Untitled - Mariposa Folk Festival
Untitled - Mariposa Folk Festival
YOljR I{EIilIO l|EBE$THIIIO captt tapeisunsurpassQfor lurcmetal \ ffim rid ofr intensity and range thedynamic youthetimeyouneed andit gives sound frumthetape. original totellthedigital findit hard togetit all.You'll pack and withevery tape metal 100minute NowgetafrceMaxell iudge metal tapeisn'tthe if Maxell foryourself, bestthingnexttoyourCD. ffi mfxEll, M2H2s5 limited +3ii.1a;f,t$e"'Yl',[iifllii3i5!'.'ocanada TriTelassociates &' nmn j^110f,;r''v' y:nuir IPflSA'90 rc4sg,E talwE t@z tl,t ,l K ltlnlll I rllirrtrr vvir ./ v STAFF FESTWAT'90 GTITDE STAIT' PROCAAMIM Editor Coordinator/ SailyMottat Manager iloh$leYens Sales Advertising tuLyrch pesetti ng r/Ty Art Dhecto JalithSaul TyNinputting Hler.Bocklin ', Type inputting LyrnLiddell 'Xlary Assenbly Artist EllenSnith Assembly Artist fliehadJemlngs ,ThnhBui lllustntor lllustratofsAssisknt ihtlyMacNeil i $evaPritehard Editorial Coordinator Halltones & Stats CtnAnaron DISTRIBUTION SanhMollat Coordinator Willianson Alaxandn hhMcKendry o o t o & - Eusiness FrahkSaunders Coordinator. & Volunteer T0PBlW L-B:. BrianBlakney- Menbership , TanyaEssig- Adninistrative . Bobfieyens- Manager, Assistant & Communications Marketing Manager Director. EandraMorden- Promotion& PublicityAsst 90fi0n B0W:. M.J. Kelly- Executive . Pela Bof - Production Mgr . ll0T SH|WN:BichardFlohil- ArtisticDirector. AngelaVink- Assistant . EllenBbcklin- MarketingAssistant , Joe Lynch- Sponsorship 1990 BOARDOFDIRECTORS Fatmu Hulchison Jzcky .$irteyGiicon Bai ffi Design & Construdion Photognphy 8atrcr filn, Bzngkok ColourSeparation Printing Uab '90ls ardopcatcdbylhr Dndrocd nola rugistcrtd FollFoundallon, dcdlcalrdlo th! rlb organlzallon ofloll mmicand andpnmotion l*rs Ttir Dtoductlm InCamda. fromltolson rgcclalasrlslancc ll!. andMolson Pail. Bruwrdcr I O}INECYGUDPAPER o o f, I .9 o L J .9 E - 2nd V.P., Chair Membership Chain JonathanLynn- Director, Concert T0Pn0W L-fl: . JohnSladek . Joan Enith - Treasurer . StercFruitnan- Director,NotesEditor. LynneHurry- President . PeterCotton- DirectotAwardsDinner B0n0M R0W:. LeeWeston- Director,SteeringRainbows - lst VP,Fundraising - Secretary . AnnSmiley . MichaetBoshes Chair.tt0TSH0Wll:Dere|Andrews gsb -Director, . . & Promotion Publicity Director, Snow Fundraising Chtis Pa*e Director l f F o l kF e s l i v a l s . M a r i p o s ai s a n a c l i v em e m b e ro f F s s t i v a l s0 n t a r i oa n d t h e 0 n t a r i oC o u n c i o & $ocialSewices,lho Touring0flics ol the Itladpbsais lratelulfor the supporlof tre Ministryol Gommunity ol lho Municipality the Minislryol GultureandGommunicalions, CanidaGountil,tho OntarioArtr Gouncil, TorontoGulturalAlfain Division,andtha Gityof Torontothroughthe TorontoArtsCouncil. Metropolitan Wittroritthb help,andlhe gsncrousruppoi ol lrlolsonBreweries,Mariposacouldnot eri$. Welhankyou! MARIPOSA: The F estiul of Roots M 6b EDITOR'S NOTE August,1961,Orillia Oval.-The audience, somefour thousand.The first voice. PeteMcGarvey Sr.: 'Tb inaugurate thisunique eaentin Canadianmusicalhistory,I unuld like to call to thestageHis WorchipMapr George Mclzan, 'Orillia Mapr of the towtt of Oillia.'. Counciland all citizeu of Oillia, an uprasion ofgreatgratitude to thefounden of thisfatiual, Dr andMrc. CrawftrdJonesand Mr Ed Counn,producerand promoterand to all whohaaebeenassociatedin this mammoth undertaking.Theyhaaewon our lastittg appreciationfor an accomplishmentthat will ranhamongthegreatmomentsof Oillia." rlhus, Mariposawasintroducedand I officially openedthirty years ago for peopleto hold poety through music. TodayMariposaencouragestraditional and contemporarywork rooled in our folklore. It has beensaidthat poetry is the most potent of humancommunication,a simpleand logicalexpression.Music andpoeby can be greater than their parts. hompted by an idea,enhancedby a rhyme, pointed by meter, colouredby metaphor;poetic fusion is beyondanalysisand at times logic when it touchesthe human soul. It is our collective soulwhich movesour nation. 'This land is your land...? "lf foetry coma not as naturally as the leaoq to a tree,it hadbetternot comeat all." (ohn Keats1818)Poeby expressedthrough folklore is part of people'sculture. Often hiddenby theyield to commerce,today's folklore can be heard when an aulomobile manufacturerevokesa metaphysicalanalog5r by usingthe word "strearnline,"or an architect's"skyscraper,"or a part5/s "crasher.'Like the leaves of Keat'spoetic metaphor,the Songsof Mariposacan conjure nafuralspirit. Mariposaand Molson share the purposeof bringing this most important collectionof singers,writers, dancers, musicians,artists and poets to you. Pleasejoin us to welcomeand respecttheir artisticwealth.The contentof this guide to Mariposais the resultantsynergismof numerousconkibutions. Thankyoueveryone. SandyMoffat ProgrammeGuideCoordinator CulturalAffairsDivision '## TABTE OFCOI\TEI LETTERS OFWELCOME 6 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ABOUTMAGICAND ILLICIT EDUCATION il IT'SVOLUNTEERS THATMAKE,\^ARIPOSA 12 THETRAVELLERS t6 RUTH JONESMCVEIGH 17 ARTISTS' BIOGRAPHIES 1B SYLVIA TYSON 39 STOMPIN'TOM CONNORS 42 ALANMILLS 44 NICKLAIDLAW 47 FOWKEREMEMBERING FOLK 49 THECASEOF THEMISSING MR."1" 52 GRACE AND INTEGRW 54 SINGIN'THEBLUES ALLYEAR'ROUND 57 DISCOGRAPHY 58 FESTIVALS ACROSS THISLAND BACKTO BASICS 60 62 VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARDS 68 CANADIANCRAFTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 70 72 SITEMAP 82 In considerofionof odmissionlo lvlolsonPqrklo ottendMoriposo, oll tickel-holders ond guesls.ofMoriposoocknowledgethe righfof Moriposoond'its,u"."rro6 ond ossigns fo usetheir likenesses ond/or voicesor thoseof ony occomponyingchildreno, .o! b" obtoined by filming, picluretokingor recordingduiing the festiJol,"without ony writien releoseor turlhercompensotion,for ony purposewholsoever. @ Ministryof Culture and Communications M i n i s t roy f C o m m u n i tayn d SociaS l ervices Ontario It-lirNrril Rre Cr?tr trcrmlmil Ontario The Canada Council Touring Offrce Conseil des Arts du Canad. Office des (ourn6es MARIPOSA: The F e*ival of Rou M ub FRIENDS NDSUPPOR TOALL OT]R THNKYOU ASPECIAT - ChrisBrown A & A Records A & P Bonie AquoLibro Airlines-SteveHortfield Americon Amnesty Internotionol Arts for PeocePloughShores AshoDoiryProducts - LindsoyGillespie AtticRecords BrionDewittBlokney BrionSullivon Brion'sRecordOpfion TrodingCo. Bridgeheod BryonMorrion ComeronKerr ConodoCup Inc. ContelInc. CotherineDeWitt CBCRodio- PhilCoulter CBCRodio- TheEniertoiners cFoR1570 CHRYFM- EdSkiro CIAO790 - BobCousins Clry W,/ New Music- DeniseDoirlon CIUTFM- DovidHope CJRTFM- Joe Lewis CJRT FM- JohnVolentyn CKLNFM- DovidBornord CKVRW-PoulMiller CollinPuffer CollinsSuzuki- GoryCollins - RondollHolmes ComdoAdverstising Comholtos Ceohoride Eireonn Cromdole Cycleworld DovidMoior DovidWorren DovidWiley& Fomily DownoProudmon Co. DeltoWeb Printing Conodo- RobHolden Diobetes Club Diomond DiegoPuliese DonEvons DonnoMorchond DougLittle OrillioMonogement Boord Downlown Dr.BillGoodmon DurocellBotieryInc. Conodo Environmenl FoirleeFruifJuiceLtd. (TMllConodo Fender FlyingCloudFolkClub FronkGdd FreeTimesCofe GonneffFoundotion GeorgeBeshiri GreenFrogNotureCompony Greenpeoce t Koleidoscope Horbourfronf HungerProiecf - FredHorper HuronioTrovelAssociotion H.J.HeinzCo. of Dr.R.G.N.loidlow In lvlemory Cenhe lrishConodion JocksonDdb JeonnieSterren JoeLewis JohnMortenson JudithSoul JulieShokespeore K 106.5- TomChopmon KJ Diner- MikeDiner - RoberfLong Communicotions Kensington KnobHillForms KrofiGenerolFoods Storr- VirginioBrown Longdon Storr- PotMcNomoro Longdon - MorkPelton Lonsing Buildoll LeocockHerifogeFestivol [emorrAdverlising tevi Shouss londonLife- TedArppe Long& McQuode MorcieCurtis MorcusVichert MoriposoMorket Mork'sWorkWeorhouse MoggieMcDoniels Me[opolis- HowordDruckmon - NoncyCleory & Recreotion Minishyof Tourism MolsonOntorioBreweries MotoroloRenbls Motorolo- lr/orfinHofer - Moureenliflleiohn NeMork,Mogozine NOW Mogozine- BillMolcolm MikeO'Connell OldeYorkPoiobChips- PeterMorgie OnforioArfsCouncil- WolterSunohoro OntorioCouncilof FolkFestivols OntorioHydro,Pickering Associotion OntorioMossogeTheropists Tourism OntorioNorthlond OrillioOperoHouse AdvococyGroup OrillioWomen's OtiowoFolkloreCenhe PohyDingle PoulForrelly Peocelvlogozine Petel,lcGorveySr. Ploytoy Indushies Probe Pollution Rodius lnternotionol RedpothSugors o[ Conodo Reynolds Aluminum RobSincloir RogersCobleTen RuthMcVeigh SomTheRecordMon - StewortDuncon Conodo SoroLeeKitchens - JohnRoymond ScolpogeCorporotion BrenfScrimshow SergeSloimouih Sonyof Conodo Spence& McCortneyltd - StevenToylor Mogozine- BorryRondoll Spotlight TerryStocey Sleve!Music- JeffSozont Steve's Music- RobinWells - HolgerPetersen StonyPloinRecords Cenheot Trinity St.Pouls Sunshine DioperService SwonseoTownHoll InterimBoord - DonnoPeocock Associotion SwissCheese Inc. Teekoh Associotiqn Temogom i Wi lderness Foundotion ondWolfLebovic TheJoseph TheMogozine- TimForon TildenRenrc{or- BruceTilden TIPSplinter TMI- Peter Jonis Disormoment Toronlo ToronfoTheofreAllionce TronzocClub Trovelwoys lnn -Jerry Hochmon TrendRecords TriTelLtd. Trillium CobleW - EricAnderson WoyneSofety WEAMusic- DoveTollington WEAMusic- NigelBest WEAMusic- GregPoppos WEAMusic- MikePeters WorkweorCorporolionConodo I UmnOSlt The Fettiwlof Ratr Muh @ ' "*'*t ffi -$\ir\e{F' *'*'ttlll"*t*'t' T ..o"ff"5*:#iik.'fl's .-,,nuuT*#*Jg;:$ffH **::n#h*ri***41;1;*Pt;";: f#**Xip:f"T#:r^ffi;^ | -- *,"';S\"u"]L-ut"' W "'J&T ' The Premier ot Ontario LeqislativeBuildlng Ou'eens Park Toronto'ontdlo M7A 141 Le Premiermlnistre de I'Ontario Hdt€l du gouvernement Oue€n's Park . Torontd lontanol M7A 1At 1990 June 22-24, \ li.l"'ui,,E'ii:"::'::'"i::?i"::T:il5"l?'3lii""' n$**rutffiLrl*'"i1 Fd*"r!l;$it'i'iil"*i:t#4iii[::i'li:t ";; such a "i!:1 # *t*,ri*'i[!i*i;;1'*,111'"ir*i:i;" ti"-Fi-"tittt A haPPJ FeBtival liariposa Folk to one and alll e-/Qb David PeteEson I * . i'i'i,i'i,i,i'i,i'ii *nE f """." :i.i^"i thos€ ii::::iiii' Folk at perforning and attending '"'';"'"i'J?i"r,ri*.^",. .. v.. ;;;'l' j:;'1;r;l'"'"'' ,i,,,:,,,'i'i: i:iiiiii arr r** iii:::i::ii:liil .",,,,:'ff"""^. LoPPosrTro" ou CHEFDE MEssAGE oF rHE opposrTroN rHELEADER MES'AGEFR.M 6 ,:;;"';:i:""::. tne ,",.": o.n",ror che New Denocracic "".." ^.-^'" v o u t o r- h " =e rcrn r r r i e r h welcone i,,; "nnu"' t' Festivar. arwav6 """0'* "h," ,...n'J:;.1;;.,&sc,, ":::--', """n chousand ;:; .:.;i'.edsed to ':=']i1l:'_".:L .*:::"";::" ror,arented iffil: ":., ::l:"":";-i: ! "","":;ij'::'Ff;'.'-':,'.",ff:::j: rhe Fe'rivar ha6 :"':"""t"J::: t"T;;; resions t* :::.'";" from distr-"r".t:.-:lI";; infruence' ""u "t a celebration "..n year. .otll"-"", of n : : n ' :,"r;.; ; ; . r . " of ao be one thou6and6 co'Lr"-- 6eason' 't :"":""."":1"t::'-r::. rhi6 thirtieth for ' -i"n- e n l tb h e p r cetenm ^ri+ ion promises anniver.a:1,:i::1"":"":l::::r":: "',:: ever. be rhe be6t .: workld_ s,,ho has atr wishes ro enioved bY |"r""-a a ut""- ll ;:l'"'il..**S:::*X .":"vable -- - - u l aannaaddi iaaDn cu.rture. - '- s6 ad rLhneerr rt o s e t h e r """-""1::.^". and nenorabre Eo wEEr>---- M) "ons.u,urations r' :^; l : i ; : p- a t r o n s ' "'",. ".0 l^thjs even' ""0 *n" t"'^";::,:,t:'" ,F_ I ,.)J*l.'{ Y--'@\ v (t B A R R l E June, 1990 welcorne to Molson Park! t o b e h o s t i n g the !.lariPosa Once again we're itelighted sponsor, Molson A s t l a r i P o s a ' s m a j o r , c o r P o r a t e Ca'nadian tradition Festival. g r e a t t h i s o f Bret eries n." U".n- a Part for seven y e a r s . T h i s i s a veryspeciar .v."iT-:":"T?:i!::".:'o:n::t:;l:?iil' to be.cerebr":::: liutili.."i.il;;'t;a and we-t: 30th birthday : - i^^^^^-.find for over their c o m P a ' v a s ldith them. r e c o g n J - z e It n t "-t i "-t. ^ -o-f- - ^i riar nd i t i o n ' w e C a n a d a , i n y e a r s 203 the canadian ina""ltv a l s o b e l i e v e -it"i:'i*;;';;;;'l;-""Pport a diverse array ot ptt"itt t o a n d entertainment tarent to the Pubric' ;;;;;;i and we're sensational'Fe-stival It promises to be another t h e m s e lves all e n j o v ; ; ; ; t ; ; " forward to ""iiig Iookins weekend long. i' i:"'j":'"*;'i;t"in"inii f:'" :?:I"l:'?-::f,?::: we IiP":1-:l:,::";":",":l;tinl3ln." P l e a s e j o i n - u s i n w i s h i n gM "the tradrtron and for continuing ;;;;;a.v / i ,t .o "srh"a: .r:e: : : our "_""*...,J" Havea rancascic veekend! z -"*? peoD,- w o r k e ds o and rhe sood,irr apprecidrion of ,. sponsors, rriends. h€rd ro oreanize UmPosl, Q Y The FestiwlofRoots llIwb - THEPRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO TIIII 3O]II ANNIYI]RSABY O]'TTIB MAITIIDOSAI'OI.K IIIISTIYAI, ON seHALr or rnr Bonnoor DrntcoRs,I ropernnryouRsrAywfiHusHERE ovEgrHENEXIFEw $TIJOMI DAYSWII.I.BRINGYOUPTEASURE IN OURA,IANYPERFORAAANCES, WII.I GMEYOUA C|IANCETO RENEW OID ACAUAINTANCES AND PERHAPS A,IAKE SOMENEW FRIENDS. yEARsoF cmrnonn HsToRt r 6 pRoBABry As ^4anrposnCETEBRATES rTsTHTRTY A c;ooD TME TO TEI.I. YOUSOMEIHINGOF OURPAST. A NUMBER OF YOUWII.I KNOWTHESTORY rH,CrI AM ABOUI To REIATE. THr usronv or rue lvlantposaFotx FourlolttoN ts THETALE oF AN oRGANtzATtoN TF|ATHASBEENBUILT BYTHEDEDICATION OFTHOUSANDS OF VOTUNTEERS OVERruE YTENS. WT'VE HADGOODTIMES AND SNO.GLONVAND GNOMY.TOONI I CAN PROUDI"Y SAY,TFIAT ITAITIPOSE HASACHIEVED THEPRE-EMINENCE II HEI.DIN ]HE IATESXNESAND EARLY SEVENTIES WHEN II WAS THEPIACE TO BE. h RLL snnrro30 vans AGo,ASTHE GERM oFANIDEA, rNTHE MIND or RuruJorurs.Arunvto FOI,K FANANDMOTHER OFFOUR, RUTH NruOHERHUSBAND, DN.CNSEV OffENJOURNEYED JONES, To rHEcffY or Totoruro To vtstTcoFFEE HousEstN THE'oLD'vttAGEwHcH wASLocATED tNTHE Genneno/UNvERStTY AREA.Pnounro ByTHEwoRDsoF A spEAKER wHo FIAD vsreo onturr, RwH DECIDED A FOIK-FESTMAI. WASJUST THETH|NG TOBR|NG TOURTSTS TOHER COIW\rJNry ORGtNAtty A,IADE FAMous ro ClNRourrus ByTHEwRnNGsor SrepHrN Leacocr tN Hts"SuNsHtrur Srncnts or e LrnLe TowN". JorNeosv HER HUsBAND Cesev,HrnBRoTHER DlvrDlvlAJon,pne McGlnvev SR.,HEnCHIIDREN ANDA HANDFUT oF oTHER DEDIcATED vot-uNTEERs, Ruru rur rur rnst lvilnlpose Fotr Ftsrvnt tNToptAcE,A FEslvAtNAMED lN HoNorJR or Leecocr,s,Mlrrposl,. I,YIINEtrIJITITY lT wAs A GREAT succEss.Bw ure A ANy ARTtsTtc ENDEAVoRS, THEBox oFFtcEDIDN'T covER,THE COSTS AND SO DN.JONESUNDERWROTE rHrU. THr FOIIOWINGYEAR THEAUDIENCE DOUBIED. ANo rHe FolrowrNc yEAR,rN 1964... wErLrI wAs Too i JcHTo HopEFoR...ANDTHETowN or OntLLtlropro lvlnntposAwour.D unveI Wrnr THousANDsoF wouLDBEFEsTtvAL @ERSuMBtE To cAlN ENTRY To THEFESTIvAL cAMpGRoUND{rxe Nrw oRGANtzERs DIDN'TTHTNK To lE cAMptNG INTOTCKEISAND THECAMPERS CAAAE TO hNWI, Nr SNEEISOF ONNN WENEOVERCROWDED AND THEFOODSUPPTY WASGONEBYSNTUNONV ruOON. THeCrrv mnnlns A,AADE SURE THESI,EEPY LI.TTI.E 'FIAPPEN' TOWN WOUI.DREA,IAIN PEACEFUI. AND WERESOAIARMED WTTI AANTIPOSA PLANNED TO IN NEIGHBOURING MENDOSACOUNry THEYARRANGED FORA COURT INJUNCTION TO STOPII. At rur tLEveNtHFtouRTHEFESTrvAr. wAS GrvENA TEMpoRARy FtoMEATmr A4npLeLenr Beu-Pnnr. It t I965, oRGANtzERs MovEDTHEFESTrvAr. To lNr.rsLtrt Cnr'lpcnouxoANDTHERE rr srAyED FORTHENEXT THREE SUA,IAAERS, BUILDING A SOI.ID REPUTATION. IN I968, THEFESTMAT wAs REtocAIED ro TonorurolsLqNos ANDTHERE BEGAN THEHAtcyoNolvs or lr4nnposl.A cny FESTtvAt HELD oN THESFTORES Or LCrronrnnto, ^4enposeDREW lTsBtc€EsT cRowDsovERTHENEn FEW .|920, velns. Bv ns REpurAToN wAs srJcHTI-IAT WHENtTsorDouT (ns r ororrurHoseonvs) ANDTHEGATES WERE cLoSED, I,4ANY PEOPIE ATTEMffED To swlM THENARRowCF|ANNE|, To GA|N AccEss.EsrriteKLetru,Anlsrc Dtnrcron, HADTHEGATEs REopENED To pREVENT ANyAcctDEMs. THargr',levEanlvlantposntNrur ScHooLS wAs sTARTED ANDBECA 4EA vERysuccEssFUL oFF sHooT oFrneFouruontou. #i ::tl MARIPOSA: The Festival oJ Rootr Music THrFesrvnL AcruA[y DREw A MoDEsrcRowDoF 7,500,BtnDtD REcocNrzED NAMEwASTNTERNATToNAILY t't 1974, lvlnnrposds Tnr I986 NoTHTNG To MpRovE rur FouruorroN'sFtNANcEs. tNANDWERE wHrN BogDvnruauo GonooruLcnrroor DRoppED pEoptE AGATN ,tEDtATEty oNcE AND rxe FouNoeroN FesrvlL DREw FEwER wrH oF THE DEcADE, swAMpED FANs. Towenos THE END tl,l FACED DEBTS, RECORDED MOIJNTING TTCKEI SATES BEGAN TO DROP AND THE FEST|VAL HOWEVER, 'oui ANDTHE tossEsovERTHE FEsTtvAr A LossBy 1977. Fot<wns yEAR oF MEMBERS wAs 1986 wgrruA GRoUP DARKEST AAARrposA's yEARs REFIEcTED +utr. Bv THAT TIME,lvlnntposattlqDMovED NEXrFEw NOTSURVIVE COUI,D FEIT THEORGANIZAT]ON ANDFORMER SUPPORTERS pRocRA,l lrNGANDrN I980, wHrN GRowrNGDEBT tMo yEAR-RouND SINCE ruE FOUNORTOru A MOVE TOENDtT;NOTSURPRISING, ANDAAADE 'A4anrn pREctuDED r.t A THREE DAyEVENT, A s IAu.ER oNE-DAy rveNr MEANS OFDECREASING ANDF{ADNO REAL TO$2OO,OOO. OWEDCI.OSE THEPRRr'wAs CREATED ANDwAs FoLLowED tNrue Fat gyl lrurncl rHt BonnospltToN THtsAcTtoNwrH soMEMEMBERS THEDEBT. 'lrAARtposA NoNr oF rHt HRngounrnou sERrEs cAtLED AIIATNTAND'. A,,lovE To ENDrrt FouxonroN.TnnoucuTHEDIucENT tNTHE JotNtNG AS RAISED MUCHMoNEy.lr wes e spEctAt vEAR, HoWEVER, EVENTS Bonnoor DtnecrotsAND^,IANY oF THE REtllArNrNG EFFoRTs wAs tNslIuTED To ouR A4Rttposa MEMBERSHTP ANDTHrssERVtcE wERERAtsED ANDtHEFouruoeloN AND MoNEY suppoRT votuNTEERS, FOROUR MEMBERS HASBECOME AN IMPORTANT SOURCE OFFUNDING THE ntes oFFERED To UNDERWRTE MoLsoN OrurnntoBnrwe suRVrvED. 'A4RRre/wASpRESENTED yEAR-RouND opERATroNS. N I 98 I A oNE-DAy WORD. TO THEIR BEEN TRUE FVEFESTIVATS ANDHAVE OFTHENEXT COSTS THESUIWV\ER,S THREE DAYFESTMAT Wru rHr AssrsTANcE DURING MONTHS, BtJTNOTTHEUSUAT A ABLE To ATTRACT or Mosot t, wE rt,qvEBEEN ,82 TO'I5,OOO or rHElsnruo. IN FROM Z,5OOII.I WHCHGREW GROWING AUDIENCE '89. '88 nto 25,oootN lTwASN'T urulL1982 THAT THEFouNontoruAnEMnED ANoTHER wAs THREE DAyEVENIA BRru.tANT ANDltLCnrunourx FEsTrvAt THAT yEARs, oN rue FouruoeloN coNcENTRATED REBUIIDTNG DurrNc THESE Hro nt BeruunsrQunv,ns rut lsnr.roHADBEcoME Too EXpENstvE. NUMBER OF INCREASING THE 4 ^ING,STEADIIY ROUND PROGRA [s YEARToRRENTTAT. DowNpouRS,rsoFIENREFERRED coNCERTs, Tset rtsrvLt, HELD DURTNG pRocRA/r,1tr,{tNG rs ACTIVTnES ANDPRoMoTtNG cHil.DREN's yEAR ro ns lvlnttposAtNTHEMuo. lr wASTHEFrRsT rrtnr MoLsoN INTEREST A RENEWED TonoNro.THrurout tt,qssHowN THRoucHorJT ANDouRFRIENDS Bnewettes BECAME A NAJoRspoNsoR ATMoLsoN's tN FEsTlvAL REF|ECTED TNTEREST ts BETNG lN mr FouruolloN ANDTrt,cT HAVE REA4ATNED coMMt-fTED spoNSoRS ro A4nntposnsNcETHAT TIME. MoRETrtllN600 Bv A4nncHoF THtsYEAR, votuMEERREcRUTTMENT. WASHED THERArNs AwAyANy pRoFrTs. THr FouruonroN UuronruNRrew, pEopLE To woRKTHEFtsrvn ANDwE HADTo cREATE HADvotUNTEERED .|983. sKy-RocKETED ANDTHTNGS rooKEDpRErry cRrMtN DEBTS AcnrN, A WAITING I-IST. corlro BENo FESTrvAr.. Ros SrNcLNn, rtleruExeculveDnecron, THERE ANDNow wE wE HADoNE FULI-TIME EMPIoYEE Ar rHe25rH FEsrvRL, AssrsTANcE or Rruurr HuuuruN,spEARHEADED wrIHTHE A DEBTpHorues ARETHE ANDLoNGDAYs AREBUSIER Ttt,qNEVER FTAVE sx. Tue rNREDUCTNG THEDEBT. rmnrurNl PIANANDWASSUCCESSFUT ouT To woRK srntr.lvinrtposnHAsREACHED LoToF ouRDEDcATED us ro MoLsoNPnnrn Bnnnrr aNowr h.r1984, MotsoruTNVTTED ONreno rulo FesrvnLs wrTHTHEONrnno CouNctLor Fox FesrvnLs, ATTHE oFFER. TneorqsoruTo MovEouToF THE Crv aNo JUMpED OUN FOLTMUSCALLIIruCT. A,UENCNN MORE RECENTTY WIIHTHENONTH HOME,UNFORTNATEIY, tN CREAIED A SCH|SM ctosERTOOURORtGtNAt Fotr FesrvnL omr I slv n; THEotDEsT coAL rsTo REA,IAIN, rHr FouruonroNANDA NUMBER oF votuNTEERs cHosETo oRGANTZE FoLKARTS ANDPRESERVE oRGANtzATtoN tN Cnrumn, ANDTo PRoMoTE oN THElsnruo. THevvAUANTLv A NEwFEslvAL ATTEMrTED Two suM lER oF THEFABRIc THRoUGH soNG, sToRyDANcEANDcnens. ElcH ts PART oN THElsuqNo,gut uKEA BRAVE ATTEMpT ByANoTHER GRoup FEsTMALs ts lvlantposn. oF ouRsocrElyANDso, wE BEuEvE, rHeTonorutolslqNoFesrvnrrruI g8O, NonrHwrNo wHo pREsENTED pRouD DECoRATE THAT MUslcALtY oF THEFEsTtvAts CnrunoecAN BE '84 '85. Rruoncltru lru toslMoMYtru FEsrtvAt cRouPHAS EACH sul,itER.l'tr,'tsuREEACH ouRtANDscApE Rr AloLsoruPRnronewABoUT THEsAMENUMBER THnrnnsrFESTIvAL oF We wtsutrtEu THEIR HtsToRY. To TELI ABoUT INTEREsTING sToRlEs pEoptE RurH's FtRsT FESTtvAt" tN Onttul. Tt-tt culxcr To rHts NEw As ASA,IANY YOUTOATTEND ANDENCOURAGE AI,I.A SI,.}CCESSFUL SEASON DEPTETED OURVOI.UNTEER NUMBERS ANDCOMBINED WITHTHE AI,SO VENUE SUAAAAER. FESTIVAI"S ASYOUCANTHIS FUNDTNG FoRouR yEAR-RouND opERATroNs, rHe Bonno sHRtNKtNG THE 25ru Aruruvrnsarv FEvveLwTHAppREHENsroN. EtrJov rurwerrrNol FACED ddffieL .l :Ilrs I ff U.LnfnOSe, The Festiut of Roott[]lub ::ffi:TJJ"l'-T;',ffi ..NSEILDESA*SDEL'oNrARIo Promoting the arts in 0ntario 15r Broorstr.eer wesr QIITARIQARTSC$UNCI[ Suite 500 t""u?t'i|| Ten granting specialized offices (116) e6l'1660 ArtsandC'mmunity-based pr'grams 'l'oll-free l-800-387-0058 Far(416)e61.77e6 cOnSUltatiOn Pour professionnels lesartistes W Pour lesorganismes artistiques re nnrscot-'t'' crL oNrARIo Pourl'dpanouissemenl desartsdansla province rue Broorouesr LBCQNSBI[ DBSARTSDE[$NT{RIQ rbr, Bureau 500 Torontou(Ontario) Dixbureaux sp6cialis6s Unemultitude deprogrammes desubvention9161e61.1660 Des conseils erdes consulrarions ffl::i;fliJ,??3;i?1193 EDUCATION WORDSABOUTMAGICAND ILLICIT BRIEF FLOHIL OFFERS RICHARD DIRECTOR ARTISTIC rsa G*riar'Mumn a cDttlBRArt'N, rorr aNNryriRsARy [Im I / }^nrp'sa,s oF THELAIE20rH crNrunv DEspiTE THEpREssuRES TEcHNoLoGy, tN wHtcH MAGtc,DEsptTE SPlRlT. FESTIVE ITSIVIARVELIOUS CAN RAISE OFTHEWEATHER, & OrSprf THEVAGARTES PEOnEBUTI rruoW YOUWltl THTNGS TO DIFFERENT l,lANy DTFFEREM MaotC tSA GREAT SMEIIS lN THECOIOURS, lN THESUNSHINE... lN THEWOODS,DANCING FINDlT HIDING OWN CHAONCWAY, THAT,IN THEIR SOUNDS ANDWONDERFUL ANDTHEMANYVARIED ts Au-ABouT. ts WHATlvlARtPosA ruotrII BEEN,WHATArtaRtpOSl BYPEOnEWHO HAVEN'T USUAIIY WHrN l'M ASKED, SOirAEftUES, ABOUTMAGC, ANDTHENPOINTOUf THAT TH|SBUSTNESS tSALLABOUTI ny rO EXPLAIN GOO XttOWSYOUDON'TwANT TOTEll lutcnY ED(rcATlONAL. tSREALty THEwFlOtETHTNG pEOptE THAT'SUKETELLING lS EDTrcAIONAU THATTHEFESTIVAL WHO HAVEN'T BEENBEFORE tT'scooD FoRTHEM.Bur lr You'vr NoT HEARD BRANBECAUsE KrDsTo EATRArsrN YOu'LL BEronE ANDTHEMlHOnul QurrNs ORTHEDXtr HuuutNGBtnoS MlHr.qrHtr.lt ONEoF ASWELLASAMMED.ANo rHe SA 4EGOESFoREVERY cERTAtNLy BEEDUCATED TOYOU. BRING THEY ARTISTS ANDTHEMUSIC THEOTHER COMRIBUTIONS, SPECIAI FORTHEIR WHO MJSTBETHANKED THrnr mr MANv pEOptE AII OVERTHISBOOK.I WOULD,HOWEVER, WtLtBEFOIND nASTERED ANDTHETR CREUTS youR ATTENTIoN pARICULARLv To THECKLN Snowcasr Srnoe. THs Yrnn To BRTNG LIKE CRNnDn, rHe UNrrO FROMACROSS OF Atl KTNDS tN ADDTIONTOTHEMANv eERFORMERS ANDTo THEIR HELR, RAD9 sTATloN's To THAT woRLD, THANK5 THE AND ARouND SrRrrs, PRESENT A CROSS S ABLE TO lvMntpOSn COMvlUNlry THE TOCAL MUSC t1v1o OUTREACH AND DtscovERlEs wtu BE suRpRtsEs THrnr ARTtsTs. to ToRovro sEcTtoNoF ouTSTANDtt BYoFTENANDSl-iow YoUR AptENIylr rHr CKLN SuowCRSr SraOr Sr sURETo PASS ANDENCOURAGEMEM. SUPPORT THE YOU'1IHEAR, EVEMlSlN THEMUSIC 30rH ANNTVERSARY THenOOr Ot MentpOSn'S you'l"L lr,tAKE. You'[ THE FRIENDs wlTH, AND TALK You PEoPtE I,/EET, THEcRAFTs AnmTs THATYOU'ILCOME YOtL'lt ENJOYYOURSELf, WrH MnntpOSAHOPES EVfpVONTTNVOLVED WE,LLBERUNNING EVENTS THE OTHER WItt SUPPORT YOIJ AND THAT NEKT YEAR, BACKAGAIN eS weU! EUJCATION OF AN GET A BIT YOU AND THAT OH, VrS tN THEMONTHSTO COI\IE. f fl UmnoS* TheFestiutofRnnUusb YOTUNTEENS FOREVEX;. Become alear'roundMaiposaVolunteef call 769FOLK AIIIESSAGEfROTI BRrAlt BtAt0{EU Jrr[oRroTts &JoHil stADrK /-luite frankb, this festivalcould not $happen if it were not for some250 plusvolunteers,mostof whom actually miss out on attendingmany of the concerts in order to devotea minimum of 15hours of their weekendtime to makingthe mqgichappenforyou. Some of our peopleworknearly 24 hours a day! Take a look around- they re everywhere,from the ticket takers at the gate to the Mariposasecuritycrews,the innovativeFolk Playpeople,the bar serverswith the frozenfingers...theyte allvolunteers.Behindthe scenes, volunteersstart arriving a week in advanceto bansform the park into a festival,setting up the stageswith the right equipmenl dishingout food, making sure peiformers get to the festivalon time...Volunteersmakeup the elecbical crews,communications,and numerousother equallyimportant areas.Thenthere are the year-round -volunteers who help wittr mailings, votuilTE[R cooRDtt{AToRS '90 toRttsTtvAt fundraising,the FestivalOrganizing Group,which beginsplanningthe logistics of the Festivalmonths in advance,and the peoplewho just drop in at the Mariposaoffices to seeif anything needsdoing. Eachyear these dedicatedvolunteers, somefrom as hr awayas Calgary, Vancouverand the USA pack up and move onto the grounds, forming their "Tent own City", knowing that they are responsiblefor making this festivala reality.They do so becauseof their love of the music,andthe knowledgethat they are a part of Mariposa,sharing a commongoal - making the magic happen.We want to thank all the volunteerswho havegiven so generously of theirtimeand energyinto making Festival'90 a reality.We couldn't have doneitwithoutyou. Havea great weekend,and enjoy Your Festival! 0 MARIPOSA: The Fenival Ralrllub t3 '90, ()urryedol fionkyoulofie fewrrhomoynotbeinduded. ottimeofprinling. forFestivol complele volunleers lhish ourlistoffiloriposo ACCREDIIAIION Michoel Blugermon,Michoel Boshes,JohnButler.Williom I'lorsholl,Pebr McGorvey,DionneMyers, DioneSmifi, Dole Sulton AUDIENCECAMPING & FOOD Robert Doy,Morioh Dewitt. AUDIO D{OCRobCorson, DevorohGorlond, Koren Horris,JohnHodgsonThomos,Gord Mogrill, ChristineMoyes,Pebr Suson Owin, Dovid Sompson,Gory Steeves, Viser, KorlWeckworh BAn BillyAbboft,Neil Annie JomesAdomson,J.B.Allen,JimAnderson, Anbnenko,Moxine fumshong,AlisonAsh, Mike Boll,TimBeofiel,Heinz Beck,YvoneBell,Down Boormon,KevinBothwell,PoulBrydges,Kevin Clork, Michoel Clorke,DioneClorkson,Doniel Clements,Teny Cole, Conie Collins,Derel Collins, SheiloConlin, E. lon, C. A. Cooke, Debro Crozier, Del Doignoult,Mory EllenDovidson,Rondy Dempsey,Noncy Dillon,Normon Domio, Koren Dougherty,EricDrew,DerekEhvood,Angelo Evons,Kote Fisher,PomyloFontoine,Doino Fulford,FronFulford,JoonneFulford,PoulFulford, KorenGorvie, CorterGibson, EricGodfrey, MurroyGross,Roi Gruden,TheresoHochey, MichoelHogorty,Mike Hoyes,Wendy HeornAnderson,Chris Hodgso*Thomos,Daboroh Hollinger,Joimiehelond,Nicolo Joncso,Moris Jones,RichordKoczmorski,Ci:rol Kline,Morio Kok, Dovid Long,Scphen [ovender,Andy Legros, Ericleishmon,KorenLeishmon, Joy lorin, MocAuloy,AAory AllisonLupten,Corey-Lylo MocDonold,OpheliolvlocDonold,Morylynn Mochodo,StenioMocfiodo,KenlvlocKoy,Hugh Modeod, HeolherMdlreo, lourie McElreo, lmeldoMcGrory,Croig Mcl'lohon, JoeMichel, Mory Milne, lvloryMoron, Anib Nodor. Kotherine Nemes,KristineNeumonn,Morilyn Nielsen,Korl Nurmi;Jill PolmerAbbott,Ann Polbrson,Les& Annie Polbrson,KorenPhillips,RogerProrse, louro Rutledge, JohnRosenilsch, Merle Richordson, MichoelSounders,SobinoSchocht, JeffSounders, Cofierine Schwoss,ShownSellors,JonMorcus Serio,Croig Shonnon,Jonofion Shorp,Dove LeonneSimpson,Bubh Slo*woy, Denny S'nJer, Slockwoy,KorenSmifi, YolontoSobolok,Denis BrigittoStotck,Tim Sclmock,John,Stewort, Svirklys,JeffToylor,KeltieThomos,lvlorgreh Tolson,Robe*Toolh,BlueWobrs, BoronWotson, CindyWotson,KevinWolson,Lourolynn Websler, JudithWendeborn,lon Woodbury,Bernodefte Wycks, Kob Yorgo BUCK,ETBRIGADESuson CAMPING Keilh Fisher,PelerFox-Thomos Anderson,ShoronBoin,TomBoker,SioerdBokker, CherylBird, PeggyBrennon,Don Donyliw,Rony Deb, Po[icio Fitzpotrick,ChorleyHiggins,Cynlhio Horkey,RolphJocobs,MonicoJomeson,Ryon TinoJung,YoromKonfi,Alon Kollins,Kim Jomeson, Lost,Edwinlynch,LorroineLynch,Denise MocCorlhy,Mory MocCorthy,Mory MocDonold, Wendy l'locleon, Nicolo lvlortin,SkiroMorlinez, Colleen Murphy, GenevieveOger, Guy Peisley, LizzPlonk,Dovid Schofton,TomiThomson CASH CONIROL KennefhConners,Joyne Hodey,l'lory Hotley,BorboroJockson,Keni Moloney,LenMoore, Nonlie Myhol, BrionRicks, Mox Sounders,TommyTopolie COTYIMUNTAIIONS JosieBondi,Roxonne Clement,hn lvlocDonold,DownlvlocSpunen, Mory RuthlvlcDonold,Keny Mclorg, TenyLynn Roussell, JenniferSlodek,LeslyToylor,Timothy VonpinxlerenCRAFIS ChrislinoBoosner,Sue Ehick,JulielleHogopion,JenniferKoh, Asio Morrion, SusonOrchord, SheiloProuse,Poulo Sbinocker EIICIRICAL Corl Austin,Dovid Compbell,DerekCooney,RichordHonis,Stuort Honis, NormonKeorney,SeonKeorney,Normon Kendoll,Don McKenzie,PoulWillis E vlPoRlutfl Pebr Amies,Wendy Amies,Cindy Auslin,Eric Buckinghom,SuzonneClork,RebeccoConolly, BernieConroy,SoroCrongle,Anne DeVonder Schueren,Goil Donofrio,SusonEissler,EiloFowler, ForohGonpoul,ChristineGillings,AndrewGryfe, Mitch Hogg, DonielleJor&|, StephonieKucmon, RhondoKuhlmonn,Guy Moior, ScottMoloney,Bev Porker,Doqg Porker,[ionne Pehino,VickiJill Ritchie,EllenRocklin,ThornosSolsberg,Robe* Sieger,Bob Sbvens,LouroSzilogyi, Shum,Jennifer PouletbThompson,TomThompson, TASTE OF TRYTHEREFRESHING TAKEA VACATIONFROMCARBONATION, EXPRESS DURINGMARIPOSA CATCHTHENESTEA t4 MARIPTOSA: The Fettiul of Roots Muic DionneWodden, SondroWoniner,Gory & lvlorg Woterffel4While, Coherine Welsh,Jennifer Workmon,Mory Yule FOtl( plAy Romoine Andronyl, KoherineAuslin,Zoe Bro,rrn,Julio Cosbr, AnnobelleChvosbk,JennibrClements, RuthDo/dson, SheiloDeb, SusiEEissler,Simon Fronk,LynFrqnklin,Monico Fronklin,LouroFriend, lenore Holpin, LynneHolt,CotherineJockson, JoniceKellie,ChrisKoide,Nuolo lennon,lisefte Lepoge,lori MocDuff, Mork lv,lockenzie,Seon Mortin, GenePoulMoshongeli,Doimody Mumbrd, Joc*,ieRoinbrd PoulRollinson, Corinne RuschDruk, ChrislinoSoronlopoulos, Giorgeno Sorontopoulos, JocelyrSeoly,Sbcey Sholton, JonniSuper,Geri Tonner,Anno Tribinevicius, Judy & ScottTwiddy,MoribnneVon,BeekRogers, CherylWighi, HeorherWillis FC,ODJill Agius, BonnieCohusogMorio Coiro, Anito Comrie,Ailso Croig, Mike Dovis,Clo* DeWin,ElizoberhGold, Mike Heron,YvonneMokosz,EileenMdonnell, leizo Miller,ArleneMindo, Annito Newell, Robert Normon,Morcio Perrynon,Noblie Ryon,pot Sbphens,CorlosTeixerio,Morilyn Welsh,Jennifer Woodill FUND RAISING NicholosBenneft, JoniceBernsbin, JenniferBerwick,ChrisfinoBurton, ChristineCohusoc,RoxonneCorbe4 Mory Be#r Curley,Mory deBruyn,DioneDobell,Glenn Doucetb,Josephine Goncolves,Michoel Kole, TroceyKole,Morio lopes, Heofier Mcleod, GeorgeMeikleiohn,BorboroMorris, DeborohMorris,Goil Newmorch,KkstyO,Sheo, JohnPeck,Mono Pedersen, Condicephoenix, Ko$erinePritchord,KonnFnergoordRosmussen, JohnSmeltzer,BillVonBuren,ComeronWright, INFORMAITON BOOIH MoureenAddie, Liono Di Morco, RoyDusome,JeonnelleHorrison,Sbve Horison, Herb Hymon,RenotoJosoitis, Heotfier McKenzie,Corol Miller, Borboropio*owsli, Ellen Sincloir JUICEMyco Bobmon,Goby Chlebok, RonChlebok,BeverleyFox,Croig Gibson,Moy Gibson,RogerGreen,Wendy Hedge,Jone locicero,Johnlocicero,Norno ludemon,Moureen McCofferf, DonoldMcHugh,Goil Sogoro, DogmorSchuberl,Ingo Schube4J.D.Sbvens IOCK UP JeffieyBrydges,Korhy& UldisFogels, RosonneSpeckert,GornelTruox I.CDG|SflCS PelerMonohon,TonyoEssig,LynneHuny,MJ. Kelly,PeterRoy,FronkSounders,Ann Smiley,lee Wesbn MEDIA TrishBilewit-2, DonielFerguson, DionoGibbs, FronHollyrood, Megon O,Connell ,IAARIPOSANOIES Allen Boc{lond,RickFronk, SleveFruitmon,KuleNoelopeo,KevinNon, Kylo Slopps,LiseWoxer PERFORIVIER SERVICES CotherineAdoms,Jo Anne Ambridge,Kevin Armibge GeoffreyBoylis,Williom Bellomy,Solly Bond,JomesChristionsen, Noro Collins,Brendo Comeou-Wotson, CoseyConklin,Hildo Cordeirq PoulCorner,BruceCroig, TrocyDovidson,Jimmy Deodmon,MicheleDelorenzo,Mory-LouDillmon Poby Dingle,CloytonDonohue,AmondoDreme, Mory Anne Epp,ComileFokhourie,CindyGollont, PoulGony, ZsuzsiGorher, liso George,Bernice Holey,KevinHorrell,Jim Hedger,SusonHeitolo, BorboroJenner,RobinKoufrnon,ThomKozemekos, leoh Keorney,ChorlesKunc,PoulLeilch,Joetynch, lyrette,lori MocDonold,Peferlvlock, Jeon-Poul ChristineMcKoy,MelonieMcloren, Borboro Mcteod, Edrvord Nixon, Pebr Nobbs, Keven O'Sheo,JohnPockowski,Rickporrish,Wendy Pollerson,lyn Pictrn,Joe Piromelli,Cofinpufbr, lindo lee Purvis,louro RoyrnondRobert Richordson, KorenRivo,SheenoRobertson , Audrey Roeder,Stphonie Roone!, L,ouroRosdr,Woyne Rorf Foifr Roy,ChristineRusfeuy,Edword Scott, poul Andrew Semple,JulieShokespeore, Shokespeore, FionoShiElds,fulodolenoSilvo, Noncy Simpson,lvlorion Sloden,JoonSmifi, Evo Somonn,CorolinoSonzogni,TiffonyStevens, DeniseUmlond,ChristineVicory,DoynoVogel, Mory Vronlsidis,SueWeller,Al Zornet,Sfephon Zuberec PHOTO DOCUMENIAIION George Beshiri,Anne Levenstcn, Geoff Slonners PROGRATIiBOOK ]hoch Bui,KorenFormer, ShhleyGibson,JockyHuhhison,RichordJennings, LynneLiddell,Bob McKendry,CofhyMcNeil, SondyMoffot, SorohMoffot, Stevepribhord,Judith Soul,Mory EllenSmih, AlexondroWilliomson, SECURIIYMork AornedeoultShoronAchhon, MoniqueAhmonn,Dor.rgBoker,ArthurBolson, John'Chico'Borrow,HeofierBeoven, i1 aa a a a a o a a a a a a.oaa a a o a a t a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a l a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a t o a a a a a a a r o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a a O a a a a a a a a o O I a a a a o o o a a o o o a a a a a a a a I t a ..aal a a a I a o a o a I a a a a a a I a a a a a a a a a a a o a a t a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t a WnruwWt THEIR IIEWRETEASE! OllE fOB IOWII produced byJohn tuirrer ofieirnery FEAIUfrING: video Gordie& ty Oldlion .lhe golhd ofloncd & (edlb. Oosirng lh (urwoy. ffisl tow (omcAromd o Soroh peter,s fuidon.B.CInlheWintertime. $uffleo $oying ln . Romore 0nl{eekends o.l,mtornlng Hohl. Tonight . tddoyilighf Home tr I n t +I: I t THEIR DEBUI AIBUII! f0UfI 1A GAIIGprodued byGrievous Angk&An&ew Cosh f$ruRNG:IhGreor o Gur$oot llorrhlVind 0oggrm. liflleJmny . Sotwdcy o tnptyphform. MisllaLeodtlC lfightInAloundrormt r Red De€r IoMffgseeolyildprn'de . lh gmlsofMoilogoni Rose . Single o Somon lowZydeto &Ddiloh a a a a a a a r BGDTIT ATTAII.ABI.E 2146 Gerrqrd Sr- Eqat. GDII :; I i l It tI DA@@SE Toronto. Ontqrio I!'',4E2c.2 <Of"_""r._frrU a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I r a a l I t i.- CononBeck,StephenBellonloni,JoquelineBergen' MARIPOSA: ThtFqtivd Rntc||ub I BrionBlokney,Allyrcn Blood,Ann Blood,Colvin Boormon,Morino Bouillon,AlisonBroilhwoib, BorbBrophey,Gront Buttrey,ConnieCorr, Susono Corrusm,PoulCosbllorin,Corol Collings,Shown Cox, Bren& Crozier,RichordD'iorio,JennDovies, ErikDovis,AnthonyDeSonlis,KohleenDo'vor, PeneloeeDexte(,Cynthio Dunhook, Kelley Dunftdd, BeverlyEoderling, Bonnielynne Eosbrling l,rlorcyEmery,DeniseEngelbrecht, Cord Ep, DonielEpp, Michoel Fenech,Cori Andreo Fircher,MelonieFurmon,Sergey Ferguson, Gonkin,DorolhyGonly, ChrisC'oy,Kim Gordon, lvlorshoGreen,Vrginio Green,Neil Grick, Steven Hoin, ChristopherHeffron,lvlory Hermonn,Doniel Higgins,Doug Hines,Ken Holden,SondiHueser, RobertJonozeski,KofierineJeffery,ScolfJordon, lvloureenJupp,HoideeKeoy,Kori Kessler,Rufi King, PeggyKoihopoulos,ChrisKourlis,lorry Kourlis,Peggy Longley,Dovid lewis Jordon Lerrris, JohnLong,Robertlorenz, Dove MocAuloy, l"lork lvlocAuloy,Dovid.lvlocDonold,Scottlrlockoy, ChorlesMocleon, Cindy MocNeil, Andy Mokosz, Boblvlortyn,PebrJohnMoxwell, BrionMcCobe, JimMcCourlie,NotoshoMcDonold, Sbve Mcforlone, RossMcKoy,Whitney lvlcKnight,Hugh Mcrrrlillon,Andreo McPhee,Korin Meinzer, EdmundMendonco, Kim Mendonc4 JimMikol, MelonieMorris, MelissoNewell, Michoal Polomoki,Mock Pever, Sott [ohnl Petrie, Mork Pleosonls,George Prolt,Jeny Prott,Al Jeff Purdie,BruceReoding,GeorgeRobinson, Poul Robinson,Trwor Rubinoff,lorroine Russell, Sobol,EricSchmidt,ErikoSchmidt,JeffreyScotl, Ed Seeley,KorenSilvero,lony Slode,Poul Sbpleton,MichoelSteod,Corol Stepok,Morcie Sbpok, Robbi€Sbwort, Michoel Stipofic,Tim Tonner,DonnyToye,Gory Trolley,JordieTrudel, VioletVonPomelen,lise Vongeois,Melonie Voughn,l'lorc Wolkar,Mib Wendt,Mory Ellen Young, l5|fE CREW BromAbromson,TonyAllen, Poulofurudo, JoeBowden,DonnyBinghom, JoniceBruce,JoeChong,DorisChiosson,Donny Deller,DonielDriscoll,Allon Dufour,Riciorij Fofono,Anno Gibson,Norm Greer,BonnieGreig, DioneJensen,ScotlJones,ComeronKen, Mork Kinoshiu,RoyKrist,Poul[imo, Monny Lopes, MorgotMond Pebr Norwood, Ed Porr,Lee Perkins, JudyScofi,PelerSinotte,Hugo Smilh, MolcolmSmith,l"AortinSmih, LourelSbort,Jomes Wood, Mihh Wywiorsli, JosYule SIAGE & SOUND RobertAtwood, Pebr Bottoglio,Mesfin Bopsossew,JosephBenonoch,Pouline Blockwood,AlisonBloom,RichordBloom,Michoel Booth,PoulBoulet,TomBoyer,JohnBurfrrn,Colin Compbell,KorenCorlson,ReneeChon, leslie Chorbon,GlennClorke,StevenConners,Reginold Coflle,Debi Dion,JimDuff,ChrisEckert,Donold Edwords,RobEhick,PelerEvons,Greg Fosbr, BrunoGilbert, HiloryGilligon, PelerGross, Bidestwo adults I Powerful798cc Suzukiengine with dualcarbs T Featuresrevensethrust for easY docking,/maneuvering I 38 Litresfuel tank for alldaYfun UlErallauEics O P P O P A T ' O Dorid Henderson,Geoff Hendry,Rondylnnes, Kevin Jensen,RobertJones,limolhy Jones,Shouno Kennedy,Fredlenczynski,Pebr Lerorx,Dodd tloyd, Don Low,Donnolvloidond,PoulMorfin,Tom McCreight,Bren& McForlone,Mike MdEod, Jim Mellord, DovidMillord, KothleenMorley,Poul Morris, SbphenMorris, DonnoNicholson,Seon O'Keeb, SondyO,rren,Korl Poringtcn,TonyPlob, LisoPorbr, FronkRemiz,lon Rice,RondyRolston, HilleviRoosmon,SidneyRoot,PohicioSobol,Rezo Soiphoo,KeorySconlon,DeonSlockwoy,Scott Brion Smith,EdwordSollboch,t'lork Spoko,'rski, Tobler, Shirley Sullivon,ErickSwockhommer, MorcusVichert,TimVon Boetticher,Neil Wolker, DeborohWolks, [illion Woufiier, BorryWestin, Korl Wollinger,ChrisWoqdill, SusonWorkmon, Pebr Zoleschuk,SUPERVISEDP1AY Suson Bobiker,SonioBoyd,KorenBrookfield,Noncy Dole, SuzonneGeddes,Wing-YeeHui, Brigid Kemp,Mory Kinckle,ClorkeMolville,Deboroh Shroyer,PoulVolonne,Anno Wihror SURVEY ChrisBoilrell,SionFerguson,lvloggieFruilmon, Anne Gibson, Borb Hoiley,[ee Millord, Mike Mlodzik, RhondoMoscoe,DonielAnthony HonsVoss IICKEI Simmons,MolcolmTornlinson, WlNDOl,lt DeniseDovies,CothorineDeWitt, BrionGoldbloh,HelenHorper,ElmerVuorimoki VOLUNTEERSERVICESPoulBorron,Brion Bloiney,JocquieFex,AmondoHines,JemyJohn Oriotis,JohnSlodek0 POURITOII! t C t5 Powerful798cc Suzukiengine with duailcarbs 34 Litresfueltank Fingertipcontrolsand easfto-see fuelgauge ScoLLtNssuzuKtS ' . I Salesand Service SmallEngines Generators, A T V, Motorcycles, 44 GeorgeStreet,Unit 1, Earrie,Ontario (7O5)728'8a72 lf umnosr, tY- ThcFe*iwl RottMub THIS LIND IS YOUR tND fs scary how a folk song can inspire f Ipeople to move. I have a dream to teach Canadianculture and heritage through folk song," saysJerry Gray founder of The Travellers. Thb land is your land .....thkland is my land from Bonauista .....to VancouuerIdand Guy Carawanwho helped to lead the sit-in npvement during the late ffiies and sixtieswasvisitingToronto in 1954when he taught'This [and" to The Travellers. From theArtic Circle Carawanexplained to The Travellers that the original song by Woodie Guthrie was not being played in the United States becauseof the political climate and Guthrie'spolitical views. Guthrie's friend PeteSeegerhad also been black listed during those oppressive years. To many, Canadawas the only place to work. So The Travellers who were just forming at that time, adaptednew words for Canadaand sung them on a national talent hunt show which seemedto awakena latent senseof nationalismin the peoplewho listened. .....tothe GreatLake waterc When the group formed in 1953,each memberof TheTravellers had a professionother than entertainment. Their first interest has been their love of the music they searchedout and sang rather than attempting to fulfill a need to commercializein order to live. "\Mecan afford to be idealisticbecausewe are not nnking a living off singing." This statement readily sums up the aims of The Travellersand the reasonfor their unique approachto folk-singing in Canada ,4sI was walkingthat ibbon of higfiway r#' THESTORY BEHIND THE SONG BYSANDY MOFFAT They havebrought folk music of Canadato more Canadiansthan ever before with songs of other cultures added to their repertoire which balanced their concert.They have played the finest concerthallsin the countryto the smallest community venuesfrom coast to coast I saw aboueme the endlessskyway The Travellers toured Canada during the 1967centennialand performed someone hundred and eighty-sixconcertswhere "This land', was sung as an anthem loud and proud.The fervor really came through when after a concert in Inuvik the children wouldn't let them off stage.They just kept on clapping and clapping.Clappingis not a normal form ofexpression for the Inuit people,so when The Travellers taught its audience how to clap the young ones enjoyedit so much they kept on doing it. I saw belowme thegolden aalley The Travellers were invited on the first culfural exchange between the Soviet Union and Canadain 1961,and performed twenty six shows in fwentyeight days. They have also appearedat a Royal Commandperformanceand playedin london's famed PalladiumTheatre. This land wasmadefor you and mz 'We like to make people aware of Canad4,, explained Jerry. 'Many have come up to me after a concert and said,'Youmake me feel like a Canadian."' Thislond is your lond thislond is my lond from Bonovislo to Voncowerlslond fromtheArcticCircle to lhe Greol Loke woters This lond wos mode for you ond me. As I wos wolkin' thot ribbon of highwoy I sow obove me ihot endlessskyr.rroy lsow belowme .ihofgolden volley this londwos mode for you ond me. I roomedond rombled ond I followed my footsteps to the ftrclod foresfs of our mighfymountoins ond oll oroundme o voicewos singing thislond wos mode for you ond me When thesuncomeshining ond lwos strolling ond thewheot fteldswoving ond thedustcloudsrolling os thefog wos lifting o voicewos chonfing lhis lond wos mode for you ond me. frenchchorus: Leplusch6r poys de loute lo terre c'est nolre poys noussommestousfreres de I'ile voncouver Iusquolerreneuve c'esJI'Conodo c'esf nolr' poys @ 1 9 5 6& 1 9 5 8 Ludlow MusicInc.,NewYork. originolsongby WoodyGufirie Conodion version by TheTrovellers French verseby BenShek " I I Motherof FourStarts I HtrffiHffitr"ffiffi'#,T*H* F:[ff:ffi,m,1;g:Xffi;",,", olsolwouldbequitepreparedtoacoept forpeoplewhospendtheirworkincdaysin Big EVent FOf - r h, . . ! rr-.- - ,- -:i oR,r'A,srr,,, Ofillia I a fridy predictable routine. this music on fe$ival $ageg with one was, Festival Folk rherrstMariposa lffit}trffit[ a ii!1i:lii;-'!:i:i i;l:";fr::ilr-,f,ffild{,1,ilT#jl ltmu$havetheq'alitvof folk,tofonc afolkfesti'alstage F,:-1]t15${ffi towncrier.Inmvview, fl ][i ffifi'E"*il whenfolk 'L;{::}t#$L#" Ii }a *,volume' forexcessive isnoplace thev 4,1;,"rT" i Ii ."\ ,*"-J' Il i;$ffiii1g! theirconcerns' talktogether about ltr$.i}:* :l ig+"m Ii I don'tbellowinafriendsear! $ilfi::*"tiff*",$l, \{ Igilttffi"**tl would sendme ff*'HiiiiT*:"{*:t;l,' folkfestival Myultimate .1'{,'. I;rffi,*fi*'ffii1 "'i{il.q,*T.q , beable*1:T"S$,#"::Hf,t"Ti:l I would anewsong. home humming .#l i thehignightsof my undersrandablyoneof come true.Thetransformalife- adream grounds inorilliainto tionoftheuglyArena - thecentral srage ofenchantment ascene stripedin amediaevaltent, intheformof oneachside flanked buffandbrightoranse, One withasmalltentflyingpennants. opected knightsto emergefor ajoustinc competition,ratherthanlonghairedfolkies withguitarsandbanjos.Andtheaudience! Thousandsof peoplefrom all overthe muntry hadswarmedto Mariposafor that magicalweekend. Everyfbrkfestivarpresentstraditio4armusic fom the British Islesandthe UnitedStates. "b"* It$l;[*d"l{ilrri:ffi1bvfolk, isJrng Folk music sovision. 1ffi, to cailup a pictureof a womanplayingan autoharpandsinging,her hairblowingin thebreezeand thesbgesrrroundedby trees,with crowdsof peoplesittingin the srn, listening.Or of a crowdedtent,the audience rockingwiththejoyoussoundsof anethnicgroup.I wouldhavefounda souvenir,a hand+raftedkeasure,a record, orr-shirt quesrion being poster without ers rhisisaccepred soundor theIrish sound. ttreAppalachian But the questionaskedby the mediaat that first festival,asat everyonesince,was "\Mhatis the Canadiansound?"Perhapsby nowenoughrealCanadiansongshavebeen psyche writtento expressthe Canadian which,with someintelligentsearch,can answerthequestion The definitionof folk musicvariesaccording to the source.For me,however,it is the uor populi-thevoice of the people.In the Dark Ages,peoplewereoncernd abouttheir oppressive feudallords;theywerehungry andfearedbeingkilled by enemies.These werethe themesof their songsTodaywe haveotherfears,whichouryouth e:press throughalternativemusic Somepeoplefind thelanguageandthe volumeoffensive,but in 1990,I don'tblamethemfor shouting their profanity.Considerwhatthey haveto worry aboutandhow dfficult it is forthem to reachthe earsof authority.Erwironmental catastropheg racism,poverty,hunger;war- I wouldhavepleasrreto recallon a winter night anda challengeto becomeinvolved in - removingfearsfromthelivesof our children. 0 -ii'l"H'1.55 *,,,n,.*; ll"* j Li:l$ 1"g;;:*.:rl ,[*.frff"Fif"f"il,jffi |,*.","*,,.","". 1ry.::,3.1;::l**::"-:llg,.d;i;;;n,r*:ilfi:,1:"*:""^.:.1 .lg5:lit "," ,.*-*. iiii.**'i,i.1,iiy"f;lT,qTii Iil{]}H h.f,"fTfI I oftheMariposaI isthefounder McVeigh RuthJones books' FolkFestival' Authoroltwonon{iction I cunently I folkmusicaficionado! newspaperwoman' ;'fi;ili[tjl'll,t":f :.::l ,t I f,lifrt'ilil',1',;lilX e1,1J'fiTJ"''$:ilf to her hersixkidslivein0ntariowhichiscloser lshnd thanVancouver mother in NovaScotia where shetns beenliving' I I i t8 ARTISTS ruRIPOSA'90 GAYTE ACKROII) Energetic,vivocious,ond o remorkobly good singer,Goyle Ackroydis becoming bestknownin Toronlobr her Soturdoy oflernoonsongwritsrs'workshopsot Sneoky Deet upfownclub. Afier yeorson fie rood withvoriousbonds,her musicis on inhiguingblendof counhy,bluesond r&b. gagc p.n.UUI Showcose Sun. I pn - 1.30 ANHAJ Foscinotedby musicond poetry ond deeply immersed in thevisuoloil world,Anhoi's unusuolstyleinvolveso multifudeof sounds. Shehos performedin o vorietyof locol clubs,on CBC, ond on Toronto'solternolive rodiostotions; sheis o highlyunusuolortist. goge p.n.-4.45p.n.&lllslnwtose fttn.4.15 BRENDA BAKER GAY1E ICINOYD PTrtNCASE Bt]l & SHOnE IOT & .|TNRY BRODTY Bornond roisedin Soskotoon,BrendoBoker now livesin Regino.Her musicwos honedin coffuehousesocrosslhe Proiries,but her new self{itledCD releoseshowso sophisticolionond skillhighlyunusuolin o debut recording.She'llbe o fomiliorvoiceto CBC - shehosoppeoredon countless listeners - ond she showsrecordedin Soskotchewon wos boluredon o 1988 television pro grommefilmedot theWinnipegFestivol ond seehon AdrienneClorkson's Summer Festivolseries.In oddition to her work os o rcngwriler,she'so publishedpoei ond fictionwriter,ond hoson octingcoreeron hold.Thisis herMoriposodebut. p.n.- illikighta,lp idet d GndArcer fti. | 1.30 Sot.| 1.30 p.n.- I p.m'We(we'lnt' lln lppoitehx pwtI' fut, 4.45p.n.- 5.15p.n.l|/indfrvel halgage 6ilhen\ameil ' goge'tle h tln Cooking \t. 5,30pn. 6.45pn. Pnd 9n. I I o.n.- 12norll. Mwk lnl 'nvVeidci hngI fvq Hegrd' p.n.- L30p.mSwaftoge 9n. 12.30 'lovehngsfu lhe'9h' ftnr 4.45p.n.- 6p.n.fuho* fan 'lakuhqnilutYle{ BELL& SHORE NothonBellond SusonShoreore o hordhittingduo from lowo whosework fits in the 'new counlry' cotegory- but thereis so muchmoregoing on in the songsthol Nothonwrites;theseore sloriesobout reol people,reol ploces,reol emotions.lf you osk themwho influenced $eir music,they;ll lhrowout nomeslikeFronkZoppo,Jomes Brownond Merle Hoggord.And onyone BNEilDA MT:N tntHtt BtsHoP MARIPOSA; The Fqtioal who hosdiscoveredfieir two olbums- lirle lvbviesond L*onko lvbtel -will be woiting for sonosfikeHe's BeenDrunkEverSine HisWife Went PunkondRodio Everyone elsewill shoreo V.I.E.T.N.A.M. reol discoveryif they find Bell& Shore duringtheirMoriposodebut. fii. khfiogehrcathons p.n.1wfuookTnt CMql hi. Il p.n,- I 1.45 p.n.- 2.30p.mPndStoge iot. 12,20 'ld ldu nd (hnetina)frue' 'lleuvoku' ht. 5p.n.- 6p.n.Anrhroillnl p.n. illikight0rd6ol GndApq ht. I I p.n- 1.30 p.m.tua Stoge 9n.I2.30 'Iovehngsfw lhe'\As' Su.4p.m.-5.15p.n.'Singingin Hrnnf WTttIEP.BENNETT Longcelebrotedos one of the very bestof Conodionsongwriters, Willie P.Bennett hos beenportof fhe SouihernOntorioblk scene for yeorsond he continues to get betierond better,bothos o writerond os on omiobly heorf-worming performer;he writessongs lhotolmosfeveryonecon identifywith. He'so regulorperformerot feslivolsocross ConodoHe'sonlywiih uson Fridoy,be sure fo cotchhim, he'lltouchyour heort! fri. lloinfiogc p.n.'TileCue'bnlCrll,cal ti. Il p.m.- 11l.45 BREAN DERG MUC ThisCelticGroup ltheir nomehonslotesos "Red E),edFoulSmellingPig"fconsidsof Kevin& BloineFullbrook,HomesHook,ond Al Porrish.They'regreotfun - ond olso longtime Moriposovolunteers. tu. I 1.30o.n.- I2nw f/.illlSlwwn9ry KIM&JBRRY BRODEY Conodo hos long beenknovn for beyond our bordersos the sourceof someof he mostinveniive,pertinentond coring music br childrenever recorded.Dozensof blk orfisb hove reolisedthot oudiencesof porentsond fieir childrenrespond enhusiosiicollyficmusic$ot doesn'tloke kidsfor gronbd, ond - moreimporfrcndy doesn'ftolkdown b hem. KimondJerry Brodey,o husbondondwifefeomore omongthe bestortisfsin thefield;theirthird olbum,Ouf of ThisWorld, is on invigorofing mix of differenlmusicolinfuences. Along with iheirfriendsRedGrommerond Jock Grunsky,theyshorefie PondStogebr o speciollvloriposofomilyconcerton Soturdoy,ond they'llclosethe children's oreo TreeSlogeon Sundoyofiernoon. Sd. 23Ap.n.- 1p.n.Pudfiogefuf,y oinul fun.4.15p.n.- 5p.n.Vlindfrivefl hnfiogc hil&n\dcing anwl tEEBERRYHITL PETER CINDY CASE Findingo lobelto puton Cindy Lee Berryhilltquirky,off-thewoll,musicisn'l hord.How oboutscruffy,scroppy,& giddy? Thisis koshfolk,folks;exuberontond very personolsongsobouldumbmen,girlsfying womenwho know lo mokedecisions, exoctlywherethey'regoing (ondwith whomf. FromSon Diego,vio LosAngeles ond New York'sGreenwichVilloge,Berryhill mokesmusicthotmokeso bizorresenseoll of ilsown. p.m.- 2.30 p.mPndStoge Sot.I2.30 '\il lolumd(funetimu| hue' (we'lenl(mcsl ful. 4p.n.- 4.45p.n. 'Toke iot. 5.30pn - 6.45p.mPond fioge'Nle DotlwCooking' ARLENE BISHOP ArleneBishopsoyssheusedlo writesongs obout love, lossond deoth; now shewriles oboutmoreposifivethings,likelove,loss, ond living.She'scelebroting o yeorof Tuedoy night performonces ol Toronlo's CobonoRoom,whereo vorietyof music celebrities hovebeenseenenioyingher inlense,oftenhumorous, shows. p.n - 5.45 pn (KLllShowon 5a.5.15 Stoge Roots Mush t9 w@ The magazineof folk, electric folk, traditional,& world music. lssue #29 featuresmusic of Australia:lvan drever and Dick Clarkecome to America;Brave Combo (weddingbandfrom hell?); "World" a letlerfrom Klezcamp;the seriesfrom Rykodisc;interviews with BruceCockburn,Greg Brown, lan Matthews,silly accordionwizard PhilCunningham, James Keelaghan,MartinCarthy& Dave Swarbrick,AlasdairFraser,Will Ackerman,MickeyHart talks about the world,and Nancy Covey leads peopleastray;plus the usual eldensiverecord& concertreview sections. $20 for 6 issues,single copy $5 (U.S.funds) Difi Unen PO. Box 66600,Dept. MP Baltimore,MD 21239 USA (Alsoavailableat The Emporium) TimPerlich, writingin NOW lvlogozine recently,describedPeterCose better$on "lf onyone: onyoneembodiesthe neormythicollroubodour,itt PeterCose.Drifting olone from city lo town with only o guitor ond his true life lolesto tell,Cosehos picked up fie hoil hod by folk oncestorsfrom Woody Guthrieto TownesVon Zondtb Bob Dylon."Formerly thesingerond guiloristlos well os songwriter)with the lole'7Os power pop group ThePlimsouls, Cosehos been simplifying his music,ond mokingils impoct moredirect,eversince.PelerCosesummed himselfup when he tilledhissecondolbum on the Gefbn lobel.Colled The llon With theBlue Postmdern FrogmentedNeo Troditionolist Guilor, lhotobout soysit oll. Especiollywhen you heorthe rcngs. p.n.Anakn lirhatnt tun.IHA o.n.- 12.15 'ft utrtiond Cunryb lb* Surgs' 9n. 4pm - 4.45p.n.Mko* ln kV twp' 9n. llainfiogehncal AND HEARTSONGS GUITAR GUITARMASTERPIECES AVAILABLE ON AT'TIC DISCS. ANDCOMPAST CASSETTES ffi ;ffi;T DISTR.IBUTED m I:GTJ fff umreosr' TheFqtivt Rats lllub CELNC GATES Somelimes nicknomedthe "twisbd sislersof folk", the CelticGoles ore lhreesisters, Audrey,Wondo ond LindoVonderstoop. Theyhovereleosedh,rrocossettes of troditionolsongsfrom the Britishlslesond NodhAmerico.Theirunerringhormonies ond theenergytheygive lo theirmoferiol mokethemuniqueon theToronloscene. p.n.- 5.15 p.mKIll $owase ht. 4.45 Stoge. STOMPINOTOM CONNORS DIIITHUtlTI]IGBIRDS A]IA COUil}IHO& RAYHOIII]ORD TAITAII wlVI}IG i \ XATHNYil Wt srotPt]t,rot colt]toRs lf Conodioncounlrymusichoso hero, Slompin'TomConnorsis it. Thisis hisftrst Moriposooppeoroncein closeto 20 yeors; it is, in foci, hisfirstmoioroppeoroncein southern Ontorioin olmostl3 yeors.A on+ fime drifterond coost{ocoosthitch-hiker, TomConnorspickedup hiscountrymusic fromWilf Corlerond HonkSnow,ond begono musicolcoreerwhen he wos o few centsshortof the priceof o beer in o Timminsbor. In exchongebr o drink,he songsomesongs- ond stoyedot fhe Empire Hotelfor morethono yeor. Soon he wos hovellingoll overOntorio,mokinghis Toronlodebutol the venerobleHorseshoe Tovern.Thesongswere comingfost- lrue sloriesobout fruckdriversfrom down eost, oboutlivingin Sudbury,oboutpicking lobocco,obout ihe TTC,obout shipwrecksin theMorifimes;in short,songsobout Conodo.With no opporenteffort,he mode morethon30 olbums,mostof themof his own songs.Hisenormoussuccess on lelevision, on records,in clubsond concerts wos, olos, not molchedby his successon rodio;commerciol countrystolionsfelthis musicwosn'tsmoothenough,ond they preferredlo feoturelhe musicof Noshville supersiors. Tom,demondingmoreexposure for Conodionorti$s,ftnollyquit the business, gove bockhisJunoAwords,ond disoppeoredfrom view. His rough-hewn voice,hommeredbooFheel, ond senseof lhisnofion'sdownJoeorthlife hoveoll been sorelymissed.TheMoriposo Feslivol- os well os Conodionsfromcoostlo coostond o new generotion of musicions, songwrilers ond fons- ore thrilledlo welcomehim bock. p.n.- I I p.n. lhin Stoge ht. 9.40 ameil ,#w MARIPOSA: ThoFqtiual & ANACOUNNHO MOI{IT'ORD RAY Thisduo leomedup o coupleof yeorsogo, ond Roy'sexcitingguiicr work, ollied wih Ano'sunusuolvocol styleond compelling songs,hovehelpedbuild o solidfollowing br fiem. The poir ore regulorperformersin o numberof Torontoclubs,mostfrequentlyof C'estWhot. Fortheir Moriposodebut, fiey're ioined by bossistRobBertolo. 9ry 5a.2p.n.- 2.30pm KIll Slnwtrl* who hos been recording A singer-songwriter ond performingherown moterioloround Toroniosince1986, SoroCroig hosbeen ond boturedon recordingsby JimLomorche CholkCircle.Somelimes comporedtc fie likesof PottiSmithond KoteBush,she is o writerond perbrmer tc keepo lookoutbr. l23Ap.n.- I p.n Kll Shovu*9og !urua. Thiseightmondrumgroup,led by Jimmy Dick,bringstroditionolConodionNolive port Indiondrumming- portceremoniol, port spirifuol- to wider enterlrcidment, oudiences;fie group is mokingih ftrst oppeoronceot Moriposo. Sa. Il o.n.- 1l.30o.n Pndfiqe'TfuW llwetil{ pn - LN p.n. AtnuiwrAirlinesknt'[}iffrient Sot.12.30 Itrrwnqs' A refreshingnew singer/songwriteron fhe Toronloscene,KofhyrnEvet songsoffer of bothfoithond depthos well os messoges hope. Shewos one of ten ftnoli$sfeotured on the 1989 CFNYlvlodernRock olbum. compilotion goge Sot.4.15p.n - 4.45p.n. Kllt Slnwmn FATMAN WAYING DIXIBHI]MITINGBIRDS Theyeor wos 1928. Thestockmorketcrosh wos stillo yeor owoy, AmelioEorhorthod iustcrossedthe Ailontic.And in South Corolino,o new vocolgroupwos mokingits firstoppeoronces.Eversince,the Dixie hovebeenone of fhe most Hummingbirds gospelgroups- os well os one of influentiol thevery best- in fie historyof Americon populormusic.Theyhovebeeno mo[or influencein the developmentof rhythmond blues;theirshowmonship ond vocolstyle hoveleft on indeliblemorkon soulgroups liketheTempfotions, os well os on the music of orlistsos voried os JockieWilson ond PoulSimon(yes,they'relhe singerswho mode Lovelv'teUkeo Rocksuchon omozing tunef. Leodsingerlro Tuckerhos beenwih the Hummingbirds br morethonholfo cenfury guitoristHoword Corrollfor 36 yeors,ond JomesWolker34. Newcomer PoulOrvenshos beenwith the 'Birdsfor lhreeyeors.Forsheerpower, joy, ond elofion,nothingot lvloriposowill be oble to motchthe emotionolimpoctof this incredible vocol group. Sqt.3.15a.n.- 4p.n.lkh 9og oflenwrcncat 9n. I I o.m- I p.n.Pndfioge'A toyfulll&e' 2l DRT]MMERS EAGTE IIEART EVE KATHRIN CRAIG SARA Roott LIub long knorrnos Otfowo'sbusiest- ond most populor- club bond, FolMon Woving oppeorsin Toronloonly bo rorely.Thisis o pity, ond ifs o distinctpossibilityhot if $ey were bosedin Conodo'sloudestcity,they would hoveeornedo mo[orlobel recording controctby now.Thebond consistsof RebeccoCompbell(vocols),Don Artuso (guiforond bossf,FredG. (guitor|,Peter clorinetond soxesf Kiesewoligr(keyboords), , ond Jomes RossMurroy (drums,percussion) Sbphens{boss,violinf. Ms. Compbelltoured o numberof bstivolslostyeor os o member of JoneSiberry'stouringgroup, butwhen shecome to lvloriposoit wos simplyfor the loughsond the music.Now thotsheond the bond ore herein fieir own righl, you should be notiftedthot$elr music(occordingto the FotMon to whom fiey wovef is o curefor flot feetond brokenheorts. tn. 8.20p.n- 8.50p.n. llninfioy fJonrrrl ti. 12ili&ight- I p.n tnuim Ahlilnslent Sot.4p.n - fiA pn. Anaim Mhnslarl '$twaisAhveodWd nd fioingd lloknnlsk' p.n.-1eorho*lent Su.12nooa-I 'Edilin'ffi'(Jolnsfiflnnsl 5n. 4p.n - 5.15p.n.Pud9w (16aru@efll HILLSIDE FESTIVAL -on the Island - Guelbh l-a,ke Consriation Area Guelph, Ontario Balled Mongers Big Smoke Black Cat Bone Celtic Blue Chadi Kazi Native Dance Theatre C,ountyVaudeville Dizzy Maroon Doreen Smith and Ultimate Choice Dragon of Pollution Faith Nolan Fat ManWaving Gwen Swick Jackson Delta John Batt Magoo Mary Margaret O'Hara Monkey Wrench Gang PurpleDragon PuppetTrouPe SensibleFootwear Sharon Bee Six Mile Bridge TheJolly Beggars Trout Fishing in America Two SDap-4Stages Outdoor Music - Camping ffiXH$BPASS$2 uiiitJuu15 r5th $gS . aftn,ury call (519) 7634396 JyA 28 - 30 Ii\ 22 MARIPOSA: T?l,eFettiwl of Ratt M uic MATTHEW FINES lvlotthewFines,bosed in Peter:borough, is on inslrumenicl virluosowho con ploy olmost onyhing wifi stringson if he hos o wide bockgroundin bothcountrymusicond blues.Despifehis relotivelyreservednoture, he hosspent l0 yeorsworking with the Rev. Ken& the lost Follo,verc, ond more recently wilh WoshboordHonkond the Honkers; bofhgroups,of course,ore well-knownfor the cheerfulrowdinessof their perfiormonces. Therecentnewsthot he'll be workingon the roodwith Conodion,country slorMichelle Wrightis welcomedby hisfriends;giventhe foct thol Wright is gettingo moior pushfrom theAristolobel, Motthewwill eorn voluoble exposureon fte Noshvillescene. Sol.II o.n.- 1l.45o.n.fuufu@klent'Aitu 6nic' fu. 4p.m- 5p.n.&ufuul<Iat T@ltofbunlryllulfc' - I o.m'Ii/,,e (ne' lart Ssl.12lfrt ight 6men,ryuidgt* of Mrtvih Nuegros&ond p,n.- 2.30p.n.SwetfiogeStilngs Slrn.1.30 & lhing{ i t I I I F I I I t. T l I BUDDY GUY JACI(GRUIISIfi TOMGATTANT roil Gil,tAltr ilArrHtW]ilES NEDGRITTTN TomGollont,like monyolherMorilimers,hos spenthistimein Toronlobut thecoll of the seoolwoysseemsto bring him homeogoin. A veteronof CBC rodio ond television series,het currentlyon the rood os Tom Connors'openingoci on hisnofionollour which he describesto friendsos o bit like "hovelling with Elvis,so intenseis fhe responSe, so enfhusiostic theoudiences". Gollontwill openStompin'Tom'sset,ond will olso perbrmwith the RonkinFomilyon Soturdoyofternoon. ht. 5.30p.n.- 6.45p.n.'l&l fue'lent 'lfu,ichm Dwr Eost ofHqe' p.n.- II p.n tldnfioge6mat Sot.9.40 nlhfionpin'Tan 6mts A1|GL13 Gnttvous KAREN GAMBTB Bornin Monireol,Korengrew up in Oshowo,but left right ofter high schoolto trovelthroughoulEurope,North Africo, fuio ond the For Eost.Shebuskedwherevershe went, bul oftercomingbock two yeors loter, figuredshe neededto leorn moreobouf the guitor,ond sheis now tokingclossicol troining.Her own moferiolis sometimes introspective, but frequentlyfoucheson her experiences duringhertrovels. lsi 12llon - I2.30p.n. fflll Slwwco* fioge MARIPOSA: The Fettival of Rau ltl ub 23 RBDGMil{MEN GRT]NSKY JACK One of fie mostpopulorchildren's perfiormers in the Unird Sbbs, Red Grommeris mokingo roreConodion oppeoroncowith his lvloriposodebut- but the choncesore lhol he'll becomemuch befier*norn ofter his best*ellingrecord, TeochingPeooe,gels wide distributionin Conodo from his new recordlobel,The Children'sGroup. Prioric hisdo ccrreeros o children'sorlist, he wos o mernberof the populorblk group Thelimelighters, replocingGlen Yorboroughos the leod singerond iruring throughoutthe United Sictesond Europe,oppeoringin concerl speciolsfor bofi the PBSond Show|ime nElworks. Sd.2.fr p.n - 4pm Pnd9og faily mor irm.I p.n - 230p.n Pudfiap'lh nqrafu tp'6hf Bornin Aushio,JockGrunskycometo Conodowhen he wos ftve,ond leornedhis a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a musicfrom hishther, o cellistwith the a ToronirSymphony.Returningic Aushioos o aa benoger,he builto strongmusicolcoreeros a a o pop singerin Europe,ond recordedholfo a a {ozen olbums,orrongedmusicfor o numbera a of children'sblevisionspeciols,rcoredfor O a films,ond hostedo weeklyrodio series. a a Sincehe come bock ic Conodo, he hos a recordedhro olbums- his lotest,lmogirwry a a Win&w, is being releosedin Conodoond a a the UnitedStctesby TheChildren'sGroup- a ond he hosbeentokinghis'porlicipofory' aa a concerlslo schoolsond libroriesocross a a Ontrrrio,hostoughtmusicin Toronlo a theyeorround Support MontessoriSchoolsond ot $e lnstitutefor a a of oclivilieshe Foundotion Child Study,ond hosoppeoredon Mr. a a Dressupond The ElephontShow p.n.- BA p.n.Wndfrvelheofiogc 5d. 12.45 a a tf,*at\comerl a a Sa.Z.fl p.m- 4p.n.Pndfiagofwnilycwrwt GRINVOUS ANGETS Few bondsorb os cerloin trcreochsuccessin. lhe nexl littlewhile os fiis powerfulTorontc rootsbond. And if the term"roob bond" confusesyou, s€e if you con comeup with o befler descriplion ficr o bond thot porrers ils woy firough the originol songsof guitorist ChuckAngus, ond ften shifisto o powerhouseStompin'Tomfunewilh nory o pouse. A senseof Conodion ploceinbrms olmost everythingthe bond bckles;you'll heor menlionsof everythingfromthe Montreol Conodiensfo Kopuskosing in $eir songs. SingerMichelleRumbollis olso o wicked spoonsployer;drummerPeterDuffin(like ChuckAngusfis o veleronof llEtronger; bossistT.S.Hodleycometo the bond from Otbwo's busyundergroundmusicscene. PelerJellord,o ftne ftddle ployerwho olso ploysoccordion,sox, bonjo ond hormonico, completeshe lineup;Peterolso leodshis own bond,TheCoiunRomblers. pn Swet9ry 5d. I p.n.- 1.30 'lloun lhyilv tufidl fur' (llklr/le p.n- 230 p.mhrwitwr Sot.L30 Atfueskt 'lilin'tllo ilp!frg;tt' p.n- S.frp.n Srlafirye 5a.1.45 'lhnrfiq.ewSdo'(tSft&iyt td. kf,n@Cmal 5a.llrthilt- | an brwlmlifiwshln 9n.I p.n.- 2.il pn. kwi<n Ahlhns lul 'hlufrtgtlr, ln.1-5pnSria$ry 'fuffi]c Bq (jol/fi/' vi,hPd6 l*ud pn - 6.fip.n1ua fiogr 5n,5.15 'lhu(nd n WinSug{fit fiud-logrs W a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a TIflfiI: AR[I118 BUY BUDDY GTIY WhenBuddyGuymodehisMoriposo. debut,bockin fie mid'60s,hewosolmosl certrcin fiot fie musicurri""* aia.1l."" muchfururefor him.Ar h;{;id;; -ri1"r. since,theheortfelt inlerviews reception lhe l'loiiposooudience gove.him99nvi.1ged himto keepplolng fie blues.lt hod'been o screoming, porr"opo"kj;ilffiffi'JJ a a a a a a a : ! a : : 3 ! 1 ' Win oneof the followingprizes * Airforefor 2 b lfioui,Howoii ! volueof $4,400 t stcloss * * a a a a a a a a FenderDelmorAcousticDreodnoughtGuitsr w/ toce volueof $700 GborbrookWoter Filte6 l2l cT'100t : : : : : : : gryyourroffletickets... : Booth, : oilheMoripo*Inlormotion , ficketsellers, Roffle ! fr* MoripsoVolunber Boo$. or otfie Roffle : .r , r r- -- | : InedrowwlllloxePnce : ot he Moinsloge ; Evening onSundoy ' rL--L trr^r, fie you t^, for.suPporting "hqnk -^.. : ttloriposo folk Foundotion : . : Moriposothonks Irericoh Airlines,T.P.l, i OndCieOrbrOOk i FenderGUitOrS rtrerrv! .ont hrtion : rvvrEr I rrrsri'Ivr *,.i, a Wliiiilt;;i;; . hir l"op"offthestcggin midsolo,follunder i it, ondemergesfll ployingto.stondon o i choirin themiddleof theoudience. Bornin ! Bofrcn Rousein 1936,h.;;';;;i';;iy ' ! I inventive guiltrrist whohosployedwitholi (Muddy hiso*,nheroes Woters, B.B.King, : Horlingwolf, tiig niomoThornton), rourli : wlh rhe"Rolling Sion".,i.r;J;''ri Xri-: Hendrix, beennomedEricCloptont ! bvourite.pl-oyer, ondrokenhismusicoll over . rheworld.RJruming rrclvlo{posobllowingo I a lourinJopon,Ausholio ondtheForEost (ondo series-of dd outconcerts in london's : AlberrHollwirhclopronf . BuddyGuywill,. i well ! ployon ofternoon ocouslic. conce4.os oso setwithhisbondontheSoturdoy nisht : concerf.Welcomebock,Buddyl S. a.p..y:;5.30-Pmd9ageoNxt'Atwtic&bes' : td. tit*tglwcutut : : hr Pleose oursponsors. support : : : 0f u,lnlpose, The Festiwl Roots Mub HARD IIINERS ROCK Thismorvelously tolentedgroupcomeslo MoriposofromVoncouver,where they hove builto reputotion os one of the bestgoodtime bondseverio mokeihe Wesl Coost fonspoy otlenlion,lough,ond donce 'edge' lhemselves silly.There'so streehrise lo theirmusic,ond Mike Miner,Purdy Gurdy,Big DoddyO, AustinSpoce,SteveE. ond lke (nevermindtheirreolnomesl)hove lf you iusios muchfun os theiroudiences. con'lgel o hondleon thegroupfromthis descripfion, how oboutthisfromthe "o Edmonton HelenMetello: iug Journol's bondwithoutoirg . . . o morvellous morriogeof hillbillyclossicsond new-musicgonehoyseed." Thegroupstortedthree yeorsogo os streelbuskers, ond now lhey're on o nolionollour.Justgoeslo show,eh? Fri. I I p.n.- illidnight Anari(utAirlinesht p.mAneiunAilinesFlil Sot.HAp.n.- 2.30 'fokin'ittothc Sm*' p.n.- 2.45p.mWindPlivel ttn. 1.45 TreeStoge 'Susking lorKids ofil Age{ 9n.5.45p.m.- 6.45p.n Aneican AtlinesTent 'Digging Deepa' ffNHCI JARRTTT EMMNOU HARRIS EililYt0uHAnntS cArTUilJEt{Kt1{S JoEr0lrc DTIIA ,ACKSOII noc|(ttflIns HAnD Thefirstlodyof counhymusic,Emmylou Horrisfirstcometo ottentionos the hormony singerwith Grom Porsons'ground-breoking counlrybond.Herwork on histwo olbums recording led herto o WornerBrothers controctin 1974. Her firstolbum,Piecesof theSky,went rightto thetop of lhe chorts,os did herftrstsingle,lf I CouldWin YourLove. Therehovebeeno dozenolbumsfor the fie l98Z plotinumIrio lobelsince,including olbumshecutwilh herfriendsLindoRonstodt 'troditionol'outings ond DollyPorlon,her Girlond her current like8/ueKentucky record,Bluebird.In odditionto herown records,shehoseornedo stellorreputolion os o hormonysinger,ond hosrecordedwith dozensof orfists,fromBob [lon (checkout yourcopiesof Desire)lo JohnDenver.ond fromDonWilliomslo johnnyCosh.Shehos workingwith her, olwoyshod fine musicions ond monyof them,likeVinceGill ond Ricky Skoggs,hovegoneon lo buildskong coreersof theirown. Her bond thistimewill Al Perkins on steelguitor, includethebrilliont Andy Sleworton guitor,ond ConodionLorry Horrisis o Amolonuik on drums.Emmylou of theCounlryMusic formerpresident Foundotion. ond now livesoubideNoshville wifi herhusbond,English-born songwriler PoulKennerley. "flnginginHarmnf p.m.Pondfiage fun.4p.n.- 5.15 (tncat fun. lhinStoge MARIPOSA:The Fentua!ol Rau M-in DEru JACKSON Eversincetheworld discoveredthe blues, monyyeorsofter its birthin the confinesof rlo"e.v in Americo'ssouthernstoles,kids from unlikelyploceshovebeengetting bqetherto recreotefie ofmosphere,the ond the styleof music$ot hos so-ngr, muslcoll overfheworld.Alon infuenced turned Block,RickFines,ond Gory Peeples fieir loveof ocousticbluesinto iom sessions ot porties- ond now theirgroup, in kitchens Deho,is on the brinkof moior Jockson success' Conodionond inlernotionol Onl., musthoveseemedon Peferborough, unlikelyplocefo comefromwhen fhey plocedburth in the NotionolBluesAwords in Memphisbockin 1988.Nov fhebond hosreleoseditsfirstCD, simplycolled koustic 8/ues,ond ore reody to win o hosi of new fonsot Moriposo. p.n.- | o.m'hke(ue'fenl ki. 11l.45 Sol.4p.n.- 5.30p.n.Pndfioge'A{ounicBhts{ Sot.5.30p.n.- 6.45p.n. lnukanirtulinufail Slonpin"mmDom' 9n. 4p.n.- 5.45p.n.lnukwr Athnetlent 'Bluesinillp Ahenon' MERRICK JARRETT With o longbockgroundin folk music, lvlerrickJorrettperformedot monyof fie bstivolsin Moriposo'sfirstdecode(including the firsione in Orillio).Hislongexperience os o blklorist,oftenworkingwith Edith Fowke,resultedin o numberof olbumsond His frequentCBC rodjo progrommes. reseorchintolhe folk musicof Austrolioond New Zeolond- ot Edith'sinstigolion broodenedhis horizonsevenwider.In recentyeorshe hosbeenlivingond working ond he hosbeenlecturingin in Kifchener, of blk musicfor l2 yeorsol he University Wolerloo.He is olsoon occomplished children'spe#ormer;hiswormthond knowledgeore especiollywelcomeos iis 3Othonniversory. [,loriposocelebrotes fti. 5p.n.- 6.45p.n. AnuianAklfincrl'lrrt '30Yeors i.gofodoy...' 6cq co-lngrlithlexKnig. fri. 7p.n.lrderolGood Arw 'Singorounf fti. li.45p.m.- Ip.n.fudaol Good p.n. I p.mhaa fioge Sot.12.15 Songs honDwr Uiler' 6ildren\onen p.n.- 4.45lltndflivelheefioge Sa. 4.15 9n. 2.45p.n.- 3.15p.n.tfnilRivelheeStoy df,&n\oncel p.n.Swelfiogc'Bilods and fuuiu' fun.5p.m.- 5.45 l)l CAITI.,IN JENKINS Fromo hmily of singingsisters,Coidin Jenkinsftrstbegonsongwrilingwhen she wos seyen,ond confinuedwhen shewent "cofbehousing"wilh her siblingsin her teens.Shewritesfrom her ovn experience ond ploysmelodicslideguitrr in whot ihe "on engoging TorontoStorcolls Appolochionstyle". Sllrr'. 2pn -2.fl pn.6N $mw 9ry & KAUSTN ROTAND SATNDERS JOITN RolondKousenond JohnSoundersore veteronsof the Conodionblrrgross scene who migrobd southo decodeogo; now theycoll Clevelondtheir homeond hey ore prominenlmembersof the northeostOhio bluegrossond folk community.Soundersis kbnio,guitorond on occomplished mondolinployer;originollyfromMontreol, os o memberof he he is olso remembered HumberRiverVolleyBop beforehe left Conodoin 1982. He wrilesmemoroble musicin the iozz ond lrishidiomsos well os in the bluegrossstyle.Kousencut his bluegrossteethwith the KentCountyPickers in London,Ont., ond is o singerof greot power ond cloritywho ploysguitor, mondolin,ftddleond bonio.Bothployers ore membersof Clevelond'sHofoot Quortet, who ployedo lvloriposoo few yeorsbock; ihisis fieir firstduo oppeoroncehere' fot. 4p.n.- 5p.n 1wfuooklurt 'floots ol (wntrylhric' p.n.hrfuofGood 6w'komtulmz" Sa.7 o.n.- 7.45 sot.iieidil-l i.n\rhof Goodhwr 'Keq uiinging' pn. fuuho* lal,t 9n. I p.n.- 1.30 '\mio Bwic' ylilhlotnSonde.s pn &whld.lail Su.6p.n.- 6.45 'BmdwusoBmgie' JOEKING JoeKingperbrmstroditionolAcodionond counlrymusic;born in Cope Brefon,he now livesin Toronic.One of he foundersof Toronto'sfomedCountryMusicStore,Joe likesto coll himselfConodo'sKingof Sod& Hurtin'CounhySongs.ltt o fitlehe deserves - het cul I O olbumsin his25yeor coreer. p.n KIII $ovcnsfiry. 9n. 12mn - 12.30 vuye marsh wildlifefestival of Conservation & A* S e p t .1 5 / 1 6 1 9 9 O Midland,Ontanio 15O kms north of Torcnto off Highway12 neanMidland Mari+Lynn Hammond Stephen Fearing Brean Derg Muc Kim&Jerry Brodey Sandy Byer Tyler James'Ellis' Magoo Sat&Sun Music Workshops: Adults: $5.ffi/Children $3.00 Plusconservation, artdisplays, activities & a/enbs SATURDAY CONCERT NIGHT September1sth 8:ffip.m. admission: $B.OO featuresall musicians for more info: [7O5) 526-7809 Wye ManshWildlifeCentre 26 MARIFOSA: The Fe*iwl of Roott Muic FRED KOttER FredKollermodehisfirstConodion oppeoronc€ ot ihe WinnipegFolkFeslivol lostyeor,ond hos been itchingto comebock nodheversince.Bockin Noshville,where "king of theco he lives,theycoll him the woy wriles"os o tributetrcihe in which he helpsothersongwrilerscome up with exceptionol moteriol.Amonghisbiggesthits hovebeencolloborofionswith JohnHiott lAngel Eyes,for Jeff Heoleyf, ond JohnPrine (LefsTolkDirty in Howoiionl. Fredwrole fwo of KothyMofleo's#l countryhils, Goin' Goneond LifeosWe Knew lt.,ond wrole with ShelSilverstein, NRBQ,NoncyGriffith, ond LocyJ.Doltonomongdozensof others. Not onlydoesFredwrile greotsongs,but he singsthemin o voiceond monnerthotwill remindyou of o crossbeMeen Leon Redbone, RondyNewmonond Louis Armstrong. Hismoteriolis funny,oftenwifh on edge- o twistor o surpriselhot mokes hismusicespeciollymemoroble. pm'lile Cwe'Iml Sa.I p.n - 2.30 'lheilppitehxPn 2' fiageComat a-lnl iot. 7p.n hlain ilnrhrooklait 9n. I I o.n.- I2 noon 'lheweidenhngI EvqHeord" p.n.- 3p.n.0ewbrook lart 1.30 Sun. wilhrteKingof theCo-Writu' lIrite o Song DAliltl lAlrOrS TEXKONIG rtx |(01ilG ttHltlHtlil "' I(OllEN TRED & ilE nAHoltltt QUItltS ,'i, NICIATIlIDTNOUII TexKonig hos hod coreersos o cook, ond film octorgunsmift,photogropher, buthe hosolwoysbeeno singerwho tells stories. Fromhiseorlydoys in New York Ciry he sow the beginningsof thefirstfolk boomin WoshingtonSquorePork;os he grew up he bund hiswoy o few blocksinto GreenwichVilloge,hongingoui with Dove VonRonk,TomPoxton,EricAndersen,Bob Dylon,CorolineHesterond dozensof olhers.Comingto Conodoin 1968 to monogeo coffeehouse,he decidedio sloy, ond hosbeeno significontfigureon Conodo'sfolk sceneever since.He'so bollodeer,o storyteller,ond o mon who commifshismusicto your mindwith core, quielness ond o senseof humour.One finol word:you will be oble to seehim oclingin TheFreshmon, o new film storringMotthew Broderick ond Morlon Brondo. hi. 7p.n 0rduof Good Arwhog p.n.- l0p.n ilrh of6nd (herroncet Fti. 9.30 p.n.- I o.n ilrdqd Good 6eu'$ngorur{ hi. 1|.45 MARIPOSA: S4l.2pm.- 2il p.n.Sr:OIgry'9ui6in Silf Sol.7pmhhof GodAwro$ot o.n.hkolfmddwr '{,t. fiffi-l 'lhqmfuryin" p.n.Pud9ry 'lle Ranalfur rte'6h' fur.I oi. - 2.30 'Bolkds gmia, pn. ad pn. 5.15 Seoct 9ry fut.5 TADEROUTB MICHAET Originollyfrom the Otlowo Volley,Michoel loderouteis involvedwith video producfion, cookingthe bestchili in trcwn,ond writing computertroining@urses.He olsowriies excellentsongs,coveringo wide rongethot he includesblues,country,ond something colls"folkobilly." tun.5.45p.n - 6.15p.n ULNSlowo*fioge DNIETTNOIS porents,Doniel Thesonof FrenchConodion Lonoiswos bornin Hull,Quebec,butsoon movedto Homilton.After o periodof ployingwith locolbonds,he setup o smoll which- ofter sludioin thefomilybosement, consideroblesuc@ssworkingwith ortistsos diverseos SylvioTyson,Willie P.Bennett,he DownchildBluesBond,ond JoeHoll- soon movedond grew into whol becomeknown os the Gront AvenueStudios.After British musicions BrionEnoond Jon Hosseldiscoveredthe studioond Lonois'lolenfsos engineer,producerond musicion,he wos introducedlo PelerGobriel, ond loterto the ployersin lrelond'sU2. SincehisGront Avenuedoys, Lonoishosgone on fo pro sellingolbumsfor U2 ond ducemulti*nillion Gobriel,ond morerecenflyhe produced olbumsin New Orleonsfor bothBob Dylon Hisown olbumof ond fie NevilleBrolhers. quiet,personolsongsinspiredby hisown bockground,titled Aadie, hos beeno quiel success, ond he is now in demondos o in Britoinond the resl performer,porticulorly Europe- he leovesMoriposofor Denmork, wherehe will be ployingolhermo[or feslivols.Donielwillbe ployingwilh MolcolmBurn(brmerlywith the Queen Sheelgroup BoysBrigode,ond now o producerin hisown right),RonoldJones, ond DorylJohnson. o.n.0urbnil lenl'Guilw fltui( Sot.I I a.n.- I 1.45 Sol.llainfiogeConcal TREE-O HSIJASPIT TheleslieSpitTreeo does notrcund like PeterPoulond l'lory. But[ouro Hibbert,Jock Nicholson,ond Potlongner hoveq record conhocfin theirbock pockef(withCoPiicU, ond o bunchof brove new songsfo sings. They'llclosethe CKLNShorrcoseSlrogeon Sobrdoy oftern*1 . you'll discoverwhy they'reso pbpulorl lot. 6.15pn - 6.15p.m ffill Slwun fiqc PAMBTA TILLIRD A womon who singsfte blues,Pomelo Ullordbegon her coreerin her hometorn of Chicogo,wherefhe driving locql music sceneocled os o powerfulinspirofion.She writesher own moteriol,ond is mokingmore frequenlopp€oroncesin locol clubssince she movedb Toronto. Sa. 5.15p,n.- 5.45p.n.6N Shwusfu MAIITATHINI & TIIE MAHOTELTA QUEENS A4ohlothini collshimselfTheUonof Sorelo; ond o hisoweinspiringstogepresence voice hot moy remindsomeof the lole, greotHowlingWolf bringsmboqongomusic fromthe fownshipsof SouthAfrico. He begonhiscoreerin theeorly'50s,ond wilh fie MokgonoTsohleBond l"the bond thot knowseverything")led by WestNkosi ond MorksMhongwonebecomefie most populorbond in SouthAfricon history sellingbetweenone ond hro millioncopies of every recordthey mode.Thelvlohotello Queens- NobesuthuShowe,Hildo Tloubotloond Mildred Mongxolo- provide bockupvocolsond give he performonceo visuolfocus.Thesoundis upbeotond vibronf,propelledby poundingdrums, resonontboss,occordionond soxophone. It is, indeed,musicof defionce,musicof spirit;musicto doncelo, musicfo give strengihto the offlicted,ond musicwhich is o roisedfist in the fight for freedom.Moriposo, in 30 yeors,will hoveheordnothinglikeit. Sa.2.30p.n.- 3.15p.n. lhin fiogeoftanwnarcul Sa. Il p.n -Mnhi$t knu*wtAhlhtesTen The Fectiual of Roott Mwb 2l Tow're Inpited t0, I t,l2 AUGUST 12 nom - | | p.m.- Roinor Shine GogePork, Hqmilton fheoFe& Dqnce ming Progrom Children's 130 Professionol Over Gonqdionfutisqns Concerls& Workshops feoturing P. Bennet t, Shi r l ev W illie Eikhord.Gorv Fiellooord.Poil Jom es,'Con'ni e' Kdldor,'Coli n Mcllwoine, Scott Linden,Ellen Merritt.Lorroine Seooto.lon Voldy& monlymore! Tomblyn, Ioronlo- 823-4373/ ]lomilton- 525'66,M Free adrnission nlghrt folk Muslc (hr fte Badlot The Twistint Postnan Radio Show: \dondays at 8 p.rn, with Allen Baekeland. Featuring '?ctie TallC' at 9:30. The Great North Win& Mondays at 10 pm", with Steve Fruitrnan. Acoustic Workshop: Mondays at 11 P.m., with Rick Fielding and musical guests. Hear These Shows on CIUT 89.5 fM-Barrie to Buffalo, Kitchener to Cobourg" 28 MARIPOSA: The Festiwl of Roots Musb EDMcCURDY DOUGIIcARIHUR lYill| illES Ed McCurdy,someoneoncewrote, is o chorocter.Indeedhe is, ond in fie ftnest Morifimetrodifion,eventhoughhe comes originollyfromPennsylvonio. Now in his '70s, hisfirst wos singinghymnson on iob Oklohomorodio slofionin 1938, bul soon groduobd b voudevillehousesond rodio iobs. By fie end of thewor, he hod o iob os lhe MC for Solly Rond,perhopsthe first skipperin hisforylo becomeon inlernotionol stor.By the mid-'4Os,he hod movedfo Toronlo,wherehe creoledo folk songshow for the CBC, ond wrofe his best-knownsong, losf Nrghf I Hod theSlrongesfDreorn.He movedbockto the UniledSbiesond builto new coreeros o recordingortist,ond he modesome30 olbums(includingo couple for children).lllness- ond boutsof drug - broughthis oddicfionond olcoholism singingcoreer(ondolmosihis lib) to o close,but he recovered,movedfo Holifox, ond is now singingbetierthonever.Some timesgrumpyond iroscible,he is unique;o ond o link monof wormfhond sensibility, with the greot folk singersof the post. p.n.lnrukLn lfilkuslnt Fri.5p.n.- 6.15 '30lwsAgobdoy...' hi. 7.45p.n.- 8.30p.n ilrdad 6nd Ana hty' ht. I l.45o.m- I2.I5p.n.& uhrok lnt' Adults pn flwhro*lnt'hndim Caprs' Sot.I p.m- 2.30 fun.LISp.m.- L45p.n Wind0ivellrceStoge fiilta.lcomert ful lhinStogemar.tftude DOUG McARTIIUR TDKCUNDY iltt o,f,A]tIt TtNTilD CATI DougMcArthuris one of Conodot be$*ept secrels.Despiiethe foct thot he hos releosed no lessthonfourolbums,ond lhot hissongs hove beencorered by ortistsos voried os SlonRogers,ColleenPelersonond Voldy, Dougis by no meonsos well knownos his lolenlsdeserve.Almostos good os his originol songsis his between-songs comedy "l moleriol; storfeddoing comedybecouse lhe songswere seriousond l'm not," he exploins.His lobst recordis o vibront with GornetRogersfeoturing colloborotion l3 originol[4cArthursongs.Doughos ployedot mostof Conodo'smoiorblk festivols;ol Moriposolhis yeor he'll hove lime on Sundoyto presentboth sidesof his musicolpersonolity. p.n.- LlSp.m'We(we'Ialtcowql fun.12.30 p.n.- 6.45 p.n Pmdfioge tun.5.15 'fton tlppfublinetotlnffalialws' LIARIPOSA' The Ferriuat o-f Roorc Muic CAFE MERMAID ToronlosingersMerrill Nisker,Andie D, ond Josephlvloonmoke up r\rlermoidCofe, on ocousliclriobuildingo growingfollowing. ThegroupcounlsJonisJoplinond Joni Mitchellomongits influences,butlhe moteriolis mostlytheirown, ond theydeliver it witho powerfulvocol punch. p.n (KIllSha*m* p.n- 5.15 fuoge tu. 4.45 ITNNIIIITES lynn Mileswos bornin Quebecond hos livedin lvlonheol,London,ond - for the posf l0 yeors- in Otlowo;sheis o prolific rcngwrilerwith olmost300 songsb her credit.And despitenumerous CBC rodio broodcosts, sheremoinssomething of o secret,evenhough she hos perbrmed ond recordedwih musicions os voriedos SneezyWoters,ColleenPelerson,ond Melwood Cdlery. Bockhomein Ottowo, however,she'so moior nome- she'slong beeno fomiliorfigurein clubsond concert hollslikethe NotionolArfsCenfre.Shelists EmmylouHorris,AliceMunroond J.S.Boch os her influences; hersongsblurthe boundoriesthot existbetweenpop, country, ond folk. She'sdefinilelyon orlisfto discover ot Moriposo. hi IL30a.n.- I p.m'ffie (we'fatt 'lhe0ppoitehxpwl l' iot. 4p.n.- 5.30p.n. /.nakn Ahfirwlclt 'ilflwoh Alive &Weil wilhqinga lhlsoitPak' Sot.5.30p.n.- 6.45p.n.Pond ftoge1tedortn6oking' 0w ht. 8.45p.n.- 9.30p.n.lrds ofGood in llmrnny" 5u. 4p.n.- 5.15p.n.PudStoge'$nging NASHYIttE BTUEGRASS BAND bluegross Thisis lhe hot'new troditionolisl' bond; SingOut oncecolledone of their olbums"on ethnemusicologisf's dreom". PotEnright(guitor),Alon O'Bryont(bonio!, Str.nrtDuncon(fiddleond mondolin|,Rolond White (mondolin) ond GeneLibbeo(boss) perbrm o reperloirethot includesstondord moleriolfromthe historyof the idiom{Bill Monroelunes,songsby the Lowin Brothersl, gospelmoteriolfrombothblockond white sources,ond o vorietyof originolmoteriol. Formedin 1984, the bond hostokenits brondof counirymusicocrossthe Unifed Stotesond Conodo (theyployedot HorbourFontlostyeorl. Theywere the first bluegrossbond to ploy in Chino,ond hove touredin Hollond,Fronce,WestGermony, Jopon,ond even moreexoficspotslike Qotor, lroq, Egypt,ond Bonglodesh. Welcometo Moriposo,guysl Sa.4.45pn - 5.30p.n.%e Cwe'lcilCurail Sot.Hieid,t- | p.n.%,e (w' lut CMd e duto 9n. I I o.n.- I p.n.Pndfiop 'A loyfillloir, p.n.ftke (iuc'lenl pn - 6.45 9n.5.45 'Nuryoslollewyoso Comen 9n. llainfioge FAITIINOIN Thereore few performerswho celebrotethe longhistoryof blockmusicwilh theskill, dedicofion,ond spiritof FoithNolon.In o doy when 'blockmusic'is oflenshorthond soul, for rop, hiphop, funkond commerciol heroriginolsongsore in thespiritof the orlistsond songwrilersfromthe postwhose work sheolso ploys- Mo Roiney,Billie Holidoy,Big BillBroonry MemphisMinnie, others.Theyfocuson iniusliceond countless demondloleronceond eqrrclity;hertwo music, olbumsore fullof bugh independenl with o brood streokof love ond humour.In o she recentinterviewin ConodionComposer, "l exploinedthe moliveof her music: look fonvord to the continuedseorchfor thelrufi oboutblockhistoryoboutrocism,oboul sexism.I lookforwordfo equolitybr lesbions ond goys. I lookforword to peocein the world- oll thesethingsore portof my life." 'file Cue'[enl Sot.1I,30 o.n - I p.n. 'Tln0ppoitc SapoflI" p.m.ilertro*lent'lnfheTrad'lion" lot. 6p.n.- 6.45 p.n.ilrdsol Awd6ur p.n - 8.20 Sot.7.45 'NuumdBdhds' fioge'Aloyfil lloise' 9n. ll o.n.- I p.m.Pond TIIEO'KANES lro ond ChorlieLouvin,one of thegreolduos in the historyof countrymusic,wouldbe enthrolledby fheO'Kones.JomieO'Horo ond KieronKonehovebeenprofessionol br l0 yeors,butevenin the songwriters hothouse fiot is Noshville,thereis something speciolobouttheirmoleriolond thewoy they performif. Theirsongscomefromlhe heorlrother$on fie heod,ond whilelhey hovewrittenhitsfor Alobomoond theJudds, from ond hod morethono few fhemselves theirthreeColumbioolbums,thereis o speciolpersonolquolityobouttheirmusic thott o for cry fromthe Noshville'foctory' moteriolthot'sso fomilioron thecountry chorts.Theirhormonysingingis sPeciol. 9n. X.l5p.n - 4p.n.Lkinfiogeoftqnrrlranal'.t 'l Il tl LORA f(| 30 IIARIPOSA: The Fettivl of Roon Muie I]TAHPHILLIPS UtohPhillipssometimeslikesto coll himself 'The GoldenVoiceof he GreotMidwesf . And while your definilionof 'golden' moy differfrom his, thereis no doubtfiot he is o storyfellerof remorkobledepth.Whot he con't |ell you obout thewoy theybuilt the roilwoys,hor union menond womenwero - ond sometimesstillore - exploited,ond how the cowboy olmostvonisl'1ed, iusl isn'f worlh knowingon) ^/oy.In fie yborssince lvloriposofirsf broughthim fo Toronloyeor!; ogo (theortislicdirecforof the fimewos rightlyfoscinotedby the mon'sselfdescripfion)he'sbeen bock numeroustimes. He does hovelime lo cometo the feslivol, now thothis presidenliol compoignhosbeen puton hold br onolherfhreeyeors.He will, however,be runningogoin on the'slolhond indolence'ficket,promising$ot, if elected, "obsolutely he will do nothing."Whot he will do ot Moriposo,on lhe otherhond,is mokeyou lough- ond mokeyou fiink. p.n.'lile hreImt' Su.I 1.30 a.n.- 12.30 Pwlofiln Union' Sn I p.n - 2.30p.n.PmdfiogeAh Xananha tln'6(h' Sw.5.30p.n. 6.45p.n. PondSnge Truntllr.Suhlim tolheflidiaiow' THTRA}IIfl]ITATI1Y r:: ri:rr: Ji$:liirri:.i TIIERANKIN FAMTY urlfl PHtlltPs foilrmAlrnrcflrlll DAVIDITA TheRonkinshovegot lo one of the mosl inspiredgroupslo emergefrom fie Morifimesmusicscenein yeors.Firmly roofedin troditionolCelticmusic,the Ronkin Fomilyploy ot churchhollsin ond oround theirCope Brefonhomein Mobou, but in CohnAuditoriumfor Holifoxif'sfte Rebecco o groupthot'sdestinedto buildo notionol Heother,CorolJeon{Cookie), reputofion. Royleen, Jimmyond JohnMorrisRonkin 22 ond 30, ond hovebuilto rongebehareen weolthof experienceintotheirwork. As they hovebecomemorepopulor,Royleenput her coreerin low oside,while Heotherond Cookiehovetempororilyput octingcoreers "All we wont to do is mokeo living on hold. fromour singingond oppeollo on oudience whotwe're doing," soid hot oppreciotes Cookiein o recenlinterview.There'sliflle doubtthotMoriposot oudiencewill odd its opplouseto the cheersthe group eornsbock home. 6w cmcql fri. 8.fi p.n.- 9.30p.n.hdq ofGood p.n.- I o.m0wbrnkf6il 'LolctlightDM$' hi. 1l,.45 'finging in flrlfrc' . Sol.l.l0 p.n.- 2p.n.Srll:a$ny p.n. Cwe'Int 6.45'I&e Sol.5.30 'llwk FrqnDwt [oi of lllrle' MARIPOSA: The F ettiuol of Roots M uic Sd.Il p.n- lfr*$lrtflghool.lril 'CrySrclor, fttdpo Pqn/ 9n.l2-lrrrr-lpm&sh&lnt 'Frffin'W' rithlslnllnb xw*hl p.m'l&c (sc' lnl ' ful 4p.n- 5.15 lhbl&hfrtion' REA DAVID DovidReowos right in the middleof Conodo'sftrstfolk boom, plolng ond 'recording with lon & Sylvio,Gordon Lightfoot,ond dozensof o$ers. Originolly from Ohio, he modeConodo his bosefor monyyeors,contribufingsqueokycleon of club guitorond bonjo licksb thousonds oppeoronces.He returnedb ihe Unibd Stoteslo follow o solo recordingcore€r, wrife i helpingwr buoyed buoyedin porf by his rolein MississippiQueen,o mossivehit br one of the heoviestrockgroupsof the doy, fvlounfoin.He recordedwith membersof he GrotefulDeod,olmostioined Foirport Convenfionin Englond(longsforiesin themselvesf , ond livedo lifestylefiol olmost killedhim. Dovidnow liveswith hisfomilyin Colifornio'sNopo Volley,hoshisold skills bock in fullbrce, ond will be o moior confribulorlo lvloriposoworkshopson counfrymusic,the mythond mogicof fhe ond bonioond legendoryRobertJohnson, guitorploying. Ainic' o.n.1whookhnl'Guilw ht. I I a.n.- I 1.45 Sot.I2.l5un - I p.n.ileofir0*tenl 'Tlpllc llwknd tlythof flilen tolnn' Sut.4p.n.- 5p.n.ilwhooh,lalt 'noo9ofCounfry lhti( ht. lhin fioge6ntato$ot *tthhd Kilq San.I p.m- 1.30p.n. flwhookfmt'flurioEoia' 9n. 6p.n.-6.45p.n.flwho*Tail '&urilrws&u$c' SONNY RHODES "TheDiscipleof theBlues" SonnyRhodes, moywell live in AflonticCity,but hisheortond hismusic- ore reollyin Texos.Born ClorenceEdwordSmithin 1940, he wos roisedin Smithville,Texos,ond spentfor too monyhourspickingcofion,which,if nothing else,mode him debrminedto succeedos o musicion.Afterfinishinghighschoolhe ioined the novy',ond fien worked os o boss ployerfor FreddieKing ond Albe* Collins, forminghisorn bond in l96l . He'so bugh guitorisliodoy,with o deep, bluesy voicelhot remoinsfirmlyin lhe lrodifion, ond, like monybluesortists,ftndsdeeply oppreciotiveoudiencesin ploceslike Finlond os well os in hisown counhy.SonnyRhodes olso ployslop steelguifor- rorelyheordin o bluesconlext- in o remorkoblemonner.This oreo, is hisfirstoppeoroncein lhe Toronlrc olthoughhe completedon eightrnonthtour of WesternConodo lostyeor.You'llbecome o bluesdiscipletoo, onceyou'veheordhiml Sd. I I a.m- | l.il q.n hwim iltfrnrrFrlt 'Bhnsk&q' Sa.S.il p.n.- 6.45p.n tnatuwlilihnsfun Slwph"mmlbtn' p.n.AnaknAthcln p.n.- 12.45 9n. 12.15 'ANualegmf 9n. 4p.n.- 5.45p.n.iuiwicul.AhhncrFril 'Bfuuinthe Ahunon' RICHMAN JONATHAN innocent Thereore fuw singersos seemingly he'sbeenrecording osJonothonRichmon; since1976, oftenwith hisbond h groupof peoplewho he likesto chongeoble coll his Modern Lovers),bufwhen if comesto live oppeoronceshe morefrequently "Rightnow it bels opp€orson hisown. morenolurolond dromolicto workon my "Anyvoy, I wos o lousy own," he exploins. ond I liketo breok bossos o bondleoder, which infoo coppellosingingsomefimes, wos confusingfor them.And touringthis woy is so cheopond simplethotl'm reol reloxed,I hoveo tenificlime,ond I con bringmy fomilyolongmoreoften."He hos builto slrongfollowingin Toronfo;he hos becomeo cuhsingerwith noneof the troppingsof cuhdom,ond certoinlynoneof Hissongsore bright,edgy, the pretensions. funny,ond - well, innocent.lf you hoven't heordhis mogicbefore,don'tmisshim. concal 9n. 23Ap.n.- 3.15p.m.LhinSloge to fioge'Frontln fuhline 9n. 5.15p.n.- 6.45p.n.Pond tlvRifralws' a-lwgwithRodiehnds 9n. lkh gogeConcen, ROBY CIIARTIE Bornond roised.inEnglond,ChorlieRoby hosbeenlivingin Conodofor eightyeors. informhis Rock,iozz, ond folk inf r.pnces lwo moior cosseltereleoses,Woter & Stone ond his newest,BreothFormingClouds. A firsf+oleployerof o vorietyof fretted Robyis on unusuolond instruments, intriguingsongwrifer. p.n.- I p.m.&lll 5lnwco* fioy Sd. 12.30 3l FOLK is oLIVE ot 2 }lill St, Ecrsl Toltenhcrrn, C)nl (4 | 6) 936-3644 SERIT,S DINNTN/CONCIRT Iune I DAIIIDS$G Iune16DOUBHilTSURE Iunem n0ilNlGilill hk 7 IGIITI{HEAD hh r4 itITLilEPBENlllETT hly ll }'|0RMIIACI0NG hly m D0UCREAN$UfiY 4 PAUILA}'IGILLE August Augst ll NONESIICH I8 DNE&CI"IRI( August AuEst 25I0HNBAfiISTA to Yoursolution . lowerbackpain . STTESS omuscular pain Forfreereferralserui@ all Associdion Therapist OntarbMassage 32 MARIPOSA: The F estiwl of Roots M wic BUFFY STE..MAruE Feworlislsover the yeors hovestoodfor the very bestof 'folk music'in lhe woy thof BufFy Sfe.-Morie hos.Spontoneous, enigmolic, ond enchonfing, she hosolwoyspresented musicfiot buched theconscience os well os the heort.Her 'clossic'songsfrom her firsf yeorsos o performeron thebstivolcircuit,l965 - include sheployedMoriposofirstin PineyWood Hills.I m GonnoBeo Country Girl Agoin, Until lt's Timefor Youto Go, ond UniversolSoldier.She hosolso beeno feoturedperformeron SesomeSheet,o film oclress,ond on illustrotor of children's books, o songwrilerwho wins GrommyAwords (shecowrole Up Where We Belong with her husbond,JockNitzsche)ond creotes moleriolfor the 'lotollyIndionrecord'she plonsfo do one of thesedoys.Bornon on Indionreservolion in Conodo,shewos roisedin New Englond,ond now spends mostof hertimein her homein Howoii. Hovingher bockot Moriposois o delight. fri. lhinSlogehnut - 12.30 iot. I LI?o.m. an.PmdStoge 'llnSpirilllovaUs' BUT]YSTE..TANII RONSEXSilTITII Originollyfromthe Niogoro region,Ron Sexsmith hosbeenployingprofessionolly for olmostl0 yeors,movinglo Torontoin 1987 ofterputfingod hisfirstindependent cossette. He recentlyrecordedo live Horbourfront showfor CBC Rodio'sTheEntertoiners, ond is workingwilh producerBobbyWisemon (of BlueRodeofomefon o new olbum. p.n- 6.45 p.n KIll Shwco* Sot.6.15 ftoge SXIIITEBRIDGE RolttExsrrrH BOBS]ilDTN GWIXSWtCt( IAil|nACf, SixMile Bridgeis on Oilowo bond thot tokestheCeltictroditionos o stortingpoint, fromwhichthe musicis likelyto heodoff in - vou'll heor o numberof directions influences of musicfromAfrico,Jomoico, Hungory,ond Texos,to mentiono few forflungploces.TheployersincludeJohnWood (pipes,concertino,flutes,fiddle,ond more), NothonCurry (fiddle,guitor!,Jomes Sbphens(fiddle,boss,mondolin),lon Mockie (percussion, keyboords),ond Ross Murroy(drums). Someof Six Mile'sployers will be omongthe busiestmusicions ot Moriposo,sincetheyore likelyto be found os porl of FolMon Wovingos well, ond don't be surprisedif you spolsomeof lhem ployingwith LynnMiles,too. fii. 7o.n.-7.45p.n.ilrh olAd Aw ttrwimAiheshn h. 1'o.n.- 5.30-p'n. 'inouo i iln mdWdlud fiofngd iloks,M' p.n.$rk olM 6u cancst h. 9.fio.n.- 10.30 - t o.n.thoiho*lartcuxail e hre 5ot.tfrfrigtil Icil 9n 12nut- I p.n.0arrhor* 'flffih't oak'(Jmes gdlurr.,rldl,uAryl p.n. lqtl Cwc' p.n. 5.45 %e Su.1 'IlpGhiclro&tiu' BOBSNIDBR BobSniderwos born in Toronto,groduoted from the orfs courseot CentrolTech,ond hos beenon lhe moveeversince' He'so worm, witty,ond wise singerwho writesgreof following songs,which hoveoccumuloted buskingin Europe,working hisexperiences in Novo os o corpenlerond signpointer Scolio,ond relurninghomefo be on ilineronl o musicion.Since1987 he'sreleosed cossettes(thelostwos coupleof impressive producedby BlueRodeo'sBobbyWisemon), ond ployedevery locol club from Lee's Polocelo the FreeTimesCob. p.n'Wl Cue'Iar iot. l0p.n - 2.30 'Tlnfippoitehxpwtl V.otuu' fu,. 5p.n.- 6p.n.ilwkoo*larlt'llw 'iory Svq' Slrr,,. 4p.n.- 4.45p.n.0wfuo*fnt p.n.Pondfiage p.n.- 5.45 Sw.5.15 'trun the9thfrne totheRidiuhus' SORRETS ROSATIE TheTrovellingLodyis bockof Moriposobr the secondyeor in o row; Performingbr morethon 30 yeors now, shehos mode closeto l5 olbums,ond offersspell-binding perbrmoncesof intenselypersonolsongs, ond troditionolmoleriolos greoislory-telling, well os songsfrom the pensof contemporory wrilers.Shedrowsher musicfromthedeep from her experiences veinsof women'slives, '14 yeorsond roisingkids for os o housewife ond getlingmorriedond gettingdivorced ond seeingNorthAmericofromthedriving seotof o cor thot'strovelledtoo mony miles. Amozingly,her sensesof humour,toleronce, composiionond loveremoinunbruised. lf you hove not heord Rosoliebefore, discoverher.Oh, yes,ond wish hero hoppy birthdoyon Sundoyl goge'Nlelenwthailn '5h' 9tn.I p.n.- 2.30p.m.Pond p.n.- 6p.n.1wbrooklart 9n. 4.45 'I.hoies hon \vl |ilefl' Xi6no' 9n. 7p.n. llaingogecollolwithJrlrrothm & STAFFORD MARK GORDIE JOHNSON "Bird" Stofbrd is one of fie beslnew Mork sinoer/hormonicoployerson theToronto bluls scene,ployingfreqrrntly in locol clubs & the Bird' At lvloriposohe'll with Sly \s be occomponiedby guitoristGordie fromhis thistimemoonlighting Johnson, excellentbond, Big Sugor. fiag 9n. 5.15p.n - 5.15pn trlfil Slwcose SWICK GVEN One of fie very bestsessionsingersin the oreo, Gwen SwicklefidowntownTorontoto roiseher fomilvin lhe morereloxedolmo sphereof Eloro.She'sstillsingingbockupfor otherorlistq stillwriting omozingnew moteriol,stillworking in studios,ond now movingbock intrclive performonceogoin' pn - 2p.n.ilU $nwolrfioge Sot.1.30 TAMARACK For morethon o decode,Tomorockhos Conodionswiih on beenentertoining explorotionof thlir own heriloge,buf troditionolConodionfolk musicTomorockstyleis o combinotionof livelytoles,fiddle tunesond bollodsthot touchthe heort' Tongr.re in cheek,fhegroup'sfounderJomes Gordon soysthe reperioireconsistsof songs obout lostlove, lostlimbs,lostlife, ond the lousyworkingconditionsof eorlY "lt Conodions. certoinlymokesour own lives seemso muchmorecheerful,"he soys. Tomorockconsistsof Gordon, Ottowo rcngwriterAlex Sincloir,bossployerDovid Woodheod,ond he grouP'snewest member,ftddle ployerAndreo Borsfod,. All of $em will be toking port in workshops ond Jomeswill bringhisson individuolly, Evonwith him to loin in o children'sconcert. Fewgroupsin Conodionmusichore in grim illuminotedour history- sometimes deneil- with fie chormond skillof Tomorock. hafiaP h. I Lfr a.n- 12nunVfindtivefl Gwdn d,ifun! cuwl uifi Jwesnd Evrrr. hl Sa.I Lfi a.n.- 12.flp.n'irnniewAhlhst ' Gaddffi r, tp GSf(Mx $nddr) 'Caodiuhpas' ht I ln - 2.30lwfuo& lart p'n. Atullneshnt Aneticu h. 1o.m 5.30 ' ihttw ls Afii ud Wdwd twsllovdn ltlolsn Puk'lAhxfidairl 5a. t t p.n- ttidnidt'Iile fue' lentCottrnl/donce Su.12nw - I p.n.fuwbro*lnt 'Edffif hoit' IAnrteo Butodl 'CundimHaitoge' 5u. | .l 5pn - 2.30ftke fue' Iart Whot o Weekend! Plonnow to ottend the l9th onnuol Norihern LightsFestivol Bor6ol,ond enjoy: a 3 sensotionolevening concerts o 4 stogesfor doYtime concertsond workshops r Artsond croft demonond exhibits strotionr: . Children'sprogromming (Kidsurrderl2 odmitted FREEI) a Musicclcruiseson Loke Romsey You get the ontireNorthern Lightsweekend for just S35. And ll you ordet trefore June l5lh, you con get o weekend posi tor lusf $25-o $10sovlngl Collnow ot (705)674-5512 (Mon,-Fri.: I o,m,-7p.m,; Sot.:I I o.m,-4p.m,)clld get your ticket to o woncoiful weekend, Visoond MosterColdoccepied. NorthernLights FestivolBoreol Rendezvous'90 J u l y6 , 7 , 8 I h Bell Pork Amphitheotre, Sudbury lf UlRfpOSl' The Festiwl of Roots Mwit GENE TAYTOR Thereore few pionistswho ploy fotout boogiewoogie ond blueswith the powerof GeneToylor.Originolly fromthe United Sfotes,where he ployedond recordedwith TheBlosbrs,os well os ftcuringwilh odistsos diverseos BigJoeTurner,ConnedHeot, ond RickyNelson,he hos beenworking in Toronlofor olmosffive yeors.For muchof thistime he held down the keyboordspot withthe DownchildBluesBond;he's currenllyworking os o solo performer,ond con be heordfrequentlyof Zydeco,o Coiun reslouronton TorontdsdownlownMorkhom Street.He'smorriedto ProirieOysler's pio_nisl, JoonBesen,ond hoson osficnishing collectionof eorly blues45s. 9n. 1.30 p.n.- 2.30p.n. tnukwrtrtthulnt "ftwiith Gunh' 9n. 4p.n - 53Ap.n. funaiw Ahhns|crr, "&fuesinhe Aftenng/l' tun.6p.n - 6.45 p.n.Muhlnt ' Bwrellnusc Bogie' TIIETRAVETTERS IYSO}I SYTYIA TAII(O UZUTIT WAYIIE IOUP' & ZYDTCAJUTI Bockin 196l, whentheftrstMoriposoFolk Festivol wos heldin Orillio,the heodliners were TheTrovellers,by for the mostpopulor folkgroupin thecouniryot thefime.They hod theenergyof the big Americongroups likethe Kingston Trioond PeterPoulond Mory. they Mory, lhev hod theshowmonship, s ond they hod the obility to moke'folk' occessibleto peoplewho figuredthey hotedthe stuff. With theirlong running,ond highlysuccese ful, televisionseries,fiey modeWoody Guthrie'sThisLondls YourLondo coost{o coosthit (withConodionisedlyrics,toof; theirolbumson Columbio(longsinceoutof print,olgs)were hugelysuccessful. Todoy, someof fie membershoveothercoreers outsidethe musicfield, ond someof the originolmembershovedroppedoutof sight. ButleoderJerryGroy refurns- he'snow o dentist- with Sid Dolgoy,Joe Hompson,Ted Roberls, drummerDonVickeryond singer AileenAhernin o memoroblereunionlo helpus morkour 3oth onniversory. - 6.30 Fri.5.0-p.n. p.n.ltnaitwAkfrnuFrtt' 30YeorAgo lodoy...' hi. llainfiagehmut tn. I pn - 2.30p.n.Pond 9og'tle lenmbqiln'6k' tn. lloinhagefxivd ltude MARIPOSA: ThaFcttiwl SINGERS TRIMTY TheTrinitySingershovebecomeone of the besl knowngospelchoirsin lhe oreo; the group hosbeenloge$er niney.eors'There ire i9 "ocolistsin fie group;he leod sinqersore DonnoSlern,RosieWeslney, DeLy Motthews,SheriLokeond Andreo Sprn.Thechoir is supportedby four keyboords,boss,drums,ond musicions; guifnr.Thegroup hos ployedol o numberof communityevents,ond performedot WOMAD lostyeor, but this is their firsf Moriposooppeoronc€. "A 9n. | | o.n.- | p.n.Pndfioge loyftllkir.' Sul.un. 3pm 1pm ilwbril tn In tst$tf SllVIATYSON SylvioTysonis one of the greof Conodion singer*ongwrilers;olong wifi her then husbond,lon, she oppeoredot fie ftrst lvloriposoFestivolin 1961, ond sherefurns $is yeor wifi on emotionollychorged collectionof old ond new songs.Feworfists hove beenos influentiolos Tyson;fromthe eorly bollodsshesongwith lon b her own cfossicsongslike YouWere On My Mind, her songsond the cloiity of herdisfinctive ofier voioe hove inf uencedcountless singers.Bestof oll, her new songsmoinfirin the high slondordshesetin her formotive y.orsf o liden to lhe Nrght /re Chines BurnedDownon her lolestolbum Restouront will prove lhe ossertion. inHffiturf 9n. 4p.n.- 5.15pm Poil fiqe Singfug Su. kinfiogehra & TOUPS WAINE ZYDECAJT]N Okoy, let'sget thisskoight.We quole: 'lly'oyneToupsond Zydecoiunore the frenziedhistoryof southernrockond roll, condensedinic o fivepiecepowerhouseof of Michigondelight"- University Dionysion 'Toupsis fie BrrrceSpringsteen of Or: Doily. Coiunmusic;LeBoss,if you will" - TheSon 'This group cookswith lhe AnionioLight. of o posselof crofish on on zesl sizzleond open fire" - PeopleMogozine. "Oooooooohhhhhh, | !l" wwwweeeeeEEEEE! - IndionoDoilyStudent. WoyneToups,one of the bestoccordionployershere is, ond his bond, from Crowley,Louisiono,mix up thegumbo,ond serveit hot.Thisis Coiun zydeco music,soulmusic,ond rock mus'rc, ond roll,oll mixedinb o singlespicy concoction.And you're invitedlo doncel 9n. t p.n.- 2.30p.n./rnaiunlirltnulolt 'hnii$ Gunho' "SquunEotlGntr{ (WsWeTwPsl fun.4- 5 hmt Stoge 9n. llainStoge(wert TAIKO UZT]ME in UzumeToikowos brmed in Voncouver toiko 1988 os Conodo'sfirstprofessionol qroup.Themembers oreJohnEndo 6r."nol"oy, born in tondon, Englond,who stortedfhe group with TokyebornEileen Kogeond LeslieKomori,who hod helped estoblisho Torontogroup,Wosobi Doiko, but returnedfo herhomelownto ioin her friendsin theVoncouvertrio. Greenowoy originolworks,ond hoscomposednumerous orrongedmusicfor thegroup;Eileenhos workedwith Voncowerolbrnotivebonds Animol Slovesond RootsRoundup,o locol reggoedoncebond.Thegrouphosiust r."|"o."d theirfirstolbum, Chiroshi,on Aurol Trodition,the lobel run by theVoncower FolkFestivol;theirMoriposodebutbllows o springtour of Hollondond WestGermony. p.n.lrduofGood 0w pn. - 11.30 hi 10.30 'lfuic fran lopwr' p.n. Anukn lirfrnulnl o.n.- |'2.30 Sa. IBIJA 'Diffunlhumprs' '[hunsDruns' Sd.4p.n.- 4.45p.n.Swafiogeamat lrnStoge fut 3.15p.n.- 4p.n Whd0ivel Roullub HMINIBAT VorcEs of Vocalists A Collection Records onHannibal issuea wide Records f f annibal/Carthage from manycountdes Ilvariety of records Fromour pointof viewthereis andcultures. which of tasteandjudgement a consistency may samslogical.To othersthecatalogue seema jumbleof differentsortsof music. To us if you likeTounrni Dirbrte thereis you wouldn'thavethegoodsense no reason If you like MartaSebes$en. to appreciate theBritishfolk of The DinnerLadiesyou shouldcheckout SilvioRodriguez. to thosewho maystill feelthe In deference needfor morehformationabouttheartists we have on thissampler, andsongscontained commenh. providedthesecaPsule AfricanFusion Songhri- Flamenco Dance Vujicshs- Serbo-Croation Billy Bragg'sTop l0 In ladies The Dinner of 1988 with Souland merged Ailana- Electronics Gospel Trolley- QuirkyEnglishPop Shopping Drgnrr Krause- Brecht Yrnkr Rupkina- The heartandsoulof Choir TheBulgarian - Classical, Country,Rock Blackgirls HouseMusic Muzsikis- Hungarian - An officiallyrecognized SilvioRodriguez of the revolution treasure Bouhvrrdof BrokenDrcams- American torchsongsdonebYa DutchgrouP of 16jau musicians consisting lvo Prprsov- BalkanJaz Rock by Britain's JuneTrbor - Jazzstandards folk singer finesttraditional themostbeautiful Trio Bulgrrka'Featuring of Bulgaria harmonies SrndyDenny- Oneof thegreatvoicesof folk movement thecontemporary versionof PoppieNongenr- Thedefinitive of Azania anthem thefuturenational cult an inlense Nhk Dnke - Altracted deathin 1974 afterhissudden following Avaikbleatrtnerecordstorcs the acruss tf, uannosl' tu- TheFestiwt Roots Mwic YIOTENT FEMMES YtotHtI IilliltJ AliltEwAl[En Tlrisfoscinofing hio'soriginsgo bockto the doyswhen theywould buskon the streetsof Milwoukee.Butby the timetheirfirstolbum comeout in 1983, songwriler GordonGono ond hiscolleogues, bossistBrionRitchieond drummerViclorde Lorenzo,hod builto shongreputotion. There'so dorksidelo Gono'ssongs(bestheordon Hollowed Ground,releosedin 1984f,ond criticshove lobelledthetrio'swork os "shockrock,,,but it is firmlyrootedin ocouslicmusic;in focl the bond is ployingMoriposo- theirfirst mojorfestivolof thiskind- totollyin on ocouslicsetting.lmprovisotionol chemislryis whotmokestheFemmes workso well os' performers; thot.ond o cerloinknockof beingunexpected ond surprising. Thetrio,s lotestolbum,titled3 (olthoughir is, in foct, lheirfourth)wos recordedwithoutoverdubs ond o borebones productionthot leistheir songsslondon lheirown merit- which is how they'llqppeorot the bsfivol.Gordon Gono will tokeport in someworkshops;so will BrionRitchieond de Lorenzo(who, incidenfolly, producedPhronc'soccloimed moiorlobeldebutolbumlostyeor|. p.n.- ll p.n. llaingoge fri. 10.05 conceil p,n.- 2.30 !ot. 12.30 p.n.Pndgoge 'foiltahsond(funetinu) (Gordon [ruei flonolp.n.- L30p.n. Amdcan hi 12.30 Ailines latt 'Diffuenl (Wdor Drumnus' kLunzol - 5.30p.n.tua Snge hr. 4.45p.n. 'lhurnsfiop: Basilo' (hrionXitdliel !ot. 5.30pn - 6p.n.huetStoge 'fxotkPqusion'(Vktu h lorenzo) goge p.n.- 6.45 9n. 5.15 p.n.Pond 'hon thefuhline n tlwRidirulw{(Gudnflono) ANNE WATKER Thisfinesingerond excellent songwriter, who'soppeoredin clubsin Ofiowo ond Toronlo,now livesin Whitby.AnneWolker writesfor bothchildrenond odults.ond hos wrifienfor theotreprodrctions.She's releosedo cossetleof her songs,titled Roinwoter, on herown lobel. Sot.I p.n.- 1.30 p.n.&LNShowco*Stoge tENWATTACE A noliveof Windsor,Onlorio,LenWolloce is o singerond on occomplished occordionist with o versotility rongingfrom clossicolpiecesto musicin the Slovic,lrish ond Scottish troditions.Butin the postfew yeorshe hosincreosingly beenperforming songsbr oboutworkingpeople,theirlives lril wAllacl MARIPOSA:TlreFerriuoto/Rorr Mrcic I f ond theirstruggles.He'son octivistmember of the NDB choirpersonof $e Windsor ond {olongwith Coolitionbr Disormoment, the l.W.W. of o member Phillipsf Uroh His firslcosseftereleose, Opn rhe Dcr,rc, "o hosbeendescribedos uniqueblend of troditionolond contemporoqfsongsof work, soldority,hope ond iusfice."Thisis his first of Moriposo, oppecrronco pm }lwkar' lirhctTriil r.:n.- 12.30 9t. 1',.30 'Gfum hs GSI & 0thqfirrfcslbunhM h. 6 pm4Jhn M@k fnt 1ntn Trdtin' h. ltJJfp.n.- ll p.n lrfu d fud Gesfuglt 6w Sn.N&*tht- I p.n ilrhr olGood Aqmfingh" 'l&e Cqc'lEil' pn - 12.30 an. 9n. 1|.30 PotoltheUnkn' 9n l.l 5p.n.- 2.il1p.m'T&afue' Iail 'Cufutlluitogc' Downtown * Opera House Leacock Home'l Waterfront Costumes* Theatre Readings* Comedy Literary Contests History * Dances Street Performers Picnics * Music'r Art Sidewalk Sales pm- 5pn Sxafiry'fuwn hx hrr{ Sm4 WATT BOBBY BobbyWott ployed ot Moriposo lostyecir 'new trodifonol' olong with his Scotlish bond, Cromdole,ond ifs rumouredthot he moy well bring someof his molesolong ogoin, bul mostlyyou'll heor him os o solo ortist.A genflegiont of o mon, he'shod o voried coreerwhich hos includedspellsos on underwoterdiver ond os o Toronlo policemon;he currenilyowns o slonemosorr ry componythot'shelpingbuild up the Torontosuburbs.lvlostof oll, fhough,he'so singerond o rcngwribr winning moreond morebns in fhis oreo, ond in Scotlond, where he's in demondbr bstivolsond @ncarloppeoronces.Bobbywos onceintro duced by Scoftishcomedion(ondone{ime folk singer|BillyConnollyos"thebig bosbrd with o greol voice", ond thot inhoduction will servefor his solo stintof thisfestivol. o-lrlc uirt 8ole $wc fti kh 9w C(urrall fti I 1.45 ln - la.n.hh ofhd Aw \ryrunf hl. I p.n.- 2.30p.m%c Cua'lqn'lte 0nuih tox' pn ilwffi lsnt'k iltahofrliu,' Sa.1fl p.n - 6.,45 hl p,n.0r&rol tood6w celrll h. 8.20p.n - 8.15p.n hh ofGd fiwr sdosa td llfri$, - | un hh ol GodAw Tq m fngh" p.n.Swa9og 9n 12nw - 12.30 'llatlo 0n oHaryova' q, For Information Contact: LeacockHeritaseFestival P.O.Box2305,OrXIia,,Ontario CANADA Sm ^*I *}.{ff,#d' *r *".80"'r / WATT BOBBY \AIe carry a large selection of books, instnrctional rnaterial and sheet rnrrsic on... o Folk o Blues cJau. a Country o Gospel o Rock o Bluegrass o Ethnic Music o Classical o Opera ZACIIARIN NOAH Nooh Zochorinis o singer,songwrilerond guitoristborn in Montreol,ond honsplonted ,b Toronic(wherehe worksos o denlislin RegentPorkl.He'soccomponiedmonyof lvlonheolt bestclub singers,ond hos releosedon olbumof his orn moleriol. 9n |.il p.n.- 2p.mflJll Shovos9ry (705\325.326r ,.# $ Special lloA|| ztcHARlll orderg rvelcorne 0penMonday through Saturday 1 0 : 3 0 - 6 p mS u n d a y l - 5 p m a-? 588-9415 \----l .BLooR, ;r; ,.1 ,.-,8 j'';."'THARB0RD ,,.;'.'.'fr ,*u, -"1,,or,1..1,r,,111rro.1LlcottEcE,,,tr.X:r:f,r,.:a::],:.,.:,:,',,i; ff mnrrosl, TheFestiwlof RootsMwb . CUSTOMIZING PARTS. SALES. SERVICE N E W. U S E D. R E C O N D I T I O NAEN DDU T I L I T V YE H I C L E S PARTSAT THEBESTCOMPETITIVE PRICESFOR COLUMBIA. HARLEY.YAMAHA.EZ-GO Road 594Chartwell (416)844-561 Oakville, 2 OntarioLOJ4A5 30 M'FFAT 'RTT'HARDAND sANDy Snru rySONIN C0NERSATI0N*,osrEVE MARIPOSA: TheFeatival is onother Tyson of Moriposo Sylvio performers. Festivolt originol Oneofthefirst(onodion orfisfs recognition, fo goininlernolionol performed wift lonTyson Sylviu yeors, wenlonfo fhen forseverol hercoreer ortist. estoblish 0s0s0l0 Bird, Speckled Withherbond, theGreol 0udiences 0round shehosc0ptivoted theworldwithherbifiersweet, bluesy repertoire. Ho$ond$crofmony including loucfi IVondrodio series, hosreleosed theEorth onCB(,Sylvio holfo dozen best-selling olbums. Welcome bock! MARIP0SA: Syhia, could yotr tell us what initiated your interest in music? SYLYIA:The standardanswer...Icome from a musicalfamily.My motherwas bained as a pianist from the age of five. Shewasan organistand choir leader, I was in the choir for that reason.My dadahvaysplayedbyear,but I don't think there was any consciouseffort on their part to teachme. I think my mother did at one point, try to teachme to play the piano and discoveredat that point is what most parentsdiscover,is that teachingyour own hds to drive a car or play musicalinsbument is very difficult. I had a few attemptsat learning piano,but itwas not my instrument. M: Haveyou foundthat growingup in a small town like Chathamhad any influenceon you,with consideration of the black community there and the musicwhichthey haveplayed? St I canaddressthat two ways:a lot of my songsare basedon that background and on that small town experience,no questionof that.I still drawfrom those stories,but on the otherhand,it also gaveme a sensibilityabout small town and rural life, sowhen I go and play in thoseplaces,I talk to peoplea lot and get that feedback They understandmy songswhich reminds them of their own storieswhich I find very useful.As far as the black communityin Chatham... I would haveto saythat at that time when I wasgrowing up in the forties and fifties. that there wasnt a lot of contactwith the black community. There were maybehalf a dozenblack kids that I knew and I went to school with. I wasn'tawareof black culture, although I was certainly awareof some blackhistory.Most of what influenced me wasDetroit radio and a lot of counfry radio from the Chatham Station.You haveto understandthat (and it is a fact I discoveredmuch later in life) until 1950in Chatham,a black personcould not be seenin town after ten otlock at night. It wasn'tsomething I was awareof and the law may not have beenseriouslyenforced,but it was there.Canadianslike to think of themselvesasthe great enlightened ones,but this is absolutenonsense.My older sister told this story; a black friend of hers was thinking of mouingto Toronto becausehe had beenup here and had awonderful time. He said, "Oh, it's great!Thereare blackjobs there and peopletreat you like a human "No, you don't being." Shesaid, understand;Canadiansare exfemely polite to anyonethey feel is their social inferior."There'sa lot of futh inthat. Ml How did you becomeinterestedin traditionalmusic,and how did that interest in traditional music turn into your own style? S: I ahvayshad an interestin English literatureandcomposition.Thosewere my sFongest subjects.When I was in school,we read from a standardhigh "Grassof schoolpoefy bookcalled Parnasus".It containedsomeof the old ScotsandIrish ballads,the had published a musicalstaff with a few of the ballads.Then I realized,thesewere notiust poems,theseweresongs. So,becauseI camefrom a musical background,I wasimmediately interested.I started working someof theseout on my own.In fact,until I arrived inToronto in 1959,most of the songsI did, I got from library books.I remembermy sisterbrought home The Little RedSong Book" from the ChathamPublic Library before they discoveredthey had it and took it out of circulation.Burl Ives songbooks, amongothers,were the typesof books from which I learnedsongs,becauseI didn't haveany records,and besides, there weren't many folk records; certain$ the Weaverswere activeat that point...I guessI had a singleof "Kisses SweeterThanWine", but other than that, I didn't haveanythingon records that much; I ahvaysresearchedthe songsthatwe did. M: So,yours is an intellectualprocess? S: Iwas ns/er someonewho had to get up and sing and dancefor the folks.The reasonwhy I am a singer is becauseI am interestedin the songsfirst as a l r l . d f tl II l IJ 40 If,iRIFOSA: Tll.c Fcttiul of Rats flusic researcher,and an interest in old songs asa writer. Why I perform is because Iwrit€. Ml Many of the songsyou haveunitten are of the shuggle that women eXperiencein life. Sl I thinkthat, being awoman, I simpb lvrite from a woman'spoint of view, I don'tthink Ite beenconsciousof anv shong feminist point of view. In facl when I first wrote "Women'sWorld", I went through many changeswith that song.When peoplefirst heard it, they thought it was interesting, but wasnt it kind of long and shange.Then when the feminist movementstarted, I got some flack sayingthis was not porhaying a goodimageof women.Nowpeople seemto have relaxed with it more. I tendto write aboutwomenasthey are, ratherthan howthey shouldideallybe. I do that becauseit is what I see,thafs what I hearand that'swhat I feel. M: How is music from the sixties going to stackup againstthe nineties and the future? S: I think every generationproducesits own scene.I was part of the New York Vilfige scenein the sixtieg when I wasn'ton the road (whichI wasalmost constantb). There is a street scene going on inToronto right nowwhich is very activefor songwriters.It's pretty underground,it's not evena Queen Sheetscene,ifs probablymore obscure than that. That there is a certain time in your life when you are part of that scenewhenyouare onthe sheet (not literally), but certainly in terms of your influences,and who you hang out with. I havenow absorbedmy influencesand now am going aboutthe businessof writing on life's observations.It is difficult to compare,becauseeach generationis uniqueotherwiseyou would be rehashinghistory. M: Whatmakesagood song? S: There are a lot of things which make a song good. One of the peopleI greatly admireas awriter is PaulSimon.The reasonsare that every aspectof his songwriting is good.The bdcs are very well thought out; thewonderful images arewell assembled.Someare humorous.They are very cenbed.The melodiesare beautifuland really add to the feeling of the song.His arrangementsare superb;that he al*ays findswonderfulmusiciansand singers;and that he is alwayse:<ploring different genresof music to use to expresshis feelings.All of thosethings makegood songs. M: How canwe bring Canadato Canadians? Sl That is a tough one,becausethe way you do it is through art, theahe and music.How you get peopleto those things is anothermatter.Someonelike me doesplay in small communities,but there has to be Canadianplaysgoing to Canadiancommunities,there hasto be Canadianart shownin Canadian communities,there hasto be something within the Canadianeducationalsystem that getsyoung kids out to hearthose things.There hasto be somethingthat getsCanadianartiststo the schools.All kinds of artists, dancetheafe, painters andpoetssomeof which is done,but not much...it's not enough.Now here you havea University,you will have somekind of creativescenegoing on. One thing Canadahas dweloped through thesecenfes, are realb good regional singer/songrlriters. Somelike RitaMcNeil will break out to a larger audience;sheis Maritimeinsideand out. M: How do you feelaboutStompin' Tom s Canadianstance? S: I havegreat admirationfor Tom. I think he has filled a certain gap in Canadianmusic...it is a greatthing. His style of writing is totally different from mine, he takes a very populous view,not that there are no populous elementsin what I write, but his is a political point of view, and mine is not. Mine is nonpartisan to a large degree. In orderto put his point across,he loosessubtility,a lot of the time. I'm not sayingthat isn't necessaryin order to put acrosshis poinl what he is fying to do is not a subtlething - he is trying to be everymanfor oreryman.I don'tthink peoplehavethe sameemotional reactionto Tom's songs,asthey do mine.Mine dealsmorewith the little tragediesandthe little histories,andnot so muchwith away of life.Tom'ssongs ACCESSORIES DOWN MUSIC FOLK, CAJUN, EAST, IRISH, TIDDLE FRENCH BLUEORASS, & TRAD. CANADIAN, COUNTRY, W T H A Y T T H T I O T T O W I i l CP O P U l A NI O I K A T T I S T S : tI N lOClrS . CARNTT lOGtlS . JAtiltSftIllCl{AN r IIP SPllNTtn lAll IYSON. IOil lUSSttl r lOlttllA llcXINNlT r tlIA tltiltlt GUYCllnK t SYl,VlA IYSON. tTOtPlN' IOtrl r JOHI{PttNI DI DANNOIIr IAIIH NOTAN. Illt lAll ltACNEll'Sr MNlfiil IAllll.Y XIIIY RUSSIIIr ltilNlt GAl.lAilT. JOI Kll{Go GRIYIOUt Al{Gtl,S PAilICKSInItT r CHIIIIANSr CAPIlCAlltlI r 1AIOTTINISOUI|ANII . SlllAl{l CIIIIONCHtl{lln . IAIIA BIOS . ltAuSOltll. . ROYPAYNE WOODIIGUIHilt r IOIII PAXIOI{o CHllSill AIOOIE. PIUSilOn[.., MARIPOSA;TheFettiwl reacha specificgroup of peopleand his songssay:you're important, your lives areimportant;whatyou do is important. My songstake on a oneto one level rather than as a group. Ml Whatis the difference betweenroots musicandfolk music? "folk music" is a very specific Sl For me, term. It refers to traditional music. Music,where the peoplewho wrote it nobodyknows who they are.Then there arepeoplewho are roots influenced,who knowwheretheir music comesfrom, butwrite contemporary music with those roots in it. There are certainb lots of performers with no roots, whatsoeveq, that don't go back beyondsay1975. M: Touching on your earliei remarks how to educateCanadians,what about Canadianradio? S: I think Canadianradio couldusea lot of smartening up, but I don't know how that can happenas long as they are dependenton commercial rerrenues. M: What aboutthe C.B.C.? S: Well...if you want to get me startedon that horse...it looks to me like the current ConservativeGovernmentwould like to seeall of the C.B.C.in private hands.They are killing it so slowly that won't catchon...andI don't Canadians knowwhat the hell you do aboutthat. It'll be gone beforepeoplereali?Eits gone... you c:m't go on producing more and better programmingfor lessand less money.It is a Canadianlife line. I know that from peoplewho wrote in while I "TouchThe wasdoing Earth".We had a wonderful letter from thesehro guys who were living in a onero-omcabin up in the interior of British Columbia.They didn't haveany elecficity, so everyweek for an hour and a half, they d go out and "It sit in their truck They said, costsa gallon of gas,but it's worth it just to listento the C.B.C.Radio".That'show look at C.B.C.Radio.It's very, Canadians very important.I couldgo on and on aboutthis current Governmentandwhat they are doing to Canada- there's the FreeTrade deal,and there'sthe G.S.T... M: What is the G.S.Tgoingto do to record sales? S: It's gonnascreweverything up. A lot of smallbusinesses are gonnago under. sToflfy PLA|N,' ROOTS MUS'C FOR FESTTVAL FOLK Ganada's best roots music record label offers a huge catalogue of folk, blues, rockr reggae and roots musie by artists from Ganada, the United States, Britain and many other countries around the world. We especially welcome our artists JONATHAN RICHMAN and SYLVIA TYSON to Mariposa. A special sale of Stony Plain back catalogue materiat is taking place at the Record Tent at Mariposa. Great music at great pfices! Fora freeandcomplete catalogue of StonyPlain CDs,discs,andtapes, writeus at:Box861,Edmonton, AlbertaTsJ2LB StonyPlainrecords to fine aredistributed recordstoresby our friendsat WEAMusic of CanadaLtd. 4l I think a lot of smallbusinesses are .' folding with an eye on the inevitable. Somebodytold me the otherday,.thdif Mulroney's popularity keepsgorngthis way,itll belowerthanthe interestrde. And soit shouldbe. M: Obvioushyouareveryconcerned. S: I believeCanadais a wonderful counhy. We should all work to protect M: Wouldyoutalk abouthowyouhave influencedothers? S: Oddlyenough,whenyou go bach and I (asI only lately discovered)were very influential on a lot of Texaswriters. I'll run into them at times and thev've had Ian and Syfuiarecords and they all influencedby us. We seemto have influencedwriters inTe:<asmore than we did in any other part of the counh I don't know why that was. Peoplelike Lyle l-ovett,Joe Ealey Linda Ronstadt had all the Ian & Sylviastuff. M: How do you want to be remembered S: I mightstopperforming,butwiting somethingI'll do for the rest of my life. would like to be known as a writer who was able to write ideasthat were important to the peoplewho were listening to them. M: Tell us aboutllou WereOn My Mind", your latestalbum. S:Ifs a prettytaditionalcountryalbum. It's a realcrosssection.Fourof the older songsareon it becauseI realized performingacrosscountrythatpeople wantedsongsth€ysimplycouldn'tfind onrecordsanymore.Peopleseem pleasedaboutthat.Therearelotsof new songstoo.It wasa greatexperience. AlbertLeeis a superbguitarplayer. All theplayerswerewonderful.I useda coupleof theguysfromTomRussell's band,therhythmsection,andkeyboard players,all fineplayers.TomRussellcoproducd it with me.Wewrotea songfor the albumandarewritingmorematerial. LucilleStarrandI wroteandproduced "Peter'sMill", a kind of a uniquesong. I includedonesongwrittenbyTom Russellandlktie Moffit, "\Malkin'onthe Moon",because I thoughtitwasa lovely, lovelysong.All in all,I ttrink it's thebest soloalbumI'veeverdone. M: Sylviathanksfor talkirrgwith us.0 ulnrPose, ,l0l L - The Festival Roots Mwi ol Stompin lom Ih Relurn BysrrvrpR,rcHARD THAI{I{ASHVILLE ISSTRANGER TRUTH "She's [l herecouldn'tbe a better focusfor I the 30thAnniversaryof Mariposa than a Saturdaynight concert by the legendaryCanadianfolk hero, Stompin' Tom Connors.Connorspurposelyshied awayfrom publicperforming for overa decade,and it is exfaordinary that even nowanymentionof his nameconjures up a vital and vivid image of Canadianism.In manyrespects,his musichas definedthe fabric of this country. Justtakea littlepieceofP.E.I.andold NoaaScotiaandNew Sakatchewan, andNeutfoundland, Brunswick, Quebec AlbertaandManitoba,Ontaio andBitish andyou'llhauefoundthe Columbia, grounk ofall nl friends,andme." stompin' Tom Connorswasborn in New Brunswickduring the mid 1930's,when this country wasfesteringin the great Depression.He spentthe first seven yearsof his life travelling around the Maritimeswith his previouslydeserted mother,until he wasreluctantlyplaced in an orphanagefrom where he was adoptedby a family from Skinners Pond,PE.I. He started writing poemsat the age of eleven.Eventually,he set the poemsto music,and by the time he wasfourteen, he hadwritten about 100songsand had taughthimselfguitar. Tou'll find me bytheiuer, wherethe liuelyotterllays or asleepbesidethe meadow,wherethelary cattlegraze. You'llfind me in thebachseat of a car, that moaa alongto themusicof myflattop,on an old hitch-hiketssong". Shortlythereafter,Tom left P.E.I.to work asa 'stevedore'on the docksof St. John,New Brunswick,thus initiatingan l&year fek acrossCanada,writing songsandpursuinga careerin the Canadianmusicindustry via the strengthof thesesongs.He met with continualrejection,his songs consideredtoo Canadianfor a market inundatedwith counhy musicbasedin Nashville. on a bar hoPPin'sPreebackin of ne, she'snlw Sault Ste.Marie because a fallin' star,Shecouldhaaebeenthere, butI lefi her in theSooand trauelled North upontheA.C.R". DenialhauntedConnorsuntil the late 1960'swhen bonedry, he wanderedinto the Maplel,eafTaverninTimmins. "l got into Timminswith thirffiae cenE in mypocket,dry enoughto siit dust,and wentinto theMaple lzaf Hotel. Well,beer costfortycents,and soI askedthewaiter if he'dlendntea nickel,and hesaid, "Ifyou canflay that thing"- I had my guitar with nte- "maybewe'llgiaeyou thefrice of threeorfour beerc".Thenert thingI knewI had a job singingthereon Fidny and Saturdaynigh\. Tom's songsaboutKapuskasingand Roueynwerewelcomedthere.During the next fourteenmonths,he establishedhimself,not only in Timmins, but in KirklandLake, Sudburyand throughoutthe North; and at long last,he got radioand television exposure. "There grief arnlng thefeofle 0f that was northernTimminstown.Whensoneone holleredfire,themine is burningdnwn. Thenrushingto thesurfacecan e those Mclntyremen,to makereadyand Prepareto let thefire fightersin. There'sa fire waydnwnin themine." Tom'syearsin the north were for his future and indispensable commercialsuccess.It washere that he establishedhis perceptibleimageof STOMPIN'TOM. "lt u)osbar ownersin flaca like Kirkland Inke and Sudburythat made ntestart usingtheblywoodboard.They saidI wasipPin{ uPtheir nqs." that his Connorsopenlyacknowledges useof the plywood'stompin'board' actedas a gimmick to attractcustomers, asdid his blackcowboyhatwhich he "I was neverwithout. startedweaing it asa kid'causeue didn'tgrowour hair longthen." But, it wasTom's songsthat hookedthe people.The first time they came,they may hare come to laugh,but on the secondand third occasion,they beheld Connorsslapdownthe plywoodboard "Hi, fm and deliver his characteristb, They were StamPin'Tom Connorc". there to hear the songs- and they couldnt carelessif he wasn'tfrom Nashville. 'The girls are out to Bingo and the boys aregettingstinho. Wethink no moreof Inco - on a Sudbury,Saturdaynight. We'llget to workon Monday,but tornorrou'sonlySunday,and we'reout to hauea fun day,for ifs Saturdaytonight". Conner'spopularityspreadto Toronto, and he soongot ajob playingat the then meccaof counby music,the'Horseshoe Tavern'.By 1969,he had madea fe\M independentsinglesand a coupleof albums,but despitehis successin the north, the recordingsweregoing nowhere on a larger scale.Once againat looseends.Connorsran into nineteen year old Juri lftyhrck who wasa producer for DominionRecords.I{rytuch in spiteof his age,wasa sharpbusiness man with a keen eye for Canadiantalent with commercialpotential.Together, they recordedthe'Bud the Spud'album. "l told him that if he srcnd with the companyI waswith, at least if there was a penny,he'd get i[ it wasan honest company.The troublewas,I didn't have any moneyleftto record him. But, he said he got $500savedup, and that couldbuy six hours of shrdiotime and four hours of mixing, Well, werattledit off, and weilidn't haaetime to takethe mistakesout of it, but it didn't matter becausetherewerefour hit singla on it" SudburySahrday Night, Bud the Spud, [.uke's Guitar and the Ketchup Song. The albumwent platinum. That album successfullylaunchedthe recordingcareerof StompinTom Connors.Ayear later,Tom andJuri formedBoot Records. i t It I t MARIPOSA: It's Bud theSpudfron the bright red mud"Rollin Down theHighway srnilin', Thesfiutk are big on thebackof Budb rig, They?efromPrince &lward Island." It canbe argud that withoutJuri Connorsmight nerrerhavemetwith the acclaimwhich was to follow in the next half decade,when, betweenthe years 1972and 1973,he would sell at the rate of a rock star.In so doing,hewould collectsix Junoawardsas Canada'stop country artist. "V|thile auay down in SouthernOntario I neuerhad a nickel or a dime to show. A guy beepedu0 in an autonobile, said dya wanna work in the tabaccofieldsof Tillsonburg,Tillsonburg;my back still achs whenI hear that word." In December 1976, at apoint when his records were still selling amongthe top five county artists, Connors quit. In effect, he went on strike againstthe Canadianmusic industry.Connors openly questionedthepractice of giving Juno awardsto ex-pafiot Canadians living and having their basisof operation south of .the border, when there were so many deserving artists right in our own baclcyard.His indusby boycottwas founded on the firm opinion that Canadianartists were teated like secondclasscitizens.Connorshimself suffered from this syndromein 1973 when he was askedto play second bananato Charlie Pride at the Canadian National Bxhibition, and later, ashost of his own C.B.C.television prograrnme. He wasconholled into presenting American artists over Canadian. In 1978,despitehis politicalstand, Connorswas nominatedfor a seventh Junoaward.In order not to be coopted by the industry, he refused the nomination.Aweek later,he returned his previouslywonsixJunossaying:'? wasonceproud to receiue,but am now ashamedto keep." "If it is too much to ashof themfor their supportin this matter,thenI considcr that my contributionto the Canadian musicindustry,thusfar, has been pointlas." With thesewords, one of the buh great spokesmenfor Canadalockedhimself out of the musicindusby. 'The musicof strangerctheyplay in our hom6, and theytell us wedonl haue sottgsof our own. Theygiue us no choica and mahcit quite clcar,theyphy what fueywant usto hear." In 1987,Connorsendedhis self-imposed silencewith the releaseof a new album: Stompin'Tomis Backto Assist CanadianTalent'.The album was a political statementrespondingto a then recentannouncementby the Canadian Associationof Broadcasters,requesting that Canadiancontent on radio be diminishedto belowthe standard30%. Includedwere extensiveliner notes boldly entitled 'An AppealTo All Canadians From Stompin'Tom'.The noteselaboratelydetailedthe purpose behind the releaseof the album,and providedan explanationfor his absence. Notabh of the sixteentitles on the disc, only four are by Connors;the remaining twelveare pennedand sung by unknown Canadianartists, which Tom thoughtworthy of promotion.Although, the albumwassnubbedby the industry, it solidifieda lifelong effort by Connors to promote Canadiantalent. Thc Fqtival w43 'The sbger is the wice of thc beo\lefuid hissongis thesoul of thel-and. Soshgen don't go away, when thereare so man! words to be said. A l^and without song, can't stand uerylong, whenthe wice of it teofle is ilead." Restassured,Stompin'Tom'svoice is not dead,it isvery much alive,and with the releaseof his 1989album "Fiddle And Song",dishibuted by Capital,he is building a whole new generationof fins. Most of them have yet to seehim perform, and haveonly heard of the man from their parentg or grandparents,who havepassed the legendcalledStompin'Tomdown to them. Perhaps,you are one from this era or perchance,you're older; nonetheless, whateveryourage,Stompin'Tomis here at Mariposato kindle your nationalismanew.Enjoy him on the Mariposa mainstage,Saturdaynight 0 StevePritchard, hostof RADIO B0OC\E un beheardeveryWednesday evening troml0 - 1Ipmon 88.1FM,CKLN 'l I Ulnrosl |.|- : Tlu Festivol of Roott Musia HER() FOLK MYCNADIAN MILLS, ALAN fOI BYIWTTIIY f musthavebeenaboutsix or sevenyears I old whenI first realizedthat my own 'personalif. He wassome UncleAl wasa onewhowasknownoutsidemy ownfamily group.My peersrecognizedUncleAl from theradioandhis spreadingpopularityof his musicthroughthe schoolsystem. Duringthe yearsof his Sundaymorning radioshow- Folk SongsForYoungFolksit wasimperativethat not oneminutebe missed.Eventhroughoutmy teengit never dawnedon meiust how far ranginghis activitieswere,or how well knownand he wasinternationally,until 1967's respected MontrealExposition.For a oneweekperiod duringthe srmmer,he plaYedat the Stagealongwith the likesof Canadian HeleneBaillargonandGordonLightroot. As I practicallylivedat the fair I madeit a Wecialpointto catchall the showqmeand a wholemessof otherpeopletoo!WhenI hadsevereproblemsin reachinghim backstageaftera show,Ifnally realizedthat therewasmoreto the manthanthe concept that an immatureteenagerallowed" I amassrmingthat mostof the readersof this articlearefamiliarwiththe public historyof the'MAN':- he camefroma large fiirly orthodoxJewishfamilyin Montreal.o thatat onetime,he wasa reporterfor the MontrealGazetIe.o that at onetime,he wasa memberof the internationallyacclaimedsinginggroup JohnGossSingersandhis london Singers. o thatat onetime,he wasinvolvedwith SamuelGesserEnterprisesin bringing suchqualityactsasTheWeavers, TheodoreBikel,PeteSeeger,WoodY Guthrieandthe like, to enrichthe Cityof Montreal. . thatprobablyhis mostwellknownsongI KnowAn Old IadY - wasbasedon a poemsentinto him at the CBCbYRose Bonne.Shewrotethe poem.He wrotethe music. To me,he wasjust the familymemberwho: . tookgeat delightin soundingout words inversely,so thatYellow Pageswould beomeWolleySegaP. o took even greater delight in documenting all the typos and misprints in the Monkeal Gazette(a monumentaltask even in those dayswhen there was more than one English languagenewPaPer)' o was the very proud owner 0ustiliably) of a property locatedon Iake Memphramagog in the EasternTownships,just outside the guarded gtes of the Hermitage Club. lnaeea, this was my particular love and I would goito the world's end for the chanceto visit even ifonly forthe day. o wentto the trouble of composingand recording a specialsong for me on the occasionof my Bat Mitzvah. That record remainsone of my keasrred possessions today. . would ensure that at least someonefrom the family was invited to each of the many concerts in which he was involved, and that each attendeebe invited to meet the performer 0 can remember sitting on the knee of Theodore Bikel when we were all a lot younger and I was considerably smaller). I feel that he had two overriding passionsin life - collecting and documenting our CanadianHistory through its music, "No... No, a tJurlulr,tdtinet rw," lrrytBeu.iey to hcr eilon i I I I AI"{N MIIIS I9l3 - June1977 September and ensuring the continuation of our heritage through the Young' To the first, he eventuallYamasseda collection of written and recorded material unsurpassedin Canada,detailing our history through song. He went to great lengths to ensrre thatthe information was accurate,and he travelled extensively in order to e:<pandhis own knowledge' On his demise, mY aunt donatedhis collection to the National Archives through the auspicesof Mr. Tom Kines, and the Jewish Library, on the feeling that he would have wanted the sum of his life's work made availableto as many people as possible. He was frequently on tour throughout Canadaand the U'S. visiting different schools,and spreadinginformationof our heritage to the young ofboth countries Indeed, he was extremely popular in the southernU.S.He mademany enduring friendships with peoplelocated in far-flung places.He worked closely with Scholastic PublicationsInc, narrating stories on records, such as the Curious George stories, The Magic Frsh, and of course,I Know An Old lady. Hisprime accompaniest(although I MARIPOSA: Tle FeliulolRort myuncle was a gifted and creative artist; he would be the first to admit that an accomplishedpitarist he wasnot), wasBram Morrison. It gives me a wann feeling to see that Bram is honouringthe memoryof my uncleby bringing his work to a much wider audiencethan my uncle everhad.Sharon, Iois & Bram are reworking a lot of the numbers which Uncle Al and Bnm did together all those years ago. His desire to reach out to the younger generationwas not confined to his musical work. In one of his many dramatic roles, he played part in a stage production ofthe Diary of Anne Frank. While this may not havehad much bearing on Canadian culturalheritage,it conerned anothertype of culture. He was just as anxiousto solidify hisJewish culture and heritage. I misshim so much after all of theseyears. Ifs hard to lose a loved family member. Ifs a little bit harder to lose someoneas specialas he was.I like to think that he lives on through his music and collections. Every time my daughter sings I KnowAn Old lady, orThere'sAHole In MyBucket with me, he lives. Mariposawas very important to him in the earlyyears,and he gavea lot ofhis energy to it I d like to think that somewherehe is looking on and gleefully picking up all my typos,and smiling when he seesthat all of his work was not for naught; that we have not lost touch with our past and that learningabout it can be entertainingas well as encouraging. FOR THE SMITE CAMERA, t'0[KS! UwX y.. FrlmandVideois producinga f ! televisiondocumentarymusicspecial, entitled FOLIflryAVES.to celebratethis. the 30th year of the MariposaFestival. Basedon Festivalperformances,the film We would like to thank everyoneattending theFestivalfortheircooperation. 0 Stiiffi€iTolk Music& CroftsFestivol AUGUST t7,t 8,| 9-1990 PERFORMERS jacksondelta lennie gallant aranoale dickie bird amos ganetl prean derg muc bob & daud dixon ihe cajun ramblers the electricbonsai band ttm cameron the llyrng bulgar nrafle lynn hamnrond halsegana & the lh€ headbeals eh teaftl herdman hrlls& steve grlletle nrJng9n ren:cn & walkcr kdthv phnson klezmer band pngerbonger brll krnncar& lake krthrurr nracdonald brll nrrller AtAllMil.15 Dts(oGMPflY . IAV0URIII 501{G5 0f lltl{f0UilDLill4 Toron0 o (AllAD{S BLll(onodo 1958 $0RY lll S0lS, o t0l,(50NGi tolkwoys, fW3000, 1960 0t fltll0l o t0t|(sOllGS OMDA, tolkmys IW6929, 1952 0t lltWf0UllDllllD, tolkrrys fW6931, 1953.t0L|( S0llGS 0t lltwt0ullDl,AllD, Folhoys fW877l, I 958 o f0t|(L0tl0Utiltlil V0IR[, I0I[MT09208.SOllGS 0t IHtMAtlIlMtS, tolk*upIW6931, 1959 o SOllGS, flDDl-I Ul{tS,NDAFOLfiAU ttO[{ (orignon, OMDA, Alon MilhondJeon folhoylIG 3532. l96l MC'S o j. anderson lee nrurdock dave can wilhe o hagan mag@ o n r r c h a e l , k, e l l u& kelly mullen the naltonals hara s mrll wrlham prnt & ielicradale ranch romance ADVANCETICKFTPRICES AVAILAEI,E UNTII,JUIY ] , I99O WEEKENDTICKEISAVAIIAELEAT THEFOLLOWINGLOCATIONS . NCKEIMASIEROUTUTS oR cAlL.. l-tl6'872-llll floont) I -716'8,17' I 808 (Buftolo,N.Y.) thc rardersol the losl ads don ross steve peyion TICKET INFORMATION l\ will highfuht weltknownfgures aswell as reflect the variety of musicalgenresthat are part of today'sfestival scene.The film will combine concert footagewith an exploration of the genesisand evolutionof the folk music movemenLAs the oldest folk festival in Canada,Mariposahas beenat the centre of it all.The onehour specialwill be broadcaston the CTVTelevisionNetworkin 1991. drck *rgel lighl hnle rsland yoiocomba rt,r MICHIGAN owtN souND I 313.645.6666 cergion 8oy Foll Sdicty 1235 3rd Aw. Eott r .519-371-2995 OTTAWA Otlowo FolkloreCente 7t! Brons Avsuc owa Sond tuHic lihvy 824 I st A6. W6l r-5r 9-376-6623 .1 r I ii t { | ( MlnPlPos,c, : The F estival of Ratt llluie t l - I.ADY ANOTD I KNOUI I know on old lody who swollowedo fly I don't know why sheswollowedo flY! I ouessshe'lldiel I fno* on old lody who swollowedo spider Thotwriggledond wriggledond tickledinsideher. Sheswoilowedthe spiderb cobh fie fly, the flyl ButI don't knowwhy sheswollouaed I ouessshe'lldiel lfno* on old lody who swollowedo bird. Now how obsurd,to swollowo bird Sheswollowedthe bird to cobh the spider Thotwriggledond wriggled ond tickledinsideher. Sheswoilowedthe spiderto corchthe fly, ButI don't knowwhy shesrvollowedthe fyl I ouessshe'lldiel I fno* on old lody who swollowedo col. lmoginethotl Sheswollowedo col Sheswollowedlhe ool lo cotchthe bird. Sheswollowedihe bird b cobh the spider Thotwriggledond wriggled ond tickledinsideher. Sheswollowedhe spiderto cotchthe fly, BulI don't know why sheswollorredthe fyl louessshe'lldiel lfno* on old lody who swollowedo dog. My, whot o hog to swollowo dogl Sheswollowedthe dog b colch lhe cot. Sheswollowedihe cot to cotchthe bird. Sheswollowedthe bird to cotchthe spider Thotwriggledond wriggled ond tickledinsideher. Sheswollowedhe spiderto cotchthe fly, the flyl ButI don't know why shesvaollorued I ouessshe'lldiel I fno* on old lody who swollowedo goot. Justopenedher firoot , ond in wolked the gootl Sheswollowed6e goot to cotchthe dog' Sheswollowedthe dog to cobh fie cot. Sheswollowedthe cot lo cotchthe bird. Sheswollowedthe bird to cotchthe spider Thotwriggledond wriggled ond tickledinsideher. Sheswollowedthe spideric cotchthe fly, ButI don't know shy sheswollowedthe flyl I ouessshe'lldiel I Lo* on old lody who swollowedo corrr. I don't know how sheswollowedo cowl Sheswollowedlhe cow ic cotchfie goot. Sheswollowedthe gool to co|chthe dog. Sheswollowedthe dog to cobh fte cot. Sheswollowedthe cot to cotchthe bird. Sheswollowedthe bird to cobh fie spider Thotwriggle ond wriggled ond tickledinsideher. Sheswo'llowedthe spiderto cotchfie fly, BuiI don't know why sheswollovtodthe fyl I ouessshe'lldiel lfnon" on old lody who swollowedo HORSEI She'sdeod,OF COURSEI Wordsby Ruth Eonnc li/ru* by Nan *lills **o,^ .HEESE swtrzERLAND 's{frpryil'*;ffiffi;J; reedirrs V--- ffiffi tlre tzolr-rrrteers & Perforrrrers lVlari lcosa \lWeekerr tla is cl yiili,L:;,xri';;:x8"" tItIrAA '!,""1;l:;::J*"0 aaaa Az0 Bdckerhaus Quality European 8"k"J,22_uuuo VIENNAMEATPRODUCTSLIMITED 170NUGGET AVENUE ONTARIO SCARBOROTJGH, M1S3A7 PHOttE (416) 297-1ffi2 -rt{nnines ?=gtfua MADONNAS I$ARGO 625 8755 & DOililA 420-9192 SWITZERLANDCHEESE is guaranteedto be absolutelynatural. No coloringis usedand it nevercontainsartificialadditives. SWITZERLANDCHEESE is madeexclusivelyfrom farm-fresh,non-silageand partlydecreamedrew milkof the highestquality fromSwitzerland cheeses recipes using Writeinfordelicious SwitzerlandCheeseAssociationof Canada 1OO2IV| Otta\ - 116 Albert /a Onta.rio Street K1 P5G3 - IT'SONLYNATURAL! CHEESEFROMSWITZERLAND MARIPOSA: Tlre Fgrrdul oJfR@rt filuir: by Marielynn ll NICKLAIDLAWINMEMORIUM Hammond Thefollowiltg is bavd on a piecethat wasaireil on CBC-Radio'sMusicd Fiends, February 1990 l\J ick Laidlaq a dearfriend of mine, I \ diedthis past February.And the world, this businessdriven, mon€ydrivenworld, is a poorer placewithout him, becausehe was part of a vanishing breed.You see,one ofthe roles he playedin my life and the life of many otherswasthat of pabon of the arts, or benefactor,or angel,as they say in l showbiz.But o<ceptfor maybe hngel', those works don't really describewho he wasor how he did what he did. Now I don't meanto impb that he \pasan angelicsort of person, although when I met him 18years ago I thought he lookedlike a crossbetweenGod and SantaClaus- tall, paunchy with flowine white locksand beardand awidewarm smile.There were differencesthough. First, he had a senseof humour that becamemore devilishthe olderhegot. Also,unlike God or Santa,Nickwore three watcheson his wrist and carried an antique brass ear trumpet when his hearing started to go. After someone stolethe trumpet, his accessoryof choice becamea Wallnnan.When conversationsbecametoo difficult to hear, or I suspect,too boring,he'd simplyput on the headphonesand tune into CBC. In otherwords,he waseccenhic. He was alsoa millionaire,though I think a reluctant one.The scion of a wealthy Tbronto famih Nick, sensitivesoul that he was,choseto becomea child psychologistrather than enter the frmily business.And he was absolutely passionateaboutmusic.Jazzwashis first love,but when he heard my group, Shingband,he was genuinely taken with us, eventhough back then we were raw andunpolishedand our folky soundwas newto his ears.SoonNickwas a fixture at all our gigs, cheering us on like a surrogatefather. He also helpedus financially,by panns for a demotapewhich becameour first album, CanadianSunset.We put it out ourselvesand calledour label Nick Records.He was immenselytickled. We tied to pay him back but he wouldn't let us. Then he investedin our second album. Recordcompaniespassedon ib too Canadian,too folky, they said,sowe pressedit ourselvesagain.Like it or not, we were going it alone- exceptthat is, for Nick's support.Yearslater,people calledus pioneersof the independent record scene- a nice thought, but we really didnt haveany choice.At times itwas hellishlydifficult,andnow,75,000 recordslater,I wonderwhatwouldhave happenedif Nick hadn't beenthere. Maybe we'd havegiven up halfway. Maybe we'd havecompromisedthe music. Maybe ld havelotten a job in an office and nevermademy solo albumsin which Nick had also invested.And maybe I'd neverhavewritten my play,or ended upwith a CBCCanaclian musicshow. Overtheyears,Nick, through the laidlaw Foundation(which his father had established),sawto it that festivals like Mariposarebeivedgenerous donations.He alsopersonallyhelped other musiciansandartists,including young paintersand filmmakers. CanadianBrigitte Berman,who won an Oscarfor her documentaryon Artie Shaw,saysshecouldn'thavedoneit without Nick's fi nancialinput. But evenmore important she says,was his emotionalsupportandentlusiasm. I agree.I've nevermet anyonewho rejoiced so much in other people's creativity as Nick Every new song I wrote was to him a causefor wonder and celebration.Music absolutely hansported him. I can still seehim sitting closeto the stage,e.yesclosed, listening intenflywith all his heart and soul.Often,he took me tohear thejazz greatswho'd thrilled him in his youth artists like Lena Horne, Peggy[ee, and Ella. I in hrrn inboducedhim to a host of youngpr performers, both folk mdjan peoplelike StanRogers,Ferrorl Jane FahJane Burne$, and others. Nick oncetold me that when he wasin the prisoner of war campsdur'urgWorld War II, he hied to learn the tumpet but regretfully norer got the hang of it. Now I've been thinking if there really is a heaven,at leasta heavenfor Nick then there's got to be music there - not just angelicchoirs,but a truly hot big band with a dynamitesinger.And in this hearen, Nick knows how to play the trumpet, and the band gets him up onstagefor a soloand he closeshis eyes and hewails awaylike Miles or D'tz,ryor Bix.Thatwould be heaventoNick not just to listento music,but to makeit. Then I thinlq he did make music, and still is, whether it's on canvas,or celluloid, or notesin the air. Nick made music through us, the peoplehe helped and loved.In this era of hard-nosed greed and corporateprofiteering,where the arts are increasinglyfrowned on asa self-indufuentfrill, he lives on through his generosity.As longas we keep making musig so will Nick. 0 | 0 runposr z Thc F ettival of Ruts ltlub l l - CANADACUPINC. A JAMESRIVER CORPORATION COMPANY VANCOUVER EDMONTON. MONTREAL. TORONTO. Canada cup supports Mariposa,. Ve really appreciate it. !|IosD Trn |ltttoul mDruu I'lunc fin Cmds I -6,1990 fiucust DffD KAYltoR, Gmmnn, Dnvn Essro, Auct Prmsotl Couml Nonum htlllmv, hsnH, Gnu ArqsPEctAt, GiJ[$ 65t.1?08 tmonurnot ,t/t/E,WA (f yO UK IA(P'Urf TheMariposaFolk Foundationis interestedin hearingwhat you think aboutthis year'sFestival.If you wantto give us your thoughtsaboutthe festival,you caneithergo to the Information Booth during the Festival,andcompletea form there,FAX us your comments(our FAX numberis 416-769=9008), or write to: FestivalReviewCommitee MariposaFolk Foundation 95 LaviniaAve., Toronto,Ontario M6S 3H9 i T I I L MARIPOSA: TheFeniva! FOIKFESTIVATS I HAVE KN0WNbyEdi,hFowke Rqtc lllwb 49 bomin Lumsden, Saskatchewan, waseducatect at the flit! fo.yfe'itemationallyknownfotklorist, U-ryversity of Saskatchewan, andthenmovedto Toronto.Sheproduced manyfotk songpiijr;ies tdr tne CBC,andcollected many1ntaio falk songs. EdithjoinedthekngtishDepain entoiy;fr t)iiversityin l971, becoming Professor Emeitusin 1984.Shereceived hononrydegrces at the univercities ol Brock,Trent, York,andBegina,is a Fellowof theAmeiun Fotklore $ocielrandof theRoyalSociety of Canada and was appninted a memberof lheOrderof Canada. Shehaswrittenor editedsomittwentyiooksandrnny produced maguine arlicles, a number of records, andcontributed tapes to theNafional Museumanctthe Libnry-of Congress' Shewasa founding memberof theCanadian FolkMusicSociety andis editorof the CnadianFolkMusicJoumal'Remembeing FolkftstivalsbyEdithFowke,. think I wasat every oneof the frst f I twentyfive MariposaFolk Festivals, followingthem from Orilliato the Maple LeafBall Parkin Toronto,then to Innis Iake, OlympiaIsland,CentreIsland.andthen to Barrie.I haven'tattendedthe lastthree, they'vehad very few of the kind of singersI Iike to hear.My memoriesof festivalsare boundup with the singersI enjoyed,manyof whom havebecomemy friends.In the early Mariposadays,when EstelleKleinwas artistic director, I could listen to traditional singerslike JeanRitchie,ElizabethCotton. Norman Kennedy,BessieJones,I-arry Older,SarahOganGunning,Baxter Wareham,Mac Masters,Joeand pat Byrne, and manyothers.OccasionallyI introduced someof the OntariosingersI d discovered. To the first festival I brought O. J. Abbott, then eighty nine,whosesongsare now being sungin folk clubs all over Britain,half a dozensingershaverecordedThe plainsof Waterloo,'andtwo haveissuedrecordstitled 'By the Hush'afteranotherof his songs.In otheryearsI introducedTom Brandon whoseFolk l.egacyrecord receivedhigh praisefomAmerican Folklorists,and Mary Towns,the first singerI foundwheri I startedlooking for traditionalsongsin Ontario.I alsoenjoyedhearingmany modernsingerswho sangfolk songs:British and Irish singerslike EnochKent, Margaret Benneftlfuight, EwanMcC.oll,Owen McBride,and FrankieArmstrong; Americanslike PeteSeeger,OscarBrand, SamHinton,and the Beers:and Canadians like StewartCameron,MaryJane and WinstonYoung,and Ian and Sylvia,who originally sangfolk songs.I was delighted when SaraGrey sangThe BanksofEro' which I had collected,andwhich shelater introducedinto the British folk clubs.and I rememberalsoan earlyfestivalwhen Tom Ifinesled the assembledsingersin another songI'd found:'The PoorLittle Girls of Ontario.' I alsoenjoyedsomesingerswhose own songswere strongly influencedby badition: Tom Paxton,StanRogers,and my friendVeraJohnsonwhose'Housewife's Lament'I considerthe bestmodernsong usinga folk pattern. AnotheraspectI liked wasthe emphasison crafts.One year I was delighted to Iind that Bill Reid,now famousfor his carvingsand sculptures,wasthere illustratinghis handicrafts.I had knownhim wellwhen he workedfor the CBCandwasthe first announceron my Folk SongTime prosramme. I usedto drive down to the Newport Festivalwhere I got to know more singers.I rememberparticularlythe year PeteSeegerbroughtO.J. Abbottto Newport andaccompanied him as he sangThe Barley Grain for Me. ' I was there the year Bob Dylanbroughtin electronicequipment andsawPeteSeeger'sdismayat what he felt wasa betrayalof folk music.Another memoryis of TheodoreBikel,the most thoroughlyinbernational singerI know.Theo got me into the areaclosedto all except singersand their relativesby claiming me as a cousin,and henceforthaddressedme as CousinEdith.British folk festivalsare much more to my tastethananyon this continenl The LoughboroughFestival,arrangedby the EnglishFolk Danceand SongSociety, wasbeautifullytraditional.At it, in various years, I heard the Stewartsof Blairgowrie, Margaret Barry, DavyStewart,FredJordan, PackieByrne,the Watersons, Johnny Doughty,RayFisher,and hostsofother fine haditionalsingers.I alsoheardmanygood revivalsingerslike Martin Carthy,Nic Jones,and Bob Davenport,and satin on workshopsby EwanMcColl,Bert Lloyd,and StanHqill. IwasdefuhtedwhenTom Gilfellonof the High LevelRanterssangMr. Abbott'sThe Plainsof Waterloo'hisrecord of it had beenchosenasthe bestfolksong recordof thatyear.Anotherhighlightwas FrankieArmsbong singing peggy Seegerrs 'l'm GonnaBe an Engineer,'my favoriteof all the feministsongs.It wastherethat I met MikeYates,nowa dearfriendwithwhom I stayon my visitsto Britain.Mike, a [ondon detective,has an amazingknowledgeof folk 1 i i songsand has mademanyrecordsofsongs he hascollected. More recently I've gone down to a beautifi.rl seasidevillage in Cornwall for the Sidmouth InternationalFestival,a hugeweek long celebrationwhich feahred many great traditional singersand storytellers. I had not previouslyheardDuncanWilliamsonwho hasa remarkablefund of talesand ballads.I wasamusedat the first sessionwhen he cameand sang'CaptainWedderburn's Courtship'directlyto me probablybecause he recognizedmy enthusiasmfor his songs. Other outstandingsingersI got to know there were Betty and DaveCampbell, parentsof the more famousAIex Campbell, who were lovely traditional singers.I rememberalsoa noonsing-aroundin a pub when an lrish singer sang Mr. Abbott's very Irish songaboutDanielO'Connellwhich he hadgot fom someonewho learnedit from Mr. Abboft s record. I've also pilgrimaged severaltimes to the tiny village of Auchternuchty in Scotland.Theirs is a small festivalbut amazinglyrich in traditional singrng,storytelling,dancing,andplaying. The lirst time I went there I shareda bus from Edinburghwith Willie Scott,the famousshepherdsinger,then 84,who died recently.[ast year I was delighted to find HamishHenderson'sgreat'FreedomCome All Ye,'which I considerthe finest songof this century, haspractically becomethe Scottishnationalanthemit wassungat least half a dozentimesthat weekend,andit closedthe festival,with all the singersand the audiencejoining in. I rememberwith' pleasurethe celidhat DuncanWilliamson's homewhen I persuadedHamishto sing it for me,and alsohis The D-DayDodgers,' the best songto come out of World War IL Those were two great festivalsand I hopeto getback !o them again. 0 lll ranposrt Tlv Fctcival of Rur ltlwb t l t s Fowke FOLKSINGERS ryro',n TI[0I'AV0URITE ',1913'1974 Alon Mills (bornAlbert Miller)wos ALAN MILLS " os o colloborotorond friend.When I stcried me lo verv imporlonl f"i* S")r,sTime"in l95O he wos olreodyo CBC performerwith his "FolksSongsfor.YoungFolk"which ron from 1947 to progrori," to congrolulob me on someof my eorly wrole iCS-2.l-1" ond thot led to o livelyconespondenceoboui prospommes, bon'odionrcngs.Soonwe begon colloborotingon the rqdio series In br whichlwrote the scriplsond Alon norrotedond songhesongs' 'Tf'e fitled 1956 we preporedfhideenquoder$our Progrommes SonqHistory'ofConodo," ond the nextyeor condensedlhe series plions' into-fourprogrommesbr C BC'sInternotionolServiceTronscri hisoricol In 1958 we lresented o slightlydifferentversionof the"Come All Ye rcngsfor theCBC SchoolBioodcoslsunderthe titled to Asch Moses we hod persuoded bE Conodions."l,rleonwhib "O Conado:A Hisbryin Song"which issueo Folkwoysrecordfitled theNew YorkTimeschoseos one of the hundredbestrecordsof 1956. Thenwe wenl on lo preporethe book Conodo'sStoryin Song thenissuedo two whichGoge publishedin 1960, ond Folkwoys recordsef-usingthot iitle. We hod done hirteen holf$our "Sonq. of lheSeo" whicholso led to o Folkwoys oi Droorommes beslrecordsof LJrd. When it wosJistedos one of the hundred " 1957Alon senlme theclippingwith the nole: Well,whot-d'ye know?We've done it ogoinl" ihen in 1957 we hod o seriesof fiirteen holf$our ptogtJtt"t fitled ?,'de with theSun"- blktoles worked drownfrom thirteenJifferentcounhiesoroundthe world.Alon "folk storted he until os o iournolistin lvlonlreolfrom 1929 lonqs for Goss with fie toured John hod time he thof By in 1947. Folk" Young "Folft SingJrs,ond song in o coupleof operosin Montreol.When Soigsfor YoungFolk" endedhe confinr.pdto sing on the CBC in "Soiqs de Chez Nous" with HeleneBoillorgeon,ond he mode s.""rll r."ords of FrenchConodionsongswith her. He loured Europe ond qove monyconcertsthroughoutNorth Americo.often by Quebec'sfomousftddlerJeonCorignon-During occo-mponied 6ose Americonconcerfshe frequentlysong o children'sditty l'd "Going Over tlp 5eo1 os o resultseverolAmericon colleded ailled modeorer thirty if publishersused in theirschoolmusicbooks.Alon "Buck"Locombe' ,"cordr, oftenoccomponiedby guitoristGilbert "i When he recorded Knowon OH LodyWho Swalhwed o FIy" rl ond when I senlii to Burllws he olso recorded populor, becomevery it. Alon wos on ocfor os well os o singerond oppeoredin mony ond Frenchrodio ploys,includingo seriesof legoldromoson English wh'ichhe ployedthe iudge. His gruffsoundingvoice ond skong modehim porticulorlyeffecliveo^n$e oir.Alonwos lhe inferpretoiions singerwho cpncenfrobdon ConodionFolksongs onlyprofessionol oni he did o greot d-eolto mokelhem befierkno'vn not only in Conodobut oTsoin the UnitedStotesond Europe.His confribdionto Conodionfolklorewos recognizedwhen he wos oppointedo memberof the Order of Conodoin 1974. Shortlyofterthothe developedthe concerthot killed him. ED McCURDY (b.l9lg|The olherblksingerwho oppeored-on '5Oswos Ed lvlcCurdy(originollyEd th. CBCduringthe I i4Os ond ond worked in Americon Poilsl.He *o.-botn in Pennsyfuonio Voncowerin 1945' Therehe Viri"Jff" ond rodio belore movingb"Ed he McCurdy.Srngs'"Then colled progromme hJ " CgC rodio rodio showsond for o r*"a r" Torontcwhe'rehe oppeoredon olher "Ed'sPhce'" time hod o W children'sProgrommecolled "FolkSongTime"sfrcrtedin 1950 | got lo know Edond sow When ouic o bit of him-whilehe lived in Toronlo.He begonmokingrecords "Folk*ngs of theCondion Moritimesond iicfudins one titled I usedon my shor, ond os Conodion f*whidhnd"which blksingerswere rore, I wenf ic heor himwheneverhe wos o.rfioriinq. In 1954 he returnedto the Stotesto live, ond I visitedhim ic ond his*if. B"t"d"y in New Yorkoccosionolly'He continr'red perbrm in Conodo on rodio, in cofteehouses,ond ot bstivolsduring thefolk boomof he 1960s. Ed becomeone of the moslrecordedblksingersin North Americo, mokingrecordsfor suchNew Yorkcomponiesos Elektro,Trodifion, ond Foikwoys.UnlikeAlon Mills who song mostlyConodion Prestig-e, voststockof -^gi Ea hod o morevoried repertoiredrownlrom lhe"lon.gs o!7 were Britilhond Americonsongs.Someof his records "Songs"l il',t OH Wesl," "Bor+oom Bolhds," 'The BoH Bolhdeer, "Bld, Booze'n' bnes'" He olso H&," ond Leoendof Robiin "Whan Dollione wos in Flower"somewhot rJd" o seriestiiled, "Wil ond Mirth", bowdy songsdrown lorgelyfromThomosD'Urby's " or Songsto Purga lv1r,hncholY." 'Th.eStrongest He likedto composesongs,ond one of lhem, Dreom,"becomequile fumous.lt hos beensungby monysingers, ond hos becomeoimoston officiolonthemof the Peocemo/ement: LostnightI hod the shongestdreon l'd neverdreomedbefore. Idreomed theworU hod oll ogread To puton end b won ForsomeyeorsEdwos ill ond did lirle singing.Thenin theeorly l98Os he'movedto Holihx ond begon perfiormingogoin' I renewed my friendshipwith him in Sl.John'swhen he comelo sing for lhe ConodionFolkMusicSocieryot itsonnuolmeetingin 1984' I olso visitedhim in his homein Holibx when lwos therelo give o leciure in 1986. I bund thothe hod becomeon orfist,butoll he wouldpoini were rolherodd lookinghrds. I hove o smollcollectionof these distinctivebird picturesllolso hoveo lorge collecfionof Edt records ond o cossetleiop. he gove me on my lostvisitwifi him' He phones ond in-thesummerof 1989 he told meobouthis meoccosionolly, plon lo orgonizeo Noro Scofiofolk festivolof roditionol songs' BOOKSBYEDITH FOWKE .f0|-KS0}|GS0f0}|AM(wlthtithordJohmtonl,lIoterblrlucgl9f..I0i50l|G50fQUtBt(lwi|hlkhordJohnionl,|Yobdoollu*,|957..(Al|0 l960..IxAD1tl0l|A|.s|l|Gf5Al|D50l|Gsn0i0ltTAt|0,h|kbrcfodo|el,l%5..S0l|GS0FW0lxiDnED0t(wif|locGhzgl,looscnhUn|v.,|9 lbwr,l973.tditor.ol0Gol|Gw|IHPAUl.BUl|Yll|,byJohno.rohr'r,rF;n.l967.lp|nP1UtluiYl*5U*tHn0fIl|ttUllBtUi\(|(s,||(n$s,l$l. lklrdJohnrbnl,|Yobrbolr|rni,|967.lpt.o:f0txS0}|G10t@|Ami|,tll'g..5A[imt0ul|DI}|t5Ul|.k(|e|hndond5r'm4l hxolPress,l970.lp|.l|(fes:,I985..iHtPtiGU|l|B0o|(0t0l|AD|Airousoim,hnguin,l973,l985'of0U[0Rr0f0MDA,[K|e|hndlSrrmrl,|9 lKh|hndlSmr|,l977;l|(Prus,l987.rf0[KltIS0rrmif0l|CA,l|(Press,'l979-..i|BuobmmvoronoHr0U00Rtll|B|Gt5H|rith(olobl|.frnbl |98l.oStAS0}|GSAl|DMll.AD5n0ii|itmf[{irwi0vAs(0il,io|k|onoiess,l98|.tfrtor'.50l|GSA||DSAY|l|GJ0fAl|U$Tn(H|t0H00DbyA 9l|G|l|G0URH|sI0Rtrcvirdondonhrgdeditirno|(ll|ADA5smRYi|sbic,hub|dq.fno&,l.s1.inomnois|l|0l|Auir0t"It0tt{sffrob (hturd (lllADlAx kur,1988 Unlv' f0tn0m, tuo&,1908.o ltDR0vg,lDtolik iifi;;;i d,- n yf n condo,lbull&r rIAlSTOtD ftm&,1986.o Doubldoy lltOMIIA, 5l MA! IPOSA: Tlv F utiw! of Rmu II isic TTIEREIS THISOOO aaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa a . - = :a i a. J I )) r i . = TTIEREIS TFIAT... BUTTTIEREIS ONLYONE : : rtlF] ^7^nl.r i : ffl-^-E! :i .: lJett)l tl.-rv ' "1, \I1- : :. \-.-'-- : a -a a Srpportthe yeorround : octivities oftheFoundotio, i ! ! i ruvtnArnE lctfiTi . ! winoneofrhe lollowing prizes ! i : a a a a a a o a a i ! * i I Airforefor 2 to lloui, Howoii ! * i I ,l j a a lstcloss volueof $4,400 * I FenderDelmorAcoustic Dreodnought Guitsrw/ cqse volue of$700 GleorhookWqrerFilcrs - - l2l '-' i : . : cr-toot : a ' Buyyourroffetickets... a : ot he Moriposo Informofion ! Boo$, a ! fromMoriposo Volunteer Roffle tickdsellers, ! : or otfie RoffeBooth. : : I Jhedrowwillrokeploce I onSundoy Evening ot thelvloinstoge ! ' - a ! Thonkyoufor supporfing the a Moriposo FolkFoundotion : ! ! moriposo thonks : nrericoh : Airlines, T.p.l. ; Guitors ondCleorbrooki ! Fender Woter Filters fortheir conrriburion ! i ia T 593 YONGE ST. T PHONE g@a7o0 , : ^ r |' i I i I I I i I I I ' Pleose support oursponsors. : : !........................... FAX: 9&A&3 (0 uenPoslt J L - The Festioal Roots Musb MR.L fiiilJffiIlil,'IJl:l.'*li1lffii1 OFTIIEMISSING TTIE CASE f twas a hot, slowdaYat the RDA lThere hadn'tbeenan interestingcase in months,andIwas serioushconsidering that nightschoolaccountingcourse staring up at me from the empty matchbook on my desk.I heard a knock on mY door and quickly nied to look busY. Foregoingthe pleasantries,she came risht to the point. 'I'm from theFatiual, and I wantyou to lomtea missingS.S."0 immediately recognizedthe secret code for singer/ 'Who is lr?" I asked.She songwriter) leanedacrossmy desk, checkedfor "1". bugging devices,and wJrispered, My heart sung with Canadianpride at the mere mentionof His initial. TIow longhashe beenmissing?"lasked. "Thirtl yearc."shereplied.'Andnmne's "O&,yes,"she said, seenhirn sincethen?" 'he'snot hard to find, mostof theYear It'sjustaroundJuneanil July that he "fu, you want rneto find out disaffean." wherehegoa during theBig Fatiual "Exactly,there'sa sfecial eueryyear?" bonrcin it for you."My eyeswidened with anticipation.We'll giueyou the nllec'tedworhsof SuzanneVega!... on C.D.!!" My heart sank.I washopingfor somethinglike an all expensepaid nip to the birthplaceof Michael Cooney,or Stompin'Tom'sautograph,butl hid my disappoinhnentand acceptedthe case. Where to start?Well, naturally,all folk detectiveshavetheir secret sources,so I got on the blower and calledup mine, DeepThumb pick nVhadilaw know aboutBigL?" I asked,aftergiving the password- "ethnicity".D.T pondereda "That's taughone,Rick,"he o moment. "he'spretA intenseaboutpiaacy, but sgrid, thestreetscuftIebutsaysfuat he nak6 surehe\ in MoroccoiluingThe Fatiual. Beendoin'thatfor almostthirtyyear, 'Wrat'shegot agairct TheFat", theysay." "Noone "anydeep,da* secrets?o I asked, "but,I ona " hnotnfor sure, D.T replied, hearila rumourabouthin uisitingThe Festiualdiwuisedashb Dylan,iustto checkthingsout. So,hemusthauesome "Did anyonerecognizthim?" interat." I asked.nVeil,healmostgot awaywith it, 'til spottedtheyarmulkeand someone crucifa in hisguinr case,and, as eoery onehnows,Dylan wasa BuMhist tlrat year!furry, I can'thelf wu anYrnore,n 'butyou mighttry this D.T concluded, addres. Thisguy'sbeenarounilforeuer," The addressbelongedto BlindWillie Orwontie, King of the MississaugaDelta Blues,whose recording careerwent when he backto nineteentwenty-one, releasedthe prophetic'MeechI:ke Done GoneDry Blues'on the FloWaYs Label.Blind Willie, looking at leasta hundred and twenty years old, tuggpd at his white beard,spattobaccoiuice into an empty Perrier bottle, and remember"ThatboycouWsinga song,sure ed, "Petc the enough!Had a lifrIe ilitty calleil Pitldlin' Pup'that nAfu haueoffendcd some of thoseantismut-in{olh+nusi c feo\le, and whentheyfounil out he usedto dnnceon CountryHoeihwn!Well.'.if they askeilhin to llay it woulil only bea matterof time beforethey'dhaueTommy Huqter,CousinClem,maybeeaen KnowltonNashreadin'Poetry!'Cause, don'tforgetson,euenthen Monis Dancets u6 seenasprettyradbal in themilap... uhat with all then fullsanil stirfts." I turned and left. The puzzlewasfilling in. When I got back to my office a sinister packagewas awaitingme. Inside, a boxof Martin Ught Guaweshings "lf wasa notethat read, 1oureal$want themyteryofL goto thecorner b solae ofShuWanilYic'toia Streetandwait!" I wastherebeforeYoucouldsnY,'What wasvia Rail,Dadily?"Istoodbesidean ominous,large,red brickbuildine plasteredwith postersadvertising musicalet/entsof daysgoneby.Andsure So, enough,his namewaseverYwhere' year inside he did spenda week€very thisghostlypalace'The srafittionthe wallwasfascinatng-hmfir isa can'tplaya synthainr! RoyThombson note! Fhhil for PrimeMinistzr!| was a aboutto wanderoff whensuddenlY smalldooropened,anda handreached oubgrabbingmeby the armandpulling meforcefrrlbinside.I wasimmediately blindfoldedandled downa seriesof andthroughcountless ricket$ staircases Finalb,afterwhat damppassageways' blindfoldwas the hours, like seemed in a huge mYself found I and removed of grotto, thousands lit by undergrolnd out a made candles.I blinkedand shadowyfigurein the distance.Hewas sittingin a smallboatin the middleof thisundergroundlake,cradlinga red gibsontwelvesbing in his muscular hands.I didn'trecognizehim with the partialBrianMulroneymaskcovering hisface,butthe'voicewasunmistakable. "IIearyabeenlookin'fonne,boy."he intonedin thatworld'famousbaritone. Tourfans!Theylaueyou! Theywantpu "That'swhat atfu.eThcFatiualflsred. ylu getfur louin'me."he repliedin the "But,will iltere key of A lvu eaerPlal "fm not was terse, again?"His rcPlY thearcwertn sa$n'".nVillue euerhnow If thisnftcry?" I blurted. lou couldread ,nymind" c:rnrethenowe:<Pected MARIPOSAT Thg Farriuot o/Rorr answer.'But thinkofall theferhs", I countered, toan Baezsaiilyoucould weherfleetof limos,andhersuiteofhotcl roomsin Barrie is stillauailable, and "Didshe nentionny name?"he fiaidfor! "Well, interrupted. not*actly,"I said'but, looh,we'lldoanythingtagetpu upthere, eamputouta contract onhe guythat urotethatbookaboutyou!"For amoment I thoughthe wasweakening, bul suddenly, usinghis guitarasa paddle, hesteeredthe boatawayfrom meand disappeared intottreblackness. I caught thenameof his craftbriefly,the Ellen Fitzgerald,or somethinglike that. I wasonceagainblindfoldedandroughly escortedto the doorandout intothe earlymorningrain,a saddecwiser detective. Wouldweeverreallyknowthe answer? Iater, asI hoisteda Molsonls brewto my lips,I thousht,"justlihethe Izafs,maybenertyear!" lf-b COORDINATORS FORMARIPOSA FESTIVAT I990 ACCREDITATION:o DiqnneMyers o Dole Sutton AUDIO DOC: o Gord Mogrill BAR: o Dovid Long o Doino Fulfordo Corrie Collins BUCKET BRIGADE: o SusonE. Fisherr PeterFox-ThomosCAMPING: o LorneDovis o Don Donyliw e PotricioFitzpohicko Lizz Plqnk CASH CONTROU o BqrborqJocksono Tommy Topolie COrvfftfUNlCATlONS:o JenniferSlodeko lon K. MocDonold CRAFTS: . JulietteHogopion EIECTRICAk o Norm R. Keorney EMPIORIUM! o Bernie Conroy o EllenRocklin FOIK PIAY: o ChristinoSorontopoulosFOOD: o Ailso K . C r o i g F U N D R A I S I N G : . J e n n i f e rB e r w i c k o G e o r g e M e i k l e i o h n INFORMATION BOOTH: o Ellen Sincloir o Corol Miller . HeotherA4cKenzie JUICE: o RonChlebok. BeverleyFox LOCK-UP: o Kothy Fogels tOGlSTlCS: o PeterMonohon I PeterRoy o pron;.Squnderso Ann Smiley r Lee Weston MARIPOSA NOTES: o SteveFruitmon MEDIA: o RoxqnneStondefero Bob o Joe lynch . SollyBond . JomesChristionsen StevensPERFORMERSERVICESs o BruceCroig o Rick Porrisho Donno Peococko Collin C. Puffer PHOTO DOCUT|IENTATION:o George Beshiri PROGRAITAME GUIDE: . SondyMoffor o SorohMoffot SECURITY:o Mory EllenYoungo BriqnD. Blokney SITE:o Mitch Wywiorski o Norm Greer o Diqne Jensenr Comeron Kerr . Mork Kinoshito o Morgot Mondy STAGE & SOUND: o Joseph Benorrocho Michoel Booth o o SUPERVISED PLAY: Brigid Kemp Noncy Dole S U R V E Y : o C h r i s M . B o t t r e l l T I C K E T W I N D O l r l / : o C o t h o r i n eD e W i t t VOTUNTEERSERVICE$o JemyJohnOriotiso BrionD. Blokney. JohnSlodek PRODUCTSTHATWORK . A D J U S T A B L EC R O S S BARS ' . N A T T J R A LG O A T S K I N HEAD ' . NON SEPARATING HEAD ' . STEAMBENT BODY ' o t8" wHtrE olx BODY O . ONE PIECE CONSTRUCTION ' . I N T E R N A LS U P P O R T T EASY OCTAVE Rr(Ks ilDKUtot StyBRttf Bt|) tickI'FHing hih from}bntreolodhono lntoresftd h fulk mudc ofier heoring Alon Milhondd lk(urdyon(l( tdh. loToronb, Afiermoving hewo*d osorommerrhl odil od 'oll phttulortoonBt, freehno ht rcondod&d t throuowuy rhone foro normol [fe'ond halhn o pohsionol mu:khn over lime.lmndyheholhomsfnbreltod inbothcrmrk ondnow spnds much ofhlrttmedeqning ondhn*roftlng orlominrlrumonl o$r od otolrodgs. li* on h hnd weklyoshoilofkousftlYorkhop, [hn&p otI lpmon0lll. tll89.50 .,,-,,i;n {1 IRISHBODHRAN DESIGNEDan/ ENGINEE2EDTa, A4USICIANS BUT FUN to PLAY $139.00 PosrPArD u.s.A. ASKABOUTOUP . . . HAMMEREO DULCIMER DANCING FLUTES STANDS * HAMHERS MEN (LIMBERJACKS} . PIPES. MT. DULCIMERS WHISTLES. - CONCERTINAS FIFES ETC. ' VISAUZl /I4ASTERCARD ACCEPTED BUCKMUSICAL INSTRUMENT PRODUCTS 40 SAND RD NEW BRITAIN,PA I89OI p/q34,5J442 Jrc 5t66 rr.rnPose, The Fctivolof Roou Mub tf l l - KLErN E$E'E wtH GRACEAND INTEGRITYTHorrcHTsANDcovERsATroN EsblleKleinisnowo freelonce /progrommer director/consuhont reloledevenls. fororlsondperformonce completed o sludyof Sherecently for fie communilies efinocuhurol ondwos orgonizofion Horbourfronl Feslivol. Her to ilsWOl,lAD onodviser evens ol lheOntodo wo* includes (enlre oswelloswifi grosstools Science All servelo reinforce groups in Toronlo. lo fie of commillmenl sense herslrong in whichshelivesondthe communily whichoccurin bellefthotollevenls to the muslberooted $is environmenf people whoformil. fJ stelle Klein wasa key figure in the l] tvtariposaFolk Foundationuntil 1980.For most of thattime shewas Artistic Director of the festivaland the foundation'sother public activities. This meanta closeassociationin the developmentof Mariposas school programmesaswell asits workshop and concef,t activities.Adminisfation was alwaysa part of her Mariposalife- she did not feel that one could or should separateartistic concernsfrom the daytoday operationsof the organization. Her leadershiprole helpedto direct and form what is currently a highly respectedmusicalorganizationwhich sponsorsperformancesthroughout the year.The annualFestivalgrew creativelyunder her direction.Mariposa programmeand format innovations playeda significantrole in the developmentof other such gatherings throughout North America. The following is an amalgamof Sandy Moffrfs conversationwith Estelle Klein and excerpts from pasturifien and taped material. It includes her uritten respons€ to Sandy'squestions. MariposaNotes-Volume 1, November1, 1981- excerpts from an article by Kathy Sinclair:"She gauethename'MariPosa' an also continues that and integrity aura ,fgrace to emanatefrornit 4hilosofhy,it hard of Directors,ia hlspitaliA, aolunteen andPerformerc-.Shehasan eyefor new talent awl a \erce4tionof theneedsand foibla of qtablishedferfonnen, an astute sense,a telephoneear ca\ableof business fsyhological ins@E and ahighly of drama in the innouatiuesense organizationof wor*sho|s.All of these onlysen)eto conjureup moreand more actiaitiesthat wereincluiled in heriob." Estellereread the'Notes'and remembersher reactionat the time. "It seemedlike an obituary but I knew the intent wasgenuineand I was grateful for the recognition of years of 'aura' 'The existenceof an hard work. thatwould continueto emanatefrom otherswas a hopeful rosy assessment but I doubted its longevityevenif it did exist.I thought it wascommoncourtesy and commonsense.Thesearenot necessarilyuniversaltraits." MARIP0SA:What promptssomeoneto be an artistic director? ESTEIIE: I can only speakof my own e:cperiencealthough one could saya certaindegreeof madnessis common to the species.There was no conscious plan.An early passiveinterest in folk grew to involvementin organizingfolk eventsand activitiesprior to Mariposa through workshopplannhg and coordi. nation in its earb years,to acceptanceof the role in 1964.By then I was captivatedby the ideaof sharing with audiencesthe broadworld that is folk. RecentlyMariposa'sfounder,Ruth JonesMcVeigh,expressedher concern ofthe fact that I had broadened Mariposafrom a sbictb Canadian festival.This surprised me hcause early festivalswere limited in sizeand scopefor what I perceivedto be losical reasonsand it was after all, a beginning' Although therewas definitelya Canadianflavour,the truth is that a significant numhr of songsheard were of Americanor other oricin - thafswhat mostpopularCanadianperformersdid at the time. Had it been a festivalof only Canadiantraditionalperfomersor one derotedto totallyCanadianmaterial,I would have looked at it differently.You can term these artistic judgements,I suppose.That meansyou take the responsibility for your actions- flak as well as compliments.The short answer to your questionis that becomingan artistic director gives one the power to shapean eventusing ideasto the best of one'sability from conceptualizationto finishedproduct.It is more thanjust hiring people.It can bevery satisfuing. I l I I MARIPOSA: M: Speakinsof ideas,how did the festivalformat develop?You are probably,most responsiblefor establishingthe Mariposaformal E: The presentformat is not the one I worked with in my last artistic direction for Mariposa. I believe,what exists now is a rerrcrsionto earlier festivalsand it appearsto be similar to many other current festivals.That is, the emphasisis on eveningconcertswith some daytime activities looselytermed workshops. In 1969,the MariposaBoard approvedthe ideaof a daytimefestiyal (there had only been eveningconcents previousto that year). This was generallythought to be a reaction to crowdproblemsat the'68 festival. Perhapsthesewere a higgering fictor for me butthere were other significant reasons.It seemedsomehowin keeping with folk'to allow more interactionwith the audiencethan was possibleat eveningconcerts where distanceand lights are a barrier. I liked the idea of performers achrally seeingtheir audienceand the audience being closer to the various stqges.Far broader programming possibilitieso<ist when you can put different types of peopletogether to relate in a more human fashion.The interaction that results from combinationsof different ages,cultures, music:l styles and personalities,remainsvery o<citing to me. I believeit is possibleto educate, evenif subliminally,by o<posingpeople to all of these differences.It is my small standagainstthe world of homo genizationand market-driven'culture'. Evening concerts can be exciting and they also have a place (and here they are back at Mariposa) but they remain the leastchalleruing of programme possibilitiesfor me. I am not comfortablewith the frequent stratificationof good but lesser known performers, which is dictated by the needsof the large night concert format. someof us forgetting that there is a valid academicside that involvesmany harned peoplein lifelongwork. I am not preparedto discountthisirst as I am not aboutto discountlearned opinionsin manyareasof current thought. Howerrerone mdst havethe freedomto questionacce$edviews and to affect chawe. Pleaserecosxfzethat I am not a folHoristor scholarand in speakingoffolksong, here I am generallyreferrir4i to the words afthoughthe musicalside is of great interesL The F cttiwl of Run M uh 55 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a a 20years.,. I Celebrating a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a : tsg-l frffi:frlH+ffi##i- hallmarksof folksong) b"td;;bttty remainsa factor.I believethe human M.I. : - :m aspectstiltprevails-r";l'il;ift" I songs,oftenunconsciouslyandthey respondto andretainthosewhichdeal with the commonalitiesof their experience.songsabouttherealitimof life, eg.birth, death,love,unhappiness, homeland, war,protestandthosethat i C,OnpfAtUlntiOns tO e Mflriposa I responsetoarealitythatisusually absentin much pop'music.The good : hasusually absorbedsomeessence from the pasl In this way he or she continuesa tradition that may later be jufued as folk by academicsbut is of no major concern to the averagelistener. . : : : S P33H ; : : : : r Spnngrom OCCUpaUOnSan0prcasUres, : capturepeople'shearts.There is a T. contemporary *'c'"'#il ii"r[ rij;6 i onJ0yearsoffine 'wsic : Afestivalprogrammercanmake i choices relatedtotherecognition ofthat ! EnJOytbe neryeSt M,LT,S. tape& CD folkelement-ornot-iJ3.ar"?tl'firi dictatesof theerrenlI happento beliwe i o "CifCle Tollchasspeciatqualities-beyondthe i perpetuated stereotypes by themedia. Thosestereotypes h;il;G; someof usfromshowinshonest : : . Of Ffiendstt 4oailablc at the rlariposaEmpofium appreciarionforavatid;#lTl""l' i existence andywrlm.alrecordstore ; : a a : Ml What is a folk song? a E: This appearsto be a matter of personaldefinition these dayswith : ! tN THESCHOOLS : MARTPOSA : 6,8Bt""d"l." A"""*, s"lt" 4ol Toronto,Ontario,M4M 2E6 (4161462-e4OO a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i I i f,ttrIPOSA: The F estioal of Roolr M ub FRIENDS CORPORATB MARIPOSA -E:_* ^ l';i @ cfRI.till AltrtL TRIDEL UIl. U IT -fr.'oriacttt'lflo1t , tr,utF Toronto Ct)) Rogers AmericanArlines SomdbirzgsPcurl tn fueart" -I\AOLSON' tam&g. r@| EXPORT Bell T'_illl TAmmr{usrcAl lMponmtm MARIPOSA:TluFofilnl Ror,nUutc ll Anticipatingyour Post-Festival Depression. ... ou may need a folk-fix in the near futureandyouwillbegladthat Mariposais ayear'round folk phenomenon.It's okayto indulge yourselfthis weekend but rest assured thatlater,whenyou needus, we'll be there all year long with concerts, prognrmmesand events.Why? Because weve beendeliveringsince1961and we're getting good at iL We could get better with your help. Mariposa is people- volunteers,members,staff, artists and a board of directors - all working throughout the year to produce and provide for The FolkTastd. You shouldget involved.You'll relish it! Tl t .7A n I F \ l I UDI rI Youllalso enjoy o Free subscriptiontheThe Mariposa Nobs, an informativeand entertaining newsletterabout ' Mariposa, folk arts and the folk communityatlarge. . Upto 20%discountonftstival admissionand concert tickets featurins the best of traditional and contemporaryfolk fare. o Discountson all records,tapeC CDs and merchandiseat the MariposaEmporium and events. o Avoteandavoiceatthe Annual GeneralMeeting. o Advancenotice on all events. o ATax Receiptforall conhibutions over $30. o MariposaRainbowmusic programmingwhich includecrafts and cooperativegamesand fun for all the family. And we'd enjoy havingyou as a member. r r r . r Ir would like t9 j Membership CaegoriesandBenefie: Individual:Regular Membership as outlined above. Family: RegularMembershipbenefitsfor 2 Adults and up to 3 Children (12and under) Supporting: Rqular Family Membership Benefitsacknowledgementin lissueof The MariposaNotes,and 2 invitationsto the Director's SunshineSocial Patron: Supporting Membership Benefits and Free Admissionto Members' Events. . Sustaining: Paton Membership Benefits, and 2 VIP WeekendPassesto the Festival Life: SustainingMenibership benefits (FestivalVIP Passesfor The YearJoined), PersonalMemento of Life Membership. ( All Monies to the MariposaEndowment Fund) Association: RegularMembership Benefts for 2, Listing in FestivalProgrammeand ReferralService. saFolkFoundation aqdcelebrate its 30thyear. I'm enclosinga cheque,/moneyorder payableto the Mariposa Folk Foundation for the amount of $oR pleasebill my o visa o Mastercard Card Number: Expiry Date:_ Province/State Fostal Code/Zip Code Sfunature Nanrs & Ages ofChildren o o o o o o o o o Complete and mail order form to The Mariposa Folk Foundation 95 lavinia Avenue, Toronlo. Individual Family Supporting Patron Sustaining Life $30 $45 $100 Soo-$4ee $s00-$eee $1000+ Association/Group $50- 99 IwouldprefertosupportMariposa bygiving_ Iwould alsoliketo becomea Mariposavolunteer M6S 3H9, Phone (416) 769-FOLK or fax (416) 769-900g tAtrIPOSA: Thc Fenival DISCOGRAPIIY MUC DERG BREAN lvtrc Derg Breon BAKER BRENDA Boker Erendo BETI& SHORE Liille l,iovies ilod l-Ronko RocKUN &Etr'EN 'TEVEN' ByBoB co^^p'rtED DIXIEHUMI{INGBIRDS MCA ClnngitgTines REBF InTfieso MC.A GrirlionTeslimoniol MCA IheBdOffisDhieHmmingbirdr Indeendent lnd+endent FlyingFi$ Roi,t Ind+endent PffERCASE PelgCose the l.,lonWth the BluePosl I'b&m trcgmented No-todifi,xtolCirilor Geffen C*ffen CONNORS STOMPIN'TOM Gptol BudThehud Copibl Conmn Slrnpin'Ton AndThef,{oonMonNeivfie lJy Sbnpin'Grarnds the tlorthAtlcnlicftuodron S,tomfn'TomAt Tln OmbootCbggeoo MrthhndrZone Connon S|rnpin'Torn OrTrogdyTroil Eveqrbody lvlerryChdstrnos Skrnpin'InnC.onnon I'leetsB! Joelitufleow 'Live Atlhe lkrse$oe Copbl Cop,bl Copibl Coptol Gpibl Copibl Gpbl Gpibl AndTheHo*eySongC.oftbl Strnpin'Torn GPibl blrtudAth 'lrluk Cqibl lvleerr Tuk'Annie S,rornfin'Ian $onpin'Tom ' GPibl lln Unpopulor GPibl Fiddle&Song A ProdGnodion Alontir Alcomm Alcozor Almzor TEXKONIG l,lusicGlhr: Tex Konigobl€n& IANOIS DANIET JACKGRUNSKY Bros' Opol/lV'om* A6dio89 lsordr Windovr Donddion lnoginory TREEO SPIT IESTIE GUY BUDDY Cqisl \6nguord (roonb berdeoled) Gryl lhb b Buddy AllQosr l{AtATl{lNl SbneGozy JSP fh€k n OfSo*do Eorth lourge UrcAtlheChe*otboord Works/Viqin Chess ktSonFronciro bftMvEluec \tngrcrd MAIAIHINIANDTHE tlddiha Phnet OUEENS t/onguord MAHOTE]IA At\{onArdlheBluer UAonAlrico Porir-soreto GUYWM{JUNIORWETIS BUDDY Blind PQ DOUGMCARTHUR Dyrumite Drinlin'IM'N Smolin' $ro*goose DoAltlcfutlnrrwith lnhrmdio Boilre+live Blua OQinol Rogers Gornef HARDROCKMINERS Ind?endent ldlersFrantheCoosl HRM Chorye Gt),Hilhll1/ IndEendart O{Foce EVE IGTHRYN Rot'89 CFNYi'to&m P.BENNEIT WILLIE Wood$od To$ortOI Cleon Tryin' Prorpedty lbbot Tounl Pr+.rity Kiry AndTheRodent Blockie Duke$. IheluckyOne CINDYtEEBERRYHIIT. Rhino \r/hotGonno Sove lheWorld Rhino Movie $or Noked BRODY KIMANDJERRY K&J.8. fmrilyPie Ki&Reordr l,logic $rnple K&J.8. EMITYTOU HARRIS OrtofThhWorld CETTIC GATES ll GlticGoles FREDKOIIIR AmerionChildrsr ThNighrBe{orc Frd Nigho{Th Living AngdBond BlusKentu*yGd Gmorrcn dile llobl brl Dob Usholne$&h bruryline PieerO{I[e $y Plotile:fuBestOt ln GuorterMoon ATen&rirtTown Rosea ln lhe Sun lhhb€.t Trio WlrileS,hoes Bluelird JACKSONDETTA DeltoSunrise Acouslic Blues | ot WornerBro$ers Worns Brothen WornerBro$ers R?n* WomsBrolhrs Woms Brofien WomerBroheru WorneBrolher Woms Bro$ers Worns Brofiers UIAH PHI1IIPS All UrodUp:A Scropbooh ElCgilon Goodlltoqh! WeHoreFd You AllA ThourndYon Phib Phib Phib Phib TRAUM, HAPPY UTAHPHI1UP5, AISOP& DANCROW PETER $erro $llySongs DAVIDREA ' GlumbioAVindfoll Sl6"foot Copiol God ByilrcGroceOf Copitol Itovsrid Gild GnodionRiver FCin'Good REDGRAMMAR Peoce Teoching Jusl ConYo Sound Likelv{e lAug./901 gnilin'AlCln Smilin'At Cho JONAII{AN RICHMAN Rhino Bod ln Yourlife Rhino Yors: Ite Bererklery bnofion BeslOf the EDMCCURDY Andllrel'lodsnlovss fu Be{OtEdl,lcCurdyTrodilion/ErcrestRiclmon Rhino Riclmon Jonoilron West Trodilion/Erereal Ol fu Songr lovss The lr'bdern And Elertro ChestOf Treosurc Rounder lhe lllodernloveru Follsongs Americon Rhino tive loren lJodern Elerlro Elod0bodN Eotte! r Rhino I'overs PreslQe Ro*'n RollWrhlhe l,,lodern Bound tlomorord Rounder Riclmon hnothon CAFE MERMAID ROBY Coselle CHARUE Indryendenl Cole lrlermoid Coselle Independarl ClnrlieRdry RAYMONTFORD Coselfe WobAnd$one Indqendenl NbhtONl OnTh Bordsline SAINTE.MARIE BUFFY WornerBrolhers BAND NASHVIIIIBLUEGRASS O{Vongrrcrd Eeot Worns Brothen Rounder My Nolive Home Soinle'MorieVonguord OfBuffy TheBesr WornerBrothers WornqBrolheru R?n* ToBeHii Child NASI(A LloliHucrympi Rounder Fine Truly RONSEXSMITH Coselle IndEendarl RonSextrnilh BOBSNIDER NOIAN TA]TH You RoinbowWornon SORREL5 ROSAUE l{usic Heriloge JOHNSON/BIRD GORDIE Hoppiners lt{ornenls o[ l'{usic Heiloge Childrent STAFFORD Absroa MCWIC Miscelhneou Africonlle Corsdle AndTheBirdIndependarl $y Dogs flo.l Record MCWrc $sbr$ip Wolv* Roving AurolTrodilirn tonesonre JOE KING Tolow Fredom Ind+endent Indeperdal RoinborRecords be lGrg\bl. I THEO'I(ANES Recordr Roinbow he Kng\61.2 Ihe0Koner Reordr Roinbow fAcodio375 Running lird O{The Records I'loreTrodilirnolGunlry Roinbow Thol tnogine Recordl Roinbow Yeors C'oneBy Reords Roinbow Agoin,['lore Corntry Troditionol Colmbio Colmbio G[mbio TAA4ARACK lrtusico[ Gnodo Tomorock Gole A Phosonl Yeon Onlorio:200A{usicol IholornoroclCollertbn Showlhe Bor IndEardent Phib Geen linnd Gen linnd SGB sG8 sG8 SGB scs GENE TAYIOR HondMode lhe Rdurno{fie Formerly Bo$ers StonyPloin SbnyPhin THETRAVEITERS Hollrnork Across Conodo Columbio SorgsOf NorthAmeico Glunbio Quilting Bee Glr,'rnbio l,{oking Hoy Columbio On Town IheTravellers Cofurnbio $rnething lo Sing{bu1 Epi. lnkoducing lhe Trovellas Hormony Stilllrovdlin' ARC WdreOnOurWoyAgoin NC Ihh l-ondh YourLond Atc Conodo n" t *"11""sApploud ARC Seob S€o ARC A Century Of loborr Sorgs cBc IheTrovdlers Konolo IheTrovdl*sSing Codmon SingForKids lhe Trovellers Elephonl r\rlerry-Go'Around WAYNETOUPS& fiDECAJUN llerorry TheBopu BlodFrom SYTVIATYSON (lon& Sylvio) Hih Greotesl WornentWorld TheNodh CoolWndFrom YouWereOnrVlyMind UZUMETAIKO ChiroshiTrodition Voryuord Copilol-EMl Copibl StonyPloin furol FEMMES VIOTENT Bos. SloshAVorner TlreBlindleoding the Noked Blos. $osh/Worner HqlbwdGro.rnd Bros. SloshAVorner 3 Bos. IheVolenlFernmes SloshAVorner ANNEWALKER Woter Roin QuielWoler ltN WAU-ACE Indy ftn theDoor WATT WITH CROMDALE BOBBY HQhhnd Time ToSpore Hlghlond Pipe Dreoms NOAHZACHARIN I'bohZochorin Soffwin Visit Mariposa's Empodum * * * * * RDCORDS, TAPES & CD'S DNVIRONMDNTAL T-SNIRTS F'OUNDATONT-SNIRTS SUN SCRDDN & LOTION TOILSTRIES, CIQARDTTES We accept VISA & IrlasterCard * MariposaMembersreceive loo/o discounton all merchandise(except with valid membership card. cigarettes) ?o? tur ofta. sfuTprt g ta lb a.tVfi?A IIOLJRS Friday Saturday Sunday er's anl( 6c ,aur al6utas. 4pm-lam lO am- I am lOam-9pm (ll ulnposl t The Festiualof Rott bluic Y J - a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o o a o a a a a o a a a a o T'ESTIYAIS OF'THE Ftsttvlts Att Afioss THlsIANDoilpruDBysrwrn.,m ll'il'1hT,$** ornno PEOPLE June29 - JulyI June29 -Julyt fl n overhearingmy friends at Mariposa lJ callgoodfolk musicthe musicof the people",I tho4ht the sameholds kue of good festivals- they are celebrationsof the people. Throughout Ontario, all summer long, indeedallyear round,tlere are hundredsof wonderfrrlcommunity-basedfestivalsthat celebratethe very essenceoftheir communitiesthrough music, dance,theatre, humour,spectacles,sports and participation. Sometimesfestivalsreflect geographic communities,like Guelph'sSpring Festivalor a communityof peoplewho share a common passion- like Mariposa- and folk music. Many times there are combinationsof geoeraphyand specialinterests like Windsor'sInternational Freedom Festival which celebratesWindsor and their friendshipwith their neighbouring people in Detroit or like my Orillia, with its Ieacock HeritageFestivalwhich celebratesthe history of Orillia and the literature and humourof StephenIeacock Certainly there is a communityof peoplewho love I-eacock Wealso havecelebrationsof the . environment,of sports,ofrecreationand leisure,of culture and ethnic origins and celebrationsfor a host of other reasonswe concoctso we can havea good time together, bondingas a community. The measureof successof festivalslike Mariposaand the some 1500community celebrationswe haveacrossOntario, is not the sizeof the crowd (although we all need you to come),nor is it the moneythat was or was not made (althoughwe all need moneyto run), nor is it the headlinesand recognitionthe festival deserves.The measureof successis whether the festival belongsto the audience,to the participants, to the volunleers and to all the organizerswhether it is a Festivalof the People. Mariposahas beena festival of the people for 30yearsthanks to the specialpeopleto whom it belongs.May it be so for another 0 130years. \ JulY J u lly- 6 JulyI -3 JulyI -9 5 - l5 July july5- 8 July6-8 6 - l6 .luly july6=8 July6-8 J u l1 y 3- 1 5 J u l1 y 3- 1 6 J u l ly3 J u l1 y 3- 1 5 J u l1 y 3- 1 5 Julyl4 J u l ly9 - 2 8 20 -22 July 20 -22 July 26 -29 July 26 -28 July 28- 30 July 28- 30 July 28- 30 July 28- 30 July July28- Aug5 August 2-6 August3-15 August 3- 5 August 4 August 5 Augu$ 6 9-l 3 August A u g u s t 9l 2-27 Avgust9 Augustl0-12 A u g ul s0l- | 2 A u g ul s0f- l 2 a I Auguslll-15 a A u g ul s6t- l 9 a a August I 7-l 9 a a August 24-26 a August I9 a 3I -Sept2 ! August o Auo3l - Seot 2 A ! S"p-r 15- l6 ! Sept r S e p t ?1- 6 ! oaohr 5 '. Feb22- 24'91 Volley, Ont 416637"9791 liver Volfe; Courfi & llueglarr Gnthering River 416.5254&,4 Homilton,Ont Eorfhrorgtclivol lntornotionolFolkfertivol RedDeer,Aho 403-3460055 Woblhh,Lobrodor709-2825696 LobmdorWect Folk BonNFLD709-227-2401 Plocenrio ConodoDcy Herilca O'LeoryPEl902-859-2400 lrirh tolk Fertivol City,Que 418692-4540 Quebec Ferlivold'lte du Quebe Winnipeg, I,,lon.20423IO069 WinnipegFolkferrivol NFID 709643"4553 Sbphenville, HongorhorcFolkFerlivcl 184 Que 8l 9'472-1 Drummondville, Futivol ltondiql Folkloro Onf Gorpelforl Pork,Toronlo, Horbourfronl Ont Sudbury, Norlhern lightr FertivolEonol NB Chohom, lntemationollrirh lertivol Ont HomeCounlyfok Fertivol London. 416973-3000 705474-5512 506Z/8-88]0 519{608496 613-9662586 Belleville.Ont BellevilloWqrerfrontand FolkbrarmFert Toronto4l 6973-3000 lloul'N' lluer Weekond Horbourfront BC 60+879-2931 Voncouver Voncouver, tolk Fertivol IhunderBoy,Ont 807'577'8461 &olfirh Feltivcl Aho 403"4263306 Edmonton, KlondikeDcyr NWT Yellowknife, tolk Onlhe Rockr Ont 4167662023 Toronto, Iorcnlo In$emotbnolFolkArf Foir 2678 Twillingote, NFID 709-884 Iwillingote/NewWorldlrlqndFcrt Sosk 306931O100 Soskolon, Folkferl Ioronfo,Ont 4165254&,4 Coribonq Holifox,NS 902-423-5893 Journ6erAcodienner Ont 5l 9 7636396 Guelph, HillsideFestivol NS 902-883-8633 Eost, NovoScdiqBluegror& OHrincfrturic Dortmouth Ns.rcosfle, NB Ns.rcosfle, NB lliromichi SongFerlivol lliromichi totk totk Song Ferlivol . Monkeol,Que 511,282'9791 Rhylhm du filondo NB 5067276515 Coroquef, FertivqlAcodienInc Clorendon, Ont BluoSkier lolk terfivol lono,NS 902n22-2272 lfighlond Yifloge Dcy SfJohn,NB 5066320086 Feitivol by tho-Seo/iertivcl 5ur ller Alto 403478'2524 Conmore, HeritogeDoy Folk tutivql Toronlo, Ont 416973-3000 W O frl A D Fodivol Horbourfront, Lobrodor709931'2743 Forteou, lckeopplc Folk Festlvol Holifox,NS 9024254329 Burkerr'Ferlivol Alto 403429'1899 Edmonfon, ldmonton tolk terlivol Homilton, Ont 4165256644 testivof of triendr Onl 519-925-2830 Shelbourne, CqnodionFiddlingChompionrhipr StJeon,NB 506{346306 FeslivqlAcodien Yormoulh, NS 9026482177 AcodiqnFertivol Ont 519-371-2295 Oren Sound, fummerfiolkteclival P.A.215-247-1300 Schwenksville, Philodelphio FolkFertlvol Lofoyette, LA 3182328086 Feclivolintemo|bnolede louisiono Wellington, PEI902-854-3323 FedivolAcodiende lo GogEvongelins Que 418'2484192 Montmogny, Correfour ltlondhl dc [Accordion 3655 Toronlo, Onl 416769 Christie Pits, toriporo In the Pork Midlond, Ont 705-52&7809 Wyr ltlorh Wildlifc tertivol Que 514-2523022 FeltivolNotionolDutolklorcQuebecoir Monheol. A,lon20U35-2276 Miomi, Itlhmi Fun& tiddlc terrivol Whitelrorse, Yukon403&7-2148 YukonSourdoughRender-Vour a a o a a a a a a o a a o a a a o a a a a a l a a a a a a a a a a a a a _ a a a a a a a a o a a l a a o a o o t a a a a a : : o : : . : : o i : . a : . : : a t a : . : : MARIPOSA:Thc Fcliwt oJfR@rr lt-b [l . MARIAMAKSYMIW WAYNEHOWELL MULTICULTURAL RADIO TORONTO --"^"% HAD|0790 SIAIMD & LEADED GLASS RTVOLUTIONARY ?au2 RADto!. ?aafu ?4fuhftD CUSTOM BUILDINGI I REPAIRS &SUPPLIES I ih 9auf%ePn 0^l'aria I OPEN: TUES ll A.M.-7P.M.SAIll A.M.-5:30P.M. Friends &Neighbours Shorru TORONTO 312COLTEGE STREET, PH0NE:923-2085 Sunday Morning 9 : O O- 1 O : 3 OA . M . Newfoundland Soiree Friday Night to Saturday Morning 1 : O OA . M . - 6 : O OA . M . [ ! f o { o Q o f f o l o l o N o f Southwestem 0ntario's Alternative ArtsandEnteilainment Magazine 0io0 jr Serving: Kitchener, Waterloo, Hamilton, Gamblidge, Brantford, Guelph, Stratlord andsurounding area. CIAO o RADIO 79O A.M. P.O.BOXBOX2111 BRAMPTON,ONTAR]O L6T 3S3 t416)4s3-8192 Floor Second Guelph,0ntailo Phone: 519-763-9409 1{1H 2S8 Fax:519-767-0322 l0 UfnfPosft v a - The Fe'/,ivalol Rau Mub BACKTO BASICS BYJUDIIHSAUL f atelastJanuarythe sameeveningthat I.1sterreFruitmanand I werepreparingto meetto beginputtingtogetherthe Februaryissueof the MariposaNotes,my homesuffereda crisis. I camehomethat Fridayeveningto find that my puppydog hadamusedherselffor a wholedayby upgettingour kitchen andconsuming thingsfoundunder the sink that was certainlynot meantfor consumption. Imglad to saythat'Silly Sally'reactedwell to the antidoteandhasn'tshownany effectsof beingill but that incidentstarted my roommatesandI thinking aboutthe high amountof todc chemicalswe usein our dailylives...the ovencleaners,drain and the effectsthesethingshave openers... on our healthandenvironment. Aboutthe sametime,The PollutionProbe Foundationdroppedoff a pamphletto our housedescribinghouseholdcleansersthat areeffective,safeandeasyto makeusing of the'Big Six, six readily combinations availableingredients.It struck methat my momusedto cleanour housethis way. I set So,with my room-mates'blessings, out to the grocerystorewith Pollution Probe'slist in hand,andinsteadof o<pensivecleansersin decoratorcolours rich wittr sudsingagents,I boughtthe big si:C.All six itemswererelativelyeasy to locatethoughI did spenda few momentsin confusionwonderingwhether it wasivory liquid or ivory flakesI should be buying.The resultshavebeengteat, andno longerdo we haveto contendwith the strealry,difncdt to rinseoff, soapfilm on our kitchenfloor we'dbeenputtingup with until then. Many of you havea greatSpringcleanup. If you'reconcernedaboutyour environmentyou too maywantto switchYour cleaningstyle. FromPollutionProbewe bringyou.... FOR ENVINONTENTAI]YSOUTiIDCIEANSERS RECIPES bicorbonobf, THEBIGSIX:I vinegor,2 puresoop(likelvory!,3 bokingsodolsodium. 5 boroxlsodiumborote- o nofurolmold 4 woshingsodo(sodiumcorbonote|, ommonio. inhibitorl;&6 household IO REIIITMBER: RUTES 2 IfTIPORTA}IT oreproduced, o Never mixchlorinebleochondommonio; fumes deodlychloromine r Neyer mixchlorinebleochwith vinegoror cerlointoiletbowlcleonsers; "k.. gosis produced. deodlychlorine CI.EANSIT ATI,PURPOSE I /2 cupommonio l/2 cupwhilevinegor I /4 cupbokingsodo woler l/2 gollon Mixlogelh*in o bwkeloro gollon iugonduseosyouneedil. rcouilNcPowDlt boking sodo Combine ondwolerinloo pode.Soubil on you'redeoninq, ld sit lhesurfoco lor | /2horl,thenspongdofi. a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a ! . : r D4IEE-l -IlI ; : - ,.al : lu1 z - t'! ^ cA)- L-/ - j---.*-'ry : : i: : : gI i -D-L. l = - 'a : ! a a ' "r :. ,orround meY€ )upPon octivities oftheFoundotion : i luvI Rl]iltilclfiI: win oneof the prizes following : ! : i * : : 3 i * a ! * : : Airforefor 2 to Moui,Howoii volue o[$4,4@ t stcloss Fender DelmorAcouslic Dreqdnought Guitsrw/ cose volue of$700 (21 Filters GleorhookWoter ! : a : : : : cr-rcot a : - _ a ! ! ! ! tickels... Buyyourroffle : Informotion Booth, : ot theMoriposo Roffle tickefsellers,I Volunfeer homMoriposo : Booth. or otfie Roffle ! : ttredrowwillfokeploce of he Moinsloge ; Evening onSundoy a thisbook,stillmore We'veincluded recipes throughout RlClPEtr ftlORE BooKFoRHoMEAND FoRMUIA moybefoundinTHENAIURAI Pennsylvonio' Rodole Press, Emmous editedbyDonWollocE, GARDEN, Probe, YOUSPRAY fromPollution BEFORE $24.95orTHINK 14l6l insecls. lo conkol withhome recipes forsproys 9261907. Looded ,.1\. ' a ^ : t F ' the I i fhonkyoufor supporting i MoriposqFolkFoundqtion : : : thonks Moriposo i T,P.l. : Airlines, Americoh ! Fender ondCieorbrook Guitors i for their r Filters conhibution Wot : ! : ! a a : oursponsors Pleose support : a a MARIPOSA: The Fettival n"'na-t" CBC STEREO'S $lng0ull TIIEENTERTAINERS B " " o . . o m e m b e ro f S I N GO U L ond you'll enjoy lhese benefils: Quorlerly issuesof SingOutl Mogozine,feoluring20 conlemporory ond froditionolfolk songseoch issue, plus news, reviews,festivollislings, feolure orticles,inlerviewsond instrumenlol"feoch-ins;" Access to The Sing Out Resource Center,o mulli-mediofocilityfocusing on lhe folk musicrevivolfrom the 1940sto lhe presenl; Advonce notice ond discounlson Sing Out Publicolions'lotesl releoses, includingRiseUo Sinoing.lhe groupsingingsongbook,ond SinoFor tree9om. o colleclion of songsfrom lhe Civil RighlsMovemenl, fJ very weekon The Entertainerswe bring -D you an afternoonfull of popularmusic from Canadaandaroundthe world... Yousee.we think that there'slots of music madeby peoplewith intelligence,heart and committmentto their craft and our aim is to bring that creativeheart to your living room. And we also believethat peoplein general and our listenersin particular are curious andhavean enonnouscapacityforvariety andfun ...soyou get that too!!We mix it all up...CanadianReggae,ZakeanSoukous, ContemporaryCountry, Kora Playingfom S I N GO U T I P.O. Box 5243, Belhlehem, PA l80l5 (215)865-5366 o MC/VISA Accepled : Ingsr^ 4,I06 IYTER STREEI 79,I.IO AMARILLO.ID(AS Write for our free catalog of folk and singer-songwritel music,hard to find albumsfrom independentartists, Texasto Canada.Dealerinquirieswelcome. Vrsru Mnruposds Fnun STANls, Iurcr Top raoM QururTY ll;rcn Wnry sFnuny FARM, Career 0pportunity Financial Independence inonly 24-36mbnths Full orPart-time Call [416]941f329 24Hour Message Regards,KarenGordon TAffXDIAI{ Reg.membershiprSl5 (l yr.), S25(2 yr.),S35(3 yr,) SusloininomembershipjS30,S5Oof Sl00 per yeor For membeship ouhlde the U.S.. add 53lyr. lot postage. U.S.Funds onty, pleose. ' )\ $t Mali...a bit of Folk Rock,The Blues...and oftenall in one afternoon.We bringyou live performances,new discsand songsand conversations.This month you'll hear Rik Emmetttalking aboutthe musicofJimi Hendrix...concerts from LillianAllen, Quebec'sAd Vielle Que Pourra,Spirit Of TheWest,Uganda'sGeoffreyOreyama...and moreAnd we take specialpride in showing offthe richnessandvarietyofcontemporary Canadianartists of all languages.And long after the sun tan lotion and bug spray has beenpackedup for anotheryearwell bring back the memoriesof the festivalsand other liveevents.Sotune in...Sundayafternoonat 2:25pmon CBC Stereo(94.1)in the Toronto area.to'The EnterLainers Activclv frciliteU4 Ui prootion, pblicrtio ud prcrarrtion of Curdiu foll nutic. Everdnct 1956the Soctetyhas beenlnvolved ln the promotlonof folk mudc ln Canada.Today, It producestwo flne publtcatlonsand ls lnvofuedin a number of other proJects.Wecurrently havetcrc publcattons. [t) ihe quarterlycrnidirn fo|l Muric Bullctin contalnsmanv featurescontrlbuted by pomlnent perfoimers, educators & sdrolars. In addttton,there arelots of songs& revlecruofcurrent recordsand books. (2)The annual Crnrdiu FolL furic Jourarl n*rldr contalnspapersand cpmmentaryrclatlng to orrrent rescarchIn Canadlanfolk muslc. Usefirlbtbhogaphtes and somerevlevs are alsopresented Yearlymenbershtps,u,htchtndude subscrlp$onsto both the Jonrad and the Eultctin are availablebv sendng$18.00($14for studcntJ, $20 for lnstltutlons)to the Sodetyat: P.O.Box4132,Statton'C' C-zlgary, Alberta T2N 5Nl Herrse antsider join@ tlv Srrie{ and supprting anr actiuities lut* f,f urnPosl: rr'ere*iuct Rots Mub IHA],K', IENDS[iPP0RT MEMBERS SPECIAT UFETIETYIBERS DonoldAlhon ondJudithSkinner AlbertBisschop MichoelBlugermon Clorkson Ausiinond Beverly Lizond RoyDusome DionoFerguson Goleo MichqelondSuson NormondJockieGreer GordR.Hines Hummelen Remmeh Hurry Lynne EloineKeiller E$elleKlein TheloidlowFoundolion GordMogrill DrogoMoleiner DonondVioloMolposs RufhM. McVeigh KoteMurphyond BrionPickell Myers Dionne JudyRoberts Tonyond SylvioRowlinson JonisRubenzohl SorohCummins BillRussellond RobondKothySincloir AnnSmiley BobSbvens Sussmon Peter DovidWorren SUSTAINING'YTEMBERIi EricChodok CofierineDeWtt Mchoneond PoulThomPson Jennifer ond Lenlvlorris Eleonor ondMorgoretAlmock PoulRothfels Vichert lvlorcus Wheotcroftond KothrynlvlcColl Robert PATRONftTE'VIBERS DovidAtchison JohnButler RoffiCovoukion G. Conners Kenneth BillGorry HeotherlvlcKenzie EomonO'Loghlin DouglosPolmqteer Jeff Piker Jeff Roymon JerryN. Smih SUPPORTTNG MEMBER,S Horvey Beresford MichoelJ.Bull DovidBurmqn Philond SondyByer PeterC. Cotton BruceCroig JimmyDeodmon lvlorkond PotEvqns RichordFlohil Dove Ford BeverlyFox Gene Freottond JennyMorris M.E. Goodmon JomesGould lvlorshoGrovesond TomKelly KolherineGunn JeonetteHorrison Morgon Hickey Holmesond PeggyHooke PeterHutlon KotrinoKnight Debro Lory PohickteBlond JonothonLynn PeterMock lvlory RuthlvlcDonold CofherineMcPherson lvlelissoond AnnitoNewell lvlegon O€onnell Merle Richordson Doug Roy JockSiegel JoonneSmole JeonSlevens SondroM. Stubbort PqulD. Volonne BroinWolker Lourotynn Webster Mory EllenYoung IHEilIESSAGE lsclEAR. lfl |[/|5A 0mann Toronto Sutte 301 Stren 4lBritarn .r' I MARIPOSA: Tlu F cttlual of Rar II uic ,, 0l A FESilIUA OF MI]STG EVERY WEEK i I N O W S U B S C R I P T I OONR , D E F RO , RM I wont NOW for lessthonthe newsstond price.Sendmethe next5l issuesof NOW for $37 - o27'per centsqving. 'p Enclosed $3{ [ I for.oConodionsubscription, or $89 [ I br o subscription outsideof Conodo.(orders from outsideConodomustbeloid by creditcord or internotionolmoneyorder.|Mcilorders to NOW Subscription. 150 DonforthAve, Toronto,Ont, M4K I Nl Chequeormoneyorderenclosed [ ] Billmycreditcord:AA4EX I IVISAI ] MC t l credit cord ordersby phoneoccepiedot (416f 461-034s or by fox ot 461-2886 ,j (( ulnrPoslrTheFefn'il,al RattMub UU- HTERYIryHERE TIIECOURAGE MUSIC Is thisWurfirst tirne TOBEDIT'T'ERENT Iat a folkfestiual? f T ow doeslvloriposocomporeto oher orls fl orsonizolions,how is it difierentfrom'fie o*rerc? Moripiso ond folk musichosolwoysprovidedo vehiilefor fie expresiono[ techniiluisthotdeolwih conlempororyisues. lt givesvoice to expresslhe ond concerns,feors,iop, iniustices,successes celebro{ionsof exislnncefirough the aeotive expresionof music,song,donce,croftond esireciollythroughthe clrollengeof invdvernenl. Theirwdvementof peopleot Arloriposois on work $udy;n;rli 800 rolunteers interesfing both servrcln servicing servicing weekend, weekend, weekend, re$tvol the theFestivol Festivol iver 6verlhe herover loqelher looether pullic ond performers.SeventyJirteof hese pu volunberswork for monfisin odvonce,procesing debil firough fu ogonizing phoses. erery logist'rcol lowyers,engineers.executives,leochers,medicol profersionoli, o bonkrnonogerond someonefrom ih moyor'sofficecon be foundwo*ing on securily, publiccomping,mixingsound,iokingphotos,selling ioffietickets,buildingstogesond bortending'All lokinoodvonloqeof on opporluniVlo boloncetheir iomplerelydifferentFom livesiith on ex-perience *eir everydoyexislencein on olfempllo supportorre of Conodo'sorlturollegocies.lvloriposoprovideEtor o plocetr ond volunteers, ilsoudience,performers disploytlrekiouroge to be different. 'love in'hot Moriposois oftenstillthoughto[ os fie he sixlies,ondindeed,one con seelie slereoVpes dvedcl6thins,Birkensto&sondols,menond women r"ithor., oroundeocho$er; butonecon olsowolk through*re porking lot ond find hguors, lvlercedes, ondBMW'solonqsidellp token\ArVmicrobus' thedemogrophicsof tlrelo$ yeor's Exomining surveytellsushol our oudienceis betfereducoled ondweolthierthonone mighlossume.Nostolgiolor o limegoneby,whenwe wereollowedmore our wlpn we hod groupsupporllo exPress heedom, ond when stondords oqoinslconservolive rebellion we hod thicouroge to be different,lros creobd o spirilfiol hos retumeJlo the moinskeomlrence,the renewedpopulorityof folkfe$ivohond lvloriposo. Tlredynomicsof exislingos o non proftlorgonizolion in the'90! is o chollenge,cruciollydifferentfromhe post.lt is cruciolthotl,loriposoflnd newsourcesof re"enreos governmentogenciesfoce conlinuous cu6ocks.[,loriposomustcontinuelo creole for ihe purisl,theonenighto'we* fdk, chollenges theweekendfolkieond lhe once+yeorfesti\olfdkie, in on ollemptto deliverwhot theorgonizers30 yeorc of oqo mondoted.Moriposoremoinson experience biim o*r kue self,iroviding oll invoh,ed,the lo be different. courigeond the encourogemenl M. J. Kelly ExecutiveDkeclor .DG BE\AN lnsuronce LTD BRCKERS Bus. (705)726-3381 160BradfordStro€t Barrie,OntarioL4N3Bs Toronro(416)283-7?0,2 Jenny McKlnlcy In a wayI envyyou.Onceyou'vebeen to a few festivals,you usuallyknow whatyouwantto seeandwhereYou wantto go beforeyou setfoot on the grounds.Yougo straightto it and you'resatisfied. Butthe firsttime youwalkinto a folk festival,you comethrough the gates not quiteknowingwhatto expect Asyou beginto wander(withno particulardestinationin mind),you wholenewworldfor the experience.a very first time.Artisansdisplaythek craft,old friendsgatherundera tree, familiessharetheirjoy - the children with their own specialmagic.Every few stepsseemto reveala newdelighl And everywherethereis music.Music to listento andmusicto danceto... musicforlaughingandmusicfor crying...ormaybemusicjustforthe sheerjoy of makingmusic. Thereare placeslike this that spring up everyyearthroughoutthe province. Thereis a folk festivalsomewherein Ontarioalmosteveryweekendfrom Eachonehas Junethrowh September. its ownfeel its ownflavour.And el€ry yearthereare a few more.Some peoplehavetakento referringto us as a growth industry. Me, I prefertothink of it asspreading the magicaround. Enjoyyourself... I'm goingto wanderfor a while. KenBrown President, OntarioCouncilof Folk Festivals play rttef erpny.. LAST$ THAT THE ONE R@c'Maic 5l sEM!&MRIP0SA Keepingpacewiththe changing faceof today'sfolk music Steve's Music turns up the heat with great prices all summer long. Sizzling specialsfrom virtually every major manufacturer of quality equipment, it's bound to be a HOT HOT SUMMER!!! Steve'scarries every thing from guitars and amplifrers, PA systems,large and small, recording equipment for pro and beginner alike, drums, percussionand everything midi from keyboards to computers. Also watch for special events sponsoredby Steve's Music happening all summer long. Steve'sprices are special because Steve's is a special music store!! YamahaFG410A AcousticGuitar incl. ease& strings .$g2s We at Steve's hope you have a great summer and remember, "IF YOU LO\M MUSIC ...PI,AYIT!!!" 415 Queen Street West Toronto 593-8888 l0 uenrposlz TluFcttirolof Ract DIub - a - 1990 h' fromuariouscomrntnilf S':uP:y::.^'!"'E*-:Yld At ANit 2}rhof thisy-eor,-6(X) -volunbers VOTUNTEER and Jor wen' rcninapd hl*,iip"o #ni i'arotunwrc iofl. vduterservi' A*"rd;h;li;; i;-iffi;; irii;;;"i"4-; *;;;;A;."iin-"it in yht h r&ct,d theiumberd yeorsat votvnber ';;;;;,t;' ;;;r; rt ni. M wong,Minisprof citinnshipandHon. i;d"r"i. ,,. ,. ;';i ilr-;;;#J; SERVICE Et;,1;'i;;7;t$#;'";;;i.'Ti;; hat ';'-p;-;;;; rypii"iJ t iriu*Znd dn/,i,,on*at indiiidwts is n*,l.fheir mondob our ensuing b n*r:',llpq2o,,o!,lhe AWARDS oredruwnto h1odwsa,f,Jiifio,r-it'iiril conmihrrlntond eHar* make pssibh lhe finng tudiliott of Maiposa' STEVENS BOB h9 lvgrlledhord.tcensurefiot the-petormers Bobfirstvdunteeredfor lvloriposoin 1964.As o hopitolityvolunteer, perfiormer.audf.r.p-w flohil,'"fr"q blues Richord y*ii vohjnber, i" Aoiil'l'""J.ii*'"r 'ro wthin fie moinstogel under, ond behind, come dorn ond fi" oir l*p"d 'b*[;"-""s";"',lins ,-r,*rliiJJ;;b".;.", ;;; ;;-';jii;iJ"L', .r; ioiiil Between l e64ondtlsr1l-.*:,111:o:n'bto' ln oyonhisguilnr. il;a-, ;;' book ;f"p..bi"". *.r"i."q n*Jio-J*oir, con..rtt, rhe.frstvol.progromme -..*r in ;;;";; o fie Foundotion,, hos de'elog:d He yeor. this og"in .ob *itt rhJ r"l" f" .ii l"[, rf'" ond wos l9g9,sArtisrico'r*". "f rr,l"ip"l-i" &ys o yeor'The olbeitbr o-nly.three il ilJJ r*oJ +opo'*oibbb on),where, ;;i for Moriposooudiences il;;fd*.-;'-*J;;:ilj';;;;"il;;i;il'";i"iJs"ra bndpe'former 6,J [no*ledq"of 6lk music Bobshucked ondC.D.'sthotore noteodtrvbund elsewhere' ftapes records, ;i,6;;ff;"9'i["t ;., conpurch-o:e pin for 15 yeors' o rcei'd Bob Monoger. Corntrni.olions ol tosi his volunreerstotus d;i;ilti;-i;r;d"il; ic he communifY. service CRAIG BRUCE WARREN DAVID HURRY TYNNE vdunberond loind theHoryitolitycl€t" qe.frJlowingyeor' Bruce Brucewo*ed hisfirs|bsfivolin 1970os o securily "hitel" *o*. while othervolunteers ore otrno.to".y iop*iry;'ilh th;igrolp, but is bestkn'ornbr his il;;*J; ofter in ond.looked checked ore p*fo-".. ;," $or #t"|-.;fig ; il; corchinosomeo[ rh" ,to*,-d[,i"'ir b*k ir ^" *'y t"'k;; 'h; "r'[*, of p"rb-u* overlheyeorsho'e brwght odditimol ffilj:|,'o.} til;r1"4 ;6;:rir' Hehosmo& Fiendswith is ensu'red. ; thoteochpenon's.comfort ;i*oy; i"'lsJii.f ffi;".['*j[' ilAEthi;;' centrewhenhisfriends drop-in o become ho' t'orr'""i^ d";"b*; T;'oiro il;;ru;d-,-!;;;il";#-iii"ti, service' l5 pin br o received Bruce the city. )reorc' ore fossingil,rough Boordof Dirxlors in 1980ond volunteerin,1979,o1d.ioine{.rhe Dwid ioinedMoriposo,firstos o concericornmitlee folk musicos well os newer, troditionol ii '"qy Lo*l"dgnb[e is Do'ia i;SS. .*;;-;; hos beenFoundotion *9i$" y*r, ot our musiccritic.ond o lthoughDodd olbmoliverootsmusic.He hosbeeno conkibubrto The'Noles ond lhe concertcommlttee icok o leorefronrth" B."td"r itSc i tt".t [ir r"" to* proctice,he hos'rerroinedoctiveon pin' 0 yeor o I receivEd Dwid ArtisticDrectorot fie Feslivol. iiffi; ;il t;; ;''il b.;rt"g osAssistont in 1982. In 1984 sheworkedoudio lyrne,sfirstiob with Moriposowos os o tkket sellerot the SpringTune'Up to loke on the role of volunleer ofbred *oili"g. rh."r"rl*|, o] *" FesrifiiinJil;d"d-t o1he documenrofion 'aa to ,.pl".e Moriposo's lirstotlemptol "f pio!-i tt'. rott ii pri r"g"rl". ";;d;;;",rolrnr*i e;i;;ilsh" rh" ta-r".ri"ol, *'h"n theo*nei of thecomputer,lefi its"olunreers'lisi;ktilh Ji6il;;.J;Bb; compurerizinq himtl.ln I 985, tynne*or ;1"";"d; th" s""rd of Directonond becomePresi&ntin I 986, ;;jfii';i:'!oiffi,.|;'i I'liijj'itriiiJal. l'5t'it"a ANNSMII.EY il'ilil ffi;;il l,.,].'J n-#';;'i#'i". Inl e8e,slre ofcomminees. ;C ,it ono number sJd;ia e"*rrl""'*ri;s. o 5 yeorpin' received Lynne cobgoD/' rtt"'r'i" n*tJs; the"RooriArodifionol" mokesomene"'vFiends Ann rmvedto TorontofromHolifoxin 1984.Shethoughtl"loriposomight.beo go9! p]g1e.fo onJhe ond qt^w in' 1984 in rrre Ers th" rhe Bo.ird wu! wol wos ;re ioin --l L--^* Ocllvely ^.riJ- i.. LJ ,i^hr stort. or["d u Ann the slclrl' stqrt.nrrrr ngnl rom right Fm fron Ine InvOVeO involved i;i" {tl -ondhosremoined lvnr octiroly become Ond beCOfne ond ondo rnember Directon, o[ Boord the of Vice'i'resident is I st Ann copocity. on executive in th" ;r; r"tt;f i*JJ^.", fie Accreditotion sererol,yerrs.olt" postss'erol f.i lhe lh" Post -orlnin". tor FundroitinjCommittee led lhe fie Fundroising hosled Ann hos Ann Commiifee. Commitfee. fie Executive o[ 6e he Executive ,yors.o1d Tt.:":T of of ;;.j rh" F;'";i.'Thty*; sleering rh" go"" up her AccrJitotion role to become o member of the Fesfivol o 5 por pin. Ann received Commitlee. tEE WESTON vdunfeerond perbrmerbod titkets os o stogehondin 1984.In 1.985,he.contrclled lee ftrstioinedfie orgonizotion ond fie *o*inqs of fie Fesfivol y"o;.; r+,"-l,g[ty undersbnds ."i f.gitrr*-*J bll;td ond mowd intrrseqqrity Sbering ond 1989, ;;i Cr*p^.'iJ-dJ;;-i;68 ioindrhe.Festivol Orgonizotion ot Festivol ocredin he copociry Commitlee' ond Roinbows Plonning in 19g9.l-eewos"lecr"d-r"rheBoordin ipgC ond sib-onfie Strotegic Commif1"e pin' ..por L€or€ceiv€do 5 . sl.{ :DoltT rriiiir mllio i CHRY L0s.sFM-folking out in North York and surrounding regions! these links through the support of peaceand reconciliation, culture and charity throughout lreland, north and south. If you would Canada, Paul Farrelly, Executive Director, 100 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1200,Toronto, MsH 1S3. Tel: (415) 367-8377. ' The IrelandFund of Canada. PeaceCulture Charitv a a a a a a t a a a a i We're open to your music, whetherit be on tape,vinyl, CD. Call us at 416- 7365293 for more information and a recent program schedule,or just go ahead : 3 and sendus your product! i : CHRY Community Radio, 258A Vanier College,47W Keele Street, North York, Ontario,Canada,M3J 1P3 r a #.!,iR5 : ! and Ireland. The Ireland Fund of Canada is dedicated to building like to know more, to send a donation or volunteer, please contact: The Ireland Fund of "'-\ - a a This line from W.B. Yeats sums up the links between Canadians n' : .^ ,t(5H*- : \ 1 6 : : ' ' fu7fffo$.rr,,,,, i : --\ifr, ir1*sZu-llff ,.y.*, " a a , .; : . a a : THEMARIPOSA NOTES' , a O a 3 ! ! ! brouqht lo you5 timeso yeol : for tle prkl of o rnemberihir: inth tliriposoFolktoundotio'n : 3aaaaaaaaaa..aaaaa..aa...a..! SALES & RENIAIS {. doc approvable * 600 ohm audio interface * CRTClicensable * 50 ohm antenna output * 10 watts, crystal controlled * manufacturedin canada * all broadcastfrequenciesavailable * fully warranted '3'cover up to 500 sq miles * frequency matched antenna included AISO AVNIABI.E HALF WATT TRANSMITTER FOR NON.LICENSED APPLICAflONS {. quiet radio concerts * campground communications * outdoor events & festivals * highway announcements ! l 7Il ulnrposl t The Feszivdol R@.t Mub t Y - CNADIAN CRAFTS onrr.rowhoyou'ttfindondoto*orilreortistsdemnstrorln ARTIST OFIBRE JANDONAIDSON TENTS THE UNDER CRAITS HockWee & AdrioneArmour MorionAndersonDesigns RebeccoBorcloY GeorgesBeouregord PehusH. Boofs JePhBoileY8rown Cleohofro MorilynDolle Iomoro Goyne Lorne& SorohHole MorilynInch KoroJohnson KrofisBy Koth TonLiqin MorYonneLemieux Don W. Lucos Ms RosolieMcNeil & KellYVon Dyk Mozoomo Brion& ColleenMcCorthY RogerMumo KuteoNicoll CorolineOldocre MorYionePemberton DonnyPollock Rongotong JeonMouriceSorrcier LindoWiebe Ann WylieTool SUN THE UNDER CRAFTS Groovies PeferBudrunos MoniishkoDesigns Andreo Morconi/Beverlylvlelzger Ann Meod & O'BertPuck DonnoPolichuk Ring Jennifer MonikoStone br Jon Donoldsonhos beeno croftsperson Quebec' in quilter os o twelveyeorsstorfing She'sbeenin oll the moiorcrofi showsocross lhe counlryond hosstorredin 33 television progromsteochingherquiltingbchniques. Sincemovinglo Torontoftveyeorsogo, she's devotedher time mostlyto oppliquedkid's weor ond oneof+kind odult'sweor.Jonwill 'stoinedGlossQuilting'o be demonstroling glosswork in.its thofresembles technique vibroncy.When finished,thispiecewill be o 7h. X7ft. roomdividing screenwith ihree flowersond builerfies' dimensionol CARVER OTOTEM JIMANDERSON ARIIST OIEAIHER NEGASH Bornin Eriheo,Negoshis o thirdgenerolion' leotherorfison.He leornedthe croft in his fother'sstudioin Asmoro;thenloter moved to Florence,where he designedbeltsond boqs for Missoni.Toconstonllychonge,io d".fqn n"* shopesond newcombinotions, is hiifirst love.tonsultolionwifi o clientwill debrmine iustwhot kind of bog shouldbe mode. Designsore odopfedto suiton individuol'sstyleof dressond styleof life' Negosh presenilyhos o studioot l04B ScollordStreetin Toronlo' O B|.IITTRFEID JOAN ARTIST DECOUPAGE OMTUSOI.IAL THRTT ToronlowoodcorverJiJnAndersonwill sculpf o miniiotempolefromo cedor4 X 4. This tofemdepiclslhree musicions,o singer,fiddle ployerond guitorployer,rofherlhon oppropriobdlndionforms.Andersonis in he folemos o vehicleof interesfed expressionfor hisown concernsond/or in "rilrr". Andersonis oble ond inferested workingwith groupswonlinglo corveond developfotempoles. orl On o chonceviewingof o dimensionol exPress lo form ort the disploy,Joonfound hei creotivity.In bur shorfyeors,this Bromptonorlisthosobtoinedinternolionol occloim.Her work con now be viewed in both privoteond corporolecollectionson oll in Coribbeon Joonspeciolizes fivecontinenls. personol her bringing s@nes, ond Africon experiencesb life. 0 ENAI,iELARTIST CROWE CAIHERINE Rophoelgrew uP in the MiddleEostond lfrico ond wos influencedby troditionol woys ol on eorlyoge' In hisworkinglife,he hos pursuedrurol occupotibnsof fie pr* on toking industriologe, wilh on emphosis os foundin nolureond row moteriols processingthemfo o finishedprodrct' He of cooperoge,furning, is on ovid proctitioner ond building.At Moriposohe broommoking broommoking. will demonstrote CofherineCroweof Homilton,bringso opproochlo theoncientort of historicol Shebringsto lifethespiritof the enomelling. Cehiciron oge in iewellerythot echoesthe modern. post,ond yef is uniquelY ARTIST OCER,AMIC HARPER JOI{ATHAN living Jonoihonis o functionolpottercurrently Ontorio.l-tehosopprenliced in Burlington, wifh Don Zverond ottendedSheridon CollegeunderBruceCochroneond Winn Burke.Jon is presentlyo ceromicoriisfinresidenceol Toronfo'sHorbourfrontCroft Studio. OVIOUNI,IAKER NENTICE DAVD violinmoker Dovid Prenticeis o professionol Ontorio who livesond worksin Flesherion, on oreo thot hos becomeo hothouseof hovefoundtheir His inshuments violinmoking. Stotes. United the into shop his woy from &COOPER OBROOMfu{AKER R,APHAEIKEREM OPOITER UZDUSOME Workingbothon thewheelond hond building,liz bringso creotivetouchb porc.loin eorringsond pottery.Her workthopt fot childrenwill helpyourchildto moketheirown eorringsond neckloces from porceloinbeodsond shoPes' MARIPOSATTAc Futiva! of Rmu til ub NEW ORDER O THE WONDER STUFF ODEPECHE MODE O JANE SIBERRY DE LA SOUL O PIXIES . THE CUTT O BIG AUDIO OYfEUTTE O JIMI HENDRIX O KATE BUSH O LOVE & ROCKETS O COWBOY JUNKIES YOUNG MC O NINE INCH NAILS O PERE UBU O CHALK CIRCLE O SINEAD O'CONNOR O THE ROLLING STONES O MAESTRO FRESH.*NS O 8.52'S MIDNIGHT OIL . EURYTHMICS O HOTHOUSE FLOWERS . KON KAN U2 O SUGARCUBES O ROB BASE O THE DOORS O DANIEL LAI\IOIS O MEN WITHOUT HATS O MINISTRY O TERENCE TRENT D'ARBY O OCEAN BLUE SKINNY PUPPY O THE BEATLES O THE SMITHS O BREEDING GROUND TECHNOTRONIC . THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH . BONNIE RAITT O MILES DAVIS O THE CURE OJOHN tEE HOOKER . LED ZEPPELIN . POGUES PROCLAIMERS O LENNY KRAVITZ O CRASH VEGAS .iEM; THE ART OF NOISE OTHE MISSION . KAOMA OMORRISSEY OTALKING HEADS O SOFT O CELL THE STRANG!I-{9_^-CE COCKBURN . GIPSY KINGS BE GTANTS . FRANKIE GOES TO EI ii:IE|S:'IVE:,:IOOLMOE TRANSVISION VAMP O THE -R ()xr H O L L Y WOOD ." -DEE o LAURIZ f f -Tt--r--I f f J f-t a - f f f Y V f f f - RAGICALLY l"'111lil;,'uoffi'3-T'T"'iFbil'Tt*nitnJ SHAKESPEAR'.XISER o_PEt:R MU- ROBBIE RG !F.rlf r i,FF. RIM ;":*t3*^."Sifrf 5;#gi'1il{f"I4[ii r *nrlNs o MAI\ITECA. O BRI-{.N ENO o frrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)r IAZZY JEFF 'f,UE RODEO -co^.rfLr-rrvr-rr--r .JL!"/AL-!'N r7orrs'N RosES o 54_4o -PNTS YES O SIMPLE MINDS O UNWANiNO O DAVID BOWIE . LOU REED STRANGER THAN FICTION . CREAM O ATIA MODA . PETER GABRIEL ALARM O MELISSA ETHERIDGE O ELVIS COSTELLO . NORTHERN PIKES CABARET VOTTAIRE O ROUGH TRADE O TIMBUK O BB GABOR KRAFTWERK OTHE CHURCH OTHE BOX OTHE WHO O3 MIGHTY LEMON DROPS O BILLY IDOL O ZOMBIES O PRETENDERS O TOM PETTY O LILAC TIME . SATTALITES . HooDoo GURUS . J.AMES BRowN o ENGLISH BEAT GASTON MANDEVILLE O ESCAPE CLUB ? NON DYLAN . COLIN JAMES DEACON BLUE . ANIMAL LOGIC . MITSOU O BUTCHER DRAMARAMA O KIM CARROTHERS ODANI EL\TELL O lIiZ HUMBLE HOWARD FRED PATTERSON . DAN DURAN O ALAN CROSS O PAMELA BLAIR .JAMTE MC'BOOMBOX. CHRrSSHEppaRDo ?^o_[B_E_LNS Cl\pf,arN pHrL O SCO|r TURNER MARY ELLEN BENINGER O EARLJIVE O HEDLEYJONES KAREN HORSMAN_.-JIM DUFF O DAVID HIGHT O AVALANCHE IVAN LEE CARTER O RICK CTTENTNS. MIKE CANCEiiARA . PAi;{'CDERMOTT MAIE PAUTS O TOITY MANTZ . BEVERT' HTTTS . BARB HANSON O KNEALE MANN O HAL O REINER SCHWARZ O HARBOUR HOT MUSIC AND REAI PEOPTE oN YouR FM Ar !o2.!; RIGHTNowtl 70 ulnfposl t r - : The Festiual of Roott [iluic tcq.brook Tent I WinlRive-R C K L N 'ftee. ShowcDS StAo Amevican Airlines ta<e.. Cdv€,:' L ae^f .i'"teTir.,l Tr,ZT"a"a6's Ed- McCu.dl 'Il l.^e,rrric.K Jorrq.11. I i'lEflreod*"^ fo.ne!^|4sVeiJh Bri 7: wil\ie P. Bennett r - t lf ll rl :l +; ": . If q sxo"e) xidn,1xtr]=;a;;q- fne, ?ankin Saakson Delt6 I Farni lv M r:oo I ,}ql+?FF" MAIN A A R I P O SWatl A Lrosrs: 7: oo A:4o 8'.zo q: oo lo:o5 Su bjecf B =- ll EotbY i SIA.GV Shor e- -T.heJ-r-ave-lter-g Wi \\ ie- P' E,e'^^e-ttMavr WaVIl3 rat Ste B uf$y V i o \e- n-t* *o cha^tte €e -r-- .!i*l;rbl,e. .- l4/rbFte- l1ed.ick I 5av>e.tf I rr\ w\€-S w t t ho.F 6efti-c' J-apar'"' vzvre fai k Bobby, Wa+ft Te.x ' Korti l A L I RA The source Group D DRINK FRUIT HERBAL SPARKLING Robin Holden (4r6)968-t435 220 Bedford Rood Toronfo,Onforio Conodo M1R2Kq MARIPOSA:Tle Fsrriuato/Ror t A-X ll GETHIGH ONNATURA ffi fustforthe HEALTH 0f ir a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Official Supplier ; f,imited tothe1990 MARIPOSA FESTIVAL i ! Offer present this coupon fora i l57o Discount a it'r The Watersystemthat, glassafter glass, \Mill gwe you, the clear refreshing taste of pr.rre mountain spring water you desirefrom your own in-housefi ltration system. ^I -A . - I : : : : a : on the purchase price : : of any Clearbrook : Water Systems ! a a a a a a a Call (416) 580 - 5126 Now! KOOKCANADA ! . ! Ct"utUrookCanadaInc. : 250 Sandringham Drive . DownsviewOntario M3H 1G3 : a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a l4 MARIPOSA: ?lre Fesriud Rorr tlfuic Cl<LN Sho\ /ctsc se3e, \r The, Spirif. MbvesUs F?gt? HearT q'"t .A*i.ft lrfti* -hosts: ea lFaith Mt"'<{y Pruvnrvror5 f | Karen $avnble B"ffY :Ib+tlYltlBf,*: 'P:.fl':$il Fdif 1-orrn.n'1-y 6 6 -ii;+; pav'id s Mites g1r-fvgrie "l fall Tales DeL6vp67q;91- hosts: blp'*. Cape"5 br,adia"t 'T.avtarac o3"?\", Bob\W6{f ho3{rsl Ed McOurdy Frc<l l(olle-r Bob Snider l! [Somerr TFue, At ns Walker Brrl Sho.e hosts: lI"[''+aStveets " 9ordon $ano 6i'.dY Lee Bcrr.yhill "t'"8t,?r"t'' Tne, Rank,'.t travnt\9 'Srfi'11*i11il"t8* 5:il J?*"'iR?*"111,r ffj!f,J, e,Fhr"l 'l P*d"y MAIN STAGI MARIPCSA Z:3o 3:r5 Mahlafhi.,iE The Mahotella Qu"et''s Th. D ix i e H r m m i n g b i r d s TICKET ARAFFTE OBTIY WINAGT]ITAR , 5 ] fut ls not created.It is achieved.It is the product of talent and relentlesspractice,tempered byyearscf training. But eventhen,you give rrore. Yougive your heart and soul. AmericanAirlines understandsdratkind of effrrt. Its the samekind of dedicationanclhard work drat have made us a leader And likethebestartlsls,we'reneversatisfied.Eventhoughweworkto mainainthe highestcluality standardsin the commercial airline industry we still strive to improve. We'rededicatedto nurkingsure thlt our people are the best,ourplanes are.clsanand cornfortable,and our fliglrt schedules:re depenclable. forevervpasFJrus,makingevervflightsomethingspecial ,n -^-l^aA i-ll-^senger is our way oTdeliveringan excellentperforffIance. Sott tetl.tit ry grccictI it t tl.x:r i r' II!{RIPOSA: The F ectiual ctearbrook Tahf q:oo 4tt3 \\Takg Cav4o 'lbrf 2 I " Oflawa, I $TheRoots 8:!6i:n Sgjtgol ;iffi'{ry "t + C-o,it isAlive € l $,yffiaf Matthew FinOS s',oo 5: 15 skdg. 5:45 B-ll e 6:t+5 MOLSON PAQI {lel Siinclail ho6tt: I Nrshville Tackson I De116 LYtn Mile,s I BluerpaSS ttNew B,a"nd S i x Mi l a l B"ddv Dr:dgz I g " / ' in Yolr.Es" C.oncert Fat Plan I 5:3o 6ioo 5: t5 .)A.-ousL'" Blues" ho9.rts: {:ai Pond Stage IplgrrcEh Airlir.es ae*t 7 $music '\Sfomp;r{ "We Do **"S.r oF Aere-" Dordn" -+ FailhNolan T\g L-enWallaccp , 3 n k i n BobbyWatf fE'l.ily )evv{ .. Rhodbs f,ackson rS. Hadby 9-n RifcLie "Exotiq Pe,rcugston' Vr'cf,or a*,ol'n" EALoFely\zo hotts'. t##a De€t+a Cindy Lee g"ists Berryhill B u d d yQ r y B l u e sB a n d Dan\el Lanois q:+o Tonn Connors SJbrnpin, I T o ,6 w i {h $ a l l ant tape 9,vbfon Ki+chcn Pavlo tle rr I L\O n f,J*.to" T]arnata.k Trrc, Rankin FamilY rrurtcAT t"levrick SavYe'rf Kathryn Brenda Baket' Celtic BuSJBfl"' Qrievous Ang.ls 8:l+o gr\ Mile Bridgo Mrhlathini Ond the Mahotztla. Qc4rv5 Neslrv'rlle Dtve 9rasa 'Band Qrievors rryith IrAatthcw Ange,ls O"{er w-Hosts " LynnMiles SonnY KLN o\Arcagg LVEJ $ales Arlet e EishoP Panela L i l l a vd leslie Spit 'Tree-O STAGEMTR\ ?9S.YAtNt 7'..+o ll:oo Dru vn5 U>vr-e, -t.aiKo !#^u t'Dr,rrns WAvinq l 5Mt'e, Tom 'rlnthe -TvaditioYiQallariT Tiao I WindR,veR Secret 9t4e"D"urrs kShY Te\ Koni3 \7:@ Ac,oust,c. 3Dz-2" Ka,rsani Sawdev! 7:4S \\Blves J eaitadd FaithNobn T Bobbv watt' El4LYNN 1 Mites t ? Band 1:ro Six Mi\e, Br-rdge lo:3c) Lcn Wa\lace, ll:oo BelI i I $hore MrDNto$t "kg?1.?1, Lc^Winoca Kqu:a^ C Sa^ridf,t!i -I-c,x kon*c. BbbyvB\f fines TICKET * BUYA RAFFLE WINA GUITAR MARIPOSA;?lra FerriutoJfR@tr lf -t F I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I CANADA'SLARGESTAND BESTKNOWN THE DANIEL EL LANOIS LANOIS HAPPEMNGTHANG 6ffit/rrrl vroLENrFEMMES 4 r-tl :.2 Fq! erF l.F{ \ v 1..< l-1 tq! lr..{ FH (t> "Acadie" n3' JONAtrHANRICHMAN SYLVIATYSON EMMYLOU HARRIS 'Blucbird" 1 6 .gpea*r co 8 . 99Each cassette PETERCASE "Thc Men rWith..," ll GENETATLOR "ILtdndG' aLrdndG' cassette 8.9pturn a t S a m ' sS t o r ei n B a r r i ea n d a t t 4 7 Y o n g eS t . I I I I I T I I I I t I I I t8 MARIPOSA: The Fettivol of Ruts Mwb llr0 0 ll:30 claarbrook Tont I \r Thc. I \A&'ird€SF I $Tatcec6veq lqntr 7 Ameriaarr dirlines to*:* 9 3u*f Sfagc' Pond 3fa5c- W '# CK I-N WindRivc.R 'T*c-a Shor^rcAl3 SfageSlgge- YJr.lful I Y\oi'se,'/| L:iif# Fai*hNobn "Part o€ ']TnodiTiona I Hosfs'. FvedKolleri Countnl to.. I Dorgtl"lytq u;t8frr NEWSbn+' T..O I . -r^L.?.:l-^ Fcte-I VlOrr(,(X. Caso I Trinity I Noon Utah Singei5 PhilliPs-l"ACo).2c'1-l Blrps I tz:30 Aosts" I qlF$*, trfff"1 r;|if,fo'j."A M'Ar4h, Doug lz:q5 f.,f 9an1oB-ria{ Dpvid l J.p0 srJuo,l8.t s loo 1:+5 Z':oo Zt3o colLe't tb"r*,fish ] " gr'revgus ttft^ttf,lr. Y;;T,h"Harifa3{ l@' "tb*slse"Le,n II F.laY|or Riehard Ftohi t lrolts: FveJ Kvo\\e. Walla<c, Tarnaragt< i txe 3',t( ,Di\ie, : Hurnni4gbi4f9 $u'.ahs Aidience3'.oo ilor ln Concar.t the'$o6, E'x. kgniqr Ed MoCurdy e Trii^9s " .fhc, Brskinq AcnoYu tJoAH ZA(HARII CArruN hX\F AS.s" Matthe.t Finc,S H* MinerS MARIPO,SA MAIN STAGE alr{rrr.l: i4erric( -fsrrCtl- 7",b Jonalhan Richman witx Trinity $inger-s t GAYTT \\ gtrinSr U+ah Utriltips E,3F*,.' 6RAI6 Elakcr CHITDRET.J Bell i -SG,'v,.;o ghore. w[% Wps+ 7y&ajvn SnNA 6,"r,Ja lto3ts: *V"lb,s KIN€ Uzurne 3:ts The e\(gne.s Taiko I g,-, q:@ ScoCpagc Sm>,.--=----rE=- ifr0tE[n}tllPOTATOCHPS +E# 2 5 3 5D R E WR O A D i r l l S S l S S A U GO AN , TARIO L 4 T1 G , 1 TEL: (416)076-8100 MARIPOSA: The F estiuol ol Roots M wie t9 80 MARIPOSA: The Festivol of Rats Mwb g1g6;lrak 4:oo 4;ts T:c,nt t tt Sonq SwaE' PeTej- case 4:'|' 5"os 3':rd 6.oo t\Voices 4"o*. r-or"Et' &saliq 2 'Ltltl" T"aditbrf k^X,n Family q sir Mile, Brtdga'Bluegv85! B'e.nda O Eake,r FNE!&€6t" Ancncin AiFlih?3 Tct{f 3 $Elueg;^ ++\u . %t'd $tage, '='i?ilf,il.{' BGll a Sho.a: Lynd;M'tlcS A{+el4\ooi R'**rLrt EnnYlorr g3rrii .9onnv Rhodds, 3ene. Tgylor ibcKgon Delf + Sylvi3 -fylcn sf'.e5thc6oblirr<,ta 6 roYrgv Kausei't Saunders Davi.l D?e Band s"Lier $u?.s13 SeeueT sf€e,, \^,r:-,{Pi.-P Te.e>ra4"- iP$ut' waynE Toyps "!tI?5 *fiil.o l(irn r&"rs Riehrrran Bob Salder iBl#"1" ;eih 7* .7:* 6.b 7r{ lgztS Anhai s*ti€a 3tai. rronhsoyr Michecl Ladero![< rriTe SolJs a"$tr} *;h,t IV\ARIPOsA MAIN Hosf$ ffp56lie Sorrals i o"* l,4ar-aU CoQO llot+J .F-"athan &GF serl t{erridk nil*,.tf,o,o' JarrilT Condon {eano Ov4ee iflT'## atarr PhilliPl ' nrlr.fgRS CKLN Sho$rcAsp, Sl}aF. \\Souacz€ Jw' nFi*t-. i'Fs\l*". i'F.9:i:I;SfA',:Jk' ?eR toa 5:+5 -Terrt Bob Snider borrelS tt{s TIB, Jonerfhan Richrnan STAGL SylviaTyson N ashvilleBluegressBand Teler Caso i Lydecajun W"y,=%ypt E-mm/lou ilarrrs l{:'rt FINALL SylviaTyson Ed M"Gvrdy The Ti'ovellerS t Mmposds Vnn Trfi EMPoRTUM Vrsn ROOTS FOR GREAT oun Suppom ADVMTISMS, FnunJumSmns,TffiYAI,IOlv THIS FRoM PROGRAMME Top QUruHY ltlrcl GUIDE Rtconls, TRpns, CDs, BE DISTREUTED FRTIE Fnuny FARM, TO Boors &T-SHnts Wnn's MARIPOSA: The Fetttual norrauac.fil Tbe fufa,riposa. Folk Foun da.tion c ongr a.tula.t e s Joe lewisfor FoIk lVfusic 25 yea.rs of €t Folkwa,ys on qIRT-Ftur FoIk lVfusic €t Folkuays *itnJo€ Leusis SATTTRDAYS 12 NOOIV- 4:OOPM At 3'OOPMJobn ValentElnjoins "BluesHour" Jre leutisfor tbe CJTRTFM ls aaailable on cable uia satellite ln tbefollouting Ontan lo locations: - ROGERS CABLE, LOI\DON - ROGERS CABLE, DEEP RTVER - DEEP RIVER CABLE, COR]\ITTTALL LONDON MACLEAN HUNTER CABLE, DRYDEN - DRYDEN CABLE, NORTH BAY- MACLEAN HUNTER CABLE, GERALDTON - 4.STROCOM CABLE, PARRY SOI.]ND - NORTH SHORE CABLE, IIUNTSVILLE MACLEAN HUNTER CABLE, PEMBROKE - OTTA\7A CABLEVISION, KENORA - KENORA CABLE, SUDBURY - SUDBURY CABLE, KINGSTON - KINGSTON CABLENET, THUNDER BAY - MACLEAN HUNTER CABLE, GANAI\TOQTJE- KINGSTON CABLENET, TIMMINS - TIMMINS CABTE ... BELLEVILLE, TRENTON, BRIGHTON, and COLBOLJRNE... FrrrOTI"C,KE" GERALDTON,IfORntEpAyNE, and KAPUSIKASING... KEMPISIII-E, KENORAICN, CARDINE and GArrIAIrtOeUE... OTTAVA, SAULT STE. MARIE, and SMfTIf FALIS... FORranTnER TNFoRMAITON CALL YOUR LOCAL CABIE @MpAIry 0 QJRTFM, AT 91.1Mrr4 rN TORONTO... \". To deocl, 40 1 : l l I t'E le o o \r It 'H b c1 G $@@t @,9 f\ Stlanposa :,' -31^:=f*;-;;u- Molsoro Parrk ?ublic CamPing sff % .ffirp"1tt * -m "t l*. " &'r' ",".,isi.. %k,; 'rlfi }f. ri ' S - *% * E - b ;* F- " * b. '#" 4t*I. #"ffk s.#-ry.4 il: - 3 " .'rs" l,& ii*., € EXPORT MOLSON TOBEA SPONSOR ISPROUD OFMARIPOSA'9O f :'.1W ;,,#ffi .r. rI t,ra rIrI'T-'5i=.ii E== --- ---I-I]I-III- -' il--- .==IIE= Exsags itall -'IJ__ =_7_1=-