Issue 52 - Starfleet Command
Issue 52 - Starfleet Command
STARFLEET COMMUNICATIONS Official Newsletter of Starjleet Command Picture of the Enterprise D at Star Trek: The Experience I ISSUE #: 52 JULY, 2001 IIThbie Admiralty of Contents II_ Board Reports Chief of Fleet Operations Report Hailing Frequencies Quarterly Officer Recognition Potential Candidates for Chief of Fleet Operations FleetTraining Office Report Fleet of Training Available Tests SFC Newsletter Cover Contest.. SFC Newsletter Schedule Inside Issue 53 StarfleetCommand Renewal Form p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 3 4 5 6 10 12 16 17 t8 19 Science & Trek Related Info Upcoming Conventions Grand Unified Theory orThe Theory of Everything tI Admiralty Board - Quadrant 11 p. 13 p. 14 .- FADM Paul A. Sundstrom PO Box 33565, Indpls, IN 46203-0565 Chief of Fleet Operations ADM Mark A. Bischoff 65 N. Tremont, Indpls, IN 46222-4243 Deputy Chief of Fleet Operations ADM Russell Simson 1815 S. Olive St., Indpls, IN 46203-4037 Chief of Records ADM Andrew Sams PO Box 356, Carmel, IN 46032 Chief of Personnel ADM Roseann Packer 2696 N. 300 East, Greenfield, IN 46140 Chief of Staff ADM Jo Kirby Chief of Communications 925 N. 13th St., Bismarck, NO 58501-4219 ADM Sandra Sundstrom PO Box 33565, Indpls, IN 46203-0565 Commandant, Starfleet Academy Contents Copyright© 2001 by Starfleet Command. Starfleet Command recognizes Paramount Pictures, and its licemees as having sole authority to createprofit from the Star Trek trademark(s). The Starfleet Command copyright in no way intends to infringe upon or earn profit from copyrights held by Paramount Pictures Corporation. Chief of Fleet Operations Report Greetings, everyone. I hope your summer is going well. In this Issue, I am unveiling the potential candidates for next years Chief of Fleet Operations election. Quarterly Officer Recognition continues also. .• The USS Iwo Jima was launched on May 19, 2001. She starts with 23 members, good for 5th largest unit in the Fleet. Not a bad way to get launched! A sword was presented to the ship commander, CMDR Tony Hlas, by members of the USS Defiant, also on hand for the commissioning. Also present were members of the USS Brightstar, USS Reliant, USS Halsey, the Starbase 06 Commander, and several members of the Command Staff Support as well as some of the Admiralty Board. Please also remember that the SFC Time Capsule Project is nearing the final deadline of August 12, 2001. All Units are encouraged to submit a non-breakable, not too large item that represents their group in some way along with a written either to me at ConGlomeration during the weekend of August 10-12, 2001, or mail it to me at my Post Office Box shown on the inside front cover of this Newsletter by that time. All items will be gathered together and given to FADM Don Dailey, CINC to be maintained until the Year 2011 (which was the final consensus of the Admiralty Board, by the way) when the Time Capsule will be opened by whoever is running SFC at that time. I have spoken to a number of units who indicate that they are preparing an item for just this purpose. Don't be left out! Even if you have a small unit, this is your chance to be remembered and also to give yourself a reason to be around in 10 years for the Reopening Ceremony! Be a part of SFC History. Contribute to the SFC Time Capsule Project! FADM Paul A. Sundstrom Chief of Fleet Operations IStarfleet Communications ••• _ Page 3 • Hailing Frequencies Greeting fellow Starfleet Command members. I had hoped to bring you all exclusive pictures and a report regarding the new Star Trek series, Enterprise. Unfortunately, Paramount will not release information regarding the series to fan based organizations. However, prior to the printing of the newsletter, it was released that the July 9th issue of TV Guide will have a cover and articles dedicated to the new series. I was able to get Paramount to include us in the Promotional Kit. This means that any promotional information given out to the media, SFC's Communications will receive a copy at the same time. Hopefully, this will help us [the Communications Department] bring you up-to-date Star Trek related material. Issue 52 is packed with important information you don't want to miss. Page 6 has a listing of all the Potential Canidates for the 2002 election for CFO. There is also a very insteresting article from the Fleet Training Office including a list of available Fleet of Training tests. Attention graphic and artistic members!! My most difficult job with this newsletter is deciding what will be on the cover. The last two cover pictures were donated by my friend at Star Trek: The Experience. Although he has provided me with great pictures, I can't keep relying on him for pictures. Therefore, I would like to start a newsletter cover contest. If you are interested read about the details on page 16. Finally, I would like to mention to those of you not already aware ... Starfleet Command has a new online presence. Mike Riley has been working hard on our new domain name All Admiralty Board staff members have be given new easy to remember email addresses. (See page 2) For example: instead of remembering, now you only have to remember the title, dcoc. Once you add @starfleet-command.comtothetitle, and you can reach the appropriate Admiralty Board staff. Start using the new addresses TODAY. And, don't forget to stop by the new home of Starfleet Command. CAPT Kim Huff Deputy Chief of Communications • Page 4. _ ••••••••••• Starflczet Communications I Quarterly Officer Recognition CMDR Marti Phillips, USS Yorktown For her innovative methods to help the members utilize their talents and contribute to the success of the chapter. LT Barbara A. McCardell, CO, USS Cochrane For her detailed convention reports & information to prospective members about Startleet Command FCAPT Mike Riley For his work on the new SFC Website CAPT Kimberly S. Huff For her work on the new SFC Website CMDR Miriam R. Lauer, FO, USS Melbourne CMDR Patricia D. Scott, USS Melbourne CMDR Arthur L. Lauer, ..Jr.,USS Melbourne For their untiring contributions to the success of the USS Melbourne Staff & Unit Chang<!s COMM Gary A. Bartle has resigned as Chief of Intelligence. CAPT Terry Remaly has been appointed to fill that position, having vacated his previous position as Deputy Chief of Security. CAPT Billie Aldridge, CO of the USS Wa'netbej, in the Starbase 03 region, now has e-mail. He can be reached at uss I, too, have an additional e-mail address. In addition to my starships@iquest.netaccount, you can reach me also at IStarfleet Communications ••••••••••• _ Page 5 • POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR CHIEF OF FLEET OPERATIONS ELECTION IN 2002 The people below are eligible to run for the position of CFO in 2002. This is not intended as the list of individuals that WILL run, only that they are eligible to run. Any person with the rank of Captain or higher may nominate a person from the list below. (This does not include people who are the "Captain" of their unit who carry the actual rank of Commander or below.) The! Captains Name Rank Entry Date Billie G. Aldridge CAPT 2/15/1992 Stephen Berger Chris Brinkman CAPT CAPT 2/15/1992 CO, USS Wa'netbej USS Yorktown 11/9/1986 CO, USS Tranquility Colleen Connelly CAPT 2/20/1987 CO, USS Farragut Ambassador Current Position Floyd Wayne Cooke CAPT 6/19/1989 Janet L. Dailey CAPT 11/15/1983 CINCStaff Peggy Feldhaus CAPT 5/31/1994 USS Yorktown CAPT CAPT 6/1/1993 Mary Franceschini Sharon D.Go 1/15/1991 USS Halsey Ambassador Fredd Gorham CAPT 9/10/1990 CO, USS Surek Dee Horn CAPT 12/28/1993 CO, USS Quindar Matthew B. Hudson CAPT 3/28/1992 CO, Deep Space 99 Kimberly S. Huff CAPT 12/1/1990 Deputy Chief of Communications Ambassador Ambassador 8/23/1992 3/27/1993 1/25/1985 2/3/1990 USSReliant 12/20/1987 1/13/1990 5/31/1986 9/15/1993 12/28/1993 9/30/1989 9/10/1990 Chief of Finance 1/10/1992 CAPT CO, CO, USS USS Starfire Melbourne USS Warlock Kip Krueger First Officer, Starbase Chief, Chief of Space Intelligence Activities 06 Brightstar USS Halsey Committee StarflczcztCommunications I The Fleet Captains Name Rank Entry Date Current Position Lisa Barr FCAPT 3/1/1992 Inspector General Joseph Campbell FCAPT 11/15/1987 CO, USS Bishop Anthony Day FCAPT 3/28/1992 CO, USS Bismarck Alice A. Doty FCAPT 2/4/1987 Drakkus Heath FCAPT 7/15/1988 Deputy Commandant, Starfleet Academy Starbase03 Niles Oscarson FCAPT 8/20/1992 CO, Starbase 04 Robert W. Ray Fleet Training Officer FCAPT 11/4/1988 CO, Starbase 01/ Teresa Remaly Chief of Fleet Publications FCAPT 3/27/1993 CO, USS Eagle/ Mike Riley ValerieJ. Rose FCAPT FCAPT 7/31/1993 12/10/1994 Fleet Webmaster Special Assistant to 3/15/1991 Assist Chief of Staff Chief of Fleet Operations for Recruiting Cheryl Webb FCAPT 12/6/1986 2/8/1986 COMM 3/10/1992 8/8/1987 Ambassador 6/30/1991 7/22/1990 7/12/1989 Starbase03 11/23/1988 2/3/1990 1/2/1990 Current Rank Position CINCStaff CO, USS Yorktown CO, Starbase USS USS RelianVChief Defiant 06,Scientific Chief CO, USSlowa Deputy Chief of CO, The Commodores USS Halsey Entry Date Amy G.Ap. Merritt James Wyvern Henry McCoy Name IStarfleet Communications ••••••••••• _ Page 7 • The Rear Admirals Name Rank Entry Date Mary A. Bischoff RADM 9/8/1987 Raymond A. Brown Rita Howard RADM RADM 9/30/1990 CO, USS Halsey Ambassador 11/16/1986 Ambassador SK RADM 1/1/1986 CINCSlaff RADM 4/1/1988 USSHaisey Rycharde M. Wey RADM Chief of Scientific Research 7/12/1989 Stuart-MacKenzie Lizette Weaver Current Position CO, DSS Centarusl The Vice Admirals Name Rank Entry Date Current Position Jerome D. Eller VADM 1/2/1990 Deputy Chief of Staff Lee V. Schmidt Advocate General VADM 1/7/1984 Starbase 01 Judge 10/28/1984 7/31/1993 ADM 11/3/1990 12/10/1994 3/18/1987 11/4/1983 Ambassador Ambassador 12/31/1992 11/20/1985 CINCSlaffADM Records Personnel 12/16/1983 11/16/1986 12/31/1990 11/15/1983 Chief Assistant of Chief of ComRank Chief ofCommunications Staff Current Position Commandant, Starfleet Deputy Chief of Fleet The Admirals Entry Date Stephen B. Kinzler Wayne Name Chang • Page 8 _ ••••••••••• Starfleet Communications. The Fleet Admirals Name Rank Entry Date Current Position Donald H. Dailey FADM 10/1/1974 Commander-In-Chief Paul A. Sundstrom FADM 12/15/1990 Chief of Fleet Operations These are the current duties for the position of Chief of Fleet Operations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Receives initial applications & dues Relays information to appropriate members of the Admiralty Board Supervises Admiralty Board Answers questions relating to policy Sends dues to Chief of Finance 6. Reports current information to Chief of Communications for inclusion in Fleet Newsletter 7. 8. 9. Responds to letters making inquiry about the organization Schedules at least one Admiralty Board meeting per year Maintains & updates lists of who is on the Admiralty Board, Command Staff Support & Starbase Commanders 10. Maintains contact with IRS regarding Tax Exempt status as needed 11. Chairs Admiralty Board meetings 12. Chooses SFC Officers of the Month & recipients of Quarterly Officer Recognition. The Top Ten SFC Units Unit Name Members Commanding Officer 1) USS Halsey 49 RADM Mary A. Bischoff 2) USS Defiant 35 3) USS Yorktown 33 COMM Gary A. Bartle COMM Christina F. Boehm 4) USS Bismarck 29 FCAPT Anthony Day 5) USS Iwo Jima 23 CMDR William A. (Tony) Hlas 6) (tie) USS Eagle 19 FCAPTTeresa Remaly 6) (tie) USS New Jersey 19 8) USSAdventure 18 LTCDR Jeremy Mills LT Janice Sams 9) USS Cochrane 13 LT BarbaraA. McCardell 10) (tie) USS Searcher 10) (tie) USS Reliant 12 12 COMM Stephen B. Brown tStarfleet Communications ••••••••••• LT David J. Stevenson _ Page 9 • Report from the Fleet Training Office Greetings to the Fleet From The Fleet Training Office: We've got a few things to discuss, this month, so here's what's going on. First, congratulations and job well done to COT Mike Jacobs who scored a 96% on the Main Engineering I test. Any Post-Graduate exam passed with an 88% or better indicates an Expert-level of proficiency in that field, therefore, COT Jacobs is now considered to be an expert in this field by the Office of Fleet Training. The Leadership Development Course is ready to be taken. There is a $5.00 cost involved in printing, shipping and handling for the course. It's designed to take no fewer than 6 weeks but, currently, there is no upper time limit on the course. The course will be shipped within a week of receipt of funds. At this time, I can only accept money orders for the course. This may change in the near future, so I will advise if it does. All money orders should be made out to FCAPT Robert W. Ray. You can send it to: FCAPT Robert W. Ray 2268 S. 108th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74129 Several people have sent in their money for this course, but have not received their documentation. I want to assure you that I have received your funds and your course is on the way. You may even have it before you read this. I apologize for the delay, but my printer malfunctioned and would not print clear copies. This will either be resolved by the time you read this, or is in the process of being resolved. Be assured that other steps will be taken to make sure the course get to you in a timely manner. Due to a number of requests for information, here is a list of certifications currently available from the Fleet Training Office. Each of these certifications is achieved by passing a series of tests at the prescribed levels . • Page 10 _ ••••••••••• Starfleet Communications I Helm/Navigator Psychologist Power Systems Engineer Weapons Systems Chief (Engineering) Damage Control Transporter Operations Chief Computer Maintenance Sensor Systems Repair Technician Small Craft Maintenance Technician Psychiatrist Clinical Nurse Nurse Administrator Anesthetist Medical Lab Services Technician Security Investigator More certifications will be available soon. Feel free to contact the Fleet Training Office with questions. Well, That's it for this issue. We will try to keep you informed as things progress. FCAPT Robert W. Ray Fleet Training Officer IStarfleet Communications •••••••••••• Page II I Fleet of Training Available Tests COMMAND Federation History Interstellar Law Personal Weapons Tricorders MEDICAL First Aid Diseases Tricorders Computers Sensors Security I Alien Physiology Medical Systems General Medicene Pharmacology I OPERATIONS Flight Control Navigation Shuttlecraft Vehicle Recognition Spaceflight Rules Tricorders Computers Sensors Stellar Features Power Allocation Communications • Page 12_ SECURITYrrACTICS Weapons Systems Shuttlecraft SCIENCES Computers Warp Theory Tricorders Sensors Stellar Features ENGINEERING Main Engineering I Ship's Structures Transporters Warp Propulsion Impulse Propulsion Tricorders Sensors Damage Control Power Allocation ••••••••••• Starfleet Communications. Upcoming Conventions InConJunction - no official meetings scheduled Location & Dates: Indianapolis, IN, July 13-15, 2001 For more information, go to this website: ConGlomeration - SFC meeting planned Location & Dates: Clarksville, IN, August 10-12, 2001 For more information, go to this website: Viva, Viva Las Vegas (Slanted Fedora) - no official meeting scheduled Location & Dates: Las Vegas, Nevada, September 6-9, 2001 For more information, go to this website: htlp:// IndyCon (Slanted Fedora) - SFCAnnual General & Awards Meeting Location & Dates: Indianapolis, IN, November 23-25,2001 For more information, go to this website: MAJOR, IF YOU'RE: BJORN Mlt.ITARY, WHY 00 YOU STRUT AROUND HERE: IN R£D L.IPSTICK AND HIGH HE:E:L.5 IStarfleet Communications ••• _ Page 131 Grand Unified Theory or The Theory of Everything: Is it really out there? For more than a decade, research scientists in the discipline of theoretical physics have been seeking the answer. First came 'String Theory,' a postulation that the universe consisted of 'tiny' strings from which all things were derived. As the postulation went, the strings were but a mere 10 -13 centimeters in length and vibrated in many different nodes. Each possessed a fixed energy and therefore [by the laws of quantum mechanics] was to be considered a particle. Alas, the theory proved to be far more complicated than the original problem. However, a new 'theory' [Duality] is reviving the old 'string theory' in a way that may yet provide for a 'Theory of Everything'. In order to understand the new vigor and renaissance that string theory is enjoying, one must understand the use of the word 'dual'. In essence, a theory is considered dual if they are apparently 'dissimilar' yet make the same predictions. Such first became apparent while physicists were working with quantum field theories [such theories describe particles as quantum mechanical waves spread out in space-time]. In one such theory [Quantum Chromodynamics (or QCD)] quarks are elementary particles denoted by color [a charge much like an electrical one]. It is this 'color' that binds quarks to each other to form larger, composite particles such as protons. Then, of course, there is 'SuperSymmetry'; an idea postulated to suggest that for every kind of particle that constitutes matter, there is one that transmits force. Of course, no such examples have yet been found in nature . • Page14_ ••• Starfleet Communications. Alas, yet another snag exists for this theory, and that is the required existence of a ten dimensional space-time. Yet only the four [the three of space: height width depth and one of time] are exhibited in the 'real world', the other six ... ? They are assumed to have 'curled up' so tight that not even a 'quark' takes notice. Yet another type of duality [mirror symmetry] was bringing together different parts of string theory, as well as a theory called 'SuperGravity'. However, this caused problems of its own. For while strings wiggled around in ten dimensions, SuperGravity existed in eleven. Stranger still is the connection being made between the 'strings' and black holes. To accommodate the mathematics involved, numerous 'massless' black holes began to 'appear'. This was explained by a 'Phase Transition', which caused a 'tear' in the 'fabric' of curled space. To solve this, physicists have opened a new branch of mathematics, called quantum geometry. Yet for all their efforts, 'The Theory of Everything' is yet to be found. Perhaps, it will be. Yet again, perhaps it is something we mere mortals aren't meant to find? Respectfully, RADM. RMWey COSR: SFS-SFC Member: General Staff Q1 IStarfleetCommunications ••••••••••• _ Page 15 • SFC Newsletter Cover Contest Starfleet Command has many talented members. Well, now is the time to show off those talents. If you would like to participate, below are some important rules. If you have any questions, contact Kim Huff at Contest Rules • Picture can be drawn by hand, computer generated, digital, or just an interesting photo that has been scanned. • All submissions must be of high a resolution for print (at least 170 dpi). Pictures taken from the web will not print in the qu~lity needed. • Graphic size can be no larger than 4.5 inches wide by 5.0 inches high. • Graphics must be Star Trek or Sci-Fi related • Include your name, email address/phone number, graphic description, and software used to create the picture, if applicable. All submissions received by the posted issue due date will be considered for that issue. Those received after the due date will be considered for the next issue. If you do not have a scanner, DCOC can scan your item and return it. Items should be sent to Kim Huff, PO Box 738, Fishers, IN 46038-0738. CAPT Kim Huff Deputy Chief of Communications • Page 16_ ••••••••••• StarfleetCommunlcatlonsl SFC Newsletter Schedule Schedules are nice, but not always possible to stick to. However, to help those that want to contribute to the SFC Newsletter, below is a schedule for submissions. Thanks, Kim Huff Deputy Chief of Communications OCTOBER 2001 ISSUE August 24th: September 3rd: September 10th: September 17th: September 21 st: September 28th: Article submissions due Proof is sent to Jo, Paul, and Dee for proofing Newsletters are sent to the printer for printing Newsletters are mailed to PreSort Plus for mailing PreSort Plus receives the Newsletters Newsletters are mailed by PreSort Plus to SF members JANUARY 2002 ISSUE November December December December December December 28th**: 3rd: 10th: 17th: 21 st: 28th: Article submissions due Proof is sent to Jo, Paul, and Dee for proofing Newsletters are sent to the printer for printing Newsletters are mailed to PreSort Plus for mailing PreSort Plus receives the Newsletters Newsletters are mailed by PreSort Plus to SF members APRIL 2002 ISSUE February 25th: March 8th: March 13th: March 20th: March 25th: March 29th: IStarfleet Article submissions due Proof is sent to Jo, Paul and Dee for proofing Newsletters are sent to the printer for printing Newsletters are mailed to PreSort Plus for mailing PreSort Plus receives the Newsletters Newsletters are mailed by PreSort Plus to SF members Communications ••••••••••• _ Page 171 Inside Issue 53 Report from the USS Adventure regarding their Fan Suite at the upcoming 2001 Indianapolis Convention. Details on the Vegas Convention SEV TI\EK A CAI\TOON rAI\ODY Sev Trek is a parody by Australian cartoonist Cook that satires John wOl1h of cartoons, where every keyrings and bookmarks. Sev Trek olso humour competitions offers special deals for fan red updated shirt ensigns, constantly running discussion forums. clubs interesting There is a range of Sev Trek cartoon merchandise includes toilets on starships, Klingoff foreheads and more. The Sev Trek web site is the port of call for thousands of Sev Trekkies doily. It features hours • Page posters, Klingon & Vulcan, about dead mousepads, original artwork, translations into little aspect of Star Trek. You'll find cartoons contests you can win signed 18 •••••••• available from daily and number in buying a of Sev Trek books. This discounts, discounted free or merchandise for sale our web site. As well as the popular Trek ca,1oan signed Sev ~ book, you can buy T-shirts, ), 1.r~~K~! ••• copies (useful as prizes at club meetings). or I Ask your club for more details. with the books and IStarfleet Communications. Starfl~et Command Renewal Form Name: _ Address: _ City: State: Zip Code: _ ~hone:(--)------E-Mail:----------- I Birthdate: I Division: _ (Division options: Communications, Engineering, Medica/, Operations, Science, Security, Marines, or Command) Recruited by: _ Annual Initial Membership Pledge Individual Member $15.00 Household of 2 $24.00 Household of 3 or more .. $30.00 (Maximum family membership 2 Year Extended Renewal Individual Member $22.00 Household of 2 $35.00 Household of 3 or more .. $42.00 $30.00) 5 Year Renewal 2 Year Initial Membership Pledge Individual Member $25.00 Household of 2 $35.00 Household of 3 or more .. $45.00 Individual Member $50.00 Household of 2 $80.00 Household of 3 or more .. $95.00 10 Year Renewal Annual Pledge Renewal Individual Member $12.00 Household of 2 $20.00 Household of 3 or more .. $24.00 (Maximum family membership SEND TO: IStarfleet Individual Member $100.00 Household of 2 $160.00 Household of 3 or more $190.00 $24.00) Startleet Command P.O. Box 33565 Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 (Make checks payable to Startleet Command) Communications ••••••••••• _ Page 19.
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