February 2013 - American Youth Academy
February 2013 - American Youth Academy
NEWS FROM THE NEST February 2013-Edition 6 News from the Nest TH 5905 E. 130 AVE. ●TAMPA, FLORIDA 33617 www.ayatampa.org ● (813) 987-9282 Message from Sr. Magda… Assalamu Alaikum Students, Parents and Community Members, Masha'Allah, we had quite a busy month of February, and February seemed to roll right into March. Between February 10 and February 23 alone, we had the Regional STEM Fair, the School-wide Spelling Bees, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Spirit Week and our Annual Fundraising Dinner. Also, four of our teachers attended the three-day FCIS Academy for High Performing Teachers at Corbett Preparatory School. During that same 14-day period, we had the honor of welcoming Dr. Barbara Hodges to AYA as our guest for a tour of the school and lunch. Dr. Hodges is the Executive Director of the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS), AYA's main accrediting organization. As we look towards April, we are preparing to submit Part I of our IB Application. We are also preparing for Parent Observation Week, the Arabic Spelling Bees, CTP's, AP Exams, Islamic Day and Semester II Exams. Before you know it, Graduations will be upon us. May Allah bless and reward EVERYONE who helped make AYA's Fundraising Dinner such a big success! Please make sure to print out and post the Newsletter Insert. Support the businesses that helped make the dinner a success. Support them as they support AYA! Visit AYA. Learn more about AYA Enjoy all that AYA has to offer! Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. March Events 1 - Friday: CPR/First Aid Class (for registered adult participants) 1 - Friday: Tarbiyah Program 2 - Saturday: Spring Carnival 2 - Saturday: AYA Open House 4 - Monday: 7th Gr. Fieldtrip to USF 5 - Tuesday: Tuition Due 6 - Wed: Dual enrollment Mtg. @ 2:00pm 7 - Thursday: IPTA Meeting @ 2:40pm 8 - Friday: Board Meeting @ 3pm 9 - Saturday: Scripps Regional Spelling Bee 11 - 15: NO SCHOOL/ Spring Break 20 - Wed: Meet the Admin @ 2:40pm 21 - Thurs: Pre-K SOTM Assembly 21 - Thurs: Arabic Spelling Bee 22 - Friday: SOTM Assembly 25 - 29: Parent Observation Week 28 - Thursday: 9th Gr. Fieldtrip Look inside... Spirit Week Fundraising Dinner Student of Month/Quarter New Family Interview Around AYA 2 3 4-5 7 8 Newsletter Submission DEADLINE: March 21, 2013 Salah Odeh, Musa Abdel, Al-Dana Fetais, Leya Rum, Bissan Mustafa, Zena Omer, Sarah Elbasheer, Bayane Elhayboubi, Tamara Irshaid, Minahil Cheema, and Layal Barakat Please email submissions to ayanewsletter@ayatampa.com Business Ads Welcome! ¼ Page Ad=$100 for 1 month Full Page Ad=$500 for 2 months! Community News We would like to congratulate Sr. Narjes Herbawi and her family on the birth of her newest granddaughter, Manal. Sr. Narjes is a member of the cafeteria staff at AYA. Her sons, Ahmed, Mutasem, and Khader, are also students. NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 2 By: Layal Barakat, 6B Many students can’t wait for Spirit Week to come each year, and boy, did it arrive with lots of enthusiasm this time! Students, teachers, and staff came in with their craziest hats, dressed in clothing of their culture, and sported their red, white and blue! It was funfilled, and the students loved it. During Twin Day, the IPTA sold Coldstone ice cream, too! The student council did a wonderful job organizing it. I wonder what they will plan next year. “We want to be shark boy and lava girl so we can work together. What would your superhero name be? Adam Shada, K5A: Waad Ibrahim, K5B: 'Superman, because 'Tarania – I would I would fly fast!' have cool powers.' Talia Hamil, K4B: ‘Lava Girl’ Abdelrahman Yasin, K4A: ‘Shark Boy’ Since she is made out lava, I will have to do everything in the oceans!” NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 FUNDRAISING 3 By: Zena Omer, 6B DINNER The American Youth Academy holds a fundraising dinner event each year to raise funds to help the school grow and continue to provide what is needed for the students. This year our school had a very successful night, Alhumdulillah. The student presentations were delightful, the food was delicious, and Shaikh Kifah Mustafa got the crowd excited to donate for Allah (SWT). Thank you to everyone who made this event a true success and wonderful evening! If you are interested in donating to AYA, please contact Sr. Wafa in the Business Office, 813-987-9282, ext. 203. القائمين َعلَيها يَش ُك ُرو ُكم َعلى َدع ِم ُكم لها سة آيَة َو َ َ َمد َر ََو يَت طلعون إلى َدع ِم ُكم ال ُمستَ ِم ّر في ال ُمستَقبَل َ NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 4 By: Minahil Cheema,6B NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 5 By: Sarah Elbasheer, 7B Students of the Month of January K4A: Youssef Alhamzawi and Fares Samhouri K4B: Nofan Ahmad and Radi Mohammad K5A: Ahmad Talbi K5B: Ewan Elbooz and Waad Ibrahim Grade 1A: Muhammad Washah and Mohamed Amin Grade 1B: Hamza Kamel and Al-harith Sullaiman Grade 2A: Bnan Hamdan, Abdulla Ahmed, and Raghad Bayyari Grade 2B: Othman Filali and Lara Twam Grade 3A: Zainab Mohamed and Lydia Ben Bourennane Grade 3B: Shuhd Ismail and Wasif Mahtab Grade 4A: Dana Barakat Grade 4B: Selma Bensaid and Azeeza Sarour Grade 5A: Khawlah Altoubah and Rahma Elmekabbati Grade 5B: Sofian Faria and Salam Twam Students of Quarter II Grade 6: Aya Bensaid, Leya Rum, and Jihad Gomaa Grade 7: Hussein Harake, Sarah Elbasheer, and Esraa Nofal Grade 8: Bayane Elhayboubi and Yasmine Sekkat Grade 9: Hamza Bouarfa Grade 10: Yara Twam and Sabrina Awshah Grade 11: Shaden Yousef and Sarah Elfaouatih - Vaniza Atiq, Yasmina Belkherroubi, Aamna Cheema, Yusuf Elmenayer, Mustafa Elsayed, Nevin Tanoukhi, Belal Mansour, Ridha Mohamed, Muhammad Maarij Mustafa, Noel Tanoukhi, Samah Quneibi, Lana Shada, Abdul-Malik Zekri, Adam Mansour, Abdullah Omer, Saji Rum, Rama Abdulmagid, Danya Awshah, Rita Benkirane, Dina Irshaid, Omar Omer, Salam Twam, Abdul Hakim Zekri, Layal Barakat, Ayah Bensaid, Minahil Cheema, Akram Mohammad, Zena Omer, Leya Rum, Amine Benkirane, Mariam Mekouar, Sabrina Awshah, Serene Mostafa, A’la Faria, Subrine Hijaz, Mizba Khan, Lama Mattar, and Sarah Quneibi - Awwab Azam, Aminah Khan, Zackaria Motrib, Jawad Alhadidi, Jamal Khawaja, Waleed Yousef, Layalee Ahmad, Shireen Abdelhafes, Ahmad Dibo, Otman Filali, Abdullah Husain, Moustafa Ismail, Su’ad Macedonio, Fatima Mohammad, Abeir Obeid, Mohamad Soukieh, Shahed-fatima Aisheh, Suhaib Fariz, Zainab Mohamed, Nagam Saleh, Malik Shalabi, Banah Swar, Selma Bensaid, Muhammad Falah, Hedaia Mohammad, Azeeza Sarour, Karimah Ahmad, Khawlah Altoubah, Danya Yousef, Sofia Mekouar, Ahmad Abdulmagid, Samarah Mohammad, Ahmed Nofal, Osama Gurwala, Khaled Yousef, Iman Ahmad, Bayane Elhayboubi, Dina Awshah, Hamza Bouarfa, Sarah Gomaa, Lara Mattar, Lana Sarsour, Elnaz Taherkalateh, Rola Ashour, Hasna Elhayboubi, Safa Gurwala, Diana Mustafa, Yara Twam, Nadine Al-Ashker, Omar Altoubah, Faris Hawari, Dania Rum, Shaden Yousef, and Al-Anoud Fetais - Mohamed Amin, Balqees Hamed, Muhammad Washah, Malek Abdelaziz, Haneen Abunnur, Sabreen Ahmed, Seham Ali, Bara’a Alrousan, Baker Atiyeh, Raghad Bayyari, Seham Elbooz, Yazen El-shaafi, Malik Falah, Bnan Hamdan, Saajid Khan, Saleem Sekkat, Raghad Swar, Lara Twam, Seif Abduljaber, Lydia Ben Bourennane, Farah Ghanem, Abrar Hamdan, Sadeel Hijaz, Shuhd Ismail, Wasif Mahtab, Bilal Qasem, Yosef Safiah, Nour Sullaiman, Amina Ahmed, Yazen Alkhyyat, Dana Barakat, Jasmin Sabir, Nader Sarsour, Samya Soukieh, Meryam Tazi, Hasan Benbourenane, Rahma Elmekabbati, Sofian Faria, Aliya Hack, Iness Morabi, Eman Mustafa, Omar Obeid, Leeyana Saed, Suhaib El-dahla, Jihad Gomaa, Hanan Hasan, Menatallah Daashoush, Sarah Elbasheer, Esraa Nofal, Taha Taha, Fatima Bouarfa, Samirah Khan, Nawal Khawaja, Ahmad Museitef, Shihab Mustafa, Sewar Quneibi, Abraham Irshaid, Samer Sarsour, Emre Arslan, Sarah Elfaouatih, and Musa Khaled NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 6 By: Bissan Mustafa, 7B and Leya Rum, 6B Interview with the Khan Family By: Bissan Mustafa, 7B I had the chance to meet and talk with a new AYA family. Well, actually, the Khan family went to AYA years ago, but moved to Orlando. I wanted to find out what brought them back to the Bay Area and what has changed since they left. (With SR.RAFEENA) How do you feel about coming back to AYA? I am excited about our family’s return to AYA, the school my children call home. What are the changes you saw at AYA when I came back? I saw a lot more resources to help the students, more administrative personnel, school policies being implemented, and the discipline of the students has improved tremendously. What have you and your family been up to since you left AYA? Enjoying our new baby Aminah, spending quality time with close relatives, and partaking in community activities associated with the JAMA masjid and the Muslims’ Academy of Greater Orlando. Sr. Rafeena added that, “while I truly miss the families I’ve come to know in Orlando, I welcome the opportunity to meet new families here and build new relationships with them.” (With AMINAH 1B) What’s your favorite part of your brand new school AYA? Going to art class because we can color and paint. Who’s your best friend at AYA? AMINAH 1B: Balqees Hamed (With SAAJID KHAN 2B) Who is your favorite teacher at AYA and why? Sr. Alicia, because she is fun. Do you like Tampa better than Orlando and why? Yes, because it has a better school. (WITH SHAAHID KHAN 7B) Who is your favorite teacher at AYA? Br. Reza, because he is cool. (WITH SAMIRAH KHAN 9A) Is it your first time at AYA? No. Did AYA change since you came here? Yes, it improved a lot. Interview with Saja Rum By: Leya Rum, 6B How long did you go to AYA? I started AYA in 2006 and graduated in 2009. What did you like most about AYA? The familiar Islamic environment. Everyone is always looking out to help you along the way to the right path and I’m thankful for that. What are you doing now? I’m currently enrolled in a Master’s program for Physician Assistant Studies and want to pursue a career as a certified physician assistant. How has AYA and Islam helped you on this journey? AYA played a vital role in providing a good foundation academically and religiously. I am a 21 year old master’s student, the youngest in my class with one of the highest academic profiles. But with that, I face challenges every day that I overcome with ease, because of my Islamic background. A Lesson from a K3 Student by Sr. Huda Taji In our K3 Arabic class, the theme for the month was, The Food We Eat. One day, we were learning that water in Arabic is “ “ َما ٌء. I brought a water bottle to class, and asked the students, “What is this?” ““ َه َذا ماء Then I asked “Where did the water come from?” Allah (SWT) gives us rain “ ٌ ” َم َطر. To illustrate the rain for them, I poured a little bit in my hand and started splashing the students from above as if it is rain, saying “ ٌ… ” َم َطرٌ “ ” َم َطرAll the kids were excited and asked for more, except one; he was not happy. Haroon said: “But we should not waste water.” “You are absolutely right Haroon, we should not waste water.” With the screams of the students for more rain, I closed the cap and did not dare to splash them again. شاباشHaroon! شاباشhis family who taught him well! Abdullah bin 'Umar (r) narrated that the Prophet (S) passed by Sa'ad (r) when he was performing wudu. He (S) said: What wastage is this? Sa'ad said: Is there wastage in wudu also? The Holy Prophet (S) said: Yes, even if you are at a flowing river. NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 7 By Bayane Elhayboubi, 8A AYA was abuzz all month with Sr. Magda and her big book of words! AYA students spelled their hearts out and everyone did well! Congratulations to the winners! Middle School Winners: 1st Place: Layal Barakat 2nd Place: Al-Dana Fetais 3rd Place: Esraa Nofal th 3 - 5th Grade Winners: 1st Place: Rita Benkirane nd 2 Place: Khawlah Altoubah rd 3 Place: Hasan Benbourenane, Danya Awshah, and Amina Ahmed 1st - 2nd Grade Winners: st 1 Place: Muhammad Maarij Mustafa 2nd Place: Yazen El-shaafi rd 3 Place: Aamna Cheema and Layal Barakat will be representing AYA in the SCRIPPS Regional Spelling Bee! Nevin Tanoukhi Best of Luck, Layal!! Best of Luck Layal! The Annual Stem Fair took place in the Tampa Bay Convention Center. AYA sent six students to the Annual Stem Fair, two from 3rd, two from 4th and two from 5th to compete with over 1400 students from all over Hillsborough County. AYA students won awards of merit, had a wonderful learning experience and lots of fun. NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 8 th 100 Day of Shapes By Musa Abdel, 6A and Salah Odeh, 7A School How long was the whole project? During only Math class, it took two days to put the shapes down, and three days to measure. Do you think it was beneficial to your class? Yes, it got them out of their seats, it was fun and hands on. ~Sr. Christine To wear the scarf is her duty, But a veil for her face does not obscure her true beauty. The pleasure of others is not her gain, but rather she strives for the mercy her lord may sustain. Neither scorned nor degraded nor oppressed, But like a valiant knight of honor she braves life’s quest. Faith is her shield, while the hijab keeps her heart strong and cleanA muslimah girl; the queen of her deen. Student Art by Sarah Mari, 10B The fifth graders looked like they were having a blast measuring and putting shapes on the ground. Everyone wondered what they were up to, so I decided to ask them myself. I also wanted to ask the teacher to get the complete details! This is how it went: Khaled Yousef, 7B-Science Wearing the hijab By Layal Barakat What are the shapes on the ground for? To find the area and perimeter. ~ Omar Omer What was the most challenging part? Finding the area of the compound figures. ~ Danya Awshah What was the most fun part? Measuring. ~ Dina Irshaid Do you think this project has helped you? Yes, because it was on the floor, not a notebook. ~ Salam Twam School is Cool by Malik Falah, 2A I go to a school that is pretty cool and different from the rest. When it comes to Islam there is no competition, AYA is the best. We laugh and we play, Assalamu Alaikum is what we say, When we greet our teachers and parents each day. School may not always be so fun But with AYA we have won! Interview with 5B: By Sofia Mekouar, 5A NEWS FROM THE NEST | FEBRUARY 2013 INSERT We would like to thank the following people & businesses for making this dinner a success: Sr. Elaheh Taherkalateh & Bloomingdays Br. Tarek Elsayed of Tarek's Café Flower Shop 13301 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612 11618 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33612 (813) 974-5920 (813) 971-5947 www.tarekscafe.com www.bloomingdays.com Name Al-Aqsa Grocery Apna Bazaar Colonial Grocers Express Beverages Golden Bakery Greenland Grill Habiba Grocery Address 10805 N. 56th St., Temple Terrace, FL 33617 2353 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33612 4001 E Lake Ave. Tampa, FL 33610 1102 N 28th St. Tampa, FL 33605 12822 N. 56th St. Temple Terrace, FL 33617 10817 N. 56th St. Temple Terrace, FL 33617 14611 Livingston Ave. Lutz, FL 33559 Br. Hamid Moharreri Morae's Grill Petra Pita’s Republic by ElKasri Pita’s Republic by Filali Sahara Samara Grocery Taj Mahal Tazza Café Zeko’s Web-Site (813) 987-2039 (813) 903-1774 (813) 621-8880 www.colonialgrocers.com (813) 247-6737 (813) 988-5856 Golden Bakery On Facebook (813) 984-7300 Greenlandrestaurant.com (813) 978-0000 (727) 687-0719 1441 E Fletcher Avenue # 123 Tampa, FL 33612 4812 E Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL 33617 5105 E Fowler, Ave. Tampa FL 33617 6431 County Line Rd., Tampa, FL 33647 4914 E Busch Blvd Tampa, FL 33617 12846 N 56th St, Temple Terrace, FL 33617 Sr. Samira Elsayed Silver Spoons Telephone # Sr. Farah Naz & Occasions by Bali (813) 454-6299 www.occasionsbybali.com (813) 977-6018 (813) 984-9800 (813) 661-9299 www.pitas-republic.com (813) 994-8355 www.pitas-republic.com (813) 989-3612 (813) 989-2132 Al Salam Arabic Supermarket on Facebook (813) 310-3162 955 East Brandon Blvd Brandon, FL, 33511 4936 E Busch Blvd. Tampa, FL 33617 5001 E Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33617 3609 E. Busch Blvd. Tampa, FL 33617 (813) 681-3626 www.silverspoonfl.com (813) 987-9755 www.tajmahal-grocery.com (813) 980-6666 www.tazzacafetampa.com (813) 985-9356 http://www.zekosgrill.com/menu AYA Teachers, Staff & Administrators AYA Parents & Board Members AYA High School Volunteers AYA Alumni Jazakumullahu khairan for your Support!
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