NL 8-15 mail.pages - Spay Neuter Assistance Program
NL 8-15 mail.pages - Spay Neuter Assistance Program
AUGUST 2015 Tale Wagger Spay/Neuter phone 330.649.0443 Officers Formerly Animal Protection Guild A new veterinary practice joins the program! SNAP is pleased to announce that Hometown Veterinary Services, Dr. Eric Pugh and Dr. Alison Fowle, on Middlebranch Road NE in Canton are now participating in our low cost spay/neuter program for cats. For more information on how to schedule a surgery through SNAP's low cost spay/neuter program call 330-649-0443 or visit our website at Thanks for helping with our big fundraiser. Thanks to all who par.cipated in the event SNAP's 11th annual Reverse Raffle fundraiser held at Skyland Pines Banquet Center on May 8, 2015. It was a great evening of fun for all who aKended and a success for our cause!! There were over 100 tried and true SNAP supporters in aKendance. Thanks to each and every one of them and to all who sold and purchased .ckets to the event. Special thanks to all of the donors and to Diane Neal, A.J. WhiQer and Robin Gonzales who chaired the silent auc.on. AKorney John Werren was our lively and fun Master of Ceremonies. The event raised over $9700 for our cause. The animals thank you! See you next year! Over 78,000 spay/neuter surgeries since 1982. 742 cat and 189 dog surgeries to date in 2015 President Joan Petko Vice President Kathi Webber Secretary Luana Carpenter Treasurer Alberta Kelly Directors Connie Crabtree Janice Petko Rick Sampsel Terry Sampsel Jen Quartz Honorary Directors Kathy Fleck Jeanne DiGiantonio Libby Heysel Irene Splittorf Help us to save on postage and do more for the animals by giving us your email address! Animal Attic Resale Store 3124 Ninth Street, S. W. Canton, Ohio 44710 330.455.2001 Tuesday - Thursday 10-4 Saturday 10 - 1 Closed Friday, Sunday & Monday SPAY NEUTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM-SNAP OF NE OHIO AUGUST 2015 Three Easy Ways To Help SNAP is in need of “FOREVER” postage stamps for the hundreds of spay/neuter forms and thank you notes we send out each year. The donation of stamps is a huge financial help. Thank you for your help in the past. SNAP always needs batteries, AA, C and D. The stamps and/or batteries can be mailed or dropped off at the Animal Attic, 3124 9th SW Canton OH 44710. Cisco is a 14 year old dog who was adopted at the age of 8 months from the Wayne County Humane Society by APG Board Members,Terry & Rick Sampsel. Spay Neuter Assistance Program-SNAP OF NE OHIO would like to thank the following for the donation of Silent Auction items: A.J. & Fred Whittier Canton Brewing Company Diane & Don Deitemyer Carpe Diem Coffee Shop Robin Gonzalez Gasser’s Fine Jewelry Healing Waters Heggy’s Nut Shop-West Tuscarawas Adrianne Gawlak J & K Subway Carol Spring John Brindus Financial Service Connie Crabtree John’s Bar & Grille Gary & Paula Savage K-9 Hairstyles by Suzanne Jean Fleming Kennedy’s B.B.Q. Laura Evans Plain Township Girl Scout Troop #1055 Linda Knipfer Rice’s Nursery Malynda Reed Susanna’s Olde Fashioned Dining Mary Lee Taggart’s Ice Cream Parlor Melanie Harsh Ziffycat Mitchell Quartz 2016 Canton Entertainment Books on sale at the Animal Attic Sept 8th for the cost of $30 or by calling Joan at 330-494-0006. This is an easy way to support SNAP’s cause so please try to sell and/or buy a book. Animal Attic Resale Store 34 years in business and all for the animals!! SPAY NEUTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM-SNAP OF NE OHIO AUGUST 2015 In memory of Cubby: Bettie Schaaf, Lori Coppula, Joan & Janice Petko, Bernardine Akkerman, Marni Bennell In honor of Ruth Brown: Jacqueline Branch In memory of my mother, Signe Reponen Dunn: Carol Dunn In memory of Orphan: Ann Devine In memory of Sheba Kelly: Kathi Webber In loving memory of Daniel L. Stoll, father of Joyce Stoll & Judy Clauss: Johanne Simone In memory of Miram Conley Whiteman: Rita Blosser, Crystal Park United Methodist Church, Robert Good, Janet Vaughn. In memory of Chuck Hess: Bernardine Akkerman In honor of Scott Keiller and Dave DeLong’s birthdays: Malcolm & Mary Keiller In memory of Becky Backus: Joan Petko In memory of Patricia Laps: Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Laps, Erik Laps, Mr.& Mrs. David Laps, Barbara & Carl Nelson, Valia Marcelli, Norma DeFrank In memory of my twin sister, Patricia Laps: Nancy Stephen Cathy & Glen Givens, Deborah & Paul Smith. In memory of Bill Winslow: Janet Schwitzgable In memory of George Giannos: Marlene Bolea In memory of Maggie: Margaret and Fred Maurer In memory of my sister, Lynn Meyers on her 68th birthday: Jill Mill In memory of J. David Franzen: Janice & Joan Petko In memory of Bernice Barbarossa: Ron, Linda, Anna and Ian Carter In memory of Russ Donald and “Roamer”: Judy Gardner In memory of Sable: Tracie Furiga In memory of Jo McKee: Sally Mascolino, Joyce Selby, Denny Halter, Cindi Miner, Joan Petko In memory of Mary Jane Lautzenheiser: Janet McGuire, John Solvy, John & Patricia Richardson, Helen & George Dimos, In memory of Marie Bakken: Eleanor Kurowski, Joan Petko In memory of Bernice Barbarossa: Tom and Karyn Ludlam, Steve & Lisa Stroup, Steve & Denise Ramey In memory of “Lizzie” Forte, most faithful and loving dog: Maxine Forte In memory of Shirley Bruey: Jeanne Johns In memory of Barb Nichols: Joan & Janice Petko In memory of Ron Vrabel: Joan & Janice Petko, Plain Township Trustees, Frank Brindus In memory of James Selig: Joan Petko Marjorie Finley Rebecca Morris Adrienne Gawlak Jeff Carnes Sharon Price Pamela Blosser Renee Stewart Jon & Karen Galit Diane Harbaugh Jetta Flowers Steve Flack Hallie Robertson, Sue Lightfoot We’d love to have a picture of your pet to use in our newsletter along with a short story or something about him or her. Please send us pictures and stories under 100 words. We will do our best to include them. You can email or snail mail the photos to or the Animal Attic 3124 9th St SW Canton 44710 Mission Statement Spay Neuter Assistance Program of NE Ohio is an all volunteer, non-profit organization under section 501© (3), offering a no income restriction spay/ neuter program for cats and a low cost spay/ neuter program for dogs of low income owners to the community to help alleviate the problem of pet overpopulation. SNAP also promotes and educates the public about the importance of spaying and neutering all companion animals. SPAY NEUTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM-SNAP OF NE OHIO AUGUST 2015 Join today! To join SNAP by credit card or paypal, go to OR fill in this membership application and send it with your check to the address below: Name________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________City ________________State ___Zip _____ E-mail ____________________________________Phone ______________________ Please check one: _____ Active Member ($25) An Active SNAP member is provided with opportunities to participate in many volunteer projects on behalf of the animals. _____ Supporting Member ($50) Your monetary support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your gift in being part of this humane solution! SNAP of NE Ohio 3124 Ninth St. S.W. Canton OH 44710 Please become a member today! Go to to join SNAP NE Ohio c/o The Animal Attic 3124 9th St. S.W. Canton, OH 44710 330.455.2001 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Canton, Ohio Permit No. 135
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