The Italian Catholic Federation
The Italian Catholic Federation
August/September 2012 Italian Catholic Federation Anno 88 No. 08 BOLLETTINO Welcome to Reno, Nevada and the Grand President’s Monthly Message: 82nd Annual National Convention A Time to Gather, Laugh and Learn “In Giving We Receive” Welcome delegates, members, and friends Out in Your District” (all delegates should If You Have Not Yet Made Plans For The ICF Convention, Take Action Now To Attend The Convention And Have A Great Time In Reno Tony DiGuglielmo Branch 135, Reno The ICF Reno Branch 135 invites you all to come and have fun in our world-class convention city, Reno, Nevada. Along with the serious Convention business, which you already know is the main purpose for the annual ICF Convention, our host branch membership wants to encourage you all with the idea that you can have a lot of fun in Reno. Consider the following suggestions, which promise fun, fun, fun, for all convention attendees: 1. The Grand Sierra Hotel/Casino is a worldclass family destination facility. 2. Reno provides a sparkling, high-desert outdoors backdrop to a world-class destination city, which salutes the world of tourism. 3. The Convention agenda provides many opportunities for non-business fun things to do, including: Central Council Meeting Minutes Saturday, June 9, 2012 St. Lawrence O’Toole Hall, Oakland, CA The meeting was called to order at 1:03pm by Grand President Jane Dianda. Opening Prayer: was led by Monsignor Cardelli Salute to Flag/ICF Pledge: GP Jane Dianda · A Thursday night event will be hosted by Branch 135, highlighted as a “Polenta Banquet” featuring select wines at each table, antipasto, polenta, chicken cacciatore, salad, spumoni ice cream, cookies, and coffee. Also, live accordion music during cocktails, and other fun entertainment. · On Friday morning and early afternoon, there will be a guided tour of Old West Virginia City for the delegates and their family members and friends. . · On Sunday (around 3:30pm), a Mass will be celebrated at the Grand Sierra for the delegates. · On Sunday evening, there will be a Western Dance at the Grand Sierra for the delegates, family members and friends. · During free-time for anyone visiting Reno, the downtown offers many exciting tourist attractions, including the National Auto Museum. Of course, one can always visit exquisite Lake Tahoe, which is only one hour away. So, please come to the 2012 ICF Convention and have a great time in Reno. Roll Call of Officers: CC Member excused: Leonard Zasoski, David Botta CC Life Members Emeritus present: Bob Acquistapace, Nettie Descalso-Del Nero, Bob Dianda, Jim Jones, Carmen Kilcullen, Nello Rossi 1 Member Emeritus Jerry Delfino, Bollettino Editor Michelle Feldman; Field Director Lou Mages Introductions: GP Jane Dianda welcomed guests. CC Meeting Minutes: February 11, 2012 continued on page 15 to the 82nd Annual National Convention of the Italian Catholic Federation. The theme of the convention, “In Giving We Receive”, is very appropriate, as the Convention is being held in Reno, Nevada this year. All jokes aside, the Federation will be presenting several special awards honoring noble individuals who possess the desire of giving of themselves to those in need, rather than receiving. Mrs. Laurice Levine is the recipient of the Pope John XXIII Award, Mrs. Marie Stalteri-Antonowicz is the recipient of the Grand President’s Award, Sr. Maureen Delaney, SNJM, and Fr. Robert Moran are both recipients of the Mother Teresa Award, and Rosemary Cook is the recipient of the Young Adult Leadership Award. Please share the remarkable stories of these individuals with your delegates and let’s all try to live our lives according to their examples. Our Central Council members will be conducting several workshops this weekend. Topics include “Finance-Figuring Out Finances”, “District and Deputies-Branching attend this workshop, not just deputies), “Heritage-Past, Present and Future” and “Spiritual-Renewing Our Call”. Please take full advantage of these workshops as well as the general sessions. Participate, ask questions and bring the knowledge you have gained back to your branches. Most importantly, let us join together, as one family, by attending our Concelebrated Mass on Sunday. Share peace and friendship with your fellow members, greet our clergy and thank them for all their continued spiritual support and guidance. Once again, thank you to Convention Director, Steven Fuentes, his Committee Members and the Officers and Members of Reno Branch 135 for their hard work to ensure a successful convention. Looking forward to seeing you in Reno! Fraternally yours, Jane Dianda Grand President Pope Names Oakland Bishop Cordileone as San Francisco’s 9th Archbishop George Raine Catholic San Francisco Pope Benedict XVI on July 27 appointed Salvatore J. Cordileone, presently serving as bishop of the Diocese of Oakland, as the ninth archbishop of San Francisco. The 56-year-old archbishop-designate, ordained a priest 30 years ago on July 9, 1982, was appointed bishop of Oakland on March 23, 2009, and was installed on May 6, 2009, in Christ the Light Cathedral in Oakland. His installation in San Francisco will be Oct. 4, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron and namesake of the archdiocese and the city, at St. Mary’s Cathedral. He succeeds Archbishop George Niederauer, who on his 75 birthday in 2011 dutifully submitted his request for resignation to the pope after serving here since his appointment on Dec. 15, 2005. “On behalf of the bishops, priests, deacons, women and men religious and one-half million lay people of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco I am pleased to welcome Archbishop-designate Cordileone and to assure him of our prayers, our loyalty, support and cooperation, as well as our friendship and affection,” said Archbishop Niederauer. Archbishop-designate Cordileone, who is fluent in Spanish, made remarks in English and Spanish at a news conference at the cathedral just hours after his appointment was announced by the Vatican. He said he regrets that his time in Oakland was so brief, but said he looks forward to “assuming my new pastoral responsibilities with and for the priests and people of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.” continued on page 2 2 - BOLLETTINO BOLLETTINO Official Publication of the Italian Catholic Federation (ISN 0745-256X) Published Monthly (except for Combined Aug./Sept. Issue) by the Central Council of the Italian Catholic Federation 8393 Capwell Drive, Suite 110 Oakland, CA 94621 READERSHIP as of 10/01/11: 8,700 Subscription Rate: $6.00 year Editor Michelle C.I. Feldman Phone: (510) 633-9058; 1-888-ICF-1924 Fax: (510) 633-9758 Website: Email: (general) (Charlene Kramer) (Patty Smith) (Lou Mages) (Michelle Feldman) (Michelle Feldman) (Leonard Zasoski) Periodicals postage is paid at Oakland, CA., and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BOLLETTINO, 8393 Capwell Drive, Suite 110, Oakland, CA 94621 In Giving We Receive Convention Theme for 2012 Monsignor Daniel Cardelli ICF Spiritual Director T he Crucifixion exemplifies the essence of true love. Jesus gave his life without expecting anything in return. He did not die on the cross provided we love him back. No, he gave of himself on the cross even though he knew we would not love him back. That is the essence of love: to give without expecting anything in return. In fact, his death gave us life, here and hereafter: here by his body and blood in the Eucharist and hereafter by eternal life with him in heaven. For us also, to love is to give. We show our love when we help someone, when we give a gift, when we fill a need. We show our love when we expect nothing in return. However, in fact, we do receive when we give without recompense. God blesses us in a special way when we give unconditionally. Jesus spoke of this in a parable when he said, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do also to me.” During this Convention, the ICF renews its Thank you to the following districts, branches and individuals that sent in donations for activities at Oakland Children’s Hospital for their Cooley’s Anemia patients. We collected a total of $1,525.00 for 2012 and have sent this donation to Children’s Hospital. This donation will support their summer/ fall patient programs by helping with their Family BBQ and Teen/Adult Retreat Weekend as well as other small gatherings at the Day Hospital for when the patients receive blood transfusions. It is wonderful that we can assist Children’s Hospital with the needs of the patients and their families. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and we thank you for contributing once again and taking part in our Apostolate/Charity Program. San Mateo District Branch 6 Branch 25 Branch 144 Branch 163 Branch 237 Branch 327 Branch 354 Branch 391 Branch 417 Branch 434 Rose Edel Donald and Jean Tomatis We hope that more districts, branches and individuals will be able to participate next year so that the hospital can continue these beneficial activities. continued from page 1 He added, “The church of San Francisco has a tremendous legacy of Catholic ministries and participation in the local community for serving the common good. While assuming the pastoral care of a local church as its bishop is always a daunting challenge, I am encouraged by the history we have to build upon and take confidence that, with much prayer and hard work, and with the grace of God, we will, together, be able to further the new evangelization in this comer of the world we call home.” At the Convention don’t miss the concelebrated Mass on Sunday afternoon. Always a highlight of the Convention weekend! 2011-2012 Membership Drive Results Are In Apostolate Charity Report Congratulations to the winners of the 2011 Jim Acitelli Apostolate Chairperson commitment to giving. It supports seminarians, people in need through the Gifts of Love, college scholarships, research for Cooley’s Anemia, and many more unspoken acts of giving among the members, to each other, to their parishes and dioceses. Yes, the ICF knows that IN GIVING WE RECEIVE. Archbishop Cordileone – 2012 membership campaign. During the Sunday session at convention, each of the winners below will receive their award. The new membership year began on July 1. Start making plans on how your branch will increase membership this year. To bring in new members, have a membership drive after masses, publicize your branch to the parish and community, hand out the new membership brochures and invite family and friends to join. Also, develop a plan for retention. To retain members, remember to create a respectful and positive atmosphere, create a calendar that attracts participation from all age groups and follow-up with members not current with their dues. The committee and I look forward to assisting the branches in the coming year. Branches and Districts with the Highest Overall Increase (Deceased members are not included in the judging statistics) BRANCHES BEGINNING WITH 35 OR FEWER MEMBERS 1st Branch 31 Los Banos, CA 2nd Branch 51 Castroville, CA 3rd Branch 185 Fresno, CA 72.73% 54.55% 40.00% Membership as of 07/01/11 - 11,698 New Members - 1,248 Reinstated - 21 Transfer In/Out - 108 Non-payment - 188 Deceased - 262 Cancellations - 1,305 Membership as of 06/30/12 - 11,212 52 Branches and 5 Districts/Areas ended the year with increased membership. Branches beginning with 36 – 60 Members 1st Branch 439 Chicago, IL 2nd Branch 440 Long Beach, CA 3rd Branch 438 Roseville, CA 107.84% 55.56% 50.00% Branches beginning with 61 – 100 Members 1st Branch 47 Mountain View, CA 2nd Branch 223 Oakland, CA 3rd Branch 111 Montebello, CA 17.81% 17.58% 16.92% Branches beginning with 101 or more Members 1st Branch 291 Arroyo Grande, CA 2nd Branch 52 Healdsburg, CA 3rd Branch 380 Thousand Oaks, CA 20.51% 17.21% 9.72% District With the Highest Increase 1st Chicago District 2nd Santa Rosa District 3rd Central Coast District 7.47% 4.59% 0.74% UPCOMING: 2012 Bishops’ Days: Oct. 3 San Bernardino Oct. 6 San Jose (Santa Clara Valley) Oct. 20 Santa Rosa Oct. 21 Blessed Sacrament Oct. 27 Monterey (Central Coast) Oct. 28 Fresno Las Vegas Nov. 18 Los Angeles San Diego Dec. 2 Reno August/September 2012- 3 Heritage Around the ICF New Heritage Videos Louise Vento Heritage Committee Did you know Reno has a large Italian population? In 1910 many Italians settled in Reno in the Italian District around Lake Street. It soon became an ethnic area and was know as “Little Italy.” The editor of the local Italian Language newspaper, “Bollettino del Nevada” in 1927 wrote the following article to remind Italians that they were Italian and he felt the Italian Heritage was on the verge of extinction. ”We want the Italians of Reno to be the best in Nevada. The Italian community of Reno is weak because it lacks cohesion and harmony. We want to see our community strong and compact; together. Consider the merits. We want the Italian family to speak Italian, for there are children of Italian families that cannot speak one word of the lan- guage. This is a great error, a great shortcoming of the parents, taking away from their children the advantage of knowing another language and thinking in Italian. They should know Italy—the greatness past and present, for they will be proud of the country of their origin. It is so important that they understand the language. We want to stress that the thoughts and minds of Italians are developed along a special line that cannot be changed. The majority of Italians cannot think like Anglo-Saxons [Those who try do not realize the consequences]. Our ideal should not be the dollar; one does not live by bread alone. Do not forget Italy. Therefore, read Italian books, Italian magazines, and play Italian sports. Always hold high the name of Italy.” The book “The Land Beyond” will be for sale at the Convention. Come visit the Heritage workshop at the Convention in Reno. The ICF Heritage Committee is proud to announce that it has a new video online. The new video is an interview with three Past Grand Presidents: David Botta, Carmen Kilcullen, and Robert Acquistapace. They discuss their personal experiences in the ICF as well as the federation’s history. You won’t want to miss this important and entertaining piece of our oral history. The video can be found at Scholarship Donations - 2nd - 4th Year Giovanni, Nancy and Domenico Corsi In honor of the 90th birthday of Art Fricke Ms. Janet L. Farren In honor of the 102nd birthday of Dina Puccinelli Mr. and Mrs. John S. Delucchi In memory of Elena C. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dianda In memory of Frank Bolla Cheryl Simon In memory of June Rodondi Bring Your Bollettino to the Convention! july CALENDAr WINNERS DAY NAME BR CITY 7/1 Fr. Guglielmo Lauriola 1 San Francisco, CA 7/2 Joyce Colombo 14 Crockett, CA 7/3 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cervelli 10 Alameda, CA 7/4 Cecilia Tommei 351 Menlo Park, CA 7/5 Steve Gouig 352 Danville, CA 7/6 Matt Dutra 5 San Jose, CA 7/7 Nathan Thomas Fairfield, CA 7/8 Chris Romanowich 281 Bakersfield, CA 7/9 Remy V. Baluyut Los Angeles, CA 7/10 Ralph Brigantino 26 Hollister, CA 7/11 Richard & Annette Romano San Francisco, CA 7/12 Diane & Marco Galeazzi 139 Manteca, CA 7/13 Jeanne Miller Modesto, CA 7/14 Linda Sherman 52 Santa Rosa, CA 7/15 Marlene Filice 28 Gilroy, CA 7/16 Kathleen Patrick Hollister, CA 7/17 Dennis & Ann Mazzini Reno, NV 7/18 Eugene & Lydia Camozzi 150 Petaluma, CA 7/19 Jean McElroy 10 Alameda, CA 7/20 Donald Leonard So. San Francisco, CA 7/21 Phyl Buonsante 285 Livermore, CA 7/22 Pamela Cassady Salinas, CA 7/23 Kurt Brandi Family Los Banos, CA 7/24 Marie Martin 73 Roseville, CA 7/25 Lois Ramos 14 Crockett, CA 7/26 Branch 227 Capitola, CA 7/27 LaVera Brown 91 Oakland, CA 7/28 Stacey Rosati Victor, ID 7/29 Fr. Liew Vu 191 San Jose, CA 7/30 Jack Gertsch San Francisco, CA 7/31 Gloria Romano 50 San Francisco, CA SEE THESE FIRST ON OUR WEB SITE: ICF.ORG WINS $30 $30 $30 $100 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $100 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 august CALENDAr WINNERS DAY NAME BR CITY 8/1 John F. Scalmanini 191 San Jose, CA 8/2 Ed Bianchi San Francisco, CA 8/3 Karen Beckmann Novato, CA 8/4 Bob Lencioni 33 Bakersfield, CA 8/5 Don Lee Gaudino 102 Sun Valley, CA 8/6 Lorie Mardis Sunnyvale, CA 8/7 Branch 195 Calumet City, IL 8/8 Eda Johnson 150 Rohnert Park, CA 8/9 Kathleen Patrick Hollister, CA 8/10 Elizabeth Brescia Baltimore, MD 8/11 Rev. Joe Occhiuto 21 Santa Cruz, CA 8/12 June C. Beebe 150 Rohnert Park, CA 8/13 Gloria Burr 163 Foster City, CA 8/14 Minda Cabral 14 Benicia, CA 8/15 Billie Jean Rocha 54 Gustine, CA 8/16 Dixie Lee Grossi 214 Bay Point, CA 8/17 John & Diana McKenna Bakersfield, CA 8/18 Delores Baima 102 Burbank, CA 8/19 Kathy Acquistapace 198 Santa Rosa, CA 8/20 Marian Zasoski 281 Bakersfield, CA 8/21 Tony Melillo 54 Los Banos, CA 8/22 Mara McDaniel O’Donnell, TX 8/23 C.T. Anthony 261 San Diego, CA 8/24 Al & Fran Teglia 19 Daly City, CA 8/25 Rita & John Wells Apple Valley, CA 8/26 Marilena Williams 39 Merced, CA 8/27 Mia Basarich 214 Concord, CA 8/28 Kathy Neuburger Roseville, CA 8/29 Joann Bianchi 163 San Mateo, CA 8/30 Lido Marchetti 33 Bakersfield, CA 8/31 Gloria & Lin Cardelli San Mateo, CA SEE THESE FIRST ON OUR WEB SITE: ICF.ORG WINS $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $50 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $100 $30 $30 $50 4 - BOLLETTINO CC Candidates 2012-2013 James Acitelli Br. 425, Green Valley, Arizona Thank you for giving me the honor of serving on the ICF Central Council for the past two years and the support you have given me. I ask that you continue that support as I seek re-election. During the past two years I have served on the Apostolate/Charity Committee, first as a member and now as chairman. It has been our goal to strengthen the role of the ICF members in both our church participation and in our giving as we have emphasized in articles in The Bollettino. I have learned a great deal about the internal structure of the ICF by working with experienced members, listening to their suggestions and to those of our members. I hope you will give me an opportunity to further use this knowledge for the good of our organization and its members. As a member of Branch 425 in Green Valley, I have served three times as president as well as serving as 2nd vice president, orator and now as trustee. In the past, I have been a delegate several times to the ICF Convention. Currently, I serve as deputy to Branch 433 in Tucson. I have traveled to the other three branches in Arizona to attend their meetings and functions to keep them aware that they have a voice on Central Council. Among my parish activities I have served two years as Grand Knight in our Knights of Columbus as well serving as Faithful Navigator and in the Honor Guard. I am an usher at Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Green Valley. It is my hope that you will support me with your vote so I can continue my work on Central Council and to strengthen our Italian Catholic Federation as we move forward - “I come to light a Fire”! Nancy Corsi Br. 91, Oakland, California Br. 103, Sonoma, California As we meet in Reno, I want to thank you for the support you have given me this past year and I ask that you continue to support me as a Central Council Member. What a wonderful theme for this year’s convention “In Giving We Receive”. I have been given so much and received so many blessings as I have grown up in the Federation as a member for the past 39 years. So many lifetime friendships have flourished in my Federation Family that I truly cannot imagine life without it. Let me share a bit about myself with those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting. I am married to my wonderful husband, Giovanni. We have 5 children and 5 1/2 grandbabies. I am a member of Br 91, Oakland currently serving as First VP. I am also a member of Branch 103 in Sonoma, Deputy to Br 12 in Napa, a member of the CC Membership Committee and I will be on the panel for the “District and Deputies Workshop” at the Convention were I look forward to meeting so many more members. This past year as a member of the Central Council has been a wonderful opportunity to meet so many members and attend so many Branch and District functions as well as learn the inner workings of our organization. I value the conversations with members that identify opportunities and suggestions to improve the Federation. I believe we must be respectful and thankful for all of the efforts of those before us who worked so hard and carry on in their honor, the work and mission of our founders. Thank you for your continued support and know that a vote for me is a vote to maintain our heritage and move forward with progress. Lisa Crudo Br. 343, Castro Valley, California I was introduced to the Italian Catholic Federation 33 years ago when my parents joined Branch 343 in Castro Valley as charter members. I joined the following year in 1980 and have been active in the branch and the East Bay District ever since. Over the past 30 years I have served as branch treasurer and president (the office which I currently hold), here in Castro Valley. I am also a very active member of our parish, Our Lady of Grace. I have served as 2nd vice president, 1st vice president and president of the East Bay District. At this time, I am pleased to be a member-at-large on the “Life to Give” Committee. I am working very hard with Nina Malone and Laurice Levine, to promote the importance of blood donation and awareness of the need to further the research for a cure for Cooley’s Anemia. It is my sincere wish to be a help to the members of the Federation as a “direct line” to the Central Council, as well as a listening ear. It is also my desire to further the goals of the ICF by working on committees and wherever I am needed, to help the Federation to grow in number, strength, and faith. I will work tirelessly for the Federation that gives so much to help others. Marco Galeazzi Br. 139, Manteca, California Br. 36, Monterey, California Br. 326, Temple City, California I am here to ask for your vote to re-elect, Marco Galeazzi, to our Central Council of our Italian Catholic Federation. Throughout my travels to other branches and districts of the ICF, I listen to the concerns and triumphs of their work. I keep learning every day the different ways of how our members keep helping others. We cannot stop what we are doing or give up because something did not work. We must continue to show others the good we do for the church, community, and everyone’s life. We, the members of the Italian Catholic Federation, do not just help Catholics or just Italians. We try to help all people, with the love of our faith. One of our main concerns is the retention of our members. We must keep our branches vital and strong. Our branches must have more functions throughout the year, to keep the members busy, but more importantly, to keep the exposure of the IFC in the public’s eye and mind. The function does not have to be a big ordeal. Try to have coffee meets after church, help at a retirement home, pregnancy help center, public television’s pledge drive, boy’s and girl’s club telethon or any other community event. Be sure to wear your branch’s shirt, hat or name badge. This is why I am trying to make a “Year of the ICF in Pictures” for our great organization. Hopefully, this will help as a tool to bring in more members. We can show the prospective member our works, besides just talking about it. Thank you for your time, and please vote for my re-election, Grazie. Teresa Helfand Br. 392, Chicago, Illinois As many of you know I have been a part of the ICF family for many years, having joined ICF of St. Francis Borgia – Branch 392 about 20 years ago. Over the years I have held many offices at Branch 392 and the Chicago District Council, and have been a member of the Central Council for three consecutive years. This past year has been rewarding. I have concentrated on apostolate and charitable works and vigorously campaigned with ICF Field Director, Lou Mages, within many of our local churches with one goal in mind, —new branch openings and boost membership. Our joint efforts paid off. We opened two branches in the Chicago area during the year and are currently working on opening three more next year. I backed the ICF charities (e.g. Cooley Anemia, Gifts of Love, and Scholarship Program). I encouraged support of our host parish –St. Francis Borgia- with fundraising initiatives, and remained committed to RadioMaria, reaching our elderly, sick, and shut-ins with religious programming in the Italian language. In order to make the ICF causes better known within our region, I have taken a more active role in community affairs. I now serve: on the European American Advisory Board of the Archdiocese of Chicago, representing the Italian Community, and as Assistant Chair to the St. Francis Borgia Apostolic Council. My platform is simple. If re-elected I promise to continue my apostolate work and pursue a rigorous campaign for new branch openings and new membership with our field director. With perseverance and prayers, we can succeed and grow. Help me to keep the vision of our founding fathers alive! Please give me your vote. Che il Signore Vi benedica sempre! Roselynne Jarrett Br. 14, Martinez, California Br. 72 Pittsburg, California This year marks the twentieth anniversary from when my family was first introduced to the Italian Catholic Federation. Through the years we made new friends, learned more about our heritage, and grew closer to the church. From a young age I was inspired by my ICF “ancestors.” I watched as they setup events, planned masses and conducted meetings. It was evident that I was eager to serve along side them and eventually I was elected to an office. Since then I’ve continued to be active and have held the majority of positions, including president of Branch 72 Pittsburg and Contra Costa District president. During my tenure, I was committed to make the ICF more appealing to families. Since my election to Central Council six years ago and serving as membership chairperson, I have been able to build on my mission and work with branches and districts, providing ideas to welcome families and keep them active. While promoting family participation, I have found myself learning the operational side to our organization. From dissecting our finances as a grand trustee, to completing special projects with the Task Force, to helping plan our annual convention, I now have a greater knowledge of how the ICF functions. As a member of the Apostolate and Gifts of Love Committees, I see the difference we make in our parishes and communities. And, as a member of the Field Operations Committee, I have assisted with expansion opportunities to ensure the ICF continues to grow. I look forward to the opportunity to continuing service as a Central Council Member. Just as I was inspired during my childhood, I hope to be an inspiration to the next generation of members. I appreciate your consideration as you elect your representatives for the coming year. Franklyn Lopes, Jr. Br. 227, Capitola, California As we meet in Reno I want to thank you for the support you have given me this past year. And I ask that you continue to support me as a Central Council Member. Born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, I am of Italian-Portuguese heritage. I currently serve as, Sergeant-at-Arms, chairman of our Workshop Committee, and member of the Convention and Membership Committees. Deputy of Branch 21, Santa Cruz, and past president of Branch 227, Capitola, California and the Central Coast District .I have been a volunteer with the Dominican Hospital Foundation Guild in Santa Cruz for the past 10 years, served as president of the Guild in 2008, and serve as usher at St. Joseph’s Church in Capitola. I have owned Stewart’s Floral in Santa Cruz for the last 13 years, and I especially enjoy flower arranging and gardening. It is my hope of being re-elected to the Central Council so I can continue what our founders Luigi Providenza and Reverend Albert R. Bandini, started 88 years ago. My main goal is still to achieve an increase in membership throughout the branches, in addition to bringing before the Central Council those issues most important to the members. I will continue to work hard for the Federation and to help it grow stronger in every way — through family, heritage, charity, and spirit. I look forward to seeing you all in Reno. Please stop by my hospitality room and say “HI”. And again I ask for your continued support for me as your Central Council Member. God Bless you all. Pat Mages Br. 380, Thousand Oaks, California For the past 21 years I have had the honor and pleasure of holding the offices of president, first and second vicepresident, trustee for Branch 380, chair of the St. Joseph’s Table Celebration, and other fundraising events. I’m currently the president for the Santa Barbara-Ventura District. In 2002, my husband Lou and I were honored with the Pope John XXIII Award. I’ve been a member of Central Council for 3 1/2 years. This past year I served as chair of the Hospitalization Committee and was on the Gifts of Love; Ways & Means (chaired the successful ‘Night for the Seminarians’); and Task Force Committees. Besides attending all the CC meetings, I’ve had the pleasure of attending many district installations, anniversaries, and Bishop Days. I look forward to those visits. My family consists of my husband, Lou; our daughter Stephanie, husband, Kevin, and sons, Louis, and Konrad; our son Phil, wife, Danielle and daughters, Annelise and Katherine; and our cocker spaniel, Sweet Caroline. I’ve been an advocate for victims of family/ domestic violence for over 30 years. I currently work with the Port Hueneme Police Department as a Victim Advocate. I’m also a Para Professional in the Special Education program with the Conejo Unified School District, working with severely disabled students. Both of these positions have given me an insightful view into the human lives that so greatly need compassion and understanding. These amazing individuals are helping me to better serve others. My goals are to increase and sustain membership; and to develop a ‘family friendly’ organization with a 3 to 4 generation membership. ICF needs new and young members, and, like any family, the wisdom and experience of our older members to make the ICF family whole and complete. I look forward to serving you as a member of Central Council. Best of luck to all CC Candidates! Andrew Pappani Br. 28, Gilroy, California I am running for re-election to the Central Council of the Italian Catholic Federation. Let me give you a brief history of my life in the ICF for those that may not know me. I was born in Healdsburg,Calif., in December 1955 to Harry and Katherine Pappani. I am the youngest of six children. I married my very lovely wife Siria (known to most as Sid) in 1978 and we have two sons: Andrew Joseph Pappani Jr., living in Aspen, Colorado; and Anthony Louis Pappani and his lovely wife Dominique, living in Diana Point, Calif. I joined Gilroy Branch 28 in 1980 and served several offices including president for three years then moved up to district level and held several offices including district president for a three year term and branch deputy to several branches in the Santa Clara Valley District. In 2006, I ran for Central Council and was elected. I held the office of Sergeant-at-Arms for a two year term and I am currently holding my second year term office as Grand Trustee. I have served on many committees including, Public Relations, Gifts of Love, Scholarship, Ways and Means and Finance. I am currently the chairperson for The Gifts of Love Program. This year at our National Convention I have been appointed to serve on the “District & Deputies” workshop panel with Bob Basuino on Saturday, so please stop by and say hello. I also have been given the honor of being Master of Ceremonies at the Saturday night banquet. As a member of the Central Council, I am here for you to help keep the fire burning. I thank everybody for the past and present support and let us all stand together for the future of our Italian Catholic Federation. Vince Piro Br. 39, Merced, California Creating a Vision for the Future . . . Together. I am an optimist. I do not have a crystal ball. I do not have a time machine. However, I see a bright future for the ICF. I see a future full of strong local branches, active and engaged districts, and a visionary Central Council. However, that future won’t just come to us, and as Christians, we know that our future is based on the actions we take today. It would be easy to look at the Federation’s declining membership and see a bleak future. Yes, membership is down in almost all of our districts. However, it is my belief that if we prepare today, we can have a bright and vibrant future. I am running for Central Council again to accomplish one thing: the creation of a strategic plan. As our organization moves into the future, we need a map to guide us, and a strategic plan can act as that map. Without such a plan, we will wander without a focus and eventually risk becoming irrelevant. A strategic plan today prepares us for the future. It asks all of us from the local branch level to the Central Council to envision who August/September 2012- 5 we are and where we want to be in future years. This year I plan to use the knowledge and experience I have gained as a Central Council member to forward the idea of a strategic plan that will prepare us for the future. You see I do not really need a crystal ball to see the future of the ICF; I have faith in each and every one of you to work together to ensure a bright tomorrow. We will create a vision for the future . . . together. Deborah Rodondi Br. 19, Colma, California I want to thank all of you who have helped and guided me through my journey as a Central Council Member: it has been an honor to serve; an adventure meeting members at the branches/districts, the friendships bonded are priceless; and enriching as I have become more actively involved with the many layers of ICF. As a member of Central Council I hold the office of Grand Secretary, Scholarship Committee Chairperson, member of the Finance and Convention Directors Committees, Credential Committee and Convention Registration. For the past five years I have been secretary of the San Mateo District and treasurer of Branch 19 for 10 years. For the past 14 years I have been the primary care-giver to members of my family: my Grandparents, Dad and finally Mom; not always an easy job but rewarding in so many ways. Mom (June) is the reason I became a member of the ICF, her love and devotion for the organization fueled me on to become a very active member and be were I am today. Mom taught me that we are an amazing group of individuals that work together for common goals: spirituality, apostolate, heritage and friendship. We come together in prayer, special masses and nights of recollection. We work hard, yet have fun. We go out into the community, promote our heritage and educate ourselves on what it is to be Italian. By sharing our successes we can continue to make the Federation strong, active and move forward into the future. With the support of Branch 19, the San Mateo District, my many ICF friends and you I hope to continue doing that as a member of Central Council. I ask for your vote so that I can continue working to make our Italian Catholic Federation the best it can be. Linda Garfagnoli-Sherman Br. 52, Healdsburg, California Ciao, my name is Linda Garfagnoli-Sherman, and I am running for re-election to the Central Council. I am from Branch 52, Healdsburg, where I have been a member for 39 years. I currently serve as president to the Santa Rosa District. My first year as a Central Council member has been a rewarding experience. I was appointed to the Apostolate /Charity and the Workshop Committees. It has been great learning from my fellow Central Council members who served on the committees with me. I have held many offices in my 39 years: I have been president of Br. 52 from 1986-1987 and 1992-1995; secretary from 1976-1978, 2010; treasurer/financial secretary in 1996 and financial secretary 1997-2004, 2011. In The Santa Rosa district I have been secretary from 1986-1990, treasurer 1993-1996, and president from 1991-1993 and 2010 to present. I was deputy to the St. Rose branch for two years and to the Cloverdale branch for one year. In 1994 I was elected from the convention floor to serve on the mortuary committee for the Central Council for two years. At the 1996 convention, my family was awarded the 1st Family of Year award. I was also elected to the Central Council that same year and served for one year. I will continue to work hard to help the Federation grow and achieve its goals. I am here to listen and learn from all the branches. Please continue your great work, together we will build a strong ICF for many generations to come. My journey has just begun and there is a lot more to learn and accomplish. I hope you will consider me for re-election to the Central Council Leonard Zasoski, Jr. Br. 281, Bakersfield, California I have had the honor of serving you on the Central Council for the last five years and have had a very rewarding experience seeing all that the ICF has to offer to the parish communities throughout the different districts. Our annual Convention is a time for the members from all areas within the Federation to come together to reconfirm our dedication to this great organization. For the Federation to be viable in the future we will need to work together to keep the new and existing members active. You, the members, are the core of our organization, and we as Central Council members must implement a plan this next year that will guide the organization, keeping the core as was inspired by our founders, but making the necessary changes to attract new members and keep them active and motivated for years to come. We are one of the only family inclusive organizations within most parishes. Getting families involved by restructuring our “meetings” to include more social type events may help. I don’t think any of us joined our branch thinking, “Great let’s go to a meeting tonight.” This is just one example of what could be part of the plan for the future. We need to look at why our members joined the organization, what is keeping the members, why are members leaving, and where do our members want to see the organization head to in the future. Change will have to happen; change has happened to all of us in one way or another, and if we look back most would say it has been for the better. It would be a privilege to continue serving you as a Central Council member; I feel that there is still so much more that I can do for you. Voting for Central Council Members will take place on the Sunday of the Convention. 6 - BOLLETTINO Best Wishes to our 2012 First Year Scholarship Winners! C E N T R A L Michaela Scanlon Central Coast District C O A S T Pauli Anna Pappas Maria Isabella Piedimonte Elise Aliotti Carmela Flores Ashley Doris Br. 21, Santa Cruz Br. 25, Salinas Br. 26, Hollister Br. 36, Monterey Br. 51, Castroville In memory of Jim Spinetti Jacqueline Locatelli Brittany D. Chartier Tamara Opal Hansen Melanie Hendrickson Kate Ottrando Haley Marie Ogden Br. 227, Capitola Br. 291, Arroyo Grande Br. 291, Arroyo Grande Br. 291, Arroyo Grande Br. 291, Arroyo Grande Br. 354, Paso Robles C H I C A G O C O N T R A C O S T A Girolama Mirella Camastra Salvatore Anthony Leone Eugene Crededio Samantha Viano Gabriella Addiego Giselle Marie Avina Chicago District Chicago District Branches Br. 418, Itasca Br. 13, Martinez Br. 14, Crockett Br. 14, Crockett In memory of Rev. Leonard Mattei In memory of Rev. Angelo Garbin Royce Raffanelli Sofia DeMeo-Jackson Matthew R. Capella Janette Danielson Nicholas Maltagliati Laura Minorsky Br. 14, Crockett Br. 72, Pittsburg Br. 154, Richmond Br. 154, Richmond Br. 154, Richmond Br. 154, Richmond Francesca Parella Ashley Robertson Br. 154, Richmond Br. 154, Richmond In memory of George & Mary DeMattei In memory of Steve Arnaudo Ashley Ann Waite Jaclyn Kavanaugh Shannon Hennessy Jeremy Shaver Br. 154, Richmond Br. 214, Concord Br. 352, Danville Br. 432, Brentwood August/September 2012- 7 E A S T B A Y Ashley Jess Rachel Joanne Carey East Bay District Br. 10, Alameda Clara Castillo Emily Lassalle Veronica Rodondi Robert Da Maren Br. 10, Alameda Br. 10, Alameda Br. 10, Alameda Br. 40, Oakland F R E S N O Nicholas Bonavolonta Jonathan E. King Br. 91, Oakland Br. 215, Fremont Christine Peters Nicholas Alexandre Alves Br. 27, Madera Br. 32, Fresno Dana A. RadovichHeinemann Fitzjames Patrick Ryan Gyan Rusconi-Rodrigues Alli Cauzza Br. 285, Livermore Br. 343, Castro Valley Fresno District Jenny Volanti Laura Meert Giuliana Marchini Randy Edwards Br. 32, Fresno Br. 33, Bakersfield Br. 39, Merced Br. 54, Gustine Br. 223, Oakland L A S V E G A S Andriana Ricchiuti Nicole Lang Alexandra Cody Natalya Ferdinandi Giammarco Paolucci Connor Klein Br. 185, Fresno Br. 250, Clovis Br. 281, Bakersfield Br. 308, Fresno Br. 417, Fresno Scholarship Fund Olivia Hudnut Elisa Filomena Salomone Jenna DiBernardo Nicole Marie Enciso Adam T. Arnot Paulina Costantini Br. 108, South Pasadena Br. 111, Montebello Br. 115, San Pedro Br. 115, San Pedro Br. 118, Montebello Br. 237, Gardena L O S A N G E L E S M A R I N Scott Ragusa Erika Johnson John Alexander Asdourian Anna Marie Smith Danielle Albini Angelina Bondanza Br. 362, Downey Br. 374, La Canada Flintridge Br. 161, Larkspur Br. 161, Larkspur Br. 332, Novato Br. 332, Novato 8 - BOLLETTINO O R A N G E Ashleigh Luschei Jessica Kuiper Adriana Zuabi Audrey Bruscia Madison June Budetti Savannah Luschei Orange District Br. 379, Huntington Beach Br. 393, Mission Viejo Br. 406, Orange Br. 423, Irvine Scholarship Fund Kyle Bandaccari Garrett Hagwood Jeannette M. Ricci Br. 45, Sacramento Br. 73, Roseville Br. 85, Mount Shasta P H O E N I X Kaitlin Whitehead Brittany Bickley Br. 135, Reno Scholarship Fund B L E S S E D R E N O Emily Koon Blessed Sacrament District In memory of Msgr. Virgil Gabrielli S A C R A M E N T B L E S S E D Darian E. Orozco Br. 266, Yuba City S A C R A M E N T S A N Vincenzo Aleccia Br. 342, Auburn Jonathan Lockwood Clare Elisabeth Sorensen Elizabeth Ann Ricci Br. 419, Sacramento Br. 438, Roseville Scholarship Fund B E R N A R D I N O Michael Dittamo San Bernardino District S A N D I E G O Kierstin LaSalle Eric Peck Creighton Chaney Benjamin Fishburne Ryan Soto Dominic Bruno Br. 210, Fontana Br. 217, Redlands Br. 303, Cathedral City San Diego District Br. 229, Chula Vista Br. 230, San Diego S A N S A N F E R N A N D O Brenda Corona Paul Malecha Br. 230, San Diego Br. 246, San Diego Sean Asaro Christina Rhamy Br. 261, San Diego Br. 416, Spring Valley V A L L E Y Kevin Mark Br. 102, Burbank F R A N C I S C O Justas Reskevicius Br. 38, San Francisco S A N G A B R I E L Andrew Mitchell Giulia Maffei Br. 50, San Francisco Br. 258, San Francisco David Robert Greene Samantha Hassett Br. 290, San Francisco Br. 290, San Francisco V A L L E Y Gregory Joseph Lima Jeffrey Charca San Gabriel Valley District Br. 317, Diamond Bar August/September 2012- 9 S A N S A N G A B R I E L Mikaela Jolly Br. 319, Claremont V A L L E Y M A T E O Kodi Hudson Alexandria Giuliacci Eric Bet Madeleine Marie Faoro Rebecca Bernal San Mateo District Br. 6, Redwood City Br. 7, South San Francisco Br. 7, South San Francisco In memory of Carlo Giusti Br. 19, Colma In honor of Fr. Frank Murray S A N T A Steven Garibaldi John Bruni Br. 163, San Mateo In honor of Harold Fuentes B A R B A R A / V E N T U R A Br. 173, Burlingame Marlee Slaughter Matthew Pastore Mary Margaret Gainey Br. 213, South San Francisco Br. 327, San Carlos Br. 351, Menlo Park Mary Pfaff Natalie Tomasello Alyssa Castillou Alex Rossi Christina Henning Br. 4, San Jose Br. 4, San Jose Br. 5, Santa Clara Michael Noah Alexander Hartman Weseloh Rachel Mannina Nicholas Mantovani Br. 184, Los Gatos Br. 184, Los Gatos Br. 380, Thousand Oaks S A N J O S E Joseph Dante Shepard Santa Clara Valley District In memory of Papa Joe Marsalli Santa Clara Valley District In honor of Antoinette Sunseri Bailey Fiorio Ashley McDermott Br. 28, Gilroy Br. 28, Gilroy In memory of Rosie Mammini In memory of Shirley Silva Michael F. Campagna John Belardi Br. 186, Los Altos Br. 191, San Jose Francesca Comin Br. 28, Gilroy In memory of Emma Moretti Br. 47, Mountain View In memory of Fr. Salvatore Di Nardo, O.P. Br. 47, Mountain View Jessica Kirk Henry Ireland Blake Nicholas Locatelli Daniel Rossi Br. 368, San Jose Br. 391, San Jose Br. 391, San Jose Br. 391, San Jose S A N T A R O S A Rachel Schneider Kaitlyn Williams Joseph Mayer Dominic Skinner Kylee Ferro Christina Franzino Br. 408, Sunnyvale Br. 435, Morgan Hill Santa Rosa District Santa Rosa District Br. 12, Napa Br. 12, Napa In mem. of deceased members In mem. of deceased members 10 - BOLLETTINO S A N T A R O S A Monica Olguin Br. 12, Napa Olivia Donald Andrew J. Dobbins Emma Weinert Br. 18, Santa Rosa Br. 18, Santa Rosa In mem. of deceased members In mem. of deceased members Lauren Cuneo Hannah Klisura Katelynne Rettig Suzanne Amaral Br. 52, Healdsburg Br. 52, Healdsburg Br. 103, Sonoma Christopher Nangle Angela Pascoe Gregory Charles Arena Kyra Boselli Br. 127, Petaluma Br. 127, Petaluma Br. 127, Petaluma Br. 144, Arcata Br. 198, Santa Rosa Zachary Cahill Dylan Teverbaugh Gina Filomena Vosti Br. 198, Santa Rosa Br. 198, Santa Rosa Br. 198, Santa Rosa Br. 103, Sonoma Peter Del Bondito Alyssa Dentoni Br. 198, Santa Rosa Br. 198, Santa Rosa In memory of Norman Sikes In memory of Sam & Minnie Asti Lauren Forsell Br. 198, Santa Rosa In memory of Aldo Desideri Mia Bianchi Lorenzo Cirelli Br. 198, Santa Rosa In mem. of Joseph, Irene & Jerre Paolini In mem. of Rico & Irene Acquistapace In mem. of Romie & Helen Barbieri Megan Nonella Dylan Maggio-Hucek Br. 198, Santa Rosa In memory of Gary Apel S T O C K T O N Michelle Cheda Br. 198, Santa Rosa Br. 198, Santa Rosa Jaime So Br. 198, Santa Rosa T U C S O N In memory of Lynne Gaggero-Johnson Br. 198, Santa Rosa In mem. of Peter & Juliette Barbieri O U T O F A R E A Christopher Bacchetti Ana Alicia Hernandez Dominic Gian Riella Dean Patrick Garcia Ryan Petronella Shawnee Luciani Stockton District Br. 139, Manteca Br. 139, Manteca Br. 395, Stockton Br. 425, Green Valley Scholarship Fund I N D I V I D U A L S Mariah Serrato Alexis McNeal Bryan Ryba Patricio Ansaldi Ashley DeDomenico Rachel E. Bayles Gary M. Alegre, M.D. George & Diana Bacigalupi, Br. 50 George & Diana Bacigalupi, Br. 50 Barbara C. Bottarini, Br. 258 Chris & Virginia Bottino, Br. 432 Joseph & Rita Bratta, Br. 418 In memory of Dan Petrolino In memory of Richard & Lillian Valli In mem. Mary&Joseph Bottarini In mem. of Alice Providenza Bottino August/September 2012- 11 I N D I V I D U A L S Giuliana Caporali Albert & Rina Brocchini Fam. Foundation In memory of Albert & Rina Brocchini Lauren Rubio Sarah Butler Louie & Pat Cordich, Br. 28 In mem. of Cody Joe Anthenien Mark Bruni Ines C. Costa, Br. 173 In memory of Bruno A. Costa Michael E. Caldwell Donald & Louise DeTomasi, Br. 14 In memory of Cliff&Leona Ledford Robert Grassilli, Jr. Robert Grassilli, Jr. Brett Young Marco Fanucchi Katelyn Kriech In memory of Marie Grassilli In memory of Anna Oliva Rose Mangini, Br. 38 In mem. of Luigi & Rosa Mangini Jim Muglie, Br. 91 In mem. of Philip & Anne Muglie Lauren Victoria Murphy Mary Regalia, Br. 14 In memory of John Regalia Theresa Chiappe Maria Tollefson, Br. 230 In memory of James Tollefson Dante Dianda Patrick Shevelson Michael & Donna Santich, Br. 91 In mem. of Martin&Rose Santich Michael & Donna Santich, Br. 91 In memory of Helen Thompson Brittany Patterson The Trevizio Family, Br. 19 Sarah E. Fonte Jean & Bob Segale In memory of Lola & Sam J. Parrinello Jessica Crosby Eva DeTomasi, Br. 14 In memory of Louis DeTomasi Kelsey Kriech Mark David-Joseph Canevari Robert Grassilli, Jr. In memory of Robert Grassilli McKenzie Comba Jim Muglie, Br. 91 In mem. of Philip & Anne Muglie Charlyne M. Pacini, Br. 135 Allison Castro Catherine DeLiso The Segale Family In memory of Mary & Bill Segale In memory of Harry A. Pacini The Segale Family In memory of Mary & Bill Segale Graduates Look for 2nd Year Scholarship Applications in the mail in June 2013. In memory of Louise Trevizo *We also gratefully acknowledge the following partial donations that made additional scholarships from the I.C.F. Scholarship Fund possible: Central Coast District: Br. 200; East Bay District: Louis and Mari Ann Dianda (Br. 91), Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dianda (Br. 91) - In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Robert Basuino, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dianda and Jane - Get Well Wishes for Rosalind Crudo, Mr. and Mrs. John Delucchi (Br. 91) - In Memory of Robert Delucchi, Rose M. Stack (Br. 285) - In Memory of Robert Delucchi, John S. Delucchi - In Memory of Albert H. Risi, The Dianda Family - In Memory of Violet Silva, Mrs. Darlene Marich-Delucchi and Mrs. Mary Ann Marinak - In Memory of Harold L. Smith and Giovanni and Nancy Corsi (Br. 91/Br. 103) - In Memory of Jim Spinetti; Orange District: Br. 387; San Fernando Valley District: Br. 382 and Susan G. Ferro - In Memory of Anthony Ross Galante; San Francisco District: Janet L. Farren - Merry Christmas Wishes for Mrs. Dina Puccinelli, Jan Farren - Happy Mother’s Day Wishes for Mrs. Dina Puccinelli, Anita Ferroggiaro (Br. 258) - In Memory of Lillian Valli and Officers/Members of Br. 258 - In Memory of Richard Valli; San Gabriel Valley District: Br. 218; San Mateo District: Deborah Rodondi (Br. 19) - In Memory of Luigina Picciola, Debrah Rodondi - In Memory of Blanche Price, Deborah Rodondi - In Memory of Edward Swertfager, Deborah Rodondi - Get Well Wishes for Leonard Zasoski, Jr., June and Deborah Rodondi - Get Well Wishes for Steve Barnes, June and Deborah Rodondi - Get Well Wishes for Tom Pollicita, June and Deborah Rodondi - Get Well Wishes for Frances Teglia, June and Deborah Rodondi - Thinking of You Wishes for Lillian Valli and June and Deborah Rodondi - In Memory of Olga Viti; Santa Clara Valley District: Mr. Charles P. Gullo, Jr. (Br. 4) - In Memory of A.R. Blase, Evelyn Taravella (Br. 368) - In Memory of Ann Cozzolino, Giulia Gallego (Br. 435) - In Memory of John Dalcin, Emily Corral (Br. 191) - in Memory of Mrs. Norma Ditto, Richard and Donna Pfaff (Br. 184) - In Memory of Roger Hoy, Trevis and Diana Berry (Br. 28) - Merry Christmas Wishes for Jeanette Hudson, Officers/Members of Br. 435 - In Honor of Loritta Johnson, Joan and Jerry Delfino (Br. 368) - In Memory of Dan Petrolino, Donna Pfaff - In Honor of the Birthday of Richard Pfaff, Ed and Jo Bertaccini (Br. 191) - In Memory of Maria Ponzo and Officers/Members of Br. 191 - In Memory of Robert Wells; Santa Rosa District: Br. 75, Br. 145, Br. 150 and Br. 209; Stockton District: Br. 48 and Br. 413; Tucson: Officers/Members of Br. 434 - In Memory of Kelly Raffanti. 12 - BOLLETTINO Sir Luigi & Lady Augusta Providenza Seminary Scholarship Fund Donations* IN MEMORY OF: DONATED BY: Carole Benjamin June Rodondi Adalgisa Ottino Jerri Lynn Pera Louis Persico Leonard Sanders Louis Persico June Rodondi Nella Gilardoni June Rodondi June Rodondi June Rodondi Louis J. Persico Louis Persico Emily Machado Manny Carrasco Dan Coughlin Dan Coughlin June Rodondi June Rodondi June Rodondi Mario Delucchi Ysidro (Sid) Gurrola Angelo Scimone Angelo Scimone Officers/Members of Br. 215 Jean and Donald Tomatis Andree Casetta Officers/Members of Br. 7 Lou and Pat Mages Officers/Members of Br. 380 Giovanni and Nancy Corsi Officers/Members of Br. 392 Officers/Members of Br. 7 Nina Malone Officers/Members of East Bay District Forrest and Prudence Price Beatrice Bianco John Etchebarne Officers/Members of Br. 144 Franklyn Lopes, Jr. Larry and Carmen Kilcullen Lauren Kilcullen David and Pat Botta Jim and Janice Jones Cecilia Tommei and Cory Roberts Luciana Tuccori Rose Haupt Officers/Members of Br. 416 Mary Alesi/Phyllis Benbrook (Co-Pres. Br. 416) Joe and Jackie Donato Officers/Members of Br. 290 Ida Del Grosso John Gaddini GET WELL WISHES: Fr. Frank Murray Officers/Members of Central Council Fr. Frank Murray Joan and Jerry Delfino Forrest Price Officers/Members of Central Council David Botta Nina Malone Forrest Price Leroy and Stella Taddei Fr. Frank Murray Mike and Marcie Rossi Forrest Price Mike and Marcie Rossi Ida Del Grosso Officers/Members of Br. 367 Annette Del Grosso Officers/Members of Br. 367 Forrest Price Larry and Elise Marsalli Ed Bertaccini Jim and Janice Jones Forrest Price Jim and Janice Jones Anna Friebel Jim and Janice Jones David Botta Jim and Janice Jones Rena Fazzini Officers/Members of Br. 290 Ilia Ponte Officers/Members of Br. 290 HAPPY 85TH BIRTHDAY: Rosella Ferlazzo The Ferlazzo Family HAPPY 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: Art and Lorraine Fricke Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dianda and Jane CORRECTION: July’s Bollettino incorrectly listed the following donations. Here is the correct heading: GET WELL WISHES: Father Helmut Richter Officers/Members of Br. 72 David Botta Roselynne Jarrett Madeline Torre Millie Franzoni *Named after the co-founder of the I.C.F., the Sir Luigi and Lady Augusta Providenza Seminary Scholarship Fund provides I.C.F. members a lasting way to memorialize and/or extend greetings to friends, relatives, and loved ones. Members’ donations provide scholarships to seminarians studying for the priesthood in dioceses where the Italian Catholic Federation is located. A monthly Mass is offered for the intention of those listed. August/September 2012- 13 Cooley’s Corner Answers to Common Excuses for Not Donating Blood As you try to recruit blood donors from your workplace, you’d probably encounter many common fears and misconceptions that people may have about donating blood. So, to help you answer some of these common excuses, and hopefully convince them to think otherwise, we’ve put together some responses to help! Don’t Accept These Excuses “I’m too old!” There is no maximum age limit when donating blood. “I Might Catch A Disease.” A new, sterile needle is used for each donor and then immediately disposed of properly. It is not possible to catch AIDS or any infectious diseases by donating blood. “It Might Hurt When They Draw The Blood.” The actual drawing causes no pain. You might feel a slight pinch when the needle is inserted, but that’s all. “I’m On Medication.” Many medications, including allergy medicines, vitamins, aspirins, birth control and blood pressure pills, do not affect your eligibility as a blood donor. Be sure to tell the medical interviewer what medications you are taking or have recently taken. “I’m Anemic.” A trained technician will test a drop of your blood before you donate. If you are anemic you will not be permitted to donate that day. However, anemia is not usually a permanent condition. Just because you have been deferred or told that you were anemic does not necessarily mean that you cannot give blood later. “They’ll Take Too Much Blood And I’ll Feel Weak.” If you weigh at least 110 lbs, you may safely donate blood. Only one pint is taken - no more. You have about two pints of blood for every 25 pounds of body weight, and your body makes new blood constantly. After giving blood most people can resume their normal activities. “My Blood Type Is So Common, You Probably Don’t Need It.” Not true. Some blood types are more common than others, but the rarest type of blood is the type that is not available when needed. Since whole blood and blood components must be transfused within a few weeks, we rely on regular donations of all blood types throughout the year. “Other People Must Be Giving Enough Blood.” We need to collect about 450 pints of blood per day to meet the daily demand -and the demand is rising! But, less than 5 percent of those who are eligible give blood. Consequently, the lives of many depend on the generosity of these few. “I’m Too Busy.” Is your life worth an hour of someone’s time? Is someone else’s life worth an hour of your time? Think about it. Gifts of Love Gratitude Gifts of Love Met to Award Money... and a Happy Update The Gifts of Love Committee met in July to review applications and award money. Many applications were received, but at this time the committee has decided to help the following people: $2,000 has been awarded towards the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van for a family with a 4-year-old child who has spastic and dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. $2,200 has been awarded to help off set the living expenses of a family in Sunnyvale with a 12-year-old daughter who has ADHD, and a father with Stage 4 terminal cancer. $2,000 has been awarded to help off set medical bills for a family with a baby son born with a congenital heart defect who needs to undergo surgery. $600 has been awarded for the purchase of an iPad for a high school student in Gilroy who will use the electronic device to communicate with his teachers. He is unable to verbally communicate due to being Autistic. $500 has been awarded to a family with a daughter who has a rare structural brain abnormality called “neuronal migration anomaly with polymicrogyria”. She suffers from severe seizure disorder, mental retardation, and cerebral pasly and uses a wheelchair . Due to her condition she is sensitive to the sun. The money will purchase a wheelchair shade so she can join her peers outside. $2,500 has been awarded to Freedom Paws to help train service dogs for veterans and people with disabilities. $900 has been awarded to an adult with necrotizing faschitis – flesh eating bacteria – for the purchase of metal braces and shoes. $1,000 has been awarded to a 21-year-old student with split ventricle syndrome to purchase a laptop computer to keep up with school and friends while in the hospital. $2,000 has been awarded to the Daly City Public Library to purchase large print books for use by visually impaired individuals. Gifts of Love — Update After getting the fantastic news about the MRI, Sophia had a check-up with her oncologist, Dr. Mueller. Her doctor was thrilled to see how happy and healthy Sophia looks. She said that all of Sophia’s lab results came back normal and everything in her physical exam was great, too! We were sent on our way with instructions to return for another MRI in three months. Now its time to finish up the school year and get ready to have some fun this summer! Gifts of Love D o n a t i o n s Donations received as of August 1, 2012 Branch 4 Branch 14 Branch 39 Branch 163 Branch 217 Branch 351 Branch 380 Branch 432 Joan and Jerry Delfino In honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Noreen and John Gillio Tony and Geri Hrepich In memory of Raoul Bruno Margaret DeRango In honor of the 50th branch anniversary of Br. 161 Larry and Elise Marsalli Get well wishes for Father Frank Murray Helen Dianda In memory of Frank Bolla Helen Dianda In memory of Louie Persico Pauline Ciraulo In memory of Phil Barone Joan and Jerry Delfino Get well wishes for Forrest Price Frances and Al Teglia Get well wishes for Forrest Price Joan and Jerry Delfino Get well wishes for Bob Basuino Nettie Descalso-Del Nero and Tom Pollicita In honor of the 75th branch anniversary of Br. 48 Sal and Mary Lipari In memory of Manny Carrasco Robert and Beatrice Tomasello In memory of Bill Kruse Rosalie Campisi In memory of Vincent Catania Mara Barsotti Millis In memory of Peter Mario Barsotti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Valentine In honor of the 90th birthday of Lucille Freitas Dave and Valerie Vanni In memory of Annina Benassi Frank and Teresa Borge In memory of Annina Benassi David and Pat Botta Get well wishes for Frances FogliaTeglia David and Pat Botta Get well wishes for Forrest Price David and Pat Botta Get well wishes for Fr. Frank Murray Rosalie Campisi In memory of Sal Serio Joanna Van Blaricom In remembrance of the birthday of Earl Van Blaricom Al and Fran Teglia In memory of Elinor Crump 14 - BOLLETTINO La Celebrazione di Gioventu -The Celebration of Youth S A I N T LY STORIES by Clem DeAmicis Labor Day Word Jumble Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Unscramble the words then figure out the message below using the numbers under each box. Televangelist Cause Advances The Vatican’s June 28 decree that U.S. Arch- bishop Fulton J. Sheen lived a life of heroic virtue, moved his petition yet another rung on the sainthood ladder. What follows is a thumbnail sketch of the popular prelate. Fulton J. Sheen was born in El Paso, Illinois, in 1895. He was the oldest of four sons of Newton and Delia Fulton Sheen. Just after his baptism, his mother dedicated him to the Blessed Virgin Mary, a dedication he renewed at his First Holy Communion. The family lived, for a while, on a farm just outside of Peoria, Illinois, but in 1900, his family moved to Peoria so that Fulton could enroll in a parochial school. Subsequently, he attended high school at an institute staffed by the Brothers of Mary. After graduating high school he attended St. Viator’s College in Bourbonnais, Illinois, and later St. Paul’s seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. On September 20, 1919, Fulton Sheen was ordained a “Priest Forever” for the Diocese of Peoria. At that time, he made a promise to make a “Eucharistic Holy Hour” which he kept faithfully for the rest of his life. After ordination, he completed two years of postgraduate studies in Theology at Catholic University in Washington D. C. and an additional year at the University of Louvain in Belgium. This stint was followed by further theological studies at the Sorbonne in Paris and at the Angelicum in Rome. A year later, he began teaching Theology, then Philosophy and then Religion at Catholic University in Washington D.C., where he remained until 1950. In 1926, be began local radio broadcasting in the New York area. One of his first radio programs included a Jewish rabbi, a Protestant minister and Sheen and they good-naturedly batted around religious and philosophical matters. His programs were meant to be low-budget fillers for the Milton Berle Show’. However, within a few weeks, Sheen emerged as the star of his show, which eclipsed the ratings of the Berle Show. Sheen’s show was entitled “The Catholic Hour” and it continued for 22 years and reached an estimated four million listeners each week. In 1950, he was chosen to be the National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. In that assignment, he supervised 129 diocesan directors throughout the country. He held the position until 1966. In 1951, Sheen was consecrated a Bishop in Rome in the Church of Saints John and Paul. In the same year, he launched his famous television series entitled, “Life is Worth Living.” The program, on which he presented his views on religious topics, every day life and politics, drew an estimated 30 million viewers each week. Sheen was awarded an Emmy Award after being voted “The Most Outstanding Television Personality in 1952.” His series ran with great success until 1957. In 1966, he was named Bishop of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. He resigned the position three years later. When ques- tioned about his resignation he stated, “I am not retiring, only retreading.” When another reporter asked him to reveal the names of his script writers, the Archbishop replied, “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” Subsequently, Pope Paul VI named him Archbishop of the Titular See of Newpon (Wales). The Archbishop remained relatively active, spending last years of his life chiefly in writing and preaching. On October 3, 1979, the Archbishop experienced one of the greatest moments of his life when visiting Pope John Paul II embraced him in St. Patrick’s Cathedral and said to him. “You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus. You are a loyal son of the Church!” That compliment came none too soon; on December 9 the Archbishop died. While never really becoming a major figure in the hierarchy of the Church, Sheen was one of its most visible members and an excellent ambassador for the Church to the secular world. A few months ago, friends, family and admirers of Archbishop Sheen gathered for a Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. The Mass marked the 25th anniversary of the Archbishop’s death. The homilist was Monsignor John Kozar, who is the national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, a post once held by Sheen. There were 60 priests and many other members of the Catholic hierarchy in attendance. The celebrant, while standing at an altar over the crypt where the Archbishop’s body is interred, celebrated the Mass using a chalice Archbishop Sheen owned and left in his will to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. During his homily, Monsignor Kozar said that his youthful reaction to hearing Archbishop Sheen was not understanding what he said but by becoming very impressed by “those eyes.” (Someone else encroaching on my mother’s criterion for good evangelists?) In September of 2002, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints officially opened the Cause of Archbishop Sheen and conferred on him the title “Servant of God.” His supporters must now make a case for the Archbishop’s sainthood: a process which is rigorous and requires a detailed report about his life, teachings and writings. Additionally, there must be solid documentation of at least two miracles attributed to him. So for now, all we can do is wait and pray. Clem can be reached at Labor Day Word Search Hey kids, if you’re going to be at the Convention, make sure to take pictures and send them in so we can see the events through your eyes! August/September 2012- 15 BOOK REVIEW Vince Piro “Reno’s Italian Americans” Online Nevada Encyclopedia Andrew Gerthoffer (contributer) “The American Dream, Reno’s Little Italy in Powning Addition” Historic Reno Preservation Society Felvia Belaustegui Oral History Program University of Nevada As I prepared to visit Reno for our annual Convention, I wondered about the history of Italian Americans in the city. I found some very interesting resources about the Italian immigrants and their families that helped develop the city and surrounding areas. The Italian American were and are hard working, industrious, and entrepreneurial, contributing much to Northwest Nevada. Andrew Gerthoffer gives a very thorough overview of Italian immigrants and their descendants in his article for the Online Nevada Encyclopedia. Italian Americans have had a presence in the Reno area for more than 150 years. Attracted to a climate similar to that of northern Italy, plentiful jobs and land, Italians originally immigrated to the area and worked developing the Transcontinental Railroad; however, they quickly began working in shops, on ranches, and at lumber yards. Most were single men living in boarding houses. However, over time, chain migration created a more vibrant Italian American community with families and friends living “in distinctive ethnic neighborhoods.” Basically, “Three major Italian areas developed in the Truckee Meadows starting in the late nineteenth and continuing throughout the twentieth century.” CC Minutes continued from page 1 were approved as corrected. Communications · ICF acknowledgements for contributions to the Providenza Fund for get well wishes to David Botta, Frances Teglia and Diana Polselli; and in memory of Lola Chialvo · Thank you from Most Reverend Niederauer for SF Bishop Day Donation. · Thank you from David Botta for get well wishes. Reports Spiritual Director- Monsignor Daniel Cardelli · Always impressed with ICF’s dedication to work and their out reach into the community. Grand President – Jane Dianda · Thank you: Rose Jarrett for attending Las Vegas Installation; Leonard Zasoski for attending Orange District Installation; These neighborhoods were distinguished by class and social differences, representing different levels of achievement. One interesting fact is that Italian Americans became noted for building Craftsman style homes. Italian Americans in the area preferred this style of home “ because of its efficient use of lot space, its simple design and construction, and the inexpensive nature of the required building materials.” Often, neighbors would share house plans, saving on the cost of having to purchase their own plans. As Italian Americans prospered they began to own some of the more popular businesses in town, including “The Eldorado Hotel and Casino, the Mizpah Hotel, the Sportsman, First National Bank of Nevada, and Pioneer Citizens Bank.” And these Italian-owned businesses employed other Italians. The Dainty Cake Shop and Pinky’s Market were among the most famous Italian-owned and Italian run businesses in town. Besides their influence on businesses in the area, Italian Americans also influenced the leisure time activities of the area, with wine making, vegetable gardening, and, of course, bocce ball competitions. According to Gerthoffer, Italians and their descendants have had a significant and unique impact on Reno and the surrounding area. You can find Gerthoffer’s article at h t t p : / / w w w. o n l i n e n e v a d a . o r g / reno_s_italian_americans. ticles on the subject to various magazines, and served as president of the Historic Reno Preservation Society. Her article “The American Dream, Reno’s Little Italy in Powning Addition” appears online and features different Italian Americans from this district in Reno. In this article, she profiles several Italian American families, such as the Pizorno family. Among the accomplishments of the family, she notes that “Virginia Pizorno and another sister, Mary Romano, were two of the first Italian immigrant women to have a successful business in the downtown area of Reno, the Dainty Cake Bakery.” She also writes about Andrew Ginocchio and his family, founders and owners of Reno Ironworks, and Devincenzi, the first Italian to work as police officer for the city. “He eventually purchased Eddie Floral Shop . . .” buying special seeds from Holland and other European countries to sell to Italian farmers in the area. An interesting character is “Antonio Minetto, who came to Reno in 1902 and resided on Winter Street, became a ‘marriage broker.’ His marriage brokering started because he had several poor nieces in Urbe, Italy who needed husbands. He would look over prospective grooms and then send for one of his nieces.” Belaustegui notes that these and other Italian Americans worked hard and represent the achievement of the American dream. You can find Belaustegui’s article at index.php/footprints/featured-articles/85the-american-dream-renos-little-italy-inpownings-addition. Felvia Belaustegui has done much to preserve the history of Italian Americans in Reno. As part of her studies, she has written a masters thesis on the subject, The Evolution of an Ethnic Community-Immigration of Italians to Reno, contributed ar- The Oral History Program of the University of Nevada features interviews with many Italian Americans, including some prominent ICF members. These Italian Americans, including Robert Capurro, recount their experiences during World War II and other times. Robert was born in Reno into an Italian-American family and was a young boy during World War II. During a 2005 interview, he remembers, “In Reno I don’t think the restrictions on Italian-Americans during the war were very stringent . . . We were non-strategic here. I mean, there was nothing we could do to either help or hinder the war effort, and we lived our own lives, so Andy Pappani for attending Santa Barbara Installation; Bob Basuino for attending San Francisco Bishop’s Day. · Installations attended: Fresno District (Feb. 26); Chicago District (April 26) · Bishop’s Days attended: Stockton District (March 25); Chicago (April 29) · Other events: pancake breakfast/membership drive Br. 91 Oakland (March 3); Br. 154 Richmond 50th Anniversary (April 9); Seminarian Night (April 14); Br. 19 Colma, Baccalaureate Mass Jefferson High (May 22) · Meetings Attended: Executive Committee (March 9, April 12, June 8); Finance (April 12); Field Operations (May 19) · February 29 participated in the final training for the new ICF database with office staff. · April 25 to May 2 in Chicago, visit included: meeting with Fr. Fannelli (April 26); toured/met with Fr. Feccia at Casa D’Italia with Lou Mages and Teresa Helfand. Discussed possibility of new branch and hosting a Seminarian Night for the Chicago Diocese at this facility (April 27); toured Mother Cabrini Shrine and St. Joseph’s Hospital with Lou Mages. Met Teresa Helfand, reviewed/discussed locations of current ICF branches in Chicago Diocese. Also reviewed locations of closed branches, discussed the possibilities of re-opening some of these branches (April 28); attended Br. 392 meeting/presented Gifts of Love check for the Chicago Diocese Deaf Program (April 30); met with Chicago District Deputy Ruben Rodriquez (May 1). · June 7 met with Apostolate Chair, Jim Acitelli for Apostolate Report training. · Future events: Br. 161, Larkspur 50th Anniversary Dinner (June 9); East Bay/Contra Costa District Bishop’s Day (June 16); Br. 91 Anniversary Dinner (June 24); Orange District Bishop’sDay (June 30); Br. 48 Modesto 74th Anniversary Dinner (July 21); Br. 67 Los Angeles 75th Anniversary (July 29). Grand Treasurer – George Bacigalupi · Reviewed Budget/Finances for 2012 ending May 31, 2012 · October CC meeting to review Providenza Fund Disbursements/allocation of apostolate funds. · Silva Trust fund to disburse 30k this year, 15k each to Gifts of Love and Cooley’s. · Expense voucher for convention discussed and accepted. there were no restrictions that I know of.” Other Italian Americans recount different experiences and events during the early part of the 20th century. This is a wonderful site to read about and listen to Italian Americans from the Reno area. You can search the University of Nevada, Reno oral history site at These online articles and interviews are good places to start learning about the Italian Americans of Reno. Italian Americans contributed much to the settlement and development of the Reno area. Additional Resources: You can further explore Italian Americans in Reno with the following resources. • The Italian-American Experience in Northwestern Nevada, from Territorial Days to the Present. Ed. Kathleen Coles and Kara Geiger and Mary Larson and Christopher Warner. Reno: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 2006. • Albin J. Cofone. “Reno’s Little Italy: Italian Entrepreneurship and Culture in Northern Nevada.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly. Vol. 26: Summer. Reno: Nevada Historical Society, 1983: 97-110. • Felvia Belaustegui. The Evolution of an Ethnic Community-Immigration of Italians to Reno. MS thesis. University of Nevada, Reno, 2000. • Felvia Belaustegui. The Italian-American Experience in Northwestern Nevada, from Territorial Days to the Present: As Remembered, Recounted, and Retold in Oral Histories. University of Nevada, Reno, 2006. • Claudene Wharton. “Explore Reno’s Little Italy – did you know we had one?” Nevada Today. University of Nevada, Reno. 2010. news/2010/explore-renos-little-italy · Bob Acquistapace complimented George Bacigalupi and David Rose on the financial report. Deputy Chairperson – Bob Basuino · Ray Rendina has resigned as deputy of Branch 416 Spring Valley. Clarence Anthony has been appointed as new District Deputy. · Formally closed 3 branches: #137 Santa Barbara, #56 Los Angeles, #411 San Bernardino. · Project for July is updating the Deputy Report Forms. · David Botta to meet with Branch 11 regarding the fund disbursement on closing and the books. · Vince Picciola stated that the term Deputy has a negative impact-sounds like policing. Suggested a more friendly title like Branch Advisor. Bob Basuino to take into consideration. Field Director-Lou Mages · Thanks all ICF members that have been a great help in recruitment and follow up. Thank you Nina Malone on help with continued on page 16 16 - BOLLETTINO CC Minutes continued from page 15 Roseville; Teresa Helfand in the Chicago area; Pat Mages on the branch in Long Beach; Roselynne Jarrett on the Antioch Branch-has been postponed for now; Jim and Betty Acitelli in Tuscon. · New Branches: #441, St Zachary; National Shrine of Cabrini hoping to open in October; St. John Berchmans to be having pulpit announcements, will be setting up a table at the annual festival. Before convention hoping to open Branch in Carson City. · Potential branches: Our Lady of Ransom, Illinois; St Frances of Assisi, San Jose; Mesa, AZ. · Contacted by mail and will do again by email all the parishes in Las Vegas. Committee Reports Apostolate/Charity – James Acitelli · Promoting awareness; involvement in Mass participation; promoting communion Sundays; giving of oneself, not just monetarily; supporting our seminarians and the joy of attending an ordination; supporting Catholic Charities, especially for disaster relief. · Voted to make Cooley’s Anemia our National Charity for the coming year. By-Laws and Rituals – Leonard Rossi · Discussion on proposed changes to Chap V Art 2-B of the CC statutes. After amendments made by Mike Rossi/ Mike Cannady, Mike Rossi/Dante Galeazzi, Vince Piro/Marco Galeazzi proposed change approved. · Reviewed and discussed proposed Branch by-law change to Chap XI, Article 2A. Vince Piro amended second by Nancy Corsi to add the word U.S. before the word mail. Amendment passed. Proposed change to go to General Session at Convention. Convention Directors – Steven Fuentes · Workshop list handed out. No bingo this year. · Book rooms ASAP, busy weekend in Reno due to West Coast annual Rib Feast in Sparks. Gifts of Love –Andy Pappani · Met March 9 to review 19 applications for a total of 17k granted. · Bishop Blair interested in the deaf program for the Stockton Diocese, Dante Galeazzi is contact person. Heritage – Vince Piro · Events: The ICF will be represented at the following events: Santa Rosalia Festival (Parade) – September 8-9; San Jose Giants Italian Night (Table/Booth) - July 21; Morgan Hill/Santa Clara Valley District (Booth) – September 8-9; Italian Festival in San Jose – (booth) last week of August. Committee is checking out other events. · Committee Judged Heritage Reports and will be giving 2 awards for Distinguished Heritage Event and 2 awards for Distinguished Monthly Presentation The branches receiving awards will be asked to share at the Heritage workshop. · Annual Convention -The usual table will be set up by the Vento’s, old ICF Drill Team Uniform will be displayed. -Walking into opening ceremony members will be treated to a pictorial history of the 1940’s. -Available to branches: CD pictures from 1940’s; 2012 yearbook; PDFs of ICF history books · Oral History Video Interviews continue: Jim Friebel and Vince Piro interviewed David Botta, Carmen Kilcullen, Bob Acquistapace · Creating PDF of 50th and 75th Anniversary heritage books for CD and/or website · Created a Heritage Calendar will include ICF Bishops Days and Installations, Branch and District Heritage Events, Festivals, Italian Nights at Professional Sports Events, Branch and District Anniversaries. · Working on a Year in the ICF 2011-2012 Photo Catalogue / Yearbook · Looking into placing more branch/district pictures online. Hospitalization – Patricia Mages · Putting ad in Bollettino, hoping to make members more aware of program. Live to Give – Nina Malone · Goals/focus of the committee: blood In Loving Memory Report Date: 08/01/2012 MARION A BONACCORSO Branch 004 NELLA GILARDONI Branch 007 JERRI LYNN PERA Branch 007 GLADYS GRASSINI Branch 019 MARY JO PIERCE Branch 026 LEROY K BROOKS Branch 027 DOMINIC (DICK) DAL CERRO Branch 027 WILLIAM OGLE Branch 027 ADRIANA VOLPE Branch 027 FRANK PETER GARNERO Branch 036 LINA ANTOLA Branch 039 CAROLINE MURATORE Branch 039 LOLA CHIALVO Branch 040 MARIAN C ODONNELL Branch 050 MARY DADDARIO Branch 065 LOUISE J CONNOLLY Branch 073 LUCILLE B SINK Branch 075 STEPHEN T CHAVEZ Branch 111 CARMELA DILIBERTO Branch 111 EVELYN O’ROURKE Branch 127 LAURA LUPORINI Branch 130 CALOGERA LENA BELLIARDO Branch 154 FRAN N CHAVEZ Branch 154 ROBERT A GATTO SR Branch 154 ADALGISA OTTINO Branch 163 BENEDETTO J LEVERONI Branch 186 ELENA C HOPKINS Branch 223 EDITH W HUNT Branch 246 TOSCA PICCHI Branch 258 TONY A ZANOTTO Branch 266 JOSEPH BALOCCO Branch 351 JANE P GATTI Branch 352 IDA DEL GROSSO Branch 367 TRICIA HOGAN Branch 374 MARIA SCHMITT J HUNNICUTT Branch 374 drives, stem cell and blood core research. · Coordinating blood drive to be held August 31 from 8am-1pm at Reno Convention. This will be open to everyone including non ICF. Membership – Rose Jarrett · Currently 11,350 members. · March had a membership meeting in Santa Clara, well attended. · There will be a Membership table at Convention, will pass out membership board kits. Public Relations – Leonard Zasoski · The committee will be conducting a review and redesign of the ICF awards. · Website, contact committee by email for anything you want added/corrected. · Will be reviewing the Bollettino to see if needs to be reconfigured or changed, send in ideas. Scholarship – Deborah Rodondi · Judged first year scholarships April 18. Of the 450 applications 194 1st year scholarships were awarded in the amount of $77,600.00. · August will meet to award 2nd, 3rd and 4th year scholarships. · We need to promote at the District and Branch levels the importance of our 4 programs set up to receive donations: Scholarship, Cooleys, Providenza and Gifts of Love. 100 percent of the money given goes directly into the chosen charity. Task Force – · Mike Rossi has resigned as committee chair due to work load. Pat Mages appointed to oversee Standard Operating Procedures. · Nettie Descalso-Del Nero spoke on the future of the ICF we need to look at why cancellations are happening. Do we need to recreate ourselves? “We honor our past as we look to the future”. Jim Jones reiterated importance of the strategic plan. Ways and Means – James Friebel · 2012 calendar: 1,971 sold. 2013 calendar: looking good, production cost may be a little higher. Thinking of selling the unsold calendars discounted at convention $15 each or 2 for $20. · Night of the Seminarians Pat Mages did a great job, so far profit is $4,820.14. Sending out letter to see if any District is interested in sponsoring the event. · Golf Tournament July 27 New York steak dinner $35 without golf, need raffle prizes ($100 value) and auction items. Looking for new location for future golf tournaments. Workshop – Franklyn Lopes · Had a workshop in Santa Rosa area in April. San Mateo District will be hosting one June 28. Unfinished Business · At convention people need to be aware that they can give to more than just Cooleys or Gift of Love, there is also Scholarship and Providenza. New Business ICFAwards: Pope John XXIII: Laurice Levine Grand President: Marie Stalteri-Antonowicz Mother Teresa: Sr. Maureen Delaney and Father Robert Moran Young Adult Leadership: Rosemary Cook Good of the Order Linda Sherman Santa Rosa District Sept 9 1:30pm Day of Recollection in Life and times of St Paul, 4:15pm chicken BBQ Congratulations Stockton on 50th for Diocese, Oakland also celebrating 50th Deborah Rodondi Thank you for prayers, cards and condolences, strongly reinforced how we really are a family. Dante Galeazzi’s nephew back from Iraq Dianda’s have a new Great Grandson/ Nephew Mike Cannady thank you for cards, prayers, donations, still have to have knee surgery Closing Prayer: led by Monsignor Daniel Cardelli The meeting adjourned at 4:26pm by Grand President Jane Dianda Respectfully submitted, Deborah Rodondi, Grand Secretary Coo ley ona ooley ley’’s Anemia D Dona onattions Donations received as of August 1, 2012 Branch 1 Branch 4 Branch 14 Branch 39 Branch 54 Branch 108 Branch 111 Branch 118 Branch 150 Branch 161 Branch 191 Branch 215 Branch 217 Branch 237 Branch 317 Branch 343 Branch 351 Branch 362 Branch 411 Branch 416 Branch 432 East Bay District Los Angeles District BBQ Russell Vento Get well wishes for David Botta Officers/Members of Santa Rosa District In memory of Deceased Members of Santa Rosa District Officers/Members of Blessed Sacrament District In memory of Tony Zanotto Charles P. Gullo, Jr. In memory of Joe Kuzinich Angelo Benassi In memory of Annina Benassi Rose Meister In memory of Nell Biggs Steve and Charlene Drobeck In memory of Antonio Alosi August/September 2012- 17 Consider Joining the ICF Hospital Plan $25 / Year provides benefits for hospitalization and surgeries (in-patient and out patient) Contact the ICF Office for more details. 888-ICF-1924 Benvenuti Membri Nuovi Report Date: 08/01/2012 JEANETTE M ZUGNONI JOHN P ZUGNONI THERESE FORD MARITZA HALL CAROLINE MOHAMMED KELLYPOSPISHEK MINA POSPISHEK ROBERT POSPISHEK ERIC J SMITHWICK JAMES E SMITHWICK MARISSA L SMITHWICK CHRISTOPHER BOYETT CLIFFORD BOYETT ZACHARY BOYETT EDWARD F PIA JOSIE TALAMANTES JUDITH A NEJASMICH STEVEN C NEJASMICH REV BOB GAMEL MICHAEL G GERMINO TRACEY S GERMINO REV AUSTIN CONTERNO REV ARMAND OLIVERI SANDI M MILLER JIM A RUIZ DENICE M AMERISON JAMES R AMERISON LARRY E BARLOW SR PAULACORTOPASSI STEFANI J CORTOPASSI REV PEDRO ESPINOZA DAVID PECCI MICHELE PECCI SALVATORESEENO SUSAN SEENO Branch 010 Branch 010 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 013 Branch 014 Branch 014 Branch 014 Branch 027 Branch 027 Branch 028 Branch 028 Branch 031 Branch 031 Branch 031 Branch 038 Branch 038 Branch 039 Branch 039 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 KATHRYN I STEFANI RON J STEFANI KEVIN TOSOLINI HUGO B TOTTINO SUSAN L FREDIANI AUSTIN HAGWOOD AVAHAGWOOD GARRETT HAGWOOD JAMES R COARI JULIA M COARI JAMES W GIALLO WILLIAM A KIDSTON MARIE J MORAMARCO ANGELINAAPATRUNO REV MANUEL BRAVO AILEEN D ZANCO FRANK S ZANCO REV ERIC FREED MARY MORAN BETH M RIETDORF MARK S RIETDORF REV ERYK CZARNECKI KATHLEEN S VANCE REV STEVE KOSINSKI REV DAVID PAVLIK JUDY PAOLINI REV GREG SANDMAN DAVID F BECCARIA KRISTIN L BECCARIA ELIZABETH RIOS MICHAEL RIOS JEANE SHELDON CLARENCE T ANTHONY DOROTHY M MELFE PAULMOLINARO MICHAELAPASSAGLIA Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 051 Branch 073 Branch 073 Branch 073 Branch 073 Branch 108 Branch 108 Branch 108 Branch 108 Branch 108 Branch 108 Branch 115 Branch 127 Branch 127 Branch 145 Branch 154 Branch 154 Branch 154 Branch 181 Branch 184 Branch 195 Branch 195 Branch 198 Branch 200 Branch 227 Branch 227 Branch 227 Branch 227 Branch 227 Branch 246 Branch 250 Branch 281 Branch 281 Top 6 Reasons to Donate Blood at the ICF Live to Give Blood Drive 1. A person with Cooley’s Anemia needs approximately 36-44 units of blood each year to survive. 2. 4.5 million Americans would die each year without life-saving blood transfusions. 3. Approximately 32,000 pints of blood are used each day in the United States. 4. Every three seconds someone needs blood. 5. Just one pint of donated blood can help save as many as three people’s lives. 6. It will make your Convention experience even more enriching to know you have saved a life! JIM T RICCOMINI Branch 281 LEA SWERTFAGER RIGGS Branch 281 CHRISTINA E RUETTGERS Branch 281 THOMAS A SWERTFAGER Branch 281 REVAUGUSTINE KOILPARAMPIL Branch 285 CARLAA PELTZ Branch 319 DAVID A PELTZ Branch 319 SOPHIE B PELTZ Branch 319 SYDNEY A PELTZ Branch 319 SEAN S ADAMS Branch 323 DIAMOND MORENO Branch 323 BRITTANYALECCIA Branch 342 ELAINE DEL BARGA Branch 342 KORINN R GINESTRA Branch 342 VINCENT W GINESTRA Branch 342 MICHAEL HAUPT Branch 342 SERENA HAUPT Branch 342 NATALIE HOHN Branch 343 ERNEST OLIVIERI Branch 343 EVANGELINE CALIPJO Branch 351 KEVIN GAFFEY Branch 351 ELIZABETH LONG Branch 351 IRENE ROGERS Branch 351 DON W DAVIS Branch 352 VIVIAN J DAVIS Branch 352 BROOKE N ELLSWORTH Branch 354 HOPE R ELLSWORTH Branch 354 MISSY N ELLSWORTH Branch 354 ROBERT J ELLSWORTH Branch 354 SELVINAPALETTA Branch 354 REV ROBERTO VERA Branch 354 REV THOMAS MC DERMOTT Branch 358 REV LODOVICO J LANDI Branch 365 GEORGEPAGNI Branch 365 NANCY PAGNI Branch 365 JO ANN GRIMALDI Branch 374 BRENT CANZANO Branch 379 ALICIA FABRIS Branch 387 HUGO FABRIS Branch 387 HOMER LOHR JACQUIE LOHR RITA L MC INTIRE BONNIE A O’HALLORAN MICHAEL E O’HALLORAN FRANCESCAABATE BETTINA BRASCIA FILIPPO BRASCIA CONCETTAGENDUSA REV BRUCE PATTERSON NORMA M MILLER BARBARA QUIRICO-DELGADO SUSAN COLON ANGELA BINETTI ROCCO LO SURDO VITTORIA LO SURDO REV LAWRENCE J BECK MICHAEL MOLINARO CLAUDIA ABBOTT BONNIE R BARWICK KATHLEEN BURNS ADRIAN CAMPOS AMELIA CAMPOS JEAN R CAMPOS JEAN DAMPF JERRY DAMPF LUKE DAMPF NATALIE DAMPF OWEN DAMPF PATRICK DAMPF LANCE EDWALL RUTH ANN EDWALL REV MIKE GLEESON BEATRICE NIKOLA ANDRE POISSANT LUC POISSANT MINA POISSANT ALLEN L RONKLAFOE REV JOHN S PLOTKOWSKI Branch 391 Branch 391 Branch 391 Branch 391 Branch 391 Branch 392 Branch 392 Branch 392 Branch 392 Branch 393 Branch 395 Branch 395 Branch 408 Branch 418 Branch 418 Branch 418 Branch 428 Branch 439 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 440 Branch 441 18 - BOLLETTINO St. Clare’s Retreat 2381 Laurel Glen Road * Soquel, California 95703 Retreats for Women, Special Retreats for Men and Women, Married Couples, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Chinese, A.A. & Alanon, Legion of Mary, Catholic Daughter’s Retreats (831) 423-8093 WRITE OR CALL EMAIL: Retreats conducted by Franciscan Fathers and Sisters Dianda’s Italian American Pastry Co. Inc. 2883 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 647-5469 zCAKESzCOOKIESzPASTRIES zPANETTONEzCANDY Decorated Cakes Our Specialty You can also visit us at the Crystal Springs Shopping Center 117 De Anza Boulevard, San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 570-6260 Garden Chapel Funeral Directors FD 805 South San Francisco, CA (650) 583-2510 Full service Funeral Home Alfred E. Banfield FD 1267 Member of ICF Branch 7 Enjoy the 2012 Annual Convention! Ideal Boat & Camper Park ) Security Patrolled Migliore Brothers Caretaker J.J. Telephone for appointment 925-447-6347 6271 Tesla Road Livermore, California 94550 Gate Hours: 6am-8pm Office Hours: 9am-5pm : Ralph A. Accola Broker/Realtor 114 S. Sunnyvale Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: 408.720.0920 Fax: 408.720.8018 Woodside Delicatessen Italian Delicacies Telephone (650) 369-4235 1453 Woodside Road -- Free Parking (Across from Woodside Plaza) Redwood City, California 94061 Dan and Barbara Gallinetti, Members of Br. 351 August/September 2012- 19 Celebration of Life and Receptions “My Funeral, My Cremation, My Way” 500 Westlake Avenue Daly City, California 94014 Duggan’s Serra Family Mortuaries 650/756-4500 Family and Staff Duggan’s Serra Mortuary, Daly City; Driscoll’s Valencia St. Serra Mortuary, San Francisco and Sullivan’s Funeral & Cremation Services, San Francisco FD 1098 The Catholic Cemeteries Archdiocese of San Francisco Burial Sites| Family Estates| Mausoleum| Garden Crypts|Cremation Niches|Urn Gardens|Veteran’s Area Holy Cross, Menlo Park|Holy Cross, Colma| Mt. Olivet, San Rafael Advance Planning Terms Available 650.756.2060 1500 Mission Road|Colma, California 94014 Traditional & Memorial Services Franklyn Lopes, Jr. Owner and Member of Br. 227 CC Sergeant-At-Arms Phone: 831-479-0999 1658 Soquel Drive, Suite A Santa Cruz, CA 95065 (Just off Highway 1 on Soquel Drive between Dominican and Sutter Hospitals.) Redwood Chapel 847 Woodside Road Redwood City, California (650) 369-5537 Don LaBarbera-Manager Direct cremation and perfunding of funeral plans available. FD-861 TRAVELCENTER Tours & Travel Group Tour Specialists Air, Land & Sea m (925) 937-2223; (800) 528-2223 1936 Oak Park Boulevard Pleasant Hill, California 94523 Cote & Company, APC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 703 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone: (415) 931-0300 Fax: (415) 931-3020 Don’t Forget to Advertise Your Upcoming Event in Future Issues of the Bollettino! 20 - BOLLETTINO 2012 Convention Agenda IN GIVING WE RECEIVE ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION 82nd Annual NATIONAL CONVENTION Diocese of Reno Reno, Nevada August 31, 2012 – September 3, 2012 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 2012 5:15pm Buses Depart for Dinner 7:00pm Dinner South Lobby-Bus Terminal Boys & Girls Club of Reno FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2012 8:00am - 9:00am Convention Registration Convention Reg 1-2 9:00am Depart for Tour South Lobby-Bus Terminal 9:00am Mass Tahoe 10:00am - 12:00pm Convention Registration Convention Reg 1-2 11:00am Bocce Nevada 3:00pm - 6:00pm Pedro Tournament Carson 4 3:00pm - 6:00pm Convention Registration Convention Reg 1-2 7:00pm - 7:45pm Orientation for New Delegates Carson 1 8:00pm OFFICIAL OPENING Reno Ballroom Call to Order Steven R. Fuentes - Convention Director’s Chairman Past Grand President - Life Member of the Central Council Master of Ceremonies: Vincent Piro -- Grand Trustee Opening Prayer: Rev. Msgr. Daniel Cardelli -- ICF Spiritual Director Presentation of Colors: Reno High School ROTC Honor Guard Italian National Anthem: Nina Malone -- CC Life Member National Anthem: Nina Malone -- CC Life Member Presentation of Grand President -- Jane Dianda -- CC Life Member Welcome: Carolyn Smith -- President of Branch 135 - Reno Welcome by Jane Dianda Roll Call of Districts Grand President’s Award Presentation to Marie Stalteri-Antonowicz Closing Prayer: Rev. Michael Mahone -- Chaplain, Branch 135 - Reno “Noi Vogliam Dio” -- Nina Malone -- CC Life Member Accompanied by Pat Mueller -- East Bay District 9:00pm Meet the Candidates Grand Salon SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 7:45am - 8:15am Final Registration Convention Reg 1-2 8:30am - 9:20am Workshop Finance - Figuring Out Finances Carson 1 George Bacigalupi - Grand Treasurer, CC Life Member District and Deputies - Branching Out in Your District Carson 2 Robert Basuino - Grand First Vice President, CC Life Member Heritage - Past, Present and Future Carson 3 Vincent Piro - Grand Trustee, CC Member 9:30am - 10:20am Workshop Finance - Figuring Out Finances Carson 1 George Bacigalupi - Grand Treasurer, CC Life Member District and Deputies - Branching Out in Your District Carson 2 Robert Basuino - Grand First Vice President, CC Life Member Spiritual - Renewing Our Call Carson 3 Rev. Msgr. Daniel Cardelli - ICF Spiritual Director 10:30am - 11:20am Workshop Finance - Figuring Out Finances Carson 1 George Bacigalupi - Grand Treasurer, CC Life Member District and Deputies - Branching Out in Your District Carson 2 Robert Basuino - Grand First Vice President, CC Life Member Spiritual - Renewing Our Call Carson 3 Rev. Msgr. Daniel Cardelli - ICF Spiritual Director 11:30am - 12:00pm Memorial Mass Tahoe 12:15pm - 2:00pm Lunch Break 12:15pm - 2:00pm Chaplains’ Luncheon Meeting Carson 4 2:00pm CONVENTION GENERAL SESSION Reno Ballroom Opening Prayer Introduction of Central Council, Clergy, Staff and Local Committee Young Adult Leadership Award Presentation to Rosemary Cook Adoption of Rules and Regulations Credentials Committee Report Welcome New Branches and Delegates Approval of Officers’ Reports Presentation of Proposals/Motions Nomination of Hospitalization Committee Speeches of Central Council Candidates Convention Site Report Attendance Drawing Adjournment 6:00pm - 7:00pm Delegates’ Reception Grand Salon 7:30pm BANQUET Reno Ballroom Welcome: Carolyn Smith -- President of Branch 135, Reno Master of Ceremonies: Andrew Pappani -- Grand Trustee Member of the Central Council National Anthem: Nina Malone -- CC Life Member Invocation: Rev. Msgr. Daniel Cardelli -- ICF Spiritual Director Remarks Local Dignitaries Presentation of Pope John XXIII Award Jane Dianda - Grand President, CC Life Member Response - Laurice Levine Closing Prayer: Rev. Michael Mahone -- Chaplain, Branch 135, Reno “God Bless America”: Nina Malone -- CC Life Member SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2012 9:00am GENERAL SESSION Reno Ballroom Opening Prayer Mother Teresa Award Presentation to Sister Maureen Delaney, SNJM Mother Teresa Award Presentation to Father Robert Moran Election of Central Council Members Election of Hospitalization Committee Election of Convention Site National Charity Presentation Response - Dr. Elliott Vichinsky Resolutions and Communications Presentations: Apostolate/Charity Membership Scholarship Heritage Ways and Means Announcement of 2012 - 2013 National Charity Donations to Scholarship, National Charity and Gifts of Love Good of the Order Attendance Drawing Closing Prayer CENTRAL COUNCIL MEETING (Lunch) Carson 1 -- following General Session 3:30pm CONCELEBRATED MASS Tahoe 6:00pm - 7:00pm No-Host Cocktails Grand Salon 7:00pm Dinner Reno Ballroom 8:00pm - 11:00pm Entertainment & Dancing Reno Ballroom 9:00pm Convention Raffle and Drawing MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2012 9:00am CLOSING SESSION Reno Ballroom Prayer Service Installation of Central Council Officers Installing Officer - James Jones, Past Grand President Life Member Emeritus of the Central Council Remarks by the Grand President “Noi Vogliam Dio” Adjournment
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