
A Church of England Foundation School
Specialist Technology College
Issue 71
You can also enjoy in colour on our website:
1-2 Head’s Introduction
3 Year 11 Parents’ Evening and Top Tips
4 Special Achievements
5 Our Student Voice
6 On-line Learning with SAM
7 Getting Scientific
8 Greenpower hits the tracks
9 Technology Clubs
9 New Yorkers Bond at Bowling
10 Computer Club for Girls
ICT Trip to UWE
11 Poetry Live
12-14 “Paris when it giggles…”
15 On a Musical Note
16 Christian Leader News
17 Learning Resource Centre Exploits
17 Learning Support
18-23 Kings and Queens Sports Scores
23 House Competitions 2006-7
24 Calendar
End of Spring Half Term February 2007
Dear Parents,
Having escaped the recent snowfalls, but with our early spring
temporarily postponed, I am nevertheless pleased to bring you
this Spring Half Term’s edition of our Kings’ Messenger.
I am still marvelling at our recent school production of the
1950’s favourite musical Grease. Directed by Mrs Anna Friend,
produced by Simon Shorrock (with his special performance as
singer Johnny Casino) and musical direction by Teacher of Music
and Assistant Headteacher Miss Sally Bishop, this was a truly
wonderful creation.
A sell-out on all three evenings, with spot-on characterisation, it
was vibrant and fast-moving, with outstanding vocal
performances, brilliantly re-creating the world of teenage love
and growing up at Rydell High. A truly memorable evening! Testimony to the maturity and skill of
his acting, Year 12 student Phillip Lee, who portrayed heart-throb Danny, recently auditioned in the
West End for the lead part – we wait to hear more on this exciting news!
It seems appropriate timing that work will soon be underway on our new Drama Centre with a
completion date for the Autumn Term 2007. I am greatly looking forward to the opportunities the
Centre will offer for Performing Arts at Kings, as well as for the Cheddar community.
Earlier in January we welcomed some of our school Governors for our Spring Term Governors’ Day,
when they accompanied Subject Leaders in lessons and also tutor periods/assemblies. All of the
Governors were impressed with our students and enjoyed their taste of school life at Kings.
We continue our fund-raising across the Cheddar Valley for this year’s
special Promise to Africa to commemorate thirty-years of our three-tier
education system, working with the charity Community Link
Development raising money for educational projects in the Masindi
District of Uganda.
Following on from last December Charities Week, under the
excellent and enthusiastic leadership of our Senior Student
Team we successfully raised over £14,000! I am sure you will
agree this represents a staggering amount of money and really
testifies to the generosity of our students, staff, parents and
community. Some of this money raised will be donated to the
students’ designated charities, the Somerset Branch of Wooden Spoon
and The National Council for Palliative Care.
You will note from the school calendar that we will be holding our next end of term “MUFTI Day”
on the last day of this Spring Term on Friday 30 March 2007 when students and staff donate £1 and
£2 to attend school in non-uniform. I would also like to express our immense gratitude to the Group
Tax Department at HBOS in Bristol, who via a contact with our Teacher of P.E. Mr Osgood,
generously donated £318.24 from their “dress down days” in January. I am very grateful to the team
for joining us in our fund-raising.
In addition to our own news stories in the local press, parents will also be aware of the media
attention surrounding our school discipline policy in mid-January. I can report that we received over
one hundred phone calls, letters and emails of support from parents and friends of The Kings of
Wessex School who praised our work in maintaining high standards and expectations. A sincere
thank you to you all.
Continuing on the theme of celebrating our success, I am pleased to inform you that as part of our
designation as a Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, we have just been become “members” of
the Trust’s Most Improved Club. The Club represents a group of Specialist Schools who have
improved results of ten points or more for 2006 at GCSE Grades A* to C. As you will know in last
summer’s GCSE’s we were the top comprehensive school in Somerset for our GCSE results with 64%
of students gaining more than five A*s to C grades including in English and Maths.
As part of our continued commitment to raising achievement I draw parents’ attention to the
number of information evenings scheduled this term that I hope you will be able to attend, to help
you guide your child(ren) at home. Please refer to the calendar on the back page.
I would like to thank our parents for all their support behind the scenes and for their involvement in
events. I thank the MuKow’s parents’ music support group for their recent barn dance, attended by
nearly fifty people, raising £220 for music here at Kings MuKow and Clic. More recently, I thank the
PTA and the MuKow’s for organising the refreshments and raffle at Grease.
Whilst it is always pleasing to receive accolades in
the public arena, I am however, very aware that it
is the day-to-day work here in school that is
important. I therefore applaud the dedication and
skill of our staff in both the classroom and during
the many extra curricular activities and clubs on
offer that help to make Kings vibrant and successful.
Thank you once again for your continued support and I wish you all a very restful and enjoyable
half term holiday. I remind you that school resumes on Monday 26 February 2007.
Yours sincerely,
A Reminder to all Year 11 Parents!
We invite you to attend our Parents Information Evening
On Wednesday 7 March between 7.00-8.00pm
in the School Hall
Helping you to help your child achieve their best!
Top Tips from our Kings and Queens News Team
February… it’s still cold, wet and miserable…
The festivities are over, it’s cold and even worse, you are trying desperately hard to
keep up those New Year’s resolutions! Knowing how hard it can be, we've got five top
tips to keep you ready and motivated!
Top tip number 1: Think of less and more specific resolutions rather than lots of
vague, unachievable ones. Taking on too much will just stress you out, so make sure
your goals are achievable, and try to pace yourself!
Top tip number 2: Stay warm! Wear jackets, scarves, hats, gloves and many layers,
as the warmer you are the less likely you are to get ill!
Top tip number 3: Go shopping! It’s the perfect time to bag your favourite clothes
half price in those January sales! So grab your Christmas cash and get stuck in before
it’s all over!
Top tip number 4: Early nights for early
starts. The earlier you go to sleep the more
awake you will feel on those dark mornings!
Top tip number 5: Just because it’s cold
outside, it’s no excuse not to get outdoors!
Remember to exercise daily to burn off all
the winter over-eating!
Whatever you do, keep positive!
By Laura Cussons 9CA and Mimi Bygrave 9LD
Spring Half Term Special Achievements Roll of Honour
We are delighted to list the following students who have gained Special Achievements
as a reward for good work, behaviour and services to our school
Of special mention is Bethany Robinson 9CA has been awarded her second Bronze
(that’s to say Bethany reached Platinum = 50 merits and then gained another five for Bronze!)
Lisa Roper
Holly Barber
Rosie Cashel
Benjamin Redmond
Joe Sandford-Hughes
Michael Turner
Mehtab Arshad
Alexander Blake
Toby Brunsdon
Daniel Burns
Marianne Johns
Chloe Kitching
Thomas Layton
Jorjia Leheup
Olivia Patrick
Adam Peters
Samuel Rasmussen
Rowan Storer
Hannah Taylor
Claire Willcox
Jemimah Winwood
James Wood
Sophie Woollan
Simon Addicott
Jack Andrews
Victoria Chir
Max Young
Jessica Gamlin
Jonathan Pinsent
Bethany Capps
Lucy Perry
Jessica Robins
Matthew House
Daniel Maggs
Roxanne Schroeder
Gavin Barber
Callum Brandrick
Leonie Burrough
Joseph Cowell
Cameron Crook
Tom Derrick
Mark Foster
Catherine Wookey
Madeleine Stewart
Uday Vemulapalli
Kathryn Clarke
Clowance Cotterill
Caroline Gould
Benjamin Marshall
Jonathan Taylor
Stacy Coleman
Courtney Freemantle
Alex Male
Sophie Trolley
Madelaine Cottrell
Danny Griffiths
Lianne Hawthorne
William Price
Joshua Udall
Ross Babbington
Holly Bulman
George Cambridge
Amad Ahmed
Thomas Anderson
Robert Broomsgrove
Joshua Day
Oliver Ghalleb
Charlotte Hockley
Thomas Knight
Jordan Nelson
Holly Pike
Robert Rogers
Mike Turner
Fraser Wall
Sarah Weigold
Matthew Barber
Stuart Cooke
Corriena Evans
Bernard Francis
Jonathan Goodall
Callum Higson
Abigail Livesey
Hannah Meadowcroft
Alexander Mott
Oliver Poole
Hesham Afifi
Daisy Banwell
Sophie Blackhurst
Matthew Buhagiar
Peter Homewood
Jasmine Mitton
Oliver Pearce
Alana Bullock
Georgina O'Neill
Joseph Olive
Thomas Stevens
Stephen Poole
Jack Humphrey
Lauren Hooper
Alice Prouse
Jake Taylor
Nadine Williams
Louise Perkins
Daniel Albone
George Atkins
Robbie Marshall
Ja’Mahl McMurran
Lucy Stephens
Samantha Stephenson
Martyn Walker
Rachael Cherry
Alexander Parsons
Rosemary Price
Rebecca Teagle
Dean Thompson
Jamie Chidzey
Emilie Crossland
Steven Dixon
George Kimmins
Alex Tidman
Laura Pavey
Eve Woolway
Steven Lukins
Thomas Fake
Ryan Llewellyn
Stacey Pope
Christopher Rowlands
Matthew Salmon
Hannah Close
Christopher Prowse
Benjamin Garrett
Amy Richards
Madeleine Rigby
Eleanor Rowntree
Luke Sealey
Abbie Sweeting
Katie Hood
Alan Quantrill
Simone Bygrave
Victoria Ferguson
Sarah Kelly
Abbey Woolway
Charlotte Barrett
Thomas Cotterill
Hannah Lakin
Emma Munt
Matthew Pinsent
Daniel Salway
Leighanna Slocombe
Katherine Wing
Lucy Cornish
James Ford
Thomas Howard
Kirsti Lukins
Jack Mason
Emily Spencer
*Student names are correct at
the time of going to print
Harriet Gittings
Felicity Millard
Jodie Skittrall
Our Student Voice
Year 10 recently held a competition to see who could come up with the best “green” slogans We are pleased to announce that 10GL are the winners with their inspiring advice: 1.
Walk to school it doesn’t use fuel. Recycle paper then it will be back with you later! Print only for your needs and you will save trees. Recycling is the key if you don’t eat all your tea. Turn off the light and it will make the future bright. The School Council continue to work very hard on our Green Travel Plan.
Since our last Kings Messenger we have now completed the student survey and we had
a tremendous response from our parent survey (thank you!). In the fullness of time
Student Council students will be looking at how we can encourage more people to walk and
cycle to school. They will be liaising with SUSTRAN about how we can improve local cycleways, looking at improving cycle storage facilities at school and how we can encourage
more parents to lift share. One possibility is ‘Park and Stride’ areas to help decongest the
centre of Cheddar at peak times.
The School Council are also getting ready to launch our ‘Text Someone’ anti-bullying
service when vulnerable young people are able to text, email or fax a helpline to ask for
confidential advice or support. This is supported by our Peer Mentors scheme where
younger students have Sixth Formers assigned to their tutor groups to act as a critical
friend if necessary.
Parental Involvement
As parents you may be aware of the Government’s campaign to
encourage young people to be more responsible and stay safe
when using the worldwide web, MSN, instant messenger, or
other forms of electronic communication.
We are about to launch a series of lessons on this subject within
the PSHE/Citizenship curriculum to support our work in
encouraging young people to stay safe.
We will also be holding a Parents Evening on
Tuesday 13 March 2007 to educate and support parents in this
area. We intend to invite parents of Years 9 and 10 students to this
campaign in the first instance and more details will follow shortly in a separate mailing.
But please do make a note of the date in your diaries.
In the meantime, you might like to find out more on the following websites:
On-Line Learning with SAM
We have recently subscribed to SAM Learning, an e-Learning service
that has been shown to improve Key Stage 3 levels and GCSE grades
through exam practice and revision exercises.
One of the key features of this service is that it can be accessed from virtually any computer with
Internet access - and other schools who use it report significant usage outside the main school day.
SAM Learning Secondary usually costs home-users £99.99 per year, but Kings’ students now have
unrestricted use of this service totally free of charge.
If you have a computer with Internet access at home, I hope you will encourage your son or
daughter to use SAM to revise and practise exam questions. We have also made arrangements for
students to have access to computer time in school at lunchtime and after school (from 3.45 to
4.30pm on Monday –Thursdays) in the Learning Resource Centre.
1. To start work students need to go to the website
(or click the link on the school website:
2. Then click
3. Then enter the following details:
Centre ID:
User ID:
Date of birth followed by two initials; first name then last name.
Example: 010896DJ is the User ID for David Jones born 1st August 1996.
Initially same as the User ID.
Students have been asked to change this when they first log-on.
Students will be using SAM in some lessons, and sometimes they may get homework to
complete on the SAM website. (Teachers can check on progress, so they know which students have
been working on the site.)
SAM is not intended to replace other forms of homework or revision and
SAM is certainly better in some subjects than others. However, I hope
that students will find SAM to be a helpful additional way of working
and that they will work on their own initiative to revise and practise
examination questions.
Dave Kelly
Assistant Headteacher
Getting Scientific
And some important updates
We are delighted to welcome Jo Keddy from
Bristol University who is working in the Science
Department for this term.
New Year 10 Courses – Important Information
A reminder that there will no longer be any Science coursework as
we used to know it! All Centre assessed assignments, which involve
normal practical work and questions set by the Exam Board, are
carried out during normal lessons.
At the beginning of the year we published a deadline of Monday 26
component/coursework”. Late last term, however, we were advised
that we should not try to complete the assignments too early and
not to apply for certification of any of the GCSE Science courses
until the end of Year 11.
We therefore will be aiming to complete all Centre assessed tasks
for Science, Additional Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics by
the previously published deadline of 29 February 2008.
We recently received the results of the first GCSE Science modules
and, on the whole, most students have performed as well as
expected or indeed, better. There were inevitably a few
disappointments but there will be an opportunity for any students
to re-sit their exam in Year 11.
Year 9:
All Year 9 students should have received a Revision Guide and a
Workbook. The Revision Guide must be returned after the SAT’s in
May, but the Workbook is theirs to keep!
Homework questions may be set from the Workbook, they may also be
asked to bring it to some lessons and they should use it for
revising work from Years 7 and 8 in their own time.
Bethan Riddick, Subject Leader for Science
Forthcoming events! Thursday 1 March: Saturday 3 March: Wednesday 7 March: Wednesday 28 March: Liquid Nitrogen Show Vet Quest Trip at Bristol University Mind reading mysteries and Maths lecture at Bath University Year 13 Biologists trip to Techniquest. Photocopying DNA If any Year 10 students are interested in producing a science‐related DVD then go and see Miss Simpson. This is a project being run by Bristol University with students working in teams of ten. I have lots of interest already – but it is not too late for you to sign up if you are interested! Thank you! Miss Simpson 7
Greenpower gets ready to hit the tracks!
As the new Spring Term starts so does our new Greenpower team.
At the moment we are kept
busy with complicated design
ideas for our brand new car
that is currently in many
pieces. This year we decided to
buy a car kit to help ensure a
faster run in the final event of
the race. So far the frame has
been started and resembles a
faint outline of the future car,
which we hope to name ‘KOW
POW’, but we are always open
to ideas!
To improve and to succeed in
building a more reliable car the
team need to reconsider certain
changes. The new car has
redesigned steering, but we are
still using a chain drive for the
motor to provide propulsion.
This year we hope to look into
more efficient methods to
achieve effective and reliable
motor cooling.
The team are also designing to
create a lighter body work
(maybe fibre glass but more
research is required), reducing
the weight is critical in
improving the car’s range on a
battery and the strain on the
motor and drive chain is at the
minimum so that the overall
car weight can be the lightest possible and so less strain on the motor/engine.
At this moment however, the team have put down their tools and are oiling their idea
clogs as we are planning to hold a very informative, but light presentation, to try and
inspire some sponsorship from some local companies.
Thank you for your support and wishing us the best of luck for the future
By Jo Frost 10ML (also a member of The Kings and Queens News Team)
Technology Clubs
The following Technology Clubs are running this term:
Computer Club for Girls
‘A’ Level Computing
ICT Coursework Club
Food Coursework Club
Resistant Materials
Coursework Club
Graphics Coursework Club
Beaded Jewelry
Electronics Foundation Course
Greenpower Challenge
1:10 - 1:55
1:10 - 1:55
1:10 - 1:55
1:10 - 1:55
Miss G Lewis
Mr J Russell
Mr J Russell/ Miss G Lewis
Mrs A Holland
1:10 - 1:55
1:10 - 1:55
3:45 - 4:45
3:45 - 4:45
3:45 - 4:45
9, 10, 11
Mr D Parvin
Miss G Chapman
Miss G Chapman
Miss Chapman
Mr D Parvin, Miss G Chapman
We look forward to seeing you!
New Yorkers Bond at Bowling
A group of Year 12 Business Studies
students recently bonded at bowling in
preparation for their five-day exploration of
New York in the Easter Holidays when they
will be visiting Broadway, Ground Zero and
Times Square.
Bowling gave the students a chance to get to
know the people they are travelling with before
the event with a flavour of activities that will
be happening in New York.
Business Studies Subject Leader, Mr. Lee triumphed over all the students at the bowling with a
score well over one hundred, with prizes being awarded for best girl and boy, and best overall
team player.
We will of course update you on their trip in a future edition of The Kings Messenger.
By Andy Burland, Year 12 (and a member of The Kings and Queens News Team)
Find out more about the
Computer Club for Girls
Monday lunchtimes 1.10 to 1.55pm in IT1
New topic Dance M8 has just started which includes creating animated Dance Mats,
Fashion Shows and learning British Sign Language!!
We are still open for new members and every school day until the end of February
2007, CC4G has two iPod shuffles to GIVE AWAY to CC4G members who bring along a
friend to sign up.
Do come along and join us!
Miss Lewis
ICT Trip to UWE
The I.C.T trip to the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences at the University of the West of England was an exciting and interesting
day. Not only did it give us a change from a normal school day, but I got to make
strange, funny, and down right weird noises with a keyboard and make Lego
robots that move. And while doing this I had a lot of fun with some of the other
I choose Music Systems Engineering and was the only Kings student to choose
this option. I mean come on… The only one interested in music! But it was their
loss because it was brilliant! I got to make all kinds of noises with the keyboard.
Then I got to hear some of the people from other schools sing and some of their
music work which was really interesting.
I had some trouble with lunch as I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to go until the rest of the Kings group arrived.
The food was really varied there. They have four areas to eat and there was more than enough room for everyone.
And shops. That was the bit that really surprised me. I really didn’t think they would have their own shops, but they
even had a Tesco on the campus.
After lunch I did the Lego robot builder course. It was brilliant taking part in the ‘Robot Revolution’ playing with
intelligent Lego smart enough to move around of its own accord. Even Mr Russell admitted to having fun doing it.
Having built and programmed our own robot we never did get it to move around corners properly but it moved and it
was very stable. After that the people taking that course showed us some videos of robots fighting. They were funny
but it did give us something to think about. If robots are this smart now, imagine how they will have advanced by the
time the current students are parents. It could be ‘I Robot’ in real life.
Although the day was aimed at Sixth Formers Mr Russell decided to take some of us along to see how we got on. It
was a good decision and we all got a lot from the day. It showed us all the possibilities for technology’s future as well
as our own. It was a brilliant day and I found out about the many interesting courses available for IT students at the
University of the West of England and got a taste of university life.
By Alex Peebles-Brown 10NR
Don’t forget!
Sign-up for the Technology Easter revision courses for Year 11
See your Technology teacher for detail
Poetry Live
– and very much brought to life!
Poetry Live is a fantastic opportunity
for students to meet poets that they are
studying for their exams. At the Colston
Hall in Bristol a hundred Year 11
students were lucky enough to see John
Agard, Simon Armitage, Gillian Clarke,
Imtiaz Dharker Carol Ann Duffy and Grace
By reading their poems and answering
questions, students were able to gain an insight into the poets
themselves and to explore interpretations of the poems. There was
also a useful session by the Chief Examiner for AQA. Particular
favourites were Simon Armitage and John Agard.
Part stand-up comedian, part
poet, part storyteller, Simon
Armitage was highly amusing
and gave a vivid background to
his poetry and inspiration.
John Agard’s energetic routine
and charisma were engaging,
and his passion for language
behaved, and have been very
positive about the experience.
Special thanks to Mr Raeburn, Miss Cottell,
Shorrock and Miss Hamilton for all their help.
Mrs V Phippen, Enrichment Leader for English
Poetic reflections by Millie Simeone and Will Waelchli:
On the whole the day was really good. It was really helpful for us to
learn about why they wrote the poems and the meanings behind them.
Simon Armitage stood out for many of us as he had a
great sense of humour and his poems were different.
Grace Nichols did a rap and tried to get the whole hall
chanting with her. Agard, from the Caribbean, gave us
a poem on how the answer to everything for English
people is to put the kettle on! These were the main
ones that stood out for us; they really helped us to
gain an insight in to the meanings of their poems.
“Paris when it giggles…” with apologies to Audrey Hepburn
The Year 12 Trip to Paris (25– 28 January 2007)
We turned a corner and there she
was “La Tour Eiffel” Perhaps it was
the arctic climate - minus 4 degrees
- not counting the wind chill factor but the sight of this incredible
structure lit up against the night
sky really took everyone’s breath
away. It was an amazing start to our
Parisian adventure.
The next day, looking remarkably
refreshed considering the 6:30am
wake up call, the students and
Madame Davies made their way to
the immense Palais Des Congrès for
a full morning of intensive French
language. The speakers included
the Head of Legal Affairs at Le
Monde, a company executive from
SeaFrance and a member of the
management team of Le Stade de
After a typical French bistro lunch
of “moules marinières” for some,
Madame Davies led the march via the famous Arc De Triomphe along the Champs
Elysées to rendezvous with an old lawyer friend. We were warmly welcomed into his
offices in a very typical and elegant French “immeuble” where we were given an
insight into the world
of work and of life in
Quelle coincidence!
We quite literally
bumped into
Mr Richardson “en
route” to the lawyers
Jen Wainwright, an
ex-Kings student is
now working in Paris
for the “The
Jen also joined us and ably led us to do “un
peu de shopping”. [“Es tu retournée pour
acheter ces bottes en solde Jen..?]
Another early “petit déjeuner” found us back
in our seats at the Palais des Congrès. We
were completely unaware of just how
inspirational, informative and emotional a
session we were about to experience. All the
speakers, who included Chris Huhne MEP
and Peter Luff were of high calibre.
However, it was Michelle Mone (a highly
successful entrepreneur, founder and coowner of MJM International Ltd a multi
million pound lingerie company famous for
the Ultimo bra), who really lifted the mood in
the Grand Amphitheatre and caught the
imagination of all two thousand young
delegates and their teachers.
This was not just because she appeared to be modelling one of her own products but
because of her witty, forthright - and at points - hysterical delivery of a very
personal story of triumph, tribulations, sheer determination and “ultimo” success.
Eager not to miss out on our free seine
River Cruise we left the Palais des
Congrès and sauntered in bright
sunshine towards the Trocadero. Our
progress was somewhat slowed at this
determination of our Expedition
Photographer, Mr Richardson, to
capture for posterity every possible
view of Paris and her monuments.
A brief diversion in the famous
“chocolatier” Godiva, Place Victor
Hugo earned Mme Davies a rather
large “grand “and free “gratuit” box of
To the huge amusement of everyone
in the group it transpired that the
“vendeuses” (sales assistants) had
mistaken us for a large family “une
famille nombreuse”.
Henceforth, we became the Famille Von Richardson-Davies!
This was not a one-off error as the same
assumption was made later that evening in
a rather gorgeous Italian restaurant.
A Sunday morning visit to the amazing
Musée d’Orsay set the seal on our family
school trip to Paris.
A la prochaine ……..! (Until next time)
By Tamsin Slade and Ellie Canham 12LT
A bientôt!
We have a very busy time ahead in
Having given the Sixth Form Language
students the opportunity to visit Berlin and
Paris, it is now the turn of the Year 10 and
11 Language students to experience a little
total immersion in the target languages.
At the time of writing, Mme Donavan will be accompanying groups of students to
both French and German study days in Bristol. She will be assisted on those days by
Mrs Barradas Morales, one of our Learning Supervisors who works very closely with
the Languages Department and also by Mlle Muscat, our native French-speaking
member of our teaching team.
On a Musical Note
After some searching, we have secured the services of a very
experienced organist and pianist to teach students from Kings who
would like lessons:
Keyboard lessons take place each week after school on Wednesdays
in the Music Room.
Lessons last thirty minutes and are given in groups of four depending on
the age and previous experience of students. Tuition fees are £5.00 a lesson,
payable in advance.
Piano lessons of thirty minutes are given individually on the Yamaha upright piano during school time
and by arrangement, after school hours. Tuition fees are £10.00 a lesson, payable in advance.
Pipe organ lessons are for one-hour and take place every two weeks at St Andrew’s Church, Cheddar, by
kind agreement of Preb. Rev. Victor Daley. Tuition fees are £20 a lesson, payable in advance.
In each case, practice of about twenty minutes a day or a couple of hours a week will be required.
Access to the church organ, to the school pianos, keyboards and chamber organ will be given to those
learning a keyboard instrument who do not have the facilities at home.
I hope that interested students will take the opportunity to learn a new musical skill, or indeed improve
their existing skill. If your son or daughter would like lessons, please fill in the form below and return it
as soon as possible and return to school.
Thank you, Mr Paul Taylor, Subject Leader for Music
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of Student: …………….……………………………………
Lesson required in:
Tutor Group: ..……………
Pipe Organ
(please circle)
Name of Parent: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone Number: …………………………………………………………………………...
Thank you for returning to Mr Paul Taylor, Subject Leader for Music,
The Kings of Wessex School, Station Road, Cheddar BS27 3AQ
Christian Leader News
As I write we are almost upon ‘Education Sunday’ when we think about the role of formal and informal educators and the role that the Christian church has played, and continues to play, within education. Getting involved in education in some way can be a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience, as we see our children and young people develop and achieve their potential. And having just enjoyed the school’s production of ‘Grease’, I was able to witness the energy and dedication of all who were involved in the performance – truly inspiring! There are many ways in which we can be involved within education – perhaps by helping at a youth group, or checking that home‐work has been completed! It’s important to affirm the value of education and the idea that in some senses, even when compulsory education is over, we can all continue to learn and develop. It’s like that in our journey of faith too. No matter how long we’ve been on that journey there is always something new to learn about our relationship with God and others! I hope and pray you may discover a fresh vitality on your journey this Springtime! Whilst on the subject of education, the Christian Union are currently preparing for their assemblies on ‘Stop the Traffik’ which commemorates the bi‐centenary of the abolition of the slave trade, as well as campaigning for those who are trafikked today. The students hope this will help educate others about the desperate situation of some people today. Coming up in the next half‐term: Special service for Lent Fair‐trade fortnight ‘Freedom Day’ event Parents and carers prayer group will meet on these dates and times: Thursday 1 March at 12.30pm Thursday 15 March at noon Thursday 29 March at noon Please contact me at school or visit our web‐pages for more information. In Christ, Joanna Generally, you can contact me in school on Tues/Weds/Thurs on ext 108. Or you can e‐mail me on
Web‐pages are X@kow – please do contact me if you want to publicise an event! 16
Learning Resource Centre Exploits
World Book Day! Once again, we have £1 World Book Day book tokens available for every student, and we will have books available for purchase during the week commencing Monday 26 February – Friday 2 March 2007 (immediately after the half term holiday). British Land UK Chess Challenge
Entries for this closed at the beginning of December, and games have begun in earnest. Students must play seven games, in seven weeks, winning points for each game. Anyone with fifteen or more points will go through to the Megafinal ‐ venues to be announced later this term. Last year we had two students who were eligible to go on and this year, I am hoping for a few more! Bridget Knutson, LRC Manager Mark Youth Theatre – coming soon! Mark Youth Theatre invites you to attend their forthcoming production of Fame – the Musical on Thursday 22, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 March 2007 at 7.30pm at the Princess Theatre in Burnham‐on‐Sea Tickets cost £7 adults and concessions £5, available from Mark Village Stores or telephone Amanda on 01278 641111 or Sheena on 01278 641580 Learning Support
Just to remind you, the Learning Support Team are open
every Friday lunchtime for any student who would
like any help with their homework and coursework, or
indeed, their SuccessMaker programme.
Do come along you will be very welcome!
Glenne Hutchings Subject Leader for Learning Support 17
Kings and Queens Sports Scores
Boys’ Rugby:
It has been an exciting start to the first half of the Spring
Sports Term with many of our Kings football sides winning
the majority of their friendly and Somerset Cup competition
The Somerset Cup rugby competition is still running but schools are severely
behind on their play by dates and the Years 9, 10, 11 and 1st XV sides are still
waiting to find out their next round opponents.
Senior Rugby:
The rugby season normally finishes at Christmas in order to concentrate on
football for the Spring Term. This is the case unless we are successful in the
County Cup. I am delighted to report that the rugby season is still very much
alive for the 1st team.
At the end of the Autumn Term - and unfortunately too late to publish in the last
Kings’ Messenger - the 1st XV entertained our local rivals Churchill in the Senior
Somerset Cup. A fairly narrow, but well-deserved victory means that due to an
earlier bye in the competition we find ourselves waiting to see who we meet in the
It looks as though we will be travelling to one of two strong rugby schools from
Bath. We are much improved since our early games and should feel confident
going into, what will be, a very big test for all the team.
The Year 11 had one remaining friendly fixture against Mark College. They
outplayed the nearby school in all areas and eventually won the game with ease.
The Year 11 team have continued to train every Monday lunchtime and are still
waiting to find out who they are going to play in their next round.
The Year 10 had one more match to report on since the last Kings Messenger.
In late December the Year 10 side played hosts to Wyvern Sports College in the 2nd
round of the Somerset Cup. Although close at the beginning of the match the Year
10 side again dominated in the play in all areas with the final result recording
another win for Kings and the side march on into the quarter final round of the
They are due to play either Churchill, who they beat earlier in the season, or King
Alfred’s, another local Sports College. The game was due to be played before
Christmas but numerous postponements have delayed it until the next half term.
The Year 9 side, like the Year 10’s, have just one friendly match to report on after
the last Kings Messenger. They played hosts to Mark College at home and another
awesome display by the Year 9 side handed them another victory to maintain their
unbeaten run. They are also still waiting to find out their quarter final opponents
who will be one from Worle or Clevedon.
Boys’ and Girls’ Football:
The Kings football sides have got their friendly school
football season underway and the Years 9 and 10
sides have played their second round matches.
The Year 9 Boys team beat Churchill in their first round Somerset Cup Match,
winning the game at home 2-1. They were then supposed to have an away game
against Crispin but due to flooded pitches the game had to be postponed.
Wells Blue were their next friendly opponents and the Year 9 side recorded another
easy win. The team have made excellent progress in their first season together and
even achieved another win in the Somerset Cup.
In their next round they had to have a mini tour down to West Somerset College on
a windy and wet Friday afternoon. The long journey had taken its toll when after
the first half the Kings side were 0-1 down and were literally facing an up-hill
battle in the second half as they had to play up a severe sloping pitch.
However, they battled well, never giving up, got an equaliser and with five minutes
to go they scored their winning goal!
They wait to discover if they are playing Castle Sports College or King Alfred’s
Sports College in the quarter finals.
The Year 9 girls team had to play home against Oldfield Sports College, from
Bath, in their first round of the Somerset Cup. The girls, coached by Mr Edmonds
from Hugh Sexey’s, played well but unfortunately lost the game 2-1.
The Year 10 team also had their friendly game against Crispin cancelled due to
water-logged pitches, but have since played their second round Somerset Cup
match at home against Bucklers Mead. The Year 10 side produced one of their
best all-round performances and eventually won the close encounter 1-0. They will
face either Gordano or Wyvern in the quarter finals.
The Year 11 team have only played one game since they were knocked out of the
Somerset Cup at the hands of Churchill. They played at home to Wells Blue who
came with a few of their key players missing, which contributed to them receiving a
thrashing by the Kings side.
Boys’ Hockey: the Somerset Champions!
The Boys Year 9/10 hockey team have played their Somerset
Cup matches against Haygrove and West Somerset, winning both
matches convincingly. Frome failed to find a team and conceded
their match to Kings, which has meant the Kings boys team are
the Somerset Cup champions!
This is a fantastic achievement, adding to the recent run of hockey success here
at The Kings of Wessex School. In the last four years the School has entered one
boys hockey team into the Somerset Cup each year. They have won it three times
out of four and have finished runners up once!
Rod Bell (Subject Leader for P.E.)
Girls’ Netball:
Senior practices have been held regularly and the Ist VII played
their first match against a strong Chew Valley side.
Several Year 11 players are making their debut in Senior netball
this year and have made a good start. Kings remained strong in
defence with Alex Kimmins and Hazel Rossiter working well
together in and around the circle. Naomi Taschimowitz held the
centre court together with WA Charlotte Richardson who fed the
circle successfully to our dominant shooters. Kings pulled away in the
final quarter and won 19-12. The squad look forward to their matches
during the rest of the term.
Year 9 Netball
There has been a lot of interest at netball practices this term, attended by over
twenty students. One fixture played so far was against Sidcot when Kings played
two teams and were defeated in both games, losing 12-2 and 10-9. There was
however, some encouraging play and this group of players will certainly progress
throughout the season.
2nd v11 Netball
The team have played one match to date against Sidcot when they played very
well gaining their first victory. Practices are very well attended on Monday
U15 v11 Netball
At the point of writing have played one match to date against Sidcot when the
team played well to secure their first victory. Practices are well attended with lots
of new players attending.
County Cup Hockey
Congratulations to the 1st XI, Year 11 and Year 9 hockey teams who are through
to the Cup Finals of the Somerset Cup. All finals will be played at Taunton Vale
hockey club at the end of this Spring Half Term. Parents are always very welcome
to come and support!
Seventeen students travelled to Millfield School on Friday12
January to compete in the Mendip championships. There were
some excellent performances; Naomi Taschimowitz won the
Senior girls event and Dan Layton was runner up in the Inter boys
There were also good performances from the Year 9 boys team who finished 3rd
overall in the team event. The Year 10 boys won their team event and all athletes
have been selected to compete in the Somerset championships.
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to
compete for Mendip at the Somerset championships at the beginning of
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Jamie Chidgey
Laurie Oliver
Ryan Llewellyn
Dean Thompson
Holly Freemantle
Eve Taschimowitz
Tom Derrick
Pat Day
Dan Layton
Naomi Taschimowitz
Sue Roberts and Tracey Tibbs
Sports Leaders
The Sports Leadership Level 1 course has just begun with over forty enthusiastic
Year 10 students. With such a large number of students now participating I have
had to set up two courses!
There is now a Monday group and a Wednesday group.
I am delighted to report that all our students have made an excellent start and I
am sure they will all be fantastic Sports Leaders.
The students will all have the opportunity to help out with our busy schedule of
Sports Festivals this term including:
1. Wednesday 7 February - Fairlands Year7/8 House Swimming Gala,
Football and Netball Festival
2. Wednesday 14 February - Year 4 Tag Rugby Festival Hugh Sexey’s
3. Top Link Training Day Friday 2 March – four students only to be selected.
4. Wednesday 14 March - Year 5/6 Gifted and Talented Festival here at
The Kings of Wessex
5. Wednesday 21 March - Fairlands Year 5/6 House Swimming Gala,
Football and Netball Festival
6. Friday 23 March - Schools Dance Evening at The Kings of Wessex
7. Monday 26 March
- Hugh Sexeys Year 5 House Festival
8. Thursday 29 March – Hugh Sexeys Year 6 House Festival
At the time of going to print fifty Year 10 students will be
involved in an exciting Dance Workshop – we will update
you on this next time!
K Williams, School Sports Co-Ordinator
Gymnastics Triumph!
On Saturday 20 January, gymnastics duo Becky Rolfe
12TR and Alena Richards 13JPF competed together in the South
West Schools gymnastics competition in Sherbourne.
Competing against twenty-one other gymnasts and over
thirteen women’s pairs – they came an impressive third!
That’s not all: the contest was so close, there was only 0.1
points between first place and third 3rd place!
Becky and Alena represent Kings and attend Monarchs Gym
Club in Burnham-on-Sea, competing in international
competitions in Germany and Switzerland. They will be off again in April, when
they head to Germany for a competition, although in different trios on this
House Competitions 2006-7
Due to the fact that several of the House
events were played late in the Autumn
Term, the results did not go into the
Christmas edition of the Kings’ Messenger.
We are however, pleased to give you a full
run-down now!
Tintagel House currently lead the points
table thanks to a very impressive start to
the year both at Senior (Year 11, 12 and
13) and Junior level (Years 9 and 10).
In total there were eight different competitions involving many students from all year
groups. Tintagel triumphed in half of these with victories in the Senior Rugby (both 7a-side and the full version of the sport) and in both the Senior and Junior boys’
Avalon House were winners of the Senior Girl’s Basketball whilst Lyonesse Junior
Boys took the Rugby Sevens trophy.
Camelot’s only win of the term came in the Junior Girls Hockey.
Current table (after one term)
21 points
19 points
17 points
16 points
As you can see above the points are still
very close and there will be much to play
for this term with competitions in
Basketball (Senior boys), Badminton
(boys and girls of all ages) as well as
Netball and Football tournaments
before Easter
Terry Clark
Important calendar dates until the end of the Spring Term 2007:
February 2007
Return to School
PTA Meeting
Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening: Choosing GCSE’s
Monday 26 February 2007
Tuesday 27 February 2007 at 7.30pm
Wednesday 28 February 2007
Year 12 Mock Interviews
Year 12 Geography Coasts/Settlements Trip
Year 11 GCSE Modular Science Exam Re-sits
Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening: Preparing for GCSE’s
Year 11 GCSE Modular Maths Exam
Year 10 GCSE Modular Science Exam
Thursday 1 March 2007
Tuesday 6 to Friday 9 March 2007 inclusive
Wednesday 7 March 2007
Wednesday 7 March 2007 at 7.00pm
Thursday 8 March 2007
Monday 12 March 2007
March 2007
Friday 16 March 2007
Easter Concert
Tuesday 20 March 2007 at 7.30pm
Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening: Preparing for SAT’s
Wednesday 21 March 2007 at 7.00pm
Year 12 Higher Education Conference
Thursday 22 March 2007: 11am to 1pm
Year 12 Higher Education Conference
Friday 23 March 2007: 9am to 10.40am
Year 11 Extended Work Experience concludes
Week commencing Monday 26 March 2007
Year 12 Higher Education Conference
Thursday 29 March 2007: 2pm to 3.45pm
Year 12 Higher Education Parents Information Evening
Thursday 29 March 2007 at 7.00pm
Non-School Uniform Day
Friday 30 March 2007
Saturday 31 March to Sunday 15 April 2007
PARENTS’ EVENINGS will be held on the following dates:
Year 9 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 14 March 2007
THE KINGS’ MESSENGER is due to be published on the following dates:
Friday 25 May 2007
Tuesday 24 July 2007
Thank you for reporting your child’s illness and all other planned absence on the first and every day
By either telephoning 01934 745304 (there is an ansaphone so do leave a message)
Or alternatively, email Mrs Trudi Jenkins our Absence Secretary at
Please give your child’s name, tutor group and reason for absence.
Also please inform us if your child(ren) is due to be late into school or leaving school early because of a
medical appointment. You will appreciate that this avoids unnecessary calls home!
The Main School Opening Hours during term time are Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.45pm
Main reception telephone number: 01934 742608 or email:
We are always pleased to assist: thank you for your patience and co-operation, especially at busy times!
In between working hours, the ansaphone is available
Thank you for remembering to keep us informed of any change in your child(ren)’s contact details,
including postal address and your day/work telephone numbers.
For all general office queries, our Administration Manager is Mrs Tania Caulfield
Please do not hesitate to contact your Child’s Year Leader if you have any concerns or wish to discuss their
progress - although we would ask that you make an appointment in advance.
Year 9: Mr T Clark; Year 10: Mr E Holdsworth; Year 11: Mr A Hitt; Sixth Form: Miss S Bishop