lsmw – vendor conversion tutorial
lsmw – vendor conversion tutorial
Data Conversion LSMW VENDOR MASTER Tutorials LSMW – VENDOR CONVERSION TUTORIAL Transaction Code: LSMW Enter following information for the Project, Subproject and Object or any Project PROJECT00 (example: PROJECT10) Subproject ACCOUNTING (example: SALES) Object VENDORS (example: CUSTOMERS) Click the Create Icon The system prompts the user to enter project description. Enter the Project Description as below and press enter or click The system then prompts the user to enter subproject description. Enter the Subproject Description as below and press enter or click enter The system prompts the user to enter the object description. Enter the object description as below and press enter or click Now the user can see the descriptions for the Project, Subproject and Object. Now click the execute button and the system displays the following screen LSM Workbench: Display Object Attributes The option buttons represent the process steps for the conversion program configuration. Now click the execute button to Maintain the attributes of the LSMW Project for Vendor Master Conversion Click the button on the top left and select the option ‘Standard Batch/Direct Input’ and enter ‘0040’ for Object and ‘0001’ for Method. The values for Object and Method can be entered from drop down menu for each of them based on the conversion project. Save the entries and Click Back button to go back to overview screen. Select the Maintain Source Structures option and click execute button Click the eye glasses/crayon mode from display mode. icon on the top left. The screen view changes to change Select Source Structures and click Creation Icon. The system prompts the user to enter source structure and description. Enter KRED1 for Source Structure and KRED1 for Description and press enter or click Now select KRED1 and click Create Icon The system prompts the user to select the relationship level for the structure. Select ‘Lower Level’ and press enter or click The system prompts the user to enter lower level structure name and description. Enter KRED2 for Source Structure and KRED2 for Description The Source Structure definition screen looks like the screen below Now save the Source structure definition and press back button. Select the Maintain Source fields process steps and click execute button On the following screen click eye glasses/crayon icon. Select KRED1 and click Create icon The following screen prompts the user to enter the following information for each of the fields Repeat the process to add following source fields to the source structure KRED1 FIELD NAME TCODE LIFNR BUKRS EKORG KTOKK FIELD LABEL TCODE LIFNR BUKRS EKORG KTOKK FIELD LENGTH 10 10 4 4 4 FIELD TYPE C C C C C Similarly add following source fields to the source structure KRED2 FIELD NAME LIFNR NAME1 SORTL LAND1 FIELD LABEL LIFNR NAME1 SORTL LAND1 FIELD LENGTH 10 35 4 4 FIELD TYPE C C C C After entering the above information for the source structure fields the screen looks like the following Save the source structure fields. Press back button. Select the Maintain Structure Relations process step and click execute button. Click the eye glasses/crayon icon. Maintain the structure relations. Select BGR00 structure and click Create Relationship icon. Select KRED1 to create the relationship between BGR00 and KRED1 and Press enter or click LSM Workbench: Change Structure Relations Repeat the process for BLF00 and BLFA1 by assigning KRED1 and KRED2. The screens like the following screen. Save the structure relationship definition and press back button. Select Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules process step and click execute icon. Click eye glasses/crayon icon. Go to Extras Æ Auto Field Mapping Accept the defaults on the following screen and press enter Accept the proposals generated by the system After the field mapping looks like the following screen Save the field mapping and click back button. Create 2 data files with the structure information similar to that of the source structure fields. KRED1.TXT KRED2.TXT Select Specify Files and click execute icon Select eye glasses/crayon icon. Select Legacy Data (On the PC Front End) and Click Create Icon. On the following screen enter the file path, description and press enter. Repeat this step for the 2nd file and Save the file assignment. Select Assign Files process step and click execute icon. Click eye glasses/crayon. Click Assignment button and assign files Select KRED1 and press enter. Repeat the process for 2nd file KRED2. On the following screen the user can see the assigned files Save the File Assignment and click back button. Select Import Data process step and click Execute icon. On the following screen just click the execute icon. The following screen displays the files that are read Select Display Imported Data and click execute icon. On the following screen just press enter. On the following screen the system displays the status of the imported data for the user. Click back button to go back to the overview screen Select Convert Data on the overview screen and click execute icon. On the following screen just the click the execute icon. On the following screen system displays the conversion process status for the user. Click back button to go back to the overview screen. Select Display Converted Data and click the execute icon. On the following pop up screen press enter On the following screen the system displays the converted data. Click back button to go back to the overview screen. Select the Create Batch Input Session and click execute icon.. On the following screen click the execute icon. After executing the Batch Input Interface for Vendors, accept the defaults. Press enter for every system prompt, the system creates the batch input session. Select Run Batch Input Session and click execute icon. The system takes the user to the session screen. Select the Session name and processes it. Click Process button in the above screen to transfer data from the flat file to SAP Vendor Master. Select Background option and press enter the pop up screen or click process button This process uploads the Vendor Records from the KRED1.TXT and KRED2.TXT files. Go to TCode XK03 and display the Vendor that you have uploaded just now. Suggestions/Requests The content outlined in this document is intended for the purposes of demonstrating a specific functionality in SAP R/3. A detailed study should be carried out to analyze the requirements and to configure the system to meet the business requirements... Sri Logix Inc., does not take any responsibility to whatsoever purpose this document is/will be used for.