Northville Record, January 19, 2012
Northville Record, January 19, 2012
CAL STONE, EDITOR (248) 437-2011, EXT. 237 FACEBOOK: HOMETOWNLIFE.COM A16 . (NR) THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 HOMETOWN WEEKLIES HOMETOWNLIFE.COM Pain management practice comes to Northville By Julie Brown Staff Writer Dr. Karl Freydl’s pleased to be back in Northville. He grew up here, graduating from Northville High, and is establishing his Northville Pain Specialists on Main Street. “It’s exciting, and in many respects it’s like coming full circle,” the Northville resident said. His family’s been in Northville some 120 years, with Freydl’s clothing stores for men and women downtown in the past. His great-grandfather started out as a tailor and the family grew the business. Karl Freydl and his mom, an Up North snowbird, are left. “I’m about two blocks from my office,” said Freydl. He had a private practice in Ann Arbor and chose to begin working for himself near home. He’s glad the family has a Main Street business again. Freydl’s specialty is physical medicine and rehabilitation, his subspecialty interventional pain management. His Northville Pain Specialists practice was recently established at 215 E. Main Street, Suite 201, in downtown Northville. Freydl earned his doctor of osteopathic medicine degree from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Illinois. He did his residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Staff of Northville Pain Specialists: Jeanne Buscarino, Dr. Karl Freydl and Jeremy Morse. PHOTOS BY JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Dr. Karl Freydl can perform pain-relieving injections in his Northville office. He is joined in his procedure room by Clinical Coordinator Jeremy Morse, right. Freydl’s clinic, Northville Pain Specialists, is located at 215 E. Main St. NORTHVILLE PAIN SPECIALISTS Address: 215 E. Main Street, Suite 201, downtown Northville Phone: (248) 773-7964 (website under development) Fax: (248) 773-7994 Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday (Saturday hours are planned in the future.) Minn., and a fellowship in interventional pain management at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Freydl’s focus is nonsurgical management of musculoskeletal and spine pain. Freydl opened the Northville office in October and is accepting new patients. Pain management medicine is difficult to explain, he said, adding, “I try to get them going on exercise-based therapy.” for the BestofY our L ife- a tha lfthe c ostofa ssisted living! • H om e C ooked L u nch orD inner • L u xu riou sD ining Room • C offee Shop • G a m e Room • Billia rd Room • Exercise Room • L ibra ry • C om pu terRoom • Bea u ty/ Ba rberShop • C ou ntry Store • C ha pel JA N U A R Y SP E CIA L 5 00 R E IM B UR A llth e Se rvice s you N e e d an d M ore - A t H alf th e C ost of A ssisted L ivin g SE M E N tow a expen sersds your m ovin g T w ith m ov e-in by Jan ua M ustprese r y 31, 2012. n tad pr ior to lease sig n in g Lyon Tw p.. Valid on ly at loca expires 1- tion . Offer 31-12. • M ovie Thea ter • P la nned Activitiesa nd O u tings • Bea u tifu l IndoorL ou nge Area s • O u tdoorC ou rtY a rd O u rExtra s M a ke the D iffe re nce S e rvice s Y o u N e e d W ha t Y o u Ca n Exp e ct a t Ab b e y Pa rk Affordability M onthly rentalfee includes heat,centralair,w ater,electricity,housekeeping services,tw o m eals and 24-hourstaffing.V e te ra ns a nd su rviving sp o u se s m a y q u a lify fo rthe V A Aid & Atte nd a nce Be ne fit. D aily lighthousekeeping W e m ake the bed and take outtrash everyday N utritious m eals* C ontinentalbreakfastand choice oflunch ordinnerare included Laundry service W e w ash bed linens and tow els every w eek Fullcleaning service W e vacuum ,m op,dustand change linens every w eek Transportation Security Professionalcare W arm & friendly caregivers An active sociallife Friendship Scheduled chauffeured transportation fordoctors appointm ents,dinner and casino trips W e provide 24-hourstaffing,m edicalm onitoring and the reassurance ofa fullfacility generator M edicare certified services,physician visits,physicaltherapy,podiatry, hairsalon available From m orning housekeeping to evening dinnerservice,yourparents are attended by ourcaring staff Fulltim e activity directors offertrips,gam es,and entertainm ent A vibrantcom m unity ofseniors enjoy ice cream socials,m ovies, H appy H ourand live entertainm ent F or m ore in form ation ,please call: L yon T ow n sh ip G ran d B lan c a tG enesysH ea lth P a rk 3221 E. Ba ldw in Rd. G ra nd Bla nc, M I (81 0)606-1 1 1 0 ! Acrossfrom C oyote G olf C lu b 2841 3 Abbey L a ne N ew H u dson, M I (248)437-6550 w w w .a b b e yp a m Dr. Karl Freydl uses an X-ray machine to guide the precise location for pain-relieving injections at his downtown Northville clinic. designed to appeal to patients. Freydl and his staff appreciate the welcome to town. “Everyone’s been very kind,” he said. He focused on using local merchants, architects and others in the business: “It’s an invest- ment in downtown Northville,” he said. Freydl’s also team doctor for the Northville High football Mustangs, for whom he had played as a teen. He’s married to Maria Silveira, and the couple has two children ages 7 and 5. NORTHVILLE BUSINESS BRIEFS L ive H ere, $ He works closely with physical therapist Dennis Engerer, who owns the building and has a clinic in it. Office manager Jeanne Buscarino showed one of the exam rooms designed for wheelchair-bound or elderly patients. There are three exam rooms. “Everybody gets a view of downtown Northville,” she said of the windows. “He wanted it to be a very comfortable environment.” The clinical area includes two bays and a procedure area. Freydl said the office has soothing colors Find u s o n Fe e s for a d d ition a l oc c u pa n ts or s e rvic e s m a y b e a pplic a b le . P ric e s , in c e n tive s a n d d in in g room m e a l b on u s va lid a t Lyon Tow n s hip loc a tion on ly. O E08763961 Mutual Fund Store leases in Northville Mid-America Real Estate-Michigan, Inc. announced a 1,658 square foot lease in Northville Village at 17915 Haggerty Road in Northville. Jack Uhazie of Mid-America Real EstateMichigan, Inc. represented the landlord, Northville Village Center, in this transaction. Mutual Fund Store is the new tenant. Michigan Retailers’ scholarship competition begins Michigan Retailers Association is offering at least 30 college scholarships this spring through its annual competition. The scholarships will be available to MRA members and their employees and families for the 2012-13 academic year. Scholarships are $1,000 for public and private university and college students and $500 for those attending community colleges or training institutes. “We are excited that the Michigan Retailers Foundation continues to provide tuition help to families and individuals with direct ties to MRA member businesses,” said James P. Hallan, MRA president and CEO. “Between 1999 and last year, our foundation has provided funding for an incredible 320 scholarships.” Recipients are selected for their average to above-average academic performance and extracurricular activities, including part-time employment. Financial need is not a consideration, and students do not need to be at the very top of their class. Those eligible to apply are high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors who are dependent sons and daughters of owners or full-time employees of MRA’s nearly 5,000 member businesses. Part-time employees who are fulltime students also are eligible. Applications must be submitted to International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS) by April 2. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the application process online at www. Students may also contact MRA’s Laura Schilling at 800.366.3699 or lschilling@retailers. com by March 15 to request an application by mail or to check eligibility. Recipients are selected by an independent panel of educators chosen by ISTS of Nashville, Tenn., which coordinates the application and selection process for MRA and many other associations and companies. MRA’s annual scholarship program is financed by earnings on the assets of Michigan Retailers Foundation, which is funded chiefly by tax-deductible contributions from MRA members. The Michigan Retailers Association is the unified voice of retailing in Michigan and the nation’s largest state trade association of general merchandise retailers. Planet Fitness strikes a deal as ‘Biggest Loser’ brand partner Planet Fitness, a gym franchise with locations in Northville (East Main Street) and Novi (Beck Road), has entered a brand partnership with The Biggest Loser, the NBC reality show that airs Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. During the season, contestants will work out on Planet Fitness gym equipment at The Biggest Loser ranch in Calabasas, Calif. In some episodes throughout the winter and spring, contestants will work out at Planet Fitness gyms near their homes, under the guidance of Planet Fitness trainers. “We’re thrilled to be associated with The Biggest Loser and proud to have the opportunity to help the show’s contestants on their journey toward improving their health and changing their lives,” said Planet Fitness cofounder and chief executive Michael Grondahl. “Planet Fitness is the one gym where all people – no matter their fitness level – will find a comfortable and non-intimidating atmosphere to pursue their goals.” Recently, NBC film crews were on site at Planet Fitness clubs in Lansing and Westland to shoot scenes for the upcoming season. “It’s exciting not only to be associated with The Biggest Loser program, but to actually have our club participate in the filming of the show,” commented Bryan Rief, a Michigan franchisee whose company owns and operates nine (9) Planet Fitness clubs in the Detroit area. The Biggest Loser, which debuted on NBC in 2004, attracts nearly 7 million viewers a week.