October 2012 - American Youth Academy
October 2012 - American Youth Academy
NEWS FROM THE NEST October 2012-Edition 2 TH 5905 E. 130 AVE. ●TAMPA, FLORIDA 33617 www.ayatampa.org ● (813) 987-9282 A Message from Br. Souheil… Assalamu Alaikum Students, Parents and Community Members, The month of October was truly a vibrant time at AYA. Our community had the chance to celebrate many events and achievements. Masha’Allah, our cancer awareness activities raised over $1,500 to help the American Cancer Society and local Muslim families with members suffering from the disease. I am so proud of this sunnah hasanah (good tradition) . Hajj Simulation was another beautiful tradition at AYA. Br. Mahmoud and his team of dedicated teachers, students, and parents did an amazing job organizing the event. We welcomed over 600 students, parents, and community guests in the ICT Hall that day, and the Tampa Bay Times published a nice article about the event. Please see Page 5! Another great event organized in collaboration with the ICT administration was the “Meet the Candidates” evening. Sr. Magda did a great job moderating the debate, and our 9th graders shined with their focused questions. I am certainly looking forward to the month of November, when we are scheduled to kickstart the STEM Fair (Science Fair) season and the Tarbiyah Program. I am also looking forward to a successful completion of the first quarter and an energetic start of the second quarter, insha’Allah. Let’s keep up the good work, everybody. Go Eagles! November events... 1- Thursday: IPTA Meeting 1- Thursday: 5th Grade Field Trip 2- Friday: Tarbiyah Program 6- Tuesday: Re-Takes & Group Pictures 6-National Election Day 7-8: Q1 Exams, Early Dismissal 9-Friday: Q1 Exams & End of Q1 13-Tuesday: MS Soccer at Sefner-4PM 13-Tue: HS Soccer at Tampa Prep-7PM 15- Thursday: PreK-SOTM 15-Thursday: HS Soccer at Home- 4PM 16- Friday: SOTM 19-Mon: HS Soccer at Academy at the Lakes- 4PM 20-Tuesday: MS Soccer at Home- 4PM 21-23- NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving 26-30: Parent Observation Week 26-Monday: HS Soccer at CDS-4PM 27-Tues: HS Soccer at IRIB-7PM 29-Thurs: HS Soccer at Calvary-6PM 30-Friday: Cultural Day Look inside... Awards & Class Activities AYA’s Gone PINK Hajj Simulation Sports, Clubs & Students Thank you to our following sponsors who contributed towards our Staff Breakfasts & Lunches: Golden Bakery, Petra, Zeko's, Salem's, Tazza, Pita's, and Shine All Cleaning Service 3 4 5 6-7 Newsletter Submission DEADLINE: November 26, 2012 Please email submissions to ayanewsletter@ayatampa.com Business Ads Welcome! Hadeeth: Should I tell you who is most beloved to Me and closest to Me on the Day of Judgment?...The best of you in character. NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 2 By: Ayah Elfaouatih, 8B and Fatimah Bouarfa, 8A New AYA Family Welcome Camara Family Mabrook to Br. Samer and Sr. Carola Salhab on the birth of their baby boy, Ramzi Osama! We would like to congratulate AYA’s new Secondary English teacher, Mr. Gonzalez, on his engagement to Ms. Elaine Velez! Public Speaking Community News! K-Kids hard at work Did you know that there is a wonderful organization that collects donated hair and makes wigs out of it for young children who suffer from cancer and have lost their own hair from chemo? Locks of Love, an organization that was founded in 1997, does just that. Students and teachers from the American Youth Academy have participated, too. Ayah th Elfaouatih, 8 Grade, donated 12 inches of her hair to Locks of Love. Just this summer, Su’ad Macedonio, 2nd Grade, decided to cut her hair for the cause, too. After 12 inches of her hair was cut by a local stylist, I spoke with Su’ad to see how she felt about the whole experience. PLAY! ♥ How did you get the idea of donating your hair? I watched a movie called “My Sister’s Keeper.” ♥ Do you think you changed a kid’s life when you donated your hair? Yes, because they would look pretty. ♥ How did you feel while having your haircut? I felt good because I was doing a good deed. Please visit: http://www.locksoflove.org/ for more information. NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 3 By: Ghadh Soukieh, 7A and Halima Hammad, 8A September Students Of The Month K4A: Amir Samhouri & Shahd Ibrahim K4B: Sam Alkhalil &Talia Hamil K5A: Salma Al-ababneh & Zain Tamari K5B: Waad Ibrahim & Ewan Elbooz Gr. 1A: Kayra Iceli & Waleed Yousef Gr. 1B: Nevin Tanoukhi & Aminah Khan Gr. 2A: Muhammad Maarij Mustafa & Noel Tanoukhi Gr. 2B: Ridha Mohamed & Moustafa Ismail Gr. 3A: Alla Taha & Abdul-Malik Zekri Gr. 3B: Banah Swar & Lana Shada Gr. 4A: Samya Soukieh & Dana Barakat Gr. 4B: Hedaia Mohammad & Muhammad Falah Gr. 5A: Danya Yousef & Mariam Elsayed Gr. 5B: Omar Omer & Danya Awshah Why I love AYA By: Sabrina Atiq, Grade 4B The reason I’m writing this is because, I think that American Youth Academy should be more popular around Florida. I really like this school! Sure, I know I’m new, but I love AYA! It has already really helped me a lot. At my old school my report card only had two A’s and my other grades were B’s. Now, almost all my progress reports have been A’s. My mom is really proud of me. I’m not saying other schools are bad! They're good, but this one is, well you know, better. There are other reasons why I like this school. One is that it teaches the students how to behave. When I get home, I do my homework without mistakes, use a napkin for dinner, and mind my manners. My mom is very happy. You know what else? This school is for Muslims! In my old school, I felt bad because I didn’t get to celebrate Halloween and birthdays. I was different from everyone else. This school has great Muslim friends, just like me! So all I am saying is, I like this school. I think others will, too. 1st Grade Science NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 4 By: Bayane Elhayboubi, 8A and Nermean Qasem, 8B Thursday, Oct. 18th was Pink Day Cancer Awareness at AYA Dear Sr. Helpout, I want to become mutahajibah and people tell me not to. I don’t know what to do. They tell me I am too young and should wait. Can you help? - Secret Keeper . Dear Secret Keeper, I know what you’re going through. It’s normal, it happens. I want you to do what you think is right. It is also good to talk to a friend or adult that you trust. When I felt I was ready, I did it. Everyone is different, so do what is right for you and don’t let anyone stop you. Read the article below, too. Maybe it will inspire you. Sincerely - Sr. Helpout Breast Cancer Awareness at AYA! Almost everyone sported pink to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness. All donations went to cancer research and to help families whose members are battling cancer. Thank YOU for helping, and May Allah accept it as sadaqah. By: Layal Barakat, 6B Breast Cancer isn't fun. It isn't liked by anyone. It's usually deadly, I'm sorry to say, if you find out early there is a way. The doctors do surgery, and then you are free, and when you are, you'd be lucky. Cancer is actually a test. It means that Allah knows best. If you don't have cancer, and you are healthy, Your cells always divide, out evenly. But if you have cancer, the cells don't divide right, they divide uncontrollably, which causes fright. I'm writing this to tell you, that you should be aware, And then you'll show the victims, just how much you care! Many believe that the Hijab is Sunnah. It is not. The Hijab is obligatory! We know this from the Quran – ALLAH (SWT) says: “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty……And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards – ALLAH -, that ye may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31) I would like to say congratulations to my daughter- Iman Ahmad, 8B on becoming muhajiba when she was only eleven years old. I pray that she may stay strong and that Allah (SWT) may increase her Iman. Inshallah, Allah will accept it and make it easy on her. I am so proud of her and I hope every Muslim girl will decide to wear the Hijab, too. Also, I would like to say congratulations to my students for becoming muhajabat, Nermean Qasem, Al-Dana Fetais, Zena Omar, Khawlah Altoubah, and Mariam Elsayed. May Allah (SWT) shower all of them with His mercy and reward them with the highest level of paradise. Ameen. – Love, Sr. Remah NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 By: Dana Fetais, 8B and Iman Ahmad, 8B 5 HAJJ Hajj season is finally here! If you really want to go to hajj but you can’t, don’t worry. The American Youth Academy has an annual activity called the “Hajj Simulation” that gets students excited for their chance to go to Hajj one day. During this year’s event, students decorated their classrooms. Many students built a small Kaaba or did a project. Grades K2 through 5th actually performed all the steps they would overseas. Parent volunteers made sweets and goodie boxes for the students, and this year AYA’s IPTA also sold ice cream from Cold Stone! Hajj mabroor wa dhamb maghfoor wa saee mashkoor to Sr. Heba, Sr. Dalia, and Sr. Eman, who were able to go to hajj this year. If you would like to read about the event in the Tampa Times, go to: http://www.tampabay.com/news/religion/students-at-tampa-islamicschool-simulate-the-hajj/1258164 Pink Erasers Guessing Game Winners: Haadiyah Khan - 1A, Malik Zekri - 3A, th Iman Ahmad - 8B, Lama Mattar – 12 Gr. (not pictured) and Sr. Dunia Saed. Thank you to everyone who made this event such a wonderful success! NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 6 AYA Sports By: Rami Mari, 8B By: Rami Mari, 8A and Ahmed Kamel, 8A The AYA soccer teams are blooming this year. With Coach Reza as our hard-working and determined Director, this year’s training sessions are like no other. The H.S. Team is featured to the right. The M.S. team won their first game against Pepin Academy (9 – 2). Our AYA Eagles will continue to do their very best to take on the challenge of each game. Thank you to our Sponsors! Middle School Electives: PE Safety Patrol By: Ahmed Kamel, 8A AYA’s students make the school safer for everyone! They direct traffic and keep people from harm’s way. Parents: please do your part by staying OFF of your phones while driving! NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 KIDS’ CORNER By: Layal Barakat, 6B What is your favorite part of your day with Sr. Layla? Art Time- Jude Barakat, K3 Who is your best friend? Baba- Fawaz Alkhuzaim, K2 What do you like to play with? Books- Zahraa Omer, K3 7 By: Layal Barakat, 6B and Reham Ali, 8B The American Youth Academy is a school filled with amazing writers and artists, who have great imaginations. Saif Abduljaber, a student in 3rd Grade, made up a story about Max and the Derexeions. Max, who lives in Hero Palace, has lots of adventures and has to defeat the extremely evil Derexeions. Saif is a talented and artistic boy, with a BIG imagination! Here is one of his cool drawings of his main character, Max. What do you do with your mommy for fun? I like to play with my mom. Firas Othman, K3 AYA Art Submissions What are some of your techniques for passing the school year? My techniques for passing the school year are taking notes, listening to teachers, and studying hard. ~ Ahmad Ali and Hussein Harake. Would you recommend this school to a friend or family member? “I love AYA! It is the best school ever. I love the teachers, too!” - Saajid Khan, 2B Yes, for several reasons. One reason is that it is so much better than public school. Also, the teachers are very nice and the academics are good. ~ Sarim Akram NEWS FROM THE NEST | OCTOBER 2012 8 By: Ahmad Abdulmagid, 6B The FUN PAGE is Back…with special Hajj activities! Monkey’s Journey By: Saleem Sekkat, 2A Once upon a time there was a monkey who loved his family. When they were searching for food, the monkey got lost. He went on a long journey to find his family. He didn’t find them, but he found another monkey who would take care of him. He loved that monkey. If you really want a clue: BOYS, the 1st one probably taught you. The 2nd one is special, you see. She’s an administrative assistant, who helps you and me. The last one teaches students to cook, to knit, to sew, and she makes lots of crafts, you know. All three are very different, you see; but all still are friends to you and me. Q Q M T A F A R A H P A Z I K C N L A J L Y V Z N I V F M G X E A I H A I L I B J U E R S L H K H J I S A A A C A H A L T M X D M J J F R S B S Z R W S J S B C G U R K G D I T I E M H D S A E E W Z O ARAFAT HAJJ IBRAHIM IHRAM ISMAEEL MINA MUZDALIFAH SAEE Motto of the Month! William Feather once said – “Success is largely a matter of hanging on when all others have let go.”
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