January 2014 - Incarnate Word High School


January 2014 - Incarnate Word High School
Volume 4, Issue 6
February 3, 2014
IWHS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week
hamrocks celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a
mix of pomp and fun. On Sunday, officers of NHS and
Student Council attended the Archdiocese kick-off mass
at the San Fernando Cathedral. Senior and NHS
president Deandra Gonzales delivered the first reading.
Starting on Monday, parents were invited to visit their
daughter’s classrooms and experience first-hand the great
investment they have made in their daughter’s education.
On Tuesday, students and parents attended the Honor
Roll Assembly, recognizing students who made the Honor
Roll for the fall semester. Student Appreciation Day was
held on Wednesday and PTO treated the students to
cupcakes and ring pops during the lunch mods.
Parent Appreciation Day on Thursday began with Mass
dedicated to our parents for
their faith and belief in the
school and in Catholic
education. Following the
Mass, parents were invited to
stay for coffee and fruit.
Finally, for Friday’s Faculty
Appreciation Day, the IWHS
staff was treated to lunch
provided by the PTO, breakfast doughnuts courtesy of
Mrs. Nelsen and Starbucks by STUCO. We are blessed to
have such supportive parents and appreciate your
involvement in your daughters’ education and school.
Salesio Visitors
ncarnate Word High School was pleased to
host our friends and fellow students from
Salesio Girl’s High School in Gwanju, South
Korea, on January 21 – 29. The Salesian guests
shadowed many of our Shamrocks over multiple
days, enjoying the classes and often
participating in the learning process.
On January 23, the Salesian girls spent the
night at the homes of several of our Shamrock
families. Our Shamrocks treated the girls to
new food experiences such as Subway and
Luciano’s pizza, where the pizzeria owner made
a special pizza just for our Korean guests. One
visitor had Mexican food and learned that she
did not care for Mexican spices at all. She chose
to stick to the blander potato-n-egg tacos.
In return, our Salesian guests taught some of
our Shamrock families how to write their names
in Korean. Also one family, who treated the Salesian
guest to a home-made Honduran dinner, was entertained
by a Korean play that the Salesian school student
performed with her new Shamrock friend.
In addition to the fun and special experiences the
students had in the homes of our Shamrock families, they
visited The Witte Museum, a Spurs basketball game,
NASA in Houston, the SA Museum of Art, Natural Bridge
Caverns and Enchanted Rock.
It is always a pleasure to host our friends from the
Salesio Girls High School. The students are always so
happy to be visiting us and always express their gratitude
for their time with us. As we said our farewells on
January 29, we wished them a safe journey to their next
stops, Washington D.C. and New York City.
Principal’s Perspective
Dear Shamrock Community,
In a faith-based
preparatory environment,
Incarnate Word High
School prepares confident
young women dedicated to
academic excellence,
Christian service and
social justice.
Academic Excellence
Community of Faith
Incarnate Word High
School is fully accredited
with the Southern
Association of Colleges
and Schools (SACS) and
Texas Catholic Conference
Education Department
UIW Connection
As we conclude our observance of National Catholic Schools
Week, we want to extend congratulations to the faculty, staff
and students on their efforts and accomplishments first
semester and express our deep appreciation to the community
for your commitment to Incarnate Word and Catholic education.
This year, the week’s theme was “Catholic Schools:
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The theme
succinctly expresses our focus on priorities that have made us
unique among educational institutions for 133 years.
Catholic Schools Week was filled with activity. It began by students from IWHS
proudly representing the school at the opening liturgy on Sunday at San Fernando
Cathedral. Then on Monday, at the Catholic Schools Week Opening Reception, nine
Shamrocks were recognized for being national scholars. On Tuesday, we recognized
58% of our student body for earning honor or high honor roll. Wednesday, the IWHS
swim team placed first at regional competition while the soccer team defeated St.
Michaels. Throughout the week we welcomed parents who visited classes, attended
liturgy and enjoyed lunch with their daughter. Thank you to our NHS, Campus
Ministry and STUCO officers, faculty and staff who worked along with the PTO to
make our week long celebration a success.
One of the most visible and powerful results of a Catholic education comes through the
instilling of the responsibility and desire to serve others. At IWHS, service is at the
heart of our mission. Mother Theresa once said, “At the end of life, we will not be
judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made,
how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry, and you
gave me something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you
took me in.’”
This year, the Catholic Schools Office received over 200 essays about service projects
completed the past year in our elementary and secondary schools. We are proud to
announce that IWHS received First Place, in the high school division of the Service
Essay Contest, for our submission, “Compassionate Living Through the Shamrock
Farm.” I would like to acknowledge Ms. Greene, Mr. Vega and Sr. Margaret for their
leadership in organizing the Lenten project and to our student body and faculty for
their support and participation.
Wednesday, we also said goodbye to our 12 visitors from our sister school in Korea, the
Salesio Girls High School. A remarkable group of young women, they enjoyed getting
to know our students and were very appreciative of the hospitality shown by our
families these past two weeks.
Incarnate Word High
School is a part of the
Brainpower Connection,
and is affiliated with
University of the
Incarnate Word.
We are always excited to show off what our students are learning. Parents are invited
to visit their daughter’s classes throughout the year. Thank you for entrusting your
daughters to us. It is our pleasure to work in partnership with you to assist them in
attaining their goals and achieving their dreams.
Praised be the Incarnate Word,
BJ Nelsen
Upcoming Events
What’s Happening in February?
Feb 4
Incoming 9th Graders
Saturday, Feb. 22
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Meet teachers,
coaches and students
Obtain information
on athletics and
summer programs
Make-up date: Feb. 25th
Math Hanging, 3:30 p.m.
Salsa & Scholarship Mtg 6 p.m.
Feb 8
Semi-Formal, 7:30 - 11:00 p.m.
Feb 10 PTO Meeting, 6 p.m.
Feb 10-12 Candy Gram Sales
Feb 11 Academic World Quest 11 a.m.3 p.m.
Feb 14 Progress Reports Available
Feb 16 Mother/Daughter Luncheon
Feb 17 President's Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb 19 Jet Tour, 8-9:30 a.m.
Parent Conferences, 2:30-5 p.m.
Feb 21 Soccer Green Out vs. Antonian
Feb 21-23 Grace Retreat
Feb 22 Pre-registration for Incoming
9th Grade
Feb 27 Blood Drive
Wondering how to treat
your special Shamrock on
Valentine’s Day? What about a Candy
Gram to sweeten her day and support
the freshmen fundraiser! Family and
friends are welcome to buy candy grams
for their favorite Shamrocks and don’t
forget to send a candy gram to your
favorite teachers!
Word Day
is March 7
This is a parent volunteer
favorite and you
get a free t-shirt too!
Contact Linda Villarreal at
or 210-219-7450
to volunteer to help
on this fun day.
Complete this CANDY GRAM FORM
and turn it in to 109, S103, or the front
desk. Candy grams will also be sold
during snack and lunch mods Feb. 1012.
Salsa & Scholarships
March 23 at IWHS
We need your help!
Our next meeting is
Feb. 4th, 6 p.m.
Photography contributors:
Frank Maniscalco
Contact Stephanie at
sdenning@uiwtx.edu to volunteer
for this important committee!
Incarnate Word Student Council presents
the 2014 AZTECA Semi-Formal Dance.
Date: Saturday, Feb. 8th
Time: 7:30 - 11 p.m. (doors close at 9 p.m.)
Location: UIW Skyroom
Prices: $35 for singles, $45 for couples
NO low-cut, revealing tops/dresses
NO backless dresses allowed
Lower garments must be longer than
your fingertips when arms extended
NO exposed mid-drifts or stomachs
Remember the 4 B’s (no back, no belly,
no bosoms, no bottom)
NO facial jewelry
NO low hanging, baggy pants that
expose undergarments
NO chains hanging from clothing
NO steel toe boots, deck shoes, or
NO caps or hats
NO jeans
NO facial jewelry
NO inappropriate facial hair
Boys MUST wear a coat and tie
Boys MUST wear dress shoes
Mother/Daughter Luncheon
Faith, Love and Shamrocks
Feb. 16, 2014
The Omni Hotel
Registration: 9:30 a.m.
Mass: 10:00 a.m.
Luncheon: 12:00 p.m.
Ticket Price: $36
$32 by Feb. 7
For tickets and more information, contact
Debbie Walton at debdebelc@gmail.com
Click for invitation, photo and
testimonial deadlines
Student and Faculty Spotlight
Honors Assembly
Teacher of the Month
We hope that you have
enjoyed the first <name
of paper> and we hope
that these stories were
refreshing for you and a
of allofthe
the are
ing within our
Poth. She
at IWHS.
English and has to
stumember of the faculty
for 2
dent news and accomyears.
an with
photos so
that we can
share yourfor
her English
classes, Ms. Poth provides
plenty of guidance and
directs her students to
ultimate success. She has
transformed even the most
disinterested of students
into lovers of literature.
Students especially
appreciate her poetry
sessions, calling them their
favorite classes, as she
becomes one with the many
She has a dog named
Charlotte after the famous
author and poet Charlotte
Bronte. She is a perfect
coach of the IWHS Literary
Criticism TAPPs team. Our
team has an advantage
each year because Ms. Poth
skillfully guides them
through even the toughest
Ms. Poth is undoubtedly
deserving of this honor,
and will continue to be a
literary inspiration for all
her students.
—Kathleen Creedon,
Student Council Historian
n Jan. 28th in the
McGowen Gym,
students were recognized
for their academic
achievement in the fall
2013-14 semester. National
Honor Society president
Deandra Gonzales ’14
opened the ceremony with
a prayer. UIW Preparatory
Programs Director, Mr.
Dan Ochoa, thanked the parents and
faculty for all that they do for the students.
Counselor Sharon Carlton read the 9th
and 10th grade names followed by VicePrincipal Michelle De Anda reading the
11th and 12th grade names. Principal B.J.
Nelsen congratulated each honoree and
presented her with an honor roll pin.
Additionally, counselor April
Garza announced those
students who scored in the
top ten percent on the 2013
PSAT. She also recognized
those students who were
selected for the National
Hispanic Scholar Recognition
Program, National
Achievement Scholarship
Program, and National Merit
Commended Students.* A reception for the
parents and honor roll students followed
the ceremony.
(Students named to the Honor Roll had an
average of 90 or above, and students receiving High
Honors had an average of 95 or above.)
*Students were listed in the November issue of
What’s the Word.
Top 10th Percentile on the PSAT
t the Honors Assembly, 20 students
received recognition for scoring in the
top ten percent nationwide on the 2013
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/
National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
(PSAT/NMSQT) given in October to
freshmen, sophomore, and junior students.
The following sophomores achieved the
top 10th percentile nationwide for their
superior performance: Allison De La O,
Anne Marie Hamon, Elisa Moralez-Spinelli,
Emma Niemiec, Emerson Thomas.
Through this test, juniors enter the
National Merit Scholarship Program as well
as other Scholar Recognition Programs.
The following juniors scored in the top 10
percent nationwide on the 2013 PSAT test:
Cierra Arguijo, Eileen Brinkman, Madelyn
Coles, Alexandra Garza, Allison Holzman,
Emily Lafrance, Ixchel Lopez, Rachel
Muller, Joyce Palmer, Katherine Peth,
Valerie Shubat, Autumn Silva, Tarika
Srinivasan, Marianne Thrailkill, Sarah
Warren. Congratulations Ladies!
Student and Faculty Spotlight
Look Who’s New!
Area Recognition
We hope that you have
enjoyed the first <name
Welcome to Ms. Blanca
of paper> and we hope
Marquez-Sanchez! She will
that these stories were
be teaching junior and
refreshing for you and a
senior English. She taught
reminder of all the good
at Madison High School for
things that are happennine years.
ing within our school
community at IWHS.
We invite
you to send
alumnae updates, student newsWord
and accomIncarnate
will once
so that
as the
San we
to host
others. Tour (JET).
This program is a small
college fair for students to
interact with recruiters
from the traveling Jesuit
institutions. This year’s
program will take place on
Wed., Feb.19,in the
McGowen Gymnasium.
The program runs from
8:15-9:15 a.m. The
following schools will be in
attendance: Loyola
University New Orleans,
Loyola University Chicago,
Loyola University,
Maryland, Loyola
Marymount University,
Spring Hill College,
University of San
Francisco, Seattle
University, Gonzaga
University, Creighton
University, University of
Scranton, Wheeling Jesuit
University, Fairfield
University, Regis
University, Rockhurst
University, Saint Louis
University, Marquette
Krystal Puente
Theresa Reyna
Clare Creedon
our students were honored by the San
Antonio Express News for their outstanding effort in volleyball and crosscountry. Krystal Puente ’14 and Theresa
Reyna ’15 were selected to the Class Team
for Private Schools. These teams are
picked by the E-N volleyball beat writer
Terrence Thomas with input from area
Katie Peth
coaches. In cross-country, Clare Creedon
’14 and Katherine Peth ’15 were selected
to the Class Team for Private School. The
teams were picked by E-N cross-country
beat David Hinojosa with input from area
coaches. Congratulations, Ladies!!
100 & Climbing
Emily Phillips reached a milestone by becoming the 19th area
female soccer player to score 100 career goals. She achieved
this success during the Shamrock’s 2-0 win over Saint Mary’s
Hall on Jan. 17.
Way to Shine, Emily!!
Miss Top Teen
he Annual Awards Banquet and Coronation of
Mr. & Miss Top Teen was held at Fort Sam
Houston Golf Club on Saturday, Jan. 25th.
Sophomore Jacarra Anita Eshan was crowned Miss
Top Teen of the San Antonio Metropolitan Chapter.
Jacarra will represent the chapter at the Area One
Conference on February 28th – March 2nd in
Shreveport, Louisiana and chapter activities in the
San Antonio community throughout the year.
The San Antonio teen chapter was a vision of the
San Antonio Metropolitan Chapter of Top Ladies of
Distinction (TLOD) Incorporated and currently
include a culturally diverse group of young men and
women in middle and high schools throughout San
Antonio. Members of the teen chapter actively
pursue the chapter goals which includes high
scholastic achievement, leadership, self
improvement, working with seniors, community
involvement, ethnic and cultural appreciation.
Congratulations, Jacarra, for this
distinguished recognition.
For sports schedules,
please visit us online:
Lorena Longoria
On Jan. 30, freshman,
Lorena Longoria competed
at the TAPPS State Diving
Meet in Mansfield, TX.
Lorena practiced every day
of the week with her club
coach and IWHS coach,
Frances Farruggia. When
it was all said and done,
Lorena finished 9th out of
21 divers.
Shamrock Athletics
Swim Team Takes 1st Place at Regionals
On Wednesday, Jan. 29th, the
IWHS Swim team won first
place at the Division I TAPPS
Regional Swim Meet which
was held at the Josh Davis
Natatorium (San Antonio).
The eight members earning
high scores and advancing to
State competition on Feb. 15
at Josh Davis Natatorium are:
Monica Rodriguez, Maddie
Martin, Natalia Legarreta,
Kwin Kellar, Cierra Arguijo,
Gaby Du, Marilyn Hernandez,
Elyssa Nunez.
The team excelled totaling the highest number of points, 125, in the girls A Division in
individual and team performances. This impressive team is comprised of the following
ladies: Cierra Arguijo, Laura Barrett, Emma Birkey, Emily Corona, Natalie Dorn, Gaby Du, Monica Enriquez, Rory Escobedo, Camryn Galvan, Brianna Garcia, Sabrina
Gonzalez, Marilyn Hernandez, Kwin Kellar, Natalia Legarreta, Lorena Longoria, Sofia
Luna, Madeline Martin, Mary McLoughlin, Marissa Muro, Alyssa Nunez, Carolyn Petr,
Abigail Purcell, Samantha Quinones, Raquel Rodriguez.
Way To Go
Shamrock Swim!
Volleyball off-season
will begin next week.
Feb.3 -Feb. 7 from 3:30 4:30 p.m.
Bring both volleyball
shoes and tennis shoes for
outside training.
For sports schedules,
please visit us online:
Shamrock Athletics
Pink Out
ello Shamrock Basketball Fans! This
is Coach Patterson with an update
on your Shamrock Basketball Team. I’m
proud to say that our ladies have been
working very hard to improve their
individual skills as well as their team
play. All 3 Shamrock Squads have been
very successful to this point in the season.
Our freshman and JV teams have both
amassed records of 7-2 and are anxiously
awaiting rematches with Antonian.
Our varsity squad has also represented
Incarnate Word well. Shamrock varsity’s
overall record is 21-8. This record has
been attained in spite of key injuries this
season. I am extremely proud of our
players for stepping up in the face of
adversity and still finding a way to win.
We are very excited about the remainder
of the season because it is the first time in
quite a while that we are completely
healthy. Our plan is to finish the district
season strong and enter the playoffs with
the momentum to take us all the way!
Thank you for all the support that you
have shown our ladies. Please come join
us for Senior Night vs. Providence High
School. The game will be held Wednesday,
February 5 at 6:30 p.m. in our gym. I
know that our ladies will appreciate it! I
promise that you will see a group of young
ladies playing their hearts out to
represent IWHS!
Volleyball off-season
will begin next week.
Feb.3 -Feb. 7
From 3:30 -4:30 p.m.
Bring both volleyball
shoes and tennis shoes for
outside training.
he Soccer program is wrapping up a
very busy January. The JV team
continues to improve with every practice
and game. Most recently, they finished in
fourth place after recording two big wins
on goals by sophomores Staci Herrera and
Delaney La Cerva.
The Varsity team completed one of the
toughest stretches the school has ever had
with two tournaments and several games
against strong public school teams. Senior
Emily Phillips brought extra recognition to
Incarnate Word by recording her 100th
career goal, becoming only the 19th player
in the history of San Antonio girls'
soccer to reach that milestone. The
achievement is the result of her hard work
and determination, as well as tremendous
teamwork by each of the players that have
suited up in Green and White alongside
her over the last four seasons. On the
defense side of the ball, fellow senior
Emily Neiheisel continues to anchor a
strong defensive line. With 15 shutouts so
far, the team is approaching another team
Please mark your calendars for Senior
Night on Thursday, February 13 at 5 p.m.
The varsity team is currently tied for first
place in District so don’t miss the action!
The de facto District Championship game
will be Green Out Night on Friday,
February 21 with JV playing at 5 p.m. and
Varsity kicking off at 7 p.m.
Campus Ministry
Catholic Schools Week Liturgy
Feb. 25 GRACE Retreat
n Thursday, January 30, Father Will
Combs, B.B.D. celebrated Mass with
the Shamrock community. The message he
brought to us was that “The measure you
measure with will be given back to you.”
He shared the profound and inspirational
testimony of Dr. Gloria Polo of Columbia.
Dr. Polo had a near death experience after
being struck by lightning in 1995. To this
day, Dr. Polo travels the world inspiring
others to live life according to God’s
commandments. She shares the message
that God desires for us to live abundant
lives in this world and eternal lives in the
next. Fr. Combs reminded us that if we
give much we will receive much and that
we are all created by our Lord to be the
good news. After this compelling Mass,
parents who attended were invited to a
short reception with refreshments. We at
Incarnate Word are so blessed to have
students, staff, faculty, administrators and
parents who are committed to Catholic
Education and the amazing gift that it
provides to the future.
Senior Retreat
he graduating class of 2014 had their
senior retreat at Camp Capers. During
this retreat our goal was to unite the class
as a whole because we knew that the
retreat would be one of the last times the
majority of us would have together. We
focused on unity by letting go of past
conflicts with the help of discussions, group
activities, and spiritual guidance. We
strengthened trust with one another
through activities like rope courses and
other activities that involved opening up to
each other.
This retreat had activities that were able
FREE Car Magnetic
Bumper Sticker
Order your free “My Child
Prays in School” car
magnetic bumper sticker
available from the
Archdiocese. Click the link
below to access the online
order form. Allow 2-4 weeks
for delivery.
Order My Bumper Sticker
to be done alone and others involved people
helping each other to carry on. Our goal
was to have the girls open their hearts to
forgiveness and to unite broken
friendships. The senior retreat was a
success and allowed many girls the
opportunity to reunite with their peers.
As a class we would like to thank
everyone who helped put this opportunity
together, especially Coach Morris for
cooking, our parent volunteers, advisors,
and administrators.
Contributed by seniors Meagan Fuentes
and Brittany Rodriguez
Sister’s Corner
fter arriving in San
It was in 1881 that the sisters
Antonio in 1869 to do
secured a charter from the
health care, the Sisters of
state authorizing them to
Charity of the Incarnate
operate schools as well as
Word responded to the need
hospitals in Texas. It wasn’t
of caring for orphaned
long before the sisters were
children. In 1875 the
being invited to teach in
Sisters established the first
Catholic schools in many
Original Santa Rosa Infirmary
parochial school in the city,
places in the US and Mexico.
San Fernando School. From that
There’s much to celebrate during this
beginning to today, Catholic education has Catholic Schools Week!
been an important ministry of the sisters.
Around Campus
Shambots & Robots
It Happens at the
For the month of January
the IWHS library displayed
three collections of books
for students to enjoy. The
first was a sample of our
historical yearbooks, of
which we have many!
Students got to see great
photos of their IWHS
sisters from long ago,
including the “Sock Hop”
from 1959, “Fashion Hits”
from 1987, and “Living the
Faith” from 2001, among
The library also
introduced two new
collections in January, by
popular request from the
student body. The first, a
brand new collection of
baking and cook books for
our student chefs, was
displayed in our “Bake It
‘till You Make It” display.
ongratulations to the Shambots, our
IWHS Robotics team. They competed
at the Brackenridge Qualifier on Sat. Jan.
11th and advanced to the final round. They
also won the Inspire Award, which is the
top award given at competitions. This
award is given to the team that “truly
embodies the ‘challenge’ of the FTC
program.” The team that receives this
award is chosen by the judges as having
best represented a role-model FTC Team.
The Shambots met all the criteria: They
were a top contender for all judging
categories and were a strong
competitor on the field. They were an
inspiration to other teams, acting with
“Gracious Professionalism”™ both on
and off the playing field. They were
able to communicate their experiences,
enthusiasm and knowledge to other
teams, sponsors, and the judges.
Finally, working as a unit, they
College Panel
Every spring, the Guidance Office hosts a
panel of alumnae to share their college
experiences. This year, five presenters
shared different vantage points ranging
from freshman first semester at college to
recent graduate from their institution.
Our graphic novels
collection was also
expanded to include award
winning titles such as A
Wrinkle in Time, Sense and
Sensibility, and Boxers and
Thank you to Mr. Weil,
Mr. Scales, Mrs. Bolado,
our international students,
and the Anime & Manga
Club for all their help!
demonstrated success in accomplishing the
task of creating a working and competitive
As the winner of the Inspire Award, the
Shambots advance to Regionals, Feb. 7-8,
at Rackspace. This is the third year of the
Robotics program at IWHS. “We have
grown the team from 3 members to 20+
this year, including 7 freshmen,” said
sponsor Peggy McChesney.
Congratulations, Shambots!
These ladies offered a unique outlook to
help translate what they learned at
Incarnate Word High School to each of
their respective colleges. We were blessed
to have the following representatives:
Kaitlyn Suarez ’13 (Texas Tech University), Lauren Meneses ’13 (University of
Houston), Haley Hebert ’12 (Lamar University), Casey Gillespie ’10 (Colorado State
University), Carol Leon ’11 (Suffolk University)
Around Campus
Model UN San Antonio XVIII
IWHS has won the
2014 Archdiocese
“Celebrate Service” essay
competition. The schools
in the Archdiocese were
asked to submit an essay
describing a service
project conducted by the
school or individuals at
the school. Over 200
entries were received and
3 awards were given.
IWHS took the top award
for our essay describing
last year’s successful 2013
Lenten project that
involved the entire school,
“Compassionate Living
Through the Shamrock
Farm.” The IWHS
community came together
and raised $5,000 for
Heifer International and
Global Women’s
Connection to purchase
animals for less fortunate
families around the
world, in order to help
them make a living and
perhaps create a
business. The advisories
each pledged to purchase
animals, such as a flock of
chickens or ducks, a pig,
llama, or even a water
buffalo. Congratulations
to the students, parents,
faculty, staff and the
entire IWHS community
for contributing to the
success of this service
n January 8 - 10th, six girls from the
Incarnate Word Model UN class
attended Model UN San Antonio at Trinity
University. With over 45 schools from the
US and Mexico, and about 1,000 student
delegates, it is the largest student-run
Model UN Conference in the United States.
Representing Spain on various
committees were: Paulina Szinnyey-World
Trade Organization, Christelle MillerHuman Rights Council, Madeline MartinGeneral Assembly, Sabrina RiveraInternational labor Organization, and
Madeleine Ortiz- World Health
Organization. Isabella Gann represented
Cyprus on the International Labor
During the semester class, students learn
parliamentary procedure, research
techniques, diplomatic skills, and proper
decorum on an international committee.
During the three day MUNSA Conference,
student delegates meet in committees to
solve real world problems. Incarnate Word
students all agreed that it was a rewarding
experience, and a great deal was learned
about the United Nations, and world
diplomacy. The Model UN class is open to
all Junior and Senior students who would
like to learn about world diplomacy, and
participate in Model UN San Antonio.
Alumnae Soccer Match
ven the cold rain couldn’t get in the
way of Shamrock Soccer tradition! In
between celebrating Christmas and ringing
in the New Year, the IWHS Soccer
Program played their annual Alumnae
Match. This year was extra special because
the game was played on the IWHS campus.
It was a special treat for the visiting
alumnae to finally play on the field that
had been rumored to be in the works for
many years.
As has become a recent tradition for the
Alumnae team, they again came with a
stacked roster of college All-Conference
players and high school All-District
players. Their team included players from
the Class of ’09, ’10, ’11, and ’13. Erika
Migeon ’11, who is among the IWHS career
leader in goals, got the scoring started for
the Alumnae. By the end of the game, she
completed three goals! One of the newest
members to the Alumnae ranks and career
leader in assists, Regan O’Brien ’13,
continued her passing success with a
couple of assists. Siblings Becky Peth ’09
and Katie Peth ’15 battled it out in the
midfield all game, with the West Texas
A&M grad getting the upper hand with a
goal late in the game sealing the Alumnae
The final score was 4-2, with the
Alumnae team tallying their fourth win in
a row. The team consisted of Becky Peth
’09, Alyssa Mora ’10, Erika Migeon ’11,
Andrea Medina ’11, Julia Reyna ’11, Gaby
Joseph ’13, Caroline Gonzalez ’13,
Around Campus
n Monday, January 20th, members of
IWHS Pax Christi USA, other
Shamrocks, parents, and faculty of the
IWHS community participated in the
annual Martin Luther King Day Freedom
March. Participants marched the 5 miles
in peaceful solidarity with one of the more
diverse crowds ever to assemble in the
city. San Antonio holds the largest MLK
Day march in the United States. As usual,
this was the first march for several, who
absorbed the memorable experience of
and “We believe”, all were blessed with a
being in a spectacularly diverse crowd,
beautiful day for the annual event. (Photo
with over 100,000 other marchers. While
by Samantha Quinones)
recalling the words “We shall overcome”
Field Trip
During the January 16th
Math Science Club
meeting, the girls made
square bubbles with the
help of some Dawn dish
detergent and cube-shaped
forms made from pipe
cleaners and straws.
ou can’t imagine it!” was the phrase
that IWHS World Geography students
repeatedly heard from Mrs. Rose Williams,
Holocaust survivor, when they visited the
San Antonio Holocaust Memorial Museum
on Tues., Jan. 21. Mrs. Williams (now 86)
spoke on such topics as experiencing
hunger, loss of family, living in a basement
in a ghetto, seeing Nazi soldiers commit
violent atrocities, and building a
concentration camp. Her astounding story
began in Poland in 1939 and ended with the
liberation of the Bergen-Belsen
concentration camp in 1945. She survived
daily, face-to-face encounters with Josef
Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death” at
Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.
Although she never tells her story the
same way twice, Mrs. Williams reiterated
last year’s two-fold message to students:
“Never be a bystander to injustice,” and,
“Tell your parents you love them.”
In addition to Mrs. William’s story,
students toured the Museum as well as
participated in related group discussion
activities. Assisting IWHS faculty were
parent chaperones: Mrs. Juanita Flores,
and Mr. Omar Mendoza.
Freshman Jasmine Jaramillo
thanks Mrs. Rose Williams
Parents in the Know
Discover Your Government
School Administrators
B.J. Nelsen
(210) 829-3107
Michelle De Anda
(210) 829-3105
Nina Avila
Director of Student Services
(210) 829-3106
Sr. Margaret Snyder
Director of Mission Integration
(210) 829-6054
April Fricke
Athletics Director
(210) 829-3122
Annette Zahirniak
Director of Enrollment
(210) 829-3123
Audra Cardona
Director of Campus Ministry
(210) 829-3121
Stephanie Denning
Director of Development
(210) 832-2143
Debbie Zielins
(210) 829-3112
Cybele Bolado ’86
Director of Alumnae Relations
(210) 829-3103
Liz Valerio
Residence Life Coordinator
(210) 841-7403
Like us on
Incarnate Word High School has been a
participant of the Close-Up trip to
Washington, D.C. and Williamsburg,
Virginia for over 30 years. Considering the
political atmosphere in Washington, we
think it is important for our students to
develop an interest in our government and
provide this opportunity to help them
become better citizens and who knows –
future legislators. Parents are encouraged
to travel with their daughters and be a part
of the program as well.
The students will be seeing our Capitol
from a different point of view; not just
sightseeing, but experiencing the “why’s” of
things, the "economics,” and the "political
deals” taking place. They will be engaged
in workshops with students from all over
the country and Puerto Rico, debating the
same current events and issues before
Congress and the Supreme Court the week
we are there. This year's group had the
opportunity to meet Congressman
Farenthold from Corpus Christi. He took
us through some of the “secret passages”
that are found in the Capitol building and
shared much of its history. It was great!
We have begun enrolling sophomores,
juniors and seniors for the trip next school
year. If you enroll before June 1, 2014, the
price is $1,832, the same as this year.
Included is airfare, hotels in D.C. and
Buy a 2013-2014 Yearbook Today!
Price: $75.00
Send your money to room 205 or pay by
credit card in the business office
Don’t miss out on the memories!
Williamsburg, three meals a day, all
transportation, fees, tips and theatre
tickets. A $400 deposit is required and
then you may pay in installments until Oct.
1, 2014.
Please think about having your daughter
join us on the trip next school year. It is
fun, and educational eye-opener for most.
The trip is Nov. 29 – Dec. 6, 2014. It begins
the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We miss
a week of school, but it is excused. For more
information, please contact Mrs. Kellogg
Hope for the Future provides needbased tuition assistance for Catholic
and non-Catholic students who meet
eligibility requirements and enroll in
one of the Catholic schools in the
Archdiocese of San Antonio. Tuition
assistance is prioritized by financial
need and based on available funding.
Click here for more information.
HOPE for the Future Application
Process for 2014-15
 Online tuition assistance
applications re-opened December
1, 2013.
 There are NO paper applications
available, online only.
 There is a non-refundable
application fee of $30 per family.
Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO Set for Another Successful Year
Dear Shamrock Community,
2013 -2014 Board
Executive Officers
Welcome back! We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and are
ready to tackle a very busy spring semester. We have hit the ground running in
January with a number of events and activities and the rest of the semester will be
just as busy. Please be on the lookout for PTO’s famous green postcards for all
information on upcoming activities.
Margaret Garcia ’81
Linda Villarreal ’84
Don’t forget to Save the Date for the 2014 IWHS “Mother Daughter Banquet”
scheduled for Sunday, Feb 16 at the Omni Hotel. It is a very special event that will
provide a lifetime of memories for you and your daughter. Invitations and information
on testimonies and slideshows were sent home with your daughter and through Ren
Web. Mother-Daughter Committee representatives will be on campus during all
lunch mods, to reserve tables for students who have turned in and paid for their
reservations on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, Wednesday, Feb. 5th, Tuesday, Feb. 11 and
Thursday, Feb. 13. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions at
Recording Secretary
Laurette Kirby
Bill Fisher
Faculty Representative
Dr. Georgia Piez
PTO Committee Chairs
Athletic Committee Rep.
Rossana Hernandez
Campus Ministry
Tracy Garcia
Campus Beautification
Janelle Adams ’89
Social Committee
Letty Garza
Chris Mallett
Father/Daughter Banquet
David Lindeman
Mother/Daughter Luncheon
Debbie Walton
Melissa Zamora ’84
Spirit Shoppe
Melissa Barrett
Student Spirit Activities
Loretta Medina
Teacher Appreciation
Susan Holzman
Yvonne Grothues ’86
Jean Hebert
Volunteer Coordinator
Delia Thomas
Word Day/BTS Picnic
Linda Villarreal ’84
In March, we are not only preparing for Spring Break but for Word Day. If you have
signed up to volunteer you should have already received emails with Word Day
details from event chair Linda Villarreal. If you have not, but would like to help
please contact Linda by email at flvilla@sbcglobal.net. As always, PTO meetings are
open and everyone is encouraged to join us. Our February meeting is set for Monday,
Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. in the faculty lounge. Attending is a great opportunity to present
your ideas, find out about upcoming events and school news, and volunteer your time
and talent. It is never too late to get involved so if you would like to join one of the
committees please contact me Margaret Garcia at mgarcia863@aol.com or PTO VicePresident Linda Villarreal at flvilla@sbcglobal.net.
Thanks again for all you do and for making the first semester a memorable one for
our daughters. Here’s to an even more successful second semester! Shamrocks for
Margaret Garcia ’81
PTO President
“It’s All for the Girls.”
Open Tuesdays & Thursday’s during all
lunch mods (10:56 a.m. – 1:18 p.m.).
This is a great time to stock up on your
IWHS spirit apparel!
Shamrock Happenings
Monica Obregon ’16 with dad Jesus
Alumnae Board
Christmas Party
Sidney Abeyta ’17 with her Salesio
shadow Oh Chae Yun
Allyssa Burke ’14 and her Salesio
shadows Se Jin and Yu Run

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