Vipers mens 50 2016 team
Vipers mens 50 2016 team
Coach: Steve Kenny Division: Men’s 50’s Email: Phone: 0413 993 520 Congratulations to the following players selected in the Vipers Men’s 50’s squad for the 2016 Australian Championships. Important Information… • Pleasecontactyourcoachtoacceptyourpositionintheteamandconfirmyouravailabilityforthe tournamentbyMONDAY1stAUGUST2016. • Tournamententryanduniform(ifneeded)mustbepaid/orderedviatheonlinesoftwarebyMONDAY 8thAUGUST2016.Failuretofinaliseregistration&orderauniformmayresultinyoubeingremovedfrom theteam. TOFINALISEREGO/UNIFORMVISIT- • IFYOUAREWEARINGAUNIFORMFROMLASTYEAR,PLEASEADVISEWHATYOURPLAYINGNUMBERIS WHENYOUCONFIRMYOURAVAILABILITYWITHYOURCOACH. • The2016AustralianChampionshiptournamentisbeingheldFriday4th,Saturday5th&Sunday6th November2016atC.EXInternationalStadium,COFFSHARBOUR.Playersaretoarrangetheirown transportandaccommodation. NAME ASSOCIATION Brett Ferguson Wollongong Brett Potter Wollongong Darren Nun Kiama Dave Houston Picton Dave Newham Picton Frank Napoleone Picton Garry Wheeler Shellharbour Greg McPherson Kiama Greg Toovey Picton John Constable Wollongong Mark Cini Picton Mark Scambary Picton Paul Emerson Paul Mccarthy Phil Eves Ross Thomas Steve Kenny Tim Taylor Steve Ricketts Wollongong Picton Picton Kiama Wollongong Picton SHADOW Picton
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