November 2014 - Incarnate Word High School


November 2014 - Incarnate Word High School
Volume 5, Issue 4
November 26, 2014
Theatre Company Places at State
n Nov. 15, the Incarnate Word Theatre
Department placed 4th out of 9 teams at
the TAPPS State One-Act Play competition.
This is the third year for IWHS to compete, and
the first time for our girls to place at the state
competition. Almost 8 weeks ago, 5 cast
members, 5 crew, and 4 alternates, along with
Director Lara Benavides and Assistant Director
Allie Villarreal, began work on the Pulitzer
prize winning play, “The Effect of Gamma Rays
on Man in the Moon Marigolds.”
In just 40 minutes, this play told the story of
Tillie, a very gifted child who yearns to break
out of what seems to be a predetermined life. By
the end of the play, she succeeds in finding the
hope she needs and rises above her
circumstances. Both cast and crew earned
awards at the Regional and State levels for
their outstanding work.
Congratulations to a group of very talented
ladies for being the only school in San Antonio
to place in the Top Four! Go SHAMROCKS!
All Star Cast: Emily LaFrance, Maddie Coles, Anabelle Pena
All Star Cast Honorable Mention: Devyn Dullnig,
Marianne Thraillkill
All Star Crew: Madeline Ortiz
All Star Cast: Emily LaFrance, Maddie Coles
All Star Cast Honorable Mention: Anabelle Pena, Devyn Dullnig
All Star Crew: Madeline Ortiz
Father-Daughter Banquet
n November 23rd Shamrocks and
their dads created treasured
memories at the 2014 Father Daughter Banquet. This year’s event
hosted approximately 510 guests, with a
“Reach for the Stars” theme. Shamrocks
and their dads enjoyed Mass with
Father Mark Clarke presiding, followed
by a prayer and pin ceremony. While
dinner was served, Diana BarriosTrevino ’81 shared her perspective on
“Life as a Shamrock.” Later, Cleto
Rodriguez entertained the group with a
game of “Father Knows Best.” Gloria
Jimenez was the fortunate winner of the
Grand Prize drawing, taking home a
MacBook Air. The entire event was a huge
success! Thank you to the many committee
members who made this event possible.
Special thanks to the 240 dads who traded
an afternoon of football or golf for this
special day with their daughters!
Principal’s Perspective
Dear Shamrock Community,
As we celebrate Thanksgiving and prepare for Advent, I am
again reminded of how blessed we are as a community.
In a faith-based
preparatory environment,
Incarnate Word High
School prepares confident
young women dedicated to
academic excellence,
Christian service and
social justice.
Academic Excellence
Community of Faith
Incarnate Word High
School is fully accredited
with the Southern
Association of Colleges
and Schools (SACS) and
Texas Catholic
Conference Education
Department (TCCED).
On Sunday, I had the privilege of attending the Father/
Daughter Banquet. A long standing tradition at IWHS, this
fun and spirited afternoon organized by the dads (with a little
help from moms) is one of the girls’ favorite events. Thank you
to Carlos Rodriguez and the Father/Daughter committee for
organizing a wonderful afternoon of fellowship, prayer, good
food and lots of laughter.
We also extend heartfelt gratitude to our guest speaker, alumna Diana Barrios, to Fr.
Mark Clark and to senior parent, Jack Brinkman, who has done a beautiful job of
organizing the liturgy for the banquet for many, many years. Lastly, kudos to Cleto
Rodriguez, who once again brought tears of laughter to the audience, this time as he
hosted the “How Well Do you Know Your Daughter?” game.
This past month, in addition to their studies, our student body has been busy
preparing for and attending class retreats, hosting prospective students, promoting
robotics and participating in a wide variety of service projects throughout the
community. They have also been strong competitors. Special Congratulations to our
theatre company for an outstanding performance and placing fourth in the TAPPS
State One Act Play Competition and to our Swim team for their 2nd place finish at
Battle for the Crown.
A reminder that there is still time to reserve a table at the Hope for the Future
sponsored “Khaki and Plaid Gala” held on January 31, 2015, and to vote for the
Homecoming Court which includes IWHS alumna Diana Barrios.
( Your support of the Gala and Homecoming Court helps insure
every student desiring a Catholic education has that opportunity.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Praised Be the Incarnate Word,
B.J. Nelsen
UIW Connection
Incarnate Word High
School is a part of the
Brainpower Connection,
and is affiliated with
University of the
Incarnate Word.
Mr. Williams, Mrs. Nelsen, and Ms. De la
Garza step out of their normal roles to
help serve Thanksgiving lunch to hungry
Upcoming Events
What’s Happening in December?
High School
Placement Test
Incarnate Word High
School will be hosting the
High School Placement Test
on Sat., Dec. 6, from 9 a.m.
to 12 p.m. All 8th grade
students interested in
applying for admission are
encouraged to test on Dec. 6.
Registration and payment
of a $15 fee can be arranged
with Enrollment. Check-in
for the test begins at 8:30
a.m. The registration form
is available on our school
For more information,
please contact Annette
Zahirniak in the Enrollment
Office at or
(210) 829-3123.
Dec 8
2 p.m. Liturgy of the
Immaculate Conception
Dec 22
Christmas Ornament Sale
Be sure to include Shamrock Collector
Christmas Ornaments as gifts this
year. The PTO will be selling these
pewter ornaments during all lunch
mods Dec. 2-5 and Dec. 9-12. or contact
Linda Villarreal to
purchase yours. Cost is $12.00/each
We welcome all 8th grade
girls to join our Shamrock
Order by
Dec. 5.
Dec. 10,
after school
Individual athletic photos
courtesy of
Jonathan Godsey
Save the Date!
Friday, April 10
Casino Night
To volunteer for this exciting
new event please contact
Stephanie Denning at
Proceeds from this event will
benefit Scholarships.
Student Spotlight
Cross Country
Academic All-State
Katherine Peth ’15
We hope that you have
enjoyed the first <name
of paper> and we hope
that these stories were
refreshing for you and a
reminder of all the good
things that are happening within our school
community at IWHS.
We invite you to send
alumnae updates, student news and accomplishments along with
photos so that we can
share your success with
Volleyball All-State and All-District Selections
Volleyball All–State & All-District 1st Team
Theresa Reyna ’15
1st Team All-State
1st Team All-District
Academic All-State
Alexandria Torres ’15
2nd Team All-State
1st Team All-State
Alyssa Narendorf ‘15
HM All-State
1st Team All-District
Academic All-State
Anissa Tamez ’17
HM All-State
1st Team All-District
All-District 2nd Team
Ana Hurtado ’15
Lauren Guerra ’15 Shea Lopez ’18
Academic All-State Academic All-State
Sofia Resendiz ’16
Academic All-State McPherson ’17
Freshman Class Officers
Save the Date!
Friday, April 10
Casino Night
To volunteer for this
exciting new event
please contact
Stephanie Denning
Back row l-r:
Genevieve Fleming
Isabelle Purcell
Katherine Lopez
Front row l-r:
Alexis Acevedo
Tori Villarreal - President
Kambri Garcia
Proceeds from this
event will benefit
For sports schedules,
please visit us online:
Shamrock Athletics
Battle for the Crown
Purchase IWHS
Stadium Seats
Stadium seats are now
available to purchase in
the Athletic office.
1 Chair- $45.00
2 Chairs- $80.00
I Believe and GreenOut t-shirts can also be
purchased from the
Athletic Office -$15.00
Available sizes- S, M, L,
XL, 2XL, 3XL
Varsity Volleyball
Purchase Raffle
The IWHS athletes are
raising money for the
athletic programs and
activities by selling Catholic
School Sweepstakes tickets
sponsored by Catholic Life
Insurance. One hundred
percent of the proceeds from
this fundraiser will benefit
our students.
To purchase a ticket,
please see an IWHS athlete
or Coach April Fricke.
Tickets are $5 each. Prizes
include a truck, a sedan, or a
$20,000 prepaid Visa Gift
Card, as well as 55 prepaid
Visa Credit Cards.
Help out your favorite
athlete and buy a chance
to win a great prize!
n Nov. 1, 2014, the IWHS Swim team placed
second overall out of 10 teams. Teams from
Austin, Houston, Dallas and Corpus Christi
competed. This year we had five seniors recognized
for distinguished honors: Kwin Kellar, Natalia
Legaretta, Cierra Arguijo, Sun Young Park, and
Racquel Rodriguez. The girls worked hard for this
meet and intend to be back next year competing
for the Crown. The girls wore the pink breast
cancer caps while competing at this meet to show
their support for the cause.
This year’s Battle for the Crown meet also hosted the third annual Fastest Man in
Texas competition. The whole idea of this meet is to raise money to aid those with
cancer. Josh Davis is the founder of the Fastest Man Shootout in remembrance of his
mother who lost her battle with cancer. All proceeds from this meet go to the Joan Davis
Cancer Foundation.
Volleyball Seniors Recognized on Senior Night
l-r: Katheryn Gabriel (manager), Lauren Guerra, Alexandria Torres,
Alyssa Narendorf , Theresa Reyna, and Ana Hurtado
Advent, the
Season for HOPE
Campus & Peer Ministry
Memorial Mass
n November 3rd the Shamrock
Community remembered those who
have gone to be with our Lord. Fr. Tom
Dymowski, O.SS.T., presided over our
special Memorial Mass. At this mass we
honored the Sisters of Charity of the
Incarnate Word, alumna, past faculty,
friends, and family who have passed
during the past year. We also celebrated
the completion of the Mary Ninfa Ozuna
’79 Scholarship Endowment. Ninfa was a
cherished member of the Shamrock
Community, and it was our great pleasure
to be joined by George Ozuna and Andrea
Ozuna for this Mass. Andrea pinned the
first two Ninfa Ozuna Scholarship
recipients, freshmen Briana Caballero and
Daniela Cardona. Thank you to the Ozuna
Family for joining us, and special thanks
to the Madrigals for their significant
fundraising efforts towards this
endowment, as well as all those in the
greater Shamrock Community who
Peer Ministers
Congratulations to these Peer Ministers who were commissioned in October.
Join us for Rosary on the
1st Wednesday of the
month in the school
chapel led by Sr. Jane at
7:30 a.m.. Next rosary on
Dec. 3.
Ireland Jordan
Dominique Ramos
Dominique Galvan
Lauren Garcia
Nadia Medina
Sophia Rose Ramirez
Viana Salinas
Jan 29-30 Senior Retreat
During the month of
December, IWHS will
participate in a service
project to reach out to the
San Antonio community
during the holiday season.
Details regarding this
years advent service
project will be discussed in
advisories soon. We thank
you in advance for your
participate and support by
giving to those in need.
Gabby Nandin
Angela Martinez
Catalina Tapia
Samantha Garza
Tina Hernandez
Katherine Maniscalco
Allison Gavlick
Anne Marie Hamon
Angelica Baez-Chavez
Jenna Villarreal
Aylin Montes de Oca
Junior Retreat
ur Junior class had a great time at
their annual retreat on Nov. 20-21.
They went into the hill country to Camp
Capers in Waring, Texas. They spent time
bonding and growing spiritually with their
Shamrock sisters. The theme of the
retreat was from Psalm 138:3: “When I
cried out, you answered; you strengthened
my spirit.”
The weather was beautiful and the team
of peer ministers and adults did a
wonderful job executing the retreat and
making it a success. A special thanks goes
out to our Junior Peer Ministers and other
facilitators, the retreat music ministry,
our Junior advisors, April Garza, Dr.
Williams, Mrs. Purcell, Mrs. Villarreal, all
our bus drivers and Sr. Jane Farek. We
couldn’t have done it without all of your
hard teamwork and dedication!
Shamrock Clubs & Organizations
aturday, October 18, the two IWHS
robotics teams participated in the Just
Robots program at the Forest Hills Branch
Library. The students demonstrated their
robot, provided information about Alamo
FIRST, and attended presentations on
artificial intelligence and underwater robots.
They taught children how to drive the robot
and the Sphero.
The Robotics teams recently received grants
from the Texas Workforce Commision to
continue their program.
Residence Hall
Shamrocks kept themselves
busy with the Spooktacular
activities in October! From
SATs, PSATs, to
Renaissance Festival,
Senior Trunk or Treating
service and the craziness of
day to day business, we had
a productive fun month.
November has been just as
busy. Several students
dressed in costume for Dia
de los Muertos 5K run, held
at Northwest Vista College.
Participants: Sun Young
Park, Anh Nguyen and
Melissa Martinez.
Robotics on the Road
he Incarnate Word Robotics class
traveled to St. Anthony Catholic
School to teach the 1st- 5th graders about
the importance of robotics. We set up
different stations for the childrens’
participation. These stations included arts
and crafts, driving the competition robot,
navigating the sphero through Draw and
Drive and Sphero, and ended with the
marshmallow challenge. The robotics girls
enjoyed teaching and interacting with the
different types of children and, hopefully,
future engineers. The most exciting part
of the trip was watching their creative
minds make a homemade robot. Emily
Corona, one of the robotics students, said,
“It warmed my heart to see the children of
the next generation take interest in the
robotic field.” All in all, the robotics girls
had fun and we hope we can continue
taking robotics on the road!
Clubs and Organizations
Pax Christi
ovember was an exciting time for IWHS Pax
Christi USA. First, from Nov. 5-19, PC USA
held its annual winter clothing drive. People
from every facet of IWHS campus life gave
blankets and various cold weather clothing items
which were given to a local parish to assist in
their work with those less fortunate. The several
boxes collected are a testament to the successful
efforts of PC USA. A special thank you to the Pax
Christi officers who assumed this extra roll
during this busy time of year.
The other big news relates to PC USA’s
ongoing involvement in inter-faith dialogue. On
Nov. 16, IWHS’s own senior Tarika Srinivasan
spoke to the group about Hinduism. Always
eloquent and gracious, Tarika gave an impressive
presentation of the rich history and traditions of
Hinduism, concluding with an activity celebrating the Puja prayer ceremony. This was
the second time Tarika addressed Pax Christi, and we are grateful. (FYI: Part of
Tarika’s presentation can be seen on the IWHS’s latest edition of “Shamrock News and
International Club
Pax Christi Officers
International Culture
Members celebrated
Thanksgiving with their 2nd
annual Pot Luck meeting.
The members feasted on
chicken, chips, dips and
assorted cookies and cakes.
To work off the calories the
girls played a turkey waddle
relay and Thanksgiving
trivia. It is not too late to
join International Club; our
next meeting will be in
Back l-r: Gabrielle Uribe,
Isabella Hurtado, Iliana Mallett,
Paola Sanchez
Front l-r: Daria Flowers,
Tahlia Sowa-Gutierrez,
Jasmine Jaramillo
At the Library
Christmas Craft
Our third annual Christmas Crafts
at the Library program will be on
December 5th, 2014. This year
we’re making felt poinsettia hair
clips, for yourself or to give as a
gift! Interested in joining us? Sign
up by December 4th. Remember,
space is limited!!
Books Over the Break
Did you know you can check out books over Christmas break? Come by the library and
find some great books to enjoy over the holidays. We’ve got over fifteen new baking
books, tons of new fiction, and fantastic new nonfiction titles. Any books checked out
from December 1 – December 19th will be due back in January, so come in today!
Around Campus
Davidson Respite House
Spanish Club Doings
avidson Respite
House is the only
non-profit emergency
home for children with
disabilities in Texas.
They provide a shelter
for them, give them
food, and care for
them. Boys and girls
up to the age of 16 are
held in safety here.
Some sophomore
students from
Incarnate Word H.S.
were given the opportunity to help out
this organization. We cleaned many
windows and the lawns for some of the
houses. Some of our students even got the
chance to help out in the nursery. Not
only were we helping out a non-profit
organization but we had fun doing so. It
The members had fun
making sugar skulls for Dia
de los Muetos.
was a great experience for all of us and
challenged us to do more for others.
- Talia Christian (10), Incarnate Word
High School
Veteran’s Day
n Tuesday November 11, the Social
Studies Department was once again
proud to have The Extended Run Players
from the University of the Incarnate Word
for our Veteran’s Day assembly. This was
made possible by Sr. Germaine Corbin
from the Theater Arts Department of the
University. The group performs at different venues across the city, but Incarnate
Word High School was given priority for
the Veteran’s Day performance. To honor
America’s veterans, the group read stories
about actual WWII participants, while
flashing pictures up on the screen. They
also sang patriotic music, as well as the
song of each branch of the military. Like
last year, the students, teachers, and staff
responded enthusiastically to the performers. We want to thank Sr. Germaine, and
all the Extended Run Players for making
our Veteran’s Day assembly so special,
and meaningful.
Around Campus
Girl Power Prevails
At the Thanksgivingthemed Girl Power meeting last week, the girls participated in making their
own turkey cookies out of
Oreos, Reese's peanut butter cups, candy corn, and a
malt ball. The fun was enthusiastically embraced by
everyone searching for a
creative way to release
stress and spend time with
friends. When everyone
completed the final touches
on their cookies, they enjoyed taking pictures of
and with them. The turkey
cookies were a sweet way
to usher in the Thanksgiving season.
t the Girl Power meeting in October,
the members had fun making
environmentally friendly crafts. The girls
brought empty milk and juice cartons,
which they made into biodegradable coin
purses. Treasurer Joan Kennedy showed
the group how to transform their trash into
treasure. Member Marissa Muro excitedly
delved into the project, determined to
make her tiny Goldfish carton into a handy
coin purse. The meeting was deemed a
success as every student discovered the
importance and versatility of recycling.
At a November Girl Power meeting, a
representative from Women's Global
Connection visited the students to speak
about an important issue faced by women
around the world: availability of clean
water. Often, in order to obtain clean
water, women have to
walk as far as four
miles round-trip
carrying heavy buckets
of water on their heads.
This duty prevents
young girls from
attending school
because it becomes a
full-time job. During
the meeting, members
made bracelets to be sold at the Women's
Global Summit to be held this upcoming
February. The profits will go toward
building cisterns to collect rainwater so the
women don't have to spend so much time
traveling, and the girls can go back to
Girl Power members conducted their annual
pumpkin carving event,
led by President Ana
Gaona. Whether carving,
drawing, or “stickering”, a
good time was had by all.
L-R Marissa Muro, Jenny Vasquez, Evita Escobedo, Lauren Garcia (Secretary), Ana Gaona
(President), and Katarina Gaona
Music/Lyrics Class
We hope that you have
enjoyed “What’s the Word,”
and we hope that these
stories are informative for
you and remind you of all
the good things that
happen within our school
community at IWHS. We
invite you to send student
& alumnae news and
accomplishments along
with photos so that we can
share your success with
Editors: Delma Cisneros
and Stephanie Denning
The Music/Lyrics students visited the Bulverde Academy of Music this fall. They
learned about the features of a state-of-the-art professional recording studio, as well as
some of the skills involved in the sound engineering aspect of music production. The
girls were also given the opportunity to record a song as a group!
Parents in the Know
Semester Exams
School Administrators
B.J. Nelsen
(210) 829-3107
LaShaundra Caesar
Vice-Principal of Student
(210) 829-3105
Dr. Langston Williams Jr.
Vice-Principal of Student Affairs
(210) 829-3106
April Fricke
Athletics Director
(210) 829-3122
Annette Zahirniak
Director of Enrollment
(210) 829-3123
Audra Cardona
Semester exams are scheduled for the last week of the semester, Dec. 16-19. All students
are expected to be in attendance this week and families should schedule vacation travel
after Dec. 18th. Students need special permission in advance for any planned absence
this week..
8:00 – 8:10
8:20 – 9:50
10:20 – 10:30
10:40 – 12:10
9:50 – 10:20
Cafeteria & Gym
12:45 – 2:15
(To include those taking 2 math, religion, foreign language,
or social studies tests)
Director of Campus Ministry
(210) 829-3121
Stephanie Denning
Director of Development
(210) 832-2143
Debbie Zielins
Golfers at the
(210) 829-3112
Cybele Bolado ‘86
Director of Alumnae Relations
(210) 829-3103
Liz Valerio
Residence Life Coordinator
(210) 841-7403
Like us on Facebook
performing on
promote Light
the Way.
Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO Set for Another Successful Year
Incarnate Word High School Community,
2014 -2015 Board
Executive Officers
Linda Villarreal ’84
Mary Sullivan '85
Recording Secretary
Caroline Du
Ana Cobian Rodriguez
Faculty Representative
Blanca Marquez Sanchez
PTO Committee Chairs
Athletic Committee Rep.
Ken Palacios &
Anastasia McKenna
Campus Ministry/Outreach
Tisha Alanis
Campus Beautification
Bill Pfeiffer
Annette Salazar
Social Committee
Chris Mallett
Lorena Contreras ’90
Patricia Gonzalez
Father/Daughter Banquet
Gilbert de la Rosa
Carlos Rodriguez
Mother/Daughter Luncheon
Melissa Zamora '84
Andrea Gonzalez '88
Spirit Shoppe
Melissa Barrett
Student Spirit Activities
Loretta Medina
Vickie Muller
Maria Resendiz
Teacher Appreciation
Susan Holzman
Yvonne Grothues ’86
Jean Hebert
Volunteer Coordinator
Delia Thomas
Word Day/BTS Picnic
Roberta Palmer
Carolyn Obregon
As we enter the blessed Advent season and prepare our hearts for the birth of our
Savior, PTO wishes you the joys and wonders of this time of year. I also hope the
Christmas break is a chance for your daughters to rest, relax and rejuvenate after a full
fall semester. To commemorate its 2014th year, PTO is selling a limited number of
pewter Christmas ornaments during lunch mods in December, or you may email me.
Buy one early so you have time to engrave a message on the back, if you so choose.
In the Spirit of Christmas, our Teacher Appreciation Committee is planning the
annual Holiday luncheon for all Administration, Faculty and Staff. They will also
receive a small gift to say “thank you.” During exam week the Student Spirit Committee
will provide your daughters with healthy snacks to boost their spirit and energy.
Praise and gratitude to Carlos Rodriguez and the Father/Daughter Banquet
committee for hosting a memorable afternoon of blessings and laughter for the 500
fathers and daughters who attended this year’s banquet. The sisterhood and special
bond between fathers and daughters was celebrated, while at the same time raising
funds for a special initiative PTO is exploring. The money raised from the silent auction
and grand drawing will be used to create a living and learning environment for the girls
in the current cafeteria loft. It is the desire of the Administration and the PTO to create
a space for the girls to study independently or collaborate as a group. More ideas will be
brainstormed in the spring semester as we
embark on this project.
Not long after we flip the calendar to
2015, the Mother/Daughter Banquet will
be upon us. Melissa Zamora and her
committee is planning a Hollywood event
on Feb. 22, 2015, at the Omni Hotel in the
Colonnade. I still have fond memories of
the four Mother/Daughter Banquets I
attended with my mother, sister, and
IWHS friends when I was a student. Make
it a special memory for your daughter as
Thank you, PTO, for the delicious hot
Once again, PTO extends wishes for a
Baked Potato Lunch on a very cold
very Merry Christmas and a blessed new
day and the yummy Bundt
year, and gives thanks for the many ways
the community of Incarnate Word supports
our efforts. Your presence is always
welcome to attend and celebrate the holy mass and the first Wednesday rosary in our
chapel, as well as volunteering on a committee.
Praise be the Incarnate Word, forever. Amen
Linda Villarreal ‘84
IWHS PTO President
Open Tuesdays & Thursday’s during all
lunch mods (10:56 a.m. – 1:18 p.m.).
This is a great time to stock up on your
IWHS spirit apparel!
Shamrock Community