October 2014 - Incarnate Word High School
Volume 5, Issue 3 November 4, 2014 Service Day E ach year the IWHS community combines Faith with Action through service to both our community and San Antonio at large. Once again freshmen remained on campus. They worked on campus engaging in beautifying activities such as cleaning classrooms, washing the front stairs, and planting landscaping in front of the Science Building. Their favorite activity closed out the day as students created cards to be sent to the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word who are currently living in the retirement center. This year, sophomore students focused on immigration and refugee issues. Students were given a brief presentation by Jonathan Ryan, Executive Director of the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). The girls then broke into advisory groups and heard first-hand accounts of the journey from Mexico, Central America, and South America, and went through a simulation that helped to explain why people move from Mexico into the United States. Finally, sophomores made fleece blankets that will be distributed to women and children released from Greater San Antonio Community. One of the volunteer locations was at Haven for Hope. While there students served food to the clients, as well as did campus beautification. Other locations, to name a few, included the Headwaters Sanctuary, Sunshine Cottage School, Davidson Respite House, Boystown, Pets’ Alive, and Animal Defense League. Work opportunities varied from cleaning, landscaping to socializing with stray pets. Students really seemed to enjoy the opportunity to serve and realized they not only helped their neighbor but also benefited from the experience as well. Ms. Brown’s Senior Advisory spent Service Day at Davidson’s Respite House. Their main service project was cleaning up a playground area and backyard at one of immigrant detention. All in their foster homes. After the playground had new mulch, all, the girls were educated on the leaves were raked and some feisty weeds were pulled, an important social issue while the Seniors moved on to carwashes for all the vans. It was providing assistance to those in a fun and rewarding morning followed by an informative need. and inspirational afternoon touring the facilities. Great Job Shamrocks! Juniors and Seniors went off campus to 12 different locations. Each location was unique, enabling the students to understand that the needs of the San Antonio community are as diverse as the people who live here. This day allowed students the opportunity to live the school’s mission by providing service to the 1 Principal’s Perspective Dear Shamrock Community, MISSION STATEMENT In a faith-based preparatory environment, Incarnate Word High School prepares confident young women dedicated to academic excellence, Christian service and social justice. CORE VALUES Academic Excellence Integrity Service Community of Faith Compassion Stewardship ACCREDITATION Incarnate Word High School is fully accredited with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED). UIW Connection We have just concluded a very successful and activity-filled month at IWHS. October began with IWHS enthusiastically welcoming over 340 8th graders to our campus. Our students, with the support of faculty and staff, took the lead in sharing information about our heritage, academic and extra-curricular programs and the sisterhood that exists at IWHS. A special thank-you to our parent volunteers, who joined us each day, and to Mrs. Zahirniak and Mrs. Perez for overseeing the planning for the middle school tours. On October 7, we paused to celebrate the heritage of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and to honor Sr. Dorothy Ettling, a founder of the Women’s Global Connection. I commend our student leaders for their initiative to donate funds raised at the Back-to-School Dance to WGC, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity that works on behalf of the education and empowerment of girls and women. Mid-October, immediately following the PSAT, we held our annual all-school Service Day. On this one day alone, our students and faculty performed over 2,000 hours of service. As the month progressed, the school celebrated Latin Classics Week, cheered our volleyball and cross country teams on to the conclusion of their seasons, welcomed 50 new members into the National Honor Society, and celebrated Halloween, as only Incarnate Word students can. Our students are truly amazing in their ability to be good students and service-oriented community members, while participating in a wide range of activities and school initiatives. November is the month of Thanksgiving, and we are thankful not only for the blessings we receive daily through the opportunity to work with your daughters, but also for your continued support and effort on behalf of our girls and the entire school program. Thank you to Maria Resendiz and the Golf Committee for a very successful tournament this past Monday, to our dads (with the assistance of a few moms) who have been spending Saturday mornings in preparation for the upcoming Father/ Daughter Banquet and to our fine arts and athletic parents who do so much in support of these programs. Special thanks to our PTO Board who continue to support us in so many ways. We couldn’t do it without you! As a faculty, we are also blessed to be able to work in a Catholic school and pray that every young lady who dreams of being a Shamrock has that opportunity. Hope for the Future annually provides tuition assistance to nearly 2,000 students, among them IWHS students. Reservations and sponsorships for the Khaki and Plaid Gala to be held on January 31, 2015 are still available. IWHS could also win the Alumni Challenge and $10,000 for our scholarship fund for the most alumni in attendance. I encourage you to attend and support IWHS and the students in our Catholic Schools. Praised Be the Incarnate Word, B.J. Nelsen Incarnate Word High School is a part of the Brainpower Connection, and is affiliated with University of the Incarnate Word. 2 Upcoming Events What’s Happening in November? Save the Date! Friday, April 10 for Casino Night To volunteer for this exciting new event please contact Stephanie Denning at sdenning@uiwtx.edu Proceeds from this event will benefit Scholarships. Nov. 4-18: NHS pies sale Nov. 6: College Fair @ St. Mary’s Un. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 8: Practice HSPT, 9 a.m. Nov. 13: Progress Reports Online Nov. 20-21: 11th Grade Retreat @ Camp Capers Nov. 21: 1Oth Grade Retreat Nov. 23: Father/Daughter Banquet Nov. 24: NHS Pies delivered Nov. 26-28: Thanksgiving Holidays Nov. 29: Close-Up Trip Departs Shadow a Shamrock The Shamrock Shadow Program is in full swing as many 8th graders from schools across the city have already visited. It is a great opportunity to learn of the academic, spiritual and athletic opportunities that await students interested in pursuing a unique and exemplary high school experience. For more information, contact the Director of Enrollment, Annette Zahirniak at IWHSEnroll@uiwtx.edu. H Private Schools of San Antonio College Fair Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:30—8:30 PM St. Mary’s University The Alumni & Athletics Convocation Center and Bill Greehey Arena This year over 150 institutions will be represented. Students should wear their uniform and bring labels with student’s full legal name, date of birth, complete address, school name and code (446-155), major interest, and e-mail address. IWHS Tradition Father - Daughter Banquet Buy a 2014-2015 Yearbook Today! Price: $75.00 Send your money to room 205 or pay by credit card in the Business Office Don’t miss out on the memories! Sunday, November 23 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Omni Hotel San Antonio Dads, this is your opportunity to spend a wonderful day with your daughter. The celebration begins with Mass followed by a delicious dinner, photo slideshow, and entertainment. You don’t want to miss this beautiful tradition! Nov. 14: Registration Deadline Nov. 12: Deadline for testimonials and photographs. (Registration forms at Front Office) Salute your daughter’s accomplishments in a memorable Senior Ad. Purchase a quarter page ad, half page ad, or full page ad in the 2014 – 2015 Mt. Erin Yearbook. Ask your daughter for the order form and instructions or email Mrs. Quinones for more information. dquinone@uiwtx.edu Full Page Ad: $150. Half Page Ad: $100. Quarter Page Ad: $75. A limited number of pages have been set aside for Senior ads. Purchase yours while pages are still available. 3 Student and Faculty Spotlight Nizhoni Begay Teacher of the Month J We hope that you have enjoyed the first <name of paper> and we hope thatLubbering these stories Mr. waswere the refreshing for you teacher of the monthand for a reminder the good August. He of is all known to things that are happenall as “Mr. Lube.” He ing within our school teaches art and photogcommunity at IWHS. raphy. With his vast artisinviteheyou to sendto ticWe ability, is willing alumnae updates, help students at any stutime, dent news and accomand continues to better plishments along with our understanding of how photos so that we can to express ourselves creashare your success with tively. Attending his class is others. often the favorite part of many of our students’ day. We thank you, Mr. Lube. Mr. Boyd is teacher of the month for October. He is chairman of the Social Studies Dept. and teaches government and Model U.N. classes. Mr. Boyd, with his quick wit and his willingness to help students at any time, continues to better our understanding of how the political world works. We thank you, Coach Boyd. unior Nizhoni Camille Begay was recently invited to sing and speak at the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics National Policy Forum on Music and the Arts, hosted by Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville, California. On the first day of the meeting, mariachi and folklorico all-stars from the San Francisco Bay Area gave a performance for the invited attendees, including Pixar and Disney executives, education department leaders from Washington, D.C., and arts leaders from across the nation. After performing the bolero "En Tu Pelo," Nizhoni attended the conference where she discussed how music education had impacted her life, and introduced the executive panel. Congratulations, Nizhoni! Heritage Day Honorees E very year UIW recognizes full-time employees with incremental years of service. IWHS has seven members celebrating milestone years. They were recognized during UIW’s Heritage Day Ceremony on Oct. 8, at 2 p.m. in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word. Congratulations and thank you for your valued years of service. Front row: Diane Brown 15 yrs.; Mary Ann de la Garza 35 yrs.; Kateri Martinez 15 yrs.; Back row: Sharon Perez 5 yrs.; Lara Benavides 10 yrs.; Cynthia Schloss 5 yrs.; Rene Garcia 20 yrs. 4 Student and Spotlight National Honor Society Inductions National Honor Society Officers President: Marianne Thrailkill Vice President: Allison Zahirniak We hope that you have Secretary: enjoyed the first <name Allison Holzman of paper> and we hope Treasurer: that these stories were Madelyn Coles refreshing for you and a Historian: reminder of all the good Joyce Palmer things that are happening within our school community at IWHS. We invite you to send alumnae updates, student news and accomplishments along with photos so that we can share your success with others. O n Tuesday, October 28, Juniors and Seniors who qualified and met the specific requirements were inducted into the Mt. Erin Chapter of the National Honor Society. Mt. Erin Hall was filled with the fifty new inductees and their family members. Others in attendance were Principal, B. J. Nelsen, Vice Principal La Shaundra Caesar, as well as the thirty-four returning members, and NHS sponsors, Mrs. Mortis, Ms. de la Garza, Mrs. Apodaca, and Dr. Beth Landis. The memorable night was introduced by the President of NHS, Marianne Thrailkill. She welcomed the group in prayer and explained the amazing accomplishments that the lovely ladies have achieved thus far. The guest speaker for the night was the IWHS class of 1984 alumna Ms. Monica E. Guerrero, a practicing attorney in San Antonio. Ms. Guerrero recounted her days at IWHS and remarked how well-prepared she felt for the challenges she has encountered in all aspects of her life. The advice that Ms. Guerrero gave to the members included the importance of commitment, positive leadership, and service to the less fortunate in the community. Concluding with the pin ceremony and the lighting of candles representing the NHS core values of service, scholarship, leadership, and character, the inductions were a great success with the help of all the NHS volunteers and sponsors who were able to make the evening flawless and unforgettable. Once again, congratulations to the fifty new inductees to the Mt. Erin Chapter of NHS! Your hard work and dedication to your school and community has paid off. May each member continue to be a positive role model to all who we encounter. Newly Inducted NHS Members Fall, 2014 Congratulations to newlyelected freshman STUCO officers; Sydney Pedraza, Historian, and Shea Lopez, Adjunct. Helen Anderson Marguerite Anderson Alejandra Aranda Analisa Arguello Angelica Baez-Chavez Ana Cardenas Sarah Carreon Kathleen Creedon Nicole Davis Allison De La O Evita Escobedo Lauren Garcia Clarissa Gauna Allison Gavlick Gabrielle Gonzalez Sabrina Gonzalez Caroline Grothues Kalie Grove Kayla Haase Anne Marie Hamon Haleigh Heins Joan Kennedy Delaney La Cerva Fernanda Lara Dahlia Lopez Noelle Lowry Junrui Lu Gabriela Martinez Lydia Matteson Caitlin McLoughlin Allison Migura Elisa Moralez-Spinelli Marissa Muro Emma Niemiec Elyssa Nunez Madeleine Ortiz Katherine Peth Chloe Pineda Abigail Purcell Sofia Ramirez Sofia Resendiz Marissa Rocha Ana Carolina Rodriguez Nicollette Rodriguez Chrishanna Salas Viana Salinas Autumn Silva Emerson Thomas Jenna Villarreal Brittany Wagner 5 For sports schedules, please visit us online: http://www.incarnatewo rdhs.org/athletics/index. htm Cross Country Cross country came in 7th place out of 16 teams this past Oct. 25 at the TAPPS State championship in Waco. Katy Peth took the tenth place medal with a time of 12.18. The girls ran great and had a blast finishing off the season strong. Shamrock Organizations Theatre Company I ncarnate Word High School Theatre Company will compete in this year’s TAPPS One Act Play Competition at the district level on Saturday, Nov. 8, at Antonian High School, and at State on Saturday, Nov.15 at Our Lady of the Lake University. The troupe is currently preparing a staging of the Pulitzer Prize and Obie Award winning play, “The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds” by Paul Zindel. It is a compelling family drama which tells a story of hope in a young girl’s life amidst difficult circumstances. The district competition at Antonian will include 3 additional performances from area schools, and is $6 for adults, and $4 m for students to attend all day admission. The first show begins at 1:00, with IWHS performing at 4:00. The state competition at Our Lady of the Lake University will show performances from IW and 7 other schools. The first beginning at 9:00 a.m., with IWHS performing at 11:00 a.m. The entry fee is $10 for adults and $5 for students and will allow you to view all shows. This is the first time the competitions have been held in San Antonio, so we hope you will come out and support our Theatre Shamrocks and plan to watch a few other schools as well! For more information, please contact the Director of Theatre, Lara Benavides. lwillars@uiwtx.edu Pax Christi USA A Raffle Tickets The IWHS athletes are selling Catholic School Sweepstakes tickets sponsored by Catholic Life Insurance. One hundred percent of the proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit our students. To purchase a ticket, please see an IWHS athlete or Coach April Fricke. Tickets are $5 each. Prizes include a truck, a sedan, or a $20,000 prepaid Visa Gift Card, as well as 55 prepaid Visa Credit Cards. Help out your favorite athlete and buy a chance to win a great prize! s part of the ongoing process of interfaith dialogue, Pax Christi USA of IWHS hosted its second guest speaker of the school year on Oct. 16, our very own Mr. Tony Uminski, who instructs World Geography and Speech. Mr. Uminski explained that his choice of Mormonism was the culmination of years of personal and spiritual soul-searching. Mr. Uminski described, in almost lyrical terms, the history of how Mormonism came be, how it grew, and how Mormonism functions in the modern world. With the demands of Service Day wearing on everyone, it was especially kind of Mr. Uminski to graciously share his faith, insights and time with IWHS PC USA. We thank you and pray for Our Lord’s blessings on you always. Light the Way U IW’s annual Light the Way™ will be held on Sat., Nov. 22. This event is free and open to the public. 7:30 p.m.: The 2014 Light the Way™ Ceremony in the Benson Stadium, featuring Tejano Superstar Patsy Torres, dance performances by students from UIW & the Brainpower Connections schools Post ceremony: a candlelight procession & a reception of hot cocoa on Dubuis Lawn (The Elf Louise Christmas Project will have drop-off tents to collect new and unwrapped toys.) For information visit www.uiw.edu/lighttheway 6 Campus & Peer Ministry Heritage Liturgy RETREAT SCHEDULE Nov. 21 Sophomore Retreat Nov. 20-21 Junior Retreat Jan. 29-30 Senior Retreat T he annual Heritage Liturgy took place on Oct. 7 with Fr. James Mark Adame, O.SS.T, as presider. October is significant to CCVIs since it was on Oct. 21 that they began their ministry at Santa Rosa Infirmary here in San Antonio. Following the Mass, Sr. Jane Farek narrated the story of how the sisters acquired the land from Colonel Brackenridge. Mrs. Martinez and Mr. Vega pantomimed the negotiations and senior Ireland Jordan and Mr. Weil supplied the voices for the two characters. (The playlet may be seen on the IWHS website.) Father also commissioned this year’s IWHS Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Attending the Mass were CCVI sisters: Sr. Christine Stavinoha, Sr. Joan Holder, Sr. Theresa Stanley, Sr. Jane Farek, Kateri Martinez, and Sr. Audreu O’Mahony. In closing the Mass, the Madrigals led the students in singing the Hymn to the Incarnate Word. Poinsettias Student Council President Natalia Nagaretta presented a check for $5000, the proceeds from the Back to School Dance, to Lisa Uribe-Kozlovsky ’82 from UIW’s Global Women’s Connection. On Sale in Nov. 7 Shamrock Service Middle School Tours Shamrock Country celebrated several fun days of middle school tours. IWHS proudly welcomed over 340 eighth graders to its campus from 24 Catholic, private, and public schools in the San Antonio area. The mornings of Oct. 1st-3rd were overflowing with energy as student volunteers and ambassadors readied their stations for a great, warm welcome to our guests. In addition, student volunteers were on hand to assist faculty with demonstrations of the many learning opportunities throughout the various departments. From the minute the visiting 8th graders stepped onto the bus, Shamrocks demonstrated the support and sisterhood that awaits them here at IWHS. Many of the eighth graders were so impressed that they were ready to stay and become a Shamrock on the day they toured. 8 Shamrock Clubs & Organizations Cookie Dough Fundraiser T he Incarnate Word Class of 2017 would like to thank everybody who participated in our cookie dough fundraiser. We greatly appreciate your enthusiasm to carry on this Incarnate Word tradition, and were successful enough to break a cookie selling record with $11,000. We are very pleased with the results of this years cookie selling fundraiser and are grateful that with the help of everyone, the entire process ran very smoothly. Thank you again for your support and we hope you enjoy your cookie dough. Classics Week T he Latin Club helped students celebrate Classics Week, Oct. 20-24. Classics week is celebrated in order to promote Latin Club and spread knowledge of the Classical history of Greece and Rome, cultures fromwhich much of Western civilization is based. During the week, Mr. Weil and cohorts tempted Shamrocks with movie night, an advisory trivia game, a cake pop sale (a fundraiser for the Latin Club), arms and armor making in Room 208, and finally, Stola Day, when the girls were free to wear the Classical stola (only respectable Roman women wore stollas, not togas) over their uniforms. In addition to this, they enlightened us with fascinating facts on the morning and afternoon announcements about ancient Rome. Girl Power members carved pumpkins. Kyra White ’18 forges her mighty sword during Classics Week. 9 Around Campus Library Goings-On This year the library celebrated the end of Hispanic Heritage Month with an afternoon playing Loteria (Mexican bingo)! The winners got to choose from posters or “ARC”s, which are advance reader copies of books not yet published. The library gave away over twenty books and posters. Thank you to everyone who came and made Loteria such a success! Freshman Orientation I t was that time of year again, Freshman Library Orientation! This year the library had a special treat – a video of the DOs and DONTs of the library, written, acted, and produced by the Broadcast Journalism class! After the video the freshman got to take part in a scavenger hunt, utilizing the library catalog and the library stacks to answer questions and clues. Thank you so much to the Broadcast Journalism class for making such a funny video for us!! This year’s fall display is titled Fall into the Love of Books. Swing by the library and pick up something new and interesting to read – it could be fiction, nonfiction, a graphic novel, or even a magazine! We have over 15,000 items to choose from, with new books coming in every day. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Request it! Mole Day O We hope that you have enjoyed “What’s the Word,” and we hope that these stories are informative for you and remind you of all the good things that happen within our school community at IWHS. We invite you to send student & alumnae news and accomplishments along with photos so that we can share your success with others. n October 23, Dr. Beth Landis and the AP Chemistry class helped the school celebrate Mole Day. Shamrocks gave their own twist to Mole Day as they celebrated with crafts, games, food and mole-morphing. Editors: Delma Cisneros and Stephanie Denning 10 Parents in the Know Open House School Administrators B.J. Nelsen Principal (210) 829-3107 nelsen@uiwtx.edu LaShaundra Caesar Vice-Principal of Student Academics (210) 829-3105 lcaesar@uiwtx.edu Dr. Langston Williams Jr. Vice-Principal of Student Affairs (210) 829-3106 lwilliam@uiwtx.edu April Fricke Athletics Director (210) 829-3122 fricke@uiwtx.edu O n the beautiful, sun-filled afternoon of October 26th, IWHS cordially welcomed visitors to our campus for our Fall Open House. Many parent volunteers, student ambassadors and the faculty & staff team came together to offer an exuberant tour of our programs to visiting parents and middle school students. It was a successful event and greatly appreciated by the guests who voiced how impressed they were with what IWHS has to offer young ladies. Big “Thank You” to all the students, faculty, and PTO moms who hosted a lavish “tea time” for all to enjoy. Golf Classic Success Annette Zahirniak Director of Enrollment (210) 829-3123 amzahirn@uiwtx.edu Audra Cardona Director of Campus Ministry (210) 829-3121 cardonaa@uiwtx.edu Stephanie Denning Director of Development (210) 832-2143 sdenning@uiwtx.edu Debbie Zielins Registrar (210) 829-3112 zielins@uiwtx.edu Cybele Bolado ‘86 Director of Alumnae Relations (210) 829-3103 bolado@uiwtx.edu Liz Valerio Residence Life Coordinator (210) 841-7403 gvalerio@uiwtx.edu Like us on Facebook The 8th Annual Shamrock Classic was held on October 27 and we are thrilled to report that, thanks to our amazing sponsors, committee and players, we raised over $22,000 for our program and hosted 100 golfers! Thank you one and all for your participation. Emerald Sponsors Dennis Uniform & Leadman Trade/Vindu Hat Sponsor RIcos Products Co. Hole In One Sponsors Barrett Jaguar Lunch Sponsors Las Palapas & Big State Produce Photograph Sponsor Frank Maniscalco Photography Platinum Sponsors Golbal Aircraft Solutions & Whataburger Promotional Sponsors Don Robertos & Sullivan Advertising Gold Sponsors The Beck Family Blossom Storage, Ltd. Brian McLoughlin - Nationwide Ins. The Miller Family BJ & Bernie Nelsen Panchito’s Mexican Restaurant Rolando Ramos The Rodriguez Family School Shoes Unlimited Shipley Donuts Susan Sanders, Realtor UIW Brainpower Connection Frank & Loretta Medina Ranch Investments The Purcell Family Jorge & Maria Resendiz Eric & Axiry Rojas Las Santas Silver Eagle Distributors UIW & UIW Prep Hole Sponsors 11 Parent-Teacher Organization PTO Set for Another Successful Year Incarnate Word High School Community, 2014 -2015 Board Executive Officers President Linda Villarreal ’84 Vice-President Mary Sullivan '85 Recording Secretary Caroline Du Treasurer Ana Cobian Rodriguez Faculty Representative Blanca Marquez Sanchez PTO Committee Chairs Athletic Committee Rep. Ken Palacios & Anastasia McKenna Campus Ministry/Outreach Tisha Alanis Campus Beautification Bill Pfeiffer Communications Annette Salazar Social Committee Chris Mallett Lorena Contreras Patricia Gonzalez Father/Daughter Banquet Gilbert de la Rosa Carlos Rodriguez Mother/Daughter Luncheon Melissa Zamora '84 Andrea Gonzalez '88 Spirit Shoppe Melissa Barrett Student Spirit Activities Loretta Medina Vickie Muller Maria Resendiz Teacher Appreciation Susan Holzman Yvonne Grothues ’86 Jean Hebert Volunteer Coordinator Delia Thomas Word Day/BTS Picnic Roberta Palmer Carolyn Obregon As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Where did the month of October go? Collectively, the entire Shamrock community has had a very fun month while at the same time accomplishing a major endeavor. October is our biggest recruiting month and the most important event to welcome prospective Shamrocks is the Middle School tours. Assisting with these tours as a parent volunteer is always a highlight of mine. I enjoy seeing the excitement of eighth grade girls visiting our school for the first time. I love experiencing the pride our students have in IWHS whether as Ambassadors or reenacting one of our many traditions. Finally, current parents, acting as greeters, know we chose well in sending our daughters to IWHS when we see our girls shine. The greatest compliment, repeated several times by visiting parents was, just how impressed they were with our girls’ confidence, poise and knowledge. Thank you to the many PTO members who volunteered their time to assist in school tours and Fall Open House. Campus Ministry invites you to become part of the First Wednesday Rosary. Parents and students are invited to recite the Rosary in the IWHS Chapel at 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 5. Sr. Jane leads us in the Rosary, and we conclude by 8:00 a.m. November is also the month of the Father/Daughter Banquet on Nov. 23. This is a cherished event, and if you haven’t already turned in your Registration, time is running out. The deadline for registering is Friday, Nov. 7 and photos for the slide show must be in by Nov. 14. The afternoon is a memorable event for dads and their daughters, and includes the celebration of Mass, photo opportunity, slide show, dinner, silent auction, raffle and entertainment. There is also an opportunity to write your daughter a testimonial to be included in the program. You can address any questions regarding the day to Co-Chair, Carlos Rodriguez (carlosalexisrodriguez@yahoo.com). Looking ahead, the Mother/Daughter Banquet Committee has begun meeting and CoChair Melissa Zamora, welcomes you to participate in one of the many subcommittees. She may be contacted at marykaymis@aol.com. Mark your calendar for February 22, 2015. Finally, November is the month of Thanksgiving. I am thankful for every aspect of Incarnate Word High School that forms my three daughters to be young ladies of faith, knowledge, and social justice. I am thankful for the energetic, hard working and always present PTO board members. Praise be the Incarnate Word, Linda Linda Villarreal ‘84 IWHS PTO President “It’s All for the Girls.” PTO members & secretary Sharon Perez’ 74 at Open House. SHAMROCK SPIRIT SHOPPE Open Tuesdays & Thursday’s during all lunch mods (10:56 a.m. – 1:18 p.m.). This is a great time to stock up on your IWHS spirit apparel! 12 Halloween (For more photos, click Photo Gallery) 13 HALLOWEEN (See Photo Gallery for more) 14
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