Curent Northville Senior Newsletter
Curent Northville Senior Newsletter
~INSPIRE~ September-October Northville Senior Adult Services 303 W. Main St., Northville, MI 48167 Phone: 248-349-4140 Table of Contents: Comerica Park Tour, Detroit River Walk & Eastern Market, Ice Cream Social, Therese Santoni & Northville Community Center Beautification Award General Information…..….2 Transportation ………...…3 Senior Services…….….…4 Medical Programs………..5 Programs……………...6 - 8 Friday Flicks……………...9 Monthly Calendar…...10-11 Classes…...…..…………12 Events……………..…12-13 Cards and Games..…….14 Collage…………………..15 Library Millage………….16 Casino Trips…………….17 Contracted Trips…...…...17 Day Trips…………....18-19 Bingo………….…..….….20 Elvis Is Here! A Vegas Style Show! Limited Seating Sign up now (see page 13) EVENT Wreath Workshop Hospice 101 Elvis is Here! Fall Prevention/Home Safety Flu Shot Clinic Providence Park Physician Series Healing Hearts Detroit Opera House Tour U of M Dental Program Overall Wellness Elder Law Detroit Symphony Orchestra Detroit Ford Field Tour DATE Sep 18 Sep 22 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 30 3 Sessions Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 8 Oct 22 4 Sessions 3 shows Oct 9 REG. DEADLINE Sep 15 Sep 18 Sep 18 Sep 23 Sep 25 See page 5 Sep 29 Sep 18 Oct 1 Oct 17 See page 8 See pages 18-19 Sep 25 Northville Senior Adult Services (NCC) 303 West Main Street Northville, MI 48167 248-349-4140 Transportation Office: 248-449-9934 Fax Number: 248-348-5275 Website: Email: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. I N F O R M A T I O N Staff: Suzie Johnson, Senior Services Coordinator 248-349-4140 Heidi Russell, Transportation Coordinator / Programmer 248-449-9934 Josie Conder, Administrative Assistant 248-349-4140 Community Center Closing The offices and building will be closed on Monday, September 1 for Labor Day. Please check the monthly fitness & open activities schedule for updates! Senior Advisory Commission Jerry Mittman, Chairperson Richard Henningsen, Vice Chairperson Dick Brown, Secretary Lesa Buckland, City of Northville Andrea Murdock, City of Northville Bob Lipmyer, Northville Township Sam Ekong, Northville City Council Member Mindy Herrmann, Northville Township Trustee Jim Mazurek, Board Member, Northville Public Schools Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the Northville Community Center, 303 W. Main and are open to the public. Applications for future openings on the Senior Advisory Commission can be found on the City and Township websites (see box on right) or on the Community Center bulletin board. 2 Online Registrations Accepted. It’s EASY! We now offer participants the opportunity to register through the Internet for most classes and activities. In the convenience of your home or office, you can save yourself time by registering online using our secure system with your own user name and password. The use of our online registration feature is FREE! If you are interested in using our online feature, you must set up an account. Email the department at or call the office at (248) 349-0203. Names and birth dates of household members will be required. The Senior Alliance: Funding for Northville Senior Services provided by: The Senior Alliance (Area Agency on Aging 1-C through Older Americans Act). Senior Alliance contact information: 734-722-2830. Frequently Requested Contacts Northville Parks & Recreation 248-349-0203 City of Northville 248-349-1300 Northville Township 248-348-5800 Northville District Library 248-349-3020 Northville Public Schools Administration 248-349-3400 Allen Terrace 248-349-8030 Civic Concern 248-344-1033 Meals on Wheels Wayne County Oakland County 800-851-1454 810-632-2155 Northville Post Office 248-349-2062 Senior Alliance 734-722-2830 Secretary of State 888-767-6424 Chamber of Commerce 248-349-7640 Northville Community Senior Transportation Service Service is provided to Northville Township and the City of Northville residents age 60+ and residents who have a documented disability (physician certified). Funding for the transportation service is provided by SMART, Oakland and Wayne Counties, Northville Township and the City of Northville. The service provides bus transportation to medical appointments, shopping and other destinations. Our transportation scheduler, Heidi, will be happy to assist you. Reservations for transportation service must be made at least 2 business days in advance. Medical appointments receive priority scheduling. To schedule a ride, call 248-449-9934, between 9:00—11:30 a.m. Transportation users can purchase punch cards in $20, $30 or $40 increments to avoid paying cash for each trip. Please ask for punch card details when calling. We Offer Curb-to-Curb Bus Service Available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.* *Closed the first Wednesday of each month (September 3 and October 1, 2014) Transportation will be closed Monday, September 1 for Labor Day Destinations within Northville Township and the City of Northville - $3 one way fare Destinations within 4 miles of the City / Township radius - $4 one way fare Destinations (medical only) within 8 miles of the City / Township radius - $5 one way fare GROCERY SHOPPING Tuesdays: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Meijer and Kohl’s (Haggerty / 8 Mile) $6 R/T Fridays: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Kroger (Haggerty / 6 Mile) and Hiller’s Market (Haggerty / 5 Mile) $6 R/T SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER DISCOUNTED TRIPS T R A N S P O R T A T I O N $1.00 each way to the Northville Community Center — Join in all Senior activities, including cards and special events $1.00 each way— Northville District Library & Northville Art House SEPTEMBER — SPECIAL TRIP — 12 Oaks Mall, Novi Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 12:30 p.m. — 2:30 p.m., $6 Round Trip, SAVE $2 OCTOBER —SPECIAL TRIP— Laurel Park Mall, Livonia Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 12:30 p.m. — 2:30 p.m., $6 Round Trip, SAVE $2 Call 248-449-9934 - Reservations must be made at least two business days in advance. 3 Medical Equipment Loans Do you need to borrow a wheelchair, walker, cane or other medical equipment? If so, it’s easy to do and it’s FREE. Just return it to us when it is no longer needed so that it’s available for others. To reserve equipment, please call 248349-4140. Telecare (telephone Reassurance) Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, senior residents can receive a telephone call to check on their well-being or to just hear a friendly voice. This service is run entirely by volunteers and there is no charge . To register call 248-349-4140 Congregate Nutrition Program S E N I O R S E R V I C E S Hot, nutritious meals are provided Monday through Friday at 11:45 a.m. at Allen Terrace, 401 High Street, for a donation of $2.25. NOTE: Please call 248-231-9950 at least a day ahead so that a sufficient number of meals can be available. Homebound residents can receive a meal delivered to their home through the Meals on Wheels program. The phone numbers for this service are: Oakland County: 810-632-2155 Wayne Country: 800-851-1454 Liquid Nutrition (Ensure) Pick up times at the NCC: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Upcoming pick up dates: 4th Fridays — September 26 and October 24 To apply contact Wayne County Senior Services 734-727-7357. Caregiver Support Group (Alzheimer’s Association 734-776-4466, toll free 800-272-3900) To provide emotional support & coping skills to families and caregivers relating to Alzheimer’s disease. (2nd Tuesday of each month) September 9 and October 14 6:30—7:30 p.m. Blood Pressure Check (2nd Tuesday of each month) September 9 and October 14 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. Due to a change in management at Heartland Plymouth Court, please contact the Senior Services (248-349-4140) to confirm that the nurse is on site. Heartland Plymouth Court graciously provides blood pressure checks at NCC. 4 Foot Reflexology Next visit — September 10 & 24, October 8 & 29 Appointment Times: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fee: $35 per hour Clarence Brown, reflexologist, offers this wonderful, alternative healing. These appointments go fast so book early. Call 248-349-4140 for your appointment. There is a $15 fee for any “no show” without 24-hour notice. Knitters & Crocheters We are seeking volunteers to make caps for newborns. The caps will be donated to local hospitals and available to the newborns without charge. Patterns are available at the front desk. Keeping The Comforts Of Home Bathing / Personal Care Companionship Care Laundry & Linen Washing Light Housekeeping Meal Prep Errand Services Transportation Respite Care Shopping (248) 349-2111 1 hour bath visits / 24x7 Care / Live-in Care Free Consultation and Assessment. Our caregivers and CNA’s are trained and experienced Our friendly staff is screened, bonded & insured Flu Shot Clinics The Visiting Nurses Association will be available in Northville to provide Flu shots. The clinics will be held at the Northville Community Center, 303 W. Main Street, on the following date: Activity # 275509.05 Day Tuesday Date September 30 Time 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fee $32/ Flu shot Medicare/Medicaid will be billed for those who qualify; please bring a Medicare/Medicaid Part B card, picture identification with current address. Also, Medicare Advantage plans & HMO Plans, BCBS, BCN, HAP (excepte CIGNA HAP), Priority Health, PHP, and Health Plus of Michigan (please check your coverage for immunizations). All others will need to pay by cash or check payable to Michigan Community Wellness VNA Flu program. . Registration deadline, September 25. Providence Park Physician Series Providence Park Hospital will be offering three informational sessions this fall. Join us for an evening with a physician to learn about a variety of health topics followed by questions and answers. Pre-registration is required. Session 1 – “How healthy is your gut?” with Dr. Serge Sorser, Gastroenterologist Session 2 – “Joint Pain” with Dr. William Higginbotham, Orthopedic Surgeon Session 3 – “Poor circulation got you down?” with Dr. Kevin Nolan, Vascular Surgeon Activity # 295106.01 295106.02 295106.03 Day Thursday Thursday Thursday Date September 18 – Session 1 September 25 – Session 2 October 2 – Session 3 Time 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Fee FREE FREE FREE Registration Deadline: September 15 (session 1), September 22 (session 2), September 29 (session 3) Please call 248-349-4140, to pre-register. This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. Keep Smiling! U of M Dental Outreach Program for Seniors! Dr. Hall, Plymouth Dental Associates, will be coming to our center to talk about affordable dental care for seniors. His office is one of only two in the United States that offers a program where fourth year dental students from the University of Michigan Dental School provide services to senior citizens, who would not otherwise get care. Dental students who participate in this program are under the supervision of experienced, licensed dentists from Plymouth Dental Associates. Their office offers full-service, quality dental care to seniors on fixed incomes. Refreshments provided. Registration Deadline, October 1. Activity # 295107.01 Day Wednesday Date October 8 Time 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fee FREE M E D I C A L P R O G R A M S Medicare Enrollment Medicare Annual Enrollment period runs from October 15 through December 7, 2014. If you have questions about your current coverage, the MMAP* counselors will be onsite to explain Medicare benefits, compare plan options, enroll you in a Medicare drug plan and answer all your Medicare questions. Bring your Medicare card and all your prescriptions. Registration deadline, October 31. Activity # 295802.04 Day Wednesday Date November 5 Time 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fee FREE *MMAP is a free, confidential and objective service that can help you make informed health benefit decisions. 5 Train Your Brain - 2 Sessions: We are very fortunate and excited to have Donna MacDonald (Director of Community Outreach and Professional Development) and Cheryl Deep (Director of Media Relations at WSU Institute of Gerontology) return to the Northville Community Center to present their Brain Neurobics program – Memory Tricks and Brain Health. Classes fill quickly so register early! Memory Tricks – Session 1 Come and learn some memory tips to keep those special moments alive. Learn about how we think and shape memories, what things affect memory and what we can do to preserve those special moments in life. Registration deadline, September 15. Activity # 295119.01 Day Wednesday Date September 17 Time 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. Fee Free Brain Health – Session 2 Stress, nutrition, stimulation, physical activity, key games, activities, sensory triggers and interactions to promote new brain connections. Registration deadline, November 10. P R O G R A M S Activity # 295120.01 Day Wednesday Date November 12 Time 10:30– 12:00 p.m. Fee Free What is Taiko Drumming? Come and learn more about this exciting art form from Japan. Brian Sole, from Novi’s Great Lakes Taiko Center will introduce you to the different types of taiko drums, how they are made, their traditional and modern uses and history of taiko drumming in Japan and North America. The presentation will include performance videos of various taiko drumming groups, the opportunity to see several taiko drums up close, live demonstrations and maybe even a chance to play the drums! Registration deadline, September 16. Activity # 295102.02 Day Friday Date September 19 Time 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Fee Free Retiree Lifeline! How to Get the Government Out of Your Pocket. A nationally recognized speaker and published author, Curt Whipple, will be speaking on his most recent book, “Retiree Lifeline How to Get the Government Out of Your Pocket.” The book was recently #1 on Amazon in the Education/Finance division. Curt, a Certified Wealth Strategist (CWS) and Certified Estate Planner (CEP), has been seen and heard on FOX 2 Money Mondays, USA TODAY and Investor’s Business Daily. If you are 50+, retired or near retirement, this is an event you will not want to miss! Advance registration is required and space fills quickly. Don’t delay and miss your opportunity to take part in this evening with Curt Whipple, a most sought-after speaker. Registration deadline, September 18. Activity # 295203.01 Day Tuesday Date September 23 Time 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Fee Free This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. 6 Hospice 101 “Everything you wanted to know about hospice, but were too afraid to ask….” Hospice is a philosophy of care that focuses on patient comfort rather than curing illnesses. Hospice of Michigan is offering an informative presentation on what hospice is, what services hospice provides, who can receive hospice care, where hospice services are provided and who pays for hospice care. Registration deadline, September 18. Activity # 295101.01 Day Monday Date September 22 Time 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Fee Free This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. Fall Prevention / Home Safety Falls are a major problem that affect 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65. In 2009, of the 2.2 million falls, 581,000 were hospitalized and 20-30% of those that fell had moderate to severe injuries such as hip fractures, head trauma and lacerations. Even without injuries from a fall, many develop a fear of falling which can lead to inactivity and actually increase the risk for falls. Most of the common causes of falls are easily preventable with the help of a physical and/or occupational therapist. Please join us (Asai Manikantan PT and Michelle Snead OT) to discuss various ways you can prevent falls at home and enjoy your life. Registration deadline, September 23. Activity # 295103.03 Day Thursday Date September 25 Time 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Fee Free What are the Options as Loved Ones Age? Over 75% of our population over the age of 65 will need some form of long term care during their lifetime. Whether planning for our own needs or the needs of a loved one, many questions need to be answered. This seminar will cover three important aspects of your planning. First, what are the options for home care, assisted living, memory care, nursing care and more? Second, a discussion of critical care issues such as dementia, licensed vs. unlicensed homes, rehab, socialization and cost. Finally, what are the options to pay for the care including insurance, Veterans benefits and Medicaid? P R O G R A M S Choose session 1 or session 2 Activity # Day Date Time Fee 295301.01 Tuesday September 30 – Session 1 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Free 295301.02 Tuesday November 18 – Session 2 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Free Registration deadline, September 26 (session 1), November 14 (session 2) This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. Healing Hearts You are invited to attend this special program for widows and widowers. Join us as we hear a story of love and survival from Ron Gries, author of “Through Death to Life”, as he shares his thoughts about the loss of his wife. His message is encouraging, uplifting and filled with hope. Registration deadline, September 29. Activity # 295105.01 Day Wednesday Date October 1 Time 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Fee Free 7 Overall Wellness Please join us for pizza and Greek salad, compliments of Health Systems of Westland. Health Systems is a multi-disciplinary clinic offering medical doctors, physical therapy, massage therapy, pain management specialists and chiropractic care. The talk will be about overall wellness and they will also be offering free onsite computerized body scans to determine postural issues. Registration deadline, October 17. Activity # 295121.01 Day Wednesday Date October 22 Time 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fee Free This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. Elder Law Series P R O G R A M S Attorney Gary Allen will be making his 8th appearance at the Northville Community Center. His FREE advice is delivered in a relaxed and humorous style followed with discussion to a packed audience. Advance registration is required and space fills quickly. Let us know which session (morning or evening) you are interested in attending by calling the Northville Community Center at (248) 349-4140. All sessions take place on Mondays and are FREE: mornings 10:00 – 11:30am or evenings 6:30 – 8:00pm Registration Deadline: Thursday prior to each class Date October 6 October 13 October 20 October 27 Gary Allen Class Estate Planning Outliving Your Assets Retirement Accounts (IRAs, 401k, 403b,etc ) Taxes This program is informational only. The Northville Senior Adult Services program does not endorse any particular individual, company or subject matter. How to Avoid Falling for a Scam Scammers are evil but not stupid. They prey on targets of opportunity. Seniors are often vulnerable due to lack of technical expertise or cognitive problems. You are less likely to fall for a scam that you have been warned about. This seminar will review the top 10 senior scams and how to avoid them. You will also learn how to identify new scams as they come along. Presented by Gary Allen, a Northville Elder Law attorney, with more than 30 years experience in protecting his clients from scams. Activity # 295302.01 Day Mon Date Nov 3 Time 10:00 – 11:30am Fee Free AARP Driver Safety Class Looking for an insurance discount? You may qualify after you take this safety class. Cars have changed and so have traffic rules, driving conditions and the roads we drive on every day. These classes will cover topics as: how to avoid driving hazards, how aging affects your driving, physical limitations, current driving laws and defensive skills. Consult your insurance agent for discount details. Pre-registration is required. Lunch is on your own. Registration deadline, October 24. Activity # Day Date Time Fee 395303.10 Tuesday & October 28 & 29 10:00 a.m. – 2:30pm $15 (AARP member) Wednesday $20 (Non AARP member) 8 September Friday Flicks 1:00p.m. September 5 – The Grand Budapest Hotel, R (2014) Between the world wars, Gustave H, the concierge at a prestigious European hotel, takes a bellboy named Zero as a trusted protégé. Meanwhile, the upscale guests are involved in an art theft and a dispute over a vast family fortune. Stars Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham and Edward Norton. September 12 – Frozen, PG (2013) Disney animated movie - After her kingdom is doomed to suffer from eternal winter, intrepid Anna goes on a quest to find her reclusive sister, the Snow Queen, and break the curse. Along the way, Anna teams with eccentric mountaineer Kristoff and his comic reindeer, Sven. Stars Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel and Jonathan Groff. September 19 – The Invisible Woman, R (2013) Ralph Fiennes directs and stars in this drama about the affair Charles Dickens began with a teen actress while at the height of his career. Felicity Jones plays the young thespian who catches Dickens's eye, and Kristin Scott Thomas plays her mom. October Fee: $1.00 October 3 – Lone Survivor, R (2013) Mark Wahlberg stars as Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell in this action-drama based on an ill-fated real-life mission to bring down a Taliban boss. The stakes get even higher when Luttrell and his unit are ambushed in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. October 10 – No Friday Flick – Handcrafter’s Show October 17 – Love & Honor, PG-13 (2013) Dalton, serving in Vietnam, gets a "Dear John" letter and turns a week's furlough into a desperate (and illegal) trip home to win back his girl. Joined by his friend and fellow soldier Mickey, Dalton's move could land them both in the stockade. Stars Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer and Aimee Teegarden. October 24 – At Middleton, R (2013) When uptight surgeon George and free-spirited retailer Edith accompany their teenagers on a tour of Middleton University, their initial dislike of each other turns into a possible romance as they split from the group on their own adventures. Stars September 26 – Tim’s Vermeer, PG-13 (2013) Andy Garcia and Vera Farmiga. Teller, of Penn & Teller fame, directs this absorbing film about inventor Tim Jenison's October 31 – Her, R (2013) In this sci-fi romantic quest to solve one of art's greatest mysteries: comedy starring Joaquin Phoenix, love comes to a How did Dutch master Johannes Vermeer paint lonely young writer in the sleekest of packages so photo-realistically 150 years before the when he finds himself falling for the advanced invention of photography? operating system he purchased to run his life. Stars Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson and Movies are subject to change, Amy Adams. based on availability. F R I D A Y F L I C K S Please note: Some PG-13 movies may contain inappropriate material. R Rated movies will definitely contain adult material - bad language, violence, sex, drug usage, or will have an adult theme. 9 September 2014– Monthly Calendar Daily Activities Monday M O N T H L Y Wednesday Thursday Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Mah–Jongg 9:00 am Silver Yoga 10:15 am Silver Strength ll 10:15 am Zumba Gold 9:30 am Line Dancing 10:00 am –12:15 pm Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Strength l 11:30 am Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Strength ll 10:15 am Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Bridge 12:00 pm & 6:15 pm Poker 11:00 am Line Dancing 7:00-9:00 pm Friday Flicks 1:00 pm Silver Strength l 11:30 am Euchre 12:30 pm Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Silver Yoga 10:15 am Beginner MahJongg 9:00 am—noon All times are subject to change. Current schedules are available at Hillside & Northville Community Center. 2. Community Center Closed—Labor Day 8. 4. 5. Transportation Closed 9. Blood Pressure 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support Group 6:30 pm 15. 3. 16. 10. Foot Reflexology 9:00am - 2:00 pm 17. “The Grand Budapest Hotel” Friday Flick 1 pm 11. 12. BINGO 1:00 pm 18. “Frozen” Friday Flick 1 pm 19. “The Invisible Woman” Friday Flick 1 pm R 22. 23. 24. Foot Reflexology 9:00am - 2:00 pm 29. 10 Friday Walking 8-9:30 am 1. C A L E N D A Tuesday 30. 25. 26. Liquid Nutrition 9:00 am - 12:00 pm “Tim’s Vermeer” Friday Flick 1 pm October 2014– Monthly Calendar Daily Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Mah–Jongg 9:00 am Silver Yoga 10:15 am Silver Strength ll 10:15 am Zumba Gold 9:30 am Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Line Dancing 10:00am –12:15 pm Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Strength l 11:30 am Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Yoga 10:15 am Silver Strength 10:15 am Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Bridge 12:00 pm & 6:15 pm Poker 11:00 am Line Dancing 7:00-9:00 pm Friday Flicks 1:00 pm Silver Strength l 11:30 am Beginner MahJongg 9:00 am—noon Euchre 12:30 pm M O N T H L Y All times are subject to change. Current schedules are available at Hillside & Northville Community Center. 1. 2. 3. Transportation Closed 6. 7. 8. “Lone Survivor” Friday Flick 1 pm 9. No Walking Foot Reflexology 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 13. 15. 14. Blood Pressure 11:30 am - 1:30 pm No Double Deck Pinochle 10. No Walking or Beginner Mah-Jongg No Friday FlickHandcrafter’s Show 16. BINGO Extravaganza 12:00—2:30pm 17. “Love & Honor” Friday Flick 1 pm C A L E N D A R Alzheimer’s Support Group 6:30 pm 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Liquid Nutrition 9:00 am - 12:00 pm “At Middleton” Friday Flick 1 pm 27. 28. 29. Foot Reflexology 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 30. 31. “Her” Friday Flick 1 pm 11 Crafting with Claudia! We are excited to have Claudia Abrash join us at the Northville Community Center teaching us the craft of card making. Each month she will feature a theme, provide all of the supplies and teach a variety of skills to complete a card for you to take home. Examples of her work will be on display at the center. Limited class size. Fee payable to the instructor. Registration deadline: Tuesday prior to each class. September 11 Autumn Card October 2 Halloween Card November 13 Thanksgiving Card Activity # 195902.05 195902.06 195902.07 Day Thursday Thursday Thursday Date September 11 October 2 November 13 Time 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Fee $6 per class $6 per class $6 per class Wreath Workshop C L A S S E S 12 Start now and have your Halloween or Christmas wreath ready to display in your home or give as a gift. Claudia Abrash will be teaching us the techniques for creating a curly paper wreath. Once you learn the skills, your possibilities are endless. Let your imagination flow! Make sure when you register to let us know if you will be creating a Halloween or Holiday wreath. Please bring a box of regular straight pins to class. A sample of the wreath will be on display at the center. Fee payable to the instructor. Please register by September 15, 2014. Activity # 295704.01 Day Thursday Date September 18 Time 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Fee $26 per class Elvis is Here! A Vegas Style Show! Put on your Blue Suede Shoes and get ready for a fun time! Our Elvis impersonator will perform a variety of hits……….. and wait until you see the outfits! Remember “Jailhouse Rock”, “Heart Break Hotel”, “Hound Dog” and “Love Me Tender”? Join us for an afternoon of pure entertainment. Registration deadline, September 18. This event is sponsored by Enriched Life Home Care. Activity # 275513.01 Day Wednesday Date September 24 Time 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Fee $5 FR ! E E EE FR ! AGED TO PERFECTION! If you are 85 and older, we have a special celebration just for you! Join us for an afternoon of fun, refreshments and cake at the Northville Community Center. Thursday, October 23 1:00 — 3:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by Heartland. E V E N T S Registration deadline, October 20. Please call 248-349-4140 to pre-register. Thanksgiving Luncheon Wednesday November 19, 2014 11:30 a.m. Entertainment, door prizes and a traditional feast make this event a wonderful way to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Lunch served at Join us for a feast – homemade turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetable, pumpkin pie and bever12:00 p.m. ages. Lunch will be served at 12:00 p.m. $12.00 Per Person Limited seating so please make your reservation early! Registration deadline is November 13, 2014 13 Games & Cards Drop-in fee $1 Mah-Jongg Monday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Euchre Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. C A R D S & G A M E S 14 Pinochle Tuesday, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. (single deck) Bridge Wednesday, 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., no partner required, and 6:15-10:00 p.m., duplicate style, bidding boxes, bring your partner, friendly game. Double-Deck Pinochle Thursdays, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Reminder: Last hand is played at 4:00 p.m. Poker Friday, 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Beginner Mah-Jongg Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Beginner’s class is now being offered thru Oct 31. No class on October 10th. To make your card playing experience pleasurable, we ask that you have the knowledge of how to play the card game scheduled unless it is stated as a “beginner” class. ________________________________ Wanted—Book Club Members! We have a book club leader who is interested in leading a discussion group. If you would like to participate, please leave your name and number and let us know what day of the week works best for you. 248-349-4140. Detroit River Walk and Eastern Market trip, Ice Cream Social volunteers, Sean & Shannon and Detroit Tigers game trip. C O L L A G E Ice Cream Social sponsor— Comfort Keepers Kim Policelli, entertainers from Balancing Earth & Great Lakes Culinary Tour 15 L Northville District Library Is Asking for Millage Renewal I On November 4, 2014, the Northville District Library will ask voters to renew the 0.2 mills they approved in 2010, thus maintaining the current level of service that our community expects from the Library. This millage renewal will be for 7 years, and will be reduced to 0.19972 mills due to the Headlee Rollback. For the owner of a $200,000 home (taxable value of $100,000), the cost of the renewal will be $19.97 per year. If this renewal passes, your taxes will not increase . B R A R Y The 0.2 mill increase approved by voters in 2010 will end in 2015. Since there is no general election in 2015, the Library is asking for the renewal this November, 2014, to take effect in late 2015. Building bonds will be paid off in 2015, so there will be no more Debt Millage on residents’ property tax bills, saving approximately 0.2 mills per year beginning in 2016. The Library is primarily funded (95% of income) from taxes paid by residents of Northville City and the Township. The millage renewal proposal will be at the end of the ballot, so voters will want to read both sides of the ballot. I N F O Renewal of the millage will ensure the Library maintains its current level of services and programs, and will keep the Library open its current hours. Online resources like Value Line for investment research, Consumer Reports, and downloadable books, music and magazines will be available 24/7 to our many users. Students and adults needing skill building or online tutoring help can log on to Brainfuse. And access to new and popular DVDs, books and music CDs will continue. Your Library is a vital part of the community, helping to keep property values high and contributing to the well-being of all its citizens, from tots learning to love books to lifelong learners. For more information visit Birds of Prey - All Ages Welcome! Discover the fascinating world of Michigan’s birds of prey in the Howell Nature Center presentation featuring live hawks, owls, falcons and vultures, held at the Northville Community Center. This program is sponsored by The Friends of Maybury State Park and the Northville District Library Youth Department. Limited seats available. Registration begins October 1 at the Northville Public Library Information Desk, (248) 349-3020. Day Wednesday 16 Date October 22 Time 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. Fee FREE FireKeepers Casino—Escapades Travel Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Tuesday — “Senior Day” and Wednesdays at FireKeepers Casino, with 2,700 of the latest slot & video poker games, plus morning Bingo. This trip includes $20 slot credit each day and $5 food voucher. Wednesday, Sept. 3 and Wednesday, Oct. 1 bus departs from the Novi Civic Center at 8:15 a.m. and Livonia Ford Field at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30 the bus departs from Wixom at 9:15 and the Novi Civic Center at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21 the bus departs from the Novi Civic Center at 9:00 and Livonia Ford Field at 9:30. Estimated return at 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. C A S I N O $27 per person— Full payment of $27 due with registration. Refunds will be given until 4 days prior Two Days, Two Casinos, Odawa & Soaring Eagle—Escapades Travel & Monday, October 6, 2014 - Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Odawa in Petoskey & Soaring Eagle in Mt. Pleasant. Trip includes combined casino incentives $50. Lodging Odawa Casino Casino Hotel, completely renovated hotel amenities include indoor pool and Jacuzzi. Two-day Odawa incentives. $40 slots, $10 food. Soaring Eagle incentives include $10 slots, $5 food. Monday morning en-route stop: Uncle John’s Cider Mill, St. John’s, MI. Oct. 6 bus departs from the Novi Civic Center at 9:00 a.m. and Livonia Ford Field at 9:30 a.m.. Estimated return at 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. $155 per person— Register with $55 deposit; Full payment by September 12, 2014.. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 248-926-0783 OR EMAIL Note $5 fee for charges less than $50.00. TO MAIL REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT (Make checks payable to “Escapades Travel”) Mail to Escapades Travel, P.O. Box 574, Walled Lake, MI 48390 CONTRACTED TRIP COMPANIES Host—Above & Beyond Tours, LLC, 180 Annison, Commerce Twp., MI 48382 248-360-4606 Wineries, Water and Wonders...Experience the beautiful states of Maryland and Virginia— annual wine, water & culture tour. Sept. 28—Oct. 1, 2014. Fee: $889 double, $1,159 single. Host—Ed & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, 117 State St., Hillsdale, MI 49242 877-377-0779 Jack Hanna at the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium with a meet-and-greet and lunch. September 1820, 2014. Fee: $499 double, $649 single, $479 triple. Host—Escapades Travel, P.O. Box 574, Walled Lake, MI 48390 248-926-0783 Historic Jackson Prison, Armory Arts Village & St. Demetrius Orthodox Church (“Windows of Heaven”). Trip includes Picturesque Sandhill Vineyard & Café. September 19, 2014. Fee: $112. Host—Step on Bus Tours, 215 W. Troy St., Ste. 2046, Ferndale, MI 48220 248-619-6692 Chocolate, Cheese & Churches—the three “C”’s in Kalamazoo. September 23, 2014. Fee: $70. C O N T R A C T E D T R I P S 17 Detroit Opera House Tour & Lunch Join us for a tour of the Detroit Opera House. This unique tour includes the grand lobby, auditorium, stage, dressing rooms, resource center and library, costume shop, rehearsal studio, dance studio, experimental theatre, donor lounge and the rooftop skydeck (weather permitting). Lunch will be on your own after the tour at Small Plates, in Detroit. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 9:45 a.m. Please register by September 18. Minimum of 10 required. No refunds. Activity # 295509.03 Day Thursday Date October 2 Time 9:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Fee $18 Detroit Ford Field Tour & Lunch D A Y Join us on a tour of Ford Field for a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the home of the Detroit Lions, Super Bowl XL, and the 2009 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four. Experience this innovation in architecture, as Ford Field integrates the Detroit Lions stadium into the historical Hudson's warehouse built in the 1920's. Tour a Ford Field suite, an NFL locker room and walk down to the field for a player's view of the stadium. Lunch will be on your own after the tour at Elwood Bar & Grill, in Detroit. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 9:45 a.m. Please register by September 25. Minimum of 14 required. No refunds. T R I Activity # 295509.02 Day Thursday Date October 9 Time 9:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Fee $16 Detroit Symphony Orchestra – “Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel” & Lunch Michael Krajewski conducts this tribute, featuring Simon and Garfunkel’s greatest hits: “Sounds of Silence,” “Scarborough Fair,” Mrs. Robinson,” and many more. It’s sure to leave you “Feelin’ Groovy”! ! T U P Lunch will be on your own after the performance at Union Street, in Detroit. S The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 9:30 a.m. Please register by October 17. Minimum of 14 required. No refunds. Activity # 295509.06 Day Friday S D L O Date November 14 O Time 9:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Fee $50 SAVE THE DATE! Community Events Victorian Festival Handcrafters Fall Fair Medicare Enrollment Holiday Home Tour Holiday Lighted Parade Greens Market Holiday Luncheon Handcrafters Holiday Fair 18 Sep 12-14 Oct 10-12 Nov 5 Nov 14-15 Nov 21 Nov 22-23 Dec 10 Dec 12-14 Meadow Brook Hall Tour and Lunch Michigan’s newest National Historic Landmark, Meadow Brook Hall is the historic estate built by one of the automotive aristocracy’s most remarkable women. Join us as we celebrate the 43rd annual Holiday Walk at this 110–room Tudor-revival style mansion all aglow with historic and holiday treasures. Includes a wonderful gourmet meal in a magnificent setting and a self-guided tour of MeadowBrook Hall. Choose between Swiss steak or chef’s choice—vegetarian pasta. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 10:00 a.m. Please register by November 13. Minimum of 20 required. No refunds. Activity # 295509.14 Day Thursday Date December 4 Time 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Fee $45 Detroit Symphony Orchestra – “Home for the Holidays” and Lunch Share Detroit’s favorite musical holiday tradition with family and friends and marvel in the spectacle of the season! It’s a sparkling holiday celebration, and yes, Virginia, there will be a Santa Claus! Trip price includes lunch after the performance at Roma Café, in Detroit. Choose one of three entrees: Broiled Breast of Chicken with lemon garlic, half ravioli, half spaghetti with meat sauce or Fettucine Alfredo. Included in the lunch price is a small salad, dessert, a non-alcoholic beverage, tax and gratuity. D A Y The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 9:30 a.m. Please register by November 20. Minimum of 14 required. No refunds. T Activity # 295509.07 R Day Friday Date December 19 Time 9:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Fee $74 I P S 19 BINGO! Regular Bingo —Thursday, September 11 1:00 p.m. Bingo Extravaganza (lunch included for October Only) Bring your friends and join us for an afternoon of food, friendship, prizes and fun! We will feast on pizza, salad and refreshments and then play everyone’s favorite game – B-I-N-G-O! Sign up early as space will be limited. Registration deadline is October 13 Activity # 485304.27 Day Thursday Date October 16 Time 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. Fee FREE Sponsored by: Oakmont Senior Living Prizes & refreshments provided. Pre-registration is required by calling 248-349-4140 Northville Community Center 303 W. Main Street Northville, MI 48167 Do you enjoy this publication? Would you like to have this publication delivered to your home? The cost for 2014 is $8.00 for the year! Call 248-349-4140 to inquire.
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