bishop odin news - Knights of Columbus
bishop odin news - Knights of Columbus
BISHOP ODIN NEWS Published Monthly Knights of Columbus Council No. 2917 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022-3535 Phone: 713-694-2341 July 2016 Vol. 35, Issue 7 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOMBALL, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 58 COUNCIL OFFICERS, COMMITTEEMEN & OTHERS Council Chaplain Assistant Chaplain/Vocations Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain Chaplain CDA Court #1750 District Deputy—District #75 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Financial Secretary Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Advocate Warden Lecturer Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard 1Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 3 Year Trustee Family Director Public Relations Pro-Life Program Director Rosary Team Captain Rosary Team Leader Senior Club President V.A. Hospital Chairman North Side Columbus Club President K of C insurance A-F K of C insurance G-K K of C insurance L-P K of C insurance Q-Z President Ladies Auxiliary Catholic Daughters Regent Manager, Northside Columbus Club (rentals) Editor, Bishop Odin News Rev. Rafael Becerra Deacon Will Hunter Rev. Alberto Zanatta Rev. Msgr. James L. Golasinski David Keating Miguel Navarro Shawn Reichhardt Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD Floyd Supercinski Mike Goins Sergio Espinosa James V. Descant, Jr. Mark Demny Brian Kubiak Henry C. Gutierrez Antonio Saenz Jose Limas Leroy Davis Sam Kwiatowski Anthony M. Zuccarini Dominic Psencik, PGK, PFN, FDD John Buck Don Christen Floyd Supercinski James E. Urbanovsky, PGK, PFN Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD Angie Heinrich Leonard Kasowski John Buck David Walsh Daryl Van Keuhlen Mark Deaton Jose R. Oviedo Kelly Clawson Kris Hamby Lydia Clifton Kathy Bronikowski ( 713-692-9123 713-805-8582 281-447-6381 713-222-2289 281-890-2474 832-865-9485 281-353-5892 713-861-6725 832-295-9625 713-862-3390 713-444-9861 281-541-4282 832-338-1285 832-643-5751 713-681-4481 713-688-0617 713-682-4413 713-398-6196 713-628-8177 713-861-6725 713-861-6347 281-353-5892 713-683-8417 713-206-1318 713-398-6196 832-512-0326 281-615-2618 281-381-1366 832-910-5061 713-869-2018 713-694-2341 281-356-3535 Bishop Odin Council 2917 - Knights of Columbus 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 A Monthly Publication Phone: 713-694-2341 Fax: 713-694-2342 Mike Kloss, Grand Knight July 2016 (Vol. 35, No. 7) Grand Knight’s Message Chaplain’s Message Mike Kloss Rev. Rafael Becerra Brother Knights and Ladies, Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22 My commitment and tenure as your Grand Knight of Council 2917 is coming to an end. It has been a great experience as your GK. I give all of the officers, chairmen and members a BIG THANK YOU for the support and assistance they have provided. Process disappointment or you will remain in a disappointed cycle. Disappointment is meant to drive us toward God, not away from Him. If disappointment is not processed, it harms our heart. It builds up like emotional plaque, and blocks the flow of the Holy Spirit between Almighty God and us. The Spirit is quenched, and we are left to function in our own strength; this is a lonely place. Unprocessed disappointment leads to angry reactions. Whether it leaks out gradually or explodes unexpectedly, it is ugly. It causes others to ask, “Where did that come from? Is he okay?” I do plan on continuing (as I trust each of you will also) to be as active as possible in the Council and Home Association in the future. I wish to offer a special thank you to Father Rafa, pastor at St. Rose of Lima as the council chaplain. Disappointed people become dreadful to be around. They are unhappy with themselves and everyone around them. Disappointment is here to stay, but we can move beyond its influence. Daily we have opportunities to process disappointment. That disappointment may come in the form of a broken promise or an unmet expectation. You may find disappointment when you look in your checkbook, flip through your calendar, or step on the scale. Sometimes, disappointment is the result of a purchase or commitment you regret. Most likely, your disappointments revolve around people. They let you down, they don’t act right, they don’t give you the respect you deserve, or they don’t seem to care. July 1st will bring on a new slate of officers to lead our council. It is really good to see some new and younger members as officers. Congratulations and best wishes to each of the newly elected officers. Stay involved and provide as much assistance to them as you can. I urge you to use the new council website, read the newsletter, attend the meetings and functions while always seeking new members for growth. May God bless and be with each of you and your families in all things. So, since disappointment is a fact of life, how can we process it in a healthy manner? How can disappointment work to our advantage instead of our disadvantage? Processing disappointment properly begins with seeking God’s perspective. We can begin to align with His view on the matter with questions like, “What does God want me to learn from this disappointing situation? How do I need to change? How can I be a blessing to others in the middle of my extreme disappointment? How can I shift from my disappointment to His faithfulness?” These questions, and others like them, help us process disappointment in a way that makes us more dependent on God and less dependent on circumstances. He understands our disappointment, and wants to meet us in the middle of our hurt. But He meets with us to move us beyond our disappointment into the satisfaction of our Savior. Therefore, do not stay stuck in your disappointment. You can transition from blame; lay claim to the Lord. Christ cares so much. He overcame His own extreme disappointment when He cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34) He cared by giving His life on the cross for you. Your Savior, Jesus, will sustain you in and through your disappointment. Make regular appointments with your heavenly Father to process your disappointment. Flood your soul with His grace and forgiveness. Pray for those who have let you down. See them as God sees them: people who desperately need His care. How you process disappointment is a testament to your trust in Jesus. Therefore, cast your cares on Christ, and receive God’s care so you can care for the disappointed. Process your disappointment by the grace of God, for His hope overcomes disappointment. Pete Rodriguez, Knight of the Month for May. Gilbert & Pat Koteras, Family of the Month for May. The Bibles says, “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Romans 5:5). Prayer: Heavenly Father, I receive Your love and acceptance to help me process my disappointments. Application: What disappointment of mine needs the Lord’s healing grace? ATTENDANCE PRIZE WINNER! Names drawn at the June council meeting were: Rev. John McGinnis, Brother Donald Kubiak, Brother Craig Hablinski. Neither of these Brother Knights were present. The attendance prize for the July meeting will be $170. Social and meal from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m., meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the attendance prize drawing at the conclusion of the meeting. Next Council Officers’ meeting is Wednesday, July 6 at 7:00 p.m. Next Council meeting is Monday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner served from 6:00-6:40 p.m. Next North Side Columbus Club meeting is Wednesday, July 20 at 7:00 p.m. Next work day is Saturday, July 16 Congratulations to Robert Miller, winner of the Grand Knight giveaway at the June meeting. Congratulations to our new officers for 2016-2017 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Financial Secretary Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard 1st Year Trustee 2nd Year Trustee 3rd Year Trustee Miguel Navarro Shawn Reichhardt Benny Okruhlik Floyd Supercinski Mike Goins Sergio Espinosa James Descant, Jr. Henry Gutierrez Antonio Saenz Jose Limas Leroy Davis Sam Kwiatowski Anthony Zuccarini Dominic Psencik Brother John Buck presents a check for $5,000 to Monica Quintero, principal of Assumption Catholic School. Assumption School is one of the recipients of our KC Casino night profits. DOMINO RESULTS Moon Tournament Winners for May 30 1st place: Ed Okonski 2nd place tie: Dennis Gregory & Charlie Heinrich Moon Tournament Winners for June 6 1st place tie: Bennie Bronikowski & Alvin Clark Next Moon Tournament is August 1 Especially: Shawn Hrncir, son of Brother Bob Hrncir. William Wayne Sony, Army 1st Cavalry, son of Brother Don and Paula Sony is back from Korea and now stationed at Fort Hood. Brother Zach Kloss, son of Brother Mike and Jan Kloss. SENIOR CLUB There will be no Senior Club meeting in July. Northside Columbus Club John Buck, President Our 4 new Board Members elected to the NSCC Board are: Bennie Bronikowski, Ed Okonski, Robert Miller and Don Psencik. All members of Council 2917 are members/stockholders of the NSCC. Your 12 elected Board Members need your help to continue the work that they do to keep the NSCC moving forward. The 2 most common ways to assist the NSCC are by advertising to your friends and family that we have 3 halls and outdoor grounds available for rent. The other is to offer your help once a month by volunteering on the monthly work days. With your volunteered help, we can save on our maintenance expense, which then can be given to the Council for charity—one of the principles of the Knights of Columbus. June's volunteer workers were: Brian Kubiak, John Buck, Jim Horn, Pete Rodriguez, David Cornelius, Billy Hoffart, Richard Doubrava, Bennie Bronikowski, Robert Miller, Robert Bratton, Kathy Bronikowski, Wanda Doubrava, Lydia Clifton. Work completed: cleaned kitchen, trimmed hedges along the walkway, weedeated, safety lights, security bolt installed, refrigeration, trash removed, replaced burned out parking lot lights. Northside Columbus Club Floyd Rekieta, Secretary NSCC will give their 6 month financial report to the stockholders on July 11, 2016 at 7 p.m. Program/Activities Knights of Columbus Council 2917 Summer Fling Dinner, Dance & Raffle Saturday, August 27, 2016 607 East Whitney St., Houston, TX 77022 $13,000 given away in 23 prizes $100 donation per ticket - only 350 tickets will be sold Each ticket entitles admission for two to dinner & dance. 1st Prize…..$5,000 2nd Prize…. 3rd Prize…. 4th Prize…. 5th Prize…. 6th Prize…. 7th Prize…. 8th Prize…. 9th Prize.... 10th Prize…. 11th Prize…. 12th Prize…. $1,000 $1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 400 $ 400 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. Prize..... Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. Prize…. $300 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 All prizes paid in Visa Gift Cards - Winner responsible for all taxes Music will be provided by the Red Ravens Polka Band John Buck, Director After the Installation of the 2016/2017 K of C Council 2917 officers, if I continue as Family/Program Director, I will start with a new year of activities for our council— men, women, children and parishes. If there are any activities that you would like to see at our council, please advise me of your ideas. For our council to continue and grow, we need your support and participation in ideas and attendance in council activities. SUMMER FLING Remember that we are soon approaching our Council's main annual fundraiser. The council needs your help in purchasing the dinner/dance/raffle tickets (very few are remaining, get yours soon), donating a bottle of liquor to the mini-raffle, attending the dinner and dance (bringing friends with you to the dinner and dance—make it a party), donating a cake/dessert to the Ladies Auxiliary for their dessert booth, and volunteering your time with this event. Volunteers are needed to help with the food-prepping, cooking and serving; setting up the hall; working the admissions door; cleaning the hall and kitchen. If you can help on our Summer Fling Fundraiser, contact me and I will find you a place to volunteer. Additional dinner tickets are available for $10.00 each and additional dance tickets are available for $10.00 each Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dance is from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. To purchase a $100 ticket, please call Brother Ed Okonski @ 281-433-6835. Did you know we had this many social groups at our council? All you have to do is click on any of the links and it will take you right to the page to learn more about what is going on in that group. You can even reserve and buy your event tickets online as well. How easy is that? Want to see all that is planned? Just click on the calendar and see a month at a time. You then can click on each event to see the details. You can also change the view of the calendar from grid format to a list of events. Either way this is the best way to keep up with what is going on at the council. Have an event you want to list, just complete the easy online form and we will be in touch quickly. Remember this is a tool for you to use to recruit new members, be informed, stay connected and help rent the halls. As with any tool, if you do not use it, it will not work or help. Chapter Information Major Degree 2nd & 3rd Degree: 7/23/16 — 9:30 a.m. — Christ the Redeemer Parish Council 8771, 11507 Huffmeister Rd., Houston, TX 770065* 8/6/16 — 9 a.m. — St. Francis de Sales Council 10995, 8200 Roos Rd., Houston, TX 77036 1st Degree Exemplification: 7/6/16 — A First Degree Ceremony is scheduled on Wednesday July 6th, 2016 at Council 8482, 9623 Zaka Rd. Houston , TX 77269 beginning at 6:45 pm. 7/23/16 — 8:00 a.m. — Christ the Redeemer Parish Council 8771, 11507 Huffmeister Rd., Houston, TX 770065* The 1st Degree will start at 8:00 a.m. followed by the Major Degree (2nd & 3rd Degree) at 10:00 a.m. Candidates should arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. for their 1st Degree; and no later than 9:30 a.m. for their 2nd & 3rd Degree. 8/24/16 — 7:00 p.m. — Southwest Council 3910, 10330 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77096 10/26/16 — 7:00 p.m. — Southwest Council 3910, 10330 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77096 1st Degree: 7/06/16 — 6:45 p.m. Knights of Columbus Council 8482, 9623 Zaka Rd , Houston, TX 77379 Click on to find out what’s going on in the K of C chapter—current events, degree dates, etc. Please pray for our sick: Mark A. Diaz Alfred J. Moore John C. Roffall Michael Sparacino John E. Jankowski Lee E. Shubert Stanley C. Bordovsky Rev. Pemberton Randall Jimmie B. Kainer Marion A. Tomczak Carter O. Rodarte Jaime Jaime Kenneth G. Borski Paul Martinez Chadwick W. Owens Michael E. Fisher Leonard Kasowski Aaron A. Arias Robert R. Castillo Rodney J. Borski Joseph F. Garcia Bobby J. Borski Sam C. Kwiatkowski Gregory D. Berens Kenneth A. Kainer John E. Fox Richard L. Pavlas July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 6 July 6 July 8 July 10 July 11 July 11 July 13 July 15 July 17 July 18 July 18 July 19 July 19 July 22 July 24 July 26 July 27 July 30 July 31 Pro-Life Program Director John Fox Thank you to the Catholic Daughters for Providing refreshments for our May Rosary. The public is invited to join our Brother Knights and their families as they pray the Rosary to end abortion. Our next rosary will be Monday, July 25 at 7:00 p.m. A light meal will be served after the Rosary. ******************* Please join us in praying the Rosary at St. Rose of Lima Church any Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in the small chapel to your right as you enter the Church. ******************* Join The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants In a Peaceful, Prayerful Mass and Rosary on July 16, 2016 for 8:30 a.m. Mass Catholic Charismatic Center, 1949 Cullen, Houston Rosary to follow Mass at Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood 4600 Gulf Freeway, Houston Remember to adhere to Archdiocesan Guidelines. Brother Mike Duoto Brother Paul Descant Brother Benny Okruhlik Brother Billy Hoffart Brother Fred Syzdek Brother Chris Mocek Brother Mark E. Bartniski Brother Ernie Bugaj Brother Al Kainer Brother Jose Limas Brother Don & Joann Psencik Brother Gustavo Cordova Martinez (Mexico), cousin of Brother Tony Saenz Carolyn Pechacek Mary Campise, wife of Brother Joseph Theresa Burkett, sister-in-law of Brother Bennie Bronikowski Diane Duoto, wife of Brother Mike Sam Ruffino, grandson of Brother Sam Ruffino Margaret Brossman, mother of Brother Charles and mother-in-law of Brother Doug Wendt Gertrude Kubiak, mother of Brother Dennis IN MEMORIAM: Brother Thomas S. Sicola, Sr., 83, passed away on June 13, 2016 in Houston, Texas. Tom was born in Houston, Texas on September 10, 1932 to Oscar and Dominic Sicola. He was the youngest of 7 children. He is preceded in death by his first wife, Mary Catherine Norton Sicola; parents, Oscar and Dominic Sicola; brothers, Charles, Tony and Johnnie Sicola; and sisters, Sadie Davenport and Esther Miller. He leaves behind his wife of 26 years, Laurita Sicola, daughter, Mary D. Sicola; son, Tom Sicola Jr. and wife Brenda; daughter Vicki Sicola and husband Charles Botkin; grandson, Stephen Sicola; Rowan and Ethan Sicola; Sister, Teresa Sicola; stepchildren: Bret Westphal and wife Robin, Charles Westphal and wife Connie, and Gina Bohreer and husband David; and seven grandchildren. Brother Thomas was a member of Sacred Heart Club, $club, Thursday Club, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Assembly 1094. May God grant Brother Thomas eternal rest and let his perpetual light shine upon him. Please remember Thomas and his family in your prayers. Names on our “Sick Prayer List" will appear in our newsletter for 3 months, after which they will be removed unless notification is received to have the name remain. Please contact Brother Floyd Supercinski, Chancellor, at 713-861-6725 if you would like to add anyone or have the name remain on our prayer list. Also contact Brother Floyd if you know of a Brother Knight confined to his home or a nursing home that would like to be visited by his Brother Knights. You can always read the prayer list on our website as well as requite a prayer via online at LADIES' AUXILIARY Kelly Clawson, President Ladies, I don't know about y'all but I miss the cool days of May! And I know it will only be getting hotter for the next couple of months. I hope those who had too much water have finally dried out. Even though we started off with bus trouble, everyone had a great time on our casino bus trip. It was such a success on Saturday June 18th, that we are going again on Saturday July 9th! Reservations can be made by calling Lydia at 832-713-3814. The cost of the trip is $10 per person. Payment is due before July 9th to reserve your spot. We will begin boarding the bus at 7:30 a.m. We will return at 8:00 p.m. You can bring snacks and a small cooler with non-alcoholic drinks. July 1 BINGO July 4 HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! July 6 Council Officers’ Meeting July 8 BINGO July 11 Council Meal at 6 p.m./ Meeting at 7 p.m. July 15 BINGO July 16 Council Work Day July 20 Northside Columbus Club Meeting July 20 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting July 22 BINGO Our next meeting will be Wednesday, July 20 at 7 p.m. Our attendance prize is $20.00. July 25 Pro-Life Rosary (Knights) July 29 BINGO Have you volunteered to help out in the Bingo kitchen? I have and I have even recruited my sister, Darlene, to come help out too! Remember, if you can lend a hand any Friday, it would be greatly appreciated. Aug. 1 Moon Domino Tournament Aug. 3 Council Officers’ Meeting Aug. 5 BINGO Aug. 8 Council Meal at 6 p.m./Meeting at 7 p.m. Aug. 9 Senior Citizens Meeting Aug. 12 BINGO Aug. 15 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION Aug. 17 Northside Columbus Club Meeting I hope to see you at the meeting on July 20. Aug. 19 BINGO Stay cool! Love y'all! Aug. 20 Council Work Day Aug. 26 BINGO Aug. 27 SUMMER FLING Aug. 29 Moon Domino Tournament (5th Monday) Thanks to all who helped out in the Bingo kitchen. May’s workers were: Kelly Clawson, Betty Taylor, Earline Okruhlik, Judy Wendt, Mickie Wendt, Marie Laskowski, Kathy Bronikowski. Desserts were made by: Judy Wendt, Betty Taylor, Earline Okruhlik, Kathy Bronikowski Ladies Auxiliary Bingo Night Out Friday, July 22 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Join the Catholic Daughters for fun & fellowship on Tuesday, July 19 from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. at La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant, 1431 W. 26th St. and Tuesday, August 16 from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Pizzitola’s Barbecue, 1703 Shepherd Dr. The Catholic Daughters get a percentage of the profits. Please come out and support the Catholic Daughters. Two plots for $6000 Section 2, Lot 65D, Spaces 1 & 2 – Flat marker. Earthman Resthaven Cemetery 13102 North Frwy, Houston, TX 77060 Contact: Donald Seigle @ 281-732-9923 Deadline for the August newsletter is July 16. Andy McClosky Manager 7103 Airline Dr. Houston, TX 77076 713-694-6658 fax 713-694-2682 cell 281-850-7650 Farmer’s, a trusted name for over 30 years. Farmer’s Home Maintenance Russell (Rusty) Farmer Owner 3610 Ascot Lane Houston, Texas 77092 713-681-2420 Residential & Commercial Cooling & Heating Sales Service Installation TACLA001607E David Pawlowski Phone: (713) 957-8746 Fax: (713) 957-0246 3600-B Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 SIR KNIGHT LEONARD P. KASOWSKI, CPA BROTHER KNIGHT JEFFREY P. KASOWSKI INCOME TAX ● BOOKKEEPING ● QUARTERLYS ● NOTARY INDIVIDUALS ● PARTERSHIPS ● CORPORATIONS ● ESTATES 527 West 19th St. ● (713) 868-8093 ● CELL (713) 206-1318 Wendy L. Prater ATTORNEY AT LAW DeSIMONE LAW OFFICES 3120 S.W. Freeway, Suite 555 Houston, Texas 77098 Parker Lumber Injured in an accident? call: Wills Powers of Attorney Probate Family Law Divorce Child Support Name Changes 713-802-9171 1919 North Loop West, Suite 490 Houston, Texas 77008 Phone: 713-526-0900 Fax: 713-526-8041 Bill A. Boyd, D.D.S Family Dentistry 3803 SHERWOOD LANE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77092 TELEPHONE (713) 686-4885
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