Issue 51 - Starfleet Command
Issue 51 - Starfleet Command
STAR FLEET COMMUNICATIONS Official Newsletter of Starjleet Command L T Leonard Allen Star Trek: The Experience ISSUE #: 51 APRIL, 2001 lllable of Contents IIt Admiralty Board Reports Chief of Fleet Operations Report Quarterly Officers Recognition Hailing Frequencies Staff & Unit Changes AFED Changes Chief of Finance Report Chief of Personnel Report Project SFC Time Capsule Fleet Training Officers Report Report from Starbase One Commander Starfleet Command Renewal Form p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 18 19 Science & Trek Related Info Upcoming Conventions Star Trek: MY Experience tI Admiralty Board - Quadrant p. 12 p. 16 t I .t FADM Paul A. Sundstrom PO Box 33565, Indpls, IN 46203-0565 Chief of Fleet Operations ADM Mark A. Bischoff 65 N. Tremont, Indpls, IN 46222-4243 Deputy Chief of Fleet Operations ADM Russell Simson 1815 S. Olive St., Indpls, IN 46203-4037 Chief of Records ADM Andrew Sams PO Box 356, Carmel, IN 46032 Chief of Personnel ADM Roseann Packer 2696 N. 300 East, Greenfield, IN 46140 Chief of Staff ADM Jo Kirby Chief of Communications 925 N. 13th St., Bismarck, ND 58501-4219 ADM Sandra Sundstrom PO Box 33565, Indpls, IN 46203-0565 Commandant, Starfleet Academy Contents Copyright © 2001 by Starfleet Command. Starfleet Command recognizes Paramount Pictures, and its licensees as having sole authority to create profit from the Star Trek trademark(s). Tbe Starfleet Command copyright in no way intends to infringe upon or earn profit from copyrightsheld by Paramount Pictures Corporation. Chief of Fleet Operations Report Greetings, everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the Year of Fun. It has been fun for me thus far. With the 2000 Fleet Awards now past, Quarterly Officer Recognition returns with this issue. If you see someone performing in an excellent manner, please pass that information along to me so that person can be so recognized in this Fleetwide publication. I also want to reiterate a couple of things to you all. First (please note the capitalization) ANYONE in the Fleet can submit articles to ADM Jo Kirby for inclusion in this newsletter. This is SFC's Newsletter (meaning it is yours!), not solely that of the Admiralty and/or Staff. I encourage you to send materials to her - she welcomes them. Obviously, I will continue to submit articles since this is my report to you of what is happening-but, we need to hear from you as well. So, share your items of interest with us all. Second, since it includes information that is (we hope) necessary and current, please read your newsletter through completely. It is entirely possible that if you do not read it, you could miss out on something extremely relevant that is happening with the organization as a whole or that affects your unit in some manner. If you receive and share a newsletter with other members of your household, please give them the same opportunity to read it also. While it may have things that are of interest to you, everyone is different and could be affected by the information in different ways. We are all stronger when we are on the same page. If this is your first newsletter, please note the label that is on your newsletter. When the issue number matches the number on the label, it will be necessary to utilize the renewal document that is in the newsletter to remain a member of SFC. My saddest duty is to remove those that have expired due to non-payment of dues. Sometimes, I wonder if people realize that they are expiring. We have consistently published four newsletters each year since 1998. So, if you are enjoying your membership, it makes sense to continue it by renewing. If you go more than three months between newsletters, it is more likely that you have expired than moved to a new address. The Fleet address has stayed the same for four years so we have not moved. To renew, just send the necessary dues and even a paper with your current address and ship name (and your name as shown on your Fleet 10 card) and we can take care of you. We want you to remain with us for more than a year (I've been in SFC for more than 10 years now) because the longer you are here, the more likely is your chance to be noticed. And, on top of that, you will have the chance to build long term friendships with those on your unit. The best ships in the Fleet have tightly knit groups that help and support each other and would go to great lengths to back each other up. I have seen a number of these up close and they are things of beauty. I hope that such a spirit exists on the unit you are with. It is worth working for. FADM Paul A. Sundstrom Chief of Fleet Operations tStarfleet Communications I PageJ t Quarterly Officers Recognition COMM James H. McCoy, Starbase 06 Commander/Chief of Engineering For getting the word out & bettering the image of SFC with other groups. FCAPT Robert W. Ray, Starbase 01 Commander/Fleet Training Officer Upon taking command of Starbase 01, FCAPT Ray prepared and unveiled an impressive website for both his new position and that of Fleet Training Officer. FCAPT Cheryl A. Webb, Assistant Chief of Staff For her able assistance in her new position as the Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff and her help with the USS Iwo Jima CAPT Kimberly S. Huff, Deputy Chief of Communications Preparation & execution of USS Adventure Con Suite at November IndyCon CMDR Brian Peterson, Commanding Officer, USS Hypatia For his exceptional efforts in recruiting & promoting a positive image CMDR Cathy Dailey, Deputy Fleet Training Officer For her maintenance of the Office of Fleet Training during a relocation period LTCDR David Hicks, First Officer, USS Defiant Helped to ease transition aboard USS Defiant with excellent reporting & organizational skills LT Kim Knight, Commanding Officer, USS Matrix Involvement of USS Matrix in parade and promotion of club LTjg Rusty Harrell, USS Adventure For excellent coordination of officers in an activity LTjg Brian E. Mitchell, USS Adventure For excellent coordination of officers in a multi-ship gathering 41 Page 4 ••••••••••••• StarfleetCommunications t 1ce fans joined e help of "ere able to md stand :rip: ground. (I rasn't in with the lights " I could see ravagant undo Once ythe scent first stop d RestauV warmed up 'ainting the Ie most were able rate tour of >eon the the different i in the I Hailing Frequencies Greetings from the Deputy of Communications. ADM Jo Kirby is away on personal business. So far, 2001 has been a busy year. The communications department is working hard to bring you the best, most informative newsletter in a timely manner. Because of this, a schedule was created for all those in Fleet that would like to provide articles for our members. If you would like a copy of the schedule, email mail me at I would like to thank all of those who were kind enough to submit articles for this issue. This is the first newsletter I have published without the help of ADM Kirby, so your help was greatly appreciated. Inside this issue you will find a wealth of information. For example, there were some important changes made to the AFED documents. You can read about these changes on page 8. Also, FADM Sundstrom has listed some important changes to various staff and units on page 6. ADM Kirby and I would like to make one correction to January 2001 newsletter. It was mentioned that LTCDR Hilary Winiarz of the USS Magellan had joined the Communications staff. Unfortunately, LTCDR Winiarz will not be able to join the staff after all. Hilary and I have talked on several occassions regarding the newsletter and her kind words and helpful advice will always be appreciated. Thank you Hilary and good luck in the future. Please note that the article regarding Star Trek: The Experience, may not seem like a "timely" article, but I felt it was important with the upcoming Vegas convention. If you are considering making the trip to Vegas, I think you will find my article rather informative. However, if you would rather be surprised and not know what happens, be sure to stop reading where indicated or it might spoil the fun. CAPT Kim Huff DCOC munlcations. tStarfJeetCommunlcations •••••••••••• PageS. Staff & Unit Changes Welcome back the USS Inquest located in Bayamon, Puerto RicQ. It is commanded by LT Tomas Santiago-Lopez. You can reach him bye-mail A new unit has been commissioned in the Starbase 03 region. Hang onto your hats - this is a Klingon name but that's what was requested so that's what is being done! The USS Wa'netbej, NCC-72400, Runabout Class, under CAPT Billie G. Aldridge (this is a gentleman, everyone), has gotten underway. The name means ''The Watcher" in Klingon. CAPT Aldridge has previous command experience with the USS Star Wolf, so does not come unprepared. He does not have e-mail access presently but is located in Modesto, CA. He has been a member of SFC for more than eight years. Welcome back, CAPT Aldridge, and best wishes on your new command. Another new unit is being started, also in California, by name the USS Corvair located in Roseville, California. She will be commanded by LT Michael Longstreet. He can be reached bye-mail at: Yet to be commissioned but in preparation is the USS Iwo Jima located in Indianapolis, Indiana. She will be commanded by CMDR William A. (Tony) Hlas. He can be reached bye-mail at: The commissioning is scheduled for May 19, 2001. Several changes have taken place also. LT Beth Ray is the new CO of the USS Hastings located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. FCAPT Robert W. Ray takes command of Starbase 01. LTCDR David Hicks is the new First Officer of the USS Defiant. LT Janice Sams is the new CO of the USS Adventure. FCAPT Cheryl A. Webb has been appointed as the Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff. CMDR Ken Spurlock, CMO, USS Yorktown, was appointed to be the new Deputy Surgeon General. 41 Page 6 ••••••••••••• Starfleet Communications. RADM Mary A. Bischoff has stepped down as the Chief of Finance for Starfleet Command due to additional commitments (real life) that are taking away her time. RADM Bischoff will continue to command the USS Halsey. Her responsible handling of the Chief of Finance position was instrumental in helping Starfleet Command Headquarters rebuild the Fleet. I have presented RADM Bischoff with a Certificate of Honorable Service in appreciation of her commitment and service. A replacement has been selected. Please welcome CAPT Maryann Simson to the position of Chief of Finance. She has served ably as the Chief Operations Officer for the USS Halsey for many years and has been a member of Starfleet Command since December, 1993. 4Starfleet Communications •••••••••••• Page 7 • AFED Changes Members with the rank of Captain or higher and having at least seven years or more in SFC may run for the position of CFO. Previously, candidates had to have a minimum of four years Fleet time. There are new minimums now to qualify for Staff positions. Anyone already in a Staff position will not be removed if they do not meet the new minimum requirements. This is effective from this point on, not retroactively. One must have at least two years in SFC to apply for a Command Support Staff Office and at least four years for Admiralty Board & their immediate Deputy positions. At the meeting of the Admiralty Board on January 14, 2001, the following procedure was adopted effective immediately. When a member of the Command Staff Support or their authorized Deputy is also serving aboard a regular unit, the unit commander is solely responsible for the promotion of that individual. The person in charge of the Command Staff Support Officer (CSSO) may recommend them for promotion (and should recommend them every 90-120 days if they are performing their duties adequately) but the promotion will not take place unless the unit commander approves the recommendation. In a case where a recommendation is made and the unit commander does not feel that the promotion is warranted, the CSSO member should not be notified of either the recommendation or the denial of said promotion. The effect of this would be to demoralize the member and possibly cause resentment against the unit commander, which would be detrimental to the unit as a whole. If the recommendation is approved, the effective date of the promotion would be the date that the unit commander decided or may be determined by the unit commander. The promotion should, of course, be reported to the Chief of Personnel so that the promotion document can be prepared and sent to the unit commander. While the above procedure applies to the CSSO, this does not apply to promotions for the Deputies of the Admiralty Board, specifically the Deputy Chief of Records, Deputy Chief of Personnel, Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Communications, and Deputy Commandant, Starfleet Academy. Members of the Admiralty have the right to promote those Deputies even if they are members of regular units since these are Vice Admiral slots and have the authority to act in the absence of their superiors on the Admiralty Board. 41 Page 8 ••••••••••••• Starfleet Communications t To give an example, LTCDR Staff Officer serves aboard the USS Rustbucket. The unit commander is CAPT Final Authority. RADM Senior Officer, in charge of LTCDR Staff Officer, reviews his record and decides that he deserves consideration for promotion to the rank of CMDR. RADM Senior Officer must write CAPT Final Authority and indicate his recommendation. It is then up to CAPT Final Authority to decide whether to promote LTCDR Staff Officer or not. CAPT Authority decides to promote LTCDR Officer to the rank of CMDR and makes a request of Chief of Personnel to send the documents. At a later meeting, CAPT Authority arranges to present the promotion orders to now CMDR Officer. The purpose of this directive is to restore the promotion authority to the unit commander per AFED Article 10-3, especially in the circumstance where a member of the Command Staff Support is still an active participant in the local unit. This is not meant to discourage the appointing authorities that work with the Command Staff Support since they should still review their personnel every 90-120 days with promotion criteria in mind. Unit commanders do not have to review their regular unit personnel in this shorter timeframe since the AFED has specifics about minimums for promotion consideration that are different than the Command Staff Support. Conversely, unit commanders are free to promote a member of the CSSO under their command should they have earned that consideration, even without a recommendation from the immediate superior of the CSSO member (provided that 90-120 days have passed since the last promotion). Naturally, if the unit commander promotes that individual, the superior officer of the CSSO member should be notified so they are aware of the action. 4Starfle!e!t Communications ••••• I Page! 9 t Chief of Finance Report We have to maintain a savings account at the Credit Union where we bank in order to have the checking account. Midyear, we transferred most of the money to checking since that's where we need it, just leaving enough in to meet our requirement. All amounts are in US dollars. Expenditures: Savings: Balance Jan. 1, 2000 Interest Transfer to checking Balance Dec. 31, 2000 $183.79 1.69 174.26 10.16 Checking: Balance Jan. 1, 2000 SubsfT-shirt orders Interest $647.51 3,241.01 10.61 Chief of Fleet Operations -298.00 Chief of Personnel -755.81 Chief of Communications -1695.63 Chief of Records 0.00 Academy Commandant -280.00 Chief of Finance -24.14 Balance Dec. 31, 2000 452.09 Itemized Expenditures: Chief of Fleet Op's Fleet Awards Sub. flyers PO Box Communications $214.00 40.00 44.00 Personnel Postage PO Box Folders, paper, etc. $481.43 44.00 230.38 Newsletter printing, postage, etc. $1,695.63 Academy T-shirts, printing, postage. $280.00 Finance Stapler, staples, folio. $24.14 Note: The Academy Commandant was deputized to take care of the Tshirts. There were also expenses that were absorbed by the Staff; if it is not listed here, it was not reimbursed. Any errors made in math are my own. , RADM Mary Bischoff • Page 10 I••••••••••• IStarfleet Communications t Chief of Personnel Report Hello all. I'll start out by saying that I don't have much to report about establishing better guidelines for the awards process. I assure, you though, that something will be done. Captains and Starbase Commanders, I challenge you to send me criteria ideas for best ships and officers (Jr./Sr.). Web masters, the same for websites and Newsletter editors, the same for newsletters and etc etc. On an electorial note, I would like to talk about the elections for Fleet Admiral in 2002. FADM Paul Sundstrom will not be running. It is a challenging job. The Fleet Admiral heads the Admiralty Board and is responsible for meeting the needs of the Fleet which includes, but is not limited to, producing quarterly Newsletters, New Member Packets, and Commanding the entire Fleet. Now is the best time for the right person to command Starfleet Command as its Fleet Admiral. FADM Sundstrom and the current board has us back on track and in shape to head into a new direction. A direction where we can build on and enhance what has been done as well as explore new things. We need a strong leader that has a strong passion for Star Trek, a vision to grow our club with the business, and the administrative sense to do it right. I want to speak about the elections now because this is the year that viable candidates will want to put their hat in the ring and begin speaking of their vision at the Mid Year meeting at Marcon, May 25-27th, at the Annual Meeting, November 23-25 and in upcoming newsletters. The candidate only has four to five more newsletters before nominations are gathered and voted on. It is imperative that you decide to run now, then write to the eligible voters and the fleet about yourself, your vision, and what you hope to accomplish during your four year tenure. If you have seven or more years experience in Starfleet Command, hold the rank of Captain and meet the criteria in article 5-1 b, I encourage you to run. (Please note that older versions show 4 years for eligibility.) My Deputy, VADM Lillian Habeck, and I try to attend as many of the Slanted Fedora conventions as possible. This year is a little different than most, so this schedule is subject to change: May 25-27, Marcon, Columbus, OH (Mid-Year Meeting) June 15-17, Chicago, III (Tentative) July 13-15, Incon, Indpls, IN (Tentative) Sept 6-9, Vegas, NV (Star Trek's 35th Anniversary) Nov 23-25, Indpls, IN (Annual Meeting) That is all for now. Have fun and Make It So! ADM Andy Sams tStarfleet Communications •••••••••••••• Page t1 • Upcoming Conventions Here is a list of conventions one or more Admiralty Board Members are planning to attend in 2001 : MARCON - SFC Midyear Fleet Meeting Location & Dates: Columbus, Ohio, May 25-27,2001 For more information, go to this site:! The Women of Star Trek Voyager (Make It So Productions) - no official meeting planned Location & Dates: Cleveland, Ohio, May 26th & 27th, 2001 For more information, go to this site: http:www.makeitsoproductions.coml trek.html Chicago (Slanted Fedora) - no official meetings planned Location & Dates: Chicago, IL, June 15 - 17, 2001 For more information, go to this site: InConJunction - no official meetings planned Location & Dates: Indianapolis, Indiana, July 13-15,2001 For more information, go to this site: http://www.inconiunction.orgt ConGlomeration - SFC meeting planned Location & Dates: Clarksville, Indiana, August 10-12, 2001 For more information, go to this site: http://members.iglou.coml shadowr/conglomeration.htm Viva, Viva Las Vegas (Slanted Fedora) - no official meeting scheduled Location & Dates: Las Vegas, Nevada, September 6 - 9, 2001 For more information, go to ths site: IndyCon (Slanted Fedora) - SFC Annual General & Awards Meeting Location & Dates: Indianapolis, Indiana, November 23-25, 2001 For more information, go to this site: • Page 12 ••••••••••••• Starfleet Communications. Project SFC Time Capsule At the SFC Meeting in November, the SFC Time Capsule project was discussed and an agreement was reached with FADM Don Dailey, Commander-In-Chief. Between now and August 2001 , units are encouraged to select an item and perhaps write something relating to that selection to put in the Time Capsule. Send that item (or hand-deliver if possible) to me at my Post Office Box for SFC (shown below). I will ensure that FADM Dailey is given that item so it can be put into the SFC Time Capsule. If you prefer, you can also bring that item to the ConGlomeration convention to be held in Clarksville, Indiana on August 10-12, 2001. At that time, we will conclude the gathering of the items for the SFC Time Capsule project. In ten years, the Capsule will be opened by those involved with running SFC at that time, hence sometime in the year 2011. To ensure we can fit all item in the Capsule, you should only select items that are not very large. It is also important to remember that they should be non-breakable. To find out more about the ConGlomeration Convention, visit them at http://members.iglou.comlshadowr/conglomeration.htm SO. DOCTOR, WHAT EXACTL.Y DOES THIS THING 00 ANY'v.JAY? tStarfle?:e?:tCommunications •••••••••••• Page?: 13 t Fleet Training Officers Report Greetings to the Fleet from the Office of Fleet Training: It has been some time since I have written an article for Starfleet Communications and I have several announcements to make. First of all, I would like to announce that my Deputy, Cathy Dailey, has been promoted to the rank of Commander (full grade). Commander Dailey has done a fantastic job in the position of Deputy Fleet Training Officer and has really helped out in keeping this office run smoothly during my move and transition to a new job. I have great confidence in her continued support. Please congratulate her on her promotion. The second announcement I'd like to make is a congratulation and job well done to LTCDR Deborah Raleigh, who has been actively taking tests from our office and, most recently, scored a 96% on the Warp Theory test. LTCDR Raleigh had previously passed the Federation Law test and the Ship's Structures test, both with a 92%. These are outstanding achievements on her part and deserve the recognition of the Fleet. Any Post-Graduate exam passed with an 88% or better indicates an Expert-level of proficiency in that field, therefore, LTCDR Raleigh in now considered to be an expert in these fields by the Office of Fleet Training. The third announcement I'd like to make is concerning the long awaited Leadership Development Course. The Leadership Development Course is ready to be taken. There is a $5.00 cost involved in printing, shipping and handling for the course. It is designed to be taken in no fewer than 6 weeks but, currently, there is no upper time limit on the course. The course will be shipped within a week of receipt of funds. At this time, I can only accept money orders for the course. This may change in the near future, so I will advise if it does. All money orders should be made out to FCAPT Robert W. Ray. You can send them to: FCAPT Robert W. Ray 2268 S. 108th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74129 41 Page! 14 ••••••••••••• Starfle!e!t Communications t Announcement number four. The Office of Fleet Training has a new website. It is http://members.home.netlfcapt-ray/welcome.htm. This site has a new Fleet Training Request form on it, and I encourage all of you to use it. I will try to keep this site updated regularly (probably quarterly, to begin with), so please return often to check out the changes. And finally, announcement number five. I have recently accepted the position of Commander, Starbase One. At this time, I don't anticipate any conflicts arising that can't be handled by my more than capable Deputy and myself, however, please understand that some minor delays are inevitable. We will work to make these minor and seldom. That is all for now. FCAPT Robert W. Ray Fleet Training Officer 5EVWIDEWEB WWW.SEV.COM.AU Features cOItoon parodies of Scifi shows and movies such as Star ~. - Trek, Star Wars, The X-Files, Buffy, Babylon 5, Stargate and more. Visit to read the hundreds of comic strips available online for free! tStarfleet Communications ••••• I Page 15 t Star Trel~:MY Experience As many of you may already know, some very loyal Star Trek fans joined together in August 2000 for the sci-fi trip of a lifetime. With the help of LT.JG. Rusty Harrell of the USS Adventure, seven loyal fans were able to get a "behind-the-scenes" look at Star Trek: The Experience and stand on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. This is my story of that trip: I arrived in Las Vegas a little shaken but relieved to be on the ground. (I don't like to fly.) Once off the plane it was easy to see that I wasn't in Kansas (make that Indiana) any more. The airport was filled with the sounds of slot machines and you could see the multi-colored lights illuminating the airport. Outside the airport was just as amazing. Even during the day, I could see this was unlike any other town I had been to. There were extravagant buildings everywhere with beautiful mountains in the background. Once inside the hotel (The Las Vegas Hilton) you were overtaken by the scent of money when you gazed at all the gambling devices. After settling in, my first stop was Quark's Bar and Restaurant. All of us quickly warmed up to a Warp Core Breach (pictured to your left) before painting the town. The next day was the most exciting because we were able to have our own private tour of the Enterprise Bridge. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be on the bridge. After an hour of taking pictures and fooling around at the different Stations and Interface panels, it was time for us to participate in the actual ride. You first walk up a long, lazily curving and gently twisting ramp which is the queue line and is, in fact, called the History of the Future Museum. This Museum houses all sorts of artifacts: costumes, props, and many other items from all of the different incarnations of Star Trek (motion pictures and series'). There is also a very 411 Page16 •••••••••• informative and colorful Timeline that one can follow that starts out from the launching of the first Earth satellite. This helps pass the time and keep you occupied while you wait to board your Shuttle - if there happens to be wait due to numerous, excited spacefarers. BEWARE SPOILER BELOW!! DON'T READ BELOW IF YOU WANT TO BE SURPRISED While you are in line the attendants talk to you through the microphone system. Be sure to say hi to Andee Gibbs for me. At the end of the queue line you are counted into your tour groups that will board the shuttle. Then, you are moved into a pre-show area where you watch film clips from different episodes and movies of Star Trek. The video welcomes you to Paramount Parks and Las Vegas Hilton's Star Trek: The Experience. Then the double doors on your right open and you are brought into the staging area where you are prepared for the Shuttlecraft boarding process. Just as the doors are about to open, there are some flashes of light, some sparkling, and then, Blackness and a quick rush of air. When the lights come up, you are standing on a transporter pad with people wearing Starfleet uniforms in front of you. Ensign Thomas and crew (say "Hi" to George for me) urgently guide you to the bridge of the Enterprise where you are briefed on the situation by CDR. Riker and LCDR. La Forge. From here you enter into a turbolift to get down to the Shuttlebay. (HINT: If you are the last person into the turbolift, you will be one of the first persons in line into the airlock for the front row of the shuttlecraft). Once in the airlock, you are instructed on shuttlecraft safety and boarding procedures, this time, by LCR. Geordi La Forge. Now it is time for the ride of your life. The shuttlecraft was very realistic. (Don't look up while in the craft, it will ruin the realism.) It truly feels like you are flying in space fighting the bad guys (well in this case, a renegade band of Klingons). Once you finish the ride you are back on Planet Earth in the basement of the Las Vegas Hilton. You will be somewhat graciously greeted by the hotel janitor who will instruct you on how to get back to The DS 9 Promenade where you can spend all that gold pressed latinum you've been saving. I continued to ride the ultimate Star Trek ride throughout the weekend. Of course I did other things while in Vegas, but the ride is what I will always remember. Because I traveled through the ride so often, I got to know . some of the cast and crew. The picture of the person on the cover is actually one for the actors for the ride. It is their hard work and dedication that puts the word "experience" in Star Trek: THE EXPERIENCE. If you ever get the opportunity to go, you will enjoy every second - truly a very memorable Experience! CAPT. Kim Huff USS Adventure .StarfleetCommunications ••••• II••••••• Page 17 • Report from Starbase One Commander Greetings to the Fleet, and especially those ships in Starbase One: Hi, I am FCAPT Robert W. Ray. For those of you who don't know me, I am the new Starbase One Commander. I have been in Starfleet Command for 12 and 1/2 years. I was the Commanding Officer of the USS Hastings for ten of those years. I have also been and currently am the Fleet Training Officer. I have been in that post for three years now. Now that my introduction is over, lets get down to business. I created a website for Starbase One and that site became active on the day I took command of SB01. It can be found at: http://members.home.netlfcapt-ray/StarbaseOne/welcome.htm I hope that everybody will come and take a look. For those units in Starbase One, I need you to report any wrong information that may be listed on that site. Also, Unit Commanders please take note that I have added an e-SPAR to the site for ease of reporting. I hope that everyone will use it. I expect 100% reporting from my units for the next reporting period. I hope that you folks don't let me down. I need for each of you to contact me, so that we can verify as much information as we can. These reports serve as one of our communication links. If you have a problem, please contact me. Either in a report, or via email. Whatever the problem, we can only work out a solution if we communicate. Good luck to each of you. FCAPT Robert W. Ray Starbase One, Commanding 4 Page 18 ••••••••••• Starfl<!<!t Communications t Starfleet Command Renewal Form Name: _ Address:, _ City:, Phone:( __ State: ) _ E-Mail: / Birthdate: Zip Code: / _ Division: _ (Division options: Communications, Engineering, Medica/, Operations, Science, Security, Marines, Search, and Rescue or Command) Recruited by: _ Annual Initial Membership Pledge Individual Member $15.00 Household of 2 $24.00 Household of 3 or more .. $30.00 (Maximum family membership $30.00) 2 Year Initial Membership Pledge Individual Member $25.00 Household of 2 $35.00 Household of 3 or more .. $45.00 Annual Pledge Renewal Individual Member $12.00 Household of 2 $20.00 Household of 3 or more .. $24.00 (Maximum family membership SEND TO: tStarfleet 2 Year Extended Renewal Individual Member $22.00 Household of 2 $35.00 Household of 3 or more .. $42.00 5 Year Renewal Individual Member $50.00 Household of 2 $80.00 Household of 3 or more .. $95.00 10 Year Renewal Individual Member $100.00 Household of 2 $160.00 Household of 3 or more $190.00 $24.00) Starfleet Command P.O. Box 33565 Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 (Make checks payable to Starfleet Command) Communications •••••••••••• Page 19 t
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