COMMUNICATIONS - Starfleet Command
COMMUNICATIONS - Starfleet Command
STAR FLEET COMMUNICATIONS Official Newsletter of Starfleet Command This astronaut memorial patch honors the astronauts lost on Apollo 1 in 1967, on Challenger in 1986, and on Columbia The Latin phrase ... ':4.dAstra per Aspera -- Semper Exploro" means ... "to the stars through difficulty Issue -- always explore. " # &5 February, 200& in 2003. Fleet Commandet Report.. Hailing Frequencies 1 3 SFC 2005 Annual Financial Report Introduction ro Candidate Sams ADM Sams has a Vision Introduction to Candidate Eller ADM Eller Two Cent's RDmlRRlTY 4 6 8 10 11 Notes from the Science Lab 2005 SFC Awards Renewal & Retention 13 14 16 Election Procedures Trek in Anderson. Indiana 17 18 SFC Logo Merchandise 20 SFC Application Back Cover BORRD, 01 FADM Mark A. Bischoff ADM Kim Huff Fleet Commander, QI 6643 Earlswood Drive Chief of Information Technology 9352 Helmsdale Drive Indianapolis, IN IN 46217-9376 fc(iVstarfleet-com Indianapolis, IN 46256-1116 ci t( ADM Andy Sams ADM Eliza Minuet Mitchell Deputy Fleet Commander, PO Box 33565 QI Chief of Public Affairs Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 dfc( 563 Woods Edge Court West Lafayette, IN 47906-5726 cpa( ADM Lillian Sams ADM Chris Brinkman Chief of Membership Services PO Box 33565 Commandant, Starfleet Academy 77B 3rd Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 cms( ADM Tony Scott Chief of Financial Management 1263 Lancashire Drive Union, KY 41091-7606 cfm( Shalimar, FL 32579-1950 csfa(iVstarfleet-command .com BUPPDRT BTAFF ADM Roseann Packer Chief Advisor 2696 N 300 E ADM Jerome Eller Greenfield, IN 46140-8973 Chief of Command Staff cadv( 1076 East 250 South Peru, IN 46970-7428 ccs(iVstarfleet-command. com CAPT Stacy Mulder Staff Adjutant PO Box 33565 Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 staffadi(ii)sta.rfleet-command .com Greetings to the Fleet, We had a good year with some changes to Titles and additions to the ADM Board. All of which was designed to help with the flow of information and make everything easier for everyone, especially for the members. I would like to thank everyone on the Board for continuing to do a great job and I am looking forward to this years challenges. I would also like to thank everyone who for Commandant of the Academy. In August of 2005, the Admiralty Board made their selection. Please join me in congratulating ADM Chris Brinkman. Chris did a tremendous job as Starbase 04 CO, and he is a welcome addition to the Admiralty Board, bringing with him over 19 years of experience in Fleet, and I'm looking forward to working with him. With Chris being promoted, the position of Starbase 4 CO became available. In September of 2005, ADM Andy Sams selected COMM Joe Campbell to fill this position. With18 years in Fleet, Joe has earned an enormous amount of respect and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the top position in Starbase 04. After careful deliberation, the Admiralty Board has reinstated the Lifetime Membership option. It is now available for individuals and family. It is $150 for a single person, $175 for two people and $200 for three or more people all living at the same address. The five and ten year renewal options are no longer available. The Annual Awards were great! Congratulations to all of the winners; you help to set the standard for the rest of us. Look for a list of the winners elsewhere in this newsletter. Speaking of winners, I would like for the Commanding Officers to start listing the Officer of the month for your ship on the Fleet Listserve. This will better facilitate greater recognition of our members. Even if it is the same sentient being each month at least we will all know who is doing a great job. Starbase CO's, the same goes for you; not only do you have staff members, but the individual units under you. With everyone doing there part we will be able to show what a great club we are. It's time for the Fleet Elections! It seems just like yesterday that I started, and already I am down to my last year. Wow! I feel like we have accomplished a lot, and yet there is so much more to do. I would run for re-election but I have too many other commitments: • Family, Church, Cub Scouts, Work, Ete. I am sure you know the drill. I still plan on being involved in the Club and I am exploring my options. I have made a request for Lee Schmidt to be the Elections Officer and he has accepted. Lee can be reached at or US Mail, 2011 Carolyn, Pleasant Hope, MO 65725. Please refer to the AFED Article 5-2 to review the Elections process. I have threatened -- I mean joked, about nominating all of the Admiralty Board. I would like to congtatulate ADM Andy Sams and ADM Jerome Eller fot stepping up to the plate and running for the Fleet Admiral position. This is ADM Sams' first time running and ADM Eller's third time. Good luck to you both. We are working on some exciting things, an online store, Premium New/Renewal Membership Packages, improving the e-Newsletter, and that's just the current projects. However, with all of these improvements YOU are still the most important part of this Fan Club. Without you, there would be no us. The best ships in the Fleet are the ones that can carry on by themselves if anything was to ever happen to the Fleet. I cannot stress how important is for each of you to promote our Club. If we are going to see anther 3D-plus years of success then we need to maintain retention while promoting growth. The best way to do that is to get involved with your ship, and in turn, get involved in your community. There is no substitute for being involved in your community, helping others, and having a good time. Remember, we are reaching out to like-minded individuals who like to do the same things we do. In other words, to help others and then have a really good party to celebrate our success. After all, I haven't met a member yet that didn't like to have a good time and know they have made a difference. Finally, I know we will continue to be successful as long as we continue to elect good leadership that truly loves the Fleet and is motivated to help us all continue to be our best. Here's to another great year for us all! Kindest regards, Mark Bischoff Fleet Admiral Fleet Commander Starfleet Command - Quadrant 1 Greetings Fleet, I hope you enjoy this issue of Starfleet Communications. I would like to take a moment to thank ADM Kim Huff and ADM Lillian Sams for all their help in getting this newsletter to print. I have been computerless for several months now, and this issue would not have been possible without their assistance. In this issue you will read about Fleet elections coming up later this year. I encourage everyone to read the candidates visions for Fleet, and tell your Starbase Commander your personal choice for Fleet Commander. Remember, your voice DOES count! The monthly e-newsletters have been a rousing success. No e-newsletters were published in November and December 2005 due to my computer problems. I want to personally apologize for any trouble this may have caused. Look for the January 2006 e-newsletter the second week in February 2006. Our electronic newsletters are always published on a month behind schedule. If you would like to submit an article for future e-newsletters or Hard Copy newsletters please submit them to, and put "newsletter" in the subject line. My postal mailing address is: 564 Woods Edge CT. West Lafayette, IN. 47906. If your ship publishes an electronic newsletter you must send me an e-mail with the hyperlink or web address in the body of the e-mail, EACH time the newsletter is published. If your unit publishes a hard copy newsletter please mail me a CD or a hard copy to my home address. Otherwise you risk your ship's newsletter not being considered for Fleet awards. If your ship would like to start a newsletter, please send me an e-mail. I can assist you in getting your newsletter up an running. I hope you enjoy this issue of Starfleet Communications. your comments and suggestions for future newsletters. Sincerely, As always I welcome III ..··· ~'! ADM Eliza Mitchell Chief of Publication Affairs :,';::~;:;_., ..~ P BEGINNING DONATION SB 01 PINS DUES: BALANCE $194.00 $511.00 $320.00 $40.00 $0.63 $6.00 $135.00 $15.00 $1,046.00 $36.00 $0.00 $356.00 $6.63 $1,941.00 $979.02 $2,303.63 EXPENSES NEWSLETTER SFC SHIRTS POSTAGE NICATIONS: $107.21 $465.92 $100.60 $100.00 $377.20 $507.50 $10.00 $65.09 $187.85 $49.28 $295.06 $114.37 $465.92 $1,095.30 $1,312.00 $1,970.65 Greetings Fleet, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as a candidate for Fleet Commander of Quadrant One. My name is Andy Sams and I am from Earth. Well Carmel, Indiana to be exact. I'd like to tell you what I do 'in real life', what drew me to Starfleet Command, my experience in Fleet and my view on Fandom. In real life, I love to live life to the fullest. I'm a trader by trade. I buy and sell millions of dollars in stocks for active traders primarily from New York every day. I've been in the financial business going on 14 years and love the thrill of the markets. I am also in the United States Army Reserves. Recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, I've held positions ranging from Platoon Leader to Battalion Executive Officer. This includes three Company Command tours as a Captain and as a Major; my next assignment is as the Operations Officer for a Brigade Level Command. I spend time outside of that with my family as a Cub Scout Assistant Cub Master, a Do-Dad for Girl Scouts, marathon run net, triathlete, and student of Kenpo Karate. I love what I do whether it is as a player in our financial markets or doing my part in contributing to the defense of our great nation and way of life. In fact, that is how I learned and became a member of Starfleet Command. Actually my first contact was further back a bit. In the early 1980s, I saw ads for SFC on our community access channel. Being a serious Starfleet Battles (SFB) player, I called a petson named Don Dailey (little did I know) about the club. It was my fault for not jumping in then, as I was also an ardent Star Trek fan, but at the time was so wrapped up in SFB that I passed on the opportunity. Later when I was an Insurance Agent, I met a very special person that I worked with in the Army Reserves as a First Lieutenant, Sergeant First Class Janet Dailey. She asked that I talk to her husband about an insurance policy. Being the astute salesman I was, I said "Sure!" I then met the leader of the greatest Star Trek Fan club of all time, Don Dailey .... again! Of course I didn't realize it was the same person I met on the phone 10+ years earlier. After my presentation, he simply said "I tell you what. I'll buy your insutance policy if you join my club." I asked what club it was and after he said what SFC was and what it meant, it was a no brainer. That started my career in Fleet and what a ride it has been! I started on the USS Halsey in Operations. I figured I would do best there as much of my Army career to that point had been in Operations: planning, ttaining and coordinating events. I really enjoyed my time there and FCAPT Mary Cook (now Bischoff) was really a great commandet, letting me really spread my wings and have some fun. I went from Cadet to Commander in that role and really was chomping when Paul Sundstrom offered me the Fleet Training Officer my feet wet in that position when a very dark time in our FADM Chang resigned along with a majority of night we all were propelled at the bit for a bigger role position. I was just getting clubs history occurred and the Admiralty Board. Over into crisis management. Having extensive training and background in personnel from the Army, I offered my services to the newly promoted FADM Sundstrom in that role or any role I could serve. He selected me to serve as Chief of Personnel and together with his Board restored the integrity of Fleet and we began to flourish again. While in that position, I just had to start a ship, hence the USS Adventure was commissioned with LTCDR Dartyl White as her commander. As the ship grew and the demands of her commander grew, I knew that is what I wanted to do. So I asked Paul permission to step down from the Admiralty Board to be her commander. He agreed and I got the opportunity to command a Starship, by far the best position in Fleet and my most memorable time. As in the Army, for me, there is no better position to have. I love it. A few years later FADM Mark Bischoff asked that I come back to the Board as his Deputy to command the Starbases of Fleet. After much consideration, I agreed and have really enjoyed my role as Deputy Fleet Commander and working with the Starbases and Ships in our great Fleet. I love my time in Fleet and all the friends I've made, and not surprisingly my love for Star Trek has expanded my love for science fiction in general. Fandom per se is a relatively new term for me. I mean, I have been a fan of Star Trek since it first aired in 1966. When William Shatner wrote his 'Memoirs' he said that the only people that watched the third season were either people with no lives, or kids that their parents let stay up late to watch it. Well I was one of those kids that planned his whole Friday night around Star Trek. I would have sleepovers with my friends who were also devour Trekkers. When the series ended, we caught evety rerun that was on and when the Cartoon Series came we were in the heavens again! When rhey would have Trek marathons on Labor Day weekends we all were there. I have caught the premiere showing of every Trek movie our and now have every movie and TV episode on DVD. Simply pur. . .I LOVE Trek and was, of course, devastated that Enterprise met with an early end. I also love going to sci-fi conventions and really enjoy meeting fans in Fleet wherever I go. Gang, we have a great club and one that is worth keeping alive and growing into whatever direction it takes us. It is with this history and these experiences and convictions that I ask for the opportunity to lead you for the next four years. I love each and every one of you for your interest in Star Trek and Fandom. Let's work together to make Starfleet Command all that it can be. You are the best and together we will make Starfleet Command "Shootfor the Stars - Settle for the Universe" the Premiere Fan Club! Now that you know a little mote about me, I would like to shate my vision for the future of Fleet if I am given the opportunity to serve as your Fleet Commander. I imagine a fan club that is focused on Fandom for Star Trek and Science Fiction. My plan over the next four yeats has three parts. Part One is to focus our spending priorities on the promotion of SFC as a premiere fan club, retaining current members and recruiting more; Part Two is to structure Fleet HQs to promote growth in our club and fandom, and finally Part Three is to establish alliances with other fan groups to protect, promote and advance Star Trek and Science Fiction. In my view, properly utilizing the resources we have is crucial. I envision our funding priorities to focus on the following: Recruitment, new ship command packets, new membership packets, newsletters and awards. To increase recruitment, I plan on spending funds to advertise in key Star Trek and Science Fiction publications. This will enhance our name recognition throughout fandom as well as recruit new membets. The next component, the new ship command packet, is essential to converting those members into ships. This packet will walk that new member with aspirations for command through the process of commissioning their new ship, and provide guidelines for: completing SPARs, ship activity ideas, starting a ship listserve, and other available resources within Fleet to help them grow. We also need to reach out, recruit and build relationships with independent chapters/ships. This segues into new membership packets/kits, more funds need to be invested to upgrade both the quality and content. A high quality membership kit will not only assist in attracting new members, but would be a valuable resource to that member once tecruited. Packets should be sent directly to the new member with another information packet emailed to the Ship Captain. On newsletters, I envision going to a monthly electronic newsletter and a bi-annual hardcopy newsletter mailed to each household. This will allow for timely communication of breaking news from Fleet and fandom in general, and still provide a mechanism to communicate opportunities to evetyone in Fleet. If elected, I plan to restructure our organization to support these initiatives. A sound foundation is needed to support the ever changing landscape of fandom. This is one reason that Fleet has survived fot thirty two years! I will look at our structure from the bottom up and will work with everyone that wishes to express an opinion. We need to construct a flexible structure, one that will build on our strengths and stretch us to new frontiers. We also need to look at how we do business; streamlining processes where we can, while still providing opportunities that will allow our members to express theit creativity and spirit through fandom. This will involve reaching out to other clubs that share our passion in promoting fandom, groups like TrekUnited that are focused on prorecting and promoting Star Trek, with the ultimate goal of bringing it back to our TV and cinematic screens. I will also reach out to other clubs, to attempt to bridge the gap between fan groups, like we have with lKEF, the Romulan Star Empire and Federation Starfleet (formerly the Starfleet Officers Club). There is so much that we can do with our resources to be a leader in this effort. We can no longer afford to 'just do our own thing; we must participate in elevating the torch of fandom to greater heights. If we are not growing we are stagnating, and for me that is simply not acceptable. This is my vision and an outline of the initiatives I would like to implement in the next four years. It is an ambitious plan and one that I will need your help in executing. This is not a one person or even a plan that can be successful with just an Admiralty Board supporting it. It is one that will require the input, commitment, and resolve of us all. Starfleet Command will survive for the next thirty two years. The question before us is will it be a club that struggles or one that flourishes. I have enjoyed my 14 years serving in Fleet and with your vote look forward to the next four as your Fleet Admiral. Yours in Fandom, ADM Andy Sams Deputy Fleet Commander Starfleet Command, Ql Ladies and Gentlemen of Fleet, First, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Admiral Jerome D. Eller and I am running for the position of Fleet Admiral in Starfleet Command. I have over 17 Years in SFC and have served as Captain of the U.S.S. Reliant, CO. for Starbase 06, Deputy Chief of Staff for seven years under two difFerent Admirals and for the past year I have served as the Chief of the Command Staff on the Admiralty Board. Second, I am running with the person I have chosen to be my Depury (like President/Vice President of the US is elected). My running mate in this election is Rear Admiral Gary A. Bartle. RADM Bartle has served in SFC and has been the Commanding Officer of the V.S.S. Defiant for over 13 years, as well as having served as the First Officer for Starbase 06 and is currently serving on the Command Staff Support as the Chief of Security. Together we have over 30 Years experience in SFC and hope to bring our knowledge, experience and dedication to Fleet in this capacity. Third, some of you may know GalY and myself as the ones that throw the "Room Panies" at the various Conventions (Starbase Indy and InConJ unction) and we hope to bring some of this fun, energy and interaction from these parties to the SFC These panies are not just for fun but we help raise funds for various 110nfor-profit organizations (50Ic3). We welcome any questions you may have as to our plans for the running of Fleet and will answet as quickly as possible. It is our sincere hope to see Fleet grow and prosper in the years to come and we would ask you our fellow members of SFC "What do you see as problems in SFC?" and "How can we work together to solve these problems?" As stated before, we welcome your input on these subjects and ask for your consideration at Election time. Rom Eller's TWD Cents Now that you know a little more about myself and my running mate, we would like to express our plans for Start1eet Command, if we are elected. Changes we see that are needed f()t Stad1eet Command: • To change the focus of Fleet, to bring back the feel of Family rather than a business. • To give more power to Starbase Commanders. • To tInd better solutions in the use of the Heet treasulY in keeping costs low while still giving the members what they need and expect from SFC. • To work more with other groups in Fandom (Star Trek, Star Wars, B5, etc) • To expand the Academy and have a more involved role for the children ofSFC. • To help SFC retain our current members and grow. When I joined SFC back in 1988, there was a feel to Fleet that it seems to have lost over time. We need to bring that feeling back; the feeling of family. It is what made SFC a strong, vibrant club with a membership that could be counted on no matter the situation. I remember when units would send help to areas hit by natural disaster or a neighbor in need right down the road. We have lost that and we need to tInd ways to get it back. While the Admiralty Board is an effective leadership group on a National level, the Starbase and Unit Commanders should be our most important. Unit Commanders are our local representatives of the club and the Starbase Commanders are our regional reps over their assigned areas. As such the Starbase Commander has a better feel of their area because of their close interactions with the local units. Starbase CO's need more responsibilities and options in their position and not just be report takers. While oflate there has been a big push for the e-Newsletter, e-Mail and other electronic forms of communication, we do not see this as the solution some do. While they do keep costs low, they do not tIll the void. Not evelyone in SFC has e-mail to receive them and most members we have talked to would prefer news in hand. So we must find a way to keep our costs low, so members can still receive a quarterly newsletter and other publications. Changes to the membership packets can come through better ideas rather then spending more money on them. We need to strengthen fandom across the board, whether it is Star Trek related or not. Working with other groups in the Science Fiction Fandom family can open our club to new partnerships and possible growth in not only our size of SFC but respect in the community as a whole. Currently in SFC, the Academy is only responsible for testing members to enter service as an Ensign or Lieutenant Junior Grade. We need to expand the Academy role in Fleet so it is not only responsible for new members but for finding a more involved role for our children, the next generations of SFC. If we can accomplish the above items, we can see SFC as a strong club where people want to join and be active members in and where people will be proud to say they are a member. Thank you for your time and patience, Admiral Jerome D. Eller Chief of Command Staff Rear Admiral Gary A. Bartle Chief of Security CO - USS Defiant NCC 1630-X mindbender, Meteor Showers Being earthbound does not prevent us from enjoying the beauty and wonder that space has to offer. One of my favorite astronomical events is the annual meteor shower. A meteor is an object ranging from the size of a dust particle to a large rock. Most meteors are thought to have originated from comets as their debris trail, and since comets move through our solar system on highly elliptical orbits, these meteors are also in orbital tracks, though not always the same track as the comet. These meteor objects enter the Earth's atmosphere when the Earth's orbit intersects the orbit of the meteor stream, creating a meteor shower. Once in the atmosphere, the meteor is heated by friction created by air resistance, and hence, becomes a 'shooting star' or 'falling star'. Since the meteors are in an orbit that intersects Earth's orbit, we see predictable major meteor showers annually at various times during the year. A major meteor shower could have anywhere from 30 meteors per hour to 80 meteors per hour. There are minor meteor showers each month as well. My favorite meteor shower is the Geminids, which occurs in December. These meteors actually are from an asteroid instead of a comet. Prior to the mid-80's, you could lay anywhere on the beach and get a spectacular view of this shower, as the winter nights were so clear. One year, when I in my teens, we counted over 36 meteors per hour. • The best time to view meteor showers is later in the night, between midnight to dawn. They can be seen over a period of days, but there is usually one best night where the activity peaks. The Perseids in August and Geminids in December are usually considered the two most active meteor showers to observe . LTjg Valerie Chubb First Officer USS Tranquility Heavy Ship of the Year 1" Place USS Endeavour NCC-1508 FCAPT Roy Jackson, Commanding 2nd Place USS Bismarck NCC-1797D 2ndPlace Starbase Two CMDR Luz Cavallone, Commanding yd Place Starbase Six RADM Jeff Wolfe, Commanding COMM Anthony Day, Commanding 3,d Place USS Reliant NCC-1864D VADM Stephen Brown, Commanding Medium Ship of the Year 1" Place USS Tranquility NCC-1602A FCAPT Franklin Rogers, Commanding 2nd Place USS Halsey NCC-2868A VADM Maty Bischoff, Commanding 3,d Place USS Yorktown NCC-1704A COMM Christina Boehm, Commanding Light Ship of the Year 1" Place USS Independent NCC-93683 CAPT Dana Dougan, Commanding 2nd Place Senior Officer of the Year 1" Place FCAPT Roy Jackson Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour Deputy Commandant Starfleet Academy 2nd Place CAPT Richard Pinsky Chief Operations Officer, USS Bismarck & FCAPT Franklin Rogers Commanding Officer, USS Tranquility Chief of Recruiting 3,d Place CAPT Stacy Mulder First Officer, USS Endeavour Deputy Chief of Personnel / Staff Adjutant Tunior Officer of the Year 1" Place LTCDR Sue Phillips SB04 Executive Officer USS Melbourne NCC-62043 CAPT Miriam Lauer, Commanding yd Place USS Indianapolis NCC-1945D CAPT Gene Adams, Commanding Starbase of the Year 1" Place Starbase Five FCAPT Kelley Fenner, Commanding 2ndPlace CMDR Diane Carpenter Chief Operations Officer, USS Reliant Deputy Chief of Records yd Place LTjg Valerie Chubb First Officer, USS Tranquility Newsletter of the Year 1" Place The Time Warp USS Endeavour NCC-1508 2nd Place The Murara Gazette USS Reliant NCC-1864D 3,d Place Recruiter of the Year 1" Place CMDR Luz Cavallone Commanding 2nd Officer, SB02 Place FCAPT Franklin Rogers Commanding Officer, USS Tranquiliry Chief of Recruiting The Main Bridge USS Indianapolis NCC-1945D 3,d Place COMM David Hicks First Officer, USS Defiant Website of the Year 1" Place USS Reliant NCC-1864D Depury Chief of Securiry ADM Jerome Eller, Webmaster Engineering Officer, USS Endeavour 2nd Place USS Bismarck NCC-1797D LT Audra Blais, Webmaster Best Retention 1" Place Place USS Endeavour N CC-1508 3,d FCAPT Roy Jackson, Webmastet Recruiter of the Year (Unid 1" Place USS Bismarck NCC-1797D COMM Anthony Day, Commanding 2nd Place USS Tranquiliry NCC-1602A FCAPT Ftanklin Rogers, Commanding Place USS Endeavour NCC-1508 3,d FCAPT Roy Jackson, Commanding & LT Rod Miller USS Endeavour NCC-1508 FCAPT Roy Jackson, Commanding 2nd Place USS Reliant NCC-1864D VADM Stephen Brown, Commanding 3,d Place USS Callisto NCC-42800 LTCDR Deborah Raleigh, Commanding & USS Brightstar NCC-1880 CAPT Debra Henderson, Commanding Paul Sundstrom Lifetime Achievement Award ADM Andy Sams Depury Fleet Commander, Q1 . :..,.... .';:;'~~~' •..... .•.. ~. ~ Renewal (; Retention In 2004, at the Starbase Indy Thanksgiving convention, ADM Mark Bischoff sent out a challenge at the Annual Starfleet Command meeting to triple the size of Fleet in one calendar year. Sadly, this challenge fell on deaf ears and is far from being met. This is the year of our 32nd anniversary. Most fan clubs die within a few years, but we have lasted ten times longer than other clubs. Why? It is simple, Starfleet Command is made of people who care. But, do you care enough? We must encourage our current members to stay and not only support the individual ships, but our club, science fiction and all the non-profit organizations we help throughout the year. We, as a club, must pay more attention to renewals and retention of current members as well as devoting resources to finding new members. Every units commanding officer is encouraged to discuss renewal and retention within your ranks and develop game plans for 100% renewals aboard your vessel. Working together we can retain all current members of Fleet while adding new recruits. No longer can our focus solely be with the recruitment of new members; for our club to remain strong we must soak considerable time in keeping our current members engaged in our enduring pursuits of life, liberty, and science fiction for everyone. So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rally the troops within your ship, work together to build your numbers and to keep the love of Trek alive. Thanks for reading, Kim Huff Warning: These are the views of one person and not necessarily the views of the entire Board Oh, and this newsletter will self-destruct in five seconds. Since this is an election year, we felt it was best to publish the election procedures listed in the AFEDs in section 5-2. A. At the beginning of an election year, the Fleet Commander must appoint an election Officer no later than March 31 of that year. 1) The election Officer must sign an affidavit stating he/she will not run for any elected office during the election year and will enforce the election rules as set forth by this regulation. 2) The elections Officer must hold the rank of Commodore or above. B. The opening of the election and name and address of the election officer must be published in the first quarterly issue of "Starfleet Communications," and announced to all Admiralty Board and Commanding Officers the first quarter of the election year. 1) Nominations for Fleet Commander will be open until July 1 of the election year. 2) All nominees that meet the qualifications set forth in paragraph 5-1 b., will be forwarded to the Admiralty Board members and Starbase Commanders by the elections Officer no later than August 1 of the election year. • 3) The Admiralty Board and Starbase Commanders will hold a closed vote on all forwarded nominees and submit the results to the election Officer. In the case of a tie vote, the CINC will cast the deciding vote . '..:..' 4) The Admiralty Board and Starbase Commanders must make a final decision no later than October 31 of the election year. What better way for a Trek to spend a Sunday afternoon in March than gathering with other fans? Some eighty persons felt that way on March 6, 2005 as Starfleet Command's USS Endeavour sponsored a Trek event at the Anderson Public Library. Visitors to the Anderson Public Library were treated to fine displays of Trek memorabilia, costume paraphernalia, and collectibles as the event got underway. The list of names grew and grew on the sign-in sheet at the front entrance as fans not only registered their attendance but also received free tickets for drawings to be held at the close of the afternoon. Additionally, three members of the USS Indianapolis-Gene Adams, Barbara Walpole, and Elbert Davis-arrived with bells on to show their support for Endeavour's event. First on the agenda was Gary Barclay, Trek fan extraordinaire. Gary was one of the fortunate few to have attended James Doohan's last convention, and along with a table full of memorabilia and souvenirs, Gary shared stories of his experiences at Scotty's con as well as other Trek conventions. Gary also shared a video he recorded of Doohan at the final convention. Mark Williams, Chief of Security for the Endeavour and Fleet Message Board Administrator, spoke next of his continuing involvement with the Save Enterprise movement. The Save Enterprise movement began small and grew to become very influential in gaining Star Trek: Enterprise its final season. Mark also displayed a large number of collectibles that make up only a tiny portion of his enormous Trek toy collection. Captain of the Endeavour and acting Deputy Commandant of Starfleet's Academy, Roy Jackson then took the podium to talk about the local club. Attendees learned of the focus and goals of the local group and of SFC in general. The Endeavour's scrapbook was on display as listeners learned of the Endeavour's past events and ongoing charity work. The audience also was introduced to both the Endeavour and SFC websites and viewed a brief video that highlighted the Endeavour's past year of service and events. The afternoon's finale came in the form of Starfleet's own Deborah Downey. Deborah, whose role in the Trek episode The Way to Eden, came all the way from Indianapolis to share her Trek memories and photos with Andersonians. She also shared bits of her life history and told attendees about her current endeavors as an artist in Indiana. Deborah was kind enough to take questions following her talk, and she also offered free photos with signatures to all takers. All in all, everyone had a trekkin' good time. Those who missed it missed a great afternoon! Respectfully, COMM Roy Jackson Commanding Officer, USS Endeavor Starfleet Command - Quadrant One II Name: _ Address: _ City: Phone: State: _ ( Birthdate: Division options: ~ _ Zip Code: _ E-Mail: _ Division: _ Communications, Engineering, Marines, Medical, Science, Search & Rescue or Security. Operations, Recruited by: _ Family members are defined as those individuals residing at the same address. Annual Initial Membership Individual Member Household of 2 Household of3 or more Pledge $15.00 $24.00 $30.00 2 Year Extended Renewal Individual Member Household of2 Household of 3 or more $22.00 $35.00 $42.00 (Maximum family membership $30.00) Lifetime 2 Year Initial Membership Individual Member. Household of 2 Household of3 or more Pledge $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 Annual Pledge Renewal Individual Member Household of 2 Household of 3 or more $ 12.00 $20.00 $24.00 Membership Individual Member Household of 2 Household of3 or more SEND CHECKS TO: Srarfleer Command P.O. Box 33565 Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 (Maximum family membership $24.00) Make checks payable to: Srarfleer Command $150.00 $175.00 $200.00
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COMMUNICATIONS - Starfleet Command
Greetings everyone! What a year for COP! We've had lots of
fun this year doing orders and meeting as many as we can at the conventions. We did over 350 orders this year! Next year I would like to d...