A Message from Br. Souheil…


A Message from Br. Souheil…
February 2012
5905 E. 130 AVE. ●TAMPA, FLORIDA 33617
www.ayatampa.org ● (813) 987-9282
February events...
Basketball Game (HS)
IPTA Meeting
Tarbiyah Program
Healthy Smile Program for
K4-5th Grade Classes
Soccer Game (MS)
Report Cards
100th Day of School
Spirit Week
Fundraising Dinner
Cap & Gown Pictures
Look inside...
A Message from Br. Souheil…
My Dear Students, Parents, Staff and Community-Members,
Please enjoy the new Arabic section included in this edition of the
newsletter, thanks to the contributions of Sr. Awatef and Sr. Hanadi’s
students and our new Arabic teacher Br. Mahmoud Mansour. I am very
pleased to introduce Br. Mahmoud, who recently joined us from Egypt.
He has been doing a tremendous job getting used to the system and
expending lots of energy with the beginning level students to help them
gain the basics of the language.
As our Arabic Department matures, we are able to challenge our students
at different levels and abilities. We are excited to see the great
improvements that are being made in many classrooms from the little
three year olds all the way to the high school students. Masha'Allah, there
has also been plenty of new activity and innovation coming from our
Arabic teachers.
We look forward to many more Arabic contributions from teachers,
students, and why not, parents too!
New Teacher Spotlight
Kids’ Corner
SOTM/Spelling Bee
Science Fair
Fun Page
Arabic Pages
Newsletter Submission
February 24, 2012
Please email submissions to
Business Ads
¼ Page Ad=$100 for 1 month
Full Page Ad=$500 for 2 months!
Happy moments, praise Allah. Difficult moments, seek Allah. Quiet moments, worship Allah. Painful moments, trust Allah. Every moment, thank Allah.
AYA Community News:
We offer our sincere congratulations to the following
AYA families who have each recently welcomed a new
baby into their families.
Br. Weam and Sr. Sonya Mohamed welcomed their son,
Yousuf, on December 1. Yousuf's sister, Zainab, is in Gr. 2.
Sr. Salwa welcomed her first grandchild, Adam, into the
world on December 5, 2011. The proud parents are Nada
and Mostafa Taher.
Br. Ziad Elmahmoud and Sr. Lilah Salhab welcomed their
son, Adnan, on December 27. Their son, Sobhi, is in K3.
Br. Omar Saleh and Sr. Noor Mubarak welcomed their
daughter, Layan, on January 2, 2012. Br. Omar is an AYA
Class of 2006 Alumnus. Sr. Noor taught Gr. 3 & Gr. 4
Islamic Studies at AYA last year.
Br. Hashem Sullaiman and Sr. Areej Abdel Jaber welcomed
their son, Mohammed, into their family on January 3, 2012.
Mohammed's sister, Jude, is in K4.
We would also like to
families who have joined AYA in the past few months:
Altaji, Al-Hasan, Almasri, Argoubi, El-Mahmoud,
Mohmmad, Ibrahim, Tahir, and Simrin.
Straight From the Students
Coach Ali (Soccer) and Coach Ron
(Basketball) have been working hard
with our athletes, and we would like to
send out a BIG THANK YOU for all their
patience and dedication!
Interview with Br.
Mahmoud Mansour
by Safa Gurwala
Where are you originally from? I am
originally from Benha, Egypt.
Which University did you attend and what did you study? In
2004, I was graduated from Benha University and was
awarded a BA in Arts and Education. In 2008, I was awarded
the Fulbright scholarship to teach Arabic as a foreign language
at Ramapo College of New Jersey.
What do you like the most about this school? I like everything
that makes AYA a place capable of producing a real Muslim
generation for the USA and the whole world. I like the
blessings of the morning assembly, doing Dhuhr prayer with
the students and staff, and collaborating with the friendly staff
at AYA.
How does the environment here at AYA make you feel at
home? The Nile in Egypt teaches Egyptians a special love for
our country. However, I found the Islamic community in
Tampa, wonderful and inviting and I am very happy teaching
here at AYA. I am still homesick, because my wife, four-month
son, Mohammed, and two brothers are still there, but I pray
we will be together again soon, insha’ Allah.
What advice do you give to your students to be successful in
your class and in life? I advise all AYA students to, "Take
advantage of being Muslim students enrolled in AYA. Always
say, ‘Alhamdulillah I am Muslim,' because the blessing of Islam
is priceless. Exert more effort in Arabic and Quran classes,
because AYA was basically established for teaching you a love
for the Quran and the richness of the Arabic language, in
addition to the subjects that are taught at public schools. Kiss
your parents' hands every day for choosing to enroll you in
this wonderful Islamic school!"
By Safa
Kids’ Corner
Sr. Regina’s 2A Class: If you were a
Swashbuckling Pirate, what would
your Pirate name be?
Zainab Mohamed: Captain Flower, Noura
Sullaiman: Pirate Earth (I love Recycling and I
love the Earth), Adam Filali: Pirate Football,
Amnah Taha: Captain Awesomeness, Omar
Saad: Pirate Omar, Mohamed Abdel: Black
Beard, Abrar Hamdan: Captain Jewel, Shahed
Aisheh: Pirate Coockoo Bird, Maria Ahmed:
Pirate Maria, Farah Ghanem: Tricka the Pirate
Fairy, Nagam Saleh: Zeda the Pirate Princess,
Mohannd Daaboul: Captain Awesome, and
Malik Shalabi: Square Beard
Sr. Patricia’s 2B Class: If you owned
your own store, what would you call it?
Ibraheem Rifaie: Colonial (Savia drink store),
Samah Quneibi: Crustus (Pizza place), Suhaib
Fariz: Suhaib's Barber Shop, Ibrahim Hamdan:
Cool Cuts (Barber Shop), Banah Swar: Banah's
Beauty Parlor, Lydia Benbournnane: Lydia's
Beauty Polish, Ali Chahbandar: Soccor Field
Store (with all balls, but mostly soccer balls,
because I love soccer), Alla Taha: Alla's Beauty
Parlor, Yousef Safiah: Yousef's Bowling Alley,
Lana Shada: Lana's Hair Salon, Bilal Qasem:
AYA's (American Youth Academy) Store ( I love
school ), and Rania Jamal: Rania's Instruments
By Sarah Mari
He Trusted Me
He trusted me, and I let Him down.
He trusted me, but I turned around.
Gave Him my back and left His call.
How could I stand for what’s right, when I want to fall?
He trusted me with the world and I followed evil.
I loved this life too much, like most other people.
Allah trusted me, and I turned my back.
My heart was once pure...now it’s pitch black.
When I die, all the money I made and love I gave,
Did me no good...’cuz when I die I can’t take it with me.
Everything I’ve ever done, all in life that was fun.
Forget it, ‘cuz it’s all gone.
Everyone lives for this life...they don’t know how wrong.
What will be left of me?
Nothing but a tomb stone with my name.
Nothing at all...what a shame.
None left to blame...it can’t get clearer.
None left to blame, but that fool in the mirror.
Pray all you want and fast till you starve.
But if you don’t keep your heart pure...
it was nothing from the start.
By Omar Aqqad, 12 Grade
Whatcha’ Readin’?
SOTM Compiled by Aya Faria
Students of the
Month of December
K4A: Norah Mari & Yusuf Sheikh
K4B: Mounia Benbourennane & Noor Benettaib
K5A: Mohamed Washah & Samy Rifaie
K5B: Mustafa Elsayed
1A: Lara Twam & Malik Falah
1B: Jood Binsalman & Otman Filal
2A: Nagam Saleh & Farah Ghanem
2B: Lydia Ben Bourennane & Yosef Safiah
3A: Muhammad Falah & Shaam Daaboul
3B: Noah Shehata & Nehal Ali
4A: Rita Benkirane
4B: Karimah Ahmad & Sana Chahbander
5: Delnaz Taherkalateh
Grades 1-2
1st: Lana Shada
2nd: Zainab Mohamed
3rd: Rania Jamal
Grades 3-5
1st: Rita Benkirane
2nd: Khawlah Altoubah
3rd: Leya Rum
Grades 6-8
1st: Dina Awshah
2nd: Esraa Nofal
3rd: Saffia Sekkat
& Al-Dana Fetais
1 Grade
5 Grade
Yazen Elshaafi
Leya Rum
Saleem Sekkat
Layal Barakat
tie Abdul-Malik Zekri
& Abdullah Husain
2 Grade
6 Grade
Lana Shada
Esraa Nofal
Zainab Mohamed
Rania Jamal
3 Grade
Lina Ibrahim
7 Grade
Sajed Ziade
Al-Dana Fetais
tie Azeeza Sarour Tamara Irshaid
& Nader Sarsour
Ahmed Kamel
4 Grade
8 Grade
Rita Benkirane
Dina Awshah
Khawlah Altoubah
Saffia Sekkat
tie Danya Awshah,
Hamza Bouarfa
Hasan Benbourenane,
& Dina Irshaid
Top Collectors for the Jan:
K4B: 101, 4B: 331, & 1A: 919
American Youth Academy
By: Serene Mostafa
Our miniature scientists put on their
lab coats and goggles this month for
some radical experimentation! There were many well-thought-out questions like,
what are the effects of magnets on plant growth, which nut has the most energy,
and how different sodas affected pennies. There were bubbles, hover crafts, popcorn, paper airplanes,
videogames, worms and volcanoes. Viewing the creativity was inspiring. Everyone who entered the competition
should give themselves a pat on the back. The projects were terrific! Our winners earned well deserved awards.
Make sure to cheer on those representing AYA at the regional fair on February 7th! Go AYA Eagles!
In-School Winners
3A: 1st: Sajed Ziade, 2nd: Muhammad
Falah, and 3rd: Adam Mansour
3B: 1st: Hedaia Mohammad,
2nd: Kowsae Sullaiman, and 3rd:
Samya Soukieh
4A: 1st: Abdul Hakim Zekri, 2nd: Rama
Abdulmagid, and 3rd: Subreen Ajjaj
4B: 1st: Omar Omer, 2nd: Khalil
Khawaja, and 3rd: Sana Chahbander
5th Grade: 1st: Zena Omer, 2nd:
Suhaib El-Dahla, and 3rd: Musa Abdel
6th Grade: 1st: Sarim Akram,
2nd: Raghad Soboh & Suhaib Ajjaj,
and 3rd: Ala El-Dahla
K5: Group
The Penny Versus the Soda!
1A & 1B:
Do Plants Grow Better With Milk,
Apple Juice, or Soda?
2A: Group
What Nut Has the Most Energy?
Sajed Ziade: Strength of an
Hedaia Mohammad: Magnet Effects
on Plants
Abdul Hakim Zekri: Clever Cane:
Robotic Aids
Omar Omer: The Effect of Organic
and Chemical Fertilizer on the Plant
Zena Omer: Earth Worms
Population: Go, Go, Go!
Suhaib El-Dahla: No Pain, Lots of
Page compiled by Nadine Alashker
Guess Who?
MOTTO of the
Knowledge is knowing that a
tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is
knowing not to put it in a fruit
Q. What do you get when you cross one principal
with another principal? A. I wouldn't do it,
Principals don't like to be crossed!
Last Month’s Answers: Sr. Djamila and Mr. Westgate
Fun Facts
3 quarters,
4 principal
4 pennies,
get when
you cross one
you have $1.19. You also have the largest
amount of money in coins without being able
to make change for a dollar.
A. I wouldn't do it. Principals don't like to be crossed!
The most common name in the world is
It would take 11 Empire State Buildings,
stacked one on top of the other, to measure
the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.
Where do kids learn their ABCs?
At LMN-tary school
What starts with P and ends with E
and has a million letters in it? A post office
What do ducks eat with soup? Quakers
Picture of the Month:
by Salam Hamed , 10th Grade
Rhode Island is the smallest state with the
longest name. The official name, used on all
state documents, is "Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations."
Can you find the Bee?
6th -7th Gr. with Sr. Awatef & 4th -5th Grade with Sr. Hanadi
‫فاتحة الكتاب‬
‫يضرب هللا األمثال للناس‪ ,‬وهلل المثل األعلى‪ .‬إذا تأملنا النص القرآني‬
‫وجدناه نصا قد أنزله هللا على نبيه محمد‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم‪ -‬لكي يقرأه‬
‫المسلمون المؤمنون الموحدون ليتدبروا ما فيه ليفوزوا في الدنيا واألخرة‪.‬‬
‫وسبحان هللا القدير أنه في كل سورة كريمة من سور القرأن الكريم تتغير‬
‫وظيفة قاريء القرأّن الكريم فهي كما قلنا ليست قاريء فقط بل القاريء‬
‫يقرأ ويتدبر ليطبق ويفعل بما فيه ؛ فيفوز‪ .‬هناك شكال أخر لتلك الصورة في‬
‫دنيانا وهي لألسف في مجال السينما والمسرح ولكن هلل المثل االعلى ‪ ,‬فهذا‬
‫السيناريو الذي يقرأه الممثل حرفيا وينفذ ما فيه ليس ثابتا في كل األفال‬
‫م والمسرحيات لكن يمكن أن نرى الممثل الواحد في أكثر من وظيفة ودور‬
‫في كل فيلم جديد يمثله‪ .‬هكذا قاريء القرأّن الكريم ينبغي أن يفهم أنه في كل‬
‫سورة أو مجموعة أيات مترابطة أن له دورا ووظيفة مختلفة عن باقي‬
‫السور واأليات‪ .‬أحيانا تكون وظيفته وظيفة متفائل مع أيات الثواب وأحيانا‬
‫أخرى تكون وظيفته متحاذرا مع أيات العذاب و أحيانا معتبرا مع القص‬
‫ص وهكذا‪ ...‬وقطعا رضا هللا سبحانه وتعالى تقدست أسماؤه وصفاته العلى هو‬
‫منتهى مطلب المؤمن‪ ,‬فدعونا نبدأ بالفاتحة لنرى ما هي وظيفة القاريء‪.‬‬
‫يمكننا أن نرى في الفاتحة ثالثة عالقات مرتبة كالتالي‪:‬‬
‫طالب لطلب ما‪ :‬وهو قاريء الفاتحة وسنراه يجتهد في التمهيد لطلبه الغالي‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬مطلوب منه‪ :‬وهو هللا سبحانه وتعالى‪ ,‬الرحمن الرحيم‪ .‬ولـِقـَدر هللا‬
‫استخدم الطالب أعظم أسماء هللا ليطلب من مطلبه‪.‬‬
‫جـ‪ -‬الطلب‪ :‬وهو أجل و أعظم ما يطلبه الضعيف والفقير والذليل‬
‫والمخلوق والمملوك والمستغيث من القوي الغني العزيز الخالق المالك‬
‫المغيث‪ .‬هو طلب الهدايه للصراط الذي يرتضيه هللا‪ .‬وليس هذا فقط بل زاد‬
‫الطالب في طلبه وطمع في النجاة المحققة‪ ,‬بأن حدد هذا الصراط المستقيم‬
‫بأنه صراط الذين أنعم هللا عليهم‪ .‬ليس هذا فقط بل أيضا حدد ماهية أصحاب‬
‫هذا الصراط المستقيم‪ ,‬بأنهم غير المغضوب عليهم وهم اليهود‪ ,‬وال الضالين‬
‫وهم النصارى‪ .‬لذا عبرت عن هذه الخاطرة بهذه القصيدة بعنوان فاتحة‬
‫فاتحة الكتاب‬
‫ب أخبرينا‬
‫يا فاتحةُ الكتا ِ‬
‫عن ِسـرِّ هذا الكتاب َذ ِّكرينا‬
‫األمر ورشد ِه‬
‫ثالثةٌ معرفتهم تَعنينا‬
‫طالبٌ اختار ُج َّل صفات‬
‫ب منه ُمسْتعينا‬
‫للمطلو ِ‬
‫فاستهل بسم الرحمن مطلبه‬
‫والحمد هلل ربٌ للعالمينَ‬
‫وحاجةٌ للرحمة فأعادها‬
‫رحمانا رحيما ينجينا‬
‫وبملكه أثنى عليه‬
‫مالكا ليوم عصيبا‬
‫فأوكل اليه أمره‬
‫إيَّاك نعب ُد وإيَّـاك هادينا‬
‫نعبُ ُدكَ يا َربَّنا‬
‫بالربوبي ِة موحدينا‬
‫ونستقدرُكَ لـتُـعـيـنـنا‬
‫باألُلو ِهـيَّ ِة موحدينا‬
‫واآلن ميقات ثالثهم‬
‫طلبا غاليا وثمينا‬
‫أن اهدنا للصراط الحق‬
‫صراطا قويما مستقيما‬
‫صراط من انعمت عليهم‬
‫مؤمنين وفائزينَ‬
‫غير المغضوب عليه ُم‬
‫وال الضالينَ الخاسرينَ‬
‫فاتحة الكتاب يا زهرة‬
‫في صدر كل صالة تعطينا‬
‫مفاتيح الهدى في يومنا‬
‫وفي واحة االسالم‬
‫تبقينا دوما فائزينَ‬
‫محمود منصور‬
‫مدرس قرآن وعربي‬
‫مدرسة "آية"‬
‫‪With the coordinating efforts of the USF Muslim Green Team and the help of hydroponic specialist, Br. Tarek Elsayed, AYA Eco‬‬
‫‪Club members bring on the green with the “Totally Eco” hydroponic garden! AYA correspondent and Eco-Club activist, Yamaan‬‬
‫……‪Ziade, recently gave us a closer peek‬‬
‫‪Can you tell us more about the hydroponic garden? “Well, it’s really a garden on stilts. We filled PVC troughs full of loose perlite,‬‬
‫‪where the water going to the plants filters through attached pipes in the side. It took a couple weeks of hard work to finish it all.” What‬‬
‫‪sorts of plants were grown? “Mostly greens and veggies, like cabbage and lettuce. It’s study-proven that plants in a hydroponic‬‬
‫‪garden can grow better and more efficiently than a regular old garden.” What was the best part for you while working on this‬‬
‫”!‪garden? “When we added the finishing touches - it was definitely an awesome moment for both the club and the environment‬‬

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