Bandersnatch 88 miles per hour since 1971 Volume 37, Issue 5 • Wednesday November ���������� 7th, 2007 In this Issue... Climate war change Darth Cheney Leia Wesley Campus Editor Page 4 Darth Vader is a name that Vice President Dick Cheney’s critics have called him. Not his boss. Not his wife. Not he himself. Until now... Musical tragedy Page 6 I n t h e 1 6 th c e n t u r y W i l l i a m Shakespeare, a world famous playwright, wrote a classic tragedy; Romeo and Juliet. The play tells of two young lovers, whose untimely and tragic deaths unite their feuding families. This play has been preformed on the stage by many famous actors and it returned to the stage once again, only this time as an opera Dude, awesome Page 8 Awesome things are awesome; this is what science and religion combined tell us. So, when do we know that those things that are awesome are in fact awesome, turning them into awesome things? The most used and best measurement of awesometacity was invented by Victor H. Five, a Swedish physicist who was known for his conclusion that if you drop a bowling ball and a feather in a vacuum, the owner of said vacuum will tell you to get your garbage off his property. Shreddin’ Video Game Page 10 Yes, that’s right, another Guitar Hero. Has it gotten old yet? Mashing your fingers on a plastic guitar trying to be as cool as people who can play the songs in real life? Not at all. Sections Campus.............................. 1 News................................... 4 Entertainment.................... 6 Opinions ............................ 8 Arts...................................... 9 Games.............................. 10 Sports................................ 11 In the year 2050, global warming will cause a shortage of crops forcing many countries into starvation. Gwynne Dyer, a journalist, academic and specialist in military, was in the Agora last Monday to speak to the audience on this matter. This very prediction derives from Britain; it’s a scenario that has taken the government over very slowly. Dyer, said that, “The scenario assumes, there is to be no food to import from anywhere because climate change will get all the major exporter, there will be no food being sold around the planet, what you have is what you can grow.” So, Britain is preparing on protecting themselves, when their food runs out, they plan to fight with their new nuclear weapons, which is 60 billions dollars worth to black mail other country to giving them their food. The places where the world grows most of its food are drying up. Grain production hasn’t grown for over ten years and there will be an expected two billion more people to come. In the end, each country will be left to feed itself. Spain, Italy, Turkey and Southern France are all turning into desserts. Dyer said, “The Sahara is coming north, Spain is half dessert now [and it] wouldn’t take much to push the other half over the edge.” These countries aren’t poor nations, but are rich, industrialized, and technologically advanced countries that can support themselves. Dyer continued “[These] large industrialized states Career Fair 07 Chelsey Lajeunesse Contributor Are you unsure of what you want to do in life? Do you want to know more about a specific career path? If this sounds a lot like yourself, you should think about checking out this years Career Fair on November 7th and 8th between 9:30am and 1:30pm in the Agora. It’s a great opportunity to find the work you love and explore new career options, and not to mention how much fun you’re going to have. This event is organized by the Student Employment Centre with the help of a number of student volunteers. We have many things lined up for you guys during the career fair hours. Everything from great prizes to exciting guests who are volunteering their time to come talk to you about their jobs, so take advantage of this great opportunity. Network, meet people, explore your options, and win prizes! If you are thinking about dropping by the Agora on November 7th, you will have a chance to talk to some Real Estate Agents, a Library technician, Dental Assistant, and both TV Anchor and TV Senior Producer are not going to watch their children starve if they have any alternative what-so-ever and they do have alternatives because they can build weapons.” The European union predicts that the Earth’s average global temperature will increase by a minimum of two degrees celsius by the end of this century. IBCC, a government organization, has 2000 scientists in their leading field working to predicted the expected minimal warming the Earth can endure, which is 2 degrees, and an expected maximum of 6.4 degrees by the end of the century. This is the only radical that the scientist can all agree upon that is the most accurate. Dyer stated, “we will be very lucky if we can squeeze in with only 2 degrees celsius hotter by the end of the century… And if we could manage that, we could probably skate through this crisis [untouched] because that gives us 93 years to make the adjustment, to move people around and to change the crops.” The only way we can make it past this crisis is by decreasing our emissionions. If the rich countries reduce emissions by 30% then we will be on our way to less severe outcomes of global warming. “The first 15% is easy (turning off the light, taking public transportation and etc) [but] it’s the next 15% that is harder to get, but it can be done by pricing.” After that, to make an even bigger impact on the enviroment, we will need to cut another 40 % off emissions. That cannot be done just solely on solar and wind power, we will need to go nuclear to attaint our goals, Dyer said, “which will split the green movement down in the middle.” Not all new emissions in the Earths atmosphere are from the old industrialized countries. About 10% of new emission comes from Asia, Latin America, China, India, Mexico, and South East Asia. These countries are poor and they go for the cheap and dirty solutions. So, they will not be willing to curb their emissions, because it was the older nations error in the first place that lead to depletion of the ozone layer. That is where Dyer proposed a solution that will allow the emerging industrialized countries not have to curb their emission right away but slowly through example introduce them into cleaner greener technology, while the older nations are taking deeper cuts in their usage of emissions. Dyer believes that if this is done, then we will be able to keep ourselves from famine, war, severe drought, and flooding in many countries. of Global TV-This Morning Live. We’ll also have a Radio Announcer from 94.7 Hits FM, and even a professional Dance Performer. On November 8th, we are expecting a Computer Image and Video Technician, Electronics Technician, Interior Decorator, Photographer, Police Officer, and so many more guests with interesting jobs on both days. You will not want to miss a minute of it! Don’t forget about the Dream Job Contest, there are many different prizes that you can win thanks to our sponsors from 94.7 Hits FM, JAC Bookstore, JAC Foundation, Rod Roy Ski& Snowboard School, Sodexho Food Services (gifts for JAC Cafeteria or Munch Box), Thérèse Casgrain Theatre (tickets to upcoming JAC production). So if you want a chance to win some exciting prizes make sure to stop by the Agora for the Career Fair. So, to sum up everything into a few simple words, SEARCH, EXPLORE, and FIND the work you love by participating in this years Career Fair. It’s a great way to meet new people in the field of work you’re interested in. It might even help you realize that you want to learn about a different career than the one you are studying right now, anything can happen! You won’t know what’s out there until you get up and find out for yourself. Hope to see you all there, it’s going to be great and you won’t want to miss out. For more info, log on to www. Wednesday November 7th, 2007 • Campus Life With Leia Wesley Flirting with the idea of flirting Lady S Staff Writer So, the topic of the day is flirting. Before we start, let’s try to define what flirting really is. To be completely cliché, the Merriam Webster’s dictionary describes flirting as, “behaving amorously without serious intent.” Now I have to say, I don’t completely agree with their definition. Anyone who’s watched guys and girls sitting close and talking at a bar or even walking ner vously along the halls at Abbott can probably say that sometimes, the intent is serious. Maybe in our parents’ generation, flirting was confined to coy glances and ‘accidental’ arm brushes, but, today, I think that definition needs to be altered. When a guy offers to buy a girl a drink nowadays, she not only has to worry about things like date rape drugs, but it is almost certain that the guy’s intentions are not pure. Taking a drink offer implies that you’re interested, which can in turn imply that you’re will- The Oval Ellish Maigue Contributor Old Abbott graduates know it simply as “the Oval”. However, Abbott’s next generation of students fail to even notice it in its lonely corner of Herzberg basement H-052. “The Oval? What’s that? I haven’t heard of it.” replies Aziza Assaad, a second semester Social Science student. Exactly, what do students know about the Oval Coffee House?“That’s the place where people used to smoke. During my first year here, it was closed down and was being renovated” answers Allan Salazar, a student of three years at Abbott.Indeed, The Oval Coffee House used to be the only place at Abbott to permit smoking indoors. “People didn’t go there for coffee and snacks. They went there to smoke.” reminisces Brian Pribabdi, a returning student in his first year in nursing.Heida Norberg, the Oval’s manager, recalls its history as well as recounts its current state today. After the Tobacco Act prohibiting smoking in public areas, the Oval had to shed its indoor smoking identity. Because of this, Heida acknowledges that the Oval is in a current need of “a new identity”. Whatever identity it needs to develop, the Oval still offers a great hangout place for students. “It’s medium between library and the Munchbox. It’s small and big, intimate, not as ‘oppressive’ as a library. It provides work space for group work.”In terms of lounging, students at Abbott can benefit from couches, playing board games and cards, access to wireless • Wednesday �������������������� November 7th, 2007 ing to have sex. Many people may not see it that way, but how many guys buy drinks for girls unless they eventually want to sleep with them? Many girls, myself included, have been naïve enough to talk to guys in bars, who seem nice enough, not really considering the fact that my ‘innocent’ flirting may be seen differently by them. Though I may be having a good time and chatting, I know that I have no intention of seeing this guy ever again. So, girls, is it wrong to lead guys on like that? I think the best route in a situation like that is to make it very clear that you’re just out having a good time with your friends. Invite someone else to come sit with you guys to take the pressure off. Then there’s the question of flirting when you’re in a relationship. When does friendly conversation turn into flirting and when is it taking it too far? If a waiter turns on the charm for a table full of pretty girls with the intention of getting a higher tip, is that wrong? If a guy asks a girl to dance and she does, should her boyfriend be mad? My opinion when it comes to this is internet or the sounds of CSKY radio. “Students can also bring in their cds and I play them”, says Heida.The food at the Oval fits in the category of “snack food” or “study food”,as Heida puts it. Its most popular items are the coffee and its Fairmont bagels. “I sell quite a lot of those in the morning,” points out Heida as she opens her fridge to reveal a big supply of cream cheese.Also on the menu are quick and easy lunch items such as Pizza Pockets, Pogos and Gattuso noodles. One would also be pleased to notice that all items on the menu are below two dollars. The Oval will also be serving fair trade coffee starting from the beginning of November.With the goal to also promote environmentally friendly habits, the Oval offers an alternative to styrofoam cups: mugs. For just the price of 1,25$, students can bring in their mugs from home to get them filled up. The Oval even has a quaint mug rack on its wall just for its regular customers.“The mug rack used to surround the walls,” Heida remembers. She hopes in time that this mug rack returns when students get wind of this offer. Among the other things she wishes to have returned from the original days of the Oval are its “ambient lighthing” and poetry readings. “I’m always open to ideas.” Heida throws this challenge to all students that wish to help the Oval revamp its identity.Come in and grab a snack from your very own coffee house, Abbotters! Opening hours of the Oval are from 8:00 to 3:30 pm from Monday to Thursday, and from 8:00 to 1:30 pm on Fridays. BANDERSNATCH that there is one simple question you can ask yourself in every situation. Imagine your boyfriend or girlfriend could see what you were doing. Would you be embarrassed? Guilty? Would you continue to act the same way? Personally, I find this works every time. As always, if you have any comments about this issue, or ideas for others, give me a shout at sexandthecampus@ All submissions are completely confidential. Play Safe, Lady S. John Abbott College 21275 Lakeshore Road P.O. Box 2000 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3L9 Phone: (514) 457-6610 ext. 5389 Fax: (514) 457-6091 Office: H-041 Web: E-mail: Judy Gelsthorpe Editor-in-Chief Will Attar Assistant Editor-in-Chief Megan Chan News Editor Leia Wesley Campus Life Editor Barbara Radziwon Entertainment Editor Raluca Iancu Arts Editor JAC webmail John Abbott students are now eligible to receive the new Microsoft Office 2007 (full ultimate version) for only $ 6 4 . 0 0 C N D. T h e r e g u l a r p r i c e i s $899.00 in the store. Seize the deal! It’s a total steal: help save time and money with this offer. The new features and fresh look of Office Ultimate 2007 will help you organize and get all your work done in the blink of an eye. To get this deal for students visit www. for more information. Offer ends April 30, 2008. To purchase the product you will need a special John Abbott College student email address. Get your email address infor mation g o to www.johnabbott. and click on Student Email located under the Student Zone tab. Samantha Villeneuve Opinions Editor Justin Banks Games Page Editor Andrei Iancu Sports Editor Eric Chan Production Manager Sarah Michaud Office Manager Alex Attar Webmaster Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks and is partially funded by the Student Activities Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome and become property of Bandersnatc h. Submissions must be sent via E-mail to and must be in Plain Text format (.txt) or Microsoft Word Document format (.doc). All submissions must include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. Bandersnatch reserves the right to reject submissions or to edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words but may be printed if they are worthwhile. Spelling and grammar will not be corrected on submissions as it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them. Submissions should be dropped off at the Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of Herzberg, room H-041 (across from the hallway entrance of The Oval). Bandersnatch Campus Life og o M ith w Lizards are fricken’ cool! Providing a helping hand. Alex Attar Webmaster It has been well known for some time that certain lizards (notably newts and salamanders) are able to regrow a lost leg or tail, but how exactly they are able to do this is a mystery that has mystified biologists for quite some time. However, a recently discovered gene may help solve just that. Scientists have discovered a protein in newts that is apparently a major contributor in the regrowth of lost limbs. The protein is called nAG. It is secreted by nerve and skin cells and plays a major part in producing the immature cells, known as blastema, which regrow the missing appendages. In effect, newts are able to convert their cells into undifferentiated stem cells and then back again. Scientists demonstrated the importance of the nAG protein in this process by showing that even if a nerve is severed below the stump tip, the point which would normally prevent the part from regrowing, by artificially making the cells produce the protein, the scientists coaxed the nerve into regeneration. Scientists are hoping that this discovery will eventually lead to the regeneration of limbs in mammals. With a clearer understanding of the molecular signals involved in blastema creation and limb regeneration, along with the new nAG protein, it is conceivable that mammalian regeneration could exist in the future. It is impossible to say when this will exist in humans. When it does, the hope is that prosthetics will become, for the most part, a thing of the past. Instead of a false arm, a brand new arm could be created. Unfortunately it is also possible that the process cannot be duplicated by mammals. However, scientists are now making leaps and bounds in the area of regenerative medicine. Stem cell research has seemed promising for a while now (despite its controversy) and some scientist, through a series of accidents, discovered that they might be able to grow new eyes in labs. The nAG protein is now an important new tool in their repertoire. This photograph shows the seperation of a lizard’s tail. Their ability to grown back a new tail will help scientific researchers in finding new healthy discoveries. Alcohol and energy drinks bad mix, study says. Andy Iancu Sports Editor By now we’re all aware that mixing strong alcohol with light alcohol is a bad idea. Jack is not Molson’s friend. However, a recent study shows that drinks like Vodka Red Bull can be even more dangerous. The mix of energ y drinks with alcohol diminishes the feeling of being drunk. Because of this, people will be tempted to consume more, but will be unable to tell if they or if others are drunk. Visuals from the Editor Zhao Bandi’s fashion show took place November 4, 2007 during the China Fashion Week taking place in Beijing. Zhao’s new creations for BandiPanda show a large variety of clothing that all follow Zhao’s panda theme. Many of the styles have the standard black and white panda theme though some outfits manage to spark things up with a little colour. This model struts down the runway with one of the more extreme outfits from Bandi-Panda. • Wednesday ���������� November ��������� � 7th, 2007 The study, carried out as a web-based survey of over 4000 students in 10 different US universities, shows that the risk of damage is about double. Drinking what has been coined as “Energy Drinks” will double your risk of being a victim of abuse, or even abusing. This comes from the fact that you’ll be feeling sober but not able to control your actions, since you’ll be even more drunk then you usually would be. Besides unwanted sexual activity, you’re also twice as likely to drive while drunk or drive with someone who’s drunk. Because of your overconfidence, you also have double the chance of get- ting hurt, or ending up in the hospital. That’s twice the chance compared to being drunk, not sober. From these 4000 students, the study showed that students who mixed will typically drink more, more often, and for longer than people who drink regular alcohol. The fact is, most energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine, and stimulants which will send you heart rate flying while alcohol is a depressant. By mixing, you send mixed signals to your body which can cause heart problems. Most people who mix also believe that because the energy drink will carry you through the night and keep you awake, your hangover won’t be as bad. However, alcohol is known to dehydrate the body and the stimulants in energy drinks, especially the caffeine, only aggravate this. This means your hangover is only going to be worse. So think about that next time you go drinking. Most of us have made friends with the toilet at least once while mixing. Mixing energy drinks and booze is the same thing. Think of it this way: If you start seeing wings, lay off the Red Bull. This photo shows a man holding up coloured chicks from his backyard in Jakarta, Indonesia. Chickens have been a large issue concerning deaths caused by the bird flu. A 44 year old woman recently died in Indonesia and the cause of death has been tested positive for the bird flu. The woman was being treated for a high fever. Finally, after being admitted to a hospital, she died the next day. This brings the toll up to 87 people out of 108 confirmed cases of contracting this H5N1 virus as fatal cases. This is an animal’s disease found in sick fowl but scientists fear that it may mutate and spread to humans. Bandersnatch News News Oddities Will Attar Assistant Editor-in-Chief Cheney is OK with being Darth Vader Darth Vader is a name that Vice President Dick Cheney’s critics have called him. Not his boss. Not his wife. Not he himself. Until now… On Wednesday October 31, President Bush launched into a health-care speech by opening with a joke at Cheney’s expense. “This morning I was with the vice president,” Bush told a gathering of grocery manufacturers. “I was asking him what costume he was planning. He said, ‘Well, I’m already wearing it.’ Then he mumbled something about the dark side of the force.” “Most of you knew me long before anyone called me Darth Vader,” Cheney said in a speech at The Washington Institute last week. “I’ve been asked if that nickname bothers me, and the answer is, no. After all, Darth Vader is one of the nicer things I’ve been called recently.” The Name refers to Cheney’s terse manner and sometimes-gloomy view of world affairs. Cheney’s wife even went on the Daily Show with a Darth Vader doll. She gave it to Jon Stewart and said, “It’s an old family heirloom.” Man misses monkeys and hits neighbor Monkeys invaded a man’s home, stealing some food, in a Malaysian village Friday, November 2, 2007. He then was so angry that the 72-year-old licensed shotgun holder ran out with his weapon and shot into the bushes behind his house where the monkeys had gone. Unfortunately, he shot his 57-year-old neighbor. The man only sustained minor injuries. Gnomes without homes In Springfield, Oreg on, 75 gnomes were taken from their homes and placed on and around the lawn of one house. Since the strange vandalism has been reported, all the lawn ornaments have taken shelter in the Springfield police station. Among the garden gnomes were geese, deer, and frogs. “We need to get them out of here,” Capt. Richard Harrison said. “Every time I leave my office they’re sitting in my chair, working on my computer. I can’t seem to get rid of the darn things.” Police are asking for people to identify them and take them home. Eventually, the gnomes and other ornaments will be sold at auction. Clydes SUJAC UPDATE And the countdown begins! It’s the home stretch until the end of the semester and it seems like with only five weeks left, the whole school is in a craze. It may seem like you’ll never pull through it right now but fear not fellow Abbotters, we have almost come to the conclusion of this chapter in the year, at which time we will be able to enjoy a luxurious, relaxing and oh-so well deserved holiday break. In the meantime, however, it is once again time to fill you in on SUJAC and other happenings around the school. Unfortunately, that creepy crawly time in which there just always seemed to be candy everywhere, known more or less as Halloween, has come to an end. It may seem sad but this year’s Halloween festivities brought much good news…. the SUJAC Open House was a big success! From October 30th to November 1st, the SUJAC office opened its doors to the College community for our Open House. Students who stopped or walked by the office were able to enjoy free candy, treats and Fair Trade coffee, and of course the magnificent decorations. Students who came in to inquire were immediately greeted by a spooky atmosphere and of course someone ready to answer any questions they had. Also, with this successful Open House, SUJAC gained two new Congress members whose names are Surbhi Dubey and Miranda Ross. Welcome to SUJAC! For all other Congress hopefuls still out there, keep an eye open for a possible reopening of Nominations. A few last little reminders before we part: the next COAC (Confederation of Anglophone CEGEPs) meeting is coming up on Friday, Novemer 9, where for the second time this year, English CEGEPs from around Quebec will meet and discuss intercollegial and external affairs. Also, don’t forget about the Parking Complaint list that we have in the SUJAC office…the more student feedback we receive, the better! Finally, if you’re ever feeling like you have a problem with a teacher and are thinking about grievances and grade reviews, don’t hesitate to stop by the SUJAC office in P-101 and talk to our V-P Academic, Brittni Martin. Defending the rights of the student body is what SUJAC is here for. So there you have it folks…this issue’s SUJAC Update…and remember, when it seems like you’re completely in over your head or that you’ll never pull through, there are only 5 weeks left! Good luck and happy studying! Presents… Friday, November 30: Mardi Gras Party Games, Prizes, Southern Music, More… Saturday, Dec. 1: Rolling Stones tribute Every Wednesday: 20 cent wing Night Every Friday: $tudent Night! Every Canadiens game on our Big Screens! Bandersnatch News Wednesday November 7th, 2007 • I’ve heard a rumor, have you? Raluca Iancu Arts Editor “Not Wanted on the Voyage” is narrated by Mottyl, the blind cat belonging to Mrs. Noah Noyes. The play begins on Noah’s property, where the blind cat introduces all the principal characters: Mr. Noah Noyes, Mrs. Noyes; their three sons: Shem, Ham and Japeth, as well as Hannah, Shem’s wife, and Emma, Japeth’s wife. Noah is devout to God and his laws and follows them to the letter, while making his family submit to this lifestyle. At the same time, he conducts strange and cruel experiments on diverse animals. Mrs. Noyes is an alcoholic, stashing bottles of gin all over the house. Shem is a strong but slow-witted laborer while his wife is devoted to Noah and follows his instructions devoutly. Ham is a scientist, incapable of violence, never having killed a living creature. Japeth, born bright blue, is obsessed with sex but Emma won’t give in to his advances. The problems start once God’s messenger, the peacock, announces that Yaweh will be paying them a visit. It is a tired and depressed god that confronts them. Disappointed with the way humanity is ignoring him, Yaweh decides that he will cleanse the world in a big flood, after having seen Noah perform a magic trick consisting of making a penny disappear under a glass by pouring water into the glass. Having felt very welcome by Noah’s family, Yaweh decides to give them a warning and tells them to build an ark, in anticipation of the flood. Yaweh’s decree is that Noah must bring his spouse, his sons and their wives, and a specimen of each gender of each species. Lucifer, sensing something is amiss, disguises himself as an attractive woman, Lucy, and woos Noah’s second son, Ham. They get married hurriedly, just in time to board the ark. Sarcasm and dark humor permeate the whole play. Among the many ironies is that while Noah is portrayed as evil, Lucifer is a good character. Noah becomes even more obsessed with God and his laws. He establishes a dictatorship on the ark and segregates half of his family on the lower decks. The play emphasizes the fact that Noah isn’t perfect or holy. Ultimately, Lucifer leads the rebellion against Noah, but this time Lucifer is on the “good guys” side. However, Noah’s violence and injustices lead to the loss of innocence and magic in the world, regardless of the “rebels”’ victory. In an attempt to make Emma sexually submissive to Japeth, Noah sacrifices the unicorn. Because of this violence, all the animals lose the power of speech. As the play ends we realize, as do the characters, that it’s a vicious circle and it will all begin again. Noah, with the help of his “old friend” destroys the world in order to have a clean slate to test upon. “We don’t have enough time” cries out Mrs. Noyes as the play comes to a close. Emma embodies innocence. Noah rap- A musical tragedy Barbara Radziwon Entertainment Editor In the 16th century William Shakespeare, a world famous playwright, wrote a classic tragedy; Romeo and Juliet. The play tells of two young lovers, whose untimely and tragic deaths unite their feuding families. This play has been preformed on the stage by many famous actors and it returned to the stage once again, only this time as an opera. Opéra de Montreal is presenting Roméo et Juliette from November 3rd to November 15th, at the Salle Wilfred-Pelletier Theatre, at Place des Arts. It is directed by Michael Cavangh and hosts the musical directions of Jean-Yves Ossonce. This is Ossonce’s North American debut, as he conducts the orchestra to the music Charles Gounod. The stars of the opera are extremely talented singers, who have preformed in past production, hosted by Opéra de Montreal. On November 1st, Roméo et Juliette presented a final dress rehearsal before an audience of high school and college students. Since this was technically a dress rehearsal and not a performance, the audience had an opportunity to see first hand the work it took to present an opera. Directed Michael Cavanagh’s opera does • Wednesday ���������� November ��������� � 7th, 2007 not take place in Shakespearian times, it is a more modern vision of Roméo et Juliette. It takes place in the 1940’s, so the costumes and the social life is different. Therefore, some imagination is called for, even though it is hard to imagine Mauren O’Flynn and Marc Hervieux as the young teenage, Romeo and Juliette. Marc Hervieux, a fine tenor, played Romeo. Although talented, he did not fit the part of the tall, dark, and handsome Romeo. Most of the time, he looked more like Romeo’s father. And the beautiful Juliet, played by Maureen O’Flynn, lacked the innocent and youthful look. O’Flynn’s soprano voice was too sharp at times, to the point that it made a few of the audience members’ twist in their seats. Alexander Dobson, a baritone who played as Mercutio, sounded beautiful and would have made a better Romeo. Sarah Myath, a mezzo-soprano, played the part of a boy, Stephano, and her voice hit the high notes beautifully. She did not sound sharp; it was nice to hear her sing. Sarah Myath would have made a better Juliette. It is hard to believe that there is a shortage of young tenors or sopranos who can fill the roles of young characters. Younger leading opera singers would have been a plus in Michael Cavanagh’s Roméo et Juliette. The cast of Roméo et Juliette seemed ing her (through the means of the unicorn) symbolizes the world’s loss of innocence. At the same time, Lucifer embodies rebellion and is basically the author’s voice. He carries the message of this satiric play. Perhaps one of his most poignant lines is “I’ve heard a rumor of another world. Have you?” Overall, the actors were pretty decent for the level the play is presented at. Some stood out more than others. Jeremy Grauer as Lucifer was particularly memorable. The same goes for Gavin Schwartz as the unicorn, Alexander Arsic as Noah Noyes and Dennis Thibodeau as Yaweh. Friday night, Mrs. Noyes was played by Emilie Matte and, while she seemed to be a tad over the top, her performance still stays fresh in one’s mind. That is not to say that the other actors weren’t good, but they didn’t stand out as much. What I found really quite hilarious was that Nadine Susel was wearing glasses while she played Mottyl, the blind cat, on Friday night. Asides from that, it was an overall successful production. The set was quite impressive and looked very professional. It was quite a feast for the eyes. Unfortunately, the last performance was Saturday morning, the 3rd of November. However, should you wish to catch the theatre troupe in action, there’s always their next production, entitled “Urine Town” (the story takes place in a town in which due to water shortage, all washrooms become privatized and everyone must pay for the privilege to flush away). charmed on stage, as if the stage was too small. The two feuding families, the Capulets and the Montaigus, look more like two rival mafia families. At one point it looked more like a Broadway musical of The Godfather. Roméo et Juliette was not what one would have expected, but it did have two positive notes. Ossonce did an amazing job as conductor and Denis Sedor, a bass, who played Friar Laurence. The way he held himself on stage simply drew you into the character he portrayed. Sedor had remarkable stage presence. Opera is not only a feast for the ears, but for the eyes as well. Roméo et Juliette, directed by Michael Cavanagh, featuring the music of Charles Gounod , was disappointing. It was not a memorable performance. New Releases In theatres American Gangster Dan in Real Life Saw IV Bee Movie CD Blackout - Britney Spears DVDs Spiderman 3 Chuck and Larry In the Land of Woman Licensed to Wed Ratatouille Sicko Upcoming Releases In theatres Fred Claus November 9 P2 November 9 Beowulf November 16 Margot at the Wedding November 16 Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium November 16 Enchanted November 23 Hitman November 23 CDs Alicia Keys – As I Am November 20 DVDs Amazing Grace November 13 Ocean’s Thirteen November 13 Shrek the Third November 13 Upcoming Events Van Halen November 10 at 8, Bell Center The Police November 12 at 7:30, Bell Center Bon Jovi Nomember 14 and 15 at 7:30, Bell Center Dropkick Murphys November 17 at 7, Metropolis Bedouin Sound November 25 at 8, Metropolis Alexisonfire November 15 at 7, Metropolis Bandersnatch Entertainment Into a refreshingly intelligent wild Barbara Radziwon Entertainment Editor In 1993, Jon Krakauer wrote a 9,000 word article entitled Death of an Innocent, which followed the story of a young man by the name of Christopher McCandless. Krakauer was so inspired by McCandless’ life that three years later, Krakauer published his best-selling novel Into the Wild. This book, which has sold hundreds of copies, has now been adapted into a film with the same name. Christopher McCandless was an American youth who died in 1992, near the Denali National Park in Alaska. He was born into a wealthy family and grew up in Annandale, Virginia. Since a young age, McCandless had a strong-will and intense idealism. He quickly saw the flaws in society and the corruption caused by society. Soon after his graduation from college, Christopher decided to give away everything he owns, including his savings of $24,000, burn his identification cards, and to live off of the land in the wilderness. For nearly two years, his adventure across North America took him to wonderful places where he befriended many people. However McCandless’ adventure sadly came to an end when he reached Alaska, where he managed to survive for several months before his death in August. The film, Into the Wild, directed by academy award winner Sean Penn, does justice to Christopher’s life journey. The film opens up with Christopher graduating from college and joining his family and sister at a restaurant for a congratulatory dinner. Right away, the tension between Christopher and his father is present. Immediately after the opening scene, Christopher destroys his cards and sets off on the adventure that made him world known. Wanting to discovery himself and connect more with his soul, Christopher journeys farther and farther away from society. Eventually, he ends up in Alaska, where most of the film takes place. Divided into several chapters, this film is no doubt an Oscar contender. Emile Hirsch, who played Christopher McCandless, was extraordinary. His acting was what made the film. His emotions were strong, and the physical transformation that Hirsch went through was astonishing. Little make up was used for this film; therefore Hirsch literally had to starve himself to resemble McCandless in his final days. It would be no surprise if Hirsch receives an honorable award for his work in this film. Aside from Hirsch, another surprise was Vince Vaughn’s performance. Known as one of the members of “the frat pack”, Vaughn’s role in this film was a more civil one. He played a wheat farmer who runs into some trouble with the FBI. Though his role is small in the film, it showed that Vaughn came do more than just vulgar comedy. Of course, the most notable person from this film was the director, Sean Penn. Though he did not star in the movie, his presence was felt. Penn’s acting skills and Hirsch’s have an uncanny resemblance. Watching Hirsch perform was like watching Bandersnatch Entertainment a much younger Penn on the screen. Even though this was Penn’s first time directing a full-length film, he did a magnificent job. He did not stray from the novel and made sure he told McCandless’ story properly. In a recent conference call, both Emile Hirsch and Sean Penn explained their experiences from making this movie. Penn explained that ever since he read Krakauer’s novel, he wanted to make this film. He also explained that this little project of his took himself and Hirsch on a journey of their own. They traveled to several parts of North America, and witnessed the beauty of the natural world. Penn explained that making this film was like a spiritual journey for him. Even though the McCandless family was portrayed as very cold people towards Christopher, they were apparenty very helpful and willing to make this movie with Penn. Into the Wild was a soulful and intelligent film. It did not drag out and it told the story of Christopher McCandless’ liberation from society beautifully. Emile Hirsch was brilliant and his acting performance will land him several more films in the near future. Sean Penn’s Into the Wild is a film for a more educated audience and will sure to get more recognition once the award season starts. Wednesday November 7th, 2007 • A quintet of elevated fingers David Anderson Staff writer Awesome things are awesome; this is what science and religion combined tell us. So, when do we know that those things that are awesome are in fact awesome, turning them into awesome things? The most used and best measurement of awesometacity was invented by Victor H. Five, a Swedish physicist who was known for his conclusion that if you drop a bowling ball and a feather in a vacuum, the owner of said vacuum will tell you to get your garbage off his property. Mr. Five created a system based off a unit of measurement he dubbed the “smalla ‘till om handflatta” or “slap of palm” according to random internet translators. Eventually, because the Muppets have made it so nobody can take Swedish seriously as a language, the unit was named after Dr. Five himself. In case you aren’t the brightest bulb in the knife drawer we’re going to be talking about High Fives and why they’re pretty good, okay? Good. The High Five spread through Europe thanks to the dude-based culture, begun by the German noble family of the Dudemeisters. Kaiser Thefriggin Dudemeister I of Germany High Fived every single person present at his coronation ceremony, from noblemen to commoners in the streets; this resulted in death through blood loss after the skin on his hand was destroyed by thousands of High Fives. The practice was adopted by his son Kaiser Thefriggin Dudemesiter II but was toned down to include his close friends. Other nobles emulated their lord and High Fived each other during important ceremonies and this trickled down to the peasantary. Eventually all conversations in the feudal era were started in German and ended in High Fives with social etiquette dictating at least five more appear during the course of the conversation. The clergy picked up this practice eagerly because as Pope John IX once said (or more accurately cannot be disapproved to have once said) “sore palms can only help clerical celibacy”. Despite its popularity amongst the people, the High Five endured many attacks from the scientific community. It’s accuracy as a unit of measurement of awesomemetacity is often thrown into question, mainly because nobody seems to follow Dr. Five’s three hundred-page guide of the various High Fives. Most people don’t even carry it around with them at all times. How irrational! A more concrete system of measurement almost dethroned the High Five, the Richteer scale of bitchingly sweet business. With eight degrees of awesome, ranging from: “driving a motorcycle or helicopter, jumping off the motorcycle and parachuting down as it crashes into another helicopter while the original helicopter you were in flies upwards out of control and crashes into a third helicopter” to “cold and burnt toast”. The main reason Richteer’s scale was not nearly as popular as the High Five is that there isn’t really anything as awesome as the helicopter stuff. I mean it’s all like VRRRROOOOM PSSSSH PWOOOOAAOAO W H U H U H U H U H U H U H PFFFKKKOOOAOAOAOA. Today the noble High Five is one of the few vestiges of the Age of Dudes and its scientific use as a measurement of awesomemecity had been forgotten completely. Some say we should bring back its scientific meaning, some say we should stop stealing their culture but ever since they had their ass handed to them by the Soviets and the Americans nobody cares what they think. The presidency jokes Samantha Villeneuve Opinions Editor I love the little counters on people’s Facebook profiles that count down the remaining time until the fellow Texan primate, George W. Bush, is removed from office. It makes me giggle. Really. Why? Because people honestly believe it will make an immense difference as to who occupies the Oval Office. Perhaps I’m being pessimistic but I believe that the United States of America could employ the Dalai Lama as their leader and that good chap still wouldn’t manage to switch things around. Forget it, folks. The presidency is an illusion. A government doesn’t control our southern neighbours! What are you saying? In the U.S. of A., the only system is the economic system. Ever heard of a corporatocracy? Corporatocracy – yes, that’s English. Let me put it in modern terms: L33T CORPOR8S PWN N00B GVMT. Get it? The Americans are electing puppets to represent the interests of the corporations, not the people. It’s like handing a strap-on to a sexual predator. Doesn’t anyone else think it’s funny that the Americans just waltzed right into a country, blew the living snot out of it and are now assigning contracts to their own companies in order to rebuild it? “There’s no more room for shopping malls in Los Angeles, let’s just raze another nation and rebuild it for them – in the name of profit! • Wednesday ���������� November ��������� � 7th, 2007 Oh, and erm … democracy too!” Doesn’t anyone else think it’s funny that the United States of America is pumping a metric shit ton of money into the military industry while their poverty and illiteracy rates are actually “raisin’ da roof ”? Wait, no – that isn’t actually funny! It’s all a meticulously weaved strategy! They don’t want people to read! That doesn’t earn a goddamn buck at the end of the day! And to think that people assume George Dubbya is capable of orchestrating such brilliant control. Are you stupid? It’s the other guys that have it figured out, the guys that own trillion dollar companies – guys nobody has ever heard of before. So take off your ir relevant little counters. The CEO of Bechtel is laughing at you. Bandersnatch Opinions Untitled Tat Kuen Poon - Contributor Acrylic Painting Untitled Mr. Roboto Long Way through the Desert Omelette Bandersnatch Arts Raluca Iancu - Arts Editor Acrylic Painting Elisabeth McNamee - Contributor Acrylic Painting Alex Zendran - Contributor Acrylic Painting Patricia Auer - Contributor Acrylic Painting Marilyn Manson Taylor Light - Contributor Acrylic Painting Wednesday November 7th, 2007 • The best Diablo since Diablo, or, Diablo with guns! Justin Banks Games Page Editor It’s hard not to compare games to those they try to copy, especially when that fact is so readily available on the back of the box, “The creators of DIABLO are bringing HELL to you”. This is Hellgate London, the latest PC game trying to satisfy the Diablo cravings that have gone unsatisfied. The situation is pretty close to that of Diablo: demons are running around and you have to kill them. Hey, don’t fix what isn’t broken. What makes Hellgate different is that it takes place in a post-apocalyptic 2038 London that has been overtaken by demons. This means that it’s future Diablo…with guns! Maybe that’s being a little too simplistic, Hellgate is a first-person shooter and a role-playing game mashed together in a blender. How is this done? Well, let’s start with the character classes. There are six character classes in total, divided amongst three factions: the Templar, the Cabalists, and the Hunters. Of all classes, the Blademaster and the Guardian, both belonging to the Templar, are the only ones to use swords and unable to use first-person view while doing so, while any other class has the choice between first and third. The Blademaster is a dual-sword wielding melee fighter focusing on offense, while the Guardian is your average tank armed with sword and shield, best when surrounded by enemies. Of the Cabalists there are the Evokers (ranged magic casters) and the Summoners who can create small armies of minions. Hunters consist of Marksmen (gun-toting badasses, plain and simple) and Engineers (like Summoners, but they build machines instead of minions). Once a class is selected you then have slight control over how your character looks, hair color, face, size and such, but nothing to stop them from looking like every other one online. No matter which class you pick, the action is always fast-paced as enemies are everywhere and the large amount of skills, weapons, and weapon modifications keep it interesting. The thrill of playing demonslayer dress-up never gets old with new armor dropping all the time from recently slain monsters, throwing out the old and on with the new just to get that hardcore “I survived the Apocalypse” look. Much like Diablo, Hellgate boasts a random level generator so that every time you go out in to the field you’ll have a different experience, but after a while there are only so many sewers and demolished cities that you can travel through before the repetition gets to be too much. That is, if it didn’t look so damned good. Hellgate’s graphics are simply amazing, from the illuminated weapons to dark and dreary level design, it creates the sense that you really are in a ruined London. A powerful machine will get the most out of it with its DirectX 10 capability, but it’s designed so that even computers made in the past few years can run Hellgate. The biggest and most widely complained about issue that I have with this game is the optional subscriber bonus. Hellgate out of the box is free to play, single player or online, but those who are willing to pay the monthly fee of $9.95 will obtain bonus character classes, levels, difficulties, items, and even a proper player-versus-player mode. At the moment there’s not enough value to rationalize the cost, and who knows just how frequently they’ll create content anyway, Flagship Studios would’ve been a lot smarter by simply delivering small expansion packs every few months. It seems like it could’ve benefited from more time devoted to testing since the number of reccurring glitches are staggering, ranging from a character disappearing, being moved while in town, getting stuck in between obstacles, and random crashes or refusals to boot. The fact that on launch day alone the servers were down for a good few hours brings about bad signs. Despite any glitches and the obvious repetition that frequents these types of games, Hellgate is a blast to play. Even if you refrain from paying the monthly fee, you still get a lot of bang for your buck, and as far as I’ve seen there’s no need to pay anyway. Verdict: BUY You’re only as good as your last gig, which sucked Will Attar Assistant Editor-in-Chief Yes, that’s right, another Guitar Hero. Has it gotten old yet? Mashing your fingers on a plastic guitar trying to be as cool as people who can play the songs in real life? Not at all. The first game launched in 2005 and was a huge hit. With 47 songs, 30 being covers, people rocked out on their PlayStation 2s. The game won several awards, including the Game Developers Choice Award. Guitar Hero II was released for the PlayStation 2 in November of 2006 and then again for the Xbox 360 in April 2007. This time, the game had a slightly different gameplay, with easier hammer-ons and pull-offs, and introduced encores. The game also featured 64 playable songs (40 licensed and 24 bonus) with 10 exclusive songs for the 360. T he g ame won even more awards including several editor’s choice awards. In August 2007, Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s was released. It was an expansion to Guitar Hero II with no major changes, just extra songs and character styles. October 28, 2007, the long awaited Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was released. Believe me when I say that they went all out on this one. Available for the PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, PC, and Mac, this game throws 71 songs at you (46 part of your “set list” and 25 are bonus), 51 being actual master tracks. In career mode, you even get to battle against Slash (Guns n’ Roses and Velvet Revolver) and Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine). They both created tracks just for the game. Now, I just said you get to battle against them. Battle is one of the games new modes. It’s similar to the Pro Face-off introduced in Guitar Hero II, but instead of Star Power, you try to gain attacks. Being able to hold three at a time, you can gain such attacks as: broken string, difficulty up, amp overload, whammy bar, steal power, double notes, lefty/righty flip and death drain. Some of these are obvious as to what they do, but whammy bar? Amp overload? Broken string? Death drain? When hit with the whammy bar attack, the guitar bridge on the screen rises, disabling you from hitting any more notes. You have to whammy on your controller to bring it back down and get back in the game. Amp overload causes all the upcoming notes to flicker giving you a headache from trying to concentrate on these goddamn blinking notes. Broken string causes 10 • Wednesday ���������� November ��������� � 7th, 2007 one of the fret buttons on the screen to pop up, stopping you from hitting any of those specific notes. You have to push the button repeatedly to fix it. Finally, there’s death drain. Death drain is Sudden Death of Battle Mode. All the power ups turn into the unstoppable death drain attack. A grim reaper appears on the screen and puts a constant negative influence on the rock meter. Every mistake the player makes causes the meter to drop faster and faster. Eventually, the reaper will block the player’s view of the frets entirely. For the consoles, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 versions will have downloadable content; whereas for the Wii, it is still unannounced. They haven’t confirmed or denied the possibility. The main issue for the Wii would be memory storage for all the downloadable content. One thing that the Wii version does have above its competitors is its rumble feature, and having all the guitar sounds come from the guitar itself. You will no doubt have the time of you life rocking out with your cock out to such songs as: “Talk Dirty to Me” by Poison, “Mississippi Queen” by Mountain, “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine, “Paint it Black” by the Rollng Stones, “My Name is Jonas” by Weezer, “La Grange” by ZZ Top, “Cherub Rock” by The Smashing Pumpkins, “The Metal” by Tenacious D, “Before I Forget” by Slipknot, “One” by Metallica, and “Raining Blood” by Slayer. Verdict: BUY Bandersnatch Games Page John Abbott press realease NOVEMBER 5th, 2007 WOMEN’S RUGBY HAS PERFECT SEASON The Lady Islanders finished off the 2007 regular season with a perfect record of 8-0 after an impressive 67-0 victory over Vanier College Sunday. Leading the attack were Alison Proudfoot and Amanda Rochette with 3 tries each. Erika Hamilton added 2 and scoring singles were Hughanna Gaw, Katie O’Brien and Liane Bragg. Amanda Rochette and Milly Yerbury added 3 conversions each. MEN’S RUGBY WINS DIVISION TITLE WITH BIG WIN OVER VANIER On Sunday, the Islanders visited Vanier College and played a very strong game en route to a 20-14 win. Three different Isles scored a try in this game: Matthew Cifelli, Kelvin Hooper and Max Conway. Shawn-Michael McCaffrey scored the remaining points with converts. The Players of the Game were Eric Houle and Mike Homsy for their strong all around performance. With the win, the Islanders won their division and they will host St-Lambert in a semi-final playoff game on Wednesday night. ISLANDER FOOTBALL ELIMINATED The Islander football team saw their season come to an end on Saturday after a 45-5 playoff loss to Notre Dame de Foy. It was a solid season for the Islanders, one that saw them compete every week and finish with a 5-5 regular season record, their best in many years. Notre Dame, a very physical and athletic team, was too much for the Islanders to handle and the Isles were unable to execute when necessary. The Isles had 120 yards on the ground and 179 yards in the air. Scott Mironowicz was the leading rushing with 78 yards on only 6 carries and he had 6 catches for 35 yards. Ian Edwards had 4 catches for 63 yards and Jarred McArthur had 3 catches for 23 yards. Quarterback Terrance Morsink completed 18 of 36 passes for 179 and 2 interceptions. Defensively Gabriel Charette, playing in his last game as an Islander, led the team with 7.5 tackles and had one interception. James Clement and Brendan Parm had 5 tackles each. Jonathan Lyritsis had an interception. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Friday night, the Lady Islanders hosted Montmorency College and had problems matching up with the Nomades from the start of the game, resulting in a 72-28 lost. Marie-Roberte Jean was the high scorer for the Lady Islanders with 8 points. It should be noted that the Lady Islanders are still playing without three strong players due to injury: Magalie Nlandu, Teresa Semalulu and Nadine Augustin. With this loss, the Lady Isles regular season record is 0-3 and their overall record is now 5-5. MEN’S BASKETBALL Despite a team effort and strong play from Taylor Garner (8 points and 10 rebounds), Matt Michaud (21 points) and Anthony Moore (18 points), the Islanders weren’t able to match up with Montomrency and lost Friday’s night game 96-73. It was the second time this season that the Islanders played Montmorency and the Islanders had won the first contest 88-84 in overtime at the Hagen tournament. With this loss, the Isles regular season record is 1-1 and their overall record is now 4-8. TENNIS WINS IN VICTORIAVILLE Despite missing 5 key players, the JAC tennis team improved their record to 5-1 with a 5-2 (104) win against Victoriaville. The women’s team dominated, winning all 3 of their matches. Lir Fry led the way as the 1st singles with a convincing 6-1, 6-1 victory, while Kayla Pitrelli playing her 1st singles match for Abbott and controlled the play for a 6-1, 6-3 win. Team captain Caroline Iliescu and German import Maike Halamoda completed the sweep with a 6-1, 6-1 win. On the men’s side, Alcindo Vincenti jr. had a tough day at the office and ended up on the short end of a 6-4, 6-3 loss to Victoriaville’s top player. Meanwhile Dan Popovici led the men’s team by dominating the men’s 2nd singles match (6-1, 6-1) and then played 2nd doubles with German import Florian Wittrock (in a 7-6, 6-2 win). The islander’s no. 1 men’s player Ryan Boutell matched up with Simon (Doctor) Zhu to win 1st doubles (6-1, 6-4). LACROSSE LOSES IN SEMI-FINAL ACTION On Saturday, the underdog Islander lacrosse team traveled to Brébeuf to play in the league semifinals. Early penalties cost the Isles early as Brébeuf capitalized on their several power plays. However, the Isles battled back and scored some terrific goals to come within one goal at the half. Brébeuf was leading 4-3 to start the second half, and then the wheels fell off for John Abbott. Brébeuf scored some quick goals and the Islanders had to get away from their successful, thus far, game plan and tried to force their opponents to turn over the ball. Brébeuf capitalized on the Islanders over aggressive defense and started running away with the game. The final score of 12-3 was not indicative of how close the vast majority of the game was. Cher GI, Je suis étudiante en sciences de la santé. J’ai choisi cette orientation parce que j’aime beaucoup les sciences pures ainsi que travailler avec les gens. Je suis également organisée et structurée, j’aime le travail logique et la résolution de problèmes. En fait, je cherche toujours à améliorer les choses. Dis-moi quelle profession choisir! -Mya- Chère Mya, Le GÉNIE INDUSTRIEL semble tout indiqué pour toi. Dans cette vague de compétitivité à laquelle les entreprises doivent maintenant faire face, la nécessité d’améliorer constamment la qualité, l’efficacité et la productivité de la chaîne logistique devient essentielle. L’essence même du travail de l’ingénieur INDUSTRIEL réside dans ce défi de taille, de même qu’en la gestion du changement, des équipes et des projets. -GI- Bandersnatch Sports Wednesday November 7th, 2007 • 11
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