Issue7 - John Abbott College


Issue7 - John Abbott College
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas since 1971
Issue 7
Rally at the Gates Of Parliment
Thousands of Public Sector Employees protest in the streets of Quebec City
Nairra Tariq
News Editor
Charest was well aware that these
changes were bound to cause some
upheaval. He stated in his opening address in spring after becoming Premier that he predicted hostility to
these adjustments. “There will be (opposition), and it is normal,” Charest
then said.
ity. CSN President Claudette
Carbonneau actively spoke out at the
rally last Saturday calling for a province wide “ Day of Destruction” on
Dec.11th, which would be a day when all
CSN members would not attend work
as a form of protest against these newly
proposed laws. “We have a government
that is attacking everyone, that is going
full-speed ahead to pass laws that are
anti-union, anti-social, anti-compassion,” said Carbonneau, “We’re not going to let them get away with it - and
they are doing it, essentially, with the
support of the bosses.”
At another rally last week about
7,000 activists protested outside the
assembly. They were lead by the Quebec Federation of Labor who was
present at this rally as well. The CSN
and many of the other organizations
involved in this dispute are asking the
government to preserve the quality
and accessibility of public services
and the financing of social programs.
They are demanding fair taxing, redistribution of wealth and fiscal equal-
Charest’s government believes that
by giving tax relief’s to the middle class
they will be benefiting the people of
Quebec. However, Carbonneau has objected by saying that these plans will
only harm the middle-class which
greatly benefit’s from union memberships, low-cost day care and other social measures. “I think we will be able
to show him that the middle class, which
he claims to defend, is in the streets to
defend itself, and this demonstration ...
45 of the Quebec Labor Code are; deunionizing home daycare workers as
well as an increase of 40% in daycare
fees, placing CLSCs under the authority of hospitals and cutting benefits to
people who are on welfare.
The streets of Quebec City were
crowded with 20, 000 to 30,000 displeased protesters on Saturday, Nov. 29th
just outside the National Assembly to
make their complaints known to the Liberal government. Demonstrators denounced the government’s plans to
modify Quebec’s labor laws and allow
more subcontracting of government services.
The protest was lead by the 280,000
member Confédération des Syndicats
Nationaux, whose objections were
mainly targeted at Gilles Taillon, President of the Conseil du Patronat du Québec
and Jean Charest’s Liberal Government.
The Charest government has outlined
their plans to alter the labor code, reduce
taxes, restructure health care and education and support private enterprises
over intervention in the economy, which
has angered numerous public sector employees as well as many Quebec citizens.
A few of the changes proposed to article
is not an isolated incident,” she said.
John Abbott teachers have also been
actively involved in voicing their discontent with the proposed changes.
Charest intends to impose $30 million
dollar cuts to CEGEP education and cut
$90 million from primary and secondary schools. He and his government are
also looking towards particularly under
financing universities. The John Abbott
College Faculty Association was supplying transportation and lunch to any
student or teachers interested in going
to Quebec City for the rally. Their worries were clearly stated by Peter
Solonysznyj, Professor of History and
an executive of JACFA who said, “ We’re
concerned with the quality of public
services including education in Quebec.
We believe these laws proposed by the
government will cause a worsening or
deterioration of public services”. It
seems John Abbott teachers and students in solidarity are willing to take to
the picket lines in order to ensure the
free and democratic will of we, the people of Quebec.
Where in the World is President Bush?
President Bush Spends Thanksgiving in Iraq
Some Bush critics claimed that
this trip was nothing more than a
publicity stunt. And this stunt
was just meant to create plenty
of photo opportunities and to
raise the president’s
popularity because of
the recent scrutiny
from critics on his policies on Iraq. The main
reason for this security stems from his inability to prevent the
rising death toll of
Americans in Iraq.
Zeshan Chisty
Staff Writer
Across the border our southern
neighbors were celebrating their
thanksgiving on Thursday. President
Bush had quite an eventful Thanksgiving. He celebrated the holiday in
one of the most unstable countries
in the world, he spent it in Iraq. He
was there to offer the nation’s gratitude in person to some of the soldiers that are stationed in Baghdad.
Bush stated in his weekly radio
address that the troops stationed in
Iraq were doing good, their morale
is high and that their military is confident that they will prevail. The trip
occurred in complete secrecy.
SUJAC Update ........................ 3
Campus Life ............................ 4
Opinion ................................... 7
Slanderbatch .......................... 9
Arts ......................................... 13
Entertainment ........................ 15
Sports ..................................... 18
Scoreboard ............................ 19
The citizens of Iraq,
complained that Bush
did not come and see
how their situation is
fairing. Some were further annoyed that their
country was being
used for what many
thought was a stunt for
the upcoming elections.
White House officials denied
any claims that the trip had any
political implications. The White
House said that they were not
troubled by the criticism that
women who stand between us and
the dangers of the world,” acknowledging the difficulties of
their families back home and the
loss of families who will never
again see loved ones who passed
away in the war.
Bush is facing for his trip to Iraq.
There are also rumors going
around that the Secret Service had
filed objections against the trip.
Rice dism i s s e d
t h e s e
r u m o r s
and said
that agents
were “prepared to
forward” and
w e r e
“right of
the middle” of the
She also
s t a t e d
that “I’m
not going to try to characterize
what they thought, but they were
involved in the planning from the
very beginning.”
In his radio address, Bush paid
respects to “such brave men and
“The courage of our soldiers and
their families show the spirit of this
country in great adversity,” Bush
said. “And many citizens are showing their appreciation by helping
military families here at home.”
Bush was not the only head delegate to make a visit to soldiers
posted in another country, especially in an unstable region. Earlier this year our very own PrimeMinster visited soldiers’ station in
Chretien’s was short. But his trip
was short for a very different reason, there had been a supposed
threat of a missile attack on the
Canadian base. Chretien was
briskly evacuated from Afghanistan. Also unlike Bush’s trip
Chretien did not keep his trip a secret.
Abyssinia, Bandersnatch :
you have to love a friend with the same
passion as you would your soul mate. The
lines between kinds of love are never that
clear, but since life is nothing but shades
of grey anyhow, we'd might as well live,
love, loose, but never regret.
Regardless of all this, I know for a fact
that there is nothing quite like cégep and
its influence. This place has taught me the
importance of life-altering things such as
loyalty, hangover therapy, hydroponics
and the value of human kinship. At the
end of the day, there's nothing else that
matters but the beauty of love and friendship. So, what have I learned?
not because of the joy we get, but because
of how much stronger it makes us and how
much more we appriciate the little things.
Most students at John Abbott come from
middle, upper-class families and have
never known poverty. I came from a
neighborhood where poverty was the better option and bullets fly as often as the
winds change. I had to learn to appreciate
the simple things, like seeing my friends
alive the next day. Take a second look at
people sitting in the street downtown.
Bring them some soup and chat a bit. They
have more to teach us than any textbook.
I've learned that there is nothing like
living on the raw. Every emotion sears
through your heart, every minute is precious, and every smile is worth a million
dollars. It's a more painful way to get
through the years, but it is so rewarding,
I've learned that there is a fine line between companionship, love and friendship, but that in the end, to be free and
alive, sometimes, you have to love a lover
like you would a sibling, and other times
Did you know that last Sunday the
Santa Clause in a Christmas parade
in Laval was knocked off or either fell
off the float (we’re not sure exactly
what happened, the story is still being covered)? He lay unconscious in
a pool of blood until Guy Pelletier,
owner of Allégorie Inc. and also responsible for the parade, came to his
rescue. Is that traumatizing for a
child or what? I mean here you are
all dressed up to go and see Santa
News Editor
Nairra Tariq
Campus Life Editor
Opinion Editor
Marc Nakhleh
Entertainment Editor
Karen Gelsthorpe
Sports Editor
Naila Jinnah
Arts Editor
Chris Deslauriers
Christine Nadeau
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Benjamin Wald
Office Manager
with the Notorious Nairra Tariq
tions. Hey, enough of me ranting on
about my issues with our provincial
government, there’s much more to
talk about!
I thank them all for that, and thank you,
Bandersnatch, you're sending me on my
way with many, many gifts in my heart.
Christine Nadeau
News Editor's Corner
Hi again! I hope to find you all in
good health, especially with the flu
going around. For those of you who
don’t know, flu shots are free at your
local CLSC. Hurry, because you just
never know when the CLSC’s will become hospital owned and you’ll find
yourself emptying your pockets.
Yes, that’s right, the Liberal party
seems to be eager to make many
changes to article 45 of the Quebec
Labor Code. Never mind that our
healthcare system is deteriorated
and we have schools closing down
by the year no let’s go ahead, privatize most public sector jobs, and
allow huge tax breaks to those who
are by no means lacking in wealth.
Sounds, like my kind of fiscal
policy! Now don’t get me wrong,
I’ve been a Liberal supporter for
many years now. I even have a
membership with them and quite
frankly when Charest ran for the
Liberal party and dropped his leadership position with a losing Federal party to join a losing provincial party, I saw some hope of Liberals being able to spin our economy
around. However, I am unable to see
how these changes proposed by
Charest are going to benefit us…the
middle class of Quebec. I mean we
all know that the Liberal party received sufficient funding from many
major corporations during the last
election. I just hope their not altering their political agenda to suit the
needs of money hungry corpora-
Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
I've learned to love my friends, not
because I could help them, or because I
should, but because I do. I simply and
truly love each and every one of them,
my brothers and my sisters, more than
yesterday, less than tomorrow.
I've learned that love has far more levels than we can ever understand, and perhaps ever can, and if we only drop our
walls for a while and let it flood us, we can
gather the strength we need to get through
the day and follow our dreams, no matter
how many obstacles we have to face.
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
A Final Thought, As The Tea Cools In a Glass Cup...
All good times eventually come to an
end, and I myself must move on from my
work at Bandersnatch to greater and
grander things, like eating...and
sleeping...and perhaps graduating!
Production Manager
Sarah Jade Aubé
and when you get there he’s lying
there on the ground like a dead fish.
I was really sorry for the little kids
who didn’t get the chance to see
“Santa”. I guess there’s always
Fairview. Meanwhile, Roger Caron
or “Santa” received a dozen
stitches in the back of his head
and is recovering in hospital.
Advertising Manager
Archive Editor
Foreign Languages Editor
Games Page Editor
Jeffrey Katz
Speaking of Christmas and the
festive holiday season, remember that this is the time of year
when most people do a whole lot
of shopping and we don’t always
realize how much of excessive
consumption we can be guilty of.
I know Buy Nothing Day is over,
but it’s still a good idea to really
stop and think before you go
spending away your money
frivolously this holiday season.
After all, North American’s are
guilty of using up 60% of the
worlds resources. It’s time we all
made an individual effort to reduce the wasteful degree of consumption North Americans are
accountable for.
Photographic Coordinator
Zili Wang
Ryan Bruyère
Nick Foster
David Newman
Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press
at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks
and is partially funded by the Student Activities
Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome in traditionally either English
or French and become property of the newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM compatible diskette along
with a printed hard copy and MUST be in Text Format
(*.txt) or RichText Format (*.RTF). All submissions must
include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. The
staff reserves the right to reject or edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Letters to Bandersnatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may see
print nonetheless if they are longer but worthwhile.
Neither spelling nor grammar will be corrected on letters to the editors, it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them.
Submissions and letters should be dropped off at the
Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of
Herzberg, H-041 (across from the Hallway entrance of
the oval).
That’s all for me this semester. I’ll
be back next semester with loads
more to talk about. I hope you all
get whatever it is your hoping for
this holiday season. As for me, I eagerly await the end of these last two
Stoppin' Your
Shoppin' For A
up, and mall rats everywhere to be found, many are
saying it makes sense for
Adbusters to pick end-November to launch their
yearly Buy Nothing Day
campaign. Such an event
clearly opposes the modern
Christmastime commercialism. The day after the
American Thanksgiving is
said to be their first day of
the wintertime holiday season. This is when the shopping frenzy begins. November 28 th , that same day, is
then the perfect date for the
m o v e ment to
Charlotte Smoley
Staff Writer
Unless you have been living as a hermit for the last little while, you have probably
heard mention of Buy Nothing Day either in a newspaper, on a TV show or a radio
broadcast, or as I did: in
Abbott’s very own Daily Info.
The grassroot organisation Adbusters, based in Vancouver, started to work on
the idea of a Buy Nothing Day
back in 1992. Since then, this
concept and event has spread
to various organisations in
55 count r i e s
worldwide. The
d a y ,
w h i c h
was last
November 28 th , is to take a much
needed break from our Western society’s mass- consumerism. Basically, try not to
spend any money for 24
hours. To those of you now
wondering: “How does she
expect me to do that?!” I respond that nothing, even
such a challenge as Buy Nothing Day, is impossible. To
others who are rolling their
eyes at the previous group, I
say not so fast! There is always room for growth and
improvement. You are under
no obligation to go as far as a
group of anti-consumerists in
Thunder Bay, Ont. who, on
the occasion of BND (Buy
Nothing Day), recycled ‘garbage’ into useful items.
Maybe all you feel like doing
is walking (not driving!) past
that Second-Cup on the way
home today without buying
you favourite $4.00 coffee
drink. However big or small
the action you take, the point
will be made. Think about
your own spending, and what
effect you, as a consumer, are
having on the world around
you. The objective is to perform an act against the constant appeal to over consume, which is encouraged
by advertisements.
T h e
Some oppose the idea entirely, saying that it is bad for the
economy, while others just
don’t understand how one
non-shop day can have an
impact on global consumer
spending. That the interest
of stores would be harmed,
is also a concern. Over the
past twenty years, savings
rates have decreased. People save less and spend
more than they used to. Is
all this spending necessary?
In a recent Opinion Research Corp. survey of 1000
Americans, 35% had an unused Christmas present collecting dust in their closet
while 33% admitted to
presents straight into the
more than one million people throughout the world
were expected to participate in the 2003 event.
Whether or not you are the
perfect candidate to take
part in Buy Nothing Day, I
visit for more info.
It is always best to be informed.
With the holidays coming
Canada Puts Up A Fight
Against Aids
OTTAWA, Dec. 1 /CNW/ Today, the Honourable Anne
McLellan, Minister of Health,
released Canada’s Report on
HIV/AIDS 2003 - Looking
Forward: Focussing the Response. As part of the Government of Canada’s commitment
to report annually to Canadians on the progress made under the Canadian Strategy on
HIV/AIDS, Minister McLellan
released Canada’s sixth annual
report on HIV/AIDS to mark
the 16th annual World AIDS
Day on December 1, 2003. The
report highlights Canada’s
progress in fighting HIV/AIDS
nationally and internationally,
but indicates the country is not
yet ahead of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
“Canada is taking important
steps to advance the fight
against HIV/AIDS and is demonstrating its strong support
for the United Nations Declaration of Commitment on
HIV/AIDS,” said Minister
McLellan. “This report, however, makes it clear that we still
have work ahead of us and that
we must continue to get the
message out that HIV/AIDS is
fatal and remains a significant
threat to the health of Canadians.”
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada
continues to grow in scope and
complexity. At the end of 2002,
56,000 people were living with
HIV infection - an increase of 12
percent since 1999. The HIV epidemic affects many groups of Canadians, including gay men,
Aboriginal people, injection drug
users, people in prisons and people from countries where HIV is
In May 1998, the Government of Canada announced a
comprehensive strategy to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in
Canada. The Canadian Strategy
on HIV/AIDS, with annual funding of $42.2 million, has clear
More than 42 million people are living with HIV/AIDS
worldwide. Sub- Saharan Africa
has been hardest hit, with one in
every 13 people between the
ages of 15 and 49 HIV-positive.
The Government of Canada is
working towards giving developing countries greater access to
much-needed, low-cost patented
- find effective vaccines,
drugs and therapies;
-prevent the spread of HIV
infection in Canada;
- find a cure
-ensure effective care, treatment and support for Canadians
living with
HIV/AIDS and their families, friends and caregivers;
- minimize the impact of HIV/
AIDS on individual communities; and
Medicines for public health
problems such as HIV/AIDS.
Together with its partners in the
Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS,
the Government of Canada is also
leading the development of a
new action plan that will
strengthen Canada’s ongoing efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. “I am
confident that this action plan,
once finalized, will help guide us
as we collectively continue the
fight against the epidemic,”
added Minister McLellan.
- counter the social and economic factors that increase individual and collective risk of HIV
Copies of the World AIDS Day
report are available on Health
Canada’s website at
The Minister of Health will be
marking the day at a vigil to remember the passing of those we
have lost to HIV/AIDS.
The report shows that the
SUJAC Update
Abbotteers! Well the end of
the semester is upon us. Exams are approaching fast and
stress levels are high. Just
remember to take a break
every once in a while and
things won’t seem so bad.
And if they are, don’t forget
there are various resources
in place to help you at this
trying time of the semester.
So if you need any help, drop
by the Learning Centre, Student Services, or SUJAC. If
they can’t help you, they’ll
send you to someone who
to use the machine and the
banks get all the money. The
proposition we’ve been offered is to get the banks to
contribute money to the College Foundation. Now let’s be
clear: the money won’t go to
the College coffers; it will go
to the Foundation. The Foundation is an organization that
raises money for the students
and student-related things,
such as, the new football
scoreboard, for which the
Foundation was a major contributor. They also fund a lot
of scholarships to help students pay for university.
SUJAC has been debating
an interesting issue this past
week: Bank machines. We
have been introduced to an
interesting proposition. Currently, we have a contract
with CIBC, so if you have an
account with them you are
most likely not paying any
transaction fees or less service charges. If you aren’t
with CIBC, however, you
could be paying up to $3.00
Now I know what your
thinking: ”What’s the catch?”
Well, it might mean switching
banks, therefore, CIBC customers would start paying
services fees but customers of
another bank might end up
not paying fees anymore.
Another thing is that if we
switch, we might have to
switch to an independent
company, which means we
would all pay service fees.
When the question was
brought to Congress, another
issue was raised: ”If we can
negotiate with a bank to contribute money to a fund,
couldn’t we negotiate for a
lower fee? And if we can, do
we want to save around 50
cents or pay the same price
as always and contribute to a
scholarship?” On these questions, Congress was essentially split with no decisive
So now SUJAC is putting
the question to you: “What
do you think we should try to
negotiate for?—a small reduction in bank machine transaction fees or another scholarship? or should we just keep
the status quo?” Please come
by P-101 with your opinion so
we can get an idea of what the
student body wants.
Good luck with your exams and have a Happy Holiday Season!
campus life
with temporary editor Jeffrey Katz
UNJAC Kicks Arse at SSUNS
America, but there were still some
that came from as far as Trinidad and
the Caribbean Islands. Talk about
living a permanent vacation! For the
major part of
the weekend
students get to
debate different
topics that are
some of the
same topics that
are debated by
the actual
United Nations
Committees. This is actually really
cool. Imagine spending your weekend
debating a serious crisis that is affecting the world, coming up with solutions, and then seeing similar actions
to what you had thought up carried
out by the UN. It seems like quite the
There are various committees;
for example, crisis committees, where
things are constantly going..... well,
Cynthia D'Cruz
Over the weekend of November 14-16 I had the privilidge of
attending The Secondary School’s
United Nations Simulation. The
Secondary School’s United Nations
Simulation was mainly comprised of
students from grades 11 and 12 in
secondary schools; it also featured
various CEGEP students from John
Abbott College, Dawson College,
and Marianolpolis.
This conference took place at
the Delta hotel. The entire conference
was run and judged by volunteer
McGill students. Though this conference might seem somewhat low-key,
it has developed into something far
from it! People from far and wide
came to attend this amazing conference at the Delta Hotel downtown.
The majority of students were from
Toronto and the United States of
press corps and other committees that
involve role playing or have situation
that have occurred in the past, allowing the students to play roles of
people from the past. For example
one of our own John Abbott students
had the honor of being the infamous
Sheila Cops. Needless to say he did
an excellent job in portraying her.
So other than the little fiascoes,
tours, shopping, and committee
sessions were fun, fun, fun! One can
only hope that MCMUN, the sister
simulation that brings people from
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and many
others, will be just as splendiferous if
not more!
If any students are interested in
possibly joining this club please not
that “newbies” are always welcome
and that the people running the show,
James and “Z,” are very kind and will
not hesitate to make your UN Simulation dreams come true. All you've got
to do is ask!
not quite wrong, but things usually
aren’t too good, and the people are
being kept on their toes because of all
the stuff that goes on. Then there are
general assemblies,
which can vary from
groups of 30 people, to about 100.
Personally I find
that the bigger
assembly groups
are more fun because then you get
to meet more
people and more thought is put into
the subject of the debate. It’s really
interesting to see those passionate
kids that turn red, and beyond, just to
defend their cause. The smaller
assemblies are just as fun, since
smaller groups tend to make things a
little more personal, but unlike the
larger groups with such a small group
of people, it is often much harder to
pull off a scandal. Lastly there are
Righteous Insanity
with Arpad Nagy
any and every chain people tied him
up with, and that by night he used to
scream and cup himself. When Jesus
commanded the evil spirit/s to leave
the man, the man runs up to Jesus and
kneels before him.
Then they (that is Jesus and the
evil spirit) have this casual conversation that goes like this: the spirit
acknowledges who Jesus is and begs
to be spared. Jesus asks it’s name. It
answers and, seeing the pigs nearby,
begs to go in them (instead of dying, I
guess). Jesus gives it permission. The
spirit goes in the pigs. The pigs go
nuts. The pigs jump off a cliff and die.
The MAN is FREE!
Another time, the disciples ask
Jesus a question about a blind beggar
they run into on the street. Jesus
Jesus ran into people in need all
the time. Once the word got out that
he could heal all kinds of diseases, he
became a really powerful people’s
magnet. The sick would come to him
to get healed, and the physically
healthy would go and watch people
get healed, and listen to this very
interesting guy speak of God and of
heaven and tell great stories that made
them think.
Once, after crossing a lake by
boat, Jesus runs into this man who is
possessed with (an) evil spirit/s. The
Gospel of Mark writes that this man
lived in tombs away from the nearby
village, that he could break free from
ease… Jesus healed many more
people. Many blind, many leper,
fever, the lame, some dead, some
demon possessed, … Jesus had
compassion on people. Jesus healed
people… physically, emotionally and
spiritually. This is why many times
before healing them, Jesus forgave
their sins and talked to them.
I encourage you to read up on
what I tell you. The 2 first stories are
from Mark 5 and John 9. I base all
that I write for ‘Righteous Insanity’ on
the word of God found in the Bible. If
you have any questions, comments, if
you agree with something, or disagree, or want prayer, please e-mail
me at
God Bless you! Have a great
Christmas break!
answers, and like always, Jesus has
compassion on the man (compassion
being a deep concern for people’s
sufferings and an urge to help). Jesus
just couldn’t bear seeing people in
desperate need and not do anything
about it. So Jesus spat on the dirt
road, picked up some dirt with his
saliva, and put it in the man’ eyes.
Then he told the man to go to the
pool and wash. And then Jesus left
the man. So the man went and
washed off the saliva with the dirt
from the street… AND COULD
Jesus touched a outcast with
leprosy to heal him. Imagine this man,
who has not even shook anyone’s
hand in years because people were
afraid of his contagious skin dis-
campus life
Access Code:
can get results that are posted in both
languages. Using “Smart Search” is
also a smart option – no pun intended. “Smart Search” uses synonyms (words that are similar in meaning) to increase the number of results
you get. In other words, if you type in
“Office Work”, it will also display
“Clerical” results.
Imagine if you use all the aforementioned tips! Your job searching
time will be drastically decreased, and
will prove to be much more fruitful.
There is one more Workoplis
Campus feature that can make a
difference in who gets the job. Posting
your C.V. online in the “My Resumés”
section makes it
easier for you
to apply for
jobs online, and
also makes
your C.V.
accessible to
employers. Let
them match
your profile with their open jobs
instead of you doing all the work. Not
to mention that having your C.V.
stored in a private online location
means that you can print it from
Last but not least, why not visit
the “Resource Center” at It
offers great tips for writing your C.V.
and gives great interview tips. This
section is fun to visit during your spare
time to learn more about what employers expect from serious job
However, to take advantage off
all these cool features, you need to
register! Just log on to and
click on “New Job Seeker”. Follow
the easy steps to complete the 5
minute registration process. Don’t
forget to select the boxes that make it
possible for the JAC Student Employment Center to contact you with
new features, job openings and
upcoming events. If you’re having
problems, contact your JAC representative at:
Oh, and for the access code…
It’s all about Herzberg.
Are you looking for a job, but
can’t seem to find one? Why not get
someone else to do your work?
Remember the Student Employment Center – located in H-138 –
near the Herzberg entrance? Well,
maybe you should drop in and see the
new layout. All jobs are now posted
only online at The
billboards in the SEC can now give
you more information on other types
of job-related info, such as great
interview tips.
Some of
you might be
asking yourselves what
Campus thing
is… and I’ve
got the answer! It’s a job search website that is
so easy to work with that will make
the time you spend on job searching
substantially decrease. It’s loaded
with cool features that make your life
For example, whenever you
search for jobs, save your searches
under “Saved Searches”. This feature
will allow you quick access to new
jobs under the same search terms. An
extension of this feature is “Career
Alerts!” It’s just like “Saved
Searches” except that it e-mails you
the results. Instead of you running
after non-existent jobs, the jobs will
find you!
There are many different options
to choose from, and selecting the right
ones is sometimes confusing. Let’s
say you’re job searching and you’re
not getting any results. Try generalizing your search by selecting broader
job Categories and Job Industries.
Also, searching for “Montreal and
area” rather than just Montreal will
give you results for openings in the
West Island, in NDG, and even off
Island! “Montreal” is just one of the
boroughs of the city. Also, you can
get more results by ticking off both
the English and French boxes at the
top right of your search screen, you
The Skinny on StNick
Naila Jinnah
Sports Editor
Martha’s Christmas party. Start a
routine and continue it through the
2) Eat regularly: If you know
that you will be going to a party later
that night, don’t starve yourself all day
so that you will be hungry for the big
meal. By doing this, you will be more
likely to indulge and over-eat.
3) Balance your plate: Avoid
filling up your plate with rich, calorieladen foods. Instead, have a bit of
everything including some fruits and
vegetables. This way, you will still be
able to eat what you enjoy.
4) Watch out for sugary foods:
The fact is that rich, sugary foods only
make us crave more sugary foods,
which leads to feeling bloated
and sick and promising
ourselves never to eat
again… If you make sure to
practice some form of healthy
eating over the holidays, along
with a dose of regular exercise, you can reduce your
cravings and gain more
energy to do fun stuff, like
snowball fights!
5) Moderate your
alcohol intake: Okay, we all
know it… For many, holidays + New
Year's = lots of drinking. But don’t
forget that alcohol is fattening too. 12
ounces of regular beer? 150 calories.
8 ounces of rum and coke? 200
calories. 8 ounces of piña colada? Try
a whopping 520 calories. Ouch.
6) Learn to say no thank-you: Is
your mom’s friend pushing you to try
some of his or her creamy rice pudding, even though you’re stuffed to
the brim? It’s okay to say no thanks.
You don’t have to feel as though you
have to say yes to everyone who
offers you food and drinks. Don’t let
yourself be bullied into eating something you don’t really want to.
7) Leave what you don’t want:
Though you might have grown up
thinking it is impolite to leave food on
your plate, when you feel full, stop
eating. Take small portions of everything when you fill your plate to avoid
Hopefully with these handy tips
you can enjoy a delicious holiday
season and avoid rolling into class
next semester. Happy Holidays!
Tara Millman
When it comes to the winter
holidays, all I can think about is how
much I want to relax. I can’t wait to
sleep in, go skating, and watch the
snowfall with a big cup of hot chocolate. I always look forward to holiday
celebrations, when good food is
always present without fail. Who can
resist moist, fried potato latkes, gooey
apple pies fresh from the oven,
creamy eggnog, and all of those cute,
little gingerbread men? December is a
paradise for all those who love to
bake, and not to mention eat. However, with all of these appealing foods
comes an unappealing waistline.
After sitting on
our butts for
fifteen weeks,
minus the exercise for a lot of
students, we get
into December
with one main
idea in our
heads: sleep.
And while Jolly
ol’ St-Nicholas’ potbelly seems to
accentuate his gorgeous rosy glow,
for many unlucky souls, such as us
students, the effects aren’t as flattering.
Want a pretty scary fact? According to a recent Weight Watchers
report, the average American gains
around 7-10 pounds between
Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day,
and reassures themselves that they
will make it a New Year’s Resolution
to drop a few pounds. Most people
don’t have such luck. Researchers at
Washington University have reported
that only around 22% of New Year’s
diet resolutions make it to February.
So how can you survive the yummy
holiday season, without having to pass
up that slice of rich chocolate cake?
Read these tips from Better Health
USA and you’ll (almost) be in tiptop
shape for bathing suit season (only 6
months away!).
1) Exercise: Most people have a
lot more time during the holidays to
work out. Use this time to burn off
excess calories and fat gained at Aunt
super power of its time. The Foundation for Science Technology and
Civilization returns to the story of this
remarkable Muslim warrior and
adventurer who lived in the 15th
Century called Zheng He or Ma He
as he was originally known. He was
born in 1371 to a poor ethnic Hui
family in
China and
grew up
and Arabic, with an extensive knowledge of the geography and customs of
Nairra Tariq
News Editor
campus life
The prophet said to his Ummah
(nation) to travel to China if they had
to for Knowledge, and so they did
but what perhaps no Muslim had ever
predicted was that someday Muslims
from China would be embarking on
fascinating journeys to all corners of
the world.
Zheng He was a Muslim naval
admiral who sailed in ships the Europeans would not be seeing for the
next few decades. From East Africa
to Mecca, the Persian Gulf and all
through the Indian Ocean, Zheng He’s
armada helped change naval history
and put China on the map as a world
the west. He worked his way up from
a servant in the palace of the Imperial
Ming family to being the Supreme
Commander of the Imperial Household Agency.
In 1405, half a century before
Columbus’s voyage to the west Zheng
He, who was said to be an impressive
figure over eight feet tall,
set sail in a great fleet of
large ships, manned by
500 men. There were
great treasure ships over
300 feet long and 150
feet wide, the biggest was
440 feet wide and was
180 across. It was
capable of carrying 1000 passengers.
Most of the ships were built at
Dragon Bay shipyard near Nanjing,
the remains of which are there to this
Zheng He was an extraordinary Muslim man who truly followed
the advice of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
and sought to expand his horizons for
the sake of Islam. Though little is
known of his remarkable feats in the
West, his name and glory continues to
flourish in the Zheng He Institute in
China today. Zheng He or Cheng Ho
was undoubtedly one of China’s
greatest navigators. He died in 1433
and was buried in the southern outskirts of Bulls Head Hill (Niushou) in
Nanjing, with the words Allahu Akbar
(God is Great) piously inscribed on
his tomb.
you view yourself and the world
around you is a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into your psyche. And you
begin to sift through all the crap
you’ve been fed about how you should
behave, how you should look, how
much you should weigh, what you
should wear, where you should shop,
what you should drive, how and where
you should live, what you should do
for a living, who you should sleep
with, who you should marry, what
you should expect of marriage, the
importance of having and raising children, or what you owe your parents.
A little butterfly
A time comes in your life when you
finally get it. When in the mist of all
your fears and insanity you stop dead
in your tracks and somewhere the
voice inside your head cries out ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying,
or struggling to hold on.
And, like a child quieting down after the blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or
twice, you blink back your tears and
through a mantle of wet lashes you
begin to look at the world through new
eyes. This is your awakening!
You learn to open up to new
worlds and different points of view,
You begin reassessing and redefining
who you are and who you’re needing,
and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you’ve outgrown, or
should never have bought into to begin with, and in the process, you learn
to go with your instincts. You learn
that it is truly in giving that we receive.
And that there is power and glory in
creating and contributing, and you
stop maneuvering through life merely
as a “consumer” looking for your next
fix. You learn that the principles such
as honesty and integrity are not the
outdated ideals of a bygone era, but
the mortar that holds together the
foundations upon which you must
build a life.
You realize that it’s time to stop
hoping and waiting for something to
change, or for happiness, safety and
security to come galloping over the
next horizon. You come to terms with
the fact that he is not Prince Charming and you are not Cinderella, or
vice-a -versa, and that in the real
world there aren’t always fairy tale
endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you.
And in the process, a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are
not perfect, and that not everyone will
always love, appreciate or approve of
who or what you are - and that’s OK.
(They are entitled to their own views
and opinions) and you learn the importance of loving and championing
yourself, and in the process, a sense
of newly found confidence is born of
self-approval. You stop bitching and
blaming other people for the things
they did to you (or didn’t do for you)
and you learn that the only thing you
can really count on is the unexpected.
You learn that you don’t know
everything, it’s not our job to save the
world, and that you can’t teach a pig
to sing. You learn to distinguish between guilt and responsibility, and the
importance of setting boundaries and
learning to say NO. You learn that the
only cross to bear is the one you
choose to carry, and that martyrs get
burned at the stake.
Then you learn about love, romantic love and familial love. How to love,
how much to give in love, when to stop
giving, and when to walk away. You
learn not to project your needs or
your feelings onto a relationship, or
base your importance on the man or
woman on your arm or the child that
bears your name. You learn to look at
relationships as they really are and
not as you would have them to be.
You stop trying to control people,
situations, and outcomes. You learn
that just as people grow and change,
so it is with love.
You learn that people don’t always say what they mean or mean
what they say, and that not everyone
will always be there for you, and that
it’s not always about you. (Ah, but it
is!) So, you learn to stand on your own
and to take care of yourself and in the
process, a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance.
You stop judging and pointing fingers, and you begin to accept people
as they are, and to overlook their
shortcomings and human frailties
and, in the process a sense of peace
and contentment is born of forgiveness.
And you learn that you don’t have
the right to demand love on your
terms just to make you happy. And,
you learn that alone does not mean
lonely. And you look in the mirror and
come to terms with the fact that you
You realize that much of the way
deserve, and that sometimes, bad
things happen to unsuspecting, good
people. On these occasions you lean
not to personalize things. You learn
that God isn’t punishing you or failing
to answer your prayers. It’s just life
happening. And you learn to deal with
the devil in the most primal state - the
will never be a size 8 or a perfect 10
and you stop trying to compete with
the image inside your head and agonizing over how you “stack up” You
also stop working so hard at putting
your feelings aside, smoothing things
over, and ignoring your needs.
You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK, and that it is
your right to want things and ask for
things that your want, and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.
You come to the realization that you
deserve to be treated with love, kindness and sensitivity, and respect, and
you will not settle for anything less.
You learn that, so called negative
feeling such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected, or they will suffocate the life
out of you and poison the universe
that surrounds you. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build
bridges instead of walls. Your learn to
be thankful and to take comfort in may
of the simple things we take for
granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream
about, a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot
And you allow only the hands of
love that cherishes you, to glorify you
with his or her touch, and in the process you internalize the meaning of
And you learn that your body really is your temple. You begin eating
a balanced diet, drinking more water,
taking more time to exercise. You
learn that fatigue diminishes the spirit
and can create doubt and fear, so you
take more time to rest. And, just as
food fuels the body, laughter fuels the
soul, so you take more time to laugh
and play.
Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself, by yourself, and
you try to make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never,
ever settle for less that your heart’s
desire. And you hang a wind chime
outside your window so you can listen to the wind. And you make a point
to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and
to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
You learn that, for most part, in
life you get what you believe you deserve, and that much or life truly is a
self-fulfilling prophecy. You learn
that anything worth achieving is
worth working for, and that wishing
for something to happen is different
from working toward making it happen. More importantly, you learn that
in order to achieve success, you need
direction, discipline and perseverance.
Finally, with courage in your heart
and presence of God within and
around you, you take a stand, you take
a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live, the life
you desire, knowing it’s in your highest good!
You also learn that no one can do
it alone and that it’s OK to risk
asking for help. You learn that
the only thing you must truly
fear is the great robber baron
of all time, FEAR itself. You
learn to step right into and
through your fears, because
you know that whatever happens you can handle it, and to
give in to fear is to give away
the right to live life on your
terms. And you learn to fight
for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom.
isn’talways fair, you don’t always get what you think you
Pride and Prejudice
Sadly, even the civilian Polish
population who had surrendered
and were occupied, betrayed their
own citizens because of fear. They
let their neighbors, teachers, doctors, and even musicians be
dragged off, resettled, tortured
and humiliated, and finally, exterminated. Of course, there was an
underground; Polish fighters,
many of whom gave up their lives
to protect and keep in hiding Jewish people, many they didn’t even
Jeffrey Katz
One night I decided to watch a
film called The Pianist. I’m not exactly sure what it was that made me
want to watch it. I suppose it could
just be that I heard it was an excellent film. It’s about Warsaw, Poland
during World War 2. More specifically, what the Jewish population
I myself am Jewish, or at least
born so. Truthfully, I don’t practice my religion, nor do I feel tight
kinship with other Jewish people.
I don’t go to synagogue, nor really
do anything that could makes me
feel Jewish.
People say that it’s over now, so
why all the hype? I mostly agreed
with them. But then I started thinking about it. If it’s over, why do I
constantly hear jokes that are purposefully discriminatory? If there
is no chance of ethnic persecution,
then why do I see on the news that
hate-crimes still exist? If our society is so politically correct, and
morally just, then why do we allow
ourselves to mock others based on
their differences?
However, despite all of this, after watching the film, I felt.....
proud. I’ve seen Schindler’s List,
and a host of other films dramatizing that war, and many about the
Plight of the Jewish People. In fact,
now it’s almost required viewing in
some class or another. This film
brought out a feeling in me that was
different than just pure sadness
and disgust. It made me think
about myself, and what I would do
in the same situation, and if it
could have happened before, could
it happen again?
I constantly hear, “Well I’m
Irish, so it’s okay to make fun,” or
“I can say that because I have Jewish friends.” How does that make it
okay? If I had been through the
Holocaust, and heard you say a
“Jew” joke, I would be disgusted.
All they fought for, all they suffered, all they sacrificed, so that we
can squander our freedom and our
rights by breeding hatred.
I’m sure a lot of readers have
heard about the Warsaw Ghetto
Uprising. A few thousand Jewish
people decided to fight back, after
losing their families, homes, everything they had, including their
respect. They fought back because
they had one thing left; their dignity. I’m not exactly sure on the
details, a fact I’m not very proud
of, and will remedy as soon as possible, but these few wretched people held out against the German occupation for weeks. The only weapons they had were some guns they
smuggled in, along with anything
they could pick up or make themselves.
It’s NOT okay to discriminate.
It’s NOT okay to make fun of others based on their differences. It’s
certainly NOT okay to take lightly
what others before us had to die
horribly to fight for.
Pzople don’t even realize what
they are doing. If it’s okay for them
to make a joke, then what’s the
problem with their children thinking it’s okay to make jokes? We naively assume that humour is a good
way of making racism history. All
it does is make racism a joke. If we
don’t take racism seriously, then
why should our children? What’s to
stop the next generation from
growing up, not realizing that
they’ve been bred to believe that
all that has been fought for, once
gained, can never be lost?
These people had been through
years of curfews, foul treatment
that wouldn’t even do them respect
to try to put into words. They were
beaten for no reason, and killed indiscriminately. The old, the young,
and anyone that was unable to be
worked to death, were murdered in
front of their families. Babies were
not seen as infants, that should be
spared, they were seen as “Jews,”
not worth the air they breathed
because they were sub-human,
pieces of garbage, just because of
who they were.
It had taken her three precious
months to get a passport and a
work permit. She hadn’t seen or
heard from any of her family, and
when I spoke to her, wasn’t even
sure if they were still alive. She told
me that she didn’t really expect to
ever see her daughter again, but
that she would try until her dying
day to bring her family over. She
was holding two part-time jobs and
trying to save up for an apartment.
crumble, and kill a few thousand of
our citizens. Where even those
problems can be solved safely
away from home, by sending ships
to bomb, and soldiers to kill, not
really realizing what we are doing,
not experiencing the terror as others feel it, day by day.
We are so self-absorbed, so intent on our own security, that we
are growing blind to the atrocities
around us. As long as we are warm,
have full bellies, and feel secure,
then why should we worry about
anything else?
So, what are we going to do
about it? Are we gonna wait, and
pretend it’s not happening until it
gets so bad that something affects
the US? Then, we’ll be the hero,
and rush in to save the day. We’ll
really only know what happened
twenty years later, though. When
we watch movies about it. The
same thing we did in Somalia,
Kosovo, WWII, Korea, Vietnam.
I went to Toronto last summer.
I stayed at a youth Hostel, and was
fortunate enough to meet a young
girl who had just arrived from
Congo. That country is torn by war,
massacres, and a Human Right’s
crisis that is completely unacceptable in a world that has set up an
international forum for countries
to deal with their problems, and
international criminal court and
laws, and the resources and ability to help countries in desperate
need, and more importantly, the
people living in those countries.
So are we going to wait for the
next film to come out, about events
that we are ignoring now? Or are
we going to stop them from ever
happening again? First by stopping the hate we experience everyday, and the use of the veil of
humour to hide the underlying
She told me that her father was
killed and tortured by soldiers.
Bodies on the street are a normal
sight, and anyone who is seen on
the street after dark is shot, no
questions asked.
Next time you hear someone
make a joke about “Jews”, or
“Blacks”, or “Pakis”, tell them you
won’t stand it, and that it’s unacceptable. You don’t have to be the
butt-end, and it doesn’t matter
whether the person is the butt-end,
or one of their friends. It’s not a
joke, and it will never be a joke. For
as long as Humanity exists, we will
have that flaw that makes us tend
towards violence and hate. As long
as we have that flaw, we can never
let our guard down, can never allow hate to creep up on us and take
the controls. No matter how funny
the punch-line is.
Her entire family, aunts and
uncles and siblings and mother,
somehow scrounged up just
enough money for her to be smuggled out of the country, and to
Canada, since the U.S. wouldn’t
take her. Their only hope was that
she would make it, and that she
might possibly be able to build a
life for herself here. They didn’t
dare expect, or even hope, that she
would be able sponsor one of her
siblings, or her husband, or her
Those of us lucky enough to live
in countries such as ours, where we
are able to move forward in the
areas of Human Rights and Equality at a comfortable pace and take
for granted our liberties. We think
that we live in a Golden Age, where
our worst problems arrive in
airplanes to make our economy
awaiting alien abduction since 1971
Issue 7
"Vive la booze, vive le Québec!"
A drunken Landry bets on the future of our province.
Nairra Tariq
Kung-Fu Ninja
party they attended a hockey
game at the Molson Center, where
Landry was reported to have exclaimed “Vive la booze, vive
Québec!” and throw a squid at the
Ottawa Senators captain Daniel
Alfredsson, because he just
couldn’t save the best for last.
Martin, outraged at the violence
carried out against his fellow
Englishmen and confident in their
athletic ability, decided to place
a bet with Landry. He said that if
the Ottawa Senators lost, Québec
would finally gain sovereignty.
Landry being only half as drunk,
asked, “ Shouldn’t we run this by
Chrétien first?” And to this Marti
replied, “Who?” Landry then
swore upon José Theodore that
the Canadiens would not lose.
Thanks to some unexplainable
The good old hockey game has affected Canadian politics, or should
we say geography as two of the country’s leading politicians have decided to separate the nation over…
a hockey game?
Apparently Premiers Paul Martin
and Bernard Landry decided the relationship was over. No, no not that
kind (we have yet to receive confirmation on that note), they mean the
relationship between Canada and
Québec has come to an end. The premieres had a few too many drinks at
a good-bye party for Prime Minister
Schwarzenegger made a guest appearance and affectionately wished
him “Hasta la vista, baby.” After the
super natural phenomena, they
didn’t. That’s right, the Canadiens
won the game and an entire province as a part of their victory.
dered asked how he may prove the
reliability of his story and Chretien
calmly stated, “ Well, a proof is a
proof. What kind of a proof? It’s a
proof. A proof is a proof. And when
you have a good proof, it’s because
it’s proven.”
Martin in his fit of anger began
to moon the Canadiens at which
point he was escorted out of the
arena. Landry was now beginning
to feel the symptoms of a hang over
and began vomiting everywhere, it
was suggested he be taken to the
nearest hospital but knowing it
would be a four hour wait before
seeing a doctor (like most Canadians) they decided to leave him at
his favorite hang out place, La Belle
Meanwhile, Alliance leader
Stephen Harper merely stated, “I
don’t know, we should have asked
the Americans first”.
The new currency of Quebec
will be the Frankor and the national food will be poutine. The
national slogan is “ Vive le Québec,
vive la booze... Oh, oui, et vive la
When Prime Minister Chrétien
was informed of this new change in
beaurocracy overnight, he simply
refused to believe it. Martin bewil-
Bandersnatch: Revolutions
It's The End of The World and We Missed it
Take, for instance, the Ads manager, a.k.a Bander Orc. One day, the
Bander Orc and his Orc-ette decided
to embark on a trip to, you guessed
it, a world far, far, away. They were
supposed to notify Jester upon their
arrival. Unfortunately, due to what
we think might have been technical
issues - humans only have a limited
number of hands, no matter how
technologically advanced they are
- Jester never received a transmission. Jester’s not the type of person
to really care much of people disappear off the face of the Earth, but in
this case, he was left with very specific instructions. In fact, before his
departure, the Bander Orc had become increasingly suspicious of the
true nature of Art Liberale. Unfortunately, because he had no evidence to prove his theory,the
Bander Orc could not prevent what
he thought was about to happen. So,
according to his instructions, Jester
brought a very important letter to
the Miss. Notalldere, who proceeded to go insane upon reading it.
However, right before she broke
down and broke up - she literally fell
into pieces before Jester’s eyes - she
pointed to the last word in the letter.
Believe it or not, there was a time
when all Bandersnatch positions were
occupied. It was a time of great rejoicing, as the Bander office was always full
of life... and not just those dust mites
and silverfish. It was a time when the
newspaper was something students
would read, rather than use as pillows
in class.
It was a very great time indeed.
Then came the invasion of the “Keepers”. All the politics associated with
them was something that the Banderites
never had to deal with before. And that’s
when all the weird stuff started happening. All of a sudden, instead of having a
crowded and noisy office, local H-041
was silent and deserted. It’s almost as if
all the members had died.
However, our investigators went to,
well, investigate the situation. First off,
they noticed that a predominant
number of the Bandersnatch core group
was composed of computer science students. After further, well, investigation,
they reported that the comp. sci. geeks
had departed for a world far, far, away.
However, we believe that they did not
leave alone.
Jester, also scared out of his wits,
but smart enough to have created a
backup copy of his brain, proceeded
to advise the remaining leadership of
the Bandersnatch of the course of
events. Oddly enough, the only
Banderites he could find were The New
Man, and his sidekick, Tomato Boy. As
both were engrossed in some kind of
computerized task, Jester leaned in to
see what was on the screen. Once
again, he had to revert to the saved
version of his brain. On the computer
screen was an all-new-and-updated
“learning” program, containing dynamic programing. There was only on
problem: it looked horrible. As Jester
attempted to minimize the damage the program had already shortcircuted the brains of all the female
Banderites, including Death - The New
Man and Tomato Boy were informed
of the gravity of the situation. The
faithful duo created another of their
crazy schemes and decided that their
next move should be to put Art
Liberale in a situation where he would
have to confess his crime. There was
only one problem. They needed to find
a way to get around the countless
late Côté decided that it would be a
good idea to involved the Sisterhood
in the battle. It was a smart decision
too, because apparently, while the
“Keepers” were fighting for equal
rights, they forgot to fight their primitive urges. Not that Côté was expecting any less. So as he lead the Sisterhood in the room, two “Keepers” lifted
him above the Bander girls and locked
him into the Production office, where
he remained until he was discoverd
by the Anonymous Wax Operator.
Meanwhile, the rest of the “Keepers”
were charmed into dropping their
arms and begging for a quick death.
Unfortunately, because of circumstances out of our control and one
slightly larger leader, the “Keepers”
were doomed to suffer a fate worse
than that of Côté’s.
The investigators believe that if we
were to search the closet in Production, we would discover more bodies,
but that remains to be confirmed. Still
marked as missing are Little Miss.
Bundle of Joy, the Leprechaun and his
Fuzzy friend, the Starcraft Operator,
J. Mac and good ol’ Cabbage Boy.
Here’s where the investigators’ report gets interessting. Apparently, the
We hope that this mystery will be
solved by the next time the Bander
crew will have to use Production. If
not, they’ll just have to live with us - I
mean - the Ghosts of Bander Past.1
Access Anime
Chris(chuckles): I thought that
seemed a little off. By the way, do
you happen to have any of those alcoholic peaches on you?
Chris Deslauriers
The Scapegoat
Good day everybody! I’ve got a
great article set-up for you today! I’ll
be interviewing the actors from one
of my favourite anime movies,
Houshin Engi, or Soul Hunter!
Chris: Hello? Raishinshi? Nataku?
Nataku+Raishinshi: WHAT?
Chris: Can I have one?
First up, we have the star of the
whole shebang, Taikobou (Tie-ko-bo)!
Well, that went well. Oh, there is
the villainess of it all, Dakki! Oi, Dakki!
Chris: So how are
you today?
Dakki: Oh, look, a reporter... and a
cute one at that!
Taikobou: Fine
thanks... just a
Taikobou: Well (blushes).. when I
zap the old guy in the beginning...
that was for real. He had just ticked
me off that morning by putting
Jalapenos in my coffee, so I may
have put a little too much emotion
in that shot.
6th - “It does so @#$%ing
look like her!” - Picasso,
9th - “How the @#$% did
you work that out?” Pythagorus, 126 BC
5th - “Where the @#$%
are we?” - Amelia Earhart,
8th - “You want WHAT on
the @#$%ing ceiling?” Michelangelo, 1566
4th - “Any @#$%ing idiot
could understand that.” Einstein, 1938
7th - “Where did all those
@#$%ing Indians come
from?” - Custer,1877
3rd - “What the @#$% was
that?” - Mayor Of
Hiroshima, 1945
Song Without a Name
Karen Gelsthorpe
Naila Jinnah
The Scapegoat
Chris Deslauriers
Nataku: Liar.
What? You
are challenge
the hero?!
Benjamin Wald
I think I should leave before this
gets ugly. Well, that’s all the time for
today! This is Chris signing off and saying “Go watch Houshin Engi!”
Girl Nerd
Sarah Jade Aubé
by The Sunburnt Kid
10th - “Scattered @#$%ing
showers, my ass!” - Noah,
4314 BC
Silent, but Deadly
Marc Nakhleh
Present, but not all here
Raishinshi: Ya! When I’m beating
Nataku in the
Dakki: Where? Oh, Johnny, I coming for you! (runs off)
Kung-Fu Ninja
Nairra Tariq
Chris: Really? Do you guys have a
favourite scene?
Chris: Oh, look over there, it’s
Johnny Depp, voted the sexiest man
Miss Congeniality
Christine Nadeau
Raishinshi: I think they’re great.
They’re all cool, just that Youzen is
so slow! My old man is faster!
Dakki: Well, of course I did. All the
adorable guys made it worth it. I
think being the woman behind it all,
with the men being manipulated by
me was the great part. So, what will
you be doing in about an hour? I’ll
show you my trailer...
Chris(grumbles): Anyways, where
there any accidents during this
movie? Or something interesting?
Nataku : Most of them are strong.
You seem to be the weakest here.
Chris: Moving right along, did you
enjoy the making of this movie?
What was your favourite part?
Taikobou: I sure did! Especially,
learning to fight while drunk and getting my hands on those peaches!
Chris: Kay! So d’you like working
with the people here?
him. He’s such
a cute boy.
You just can’t
get mad at him.
Chris: No prob! So, did you have fun
doing this movie?
Raishinshi: Shut up you! No problem, just ask!
Taikobou: I’m the only star, dammit!
She plays a minor part compared to me!
Taikobou: Well, their all rather different. Youzens’ pretty laid back,
Raishinshi is rather noisy and obnoxious, Nataku is.. well.. rather, shall
we say, has a one track mind. I won’t
even get started with Dakki and her
Nataku: You look weak. I don’t like
weak people.
Chris(blush): Err...thank-you. So, I
was just talking with one of your costars...
Chris: I can understand that! So, how is it working
with those other guys?
Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
Chris: Sorry for
bothering you
in one of your
personal training bouts, but
I’d like to ask
you a few queries?
Taikobou(runs off): No! Their mine!
All mine! Ha ha ha ha!
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
A brilliant ploy on my part. We
have time for one more interview.
‘BOOM!” I know just the thing.
Taikobou(glares): Yes. Why?
Dusty Old Book
2nd - “I need this parade
like I need a @#$%ing
hole in the head!” JFK,1963
Oreignfay Anguageslay Editorway
Moved to St-Anne's
Jeffrey Katz
And the number 1 most
appropriate time for using
the “F” word...
Zili Wang
“Aw c’mon. Who the @#$%
is going to find out?” - Bill
Clinton, 1997
Masters of the Web
Ryan Bruyère
Nick Foster
David Newman
by Scapegoat
lines, and any attempts to hit on someone
will come flying back at your head, in the
shape of a boot, with steel-toes. Business–
wise, you’ll do better, because no one will
expect you burnt down the place
The month has probably started off
well, but that won’t last for long.Your
schoolwork will fall; any relationships you
start will be blown off with laughing and
other random mishaps.Also, if you drive
and/or walk, you will be chased by a large
pack of dogs… who have rabies… and
while it’s that time of the month….Twice.
Your new expression will be ‘Grab
the bull by the horns!” Because a spiteful
person that you pissed off in Grade 4 will
get back at you since their parents work in
the transportation industry.They will ship
you off to Spain, to be the new matador
against the bull. Without a cape. I think
irony bites like a rabid monkey!
Did you ever know a fish could
drown? Nuff’said.
Your new romantic interest will be
fun… for a while. Then you will notice that
things are getting kinky, like a interest in
bondage, whips and black leather…and
you will be enchanted by the sorcery of
sado-masochism. She will start smacking
you on your haunches and the ilk.Also,
your money will diminish like a farmer’s
income in a livestock boycott during the
epidemic of hoof-and-mouth disease in
England, 2002.
You will be giving off the wrong
vibes for this month, having unwanted
intrusions in your personal space. Then you
will wake up one morning next to an older
man named Bill, and you’ll swear you’ve
seen him before.
Bander Suffers
We mourn the loss of our fellow member
Dear readers, one of our dearly
Bandersnatch has moved on to a
better place. The ever hard worker,
Andrew Côté was once again sitting
in the Production Room when the
unbelievable happened. As he sat
down to work, he accidentally
knocked the printer known as
Alice, as a severely traumatized
Bandesnatch official has told us. “It
was an accident! He didn’t mean
it!” Well, it seems that was the accident that fried the Pentium
motherboard, or something like
that. Immediately, Mr. Cote was
set upon by ‘Alice’. He managed to
dodge the blow, but unknown to
him, Evil Pentium, Evil Pentium X
and the wax machine were in this
vicious conspiracy.
Pentiums held him down, with
their cohorts, the mice. Just as the
eyewitness thought it was over, the
main computer sucked him in
through its’ hard drive.
“He didn’t stand a chance,” Ms.
Anonymous said, “I tried to help,
but it was so fast!” According to
this statement, Alice paper-cutted
Mr. Cote incessantly, the wax machine waxed his arms and legs, in
the OPPOSITE direction, as the
For some
reason, God
calls those
who make a
back early.
As I needed proof to believe this
calamity, I rushed off to the scene
of the crime. I arrived, and carnage
awaited me. Papers scattered everywhere spots of wax on the floor,
with upon further inspection, hair
of the victim. There were scattered
blood drops and bloody papers
too. The hardware were all back in
their place, but where humming
All that was
left of our
friend was...
his shoe.
You feel the sting of evil this month.
Remember the 7 plagues of the Bible?
Well, guess what, you pissed off the wrong
higher-up this time, and their motto is
‘Vengeance is sweet!’To avert this fate,
you will have to take on the task of taking
the wandering Jehovahs into your home,
and listen to every ones’ speech. Even if
you do, the only people who will be
attracted to you will be old church ladies,
that keep pinching your *cough cough*
You think you’re stubborn?Your
new acquaintance will be worse than you
are, winning arguments and then holding
them over your head forever.And it will
just keep getting worse for the rest of your
life.As they say, “Life’s a bitch, than you
marry one, then you die.”
You have just been dumped into a
pot of boiling water.After the initial hard
work, you’ll make it through…then you’ll
fall into the fire. This applies to everything in
your life! Sucker!
You will be constantly stalked by a
large French man with a cattle prod, and
you will start giving off the odor of goat
cheese.Your “urges” might become
uncontrollable…around animals that is…
Just because your sign is neutral
doesn’t mean that you won’t have
problems.You will break out into a late
version of acne, and creams won’t help.
They will become infected, and spread
over your entire body.After this initial
anguish, you will be hit by a car because of
your skin condition. Thrice.And still live.
With your lumbar dislocated.
you around for 4 weeks, raining non-stop,
making you fail all tests and homework.
Just as it is about to clear, you will be
struck by lightning and eaten by a
sasquatch…no…TWO Sasquatches!
You think these other people have it
bad, well you’re in for double trouble! If
you were Newton, and the apple fell on
your head, it would have been the tree
instead!You will be incapable of pick–up
ARE YOU SICK? Stay away! We forgot to get our flu shots this year,
and we don’t want your germs, we have enough here already.
Wednesday, December 3, 2003
Don't Try; Trying is the first step to failure
Drop by the Anime Club for the definition.
HAVE YOU suffered burnout yet? You should have! If not, don’t worry,
you have all of next semster. Trust us, no one gets out in one piece.
Oh, and watch for Bill. He seems like a nice guy, but ever wonder why
the hallways are less crowded after the first few weeks? Don’t be a
Wed., Dec. 3
:Giant Banana Display
Thurs., Dec. 4
:Erotic Poetry Reading
Fri., Dec. 5
:Film: “The Virgin Suicides”
9:00 - 5:00
After 23h
Class Time
SPRING BREAK! Getting wrinkles is fun!! Join us on the white sand
beaches of South Beach Miami, and help us seduce the Snow Birds.
ID CARDS are needed if you want to go anywhere in life. Get yours
today! If you don’t, we’ll just keep on reminding you until you do, you
lazy bastards!
CONDOMS! CONDOMS FOR ALL! Are you cheap? Unwilling to pay
the extra cash for the latex baby stoppers? You’re in luck! It’s World
AIDS day!! Cum learn about how to put on one of these delightable
devices at the Giant Banana Display today!
NEW COURSE on how to take care of your Hobbit. Yes, those hairy
little bastards need love and care, just like you do. For a course
outline, check out:
COME LOOK at our website. Obviously it has more use than we do.
Oh well, at least WE have a job!
THE CHINESE CLUB would like to remind everyone that "Chinese"
does not include people that are not actually Chinese. Foreigners, go
UNJAC needs people now! Please, come help us, we can’t go to
another conference without your brains. Mmmmmm..... Brains.......
GAMERS: Need to get someone beaten up? Come to Gamers and
ask about Mystery Fistage...
Melanie, Brian, Zackery, Joyce, Ben, James, Cathrine, John, Jordan,
Zeshan, Madeehoo, Selima, Jake, Nick, Lishinator, Harrold, Hanulah,
Marie-Anne, Whitey, Pasty, Ben-David, and anyone named Chris.
Please come to Student Activities to pick up your bus pass.
LOST: Bandersnatch is still looking for last issue’s SUJAC Update. If
found, return to sender.
Closed for religious holiday
Are you depressed yet?
LOST: Barb is gone. Please, for God’s sake, somebody find her!
FOUND: Cats. Lots of cats. Please take away before we get the
needle! And no, YOU can't have them. You know who you are!
PLEASE COME to see us, we need your advice on how to deal with
you little putzes! We pay Abbott rates!
What If
Staff Artist
There are no words
What if
Too many feelings…
What if
Like bluebirds
What if
Sightings & Cravings
i lie on my back
looking at the sky
my wrists laying at my side
blood falling from their sides
visions of the past as I close
my eyes as a smile forms on my
blood stained lips as my last
thought is of you
over a grave i kneel
head bent in silent prayer
tears of blood falling from my
cheeks staining this unmarked grave
the grave of my silent emotional suicide
a goddess walks
on toe tips,
hovering over the still
waters of a lake.
her fiery red hair,
a blaze catching
the orange glow
of the setting sun.
And here I am,
frozen in a moment
in which I began to rise up on my feet
and forgot the mechanisms behind motion,
and the way my thoughts mesh with my
And as she walks
triumphant, over
the icy pool,
the waters shiver
from her power, her will.
She turns
round and round,
summoning a storm
to cleanse the earth
of its sins unbound.
and the wind
whispers words
of adoration to her....
The breeze comes
soft at first,
and glimpsing her
in her dance,
it does thirst.
now joining her
in a powerful ballad.
The deity dances
with the wind by her side
and in the background
the pines move and abide,
shaking with laughter.
Arms raised high,
But I do love you, I repeated.
She would have none of it;
it was time to answer for my insecurities,
and the lady who cannot help being pure
would not look into my eyes.
Her gaze rested a few millimeters
underneath my eyelid,
grazing my eyelashes
and softly laughing.
I doubt she was inducing me
in a fit of mockery, however,
because as her hands laid tightly
around my waist:
I thought I would never need
to stand on my own alone.
A deity dances,
in the light of the moon,
the rays lighting her
powder blue eyes
and giving the
milk white skin
a fantasy bluish tint.
Smokey eyes,
empty and sullen,
her expression is
one of far off
dreaming and suffering.
Deity of Fire
Tina da Morada
Tristen Gratten
Patrick Colle
Staff Writer
What if
it wasn’t meant to be
What if
it’s never you and me
What if
Love ends
Love misspends
Like a clumsy mistake
What if
another heartbreak
But What if
Love so strong
What if
Love’s so wrong
What if
What if
What if
Like Romeo and Juliet
What if
A fatal duet
Naila Jinnah
Sports Editor
False Angel
Editors Note:
There was a slight mix-up.. ok a large one. The part of this story
given last week was the final one.. not the second. Hope you kept
the issue! Sorry for the inconvienience!
Chris :P
Shannon Snyder
Flights of Fantasy
Part 2
Kathleen Stanhope
Staff Writer
That night I dreamt of flying over the city, dancing in the snow with wondrous creatures
straight out of any fairie tale, magical enough to put Disney to shame. The next day was
dull and gray, no snow, and that night no dreams of wonder. The next few days were much
the same, get up, go to work and help supercilious little girls find books about proper tea
time etiquette. I’m a librarian by the way, at a small girls finishing school, who knew they
still existed, let alone here? Needless to say it’s all very practical no ‘flights of fantasy’
there. After work I would go home and look for my snow devil and not find it.
Then about a week after my first ‘sighting’ when I was no longer looking for it and had
almost convinced myself that mother might be right, I saw it. It was there on the same
roof top as before. If possible it was even more wonderful than last time. A swirling vortex
of diamond bright snow crystals, a whirling winter rainbow, dancing, weaving across the
roof top, at once careening wildly out of control, and sedately meandering along.
As I watched a shape began to form in the heart of the spiraling snow. Slowly it grew in
definition, until I could see that it was human like in form. Tantalizing it would draw closer
giving glimpses of what hid in the snow, and then it would move away frustrating my
attempts to fathom its depths.
I was under a spell, unable to move or look away, it could have been hours, days, eternity, I didn’t care. Not until the door bell rang.
Startled I turned towards the door, fogy like waking from a dream, I answered the door.
No I did NOT want a life time subscription to ‘Home and Garden’, when I turned back it
was gone.
The dreams were even more incredible that night than they had been before, and lasted
longer. This time it was two nights before they went away, and I was back in my now dull
and dreary seeming life. I was a little alarmed that something as simple as a snow eddy
could evoke such feelings of wonderment, and joy, watching it was blissful, almost what
one would call a ‘religious experience’. It was so perfectly peaceful, so amazingly soul
deep profound that I could not imagine anything better. It was almost like a state of
ecstasy, something that if shared with the world, it would solve all problems it would end
all fighting…
The Violinist
Tina da Morada
the passion that
the plucked notes evoke
in me burns
as if he himself is the devil.
he pours forth his soul
with emaculate tempo
intertwining every ounce of his life
into the musical entity.
the violin sings, feeding off the flames
of his fire, leaving him empty when alone.
it’s voice sends shivers uncontrolled down the listeners skin.
how i would give anything to be one with the melody as he and
be able to place
into simple notes,
the emotions that have overcome me.
oh how his music recalls it’s long life
with the determination that drips
from his fingers, his forehead.
and how the sounds of it’s tale
enter into your empty body
filling each crevice with the intense feelings..
the violin using man
to bring mournful tears
or to create a savage angered dance.
the violinist curse for he is to love only
his instrument for what else could create such beauty.
It would be idolized; it would be placed on a pedestal and worshiped, it would be misunderstood, it would be feared, it would be destroyed. It would lose all meaning, it would
become a fad.
I had no desire to share my special wonder with anyone else, not that they would believe
me. After all, if I did share, it would invariably get back to my mother, as she seems to
know everyone in the whole world, and that was one conversation I did not want to have.
So my snow devil stayed just that, mine.
To be continued…
Lucky Spencer
E n t e r t a i n m e n t
with Karen Gelsthorpe
Weird, but is it Good?
of music. I don’t even know what
genre it is. It is definitely not Rock,
Pop, or C-Rap. I’m pretty sure it
wasn’t Reggae either, though who
can really be sure. I
can, because I actually
listened to it, and it
definitely wasn’t Reggae, or Bluegrass for
that matter. If I had to
would have to say that
it was Soft-Rockesque, but that would
be kinda like saying
that Steak is Pizzaesque. So I really can’t
say what it is. Just listen to it, you’ll either like it or dislike it, or think that it is some kind
of alien message. Who can really
be sure? All I can really say was
that I enjoyed listening to it, and
that it was an interesting use of my
time. Would I say that its been a
waste? No, I wouldn’t think so.
Just something that I wouldn’t
have bought with my own money,
Janet Nardella
When I first heard the CD, I
found it quite strange. I’ve a very
open taste in music, so if you’re
looking for a review that would be
biased, then this is not for you. To
first introduce you to the CD, it was
called “Lost Sides” by the group
“Doves”. I popped the CD into my
player and sat down on my bed to
listen to the enchanting music held
within the plastic disk. The first
track was very strange, it was an
instrumental, it reminded me a lot
of the group called Boards of
Canada. The next track actually
had lyrics. To be honest, I don’t
remember any of them, but I found
them to be quite interesting. As
the CD rolled on, I listened to track
after track, and was mesmerized by
the music. It was very relaxing
and enjoyable. It is not to everybody’s taste, but I think many people could learn to enjoy this genre
which doesn’t mean I’m telling you
not to buy it with your own money.
Because downloading music is evil!
Speaking of which, that was one of
the first things I noticed about this CD.
When I opened up the
jewel case there was a
little leaflet that fell
out. It was a thank
you for having actually bought music.
Guess what, it was
I haven’t even gone to
the site, but the title
just gives it away I
guess. People like that just make
me want to download music even
more, just to spite them. Besides,
who can really justify paying 25$
for a CD nowadays? It only takes
like MAYBE $0.50 to make the
bloody thing, and they sell it for
19.99$ plus taxes. What kind of
turn around is that? Someone is
getting the Royal Screw-job, and
I’m thinking that it is probably us
consumers. Maybe I should start
talking about the CD again...
So yeah, it was pretty good,
you might want to go out and buy
it, if that REALLY is your kinda
thing. Or download it, but for legal reasons, you realize I can’t
condone that kind of action. Sigh.
To give it a rating, I’d give it seven
on ten. 7/10 for people that aren’t
familiar with numbers being written as words. Anyhow, this isn’t
what I had had in mind for this review, but I think it works, and I’m
going to go with it. I might try
writing another review at another
time, but for now I’ll leave you with
this. If you do want to find out
more about this unheard of group,
they actually have a website: You might actually be able to find something out
about them. At least more than I
know about them. Which is NOTHING!
Donnie Darko = Great
scared, its just the implications of
the movie. Its’ ending was just so...
very weird. I will keep saying this,
“My mind has been blown away!
And I don’t know when it will come
back.” I stopped shaking about, 16
hours after the movie.
Christoper Deslauriers
Arts Editor
Well, this week there is some
good news! I’m going to talk about
the movie ‘Donnie Darko’, in my
opinion, a great movie! It fits into
a suspense type movie, sort of like
the ‘Sixth Sense’, but much better!
Rated R, for its’ language, I think
its’ just a little too harsh.
There is a star studded cast
here, with Patrick Swayze, Noah
Wyle(ER) and others I’m too lazy
The movie is about a paranoid schizophrenic, Donnie Darko
(played by Jake Gyllenhaal) who
seems to be having a rather rough
time lately. The movie takes place
in October, 1988. He has started
seeing things, even though he is on
medication. One of his recurring
visions is seeing a man, clad in a
bunny suit with a VERY frightening and sinister bunny mask. The
rabbit, named Frank, tells him to
do stuff, and Donnie willingly complies.
to talk about. The acting done in
the movie was awesome. I think
they all played their parts wonderfully, especially Donnie. He had the
‘nut job’ act down pat, even the insane laugh! His acting made chills
go up my spine. Donnie is the primary character, and the rest of the
actors seem to fade into the background, slightly helping the plot.
This is a really strange
movie, for one, I nearly could not
get up the stairs, since I wasn’t able
to stop shaking so badly. I wasn’t
Win passes to see the phenominal
movie House of Sand and Fog Wednesday December 10th at 7pm at the
eatons center downtown. (705 rue StCatherine). Drop off your ballot at the
Bandersnatch office H-041 by Tuesday December 9th so we can contact
The movie is overall well done, the
setting is realistic, and the situations in the movie are completely
There are a few comic moments during the movie. One of my
favourite moments was the theory
about the Smurfs, the little blue
people, remember them? Donnie is
also incredibly intelligent, and
makes people look stupid, it’s fun
to watch!
Be warned, if you get headaches
while pondering the workings of
the universe and the theories
about them, like time travel, do
not watch this movie. I had a really difficult time making sense of
the movie cause it must be
watched several times to be completely understood. I believe the
movie is meant to mean something.
I think I understand now.
This movie has altered my perception of reality big time. I really
think you all should go out and see
it! I think I give this movie a 9.5
on 10! Three cheers for the schizo!
So, till next semester, have fun!
Barenaked Ladies the Next Dylan
Another postcard, which has
so invaded the monkey-obsessed
minds of music listeners everywhere, is an enigma. I have inspected it quite closely, thought
about it for some time, and decided
that the songs deeper meaning, its
hidden message, is about.... Monkeys. I am honestly quite sure this
song is just about monkeys, and
specifically monkeys on postcards. It’s heartening to see that
BNL hasn’t succumbed to the urge
to become overly serious. They
can still cut lose and have fun. That
being said, they can do the serious
stuff as well as anyone.
War on Drugs is one of the
most moving and emotional songs about suicide
I have ever heard. It contains a dose of the lyricism
of classic poet songwriters
such as Leonard Cohen, or
Bob Dylan that is so notably absent in most contemporary bands. As bizarre as that may seem to
say about a band like BNL,
I swear its true. You have to hear
it to see. The languid sadness of the
delivery is heart wrenching, dragging the listener into the mood of
Benjamin Wald
When I purchased the new Bare
Naked Ladies CD for myself, as a
two month late birthday present
to myself on behalf of my brother,
I hadn’t actually heard the much
discussed monkey song that has
saturated the airwaves. My radio
at home is tragically disabled, and
I have felt horribly isolated from
all popular music. However, being
an ardent fan of the group’s earlier
efforts, I was anxious to hear this
newest creation. The
songs on this CD vary
widely in seriousness
and quality. It contains
some of their wackiest
songs since If I had A
Million Dollars, as well as
some very serious takes
on suicide and relationships, although all the
songs have the signature
BNL oddness. It has
some of the best songs I
have ever heard from BNL, as well
as some songs I am forced to skip
through each time they come up.
An excellent movie for those
who have opened minds and are
willing to take a step into a darker
world, and those of you who already have the basics down when
it comes to vampires and werewolf
lycanthrop and vampire has been
waging for centuries,
and it’s finally coming
to a conclusion, the
story is told from the
over all point of view of
both sides. Filled with
ancient customs and
new aged technology,
both the vampires and
werewolves increase
their warring and destructive capabilities
to fight their enemies, in this case
each other. The system in the story
depicting the vampire hierarchy is
impressive, and intuitive. This
movie will even satisfy those
white-wolf table top gamers who
follow vampire lore to a T, it is
mixed with classic white-wolf lore
and completely new ideals, coming up with a winning combination.
The introduction of the abomination is outstanding, half wolf, half
vampire the character is portrayed
beautifully. The mix of science
Despite all it has going for it,
there are still some disappointments. Some of the songs fall more
then a little short. Shopping, for
example, is dull, repetitive, trite
and predictable. Celebrity is
barely better. All in all there are
into the picture to enhance weapons, (including everything from
silver nitrate ammunition to enhanced phosperous rounds), although used often in vampiric
flicks, gives this film an edge. The
film also uses the classic vocabulary to describe vampiric age,
Methuselah, Elder ecetera. For all
of those hard core vampire fans to
the everyday regular Joe, everyone will appreciate this
movie if they have a liking
of the occult. To learn new
things and to just get a first
jab into this newly explored world, although
vampire films have been
in great abundance recently, this film brushes
on a brand new genre in
the film world, it strays
away from the classical
Anne Rice films and shows the, less
romantic beauty of the kindred and
lycanthrop side, focusing more on
the darker, mystic beauty of these
night creatures. In a world of darkness where the perfection of immortality and death, shape shifting and pain are depicted in a raw
beauty seldom, if ever shown in
this type of film. In short, this is a
movie for everyone to enjoy,
well… anyone not to faint of heart
Danny Beaulieu
Although there is something
of a dichotomy in the quality of the
songs, more so then on their previous albums, the average quality
remains the same. The good songs
on this album more then justify the
purchase price. If you’ve felt the
lack of witty, intelligent lyrics in
music lately, this is just the thing
for you. Likewise, if so called serious songs are getting to be too
much for you lately, give this CD a
try. All around an excellent buy.
In The Zone?
about four songs on this CD that I
skip past more often then not. Not
a terrible ratio, perhaps, but there
is still room for improvements. The
main problem with the songs I disliked is the obvious,
predictable subject
matter. It is devoid
of the usual spark of
wit and the sense of
a new perspective on
things that Bare Naked Ladies so effectively conveys in
their better songs. Could it be
(shudder) that they are actually
running out of ideas? Let us pray
that it is not so.
the suicidal girl, and the singer’s
memory of her. The mix of the
tragic and the absurd is omnipresent, with lines such as; “Near my
house there’s a viaduct/ Where
people jump when
there out of luck/
Raining down on
the cars and trucks
below.” What else
can be said? Pure
genius. This song
alone is worth the
price of the CD.
This is far from the only good song
on the CD, although none of the
others reach the emotional heights
of War on Drugs. From the fun of
songs like Maybe Katie (What’s so
maybe about/ What’s so maybe
about/ What’s so maybe about/
Katie?) to the more serious, like
Upside down, to a mix of the two,
like Aluminum, this CD has something for everyone.
music is actually mind numbing. If you
actually try to sit through the whole album by the end the songs have all melded
and you won’t be able to decipher one
track from another. It kind off reminds
me of the music they play in the background of the stoner scenes in cheesy teenage movies. The background music
sounds entirely electronic, don’t worry
kids, no actually music here.
Karen Gelsthorpe
Entertainment Editor
The new Britney Spears album “In
the Zone” is quite possibly the worst album I’ve ever had the misfortune of stumbling across. This album sounds like hiphop meets techno meets dance in a collision of styles that were not quite mixed
properly. If Britney’s old music was marketed to twelveyear-old girls, than this album
is marketed to hip-hop
wannabees that have no clue
what actual hip-hop is meant
to be. If the intent was to make
her seem more grown up than
I find that they failed. Singing
only in soft, high pitched,
“sexy” tones for a total of thirteen mindnumbing tracks
Now in Britney’s
defense I did manage to find
three WHOLE songs I like.
Sadly this is not exactly an entirely redeeming statement.
Also this album would be fun
to dance to a song here or there
in a club environment. This is
not an album designed for every day listening, or even house parties. Plus, I generally try to avoid albums hyped by lesbian kissing between Britney and Madonna, followed by the release of the single (has Britney ever fallen far).
Think J-Lo, subtract the variety
and the class and you’ve got this album.
In fact when looking at the cover art I’m
almost possible I’ve seen J-Lo in that same
pose and in almost the same clothes.
Speaking of the cover art on the exterior
of this album Britney is featured eight
times, each sporting approximately the
same “attractive” expression. Some one
needs to explain to dear Britney that just
staring at the camera devoid of emotion
does not qualify as a unique expression,
plus I’m almost positive they used the
same picture twice, either that or she’s a
Britney sold out her original fans
too make this album. Unbeknownst to the
rest of us is the reason that she’s decided
this crap is more grown up, and sadly once
again for Britney to look more grown up,
more clothes have come off. This shameless sales mongering brings nothing new
to the table, but pseudo-hip-hop is in style
right now. I get this feeling that if spiritual
or folk music came back in style Britney
would jump on that bandwagon too. Anything to make a dollar or two.
Now on to the actual music, this
Habs: Changes or No Playoff Run
The Habs kicked off the regular schedule with an impressive start. Collecting 5 wins in
the first 7 games, the Habs
seemed like they finally
played with their full potential. Offence was rolling,
Julien’s defensive system was
working well and everything
looked well in Montreal. All
this took a turn for the worse
in the following weeks: losing
6 games out of their next 8
games, the Canadiens showed
a complete breakdown in
every one of their assets. During this collapse, Montreal
played over three games without scoring a goal, the numbers of shots from the opposition rarely went below 30 a
game, and quite frankly, the
Canadiens played like they
didn’t belong to the NHL.
Youssef Lahkmiri
Staff Writer
The NHL season progressed
past its quarter mark, and already
Canadiens are faced with adversity. A disappointing
record of 9-11-1-1 tells it all,
and the casual Habs fan is
only left with doubt and despair at the sight of yet another early exit. However,
this time the poor performance of this team is not due to
injuries or talent-depleted
rosters. No, the Canadiens
can make the playoffs this
year -or at least says GM Bob
Gainey. But, why isn’t this
showing at the rink? Perhaps
a look back at the Canadiens’
early going will enlighten this
puzzling matter...
The Habs never fully recov-
ered from this bad stretch,
struggling to pull itself over
.500 and ending the first quarter mark of the season with
only 20 points. As a result, the
Habs have a lot of issues to address, and dealing with them
will be key to a good start to
the second quarter. Here are
a few that strike to mind almost immediately...
Perhaps the biggest worry for
the Habs right now is their offensive output. In 22 games,
they have scored 46 goals,
one of the fewest totals in the
league. Keep in mind that 20
of these goals were scored in
the first 7 games of the season. The forwards of this team
are simply not producing
enough; players like Audette,
who only have 3 goals this
year, or Sundstrom, who only
lit the lamp once this season.
Last year, Saku Koivu was the
Canadien’s scoring leader
with 71 points. This year, he
is yet to record a goal. Given
the contracts of these players, their play needs radical
Last but certainly not least,
the team needs to cut down
on shots per game from the
opposition. In the last 5
games, the Canadiens allowed
191 shots, which comes out to
an average of 38 shots per
game. This ridiculous amount
of shots spell disaster for a
team whose goaltender still
hasn’t regained his Vezina
form. Don’t get me wrong
here; Josee Theodore hasn’t
played poorly, but he hasn’t
played great either.
But this is not the only worry
for the Canadiens. Even with
the addition of enforcers like
Gordie Dwyer and Darren
Langdon to the team at the
beginning at the season, Montreal is still considered a soft
team. They’ve also received
criticism for general lack of
effort on the ice. If you must
know, Craig Rivet has become
the favorite target for this
matter. If the Habs want to
succeed, they need to display
the same grit and intensity
they showed during the first
7 games of the season.
As, you’ve surely noticed, the
Habs have tons of improvement to make. But before giving up hope on your favorite
hockey club, remember that
the season is still young, and
come May 2004, we might
very well be in the playoffs.
But that’s going to require a
hell of a record from here on!
Ed's Note
Last issue! Yey!
without pictures?
What is there to say that I
haven't already said?
Maybe you're a fan of sports
that are less mainstream in
Canada: Extreme sports,
Europeen Football, skiing,
surfing...It's up to you to make
sure your favorite sport is represented in YOUR school paper. If you've never seen an
article on your sport in
Bandersnatch, maybe you
should stop whining and start
writing. Because that's all we
really want: WRITERS! We're
not weird, we're not overachievers or perfectionists...
We're nice, "normal" people,
just like you. And we don't bite.
Well, not hard.
If you're tired with the same
old topics being discussed in
the Sports Section, then do
something about it! Send us
your comments and/or suggestions
at, Why
not even submit an article or
two? You don't need to be a
Staff Writer to submit. There
are no strings attached to a
submission. In fact, we don't
even expect a second submission, although we'd never turn
it down!
I've heard Abbott Sports Team
Members complain about how
they're never featured in the
sports section. Unfortunately,
we don't have staff, and it's impossible for one person to attend all the sporting events, let
alone all of them at once. Why
not get a teammate or a friend
to write a little something about
your accomplishments? You
can even include photos. I
mean, what's a Sports Section
So let's all get over Finals without failing too many classes,
and maybe next semester, the
Banderstnach e-mail will be full
of submissions on interesting
topics. And hey! If you own a
business or know someone
who'd like to promote theirs,
why not place an ad in the paper?
Till next time...
Ah... Good old issue 7!
COOL QUOTE: Defensemen Eric
Weinrich on former New Jersey Devils teammate Scott
Stevens approaching the 40years-old benchmark: "He’s
quite a machine. Incredibly fit.
Best on the team. If he played
25 minutes a night, he’d go into
the coach and say, ‘I’m not
playing enough, I need to play
HERITAGE RECAP: Last weekend’s MegaStars game between
alumni from the Edmonton Oilers and Montreal Canadiens
outdoors at Commonwealth
Stadium was so well-received
by the capacity crowd of
57,167 on hand, as well as the
players involved, that thoughts
immediately turned to an encore. Some suggestions include a rematch at the Big O,
and the Winter Olympic
JAGRRRRRRR: The Washington Capitals are still trying to
liquidate their huge salaries,
and one of them is Jaromir
Jagr. Washington is apparently
willing to assume $20 million
of the $45 million guaranteed
Jagr is owed on his contract beginning next season, where he
to be traded to the ever-so-rich
New York Rangers. Apparently, the Detroit Red Wings are
also interested in a similar deal.
loosing streak by beating the
Los Angeles Kings with a 6-4
me, or does every overtime
period end up being the most
exciting 5 minutes of the game?
Just last Saturday, the Montreal Canadiens and the Florida
Panthers fought for a 1-1 tie,
which was mostly due to an
amazing performance by the
goalies, and fluke goals on both
ends. Sure, there were incredible saves and fun rushes, but
nothing really happened until
AFTER both teams got their
point. I wonder what would
happen if the NHL gave 1 point
for just showing up... maybe
the WHOLE game would be exciting.
Hamilton Bulldogs have set yet
another record. Saturday
night’s 3-1 victory versus the
Rochester Amerks consisted
of Hamilton’s eighth consecutive victory on home ice, setting a new franchise record. The
Canadiens’ farm team, is 14-81-1 so far this season, a record
that is earning them the first
spot in their division.
Arpad from CF. Ladislav Nagy
added his name to an unusual
American Thanksgiving tradition for the Phoenix Coyotes
last Thursday. Nagy recorded
his first career hat trick as
Phoenix snapped a three-game
So this is our last issue this semester... but it’s not like that
means less work! Study, study,
study... and watch hockey! It’s
time for all of us to give our own
overtime effort. See you all
next semester!
On Saturday night the Lady Islanders
notched their sixth win of the season
defeating the Trappeurs de MarieVictorin by a score of 5-2. Playing
their best hockey of the season, the 65-0 Lady Isles have won 3 game sin a
row and are now tied for 5th place and
will host 4th place Brebeuf (6-7-0) on
Friday night at the Macdonald arena.
On Sunday the John Abbott College
women’s volleyball competed in their
4th league tournament at Vanier. The
Lady Isles entered the tournament no
longer as the number one seed due to
their performance the previous tournament and were looking to regain the
throne. The day started with a match
against a revamped team from Bois de
Boulogne. Unfortunately for the
Abbott team, the early morning
match got the better of them and they
lost the match 2-0. They had a match
break to wake themselves up before
playing the rest of the games and entered their next 3 matches on fire and
defeated Mont. Laurier in 2 and both
St. Jean and Ahuntsic in 3.
The John Abbott basketball teams
traveled to Laval on Sunday to challenge
Montmorency. The Lady Isles battled
the unbeaten Nomades, ranked
number 1 in Canada, for nearly 40
minutes but came up short 77-61. The
teams were tied at 33 at half time before the Lady Isles ran into foul trouble in the second half. Point guard
Rikki Bowles led the way with 13
points, Catherine Parent had 11 points
and 8 rebounds and Tiffany Hunting
chipped in 9 points.
In men’s action the Islanders struggled in a 95-68 loss. Jason Ratchelous
had a season high 29 points and Alex
McCooeye had 9 rebounds.
Star performances were turned in by
Marie-France Chartier who had 29
kills, 14 digs, 9 stuff blocks and 2 aces;
Gabrielle Heroux had 16 kills, 20 digs,
5 aces and a serve reception ratio of
2.2, Sofia Marques had 15 kills, 10 digs
and 8 stuff blocks, Veronique Riopel
had 13 digs and 7 kills and Jacky
Hertner had 10 kills and 6 digs. Setter
Patricia Riopel had an exceptional
day, not only setting the ball, but also
added 9 kills, 4 aces, 4 stuff blocks, 13
digs and a 50% kill ratio to the stat
Offensively the Islanders could only
muster 86 yards on the ground and
104 in the air, good enough for 9 first
downs. Meanwhile, the Vulkins had
372 yards on the ground, 146 in the
air and they had 21 first downs.
The all-stars will be presented with
their awards on Saturday, December
7 at the first annual league evaluation
camp hosted by College AndreGrasset.
The Islander football team had 4 players named to the league all-star team.
Selected unanimously by the coaches
were middle linebacker Tom Kuchiran
and cornerback Steven Holness.
Kuchiran was second in the league in
tackles with 73.5 and Holness led the
league with 7 interceptions for 155 return yards and a
Lineman Philip-Patrick Lalonde was
the only player on the offense selected
to the team. Lalonde is a graduate of
the Lakeshore Cougars program and
was a rookie with the Islanders this
season. Clement and Lalonde will both
be back next season with the Islanders.
In the third period the Lady Islanders
played solid defensive hockey and
kept possession with excellent passing as the game wound down. Later
during a late penalty to Marie Victorin
the power play failed to score but Lisa
Agozzino managed to seal the win with
an unassisted empty-netter for her
thirteenth goal of the season to make
it 5-2.
ished the season 7-5.
Louis-Pierre Clement
was also named to the
defensive all-star
team at the defensive
back position. A captain on the defense,
he was10th in the
league in tackles with
44.5 and 3rd in interceptions with 4 for 51
return yards.
Vanessa Davidson opened the scoring
early in the first period after a nifty
pass from Mary Maglieri. Julie
Dumoulin tied up the game before Lisa
Agozzino made it 2-1 with assists from
Myrianne Chailler and Maglieri. In the
second period Maglieri scored two
goals within five minutes and could
easily have had a third except for the
fine work of Catherine Boulay in the
Marie Victorin net. Assists on the
goals came from Lindsay LubellSmith, Bianca Chartrand and Vanessa
In shocking fashion the Islander football season came to a sudden end on
Saturday as the Vulkins from
Victoriaville overwhelmed the Islanders 50-0. The Vulkins, who took
advantage of the windy conditions
and a flat John Abbott team, led 21-0
at half time and 36-0 after three quarters. The Vulkins had the wind in both
the second and third quarters and
during that time scored 36 points. The
defending BOL D’OR champions fin○
kills, 5 stuff blocks, 2.33 reception
ratio, 69% kills, and an incredible 54%
hitting efficiency, Mathieu Pariseau
had 22 kills and 4 aces Alex Cayer
added 4 aces and 6 stuff blocks, Brian
Gariepy had 4 stuff blocks to go with
his 100% serving day and libero Steve
Fournier filled in admirably as a power
Running back Alex Bussandri carried
the ball 16 times for
57 yards and JeanFrancois RicherDesjardins had 4
catches for 68
yards. The Islanders
quarterbacks and
each of them had 2
Solarik completed
2 of 9 passes for 58
yards and an interception, Ryan
Kastner 2 of 9 for 31 yards and Mike
McNair 2 of 6 for 15 yards.
The Islander tennis team lost 8-7 to
rival Brebeuf yesterday. Although it
is the 3rd close loss of the season for
the defending provincial champs, the
results show that the Islanders are
poised to compete at that the provincial championships on December 8th.
The men’s side won 3 of 4 matches led
by their top player JF Talbot. Jean
Francois won 6-2, 6-4 playing 1st singles. Julien Grimard lost a close 2-6,63,6-4 match playing 2nd singles. In
doubles, Abbott won both matches in
straight sets. Team captain Rob
D’amico and Fabian Bogazzi won 64,6-3 playing 1st doubles, while the
team of John Franquet and Seb Alovisi
took second doubles 6-4,6-2.
Defensively the Islanders missed their
leading tackler, middle linebacker
Tom Kuchiran, who sat out the game
with an injury. Scott McMillan led the
Isles with 12 tackles; Tomas Gauthier
had 9 and Louis-Pierre Clement 6.
Clement and Justin Mongeon each had
a fumble recovery.
On the women’s side, # 1 singles players Stephanie Eckerth lost 6-1,6-1
while rookie Meagan Ivanowski
fought hard but was also on the losing
end of a 6-1,6-1 score. The women’s
doubles team of Stephanie Petizian
and Maria Rosak took a 6-1,6-1 loss.
LEVIS-LAUZONPaced by two goals
from Vanessa Davidson the Lady Islanders came up with a solid 5-1 win
over the Faucons de Levis-Lauzon at
Macdonald Arena. The win moves
John Abbott ahead of Levis-Lauzon in
the standings. Other goal scorers were
Lisa Agozzino assisted by Bianca
Chartrand and Mary Maglieri, Donna
Ringrose unassisted and Lindsay
Deliva assisted by Bianca Chartrand.
The John Abbott basketball teams
dropped a doubleheader to unbeaten
Dawson at home on Friday night.
Marie-Eve Poliquin had 13 points and
Catherine Parent had 12 for the 2-3
Lady Islanders in a 65-50 loss to the
Lady Blues who led 24-20 at half time.
Ariella Klieman had 14 saves in goal
and was only beaten by a wicked shot
from Melanie Potvin in the first period.
The Lady Islanders looked particularly good in the third period with
some great passing especially on the
power play. Kelly Feehan, Gaby RoySavard, Lisa Agozzino and Mimi
Chailler assisted on Vanessa D’s goals.
Poliquin had a team high 9 rebounds
and 5 steals and Parent had 8 rebounds.
The men were only down 34-33 at half
time but were outscored 46-24 in the
second half and lost 80-57. Jason
Ratchelous led the way with 18 points
and had 5 threes. Nickolas Pronovost
chipped in 13 points and Mark Nixon
added 12. Nigel Peters was high
rebounder with 9.
The Islander volleyball team competed in their 3rd league tournament
on Sunday at Cegep Ahuntsic. After
moving down from division 1 after the
last tournament, the team was out to
prove that they belonged in the top
division. The boys played a terrific
tournament dropping only 2 sets to a
talented team from Champlain. With
a record of 3-1, they will now move
back up to Division 1 for the next tournament.
St-Lambert 9
JAC swim team won the 3rd meet of
the year
Fri., Nov. 28
StLambert at men’s basketball
Brebeuf at women’s hockey
Sun., Nov. 30
volleyball tournament at St-Lambert
Tennis at
Outstanding performers in the tournament were Sandy Thomson with 38
Australia’s Mark
Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Tim
Philippoussis collapses to the court as
Wansley (31) brings down New York
he wins his match against Spain’s
Giants’ running back Brian Mitchell (30)
Juan Carlos Ferrero to clinch the Davis
during NFL action in Tampa, Florida,
Cup final for Australia, in Melbourne
November 24, 2003. The Buccaneers
November 30, 2003. Philippoussis won
edged the New York Giants 19-13 in an
in five sets 7-5 6-3 1-6 2-6 6-0 to give
error-filled match-up Monday to keep
Australia a
their slim
3-1 win in the
Part of the Olympic stadium with the
hopes alive.
glass-and-steel structure is reflected in
Athens, Monday, Dec. 1, 2003. Spanish
Montreal Canadians goalie Jose
architect Santiago Calatrava, after
Theodore wears a touque on top of his
touring the stadium complex, assured
mask to stay warm under freezing
organizers that his glass-and-steel roof
temperatures during the NHL heritage
over the main stadium will be
classic against the Edmonton Oilers
completed in time.
November 22, 2003 in Edmonton’s
Commonwealth stadium. Over 55,000
people attended the first ever NHL
game played outside.
Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson
Washington Capitals’ Ivan Ciernik
acts like he is praying after being
collides with Montreal Canadiens’
called for turning over the ball against
goalie Mathieu Garon behind the
the Detroit Pistons during second
Canadiens’ goal, during third period
quarter NBA action last week in
NHL action in Montreal's 5-3 victory at
the MCI Center last Friday.