l9 Viava Vo Farms which is located in the Sif 0idak District just north
l9 Viava Vo Farms which is located in the Sif 0idak District just north
RESOLUTION OF THE PAPAGO TRIBAL COUNCIL (Reimbursement to Papago Farmi ng Authori ( Vi ava Vo Farms ) ty RES. 1 WHEREAS, 2 on August 27, L979, by Resolution No. 72-79, the Papago established the Papago Farming Authority .l N0. 622-85 Tribal for the purpose of certain agricultural resources and operating farms on the Council developing Papago 4 Reservation; and 5 6 WHEREAS, under the Plan of Operation of the Authority as adopted by the 1 the main purpose of the Authority was to promote the economic 8 development I agricultural resources of the Papago Tribe; to of the Papago Tribe and its members by Council utilization of make as much the profit as t0 possible consistent with good business ethics and to provide business 1l training and enployment opportunities for members of the Papago Tribe; 12 and 13 WHEREAS, the Papago Farming Authority has been in the process of developing 14 Viava Vo Farms which 15 of the Tat Mornolik t6 17 WHEREAS, when is located in the Sif 0idak District just north Dam; and the United States was negotiating with the Papago for the construction of Tat Momolik Tribe in Tribal 1970 18 through 1973, l9 as part of the consideration, the United States agreed to develop 20 1700 acre farm (Viava Vo) and 2l behind the dam) at no cost Dam on 1ands, a deliver surface water (stored water to the Tribe, to irrigate said farm lands; 22 ano 23 24 lIHEREAS, due to the failure of the dam to hold sufficient water, the Authority has had to expend funds generated by the farms to 25 Farming 26 pay the cost 27 electrical 28 ground water 29 30 3l 32 t,IHEREAS, the Papago Papago of pumping ground water, converting di$eal power and other cost associated pump motors with the acquisition of to irrigate the Viava Vo Farms; and Tribe is in the process of developing and acquiring introduction of a congressional bill for the settlement of certain claims of the Papago Tribe arising from the construction of Tat RES. N0. 622-85 (Reimbursement t-o Papago Farming Paqe Two (2) Authority (Viava Vo for other Farms) purposes including the failure of the 1 Momolik Dam and 2 States to develop a 1700 acre farm at Viava Vo and deliver sunface .t water, at no cost to the Tribe, 4 ( WHEREAS, the Papago Farming $750,000.00 6 to irrigate this farm; Authority estimate that of the funds it and has spent approximately generated by the Viava Vo farms .7 of costs that should 8 that those costs should be reimbursed to the q an.y have been paid by for paymenr the United States arid believes Farming Authority from settlement funds the Tribe might receive from the settiement 10 NOl^l, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVED United by the Papago Tribal Council that it bill. does hereby 1l agree 12 acquisition and use of ground water and other costs associated with 13 to reimburse the Authority for all its costs associated with the the Viava Vo Farming developrnent fron any settlement funds the Tribe 14 might receive from any congressional Act that provides l5 settlement 16 of Tat Momol ik 17 18 BE 19 of claims of the Papago Tribe arising IT FURTHER RES0LVED be used for the from the construction Dam. that all for additional reimbursed funds, development if any when received, shal1 of the Viava Vo Farming area. 20 The foregoing Resolution was duly enacted by the Papago Council on the 8th of day August, 1985, at a meeting at which a quorum was present with a vote of 21 793.0 for; 725.5 againsti L27.5 not voting; and 0 absent, pursuant to the 22 authority vested in the Papago Council by Section 3 (a) and (h) of Article V of he Constitution and By-laws of the Papago Tribe of Arizona as amended, ratified 23 by the Papago Tribe on December 12, 1936, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 6, L937, pursuant to Section 16 of the Act of June 18, 1934 24 (48 Stat. 984). Said Resolution is effective as of the date of its approval by 25 the Superintendent of the Papago Agency and is subject to review by the Secretary of the Interi or. 26 27 28 Cha 29 30 31 32 h 1ia F. CampiI o, Secretary .ffi*t .F$$lntlll i rman RES. N0.622-85 (ReimbursEili-t to Papago Farming Authority (Viava Vo Farms) Page Three (3) I RES0LUTI0N APPR0VED this 2 at aay 2 a 4 l) 6 8 I t0 1l 12 t3 t4 l5 16 l7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 Jam of CIr..^S- f , 19 tY. MOVED: Kenneth Chico SUBJECT: Accepting of Viava Vo SECOND: Tony Felix DATE: August 8, resolution requestlng reimbursement rtot rtry settlenent bi11. /- 1985 RESOLUTTON OR ORDINANCE # 622-3*.- DISTRICTS, REPRESENTATIVES SIF 1. Elliott Lewis (Eugene F. ,Jose) 2. Nickl-os Jose (Letitia Garcia) 1. Andrew M. patricio OIDAK 138 JELL- 257 SCIIUK TOAK 105 SAN" XAVIER 126 BABOQUIVARI 24r GU ACITI 158 P IS INEMO 116 SAN LUCY a( GU VO 117 HICKIWAN CITUKUT KUK 169 rorAls F VOTES. FOR , AGAINST (Nora Alvarez) 2. Fred Stevens (Dennis E. Jose) J-. ,Joseph Juan 59.0 (Jo Ann Franc j_sco) Y 128.5 !26-J X )2.) 63. 0 63. 0 1. Joann Garcia (Edward N. Kisto) 2. Kenneth Chico, Sr. r20.5 (Frances Miquel) l-. Angelo J. Joaquin,Sr (Jonas R. Robles) 2. Fernando Joaquin (Fred Adans,Jr. ) 1. Chester Antone (Sylvester l{anue I ) 2. Johnson ,fose (Edward D. Manuel) l- . John Reno () 2. Max P. Jose (Dewey I. Orteca ) 1. Cross Antone (Fern E. Salcido) 2. Virgil Lewis ( F-o.y Montana ) 1. Henry A. Ramon (Pablo Baptisto) 120.5 o x 79.0 79.0 58. 0 58.0 .tz . ) x C- +2. ) 58.5 f,o.f, 54 .0 64 .0 X ) 1. Rosemary Lopez (Anita C. Clark) 2. Harriet Toro (Marvin ,I. Thomas) 1 tttl ABSENT X 69.0 1. John B. Narcho (Austin Nunez) 2. Tony Felix (Carmel j-ta Mattias) (Eleanor Santos NOT . VOT ING az.a () 2. Julie Carrillo rz6 Farrning 84. 5 84. s lro+o.o lzsr.o lns.s I rzr.: | 0