LifeLines July 2016 - Lord of Life Lutheran Church
LifeLines July 2016 - Lord of Life Lutheran Church
July 2016 LIFELINES The monthly newsletter of Lord of Life Lutheran Churc h 5 6 0 1 W a s h i n g t o n R d . • K e n o s h a , E-mail Address: W I 5 3 1 4 4 Phone: (262) 656 -1995 Welcome New Council Members On Sunday, June 26th, during our Annual Congregational Meeting, we held an election and voted the below members to our Congregational Council. In case you missed the meeting, here is some information about each of them. We also want to thank the three outgoing Council members that they replaced: Jim Erickson, Wendy Haugstad and Jeff Wamboldt. Leslie Holloway: I have been delighted to be a member of Lord of Life for almost 10 years. My children and I became members in October of 2006. Throughout this time, I have served in various ministries at Lord of Life, including Sunday School, Confirmation Mentor, Altar Care, Reader, Woodwind Ensemble, Communion Assistant, and Assisting Minister. I currently serve as the Communion Assistant lead. Prior to our congregation calling Pastor Stacy, I was asked to lead the Mission Exploration Team. Most recently, I served as the leader of the Exploratory Team. My spiritual gifts include Administration, Leadership, Faith, and Wisdom, which I believe will serve me well in representing the congregation on the church council. In my personal life, I am married and have three children. My husband John farms full-time on our farm in the Town of Paris, where he also serves on the Plan Commission. My daughter Leah currently attends UW Madison and will be a junior this fall. My twin sons just graduated from high school. Jared will be joining Leah at UW Madison in the fall, and Matthew will be attending St. Norbert’s College in DePere. I work full-time at Allstate Insurance Company as an IT Business Analyst and have led a variety of IT projects as the Project Manager. I also had the pleasure of serving on the Paris Jt. #1 School District School Board for nine years. In addition to serving as Board President for six years, I also was a member of the Budget committee and chaired the Policy committee. Kathy Sadowski: I am a lifelong Kenosha resident and have attended Lord of Life for 15+ years, usually attending Saturday night worship services. Since attending Lord of Life, I have been a volunteer with the INNS program, the soup kitchen, and a member of the church choir, a participant in Soul Food Bible study, a reader, and a communion assistant. I also served as Financial Secretary for several years, leaving that position in 2014. As a retired nurse, I have well-honed critical thinking skills and problem-solving capabilities, which I hope with be beneficial to the church council. Having a background in direct patient care as well as nurse management, I come to the council with well-developed documentation and communication skills, and an ability to work with individuals of diverse backgrounds and differing opinions. I am detail-oriented, while being able to see the bigger picture, which I hope with be of use to the council. Carla Van Berg: I became a member of Lord of Life on February 14, 2000. My husband Tim and I made a choice to leave LOL (for approx. 5 years) and returned in 2013. During my time at Lord of Life I have been involved in Sunday School, the Worship & Music Committee, the Choir, a card-making Ministry of Caring, Assisting Ministry, Reading, serving Communion, assisting with Inns, serving at Shalom Center, working at Urban Outreach, our “walks” through Advent, Christmas and Holy Week, and helping with the Women’s Christmas Tea. My most current joy is in making birthday cards for the Sunday School kids and participating in Special Music. Whether I’d be a good Council candidate is up for grabs. I would only offer that I’m not a “yes” person, I will offer my honest input, and I care about this church that I call “home”. Rev. Stacy M. Seger - Pastor Cindy Aasen - Interim Youth Director Sue Quever - Parish Nurse Angie Wollschlager - Office Coordinator Jodi Iorio - Connections Ministry Leader Claudia Murillo -Treasurer/Bookkeeper Tony Del Grosso, Dave Kapralian, Josh Robinson & Linda Ball - Music Staff Lynn Kancian - Nursery Coordinator Pat Skinner & Jennifer Johnson - Co-Financial Secretaries Church Council Leslie Holloway Lou Molitor Anna Kersten Norma Lundstrom Kathy Sadowski Dan Sinnen Carla Van Berg Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Closed on Friday Our Website LifeLines deadline The 15th of every month Our mission is to transform lives through grace by being an accepting, serving, and caring community, empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow in faith. 2 W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G HI-FIVERS LUNCH WHEN: Thursday, July 7 at 11:30 a.m. WHERE: Mike’s Donuts & Chicken; 701 56th St., Kenosha DETAILS: We will have a long table reserved for 14 people, plus there is room at tables along the side and outside for those who like that. We will be on the first floor which is accessible. The lunch menu will be available which includes soups, salads and sandwiches and appetizers plus a wide variety of donuts, shakes and drinks. Please RSVP to Lynda Jobman at or call 262-914-0660. Save the date for August 9th for a picnic at the home of Tom & June Pomatto. Details to come; watch the weekly announcements (available each week on our website). AT LOL? KENOSHA KINGFISH EVENT On Sunday, July 24th, join us for our 3rd annual tailgate party & Kenosha Kingfish baseball game! The cost is $18 per person (free for kids 5 & under) and includes a one-hour ballpark food buffet with soda/ water, and a reserved box seat to the game. The game begins at 1:05 p.m. & the tailgating buffet begins at Noon. If you are interested in attending, please sign up in the lobby and you’ll be contacted by the church office to arrange payment. Kids under 5 are free, but please include them in your count. We have to have a correct count and the payment by Monday, July 11th. Please don’t put the payment for this event in the offering basket – please get it to the church office. The Kenosha Kingfish play at Simmons Field: 7817 Sheridan Road. Parking for the Tailgating event is behind the outfield and can be accessed from 79th Street, off of Sheridan Road. JOIN US FOR VBS! SAVE THE DATE! (PLEASE NOTE THE DATE HAS CHANGED) Northside Summer Time Stroll Saturday, August 13th at 9:00 a.m. This year Vacation Bible School will be held Monday, July 25th through Thursday, July 28th from 5:00-7:15 p.m. each evening. VBS is free and open to all kids ages 3 (if potty trained) through entering 5th grade. Participants don't have to be members of Lord of Life, so invite your family, friends and neighbors! Visit the Lord of Life website;, click on Children & Youth, then Vacation Bible School to securely register your child(ren). This year dinner will be served each night. Starting at Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, ending at St. John’s Lutheran Church. This approximate 5k walk will benefit the ELCA Outreach Center. This event will include raffles, fellowship and fun. Stay tuned for more details. Questions call Carol Ziesemer at 262-945-8414. WORSHIP & MUSIC TEAM LEAD OPENINGS Please volunteer to help with VBS! We are looking for volunteers of all ages: youth entering 6th grade or older as well as adults to help with games, crafts, photography, dinner, music, and more. Please sign up to volunteer here and thanks in advance for your time and talents...without you, the volunteers, VBS wouldn't happen! Leslie Holloway has worn many hats here at Lord of Life and now that she’s been elected to our Congregational Council it’s time for her to pass a few of those hats on to others. Three things that we are looking for someone to step up to take over are: Communion Assistants Ministry Lead: Train and schedule the volunteers that serve communion at each service. Scheduler of the Assisting Ministers: Training is done by Pastor Stacy, but this person manages the scheduling. Schedule Reviewer: Each month this person compiles all of the volunteer schedules for the Worship & Music ministries and reviews them to avoid double-scheduling before submitting them to Angie to be published in the newsletter. Please contact Sherry Sinnen at if you have any questions or are interesting in volunteering. 3 COUNCIL’S CORNER May 9, 2016 Council Meeting Notes Thanks to everyone who attended our Annual Meeting. We thank outgoing Council members Jim Erickson, Wendy Haugstad and Jeff Wamboldt and welcome new Council members Leslie Holloway, Kathy Sadowski & Carla Van Berg. Pastor Stacy is interested in setting up an area in the sanctuary for children. It would be an area where small children could play quietly during the service, so parents don’t feel they need to keep them confined to an area between the rows of chairs. It would include some rugs, maybe small chairs, quiet toys and books. More discussion will be had about this at the next meeting. We continue to look for someone to fill the maintenance position. Ed Gramza and Jeff Wamboldt met with two people, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. Youth Fundraisers for next year’s mission trip were approved. We will continue the past two year’s tradition of having only one worship service on Rally Day, immediately followed by the allchurch picnic. The time and logistics for Sunday School’s first day back are still being discussed. The Matching Gift drive was successful. Council offered up $9,000 in seed/match money, and the congregation responded well. We thank everyone who donated, and those that were unable to, but prayed for this effort. F I N A N C I A L U P DAT E As you hopefully read in last month’s newsletter, the first quarter of this year has shown a 'dip' in general offerings. While we are able to meet our obligations and ministry is still happening, we did not want to face summer with a short-fall. The members of the congregational council issued a matching gift challenge: they committed to match any special offering above and beyond regular giving, up to $9,000!! If the congregation gave the full amount, that is $18,000 that would be brought in in a short time frame, eliminating our cash flow shortage. As of the weekend of June 25th & 26th, we received $9,251.46 in “above and beyond” gifts from the congregation. Thank you so much for the support you give to our mission and ministry and for your consideration. -Pr Stacy M AY 2 0 1 6 F I N A N C I A L S 4 YOUTH NEWS Tuesdays, July 5, 12 & 19 6:00 p.m. Terrific Tuesday Friday, July 15th Depart for Mission Trip Saturday, July 23rd Return from Mission Trip June 25th—28th 5:00—7:15 p.m. Vacation Bible School 2016 MISSIoN TRIp Pairing with Ascension Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado: July 15 -23, 2016 This month, 20 youth and 9 adult chaperones from Lord of Life will drive to Ascension Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado for our mission trip. We will depart on Friday, July 15, drive to Iowa, then stay overnight at a motel with a swimming pool. We will get up early the next morning, eat breakfast at the motel, then drive the remaining 12 hours to Colorado, stopping on the way for lunch and supper breaks. On Sunday morning, we will worship with the Ascension Lutheran Church family. We will spend most of our time there doing service work, with a day or two doing something fun, including white water rafting. Please keep this group in your prayers. We wish them safe travels and a fun and fulfilling experience! FUNDRAISER TOTALS Fantasy Football 2015-2016: $1,000 Trivia Night: $1723 M&Ms: $650.81 Youth Stock: 3005.00 Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast: $1,137 Car Wash: $844.53 Bake sales (3): $1,426.28 Thank you to our Lord of Life family for all of your support!!! 2016-2017 We are once again calling all Fantasy Football owners (new ones too) to join us for this year's Fantasy Football. We are hoping to have 3 or 4 leagues this year, with one league for people who have NEVER PLAYED BEFORE. The entry is $50. The winners will be able to designate what LOL ministry they would like to support. This year all proceeds will go towards Lord of Life. We will have a first and second place prize as well as a consolation prize. A Fantasy Learning session will be held after the services on July 30th and 31st. The draft weekend will be from August 27th-29th. If you have any questions please see Dean Knutson (262-914-5790) or Ralph McCarthy (262-515-3524). 5 S U N DAY S C H O O L H A P P E N I N G S Sunday School is enjoying the summer off, but we’d like to say “thank you” to everyone who helped with the program this past year. Please print out this page and have your child/grandchild (yourself?) color it and drop it in the church office. We’ll decorate the Sunday School bulletin board with them before Sunday School starts in September. Jesus Loves Me & I Love Sunday School! 66 FROM THE PARISH NURSE Dear Friends, Summer has arrived and so have the special activities that are centered on water and keeping us cool. I would like to highlight the importance of healthy swimming behaviors for preventing recreational water illnesses. Outbreaks of recreational water illnesses continue to occur in the U.S. each year. Sixty-two percent of these outbreaks are related to the chlorine-resistant pathogen, Cryptosporidium, (“Crypto”) which is introduced into the pool by swimmers who are ill with diarrhea and spread to other swimmers when they swallow the contaminated water. Germs like Giardia, E-coli, and Shigella can also be present due to the fecal water contamination. These outbreaks emphasize the continuing need to educate people about recreational water illness prevention to ensure a healthy swimming experience. Awareness of recreational water illnesses (RWIs) and healthy swimming behaviors play an important role in stopping transmission of RWIs. Germs on and in swimmers’ bodies end up in the water and can make other people sick. Even healthy swimmers can get sick from RWIs, but the young, elderly, pregnant women and immuno-suppressed persons are especially at risk. Specific actions you can take to promote healthy swimming include: Do not swim when you have diarrhea (Especially if it is a child in diapers.) The diaper or swim pants won’t stop the fecal contamination. Practice good hygiene. Shower before swimming (with soap and water) and wash hands after using the toilet or changing diapers. Do not swallow pool water or get pool water in mouth (if possible). Take your children for bathroom breaks frequently (every 60 minutes) Waiting to hear “I have to go” might be too late. Change diapers often (not at poolside). Germs can spread to surfaces and objects in and around the pool. Cryptosporidium can survive for days even in properly chlorinated pools. At any public swimming facility, continuous filtration and disinfection of water should reduce the risk of spreading illness. However, people may still be exposed to germs during the time it takes for chlorine to work or for water to be recycled through filters. Many pools use one filtration system for several pools. This causes water from many pools to mix quickly, and potentially spread germs throughout connected pools in a very short time. It is possible for a single diarrhea accident to contaminate water throughout the largest pool or water park. If everyone uses good common sense and follows healthy swimming behaviors, enjoying the water this summer can be a positive and safe experience. May the Lord keep you and your loved ones in perfect peace and wholeness. Shalom, Sue Quever R.N., Parish Nurse Aurora Parish Nurse Program 7 THE CONNECTIONS CENTER THE “MY ONE WORD” MOVEMENT CONTINUES... July marks the halfway point of our “one Word” journey. How is it going? Many of our friends here at Lord of Life decided to do the “My One Word” challenge instead of making a long list of resolutions for a new year, and regretfully failing to keep them time and time again. Instead, choosing one word to guide them on a journey with God. This year’s journey of your one word is to represent what you hope God will do in you, and focus on it for this entire year! We also had many of our Lord of life friends share their word and their story. Below is a story I would like to share. The writer has wished to remain anonymous. If you would like to share how your “My One Word” journey is going please email me at -Jodi Iorio The desert and the parched land will be glad: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. -Isaiah 35: 1-2 BLOSSOM “Blossom” definition: the flower of a seed plant, also the mass of such flowers on a single plant, the state of bearing flowers, a peak period or stage of development. To come into one’s own, to become evident, make an appearance. I have loved God my entire life. I felt close to him even as a child. But despite this precious connection, the harshness and problems of life in the world seeped into my being. My connection to our loving Father was lost, then found, then lost again, over and over. Some of the most beautiful gifts God had given to me were put on hold, time and time again. After all, I had to help others, raise a family, and provide for that family by working two jobs most of my career. Life’s tragedies drew me back to God on my knees; childhood abuses, a spouse’s alcoholism, divorce, and the death of parents, dear friends, and spiritual advisors. But I am connected to God, just as the gold string Pastor Stacy handed out in service reminds me. God has given me gifts to bring forth and use in the world according to his plan. I realize being a loving mother, friend, sister, and financial provider for fatherless children are all gifts God has given me. And I am grateful for all of them. God has given me another gift as well, an artistic gift that when employed brings joy. He has been prompting me to bring forth this gift for some time, but I have always pushed it to the background. Too busy, too tired, too old, not good enough, not as important as other demands in my life. Well not this year. When Jodi and Pastor Stacy brought forth the “My One Word” concept and book, there was the voice again. BLOSSOM. My one word is BLOSSOM. This year each day I will reaffirm my connection to God who loves me and use and reveal my gift to others. God has a plan for this gift. The regrets, hurts, fears, and mistakes of the past are like the dessert. They isolate me. The feelings that I should have accomplished more in life are not of God. I will let them go. I will step forth from that solitary place knowing that with God I can flourish. BLOSSOM. I will keep this one word in front of me each day. God can change me as I worship him and listen for His voice one step at a time. I will not be afraid to step out into what I believe God is leading me to do. When I step out in faith I will BLOSSOM and be all I can be for God. LOL FAMILY NEWS 88 July 1 Doug & Janet Swihart July 22 Lou & Patti Molitor Roger & Dianne Wilde John & Leslie Holloway July 4 Greg & Donna Schaefer July 5 Steve & Amy Deschler Phil & Stephanie Betthauser Steve & Kirsten Thompson July 6 Joel & Beth Kaufmann Dustin & Amber Jacobson Scott & Kristie Fowler July 9 Andy & Pat Skinner July 12 Jim & Joan Zich July 24 David & Amanda Maedke Ryan & Samantha McGovern JULY BIRTHDAYS July 15 Chuck & Diane Pomerening July 27 Ron & Lou Ann Daniels 1 July 18 Dave & Kris Klimisch July 28 Dan & Amber Swanson Russell & Erlyn Schultz 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 July 19 Joel & Kathy Dutton July 20 Jordan & Kerrie Gardina Sean & Michelle Maddox July 29 Justin & Katie Weis July 31 Jeff & Lindsay Deinhammer Kenny & Kelly Wegmuller 9 10 11 12 14 June 5, 2016 Charlotte Marie Smith, daughter of Rachel & Nick Smith June 12, 2016 Abigail Ann Simpkins & Mackenzie Madelyn Simpkins, daughters of Elizabeth & Matthew Simpkins 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 June 26, 2016 Carter John Pecha & Harper Helen Pecha, twin children of Jodi Pecha 23 24 25 Congratulations and welcome to the family of God at Lord of Life! 26 27 28 29 30 Please don’t forget to notify us of any change to your personal information; email address, home address, or telephone number. If any of your information has changed, please contact Angie in the church office; or (262) 656-1995. Please also notify us if you notice your anniversary or birthday is not appearing in the newsletter. 31 Jackie McCarthy, Enzo DeBartolo, Taryn Derfus, Michael Stanislawski, Jeanine Jantz, Tiffany Glynn Derek Landwehr, Bruce McDonald Nattan Degefa, Dillan Tiebout Brenda Walentowski, Dominic Arturi Jacob Weber John Iorio, Mikal Robinson Kerrie Gardina Anne Rasmussen, Joan Zich, Aaron Blonski Abigail Nosalik, Karen Gahart, Mia Falduto, Camren Owens, Fred Fitzpatrick, Noah Carlson Jennifer Venable Denise Gifford, Rachel Wamboldt Kayla Baran, Avery Nighbor, David Chase, Liam Thorson Ashley Skendziel, Gavin Smith, Megan Walden Brad Bloxdorf, Eric Corrao, Iver Iverson Sam Knapton, Atalie Ward, Allison Stogsdill Tom Duncan, Kim Voss, Serena Jones Colin Mossman Cindy Lein, Dan Sinnen, Jan Duncan Daniel Faraca Tim Schiappacasse, Julia Arturi, Dan Cresco Jazmyn Robinson, Jerry Romano, Jacob Young, James Skendziel Chris Daugherty, Tory Bilotta Scott Bender Beth McDonald, Gabriel Cox, Justin Pierce David Rademacher, Jensen Wohlgemuth Kris Klimisch Kristi Schaeffer-Kleutsch, Jacob Dorst, Max Hovell Clara Winden, Steve Pierce, Kris Hobson Madelyn Anderson, Emma Klaus, Dan Banks, Tiffaney Block Ivar Iverson, Jaynee Dunasky 9 VOLUNTEERS ARE OUR STRENGTH SATURDAY VOLUNTEERS Within our congregation there are many ministries to serve God and others. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact any of the following people: ACOLYTES Ministry Lead Needed ALTAR CARE Kathy Miller ................................. 697-9476 ASSISTING MINISTERS Pastor Stacy .................. 656-1995 BRASS ENSEMBLE John Whyte ......................... 656-1878 CARE MINISTRY TEAM Sue Quever................... 925-3822 CHOIR Dave Kapralian ................................... 497-3552 CONFIRMATION Pastor Stacy .......................... 656-1995 CONNECTIONS MINISTRY Jodi Iorio ................. 656-1995 COFFEE/TREATS Amy Giese ............................ 891-3259 COMM ASSIST Leslie Holloway ...................... 859-0479 COMM BREAD BAKERS Diane Schaeffer........... 496-0836 CHURCH COUNCIL CUSH Joyce Behlke ......................................... 552-7939 FAITH TECH Jeff Wollschlager .......................... 697-4158 FLUTE CHOIR Laura Craemer Rasch ................. 909-7375 GREETERS Patti Molitor………………………...654-4013 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Tim Van Berg...........697-7408 HEALTH Sue Quever ........................................ 925-3822 HI-FIVERS Lynda Jobman ................................ 914-0660 Jan Marrelli .................................... 945-2987 INNS Tom & Leslie Sepanski ... J & C BAND Tony DelGrosso ................... 847-209-2951 LADIES OF LYDIA Nancy Haldeman ................. 652-1261 MEN’S FELLOWSHIP John Whyte ..................... 656-1878 NURSERY Lynn Kancian................................... 948-0664 OFFICE HELP Angie Wollschlager ..................... 656-1995 PRAYING PARTNERS Dolores Arnett ................. 551-0561 PRAYER SHAWL MIN Chris Mifflin ................... 656-0333 PROPERTY Ed Gramza ..................................... 358-2405 READERS LouAnn Daniels ................................ 909-0375 SOUP KITCHEN Kathy Miller............................ 697-9476 STEWARDSHIP Dave Klimisch ......................... 656-1995 SUNDAY SCHOOL Tanya Brady .............. 847-989-7056 Lisa McCarthy .................... 652-3581 TELLERS Dave Klimisch .................................... 764-5689 USHERS Mark Sinnen ....................................... 859-2152 WOODWIND ENSEMBLE John Whyte ............... 656-1878 WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Arlene Hall ................ 652-0143 YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM Cindy Aasen ............. 654-6353 July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 Ushers Wolf Family Frank and Jan Marrelli, Gordy Johnson Amber Addison, Aiden & Jerry and Donna Addison, Plunkett Amanda Robinson, Mikal Kris and Dan Cresco Acolyte Hallie Wolf Nathan Klimisch Abby Swihart Elliott Sens Sarah Remiker Mary LeRoy, Judy Nevoraski, Sonja Wolfe Sue SchmidtDecker, Rick & Brenda Walentowski Judy Nevoraski Sue SchmidtDecker Jerry Plunkett Pat Johnson Gerzel Family Julie Remiker Communion Steve, Cindy & John Aasen Mary LeRoy, Judy Nevoraski, Kathy Sadowski Julie Chase, Anita Cate, Tammy Skendziel Reader Aaron Sens Jacob Weber Julie Chase Greeters Sandy Aker Audrey Hartman Frank Marrelli Coffee None Pat Johnson Swihart Family Bread (both Sunday and Saturday services) Karen Aiello Becky & Emma Brewer Mary LeRoy Samantha McGovern Jan Niederloh Steve & Patsy Kolner Karen Sens Ralph McCarthy Chris Daugherty Aaron Sens, Greg Schaeffer Deb Blonski, Jean Garretto Altar Care Cole Weiss Donna & Jerry Plunkett Tammy Skendziel A/V John Aasen Sarah Klimisch John Aasen SCRIP Sales Deb Blonski, Lisa Romano Gordy Johnson, Kris Klimisch Ashley Hansen, Mary LeRoy SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 Ushers 9:30 a.m. Tim Schiappacasse Mark Sinnen John & Roberta Bloner Bruce & Kathy Wilson John Iorio Ron & LouAnn Daniels Joyce Behlke Cathy Lovingfoss Mark Sinnen Ed & Tanya Brady Kristi Schaeffer Solan Degefa Tyler Andrews John Whyte Doug Swihart Greg Glista Mike McDowell Cindy Lein Dan Lein Doni Degefa Norma Lundstrom Cliff Lundstrom Dean Knutson Karen Knutson Mark Sinnen Tim Schiappacasse Leslie Holloway Shirley Hauck Julia Arturi Cathy Rutkowski Doni Degefa Acolyte 9:30 a.m. Joshua Schulz Natalie Gardina Katie Lynch Assisting Minister 9:30 a.m. Joe Falduto Carla Van Berg Leah Holloway Communion Help 9:30 a.m. Mike McDowell Carla Van Berg Jean Walrath Terry Sorenson Leslie Holloway Carol Gumbinger Deb Wamboldt Jeff Wamboldt Marie Persinger Cathy Lovingfoss Greg Glista Leslie Holloway Carla Van Berg Jean Walrath Abby Giese Reader 9:30 a.m. Terry Sorenson Judith Tisserand Doug Kancian Greeters 9:30 a.m. Lou and Patti Molitor Natalie Gardina Russ Brewer Coffee 9:30 a.m. Lein Family Gardina Family Giese Family Bread (for both Sunday and Saturday services) Karen Aiello Becky & Emma Brewer Mary LeRoy Samantha McGovern Jan Niederloh Ron Daniels Peggy Zimmerman Peggy Zimmerman Ron Daniels Angie Wollschlager Anne Rasmussen Jeff Wollschlager Jackie McCarthy Jenn Sinnen Lynn Kancian Laura Lynch Dan Lein Meghan & Tory Bilotta Tellers (after worship) 9:30 a.m. Dave Klimisch Sarah Klimisch Nathan Klimisch George Sorenson Rich Walasek Rich Walasek Dave Klimisch Altar Care 9:30 a.m. Arlene Hall Roberta Bloner Anna Kersten A/V 9:30 a.m. Ralph McCarthy Lori Capelli Travis Decker Nursery 9:30 a.m. Lynn Kancian Christi Wilke Lynn Kancian SCRIP Sales Becky Brewer Emma Brewer Lynda & Darrell Jobman Doni Degefa Jean Garretto Kathy Prokes (trainee) LOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY 3 8:30 a.m. Inspire 9:30 a.m. Worship 10 8:30 a.m. Inspire 9:30 a.m. Worship MONDAY 4 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 11 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 6:00 p.m. Ladies of Lydia 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 2 7:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 Newsletter Deadline 16 DEADLINE for 12:30 p.m. Soul Food Kingfish sign- Bible Study up & payment 6:00 p.m. Youth 18 1 6 12:30 p.m. Soul Food Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Youth Terrific Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Hi-Fivers Lunch @ Mike’s D&C 1:00 p.m. OA 7:00 p.m. AA 1:00 p.m. OA 7:00 p.m. AA Terrific Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Inspire 9:30 a.m. Worship SATURDAY 5 Youth Depart for Mission Trip 6:00 p.m. Ladies of Lydia 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 17 FRIDAY 19 12:30 p.m. Soul Food Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Youth Terrific Tuesday 20 21 1:00 p.m. OA 7:00 p.m. AA 22 7:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 7:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 23 7:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship Youth Return from Mission Trip 24 8:30 a.m. Inspire 9:30 a.m. Worship Kingfish Event 12:00 p.m. Tailgate lunch, 1:05 p.m. game 31 8:30 a.m. Inspire 9:30 a.m. Worship 25 26 12:30 p.m. Soul Food Bible Study 27 28 1:00 p.m. OA 7:00 p.m. AA Vacation Bible School 5:00-7:15 p.m. 29 30 12 A F E W W O R D S F RO M P A S T O R S TAC Y IMAGINE: to form a mental image of something not actually present to the senses. We encourage our children to use their imaginations every day. Every now and then we even dare to imagine such things as a nap, more time to complete tasks, our dream job, our dream spouse...but only sometimes. As adults we often hold ourselves back from imagining...but I think we do ourselves a disservice by not daring to imagine...especially when it comes to our faith and what God is calling us to be and to do. What does imagination have to do with our faith, you ask? We understand our imaginations to be limitless, without boundaries, beyond constraints and with no expectations. Don’t we perceive God in the same way? God is something that we cannot fully grasp and understand with our human minds yet we know that God is there, that God is limitless, without boundaries, beyond constraints and expectations. We understand God to be fully surprising and all-encompassing! Our ideas of God and our faith, while firmly grounded in scripture, take flight when we dare to IMAGINE how things could be - how things WILL be. When we dare to IMAGINE how God would have things, our faith blossoms and we are able to accomplish things once thought impossible. Scripture certainly leaves some things up to our imagination - it does not spell everything out word-for-word. It tells us to love one another. By the power of our imagination we see what that looks like for us. Scripture encourages us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, etc... and those things take shape in our communities when we use our imagination, together, to make a difference. And scripture prompts us to learn more and our imagination is sparked when we study and grow into the stories and prophecies we find there. Our imagination is key to our faith. Our faith grows when we IMAGINE how God wants our life to be; when we IMAGINE how God can change our life; when we IMAGINE how being a disciple can affect our life. It is a powerful thing; it’s the fuel we need for us to keep moving, the material we need to make a difference in the lives of the people around us and it supplies the gifts we need to live into our vocations. BUT sometimes it’s hard to allow our imagination to guide us. When a situation calls for practicality, it seems frivolous to imagine the solution. Or when the outcome is uncertain, it feels ‘dreamy’ to dare to imagine how it might be. We must be careful not to restrain our imagination or refrain from using it. We must be bold enough to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the right direction by our imagination. God is consistently seeking out ways to communicate with us, to move us and to call us into action. God desires for us to move, to make a difference, and to change the world. It is by the power of our imagination that this happens. We are at a critical time in the life of our congregation. We are daring to imagine what God is calling us to do and to be. It will require all of us to engage our imagination and then DARE to follow it, trusting that God is in control. Our human nature causes us, however, to wonder just how far we can truly reach with our imaginations. Paul tells us in Ephesians that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. That is how far we can reach with our imaginations - further than we can ask, further than we can imagine or dream. Don’t limit yourself - don’t hold yourself back. DARE to imagine! This month we will be collecting items for the ELCA Outreach Center’s annual School Supply Drive. Items can be placed in the wooden Ministry of the Month chest in the lobby through July. Joy & Celebration Contemporary Service Saturday evenings 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Summer Sundays