S econd P eriod B ig V otes E nd REV, HR BEATiy tL KNOIIVN PAS
S econd P eriod B ig V otes E nd REV, HR BEATiy tL KNOIIVN PAS
PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS TWICE-A-WEEK —Ju SIXTEENTH YEAR—NO. 4 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAV^SEPTEMBKR 22, *922 S e c o n d P e r io d B ig V o te s E n d W O R L D ’S C H A M P IO N RECEN TLY $1.50 THE YEAR TR A V ELER S A R R IV E D IN LONDON LOCAL - 1922 STATE FAIR BREVITIES ■ >i i '............. i —— Our Rhone No. 190 i l AMPAIGN Rev. Carl Ertel and Mrs. Krtol and 375,000 SEE M ICHIGAN EXPO;SIchildren who have been spending th'eir vacation injO hio, returned to their TIQ N ~-E D U C A T IO lN A l.\ EXHIEJIT8 home this week. ' ...... — ~ HOLD A /iSl.TQBS.JNTEREST. ENDS IN EIGHT MORE DAYS, COMPETITION, IHiCOMES KEENER AS END DRAWS NEAR —CONTESTANTS WORKING FOR-BIG RESULTS THIS WKEK-TOM(H(nnw, w u x RKJ DAY —EVERY, CONTESTANT SHOULD CAM. AT TRIBUNE- OF. CALLED GREATEST REV, H. R. BEATiy Miss Ella Freer, who has been G. W. DICKINSON A N N O U N C ES spending sjnnetune visiting friends in P L A N S FO R NEW - B U ILD IN G Marshalltown, Iowa, has ' returned — home. tL KNOIIVNPAS... ,.F IC E SATURDAY-MISS BRADBURY TAKES LEAD AGAIN. DIES SUDDENLY The. last' chance to secure Big Votes will remain_until three o'clock Sat l i s t e r of M. E. Church Dies While will end tomorrow night. " Tliis- Sat* urday'Sdptem ljer . ‘30. At 3 o’clock Attending Fair. urilay “ night September 23,' at : 10 the.closing houitoLtho bank, the box o’clock is the last opportunity during will bo brought to the Tribune office All Chelsea was' shocked arid sadthe Tribune Automobile andV Prize whore it will remain locked until dened-on learning of the sudden death ‘_"lTimpipry,6u''wilUKave_to -securc-big -cight^b’clockr-whon-it-w illrbe turned of Rev.-HomTy Robert Beatty, pastor votes, as n e x t week—tho -last A veek^ ovof“ tT)7thn^niciar"jU(lges 'who' will’ of the, Methodist church, Wednesday the smallest vote schedule of the cam open the box and nutko -the official utternoon,. Rev, Beatty accompanied ___Itas iin- Uiiveli'il. iimnvj.liii.ii .UU.tK'iU mil,',-. i.’upi.-W - W-hmlvi-weHpaign will be in force. The wise con* count of ballots and announce the win-, by his .children left at noon to attend (staiidliig) iiini I.. Emilia- (ui nlm id) c o m p ly arrived in I.iiiidmi, Tbev have _ t oxtaii ts are working .this week with ners of. t he, prizes, according to the the.Idij'.- ut- >Anu Arbor, About 5 jv.w toured -ihr.>m-li tlm P. S. A., Ciuiadu. Smilb Am<'iT-a. M.'Nbm mnl . \ iis^ ’determ ination to make everyjninuto publ ished rules of the ’campaign./ All o’clock he left the Fair grounds to get _t.ridm .jiudjin.'..l.,i vi:ir i;,,ii .........imtlnent at once. Tliev will n,>t I'niiuilrie their tour milII lli'Ji. ’ ’ 1 count to their advantage in capturing candidates will d e p o sit'th e subscrip ■iis. machine to relunv hon\e. , Hurry r the big prize—the $1055 Studebaker tions secured next week in ;the. ballot Lisle of Ami Arbor., was .■■■accompany-' ■: Touring-Car. '. v-- box, All subscriptions ' must be ac ing Mi’. Beatty to his nmdiino. One week from this Saturday the companied--by cash,m oney. or.der,. or The two mon bad just passed out of big competition will come to a suc certified, check as. no personal checks the .entrance, and wore walking dowi) cessful end. Hundreds .of subscrip tor more than $20, and only one from the road when;Air, Beatty said, “Wait tions m ay'yot be secure^.by the work any, one person will i bo accepted dur- a minute,” -Mr. Lisle endeavored to ers', and a battle royal will be on fronv -i.ng-- the -last—'week; f -All wi 11 -be se support Mr, Beatty who sank to the An auto load of men returning from now until the end in eight move days. cret fronr Monday until, the official- ground. Death came almost instant tji.e Masonic doings at Ypsilanti 'lues- ■ Offieial: aimouMcement : has been count is made Saturday night Sept.30, ly, duo to high, blood prosure. day night had a narrow escape with broadcast to th e . elTect that, the b’ord .Miss Bradbury Again In head All votes turned inj up to this Satur-.. Mr. iteattv. i and family came to their lives when Hie car nearly turned plants at Deaborn, River Rouge and Miss Merle Bradbury is back in day night will hei counted by- cam- Chelsea three 'years ago and had just Over. C. E. Clayton was driving bis li ighland Bark- . which were closed first place again. Very few votes jmigfi 'manager and ' published next sta rted li?:U fourth yi'ar.' Me' will not Dodge ear and bad II; Sclmmalccr and down last Huturday were, reopened were cast since the last count o f bal-. Tuesday. Under this plan it will he only ■be. missed by. his ■congregation Otto Hinderer with him. At the cor and. the men-aro being -notified to re' lots, as all the contestants are work impossible for any one not even those but by all the people, in this vicinity. ner south o f to'vn as they turned onto Hi rn to work, 'fhe regular shift s ta rt ing for votes and paying very little connected with this office to know any Mr, Beatty was one-of the most public the road into Chelsea the car swerved ing at midnight last night • started attention to their present vote ;-stand* thing of the standing of the contest spirited men in the community and ami would have turned turtle’ had it the work, ,'1’be' order was received . was ■■a!\vuys-wiHifig=TlF-UniTltip hulpingTirot-beon- for-a—ti-ee wlviclv saved—-4t- from Edsd Ford; This order sends ing. They are preparing for the final ants, during the last week... ’7-0,000 D etroit1men back to thoir ”jobs7 count to 1>e made in eigTTCTnore days. Contestants -may-deposit -t-hem-sub- .mnd-whttFe-.neei-lcilr—U-Uj-prosoncejiili mini tu rn in g ^ i ' _ c.riptions id the box,, at the Kempf dso ijTT'greatly' missed in the public The car was going at such a speed and- means additional work fop-thous - --^^-rM anner-of-C losing - - .Blink anv time- dxnTng'irext-\yeek-up1 ■'•ehoolsv-where-he-has Tretpiently-Kpok- tliaLitT'.ould noJt lie controlled when it ands throughout the entire country. ■-■-■•The campaign-will come to an end to 3 P. hi,. -Saturday.'' After -i F. M7 .'jmTt'Tdmpel aruT- aided tn—varrmrs Tvitr-the—grave k-—ITindcreiv-waa—tro.W-nl : T'ofii selTt71th‘u Tordoi'—- from-—'.Ohia. ono week from tomorrow Saturday, the box .will-be a t the Tribune Office. .vays. lie will be missed in the inany ugainst the-.side of the car, and sufTer- whore"“lriV. lias" Been~working" for thepast few days endeavoring to obtain September 30, a t 8 o’clock P; M. All subscriptions—a nd .reserve, votes irganizations .to which he belonged ed a bruised knee and hip. The other coal for the.companios factories. . He occupants of tlnr'car w erelio t hurt, Next Monday morning a locked ballot must he deposited in box by eight mil took .such1mv active part. \ explained that the.order of the inter Henry :Robert Beatty died .Seiheni’1 flic car was damaged considerably. box will be placed a t the Kornpf Com o’clock Saturday night, September 30. state commerce commission issued mercial and Savings Bank—where.. 1L before' thoM'ihal ~eouiit~is' coin PTCneed. , ier “O, JP22, 47 years- of age. Mr.: - H -^-mms_jc.'-v.ix|ent—th at-so m c- stops Tuesday night' which' rovolked the" dealty, son of- David Tmd'Cliarily clioub] be taken to light the corner pf stringent priority ruling, made 'it ■Jeatty was born in ■Corunna,"Slriuwas- the intersectioij of M 17und M 92. The possible to obtain fuel of the necess•(■e County, Michigan, on .October -42, sign that is on the good road, now is nbyj|ual.ity and in the needed-yuantity 1874, On August 30, .189!),-,ho was so inconspicuous that travellers puy fibout 4,000 tons dailv. ini.ted m marriage to Cleo Culver of no attention to it.. It is high time vVilliamstori. To th union live.:cbil- that a real sign be put up there,.one. 704,200 ' Iren were born o f ’w ,om four arc liv that' cun be. seen and will be lighted M iss Merle Bradburry, D exter--------702.400 ; ing. ' <at night. Here is a .chance for the Miss M argaret Guinan, R. R., Chelsea. Hoard.of Commerce to get something 701.400 He Wa's a' graduate, of the Alma Col Mrs. Chas. Bycraft,. Chelsea---------i-.-607.400 lege-and attended the School of Con- for the village and the people' that Miss Jessie Clark. Ghelsca------------ — At the Sophomore class meeting (]!)G ,.> (jQ. ■.4 .lenK- up his first pas- will.be of great value. Miss M attie Wheelock, D exter—-------hr;Id Tbui'.'iilay nftew -oon the fnlnwipg. 61)2,300 tora to at 1’foscott. Other cliarges lie Mrs. Ruben Grieb, Qhelsea-------class officers were elected: • 600.300 lias had were at. Pinconning,■ RomuM iss Mae Cranna, Gregory--------------■ Bros., I.iclcn-Lambert. -^0,400- rUs,T"Dundee—CrnsK_T,ako, Blisatkid Miss Dorothy Pielemeier, R.R.,Chelsea Vico Bres., Lena Gage. 687,500 and Chelsea. ( ; , , Miss' Gertrude Eppler, Chelsea;--------See.; Clayton W hite. 680.400 Mr. Beatty was, a member of many M rs. Mabel C annon^t. RT3, Chelsea— ■Trcas., Jay Weinberg. 620.300 fraternal organizations. F. & A. M., MrSr-Alva Beeffian, R. R; 4, Chelsea— T h e ' Junior class held their first •604,000 Rlissfield; KnightsTemplars, Jacksoii; Mrs., Edith Contant, Chelsea—--------classmeeting Tuesday aftci’noon and 580,600 Knights of Pythias, L’helsea, I. O. O. Miss Ruth Hulce, D exter— ----------- — elected the following officers: Chelsea, was well represented in the, 560.000 ■ I<\, •Chelsea, Grangers, and of the Miss Mabel Notten, Grass Lake—------ /Bros., Clarence Vogel. . r 502,100 Western Washtenaw County •Farmers appointments and delegates chosen at Roy Loeffler, Chelsea— ------------------ Vice Pres., Ray Knickerbocker. ■ the Republican County', convention 500$ 00— Club;...... • , . r Mrs. Leon Clark; R. R. 3, C helsea.-— See. and Treas,, Luoite Brocsamle. held at the Court House'in Ann Arbor L50,500 He is survived by b i s ’widow, three Miss Josephine W alker,-Chelsea— — The class'chose Miss Allen as thoir Thursday,------........ ..... ■ • ; 410.000 sons - and one, daughter, TTowrrd "and Mrs. Verne Evans, Chelsea----- T—---. John S. Cummings was appointed advisor. • ~ '• ■ 406.300 David of 'Ann Arbor, Wayne and Miss Alice Baldwin, C helsea.—-------' "It has been decided to hold -orches ebair'inan of the credentials, committee 401.000 Helen of Chelsea. He is also sur Miss M argaret Isrcal, C h e ls e a .....— 1342.400 vived by live brothers and two sisters, which made their report before the tra practise'every Tuesday and Thurs .M iss.Ida Dettiing. Chelsea—----- ----- ■280,400 William, 1.os Angclesji■■Cal.; Louis, oi close of "business yesterday, reporting day afternoon a t the close of school. Mrsj Jabez’ Bacon, Chelsea----- .----...-Mr. -C lark... kindly . arranged the Flint, George, Edward and Charles of That all townships and' wards iiv, tha schedule so th a t it was possible to Flushing, Mrs. Clara Nftwcll and Mi’s, oflnty were represented. ■close'school -at 2 o’clock to accomo ..... At tlv opening of the conventioi/ •Jemiie Ottaway of Flusliing. ■' Funeral services will bo hold from Edwin ■'B. ■M/mwaring was-, chosen date those wishing to attend.the Fair, the Methodist church qt. 1:00 .o'clock temporary chairman amL Otto Luick Saturday, Scptember.23. Rev. A. W. secretary. Later they were elected, ROGER’S CORNERS GIRLS MAKE Stalker of Ann Arbor will conduct the as pomuinent officers fot1 tin's year, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Trommel spent Delegates fi/im..the first district of U. S. FLAG Chelsea plays M unithSunday at services a t the church. Olive Lodge Sunday with friends a t Linden. the county to the state convention are rtf Munith and from all the ’’dope it is ,F. & A. SL, will have charge of the Eleven girls of.district No. 2 Free Mr. and es Koons an.. Mrs. Jam names n«™ o . „ w Ramc, has burial services at Williamston ceme as folows; George Foster, John Munn dom, Roger’s Corners- combined in Munith- Kenny, George Cahill, O t t o liwokljm were guests at the homo o f ,had * ; *a fine .team „m ,,n dustry, patriotism and friendship in ‘ . . ■ ■■ all year year 0„u and .von won 13 lo tery, I.uiek, John M. Hosolschwerdt, A. .1. H. W. McDaniels the first of the week games and lost. 9. Just a .short timo Hie making of a large. U. S. Flag .to' Easton, Mrs..Marie Bed, Charles A. exhibit at the County. Fair. When Edward LeSage of Detroit visited ago they defoateil ClielscfTin^a 14 in-Biiik,' .I.' TOr BeaT,' K. B;‘ Mnnwaring,■ . , . - received ‘ the nitig game 7 to 6. ■ hlsTwife and son ovef the weekend. m iw .qliw t e v y Mrs. T l „ r u Dorn, Sen-ill' ,,n,l T): W. tom luge he was told in a letter that after Sunday Chelsea is playing the last Ralph McNeil of Detroit is spend Springer, ' the Fair the flag was given to him scheduled game of the ycai\and they ing several weeks on his farm. j The stale”'convention is to be held by the following school girls, who Mr, and Mrs, O. C. B urkhart of are going to Munith to win and make Rev, and Mrs. O. H, Curts and’ son /it Muskegon.-September 27. made it: Irene Fitzrnier, .Hilda Eiseup for the defeat t h e y suffered before. Chelsea and Mr. amLMrs. George MulJames, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stingol of man, Edna O rtbring, Elsie Fitzrnier, Chelsea has the best team it has reed of Detroit were guests o f Mr., and Saginaw spent Tuesday at the Home Irene Huehl, Elsie Mayor, Lonora had in a long time. The boys have GIRL ATHLETES. Mrs. E. W. McDaniels on Wednesday. as the guests of Mr, George H u n t, Mayer, Uubena Wenk, Myrtal Gibson, Many friends of the family of the played consistent ball all yetii Girls are going in more and move ltev. F. I. Walker and wife who will Helen Fitzrnier, Dcslyn Kocbbe. ning ]8 gam es,and losing 6. They late Henry Staffer attended the fun locate in Grass Lake as pastor there, for sports and the standardizing and The flag has been in the Commiss eral from the home near Lyndon Cen are in to win Sunday ami if the local Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Walker of South regulating of field amFtrack athletics ioner’s office all.tho summer and last fans give the support they should Lyons were entertained Wednesday at fii/- girls i s . under consideration, in ter, Sunday afternoon. Saturday it was laid 'aside, since Mrs. Douglas F raser entertained they are promised Tr great game. /I he the Home. 1 preparation for their competi<;ion in which time the flag has disappeared, management of the team is asking over th £ weekend Miss Hyde and Mr. . Miss Aliee Switzer of Ypsilanti was the 1920 Olympics. Scientific super that everyone who-, can will go to Mu-' aftd Mrs. Krne,tier, and farhily of De a guest of Mrs. Mary Torbroii Wed- vision of girls’ sports is jlocmod es nith Sdndny and help the team,! The nmn witlv a negative mind often .nesday who was celebrating her 85th sential for the future well Hieing of troit. tas the most.ppositive opinion. Sunday, September 24, 10:30, Sun pur men. < birthday. Mrs, H. IT. Teeter of Lansing and day School with a review of the les Mrs; J. L. Clark of Greenville spent sons for the third quarrer. JT pnftb fair judge bit by Wednesday with their, father, Rev. preaching service, sermon by the pas tor, Rev. Leigh Hagle, You are in Dunning. ' ■ Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Brosius, Miss vited to both services. Clara Fahrner, Miss Emma Perry, Mrs. Mablc Cannon is out hustling L. B. Lawrence of Chelsea was bad Roy Kalmbach and Lionel .Vickors en to win the Studebaker car the Tribune offers to the person securing the most ly bitten by a large hog at the Mar joyed the Fair at Ann Arbor Wednes f --in the-— . Lawrence votes. H er friends are anticipating shall F air Wednesday. day afternoon. . ■ .. had gone to the fair to judge the Mr. and Mrs. John Hanierick, Mrs. the promised ride. CHELSEA THIHUNK'iS AUTOMOBILE CAMPAIGN sheep and d u rin g ’the afternoon he J, I,. Bazardia ami Mrs. K. A. Hamwas walking down the aisles of one of niel! of . Detroit spent Thursday with 1 hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the■credit of the buildings where the h.ogs wove Mrs, Emijia Chubb. N O T IC E ■ a Targe hog weighing beMiss (Mr. or Mrs.) ............................ — ----- -------------Sealed proposals fo r carrying th V • d 600 poum|s jumped a t Mr. and Mrs. Thumbs Anderson of Detroit are guests a t flu* horhe of Mrs, Anderspn's" TnmtfioH "ATrar'"Taniue Naeckel. .J. . , ■. _________ _ John B. i\;lillor of Detroit is u, guest a't -the-homo.-of his sisti’i'SvThe Misses Miilei' this week. — Michael Milan of Chicago was a Chelsea visitor, Wednesday. • HIGH SCHOOL MOTES. - CHELSEA HAS TWO DEL EGATES TO STATE REP UBLICANCONVENTION NORTH LAKE NEWS CHELSEA TO PLAY LAST GAME SUNDAY M. E HOME'NEVi/S LARGE HOG FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 100 Votes ■ United States Mails (including T aron th6 right leg. The cel -post malls) on Messenger Route \ ^ t h{g troUfiors and N o . 237480 between the Pos Office at tusks of! jn hlfl 1eg. Chelsea, Michigan and Michigan Cen- m* d e a ^J g taken care of 'a t' tral R . R e ro u te N o . 109710, each wey % able to get as often as required will bo rec®*v®d flTAUnd again shortly. M r, Lawrence by the Postm aster at Chelsqa, MJch^ noxt we4k with a carload igan, uniil September 425, 1922, F u ^ igtered Rambouillet sheep fo r ther information can be *> u n d o n ttie o r 0ne of .the well l<no\yn notice posted in the lobby of the Post b™ ; s of sheep around here. , Office. pt TITLE LOSES CHARM, ThQ Hon. Her<*fe~&erard, protty l'l year old jUuighti** of Lord Gerard, ran Away from the home of her grand mother, Lady Gossolin, In London, was missing alt night and was found the next d a yin a convent miles away. The child ran awa^ after being punajied. * ‘ Address v..------- --------------------------------- --------- _r - i ■ ' ■■■■ ' ■• ', ■. k -' This coupon neatly dipped out, name and address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Election Department of the CJTeTsfca Triune, Chelsea, Mich., will cotint as 100 FREE Votes. It does not cost anything to cast these coupons for youn favorite can didate, and you aro not restricted in any sense in voting, Do not Roll or Fold Deliver in flat package, Void after Sept; 23. Y .. _Mrs. Jay H errick,^vho 1ms lmen the guest of Mrs. Fred Bylsor at~Cavan- gOOltv ■: * v ■. augh Lake, returnod to her home in Modern Buildings to "Replace Sheds. Ann Arbor, Wednesday. '• AUTO RUNS INDITCH FORD PLANTS TO OPEN • W'.'E. Burgess of .Concord called on SOUTH OF TOWN . f"' AGAIN TODAY Chelsea: frifends, Wednesday. Standing of Contestants "1 E s l a b i i s h i n g pew’■'j tUo nd unW im:orijs tJmi may, s t a n d far-years-—iuclud’ing u w i d er -range; of ' e x h i b i t i o n s t h u n /.ivwr bef ore itud - sucyesslui f r o m the wI«!wpolat-'Of,’-iliversitiaii'FntorV.n'fi'm' 0 ni.'-Uio— sii-virntyThimL - oujuluL, Michlguu^ Trtat e ; F u rr -\vTi ic-.li t ecuut-ly cume^to- uueud 'al De tr oit m a r k s iho b e g i n n i n g of;i new er a of l ai rs m, t his s t a t e . -' U'liii f a n ’ •acco'iujdisiiod the p ur po se outlined for it by R. \V Dickinson, sec ret or,\ -ala uage r, -Hiat 'oi lieiaiv of - some ed-i-MU!iMljiI- value, lo liie fa: Mier, tor svIhuii : fa ir s ’ -originally .were 'created and fur whom t h e - p m s e n t l air admi n m i r a t i o n s e e ks to do s om e 'everlasiinr. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Baird, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Claytom and Mrs. Susie Glow of Sherwood, Mich,, m otored'to Eagelvillo, Ohio, Sunday to attend the homecoming services of the .Church of Christ* Mr. and Mrs. Baird attended this'church f‘o.r m any years. • • . • ; Dr. and Mrs. A, L. Stegcit,. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Turnbull and daugh ter, Mrs, Edward Centner aud-daugliT .tefy"Mr.VancF MfsT George !’. Slaffan and daughter, Mrs. H, L. W.ood, Miss. Florence' Clark, Miss Iryilia Guthrie, -Miss-I)oris -iragge7~5Ir. aml~MTsv~I'VedK-lamsei-r -H, W.,.Fensleau; were among the Chelsea people seen ;il the Washlenaw. T'/iir 'We^lnesd/iy. ' “ "T■ _ M iss 'Nipa Crowell arid, her 'friend, Mi ss Ella Moore of Fenton were Jackson visitors, Thursday. A W i t h , t h e close of the fa ir wh i ch saw i.lie now c o l i s e u m building, e r e c t e d - a t u; cost 'of ^Joo.UOO, p u t - i n t o use. Mr. Dickinsoti a n n o t i n c o d . t h e p l an s for. o now s h e e p a nd swine pavi li on to-cost, when c o m p l e t e d , ?SO„OiiO, 1Goustruclion o f iliis is to !>c s t a r t e d "al mo st lm■medialoly.. • ■ - ri'hn n eees si iy o f m o d e r n .buildinpe to r e p la c e .the m u d o w n wo ode n shed-, and Ifainis wi n ch ' s t i l l are.-to l/e found ■ni emivnii pin /ions o f - t h e . f a i r ' s 1 C!) .• r U - 7 H- !f.>-—C(4dnnremlt^i _tiy M l .. ■jiKknison in liis ai mual repii rt lo the /loaid of umiiageis, ■ 1tandteuppi'd -by tho rail . st r ik e' and ilie- threaUMied -oaleome of tlu:.coal ( .-uiaahon. rite lai r -.iiorse- d e p a r t m e u t . — est/ililislied a n.__w record f o i m u t r i o s - ■ daa ol t h e d t i f e s r dil/ift a n d - l i g h t h o rs e s •HHh-H-W4 d-dl(l-wt^ug;)m.g-on-exhibitIuu*_^_'' T2fmTrDnr- rtmnrthe--:pn3Vious y e a r . T i n s d is pr ov es t h / a liie h o rs e luTB " g i v e n ■ way To m a c h i n e power. : In tlio catrle do part m e a t m o r e t h a n iooo 'aaimal.s worn ('xhihiled. Befo'rd" ■ m e u n r pm u n d er way, 7 u!) of t hese anuTi.ils taxed, tlie ca pact i y of t h e “eulaiiired entile b u r n s - a n d s e v e r a l hunIrcd m o r e were b ro ught in by t he boy.v t n d 1 girls c l n l i s Irani . . var io us 's ect i on s d': M+rdnma. . , _ _______ __ _ T h e r e ’ v ero approximately 12St>; , deep a nd l i m i swme on exhibit Urn-- . Mr. and Mrs. I). M. W urster ’ and. daughter and tht»ir guests, Mrs. Tlioinas CoHfTwul Miss Ella Moore of and aboin Tfoo rjiir.kens. bow grain; Fenton spent Wednesday in Ann ootato, fruit a ml flower exhibitions in.,Arbor. ibis section of ibe country havo. been ns ebrpjdete a s 'the Michigan Fair’s. Ill t he flower shows,Timai-eur d i s p l a y s STORES TO T’EOSE pi'iidom inaierl, ■' , ■ ;■ ~"MbisinehS huusi.'.s- iu ■ Cliel.ica—wjfk close Saturday at 1:00 B. M. and re Mac hi ne ry of 1843 a n d -1922 Shown. T lie re probably Tuiv'er was asHomh- . main closed until after the funeral , ’ ed such a di spl ay of .mod,'i'ii macliinservices of the l at e Rev. Really. NECESSARY.' . “ I sometimes have.doubts,’’ said one of the elders.as they set about count ing the collection for the day. ‘‘1. sometimes have doubts -whether.the re is really a bell.” “You needn’t,” said the preacher, “Th'ernV-^got-to-be-one,”— • ------And ho pointed significantly al the suspender buttons- ami:cent piece,-f m the offering. • < Only th in g m ost a m a te u r gard en ers raise is bones. ;. LESSON IN’ GENTLE.BRAKING No Quicker or Certain Way of Sending Tire to Junkman Than to Stop With Jerk. . t; ■iv as housed in Ihe . m a c h i n e r y . hall and iiolividoal . l ent s. on t ho -fair .Jmiind s. Ti ioas aml s wore, d r a w n into , l n : r y j-'ino.*;.s cxiuliUion . w h i c h ,oceu: r e d more Ilian lit,film s q u a r e feet of - p i o oiit.-bde. Theim, t h e - m o t o r k i n g . ;ad on- dispiiiy not"Yuliy 'UTl‘”or"his'TJ\vn ,i*i■;1a e t s inn I mj-JI) in.'icliinery. from as 'll" iia.'u as • 1S IlbHlic y ea r O f . Hie oi:iinii! M ieliigo n • fa i.r. . Ue-i-ies )n-ij.id_exlii)uts hy (the b a i l e d S t a l e s d e p a r t m e n t o f aprieub- ■ hire A m er i c an J e i s e y t ' a t l l o cluu anu l.iniidrod's-. of iiKii.'peiuleni' exiiihltorsv !he. dairy ..Imilding drew vi si tor s w h o ■ ^i^ ..iv,1T-n=:r.^ .r-|lO C<i rt '.-.\V, )i-k--. I.htking- Ot— jiics;"cnki-s ,' nid in.-unictioii in oa'yning/. « le., ju-tpigbi niaiiy To .the .'domustit/ . department.. , . ■■■■■. , , A I'cilernl g o v e i n m e n t exhibit, tin • Mi chi gan A gr ic ul tu ra l college >vuri which cmbnhieil lect ures, t he s t at e dc p ar im eu t' of a g n c u l t u r e ' s ilispiuy am ■. xhiijiiioiis liy couiuios a nd individual; made up t he show in t he A gr ic u lt u ra .building, Uiiniicnt m ak i n g, j u d gi n g o poll Pry, c a n n i n g and . c oo k in g w e n oilier- ■edheu’tioti'ui I'eabures, An nnporiiinl ad ju nct , of Hie fa.i -xvtLSaJtlv- . wo rk c ari-ii’d o n ' b y the boy _ .an i ml Is' ciulis, and tlie Hoys ■Stat- : Fai r sc iioo 1^ All of . liie hoys wer (|Uariered in t ent s in f r o n t ’ of the uc nilnislniThiti buii'Ini.u 'wli'nTr.tho girl ■ were housed Tit a b ung al ow oil- th g rounds . y , • Apply ihe brakes consii|i't::i’iel.y ami t he car will soon .show ils graiiimle. because gentle brake - a p p li c at io n ’ r e el ijees. t he s tr ai n on tires, win*'Is, s pri ngs and - oilier p/ii'is. If Tire*" b ra k es are n p pl l c d 'w i i li full force at linist u n e , if n o r bulb re a r wheels are likely to lock, and In sliding a l o ng the ground a noticeable amount of rubber Is s cr aped from the t ire at the point where it contacts' with Die 'uroiuiil. - ' - G l e a n E n t e r t a i n m e n t s ”. A i t o . r - 0 e d , . Th er e is no- itiiicker n or Tiioiv <ri'tain way. of sending tires quickly io a nibT h e (•:;!; iii.vim: and milklii'g routes' hi si r hoop or ■the. -Junkman.- Ha r sh liiviidhiy drew more nUeiillon tha brake apjilicatlou we a rs the b rake lin* any of Hie cu.m pet iiig novelties tit tb I ng unduly j i n d pulls and racks ttie 'fair. The. H.-tier lbibieH vo.ntust Wi ■ whole ear. Much g r e a te r economy will -nnii'li. bigger, 1'f liabius being cxin 1 bo obtained ami much loss ■trouble will Incd ihe tli-si day of the fair compniM , lie experienced If t he b ra k es .lira used to seven for (lie corresponding' day 1 ns sparingly ns possible.' 1 I'.Tl. . Next year tluVmitiro east ei of the .Woman's imIUltiig will bo d MUed lo llii.-s affair. / t • 'Die Dog sitow, .with more than 3 : . A LINE O’ CHEER ranine aristocrats competing dre 2u,o.(ui visitors pi .ihree days a'nd w.' By John Kendrick-Bahgs. followed by a throe-day cut She equally interesting. 'The wild life < hibit. it".ir the cdiicnlional bulldii UNSEEN held ihe interest of the children. Ihe educational building were the ae K s o r o i r r • hlfl Joy* hi-yoiul e xhi bi ts and aquarium. Tho Womai (he hills, \Vdrk ileparunent with its humlreda On rhmnnt mpa and piarbi, And never knew life's sweetest fntiey ,art'hJ ob and pieces of need : ' thriila work was also ii center Of interest. ' ■ Till lie onme imnie ftR/iln. Ruhiii a- Clteiry shows afford fTc found r pence he’d never known dean otitertainnient, a big program In nil his days before, i In any par t of tiny ?.ono vaudeville w asv offered before t Walling beside his door, grandstand atul in' the'coliseum bul, And, strangest par t of all this ing each afturnon and evening. Th( ‘ rhynio, It had heon waiting nil tho time! w-oro six days nf running races, tlu ' I© hy MelUurn Newspaper Syndicate.) days of /into racing and nine nights j fireworks, The air mail service ma ;[ * toinaiMietwcon Chicago and Detr j -O,(i:nd Cleveland' and D etroit and i a PoBitlve. Proof. - k ;r tourist camp Where 140 tourists w« ;i Muck—Jack is such an optimist, Miss Ryval—That’s what I thought quartered also proved interesting, jj ' The ofiloial attendance was a> l when I heard he bad proposed to 875,000 and stands as a record. _ _ *©a ■ ■ f ■■ * - ........ . H A..J 4 U M j^S&S -.•:■: W t I ' r t r r \ i \ - ■ ' J S & t M f i ? Yv'V-l-i1 H-. : ' ftv'i tM it I ^■yi':h/^^s:v::::-^r;-'l"■/■■■' ■ = v-;-■■;■.'.:■-T v ~: .I f r -Sh-fJ! '1 f f I ltttitl •*.<!{ vfv5 \ • ! r ; ; ': ■.■'.■".' ; - t '■; ; , CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 ill" ' T H E C H ELSEA T R IB U N E C* W, Klamser, Publisher FACTS H. W, Klamser, Editor ESTABLISHED 1870 Butter, Chew*, Egg* BUTTER—Best erearaeiy, In tube, 34c@86c*per lb. EGGS — Fresh, current receipts, 28c(§>30c per dozen; fresh candled and graded, 31c@34c;, refrigerator firsts, 25(Vic@28c per dozen. _ CHEESE — New York flats, 31c(g> 84c; Michigan flats, 24c; Wisconsin daisies, 2H6c; Wisconsin’ twins, 24c; long horns, 22c; Michigan daisies, 20ttc; bricks, 20&c@21c; Npw -York limburger, June make, 25c@26c; do mestic block Swiss, 24c@26c; domes tic wheel Swiss, in tubs, 28c@32c; Im ported Swiss, 44c@4fic per lb. , MARKET' REPORT (DetroirQuotatlona) m Thursday’* Quotation*. WHEAT — Cash No. 2, red, $1.13; Entered at the Postoffice at Cheleea, Michigan, u second-claia matter, IMPROVEMENT OF DAIRY COW' September, $1.18; No. 2 mixed and No. 2 white, $1.11. P ublished E v ery T U ESD A Y AND FR ID A Y Department o1 / Agriculture Hat. Six YELLOW CORN — Cash No. 2. Hiflh-Produoii\g AnlfYiale o»\\.it* Tic asked; No. 8 70c; No. 4, 68M9C. OFFICE0|02 JACKSON STREET Farm at Beitivme., HYK—Cash No. 2, 77c. _ t__ ~ T.T'Vr"' 1~ '.Tl'-TrV ' ' z z z z r r z r T r r s r s z r z g a s m ta mmtmmasKsmxm-r* —. *,•. ----- (t’lrpir*i- in- Mi* l,elt*tl”Sii«t^i'T)rimrtn,ettt • = BEANS—Im m ediateand prompt Address all communications to the Tribune, Chelsea, Michigan T)u. |IIUM'ovtw !i7!tur \tuiir :nows- shipment, $‘,.25 por.ewt, .SHEDS —• Prime, red $10,50; ----«... ------ -• ----- » ..... .....----------------------------------- a. ———~ IIU'IUIS »• Kivilt , (il'lll IIIOl'H lllJIII Into 'ih<> tinu'>'iu;iii. It alsilke, slO; timothy, $2.00. ■ . The Chelsea Tribune is mailed to any address in the 'United Dieimscti.pi'uiifs t M hI .«»<}: imuTc': niiik, ' OLD J1AY—No. l timothy, $16.6p@ States at $1.50, the year, 75 cents for six months and 40 cents for the hotiv ami . $17,00; standard, $15.50@$ 16.00; light three months. chlhlr.pi. AVIi.it lids impnaemeut nvi.\od, $l&d)0@$ 1 6 ,0 0 ^ ^ 2 - timothy, Live-Stock. a..~jHi4aw-u-hn.»u r L t i i * n i J j y a _ N 0. t-dover mixedr $14 Best steers —i - - ----- v-$8.25@ 9-00 -jMstW-rTrejMiVil by Ha* United S"ites , ^ 1?14i50. No< 1 ci0Ve'r, $14.00@$14.50; —TffiPTeeST OF PUBLIC APATHY. Dcjinri.nirm mi’ Aurlru tltD.* ninl sent. : • . ■ > ■ 1 1 rye straw, $11.«r)0@$l2; wheat and oat Best handy wt. butcher s te e r s ._:__ ■ __ 7.25(§) 8.00 T hough the people'of A m erica a re one hundred per cent op*•* . ! ! * ' * * ' • . • • ,1n.- . ; straw;, $10.50@$li per ton in carlots. posed to a n y m o re ^ ta x a tio n and a re h eartily sick of th e burdens „„u m f.Tn tk.< cun- i : KEED—Brun, $27; standard midd- Mixed steers and heifers. 0.00@ 7.00 j ; Haas, $27.00@$28.00; fine middlings, HandV light butchers.... f).00@ 6.00 j " th lU ha^r(fl>ei'h placed on .them,..they fail u tte rly to m ake th e ir feel $30; crocked corn, $32; chop, $25.00 Light butchers i . . . --------4.75@ 5.00 ings known w ith sufficient vigor to cause th e ir rep resen tativ es in 5.00@ 5.5(1 j per ton in 100-lb. sacks. , , Best Cows Congress, to ta k e notice. -____ . , '____ FCCUR^Fancy spring wheatJpat- iJutehertJow ir..........” r^r'4.00@“4.50 E very m an dodges the’Tssuo by saying to him self “W h a t’s th e ents, $7,75@$8.0Q; fancy winter wheat Cutters ___■__ ________ 2.75@ 3.00 use of my saying a n y th in g ." As M ark Twain said of th e w e ath e r: patents, $7.50@>$7.£>0^ second winter Canners . - j . 2 , 5 0 @ 2.75 4.50@ 6.60 j wheat patents, $6.50@--.6;75-; wfnter Choice light fcJulIs “ Everybody growls b u t nobody does a n y th in g .” : whiiet straightst $6.00({h$fi.5O; Kan Bologna -bulls ------------ 3.75@ 4.50 j v Best a u th o rities agree th a t additional Federal tax atio n th is Stock b u lls-------------------3.25@ 4.00 sas patents, $6.7f)^$7:2f>. y e a i’is-unescapahle: N ational receipts will beTess than: figured on -Feeders.— __ —-5.50@ - 6.75 and expenditures more. -P re sid e n t H a rding h a s-announced an urn-, Stockers' _r__ .. ^-4-,00@ ,-5.:75 ! Milkcrs-aHd-spt’ingers^.^4Q.0Q@75.0Q bridged span of $697,'0011,000, a n d !? G reat B ritain fails to pay inFarm Produce. —. . . $ 14.25@14.50 T*m.'"Vil*Ttmmir -tere st on num ey frurtluT here during“The w ar th e deficit will be ONIONS—$t,!>0{rh$1.7r> por sack of Best lainbs Fair lambs._________ - 11.00(§>12.75 $900,000,000. ' V'A.1High-Producing Holsteh^ 100 lbs. -- Light to common lambs. 6.00@ 8.50 Against^. this inay bo dediicted $272,000,000 of th e balance. (r,-on a f|iiiivt 11 dn.'*. "Idle a. xood . -CABBAGE -« Homo grown, 50e@ Heavy sh e e p ------------- 3.50<§> 4.00 ^ ...... ill the T reasury :at tfie close of the fiscal year, and th is spells a d d i- ; w>w yb'his- onoimii ,u> Kive - o liiiMren.:7f>c per bu. Fair tp good sheep--— . 5.00@ 6.00 tional tax a tio n .' v rmart' 0 .in.v. Tin? supoivow, and' CRKEN COUN~20c@2uc per doz. Culls and common 1.50@ 2.50 r,M .. . ..... , , , , , , : llioro ;ir,o. iitoiv; anil nioroMif th.>m-ln HONEY~Comh, 22c@28c per. lb. Mixed hogs ----------------$10.25 .. I *bo Jai nnng m te i e.sts are flatly opposed to a .sales tax , th e this eiuss i'iioiK-yi'nr, uivcs t-non^ii milk Heavies. ---------— 8.50@ 2.50 ^ BustHisines.s rn te re s ts shii'k a t t h e t h o u g h t o f s c r e w in g up. t h e c o r p o r a - - sn that a ■sum.H iicvti of iiiom might . FPrCORN-^%c@.6c;_..Little Roughs --------------------- 7.50 l ion t o e * , .which u n d o u b te d ly would p r o v e a fin a l blow t o a b u s in!ls Tiic® 8c pcr p0“" 11Stags _______ _________4.00@4.50' n e s s re.vtvaJ, r h e i 'e r o n i a i n s then-.the in c o m e tax, n o w o u tr a g e o u s - - -on its ^ Hoars..--------------- •------ 7.50 1 ts funa nt Ut*lt.svllle, Md.,- the ; (>ach, ■ departmont Vuis. six cows, tlii*-result of ly h ig h , b u t s ta n d i n g o u t a s “ t h e b e s t b e t of th e -p o litiq ia n s .” Pigs. ___ J___________ 0.75 & Your Liberty Bonds |Fyou wish to trade Liberty Bonds for bonds that pay ______a higher income, do not deal with small fly-by-night ■stj.il - salesmen;' but come tb^this ba^F fhr advice. —” We can secure bonds for you, that are of the same high character that we would buy for our “own invest, ment. t . The officers of this bank have taken great pains to put themselves in a . position to get accurate.information on all securities; . . THE KEM PF C O M M E R C IA L & S A V IN G S BA N K Resources over $800,000.00 C H E L S E A , M IC H IG A N i a > ‘ Hint knve Jtro ' LETTUCE - Iceberg, $5.00 per iij-.'i.’ .• t.:i.l. t»?s.-\ fi.in n r per t... If tiie public r e m a t o a p a t t e t i c . a s is its - c u s t o m , t h e n t h e r e , ^ " 7 ! ^ (XX) ‘■'rate; hothouse, $2'25(Ji''$2.75 bu.;. i)c, n o j iistiric<ition Joi c o m p la in t \ \ h 6 n th© H0 \v b u r d e n is' <id* f pounds of iijjik in oor»*dnys. This ulIttle . head lettuce, $1,06#$ 1.25 per. cash, ji ' herd of-, six ldir jn’ddiiccrs Mg pr<i<lm cis yli yields ■ DRESSED CAIA’ES ™ Choice, 18c pravl(R«,.1Ti) clilMreu S .'nodium, IS c^ld c; large■edarso 8cfn) 11 i=>;iuo*Uonalde If W c o u n t r y in t h e w o rld is a s u n s c ie n sdp- t it. p0l. ik. , h r in, its ta x a t i o n a s t h e Lui.ted S t a t e s . T h is is b e c a u s e th e-pP60r eo * ;.-.ply piv nearly m’ariv 3.0 no HiUilign. diiiiiri'ii,nc *j\ imio.s' ; iik,*.s' as { or ,si\ I’OT’ATOFS_lersev eohhlers- •$2 TR' plo re !u so to ta k e an in te r e s t in w h a t is b ein g d o n e in th e i r n a m e . 1 «« Hm »»r»iJri!ir> oow .■-.ii-f tnke fg2^ 5' io04i».-sack’ Giants $-1-90 it" i-. IjJL '• ' . ■ __ ___ ____ _-— - - ............ -...... s I.O.OK O l ’T I'OK TIIK liE FO R M E R S, m ' , ; 5■ YEARS ■ J.-:.-:,'FOR -’ FIVE CENTS. I A 5 cent Holdup profit as compared i with five years in jail can hardly be. said to be worth while, but Enoch i Buck, of St. Louis, did not complain , Avhen a; judge gave him that sentence ; -Good breeding, Jim. n n r ; ' . -!,ftck{ Mic! ? W for. robbing a_ _man_.-Qf-._a nickel.. Things haven’t been going wTell with Irifn'Roi'oiM, luive made the dirtoienoc. . $JfL>@$2.35,per loOdb. sack. ■■■ : .■■■■.'■ ^ _ .(.'ELERY—Michigan, 20c(o)35c per me lately and I guess a little vacation: will do ’em good,” said Enoch. ' ! MAKE COW RATIO?TEMPTING •' T h e a p p o in tm e n t o f Colonel J a m e s S. Jo y , f o r m e r N a tio n a l Kxeeirt-ive-Seeretai-y-of t h e A m e r ic a n “R e d C ro ss a S -liaiso n officers Anin^ Will_ No-t Dct W.eli -on Food That Is Not Palatable'—Avoid ... bej\A'e,en t lioxe w ho p ro d u c e m o tio n p i c t u r e s a n d th o s e w h o d e s ir e Any Sudden Change. _to_Nee t h em pla y a b e t t e r p a r t in A m e r i c a n life, m a y p ro v e o f - b e n e at-—Uf, b u t Mr. J la y s should, lie c a r e f u l to s ee t h a t I.Hp motion pi n t , ^ __ tim. gnmi .i.m-.v h,nnU ^ MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AiiniHiiM mimimumiimiimnmmm; Try the Market on the Corner 'Mim ting p e n d u lu m (lof?s. n o t-s w in g , t h e o t h e r w a y . to t h e - i n j u r y o f t h e in- j S -L o f 'nniimVi -h m ' s!-.J 'iMclV T iini.able 11u s try . __ fdoil. fn l';i.el.'_a„';..'W. wil.i’ nai -il.v-ftTfii" T h e ,workH.s''filted" Nvith'Tiranks; s o re h e a d s , a n d m e d d l e s o m e ' 011 fo0(i »"i.j it. peo p le w h o live d p reforrn..e_verything. ip. life h u t t-heir-owm- a n n o y - t i l m * *n»Y,?.,. 7 . V i ‘ ti.lYr ’h'rY'” ^ i n g ch aracteristics. I with its j>mfa:■;>’>t;;r . M.'Mv ^i-iOns or N a tu r a lly , e v e ry o n e w ould like to -see. th e s a la c io u s s t r i p p e d i '•! fli(' ,1 I h n S'M'OPIV irnrl i t U ' i l l . u ' . t l t c o f (h" m w . :m.| .'nnsM|ii,,n ily.are fro m th e s c re e n ; and it will-be.' iinsnM.si’)int"rv,I'ii.n tin■, u ns at i sfac At. t h e s a m e tim e it: is etusy to b e n d so f a r ha ek w a r d s T h a t tory feed, n >.!t\:,i!"r If It ih>eH contain •itio •pmpor "ii'ii: may e.ause n.re* so m eo n e will fall down. d i udion In the iniU.suj.piy duo. (o'{be It th e c r a n k s ‘h a v e t h e i r w a y t h e film will be so e m a s c u la te d I’my's iiir-vir-incn-ss to eat a plenty to 't f f i i T i t will d ra w a n a u d ie n c e only o f mollycoddle.s w hich f o r t u n kee|> up a co'-d f ' ov-of m i l k . Ai..'lie viiiii ' ' it m.iisi' he Tecog-' a te ly a r e in th e g r e a t m in o r ity . nlzed th it ir !s iii'ii n„ wIso ide;c to . It m a y be well to t a l k o f m e a s u r e s t h a t will s a f e g u a r d t h e irn- change, n i:;ili"h sii'rldenly in on lee to_JIlktIII!JJliUiuLI.r.ciLni^rtd4^^^eef+-4!Mktene^;“th i> u g li. even th is Inis' 'make ii i..'tier.■ A cow Is a jii'etty deli' : 'd ip ' sort iif uiilk proilueliig inucfilue its d a n g e r s . M- illft I WI s 1 ill T h e d r a m a h a s been k e p t s a f e a n d s a n e -by t h e p r o te c tio n of. public o p in io n a n d u n d o u b te d ly t h e s c r e e n will b e s a fe if i t be g u a r d e d by th o s e w ho s u p p o r t it. Mr. Col. J o y a s an a id e t o H a y s h a s h i s w o rk c u t o u t f o r him,.' a n d i t is n o t to p ro v id e a w illin g o a r to e v e r y P h rtra sa ic a l f e f o r f n e r .'' ■Sl.’. JC ID E . •• ■ ■ . ! unil,■i ,'11y i r slip. 'is. n lurg« produi't'r, asu\h].*n i in (he fund are ipiii>'llnfiy ih iip-o'i lidr In <ait> way or rtiimhi’r, ninl ' h . ' . i v s u l t will h<> a loss uf ii'IIU. as-l..- f t rhi n TJ i>! 1 ■ - ‘■ X ■Vt:f H**vpr»ii dnya. The. young graduate in law was anxious to locate In Texas and wrote T h e f a s t e r - h m a n is t h e e a s i e r a w o m a n c a tc h e s h im , a n d to a practitioner in one of the Texas cities for Information. “I am a Re vice v e r s a . publican in politics and an honest young lawyer,” he wrote, and waited eagerly for the reply. In n few dnvs A girl with pretty tepttt will smile at anything. it came, b “ If you are a Republican,-the game laws'wfll protect you, and if you are honest you-.will-have no competition,” A difficult job postponed becomes impossible later. write the Texan,' . .j i T O L ^ o e ftle r V E is~ a c o m f o r t a b l e a n d h e a b f t y o n e. free fro m presu re^ - O ne w h o s e .'nerves'are' C H IR O P R A C T IC w o rk s vvondei^s, M a n ^ a m h ild h a s b e e n c rip p le d ■for, life he- 5 c a u s e in i t s ' b a b y d a y s ” i t h a d a f a l l w h ic h w a s neglected," § j = N o t f r o m s h e e r n e g le c t o n t h e p a r e n t s p a r t , b u t because they : ! £ did n o t kno.w ; o f t h e s e r i o u s e f f e c t s t h a t m i g h t latei' follow. J s A good p l a n w h i c h m a n y p a r e n t s fo llo w is t o have their 5 £ " c h ild re n s s p i n e s e x a m i n e d b y a C h i r o p r a c t o r periodically, say 1 ■is h n o th s p in a l a n a ly s is . T h i s is a g o o d p la n . Consult; itiOll' 3 iIdren : j js .und s p in a l a n a ly s is is w i t h o u t c h a r g e . G iv e y o u r chil 15 t h e b e n e fit o-f t h i s s e r v ic e . ! s S AND Wisconsin In Lead. Wisconsin now leads In the number y of accredited tuberculin-free cattle W RECKS. with 8(5,188 head. Minnesota Is second With nearly.34,OOO bend. S h i p s lo s t atVsca in 1921. to ta le d 1.5o s t e a m s h ip s a n d m o t o r '1 Metal Milk Utensils. vessels a n d 88 s a ilin g c ra ft. So repd)’ts " jjo y d '.s , in s u r a n c e firm* o f i London. VP* Milk utensils for farm use should be r\ ' , .,< . . , . , j madd o f metal and have rill joints u n a to n n a g e basis, s t e a m s h i p s lost a t sea a re a b o u t one- i n j tfliioothiy Jtohiered. Never allow them 2.‘5() a y e a r . T h e “ d a n g e r o u s ” a irp la n e ! | to become rusty or rough Inside. ! -----------—------ -----. ___ ' ! Never Mtx Milk. *“ -7 .. ! Never 'm ix fresh, warm milk with ‘ ’ . ,1 that whlHi hiiM been cooled. ~ W h e n so m e, m e n find m o n e y in t h e i r p o c k e ts t h e y w o n d e r J —- . w h o se p a n t s t h e y a r e w e a r i n g . ■ ■ ! NO COMPETITION. __ ___________ ■'.' S G . Average Farmer Is LiabjV to Grow Little,Care|es8 About Pails . ■In Summer. »ini;u,iiM. S|uiiy rows at milking time i :ro kri'p oil1 ilirs. Look out. for sour I milk mid m'iini. | ’,nfterla end warmth 1 I'jinse milk to sour, 'i'he moditrn way I A V E A I.T ii. lo spell hrirlrrln Is tl-i-r-.t, .Keep It out ‘ W illia m R o c k e fe lle r's will, filed fo r p ro b a te , sh o w s th a t he left of the milk, tlmrougliiy wash nnd s<>nld nil milk utensils,- Keep the milk a t i , e s t a t e e s t i m a t e d a s 'liig h ash?2<)0,000,000. • or cream (.'oni, 30 degrees or lower if I t w ould t a k e y ou .77,000 y e a rs' to A ccum ulate t h a t m u c h possible, ifml It will stay sweet for m o n e y if you w o rk e d on a- s a la r y of $100 a w eek a n d 'p u t h a lf o f it in -th e .bank r e g u la r ly . . F r e d Large S to v e s yVmong tiic m o s t d elicio u s s c h e d u le d fo i'-.S ep tem b er a n - the ESSENTIALS FOR DAIRY HERO t r i a l s . o f . ..5,1 . b r o k e r s in N e w Y o rk c ity w h o re S5 b r o k o r a co fii B-lS...Gowfi---trnd—V^urrg“AntTratS' SK'ourd~B« “ ~hr7rrc~feiik.'d iliTlnrlTrstbsix m o n th s.7 Pr oviflrd. With Plenty of Pure * ,W.iter and Shade. ' ; D i s t r i c t A tto i'n e y B a n to n , rlisc u ssin g th e in d ic tm e n ts , s a y s t h a t a s s e t s of th e d e a r d e p a r te d to ta l less t h a n tw o s e n ts fo r each I'l'iMdc pli'iiTy of mIiuiIp tind riml, i of liab ilities. How did t h e y h a p p e n to overlook t h e tw o cents. •pjiro wnlcr. fur rhi■ hiwh and . young i A H A PPY BABY We aiso handle a fresh line o f h o m em a d e i sa u sa g e s a t all tim e s KEEP FEED UTENSILS CLEAN Wide nwfiki' dnlrymon roiillzT' ilia. Jm........ M’a lto r L'ndaras,' s c u lp to r,, g o t d is c o u r a g e d - f i g h tin g f o r fa n ie ’. luirinned df l;ee)iing n il f feeding litenHe w e n t to th e -C h ic a g o A r t i n s t i t u t e 'a n d . s h o t h im s e lf th r o u g h th e ^-11s NiT.oiiul'iiwly i-leiin nt all Measons h e a d .b e fo re th e s t a t u e . o k “ W i n g e d V i c t o r y . ” T h e s ta t u e , b y th e of the ■year. . 'I lie . average f armer, liowway. is h e a d le s s, i n d ic a tin g t h e v ic to ry is n o t a lw a y s b v Brain jw_ei^_UUij_Xi ' r'.v a UU-Ie~rurnliiHH'ulioUt■ L 'n d a ra s goes i n t o . t h e , h e r e a f t e r . w i t h th e l a s t p e n n y o f h is |l)p I'iilf fiaii, especljilly du ri ng tlie warn/ snmnier iM ini-mtliH. 'I'lieM prills i v* : V rr r 1 ' •I • «’ I I t % , •; nmm nniiiinri VMmiw, • -.I.IH 'JHi** T WU1H d e b ts paid. H e shoved_ a r t a s id e a n d w o rk e d a s a clerk to g e t Him.ui.i i,P ,g tm <>r Snivnniz.-rt iron, .enough' m o n e y tp w ipe t h e s la t e clean b e f o r e leav in g , • T h a t is e x never of wnn'I. ;mi| sliould not hep al c e p tio n a l in su icid es, w ho u s u a lly kill th e m s e lv e s to avoid fa c in g lowed fii gel rnsiy ',r huttert'd. Tliey shonhl In' ilioroiiglily wnsliod, rlnsad -oLiligations. . 1’. , ' and sn'rlli/.eii nflor use,.and kept In o' clf’iin plnon. Never use entf pullsfor feeding liogs, or live stdi'k Ollier Htnn rfilvi'M.' o nU) K MRS. . • • IA fo r y o u r h o m e d re s s e d b e e f 1 I | H . JH. B E A T T Y , CHIROPRACTOR Phone 138-W { ’ ■ .- f FENN BUILDING, CllM,SKA | ijiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Sm all S to v e s H e a tin g S to v es o f A ll K in d s W o h a v e t h e c t e dy-I4 select _ from b e s t m a k e s to .../ ' Oil H e a te r s o f a ll k in d s S tove R u g s a n d S tove B o ard s See our line and be happy * First-class Welding & Radiator Work jj ' — -ALSO— ^ We install Premier and Laurel furnaces. Let Us estimate your. job. U P D IK E & H A R R IS THE FURNACE MEN. Report of the Condition of the Farmers &Merchants Bank E»fL8®^ Mlpblsan. *t'the close of buslneaaSejit. lfith. 1922, as called for by (lie <•<»m'in'i«*loMr Qi tfio Banking DcpRftmotit;" . i RESOimCES Loans and Discounts, vis,— Cotnmerolttl ■Snvim-f Secured by collntcral................... ....... ...i 99.869tm $ Hi.oou'" Unsecured............. .............. . ... 140,526 70 Items In transit,..,....... ............... 14000 .$ ir,Oddi0 Totnls... ...$180,604 70 Bonds. Mertfta*os and Securities, vis:Real Estate Mortgages........... .................... 78,20< Muntclcal Bonds Tn office.......................... : ................. ... 2,0(1000 ■ 199.868 U. S. Bonds and.Certlflcates of Indebtedness' piedired V’.V, War Savlnjift and Thrift Stamps.... ....... “ P K .....;..... 096'10 Other Bonds........,,,,,..... r,..................... V.T.LV T .V /* 7'" 11,184 0(1 . iofi,av4 879,161 74_ Totals.,.'...... 13,184 06 ■Reserves, etc;Due from Fedornt Reserve Bank........... „ 72 16,000 ... ,«* 9,072 Due from Banks In Reserve Cities.-.,.',;.......' '................... ........ .... 19,900 60 69.150m a., '^iTc^Vve.:' 07 Total cash on hand............. ........ ..... ................ ............... 6,1274 MMj". 19046 ob.ww i< » S Totals...... 34.8W70 Combined Accounts, etc;— Overdrafu,....... ........, .ifio Banking House... .......................... .................... :............ . a................ . Furniture andFixtures. ........... .V,”T ’" !...... "................ .................... 'becks and other cash items.... '.Lb'..';!",7' ............... .........."".',"'"."77 l_.600.lW Stock or Federal Roaorvo Bunk........... ;.... .......... ii( t ........ j" .............t fhisiU si _ ,• •• . v . ... C* r r M ", 6 u t $ • I M ' W LIABILITIES . Capital $toek paid In..,,.,.......... , Surplus Fund................. Undivided profits, net,...,.............. 777',........... ............ Dividends unpaid.,.,............V........ ;7 ,.................... ........ Reserved for Taxes, Interest, etc,... .... '7.................... ComMnfelal Oeposlta. ate!- ' ■ ...... .... . . ....... Cashier's Checks................. ........... ...... ................ State Moneys on Deposit,....,....7'77!!,,7.'.'."..... ...... ..... n JK vin™ Deposits, ete.vToUL M.OWOO, :v,,00000 i:s,07691 HOW H.WO00 ....,,1102,0556' "7.7 s.oqooo. ■ , .... $167)06657-<l6/.°r,f,M .• ma S i r s ... -.. Bonds sold subject to ropurehase.;.,'.’...... ............ ............... ........... None '•WIL'—.......... .......................*..... ....... rj'jj'jjYijl Subsertbed ani sworn to before ms this 19tti day of September. A>o/nindelanr, Notary PuWl<b . .n iwi Co mat v i v u u . , I My,««nmlseJon sapUde Sept 12, «o*rao{ Attest, John Kalmbaeh, 0, Lehman, John Farrell, Swaetor*. ' *\ \ ~ 1 !W W S i j\. \ i '•i / ./ ■I ■'* -x- ! ■■■>'' aw.ikwu. y. .Report o f the wn’dUJon of n !ili,V t ..r,|h ■ftut she con" Wive to her arbitrary refusal n n 'u T U ; s r pv VVN a Jenh, SAVINGS BANK A t Chelsea, Michigan, at the close of business September 15th,1922, as called Mr. nad Mrs. Alva Beemun and two for by the Commissioner of the Ranking Department: , rbsourcFs 1 -t 1 sons, spent last Friddy, Saturday, Commercial Savings ' ' ! and Sunday afi her sister^s, Mrs. Loans and Discounts, vis.; I, Esther Reynolds, in Jackson. ' Secured by collateral --------$79,097.05 Unsecured ------ .:$192,542.y;j 27,500.00 Garol-ftroesanYle of lietroit, spent ■ «luuu to her, her H f i e U - e j v i r n r 5,960.92 Items in transit -----the weekend with his parents here. *7 . " lu‘!ll,fiK Intense and IIvIuk. [Jut Mr. and Mrs. L. L Gorton attended Totals .......................................' $198,503.25 $ 97,597.05 $296,100.30 the laying of the corner stone in Det Bonds, Mortgages and Securities, vis;; ' ■ v m li'!:,; :s' I,,ft liH' »«»»>■ roit of the new Masonic Temple, Mon- i Real estate m ortgages------ ---------$ 17,406.66 • 165,675.58 l-m-n M ,’w,,|>'1 1im1 fi'ovsfHl the Municipal bonds in cJIlce ----------700.00 43,238.11 I'- ., ! " . "; Ml(* u ! ( l , «,i,IPf*l«*. t i r n i if l in u dayi . ,____ U. S. bonds iand certificates of in(r . fllonday Rev, and Mrs. Rhoads and ‘‘Init?: .sha'n'f hitvt* ' Hn> old ihree ^lidren, Mac Howlett and Kthel r-woowi nrtlroivgirt” r ; delitednesS pledged ----------- 10,800.00 9,200,00 ' v Runcimap started hy -motor for-Hastwiden ’ 1 ~ W1IS 'llUle-bonuliful-to Other bonds (___ ~-.u-......., ............ 7,000.00 49,984.39 ' ings to attend the U. B. conference. ■fch her wm, tJ i- a m in m i d a t e s i f * r f p • • " > a ' h au l She ten d ed and > t \ e i l , ta i They will visit-Six Lakes before re ’Cppyr£<hfi b¥ 0. APPLETON AND COMPANY Totals --L_____1-.......................- 35.906.66 $268,098.08 $304,004.n’ ; ,l‘; 7 ‘‘" " ‘I ' l u l i i i n g s s h e l i s t e n e d , urn) : turning home. Reserves,,,viz.L----r — —— — -—'• — — — ......... i "_" t "why Hn^ SYNOPSIS ■hmili Uj.i...-'ll:,)li, |:it ifi) (■>-■ There wilf be "no church services at " Due’fronv Federal Reserve bank i„$. 8,820.67 $13,437.06.' r "T ; i*n s of her day. w h e n her neigh'; Kon wiilnnii ffim-nu lu-r,> ,.j M • cithor charge Sunday. Due fiom baf)ks in reserve cities 936.27 1 1‘wiKhl luii'.i'nlrd -jitJIi Nin ),l-„h;il,|v Ul . S. bonds and certificates of in-.__ ___ -------1 I' - V f,m ‘ 0 'i t M said [_APItlT/<j"itf>rnl f a c t o t u m « In the Mr. and Mrs. Eurl Brown and baby t If t ' ’''ns us goad „ s l( ,los(1 u f nieal. dehtedncs3 c a rrie d 'b f legal rehoi"« of li-f "'Sister 1rra, wife, of H a r bo rt imdHnetheis=spent-Eunday arD n'iU e' n r " lf“ ' :MH ^ ^ 1 * 1 ........m b ; Niu^ip Jmve her coi-ne ln.!r_ ^__ serve in Savings Dept, only — >. 60,0(59.00 DsacoitiiliL town of Wa rbl ct on ,‘*'l|l>j iinponim^i----- f. vA!ien\j>'OQds. t Mrs. Heir s;i'r>n t h e t i o r c h r e s t o r e ^ Blrliott+Tni I[i-cmmpedoxlatetic&r lirnrlmr llliofi vviili aiy.,jr„ Exchanges for clearing house.......... 1,308.79 ....... „ .w„ . ____ ____„ ........ IV fo l nncsk nn .Vionrl* ' \ *lth whlcii■>!,<■- Is constantly a t omnlty, Total,cash on hand------:-----, T-8,498.33 , The Aid will meet in the town hall 5,000.00 . ' _ i ; ‘1 ;t<m‘l kind,- w l m - n . ' m . k , . ,„- ^ IV * *l w7 “ lf w h ,‘u 1,10 family reUioueh nupii-ntly satisfied wltlt her l o t I> 1 a n d U ntiliy h a d w a lk W ! for supper Thursday Sept. 28. - ' ’I'hr-v'f,to# has nut a.ii Uiouiiiits land.’a spirations Ill s iHn-rs. 11; 1 . 1..Totals ____ :__ ............ ..........18,127.79 $79,44K,33 897,070.18 y " , ■'■■■■■ lioine with J e n n y , iMch nolti’i-r hor sfstor. nor her brotliur- , So-, SO—" l Miss Janet-Gilbert of Dayton,; Ohio ( “ l.ook here," sui,] jywiKjlt Herbert, Combined'accounts, viz,; uaw SL-oiningiy.0111,1 comprehend. To Mr. ,,-V,"i| h;iv\ t--,T |,.„| !„„ ,'w„ 'j...... gave a fine lecture Sunday evening .O verdrafts________»acon rrnii.-M ; nobby Larkin, recently $ 119.17 J,L.si!.s.r h ome- u n d - l m s - k-0 J-Q U V.V. - :T^- , ami formed a missionary society in . Banking house aoateJ - h lith * s c h o o l-’y .o tr tJ t r " " e e c r e t ly ____ ____ _ 12,700.00 v I c a m , p u t in iieVftip like a queen?'’ , ''J'I imI s m II wi-ll, of ciitu'so ii'srnulv Jiiatnon'd ->f noac-on’d elder daughter, Furniture- and .fixtures^^ both churches. , . ' — :— -■ 1,050.00 “ VanlUy ,nr, Mrsr Het pianaran n|-i>J leant-‘for a L‘Job“ around IO-W* >fct, n m.uinr.- Uni hmi, i.'.iUM-T |,„X;. demainh'il, Customers' bonds1 deposited with ,Rov. Rhoaiis has a new Pbrd tour / , ilia Deiu'on 'n'niso, He Is engaged, his bw>n. so—•' _ „ ’ - bank, for safekeeping__ i 90,000.01) ing car h'-.'''oIjiW,__n u m m m i n a jccupailon i" tm to keen the l a wn In trim. Inn,., was ~m cried,Outside-Che0ks-& other Cash Items Well, ijf I t ' Ain't Miss Luly Betti" ■ •' ■ lO.'OiT -ren-Hymii-iii-iihifv-'STfalnlirN nseffed ovor tne news or' an :tlie - b r e e z e In h e r v o ice, Ida Emmons spent last, week Fri , ;-.Stock:Hn;Fe_d_eral Reserve bank a;4oo.o.i ? Dwight .Cried,- Involuntarily. Uproachijui v|sit from Poacon's. .brother Wh at ev er mj-m-r ,.t her 1,,-ul,, day until-Sunday: at." 1rone MollenKln'aib ivii'-wrlifl'lind not seen for many blood In i! nr (he itminen, ' ...... .. I0 . ‘'Yanlll.v' sms-lietter," Mrs: ilett said. ■ N'ay sat with h er on the |irnvti "DiifnT In wri te to youVV l.ulu kolph's in Jackson. tears,• iva-va jokes with Lulu, ' .with 1)0 upei-ntlve, luul she-h-t -ih,, mnt ,er while she ai.e, j,m rucked on a creak- asked,". ' ^ Kbtle vonrornlnf the coming go at thill. LIABILITIES Mr, and Mrs. Herman Kaiser of heMtmg t . • !.ag hc;;ii-d, Inyiglit swung a leg over ; "Xot a 'word,” Dwight answered Capital stock paid in ................... $ 40,000.00 “ 1 'l"H l think it's l’nii- to i mlminn-the railing. Momma sat' pulling her fids. r“All.we’ve hud wo hud from you Highland Bark, motored to Orson BeoSurplus fund _____ 40,000.00 34,209 >fl-M-W )ii. ily because of the ripple going Oil' Him way, I.T-ihing her own >ki.i;i oyer her feet, and humming all -•the Iasi from Niivunmih, '(h-m-gin.-''' .man's, Wednesday to remain the rest Undivided profits, net _____ _____ mother. Why. ! -me may' m-\e,- . „ e ilorloss e x i s t e n c e wUhiu i c,-hi a her pin l)!' noie, Tlmre was im union, hnf ‘‘SiivntHiiih.__ Heorgiti," s a i d - LitlUr of the w e e k . ______________ i_ Commercial deposit&i-viz.; . ---------------i* arrival or N In la n w ill b r i n g , J L u l u j s . i.nii;uiiiii_iLg{t-in - ' . rttH's-.lir r n i h epngii'f^ "1'’11 wiTi'uj iiu.'k:. had, a qimlil v of and lutiglieil,. Commercial deposits subject check $329,784.79 Dennis Daley of Durand spent a Lterestcd sp eo illu tlv o , . m e a n w h i l e Certified Checks____ __________ Into her face , 11:■.• s o m e i j i a u ; n i 87.50 Irniis|ian>iii-y a if It were Hi In nil • They ciiiiId See (hat she was dressed few days with his brother Charles, at ratchlng wi-.:v y o m etU ln g lik e e n v y t h e Cashier's checks lovely' t ender ness Hj i | t ,v]ljl,n ^(l0 il S Ii;i lijelc-;, 013.77 ,y*an,1orfr! ! " v , '- n ia k l n g .of B o b h y a n d Wfdl, it! dark red elo.tlr,‘w j i l i ' a little Ed, Cooper’s. Stirtc Moneys on Deposit—______ 5,000.00 souietlines liiuiiCil i, .Mi,ilium ,,ml i>j iliha. t'u'-’M'-" tchly,. N l n l n n a r r i v 'e s , In 'i;iu- gate nj.enmh and some one tilling Imt and u d rmml ng veil She —Mr^and—Mrth—Wi-H—Bott arid ~son Time commercial certifiestos'dopostt”” — r4.28l.97it aWen-.c -f H e r h e r t ; a t h i s b u s i n e s s , Slie sprunu up. She hud i’,, i- :o i i „ Ii tii- Dime Up lit.- walk. They looked,, and di.il not. seem In nny- wlse ui .ni-i , nbr, i r d ^ r I Ha; v i v s t i n g r T h u s h e b e c o m e s .put Austin have returned ’ from a,m otor Mime mi ,,|....• in a , - ; , r -d was |,i;lu , ■ . • . ’ ■■ siive; fiir thnt n er vous luughler, d i d "ajealntvxV^x t*. iv L\tlu f i r s t a n d In a rn e a a $i49.668;o:: H’ip of a; week in northen Michigan. .nuinililii, , ‘I’he ,-lovely --light \v,is srill ."Well, If it ain't \Miss ;I,uIn 1‘.r-tpn* she show her -excitement. iraundcisbibo'i heir . p o s itio n In t h e h o u s e ; Savings deposits, xiz.; , ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Iticthmillor ■■Books accoiints—subject to savings \ii,i.m Is a muoli-traveled man In hell face us she. hm-Heit ulimji . "Well, 1ml lie’s ^hero with yon. Isn't if the■w.o-lil -i mi, ovt-n the slight Interest a(gainst Ihe | line, of.-mh minu's rr»a,very lAwigli.i cried involnuiarily and l\in he?" Dwi ght demanded.'" ''Isn't h a and grandaughter Evylen, of Jackson by-law s------- :__ *------------ L „. $390,776.36;ii hr t . i i I n her is appreciated, be- from' her lanlrim. r i- r h i‘m < i-r. vv.,'^ .cried mu m >in:'thjog. here? Where is he'-'f” ' Certificates of deposit-subject to will stay this’ winter with their son ,uie K Is -living new In hor life.“ How did you know?" ],u!u asked. J lk 'O t i l l s W h e n hi- s p a k e n f jijs ''asle!-. savings by-laws —•___ ^______ 35,450.44. . .“M.iist lie ’most i.o-.Oregon hy tills Lloyd. On Sunday they were, jthe . “ K i v w !•. Know w liat ?“ Hmo.” l.ulu said. 7 . ‘ motliei', lb hoi h ,-l-hese .-heinL's'(lii'-re guests-of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ltietliS llt-.lfN t: Vi nn o u t i n g ;vt-hli-h t h e ;'' ■1‘ha I ii ain't Lulu licanm. Hello, T o ta l........ ________________ _ $426,226.80 " O r e g o n !“ “ " jinily laii - N ; ouin a n d L u lu b e c o m e In Wins something which iuneii,,,,r-tt us mamma." miller, • a Notes arid bills rediscounted pure love. $ -4,350.00 I Kiusiir.- ■ -K iM itial. H o e x p r e s s e s ' h i s "You . see," said Lulu, "he had a n Wcndail Rai-her of Stock-bridge1 is - Bills payable _____ isx-n .treatment a s - a- sort 20,000.00 " •Mamniu hud :rri-iiviT,->-ii iT,7d"u ;is ,■■,>f.' he|; 'mother, j h i v '■jij.h.ers. a n d . kissed other -wife." -< [f aeP'-iHl'-'ii' :n (lie Deacon homo. - Iviilii .■■.pemling this school year with .his Bonds sold subject to repurchase-.__ log ifol.d scramhlei' eggs on l iee-umer ■ "Why, he hud n o t 1 . ’’ mseVidmert ; vamn-lv ;1 - I lh« same -thoughts., hut ■’’Say,", sa.id .Mrs. Pelt placidly;'"And grandmother Mrs. Mary Barber. - Cuatdpiers’ bonds deposited with bank Dwi ght absurdly-.■ ■ * hr luynio ■' Jn-r sister nn<l her own of tlie kilc.lieii i•>1>]e when the'ire for safekeeping J_________ I Ju.M ate up t he last spoonful o’ 90,500,00 Last Saturday the whole commun vet 'cream. 'i' lllililencQ C..-I:>e Ninian's comments em- creum. soda port,v .wits' i-i-mly' "Yes. H e h a s n ’t seen her for llf' - -V ' V jitrsssi-a'. It- ilt-.clares his Intt-nilon or out. Dwight Ihivrv her n on.simI "]Setkeen years and he tlilnks slio's dead. ity tendered Mrs. John Moeckel. a T o t a l - ^ - - . ^ ^ - _____ .'I____ $80-1,95 1-3 ! "Am'i l.ulir lieui-on!" r1111_"s_voice ping ill-- r.i” |llc a "good--tlrnoV, In the I’m lit- Isn’t sure," . ^ post card shower in honor of her birth- State of Micliigarjj County q f _ \ V a s h j . c n a w t . s S i ___ _______ Htj- before I c h-.ives. Diana and Bobby, ter come, too, Mother Pott,” btit she rose-amf,.swelled richly. “ Wliat vou i tl,e coMr-.- -- .1- "soft n o t h i n g s , r t l s c u e s shook her head. She wished to go, l a LFJohn L. FJeTcher, Cashier solemrilv m v i vof i the u i c ,, above unamed a m e w bank, u n i m , udo ... . - - - (TO D ID eO N T IN tfE D p — dayr- OnrSundayshe was pleasantly’ nitmni. *L»v4i the. 4> ^ __‘ statement i ~ v M u--i. •_ 4 ... . ... H , 1 • /’ * « i/' * s ut i t m i t i v ■ lie pnSsli,ltr--v-rrfn»lopiiiff aird_"SuTprlsIns sw ear,.that above is_lrue to tlie_.besUfc>fDmy-knp\vIe()^<:_arid—surprised by all of her children and lie ivlioli- s > i|." Lulu, despite herself, and c o rre c tly .p re se n ts the true state o-f the-several iriatteiv tJTero- ' grarnlcHTfdren, and two sisters, Mrs.' -belief krxw:il,.-'i 1 Co 'plL'a'sanr'pdssnjITrtTesin contained, as shown by the books -of t h e b a nk. ' ..- k. ... bncerniri-; Nmlan’s Intentions toward' Schiller of Jackson and Mrs. K^ate ____ __John L. Flctchi-r. Cflmhiu.------krsclf. iin-• ■i-iv so because ihltherto she JJoedc*l_eom-ing-for-fHfmer;—;■ ---mtJiErs_20.th-.day. of Sc ptelnbe r , --L922. In liri-n :i I'l-irMoul nnnentIfy~.lnZZ£>y£ C. J, 'Mayer, Notary - Publiq. Messers Orson and Alva Beemanj fiusrlichl. -c -fug little to do With Its My.commission expires Mar, 27. 1925. mpfe social functions. The fact that and Herman Kaiser motored t,o. JackCorrect attest: . i ' > [Inwn Inul ali<cd homo with her causes hnf * H p* son on busihess Thursday. 1 : Lewis P. Vogel, Edw. Vogel, I), C. Mc-Laren, 'Directors; I eons of s p e c u l a ti o n s t o d i s t u r b h e r (umbers ttuir night. / c | Ina's hTli.ntiuiv found, just expres|cn In Ihm- oiiu-e of motherhood. "I won'i have .you d ow n t o w n in t he piling," s!u- s a i d , i l --------------- f -T T; \• lh is lire A t The Price ! jk O' liiut yen h i m e go Inst' n i g h t . ” I"AI1—tlfu- heller— renson w h y you The Goodrich' " 5 5 ” is a pilld n ri ),.ii t u h l g j i t . ” fit nil wail; down? W h y not nil have' DTi-um . ■ " Ho wnS nil gentteN i»n<l .in--I-itintion,_t h e reconciling lenient in ids home. pie. t"".'- ■Mmionn’a 1 a r d e n t hhpe,' re a l , . . (" ' -' l"Th:ii.‘s phpn's going Yo tnRe l u l l i s 'that ■■■■" ! |,i;l Mild, f hnliinces linvlng. boon 1% sirui-k, hm propos ed n n o t h e r : P ' h " sl:,‘ •'■lid, “but,, you m u s t eut N SIIPII,.!- you ca nn o t go,' don't wa e any more." -Moriona’s Jbk n:iis-!i,.|i ■-! anil piteous. ■IJakt-s iin , ! L ’l'ence. You m u s t eat J pill'll -(.VI , I- 'I f Iiigh. ;<Dr! s|o\v]y. Sm-? sii:. ,.iin eat If-she will en’t,” sail in Imig-iq. ‘‘'rjie only trouble M'ie will. ti.>; take cite time.” around economy. it at A n d we sell an unusually low price. ' Rh- you .:,.>|lff to take Jenny and a* .Hiii. inquired^----— -—Tin* whole party.” <M 11 '■‘■"H to pay for Jenny Chelsea Tire Inn pntiiently, loss punctiliously '• , N" ^ . " n s e . ' - T h is Ig..1S H11L>pni-ly.i* ■ & Battery Service T ire a a n d B a tte rie s R e p a ir e d Don’t fail to see the N-' mi' -ti-uiy nlvd 1-—" (111 ,. , , l : i V( iloe dominated " all, v', i t t i t ' ^ it it *♦* ' o o F r O . R T o le d o - i t it ♦ ♦ it i t O it it T h e n e w - W illy s K n ig h t p ric e s a re f a r b e lo w a n y e a r e q u ip p e d w i t h sleeve v a lu e m o to r. C o m p a re -th e m w it h p o p in g v a lv e m o to rs o f equ al p rice . R e d u c tio n s e ffe c tiv e on a ll te n m o d e ls. ! _ j------- ------------------ Overlands ranges up to $55.00. VVillys Knight as high as $145.00 in some models. BELOW A R E PR IC ES E F F E C T IV E SE PT . IS, 1922. Overland Touring and Roadsters *•"■} I'm, "i think we’ll just Hint Important efi'nt J "link wo Just will.” It-,,., -"''’.i'll want to be the one I ♦ t Is going''to l>a-i the engagement with11 "-is up engagement.” N i t it it CH ELSEA Phone 244 s a i il ’ -iKMiMy o o o i* it • 1 ■ , • ■• .. H a s ju s t a n n o u n c e d a n o th e r p ric e re d u c tio n c o v e r in g b o th •O v e rla n d a n d W illy s K n ig h t bars. T h is is, th e second" p ric e c u t th is y e a r , a nd is due to th e g r e a t econom ies eflce ttH f b y a n e n o rm o u s m a n u fa c tu r in g p e rfo rm a n c e . T h e b ig T o le d o p la n t has ju s t c o m p le te d th e la r g e s t J u l y _and A u g u s t in i t s - h i s t o i y ^ i n d h a s a lre a d y b u ilt and d e liv e re d m o re c a rs th a n th e a m o u n t ca lle d fo r in tlie -p h m s fo r th e e n tir e y e a r. ' ■' ’ T h e p ric e s .a re n o w a t :a le vel h e r e to fo re t h o u g h t im p o s s i ble. A f i i l l y .e q u ip p e d O v e rla n d T o u r in g c a r w it h th r e e coats b a ke d e n a m e fi fin is h , a ll steel .'b o d y ,-trip le x s p rin g s f o r • Ya\x can’t beat this tire for all- |w |,tlt |lor i„|nri on her ^ Hm.Li Herbert diagnosed it. I • f'g'vt-,- tiltes tlian Hint!" lie. en* Fir^il 11L-iii Me daughter.' i,.M| |u,(,n proceeding along }f % . U t 0 B*ve 11,1 n * y:lf silent, frowning, putI k , ; ;H : i.-ntim 1"11'11''n !” cried Monona. Inisp r,"' ! of nn at “one | f ' ln saw only the empty ' K g cried L " 7 'Toil her child, M rn iilu t,,0^0r(hnary sports U kiuiv? ' applied. , When you are at the Washtenaw Fair W ■ 4„■ We have one of the finest'auto displays to be seen at the Fair and want everyone to come in and .see these cars. Our representatives are always glad to explain the Wonders of the different Studebaker models. in t!,!s 'M e.family. But .itunx.H ”'in to apply them. * M,iv, Mononq had been ex* ft?*i ?{ll,,w from the bride and Touring and Roadster, l i s t . .... .. $1235.00 Coupe, list _________ 1795.00 Sedap, list - ........... 1950.00 O. B.Toledo ”. ” ” ” Touring, l i s t ......... Sedan, list ...... -$H 35.00 ,.- .- 2 1 9 5 .0 0 ” . ”■ ” ” ” iA ON S A LE A T TH E i, . E . F . C helsea, M ich ig an \. The Tribune’s " ”, ” Willys Knight Seven Passenger, Model 2 7 A. G. FAIST, Prop. KAt? vl|flltilt,sbeen'aweG^ t e ei'6Arel h®y then,?” Ik WGl1 that they h f e nTlah’ Georgia, -but “ina f e h? "f; told hlm' and retoW E f * p *er- had aaid, i ' ^ s t o n d ^ j ^ added. Overland Touring and Roadster#, list $525.00 F. Coupe, list _ $795.00 Sedan, list ___________ 875.00 Chassis, list' I : . ________ 425.00 i Willys-Knight Model 20 ll" "mve enrofuV of your s'l!|h 1 speak to you 111; ' ,J ' "heruse had grammar lifiil!,n' !I' s h e looked reVui,,,., I1!'1' Diother,- Iter father. i;ni. | ’I ’(’ Option was evident to Hoif ,T 's in,,of)'ntihle. They trild sl'>- ought t.o be. ashamed li. It is the e c o n o m y tire for light cars made with all the skili of Goodrich. — lt has everything you de mand in a tire—-rugged construction, long mile-. age and good looks. ["Vi-ry ua-.i i hen, No Ice 1c r e a m .Ha-fnr'vii w-H-t-Hc-gi i'l."I "U"1111 lo cry qui'etly.’; 'Blit !,,iissi'li ' 1 r )ilaie. Slit* ate, cheW- ^ ‘N ■fe hor Nn pmIN, . t* ■o- >w . — iSli'iiona >:'i>t>ml her lmnds, “fioody!N)'.1 lime you w o u l d n ’t let ' ; tire of real value at a ■ Ir-tonihi-m,,;|r Avei-o in her eye Mvs,'.tier I ' Y l c d lips, _ ' - » h’oii,,- toe,.- '•ertiiinly,” Dwight could II ilo on, >uail fur every one, ff'"." o o r , jr'’S i ; VAy.-.'!>r .y:|.!>--!.-.i.::': ■' ,'-V': V VV\ '; ': . <o"p /’ ' 1iH$•$!>' m m . -r r>m 1 -A ml WS:\ c-s \r is* m m CHELSEA. MICHIGAN,, frit WAV, SEPTEMBER 22.1922 w TIIERE’S CRIMfi, WANT AND FOR SALE ADS ' The proprietor of a hot-dog( stand appropriately located in Frankfurt street, New York, isn't prepared to accept Commissioner E nright’s statef1 Literature! Club to Meet j The Current Literature Club will. ment th a t no crime wave, exists, A ' meet with1 Mrs. G. W. Pahfler Mon- dozen boys, none over 10, suddenly ; day. evening, September 25. ; descended on Ids place of business, grabbed a cigar "box full ofTp'eiffil?® SOCIETY FOR SAIfE—Small am<5unt of fertil- , 1 izer. Enquire J. Helseischwcrdt 4tl* FO ^ SALE—One white iron bed ami Springs, one dresser, ono Garland *gas stovo ehoap if taken bpforq Satr "niRiay vnoont • -inqniTO^l d?ilcKinley jSt. ' ■'■ . 4 tl , LOST — A parcelVcontaining ' two rhiUlren* <lr.v«<.Sl orn tam -p ami ftim nhm Finder l<nwlor please nlnticr> rofn^n return tG to ono blue. ’/ r. a n K. MiddKvst. J. w - — -Itl sa ys i Are We Going to be Grasshoppers? - l-lt-usmit Lalte Granao No.lfjfil* will . V V „ „ „ ,0 thwlBh, „ i a ‘ „ mk.rfu | hoW Hu- Sc'i.twnlior meeting a t th. ).' •*. i i * .r ' . . I, . . - * Freedom own hall on Monday evenlo ■talk by w u r across town. . c, , , , o r , . s .„ , ,r ,,. nm . If ?onie fellow had told-your grand. (hum v . , ' ii. •»’ .• , 1 ing. Septeinbor 25’a t > 40... I lie proNow we-la lk liv-wnvless across the h* „n„n„ father when he .\va$-.a_hoy. that !iq the (i() ■ , gram will he given by tI>o _ young v ’ people -of the grange..ami will,; eons. ~ time —of~~his.."grnnduhjldrotv a- manPRIVATE SAl;l‘:^---22rHarrtsn-nT!t'.:,--i>. W. OllCt'-thimght it was a great; si{.t - 0;f u p[a>TsbngsI reading” "and l . - t f V ■'ThiiV«fln>"wouhl PiKe dimiiT one-e\^mi»g-OH--lhe- ,, — v ,, (l. , — .---— a. m..to ■*•*»u }>. m,, inurMlay, rji p- v , . . , ihmg to go l.ro.m New ^ o r k ‘to RullaIot jon< Fvbrvbodv welebmo. teinber 2S. 1 Fomhined desk and cool summer venuula ''■*' ....'' "in** : 1 ' ■1overlooking the ]' fH‘ llhl, ,|.1*V \ „ w- We in> W - from .siai to i1 ' ; - ?" . ; ■■■..v. ’ ■■■■■ : ,v'- ..a MaHons hodkease, bureau, sewing machine, broad Atfantie and at1 ten o’clock b id , ;riTra-dir;.. and escaped. G O S P E L S E R V I C E S W I L L N O T B E -'•“We-wrn STARTED SUNDAY Will win... say £ The Gospel services that were ad w e t win,.. say ^ do what,we claim tlon and assis mf. v0'11*th normal coii,|iLm> COll.lllions; ni •PjPasss.’-i^rte Co,. Toledo,) Saturday,Sept. 23 SumlnyrSept.: THOMAS MEIGHAN -IN -— -H i , A Prince There Was .Michael J; fyiJ from Geo. M._ Cohan's famous 'play. ! ir S S L . B E C A U SE ^ .= UNDERTAKERS = Black or Brown Kid Shoes, out siVp, ,top, rubber heels, at several shades,- at.. The most for the price, no matter what t price may be, at L Y O N S ’ S H O E MAR 1 - -* ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦MM S Established over fifty years H Phone 201 Chelsea, Mich. E n 111mu tm im 11ni 11m n 111111m mi in 111r11F Mi'; Jti'.-t mimbi*r oi .il.e (,yi. .MiOr ,-.mr,-c .given . under the auspices of tin- Bi'otimrho'od of tlie fYngi'. '.itimii.d Uluiroh and thl* EvutigeU- 'Imi’.'Y,. !i.j be giv’n'n C h ip s o S o ap F la k e s , -- C o rn S ta r c h , 3 p a c k a g e s f o r i ____ _____ Real Estate Broker All kinds of Real Estate sold ■ ’ and .exchanged. PHONE 271 Office: 236 E ast Middle Street' Chelsea, Michigan. ^ ^ w w w i/v 1 - ♦ :: Start :: School 1 R ight w , Wanted—Poultry of all kinds, we also buy veal halves. H. O.*Knicker bocker. 1 Mtf. The end of a perfect nigh) is Vffcj nlorm rlnffB.. ____ .J ___or>c .. . ____ ________ 2 1 c _ - -_ --i4 9 c ...........__25c . . : _____ _ ._ ^ 2 5 c . ...-..-.._ ^ _ ..2 5 c C h o ice O liv e s , 1 q u a r t.. _ . . . . . . 1 ____ _ |lb)e to (; P re p a re d M u s ta r d , 1 q u a r t __________ Mis, |*-M-tf'ci .1 Red E J e l, 3 p a c k a g e s f o r . ____F ig N e w to n C a ke s, 2 p o u n d s f o r . - . . M a c a ro n i.a q d S p a g h e tti, 8 p a c k a g e s fo r Cocoa, 1 p a c k a g e . : . - . ____ _____ ___ _____ C a m p b e ll T o m a to S o u p , 1 c a n . . . C h o ice C a n C o rn , Fi»iv: - 2 ca n s f o r _ r ■P e a n u t B u t t e r , 2 p a lls ~ f o r i T C h o ice S a lm o n , 2 cans f o r ........ .................... V* & C. C ra c k e rs , 2 p o u n ls f o r .............B e s t P ^ t ? r F l o t n r 2 4 ^ ‘ l i r ^ c k T . r : : ‘,“ We Deliver Chelsea Flour Direct from th e Mills . Any Time—Any Place We Also'Invite You to Visit Here you will always find BARGAINS which you cannot affort to ^ S u ......... . - ■- We are glad to announce our to m c n new fall line of HATS is hettg, Drop in and look at " the new styles Fine Watch Repairing ‘Our Specialty r C re m e O il T o ile t S oap, 3 cake's f o r ;,-t vmtr season ticket now and lie assured (»f a good seat.’ JE W E L E R S r '- . C h o ice B a k in g M o la sse s, 1 g a llo n _____ Hr.Mire and bring, your ticket to Vogel’s Drug S^ore <>T first i ;ninnient---Soptcmber 26th—tiny time after 8:00 a, m. and have . reservi'd for all four numbers free. C UP *s A _____ _25c P a lm O liv e T o ile t S oap, 3 cakes f o r . . . ________.... - .._ _ _ _ 2 5 c u on tickets now on sale, by members of either organization at i i jitionally low price of $1.50, which includes reserved seats oi numbers free, > | EVERSHARP I PENCIL 5 0 _ ,j_ 2 5 c [ F a ir y S oap, 3 cakes f o r _ ___________ __ _ _ . . ^ _ . _ _ _ „ , _ _ 2 0 c J a p R ose T o ile t S oap, 3 cakes f o r . . . . 2 packages fo r. DISI. Mrs. \ filroet lu in i [halliyl L'p. Mr pvill be !i,io\arilo ovf'ning long to bo remembered guaranteed all who mi can not afford to miss it. 1 vntli an ’PRICE D u t c h CIeanser,o.3 ca n s f o r _ _ _ . ^ _ _ . „ !-i '>gt am ronsists of Saxaphone rombinations, with Piuno, *iuif.i)':!, .Mandolins, Ooai'inos, together with Vocal nuin* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ r W h it e L a u n d r y Sopp, 6 cakes fov__:.._ Mountaineers h o Pv & - G ,- N a p h ta Soap, 10 cakes f o r . - . AT TIIE TOWN HALL ul'S-o'clock n S u n B r it e C le a n s e r, 1 can f a -.._ _ _ - ^ _ 2 5 c . . . 2 paclotges for ^ _____ -60C ____ . G lo s s S ta r c h , 3 p a c k a g e s f o r . I. L WN GIESON I Tuesday Evening, Sept. 26 [Miss A! [Mrs..Lor [Miss Ma |M:ss liu [Mrs, Jal liss Ma _________ 45c •M a tc h e s ,. 6 b o xe s f o r iMra. Vo lUfsa M [iiiss Do IMrs. Ml iHiis M: |lIrs...Cli jlliss Ml ■Mrs. Eil IMrs. Hu [Miss Jo; [Miss Me [ilrsTAF [Miss (jo ■Miss J(): |Roy Lot |MiSS hi: R E D B A N D C o ffe e , 1 p o u n d f o r , _ — C h o ic e T e a S if t in g s , 1 p o u n d f o r _ ....... ............................... „_ 2 5 c Itions 'v ||he brtf ~MenVAthTWoufl Sucksr .R u b -n o -m o re W a s h in g P o w d e r, ,__50c In tt Iniade t lilrs, V llfflieiei Ol'O It'vBils [have lu Ji3 so e [tured a Ithe «;ii’ |]'hero i ■to secu land get Black or Brown Calf Oxford, perforated \ tip, rubber heels, at.. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . ...t A real strong Ladies■SShoe for out ooff _Of floor wear, at ,. - _ i . I__•_!__!_y * - _____$1.00 C h o ic e B la c k T e a i ( l p o u n d f o r ______ _„ J : . ; ____ . W ea B i g G i r l ’s S h o es and O x fo rd s K a r a v a n C o ffe e , 3 p o u n d s f o r _ _ _ _______ STAFFS N AMD SQnI |(oruubi IcoTUCt |)fi Iat 8 o’; Lriptii Iballot Ifomino 'T'lu1. 'I’inilu'i' Queen", Ch. tU /C ,' 1 mf< A powej ful .photopw all star ea,^. CENTURY COMEDY Chelsea Tire and Battery — Service t,-l p o u n d f o r , . .: SIJ TAPESTRIES. Tinsel tapestries are used for fu r/ -niture-coverihg aa well as for table I'AUldVukon h n f f f l «BD: runners and hangings. {ho syatflih, th Hre d & u«i WESTINGHOUSE BATTERIES u11111111111m1111m111iin111ii 111111111111111u * * vertised to havf.^started Sunday; at the Methodist church will not held at the present time. . Patronize Tribune Advertisers. O r d e r o f p i | i il ic a t i o n ■State*o'f-Michigan. County of Wash tenaw, ss. ■. , At Ti session of the ■Prohate Court for siiid CouniO' o f Washtenaw,..held at the Probate p(lifeM i AheLC i ^ o f Ami Arbor, on the 18th day of r ember, in the year one thousand nine hundred 1 and tw enty .two. Present, Emory ik Poland, Judge of Probate, v.,r taldes,4v\.o4nals,4ln-c:e.,sprh)gs>maX,v hT?;- ft‘hnTtls~-goti<l-rnght'~s;Tyingr-*1I:"-;iiti | y-<~ 'si’hooh Motr\bers oT."OIive™Lo(lgd’ NoT’d £>(> Tnlho M atfero’f th ci'lstato T o f-------tress, rugs, fsottee^ electric- table James S. Gorman, .Incompetent , tories pictures of the 'little' Columbus ; wi,j nu\ot llt ],ighitwelv dining with friends on the Pacific twelve, at the Mas.* lamj', dec trie iron,' ■■washing t u n - ................ .......................... • On reading^amh P ^ -m n deet, the Xina. the' Plata and tlie San: ; nnit, hii}| Saturday to attend at the fun ■— rh^lT<^-e"^lrs:--^.eTgh-Heneh7~~■-■C^ ^ (il-l1^■rl^^1■ ^ ^ 0- ^ 4 ^ ■>nu^t ^l(' — . 1 ' iny ^ a y.” vour grandfather'would lii Maria, compared to the m odern, Pra, of Hrothor H. It. Beatty, estate, praylpg th at he may “bo^licen^ ■•.. ■ f ' ;Fy i ; , i hnve lookefl upon ■-Hie ..joredicloi' as ocean iiner. nearly one-fifth of a mile. se<l to liiortgago certain real estate described tliorein f<^r the purposo of ' K. of P. FOR ..SALE-^Gombination .book-case either 11 laughable rnmnncer.or a piti- long, accommodating thousands of, « |,ass,.nm.,,< i„ thp luvmy of palatial, t,onvt,nt|on „f Chelsoi lodge payment of debts etc. and- desk, china cabinet, easy chair, aldivTool; It is Ordered, That the 0th day of 5 dining chairs. .‘109 S.-Main S t . . W ell--D oolittle'did it. A nd' not »,,,,,,lo,,,. 4 No. 1!H. K. of P„ on Monday ovonlng, October next,, a t ten o’clock in the \ on linvo ricon [m-lnros nf tho little ^ 1()22 ln t |,0 forenoon, a t said Probate Omco, be many .people- juiLiced. it. . il’Hp Awhole ketlle-jike' locomoti vo, tiie Dq. Witt appointed for hearing said petition, .world accepted it 'a s a 'little'nows rank of■ •1 Es(|uire. WANTi-'D -Wa iLn>.ss at tlie Busy 11ee • i ■ • . * ■ ■ ■ And ,it is further Ordered, T hat a Clinton, which was the.-marvel. bM83,l jli’in and most of those who 'did as t lllli So.-State St., Ann Arbor, f,12 copy of this order bei published threo hecituse it acquired the anuvxing speed ■ quickly, forgot it. . .. successive weeks previous to sairf'time S. P. I. CIDER—:'We will make cider every l.ieinenani James H, Doolittle, U. of 15miles an hour. - You have seen of hearing, in*the Chelsea Tribune a l'uesdav TrhTTritlav untTT f u i'f h e r ^ ^ r m y - a v ia to r ,' hopped oil’ in hisy Uk- Iiaiodum -engln^w lucli pulls-a _ p a -, meeting of the S, R .I , newspaper printed and circulated in notice.’ Emanuel Wack'-r. ' Piione a erq. lane fj-om the broad Atlantic at Malial i’ullm'an faster than a'in ilo a! will be heh| at'th^f home of Mrs. J. N. said County of Washtenaw. EMORY E. LELANES, Jd-l-FdO; ] to* Pab|'> Hiiaeh at three.minutes past ton-j ininute,. \\»ndertiil •- i lianges, , ilron’t.;.Strieter, Monday evening,. Sept. 25. (A true copy) Judge of Probate ---------------- -.— iVlotk l.alior Day. At 5';,fM.tho n e x t; t h e y W e l i . , -------------. Dorcns C. Ponegan, Register.. WANTED---" Ibdji '■ for fl ^ . - r t h n i i - - ^ - hfl stcpiit'rt j ' The little air .diip^liat. IWiliUlg lift2[,[ui I(jeai Purgative. 2-1-6 Chelsea (,r>y»house......... , J M___ .„l!t 0f ids' sky-boat' at San " P ie g a .'^ l al.me (he Morm clouds and sailed Ag a urKativP| Chamberlain’sTabCIDER .MAKING--We will- operate ’'alii'., on the I’acifie. , | by e»>mpa.^_ was but llu- Santa Mnrja (jetg fin, t|lf, exact 'thing required. ! -our cider mill overv Tuesdav betrin- - Doolittle stopped an hour and seven ' -ailing an uiicluuded ‘ sky. A sky ' Strong.-enough for the most robust, S h ! u^U further — tes at San^ Antonio, Toms, to | wlmre g,eat ',l,ips will follow It notice. New empty kegs and bar- ta b - - breakfast with JTis . wife and j t ie b 1 l C mlon pi.o mg u without anv of th at terrible griping.! j ^ — n v o aet 11 al-if 1 ying time-.-he flow, to)' lie' u[iiin-tlie-;ur pap.-.ejiger coach ; ■^nir m-,. .’.-isy and-.ploasant to take 1 -rcls. J i 0 JT1111s hat our cldldivn will sosge un'e to .J„,| agreeable in effect.—- Advt. [ 100tf * '1 ‘ °n'--i >'‘ 11 .. to seii in, twenty-ono hou)'? I 82: moot a business . engagement or . to ] and eij.vlit(Tn-niinutes. ’. • b' ■. Subscribe for the Twiee-a-Week F O R S A L E - - O n o O . I. C. brood s o w . W h a t would g r a n d f a ' t h r r ^ a s a b o y , ' greet a friend at dinner a few tb,ous- * Chelsea Tribune. F • • ' h 10 pigs. .Call 142-FJ3 or C^. G. have thought of th a t? Nothing more and miles away. W. Coe. : ............................ 9'r>tf tluui' -a passing news item of the "hour All o\er the skies--new lines of pas- s DETROIT UNITED LINES now.' W('.'have.;grown -accustomed to -sengor■ ■ships : will fly. As Doolittle j WAGON AND BUGGY repair work eu'Vling (-vents. ‘ , hneped Ih'onV ‘lea to sea, we-will, hop ____ - 1 • promptly done. Lcavo your work • Some (lay some fellow .will, rise up froin Mu./e to shore. ■ Between Jackson, Chelsea, Ann Arbor at—VV.-iieeier-’s-blao-kfnvith -fihop^ ■- nlo-the heavens and sail !ill the wby ,Smm Asia js 1>ul,.a da>. away. • We. Ypsilantl and Detroit' inmnd 'he world. And wheii that day lake b|v:ikfa.:i. -itt Ibie.po.; As res to- Plastern Standard Time -*• Effective _________ j January 8, 1922. llEMST-I-TCHIjNG--I'’ecot edge; cord ' epee , even that will not amaze us. • .iiiorrov... laying, etc. Mrs- H enry. Ahnemil'. • ‘ <V ’, \ . Limited Cars ler, M0 VanBuren street. 70tf - ■ . ■.| . . I lie Ivey that Unlocks the Door4to For Detroit 8:45 a. m. and every '1 *7 “M.TriTjnlTnTTfg,r-— two- hounrttrS :45-pr m. - -- ■=- — ----WANTED—I'eople in this viqnity I IN THE CHURCHES who have any legal prinLing, re 1 _ J The men 'oik eight.v-Ji ve a ml'n in ety v For Jackson 9:13 a. m. and every —quired-tfi-1 years-tif age are- not-.the rotund, well- two hours to 9:13 p. m. West!nghou*e Attention i* for nil bntterle* etc.,' to have .it sent-to the Chelsea— _ | I'nd-r-but-thin, spar-eanen, ulio live Qn ,n Express Cars CONG REGATIGNArPr "" Tribunei The rates" are universal' ]MTn7F)-diTTr ^ T' r ^ ' '' ^ ' :^ ^ |jp Z :E a ,-d tv o u m W 7 ; 14^ar m.,Q9:a0^a, m. in such m atters, and to. have your"' Rev. E.-A. Qarnes, Paptor. 1 however a man pTi.<l middle age Wiji ‘VCTy ^ h o b s to"7/30 p. m! notices' appear in "this ■paper’ i t ; is "i.orrnsrmuvrrrTf'tt't t"i> mut‘11-ftHiinie-a-r-i----------- y-—:------■ ------Morning .-if-rviee at 10 oVioek. ' fooil 'nV.t .-milMlo hr. roiistitu-' Westbound—10;2B a. m. and every ‘W estinghouse-is-the-biggest selling only neeesfafiry to -ask the prohate lioili cniising. imhgv.tien or .nmstipa- two hours to 10:25 p. m. Express B attery.in Chelsea today. 1 T judge to send them vto the Chelsea-j Sunday School at ll:l-». Trihnnn I t’s the price and guarantee that -Mr. Lai ham- of Lansing, the Young [ion and will iToaiTa' do.-;e of Chamber- • ears make Ipeal sto p s.w est of Ann I’eople’s seen'tliiry- of the Crmgregn-; Iain’s Tablets to -move ins ho.,v<;ls, and.. Albor. satisfies. ■ . nmal clnn'elies will nonduet both Hie invigorate hi.,, sfomaen... \\ in n tips rs Local Cars . T Y P E W R IT E R S ,n..n7i,Vr-,i„i - 7\ ,nos. . . . . A\ o.',,. the 11■ hya the-iivcrEaslbound—10:25 nmn.ug and kvoniiwr evemng mu s n - . done,]V.in ,joi.^-rtmivaui-v\ ,, , ol(, --|anU ^ p< ^ p. m.-- For Ypsi¥ Genuine Standard Underwoods, rial iwvipuion is exleiuled’ to tlic • Ad'. Westbound—8:25 a, m., 12:39 p. m1 Factory rebuilt .tike now%._-.Eagy‘*p.ay- young peop1 >-to meet, a t'th e church at Cars connect- a t Ypsilanti fo r Sa megts. ,, ' J. . U:h(j. for the ’puronso of organizing a line and a t Wayne for Pl)hnouth apd CARD OF Til \ XKS CHAS. BYCRAFT. Also a complete line of other stand- -young'Peoples-I'hib, ■ - " a Northville. ard makes. U, ..Mrs. .Richards and M i s. M:--l;;~€or-----A' din. •Kvi-'ning scr-'iN' a*' New and used adding machines. wish to lank1 tin'.; Woman’ Relief i — Write us for particulars. ------ •• i corp and. tho n,'iglibors_.riml friends, I SAI.EM. GERMAN M. E. CHURCH ;l]S(). |pn.;*n'iifT Mrs.- Carnet; -for t h e ' 0 ' • ----------.— — ^ ___ ■ ■■ ____ __ __:___ The Office Supply House 4n-)4wt 111.-vi 11mjng-k+n4» “Typewriter Emporium” ■ ivr.:nt bmyvg'rmipl. ■Rov, Carl Ertel, Pastor. JACKSON, - MICHIGAN Mr:-'. Kich.'i'i'd.s.aail Mrs, ;Suiujny Sdiool at:9:30 a. m. I’emiehing at 10:30 a. m. S. A. MAPES Epworth l.oague at 7:00 p. m, \ il l. u ;i: t a x e s Fvmiing Wor.diip at 7:70 p m. F u n e ra l' Dlrectof Y! Yixi'S mu-it be paid.on or beCalls answerea promptly day or night 1u : >!'•■!' 10, 1 >12, jiayable at tlic 1J Telephone No. 6. • ST. MAR,Y CHURCH p r-ii'ior!>■ iV .Mmrlian'ls bank, any day i RevT Henry “VanDykc, Rector. >U.r-l 'f e I j».■r.-<inal!y on Saturday af- ■ Low .Mass at 8 a. m., High Mass at CHELSEA CAMP No. 7338 M. W. A. 'MiF<.-v< nings. . .; * ' D. L. ROGERS,Meeta 2d and 4th Friday evenings of ^ A. m., 'Baptism at It a. m., Mims on Village Treasurer, i - j each'm onth.' Insurance beat by test. ,v-cck days at 8 a. m Herroah J. Dancer, Clerk. ...... .... s 1 > s S i r n rV ........................ ............ - 25<Y Hand-made Clothes. Hn.'.ct, oaeh:.:.. m “,‘ 1 7 “ - " - " " ' " ‘ “" “"25* Tloor Mop and botue oi OiL. Toilet Soaps, 0 cakes fo r ,:..___ . . . . . . . .._ i; 23c ............. >lil i'til ""t w.,t !*°'V U'l l-'Vown j MILLER SISTERS _ __ ■ Tr-. / Y n ii^'jrifrihViT r i