- Seventh-Day Adventist Church


- Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Minister Andrei Balan
07796 134843
First Elder Rally McLeary
07886 553953
Church Clerk Caroline Kamara
07956 504821
Head Deacon Kevin Sterling
07782 341531
Community Gwendolyn
Services Andrews
07944 362828
Head Cynthia
Deaconess Goodman
01923 663425
Welcome: If this is your first time worshipping
with us at Watford Town Church or perhaps this
is a repeat visit, we welcome you today.
WTC Family wishes a Happy Birthday to:
Sis Davis—5th May
Debbie Richardson—yesterday
We give thanks to God for every day and every year.
The last great delusion is soon to open before
us. Antichrist is to perform his marvellous works
in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy
Scriptures. By their testimony every statement
and every miracle must be tested.
Safety Notice & Pastoral Needs
It’s imperative that guardians know the whereabouts of
children in their care at all times. This is for the children’s
safety and it is also a Health and Safety requirement on the
Church. Church Leaders are responsible during services and
activities only. Ultimate responsibility lies with guardians
Should a Pastoral visit be needed by any member, visitor or
anyone that is known to you, then please inform the Pastor or
an Elder so that this can be arranged.
If you would like to understand the Bible better and have Bible
studies, please inform the Pastor or an Elder so this can again
also be arranged.
07796 134843
Welcome to
Watford Town
Seventh-day Adventist
The Great Controversy pg 594 by EG White
14h May 2016
Sabbath Sunset Times (Watford)
Sat 14th May —close
Fri 20th May —open
Sabbath Bible Text for the Week: Lev 24:8
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS must be submitted to the Communications Team by Wednesday 5pm at the latest at :-
The bulletin will be printed on Thursdays, any items received after
this time will not be printed, but will be placed on the website.
1 - 5 Brixton Road, Watford, Herts.
WD24 4AB
Study 9:45
Prayer 11:15
Lesson 7— Lord of Jews and Gentiles
Memory Text: "I, the LORD, have called you in
righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will
keep you and will make you to be a covenant for
the people and a light for the Gentiles’” (Isaiah
42:6, NIV)
Church Announcements
Lunch is provided for any visitors each Sabbath in
Charlotte Evett hall
Divine Service
Praise & Worship
Praise Team
Call to Worship
Ralford McLeary
Dennis Page
Dennis Wanguirubi
Opening Hymn
Dennis Wanguirubi
Special Song
Lesson Review
Scripture Reading
Closing Hymn
Adventurers today 16:30 (Camporee participants specifically asked to attend).
Pathfinders tomorrow from 11:00 to 13:30
Advent Youth (AY) - Motherless Child
Gripping and moving drama of modern day
slavery for women. Today WTC Church 17:00
A free-will offering will be collected on behalf
of the charity that’s profiled
Deaconness Meeting
Children’s Spotlight
Opening Remarks
Adventurers and Pathfinders
Matthew 9:37-38
Lynda Nkomo
Tithes & Offering
Ralford McLeary
Intercessory Prayer
Pearl Bowen-Ball
Introduction of Speaker
Dennis Wanguirubi
Dennis Page
Today. Directly after AY
Women’s Ministries Afternoon Cafe
Tomorrow 3:30pm
Kidz Praise Rehearsals
Sun 22nd May & 19 Jun Holloway SDA
Church 10:00. Bring packed lunch and water—short break. See Youtube for songs /
artists. Judah Prayze by Bubby Fann, In Awe
version by Youth for Christ, When Jesus Says
Yes, We are different by Pure N Heart
General Church Cleanup
“God Uses Ordinary People”
A number of families continue to grieve over the
recent loss of loved ones. As a Church family
we continue to uplift these & other families in
Closing Hymn
Pearl Bowen-Ball
Dennis Page
Sears, Tello/John, Stewart, Holness, Simpson
Rev 21:4 He will wipe all tears from their
eyes, and there will be no more death,
suffering, crying, or pain. These things
of the past are gone forever.
Recordings of all Sermons are available on our website.
Everyone able to help invited to come along.
Sunday 22nd May. See Ralford McLeary for
more details
SEC Adventurer Camporee
Newbold College 27th—30th May. Help requested on Thursday 26th with setting up
tents. Please see Caroline Kamara for details
The Quiz
Next round will be Sunday 29th May in WTC
Church starting at 19:00. Cost £5 including
refreshments. Please form teams of six

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- Seventh-Day Adventist Church

- Seventh-Day Adventist Church Watford Town Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Andrei Balan Telephone 079961 134843 Email watfordtownpastors@gmail.com

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