.nford Wedding Vows Exchanged Nov. 27 ................._1 .........ilMtrud Wayne CcIaIt rhl. weel. ~ Kimbrell. dou,H· ter of Mt-. ...d Mrs. Roy Kimbrell .. "'11 'born in DImmitt January 24. 1%4. Debra '''njoys eltln8. hol'!leb.~k riding. volleyball and mountain cllm.bing as her hobbies. When it comes to rood . Debra 's ' favorites are pizz.. spaghetti and barbeque. De~ri1 "s week cannot go by Without her viewing her favorite T . V. s how " To Close For Comfort". and h er favorite ' movie was ' .nd "E.T." When asked what h e r accomplishments 'were she replied. " I go t to be a senior". And her opinion of being a senior is ' 11ove it", Wayne: Cook is bor n January 14 . 1%4. in Lub· -boCk to nis proud parents. Mr . and Mrs. Weldon Coole Wayne's spare time in· eludes his hobbies and putting model ca r s a nd rlan c~ IUgrther Wayne likes to prepare his favorit.. foods. Lasagna Thll Week the WIIl'llln, ~. Wayne allO S1udenll ire M..y Lou Lan and Robin Lesley. Both ladl el are fiut yea r members of the HECE and DE~ proRrams. Robin . a junior. works at the r · Shirt Plu s in the South Plains Ma ll. She ha. • special Interest In W.W. II history and enjoys visiting with other people about It. When Wayne is not listen· Ing to the radio Qr building models. he can be found . watching his favorite show M. A.S .H. Way ne chose Halloween over all the other movies as his favorite. M MUllan. Fever Stair David Staller a nd Eri Thompson. Editor and Kri.ty Tipton • Sophomores, Gracie Due· Ph otograph y " nez and Kirk Garner , , Junlbn : J on Sellers. Seniors: Debi Dirickson . Wayne is easy to get ong- wit!< aDd Is ~ .aouthern Gentleman. Vayne commented on his .enior year is being .. all right ." By Jon Sellers. "I wa n t to be Dallas Cowboy Cheerleadr. I think it wou ld be great, My sister is a Cheerleader . She likes it. She was a Cheerlcacier for two YC<lrs, M ily b e be· tome a Chee rlead er whe n I grow up , I like Cheeleade rs becuae s it wold be nice. My siSl e r th ings it nice . " Layne Cha ndler. "What Youngsters Think About Footbal." By Krlaty T1p1oa This week. I thought it would be fun to see how the younger kids relr about cheerleading and Cootball. Mrs. Lines' class volunteered their services and this is what they came up with. .. " I like to see the Dallas Cowboys on T .V . Th ey nerly went to the supperboll but they lost a game. So they tride agen and the~ mite go to the suppboll . but there on strike." Lee Trejo " I want to be a football player. I like Coot ball be· cause you ca n make a tuch •..••·•·•· .......AUTO ·~···········'i: '·Ir....BOB MILLER . I SUPPLY & HARDWARE! Automotive, Hardware, Veterinary Products i ! 'HlghWay 84 East Shallowateri Phone: 832-5500 t I .................................... ~ down and get a b roke n arm and a broken leg. And a bone out of your joint." Rex Mitchell " If I had to choose one sport that I liked. it would be football , I think it would be pretty hard . b ut one thing about it. there is noth· ing that can stop our mind. You have got to concentriu e on the game nothing else, you got [0 give it a\1 you have. I think h would be a good sport for all men . I would prob le like to be a center and a quarter back," Sh aw n Reed. " I tolled my dad can I go out on the reid. and hc .said no. He sa id you can'( lacked th ose a nd h e sa id they would run over you. " Shane Bigham. " I would lo\'c to be a cheerl eade r. I wou ld l'hecr so so lu ud ly peop le coul d her me in Ihe stan ds, I ' wo uld chee r whenb we made a touch down 100. I would rea ly lik e being a cheerleade r. I would srcam and yell at pepra ilys 100, And give Ihe spiril Slil'k 100 the peopl e Ihal have lhc most spir it. I would SOl)' all ki.Qds of chee rs . I ~\'ou l d ye ll for th e foo tball plaYl·rs, And yell and ye ll." Enn a Elliott, " I w::t nt 10 be a cheer· leade r but I dOIl't want to play like I'm om,' bcc. \U",c 1 might hu rt m y se lf by c1ibming on pl.·upp lcs buck. I would have 10 hc ulUgh t serial} things befor I l'llUld be a ch eerleader , I ft'aly would like to ba a ch eerleader but I have know id ea why I would like to be a cheerleader th ow," De n a Potter "I would like to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleade r. It wu uld take lo!s of practice And I cou ld be on T.V. I wo uld love tu do it, because I likc trying new stuff. The Sha llowater Mu stan gs have had a good season. When I'm here in Shallow ate r I'n\ goint to tryout for cheerleader. " Dena Taylor . So. no\\' we knuw "how it rea lly is!" By Krist)' Tipto n I cav~s school every weekday at 12:25 and stan . work a I p. m , She works six hours a day . Monday through Sa tur· day. Robin really e njoys working, With the money she makes , shc says. " 1 try to save. but_ .. you know how it goes," Rubin works w ith Denise Simpkin s. a former Sha llowu lcr High School Stu den t. She rea ll v likes her e mpl oyers. ' Sh e d oes n' l think she could work fur anyone lI il'cr, Robin doesn ' l plan fo go to college . b UI Basketball Season Approaching vcry s hurt !!> pan uf lime , bas h 'lball season wi ll be tlpnll trs, We will 1111we o ut of thl' l·"posed fQo l ba li fi e ld s inrl no r o; In gy m s . III ;1 MIH'ie s lik e " Th e Best I.ittl e Wh or c hollS(.· in T(,x\t ~ ". Fir~ 1 Blood . " :lTld ·'All Offil'cr .lIld A gen tl eman," hol "(, nnly 11111.' Ih ing ill ('O llHI H.III, Ihl' ra ti n g, for each i .. "R" When a ... kl,' d , 1110, 1 Pl·OP lr.: voted ,. Firsl BI ,}o d" l h t' mn st p\)p ular \\ ilh .. An Offil'l'r and 1\ Ge nt!t'man " a dose ~{'('O IHI. P rnhab ly . t h(' f,, (,t o r lh ;1t ... win g'i th e d e ci s inn . I~ Syl;"l''iler $lull u lI('. " Fir!oll BI <Xld " is Ihe 'Ilmv 'Jf SyI Vl~'I l('r Slill1nn c. 'Illlr;. ing ;1\ a ex-G ree n B:m:1 frulll Vie ln am r unnin g fmm Ih l' poli l't', 11 '.., l' Xl'ililig und ralher sad at III<' (' nd, bU I hlj)od~, and c hildren 'ttw uld tI(I\ be lakl'n to .. ",' l· 11 , " I\n Offi\.·c r and ~I GCIl I · MUSTANGS Il 'm il il" a rOm4l11 1i",' , h l)\\ ' 1\ ilh mun' b;1I :lI1n' ..lnl1 plill I h ~I!' " Fir .. , Billud " h ;:l ... Th e , Inr\ i ... ah lllil a 1Il;\1I \ \hl.1 Jilin ... I he N,n·\" t .. bl' C'IIIlU: (I tli ~h l I)ffkt:r. It ·\ :l hm ll Ih l' Ipul:h "'l· n.!,~ alll \\ Ih' 1II ,I~l'" a rt'~ pIlll \lbil' adult lHlI lI t a l(lII l'r. It ·.. ,1 1" , ;1 ... I u n of l ht! gi rl 1\ h,' help ... hlMl thnlug h II all. It ' ... rt.':t ll~ ,I .'!nlld ALL THE \ h ~I W WAY TO lHI\ Iiwgu ;I ,I.!l· Given in rt:Iarriagc by her father , the bride was 311ired in a designer formal leng lh gown of white chiffon wi th a fitted bodice , fali hioned with a Sabrina neckline of sca l· loped Venice lace. cncrested with seed pearls . wh it' li o\'erlaid th e sho ulders. The th ree quarter l ength l;:ti shHp sleeves we re enhanced with ruffle s, of pcau ' clallge ia('c and seed pearls. The ful l lenglh s kirt fluwed from Ih e wa ist line into 3 l' hapel length train , el ched with Robin 1.<·.1,.. pcau'dan gc l'I('c and n"utl e· ~' i1h c hiffon l' T\'s lal pleating , She wort a julie t cap of Venice la« and sc~d cd SCHOOL MENU I~ (Gnud thing 11)0. il'!!> g ellil1 ~ ~'o ld uu t thl' rc~) 11l "'l cad uf lOu(·hdl ,wn... t h er(' will be j ump !'!h u t ~. dUlIb , and peatls. rashloned wit h I fingertip veil illusion. edged with lace and seed pe.rls. She carried a cascade boquet pf pink sweetheart roses. mauve carnations. daisies and spider mums, tied with white satin picot ribbon s1reamers. The ce remony was perform e d before an alter nankcd with can dl e tree tapers on e ither side, accenl cd wi th baskets of white mums en lwi ned with wh ite s atin ribbon , Ma tron of honor was the bride's s is ter. Mrs . Candy Lapaglia of New B'raunfels Ih e bridesmaid was Mrs. Cuh\' Gr iesba urn Hull 01 Mid land, Th ey wore ideot, : 011 fu ll length s kirts cranberrv velvetee n , enhanc ed with fitted cu cumber· bands of mauve sa tin and w hil e emb roid e red lace and b lousC's of wh it e ruffled salin , They carried nosegays o f mauv e and cranbern blo~ so m s, . Serving Ih l' groom as be st man was Harold Phipps 01 Shrevepon. La. The groom· or sman WII Mike · Stanford. brother of the .room Us hers were Leroy Gnw· under. Jr . of Austin. brother of the bride. Brad Phillips of Hanesville, La .• Per Landeck and Phil Boot· he of Midland. The candle lighters were Paul Stanford, brother of the groom and Andv Weir of Midland. M'u sical selectio ns were presented by Dr. Joe Stan· ford of Vi s ta . California. uncle of the groom. He was accom panied by Carole Hall. organ ist. Guests were received in the par lor of the First Unit ed Methodi st Church . The bride 's tab le was laid wic h whit e C hant ill y lice cloth , ce ntered with noral arrangement in the bride's chose n color s or cra nberry, mau\'c and pink blossoms acce nt ed with white tapered candlcs. Punch was served fr om a n antique crys ta l punch bowl. The three· tiered ca ke was ice d in white on white . decorated with dainty white flowers and topped with I rina of I1I C Il \lf i!. Shal low a H' r l' l llhu!!>ia ... lil· ahlllll 11)\\ 11 I) f jU !'I 1 as Ba... kc l , ball ii' 1 h e\' arl.! :" ' lIUI FlXIlbal l. W c ' Im e In \\:ll c h Hur ;I\hl",·h.'o, p la ~. 110 muttC'r \\h al galli c il i !'l . We a n.~ pro ud o f our l u \~" ':IIHJ 1>l'o ud vI' \)lIr fe ll'H\ ~·III/ !.! II"' , Th e ~;lll1l' til' b:.J ... kclba ll I.., l' lIj\l\l·d b~ Anll' f! ('a n ... .lln1\ I.., 1 a ... mudl a . . fnnlha ll I Ihlllk ,, ', IXJ PLll an t ~ l>pr· i ll ~'" Iru l1l Ih l~ fal'l Ih al il ,,' \ C!ll" !tI l' fan ... :11111 Ilin loW 1,...- ..l. p ilrl ,) 1' Ih ..· ",:11 nil' jU"'1 h ~ bl·ing Ih l'l'l' WI.'" ,11 "'11 \.· l lj\l\ ... i llln;.! ,h \\~ 11 :11 )lI l111l' :lnd \,aH' n1l\~ tHir fa\l l n h.' h':1I1 .... Io!t~ :Il II. I (' I '''' 1;11.: \' MONO t\lf l' I1(I"III,d.I '" B e:lll~ . Carnl! ..\ P"PI" ' en! TUESDA1' : I~1 I ,ll")", . Bcl'! ..\ ('!u:(' ... e I. I ,'lIm'l' ~\ 1 0111 "'.I1,ut. Uut\.'r\ 'o all! htl ll \1 <. I'm ,llId .kIln. \\' EUN ESDA Y 11 1.' ,111' dull . !'"I,llu ').!ld,lI\. h l n l ~yu.l'lh, t Mil Bt ..~ .llI \llll:trl' " ,lIId P t ' ,IIIUI B Ulin { 1 ~1 ~l l' ''' ' TIILNSUA\ 11.111)1111 1 .l!t·r\ , P I. I l ' IIU ....'. L.k ...\ ~, t' nl" 1 11 111.11111 . ... , OI I1(>lh . rrt ' 1I 1 h (.11 .. 111' ,Inti li r, '\\ 1\ I· WII),\' h \t' ti l ",,!.! . I \"lul«l 11 k,· hi np Ill •• th ' r \\ h.11 "'plll'\ our alh le l"", PI;I.\ . Ihl'.\ 1\ 111 .11\\ :1\ ... h",' Ih ..• ll\.'\ 1 .11 \\hal lh l' \ dn ~l' l' \1111 In H.\ ();I \hl ~ I ahn I " ..... I'd I f' lt I~I\IJ., \ 11 , ,1 h\1 ~ 1' 11 ,\. \ l,,,hul ( It .11ll ( , r.I \\ . .il ll\, ,, I ,t lTII " PI '). d ,l d and I rllLI ( <lbl1ln Itll' .II ... 111< I mit- ': 1'1111 f\h l ~ a nd 'Iuggl,... li\'c ...\..l· Il , · ... mak e 1111,\ Ie ... IM) a h in t dlO\ C"" fnr Ihe yo un gt' r ilurtll' IH.'C~ . A good PC movie th ai . . Flye Marie Phillips. Hanesville. La" sister of the groom registered guests at a table where a cranberry inv it a tion candle burned . Renee Lapaglia. Carl and Brian Phillips carried white woven baskets . decorated with mauve and cranberry flowers. filled with · th e traditional rice bags. Members of the house· party included Mrs. Jack Kassa hn, Bovina . Mrs . R. W . Woodruff . Shallo· water. Mrs. Charles Bell. Lubbock , Mrs . David Auburg. Brownfield. Maril · yn Lyons. Austin and Leslie Greer. Midland. After a wed~ in!! trip. the Mr, and Mrs . AI Stanford hosted a rehearsal d inn er honori ns Mi ss Geniese Grawunder and Jame s Stan· for d at the Saddle C lub Party House in Midland on Friday. November 26. On Saturday mor n ing . Nove mb e r 27. a brun ch honorins Miss Geniese Grawunder and James Stanford was hosted by Mr. and Mrs . Jack Kassahn and Mrs. R. W. Woodruff at the Greentree Country Clu b in Midland . Guest in clud e d pa rent s of the couple and members of the \\-'eddi ng party. heating or cooli ng bills, if they are in danger of h,aving utilities CUI off . The money is limi ted to 590 for each eligible household between October 1. 1982. and March 31, 1983. AnOlher S90 will be avail· able for eligi ble house holds between April I and Sep· tember 30. 1983 . Once the money is exhausted no further payments ca n be made, l ocal agencies have contracted wit h th e Oepart M ment of Human Resources to handle the program . To b. e lig ib le a house hold must h ....'e a tota l gross monthly income of less than $305.49 for a one· person hou se ho ld : $4 99.49 for a two. person house hold : 56&1.49 for three: $8015.49 i~ arC' r('"('nmlll cnded I II ",(,(. " Man Fru m SI\ l1\~ ,. By Mr>. Norman Marthewl Ri ver " . h h.. lik. c . , A Offkl:r und BEAT a Gen ll e m a n .·· ,. n)manl i..-, but Il ithtlUI I h ~ Ihin g' IIHI I nmh' (h e lal('r • .\ Full Srn·h·" lIom rlo,",,, .. hLj \\, ral ~ d ).( , l'hi ~ m tl\' le i .. HALE .... h .. rrmu· \ . • "'unlil~ ih lif"('onb \,Ny ('.H·ning a nd "'l'Il \.\onh the n W ll e\, to ... ('c il . Thl.!'l' :I~t.' ;1\ 1 gl)t.~! mm iL'" h I "'l' l' , a nd \\dl \\ Il rth \uur tilll e and nllHlcy. By Fric: CENTER • Enu'rgt'nC'.\ ,M tn Sfoni('I' f ;9~""Oto l. 1l0UN: • Sr . ('itilf'U Oinounl • \hstf'r Card! \'i!loa '\ (,(,f'P( ' t'd • t rUl4: h. Wlalkrr , \\'hf'f' J ( ·h.ur 1t'·lI tal. • \l r-dh'arr ·\ I.proH'd - PI ':" & I' aid th I'r""'t'fip' lion ("anI!'! II on orc'"d , AT 7:30 LET US P RO\'JI)E YOUR II EALTI I Moo·Fr!. 9 a .m. · 5 : 30 p.m. Sa l. 10 a,m.· 2 p. m. AT FIELD Sal... 66th & AVEP Mf.MBt: RS OF TIlE SIIS BAND . t a pep rill y this yea r. In the top photo. band members 1'1:\\ tlll lln~ pcp flllI ~ , In Ih e be llvm ph 010 . Ih c), e n ter the gym. (Review Photos) ~EEJ)S~ SHALLOWATER CHURCHES WELCOME YOU LOWREY C.R. IIILLPLUMBING SHALWWATER·832 ... 018 For all your plumbing. heat· Ing a nd air conditioning Sorvlce and needs: Repair . HTII ST . ('I Il'RC'1I Of (,HRIST ' 10 : 00 IlIbl, ~' Iass t o : l a Wor, hlp G: 00 Sundo ..· ~Igh l Wo rs hip ; . '''' \\'rd . ~i~ ht lIibl. Stud ..' 7UI- ( : t.nv l-; H:n/\ p IlRA \\ I H '. :~h SI\J\ LlJ)\',' ,\T r n . Tr X r\ ... 1~ " ' " t' IKST BAPTIST CHURCH 9 : l5 Blbl. Class 10 : 55 Wonhlp ; : 00 Sun . Night Wonhlp ; : 30 1I'1'd. I'Olghl Church ( l"-Vtq ~1'2 · 'IH -1 "'\R~IAN ' . A Nl\r~T(l". 1(11\ SUBSCRIBE NOW! j . m -: nWIII ST ( 'HUItt'l1 9: ~ 5 Sund a\ Sc-hool to : ·t 5 ",~ ... htp 6 : 00 Sun , SiKht Worship 00 Wf'Cl, Nittht fhoir pratller ST. PIIILLIPS BENEZI fATlIOl.lf e ll URCIl t t • .m. Sunda)' Morning M... R p.m. TIIonid.), NI",t Ma.. ONL Y '8 00 FOR A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION JULIA'S HAIR CAR.E THE GARLAND F AMIL Y MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Bui. Gloria Tim. Tommy. Trulll & T....,. CIRCLE S FOOD 832·"'8 Corner 12th • Ave. L Address: ________________________ THE JOE COX FAMILY We Support TIle Mustanp Clsalce M_ II Ov llpeeally az .....7 THE SPORTSMANS We're wlth-:-you- Mu."ngs! n,er A_ We GGt 11Ie Eye Of TIle We're Galstl To Ge FOI' II. SHALLOWATE TEXACO THE SIMMONS ......ey.Seeaa Ron. Beth. Tam, ••• A..y "rill.' ......ter.Tex. SHALLOWATER AUTOMOTIVE -0...,.-- The Cleln Sweep Complny Chimney Sweep • tie"'.I!! . . 1111 n1EIIIGHLEYS Dee, Caran • Girls 1I.....1f ...... J. . . . . . az.... 0. ....... 11 br ing them to their own tand . Ind feed them upon Ihe mountalna of lS'ra-e1 by the rl __ • Real Estate Corral ......... _ AMEBICAN :Q: .WliII. and Jerusalem .hall be trodden down of the G.n ·llte •• ' until th. time. of the Gen~ltea be fulfilled . l.dt21:24 St: n\' IM; >\It.E .'\ t ',\RMER S WITH ,\ Wt,t:nN.Jo: Ft·U ·lt:Nl' (;IN St: RVln: I'IIU IIOE It:t~-I:ruo SII.\J.I ,uW.\Tt: n . n:x,\s Buchanan & Assoclltes Real Estlte Shillowiter Insurlnce Agency / .g-. AMERICAN • • 'I' • • Horton's: Frlme Giliery Sponaor Need~ Veri', 'A utomltlc Llundry Germ.nll InlUrlnae GROWERS GROWERS BHALLOWATER co-op GIN _aJt: laD .MALLDWATCII. T . . . . 7 •••• Mn. Junes Mace S.... rord for four: S9'l8.49 for five; and 51. 166,49 for six. T~~ gao:~i~f ~h:Vi~r:gr:;.; i, utilities turned off. In order to apply. a person ' s uti lily must have been cut off or mu Sl ha ve received a c ut off notice· verbal or written· from the energy supplier, For more informat ion about the Energy Cri sis Inlerven· tion Pr og ra m contact the loca l Co mmu nitv Act io n Center or the' Catholic Family Services office . r L . ------~---·----I ! ! ) \ ! I Christmas Decorations & Gifts I Now Available ! 9 _ 5 :30 9. _ 1 I 83257 7 Mon ~ - Fri. . I Cat I I l SHALLOW ATER FLOWERS & GIFT SHOPPE 60a Clovis Road I WCAL· LUBBOCK _ DE.~_ERIES._DAILY_ _• _I ~_ ~~~~~~~~' Little Folk's Da!} Nursery 604 7th Street Shallowater, Texas .~ ! I "Drop In s" Welcome State Licensed Day Care Competitive Rates Rides To And From S chool Doug and Barbara Rowden . . 832·4039 832·4307 Anton. 0kI1homa lpent last week with' hei- mother. Mrs. Norman MatI_. Mr. aDd Mrs. Durwood " - I t , of ~ City Go Mustangs! Beat Hale Center visited his brother Ind family Glen AmoDell. SII...uy. G_ In the Mme of Mn. Oleta GUmore Th..... ptaa 'Day weft: Mr. and Mn. Doeald GIbnare aad - dIIJdrea of - LaIIIIoct. Mr. aDd Mn. IaItae Lyma of LIttlefIeld aDd Mr. aDd MIS. . . . " - - - of Loebey. Mr. N.J. PNIII ... Le. ..... T1IaIbeIwIItI Dar lsi IAMoct willi _ ........ ' Mr. Mol MIa. N.A....... ....... n.e_~ I .. ' J ~ i 2' 5 Business Phone Mter 6: 00 p .m . fI ~~~~~~~~ ~;:: N~~c:n ~ra~'\:':'!s ~~~ Pam and Ted Matthews . children of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manhews . . Mr. and Mrs . Dun y M..dors. St ..e and R.y. of Lubbock. spent Th.nks· giving Day with Mr. and Mrs . H.N. Me.dors . Mr. and Mrs. Duny Barnwell. of Houston. are announcing tht arrival of • new son born Nov. 19. He wei.hod 6 oounds .nd 9 ounces . He was named Christopher Todd. H. Is the grandaon of Mr. ud Mrs. H.C. Barowell or Lakeview. Mrs. E.G. Magaban spent Thanusivin& Day with her ion Ina ' l.mily . Melvin Maaaban. In Hale Center. Mrs . .An'it. Co.. art of Shallowater Review Acid Delinters IJen\ee I. 0- . . . . . . out my s heep . and will deliver them out of .11 the countries •• nd will and In lit the InhallllecJ pllees of the country. Tbe Innoal Matthews Thanksgiving Dinner WIS held in the home of Sam and Jan Matthews Thursday in Petersburg. Guest attend· ina this dinner were: Mr. a nd Mrs . Pele M.tthe ..... s ltav or Midland: Mr. .nd Mrs. Allen Matthews, Holly ""d Micha.1 of Onlihoma City; Mr. ""d Mrs . Gene Matthews .nd Bryan allO of Oklahoma City ; Pltsy DeAnda and TIm , of Plain· \'iew; Lynn DeAnd. of Bryan ; Cindy DeAnd. of San Anselo; J.mes Holcomb of Lubbock; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baker and Lury ""d Mrs . Hazel Rike of Lub· bock ; Gene ud Rlndy Matthews of Petersburg: Heck and Louise Miller. Larry. Shanda. Sh.ne ""d Brlndi. Doug Fullinlim ""d The Following Merchants Sponsor These Churches Mall To : Shallowater Review Drawer D Abernathy, rexas79311 T-----------------, Wa~'Faye 0wIim60pen1Ol'l az ... m . CMANDLER 'DIE CONNERS CIInord. Sandra. Ste.e, Andr., COIlrtDey And I witt brtng them out from the people, and gather them tram scattered : so wlli I leek Zip: 832 ... 856 THE JIMMY FOERSTER FAMILY '0 's'", A. a shepherd ~eth out h i. !lock In Ihe day thlt he is among hie sheep thll are p laces where they have F-------------------- - -----------+-----------.---------~---~--+--------------.---------------~ SHALLOWATER SUPER MARKET Name: "t (.()I) been acattered tn the cloudy and dill< day . Jew, "turn --I HUTTON'S DRIVE IN \\ / )1\1) TO THE SHALLOWATER REVIEW All The Way Mlgh(y Mustangs Go Muatanl!a Go! ! ! 832 ... 140 A IITh.W-a~y------------+_----------sh-a-lI~ow.~a~~~r~.~T~ex~a="_ _ ______ .__________________ ~------~--- - No need to t..ste I roasting chicken if you drape it with slices of ....on. It'll do the job itself in I WIry fla.orful manner. Lakeview Locals YUIIllgl' r and llid c r audiL'n , l'CS t candle . couple will make their home In Aurora. Colorado. The groom is manaFf of D~A System s in Denver. Colo· rado. The bride is • systems ensineer with IBM . The groom graduated from Shreve High School. Shreveport and , LSU. The bride is a graduate of Sha llowater Hig h School and Te.as Tech. 11\0\ STATE! ..1."...... blo"om. In the bride's colon. centered with I bralt weddln. crou. The groom's tlble was covered In I bel.., doth of Bellium linen. anced with • sil ver coffee service, Decoratin. his t. ble ..IS I silver bowl enhlnced with the bride's colors of crln· berry and mauve blossoms centered with a cranberry Ms. Sally Edwards has lived on a fixed inco me . Social Security. for sevtral years now and has found it to be more and m o re difficuh to take care of her monthly bill. . She has f. a red that .he wo uld fall behind . not be able to pay her bills with just her $280 monthl y Social Se c urit y check . Thi s has happened . last month she was not able to pay her utilitie s and no w she is in danger of having her heat turned off. With her arthritis this will cau.se her to suffer even more . This is the story of many people who live on a limited , fixed income. Be· ginning October I. 1982there were federal funds available to help Iow·income households pay their home { dl 1 \ ')al :ul 1\ On: ....lt lll ~ , lI ld (I'('nnul (.th' 1\, .... 11 Ihe ~.\ m C:lhb:, ~('. !:>~ uan.: .. . ,\ IlH'ril-an ... l ' l1im ... por .... ! III du.. Ih.1I l' th.· ..' 'Il' I, Lr ...· ..·u tlh'l' t .\' freoh Funds AvaDable To Those Who £an't Pay Their Beating And Cooling BDls 1),..,.6· 10 rf('l" lhrO\~~ . Tu "What's New At The Movies?" Mio Gen lese Renee Grawunder and Jam•• Mace Sin ford ,,·er. unlled in mlrrase Si tuiday. Nove m. ber 27. at 2 p.m. in Glass Me morial Chape l in Mid. land with Rev. Bill Weir of Midland per formin g the double rin g l-er.cmony. Parents of the couple are Mr . and Mrs . Leroy Grawunder of Shallowater and Mr. and Mr s. AI Stanford of Midland . pia.. to live In her own apartment, Mury Lou Lara works at Gandy's in Lubbock. It will be two years, in May . since Mi ry Lou has been work ing • there. She is a senio r nnd men1be r of FH A , Every school day Mary Lou leaves school to go ho me to rest, At , 6 p ,m, s he starts work , She works every oth er day, a total of 17 to 20 hours a week , Mar y lou rea ll y enjoy~ worki ng. She says. " I love my bos s. I get treated Ih e same as everyone e lse , " Sh e d0Csn't plan (0 go to (ollege . but plans 10 ge t a 'better job, Both Robin and Mary say lh ul they enjoy working w ith Ih e publi c and mec ling Pl'Opil'. c spl.·l:'ially Ihl' g uys. By lir :h.: i ~ DU l' IlI' L. FIRST STATE BAN,K BOX 180. SHA~LOWATE" lI!JI~p~~___':'''':_____.,,_...piIiI!!IIIIIIIIII!I-_--....J:;;~:;i- 2;, ttU ~ '''011 ............._ .... MI T. M-ster Ier_ _ --....... 30.., ae'"-i CroIIIrt. . JIIoJdada F~b. 8 Feb. II R. 5 p.... H. 5 p.... JV I: JVG' VG. T H.55p.m. p.m, JVB JVB VG VG Id8Iou TOlIn. Cooger YOUI'll T. TBA Opn Open Saulhlaad . Round Robin Crosbyton N. D . Toum Petersburg , Abernathy Morton Plains Shallowaler O'Donnell Seagraves M~rton . Jln. 27·'29 Feb. 1 " , Feb. 4 ...... flller- . Anton Toum . Plains. Shallowaler O'Donnell Seagra ves .' TTBA I: I: ~~'~II"_!I'I"'''''''''-~'''-----''-'''''!ii''' T. TBA H.4:3O T.4:30 H,4:3O H.4:3O of miller 1e. . . . . 1. 'Owen Is a public affairs lechnleiln al YOkOl1 Air Base, Japan. with the 47Sth Air BI.e Wing . He is a 1965 grldulte of New Deal Hiah School . New Deal Band Direetor Takes Leave Of Absence & & H. Sp.m. H. TBA T; 5 p.m. H. TBA H.5p.m. T, TBA · H,· 4:3O -T,4:3O H. 4:3O H,4:3O T.4:3O T. 4:3O Leiter G. Owen. son of Wlyne L. Owen \ of 4202 43rd SI .. Lubbock • . and Estell Owen of New Dell. 'hls been promoled in the U.S. Air Force to the rank It was announced earlier this year' that Charlie Cross , New Dear s Band Director. would be leaving New Deal High School iii December. Well. cheer up folks! Mr. Cross will , be here through January 14th and will then be taking an official leave of absence to get his degree. in which he only likes 19 hours to get. There has been no decis- ion as to who will finish out this year with our band. but Mr . Cross will be back nexl fall. Mr. Cross has been at New Deal High School for the past four years and has donc a great job at building up the band. When he first came to New Deal . a little more than eighl students were signed up for band. He spent his nrst year here recruiti ng ~~:;!!~-.;~~~::~~~:;::n~~' All· District and ~unter I All· I , Dis trict. He was also named All South Plains Offe nsive and Defe nsive End and Player of the Year for class A schools. That ye ar. 11971) . Coach Bobby Smith. of New Deal , was Coach of th e Ye ar. Coach St cve Bigham is a 1972 gr.duate of New Deal Hi gh School. Thi s week we are intro· ducing " Remember Wh e n." wh k h will be a we e kly article about those pt.·oplc who madc hi story in New Deal. whe th e r it was at school or evenh which took place in o r around the (.'O mmunity. If you hu\'e some trivia about New Deal and local folk s. call Sharla Att ebury or se nd it to Drawer D, Abernath v in care of the Abe rnath)' Week l~' Revie w. SC~OOI - lIappy Birthday Buns. Milk. Happy Blrthd.y this week to the followin2 locals: Melissa Parrish, Barbara Teston. Lo ri De ll. Juli e Parker, Kayla Thiel. ' Ricky Dunn. Melanie Parri sh. Steve Bi g h am and Wayne Starnes. THURSDAY : Spa g he tti \\ ilh Me al Sall ce. Gr ee n Peas., Tussed Salad . Fruit Cup. Hot Roll s. Milk . FRIDAY : Chicken Fried Ste ak s and Gravy. Creamed Pota toes. Green Beans. Pineapple. Hot Rolls. Milk. "fa - ~ Bedroom, ]' Bath, Owner Flnand"ll A••11. lIappy Anniversary H.ppy Annl'erury thi s ~'eek to the foll owing locals: Mr. and Mrs , Bill Teston. Mr . and Mrs . Duane Mark · ham. Mr , aod Mrs. Ken ny Thiel. Mr . and Mrs, Wa yne Steph e nso n a nd Mr . a nd Mrs. J ame s Th iel. Rt Al TORS 298-2440 AnKle TI)'lor and Linda Coonor 530.000 lIbIe. CONGRA IS LIONS! W e wo uld like to congral· ulatc our IQ82 Lio n fuotball tca m and l'oachcs for a very good yea r, You we nt futher th a n predict cd th is y e ~ r Lio ns, a n d cve r yo ne I S proud of you! Now . leiS cat · ·e m· up in basketball! ! Guayule. a dusty·looking shrub. contains the same lattx as rubber trees and can be: u~ to m.k. rubber. Larae Ranch Style llriek 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. 2 Car G....e. 1,5 Aereo . aly W.ter. 3 Bedroom, Brick , J Bath, 2 Car Garale, Co,'ered P.11o II elDenl, Nice Large Workahop. Heatlna & 63 I FOR SALE: 1976 Olds Cutl ass . Ex<..-clle nt condition . Ca ll Ri c hard DuBos e'. 29H·2536 Miscellaneous 30. J _ Pope 198-4019 795.7116 To The Review Pol e after printing it in the paper. Send your Santa IcU ers to the Abernath y Wee kl y Re view . Draw e r D, Abernathy. We will priol them as we Ret them . vear. t a kin g orders far homem ade tin namon rolls. Call Gui Via al 298·41 31 aft er 5: 00 p.m. IJ·2tpl Now a•• CooIIaa. Send "Letters To Santa" It is time again for youngsters to write Santa and let him kno\~,' what the}' want for Christ mas thi s FOR SALE, Jeeps. Cars. Trucks under 5100 available at local gov't sales in yaur area . Call Irefundablel 1·6 t9·569·0241 ext. 38\J for directory o n how to pur· chase. 24 hours. 13·2tp) Wae Jim Bob SmUh SEE RINSE· N·VAC. the in· cred ible ne "' portabl e steam type carpet cleaning sys tem . It does the job of profes· sional ("a rpe t cleaners at 3 frac tion of cost. Rent one oow at Stru ve's Department Slo r •. J 18 Mai n. Ph o ne 298·253 1. . Send your" Letter s To Santa" to the Review, We will print the m in the Revi e w . Sant a ha s a " A man hu not leen I subscriptiqn. and to make thing... who hOI not felt it." double sure he gets it. we Henry D.vid Thor•• u will mail it on to the NorttJ . )I. ry K. y Cosmetics. 751· 2126S.R . Barrick . . 1 46-14tp) ABERNATHY R£V1 EW * _- Shop Abernath y Fl nt. SJ \'e Time Money and Gas. We would like to take this opportunity 10 express our gratitude to each and every· one for the many acts of kindness that was shown to us in the loss of our loved one. Thank you for all the food . flowers. calls. cards. prayers and to those who sat at the hospital and so many other act s of chrislian love that all of you e xpres· sed to our family. Thank you again . The famil y of Henry Allen Hearn Thelma Donnie Hcarn & Famil y Jo and J ohnny Bure ls mith & Famil), 1.J· ltp) - .Job Opportunity IIA11GAI:'< HAVE YOU HEARD . .. ,... ....... ......, ................... ....... ....,.... ..... ......... .... ...... w ...... ,.._ ........ "- to your home each week, 52 weeks a year for only 18. Save '5 over newstand Prices. ------------------ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clip and send to the Happy 29th Coach Bigt'lam!! These Concerned Businesses Support The New Deal School And Town 100 % fits. easy m~ney. no c;t pcr · nos EVELY N FOND\' 1I. .. llS-t590 babies. utile more about the effects of diabetes on later C&G ~;~e~ev~~~~:~t.h~:~IY s~a~~ BUILDERS blood vessels throughout the mother's body, Thai may reduce the transfer of vi tal nutrien ts and oxygen to the fetus, which can lead to miscarriage or srillbinh . Ano ther oroblem can develop as well. The high levels 01 glucose Remodeling , P.{lellng, Garage Conversions, Pallos, Stonn Doors and Windows . Painting all t)'pes of home repair. No Job to small. 1609 Ave. D: Abemathy 298-2086. I D.C. WRECKING INC. THE HARRING TONS NtwDeaI. co. Pbo.7.105UI ATTEBURY FARM STORE New De.I. TellU SHARP'S GROCERY STORE FARMERS DEPOT Pb..e 7.605511 NEW DEAL FIRE DEPARTMENt New DellI. Tel •• HUB CITY MACHINE & MANUFACTURING, INC. s.do UIIIYInI&y .111t1o IItreeI LUbedI ...... 14W3U NEW DEAL. FL,VlNG SERVIC~ JONES PRODUCE a FARMS WESTERN GLOVE Lubbock Clovl. Hwy . NEW DEAi GIN New Delli. Ten. GO! FIGHT! WIN! The City of Abernathy , Telas reserves the right to reject any bid and all bids and to waive any irregularities in .a bid proposal and to accept the bid or group .of bids that is most advantageous to the City of Abernathy. BUREAU INSURANCE l , l.., . Aoto - Fir• • Crop • Hail ( . Specificatians and bid proposal forms may be examined at the City Manager's: Office. 811 Avenue D. CORALIE COX c.u Or Come By For All Your .... ur.nceN ..... 1010 W.lIth Abernatby. Tex •• 7AIl co. We give heahhy' homeowner savings to non-smokers Why! Because Fire Insurance Exchange, a membe.r com. pany of the Farmers Insurance Group. hos found they tend to be better insurance risks. Non-smokers live longer. healthier lives and there is less chance that their houses will go up in smoke. So. if you haven 't smoked in the past two years. Colli . me today to see if you are eligible for real savings on your homeowners insurance and get acquainted with Farmers fast , fair . friendly ~rvice. Farmers Insurance Group • 7fT-Illl PhoaelI2-813. NEW DEAL COOP GIN JOE KIRK WHOLESALE MEATS City of Abernathy. Texas Otellia Clement City Secrelary be considered. 298-4127 MARKHAM'S GROCER'y Specifications and bid proposal forms may be examined at the City Manager ' s office. City Hall, 811 Avenue D. Proposal s received after the closing time and date cannot ::::;;;;;;;:====Abe=m:,",:y:.':,:,a:'03:':':=1' I The ir discovery would shake Ihe worlds 01 c ommunicalion. medicine and defense . bul Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow knew only that they had discovered an entirel y new source of light. They called iI an "optical maser." Toda y we know it as the "laser." Their discovery was a light beam s o concenlrated it could produce power densities m illions of times as intense as Ihose on the surface of the sun - a light source so dense , the energy produced was grealer than the energy reQuired 10 produc e it. 1982 , at 7: 30 p.m. in the City Hall Building. The City of Abernathy reserves the righl to reject any bid and all bids and to waive any irregularities in a bid proposal and accept the bid in whole or part that is most advantageous to the City of Abernathy. Sealed Bid Proposals addressed to: City Manager City of Abernathy, Texas P.O. Box 310 AI WEST BUILDERS 811 Avenue D City Hall SUPPLY Abernathy, Telas 79311 Finisher & labor will be received at the City Manager's office until 5:00 p.m. ....II.ble If desired on the 13th Day of December. 1982. To furnish insurance roverage " A" Property Insarance , " B" General Liability, Hale Cenler 839-2102 " C" Umbrella Liability , "D" Fleet Liability. "E " ,!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ Workmen ' s Compensation. and " F " Public Officials Profesisonal Liabili~ , P O Bo.!»80. 924 A..enue D Producing more energy front less ... ntakes the difference. Will be received at the City Manager' s offices in the City Hall Building until 5:00 p.m. December 13. 1982. for furnishing a 1983 model automabile for th e Police Depanment. The bids will be publicly opened and read by the City Council at their regUlar meeting, December 13, For All Your Cement Needs Call Cen'er Ready Mix PRI CED TO SELL 4 bed room , I 1/ 2 ba th Brick , 4rh and Ave . M 1It8 South Columbia P ..... Iew,Te ••• l .. 1Z ZM-C351 LEGAL NOTICE Sealed Bids Address To: Major and City Council City of Abernath y, Texas P.O. Box 310 SII Avenue D (2-2tc) P RIC E REDUCED 1714 Avenue . H 3 bedroom , 2 ba th ••. very nice . fA.~M ,Notice LEGAL NOTICE 709 Sih • 3 bedrooms. 2 b.lh Priced To St-II 1111 A,·c . F two Slon needs some ~palr. Make ' Offer II U NTERS~ ~ l' l'iIQ UL. u:X UR\· .. . ENEI.!G\· E.·FICIEST... J HrdrooM . % bath. f'SUI slorag~ . special (falurK. in the mother's blood stimulate the fetus to produce extra insulin . Insulin appears t.o act as a growth hormone during fetal development. A high insulin level causes many diabetic babies to grow abnormally large. increasing. the ~s k of having a difficult de~very. . .. Also, high fc:tal IOsuhn levels seem to delay lung development Immaturn y .of the newborn's lungs,c~ lead ta the ~gerous co ndlli o n called resporatory dl,stress synd~ame , which a therWl~ occurs m smaJl premature ftichard DuBose illsurall(e 12.2tp) Need 4 or 5 ladi es to be hea ut y advisors and distri· bUl or s fo r cos me lic s for larg e corpor atiun , Far intc r· view please . call 2'l8·2080 mo rnin gs bel wee n 8.9. e\ enings betwet"n 5-6 any. time Sunda \'. Good Bene· Comfortable-medium priced 3 bedroom . 2 bath , basement. love a nd refriger a tor stays. St-lier will make allowance (or ·repa ln . c_ ... .......... . - That You Can Have the Review delivered Preliminary result s suggest that rigid co ntrol of patients' blOO<! sugar lev<ls during prc:gnanl"Y can reduce .or eliminate ~ ~~~tes. relatcd damage [0 in- un~:o:~~w a 3 bedroom. Z baCbi. ba se m('nt . la r~t moduft kltcben. Aberl1&thy Weekly Revle .. Francisco. In severe diabetes. the problem is that the cells of the body caMot make full use .of their rna· jor fuel. blood sugar. or glucose . A natural ho rmone called" in· sulin no rmally enables cells to use gl ucose efficiently. bUI diabetics do not: produce enough insulin for their neal5 . . About nine percent of ~abies oor,l1 10 di~ b< li<: mothers have mZJor maHormations of organs that form very early in pregnancy. Apparently . poor bloods~ gar control at that lime dlsru!')ts deve lap~ent .of [h,e baby, but how II does so IS real estate JIM SMITH REAL TV n-IJ' "',..... J. AJI. P~.D • . Via! PraIde.t for ~rdI Mirth of DI .... IIrt. Def...I. Fou_tlo. Each year diabetes tragically affects thousands who do nol have it. They are the unborn and newborn babies of diabetic women - some 100.000 of them each year - for whom pregnancy all too often ends in stillbirth . newborn death. or birth of a malformed baby. BUI reeeni advances have made h pos~ ible to learn whether these risks can be cut down . The March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation has helped 10 launch pilot programs for diabetic pregnancy in Boston. New Haven. New York Ci ly and Sa n NEW LISTINGS ,______~~~~~-=--~ie~nc~t~n~c~e~d e .d ~" "':'I1itu Abernathy Weekly Review Drawer 0 Abernathy, Texas 79311 Card Of Thanks ClEAN RUGS . lik e n e ~· . so cas\' 10 d o wit h Blu e Lustre. Re ~t el ectric shampoocr 51. Siruve Department Store . NEW DEAL FLAG CORP... Pictured on Ihe back row. from left to rlghl. Lisa James. Shelley Williams. Cherie Glover and Vicki Nichotson. Fronl row. Capt. Sheila Kirk. Kim Deaver. Melissa Parrish and Cindy O·Neal. Not pictured is Tonda Hughes and Tina ' Hughes . IReview Photo Name: - LA NDMARK Dec. b·\o MONDAY: Corn Dogs . Macaroni & Ch eese. Black eyed Peas . Mixed Vegeta · bles. Appl e Crisp. Hot Roll. Milk . TUESDAY: Chi lli Pic. Pinto B.eans. Tossed Salad , Fruit Cake . COfn Brea d . Milk . WEDNESDAY : Ham· burgers . Cat s up. Mu~tard . Sa lad Dress in g, Fr e nc h Frie :" Lc ilu cc . Tomat o. Onion . Pickl es. Brow ni es . For Sale Re.1 Estlte Menu students fnto b.nd and now . has 85 students in band this year. Mr, Cros s has also done a great job wo rking long hours with the band. and the thought of losing him has a lot of students and pare nts ve ry up set. Mr . Cross. go get that degree and hurry back to us. wc 'lI be anxious to see you again next fall . Remember When ••• Eleven years ago. Coach Steve Bigham was named offensive and defensive end . City of Abernathy. Texas Otelia aement City Secretary (2 -2t..) LEGAL NOTICE Sealed Bid Proposals addressed to: City Manager City of Abernathy, Texas P.O. Box 310 811 Avenue D City Hall Abernathy . Texas 79311 will be received in the City Manager's office until 4:00 p.m . December 10. 1'l82. at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bid proposals are 10 furnish the City of Abernathy w;th Group Hospitalization Insurance Coverage . Proposals received after the closing time and date cannot be considered. The City of Abernathy. Texas reserves the right to reject any bid and all bids and to waive any irregularities in a bid proposal and accept the bid or group of bids that is most advantageous to the City of Abernathy. Specifications and bid Proposal forms ";~y be elamined .t the City Manager's Office. 811 Avenue D. Please ·mark your sealed bid envelope plainly ' on the lower left comer: Group Hospitaliz.tion Coverage for City of Abernathy . City of Abernathy. Telas Otelia Clement City Secretary (2·2tc) "A book ~Id tuc:h us to enjoy lif., Dr to _ura it." s....uel. Johnson RI. 3 Lubbodl New Deal. Ta •• ABERNATHY KELLEY'S GARAGE WEEKLY REVIEW New DellI. Ta .. NEW DEAL BAND & A,THLETIC BOOSTER 'CLUB New De.l, Teus FARMERS CORNER, C..la..e.M........ -' STEPHENSON ' PORTABLE WELDING ."lIeIiI,. ... ll ,..,.. 1 748-8008 GaG Aero-Service Lubbock I"ternatlona. Airport ~47-12'. Arthur ~wIow tIfId eta.rIeI Townes Thll prlnoIpleol more IHIlIIlIY from .... IppI'" to IIIe High-Efllclency AckI-On Hut Pump - more units of heallhan units 01 electricity needed to produce that heat. And while lite Add-On H. .I Pump"," wfth ,our Dilling furnKe to hilat your home during the winter. Ihe Add-On Heal Pump functions with the same efficiency 10 cool your home during wlrm welther. . As partners, Townes Ind Schawlow made a significant difference In our world with their work on Ihe laser. As partners you. Southwestern Public Service Company and Ihe Add-On Heel Pump can maIIe Ihe ~ mIIIIIQlng electricity In your home. Call SPS to_what.yourtlllVingscould be. You and SPS, partners managi'ng electricity, make the difference. _____ ~~ SOUTHWUTIIRN IIU8UC _VIC. COMPANy Need More Light? It amazes adults when they discover chitdren reading a book or magazine in poor light or shadows How can they do it? Young. healthy eyes can compen.ote for lack of light bec.use their foc'l'ing muscles are strunger and more nexible. But they'lI get eye strain if Ihey do Ibis too often or for long periods of time. The eyes need lilht to _ "",n . . This is espeelally trw fur older people. When-lhe ltaht is nahl. ___ older people can do any diffiaalt job. from repamna borken fumitlft to fino needle wort. 11Ie best kind .pi Ilthtille ia • dIffuoed liaht I'" ..,.... ...... are. and ellmlnata alare. Glue can come from light shin ina directly into your eyes. Or it can com~ from light reflected off shiny surf~s. h's a good idel to h.ve more Ihan one light on in • room. Then. whe. you lelve the briahtly.lit .... you're not w.lkina ialo shadows. Rffiinl y<!UI' eyes from linie to time is also helpful. So .re relulu eye checkups. THUlID"Y',~tD_ Center, Mr. lid Mr.. I ,L. Plnonl, of Abernathy, at· iendecl lad', "'.... . . IIIIIn "a.p....._ ..... IIIena - .; -34, fIIt~ wal .... at 8 p.m. l'rIday a' . 'S ervices ' for Jack ,0 000ben Funeral Home. M... wu said a' 10 a:m. Parsons, 60, Saturday a' St . isidore Churcb with Rev. D'Souza oftIdat· in,. Burial was In Abernathy Cemetery UDder the direct. Ion of Chambers Funoral CathoUe ~ Home. . Lubbock General Hospital , after a lengthy illness. She is a native of Buda, moved to Abernathy in 1958 and has been a resident of Lubbock for seven yesrs. Survivors include her husband . Jose; two daught· ers, Kathy and Jessia, both , of Lubbock: three sons, Jose Jr .. Jaime and Ruben, all of Lubbock: her parenls, Mr: and Mrs . Eusebio Castel· Ion; nin e sis ters, Sophia Ram os . Phyllis , Guill e n . Aurora Joett. and Anita Castillo. a ll of Abernathy , Georgia Ramos, p"tsy Gar· cia and Estcfana Bastrido . all of Denver. Colo., and Irene Morales and Isabel Garza. both of Odessa: and three broth ers. Perfect o Castellon of Mt. Vernon. Wash .. Juan and Manue l K. were at San Angelo in St. Lute United Methodist Church Nov · ember 23, Jack Parsons was born April 22. 1922 in Plainview. Te.. s. He was in the Air Force from 1941·1946. He was a Re sea rch Biologist with the Te..s State Parks and Wildlife until his reti· rement in 1980. He married Virginia Jack · son on August 14 . 1944 at Roswell, New Mexico, They have two sons, Mike R. Parsons of Livingston and Dan c. Parsons of Houston. Jack was a graduate of Texas Tech University with a major in Animal Husban· dr y and a minor in &a-ae. Sara 'Pat' Fallwell and two grandchildren. The err:ments' Law Enforcement Academy at its banquet Saturday. November 20th. .I ackson L'Ompl~ted 320 hnur\ of inte nsive study in th\.' nine week course. Sub- jects Include Penal Code, suggests the 209 g uests and 51udcnts of the IS co unty SPAG area Law s. The class also includ- whil e Danny Dav is. In vestigator for the Texas Co mmission on Law Enforcement Office r St a ndard s and Edu· ca tion (TCLEOSEI. was th e Keynote Speaker. The 26 students arc now eligible to be certified as Pe ac e Officers bv TClEOSE . Hl'nrv Rieff. Pres ide nt of the SPAG Board of Direct· llI'S . along with J e rr y Cass 11..·\,ens. Excutive Director of LET H & H CATERING Cater Your Holiday Meal .. Ham .. Barbecue ...- \3 . 1948. and was a mason ry contractor. He married Helen Ward on July 8, 1972 . in Snyder. Survivors include hi s wife; a so n. Jimm y o f Odessa; his parents . Mr . and Mrs . Ro y Cole of Snyder; two sisters. Majorie Woodard. of Austin a nd Carolyn May of Sn yder: and a brother, Roy of Waco. Mr. Cole was a cousin of R.L. P. rsons of Abernathy. 3/$100 II 4/$100 HAM & CHEESE 99 e LIMIT ONE WITH PURC.H, OF $10.00 OR MORE 1. . . . . . . 12 CMT PICUIE l1lil1li una ."" ."'1 FRESH RUSSET POTITOES BORDEI'S PUDDlla BIRS law enforcement offici als . Oil fie ld theft in Texas is costing citizens millions of UTTENTlON' $ $ $ 7-10 Day Notice Homeowners Insurance Up 1035%011 Call 218-4127 i@ I los t tax r e ve nue s. Th e OIL·COPS hotlines, which SHURFINE offers anonymit y to i ts callers and a reward up to S5,000. is an ideal tool to PORK & BEANS fight this costly crime . The OIL · COPS ho tlin e program mu s t be we l l· known to th e pub lic to be effective. If yo ur publicati o n is currently advertising o ur number we E:ertainly app reciate your coope ration. If you are not. we a sk that you consider using the cnclosrd sheet for wh e reve r ad s or fil ler and when eve r possible as a public service. t ization form ed to s upport law enforcement efforts to deal with oil field crimes and we need your help . We appreciate you time and as sistance. Sincerely. Edward L. Richard $ Executive Director "YOII need some interest in YOllr life . . . compollnded, that is, at STATE BANK---tI WE ARE EAGER TO SERVE YOU * Certificates of Deposits * Bank By Mall * Night Depository FOR ALL YOUR BANKING NEEDS ABERNATHY FIRS,T STATE BA K REPORT OIL FIELD THIEVES CALL 1·800·0IL·COPS 1-~5-26n TOLL FREE ...... REWARO Tile "3 Way'lo wulaie and Finu Your Buamenl" co.........r education brachuna .... ,tne. For copl... write '0 Depana.nt 122, g:~, ~~ 8. OJ::: Drift, Chlaeeo, IL, 80t06. . PEPSI DIET PEPSI MOUITIII DEW 111_ 1'·La FallER'S . caFFEE S2 39 $1 79 1'11"'_ . . . POPSICLES IllSUP'S BREID SHURFRESH TURKEYS SHURFINE !--4-9-. Z.$1 $....SH .....U-R-FlN·E TOMATOS/i 1-00 SAUCE taaatU, litlab I'R"'. ~. 8 aonor [}@r;@[1 """.,., - ~ .....'~, _011"'0..,. ... '_"0 ...... PH.<s $S(X)cp CASHl --. To make the job INaier, • new conawner education brochure entitled "3 WIYI to lnaulote and Finisb Your Buement" is now Ivanlbl. from United ~tat. Gypoum Company. Featuri", dia· IP'lftlI and orr.ring three ehole.. of I natall.tion method., thl. •..y·to· follow. Itep-by-atep lIuide ten. the homeowner how to IDIIaII ' FOAMULARot Ex· truded Poly"tyr.ne lnautatlon. el . IZ...:fCIIS 5/'100 PISC is a non -profit organ- '* L.oans-Farm, Commercial and Install",ent ". i dollars in higher prices and $ $ $ .Farmers Insurance Group • Checking Accounts PEAS hotline is being forw arded directly and imrr.ediately to Call 298-2124 298-4067 * .81e Deposit Boxe. CREIIII EARLY JUNE SUGAR 5 LB BAG $1 49 " i '/ SHU~INE ate~ the state , people are callin g 1·8(j()·OIL·COPS toll free to report oil field thieves. Informatian received on thi s Call 298-2219 ... Savings Accounts HOT DOGS .., TI.anks to the cooperatio n of many publi cation s ac ross ... Chicken .. Steak H & H CATERING ----~IRST 0 ~:;;.w ICE 1 UllII The Rota n native was born Sept. 0 ""~""'lJIJ II1I1ZB . .TIBRMI BeIl·Seale Funeral Home. He died at 12:30 p.m . Wedn esday . Nove mber 17 at Medical Center Hospital in Odessa. Dear Managing Editor : The Pe trol e um Indu stry Security Council (PISCl oil field theft hotline became operational June I , 1982. • Roast After 5 p.m, fila CHIIIIIII. , . . . .. .FIR .SCaTCI PilE 'f .SPRUCE ••llSI. Cemetery under direction of SPAG and Bob Wat son , * Turkey " . CONVENIENCE STORES Stanley Cole Code of Criminal Procedure. Family Co de and Traffic ed in s truction on Patrol Proced ures. how 10 investigate accide n1 s and Public Rclario ns. Each student also wus rt_'quircd to qua lify with a hand g un a nd shotgun. Rcbccca King, City Man· ag er of PU SI . se rve d as \ Mistre ss of Ceremonies to f a mil y memorial s to the Harrington --......".. ,SIIES YOU MOREl 8111 .IIYlIYIII Service s for Sara (Pat) Fallwell, 76, of Friona. were Cancer Center or the triona Senior Citizen s. at 2:30 p.m. Monday at the Friona United Methodist Church with the Rev . Archie Echols, pastor, officiating. . Services for Stanley Cole. Burial was in the. West 34. of Odessa were at 2 Park Cemetery under the p.m. November 27 in the direction of Ellis·Blackweli Blackwell ,Baptist Church Funeral Home of Friona. She died at High Plains with Rev . Marvin Glass gow officiating. Baptist Hospital in 'Am~rillo Burial was in Blackwe ll Abernathy Police Officer Graduates From SPAG Law EnforcelDent Academy Gary Dean Jackson , representing Abernathy Police De partment, gradu· ated from the 25th South Plains Association of Gov- Canyon, M". FallweU .... a member of the Methodist Graveside serylces for Church and the Friona Senior citizen. and Rebecca Encarna.lon Gonzales, 49, of Abernathy were at 2 p. m. Lodge . Survivors Inclitde three Tuesday with Rev, Matthew D'Souza pastor of St. 1.ld· sons. W . E. "Buddie" of are Catholic Church officlat· Friona, loe of RuIdoso N,M., Gien Ray of Tucson; ing, Burial was in Abernathy . three' daughters . Mrs. Beul. Cemetery under direction of ah Ruth Booker of Cache, Okla. ~Jimmie Sue Gibson Chambers Funeral Home. He died at 11 a. m. Sunday and Tama Lou Boeckman in High Plains Hospital, both of Friona: five sisters. Mrs. T.E. Lutrick of Aber· after an apparent he a rt illtack. nathy. Mrs. C.S. Dowlen of He was a Mexico native Amarillo. Mrs . Truman Culp of Shell Beach Calif., and live d in Abernathy and Mrs. Carl Daughtery of. about four years. He was a Mauer. Ariz .. a broth er , pa vement finisher for a Mad A.E. Pipkins of Monahans; construction firm tn 30 grJlndchildren ; and JO Abernathy . areat· ar~ndchildren. Sur\livors include hi s She was preceded in wife. Janie: and 12 children, death by her husband : a daughter. LaNors McElroy Ran~er Management. He worked for the . Soil Conservation Service from 1948·50 after gradpating from Texas Tech University, Other s urviving members of the family include five brothers . one sister. a nd one grandson . The family has requested that memorials go to the west Texas Rehabilitation FrIday after .. UI_. She "'11 born June l4, 1906, In Hale Cenl. and mlrrled William Elbert Faliwell on Feb. 18, 1925, In WIN¥~ $1000 - 0001 CHAAT EFFECTM; .......r1Jll '" OOOSf-Oll . . . CIA. . 1U'III--'!!.._ ' .. P.' ". 1 AI I"' .. 51. ~R", 1f8Z ~~ coos_ _GAMI COFFEE !lB. 19 ~u!' · DIlL. MONTa , CUT or Al&NCH srva.£ GREEN BE NS':s.o:' ~ peL MONTe CREAM &TVL'E/WHOLE KERN'EL eoLDEN " CORN_'b~_N"_ SHU~FIN€ SHORTENING I WITH flOoP p (fP-CUASG. l (MIT roy UQUID ~f" VfTE~GENT. ~~o:l· FROZEN FOOT) s ~, U B. r;, I N E F6ATU~6S Soft't< Pretty Da:Dr., Rs6kf. Colors TOILET TISSUE 4~ o ·. fo~TSfedk forf ....lb. f '
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