the corunna journal
the corunna journal
ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH., AUG. l, 1895. VOLUME XV, No. 34 —Flushing fair will be held Sept. 25, —W. W. Tarehall, of Ithaca, in town —_J udge Bush is expected home Sat urSunday School Association. 26 and 27. day. Mondaf, T The annual meeting of tbe Sun day Don't forget that you can buy Chase —Lawyer Chandler made a busi ness Sn:ith, cf Vernon. at tbe —Carl Tuttle, visitln ^relatives at VcrGORSUCH & WJ3LGR* ProprkU/r*. <fc S&nboum'a coffee at M. A J,Carland's School Association for Corunua and trip to Byron last Thursday. UOD. Monday. county Caledonia township was held at the BapPubliabecTevery Thursday morning, «t Cor—R. E>. Smith, of Caledonia, a pleasant —Join T. MirCurdy at Laueer, Tne<T —Ezra Mason reported a little better tist church .Sunday afternoon ami evenHtuse to rent, hone*bought and sold, unna, the Coumy Seat Of sliiawajjew County. Bevoted to the interests of tae Republican caller at the JOURNAL office Thursday. day. on legal nustnei«s. yesterday. Party aiid me collection of local and veoerai and buggies and harnesses for sale. Ining.: The attendance was fair, but not tfcMV*. quire of Dr. Babingtou. —Elmer Henderson is building «u —Postmaster and Mr*. Smith spirit —A new walk on tbe west *Me of t i e as large as it should'have been. TKIUJS:-One year, *1/»; six jaontas, fifty iron bridge. oentf; three montta, tweoiy-afe cents. The.devotional service, at the afterThe best u none too. good so buy addition to bi.s residence in llendersouAdvertising rates made Know n at the office. Chase & Sanbouru** coffee, of their sole —Mrs, Glen I). Young and children •—MJS.-<'j«ra Haivl«'-y. of New l.otb—JJanker Will. Iluiit, of Laingsburg, noon session was lead by ltev C. Oariids, Fli-st-class faefilt'ea for job and l are visiting her parents at, Port Huron. rop, visiting fricmU in (Kvo>-(i tht* iji [own Monday. uftcr which reports were listened to JL £ . ' Carland. corunoa. printing of ail kiiids on short DOti week-. —ltev. Geo. Sloan filled the M. R Attorney -John Connni^kcy,o{ Howell, iroia the superintendants of the various i Farms and city property bought, sold schools. pulpit, of this city, Sunday morning. —iiJjsj* Mayrue Jliil, of Oviil. \va« iho here, yesterday, o?i legal matter.:. and exchanged. W, K, CHAI'KLL, TJ*IRST NATIONAL BASK W. A. Knight, of the M. "E. lusuratic? and real c?Tut<? A£t —Mr. aud Mrs. N. J. Clark, of Ovid, of Mis* IJei ilia S«.:rr chc i';r«f. of the — Let tors are awaiting Mr. Uyrori Bu•^. S., rej)Oi'l('(l tljrj school in good co^diOB1 visited wlto Mr, and Mrs. "№'. II. Bi&e- week. sril-aml Mr. l>:iily ;it tho.postoflke. MWON, FOR SALE CiitAt*: one 1 horse wagon, 1o\v, KiiiJay. i.ioii, with ten classes aisd an average at> W.D. President, I •—«John T. McCur«ly ii:w Vf'n .itMiujf Vlce-Preeldent. i '—City Attorney Hichards is looking teiiduiM.-tj of about one hundred. The one-2 horse wagon: 1 dump cart: 1 topCashier,w. A. —M, V. Kussell, one of the pioneer alarj;e number <if volume* to his law for a rciideiic*! or a lot to build one on, '.•«il!<'<'tio:ts he thought. would <!efrav all AfiAisUnt Cashier, \V. ¥. buggy; 1 pair light deigns; 1 Mngleharhustler* of purand. at the county scat library. ~I?:mker.J. (). I.eland, of S.i^Miaw, <?xpe!iso.«. 'rije-grftitest difGcnlty be bad ness; 1 double harness; 1 cart harrier; DIEBCTORS. la-t Thursday. I J. D aetSA — I'loycd iH'rbani l«ft Friday, for s'.iakiii^ IKI-MIIS T,vith old friends ben; on t<- cont<'iii! \\ ii!i w:.s rise ;U;M riueof teactiaJso about 10 m. brick and £oine good A H A. NiCHota. —Geo.. Fred and Puss Ottoway, of CharSevoix. to juuy b:;ll with the team Mfciidny. W.D.GAKUSO*, lumber. Will taks some hay, grain or '•".- :::i(l tb^ ti-*>ub!c. io iinA a,supply. in that town. Claytou. called on ILrs. M. •Shuttleu'orth a part payment* Inquire of J. Mr.-. C. J, Gale rcj>orte;l Uif Baptist —Mrs. K..\. Smitb. of Cnne*teo. X. V., f^Oollocttow madVan^promptty remitted V the first of the week. :. Fitch «f c Son, Corunna. Mich. —The concrete walks in the school mtfrestratetof ftcB*nz«. I* visiting Mr. an-i. Mrs. >. Z. Itice. ol "•uudity C:JOO! iti a i!..tuii?;iujj ccndl—J. C. Fair. J. 31. Hathway and' live yarn are completed, ami make a fine this city. rit'U. with :hc t.-tas>;.'.- and an averageatoa Look at them; new good* and new fair ladies, of Durand, dined at the improvement. (-n<i:t!!<-,> of ttt*mt fifty. 'Hie any part ot tbe world. —.1. I) Royoe and ••«•. 11. Howard. styles in ladies4finekid shoes at «;ollins* Grand Central- Sunday. H»-rt? \-ory fa?fhfiilan<! regriJarin, —Attorney Horsmnn was calbvl to for §1.00: men's rtjoe* for #1.00. Good —Arthur Benson, an instructor in Ypsilanti, Saturday, on account of tbe Clark Buell and John Williams in town :unv. slid volli>ctir>i]s fair. Tbe CHAS. D. StXWAKT yesterday. M. L. ltt buying and discounting !iaU addc«l UAt vo!unn*» to its library* Pontiac scforol;*, is visiting his. sister. illness; of a brother. M. u snrwAirr * co.» Batten, —The list often*!-, *>>bc sold for <l Collins beats which bad male a marked hicrea*e In Miciitg«n P r j l U o f ^5^ c i t v —Miss Maud • Mortice, of Bennington. | Unqueut ta^e? will i>e found on an other tlie interest of Mw> ^;«ooL Mraey orttei* iwoed on the continent of <raybills is what counts, Domestic aod foreign exchange tbe world on footwear. —Mrs. Kay Aekei-aon,of Detroit. visit- the guest'of Miss Louise Pond ; page of tbe JOURNAL. Mrs. K. E. KelM»y, In tbe absence at w l b w P«rent«s Sheriff and Mrs. W. K other friends here this tveek. Tanner is agaia to the front in tbe ! j —Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. HubbeH, of Chithe !?iipcriiit«H!<rnt, reported the Pms-' | J a«ob, Friday and Saturday. haniess besiness. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Sloan, of Bliss- \ ^^ a r e visiting their paient«, Mr. and byteriaa <«-hool as holding Irs own. BLSiSESS DIRECTORY. —Tbe Fox & Mason Furniture com- 'field, the guests of bis father, .T. E. Sloan, \ jjrs. Jaraei? M. Ooodell, ere were ten classes with an average FOR SALE : New milch cow. Inquire j pany received an order for 31 suites, ami sister, Mrs. Dr. Cabington. lppt, Owosso, Mleh. attendance of about fifty. of Del] Miner. Corunna. 2Sw - Monday, from a l>etro it firm. —Mrs. C. A, Young and Mrs*. D. W. Pencsylvanla, where she ha* f r o m —W. L. Colby and wife, Elmer San- Shattuck were called to Saginaw, Mr. Dav« reported the fiiverside visiting at her old horn*. Go to Tanner's for tbe latest thing in Aiceot and dealer to j « l ««ateburn and lady, of New Lothrop,guests terday, to attend the funeral of a sister. | _ M ^ € ^ ^ ^ o f Toledo, Ohio, school as increasing in interest mad W. Cooper, Coruiuitt, Mien. fly nets. Something new in that line at the Grand Central, Sunday. —Captain Shields, of the Owcwobase; h a s ^ ^ e p e n aing a few days with hi* n u m b e r s . >••• ball club, says be will not play ball on j b r o t h e r . ^ u M i n e r , n d family. MTF. Leavitt reported the Coal 3On« Tanner has a nice assortment of sum- —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rose Teturj••#. t . Johwon, , Conmna, Kk*. ^ r School in fine condition, with an attendmer lap robes—in fact everything yoa ed hoine last week from an extended Sunday for anybody. Good for Shields | visit with their daughter in Ohio. fifty. '" need in tbe horse furnishing line. - T h e L, O. T. M, will hold a social on j f r l e n d s a t s t > Oatb«rine. Ont Sbe will ance ol about ttorneys at Jaw—Newton * Gold, Flint, Rev, Daniels reported tb« organia—Sir, and Mrs. R. B.' Ford, and Mr. the ShelfTs lawn Saturday evening. visit the Fails before her return. Midi. Office in FtentoQ block. ITEMS OF INTEREST. cion of a new school in the Hawldas and Mm. K. J. Augsbury left Saturday Every body is cordially invited to be —Lost. Tuesday evening. In this city, district, with a membership of thirtyfor a couple of weeks onting at Bay present. ttorney *nd counselor at law-S. S. Miner, a wrench and oiler In a leather pouch. two. ITie prospects were good for an —C. A. Mlllard has «old his bakery to Owoeso, Micb. Office ta WiUi*m»- trfoclL Vl»w. —It is said that one of the nicest boys Finder please retnrn to Chase & Angell. excellent school, as a good deal of inter" Uaynes & Putnam. —Flashing Observer: A Mr. and in Laingsburg recently caught hay fev—Rev, W. G. Xixon and wife and —County Agent Race in town Monttorney-James M. Ooodell, Co rann*, MIA. Mrs. Tucker, of Ohio, are visiting their er from kissing a grass widow. Its Mr. and $Ir?. J. B. Hfinnan returner! ?st was manifested. Office in A«new bJocJt» oppoeitc U*t court day on official business. B v. Fisher talked on the relation of home. cousin?, Byron and Hiram Augsbury, in fate-al. Xews. j last week from a two weeks, outing at the Sunday »cbooi to the church. B« —Rev- E. J, Peacock returned to Venice. —This issue of the JOURNAL was de- j j , O f l R said the church had got on Btilts, above Cardington. Ohio, Tuesday. ttom«f«andcriinraek>rs at law—Watson —Register and Mrs.. W. If. Bigelow l&yed a few hours—it's a girl, however CfcitMMa. <>Wc« over the second aitfomU —Mi&s Edna Marshall gave a picnic t the people, and that as the nursery ttlil-The old "Fighting Fit.1T will hold were called to Adrian, Saturday, on born this morning g to Mr. and Mr?. her Corunna and Owosso friends yestered in building up and added to the b«-n it* annual re-union at S t John*. Anfc.25. account of tbe death of an uncle of Mrs. E. V. Gorsuch. day afternoon in MeCurdy's grove. A nan Jfa^oily, so the Sunday school aided rciiitoottrtiXMBinteftlaaerand attorney t t o y at —Roger Haviland vi»it«d bin pareots, Bigelow. —Miss Estelln Bigelow entertained very enjeyable time wa» had. d Offl m repleaisbing and adding uamerically V> hiw-J.G.Knlsfct, Corunaa, M Midu O near Byroo, ovet Sunday, lie was a o inBornen b h * —I*enM>n» who deairv to board one or about thirty of be: friends on Friday —Notice change of ad of Chase A ind spiritually to the churcb. corapanieb by attorney Collins. more teacher*, during the institute, evening of last week. It was a very ..Angel!, Currie & Clutterbuck and M. A Parents became interest**! throaf^ mtortter at —Mr*. B. C. Wo'nten.' of this city, is will kindly leave word with E. I>. IJi- enjoyable, party. J. Carland: also a new one of Ely & Al- t'icir children and became chri«tf«M* vi&iting her brother at Mackinaw city- inoiid or B. It, Marshall. Mrs. C. If. Noble*, of Jefferson coun- berts. It Will pay to rend them. ]n Swttack block. Sm day schools were stepping «lone» te*| She expects to be absent for about three ty, X. Y., will spend the remainder of —Mary E. Atberton, of Bancroft, has the church. I^irgf. influential eburcb«i —Mrs. II. Kiw and little won Harry n t*nrfM^T«ndcounM]or at law—Walter Mo- week?. against that village for tbe summer with her mother, Mrs. Flora »wcrl the?r'beginning to the M Bride,iVmuin*. Mirit. Offloeup»t«>rttwu of Detroit, who ha* been spending u.f<«» Wllcox. of this cilv. —Bert Worden drove Ills goat to SIO.IKJO damage* resulting from a defec-chool, A di?«j(i«'-ion of tbe topic foldown north of puotoOoe. ! weeks with Mrs. !>«)! ,Miner, leaves toDtirsnd Iwt Thursday. }|«- is tive fhlewuJk. Watson «& (,'hapnun are low**!, ltev, Ward, M. II. Reynold* and! Win,.Wilwn was looking at j ( , a y tor l*n*lng> vhm ' 1 itev. Iiatilds participating. While th&Q ttorroers atid conntwion at Uw-Chandler a part of his vucatfon with hi* grand- her attorneyi*. a'revolver,'Saturday, it went otf, the a few days. tit, ( t o r u m Mich- Office !D mother, Mis. McX_:arty. itt Ricfcartlit, .verfi some minor flifferencr^, Jc general —Gt*o. O. Shattuck. rvtiirried home bull passing through a finger. He did uppoeite tbe court bou*e. A«MTW —Caleb Reed, near Lcnnon, frl! frou: r —Geo. Haitkell, Uader of tbe fourth from Pitiiikey. last Krldaj evening, not know it was loaded. xl] ttgrwd with Mr. Fisher. a wheat 8tack. last Monday, injnritij. Mr*. M. II. ltcynoldx then read a paper with bin: an all-night shower rtor-W,S.Jone».Corunn'».Mk;h, 8pocl«l band of OWOCHO, in town Monday. He —Mr. and Mrs. George -Leetch. of bis knee badly. Dr. Babingtouw:wealle«t auentmtt jrtven to di№&> « o.' wi >n»en u nd vftui waking arrangements for an oj>en of rain. The ruin uud 3Ir. SShattmk JU primary work in tbe Sunday school, J OttoeoTer ChMM: A AmreU'a store. Durand, called on friends Thursday. in consultation with Dr. Van \.W 1. \v\\<. air concert in the near future. -The object of any work." said tbe were both very welcome. They are contemplating of going to N^Iieves the Injviry will only be tempo^K'ukcx, is to produce results. Primary of Mrs. S. Z. Riee and —Lester C. Barnes, of Conway, bad Boston next month, with the Knight rary. ye. e*r, oow and tbro«t •perialiat—Dr. D. H. Lamb,OWOSM, Micb. GU»sea»ccut«te- Mrs. Fanny Fo,v, of the M. E. School, bis house burned last week Wednesday. .vork should not be for the amusement' Templars. ly fitted. O«c« hours, a to 1'i. 2 U) 4:» and 7 to —I. V. Pyle. our Wide awake, bn«tlin^ »f children, but to make )a*Hnj held a picnic at Riverside, Tuesday. A Most of the contents of the hoiife were ». Office, room >, Thomas block. —County Treasurer Colby paid on t-lotbier, has move<l hi3 large stock of 'ion* and rhat which would result- ln ! delightful time was enjoyed by all. also destroyed. He carried insurance j n<.j,.,]f <>f {\ie t;6unty 8711.13 for the: .-arc i-lolbhitf and gents" furnishing goods iKikintf mm and women su«-h a^ ti y«lc and gureeon—w. C. Hume, for—Sir. and 3IJ'J*. C. Daniels and Mr. 'in the Livingston Mutual. | of the roulily's insane, for the last (]uar- to the -New Bacon." lie fuuU he has •.voriil nct'ils. We should 1>c careful of r unn*, Mk*. Office boura,2 to 4 p. m. on weekdayt. Office oti imiund floor, State St., Wilson are visiting, :U Elk Rapids anil caller at ; ter> Also 8I17.4:» for board of prisoners a &urplus'of UgUt weight goo<J^ an;t is* what we. >:ay..*iid in their presence, —N. K. Potter, of iSurus. J i m door west of school b U d other places in the resort region. They the JorijN.ii. oflic<» Saturday, lit1 re- i t the I'H<troll House of Correetion. going todlspp^eof them to make rot in • •hiidrrm art* perfect imitator?, Th*lr will be absent for about three weeks. port* the hay crop hi hi* ,«<*etiosi nearly for hJs fall stock. The matter is f,il]\ —Frank F. Marshall and son. of S should )>e seiNirnl'e from the MASONIC. ; —Fenton Indepemlojit: Lieut. 1^. C. a. failure, with wheat not half a crop. , , visited John T. McCurdy and wife ] explained on lasr page, which .will .pay rooiii, scats 'comfortable and the COEUNSA LODGE NO, HE, ¥. * A, M. Her-1 Kanouse, formerly a member of the sixth while osvta were good aud a fair pro*- lust Mr. Marshall is the lw.*d | y O u t o read,aud If iii .jjeed of anything orgun placed at their <}I*p fore the r^U of tto« moon, in each month._ <-uitmgan ta\airy, was a cauer on ni* p«*ct /or corn and potatoes. in the jewelery of lirown • j n hji? line take a lvantage of the great umhuited pictures could be used,, to ad"; ITf *» • "" old comrades, W. Butcher and G. W. —Charley YVashbum's little daughter «fc Grant, leading jewellers in Saginaw. | bargains offered. vantage. They should have a OOWCSNA C'HArl'KIt, > O . Si, K A . M. Barbour, this week. got a kernel of wheat in her ear a short —M. C.Barney, of Flint, who as a ii^y • - i . \ letter::trim Poutb Haven, Mich :idopt«l «j>eiting exercise wnich fliouldl MttpatiarcaavwMtion* first Tbunday in —Dur&nd is not satisfied with having time ago, which became pressed against carried the colors of tbe Tenth MiuhijrVn-.[.states tbsl; "On M >nday evening of « s!iort." She^ave the outlines for awntb. a x t i ^ AcQRBc»T.»ecT«t«ry. w. taken a goodly number of the best citi- the drum affecting tbe hearing. Dr. lufaiitrj- into 31 battle*, will attend tbe j tu!« v;eekEighteen thousand baskets of very.appropriate eseroise. The paper^ B A A S S . H . P. zens of Owosso, but is now after the Elliott removed the obstruction Tuesday (let1,? nation of the Chattanooga inoniu- peaches )Vere shipped to Chicago from was a good one. containrag many bints, j OOBUNNA C0DNCH. KO. S8, B. * 8 . M, p Corunna widows. We would much morning.—Klsio Enterprise. ments us a guest of the state of Michi- this por/I This shipment was by far vtiicb if followed out would greatly in-i olttr awembaes third Tbnr«day in each month. C M . PKACOCK. tteco der. Gito. &HATTUCIC, rather she would take the county build- —Vernon Argus: Alden Keyes returned gati. tbe largest one ever made from this rreuse tbe gcoil results of the primary] T. L M. ings. Sunday from his wedding trip, and —Chesaning Argus: James S. Coon, point at tbis season of tbe year. The fepsrtnient, ltev. Ward conducted the devotional —Mr. John Tears visited his daughter, Monday ruoriiing a rush was made to chief of the ChippeiVtt Indians, took a peach crop is an enormous one, and the COEUVNA COlOtA>T)EKT, NO. Si, K. x. Stated conciavefl, Mcood Iktatsdar In ««ca Mrs. A. J. Kellogg, at Durand. over Sun- DttHart Bro's store for the wedding trip to tbe reported Indian camp meeting j largest known in the history of the •xercists in the evening. •MBtk. A . E. RlCKjt&DS. W. O. Alden has manv friends here between Owosso aud Corunna last Sun- j peaeu belt of Michigan, Apples, rears day. Mr. Tear* says it is surprising Kev. Tisber read a paper on Hon*] ; Acting S«carfec. tbe number of buildings being erected wbo wi$h himself and wife all happiness dny and found no camp meeting there, j and plums are the be« crop West Michi reaching for the Sunday School. in that village. They appear to have no aud a hearty welcome to our village. TOLEDO :rci.te;l the subject r4»ite exhaustively, j Jim says it is just a white man's trick, j gan has seen in years." bard times there. —Porter Janes, of Fairtield. threshed j —Howell Democrat: Ed. Shields, of j —The Vital Statistics Report for 1S93 :nd in a common sense manner. Ex-j —Estey, Symes & Harris have pur-J 207 bushels of nice plump wheat from | the Owosso base ball team, has been laid j just received at this office from the De- rremo activity marks tbe ago. It is also i AND chased tbe 480 acres of timber laud, hc!d j ten acres. Over twenty bushels of f up duriug the past week with a trouble- parunent of State, Lansing, is issued i wealth seeking age, and there was uo j NORTH MICHIGAN loubt but that it was an age of skepti* ( by Wagoner estate, which lies within (wheat to the acre ia an extra crop in ! some ann. Ife injured the arm severely I unusually early and containes matter ol RAILWAY. j and adjoins the city of Owosso. The J Michigan this year. Wm. Marvin has j last season, and is apt to give him some [ much interest and importance to physi- •ijsm. The word of God is the only an* j timber will betaken off and divided in- twenty acres that will average as well, I trouble at times, but he does not think i cians health officers., sanitarians and to ridote for the crying evils of the world*] to small parcels. The purchase price is at least, and ten acre* that it is thought j it will tee anything permanent. all persons interested in tbe sanitary iinl should be taught unceasingly a$l a reported to be 930,000. will j'ield 2i> bushels per acre.—Elsie —Tbe Teachers' Institute foi Shiawas-1 i u i 9 O c i a l condition* of the State. Then- ionic. The responsibility of the reU-J —James, sixteen-year old gon of Sol Enterprise. see Co. will be held at Corunna, begin-! w e r e registered for the year 1303 19,1»: ^ious instruction of tbe children is on the parents. '* Train up the child in Henri,of Gaioes, was playing ball a —A quiet wedding occurred in this ning Aug. 5.18*», and continuing eight ] roarriuges, 47,722 births and 21.JJ82 few days ago when a thrown ball bit city last week Wednesday evening, at days. Prof. McKiuney, of Olivet Col- I deaths. Of deaths returned, 2,154, or 12.0 •he way he •should go," is the doctriuej of the number returned from )f divine writ, and should be taken j htm oa the forehead and broke a blood the pleasant home of tbe bride, Mrs. lege, who bad been selected a.s conductor, vessel in his bead. At first it was feared Peter Keynolds, who was wedded to 3Ir. is an exi>erienced ioetitnte worker and specified diseases, were due to consump- home to every honest heart. M. H. Reynolds followed with in ex-1 the injury would prove fatal, but at last John Nevirion, of Durand. Rev. W. M. is noted for doing practical work. Xo tion; 1.21S, or G.S per cent, front dipth;>ianation of normal training for Sunday j accounts he was on a fair road to recov- Ward performed the ceremony in pres- doubt the coming institute will be one eria and croup; 6S9, or 3.8 per cent, ichool workers. Tbe matter is being] ery under the care of Dr. Austin. ence of a few of tbe neighbors. Mr. j of tbe best ever held in tbe county. from typhoid fever; 3C0, or 2.0 percent considerably agitated, and is beinjjgf frOn * c a r i e t fever. There were 644 id opted by the more advanced schools. —The Maple Kivar Wolverines came Xevison is a successful business man of j Every teacher and every person who ! The following are the names of here Saturday and attacked the Corunna Durand, while the bride was a very : expects to teach the coming year should j deaths from cancer, 555 from^ia grippe," >tneer« elected for tbe ensuing year: and 1,385 from pueuuioni. These causes Rev. C. I>aniel», president; Rev. W. M. Tigers with bat and ball. A very excit- highly esteemed lady of our city, Wbo > be in attendance for the full time. ing gam* was played, resulting in a vic- has many friends here who wish herj _ j o n a T . McCurdy arrived in tbe of death are fully discussed in tbe Re- Ward, vice president,; W. A. tory for the Tigere by a score of 22 to u. much happiness in her new home » t ! j u n c t i o n c i t y o n t n e early express port, and illustrative diagrams and maps Krans, secretary: Mrs. v. J. Gale, tt are given for certain important ones. .u*r. Dr. Chaeney and Wileox formed tne bat- Durand. Thursday morning from bis trip Persons desiring copies of tbis report tery for the Wolverines and Coraford -Mrs. Winans has had erected a fine' through north western Texas, OklahoMarriage Ucerms. and Perry for the Tiger*. Ralph Evel- Barre granite monument at the grave ma and Kansas. He says those sectloas should make application to Hon. Washcth umpire, James Wilson official scorer. of Ex-Gov. E. B, Winans, in Hamburg. AO* ' that Lansing, Micb.. as tbe former wasteful , Xew B«vcn —Tbo»e from Ovid who attended tb« It is composed of a huge block of rock- everywhere the most beautiful landciutom of distributing them through ball game at Owo*so. Tuesday, were TIMETABLE. granite 01 die, resting on a base scapes imaginable greeted tbe eyes. the county clerks baa beea discontinuVna* Buna, Ktwlu ... thoroughly disgusted with tbe manner in j of the same material, though of larger It seemed to befcbeveritable garden of April 7«fe, 1S8S. ed. r which tbe Owoeeo citizen* treated the dimensions. On tbe face of tbe die, in tbe world. He reported tbe Michigan ^«ll*L. V*BE >>*», Owwtw Trains Jem Goraana, • • • Adrian boys. Tbe Oviditee were in sym- large, finely polished letter? in relief, contingent at Oklahoma., Oklahoma, as WUl U TTrl^Ht, C*r»oa CStj.. Notice. X. B*ld*n, OWOMO pathy with tin OWOMO team until the is tb« word "Winans," and at one end prosperous and nappy. After ex pa•OUTH. NORTH. Tofea Vo» VbttlHmrff, Morrtce, whm every good pl*y Ute of tho die appeai-s tbe letter also tUtlng on tbe beauty and prosperity An examination of candidate.? for ad* !^iK<rtia« BnuiAt, Perry > Dttnn, Wocdhnll. Adrian^ made TM^vred and scoffed in relief. At the bead of tbe grave of and productiveness of those lands, Memission to tbe Agricultural College 7:13 P. M. •90BP M. at byftbowling mob. Th«* Adrians won tbe ex-governor was also placed a finely Cordy closed by saying. '-After all Will be held at Caruuna, Aug. 15 and H.BBmETT, S. A. SCULLY, the game by a wore of 12 to 11.—Regia- cut Barre granite marking stone. It 'My Michigan' is good enough for me. IGtb. Skin and blood disease*, causing 6 P A. tei Union. Tbe editor evidently ba« contains tbe tint? ol the birth and death I would aot change locations with any :orti. of dire disasters to human lwi| E. D. Divoxr>, Aatflt Totedt. 0M9. attended L-ot few game* at Ovid. ie*s urewMly a»d quickly cured 0/ Gov. Wiaan«.—Howell Republican, j of tbe people I met."—Exprefs. Commissioner. Jurdovk Blood Si THE CORUNNA JOURNAL, 1 A A A A A C ~"-i NN ARBO THE JOURNAL. COBU2TCA. : MICHIGAN. The News Condensed, Important Intelligence From All Parts. DOMESTIC THE exchange* at the leading clearing houses in the United States duringth* week ended on the 10th aggregated §1,030,030,049, against 51,1^,2+3,696 the previous week. The increase, com* 1 pared with the corresponding week in 1№4, was 26.0. THE national silver committed in &ea&ioii in Chicago adopted resolutions the organization of bimetallic throughout the entire county CHICAGO is to be the headquarters of the American Spirits Manufacturing company which will wicceed the whisk j trust. THSKK negroe* were killed outright "by lightning during a thunderstorm that passed over the town of Varnvilie, S.C. C. B. COLK. an aged resident of Aurora, I1L, died while on his knees at prayer at hto bedrite. THOCS were t&6 business failures in th« United States in the seven days esdedon the 19th. against 2S3 the week preview and S3* in the corresponding Jx a runaway »**r Move*, lad., William Elzry and hi* wife a*d lira. Thomas E t o y and Mta* Myers, were fatally injured. JUDGE ROW in th« United State* district court at ham Angeles, CaL, declared the Wright Irrigation law uneontftutional. This decision invalidates bond* to the extent of $50,000,000 that are held all over the United States and Europe. ) A GBEATER portion of the business section of Silver City, N. M., was destroyed by a flood. REV. D. W. GOXISBX.EE, of Live Oak, Fla., reported a reign of terror among the negroes of Lafayette and Taylor counties. Be said their churches were being raided by white men, congregations dispersed and pastors driven away. TOE Gould coupler works at Buffalo, N. Y., were destroyed by fire, the loss being about 8200,000, AT Angers Camp, Cai, the Utica mine, which had been yielding $500,000 worth of gold every mouth, was dam* aged by fire to the extent of 8350,000. MABLKV, HABVXT & Co., retail clothing and furnishings in Detroit, Mich., failed for 8105.000. A HEAVY rain flooded over 100 houses at Connellsville, Pa., and thousands of coke ovens were drowned out by the torrent. DwrrRrcTiVE forest fires were still raging in the pi&e woods near Long Lake, Mich. FIRE that started m the Wright & Adams machine works at Quincy. HL, destroyed 900,000 worth of property and crushed tbe life out of Percy Hunaaker, a fireman. MASKED men boarded a west-bound Lake Shore A Michigan Southern express train at Reece siding, near Wauseon, O.. forced open an express car and at the point of revolvers compelled the messenger to unlock the safe. It was known that at least id,000 was taken. I s another fight between Indians and settlers near Jack's Hole, Wyo., three white men and six Indians were killed. T»K number of immigrants arriving in New York from January 1. 1895, to date exceeds by nearly 50,000 those who arrived during the same period in 1S94. A FREMATTOE explosion of dynamite on the drainage canal near Willow Springs, 111., killed William Kelly, Joseph Smith and Thomas Soaker. TBE bank of Archie, located at Archie. Ma, went into the hands of a> receiver. THE Connellsville (Pa.) coke region was swept by a tornado which spread destruction far and wide. Railroads were washed out, delaying all traffic, buildings blown to pieces, hundreds of cattle drowned, orchards uprooted and crop* laid waste. The total loaa was estimated at SSOO.QOO. G w o x KOT.AXU. a well-known young farmer near Manchester, la., shot and killed his brother Henry, a l m a farmer, and then shot himself. No cause was known. GEORGE A.'" ffou'E* will serve four years and Frederick Storms two years in the penitentiary for aiding and abetting a conspiracy to deprive voters of their rights at the poll* in Chicago. A ci-OtDRimiT swept ovur the village of Brecon, O. damaging many buildingv, and a large number of cattle and bheep were drowned. Ix a dispute over money at Hot Springs, Ark., W. C. Myers and his brother James, popular young men, were shot and killed by D. ..W. Ciaiborn, a livei^man. RES!I>KNTS of Hatesville, O., blew up with dynamite the only wUoo'n io the town. HERMAN FRAXTZ, an artilleryman, left Fort Hamilton, X. Y., on a bicycle for Fort Snellinjr, Minn. IN a quarrel at a social pa^ty at Union Ridge, W. Va., knives, razors and revolvers were used and four men were killed and several others seriously wounded. REPORTS as to the conditions of crops throughout the country made by the directors of the different state weather services say they were in fine condition. THE steamer Terrier reported upon arriving in New York that in a collision July 12 with the British schooner Eagle two men, two women and a child were drowned. ROBKKT B. THOMPSON" and TheophUe Cory left Chicago for a tour arouml the world on stilts. Such u thing1 was never attempted before. THE Lake View Laud company at Los Angeles, CaL, failed for ?•>'»),000. DURING a fire in the residence of Rev. W. H. Scudder, pastor of the Con* fireg-ational church at Norwich, X. Y., two of his children. Mary and Clurine, aged 6 and 2 years respectively, were burned to death. W. H. TAYLOR, dealer in dry goods at Fort Worth, Tex, failed for SICK). 000. J. K PBITCHA-RD and his wife, who lived near Rosston, T^x., were killed by lightning. ROSE GAUDE.V, a dissolute woman, killed Mary Sullivan and Lizzie Brown at Barboursville, Ky. TROOPS were ordered out to protect the settlers in the Jackson Hole conntry in Wyoming. JOHN S. COLLINS, a negro who shot and killed Student Frederick Oh] at Princeton, N. J., last June, was sentenced to twenty years at hard labor in the state prison. GEORGE REED, a painter 36 years of age, shot and killed his wife in St Louis in a fit of jealous rage. AT a convention of coal miners in Pittsburgh, Pa., it was decided to give the operators their choice of advancing wages or fighting another strike. CHABLKS M. WEBB has declined the appointment of associate justice of the supreme court of Wisconsin. THK city waterworks at Ironton, O. were burned, the loss being $100,000. A NATIONAL association of wire pood* manufacturers was formed at Cincinnati with Fred J. Meyers, of Hamilton, O., as president. THK third annual convention of the United States League of Building and Loan associations convened iu Cleveland. TA^LO*, a ^afro, aged ft GOOD ADVICE. years, was executed at Columbus, O., It Is <MT«va4 Usmdy Iwj—•• hf tfc* for killing Farmer Yoakum to rob him. »i—t»tt«i> Mnmttn vt m Ma—acre TJUt ears and an engine *ere smashed in a freight wreck at New Florence, Pa., and Fireman Peter Cover was instantly killed. GKATTOS O. WUXIA*B, paper dealer in Philadelphia, failed for 8100,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL TBE famous chief, Benjamin Pikay, who had held every important office U* the gift of the Choctaw nation, died at his horns near Minco, Kan. ALEXANDER H, SICE, of Boston, died at Melrose, Mass., aged 77 years. Be was a member of congress from 1857 to 18A5 and governor of Massachusetts froin 1876. to 1879. MBS. CVXTHIA FAT,CO>"EE SMITH, the oldest resident of We&tchester county, died at her hotoe in Elm Ford, X, Y., in her 103d year. REV. J. D. LEE, better known aa "Father" Lee, died at Henne&sy, 0. T., at the age of 90. He had been for years a missionary among the Cheyennes and Arapahoes and other tribes of Indians. B. P. CHENEY, president of the American Express company, died at his. home in Wellesley, Mass., aged 80 years. THE republican state executive com' mittee of Ohio decided to open the campaign on September 10 at Springfield. • FOREIGN. R. F. PITZEL identified the decomposed remains found in a cellar at Toronto, Ont, as those of her two little girls, Alice and Nellie, whom she had last seen in Galva, III, ten months ago, when they were taken away by their alleged murderer, H. H. Holmes. Ix a fight on the Turko-Macedonian frontier between a force of insurgents and a body of Turkish troops the latter were defeated with a loss of 600 men. "' ' ', "' THE Italian steamers Ortegia and Maria Y. collided off Isela del Pint at the entrance of the Gnlf of Genoa and the latter sank and 148 persons were drowned. TWENTY-FIVE houses were destroyed and fifty-nine partially destroyed by a sinking of the earth at Bruex, Bohemia. THE Canadian parliament, adjourned after a three-mouths' session. PREPARATIONS were beinsr made in Madrid to dispatch large reinforcements of troops to Cuba to fight the iscfurgents. THE five children of Alexander Bereft, a farmer Dear Winnipeg, Man., were drowned by the sinking of a boat. JAPAN demands <$3.5OO,ooo additional indemnity as compensation for the retrocession to China of the LitoTunf peninsula. AT Toronto, Ont, a coroner's jury returned a verdict finding H. H. Holmes guilty of murdering the Pitzel children. THE Komatsu coal mine in Yngeta, Japan, filled with water and forty seven miners were drowned. OXK Hcainan landed at Dover, Eng* land, RK the sole MUrvsvor of tne crew of fourteen of the French tinning boat Celine Felice, which was sunk in a col* Union with the German fchip Vail or. As imperial jrade was i&sccd at Constantinople granting auine*ty to all Armenian politicul prisoners. Many of the latter had already been released. THE American schooner Carrie A. Lane wasfa'nrdupon by a Spanish manof-war off Port Antonio, fully l-"0 miles from the coast of Cuba. •:N persons were killed by »tt of u l>oiler in a mill at Sues, Germany. MB& ' A TORS ADO swept oTer Findlay, O., fend vicinity, unroofing buildings and doing great damage. TBE sloop Restless was reported lo*t off Santa Crux island. CaL, with sixteen yottng persons on board. A TOBSADO at St. Clair, Mich., wrecked a doxen buildings, unroofed •a many more, and killed the infant dbkEjrhter of Edgar Black. JAJO» L. TBAVEsa^ a_negTo, was Ranged at Washington, IX C, for the jnurder of Lena Gross November 19 last IVTEXSK excitement prevailed around Beilin, Gleburne county, Ala., over rich finds of gold. ] THE three children of Fred Whitney, cfl&nkers, Mich., were fatally pois «ned by eating apples that were sprinkled with paris green. Tmt triple funeral of Dt. John E. Hogan. his wife and little son, who were drowned at Lake Geneva two weeks ago, was held at Elgin* HL AY the ninth annual convention in Denver, Col., of the American agricultural college and experimental station* S. W. Johnson, of Connecticut, was elected president Mas. ttfcABAX, of Buffalo, fell 110 feet into the rock* Wiow Niagara falls but broke no bone*. A wrecked a camp meeting tent near Koaeville, O., killing Mrs. Clement Wilson and Patrick Deselm and injuring several others. ' FRED and Frank Sunbeini and Mrs. Fred Sunbeim and two other person* war* drowned by the cajpaiting of a •afl boat at Brooklyn, N. Y. CASUIEB Jons 1- WALMCS, of the Dime savings bank at WiUimantic, Conn.. was said to hare disappeared with 830,000 of the bank fund*. ONE of the mills or the National Linseed Oil company jn Chicago was burned, the low* being 8750,000. JAME?, LOWES and his son John T. were instantly killed at Philadelphia by coming in contact with an electric light wire. GEOBOF, R DAVIS completed his report as director general of the World's Columbian exposition, and it fills twenty volumes, besides the catalogue of exhibits, consisting of nearly 2,400 oeDAISIK aged 13, daughter of Charles iavo pages. Klaus, of Columbus; May. a#ed 11, R. S. STRAHAX, ex-judge of the Oreand Hulda, .aged 7, dangliten;of George gon supreme court, fell dead in a pubKlaus, were drowned in the Platte lic building at Portland. river near Columbus. TBE percentages of the baseball dubs BT a decision of Judge Johnston all in the .National league for the week cigar stores in Columbus, p., will be ended on the 20th were: Baltimore closed on Sunday. ".WT; Cleveland, .590; Pittsburgh, .583; ROBERT E. RIVERS, principal owner Boston, .574; Cincinnati, .562; Chicago, if the Pickwick and Royal hotels in .544; Philadelphia, 536; New York, .535; New Orleans and of a bail dozen sugar Brooklyn, .529; Washington, .375; St. plantations, failed for $330,000. Louis, .360; Louisville. .197. ITALIAN g-overnment officials openly Jocnr MCCOLX.UK and his three sons, declared that war with Abyssinia had on their way from Wisconsin to Oklabeen decided upon. homa to seek a home, perished in a t'HiLLir NORMAN NICHOLAS was cloudburst in Missouri. banned at Richmond, Va., for murderTBE village of Deer Creek, Minn., ing William J. Wilkerson and James was swept away by a cycloae and two Mills by drowning them wtwotn were fatally injured. ADVICES from Wyoming say that ON the Terre Haute plantation in St. fifty-nine white people were killed by John's parish in Louisiana Joe Naska the ltanuock Indians near Jackson's shot aurt killed the wife of Rosario Hole. Giordano and two other persons and PROSPECTS for an enormous crop of fatally wounded three others. corn and other products throughout SRDOWICK SACKDEHS and Henry Clark the west and nor (.Invest were never were instantly killed at a grade crossmore promising. ing of the West Jersey road at Vine~ TOM JOHNSON, a negro who murdered land, N. J. Mrs. ilartfield and her daughter at THE house of Mrs. Abe Phillips (colMeridian, Miss., and assaulted mother ored) was burned by some persons undaughter, was burned lo the stake by known at Mart, Tex., and five negroes a mob. perished. JosEPir XOLTI:, Arthur Walter and Dnuso the year ended June 30 1,343 Miss Tillie llcin wer<> drowned in the immigrants entered tbe port of San Mississippi river at Uurlin^ton, la., by Francisco, possessing- about £50 apiece. the capsizing of a lx)at. THK wealthy friends of Mrs. Kate, TUDOR BROWS, Willie Cook, Sim Chase Sprague in New York and other Kchois and John Armstrong, negro cities hare raised a sum sufficient to desperadoes who broke jail at Fernanmaintain her in comfort for the rest of dii.a, Fla., were driven into the ocean her life. by bloodhounds antl all were drowned. JAMES IU'XN. chief of the ShinneTHE annual meeting in Baltimore of c^clc Indians, died at Southampton, the Baptist Young People'sunion came L. I., agedrt.'iyears. to an end with services in JOS churches In that city. M. LOFTIN, a negro, charged wi'h asNKI-SON TRi'DKAf, Peter Roche, Louis sanltingu whiU; woman in Lexington, Tatro and Oliver Dudley were killed by T«3f,, was taken from the officers by a an engine at a railway crossing near mob and lynchod. Williams town, Mass. FIRE in Sl«lrose, la., burned most of THE opera house, two livery barns the village. and three our four business houses in Two NF.fiito murderers, Whit FerLittle York, 11J., were burned, and rand and Anderson Krown, were exe* twenty horses perished m the flames. cuted at Salisbury, X. C, in the presence of ~>,000 people. Kach couteseed THK visible supply of grain in the ais guilt. United States on the 23d was: Wheat, 40,483,000 bushels; corn, 5,941,000 bushCIIOLKRA was raging in Japan, every els; oats, 5,137,000 bushels; rye, 148,province in the little empire reporting 000 bushels; barley, 58,000 bushels. a large death rate from the disease. SiVESTtea Indians were killed at KMKI.INE G. Ct«RAM) and her husJackson Hole, Wyo., by officers. The band, Robert K. Phel|xs and a young red men were charged with breaking g;r\ whose name the police refused to tse gwtne laws, had been made prisdivulge were the latest to be numoners, and were trying to escape when bered among the Kuppo&ed victims of killed. H. H. Uolmcs in Chicago. All three AT Cookfi'* inkt in Alaska rich gold I RATXK have pnt an effectual check to have been missing more than two Adds were discovered. i forest fires in Michigan. yean, W ASHiMGTOs, July 36.—Commisstoner of Indian Affairs browning has forwarded a dispatch to Agent Teter at the Fort Hall (Idaho) agency, instruct* ing him to order the Indians now on the warpath to return to their reservation* quietly acd peacefully before tbe military detachment or* dered to the wenc reaches there. The commissioner says he wants it understood that he advises the Indians as a friend desirous of their best interest and welfare. Thursday morning a reply was re* ceived from Agent Teter saying that he had sent prominent and reliable members of the tribe to carry the commissioner's message to the Indians in Wyoming, and he hoped that the desire of the commissioner would be fulfilled as a result. The war department has no additional information concerning the state of affairs in the perturbed section. The four troops ordered to the scene by Brig. Gen. Coppinger belong to the Ninth cavalry, a negro regiment, and one of the finest in tbe service. DZXVEK, CoL, July 2C—A special to the News from Pocatello says: Reports from -Market Lake say the Rexbunf (Idaho) paper reports fifty-nine white people killed by tbe Bannocks near Jackson's Hole, bat there is DO way to confirm the report,and it is not believed here. A courier is expected from the vicinity of Jackson's Dole with the latest news. There has been no news received at Market Lake for three days of an authentic nature. Fortyfoor ear loads of United State* cavalry Left Cheyenne Thursday night for Market Lake with provisions, horses, tents, e t c They will reach Pocatello this afternoon. Four hundred Indians are said to have joined the Bannocks on Fall river and are preparing- to make an onslaught on the whites. It is probable that Gov. McConnell will be called to aid in suppressing- violence. BOISE CITY. Idaho, July 2G.—Gov. McConnell, who has just returned to this city, received an appeal from the Tetoa basin on the Idaho border near Jackson's Hole asking for protection against the Indians. There are 200 unprotected families there. The governor Wednesday night wired the president asking that troops be sent into thut locality. CBETENXE. Wyo,, Joly 26,-r-Gov. Richards has received word that a large body of Bannocks are encamped> «}n the Oregon Short Line road, between Bams Fork and Cokeville. There are no squaw* or papooae» with them. About 200 Lembi backs passed Beaver canyon Thursday headed toward Yellowstone park. Troops now being moved to the scene of the trouble are traveling at the irate of 13 miles an hour and will reach Marytvale, where settlers are surrounded by Indians, by next Wednesday. There is much dissatisfaction at the dilatory movements to aid the Hettlers. Gov. Richards says the news that troops are en route will have fc good effect on both the Indians and whites, discouraging the former and encouraging the latter, but he fears that a before troops reach the settlement the Indian* may give battle, and after doing all damage possible slip back through the mountain passes to their reservations. HOIXE. Idaho, July;,,,,3&—Word has reached ht-rt that a little band of Settlers about 20 miles from St- Anthony, At the ttlfte of Teton Itasin, were fimrounded by a band of hostile Bannocks A'ho had made several unsuccessful attempts, -by firing- upon them to drive them from their position. This little company have so far stood the savages off, but as is learned from a messenger who has made his way around Indian lines to St. Anthony their provisions are almost gone, and unless succor reaches them soou they will fall a prey to the savages. It is held that some of the whites who murdered the,Indians for hunting elk are in this outfit near St Anthony, and it is the object of the Indians to wreak vengeance upon them. IN COLD BLOOD A * UUAOU P2ty»U>fatn Waylaid and Mor- dercd. 111.. July 25.—Wednesday night near Morrisville. southeast uf this city, Alfred Entrikin waylaid *nd killed the village physician. Dr. Kichard Reasoner, as the latter was returning from it professional visit. The murderer used a shotgun and revolver and several shots took effect Reasoner had recently attended Entrikeu'&wife through a spell of fever and when she had recovered her reason was dethroned and Entriken believed that the physician was responsible by using- deleterious drugs and bad frequently threatened to take the doctor's life. The murderer, after awaiting the doctor's family to arrive at the scene, and, seemingly, gloating over their suffering, escaped. A posse is in pursuit, and it is believed he will be summarily dealt with if captured. SPRTNOFIEL;*. ALL PERISHED. Men nr.d » Voonff Lady Drowned >'c*r Karlloffton, I*. BURLINGTON, la., July so.—Miss Tillie Hein, in attempting to change her seat in fa pleasure boat in midstream at Otter darn, north of Hurlington, overturned the boat, and with Joseph Nelte and Arthur Walters was drowned. Neltc was a married man. His body and that of Walters was recovered. ^ Troop* to Do Marching Duty. DKSVER, Col., July 30.—In order that tbe regular troop* may become familiar with the country in which they are doing duty Gen. Wheaton of the department of Colorado has ordered them out on practice marches. The foot soldiers are to march not less than 200 miles and the cavalry will make a journey of 300 miles. Street Soaked with Beer. TOPEKA, K*n., July 2ti.~Sheriff Harcouri uelzed tbirty-two kegs of beer in i, saloon at Coffeyville and tbe popnlace witnessed him turn it into the glitters of the principal street. Two MOftE OF HOLMES' WORK. o* Two -Tovrng Laid at HI* Door. CHICAGO, July 2«.— Two additional disappearances and supposed murders, directly traceable to Insurance Swindler II. II. Holmes, were reported to the police Thursday. Patrick Quinian broke down in the "sweat-box," admitting that he had been Holmes' confidential man as well as janitor. Mrs. Quinian was put through a rigid examination with reference to her 11-yearold daughter Cora, upon whose life Quinian admitted there had once, been 81,000 insurance, and a is to her knowledge of her husband's connection with Holmes. George W. Harris, said to be ft former associate of Holmes, is in custody. The principal features in the day1* progress were the two disappearances and the breaking down of Quinian, and Chief Badenoch, while he left; encouraged at his success with,: Quinian, was dejected in that he had received additional proof of the little value placed upon human life by Holmes and whoever may have been his co-conspirators. That he had co-conspirators and that these are at large was elicited by the "sweating" process with Quinian, from which it. was learned that a man named Phillips was the aider and abettor of Holmes in his dark deeds. Of the disappearances it was given out that one concerned Miss Emeline Cigrande, of Lafayette. IndL The other was that of a young woman 17 years old whose parents live in Chicago, but whose name Chief Badenoch declined for the present to make public, for . the reason, it is intimated, that the unfolding of the numerous clews connected with her disappearance will result in the amassing of evidence upon which Holmes may be tried and found guilty of murder. According to Chief Badenoch this latest missing girl was 17 years old and the daughter of eminently respectable parents who now reside in the city. Her mother called upon the chief and left the photograph of the daughter. This gives evidence that the missing girl was unusually good-looking. She had light hair, which hung in bushy curls. Her complexion was without fault She was slender and above the medium height for a girl of her age. Englewood was not her home, but she met Holmes there and fell into his power. The opposition of parents only increased the strength of the net in which Holmes had her caught Two years ago she disappeared. Mia.s Emeline Cigrande is believed to have been one of the victims ot H. H. Holmes. She worked for h\zn as his atenographer seven months in 18S2 and disappeared suddenly. Nothing since then has been heard from her by her many Chicago friends, and they have never ceased to comment on her strange disappearance. Now they believe she was murdered. At the time of her disappearance Holmes talked of her feigning important papers, and it is thought he had taken out a life insurance policy for her. The first reward of the senrchers in the basement of tbe Holmes castle Thursday morning- was a shoulder blade of an adult's body. The next discovery was a fcocket bone, the proportions of which ai'esmaller, indicating that it must be part of the remains of a child. A piece of dross was also found in the debris. The force of workmen has been increased and the gruesome work is progressing' as rapidly as possible. The digging" Thursday was near the south wall next to the alley, and the object the police now have in view is to find the boiler which Holmes had connected with the bogus gas plant. The remains of a furnace that was possibly used by Holmes as a crematory was unearthed in the cellar Thursday morning. Near it was a large heap of ashes, which are now being sifted, and if anything- like bones av« found it will be put to an analytical tent. PiitLAp£l»?BIA, July 20,—The verdict arrived at by the Toronto coroner's jury Wednesday night charging H. H. Holmes with *he murder of the two Pitzel children, whose bodies were found in that city, has eliminated from the mysterious case one of the uncertainties that has confronted the Philadelphia authorities. The chances itre now almost beyond doubt that Holmes will be taken to Canada to stand trial for the murders. It is stated, however, that it will require at least two months before the accused can be extradited. OUrT RECEIPTS, Tbe &«m ot an-ta,3t6,&T* Collected by Uncle Saw L-act V**r. WASHINGTON, Jul$> 26.—The preliminary retx>rt of Interaal Revenue Commissioner Miller, for the year ended June 30, 1803, was presented to Secretary Carlisle Thursday afternoon. Total receipts from all sources were 1143,24.V.i7S, a decrease from the receipts of 1893-4 of .$3,H22.472. The percentag-e of cost of collection, including the income tax and sugar bounty, was 2.84; for the previous year, 2.70. Tbe expenditures en account of the income tax were SS8,939; receipts, 577,131. WASHINGTON, July 2«.— The amounts collected the last year from the principal internal revenue districts are ss follows: First Illinois,.S7,<H)1,10$; Fifih Illinois, SiS,4O7,.lO8; fcighth Illiuois, 59,007,430; First Missouri, Si,»SS.41>r>; First Ohio, *9.073,^S7: Fifth Kentucky, $10,167,9i)3; Third New York, 84,-3">,7e<>; First Wisconsin, S*,202,«»4. SILVER WINS IN ENGLAND. Blm«-taUtot« CT»im I'ledgM from Most of tb« Conservative Candid****. LONDON, July 25. — The Kimetaliic leaffue has shown increased activity during- the last wcok. Its committee has been in constant wsAion since Monday. The league now occupies iarge offices in Comb ill, and its members are all delighted with the ivsult of the freneral elections. Secretary MeXeiil, talking over the situation, rwid that rnost of the conservative dele; ales were pledged to bimetallic priuei ties before accepting the nomination- A Good Appetite Indicates a healthy condition of the »ya* tern and tho lack of it shows that thaatonach and digestive organ* are weak a&d debilitated. Hood'* SaruparUl* ha* wonderful power to tone rnd strengthea these organ* and to erea** an appetite. By doing this :* restore* tho bodj t* health and prevent* atttcba of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla I* the only true blood purifier nently before the public • * • to-day. H ' S PillS The KIDNEY, LIVER A BLADDER CURE. |»1 I , W M « t ica*nuapU«t*M, a r i CoM Bln«liaMnton, N. V. Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in th* mouth, coated tongue, loss of tppetite, sallow skin, etc., when, caused by constipation; tod constipation is the most frequent cause of al! of them. Go by fee book' PJb ioc box. Book FRE£ at your draggjbf s of write B* F . Allen Co>, 365 Canal Street, New York. IT-LOOK FOR THIS LOCK —rriaow SCHOOL SHOE*- X 111 & ft 8te !№-f.6O ** 11t 1 HS 1 - 2.0O IT YOU OAtTT OET THEM F*OM YOU* MUttJEft WfltlTE TO HAMILTOI-BROWN SHOE GO., ASK YOUR DRUOGIST FOR IT 15 ' 4 *TfiE BEST • FOR INVALIDS * JOHN GAftLB « SONS, Ttmw V « * . \ * SIEST XSTTHK WORLD. cakes for fcaer»I blacking ot a. »:ove. THE SUN PASTE POUSH fora quick aft«r-disacr thiae, plied acd S d wtta a Hone H m . , U Hlkto of Craps! ASareTbmg! 6AB0EI, FBUIT MO TRUCK FABSS. 1 * ACaUM wiu «!•• * Quaiiir • coed « o ACJUCa will plw* yoa in a Uw WHY 81AVE ALL YOUR Whan O««*«i* and Soutb C Croxtd lntluc«4Bt>Dl» fa* Uu tkvceJ, ttriiiy d l titi T i J*J p tmAui pawsd. n u HiiUKA* rxnM. rrtt, mcvtn* or BU your eflec*. frvm Uie Xtm* yon w*th OTB touL &01 or ikddrM* X-AITC) V&PAxnaurr, Aiwuw* U. U_ U n l n i XMUUMI U. K4 WAJ.TC« X. IttMt, FARMING LANDS FOK SALS aiKxr «.\ L i l ^ l w *V# w wni Wiaconia. Which State Do You Prefer? AI.F « B « r pa; ncmn, Tt tJvivtrnttrni utrMi « O « K T K A I > K N T R f in NOKTH I»AK<>TA. I ft* MUkfK MUkfK«KKK.K«(»7 l T KSB tiUc>(Vnbo<tii«BAMirood)>.Uiftl*4ui<f wxinx! *+** **• «*a*uuTi*i *«*jtT "*** HlmUf •uii,w*rr*..«iA\KAJ>»u« ,Mi№i. T. lI. Utifin l E1 W ! S ' 9 8 * LYE L (PATSSTTSD) & and pttrut Ly« fltte,: IT alike other Lye. U twin* a fine powder *nd p«ckc«l iu & can with removable Ud, tha content* are always ready tor ose. WU1 ma.'ke the b**t perftancd Hard Soap in SO ntiuQtes wittovt boiling. I t bk, t b e be«t for cleansinf Wi«w pipe*, dismffcttnj aljika, cJoit-u, washing bcttlo*,jaitta, t t c PKX>A.«»l.TITT'«f« Conu4 MIUlFtt. I — oeu*Aoe. ilMKtKtO AJUl wiU BO* let the bHtersess «( ttft BUmO me wit* tountet tew*, tent look Its tuaolt* ua4 It* suit*. Because I Itf* « j bead above tie mist. Wliere tae son aalaes and toe 1 owl bio*, v By every ray and every raindrop kisaea Ifctt God's love dots b«uw; Vaiak >«o< 4*3 DO bttterocws at am N» Vardea to fee bone like Chriitiaa's paek* IWBU you there an ao ready tear* to tall, Bacaa*» 1 keep thta. back? Why should X hoc life's HI* vltlt cold reserve, To curse myself add all wno love me? Nay! A thousand tine* more coed Uiaa I deserve God gives me every day. . Ju*d In each on* of these rebellious tears. Kept bravely baefc. He mukei a ralabow thine: Orateful I take Hit slightest Klft; ao rears Nor nay doubt* are mlse. U represcntative of the press was able to poini to wfcfcsh the reader baa bees fled a most nefarious talk all he pleased without interrup> Wcwfttt, he lifted nla gloomy eyesfrom toted to be highly detrimental totfc MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. GhmmOy r i a t i t t Box. REVIVING PROSPERITY. Is the Only Stam V* Republicanism and prosperity are re» tion. Be was an expert in baseball, food old Horace and fixed them upon university, i t arast be admitted that A sensational find was made *t tuning hand in hand. Agnostics and Paddy did extremely well Within an Faddy OToole. The hour which waa and his views, credited to Paddy, Mitchell'* bey at Algona by Capt. Rayearly for Lawrence was^ate for Paddy, hour he had mastered the fashionable mond and a companion. They discov- unbelievers ere often heard to urge and seemed wonderfully sound. Lawrence was greatly disappointed who was ordinarily asleep by ten. The hand-shake, and had learned to enter a ered a smalt packing case floating ; u argue that Christianity followed in the with his own first interview. On sight of him at that moment would room without giving the impression ' the water, and after towing it ashore steps of civilization and did not lead. that occasion he had skillfully led naturally have led one to beliere that that he was hunting for trouble. Law- broke off the cover, wtich was secure- Where one believes this therefcr#at the conversation away from sport, the youth had been kept -rom his rence was a t^tient teacher, and en- ly nailed down. In the bos they found thousand who believe that Christianity the lejrbftud lower half of a man's body. led in the march of civilization, beand bad spent &n hour or more dis- bed by * multitude of the most agree couraged bis pupil heartily. The next day, however, the boot was They were carefully wrapped up ia cause they know that the principles, cussing educational topics in a man* able thoughts. Be eat in a big m ner which he believed would win chair with his head thrown back, and on the other leg, and the relations newspapers. Tbe body had besn and precepts of Christianity if folbetween teacher and pupil were less chopped in two just below the ribs, lowed cannot help but lead onward him recognition from the authorities smiled at the ceiling, and the chest, head and arms were and upward to a higher and better deof the college. He had an idea that "What are yon tklnkbaf about, Pat- cordial velopment in every sphere and activity the publication of these views wouid rick?" asked Lawrence. Lawrence may have been by nature missing. of life. So it is wivh republicanism excite considerable comment throughas apt a scholar as the other, but the "Nothing," answered Faddy,- with in government While the field for Btat* Bo*rd of *te*lth> out the country, and he tokV the re- the utmost cheerfulness. young gentleman from the South Cove argument is wider, and tbe unbeliever* Reports to the atatc board of health porter that such would be the result* "But, grea^ heavens, man. Your wait wholly lacking in the educational ' are many, yet the history of this go** by sixty-s«v«n observers in different The reporter replied "Yes," in a tone mind couldn't hare been an absolute method. {eminent demonstrates that with and parts of the state during tbe week so oracular that it might have eome blank." Tbey went to a vacant lot i n s se• following republican principle* and ended July 13 show that cholera infrom Paddy himself. As a matter of "Don't you fool yourself about n y cluded part of the city, and there prac- fant urn, typhoid fever and influenza in- ' precepts come prosperity and con* fact the able journalist knew that mind," rejoined Paddy. "It se«tns to ticed in the shelter of a board fence. skies most clear, and when the eleoda there was a gentleman with a blue wony you a big lot, but it never "You've got to learn the curves to creased, and remittent fever decreased jtentmeot History not only deunonp pencil tn the editorial room of his news- bothers me any." begin wi*a,» said Paddy. "We'll begin in area of prevalence. Consumption i lit rates this, but wo know that the rewa* reported at 170 places, scarlet publican doctrines, if followed, will One golden day redeems a weary ye*r; paper, and that it would be easier for a "You were thinking of something with the outcurve because there's some fever Patient 1 listen, sore that sweet at last at twenty-six, typhoid fever lead into wider aud greater prosperity rich man to enter the kingdom than agreeable," said Lawrence, positively. kind of a chance that you can learn it Will souad Bin voice of cheer. at twenty-four, diphtheria at nine, | and contentment. for a column of stuff about the t*»st in two or three years. Now take the ~CftUa TiAitftr, ia N. Y. Ledger."Your face showed i t " measles at nine, and smallpox at Da*I One of the cardinal principles of re* method of instilling the classics into a ball this way and slam it in." Paddy rubbed bis head doubtfully. 1 publieanism is protection—protection troi-t, Olivet and Battle Creek. freshman lo get into print. He took "Well," he admitted at last, "I was Paddy hurled the bail against the J of home laborers and manufacturers. down what Lawrence said because feeling pretty good." board fence and splinters flew off the COM tor Life. I What a beautiful word protection is! Lawrence was looking, but he did not board which it struck. "1 perceive the distinction," said The most sensational trial ever held in any light the word is make the mistake of turning it in as Lawrence. "The point is well taken. I "I would suggest," said Lawrence, in Traverse City closed when Woodruff i'Considered fraught with meaning which is dear to copy. would like to feel better and think less turning his spectacles toward Paddy, Parmelee was sentenced to state prison ! the hearts of all men. Life might vvrj When the article appeared the ab- myself. I would like to change places "that you give me some brief the- at Jackson for the murder of Julia. I well be called a race for protection. oretical demonstration of the leading Curtis. Wheu sentence was pronounced I We are ever seeking i t From til sence of all reference to educational with you, Patrick." subjects was the most conspicuous "Do you mean that you'd like to play principle involved." the prisooer exclaimed in response to \ things untoward, unkind, cruel, de"Give 'you what?" gasped Paddy. tbe nsufti • question that a great mis- i basing, degrading, we seek protection, thing about it—to Lawrence. But it is hall?*' eafe to say that nobody else noticed i t take had been made, that he was not! It is what the strong- jrive to the weak, "Well, if it comes to that, I would; "Say, I ain't got it with, me." The reporter was a very polite younjr though that was only a small part of "I mean that instead of resorting to guilty of murder. Parmelee was the lit is the highest of love's cifts f r o * JL Kcvelatfe* • * ***> man, and did not wish to offend any* my thought on the matter." simple imitation, which will be ex- lover of Julia Curtis. On April 29 she; the parent to the child, and it is the body who would be good for so much Paddy slowly and gently pitched an tremely difficult for me as I am ttnft- was found dead from strangulation in highest evidence of love and gretitttda apace in the future as Larry Bangs imaginary outcurve. nJliar with the method, you would do the woods near her home. that the strong and prospering child would. 60 he wrote a nice note to the "You can't," he said. "It isn't in bettertogive me a sect of lecture on can grant the parent in years of feeble* A Village Burned. •abject of the interview, explaining yoa.'* the subject at first. Then I can begin ness aad age. There can be no homeAnt he had faitbfally recorded all that work with an intelligent appreciation Hoi ton, Muakegon county, with a without the idea of protection enter"You might teach me." Lawrence had said, but, unhappily, population of 250, was destroyed by ing into it and there can be no loving "Kot in a thousand years," said Pad- of the necessities of the ease." "space" was short in that particular dy, promptly. CHAPTER vm-to3trrsrtT». He drew a notebook from his pocket, fire. The losses were: J. P. Utters, D. without seeking after i t "By Jove," he eried, "it would be a ftanday's paper, and so the educational "I don't believe i t It is incredible and sat down a log, ready to reduce P. James, barn and hotel; Kingstaad's Governments a*e founded to afford, great thing if I could get both of yoa •setters, as being of less interest to the that you should know anything that Paddy's lecture to writing. But the saloon, Thompson's blacksmith shop protection—our* for the protection of ''Speechless Wonder** had never been and house, l>r. Block's office, L. P.1 its citizens in the enjoyment of life, Into shape for the game. We could public, were crowded out I can't learn." Murphy's store. The loss is about •libertyand the pursuit of happiness. less able to talk. Lawrence had a considerable respect it on Harvard in great shape, Paddy did not respond. The idea "Perhaps I have s o t made myself ST.000, with an insurance of 93,000. The Conditions exist elsewhere on ths fe'd have one of yon half killed in Cor the profession of journalism, which failed to appeal to him. Lawrence dear," said Lawrence. "Let me ex- trrist mill, two drug stores and a meat globe which are not in accord with practice just before the Harvard game. he had some thought of entering after tried another line of approach. Probably it would have to be yon, be- his college course was over. He did "Is there anything in my life,* he plain. The ball as propelled by you market are all the business buildings life as we would have it, with liberty cause Paddy would be the better man. not intend to reform i t On the con* asked, "that would luake you wish to takes a course which varies from that left A cigar stub in a barn was the as w« conceive it, or with happiness a* of ordinary projectiles. Now what origin of the fire. Then I'd put yon in the hospital and let trary he thought it quite good enough change with me?" it has been beneficently bestowed npon everybody know that you weae there. as It was to engage his most serious efus in the past It is natural to protect "Yea, there is," responded Paddy. makes the ball curve?" Awmml HI* Brother of Fnmd. We'd have reliable doctor's cortttcatea forts. He was not nearly so much in- "You go to places that Pd like to go - "I do," responded Paddy, promptly. ourselves against these conditions. The suit of Robert G. Wenham to show that yon couldn't possibly clined to question the judgment of the to. You see all those girls any •'What did you think it was** Protection i* Its political and teear against John C. Wenham was dismissed play again during the season. There'd editor who bad omitted the educational time that you want to. Say, they're a "How do you do it?" nicsl sense, and as exercised Bby the the circuit court at Grand Rapids on be a jubilee in Cambridge and part of his interview, as one acquainted "Why, this way," said Paddy; and he in j republican party, ncTi?tnp^**Vf f this. ground of no cause of action. The Harvard money, would come out with his studious disposition mijrht banged the ball against the fence once the The doctrine cannot be wwely folparties to the suit are brothers. The at odds on. Then, at the last minute, have expected that he would be. On more. lowed and bring about any other reis wealthy and Robert is I'd get you but of tbe hospital and hide the contrary he waa led to wonder This scrap of conversation may give defendant Rult than protection from these condiwithout meanv The suit was for you, nod Paddy could go into the game. whether education had not ceased to be some idea of the difficulties under $120,1)00, tions any more than can the doetrinefl which Robert claimed was due All Harvard would walk back from of any importance in the world. Evi* which Lawrence labored. And it is, htm as the of Christianity be followed and remit result of fraud practiced Springfield and Yale would have money dently that was the view of the editor, therefore, the more to his credit and to npon him forty in anything but a wholesome moral deaaro, which fraud to burn after the game. It would beat and such a man should be in touch with the honor of the sporting blood of tbe formed the basisyears velopment The very idem of protej* of John's fortune. the trick we played the first year I public sentiment The experiences of Bangses in his veins, that he triumphed tion Inspires confidence. We see OBI first year at college had naturally rowed on the crew. We got an artist over ihese obstacles and learned to sides unmistakable evidence of H I i n i r n n Years In lPrlwM. to paint boils on the tacks of our prepar pitch a curved ball within a week. spared him to take such a view, ing confidence-—because that partj 1 John Fasbender was sentenced to which has confidence inspiring necks, and the papers came out with a Thtfreifore on the occasion of the secpobttoJ Lawrence, as has been said, was thirteen years in Jackson prison »t has again taken the reins of governstory that we had been poisoned. Tbe ond reporter's visit he devoted all his strong, although rery this from over- hard labor in the recorder's court in ment All concede that conftasae* it odds on HajTvard Jumped to three to one; time to a serious discussion of baseball work. He developed speed wonderful- Detroit His crime was jnanslaughter. what is necessary to restore prosperity, and then we won tbe race by about a and its probable effect on the destiny ly soon. He was the leader of a group of youu* quarter of a mile. A s a matter of fact of mankind, tnterspersed—at tbe re"It's your build," Patsy said. "Yon men who December 33 last assaulted and all can plainly see th»t rrpnblieaav they hadn't been in it from the first of porter's request—with stories illustratcan't be absolutely no good. You're Emil Noseck and literally kicked him ism and prosperity are returning han4 May to the day of the race." ing the roost advanced methods of bulltoo much like me. But this is only part to death in a drunken fracas. Max in hand.—lows State Register. Lawrence faithfully observed his dcaing an umpire as that science was of i t Have you got it in your head? Detlof was yet to be tried on the ratae TRIED ANlTr*OUND~WANTING. "I OO," BttSPOXDZD PA»Or. brother's directions. He had noticed teajfht at Yale. That's the question." charge. that outdoor life and exercise were imThe whole of this interview wan WftAt Tea Mvattw of tlM WHtM U » "I believe that I have," said LawFound <i«llty. proving- Peddy s appearance, and he printed. Most of it was unintelligible great crew! They got hold of me out rence. "Only I can't do it as well as H»T* Dan*. had Florence's word that the Irish- to Psady, but such parts aa he under- on the field, and I never struck any- yon can yet. But wait awhile. There's1 At Detroit a jury brought in a ver- On June 28 coded the tenth mouth oi man was the better looking of the two. stood—to use bis own expression— thing like it in my life. Say, they just a fortnight yet before the next Harvard dict of guilty ng'ainSt Dr. Seaman, the work of the new tariff law. And talked tbe ears off of me, and they can game." It mutt not be supposed that he was un- "gave him a pain." charged with performing a criminal its record Is indeed a sorry one. Aldo again any time they're ready. It K affected l>y this criticism or that he was operation resulting in t.htf death of though it went into operation with the "It's no use, Larry, he said, "you wasitgreat" I TO BE CONTINUED.] ,, ao much, wrapped up in his studies as to haven't got the head for It" < Emily J. Hall, of foackhcatb, "Dudley. whole country waiting to buy goods "You enjoyed their conversation?" be entirely oblivious to the consideraAnd Lawrence was inclined to agree j England, whence she was sent, it. waa which it was expected to bring In ABSURD STAGE DEATHS. "You bet! It was up to the limit. tion of his personal appearance. lie with him in secret, though openly he said, by Kev. Jonathan Il^ll, a Mettif>- lower rates, it shows for ten mouths decided that a little color In the cheeks affected to de&pisc advice from such a But I didn't get a show. I couldn't Katur* Outrageously Violated fmtsad o | dist clergyman, alleged to be the author smaller treasury receipts than did th* say anything but yes and no; and I'm would improve him, and so he mounted quarter. Betitf* Shown • Mirror. McKinlcy law in the corresponding of her shame. to the roof the next day with the anticA French dramatic critic, with some ten mouths of last year, and infinitely •'is it possible,"' he said to himself telling you there were times when it ipation of securing great benefit. It afterwards, "that in regard to certain was all I could do to get in as many show Of medical knowledge, represents Imprison til tflnero less than did t'ao McKinley law in its *vas very hot in the corner which llarry important branches of human knowl- words aa that. They talked most all that nearly all actors and actresses The nine imprisoned miners at the first ten months, As a "record breakhad selected for him, but Lawrence edge I am what Patrick would call the time themselves.'' outrageously violate nature in their I'ewahic mine at iron Mountain wore er" the Wilson law stands triumphant, "I can readity believe- it." stuck to \t all day with the exception1 •thick.1". imitations of death, says the Baltimore released and none of them was in- but it is a record of badness, of so "I had things to say, though. I'm Gazette. lie cites, in corroboration of jured. The men suffered no incoa- enormous deficiency. And this, too, of his hours of recitation. By evening CHAPTER IX. no dummy. I wanted to tell the girl his charge, the customary theatrical venience. All heard the crash of the in the face of smaller expenditures by his face was burned to a blister, and he A. PLOT jLGAIXST THE UMVEJISITY. that talked the most about the game death of Camille, in the younger Du- timbers and made their escape to a dry th* treasury than in the same period had to remain in the house two or ' three days until the color moderated to Lawrence Bangs had been reading that she didn't know enough about mas' favorite emotional play of that drift on the first level. for many yearn. a shade which matched Paddy's. from the works of Quintus Horatiu« baseball to keep tally on a board with title. According to the author, bis Not for years have the expenditures llriet »w« Item*. a piece of chalk. But of course I Flacctis, a gentleman for whom he enheroine is affected with pulmonary conbeen so low as during tlae months in He was equally faithful with the exWilliam lirousseau, the accomplice of which the Wilson law has been in opcouldn't do i t I'd promised your tertained, in his customary state of sumption, and an incidental attack of ercise which Harry had recommended. hemorrhage of the lungs extinguishes Mrs. Nellie Pope in tae murder of Dr. eration, yet it presents as the net reHe entered into this with an enthus- mind, the most cordial sentiments. On brother" this occasion, however, he laid down "It's a pity you didn't say it," said her life. There is absolutely nothing Horace N. i'opo. on February 2. in De- sults of the ten months a deficit of 932,iasm which delighted his brother. In the monument icore lasting than brass, Lawrence. dramatic to be made out of this mode troit, was sentenced to twenty-five 027,131, besides OioittUg to make tbe reality Lawrence had conceived a "I've been thinking- that perhaps it of dying, if fidelity to fact be obeyed. years' imprisonment. usual payment of 448,000,000 on ihm fierce jealousy of Paddy, and had be- and scowled at it is a dark and menacRev. Charles iluatari, a Methodist ing fashion. was just as well that I didn't," said Tbe gushing of a stream of bipod from eickiug' fund. No month in the hisgun to long to surpass him physically. minister at Iron wood, was thrown from Paddy, reflectively. "She might have the mouth would be realistic, but the It was eleven o'clock, and that was a tory of the treasury for a quarter of a He had no love for athletic sports, and imitation of such a phenomenon ia his carriage and suffered concussion of century lias shown suck small receipts did not. at this time, hope to supplant very early hour for Lawrence to cease got mad." "Cnquestionably; but the other girls never made by actors, male or female, the brain. Ui\ injuries were thought as did many of the months since th* Paddy in that line of life. But he studying-; but he had Ies3 appetite for study on this night than any oth«r that new law went into effect Had it been would have loved yon forever. There nor would any discreet manager tol- to be fatal. would1 have liked to be able to take the Nearly 5,000 men employed at the erate such a piece of stage business. he could remember. Toe truth, is that compelled to meet the demands madais no gain in this world without some young Irishman to a remote corner of mines in Xe^aunee went out on a Again, the overwhelming suffocation be had reached a crisis which usually upon tha treasury under former tariff small loss, and especially not in society, •wine deserted region, and there indemand for au advance in laws, the deficiency would have been flict upon him a corporal chastisement comes much latci* in the college for you lose your time, if nothing else. which produces the rapid death in strike, their 1 many millions greater. —Toledo Blade* which would settle forever the ques- life of a thoughtful man, that period, However, you should have said it care* Camilie's case is never accompanied by pay having been refused. Charles JJ. Keehn, who with convicts tion of physical superiority. Probably to put it plainly, when he first fully and with tact It is possible that convulsions, such as her dying repreTbe Republican YVatcbword. sentatives on the stage almost always Donovan and Uriquelette escaped from realizes that he does not know aa I could teach you how to do tho&A his jealousy would never have led him The national republican convention assume. In natural death from this Jackson prison October 29, 1S91, was to such an extreme, but he felt that it much as a cow. The information of <%things." of 1S% will enunciate the principle ot "Say, will you do it?" said Paddy, cause the sufferer simply collapses from captured at Lamar. Mo. would be a gTeat satisfaction to Mm to cow, regarding that sphere of life to protection of American industries. I s Georg-e Jones, who stole Lewis Ack* wiU enunciate this principle with cryskaov.' that he could do it any time he which she is called, is apparently ex- with unwonted animation. "I'd like to failure of the vital powers. haustive, and eminently satisfactory to learn that. I ain't much on grammar desired. Theatrical poisoning scenes are also er's horse at Mason, was arraigned be- talline clearness and an emphasis never herself. She has learned to chew tae and those other things, that your usually untrue to nature. It is popu- fore Judge l'erson and sentenced to surpassed since, ia the infancy of the. It was about this time that the name of Lurry Jiangs began to be cocspicu- cud, an operation which yields greater brother tried to drive into me, but I c*.n larly believed that when a fatal dose of two yc-nrs in the reformatory at Ionia. republican party, it nailed to its mastcontentment witli less visible result, learn anything- that's got sense to it, laudanum or morphine is swallowed Timothy Dcnvey, who was 100 years than anything: else in the world. To and is going to come handy to a fel- tbe victim immediately sinks into .a old on May ."to last, died at Concord head the flag of protection, which it has never lowered for a single moment the college professor is often grouted low." deathlike sleep, as is commonly seen on and was buried from the M. E. church, by a single inch. The national repubk a-n almost identical blessing, but It is • I will do it gladly," said Lawrence, the stare, whereas the first effect of of which he had been a member for lican convention of 1890 will declare in different with the student. Ha will *'if you will teach me to play ball." this poison taken in like quantity »in- sixty-five years. He was born in Rut- favor of various other things. But certainly feel, now and then, a desire Paddy sat up and looked Lawrence in variably to excite and enliven. Nor is land, Vt,, and came to Concord in 13X6. those who are deluding themselves to do more than chc.v the cud; he v, ill the eye. the mode of dying- after the hackneyed The bicyclists in the rural districts with the hope that the convention will wish to swallow it. In other words, "Yon don't mean that you want to cardiac stage stab in conformity with of Hillsdale county now capture wood- remain silent on the question of pro* J»e will desire to make an end of (some- get out there ou the field and pitch a the laws of nature. The actor simply chucks by running them down with tection, or that its voice will be a thing*, not merely by laying it aside, game?" he asked. falls at full length, or in a heap, where- the aid of their wheels. whisper or its word a quibble, are but by getting the whole of it. And as the everyday member of society "I mean just that." doomed to bitter disappointment That •\ -vw and larger post office is being he can't do it, in his line of lit*, Not gives a spring when the heart is struck or, "Not against Harvard?" voico will be a clarion calL That word at Stockbridffe to accommodate one educated man in a thousand before entering eternity by this un- tl.v ..vM\*asw of population. "Against Harvard especially." will be a watchword. We cannot yield really knows very much about the "If you go up against those fellows," happy gate. Even the modern Othello to our friends, the enemy, any jot or The Phelps Lumber company's mil alphabet. He cannot g-ivc its full his- said Paddy in a hushed and solemn has not inherited enough of Shakestittle in regard to protection; but wo tory, nor suggest a truly valuable im- tone, "they'll make a thousand home peare's wonderful fidelity to truth to near Keno was completely destroyed will cheerfully let them choose for that by forest fires. With the mil) about provement upon it, nor even say it runs," die naturally after a stab through th« 2,000,000 principle, so far as their own statefeet of lumber was destroyed, backwards without making a mistake. "Let, them do it if they can,'' respond- heart. Fire caug-ht from a railroad engine ments and discussions are concerned* When the student finds that this is ed Lawrence, firmly. "AH I ask of and $2,000 worth of stave**were burned whatever nomenclature may be best TO SKCUKK THIS REQUIRED COLO*. true of every thing which he had pre- you is to give me a chance to try. You of JSrowa Paper. pleasing to 'themselves. They are »t Paper cigars are one <& the most re- at Sunfield. P. H. Ber^ens, of Port- liberty to call it McKirxleyism, or Seedous ia the newspapers. Uis singular viously thought that he knew, he may teach me all you o;vn about pitching, taciturnity on the athletic field had al- y^ry naturally feel a desire to turn to and I'll teach you all 1 can about how cent forms of adulteration in Germany, land, was the owner. ism, or Uarrisonisih, or AlUaontsm. or Dr. Cftarles Wray In^alls, of Stepben- any other ism whatever. What they ready been noted, and ho had come to some other pursuit in which the to behave in society. Then yonfixit where two manufacturers have been be spoken of as the "Speechless Won- triumphs sre speedy and final. He so that I can pitch a game, and I will punished for making them. In one uon, was found dead in bed. The cor-call it is a matter of entire indifference 1 der.' Lawrence had been interviewed will find such a pursuit right under get you into the swellest social affair c*se only the outside leaf consisted ©i oner's jury returned a verdict that he to us. It is quite sufficient for us to died from aa overdose of chloral. three or four times, and his views on bis now. He will see that the man that there is in New Haven during the tobacno, tbe rest of the cigar being know that it is republicanism, which is who makes a home rnu with tbe bases posed of brown paper John ^uimby died at Menomine*s mereir another way of spelling baseball—of wbi'jh, despite hi* patient remainder of the season." where he had lived for fifty years. study of full scores, he was profoundly full, exhausts the possibilities of the lean ism.—Boston Advertiser. "It's a «-o," said Paddy, *It ain't steeped in tobacco juice and then drii ignorant—were given r,t j*reat length. situation, so that anything* which he quite»«ckie#* 4ealo»-y«ur brother, In the other case the cigar maker had Special mail service betwrea Qjrcntx Paddy had roivj these Articles and had or anybody else may do afterwards but UVfe-feri- worse fcjtriw. Ssy, they'll actually entered in a contract with a and Edwin has been discontinued. The republican party was never •xprcs&cd t>* utmost contempt for will b<*t at best, no more than a repeti- bat you out of tae box. It will ruin paper manufacturer to make for nim a name of the post office at Haslett Park more determined than it is to-day. 1% tion. And though the finest player in special kind of brown paper with to- has been changed to Hazlett them. represent** not only tint docntam* you." the world may scarcely hope for so bacco remnants and paper pulp, in* "Vov. outfit! to try to U*arn soxne- much giar^a* tha'tJ (nqr4 are lesser Amo* Calvin was killed while trying thought ot the state, lw.4 d the nation* "It may," said Lawrence, sheets being afterward eut into strips to steal a ode on a freight train n<*ar —Iowa. State Register. *Ttf ys. But I'll take the risk." wfiick, tu*ri tbe and Tolled Into the form of cigars. h "Don't, m be. afraid of my tae ty~Tbe raising of wages is ahsmy* ay I The Marinette * Menoraioe* Paper sign that the democratic p*rty is **-* fTpat' s you Mare aeawy ami t to cJtoa. ' «-»' i .. >•-> Tins man who dare* to tract*** b * I Mill company has decided to erect a expected to carry the next <lectio*. y & Lawrence's thougHto took suca s> Once Paddy was caught by a toiled dress auit of Totuw now, wad eause he can with safety to eaweatt fc.; |S0,000 sulphite plant in Menominee. 8t, Louis Globe-Dsjttocrat a*, aad ha g»t» * flrsvrate ' • m a* tWa wniWW eat eeowling at learn W ait down in ttr •os a nan.—Cowner 1 CORUNNA JOURNAL Ctt«*p Excursions Te> Boston. Hav« yon MOB tn« Tbe D , G , H . t I and T. S. A M. PUOUSHERS. By*, will during the month of August make cheap excursions to Boston and THURS. AUG. 1ST, 1895 retujrn from ail it* gtat/on*, account of Knjgnt Templar* meeting there. Tbe routes offered by these companies are WA<JE» are being advanced because to* fact 'a recognized that the next AiJ- some fifteen different ones and are good * . ittraiUui i« to I* a bond-paying in- going via Toronto, Kingston and Montreal. Portland, the St. J-awrence and the of * boniMiwuing one. White Mountains. Good returning from Boston via New York. This Is Perfect and Permanent Align* TIIF. Republican party has always been an occasion that very seldom occurs, ment, ID favor of the he*t money known to and offers excursionists ample time Simplicity and Durablblty, tin? flvlllw*! worHl, aud It is nof, at all to visit in the East, Xew England States Ltffhtne** of Touch. likely ever to indorse any ether fciii*!. atul Canada, tickets being good to stop Interchane&ble Type, . directly or imtirei*tly. Spaed—are over at various points of interest. Tick* 6t.s on sale from Aug. 19th to 2,"#th and a few of the many desirable features of the "HAMMOND," Tin: robbery of &n vxytrez- train with- will be good to return until Sept. 10th. in aa hour's ride of Toledo short's .how Persona desiring to stay after that time GEORGE HILSENDEGEN, F. L. JOHNSON, little those boid, bail iucn can' for thecaii arrange to have their tickets depos310, Woodward Ave., clo^e proximity of fla^ .stations when ited by joint agent at Boston and stay Local-Agent,' thev have business to attend to. over until Sept. ;)Oth. Send to any Detroit, Mich Corunna, Mich. agent of this company for circular for o i« a pretty trustworthy rates, or apply to Ben Fletcher, Travelbarometer. It shrinks when Passenger Agent. Detroit. is bail-and expands when TAKES THE PLACE OF DANGEROUS Bess is good. It is ex pa tiding now. "I was run over by a lumber wAgon, 6ft$Ci.!N£. 60ES IN ANY STOVE. Abo at 30 pef wtit mow immigrants ar- Did rot expect to live. Was terribly NO SMOKE, DltT OR 0 0 0 1 . % CKEAPES THAN WOOD OB COAL. ' rived in the country!in the |wst two bloated. My friends bathed me witii WAKT AQEMTS on j Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil, and I was months than ir* the same time in /salary or commission. I cured. We have great fnith in Thomas* I Send for Catalogue of Eelectric Oil." Mrs. Win. F. Xorvell, Prices and Terms. SHERMAN says lie i* not a ivimluiate Jackson Co., Micu. for President, and would not acit'|»t the ofik-e u if all the peopie should juio to692 CEDAR AVC. THE TALKING MACHINE. CLEVELAND, OHIO. gether and offer it" to him. There was # time when be would have Jike^ it, but At M. E. Church Friday Eve., Au£. 9. he has lived long enough w ithout getting It. to feel that he doesn't care lot it, in Edison's latest machine, vhe Kiotowhich respect he is something of a wougraph, which has diawn immense houses <kr as an American statesman. in Washington and other large cities, will render one of ite popular programs THE young people's society of rhrlstat the M. E. Church, Coruona, Friday tian endeayor is the largest gathering evening. August 9. of the kind in the history of the world. The following are a Tew of the many The reports indicate that over 10.000 testimonials: Mr. J. D. West, Editor of delegates will be in attendance outside the Peninsula Record, If&peming, says t If yon want good goods and want to get the full Of Bo&toa. A gathering like this would "A single production from this machine , worth of your money, you must go to a hardly have been possible twpnty years is well worth the admission price chargago, and it is inndicative of two things, good place to do your business ed. Otir people were more than pleased .'• first, that the power of ehrlstiauity is Kev. T. J. Joslin. ex-Preaiding Elder not waning, but is even more powerful of the Adrian District, says: "The Kinthan in the good old days our fathers tograph wili delight all who bear i t tell about, when witchcraft etc., were Two evenings with us and the people all practiced under thcgiiiseof n-liglon. wanted it again." where to get the best WincSj Liquors, Cigars, In the second place it teaches us the true liberality and uuity of ttn*e latter or anything in the line of pure drugs, I always recommend Dr. Fowler's days. The church denomination is rectell them to go to Ext of Wild Strawberry incases of sumognized not first but secondary, while mer complaints and have never known Ch/Ut is ]>ut tirst in thought. All de-it to fail. You inay use my n»tne." C nominations are represented in its pro- A. West. Druggist. Rainsborongb. Ohio. gram. Thia convention will give much added force to the thought of the -'brothGot a Coal Mine. erhood of man," and It will tear down CORUNNA, MICHIGAN. tbe partition walla between the churchFriday a trade was consummated by el so that the Christian* of the world which R. E. Travis, president of the van sbake hands & little more easily. Owosso Electric,Co., f-ecured a controlWhiJe there Is a place for the individ- ing interest in the new coal mine, situual denomination ju«t as there is a place ated two miles from Corunna, lor tbe individual family, yet we must The mine was opened about a year recognize the Christian bond of union ago au<i has been operated on a email that means one grand army of eh rUtians wale Rince. The coal has been tried by working for the uplifting of humanity, various uw;rs in this city all pronounce" i t is to b* hoped that as in the past it it a superior quality. '1 he Electric light will keep aloof from all political ques- Company h*s usjd t*o or three hundml tions and work lor the moral improv- tons of it ami the engineers co»?idrr it ment of -the Individual. Wecot^rntto Ohio coal. Many fanners ar«' to ulate the society on its marvelous i-oal in tlieir dwellii^s. unil for Laiiunj; Republican.iin^, At-j>rt^ont Mr. J'ravi^ »xl»ert.T to s^ell only to u«««r.s within a few THE Republican parly lias \w<u the lat miles'nulius of the iui»».».—Owosw Arest 9t it* many victories upon the Turin* leeae. and, in taking a lirm frtunil upon t'a r popular platform it Juis voiced the Laingsburg. .wishes, tbfi hopes, the d*t!|*-soat«'d and the intelligent convictions of I he wii^e I'o?!.aiaster Smith and wife spent Sunearners of this laud. Upon that ls*iie day with X. X. Phillips aud wife. O L D PRICE. NEW PRICE. as the paramount feature of the next K<;v. Squires has returned from his Pressidentltl campaign it will movragain northern trip. Si r»o Oak Koeker, fane Seat. 81 25 into national control; but, while taking The Round Take campers have Oak Uocker, Cane Seat, 1 30 *ach ii step,»ud recognizing the demands returned and tell some large fish stories i rr» Oak 2 00 Ilorker, Cane Seat, i 7r> and toe needs of American labor, the They report a very pleasant time. 4 00 Oak Kockcr, Spring £eat, A 50 progressive party of the I" States Dr. Scott ami wife will give a party Oak « TO 7 50 Koeker, Spring Seat, not be blind to all other pressing and Wednesday evening to the young peoOak h № Rocker, Gobbler Seat, 4 00 The Republican party ple, in honor of a sister of tbe Doctor's ! Oak Koeker, Cobbler Seat, 4 SO ', no has a$waj№rtfc>CTcr responded to public that is visiting them from Canada. (> 00 Oak Koefcer. Cobbler Seat, r» (X) k-3; It ha* kept faith with the MlssXella Phillips is visiting rda- J 7 00 Oak Rocker, Cobbler Seat. <; o o fa creditors, aud it ha* met itslives in Detroit. S 00 Oak Koeker, Cobbler Seat, financial obligations ou the day of their Mrs. C H. Fraiu i* in Benniogton in \ waturity in the best currency then exist- attendant* on her sister, Mr?. Kemp 5OJ5 In the world. It caa be trusted in who is very sick. ll*c futurv, as it has been in the past, to Mr.'and Mrs. Will Barrett, of Perry, gc tbe diQicult :uid complex quos- are visiting at Will Rowley's. of national tlnance, realizing: that Mrs G, C. Squire awl son and Mrs. these arc days of constant fluctuations, Milton St. Olair, have gone to Eaton snd that the wisdom of 1805 may l>e the Rapids for two week*. folly of ISO*;. Republicans, however, Dr. Scott bought AfcfiOOupwright must remember that their foe is an en-piano in Detroit yesterday. emy who never sleeps; that the DemoWhat is in it. Mrs. K. A. Waiters and two children What makes the house a home? party has recovers! again and yet have gone to Canada to visit. In other words. annihilation; taatit^ U unwise to be mUied by that most dangerous of al cneiuies, the counsellor who under the guise and behind the mask of the friendly adviser, seeks to stab the To you who always buy from the Your party in the back and to involve it in bakery—that is when you get to thinking about home-nmde things hopeless and inextricable feuds within its "like mother used to make.*' You own ranks. have been eating modern made The Republican paity has a bright goods &o long that you really apWe are prepared to furnish your home at preciate the home-made article. future before it if itwill heed the signs of You always like your wife's bread the times ami if it will keep its adversa—not just because your wife makes so small a cost it will surprise you. Parlor ries beyond its trenches. Its leaders are '•;. but because itVhome-mac'e, the able, tut they are human and so they are genuine, good-tasting article. We Suits, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Outdon't know Anything about the subject to ambitious views and they love their Presidential favorites. The onbakers' methods: we don't care | fits,. Tables, Rockers and all t h e modern coming fight is, however, one to be anything about ". how it's dtme at them. home. We We know Oo all nude in the lutemts of tbe American * of our own baking. What people want i# what we ire going to give designs in Upholstered articles at proper peopie, and it is not a gratification of you—that's a home bakery. We personal ambitions. Tbe will of tbe have taken hold of this restaurant prices. We are also funeral directors and people must not be thwarted; they have to do buMnese and we're going to •offered too much already from unwise make thing* hum. We will soon have all the latest appliances for embalmhave the utore well stocked with legislation, and they stow) to-day silent, first-cIsM food* and b* ready to ing. bopefal, but determined* They Have An elegant funeral car aud the most meet ail demands—we'll have it extensive line of Unotfered forth tbelr wlatao*. and those crowded too about dinner tine. withes must be heeded* They destand We want your trade. That's jnst what we are here for. We want s t» A n s i i a n Ittdostries as iris!, anyway. Step In sad see If we don't always use you wstl. lt win be th« vacy waattMMw «f This ad will change erery week. A sew firm but in the old stand. for U» BqwbHc«B party to slight IF NOT, VRY NOT? An Emergency sale OIL To turn Dry Goods into dollars. No mistakes to correct, no apologies to make. Our methods of merchandising says stocks should not be one dollar more at the end of the season than the closest selling will allow. Goods bought two, three and four weeks ago are cut in price, and they are .the choicest things that money could buy. I t ' s our way. It's a good way. It will pay you. it will pay us. YOUR DRUGS. ffl. & J. Carland. And if anybody should ask you i M.REIDY'S, Look! Read! Believe! Rocker Sale For One Week For Cash. Deine A u fmerksamkei t! That is what we are after. Read this ad from beend and perhaps you will find something you want. I BICYCLES. We are handling the * Pheonix" ° bicycle this season. These wheels are strongly made, every part adjustable, and meet ever}- requirement for a first-class wheel. Our S70 wheel is equal to most wheels now sold for $85 and $90. Ladies* wheels go at 55 and another gentleman's wheel at 50. Wheeling is good exercise for the business man, boys, girls and everyone. It will give you health. Just think it over and get you one. REFRIGERATORS. W. A. KNIGHT & CO. It's Appetizing! FURNITURE! The refrigerator we are handling is something entirely new. Our refrigerators are built on the latest plans and on scientific principles. We sell them for $20 now. Our regular price is 23 dollars. These are handsomely finished and are constructed so that the top is used as a sideboard. Being constructed so that they cannot possibly leak, they can be placed right in the dining room, and are worth their price to look at. OUR STOVES. Caskets. B. HajrnesftC«. MiBa-<Ts oM stand. ELY & ALBERTS. We have any amount of stoves of all kinds, but just at this time there is nothing that can take the place of one of our new model Gasolene stoves. They are provided with every contrivable convenience. Very simple in construction and cannot possibly get out of order. The oven sets on top and can be lifted oil when not in use. The price is 20,dollars, delivered to your home. If you are thinking of purchasing aaything in our line be sure and make us a call. GREEN PETTIBONE. ^ Tax Safe. Court forth* e m u «f WMawtjpa. 8ta» «:* MWu(ran>to^^dK«a^andda^^rid.itt ft*" tuwda WhTwan.2S plaja^w antatt tM —.—•- 8£2?S5 of Jujto,A. D. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. t i 10,11, K.W, 14. lft, w,l7,io,a0,a^ l 7 i 0 a ^ «nj ST.btk 10 »77 Lot 18, blk m 4J f3 11 0: TO 70 51* lit VTAfKOr __, Durand. tsiui.ln the Statoof Mk«itgan,At tbe Cooitty of Saiawajwte. ( Th* Circuit Court In* th* Co«My of aMa «jfa*e of bufcioeaa, July Utb, IBM. i riMtei. title-and LOU 4 * 4*. 4ft, 48, 47 inChtUtcery. tutmtof V«U L.C. 8teU^ teaSStc the foTB. T. Groat, of Morrict, w u in thi* ^ a e SI » 70 InthemaUSrof Uw petttioo oi Stanley W. 4, #«rea... jowiBgtfsaoibss) rwl «•**&», that is to say. all tn in n village Holiday. Turner, Auditor Oenerml of the £ U t e of Hie hithat e»rt*iu pica* or parcel of land, situated SwJiof»e} WcitT. ;.... *n « i* TO 414 n o , for and tn behalf of tke State ot Xiehlgmn, «•««* in the v»i:a« or Bancroft, county of Sblawas01$ it* 70 5S66 L«U K «&d »4,bik Mrs. S. H. Davis has been seriourfy 111 secuiod and unsecured.. 83 tor the «*>le of certain land* for tajw* isswiawi b pt of n e fri Si, aec •BB and State of Michigan, deeertbed aa fol- Overdrafts, 08 ir lie 6. bonds to secure oirculauon..... thereon. io**, to-wtt: commennng] twenty-two fee* U. for the past week. 5 ;80a<jn» 910 290 10 7740 Loto 33 SJ>4 84, exfurniture, and fixOn reading and filing the petition of tbe Andw«*t of tbe soathcast corner of lot tfcree, block BanklnjHwuse, cept s 4 of lot SS, ture* 6,000 00 Mrs. J. C'Brine »ad children tre HOT General of tbe SUt« of Michigan a* aforeeight, theaee north to Una Chicago & Grand 100 31 70 70 20 Wkl7; 144 itaid, praying tar a decree la favor cf tbe 8t*te Trvufc tiaiiroad. thenoe SAuthwestetir along Other real estate and mortgages gpemlfa^afew days with reUtives in owned „ 550 to of Mlehimn, agalust each ntuwel of land thereLoti« and 17, blk •aid Chicago & Grand Trunk Hailrond twenty100 » 70 27 70 819 J7 ! «77 «8 tbre* feef, theocse couth to the aoutb line of Out* from approved reserve agents 15,«M 64 1B dettcribed, for the amouaut therein speclned, Grand lUpid*. North, of Sange 3 Eaat. MK ' ' Lot* *1 and *!, oloc'to be doe for ta***, interest and jo* three. tneoce east twenty-flve feet, to be- Checks and other cash items One acre beginning at s e cor of B w Jiof a w 18. 70 Note* or other National backs l,0» no * 1«S 17 Kev. and Mrs. Cross and Mr. and Mrs. in eaeh such parcel of l»nd, aad that Kinriing, Twin* apart of lot tore*,block eight 14, *heace w 8 rods, n 30 rods, e 8 rods, * 20 rods LotlA,blk!B 3*7 00 70 I K K? laud* be sold tor the amount* no claimed to of the original aiat of the village of Bancroft, Fractional paper currency, nickels beginning, see 7, 1S5 70 04 J. if. Kitcb went to the Linden lakes blk 34 *t 14 and cents...:. 84 7S v tfee mate of Muhijtan. Shiftnma*«county. Michigan, All or which I i anre 430 61 17 70 584 Lot12, 18S Lot 45, Wk 34 V7 14 0-i 70 It ia ordered tb«t itaid petitior *vili "ut; brought atuOl expose for aale at public Auction or ven* Lawful tnouey reeen-e iu bank, vlx; Wednesday. Township g North, of Range 3 Easss. S. K. liames' Addition. .". le%500 <m for beartup tutd decree e t u\*. September W pt of«; e J4» s*c £, • ' • due tn the hiffbeat bidder at l he, front door of Specie Lot?, wv ii ; 500 T o ao T o of Lfci* court, to be held at Corunna, in the Mrs. Robt. Ilelmore.of West Bftr Ctiy, Legaht«nder notes..............*3,(tf0 ll,M» 00 the Coon Howe, in the City of Cp'ruflna, in acre* 1813 «M 73 70 22 10 Lotl,blk;« 1800 253 W VO &J W of S b U i w w w , «t*U ot Michigan, on 73 «&id county <«aid court houee being the place liedemptloo fund with U S. Treass M C o f c e i<i*:4seo was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Addition. day of Spvlember, A. J>. 18Wt m the », SOacrto* urer (5 per ceut or circulation). .. 5«K 50 the of boldtax the circuit Court for said county of >» lit 38 ?0 1176 Lot2, blk 2 10CO 14U. 40 70 12 *> ot the Court on that day, nnd that all Due front U. S. Treasurer other tban Sbiawadvee), on the sttth day cf Aaguit, A. D. Lot', blk S .VJ8 81 ^4 Tu 7 TT Parker, Friday la*t. tdt^twteii iti «iu-h ianiir, or any part E Yt of H '/, of a Vi of 5 |K?r ceut redemption lund , 3M 00 imt. at ten o'clock ia the forenoon ot said day. sett, we 15,30 «wre» 4 56 W I» W C06 Lot46,Vik4..; . . . 5 0 0 Ti) 'M T O 6 CO Je^iriuji Jo tt>ul^*t ?he li^n cUimed The brick'work on Ifolmfts' additioa Dated July UUi. A. D. 1BS5. Township 5 Xorth, Bunge 4 EajJi. Lui-.v CbtM^tiH'k'ii Addition. tiier«>n b / Uiv Stale of MU-lii^'»n, for i»uch Total.. , . ?«1,1SO12 ; r S w * % cf n e '4, s«c WILLLAil K. JACOBS. Lou 6 and 8, blk 7. . 2. * ^J «05 1 lit T O 33 *S to their store is t'Oiopletetl anil the rooftaxts. luttif *t JUiil <"harjfei j orajiy part!hereof, 918 139 37 70 )]M Sheriff, iiABlLIMES. Crawford's Additlou. shut} appear iu KHiA Court, ain'. tile v.Ufa the i», 40 acres. .....; ers and carpenters are rushing tlieir VV ts of u e k, sec Coinmenpin^ its rd.s A. L.CHANDLER, ititTfui, actitti' as wjjUter iu C» pi MI stock paid in :....,......$ &1,ft10 00 ! clerk 1H, Hlaeres 3896 4 05 116 70 !H87 a from H e cor of blk A. £ KlCHARUS. their objection* tJifwUi, an nv befor* th* !>art to a finish. furpiij* fantj U , . V J 0 00 i X v ?4 of s e ,'i, s«c w 8 rods n 4 rods e 8 iliiy of tht* lei'm of >,lu.s C'uiirt ak.>ov« Attorneys for Piainnfl. Undivided proflu, less e*i>ez»se.s and J jtiui Ji(, 40 acre:* • 801 112 32 70 10 15 rods aud H i rod.-t to tkat tu lirfault thervof the Kaiu« will A twelve-year-old son of Wm. Kerr, taxes paia.... l,<mtw! t;iUtu j * t-ujrfef ^ u w i a «!•*• rec will be OhTtiAGK SALE—Whereas, default bus Townsiiip 0 North, Range 4 East. ,blV3 3*3 54 15 T.) 5 24 NatiotiAi it&ak noted outstanding,... n.tijy (X) iviii*? three miles e^st of Vernon, had Se?4of » >v »i, sec. been made in the pay went of the tuouoy ami «*nter*<5 UH prayfl for in A. Crawford's Addition. secured by a certain indenture or iu<>ritr<i£e JiifiiviiJual deposits subject to uiieck l'v'MO 1<S | •A*«J it ia furtliec r>i-dervd t)*»t in jiarMHUii-e of 10, 40 acne* 56 i» 7 S4 2 24 70 Cfl78 Lotsfiand T, blk 4 . S»65 1 a^ 3& 70 12 C# its thumb and fore ftuger blown off t>einand c^rtidcittes of deposit Vil^Si «)j bearin* date the lOih Anr of June, l»<0, exsulii decree liie IHTHI* dr^*.rit'*i.'il ia *»i<i fx-cition Xc Ji«^Htv;W, ltWH*>8a 4 59 13} 70 3i>40 Lot» and e yt o! lot ecuted by Emelia R. Drake a* BTJHrdinti ot for which a deem: of wile snaJl W ina<lf, will 30, blk 4... 291 41 12 70 4 14 Snnduy whi.k trying to j?et onto the 'foMiiship 7 North, Batige 4 East. Total. fiM,4*S IS be i*cl<S for t.he several inxr*. iutt-rvfit ami [S *» of e 1 i i*t" ti •»• Hi, Jacot\Chrt3toj»h*r, Knure», Jay, Mable. Canrlte Lots Ii and Iff, blk 4 9 63 1 35 S W '0 W (W Siaie of Mlchignu, County oi ^hiawasset, RS. : coiiibination of a dynamite cartridge rhar?es thcr*un a« dt-ltrjuiiwd by .nach tl^H-rrf, ! and Henry D r u e , minor hdrs of Henry i->rsk* K. D. CrawIoM's Addition. 1147 161 40 70 14 24 1, W. A. koscnkruiJ?, cashier Of the above on thettnrtMou<La,v in Dn'rmlwr thereafter, or « v IV, 63at-»w deceased, of tbe totrne hip of Burns, sniawaLots5aDd6 B№ 12B iiu T O K>9S witb a ina tth.—Kxpro^s. see county, Michigan, of the tint part to Mary naraCfi bank, do solemnly swear that the above ou tae day or days s*y(JJ^H^BI .thrrelo a i may s it'a i»f n »• »i of nw Dewey <& Stewart's Addition. is true to iba test of my knowledge Irt- ms-etaiaJj-1« i-ompleVe tlsv MiJ^ o' i*uUl ianiis s,, s«- a*. *• ^crts. i ea 24 or ?o s ?o C. Armstrong <no«r Mary C. hxxUie), of Ann statement Lotl4,blk2 538 T o 31 70 7 02 aud of rath and every jiftrvel thcrwjf, at thf I) ;it HI" s i» \ j of * w Arbor, Michigan, ot tbe #eoond nart. \Vriich and belief. Vacant .store, align—"To Let;1' oflij-e of the Couuty Treasurer, or M fcurb IH>M- ' 4 , se»- Si, 3L> acres 30 M t R9 w. A. ROSEKKftAXS,Cashier. n s c cor of lot J8 r.' said tuortgage wa» recorded in the office- ot 83 70 S 0 8 Tenant v.'&.s sold out for debt.' Subscribed aad sworn v» before me ih\a ^oth vfnivct plate at* shall lx* elected by him at tbe 33 ft a 33ft,e 23 ft, tbe register of deed* in and for the county ut That's no cause 'or great surpriae— CITY OF COBLTSTCA. county »e*t ot the Couuiy~of Shii»wa*w*v, Stale ! dayofJuiy, issA. 16>4ft, e 130 ft, !« Shlawatfeee, state of Micbigon, in iit>or anyThe fallow didn't advertise! 190 :J7 08 70 301 »,Wt Dr.tNE c. CooPfiK. County Cierk. of Michi^w; and that the HAIV theu an4 there iU>15, blk3 ft to beginning, one (Sl> of mortgages, at p*g& Wl, on the lOca Lois*, h, 6,T, PaiidS, madfi will be a pabUc sale and e»<eh parrel de~ blkg. .771 IC8 31 70 980 day of June, M№. Correct—Attest: » 3 S 424 121 TO 3841 scribed iu the <l«cree Hhait be w?parai*fij PSpos- l.lkc Cotutaencin? at n *• corner of lot 1, then w on And wbereas, the amount claimed tn be due JORK PBifscor^n, ed for »ale for the total uixett, lotemit tuid J>;ts 7 a«d t \'t of loi s'.ineof Grover st 5*!4 ft, s on a line pur:tllel U-saM mortgage at the date of this nMice is A.UABKISOX, 1578 221 83 70 18*2 with e line, of aaid lot i«2"ft, charges, and the snie .sbaJl be »a<le to the y*r- j K biUK *: 5T>4 ft to e HD« of brae hundred and teventy~elj and S5-ift) dol• \V. D. (iA«S№X, aoa offering to buy for any ci^eti tax and pa>- N i.j i>J a ».iof lot 5, , u lotte fcfif;totonne«cor c "ot 1, then n on e line of s^aid lot lars lor principal and interest, besides An at* Directors. blk )I 2M 10 11 70 403 La^T the full amount c'uargred agaitust said par- j of Aaid iot to begicnic^, beinf? part of iota 1 and torae* fee ot iwenty-flve dollars as stipulated •.•el, and atrcepting' a conveyance of tbe small*** ; N IS ft «>f 1*1 W, Wk blk 4 ;..,: I l « 162 4tf 70 1436 towd mortgage; and no proceeding*, either BOB ATE ORDER-Stat* of Michigan. Co. undivided fee simple interest therein, or if no perIi 4238 5 » 170 «> S07* 2, There isn't a better advertising X W f f off w H M. law or in eqeitv having been taken V> colOf Shiawassee, ss. At a seseibn of tbe Lotl, bi>t i: ) t 4 t6 01 TV 1 « XMftof medium in tbe oomicy than the C<«feet of lot 3, blk 4 U5S 162 46 10 U2& lect aay part of eaM debt now due, notice is probate court for the county of Stiiaw>№>ee, Uni, b l k u I(M 13 oi 70 1W W 33 feet of iot» 3, i, u XN A JouKif AL. Wereach the gnat hereby given that by virtue of the power o( boiden at at the probate office, in the city of tt»e balaiK'e thereof and lake a oonv*yanc« of U>i', biltK R 31 W l>3 70 3U4 ~and«,blk4. VITA 17« 50 70 1530 sate contained in A i d npitgave and tbe CorutittM, OD Monday, the tZmi day of July, in less tb^n the eutire thereof, their the whole par- U>lt,Uk^t 3048 2XT KJ 7« ^K7 middle class with a large circulastatute In »nebc«s« mate and provided, said the year one thousand dgfet hundred and nlne- cel shall be oflt-red and .-^>M. If any pan-«l of L«>tC, blk3u W43 146 t ! 70 13 03 Lots 7, 8 and 9, Wit 5 6 Si WJ 5f7 70 8 78 tioii. We keep our paper neat and C. L. OoodUufc's Subdivision of Out Lots. B)orte**e will be foreclosed by a sale cf tbe ty-ave. land em:not be sold for taxes, interest and U>i 1) and a ;t-5 uf IV2S 3 TO TT TO £34S clean and thaf a the kind of a paper 3M « 13 Til 445 Lot 13, Mk Apremise* described la ssM mortgage or no Present, Matthew Bush, Judge of Probate. C'liarges, BUi-h parcel shall be passed ever for iot !0. blk*.. 74 7U 2Hi L. A. GOULD'S SCUDI VISION OF OUT LOT witch (hetwnf as Bay be aeeeiwary to aaiixfy in the matter of the estate of William the time beii>^r. and «hail t on the succeeding Lot* l a u d -Z blk 33 18 40 2 i* the people read—the paper that U ONE. «a« debt aformaUL with Interest at the rate Dwyer, deceased. day, or before the close of the sale, be reotTered, Lots 1 aad ^ Wk *)..3U s»l '^U3 M "i> 25 37 LotT lead with interest is theooe you 9*1 iaa 38 T O 1181 15* St 06 TO i o * of seres and OAe~b*4f percent from the date On and filing the petition of Ellen and if, en such 'second offer, or during anoh Lots. Wk 41 191*9 "KHO SO 70 Mta want your advertising lift 1* W TD 3 04 of this BMtoe, together wfth said attorney fee Dwyer, prayls* that adm n<«traiio" of said uAle, the Hftuie cannot be soid for the account LotC. OllE 4S y g in,, iga*t it? HOO )0« 5« TO 17S2 and all the iegoi cnao and expenses of this estatvm&y be granted io Wiliinm Dwyer or aforotaM, the County Treasurer shall bid off Lots 4,5 ancii blk 4T S( i i 1 » 57 70 11 5f» T h " i b There"is no reason wby yon b l d Lot 37 23<»C 208 48 TO 3638 C'B.rj"H Aildrtiouf •rectoswre at pobhe suction or vendne to the sonx; other suitable person. the same in the name of the State. Lot 43 ia» 448 1SH.T0 3845 advertise without getting the best of B»^ of lots? 5,4, 1. Ugfef*; bidder at U » froot door of the court ^Tberettvon it is ordered, that the 19th day Witness the Hou- Luke S. Montajree, Circuit ; Ht»L« B'S SCUDI VISION OF OUT LOTS 8 * 9 boose, in the etty of GOTVBBH, H Icbigan, (that of August next, at ten o'clock tn the forenoon, JudfK, and the seal of said Circuit Court of * S.occxipied tcpretber, results. Coniuna people. d« lots of 1J04 1KJ K W 1 6 » " 1543 21« «2 TO lB»I being th« bafldtmto which the circuit court at said probate ofSec, be a^sixued for hearing Sttiaw&ttt-ee county, thin 23d day ot July, A. D. Wk 13 buying in aH lines of buainess. Y«m tA>t* i, ii; 3, eicept ii • EUHOL.L S A DDITI t> X. fortheoorasivof Shimras*** ta hettb on tbe said petition. ISftV LUKK S. MONTAOUE, ought to have a share of their trade. 35 feet, occupied toLot T and » bile 2 X O U U S 32 T O 10 U 7TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, * » S F at 10 o'clock And ittafarther ordered, that a copy of this fSiAt.] Circuit Judge. R*tHer, blk IS 234 3» ft! P4 » 38 70 46 rods wand 2 rodg north of An ad in the -loi UXAL will sorely in the fc*wooon of stud da>. order be published three successive weeks pre- Counter Ujnel, I>UAXE C COOPER, LoH.blklSi %> lo tts T« »<?c I* n * n***'w (» reds, B 8 ro^f. e 8 rods, do the Business—never i*8*. Tbe Register. The premise* are described in said njort**s* vious to said day of neartnv. <n »•** r o w n « Un<l !4 of re*ne 1 known as w s of lots .land 4 blk 3 as follows, io wit: Tbe w*et half of the north- Journal, a newspaper prio ed and cirenlattng auid2 164 S3 C7 Tft one? who do tbe bnpiness m Conmmx •«» «8 «« V O 305 STATE O. ...JHIGA>f. east quarter and the northwest quarter of the in *atd couuty ot SbiawH»se<. ^ _ Ca.sti* Mr Arthur asti Hnlberts Addition. 9 tn 5* 1« TO 541 are the ones who art osin^ onr «*t* MA'L'J HEW BUSH* southeast quarter of section «*gnteen in »ownUnd ',» of Reserve KELU=y» ADDITION. unsns overy=-w««fe—>^e don't want To the CiTcnit Co^ t for the County of shiawas- Xo I abjp number five north, of m»ge three e*AL I<£ H 04 70 1»" 1»UU 2*3 73 T« 2194 eontalnins; one hnndftd and twenty acres of sce, in Ch&tu «ry: Und ^ or out lot a... \ 83 » W 70 2W S ii of cot lot 6 and any advertising ihat i?n"t reiiable— land, more or less. The j.-*i:iiou c>. Stauley W. Tnnier, Auditor a McArthur'4 Addition. I A true copy. i Trobate K that's what makes onr medium good ot T 1800 ; a * TS 70 S1W General of said State of Michigan, for and in Lots 1, 9 and 3, blk ADDITION. —people know that onr advertisers HANCERY 8ALE.-State of _ .... behalt.of said State of Michigan, respectfully hi •...-.,..1183 1 « 47 70 14 « Lotl3blk 1KFA'TE^iS91 ^'°~%$?C.FTTLDK, . 41 « TO 414 j he Circuit Court far the Couuty of Shi- shows that the llsl »>f lanCs b«7eiu/ifter set jioArtnur and Cummtn's DiTisic>u. do just as they say and that is is Ut A.L. CHANDLEK k A. E. K1CHAKD8. LAUBENOAVER'S ADOITtON. forth an-1 marked 'VScbednle A," conta'itsa dc- L o U l , % 3,4, «», 30/ Attorney » for Mortgagee. awa#«ee. luChaecerr. tfceir own interest to> rtAtl oer «d*. H O f k r t l h l k l 5 71 1 « 31 T O »»> of all lam"» in £a.Ul County o Shia- •SI, **, «S, 34.ffl,26, Isaac L. Feck, t J,H. LAVEKOCK SCBDIVM1OK OP OLT Better send for a copy asd gee wfttfc upon which last a were, tor, the 33, 36, w '-J of 5«, n 4 Complainant,; STATWOF MICHIGAN « „ LOX6yearn tn^aiiciol therein, and w t c i *ere re- e >4 of lot 56 aud a 5» vs. vra can do for you. . . ' . . . . ft of lot* 771 109 31 76 »80 COtTSTT Of SHlaWAWKK f0* turned t s t'eli jqueut for itoc-paym^L.t of taxes, of lot 57. . I3C8 IBS 5S 70 1«14 NM Cbaontnjt C. Stanhope, ! Commencing at a c corner of iot 10, then w At a sesehm of tte probate cotm for tbe Lliy SUnbope. and the arcJ ri'hij'fl t L.I*X ii»ye not been paid; tojrcmer Lotft* 1176 1 « *' Ttf 1*5« ft!'cjrt. »3№£ ft, t isj* rt. n WA ft to coTinty of Phtawaspee, bofclen at tbe probate Capitol Bu'kUng and Loan | -cith the total amount of such lAxea, with inter- E Vi of w 4 of n Hof 1S« IT OS ofltee. In tbe ctty of Corucna, on Wednesday, Association, est f'omput'ttj tUereou to th«; time Qxed for sale, lott"iV(an4S» 131 38 OS TO 2 2t i : tbeaetndHyof Jane, in tbe year one taotuand and collection fee a» provided by iaw, and tbe Lot 04. I t t Si WJ -.0 2&4 E't of lot 11 and w Defendants. i oftotw mzs s^) rr TO ©4^ Scrape th«? <1u«tt fron off elgBt hnndred and nlnety-ove. cost of iwJveni.'i'njr and other Mptos«» of sale Part of lutB, W . b y Tn pursnazHK and by vtrtueof a denreeof of L1OW * WILLIAMfc * ADDITION. Preseat, iUtttbew BrotL, Judge nf r*roU«e, •aid each of №tri parcels of lan»1. —coninMrJjciaj? 54 IV court, made in the above entitled CAQW Pull tn# einuers front LottblkS : Hid IM « W 1498 tn Uie natter of tbe eaute of Fred Dryer on Uie22ddsyof June, A. D. 1R»3. Notice is Your petitioner farther sho-w» to the court that n of a ntake In the Paint .rour eticnt«r frt* I'EKKINS' ADDITION. and Inns Dryer, minor*. center of State and said land* were returned to the Auditor C*«?niriveu that 1 sb*l sell at public auction Klinjf j-oar algb and advertise. Lots <t and T oik 1 64* H X4 TO T 77 On reading- and DUng1 tbe petition, da ly veri- hereby tt?r««tand vottduA r« the bigbrst bidder, at the front eral under the prwhfton.t of,.Act a*3 of the Pab- Comstock M. L, STEWABT ADO'S ADDITION. rusciiijj s 147 feet, ned, of 4«me> H. Benson,« guardian, praying Or Uc Acts of 3 №3, a» deUmiuent lor non-payment of the Court Houie, In the city or CorunWVioflotJl 3 9) 6* W TU S4J for license to aelt tbe reU estate of aaid minor door na (that beta* the building m which the Or- of said taxes for e*kl year* renpectivrly, except a 147ft,thence wl!& ~ ' subdirtoionof out lot Wand IS. nwotioned ID Mid petition. s-ufh of tbe taxed ret forth in a«»Ul whe4u!e an Court for tbe county of SMswassee is E44IlOfkrttbUtl 5*4 19 « 7» Thereupon ft fa ortlered, tbat *fonday, the «tb cutt vcre returned to the Auditor General according ft to piwe of Iwjrin'jr 7 I» 1 01 on Saturday, the 10th day of Aurumt, A . TTI 1O» ffl TO day of Auguct oeart. at ten o'clock In the fore- held), to law prior to the 12t$> day of June. 18W, ana TAKING EFFJSCT ittfj, at hi o'clock in tbe forenoon, the fol; ; i i t s SH TO D, except 2!» ft off e boon, be asalgned for toe bearing of aaid peti- 1>. remain uapald. lowing descrined,land> attd premi«rt.fjr so Gco. i'bomaE 24 Addltton. :: .1045 1 « « TO 1 3 « tion, and thai the heirs at law of said mtnora, much thereof as way be necessary to raise the y<mr petitioner further Hhow« mad mrerm that side MAY C? Lot?blk 1 1 »T 23 W V0 fSft OF OWOSSO. aod ail otaer person* intereatm in Mfd estate, aoionnt the tax««, tnterent, collect ion fee and ctmt r<f Lot A, known CITY due to Hid complainant for tbe prinot 10 blk 4 IA9 t» m T8 3 t « an old areregirfrtd to apptwr WatBt—lonof wM eourt, cipal, interest and costs in thli cause, to-wit; adTerttstnn M»4 other expenMM* of nale, as net iots 3 »nO 4 l>»k 5 ZW » 15 W »4J 1*00 IC8 4S TO 1*« face to be noUen at tae prnbaw office, in the Lots thirtytbrce (&) and thirty-frmr (34). block lorth in paid Hch«Hlulc A, areftvalid lien on the racebed A. L. Wjlliaws' AiWttion, Lot D, known ativitt city of Corunne, and show cause, if any tberv nrteeti<lA),or Abrey> adrtj«f>n to the eny of panels of land described In »aid lots*. Sands. Wk4 li»«« 2 63 Ii tO 8 0 rat'chctl 1310 1K3 M 70 1613 be, wby the pnjtw of the petitioner should OWOMO, in the county of SJjUwaescc ton stale OtsSI.22. Wit « I~«O 1T4 Ul TU J134 E >j of luthi and 3, not be granted. Your prtStloner further shown tlxat the of Michigan. I DUS3 *5 2T S W 25 10 I? 10 l)lk i-V . ROO 1 1 1 ii '0 1014 And ittofurther ordered, toataaM petitioner tn.x«H »a dcxcrilxd lao'it have D«M Juue2Mh.1«w. k 31. 3 t » (4 115 TO 5 41 W >i of «• 44 Ii of lot gin? notice to the persons interested IG said esunjiAiii for inor\' than D M year prl^ur to the AOSATHAH O. KNIC.RT. A. L. & u . o . Williams' Addition. 7, J)ik2l M30 11 ?3 3*1 Tu 95 34 tate, of tbe pendency of wild petitiuu. and the Circuit Court Commissioner day of May, lh№>: an<i tltc Haiti tax?s (tot having for the county Kit $W 1 1 - ' 3 » TJ 10 I t 40 Oft 5 til 1 6t> '.0 47 «7 bearing thereof, by causing a copy of thl» ii, an>i lap s^tne k»nni? now diif ;mrt re- Entire Itlk *5 ol Suiawawee. b otiiblk 11. .. . . !»0» 1 tX 4S TM 1 4 ^ S 'i of !t»t o tjtui n !'» •'• order to be published lit the GoranUM Journvii, i »№1 I I J JJ TO l i U of lotfl, t»!kS». . ..-S4CW 3 3 « W TO . » 0 S/HI blk Ii m newspaper printed and circulated in Mid WATSOK & CHAPHAS, a •]«*rw iu ; a. m a. m. &kil:witors <.iVmtnr.iiciAyr <>n u :iide of R i r f i- st 00 feet u- of it!- and s S iot 10 county of Shtawttwe, f>tr three iuccv»5iv<; 1 t'Hvti pnri^l ot nn^d laiiil*, 'nv thtnit LT ess II-J) blk 1J :J807 S33 I K T O 4iC3 cor <»f ]ni 1. bH: ] , Luoy t'omsitick'n «ii<', » t o v< weeks to n«id day of b i ."ul of thp ttcvrral mmonnlK of tnxen, WamaSM-i 1 river, w to land mjlO (iii.vlurd, n MilwaukeeJct i 7 l i Jl 40 4 » TATtO. MICH WAN, 1 ot II. >. 1 S. A. Willisois' Addition. u M«* <olleetlfjli frt , 1et»r>t ft :i<lvfitisln^ itT\(t tt> Uivt-r s i , c i o M 9ec.»«. Entire blk g at rrr»t»atc, №.' « e*> of* , iiH (>»n:put*'<l It In I i'i' 8 00, 13 Y. A.M. At a «»*!<i.uj ff the Prohate Court forth* Poctlac Br KATHcmsn E. KKLHCY, I'rolMtc iit Mtld !»i'(i«1iiic, ^/Aitist the wvcj'.il1 Curnmrnritif; nu :i w cor of Bi!cknii»isl»»r r*t 1 county or Sninwu^M-c. holiit-n at the I'mhntf J. L. Wrltfbt's Addition. of Usu] conlaiikt.fl tiiirt'jn. mid iu rit 1 14 1 * M 10 ! p i Office. In trie city "f Oininns, on Tu»-s*J«y, t»>e and n liiif «>f city, n 4 nxln, w 8 rtnls, H 4 nwis. e >V 40 ft off cf lot I HOBATE (>HJ>Ei:—State of Dumni I » sr»| latill } . • fc»t 11 1 ^ H(h day of July, tn th*» yi»roiH' ' ly lM>«iiirim;j 1V9 VH <« 7U '.'HVi Dik I ^3 S*0 ;?iJ «3 70 County of Shlawa«M-«*. s*. At n su t Idi JJi'.t*"«l a i t ' l «'.vt' ti'if*i| lizaUtui mill I Cnninna • »W urt'l iiiin*ty-nve. Ii4tf K l « f-3 W ( i'i/iiii*-u»'iii{.' <m w. sUlr of C h i p m a n «t M ) ft, H ot4 blk t of tbe pntliite court for1 said eouuty, hold tu utindrod 4i 7 II! c a t ' t i u f »:»|ii ( . . i r i ' f l n o f l a ; < l m a v )»• f Prewnt. Mit.!th<»w Hush. Jndjrc of rosso Junct'nj to ni ;0 of * c cor of lanelc>f Eilcn WiM>uiin>,noni w 175 it, 2 a ^ t f 54 KJ tbe crobate otAco in th* city of (onimm. on sot In the nut tier of tuc estutc ot Jo*ci>li A. :i>ti<MUiT:i l i t i c I I I I ' K M I I , a » ] U t > v i i I , i ; • j , l l 4^ ei fit«ftft,»: \',h U,u t(i l>f^fiiliiiit' 870 luula Tuesday, the 2nd day of July, tn the jiar ;i*»y list- li.'ii i i ; n r i " ' j ( i i ! , dttcttswi. i>. m . ; no*) 1 li" 1 M lit l o i * l o i J i 41 4 14 ( la 7i» s«i <me thousand einbt bundrvl nnd nlnery-Qve. Wright, »>u reading am] rilirijTino petition, duly vcri-1 Ais.J y o i i f j.vtiti<i)/«'i- w i i l ever I>r:tv, LoweJ» . I Ji iT CITY O*" OWOWsSt }. «77 y.» »7 70 J'reaent, Matthrw Uush, Jud^o of Pr.u>at<i. tot 11. blk ^' l > H l July H, IWri. fled, of J«*»ephitic Wright, pmyiaK' this court irand ttapida 1 i no nslilji 7 NuiilJ, Kaii'tfC 2 East. » jHiint on n line of In tbe matter ut the i-etate of Geor^ liutll, to determine wbo were nt the tlm« vt hU ! lo'i i»»},' H4 ,"i«. & lOI'J f> " atul '£t nJ» w of u ^ it n of 9 e corner of out Io; 3, U. H . & ! , J e t deceased. JSTANI.J:Y \V. T atul who IM>W are, the U'gul lit-irs of s.tid TOitrr vl set\ HIM therly »>SH'1O') ciiainn U> s line tbeuou u&4 ti, w 8 rods, i&4 it, e to bt«iuuln»r Jay D. Itoyce, administrator of said estate, death, ' i i l o r C i v n c r i i l <>f il>f H t a t e o f Mit dejeast^d, and enUtied tu inherit uta real es»f li»»U Mold Mitidt, wcs-terly aloiiK *al.l Hat* U> iff. MS Si 70 7W comes IIHDcourt and represents that he i* now j lutc. I ' o r :iiiil i n Wiailt <>; tlj*- S t a t e o f MVr Ar ttiuwassH- river, M ut icrly alon^ th*^ bank to Village of nenninfftpn. prepared !o reader Una! accouut us such n<i Milwaukee fifr Thereupon ii is «)ni«;r»n1. that ?u<>iniity, ilic* ii |wii;ii ihvou)fii wliii'u a liu« druwr. lotfiblk 4. .20 a..... . i " U 13 14 70 180 .V. August next, nt ten o'ciock in I!KJ <; ;i.'!'l «' liJit- will ii:i'i'tl>l»<re of Ijf^'iijijjji^, <* to Vihwxe of Burion. Thereupon it In ordered that Tufstfay, the Cth Athdaj'ot' tort'noou. be uitsiirned Tor t ise hcuriiiiK < > t e»"l lots 3 and a blk 7, .w*i« 14 (H 70 ISO dty of A UKUSV: next,*t l«j u'ciock in tbeforcnoon. p«-tiii< •, and that tb« h?Jr§ at Saw ot sal<t dei. .. «(M) 1 U Sa 70 JO 14 VlLl»tGK OF BYRON. bs assigned for bearing said account, and that ceased, nnd till other i^nuna interestcu in lap i6 i-otlrs 5 10-IS ft a aud 10 rds w of Townxnip n uorrb of raiiRv tour easU the heirs at ;*w of sakl d«c«»sedv sod all orfaer taid estate, are required № appear ut * semiou oi Sei-, w with e aud w % line 8 ruds, Commeuvinif at u point lOrotls c of n % (iost or per^>as intereoted io said estate, are required of said c-ourt, theii Io )>e holdtn at the l'it>L>ute n l£ IXHI.S, c S rod«, a to ijCi^nnlajjr, «ec VS.. section, tbeunt'eb rvda, 8 40 rwis, tneuee e 1'4 to appear at a Bee*ion ot said court, then to be Office, in the ctty of Ccruaoa. aud t>how c«u««, UW 1 « 4» TO 148« r, a 31 rods aud « ft., w v4rods, a 51 rods and 0 bolden in the probate office in the city of Cor- If any there be, wby the prayer of the petiSTATIONS. Ou s ' t o f rtc '», i-timmeuciug at a Vi pOHt, n 50 feet, e 4 rods, n SO rots to place or beginning, unni, and show caase. if any there be, why tioner should not be framed. ; rixU, e 1>5 rods, . i 30 n«K w to begiUQiujiri *ec 14. xs&y 7JO Herts ..10i« 1 £rl 44 7u 13*i tbe said account should not be allowed. < And it is further ordered, that raid petitioner i lOijO 140 40 TO 1250 YILI.AU B OF DUttAND. And it is farther ordered that said administra- jrive notice TO ihe ;»crson4 ititeresU^I in Mid j Ou w '.s of n e ^. comniencia^ BO rotlr* e and Township u north, range4 east, TAXES OF IfeVl. tor jrive notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and 3) rod-* s of n Vj post, w 19 53-lUU rods, s to D., G. d a by Kivett, e by Huswii, a by *igbCITV OK estate, of the pendency of said account, and the bearing thereof, by causing a copy of this :'r jgTOol H. A M. K. K.,t,calonp railroad to fi line n to v. w liy DurwutI Laud Co , aec J.5..,..• Cary's Addition. tbe hearing thereof, by eaostag a copy of thi« oro>r to be published in the Coruiin* Jonrnal, sec •£>.... 81» 1 K 3S 70 Ib 14 ..: U7S 16J 47 7t> 140U order be published in the Conrana Journal, a a newspaper printed aod circulated In eaid Uud *i of Reserve 1 ajsd S, occupied together. fKiDniax, On w >» of Q e «%, being 8, 7 acra», sec 33. BoutMied u by C. C. & T. Uou««, e by Hoi- 'd Haven Lv ." * Jti S .£> $ .ttt* .7U *i8l newspaper printed and circulated In said coun- county of Sbtawassee, tor turet suevt-ssive ti 40 9 00 £10 1S0U lflo « 70 1486 comb, * br bifr^nray, w by SheMUrt, gee ^1....... FerryBbanr TAXES OF" 1W& ty, for threw suceeative weeks previous to said weeks previous to said day of hairing. 'J45 90S 215 ing l(;*-i chains s and H chains w, of ... lX5t 178 30 70 15 SO -day of bearing. CITY OF OWOSSO. • I rods * V rods, n 4. rodn, e to be^inbrand a Second Addition. MAXTHEVv BUSH. | Holmes' sub of iotH 1, $ im«l 9, low 3 and 29 MATTHEW BUSH, G. K.&I. Jet 10 OR 913! 901 1 * W 70 U 3 3 Lots 4and5, tAkS... 118 17 W 70 £10 Judge of I'roiiAte. Judge of Probate. irand Kapfda it «• :....24'» r. as «T ;u ai iw W 20 Commencing № and iS^,* I Ou chains w and 17.4 Dennteou's Acjdition. Bf K i T w x w s i E. E B I A T , Probate Heglster. By KATBXRIXZ £. K^LSKT, Lowell >J? i 7 15 H>W ass no VILLAUK OF BYROX. chain*, s o f « ^ post, « 1 chain, n s caahus, T-/ 1 Lot8,blk 3 SW M H 70 ?#7 1'rubate Register. Lois 7, S and », Mk SO 43 0U 03 tO 1 Si chain, H to bei?iuning, see 23..... Durand Lani Cos In Addition. A DMINISTUATOU'S SALE OF RBAT, ES IA true copy,] T40 11 » 418 13 & TAXES O? !-KJ. : 1 OD 14 04 Tu 188 Lots 3 aud •. Ufc 1 47J CS 1» 70 6 37 Ionia |*. m-j t\ fATE.—State of Mlcbigaa, County ol Shlp. m TowoAhip J North, of Range 1 East. A-M ComsAenviag 80Vi chains 8 and 30 chains w of TATE Of MICHIGAN County of Lot90,blk S S353 330 M 70 S848 OwosaoJct 8S7! 1 15 • 09 305 W y. of » w >4, except cemetery, sec 33, Tii acres e *M \>o»l e 8 rode s 4 rods? w 8 rods n, to besrln- Lot», b i t s . . we, as. • 3*4 40 14 70 4W • 71 ]£8 " . . , . . ! « ^6 07 TO ii*0 ID the matter of the estate of Stephen S. ~ . 100 14 04 TO 1 S8 Lot^bUcft At a session of the Probate Court for the ...WiJ 3SW 113 70 34C4 Corunna • I* *** Township 0 N'orth. of Rang-e 1 East. "Whinner, deceased. _ chains 6 and 10 chains w of county of sfaiaWAssee, boiden at the Probate Lottf.bik& U'.S l^f «« 70 J183 S e ** of s e a, »ec 16, W acres S10 Dtirand Notice is hereby gfren,that in pursuance and office, in the city of Corunna, on Tuesday, tbe V po*t * 4 rod* w 8 rods a 4 rods e, to beginDarond Land Oo'o id Addition. :. S3 12 UB 70 \ to eDiujr, 5.-55 by virtue of an order ifranted to the under- 9tb 7-40 -4 47 wcS 100 14 04 70 IN* Lota 30, ai,S2. blk 7.8709 379 10ft 3» t-'Ce HoUy day of Ju ly, in the year one thousawi eixitt TowtuNlnp 7 North, of Ranpe 1 East. tatpted, as adminUitrator of the estate of said hundred aud uinetvttve. Pi 6 3r> 10 Si 3 05; titt S3X •iu;i Ai'.i chains w aad 314 chains s of LOU !», IU, blk 16 a u 6 U X 4 <0 4. K& S 8 A of n w a of'» w !£, sec as, 8 a deceased, by tbe Hon. Matthew Rush. Judge or 345^ MilwxukceJct 6S> 7SS s 1 chain w % chains n, to Present, Matthew Buso, Judjfe o* Protxtte. Geoiye'd Addition. 1 M 32 Ou TO ii", bejfioninfjr, gctKiiti* jprobate in and for said county, on the Srd day Ar! 7 45 11 V 40SJ 0 35 70S «ec Si.-... 2OS 39 68 70 a Io L0t«,bIkl... In the mutter of (he estate of Grace c. »24 U S 33 70 10*4 Delnilt Towo^hibriXortb, uf Hung* ! East. of June A. i>. lfVt, there will be auitl at public Wright t-iiciuj? 13 75-100 chains w and !-i chains and Lucy J. Wright, minors. l'utnaat's Addition. S ptof » vr Hi oi u w L4, sec '3, 1^0a<Tes vendue, to the blithest bidder, at the dwelling OD reading and filing the petition, duly veriIS7 3tt 07 70 *«» Cnair Car, Buffet Car, .Sleeping Car Serrfao. sc * 18 » j an s of e !4 post s S rods e 8 rod* n 8 rods w, to be' Lot 13 on the premises hereinafter described in the fied, , s e c : 3 B 0 11* 3s 70 1014 of JoM>phiue M. WrUr&t, as xuantian, VILLAGE OF LOTHUOP. Eastward No. lSJam Pullman Rk*epcr, Cfcftownship of New Haven in oaid county on praying for license tn mortgage real <#t*te ot X w ii'ofDw »4,»ec3,-W acres 14% chain* w and o chains s of e Lot I, Wt 4 »1 13 W 70 ITS CA«O to iletroit, Ihiiiy. No. 14 hat Wajcner 877 ] "Jl S> 70 1163 the tth Any of August A. D. 1895, at ten o'clock said minors for purposes in said petition but }M)»t a 8 rods w 8 rods a 4 rod* w 8 :odo n 4 rds VILLAGE OP OVID. obAlr and buffet csr, Grand Have* to Detroit; N ?* of a e Hf of s e %, HM 4, at acres. 1 forenoon of said dny, sll theriKht, title and in- forth. Aiabbeu's Addition. No. IS has cbair carattnened. (507 SW a 70 857 t, to bcjriuni^jr, se*. ti... terest of said deceased, in and to tbe following 8 CO 1 13 Si 70 iO 14 Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the Lot3. blk 4 344 33 W 70 3M No. 81 has siceper toGrund RnyMw. Township 5 Xorth, ot Kan?e 2 Ea*t, dc*erit>ed landsaod pnttsfres, situated in the 6th day of Au#u*t next, at ten o'clock in the chaiDA a and ny, chains w VlLLAMK OK &HA1TTSBUKO. Westward No. 11 has cbair ouv atta«lied. township aforeFHid county of Shidw^ssce, forenoon, be iwaijrned for the hearing1 of said S w frl )i of nee If- 96 acres of e Ji post s 4 rods w S rods n 4 roas e, to beLot sS and u and w V, UVO 209 60 TO No, 15 has Wajm^r p*rtor buffet car. Detroit State of Michigan, to-wtt: Tbe south halt of inniiijf, sec23 1 &» 38 WS TO 300 loci, blk 13 and that the heirs at law of said mi- S Ki Of S ' 332 54 15 70 5S3 to Grand Haven. No 17 ha* BttffwtCw, De;8, !»»<•«>».. soatb one hundred acres of the northeast petition, H, On w !i of u w }%, commencing 14 rods e and 2 nors, and H.'I other persons interested in said Commencing nt ttie » hue of the oriclnal ..SM-M liitiU 4-tf 70 troit to Cbicaxo, Daily. quarter of sectlou nine, town eight north of estate, are required to appear at a *ea«ion of IXHU north of w »4 JKW,' » «A» ft n 8 rodj* w 90 ft *, of way of tne C. & G, X. U. k. Co. on M y Vud 'i of w ^ u f s e frl '4, s#f 28, 60.80 i No. »1 has steeper Detmit to Gwmd Banida. rang* three east. to befdzmiQ?, sec 24. 5 00 70 M O 70 6 6U said court, i ben to be boiden at the Probate ave tbence due e to31111 St. taencesoutbwe»t.. I 44 30 06 70 S40 DHtCd JUD« ard A. D. 1893. JNO. W:LOUD, B FUDTCaonL Towuship T North, Banpe a East. Office, in the city of Coruuna, and dhow cause, vriy on a line of lie»er\e Mo. 4 to Mk.-nig»* Township t Kortb, Range i Ea«t. OHW STh^ART, Beginnia^* pods a of a point &jrod*&dds eof j>ve, tbence u topMcecf beKlnnlng if anv there be, why the* prayer of the peti- E Vs H. se*: 3, »0 acrtw TraOo Manager. Trav* PMC*. Airt. as administrator of the tioner should not be granted. 3S31 b\X 153 7U 44V0 GLEN D. YOUNG, Local Ajrent. Corunna. «l«» 856 ••:44 70 7-J78 w U, po«t> thence e 8 rod* n b m>d» w 8 rod.* and estate ot said deceased. i,8 .od», to beginning-, «ec 18 And it is further ordered, tbat said petitioner H ^iof s w SI, sec 12, 80 acres. V1LJ.AKK OF H J W E K 883 &4 15 TO 6^4 Lots 10, Ii and la, eecT givo notice to the persons interested in Mid 287-> 4<tt 115 70 3 4 » ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SCHOOL estate, of tbe pendency of said petition, and ling » rods e of w line ot a w hi *nd 16 37 05 W 70 113 To Our Old Subscriber* as well a* Town.nhip 7 North, Kaug« 2 Ka~st. tbe hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this VILLAGE OF VEKNON. Commencing ci chain* and 50 Hnkn w and 5 rods n of n line of King st, tbence e 8 rods u 4 YEAR 1895-96. Our New Ones order to be published in the Corunna Journal, chains asd W links a of x H poKt, thence u 1£! rodd w 8 rod* s 4 rod*, to bepinainsr, sec ltf. Lot 3, blk 10 SKL T, 10 70 « W Vi H 04 70 1 № a newspaper printed and circulated :Q said F.H. GOt'LDS AUDITION TO OWOSSO CITY ft, w 6*5 ft, s 1S> ft, e 66 fct:t to place of tH-jriiiSates of Examinations: f Begiuninp 3 rods e of w line of s H of a w J4 of county of Sniawasafe. for three successive ninjr, *ec !•!,:»• 100 a. 44 W (ti 70 1^2 nortn, t J have decided that money received Keguiar, Corunna, Aturust 15,16,1305. • c auu ^ rudu s of s line of.Olirer ttt, runniuV e weeks previous to said day of boarinsr. 1 acre beplnuiaa; 3s rods w of n * corner of Township S Xortto, Uanjjc 2 Ea»t. Special. Owosso, October 17,18. IHtt. (krallel to said at 8 rod* » 4 rud« w a rd» u 4 rds, now -a-ill be of more than ordinary adMATTHEW BlTSH, section, tbeocv » zu rwto. w * rods, n »> roos, e S'/iOf ne!< sec2, 80 Regular, (Corunna. March X, *7. INC ( 81 Zi 10 lit srods to bt«inning,»rC 19, l a c i * Judge Of Probate. arrft .1330 1 S« S3 TO 1 « » u>be«nuDin{r,sec 18. 6 78 tfpectai, Owo8«o, June IS, 19, iWS. vantage to u», and make tbis propositioa CommenrtDg on H line of King st 3t58^ ft e of I» S3 (« W i'aJ EHotse H-««t AUexaninaiJonswlU commence at 8:10 a. By KATHERIXI E. KXTSKT. w line of e H of » w >4 e ou it line of Kinur st 50*4 Probate Register. Lot oommenctng 44 rods w of u e corner of to all old subscribers paying up a m a i * Wacrtw 29t« 430 ISO TOZlMlW m., rtundard time. Applicants for third f: r* 154i» ft w MVi ft u UA\ ft, to beKiziniug, M>" section, tnenoe « M rods, w 8 rods, n *U rods, c [A true copy.] WHofeHof»w)», grades will write upon geography, theory and and paying one y « r in advance: Wo 600 84 34 10 77* 8 rods to beginning, sec. 19, i acre »e-3, 40 acres 767 107 31 70 » 75 18 art and school law the first half day; grammar W ^ ot des. laud, berfnnin? M ft n of cenur 5:W 31 US To »3U will figure the JOURNAL st 75 cents per physiology and reading the second bait day; W* aim to handle the best, if the N c >*of n e * . .** of Oliver nt and 10 rods e of w line of « \i of nir $?i 122 33 70 10W 1 acre beginning*? rods w of n c corner of aritametlc, penmanship and history tbe third reason we talk Magic I>yes. They giv^ 8, 40 acre* >4 e 141 ft u IS rods w 141 ft • »- J OJB, to oegin* sec, thence s M rods, w 8 rods, n =W rod*, e e year, this a Iso to apply to new subscribhalf day; and civil *T>veruo>etit and orthog»ec 18 7 TI 108 31 7« »30 rods to bofflnxjing. sec J9,lacn* 18,-IO"acret» ','. 4 01 » l« 70 raphy tbe fourtn b*if clay. Applicant for ttr»: relittbJe fast colors on any an<3 all ft 43 nlng, A piece of land one H ot w H> commencing 24* 34 10 7* *>.* ers. If the friends of tbe' JOUSXAX. will •od second grades will write upon geography, of good*.' Large 10 cent frHof»wfr)i, on s kiue of OWOMO and Coruuiu% toad, on s««ide . V. JOHNBON'8 ADDITION IO OWOSsO make a little effort we believe w* would theory and art and school inw the first naif Walker & Scott. l»,3l acrex 3tY< « I* 70 of Hhiawajwee river, 4 cbaln* ai:d 4tf Itnia Hliday; grammar, physiology, shrebc* and read-1 of » point where the w line of **id e % of w y. rei*«ive many avw pubscribers. ItanenTownsbtp 1 north, rang* 3 e*tt. H, itei" *>7a> Tcns».." 3 75 53 tag tbe seosnd half day: arithmetic, history' 70 5 13 einteraecU the * Hue of said road, thence i» 1»* Lot 1,bill » A Desirable Trip S»T S P 14 W 508 K % of u e }*, aec 38, and pemoaoship the third half day; and civil ber we will furnish the .TOURXAL and X. w at right angle** to aaid road to the n line of H Vi OfiHlotT, WJC 10. Mftcm 35 13 4 9? 1 41 7* ; government* physics and orthography the 42 1C T., A, A. aad N. X. K, ft., thence e along s«id w io m '•« *«> Y. Tribune both one year for $1,00; alto fourta half day A pplicants for a n t grades 1 chain and 85 link* theaee n 18» to KIVKJtSIX* 8UBWVWION. The Kpworth league of Owowo has » , 80 acrea, .....;.. IS 06 J » 5« 70 will write upon geometry, general history and 1717 railroad the M line of Cornuu* road, then n 71 ® »nd w the CORLXXA JouiiNAL and the Detroit Towns**J QOftb* rmag* t hotasy on Saturday. along «a4d road to beginning, a«c If mude arrangeroenti for an exenrsion Lots 8,*. . „ . » » !M 81 ?0 34 <& 3*» atweschedule will be strictly folk<w«d. 11*8 I N 4* 7« 1 4 » Joaraal for $1.40. TownalMp s North, of Range 3 East. MtQVnatMESrrB: for tUri grades an av- over the T. A, A. to Toledo, next week 44 rods w of where tbe e line of of nw %, asc M Send tn yoor sabacrtptkMi a»d It will «rag*of asrwity ts reqwlred with not less thwn tbe Corona* ro*4, the* S 47 4 4« to T., A. A tttamtm SSI 4* u TV stzt/'ffw hi uuf btSBwh; for MCBM grMe anWednesday. Train leaves Owosso at 7 t rttd aad K. M. R. K. 8Mds « l t » O « - LotM,k4k ^. « (J t r a s n at tvrituj^ v* *s n ltt aad e 8 nxls vo oeglantag. Me №..... a. ttu, retarninf, leaves Toledo at 7 p. nu, Sta«rea „ *I4 U 4 41 ruuut ro«4 MM <W 1 « & , 3»*» N ISHS uf » w K ot a tfaus giving nine hoars in Toledo. Tbe e)4, •^Sa.lSamt. l i e 41 It iw»y f r o t Owo—s %m Cofl IK 4» « T 0 4SI 4« of 8bl»wiw*s« rtvtr «n w 11M of I M ( 8 I B < H M I * TowMklp 6 Xo*th, of Kaage » L farefortke round trip will be otttf one Ua4 Mtmtaj owasd tar A. •, Byerly, i WK«ft«!iMet ^ AU ptfittu ar» kerctty vjodltd r t t» dollar, from Owoaeo, Uoroana, Vernon, M versa. SiM,iKl»,sj,akS4 USt U47 I S ff* rmftu crtdktottjrPC m. bummi C l U u t *» ••*. S, aad Darand, no other stops being made MH»f Stacrea. It It t i t w IM tt a wl—r tMd I will »ot pay mj SISt 114T 3SI eweptatj«netie«M sad tor water and 8 yt at ** tri 4« Mtt4, 4,Sfaer«a> MM T» tM CM All ^Ik cosL This nndooU^y wOl be the »w t « W M ( H ...JI« t» SI M4»t 19, cneap«9t exemwioe *f tbeteaso*. M Advertisers P C The Journal, Coruntm, S P l I Hi S I.B. i i ' FOR AND AGAINST. Harvey Meets Horr in it© Arena of Debate. -TlM> Wordy B « « t * Tf k«« rtaro la Cfcfe*c* — *• Cain's Financial trhart " tfc« t e a * t*r af Ciccurtfon—Syncpuia at the Copyright, !£9S. by Az«! F. Hatch. CJUC-4.GO, July,!* — After a day".* re*t tor the yextkJpaatK. tn« Horr-Harvey was Mauiced »t l o'clock Saturday attcrof th« act of i973by whieh <ailwr watt demonetized was tnen tsttmt up, Mr. Potter> part ID the trtubsacUon bclo? the subject Tbe author of -Coin" quoted freeVy from the Congressional Itecord to show tbst Mr. Hooper, <sf Mas*«c'uusetts, moved to di»pens6 Witn tbe rending U' tUe substitute bill <Jc•joaet^iap sliver. "Hera was as attempt." •»id Mr. Harvey, -to legisl&te on the lit* blood of a nation mlthout rtidinic tho bill." Kasutmnff the discussion of the law of 1ST* Mr. Horr quoted from W. A. Shaw's "History «f Currency" In reference to the nrst internattiooai monetary conference, held la Paris № iMr, tosbovr that the subject was being agitated »jr the civilized nations ot the world. Mil toe nations except Holland declared, In favor of t&e standard after eight daily sesaiom. It was aft«r this action, in which the "United Scutes participated that th« American experts commenced to examine the question and see what legislation should be enacted. The bill c? IST3 simply carried out a resolution «C all these civilized nations of the worldMr. Hcrr—A provision had been introduced ta the h.ou*e. and was a par: of tbe bill, for «oiai&# a dollar precisely like the nve-fraac piece in use in France—no doubt about it The -MJUtr strvclc tiu.t prorUtoo bat ot it and snbtMitated the trade dollar for that S8t-grala dollar. Uv. Karyey—ir j-on will shaw me from the itecord of the proceeding* in the senate on A M day that the senate struck out that do»3ar. ice will atop tol» debate ri*ht here. Mr. Horr—I «av» not the record. The law, ^rfceft M *-»* pasted, had. tbe trade dollar ta 1L Hwyeu deny taat? And did not that take to* ytaiBe ot the other dollar? Xr. Marvey—Net sir. (Laorfcter.t Kc Horr—I defy y m tosbow aaynraere a «octl that substantial** that position. It was •.* ttatpie piece of leclfttatlon aad bears that •latpiewiqa oa its face. The only men who oj>* ..rpated that bill in tbe house wem Clarfcson X ftotter and Mr. Brooks, both millionaires from "Wall street, both rcprco*tt»iag the very -men that you say were trying to impose that •til cpon ihla eoontry for tbe pnrpos* .ef aldm? teen «b« t n rich- Was any thine more eouJemptiWe tnan a proposition of that -fciftd." He brawled as * pore invention the *-wbol* bracket business" ot provisions which verv purposely omitted from tbe bill which «*№*<;. He declared that the bill met with ftttfr opposition solely because no one cared ) ai thai time very much about the silrer dollar Mr. Harr«.T—Th« other day, when Mr. Horr •*w5 tha: tbe bill before the senate, » shown ;v? Tfce- roaf rcsslooal Record, only a*4 a trad* BilaftatAftUveriMlha* ta tbe s a i n point." Mr. Horr quotes fwej Mr. Barvey'a book taat ~ui« objection to independent bimetallism U tU&t tae parity betweoa tbe two metal* eaa net be maintained at our ratio of 14 to 1, that IJI, th« sold t> MO grains la tfw> cold dollar will be worth more than tan isiiver ST'IM jrratn* in t*» siUer dollar;" and with silver renaonettted. and » just atd equitable standard of values, ws can. If n«ces>ary. by act of congress reduce th« nunafcsr of grains ta a void dollar ttH U Is the w i s e value as the silver dollar. Vi'c can legislute the premium ou; of toUV Re a*l;*d whst brt*rae» of Mr. Harvey s ratio of 1C to-1. Here U what he virtually says: "Tttfcgold dollar may be out dovn i{ aeed bo so tint the ratio thall be 16 to H>" His mathematics, however, ar« as deteetiTa a« at* veracity. Mathematically id to Vt ix ihe same an S2 10 I, M> it it not th« ratio he cares about Mr . liarvcy — Mr Horr says that I deny that the two n.etuU can ba in circulation at a flic J ratio. I have sot &al<i that, for they c m bs, as ibey have been in this country. 1 );now they have alUstvpted to ruuke you believe that there wa? no golrt in. circulation In this country, or seeking the mints after I*io, but boifa *ere misrepresentations. Mr Horr flies in the ffcee of history when he sura that silver w*» not used prior to 1673 as a zuea«ure of value. Silver WJS the unit in tUat coinage sys'.ein regulating the size of th<? golu coins, but the two tojjstfcer were the me. surf of value*, and that is. what we mean by tbe double aUvudarX Mr. Horr alludes T.Q something I have said oefore, anil t&cn aJJs: "Cut tlie yardstick <a two aad it trill sulft> twice ** msayyanS of eioth Iu the world" Now. la 1875, you doubled the leaijih or the yard stick You cui'- .tee uo harm in destroying the price oT a mat's property. cutting the price of his propertyfcaLfin two, but your eyes are wkle opea when any snan proposes to evan up with you by proposing to cut t i e goUl do!l*r half in two. We doa't wish to do th&t, either; we wish to put back in the eels age lyrtemthe B O R * ; itat you demonetized in 1873. Mr. Uorr dented tikl« pvpotttfee SM. ty, aad eball«sf«d aayooe t» ywdvee erideae* tbai the ladvbuda^n ol the people ot tbia ceoatry to all tbe MUtons ot Kurope mTOtved anythiag lttte soefe an amount ot iatereat. Harvey then took bis opponent to M*k for skipping about the book to aad substance for bis remark* instead ot confininghimself to the regular order of proceedings as agreed upon, and said that he would not be diverted from bis original plan by such tactics. Mr. Horr—The answer In your book of hodgepodge and errors that the "government can create a demand 'or a commodity" nau misled thousands of honest and unthinking people; My friend liere, Dr. Bobtnsoa, K*y* it ia u*iaz & seeming truth to lie with, whicii U the most crufty and daaseroua !<iud of false statemeut. You used an illustration to teach that free coinage would create an unlimited demand for silver anU lucrea-v* ii» value in the markets of the world. Under such coinage as you advocate silver would be rwefvod. by tne government, coined, arid then, in effect, returned to the owner again. He might uot get tbe same dallu;x roiued. irona the ldeatisal silver which he took to the mint, but he would get those coined from silver received aoU treated precisely «s hJs was Your illustratiois of tbe government buying 100.000 horses is a f laud on its Jve, that is all You say the average price of wheat in 1891 was 85 cents. The Statistical Abstract gives the New York price us 11.09 in 1891 and the average price in Chicago in l&U was 97 cent* If you are teaching the people the truth, explain tats discrepancy. hir. Harvey—Mr Horr will make notbltg by abusing or ridlculiusr n^.e. Tne istelllgesce of ihe American people demand something higher than thai. Mr. Horr should have thought of how ih<? government fLxea the price ot gold. We ssk tlid .-tame thing tor silver, that's alL Wneh we get to the wheat table I will »ticfy Mr. Horrt-hat it is right. a£ he lias a^eady fc*-n &atistieilof everythiu? we have toushed. Mr. Harrey then emend :nt<* an argameot on wcat he regarded as scientiAc bimetdlism, advocating the Ojption ot the debtor to pay In either metal a* a vital principle, the m o t ImMr. Horr—It is possible that Mr. Harvey be- portant essential In tbe success ot biaetallieves that the art oi 1973 when It demonetized U»ta pretentiag comers oa either mMil, alstiver cut tae price ot the property of tbe ways •ncreusing the demand for tbe deaper world in two. add that price* immediate-}y metal and thereby restoring it to parity if dropped W per cent. I was around the there should be a break. To give the ojllon to worid in 1873 and I know that did the creditor would cause tbe dearer seta! to not take plac*. and fr« kaows i t Ton be used aad a porUy woaM be perman*nti*r destroy ooe-nalf of the wheat la the world and broken, the gap growing wider aU ta« tbe chances are that you will i&erease tae time. With silver discarded as it Is aow taineof wneat probably four times; bat wheat w* must ?o to the m*a who 01m tbe Is an article that people consume from goid 10 get it and submit to tbetr t e n u . A year to year, or after a short time. corner on gold eooM aoc as it dots now. Gold has been accumulating tor ages. tnreatea the credit of lais aatk« tf silver wa« and u yon should destroy tbe yrimary ta competition with gold an primary money. silveraow in tb« tnc&ey quality of halt toe gold In the world H we used the ttOOjmjmot you would not change the price ot the metal treasury there would be ao borrowing cf gold. one-naff. As soon as tbe price would go op Mr. Horr—Mr. Harvey on Monday eaded atthere is an enormous store laid away over the tenUon to the great iacreaae of 'arm mtsney entire world that is not being used for money in the Called States since 1S». maklag tM*% purposes that would at ones seek the c'niiiiclA one of the points of hi«» book to prove t*at tb« aad be coined into money and take the place of country 1« goiny to tae dogs. It 1* t i e money that had been destroyedfrom bis point of view, but not from Keferncff to his previous quotations from mine. He calls this increase evil Mr. Harvey's book, Mr. Horr said he read and I call it good Mr. Harrey sees la fe*» tbetn for tho purpose ot getting at what the ancy. as it is in tbe United States. tt>* rising author desires to reach by the free coinage o( of men by hundred* of thousands, from low to silver, aad said that what "Coin" is really * hi£h cosditioa He calls taat a national after is a cheap dollar. He wouldj^duee the calamity. Is it? I do not so regard it. It value of the money obit of tbls country 70a wo^tld show tar people that Ibis one halt Mr. Horr protested Against tbe whole scheme, because It ia a s effort to cheapen tabor. The greatest commodity ever placed on tbe markets ot the world Is labor. 1* tt best to cheapen tbe unit of value and decrease the purchasing value of our dollar? Ue was a believer in cheap prices and only opposed toem when tae cheapening of tne prtee la at the expense of toe men who do the work. Mr. Harvey said that hU opponent argued that tbe dear dollar is of (note benefit to laborers than • cheaper dollar. He did not (atetad to lei Mr. Horr cloak almssir behind the laboring man. "You have cut iu two the number ot day* tbat it-is passible for men to find labor." he *a'd: '-you nave put anywhere from TQOO.UQO to 4.0QC,C0» laboring men out bf em p'ormtht ia tats country entirety, aad to those laboring men who are now destitute, and many of whose leader* are now iyinjf In Jail, you sing the sweet song* of the high purchasing power of the gold dollar—when he gets it. WJSWELX, 6. HOKtU Mr. Harvey then delved into question of ratio and bluji'iaUUni aad reviewed the hitttgrieal lncretMt in teuency had been at tne |A WILLIAM HOPE HAHT1CT. position of »l ?r in European countries ezpcaMj at farm owners you would aavo ms*de a point. )>ut that I* not the truth- UnKf turning to tho relation free coinage bean in it. 1 replied that when l cot to thn doubtedly in Ma*A»cbuM)its men have left proceedlogs he would have to retreat toward tbe laboring man, Mr. Horr *ald: "Is their laii<)t> in the hand* of tenant*, but they from ;nat position, and now be retreats of his 1*7v, when the question of metallic money have gnue to tbe west. They make up the became prominent in tb!a country, we re3VD accord the only b**t people in the western country. Per*on» He spoke of the history of the bill in confer- sumed specie payments, and money of Jinu,l redemption WIN gold. Do you who have (rraduated from the tuvwn of New cuc* rommittM, "where the dirty work wfta England have helped to build up this great • io-c au-1 tae conspiracy cUUiiaatci." The tell me that distress wan abroad li» the land country of <.urs iti the west They are th« from that on? Any man who say* that must bit <--oiKmJttee iras not supposed to taave reversed sinews of tliis nation. tbs ect'on of the two houses on any points. Ignorant of the history of work in the United State*. Sines this naiioD began, the ysar* Mr. Harvey—By ihc< rules of thi« debate Mr. "Uuitheybfcd. They had taken out the 384-gTatn f ro«i lfcTS £o it** round our people better em- Horr ha-1 DO righi to go to tviat tenant subject <lolUr.tae siwof the FreTjch l\ve-franc utcce.the ployed :in1 jit better wages than i i any other now. Its -ot'Ical place In the debate i« elsed*Hl-ir th>t was to 'float around the world,' the ."•am» number ot years since this government where. Tlit siawmcnt he h»» just made, I • iitAl\c that would havo put our system on the was formoti Fi/ur minions of tnea to-day oul promise to show uv ihe proper lituc. will ap!>;isis ratio with France and tUo Latin of einjilihyment. Where did you gel your «1^- pear plainly unfair and iucooslsvetii with the The report ot tue senate flnaoce comfact*. Primary money is the measure of turned up so altered as to values, ilold tour prCvsnt primary moaey> if Mr. Harvey—1 sa<d from 2.000,000 to 4.000.00a j rsOTT I'ae measure of values. Mr. iiorr »nd I that the committee reported an amendMr. Horr—There isn't any WlstS ia either i agree ^ to that. Silver and gold working toment to strike out the silver dollar, so as to In the yean* ISW>-irt I was | gether, virtually AH one metal, were iormerly sun: <*b ihe foundation for tbe couferonce com- statement. j:u!.tC'i*.s 'i-audulent action, although the sec- in ihirty-onc states oi this union and ' the measure ot values. the entire time I did not • •s :'ia iu -nhich this occurs was passed as itifreea Uunug Mr. Horr says in the We«fcly New York <>a uirhout nny amendment at the time be I tig visit a city where the people were not ! Tribune of June 19 (the paper is here, Mr. well employed at good wage.-* and I know that j -»-ctjiv,(j;crcd to it. Horr) ' 'paper money Is worth oaly the value ' K.;*. hlorr said be had never iulimateii tbat any man Tho says? thst from 1879 to l&ti this | of the money la which It is redeemed." And countrjTras in financial distress and that the | t'jQ 38t-(fniin dollar was not at one time in the M r. Horr is right. I do not mean to say that .' U. but lie denied that it was in aa? draft of laboring men were not then well employed is paper raocey cannot hi made primary money, not well qualified to talk upon the subject, be* . :e Ml! made anything but u subsidiary coin, as we may see later, but it does not become ..nd dtsfeei his oppoceat to prove that tac cause that is not the fact the measure of values when only representing Mr. Harvey congratulated tbe people on Mr. clause traklns the go!ct dollar the unit of value primary iuoncy. To be a measure of valjw tt Horr s frank admission that over-production we a evsr erased from the bill in any of tha must represect itself only. fit cuts ao fljrure ia this controversy. .proceedings. Mr. Horr—Any business man will oaljrfted Mr. Horr—I never said that . It traa now Mr. Harrey'a turn a^ain and he to look at the table of production of silvera&d sonilcied reading from tae Congressional Kec- | Mr. Harvey referred to tne national elections gold since 1873 to be able to ascertain that rrom 1884 to 13& and said: "Now. since I8K a • ord on the passage at the substitute advo- ' the law operates ia reference to silver cated by Mr. Hooper. In reply to a flood of calamities has come. Don't you in as well as in reference to every other this debate refer to the prosperity of this counquestion, Mr. Hooper bad said the commodity. Silver does not lepresent toibill m&de oo changes in tbe exist' try from 1S73 to 1895; don't you refer to the day the same amount of labor, of work, Jag coinage lavra. Shortly afterward — prosperity that ha» built np millionaires and that it represented in 1873. It is cheaper bewithin the hour—the bill w^s passed without ujuUi-millionairts and strewn this country cause the demand and the suoply are in such helnp read. Mr. Harvey now went into the -with millions of tramps and paupers and men j relations to each other that it makes ft cheap* senate hiviory of the bill. Senator Snerznan, thai don't, know how they are going to pro- er. just a* wheat has been cheaper, aad for be allegeJ% and made frequent citations from vide for their families ia tbe coming year." the same reason. Mr Harvey is mistaken Tuesday. Prices are not governed or controlled by 'the records in proof of hU assertions, a w e repeated attempts to accelerate action CHICAGO, July ££.—Ko evidences of faii#u<* or r.he smouat of primary money in any counon the bill when the matter was first lack of breath were, apparent in cither of th« try or in the whole world so far aa £ brought up is the senate, and to convince the principals izs the Horr-Harvey debate when *now. Why. when we passed the law of 1873 other senators that the bill vras one of no im- time was called lor the sixth round Tuesday. there was at that time only about $135,000,000 portance whatever, and they need cot give Mr. Harvey led with a vindication of of gold ib tbe country—ail the prim an' money we bad If his doctrine is true prices should orer an hour altogether to its consideration, the importance of the debate, which, he taid, have been doubled instantly. If your docrested epen five historic a) reasons: "and in these things," continued tUe speaker, trine is true every product in this country "he sue;ceded." 1. For 200 years prior to the demonetiza- should have been reduced ia price by tbU Moadar. tion ot silver ia 1S73 silver was seetdns the cheapening of silver CHICAGO, July 3i— Although the weather mis:s of the world for coinage into money. STEAMERS COLLIDE. was cool and pleasant Monday tbe attendance t For 200 years prior to 1573 there was no at the Horr-Harrey debate dwindled down variation between the commercial and the Score* Vfriab In Italian Waters at Dead "very perceptibly. There were just flfty- lejjal ratio of \h% to 1. During the twentyof Nig-titthree persona present when Mr, Horr two yeara since 1873, however, tbe two ratios L i Sri'EZZiA, Italy, Jwty 23.—A terreopened the discussion, for the first had separated widely, and gone from l&Vi to 1 rible accident, resulting1 iu the loss of time since the beginning of tbe debate read' to about & to I. i n g from manuscript Duriug the nineteenth 3. For 338 years prior to 1873, tbe quantity 148 lives, occurred near the mouth of -caatary all the great countries had adopted ratio between silver aad gold ranged from 56 tbe Gulf of Spezzia. At 1:30 a. m. tbe a cold standard, be asserted, but had not dl»- of silver to 1 of gold to 4 of silver to 1 of gold, cardod silver. However, none of tbetn had but notwithstanding this wide variation tbe steamers Ortigia and Maria P. ran into other aud the latter vesopened their mints to silver. He then dipped Commercial ratio had clung tenaciously to the each Into the history of finance In France and was legal ratio. sel was so badly damaged that still talking or It when interrupted by the bell. 4 The price of silver in the London market, she sank in a very short time. An attack on Senator Morrill followed. He waii as measured in gold, up to 1873 was practicalThe Maria P. had on board, in addition not very careful of the truth, said Mr. ly steady, while since that date silver bad deto her crew, 178 passengers, bound .Harvey, whea be stated that no sil- clined from 60 vence per ounce to a 7 pence from Naples for the itiver Plate, by -ver dollars had been coined for many per ounce. years prior to 187* Copies of the mint reports & That this violent fluctuation In the price far the larger part of whom were for several years previous to 1873 were here of silver ha« been going on ever since Its de- emigrants. The ni^ht was pitch dark imbmitted showimr that several millions of monetltatlon and is going on to-day. the collision occurred and dollars had been coined durlnjr the^e periods. Mr. Horr d'.d not reply directly to hi* op- when "Now." said the author of 'Coin," "If Senator ponent, but took up Mr. Harvey's statement the scene OD board tbe sinking steamer MorrUi couldn't tell the truth Is one particular itt Monday that but one error had been found almost defies description. Most of the i have a right to wssume that be could not tell in his work, staying mat there were myriads passengers were asleep in the bunks at of mistake*, not la express statement of it In any." Mr. Horr warmly defended Senator Mocrlll facts, but by false Implication which any the time, and were awakened by the . He said; "Whan Senator MorrUi made tbe a»- man of M U M would repwdlate on sight. crashing* of the steamer's plat**, deck mrt\rm that there bad been ao silver dot' At this point Mr. Horr created some beam* and deck planks. They were tars coined for auny y*ars prior to aerlstoa at the expense of Harvey to? saying panic-stricken and rushed pell-mell :1R7S. be did not swaa t« IM tak*u taat he did oat deny that bia opponent beliterally. He mean* ibai la emparlaoa Ueved all he bad written. Aa a matter of fa**. on deck, where they ran hither and jut a w amooat of gold ooiaed there bad been It v?a* impoiiclble for him to tell whs* a thither calling upon the saints to save jpraetically DOB* ootaed, Hd.ttot Is trna. Mr. man la Mr. Harrey's state ot mtad might them. Harvey as* a way I do B4t like of trying to be eapable of believing. The statement ta SFKZZIA, July 24.—Additional deFinancial School" that tv^ry •astre* t » character of *rory*ody who dtffeTs "Coin's otrce of ftllver prodaoad np to t i e present tails of the collision between the tew Mm I*+&BU». Ifm 4Aarpf7 a*mu«taa* he made one bad mls«ta«aa»*nt la h'.s book, time bad cost t t e producer two 4oUara aa Italian steamship* Ortiffi* and Maria ana, according to M* s»tfto««c Brgvnetkt.T Mace was scouted by Mr. Horr. If tae Bta* P. and the staking of the latter in the •waers ha4 twee producing «Uver at this coat ve » ii«Bit to imtmt «1M* a*t* wroay U aarfieUiagtt, at th*y«»a4 been «•»»«, u f r e « » gnlf ot Genoa, include tbe teatimoay erytblnf. , t t » to IS7 **n ounce they Had lea* wy tbe . Mr. U»rvey tnnsM to t*» ttlacoasJoo ot W- transaction daring ta* feet tare* year* s e a * of the lookouts on both re*x»ts that they sighted each other too late to v>ctaUUm. Ukiajf s o fim «Lat flrtnefc of J»wtatiag»«tukU»H«d oolsag*. **d want into the avert the coUiakm. fiaefc also charges The next point of attack, was the statement that the captain and mate of the other history ot tbe matter a*w&«! otter nations. • I t mnkes no diVsrwboe," eald Mr. Horr, ot page » of Harvey's book taat the people ot vessel were asleep in their bunks when •what the history or nallsiteC oolnajr* ta It this country i>re annually paying to E&ftlaod they should have been on deck la interest oa national an4 JU a/Jm'.tted oa evwy aivnd tkai all AGBEE. BOir ft&d Rarr«y Contiirtte Their Debate. Baeii Ae«wa*« tfe* Otfcer of Attempts a t Misr*pM«*ntatlo*—A 8yw»p*ls of tfa» A i y u b t v U A4WWIMHH1 by Both, o a Tkmr*4ay. Copyright, 18K, by Azal F. Hatch. CHCAuO, July 8*.— At the openinc of the Horr-Bfcrvey silver debate Thursday it was announced tliat but two more sessions would be held. And for thU reason the daily bouts wouid be ftonewhat lengtheaod in order to admit of the delivery of th* number of words originally agreed upon. The debate Tsttndsy was marked by a more than usually sharp encounter between the two contostafrts. Mr. Horr called his opponent's attention toft statement which he had made in hi* criticisms upon Senator Sfoi^an, wherein he stated that the silver dollars ot 412H grain* were largely ctilnad prevlou* to the denaoaetf zation of silted ta 1873 and after the p&ssag« ot the law of 1853. making subsidiary coinage of less value than its face Therefore he Interred that senator Morgan was mistaken in stating that uon* of the 413ft dollars had been coined from silver mined in this country. Mr. EUrvey said that tae old dollars ot 413* grains were coined for tbe people oi Nevada and California, notwithstanding that at that time the bullion was worth tnore uncoined than coined. Mr. Horr then denied that these dolUrs were coined from silver mined in thU country and sent to the mlat for that purpose. Congress had provided taat foreign coin should be received by the government et a certain fixed value, aad further that such colas should not again put into circulation but should be recoined a?, the mint. The report of Use director of tbe mint showed that over <&,0oa000 ia silver had thus accumulated, aaving been touad In toe gold duria? the process of assaying It At this point Harvey challenged Horri statement, saying that be had not brought his authorities with him, aad therefore ais argum«ais were entitied to no ataading la debate. H* Uiea aaad«d Mr. Horr a *ta**a«u ot the director ot ttt aOat, which he «sid reported taat dartag t t e y*ar lSNt«tt,«iesUver doilars had oeet eolaad at Cantoa City. Mr. Uarvcy again called hi* oppoaeat to task for sot ooaflaiag hi* remarks to tho ordtf of debat* •rtgiaaUy agreed and said that he woold not be diverted tats order. Be tbe* watered upon a discosaton of primary and credit monay, saytttg that an overissue ot credit moasy c a n e d a drain upoa tha primary nosey for redemption purposes. Aa example of tais bad Just been wltaosaedta this eountry in to* issue of boods by the present admlal^tratioa for the purpose of maiatalalaf t a e g o U n serv*. Mr. Harvey said ha k*d received a letter witaia Uw last few days from a large New York manufacturer ia watch the writer stated that mil tbe money ihe baak seas bia\ to pay off bis men was ia silver certificates The run on the United States treasury most coatiaue till the credit money outstanding, estimated at |1.OO0.OI».O0O. was redoeed to ta« qoaatity ot gold ia this eoantry, which was variously estimated at from Hoareea.oao to ttM.eM.0S0. or the stock of prtmary money was tacreaved. To bring order out of coarustoa the urst aeoessary step was to build up the stock ef primary money. All credit money rested on primary money, aud If the goW Mandard wa* adhered to the people must took to gold a too* to sustain its credit- Eaca govvraaieat &>*& loan was n step towards ua^lonal bankruptcy, teaipwartly restoring eott&denee, but Ajtaliy resulting In aa f ner**a«d demand for gold. To correct tats »ystem toe remeaBtfxatfoa of sliver was necessary. Every moment's delay endangered tae safety of tae republic. Mr.Horr tooRitU uyv<>»uVwtMk for s t a t in* a n»l»tabo in his OgurM regarding the amount of silver dollars coined in 1670 ut the Canon City m.nt and* asserted that th« niiat report from which the aUver champion bsd quoted su^ralaed Mr. Horr's proposition that not any of the silver produced in thli country and sold by silver owaent. or taken to the mint for coinage, was embraced In that money which Mr. Harvey Mid wa* coined after №X The mlat report showed tb?.t from Wio to 1ST*, in the mint of Canon City, there were only coiaod 10,-63 of the vritl »Uver do!!its. Tne report ihowed they were coined from the silver aecunjulated In asaayinff the gold taken to thai mint Mr. Horr added: Up to thi* moment Mr B a n c y nat not said one word upon tbe real question in debaU1. He spent boun* to prove that tne Uw of lt>73 wa.s conceivsd in siu &nd brouybi Tortu Iniquity. I save a short, sueclem history of the bill and tbe steps lakea in its passage, lie iim not coiitroverted asingie ^tuif-i-ont of mine. He has nowhere proven any *ci of bribery or tae influence of money in * uhviiv step taken during ta« progress or the bill through congress He or no one else ever will, because there was none He has cow priated long tables to prove that when tne euiire -.vorU. except EnKUatLwaa attemptinK to control the price of silver by legislation, they succeedei in keeping the legal price vv.thln live cents oa tae dollar of tae market or commercial price, and that seaerally the variation between tbe market and the legaitpricc w;»s only about two points. I have viriu^Uv shown—and he virtually limits, at least t:, has nowhere denied it—that » variation of ciir-quarter of one point has thus far bee a suSlcieni to drive the dearer metal from every country ia the world. My proposition ift laut gold ha* remained nearly stationary in price since 1873 and that silver has fallen in price in accordance with the great la*' or supply aad demand, aul tiiat the cheapened prore^sos of produc^oa, with tbe increase of t"»s supply, has driven down the price of silver. Mr. Harvey—I wact to say to Mr. Horr. while iispursLC all that he has said, tae silver tierived from eola in rennmg sold M the mints was not coiuctl into dollars, but was coined into fractional -silver. When be sa 3 that the govsraciont wa*i •williiiif to lose taat 2 or 3 per eenw premium he says lUat the jrovernment was williae to •io .something that iha individual was not Tbe country needs $Ji, 8w),«X».000 to meet the normal acaiBu tjr money. It needs it just as it nseds a uoraiil .supply of whe&L For each dollar ia exi.s;ence we are paylag the bauks inisrest oa two dollar* This is jhe way tbe baaks work up the actual volume in existence \.o the normal volurae. tt'itb Si.<50>,00JO00 in existence, the people are using it - a i paying interest oa $3,3№,00O.0UO iciditional. 'i*his iaierest varies from a to Vi per cent. The banks arc interested in holding aown the volume of money and supplytag tbe remainder needed with their credit system. They take the quantity of money in existtence and stretch it liUe a piece of rubber. And they sometimes let loose of their end. It is used to mould public opinion in their interest. It can bo truthfully said taut all money ia circulation represents borrowed money. H is human nature, kcown to all men, that most debtors are moral cowards. Money is tbe lash they arc afraid of ana the money leaders hold the whip band. Mr. Horr—Whenever silver minim? costs two dollars an ounce, men wno are la It paying their expenses and can only sell itfor sixty ceiits will quit that business tae world over. The mines that are mining silver at less than sixty cents will keep riffbt on in the business. Now, Mr. Harvey, the fact that these mines have been runnin; since 1ST), according to your own statement, when the full effects of demobilization took place, with silver going down and down, if tbe production U increased from year to year, that of Itself proves, and no man ca& gainsay it, tn»t they axe still making money at tbe price, or they would not fctay In that businsss. They could not Hence Uli* citort of Mr. Harvey is to get ?U» oat 0! the entire people of the United States for aa urtiele that costs toe men wbo are producing it l e u than *ixty cents an ounoe. Ws« there ever sued class tagislatiofa attempted in any coun try. to compel the people to pay for a thing three times M m uch as it costs to iToduee W The men who own mines and those who owe •umr of money'ln eteens of the n<raey *vs them may be benefited by this cheap money schene. bat tbe rest or the people will receive I nothing bat injury. I Mr. Harre?—What Mr. Horr u*a said »heut the east of ycadndtac a u w r h s eoukt aa»» aaU GOVERMftfCNT «END8 TROOPS. with » great weal mere ioree about the «oat vt PfO4n«kit- »*ld. Gold. dotUr Mr dollar, «O4t* J*Cr*~ a great deal less than silver to mine, Orer M per eent of ail the direr produced y Comeomes from prospects where men are trying to make mines, mines that are not paying ia ; niskioner Browning Wedaeadaj morneither gold or silver, or both, and they : ing received a dispatch from Agent are shipping that to get back what they condition ean. There are onlv three or tour silver Teter stating that a serious 1 mine* left in the United States that are of affairs existed among the Bannock paying, and they are running precarious* Indian* and urging that troops be sent ly. Why! Because aU mines are uneven ' to the scene of the troubles at once. and uncertain and may lie lost in a week from Browning held an now, The shytoek* ot old loaned their own Commissioner conference with Secretary money. The shyloeks ot to-day have a »ysum hoar's by wMch they loan other people's money. Lamont at the war department on the They are defending that system. Bannock Indian outbreak with the atAt Mr. Horr's request the debate was ad- tendant casualties. He said iris office journed to Saturday. was advised tUat 200 or 9» trf the A WATERLOO. Campos' JJefent at Valcfe*a«l* a Mass UiMutcwn Oa*. JACKSONVILLE, Fla,, July as.—A ca- blegram from Key West says: A private letter received in thin city per steamer Mascottc, from Havana confirms the report of Martiuez Campos* defeat at the battle of Valenzuela. Of the :,W» Spanish troop? that went it, to battle, only 300 escaped to Bayamo, where they are surrouoded by 0,000 Cubans under Maceo, Masao, Quiolan, Bandera and Ooulet The insurgents' los» at this battle was 280 killed aad wounded. Martinez Campos U now at Bayamo seriously wounded and surrounded by insurgents. Troops are being sent from all parts of the island to relieve him. Three steamers with troops have left Santiago <ie Cuba for Matuntnillo to reinforce Campos and get him oat The greatest exeitement exists in Santiago and Havana. The people are terrorized. The government is trying to sappre&s all details of toe great battle, bat it is known *A1 through ta* island. The Srnnisb troops in Cuba are falling victims to tropical diseases, and hundreds are dying daily front the malady. The troops are poorly fed and are badly worn oat by long sod eotttinnoas marches. It is reported by the Spanish leaders and government authorities that a large majority of the insurgents have agreed to surrender if Spain will^grant Cuba home rule. This is, however, not believed by the Cuban sympathizers, rrho say they want Cuba's liberty or nothing. . LUNDYS LANE. Indians were out of their reservation, and he had applied to Secretary Lamont for a force of troops witte , which to compel their return, •FORT H A U * Idaho, July »-t— Browning, e o « miasiuner ot Indian affairs, Washington: I fesve inveatiguteA the trcubles between Jb» Indiana and aettters In Wyoming and ativi»* th»t troops be sent th«re i»Bae<it»t«iy vo protect tbe law-abiding settlers. Tbe lawle«s clement among the settlers »eeo» J e tersilnad to cause a conflict with tbe Indians. Tne wttlers have four to seven Indiana, whfca incensed tha Indiana, woo _ gathered to tne number of 200 or * » near Fall river, Uintan county, and refused to return ta their reservation. I fifld that the Indians h a w killed game unlawfully according to tbe laws oi Vfyarning, though net uulawfully aecordln^ to the treaty ef tne Indian* with tbe United States* thus usurping the prerogatives ot the •ettlers. which caused the trouble. Nothing but the intervention of soldiers will settle the difficulty 2nd save the lives of Lnaoeeat per* tons uaA the destruction ot property. T After his conference with Gen. gerand Maj. Davis Secretary I^amont Wednesday afternoon seat directions to Brig. lien. Coppiuger; commanding the department ot the Platte, to proceed at onee to the scene of the trouble and ascertain the exact situation^ In. the meautime Gea. Coppinger is to order the- movenaetit of such troops in his-department as will protect the settlers and secure the re* turn of the Indians to their reservation. , ^ _' MAD£ HER A TARGET. O S Cape Antonio. BEJEAKWATER, DeL. July 3*L-Cnpt Quicks of the American schoooerCarrie Eu Lane, upon his arrival here Wednesday night bad a tale t o tell about a thrilling- encounter ia Cttbaa waters with a Spanish gunboat. shots were fired at the Historical Batttofidd Is X»ffc*il fcy * Two Lane by the man-of-war, and Xononwmt. BVFFALO, X. Y., July 2G.~With ap- one of the schooner's crew namowlr propriate rx«rci*es the motiaaient escaped being killed by one of them. erected by the dominion government The vessel was made to heave to and on the Canadian side of Niagara falls give an account of herself before being to the memory of the unkpotva heroes allowed to proceed. Tbe acbooner was off Cape Antonio and making good time before a stiff breeze, when on the- 14th in&t- she lighted a itteamer flying the Spanish flag foliowing her. Capt- Quick sajs that he could n<H g«t the name of the gunboat, lie adds that after the first shot v » fired at the Lane he caused the stars sad stripes to be hoisted at tbe peak, bat the only response the Spaniard* mad* was a second shot. The gunboat did not hoist her colors until after the flrat shot was Srcd. WAMIIINOTOM, July 2S-—The govern* ment omciaU here have received no informat ion in regard to the firing on tho selxMner t'arrie El Lane by a Spanish war vewvl off Capo Antonio. The generul opiuion of uaritl officers who rend the r»-w>rt of the affair a» descriixKl by <"apr_ Quick is that the MOXVMKNT AT I.UXDf'fi t.AXK. Spaniard did not exceed his authority who fell in the Ijlood3' battle of Lrtn- ia overhauling the sciwvrtier. if the lat* dy's Lane on •hily 'l~>, 1SH, was formal- ter was m tlui territory of Cuba. The ly dedicated Thursday. The shaft is a Spanish g-overninuut, it is held, is mensolid block of Quebec granite, weigh- nct'd by th« danger of the landing of ing over fiv« tons. The only inscrip- lilibusfcri.Mg' expeditions on the* Cuban tion is '"Lniuly's Lunc, LSIJ-M," sur- coast, ami in rxertinjf itself to prevent rounded hy u wreath of maple. fcueh landing-has a nyht to overhaul aud learn tne eharaoter of any vessel CHOLERA" IN JAPAN. within the 2-raile-liaiit that mi^ht be Nearly Kv*ry I*rovince» Reports a Heavy busi>ect«d of havic"? on board tiiose enDeath RHte—tile In the Streets. tertaininir designs ayainsst the {governSAN i'BANClsco, July 2rt.—Cholera ia ment or a carjro intended for the inraging" in Japan aud nearly every prov- surgents. ince in the little empire reports a heavy HE MUST ANSWER. death rate. The officers 1 and passengers of the City of Peking tell tales of Coroner'* .Tory rind* » V«-rdl«-t A.gulu*t H. U. Holiuvs. death from cholera in the street*, of the TOKOXTO, July -'C—The inquest into city.whcro the steamer called. From the outbreak of the disease until the day the murder.of the Pitzel children was the steamer sailed from Yokohama coDeluded Wednesday night before 1.183 deaths had been reported. The Coroner Johnson and a jury. 1Some disease was brought to Japan by the evidence was taken and strong and forces retui-niasj from the war in vigorous summing up was made. Tbe China and Korea, and wherever a regi- jury was out only fifteen minutes, and ment was sent home and disbanded there was from the beginning no «iiscases of cholera began to develop, and ajfreenient araonj,' them. They rethe disease spread witU such rapidity turned ihe following: verdict: "Thai. Alice Piii«*;l came u> her death, oc or that the physicians of the district were about tie •ihth of October, in the city of Tounable to <:heck it. rotiio. tiud that It H. Holmes, aiiu.s Muugeu. Military quarantines were estab-1 aUu.s Howard, did oa o? about, tbe day lu»t ;it the city ot Toronto, unlawfully. lished and all regiments returning a:oresai<i acd wlti malice aforethought, kill were held until all traces of the dis- 4,willfully ud murJer her, tbe said Alice Pitzel. conease were stamped out. In spite of trary to tbe peace cf her sovereign ludj\ tae such precautions and the united ef- queea. her crown ntv\ dignity." forts of the quarantine officers and Cloodbant ia y physicians the plague has become prevCosM;i.i,i»vin,K, Pa., July 25.—The alent and ail the way from fifty to 100 deaths a day are reported and many destruction in this region wrought by more are said to occur that never reach i the cloudburst Monday uig-ht is worse ; than at first reported. The loss will the ears of the authorities. • reach over §50.000. The cloudburst THREE GIRLS DROWNED. : occurred in the mountain dissooth of Dunl>ar, aad Sad Accident to a Party of Bather* in the tricts, i for two hours the water poured 1'latte River. COLUMBUS, Neb., July' 26.^-Dasie, ictothe valleys and ravines at the base aged 1?.. daughter of Charles Klaus, of of Chestnut Ridjre. At Dun bar, (.iist Columbus; May, a^red li, aad Hulda, run and Dunbar creek unite and both aped 1, daughters of Oeorge Klaus, streams were filled with floating logs who live near the Platte bridge, 3 and debris. The borough bridge gav« miles south of town, were drowned in way, after damming up the water, the Platte river Thursday evening causing the banks to overflow and While bathing. The bodies were re- flood the town. AU the bridges iu town were borne away iu the torrent covered. B. Y. 1>. t . \. at Battkroor*. Xo Tension for rrtncea* Kalulanl. BALTIMORK, Md., July 22.—Sunday' SAX'FRANCISCO, July 20.—The steamer City of Peking arrived Thursday was the closing day of the great conmorning' from China and Japan via vention of the Young People's Ilaptist Tbe services included the Honolulu, bringing advices from Hon- union. convention sermon and the annual olulu that Princess Kaiulani will not address of lYefikteut Chapman. Af#»r get her pension of £1,000 per annum. consecration service at night &'e After Ohicar Wild*. convention adjourned sine dfc. Every LOSDOX, July 20*— A receiving order session and meethirf- held since last in bankruptcy was issued against Os- Thursday sk^ning, about 100 in nurocar Wilde's property Thursday by the ber^kave been.Attended by Urge anmarquis of Queer'jberTy,ftlaimtrigSG7T dience* nud rnarked by an epthusiasm costs in the debtor's oasuccearfnlttei- and eacoeaincsii wbiok bodes well for tion lor libel. ' •. : tiie future promh txnd prosperity of '''* '" ^ Benjamin Kadcliffe, coorteted of tbe t*e ^ murder of thwe school trustees at Jef tf. ferson. Park eovmty, C « L , - i ^ ^ ^ y er lenoed to be hanged at the peniten- H. Rice, ex-goveroor of Massachusetts, tiary at Canyon City gome time during died at the La«g\vix>d hotel here Moo* tbe week btffianittg August 13. daj afternoon of ?r j Is an underfed world, and It U a ffc« warm, loo* day Utt&d*4< w/ung-out world, and men and women ¥aa cooler nl«at yrevtUr, of the three angels tm the plains of need to know that there !s rest a*d la blue sea*, calm u d tpl«a4J4. Ha*. Dr. Talma** Defines the Mature will help every woman to pro- recuperation in God and in that reliTh* new m*oa, star attended, • whita foaaoU, utU. vide hospitality, however rare and em- gion whiuh was not *n much Intended World's Need of a Religion. barrassing. It is high time that some for extraordinary people «» for ordiTbe madcap wtnds i n t of the attention we hare been giv'rag nary people, because there are more of They aet no leaf attlr; Mt b * Path «w Ko* t « h*> R*yoml to the remarkable women of the Bible them. '• A* 11 by aMure's ftat, er ComMt-*l»«<ii»ii*u a ' The Healing profession has had its Were ttilled their playful —remarkable for their virtue or their Le*t it <U*eemlort her. AWrcrorubies, and its Al*crnt!thys. want of it, or remarkable for thotr LJfif. dee<;,s— Deborah and Jezebel, and «ud its Valentine AtuUs, and its WiW t a e «IOB tain*..YI cricket lard Par;:i-rs; but the ordinary physiII*rodius Hfld AtiKDsiah, and H u closed his sfeinln* vimga. And by the little wicket The following discourse by llev. T. •and the Marys, excellent or *M;UH do Hie mini of the world's inediThat guards his rcnssy thick** DcWitt TaImage, who i« still on hia • doned—-it is hiff'i tune that some of fining, nud they (teed to understand ills drowsy son* be sin*:*. H C D witnessed baseball, and was Tare nun who boasts that be works wHfc summer tour, is selected for publu-a- ; the attention we be*»n giving to tiiat while taking d'.UfjnoMs Or proj;Seen football teams kick off; bis bead instead of His hands is rtspeetfalty t ion this wee k. Its subject is "I'kuii.; these conspicuous women of the Bible nortis. or writing prescription, or comThe thrash Is In her bower, But died from softening of the brain reminded that the woodpecker doss thf The »p*rrow in h«r B«»t, People," beinjy based on the text: j be tfivea to .Uilin of the trxt^ an ordi- pouuUing tat'djeitment; <>r holding the brought oa by fames of golf. same, and in the biggest kind of s> bovs at> And every folded flower -.N.Y.Sun. that.—Waterloo Courier. K;tlutfl Asyncyitus, Phtagon, Hernias. Prvro- : nary woman amid ordinary oirciAuv delicate pulse of a dying chp.'d they H i t yieldeJ to the power •%«»•, Heiinei, Puiiolctrus uud Julius.—Ito 3f*rv«j, sUuiees, attending, to ordinary duties iusy have lh« presence imd the T lulls the world to Men old at thirty. Chew and smoke, eat Q«eca * Cresecat Ka«M to and Meeting ordinary wspodsibiHlietl. ilk'tiilion of the Almighty Doctor And Iraysou! surrender Matthew Henry, Albert Harries',. Uttle, drink, or want to, all tbe time. Nerves Tht'ii tiirre are all t'!n- ordinary ! usi \viii> \iK>lx the case of the mmh It will be one of ti* grestest Mrs To your sweet Influence, tott tingle, never satisfied, nothlug'i beautiAdam Clark, Thomas Scott, and nil m-.-.s moil. They need <iivin<? unii Chns-, un>!, yfter he had lorn off his^ar* 1 read your message tender, ful, happi&eM gone, a tob&ceo-aaturated known in America. the commentators pass by these verses tian1 help. When n«- Wpin to talk inetits ir; f'»:tming iK-iuviUia, clothed Oft, iiight ot peace and splendor. aystem.tells the story. There's an easy way - Many features of th4 Cfakagp without any e.spejial remark. The about business life we sha:>t rfp-ht off lniii .again, body and risiiui, ttiid who Of starlight and o; d«w. out. No-To-Bac will Idll the uerve-cravicg Fair and many additional and aew Exposition open September Ifth to other twenty people ineutkuied in the and talk about men who <li<l business lift'-.d up thti wmnari'who for eighteen —Andrew Downing, In N. Y. effec.s for tobacco and make yoa *troag, vigorous and manly. Bold and guaranteed ceinber 31st, 1805. chapter wore distinguished for some- on a large seaJe, »ad who sold miUioun yi-ars IIHII l**en b*:nt almost double with Do you want to go! Vacation to cure by DruggtBts everywhere. Book, thing, and were, therefore, discussed of dollars of goods a year; but the vast the rht-ii:n:it»*in, into graceful statire, Write to W. C. RurtAasox, G. P. JL, Ike bell ta dumb, the lessons learned* "Don't Tobacco Spit or Bmoke Your l i f e \»y the illustrious expositors; l>ut majority of busint^s men do not sell a and n-ho turned the scabs of leprosy Away," free. Ad. Steriiog Eemedy Co., dnnaiJ, O., for printed matter. The key upon the schoolroom turned rothiug is said about Asynerilus, million dollars of goods, nor half a iuto rubictmd complexion, and 'vha And joyfui shouts the children ralsa; Hew Yo*k City or Chicago. Cmoo—"WhiVdoyou think of ths< Hurrah {or glad vacation days! Hennas, Patrobas, Hermes, rnili ion. nor a cuftrter of a million, nor rubbed the numbness »>nt of paralysis, ing womant" Cawker-—"*8b« is net CBOIXT—"Why do so many of the girl*get and Julia. Where were the eighth part of a million. J'nt all and who swung wide op£a the married in Junet 'June bride*,1 yoa know." ryingme. If she waits to button her gia Tbe ttar-eyed daisies In the fxaaa they born? No one knows. Whore the bitsiuesK men of ourcties, town?, closed windows of hereditary or Polly—"That's easy. It's because they're she will not arrive inyour Ufottnia or Are blooming now tot all who p a » a»ked-"—Chicago Record. —Judge. Along the pleasant country waya; . did they die? There i» no record- of villages and neighborhoods *lde by accidental blindness, until otic Hurrah for glad vacation day*! their decease. For what were they hide and you wiil flml that tliey sell morning light came- streaming UffcLE TOM—"What was ytmr teothat** Op*a the safety valve dislingubheU? Absolutely for not hing, le*i than fifty thousand dollars through the fleshly easements, The clover meadow* eall the beea. Wbentbereiatoobiga head of steam ©B, record in college, Hartal" Maria (wnm or the trait of character would have of goods. All these men in or-and who cnnivs all tbe diseases aad The squirrel* ehaiter la tfce trees or you will be in danger. Similarly, when pride)—"One hundred yards i s 9 M a s * And robins slag their merry lays; that important *af ety valve of the system, "—Chkago Record. been brought oat by the apostle. If dinary business life want di- &U the remedies, aad all the herbs, Hurrahtorglad the bowel*, becomes obstzneted, open it tfory had been very intrepid or opulent vkt* help. Yot* Svee how the and all the cat hoi icons, and is monarch prompily withrfoatftter'*Stomadi Bitters, or hii'&ttie or musical of cadonee, or wrinkle* are printing oa the counte- of pharmacy and therapeutics, and Where woodland paths are eool aas Beats on sale for the "Hew South," and goard agaiuBt tbe conteqaenoB* of Ue And shaded by a loaty •ereea, ctass of style or in any wise anoma- nance lira story of worriment anf.1 who has sent ont ten thousand doctors osnclndes its run July SHh* k BUt d r i l i l , dyspepsia, iwaiyH^ ThegoiJen sunshine peep* and plajK lous, that feature would have been care. You can pot tell how old a busi- of whom the world makes no record; and Iddney complaint, nervousHUIT&B for glad vacation day*: WA* Mils men. Mid men deplore the low* »e»toda«iralgia«reaUsabjttgatedbyt caught by tbe apostolic camera. But ness man i* by looking at him. Gray but to prove that they are angels of but war also crushot bad prlndrias «n«V nteawnthttt potent caao,oeror of diseaae. The xptrkltttg waves atom* the aaera tbey were good people, becan&e Paul haira at thirty. A man at forty-five mercy, I invoke the thousand'* of tyrants, and so saves i " ' ~ Dane* up and down the saady naov, *entto then his high Christian re- »vith the sloop of «• nonopenarian. No whose ail inputs have been assuaged Toj»»T—"Fop, what is a popnlar song?" The boat tjpo* the billow *wavs; Tommy* Fither-^one that everybody gets Halt** Tltey .were ordinary people. time to attend to improved dentistry, ami the thousands of women to whom Hurrah for gtad vaestioa «ay»! rick and tired of bearing."—Philadelphia Is taken Internally. PrlosiSe. • in ordinary sphere, attending the grinders cease (because they are in crisis of pain they have been next accord We eanaot count tbe lovely to ordinary duty, aad- meeting ordin- fevr. Actually dying of old age at to God in benefaction. Tbe socad* aw) sights to** rammer brta«*; TmcTH it bid in gnst depths—the way sa» ary responsibilities. THOSE who for thefirst Let's sin* a s o o t tn swatter's pral**; I tiaeare to become swkitdoe* cot appear to aUthewettt.— forty or fifty, when they ought to be Come, BOW let ns bare a religion for htUdMother »Fricad." M a e h Hurrah Tor glad Taxation days'. What the world wants is a religion at the meridian. Many of these bnsi- ordinary people in pro.'ett&icns, in ocGoethe. be sared. —Tents'* Compuloa. for ordinary people If tHere V* in men bave bodies like a neglected enputions, in agriculture, in the house* the United Suites sixty-five million "I » s t betiere Jack will ever learn to SUMMER The B*tt«*fly'B Toilet. clock, to which you come, and yon i hold, in merchandise, in everythingdatwer* "Worae than that; he wiH never people, there are certainly not toore OB. butterfly, how do you, pray, learn not to attempt UP*—Boston Budget tlian one million extraordinary; and •svind itttp,and it begins to buzz and I salnte across the centuries AsyneriTour wlaffs so prettily array? roar. and the tho hands htarfc around tu*. Piileg-.m Hernias, Patrobas, Where 46 f oa and the paints from wfclea thfeii there are sixty-four million ord:B o o m ' s Theater, Chicago, is now preTo mix your color* * a m and rich? nary, and we do well to turn our very rapidly, and then the clock strikes j Hermes, Philologus and Julia. senting tf» mocb-discnased -Trilby" by A. 8 M. Palaser * New York Company. "backs for a little white upon the dis- five, or ten, or forty, and strikes! First of all, 5 f yoa fet-I that you The butterfly, u answer, *ald: without any sense and then, sndordinary, tbank God that yon are not tinguished »nd conspicuous people of "Theroses Ien4 ma pink aad. red, A U T T U religion is bard to koap.»Raai'« So is the body extraordinary. I am tired, and sick, The violets their deepest brae, tbe Bible and consider in our text the denlr stops. of that worn-out business roan. It is and bored almost to death with extraAad e^ery flower 1M eaosea ho* •even ordinary. We spend too u>nch of our time In twisting garlands for a neglected clock, and though by some ordinary people. They take all their * My palette u a roae*fe*t fair. FIRST TOUR My brosa I* formed, of uatden-halr. remarkablt-s and buildLnjr thrones for fcuminer recreation it may be wound t'ine to tell us how very extraor.lin.-iry And dew*4ropi shialn* la the gran magnates, and sculpturing warriors up, still the machinery is all out of tiip.y really are. You know as well as Serve akely for my tooking-glua." 1 do, my brother and sister, that the gear. The hands turn around with a and. apotheosizing philanthropist,'*. —Nixoa Walomta, la Yovta's OcapaaJocv The rank and the file of the Lord's velocity that excite* the astonish* most of the useful work of the world is done by unpretentious people who taent of the world. Men cttn not unsoldiery need especial he!p. toil right on—by people who do SECOND TOUR Tbe vast majority of people to whom derstand the wonderful activity, and not gel much approval, an no there is a roar, and a buzz, and a ratDid yon «rer h e w of that? Well* this sermon comes will never lead an one seems to say: ''That U well don*1* army, will never write a state consti- tle about these .disordered lives, and Phenomena are of but little use. thera ar« thousands of farmers who tution, will never electrify a Senate, they strike ten when they ought to Things that are exceptional can not be Utlnk they will re*eh this yield with will never make an important inven* strike five, and they strike twelve depended on. Detter trust the small- Salxer'a new hardy Red Cross Wheat; tiou. will never introduce a new phi- when they ought to strike six. est planet that swings on its orbit aod Eye 60 bvsltela per »erel Crimson THIRD TOUR they strike forty when Clover at 63.00 par bosb*L Lois mad losophy, will never decide tbe fate of a end than ten comets shooting* thf* way aad nation. Yoa do not expect to; you do they ought to strike nothing, and snd' that, intperUieff tUe longevity of kite of gn»* aa& ctoer ior fall di not. »r*nt to. Ton will not be a Mows denly they stop. Post-mortem exami- worlds attending to their own bnsl* C«t this ont and send It t* tfce Joan A. to I«ra4 a nation oat of bondage. You nations reveals the fact that all the nexa. For nteady illamination better SalwrSeed Co., L» Croaaa, Whx, for will not be a Joshua to prolong1 the springs, and pivots, and weights, and is a lamp than a rocket. Then, if you fail cttatafnv and santofe of above " J*! daylight until you can shut five kings b&latice~wbeel.s of health are complete- feel that yoa are ordinary, remember wheat free, in 4 cavern. You will not deranged. The human clock has that your position invites the lea* atl*T n taacfe ottnelvca tfaat hoaorabto John to unroll the Apocalypse. You simply run down. And at the time tack. •tap, nottooutdo diacr»Uoa. ftti ibmys. arc Brtttfi comfort and improvement tad will not be a Paul to preside over an when the steady hand ought to be ConKpieuons people—bow they have nds to personal enjoyment wh«o pointing to the industrious hours on a I COCID not pet ilobjr withottt Pi»o'* Cure apostolic college You will not be a to take it! How they are misrepreCooautaptTcra. It iowaj« cons.—Mrs. E. rigoUy used. Tho many, who live betMnry to mother a Christ Yon will clear and nnnlit dial, the whole ma- sented, and abased, and shot at! The fDV C MoCLtos, Uuediiant, Maa^, Oct. 2t, *»*. tsrtitanothers aad enjoy life more, with more probably be As.yncrittm, or I'hle- chinery of body, mtod and earthly higher the horns of a roebuck the e»»capacity stops "forever. The ceme|!a«at«ta ptad n4v*iof Cheap Parmiat 1m expenditure, by more proniptlr rott. or Herman, or Patrobas, or ler totr**k him down. What a deli* 1 adaptior the world's best prodncts to •a "««*•* lUMwaj, in thia f*m. terie* have thousands of busine** men Hermes, or Pitilologns, or Julia. ciou* thing it must be ta be a candii HM needs of phyaical being, will attest Many uf you are women at the bead who died of old age at thirty, thirty- date for president of the United ) the TSIIM to health of the pom liquid t i t 0A1 wuuia's of households. This morning you tive. forty, forty-five. States! It must be no soothing to the THE MARKETS. laxative principles embraced in th* Then there are all the ordinary nerves! It mast pour into the «o«l of, launched the family for Sabbath obremedy, Syrup of Figs. f JulvSt servance. Yonr brain decided the ap- farmers. We talk about agricultural a candidate such a sense of serenity LIVE STt:"K.*K' -vtccr* Nt.w VoRk ** <M O > U It* excellence is due to its presenting life, and we immediately shoot off to I M). W 4 00 parel, and yonr judgment wasfinalon when he reads the blessed newspapers! in the form most acceptable and pleat* •>•-'•> it 5 * all questions of personal attire. Every talk about Cincinnati!*, the patrician, ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly i« Kaii.y 3 4* & * W I came into the possession of the Mlrto«sat% Ci«"trs i W t i S 39 morning you plan for the day. The who^vent frotn a plovr to a high posi- abusive cartoons in the time of Nabeneficial properties of a perfect lax•: K.-d . '»":>'•, To* ative ; effectually cleansing the system, culinary department of your house- tion, and after he got through the poleon I., printed while he was yet WHEAT—No. Ui;jjru'ieiJ l(«u •"> ® "it dispelling colds, headaches and fevers hold is your dominion. You decide ail dictatorship in twenty-one days he alive. The retreat of the army from VQXS-Xt: •-.> *.*'\<U> MADE ONLY AT RACINE, W1SCONMV. V5?eut back again to the ploiv. What Septe.t&U'.r. •*'.'',* and permanently curing constipation. questions of diet All the sanitary Ttt««»Mert rnnnlfitr And b* Moscow,that army buried in the stiowi OATS—No. a :;>!>W ^ encouragement is that to the ordinary oa fitr j.r;tc* tf jour lietlerdoe* regulations of your house are under Mixed W r s i u r n VC'-iii 3O',i It has given satisfaction to millions and of Russia, one of the most awful tragefarmers? The vast majority of them— R Y E ?<t W TlW met with the approval of the medical your supervision. To regulate the dies of the centuries, represented unN';vv.. mh '!(. profession, because it acts on the KidU8EQUALEB AS A HEAITH 8ES03T. food, and the apparel, aad the habits, none of them will be patricians. Per- der tbe figvre of a monster called »"OttK—Me»>. LAl{D-Wcslcr«Sle,un...... C «t! & haps none of them will be senators. If neva, Liver and Bowels without weakUCTTER-WVst'ntYij^iaery r,' & 1 and decide the thousand questions of Gen. Frost shaving the French emWestera i«tiry !>;•«** J 3 ening them and it is perfectly free from home life is a tax upon brain and any of them have dictatorships it will peror with a razor of icicle. As Satyr CHICAGO. be over forty, or fifty, or a hundred nerve and general health absolutely aad Beelzebnb he is represented, |>ajre 'CATTLE—Shtppinsr S t e e r s . . ??• SO ® 'i W •very objectionable substance. acres of the old homestead. What Syrup of Figs is for bale by all dragappalling, if there be no divine alleviaafter page, page after page, England Sioc'kvrs Jitii] »<:<!ers., >. I *• «U 3 *0 Sltutcd «T« n u n fr«ttt Dabaqoa, those men want is grace to keep their gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man* fromOalnu. 111. Wtttrirortaui Mixed C o » and t i u l i s . . . . I M ki -i SB tion. cursing" htm, Spain cursing him, Gerw telephone connection vita . nfactured by the California Fig Syrup Th«d pl*» IVxas »tt^rs - -<«.* & 4 35 of JnrtroctkMicarried ««t In tk)a It does not help you much to be told patience while plowing with balky many cursing him, Russia cursing HOG&-J.izlu 4 s-i us 5 26 Co. only, whose name is printed on every CT«TT a 4 t u t i f t which «M Relish PawUlutr * *t © 4 80 that Elizabeth Fry did wonderful oxen, and to keep cheerful amid tbe htm, Europe cursing him. North and package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, i 1 "» 01 <«l things amid the criminals of Newgate- drought that destroys the corn crop, South America cursing him. Thef^Hii^P J and being well informed,JQ-J will not UU'XTKK—creamery ' ° W 1 ^4 and that enables them to restore the most remarkable man of hU day, It does not help yon much to be told Diiry , 9 i& 13 aeeept any substitute if oflfexed. garden the day after the neighbor's 17 Uoa, room *nd boots, l&k «**k> CtUUf and th« most abused. All those Psu-kinysstocic.... « fj<- V that Mrs. Judson was very brave G U S - Fresh 10® U*i among' the Bornesian cannibals. It cattle have broken in and trampled men in history who now have a halo KKRitOM OOKN (per ion). . . . . t« 00 (jH«» 00 does not help you much to be told out the strawberry bed, and eaten up around their name on earth wore a POTATOES. Sew .per bbl).. i 00 ft* ! 40 Mes-s W Sl%& 10 75 •that Florence Nightingale was very the sweet corn ia such large quantities crown of thorns. Take the few extr&v )PORK— ,AR&Sieam 6 2ft &tt2 that they must be kept from the water ordinary railroad men of our time, and i-'LOUK—Spring P*teaM..... 3 75 <3l 4 9 •kind to the wounded in the Crimea, It FOR ONE WRAPPER OP lest they swell up and die. Grace in S p i g Straights.......... 230 & 3S& see what abas* comes upon them, would be better for me to tell you that Vi inter Patents . y 00 @ 3 catching weather that enables them, while thousands of stockholders estbe divine friend of Mary and Martha Wiatt-r Straights i>00 @ 3 4 0 . % 2. is your friend, and that be sees all the without imprecation, to spread ont cape. All the world took after Thomas 6BAIX~\Vb«ai, Com, No. 2 annoyances and disappointments and the hay the third time, although Scott, president of the Pennsylvania Oais. So 5. Kyi, Xo. V 48 K abrasions and exasperations of an or- again aad atf&ia and again it has railroad, abused him until he got untwo two-cent stamps for postage. These dolls have 5end MILWAUKEE. dinary housekeeper from morn till been almost ready for the mow. A der the ground. Thousands of stock- CKAIN"—\Vhc;ii.Ko changeable heads. No two dolls dressed alike* 2Sprin<i$ T2*i@ 7ihi flight, and from the first day of thegrace to doctor the cow with a hollow holders in that company. All the Corn. N'o. » 'I7H® 4 7 4 Oats. N\>2 W&itc 2S'/-@ i>% ADAMS & SONS CO.. year to the last day of tbe year, and at horn, and the sheep with the foot- blame on one man! The Central PaRye. Xo. 1 62',i^ Si* your call he is ready with help and re- rot, and the horse with the distemper, cific railroad—twoor three men get all Harlev 47'i^ 47% and to compel the unwilling acres to the blame if anything- goes wrong. enforcement PORK—>;ess 10 6fi 9 10 70 There are ten thousand in that comyield a livelihood for the family, and They who provide the food of the 6 25 «* 6S0 pany. world decide the health of the world. schooling for the children, and little ST. LOU I Si TO tMVEaTtOATE TWC! e Steers & 7T. dt 5 7S One of the greatest battles of this extras to help the older boy in busiLet us all be content with such Texaos -'7S &• 4 25" ness, and something for the daughter's century was lost because tbe comthings as we have. God is just«* good H O « S 4 75 <& ;» 10 iOd Q, 3 S 0 SAINT PAUL AND DULUTH COUNTRY.! mander that morning1 had afitof in- wedding outfit, and a little surplus for in what He keeps away from us as S H E E P OMAHA. digestion. Yoa have only to go on the time when the ankles will get stiff in what He gives us. Even ft knot CATTI.K—Sieers gQOOD LAND. SURE CROPS. GOOD MARKETS. I fS » u% 4 SO Feeders " :» <£• 3 4 , some errand amid the taverns and the with age, and the breath will be a lit- may be useful if it is at the end of a 700 e*o wl KfttFKEK. HCKJS—Light-ind Mixed 4 » in, 4» hotels of the United States and Great tle short, and the swinging of the thread. Hejivy 4?« & 4 » 5 cradle through the hot harvest field E L ' ' 3 6& At an anniversary of & deaf and Britain to appreciate the fact that a vast multitude of tbe human race are will bring on the old man's vertigo. dumb asylum one of the children wrote slaughtered by incompetent cookery. Better close up about Cincmuatus. I upon the blackboard words as sublime Though a young woman may bav<j know fire hundred farmers just as as the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the "Divina Com media," all compressed in taken lessons in music, and may have noble as he was. What they want is to know that one paragraph. Tbr examiner, in the taken lessons in painting-, and lessons WXJSTD TSM in astronomy, she is not well educated they have the friendship of that Christ signs of the mute language, asked her: unless she has taken lessons in dough! who often drew His similes from the "Who made the world?" Tht deaf They who decide the apparel of the farmer's life, as when He said: "A and dumb girl wrote upon the black', world and the food of the world decide sower went forth to sow;" as when He board: "In the beginning God built IIis beat parable out of the scene created the heaven and the the endurance o! the worl>1. of a farmer's boy coming b(;ck from Old Rsp Van Winkle'went up iato tbe earth." The examiner asked her: An unthinking man may consider it Catstill nunintain* to take a Httl^'uap of his wanderings, and the old farm "For what purpose did Christ come a matter of little importance—the t*-er.;y years or 5o, and when he wakened, cares of the household and the econo- house shook that night with rural ju- into thti world?" The deaf and dumb be found that the "cruel *ar was over," wrote upon the blackboard: "This tbe monthly magaiines had "foujfht it mies of domestic life—but I tell you bilee; and who compared Himself to a girl in » faithful saying, and worthy of all over" tbe second time and "blown uji" lamb in the pasture field, and who the earth is strewn with the martyrs acceptation, that Christ Jesus caj&e all the officers that bad participated in i t said the eternal God is a farmer, deof kitchen and nursery. The healthinto the world to save sinner*." The This much is history, and it is also an hisclaring, "My father i* the husband* shattered womanhood of America cries man." torical fart that, it took the wtrae Itnjrth of ICdMta, examiner said to her. "Why were you time, for Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Disont for a God who can help ordinary Those stonemasons do not want to born deaf and dumb, while I hear and covery to become tbe mott celebrated, as women in the ordinary duties of bouse- hear about Christopher Wren, the speak?" She wrote upon the black* it is tbe most effective, Livef, Blood uttd "keeping-. The wearing, grinding, un- architect, who built St. Frul's cathe- board: "Even to, Father; for so it Luujr Remedy of tbe age. I& ptmfyiog the appreciated work goes on, but tbedral. It would be better to tell them seemeth good in Thy sight" Oh, that b\«>d and m all manner of pimples, tame Christ who stood oa the bank of how to carry^ the hod of brick np the we might be baptized with a contented blotches, crcptioos, and other »kta and tt oi ccalp diseases, scrofulous sore» and «wellGalUee in th« early morning and ladder without slipping*, aad how on a \M lor latestiranDer u> aad kindred ailnjeuts, ibe "Golden The spider draws poison ont of injpi, kindled the fire and had thefishal-cold morning with the trowel io p Medical Dfscovcry" manifcfii iht moei ready cleaved and broiilnj-wten the smooth off the mortar and keep a flower, the bee gets honey oat of a posinV€ ccruive propcrtits. sportsmen stepped Moore chilled and cheerful, and how to be thankful thistle; bat happiness is a heavenly hungry will help every woman to pre- to Hod for the plaia food Uhen elixir, and the contented spirit expare breakfast, whether by her own from the pail by the roadside. Car- tracts it not from the rhododendron of hand or by the hand of her hired help. oettei-s standing amid the adze, the bilk, but from tbe lily of the vaiThe God who made Indestructible eu- and the bit, and the broad ax, need roar* tmttmr mtA ot M Ms**r i * logy of Hannah, who made * coat' for to be told that Christ was t, carpenter, «Mllt7 than h7 o t t o k»*w» *J^—* ( —Every persoft l» responsible for all MOMCY AHO LtOOtt bamuel, her son, and tarried it to tbe with l i b owu hand wielding saw and the (rood within tbe scope of hU abilir * t t rr*«t. temple every year, will help every wo* hammer. Oh, _, this i._ _ tired world,., ties, snd for uo mar*, and non* can tell s a llbcr* W-P in. to » ffftjariof tbe timily wardrobs. ftftdltls orarworktd world; M i 1*1 whose sccpe is **• "PLAIN PEOPLE." God who opens the Bible with tn« !The story of Abraham's entertainment Baking t; AR4OLUTECY PURE I VACATION To YELLOW^OME PARK KNOWLEDGE SXrjJVL RSH BROS. WASOft. ST. CLARA'S ACADEMY, PAPER ADAMS' PEPSIN TUTTI - FRUTTI NOW IS THE TIME SMAKERS UTEST PARIS FASHIONS L'Art is U Hi*. THE HtftSE-B«0WIT3i SflVIS M B OB MW£R CREAII SEPARATOR V«mo«. cfaudrw «*e viaGeo. Will* tt Byron. C.dkttrchill vr*s on the SICK list art of the w«ek. J. Q. D*vt« r«torn«d borne from Bay VJewfcst Friday. Mr. and Mrs. He»ry Clark are spending the w«ek ia Detroit. ' Caleb Kribs, of XewLothrop, was on our streets Wednesday. Goy Davids has sold bis threshing outfit to Will and John-McLean, of this place. Misses Iva and Nettie Clark the guest of reUtives ami friends In pwosso tin? week. I. O. Stewart" thresfceu his rye a few 'ago, getting m Moving Salell] SPECIAL CLOSING OUT SALES! iwsliciU fron ' acres. Mrs. Myron Martin aand son, of Laingaburs, have been visiting relatives in th?fi vicinity the past week. i Carrie Tower, a former schoo] teacher io tWs vicinity, was a tfradti ate of the Ann Arbor HigO School ibis year. —Argus. Morrice. Mrs. H.M. Murphy i* vWtlug tier Sister Mrs. Gandemiau of Locke. Warner Stoddard has returned from s visit with friends in Fowlerville. Harver Martin and wife of Vernou visited T. S. Martin l**t Wednesday. Albert Besskx and wife of Linden. visited at R R Craig's the past week. Robert Hehaore of Bay City was ir town reaewiag old acquaintances Thurs d»y. Clyde Chalker, of Clinton. Iowa, fc friends and relative* in thL« has erected a new winddestroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs* *• !>• Gouldleft on Tuesday morning for ovisit with her relatives in Chkago. B, F. Gront is the latest victim to tbe bicyte. The equire will make quite a rider if hedoesn^getdlscouraged.—New*. FOR TWO WEEKS, (I, III 20 №ttijf,ISHl 3 Men's, Boys and Children's Summer Clothing. Men's, Boys'and Children's Straw Hats. Men's Negligee Shirts. Ladies* Shirt Waists. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Capes and Jackets. Dress Goods of all Kinds at closing Prices. Carpets and Rugs. If you need any of these goods, see , what we can do for yon before you invest yoor money. 5SBURNI&SONS, OWOS6O, MICH. New Lothrop. Win. Thompson haa purchased the house and lot formerly owned by il. Lshring. Miss CUa Moore is working at Ormel Browns st present. Mrs. Henry Lahriug has sold hor bonseliold goods and will reside with her parents at Holly. Miss Fay Gustin,of Dur&nd, is vUitbkg kt Robert Moore's, this week. Ora Campbeli was in town Monday. Or. Shoemaker and Win. Beatty b*» spent the past week in Detroit. Nellie Callord who has lieen sick reported tetter. There was an ice cream social Wednesday evening at Mr. Cornells raising money to fix the church. Gamber Mttoson, the blind bay, in town Thursday. Boro, Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Milkey, a boy. Mj^. E. Amidon who Las been skk better. Bancroft. Ed. Sherman in Detroit Monday. Mrs. Hi J, MoEuen in towa yesterday Postmaster Black returned home last Saturday evening. James Fellows and Eugene Harris in Detroit this week. Mr. Martin Harris in Duffleld Thursday on business, Wn. Swarthout left on Monday lor Greensville to visit friends. Mr. Frank Young, of Doniphan, Mo., visiteii at Sirs. Messick's over Sunday. Luther McEwing, of Elkhart, IncL, is visiting his many young friends here this week. C. L. Musgrove and wife, of Grand Rapids, were guests of Sir. and Mrs. H. P. Shane, during the past week. Fred Kellogg spent iast week at Long Lake and )a«t Saturday Miss Laura also left for the same delightful resort. Mrs. Goodall and faujily, of Gaines, spent Sunday with her father, J. M. Daugherty, in this place. Howard Roberts started on Ms wheel Monday for a visit with cousins at Hartian<J and Pontiae.—Commercial. closing out sale at $ and £ ^•Tfroin regular prices. Now I mean this when 1 say it; I will positively do just as I advertise to do. Unlike many of the so-called sale?, my goods will not be marked higher before the sale and the discounts made from the higher prices. Every article in my stock wdl keep its original marking and you make the discount yourself. I give good reasons for making these big cuts. I have an immense stock and could not possibly jtnake room for my'fall goods without first getting rid of some that I now have. 1 don't make this sale because I want to but because I am compelled to. There is no money in it—many of my sales will be l>elow cost. I will loose money, of course, but not as much as 1 would should I keep the goods over until next year- Thursday, Aug. 1 to Saturday, Aug. 3 I purchase all of my clothing and smaller goods of dishing, Olmsted & Snow, of Boston. They are the largest manufacturers-of this line of goods ia the United States, and everything they put out is carefully made—^niade of good material and made to wear. If you get anything at my store that isn't just as represented, bring it back and I will always be willing-H make it satisfactory. here we go for prices.. Suits.—1-4 off. Children's suits: I have a large stock of children's suits on hand, in all styles and colors, for n%es of five and six years, which go at one-fourth off. They are all well made, good looking and are worth a great deal more than our regular prices. 1 have them for fl.50 to $7. You can have the $1.50 suit for $1.13; $2 suit goes for$1.50; $3 suit for $2.25; and so on up to the $7 suits. The best chance you will ever have. Men's Suits: My men's suits run from $6 to $20. All well made and finely finished in all sizes, styles and colors. Take one of the $6 suits for $4.50; an $8 suit for $6: a $12 suit for $9; $20 suits for $15. Made in Worsteds, Cheviots and Clay Weave. You can't afford t» miss these. Some of them cost me more than this. Prices can't be bettered Pants: I have a large and complete stock of extra good cotton and wool pants which you may have at one-fourth eff also. Take the 75c pants for 57c; the $1.25 pants for 94c; SI ones for 75c. Woox pant?: $2 wool pants now $1.50; $± wool pants for $3, and higher priced pants accordingly; I have them up to $6. Overalls: 35c ones for 27c; 50c ones for 38c; 75c ones for 57c; 91 ones for 75c. Did yon ever see anything like it? Shirts:—1-4 off My stock of shirts is complete and you can find anything you want. You can have any shirt in my store at one-fourth off. Any 25c shirt for 19; 50c shirts for 38c. Soft Dress Shirts: These are fine looking shirts and well made. They are real neat and just the thing for evening. They go like this: 50c ones now 38c; 75c ones at 57c; $1 ones at 75c. Black Sfttine bhirta: The regular prices are 50c, 75c a«d $1; take them along at 38c, 57c and 75c respectively. Night Robes: 50c, 75c and i l ; knock them down onefourth and, take them at 38c, 57c and 75c White laundried shirts: The regular prices are 50c, 75c and $1; take them for 38c,' 57c and 75c. 50c unlaundried shirts for 38c. Percale shirts: These shirts have euifs and two collars with them and will be sold for 38c. These Percale shirts are all the go now and we are selling stacks of them. They look well for church or any at any other time. They save their worth in laundry bill. Underwear:—-1-4 off. WISMER & COMPANY For EVERYTHING Corutma, Mich. Underwear: It's rr ally a sacrifice to let the underwear I have go at these prices, but it is summer stock and would not sell very good next winter, so it will have to go with the other bargains I am giving. 50c suits will now go for 38c; 81 suits for 75c. Made in Cotton, Jersey, French and Balbrigan. I was fortunate in getting this* underwear at a bargain, and it is better than is usually sold at my regular prices, and now it's lower yet. Hats:—1-4 off. Children's straw hats: Ordinarily these hats go at 25e, 50c, 75c and $1, now going at 19c, 38c, 57c and 75c respectively. Felt hats at same prices and discounts. Any size you wish and a choice from twenty different styles. We can fit you exactly and make you look complete. Men's straw hats at same and higher prices. $2 hats for Si, 25; Men's fur hats in Dunkp style, $2, £2.50 and $3; take them now for £1.50, $1.90 and 1-2.25. Soft hats, 50c to *3, now go for 38c to $2.25. Don't go bareheaded at such a time as this. Suspenders: Suspenders that will hold your pants up, any color and any style of buckle. but now go at 19c to 94. They have lots of stretch in them. 25c to fcl.50, Umbrellas: AH kinds of handles, any quality of cloth and any price. They go all the way from 50c to $0. Just look at the mark, cut it down a fourth and take them. Steel rod umbrellas from 1.50 up at same discounts. On, on, the boys come marching! Where to? Byron. Mrs. Jennie ITyatt and dauKbter. of Detroit, the guest of A. Cooper and wife this week. A number of Byron people camping at I-ont Lake and Argentine. The Misses Minnie Barnum and Bertha Beecher, of Morrice, called on Byron friends last week. Mrs. Sarah Kiker, of Detroit, the guest of Mr*. S. Mulklns. Mj«>. F. E. Sleeth gave a Brownie Par* ty in honor of her little grand-daughter Lucille Emmett on Saturday afternoon at Locust Hill. Mr. William Wolcott, of Venezuia, South America, is shaking hands with old friends in town this week. Tbe MiflKs Kittle and Genie Brewster TisiUng relatives in Cortina*. Arthur Benson visiting friends at at Owosao this week. Mitt Elsie Lord has returned from Featon, where «be has been attending tbe fmnner normal. W. E. Johnson is moving bis family In tbe house lately occupied by Dr. Harper. B. Lawrie Sundayed at Durand. On Wectnewiay afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. LaDue occurred tl* marriage of their oldest daughter Vay to Mr. W. Window, of S Monday and Tuesday I moved my entire stock of clothing, hats, caps, .trunks, valises, etc. to the Bacon Block, where I shall continue to do business. It h now nearly time to put in my fall stock, and as I am now toni up, I have •decided that this will 1x5 the best time to have my closing, out sale for the reason to tuake room for the stock I mn about to put in. This will bo a genuine T o C u r r i e and Clutterbuck's, w h e r e they a r e g e t t i n g t h e best bargains in * . . . . . BOOTSiSHOES ever offered in this county. Don't forget that it is good goods, just quality both in stock and workmanship, at prices you have been paying for shoddy, is what we z*re offering. Come and select your fall needs in Boots and Shoes from the largest and most complete line in this part of the state, and you can have them for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Everything guaranteed as represented Currie & Clutterbock. Neckties: Over 1,500 neckties to pick from. 25c bows, tecks, four-in-hands and oval knots, now 19c; 50c ones for 3Sc; 75c ones for 57c; soon upto 1.25. String ties, 2for 5c; 10c string tics now 5u. Every color imaginable. It would confuse you to see them. Valises and Trunks: Valises from 65c up. Take them at one-fourth off. Our telescopes are just the thing to take north fishing with you. They are handy to have anyway. Get one now. Trunks from 2.25 up; take them at a fourth off from regular prices. Cuff Buttons, etc: I can give you a pair of cuff buttons for lOc that will dazzle your eyes. I have others all the way up to 1.50. Discount them 25 per cent and take them. Arm bands and most other smaller goods go at one-half off. This will probably be the largest sale of clothing that has ever taken place in this city. It will be & genuine hummer. Everything has got to go. I never keep summer goods overwinter. I haven't the room to store them; if I had you would never get these bargains. Under tbe circsmstaoees I want *x> get rid of those goods real bad. If I can get neai what they cost me I will be willing to let tfcpm go. I. V. PYLE. THE CORUNNA JOURNAL. AUGUST 1ST, 1895. « BACKWARD. LMk attar flat Itefcz • f i l l , 4 Sttttvf «r A NEW STOCK! THE LARGEST tENS. TheQarka have ton*; been regarded** anhnposatble thinjr, and one wbiefa no European maattfactarer of Lenses eovld be tadseed to attempt. Tfcteis the making of aparfeet lena of more than three feet the fee*. No os* but thla aan*fact«rer ever thought of in* the twenty-six-tnefe knees which For your Furniture, How |gw people realize when their back begins to ache that H si a waning provided by nature to tell you that the kidYou have Iinsor sitting or stooping position for long intervals ata time, yonr back begins to ache, then your head, yo* become listless, tired and weary, but do yon understand the realcansef We think not, else you would not use plasters and Hutment on the back, which only relieve bat do not reach the cause. If you wouldridyccnelf of the pam and cure the root of the trouble, at the same time save many yean of suffering and perhaps life itself, you will take a kidney remedy that has bees tried and proven that it will cure. Mr. JohuRobsomof 061 Ba**cH Street, Detroit, says: " As a result of exposure during the war I have suffered ever sfnee with rheumatism and kidney trouble. Pains would start in my Mp and go around to my back. Highly colored urine denoted kidney disorder. The pain m my back was often so bud I hadtogive up work untfl the severity of the attack passed sway. I hat* used many and other things, but received very little retiet Some time ago I started using Doss's Kidney PfBs and they have worked a wonde wooderfal chsnj* in me. My back all right now «sd Towe ft all to the markal iinfluence of Doaa's Kldner Pfisv* RobsomwasaaMnberoftheFlfty Mr. Bo first mteosi TTn,1sni throngh the war wife tion. Dos»sKJds)OTPBks«Btorsakiby aDdsakts-prioi, » * both eontfaente, one at the naval observatory at Washington, through which M>. Ball dftseoreied the sought satellites of Mars and double etara. The highest power •opposed to be reached when the Lick telescope In California was pot vp with athirty-aix-inchlwis. The difficulties to be met hi the prodnetlonof a perfectly dear lens of great sis* are so many that the European observers who hare wanted anything above the twenty-ate' inch lens have had to take the reflecting telescope, which has a eoneave mirror* It require*, of course, a ranch larger reflecting telesoope to get the same amount of light and the same magnitude of object. The making of this fortyone and a half-inch lens, says the New York Commercial Advertiser, is regarded ae the crowning work of Mr. Alvan Clark's life, It Is probable no larger lens will ever be made. Under existing «ond}> tkna a burger talasenpe than the Terkee—the telescope of the Chicago university observatory for which the , lens is made—would be of no great Co., Tatue. To increase the magnifying forth* U. & and tafca power b at the same time to In crease the obstructions to clear vision. When the object is magnified the atmospheric agitation is increased to such a degree that dlstinetncai is virtually sacrificed when the object glass la larger than forty-one and a half-inches. It is doubtful if the Terkes will be any more useful than the Lick. Some day it may be possible to remove the obstacles to clearness in the case of a powerful lens, though the only reason for suggesting it la that Prof. Tyndall was able to construct a glass by which the blue of the atmosphere was dissipated in looking through a deep spaoe. If the Yerkes glass answers expectations it will enable an experienced observer to catch occasional glimpses of the Man canals, which, though drawn PROF. M. E. MONREAN, flrmly os the Vatican maps, are vague The Vlertncs Optician, and wavering and almost imaginary from Milwaukee, W|»., U located in through any glass. They can be seen O Late vmso. I save s completely f urnt«b«d oAce at all only by the trained observer. with every mettu fortooting-the ey*s and r<~ trouble tto*i may exiw in tkem. The great telescope will be most useful sieving-an? Most headaches are caused or defective eyes in the study of double stars, which to and can be cured wira glasses. MOSUEANJ* cure headache, all pain in And uruund now a matter of spedal interest to glass** the eyes, give perfect *«tot and relieve all many observers. , •train on the «ye muscles. Does the print U R N U I OUIS FTSCHMAN. with a aid comtmt itec| of FURNITURE, l i an 1te latest styles. I atoo lave a complete My place cftasf cttyhtH. tstmret doors soath of Give me a call. You will save money by doing so, as my prices are lowest. LOUIS ETSCHMANN, Like the man in the hearse Chase e> Angell are "dead In it" for bargains in GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Protect the Eyes! You ought to try them if you blur <T do your eye* (ire after raiding for a timer Do your eyes water? Do tbey feel dull ENTHUSIASM OVERCAME HIM. or strained? if you bare A.VY trouble with Aw* H * <*»•* Away H I * yonr eyes, to not delay but consult Monrean, the Optician, A few yean ago a prominent oil producer of Pittsburgh was putting down At oooe. Having- had many years' experience a well in a territory that bad never with a large practice, I am enabled to relieve those persons bavin* any slUmeat of the *>** been tested for oil. He was keeping sausinX pain or ifltperfect sight. MONK3JLN, the fact a profound secret, says the San the optician, will give you a sstltfactury ex* and nt vwi with suitable g-iastea. Francisco Argonaut in order that in amtnstion Extra oare U taken forftuing- frame*. Special case he got a good well he might with- attention given to children's eye*. out difficulty secure all the leases he TOONS FILLED. OCULIST PRE! desired in the vicinity. He was on the If a change of aisssea neoesaary within three ground himself, watching with great year* It will be made free. B«amlnation «*d interest the indications. Everything consultation free of charge. Prices reasoDaDksatisfaction giiaranteed. pointed to success. Two days before and Maoreao, the optician will call at your resithe well was expected to "come in" he dence by request. was called home. Anxious about the M. B. MONREAN, Optician, result, he arranged with his contractor 110 West Main St., Owosso, Mich. to telegraph him as soon as the drill reached the sand. He knew, however, that secrets will sometimes leak out of —Good reliable tneo, to sell our a telegraph office and to he told the Cboieeand Hardy Nursery stock, such as Fruit Trees* Hoe**. driller that the sentence: "Pine trees •Shrubs and Ornamental*. Lagrow tall," would mean that he dies make this bust ness a success. £asy work, llg-ht and profitable. OUTPIT FKCK. had struck oiL The driller promised to pleasant, at onee, with leferenees, and secur. do as he was ordered. The mingled Apply choice of territory. satisfaction and vexation of the proF. H. MAY COMPANY, COSMCN RocMtsTU, N.V. ducer may be imagined when two days later he received the following tele* gram: "Pine trees grow tall. She's Fer sale cheap, an Estey organ. In* squirting dean over the derrick.'* His hope that he should have no compete quire 0* Mrs. F. S. WILCOX . Oorunns. tors for leases was disappointed. COMIMA. t't, Look here. Best Clear Pork, 10c per lb. 3 lb. best vimned currents, * 61b 3 Crowe R S U I M . t i c 3lbs. M . i J , Coffee, t l . 2»*lba. 50r JapAn Tea, 91. Dried Bear, *X-. Good Baking Powder. We. Best CsonedCorm S for IS Good Osnoed Com, S for iSsv Kirk's Soap, 0 bars for 44c. Good Laundiy Soap, 10 s i t s IW Best cheese, lie. Chase & Angell. Great Value for little money. Weekly news ot the World for a trifle. New York Weekly Tribune. A twenty-page Journal, Is tsetasdtar family papertothe United States. It isa National family paper and gives all of the general news of MM United States, tt gives the events of foreign lands <n a nutshell. Its Market Reports are recognised authority. Its Agricultural Department has no superior in tae oountry. Separate departments for the "FamJIy Circte," "Our Young- Folks," and ^Sckvoe and MeeaaDJc*/* Its MHoine and Socfely" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general poHttcal news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid paper and the JOUBXAL lor one ?ear Cash in Advance (The regular subfcriptlon for the two papers is $2.00.) Address all orders to The "Journal." Write your name and address on a postal card and send ft to Oeo. W. Be?t. Room 2, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of the New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to yev