Class of 2018 Power Point Presentation


Class of 2018 Power Point Presentation
Ms. Smyth
Ms. Sadikot
Ms. Cadwell
Ms. Schneider
Class of 2018
Freshman Registration
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
On March 6th you will receive in Seminar:
• Course registration form with transcript on back
▫ This form must be returned to Counseling by
March 20th
• Registration Checklist Form
• Graduation Requirements
• Information on Student Connect
and other helpful links
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
•Curriculum Days will be March 9th and 10th . During
this time and the subsequent two weeks, teachers will be providing
course descriptions and signatures to students.
•Submit your signed course request sheet to your
counselor’s black bin in the counseling office and complete
Student Connect online registration by
•Friday, March 20, 2015.
•If you have any questions regarding class selection, make
sure to speak with teachers & secure teacher signatures for
academic course selections.
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
• Identify your career pathway and select electives in this pathway.
Arts & Communication
Business, Management,
Marketing & Technology
Health Sciences
Human Services
Engineering/Manufacturing &
Industrial Technology
Natural Resources & Agriscience
• Northville High Graduation Requirements: (Check transcript before registering to be sure
you are meeting graduation requirements.)
4 credits (including Eng. 9, 10, 11 and a Senior English)
4 credits (including Alg. 1, Geometry, & Alg. 2)
3 credits (including Biology, Chemistry or Physics + 1.0 Science
Social Studies
3 credits (including U.S. History (1.0), Civics (.5), Economics (.5),
World History/Geography (1.0))
World Language
2 credits (of the same world language)
Physical Education/Health
.5 credit for each
Visual, Performing, & Applied
1 credit (includes art, music, business, and Industrial Tech courses)
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Course Selection:
• Selections made now are considered final unless classes are
cancelled or full; so, make informed, wise decisions.
• Student requests determine the number of sections for courses, so if
you do not register for it, you might not be able to get into the class
• List alternates for your elective choices on your course selection
sheet, but DO NOT put these in the computer. Enter the sixteen
course identification numbers (INCLUDING SEMINAR) on Student
Connect carefully.
• Discuss classes with your teachers to ensure appropriate placement
and that pre-requisites are met & secure teacher signature for
academic and some elective courses. Only electives with prerequisites need a signature.
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
College-bound Students:
• Colleges want to know that you are challenging yourself.
• Most universities expect students to complete 4 years of each of the
following academics: math, social studies, English, and science.
• Talk with AP & IB teachers to understand the content and rigor of the
course: (Remember that these are college level classes so balance your
schedule realistically and consider your extracurricular commitments!)
English: Mr. Cronin, Mr. Stetson, Ms. Couchman
Science: Mr. Silak, Ms. Bull, Ms. Nelson, Ms. Obrigkeit , Mr. Polanski, and
Mr. Szukaitis, Ms. Dicken
Math: Mr. Schembri, Mr. Kinney, Ms. Apostolovski, Ms. Stawasz, Mr. Minard
Social Studies: Mr. Dent, Mr. Cislo, Ms. Chrzanowski, Ms. Kahn, Ms.
Calabrese, Mr. Ford, Mr. Ortopan, Mr. Turner, and Ms. O’Leary
Foreign Language: Mr. Long, Ms. Motz and Mr. Rast
Art: Mr. Balcoff and Mr. Hoffman
Music: Ms. Ray-Hepp and Business: Ms. Sclater
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
FYI for competitive colleges:
The Freshman class of 2015 at MSU will expect a minimum ACT
score of 25/26 and a GPA of 3.6/3.7
The Freshman class of 2015 at U of M will expect a minimum
ACT score of 30/32 and a GPA of 3.9 (approx.)
Highly competitive schools in Michigan such as the University
of Michigan, Hillsdale College, and Kettering University
prefer students who have taken 5-6 AP/IB/Honors classes ,
starting at least by Junior year. Also, they expect students to
have completed a minimum of 2 -3 years of the same world
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
II. Course Selections
English Selections:
Graduation Requirements: 4 Credits (including Eng. 9, Eng. 10, Eng.11 and a Senior year English)
Select one of the following full-year classes:
• English 10
• Honors English 10
Elective offerings (.5 credit each)
*Eng. Electives DO NOT fulfill MMC English credit requirements for graduation.
• Debate
• Drama I & II
• Intro to Journalism
• Independent Studies in Literature
• Speech
• Yearbook (teacher recommendation) – full year
Talk with your current English teacher for recommendations on class to selection & secure
teacher signature.
*See Course Catalog for detailed course descriptions
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Math Selections:
Graduation Requirements: 4 credits including Alg. 1 (1.0), Geometry (1.0),
Alg. 2 (1.0) and a 4th math credit.
If you are currently in:
Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 C & S--- register for Geometry
Geometry or Geometry C & S--- register for Alg. 2
Algebra 2 ---register for Pre-Calc, **IB Math SL, **IB Math Studies SL, **AP
Honors Algebra 2--- register for Honors Geometry
Honors Geometry--- register for Honors Pre Calc , IB Math HL or IB Math SL,
**AP Statistics
Speak to your math teacher for a recommendation & secure teacher
signature. Refer to the Course Catalog for Flow Chart and help in
**Sequences listed above are not for everyone - especially transfer students. Verify sequence and pre-reqs
with the Course Catalog, your teacher and counselors to ensure proper placement. Some courses can double
as an elective (e.g. AP Stats)
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Science Selections:
Graduation Requirements: 3 Credits including Biology (1.0) and Chemistry
(1.0) OR Physics (1.0) + Science Electives (1.0).
If you are currently in Earth Science- Consider Biology
If you are currently in Biology- Consider Chemistry/Honors
Chemistry or IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science SL
(Yr 1) Offered 2nd Sem of 2015-16
One Semester (.5)Classes:
Astronomy and Meteorology
Michigan Natural Resources (Not recommended for students who are in AP Envir. Science)
Human Biology (Pre-req Biology)
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Social Studies Selections:
Graduation Requirements: 3 Credits including U.S. History (1.0),
Civics (.5), Economics (.5), and World History/Geography (1.0)
Highly recommended that Sophomores sign up for Civics and Economics
(1.0 cr.)
Elective Offerings (EVEN year 2015-16)
Big History
AP Courses : (special permission needs to be obtained)
• AP European History
• AP United States History
• AP Gov’t & Politics
• AP Economics (macro & micro economics)
• AP Psychology
• AP World History
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Business and Applied Tech Selections:
There are many courses available; check prerequisites carefully.
Business: Accounting 1-4, Workplace Fund., Beyond High
School, Bus and Personal Law 1&2, Entrepreneurship,
Marketing Apps, Study Skills & Notetaking, Business Tech 1&2,
Computer Graphics, Digital Video, Web Dev & Design,
Studio Lab Tech I&II
Programing/STEM/Engineering: Visual Basic,
Adv Programming (C++), Intro to Engineering Drawing,
CAD Engineering I&II, CAD Architecture I&II,
*Intro to Engineering & Design, *Principles of Engineering,
AP Computer Science (*indicates new course)
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Language Acquisition Selections:
Graduation Requirements: 2 Years of the same World Language
World Language Pathways:
Level 1- Level 2 – Level 3 – Level 4
**After Level 3 students can choose AP or IB courses.
AP Courses & IB Courses are a two-year commitment
IB 1
IB 2 (SL or HL)
AP 1
AP 2
Honors Courses available for Level 3 for 2015-16 year only
Elective Offerings:
Etymology and Language Studies
Spanish Language and Cultures
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Family and Consumer Sciences:
• Health (9th-12th grade) *Required*
- Health AB: Abstinence based (includes risk reduction
- Health AO: Abstinence based (does not include risk
reduction strategies)
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Art & Music Elective Selections:
There is a wide range of courses – please check the
course catalog. Advanced options may require
teacher permission or an audition so please check
Advanced selections to plan for in Junior /Senior
Art Studio Courses, AP Studio Art, IB Visual
Art (SL /HL), Chamber Choir, Jazz Ensemble
2, AP Music Theory
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Physical Education:
• There is a variety of courses that will be available
depending on registration numbers.
Gym classes that can be repeated:
• Physical Conditioning - Advanced Conditioning Advanced Swim
NHS International Baccalaureate
Diploma Program (DP)Overview
• Academically-challenging and
balanced, cross-curricular program of
• Program, one which is normally taught
over two years, grades 11 and 12 in the
• Program gained and gaining
recognition and respect from the world's
leading universities
IB DP Courses Available to Class of 2017
• Group 1 – IB English (HL)
• Group 2 – IB French, IB German, and IB Spanish (HL and SL
offerings in each subject)
• Group 3 – IB History (year one = SL and year one and two =
HL), IB Psychology (one-year SL)
• Group 4 – IB Chemistry HL and IB Sports, Exercise and Health
Science SL
• Group 5 – IB Math HL (two-year), IB Math SL (two-year), and IB
Math Studies (one-year)
• Group 6 – IB Visual Arts (one-year SL)
• + TOK/CAS/EE (next slide)
Speak to IB teachers
•Arts – Mr. Hoffman
•Humanities/Individuals and Societies – Mr. Cislo, Mr. Turner, Ms.
•Language A/Language and Literature – Ms. Couchman, Mr.
•Mathematics – Ms. Apostolovski, Ms. Stawasz, Mr. Kinney
•Sciences – Ms. Dicken, Ms. Obrigkeit
•World Languages – Mr. Long, Mr. Rast & Ms. Motz
•CAS – Mr. Cronin
•TOK – Mr. Davis
•EE – Mr. Ortopan
Online Courses
• Registration deadline for Fall 2015 online courses
will be March 31, 2015.
• Registration deadline for Winter 2016 online
courses will be December 16, 2015.
Online course information and registration forms will
be available March 2nd at the link below.
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Dual Enrollment
(for college classes)
Must meet the following requirements:
1. Available to students in grades 9 - 12
2. Must be proficient (as indicated by standardized testing) in core subject
3. Must be enrolled in at least one high school class and the college
4. The college course must not be a hobby or craft or in the area of
physical education, theology, divinity or religious education
5. The college course must not be a “continuing education/lifelong
learning” class
*Dual enrollment requires counselor and administrative
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
III. Post-Secondary Planning
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Beginning the College Search
What factors determine where I can attend
and athletics
The rigor of
your high
school classes
test scores
(ACT and/or SAT)
Northville High School
Sophomore Registration for 2015-2016 school year
What should I be doing now to prepare?
• Select classes that will prepare you for the rigor of college
• Talk to your parents about post-secondary options
• Talk to your counselor – Come during lunch to student drop-in hours!
• Talk to teachers and professionals in your career pathway
• Use counseling office resources
• Visit colleges before your senior year
• Use college and career internet programs such as Career Cruising/Big Future
• Utilize the NHS Counseling Website with all of its resources!
▫ College Comparison Chart
Every college has a personality!
Ask yourself if you can live here for 4-5 years…
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Career Cruising
The following are all possible on Career Cruising:
• Take an online survey to help match your interests and
abilities to particular careers
• Explore careers
• Research colleges/universities and trade school
• Investigate scholarship opportunities
• Create a resume
• Update EDP’s yearly
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Metro Detroit National College Fair
Suburban Collection Showplace
Monday, March 30: 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
Tuesday, March 31: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Need more info: email
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
IV. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
If you are considering competing in Athletics at the college level
(Div. I or II), you must:
• Satisfy the requirements of the NCAA by successfully completing 16
specific core classes (see our handbook and the NCAA Eligibility
Center website for approved courses).
• Register with the NCAA at the above website during your junior
year ($50.00 registration fee).
• Send ACT/SAT scores directly from the testing center to the NCAA
Clearinghouse (code to use on the ACT: 9999).
Visit their website for more information.
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
***The following Math Courses are NOT APPROVED by the NCAA
Eligibility Center:
▫ Algebra 1 Concepts & Skills
> See your counselor if you are thinking of playing a Div. I or
Div. II sport in college and have taken one of these classes.
Northville High School
Class of 2018 Registration for 2015-2016 school year
Utilize lunch time Student Counseling Drop in hours to
help get quick questions answered!