May,2014 - Knights of Columbus
May,2014 - Knights of Columbus
BISHOP ODIN NEWS NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 9295 Published Monthly Knights of Columbus Council No. 2917 607 East Whitney Drive Houston, Texas 77022-3535 Phone: 713-694-2341 May 2014 Vol. 33, Issue 5 COUNCIL OFFICERS, COMMITTEEMEN & OTHERS Council Chaplain Rev. Clint Ressler Co-Chaplain Deacon Will Hunter Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain Rev. Alberto Zanatta Chaplain CDA Court #1750 Rev. Msgr. James L. Golasinski District Deputy—District #75 Agustin Carrillo Grand Knight Joseph Earthman Deputy Grand Knight Jim Azzarello Chancellor Robert W. Murski Recorder Michael Descant Financial Secretary Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD Treasurer Jeffrey Kasowski Advocate Brett Owens Warden Mark Demny Lecturer Brian Garcia Inside Guard Edward Tobola Outside Guard Antonio Saenz Outside Guard Jose Limas Trustee Ken Boudny Trustee Doug Wendt Trustee Dominic Psencik, PGK, PFN, FDD Family Director John Buck Council Director Don Christen Youth Director Miguel Navarro Rosary Team James E. Urbanovsky, PGK, PFN Rosary Team & Pro-Life Program Director John Fox Senior Club President Angie Heinrich V.A. Hospital Chairman Anton Swiech NorthSide Columbus Club President John Buck K of C insurance A-F David Walsh K of C insurance G-K Daryl Van Keuhlen K of C insurance L-P MarkDeacon K of C insurance Q-Z Jose R. Oviedo Bowling President Harold Fenn President Ladies Auxiliary Kelly Clawson Catholic Daughters Regent Carol Mitschlatis Manager, Northside Columbus Club (hall rentals) Mickie Wendt Editor, Bishop Odin News Kathy Bronikowski ( 713-692-9123 713-805-8582 281-447-6381 713-222-2289 832-305-0395 713-562-0501 281-547-8720 281-881-4095 281-615-0104 281-353-5892 713-868-8093 979-324-5099 713-444-9861 832-588-3308 713-899-4211 713-691-1604 713-681-4481 713-869-9821 281-684-2289 713-682-4413 713-398-6196 713-628-8177 713-862-5650 713-861-6347 713-682-5244 713-683-8417 713-697-6846 713-398-6196 832-512-0326 281-615-2618 281-381-1366 832-910-5061 713-818-0430 713-869-2018 832-498-8495 713-694-2341 281-356-3535 Wendy L. Prater ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills Powers of Attorney Probate Family Law Divorce Child Support Name Changes 713-802-9171 1919 North Loop West, Suite 490 Houston, Texas 77008 Bishop Odin Council 2917 - Knights of Columbus 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 Joe Earthman, Grand Knight Phone: 713-694-2341 Fax: 713-694-2342 A Monthly Publication May, 2014 (Vol. 33, No. 5) GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE CO-CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE Joe Earthman Deacon Will Hunter Brother Knights, I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Easter. Thanks to all who attended last month's council meeting. The clipboards went around again and I've updated the list of names of Brother Knights who have signed up to help out with future events. 3RD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH WORKDAY: John Buck, Billy Hoffart, Jim Descant, Bill Selvaggi, Shane Davis, Jose Zuniga and Joseph Earthman FRIDAY NIGHT BINGO: Don Psencik, Floyd Rekieta, Brad Brawner, Mark Demny, Shane Davis, Mike Goins, Mary Goins, Vince Lima, Jose Zuniga and Joseph Earthman. VA HOSPITAL VISITS: John Fox, Gerald Davis and Joseph Earthman ROSARY COMMITTEE: Jim Descant, Richard Pavlas, Brian Kubiak, John Fox, James Urbanovsky and Joseph Earthman SUMMER FLING: Mark Demny, Floyd Rekieta, Don Christen, Richard Pavlas, Robert Murski, Jim Azzarello and Joseph Earthman CASINO NIGHT: Don Psencik, Doug Wendt, Mark Demny, Floyd Rekieta, Robert Murski and Joseph Earthman SPECIAL OLYMPICS: Floyd Rekieta, Jerry Ingerman, Jr., Mike Goins, Billy Hoffart, Marcos Nieves, Don Christen, Buddy Hudec, Leo Landry, Richard Pavlas, John Fox, Gerald Davis and Joseph Earthman. Matching the Passion of Christ During this Easter season we should remind ourselves constantly of the way Christ accepted his passion and death on the cross only to rise from the dead three days later. It was the unconditional love Christ had for the Father that allowed him to accept as well as carry out the will of the Father. We must be mindful of the example Christ set for us with his selfless actions to serve the Father. Christ not only set an example for us regarding his passion and death, he also set an example for us through constant prayer, constant worship of God and constant willingness to give of himself to others. Christ knew he could not take a day off or a vacation from the work his Father had given him. We too must be mindful of this example of Christ to serve God. For lest we forget or take for granted, Satan does not take a day off from his temptation of us. Nor does he take a vacation from the many and varied ways he puts our hearts to the test for us to turn away from the love of Christ. We must be equally zealous in our prayers to the Lord for his mercy and forgiveness. We must match the tireless and passionate work of Christ in always looking to the Father for his light as a way out of the darkness of sin. Match Christ in his zealousness to serve God during this Easter season so others will see in you the risen Christ. For those who cannot make it to council meetings, please feel free to call me personally or email if you'd like to have your name added to any of the events (713-802-0000 or The Knights of Columbus, as an organization, is only as beneficial to our community as we are active so thanks to all who continue to give their time. Brother Bennie Bronikowski, Knight of the month for March. Brother Robert & Pansy Miller, Family of the month for March. ATTENDANCE PRIZE KEEPS CLIMBING Brother Robert Cabrera’s name was drawn at the April meeting. Since Brother Cabrera was not present, the attendance prize increases to $190. Please plan to attend the May meeting. Social and meal from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the attendance prize drawing at the conclusion of the meeting. Next Officers’ meeting is Wednesday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. Next Council meeting is Monday, May 12 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner served from 6:00-6:40 p.m. Next NorthSide Columbus Club meeting is Wednesday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. Next work day is Saturday, May 17. Congratulations to Brother Sam Ruffino, winner of a $20 gift certificate from the Grand Knight’s drawing held at the April meeting. Grand Knight, Joseph Earthman, presents a check for $2500 to Brother Chuck Blesener for the St. Rose of Lima Food Pantry. Financial Secretary, Benny Okruhlik, presents a $500 check to Brother Leo Landry for Assumption’s food pantry. These donations were made possible from Council 2917’s Charitable Bingo. Please join us on Fridays to help support our charities. GK, Joseph Earthman, delivers a $700 donation check to Sheryl Claus, director of the St. Ambrose Food Pantry. GK, Joseph Earthman, presents a check for $500 to Emily Garcia for the St. Rose of Lima Parish Festival. NorthSide Columbus Club John Buck We are steadily making repairs and improvements on the buildings and grounds. Most recently we skirted the Roemer Hall with lattice panels. With our regular but faithful group of men we are completing new projects on the buildings and grounds along with the regular maintenance which includes yard work, light bulb replacing, electrical, plumbing, and building repairs. Our faithful monthly volunteers for April were: John Buck, Bennie Bronikowski, Doug Wendt, Ben Kaminski, David Cornelius, and Nick Navarro. We enjoyed having a new face this past month on work day—Mark Demny. Thanks Mark for joining the group. Our regular weekly yard crew consisted of Joe Pavlik, James Urbanovsky, and Doug Wendt. These men truly need to be thanked for their consistency in maintaining the yard. If you would like join this group, we are there on the 3rd Saturday of each month. If Saturday is not good for you, and you can make a weekday, give me a call and I will help set up a project for you at your convenience. I have one more man to thank—Robert Murski. Robert has been helping me get our keg dispensers working. With his help, I have now been educated in the proper operation of keg beer. Officer Elections in June Officer elections will be held at the council meeting on June 9. I know of three officer position openings at this time. We have openings and have no candidates for: Deputy Grand Knight, one Trustee and Recorder. Most officer positions take only a few hours each month to serve and gives you the opportunity to help in making those decisions that help the council grow and succeed. As an officer you get a totally different perspective on how the Council works. Holding an office expands your brotherhood among the membership and is a very rewarding experience. If you are interested in running for these positions or any other officer position, please contact one of the Trustees. We need your support and commitment today. Doug Wendt, Trustee Knights of Columbus Council 2917 Summer Fling Dinner, Dance & Raffle Saturday, August 23, 2014 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 $13,000 given away in 23 prizes $100 donation per ticket only 350 tickets will be sold Each ticket entitles admission for two to dinner & dance. 1st Prize…..$5,000 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Prize….$1,000 Prize….$1,000 Prize….$ 500 Prize….$ 500 Prize….$ 500 Prize….$ 500 Prize….$ 400 Prize.....$ 400 Prize….$ 300 Prize….$ 300 Prize…. $ 300 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd Prize…..$300 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize......$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 Prize…..$200 All prizes paid in Visa Gift Cards Winner responsible for all taxes Music will be provided by the Red Ravens Polka Band Additional dinner tickets are available for $8.00 each and additional dance tickets are available for $8.00 each Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Deadline for the June newsletter is May 16 Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dance is from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. To purchase a $100 ticket, please call Brother Ed Okonski @ 281-433-6835 Please pray for our sick: Alvin A. Bollom Rev. Msgr. James Golasinski Blaise B. Guerrero Kasmier T. Nowaski Jake J. Ragusa Kenneth W. Winkler James Azzarello Monico R. Cabral Michael J. Mihaly Louis Krzesienski Brett A. Owens Lawrence J. Boriskie Fred Alonso Edward E. Okonski, III David M. Patronella Dominic A. Psencik William R. Bartonek Lawrence E. Mills Harold A. Grochett Edward J. O’Connor Simon Gonzalez, Jr. David J. Mosquinski James R. Nowlin Larry A. Gregory Mark E. Bartniski Edmond Gorka Michael J. Kloss Samuel R. Okonski John D. Phillips Augustin Guzman Kevin J. Horelica Edward E. Okonski, Jr. Brian K. Marshall Bill D. Melcher May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 10 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 14 May 14 May 15 May 15 May 18 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 26 May 26 May 26 May 27 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 31 Brother Chuck Blesener Brother Eugene Klotz Brother Roy Kobak Brother Charlie Wendt Brother Philip Borski Brother Ken Boudny Brother Edmund Gorka Brother Clarence Witzkoske Brother Al Meschwitz Brother Albin Januszewski Irma Limas, wife of Brother Jose Laurita Sicola,wife of Brother Tommy Gail Nevlud, daughter-in-law of Brother Jerry and Henrietta Nevlud In Memoriam: Brother Edward Joseph "E.J." Macik peacefully joined his Heavenly Father while surrounded by his loving family on March 31, 2014. E.J. was born to Frank and Vlasta Macik in Seymour, TX on March 28, 1940. E.J. loved spending time with his family. He also loved Czech polka music. He was a drummer for 42 years in the City Polka Boys and Texas Sound Czech bands. He was a faithful member of Assumption Catholic Church for 46 years. E.J. is survived by his loving wife, Georgia; three daughters, Theresa (David) Rogalski, Valerie (Ben) Orsak, and Diane (Scott) Blaschke; one son, Billy Macik; and eight grandchildren. Brother Douglas Eugene Shannon Sr., 76, of Houston, Texas passed away on March 22, 2014. He leaves behind to cherish his memory his loving wife of 57 years JoAnn, sons Douglas Eugene Shannon Jr. and his wife Teri, and Charles Vincent Shannon and his wife Belenda, as well as his grandchildren Chloe, Brooke, Charles Jr, Sabra, Audrey and Cameron. Names on our “Sick Prayer List" will appear in our newsletter for 3 months, after which they will be removed unless notification is received to have the name remain. Please contact Brother Robert Murski Chancellor, at 281-881-4095 if you would like to add anyone or have the name remain on our prayer list. Especially: William Wayne Sony, Army 1st Cavalry stationed at Ft. Hood, son of Brother Don and Paula Sony. Brother Zach Kloss, son of Brother Mike and Jan Kloss. The next visitations are: July 6, Sept. 14, Nov. 23 Please contact Anton Swiech, our VA Chairman, at 713-697-6846 if you are able to visit. Please support our advertisers. Pro-Life Program Director John Fox Thank you to Brother Richard Pavlas and Brother Robert Bratton for providing refreshments for our March Rosary. Since the 4th Monday in May is Memorial Day, our next council pro-life Rosary will be held on the 3rd Monday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. Join The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in a Peaceful Prayer, Mass and Rosary Procession on Saturday, May 17, 2014 Mass is at 8:10 a.m. at Holy Ghost Church 6921 Chetwood Dr., Houston TX, 77081 Rosary procession to Planned Parenthood 5800 Bellaire Blvd. Remember to adhere to Archdiocesan Guidelines for presence at an abortion clinic. Brother Knights, if you are considering FOURTH DEGREE NEWS Each Knights of Columbus council is assigned to a Fourth Degree Assembly and Council 2917 is a member of the Monsignor George A. Wilhelm Assembly, the first Fourth Degree Assembly established in Houston in 1910. Relationships between the council and assembly are coordinated by a council liaison Sir Knight. Supreme also requires a Fourth Degree report be given to council members at their monthly business meetings. Since transferring to Council 2917 I had the honor to serve as the Council Fourth Degree Liaison. It is time to “hand-off” this responsibility to another Council 2917 Sir Knight and I am pleased and delighted that SK Leonard Kasowski agreed to accept this position. SK Kasowski comes very qualified to coordinate this responsibility, not only by virtue of his 53 year membership in the Knights of Columbus, but also of his service as the current Purser of the Msgr. Wilhelm Assembly. He will be in a great position to handle any of your Fourth Degree inquires relating to membership, turnouts, etc. James Urbanovsky, PFN Msgr. George A. Wilhelm Assembly -The Fourth Degree running for an office, please keep in mind that this is a serious year-long commitment. Please be aware of the responsibilities of the office you wish to serve in and what is expected of you in this leadership position. DOMINO RESULTS Moon Tournament Winners for Mar. 31 1st Place: Floyd Rekieta & Clem Laskowski 2nd Place: Dennis Gregory Special Recognition: Dennis Kallus (4th place) Moon Tournament Winners for Apr. 7 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: George Mendel Clem Laskowski Judy Wendt Next Moon Tournament is May 5 SENIOR CLUB The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 13. We will have hamburgers. Please bring dessert. One Nation Under God One Nation Under God we live Think about all some had to give We the people share freedom’s life In a world of ever present strife Be grateful to those who keep this true Warriors of our red, white, and blue They're trained by those of great skill Honed to perform, so strong their will They show what love is all about They’ll fight for us, there is no doubt Defending bravely what we are No holding back each heartfelt star Highly praise these men and women Giving thanks time and again Those in uniform will always be The golden pride of this country ©2007Roger J. Robicheau LADIES' AUXILIARY, Kelly Clawson, President Ladies, Yeah! Spring is finally here! The warm weather is helping beautiful flowers to pop up every where. The only time I get to see them is on the drive to and from work. These 11 hour days are killing me. I am so glad these long hours end May 13th. We will be having our next meeting on May 21st at 7:00 p.m. We will be going over the final draft of the revisions to our by-laws that we made at the March meeting before we submit them to the Grand Knight for approval. There are a few more items on the agenda as well, so please try to attend. The fabulous bakers for the bingo kitchen for the month of March are: Janie Okonski, Sandra Rekieta, Earline Okruhlik, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Rosalie Lobpries, Angie Heinrich, Kathy Bronikowski, Theresa Burkett. Special thanks to the ladies who worked in the bingo kitchen in March: Theresa Burkett, Earline Okruhlik, Judy Wendt, Angie Heinrich, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Sandra Rekieta, Kathy Bronikowski. Remember to take time to stop and smell the flowers. Love to you all! Ladies’ Auxiliary Bingo Night Out Friday, May 23 Early Bird Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. and regular Bingo starts at 7:30. May 2 BINGO May 5 Domino Tournament (1st Monday) May 7 Officer’s Meeting at 7:00 p.m. May 9 BINGO May 11 Happy Mother’s Day May 12 Council Meal at 6 p.m./Meeting at 7:00 p.m. May 13 Senior Citizens May 16 BINGO May 17 Council Work Day May 19 Pro-Life Rosary - 7:00 p.m. May 21 NorthSide Columbus Club - 7:00 p.m. May 21 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting - 7:00 p.m. May 23 BINGO (Ladies Auxiliary Night Out) May 24 Cajun Dance - Roemer Hall May 26 Memorial Day May 30 BINGO June 2 Domino Tournament (1st Monday) June 4 Officer’s Meeting at 7:00 p.m. June 6 BINGO June 9 ELECTIONS - Council Meal at 6 p.m./ Meeting at 7:00 p.m. June 10 Senior Citizens June 13 BINGO June 15 Happy Father’s Day June 18 NorthSide Columbus Club - 7:00 p.m. June 20 BINGO June 21 Council Work Day June 23 Pro-Life Rosary - 7:00 p.m. June 27 BINGO June 28 Cajun Dance - Roemer Hall June 30 Domino Tournament (5th Monday) CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Next meeting is Tuesday, May 6 with a social at 6:30 and a meeting at 7:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in joining the Catholic Daughters, please call Carol Mitschlatis at 832-498-8495. ANNUAL GAMES PARTY & LUNCHEON Tuesday, May 20, 2014 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Andy McClosky Manager Parker Lumber Commercial Buffaloe Floor Covering, Inc. 3831 Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 713-694-6658 fax 713-694-2682 cell 281-850-7650 7103 Airline Dr. Houston, TX 77076 Residential Bill A. Boyd, D.D.S Family Dentistry 3803 SHERWOOD LANE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77092 TELEPHONE (713) 686-4885 RONNIE KRISTYNIK 713-686-3589 Member KC 2917 Injured in an accident? call: DeSIMONE LAW OFFICES 3120 S.W. Freeway, Suite 555 Houston, Texas 77098 Phone: 713-526-0900 Fax: 713-526-8041 Farmer’s, a trusted name for over 30 years. Farmer’s Home Maintenance Russell (Rusty) Farmer Owner 3610 Ascot Lane Houston, Texas 77092 associates Dora E. Cantu M.D. board certified ophthalmologist - diseases and surgery of the eye office fax 713-681-2420 1740 West 27th St. Suite 180 ( 713 . 864 . 8652 ) ( 613 . 754 . 2755 ) Houston TX 77008 RE-INSULATE YOUR ATTIC NOW! Residential & Commercial Cooling & Heating Sales Service Installation TACLA001607E David Pawlowski Phone: (713) 957-8746 Fax: (713) 957-0246 3600-B Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY Brother Ray Daigle 713-690-7600 FIREPROOF CONTRACTORS, INC. SIR KNIGHT LEONARD P. KASOWSKI, CPA BROTHER KNIGHT JEFFREY P. KASOWSKI INCOME TAX ● BOOKKEEPING ● QUARTERLYS ● NOTARY INDIVIDUALS ● PARTERSHIPS ● CORPORATIONS ● ESTATES 527 West 19th St. ● (713) 868-8093 ● CELL (713) 206-1318 If you would like to advertise in our Newsletter, please call or email Kathy Bronikowski 281-356-3535
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607 East Whitney Street
Houston, Texas 77022-3535
Phone: 713-694-2341
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